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Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House Project (Fall 2019)

Setting up

Clone the repository
git clone
cd ronald-mcdonald-house
Initialize a virtual environment


python3 -m venv venv


python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Learn more in the documentation.

Note: if you are using a python before 3.3, it doesn't come with venv. Install virtualenv with pip instead.

(If you're on a Mac) Make sure xcode tools are installed
xcode-select --install
Add Environment Variables

Create a file called config.env that contains environment variables. Very important: do not include the config.env file in any commits. This should remain private. You will manually maintain this file locally, and keep it in sync on your host.

Variables declared in file have the following format: ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE=value. You may also wrap values in double quotes like ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE="value with spaces".

  1. In order for Flask to run, there must be a SECRET_KEY variable declared. Generating one is simple with Python 3:

    $ python3 -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(16))"

    This will give you a 32-character string. Copy this string and add it to your config.env:

  2. The mailing environment variables can be set as the following. We recommend using Sendgrid for a mailing SMTP server, but anything else will work as well.


Other useful variables include:

Variable Default Discussion
ADMIN_EMAIL [email protected] email for your first admin account
ADMIN_PASSWORD test password for your first admin account
DATABASE_URL data-dev.sqlite Database URL. Can be Postgres, sqlite, etc.
REDISTOGO_URL http://localhost:6379 Redis To Go URL or any redis server url
RAYGUN_APIKEY None API key for Raygun, a crash and performance monitoring service
FLASK_CONFIG default can be development, production, default, heroku, unix, or testing. Most of the time you will use development or production.
Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Other dependencies for running locally

You need Redis, and Sass. Chances are, these commands will work:


gem install sass


Mac (using homebrew):

brew install redis


sudo apt-get install redis-server

You will also need to install PostgresQL

Mac (using homebrew):

brew install postgresql

Linux (based on this issue):

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
Create the database
python recreate_db
Other setup (e.g. creating roles in database)
python setup_dev

Note that this will create an admin user with email and password specified by the ADMIN_EMAIL and ADMIN_PASSWORD config variables.

[Optional] Add fake data to the database
python add_fake_data

Running the app

source env/bin/activate
honcho start -e config.env -f Local

For Windows users having issues with binding to a redis port locally, refer to this issue.

Formatting code

Before you submit changes to flask-base, you may want to autoformat your code with python format.


Contributions are welcome! Please refer to our Code of Conduct for more information.

Documentation Changes

To make changes to the documentation refer to the Mkdocs documentation for setup.

To create a new documentation page, add a file to the docs/ directory and edit mkdocs.yml to reference the file.

When the new files are merged into master and pushed to github. Run mkdocs gh-deploy to update the online documentation.



MIT License