diff --git a/scales-colour.qmd b/scales-colour.qmd
index 44d7893a..bac5fef7 100644
--- a/scales-colour.qmd
+++ b/scales-colour.qmd
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Finally, you can also help people with colour blindness in the same way that you
 Colour gradients are often used to show the height of a 2d surface.
 The plots in this section use the surface of a 2d density estimate of the `faithful` dataset [@azzalini:1990], which records the waiting time between eruptions and during each eruption for the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone Park.
 We hide the legends and set `expand` to 0, to focus on the appearance of the data.
-Remember: although we use the `erupt` plot to illustrate concepts using with a fill aesthetic, the same ideas apply to colour scales.
+Remember: although we use the `erupt` plot to illustrate concepts using a fill aesthetic, the same ideas apply to colour scales.
 Any time we refer to `scale_fill_*()` in this section there is a corresponding `scale_colour_*()` for the colour aesthetic (or `scale_color_*()` if you prefer US spelling).
 \index{Colour!gradients} \index{Scales!colour}