- Target EAP 7.1.0.GA
- Release Stream 2.8.24.Final
- Core Console 2.8.24.Final
- Tracking Issue JBEAP-4088
- New homepage
- Support for suspend and graceful shutdown
- Replaced HornetQ with ActiveMQ Artemis
- Request Controller subsystem
- Deployment Scanner subsystem
- JBEAP-3607: Disable filtering before changing column's data
- JBEAP-3338: Add filter to subsystem column
- JBEAP-3334: Add product name to window title
- JBEAP-3150: In Runtime rename HTTP subsystem to Undertow subsystem
- JBEAP-3150: In Runtime rename HTTP subsystem to Undertow subsystem
- JBEAP-3084: Unassigning of content from server group shoud be confirmed by clicking 'Unassign' not 'Assign' button
- JBEAP-3032: Add 'relative-to' attribute in add deployment scanner dialog
- JBEAP-3001: Missing resource description in "Need Help?" box
- JBEAP-3001: Fix address for activemq help descriptions
- JBEAP-2889: Remove integration of Red Hat CSP
- JBEAP-2883: Operation on last item in column
- JBEAP-2839: minor update default user and passwrod to 'sa' in H2 datasource to facilitate testing.
- JBEAP-2821: Remove 'Test Connection' button from new datasource wizard
- JBEAP-2821: Move test connection button to its own page
- JBEAP-2532: Sync translations with translate.jboss.org
- JBEAP-2532: Sync local i18n resources with Zanata
- JBEAP-2532: Post-process i18n resources using unicode.sh
- JBEAP-2532: Merge i18n resources from Zanata
- JBEAP-2501: High memory consumption by Firefox in undertow subsystem
- JBEAP-2457: Fix confirmation messages in TX log view
- JBEAP-2451: Add logo image for new product name
- JBEAP-2310: Red Hat Access plugin doesn't work in Web Console
- JBEAP-2210: Unable to add custom formatter in logging subsystem using webconsole
- JBEAP-2170: Webconsole should require to have set 'use journal store' as true when changing value 'Journal store enable async io' to true
- JBEAP-2169, JBEAP-2284: reload and restart notifications
- JBEAP-2168: Columns are sometimes not loaded
- JBEAP-2168: Change initialisation order of domain runtime finder; Remove deferred execution of preview updates
- JBEAP-2120: Move version info from header to footer
- JBEAP-2053: Show effective port offset for running servers in preview
- JBEAP-2031: Impossible to remove PicketLink Federation service provider using Web Console
- JBEAP-2011: Upgrade guided tour to 0.0.7
- JBEAP-2011: Add i18n for guided tour
- JBEAP-2006: When first editing PicketLink Federation key store wrong string is saved for mandatory attributes where user doesn't enter value
- JBEAP-1973: Fix zanata.sh; update Zanata documentation
- JBEAP-1973: Add script to push and pull i18n resources to Zanata"
- JBEAP-1973: Add missing i18n resources
- JBEAP-1956: Web Console forces user to set security domain even for external identity provider
- JBEAP-1942: Fix link for supported configurations of EAP 7
- JBEAP-1939: Add explanation for unmanaged deployments
- JBEAP-1935: Add preview for messaging provider
- JBEAP-1931: required fields get an asterix
- JBEAP-1929: Add h2 database template
- JBEAP-1926: Add help texts in add datasource wizard
- JBEAP-1923: Replace op at content repository level not server group level
- JBEAP-1919: Add comboboxes for 'security-domain' attributes
- JBEAP-1902: Web Console shows different Infinispan Eviction Max Entries value for default value.
- JBEAP-1784: Some subsystems have edit links/buttons enabled even for RBAC Monitor role
- JBEAP-1784: Add german translation for constant added by
- JBEAP-1591: Wrong 'Access tutorials and quickstarts' link in Web Console homepage
- JBEAP-1518: keepalive-time attribute of batch thread pool is not visible
- JBEAP-1504: table focus changes after editting
- JBEAP-1504: Resource focus change after edit is confusing
- JBEAP-1504: Resource focus change after edit is confusing
- JBEAP-1498: Part2 - RBAC constraints model reference single resources
- JBEAP-1498: Missing start and stop button for server in domain mode with operator roles
- JBEAP-1453: Cannot add discovery group to bridge attributes
- JBEAP-1379: Reload required information should be stressed more
- JBEAP-1373: server status is confusing
- JBEAP-1371: Data Collection doesn't indicate if Google analytics are already enabled
- JBEAP-1370: Webconsole - runtime - webservices - responses graph - zero value not shown, old one displayed
- JBEAP-1369: web service metrics not displayed
- JBEAP-1357: incorrect error message in transaction subsystem configuration
- JBEAP-1020: EE subsystem configuration options
- Target WildFly 10.0.0.Final
- Release Stream 2.8.19.Final
- Core Console 2.8.19.Final
- Tracking Issue WFLY-6065
- New homepage
- Support for suspend and graceful shutdown
- Replaced HornetQ with ActiveMQ Artemis
- Request Controller subsystem
- Deployment Scanner subsystem
- HAL-1039: Move test connection button to its own page
- HAL-1034: Add logo image for new product name
- HAL-1031: Fix confirmation messages in TX log view
- HAL-1017: JMSMetricPresenter always uses "default" as part of operation address even if name is changed.
- HAL-1016: Webconsole should require to have set 'use journal store' as true when changing value 'Journal store enable async io' to true
- HAL-1013: Rely on new DoubleFormItem in ModelNodeFormBuilder; Tweak the double parsing
- HAL-1012: Infinispan cache screens are not cleared when a resource is removed
- HAL-1003: High memory consumption by Firefox when configuring Infinispan subsystem
- HAL-993: Show effective port offset for running servers in preview
- HAL-992: Socket binding group remembers current page after changing selection
- HAL-990: Broken layout when accepting to reload servers in domain mode
- HAL-988: Update to ballroom 2.3.11-SNAPSHOT
- HAL-987: Create socket binding groups and clone them
- HAL-984: Add i18n for guided tour
- HAL-983: Button to add server doesn't disappear after server group deletion
- HAL-975: Fix zanata.sh; update Zanata documentation
- HAL-973: Adding socket shouldn't allow user to select binding-group
- HAL-972: Replace deployment shouldn't allow to specify name and runtime name
- HAL-969: Broken layout for "related" link
- HAL-968: Add link and instructions of adding JMS queue on homepage
- HAL-966: Add explanation for unmanaged deployments
- HAL-965: Change the label "Destinations" in messaging provider to "Topics/Queues"
- HAL-964: Add preview for messaging provider
- HAL-962: required fields get an asterix
- HAL-961: Add h2 database template
- HAL-960: Add help texts in add datasource wizard
- HAL-959: Replace op at content repository level not server group level
- HAL-956: Web Console shows different Infinispan Eviction Max Entries value for default value.
- HAL-951: Fix i18n text on homepage
- HAL-947: Problem with showing elements in table in messaging clustering.
- HAL-946: Update jboss.as.console.bom.version to 2.8.15
- HAL-943: Security domain module options not reading data from configuration
- HAL-942: Validate changing transaction log store
- HAL-934: Update ballroom to 2.3.10
- HAL-931: Group reload operation runs into timeout
- HAL-930: HAL's TransactionPresenter doesn't update underlying model upon successful save
- HAL-929: Cleanup breadcrumb management
- HAL-928: Wrong 'Access tutorials and quickstarts' link in Web Console homepage
- HAL-926: server group reload does not work
- HAL-925: IO subsystem not shown
- HAL-923: Reimplement PicketLink extension
- HAL-922: Picket link user interface (functional)
- HAL-915: Fix RRD address resolution for root resources
- HAL-914: Backt to finder based on place hierarchy, opposed to PM#navigateBack()
- HAL-913: keepalive-time attribute of batch thread pool is not visible
- HAL-910: Resource focus change after edit is confusing
- HAL-909: Missing start and stop button for server in domain mode with operator roles
- HAL-904: Followup fix
- HAL-903: Cannot add discovery group to bridge attributes
- HAL-903: Cannot add discovery group to bridge attributes
- HAL-900: Log viewer can show logs of another server in domain mode
- HAL-898: Webconsole - runtime - webservices - responses graph - zero value not shown, old one displayed
- HAL-897: web service metrics not displayed
- HAL-895: Detect error message when statistics are disabled
- HAL-894: Reload required information should be stressed more
- HAL-893: Impossible to disable usage data collection by web console.
- HAL-892: Data Collection doesn't indicate if Google analytics are already enabled
- HAL-891: server status is confusing
- HAL-887: incorrect error message in transaction subsystem configuration
- HAL-882: Missing JPA Statistics
- HAL-880: Problem with creating bridge in messaging subsystem
- HAL-879: Tour wizard can't be closed by Esc
- HAL-878: Guided tour for standalone mode
- HAL-877: added incrementer and decrementer suggestions
- HAL-860: ServerStore shows incomplete data
- HAL-858: Use manual reveal for host and server group presenters
- HAL-856: fix for runtime DS view
- HAL-850: Disable AddressTemplate test
- HAL-846: Reuse model browser to show deployment details
- HAL-845: Unable to open 'Transport Settings' dialogue for any Infinispan cache container
- HAL-844: Add 'false' for EAP build profiles
- HAL-837: Can not set thread pool max size to -1
- HAL-836: No items present in EE subsystem -> services tables
- HAL-835: Freeze of domain runtimem finder
- HAL-834: New homepage
- HAL-834: Fix i18n resources
- HAL-832: Can not add messaging connection factory through web console
- HAL-831: Fix resource address in new activemq msg impl
- HAL-830: Fix typo in resource address
- HAL-829: Equal signs in property lists
- HAL-828: Can not set cluster connection attributes to null
- HAL-827: Can not create messaging clustering connection
- HAL-826: Increase page size for deployment finder columns to 999
- HAL-824: missing help texts for broadcast groups
- HAL-823: JBEAP-978 - Added scrollbar to deployment preview
- HAL-822: Can't change cache attributes
- HAL-820: Add support for new jberet-batch metrics
- HAL-818: Cannot set initial-pool-size attribute of datasource from web console
- HAL-817: Cannot set use-fast-fail attribute of datasource from web console
- HAL-814: file attributes for log handlers
- HAL-813: Port 0 in syslog handler config
- HAL-812: Fix XHR2 / FormData uploads
- HAL-809: Fix missing class metadata in EntityAdapter and production mode
- HAL-804: Change undertow to web/http
- HAL-801: Add support for new batch-jberet subsystem
- HAL-798: Switch to XHR / FormData uploads using 'management-upload' for deployments and patching
- HAL-796: Add ability to restart a server
- HAL-795: ModelBrowser window size handling
- HAL-788: Remote socket binding is not displayed if it's port uses a property expression
- HAL-787: Adding new Logger category: remove the name attribute/field etc.
- HAL-785: Fix requires resources to match new Infinispan management model
- HAL-781: Removed deprecated tx properties; switch to MBUI forms
- HAL-780: Datasource: Statement Cache Size, Min Pool Size, Max Pool Size should not be required fields
- HAL-778: Some socket bindings group is not in table with all socket binding groups in web console
- HAL-774: JVM attributes heapSize and maxHeapSize should be nillable.
- HAL-769: left align application contents
- HAL-766: Splitbutton on chrome and safari did not work properly
- HAL-765: StandaloneRuntimeRefresh.java did reside in wrong module
- HAL-764: Unable to unset wsdl-port and wsdl-secure-port via console
- HAL-763: Run as Role dialog: web console is reloaded
- HAL-762: CAnnot add http server resources
- HAL-760: Server-group-scoped-roles not respected in Domain mode
- HAL-758: Add color codes to the deployment previews
- HAL-754: preview contents
- HAL-754: Fix previews for included subsystems
- HAL-753: Fix error after uploading and removing content from the content repository
- HAL-750: Re-add deployment scanner
- HAL-749: allow white space in profile names
- HAL-747: Initialisation of finder contributions doesn't work reliably
- HAL-745: Show progress bar for long running deployment actions
- HAL-744: Add tooltips for deployments
- HAL-743: Finder tooltip facilities
- HAL-740: Button overlay for finder rows
- HAL-739: Switch defaults in new deployment / choose
- HAL-738: Finder context menus remain visible
- HAL-737: Finder row hover color
- HAL-736: Revisit deployment previews
- HAL-734: Filter for deployments, servers and server groups
- HAL-732: State dependent menu actions for deployments
- HAL-731: Add unmanaged content to the content repository
- HAL-730: Change label from 'Remove' to 'Unassign'
- HAL-729: Allow users to assign deployments to server groups from Content Repository and Unassigned Content
- HAL-725: Add notifications for deployment related actions
- HAL-723: Add 'Unassign' context menu item to content column
- HAL-722: Change default value for flag 'enabled'
- HAL-720: ResourceAdapter become finder contributions
- HAL-719: Datasources become finder contributions
- HAL-718: HTTP metrics in standalone mode
- HAL-716: Can't change cache store attributes back to false from true
- HAL-712: Add preview for include / exclude columns
- HAL-705: Mail server definitons and mail session attributes have been fixed (includes HAL-706)
- HAL-702: Fix deprecated links
- HAL-701: Fix broken links on homepage
- HAL-700: scrolling with nested presenters
- HAL-699: Closong of notification messages
- HAL-698: Reload standalone server, server and groups in domain
- HAL-697: Scrolling in standalone mode
- HAL-692: Web Console uses wrong JGroup stack transport address
- HAL-690: Check and add missing subresource; reset finder column selection
- HAL-685: Backlink for finder breadcrumb ( includes an update to the page views)
- HAL-684: Add all resource adapter config options to console
- HAL-683: Support for scoped roles (except host scopes)
- HAL-679: RBAC for finder menu items
- HAL-672: Replace old access control UI with finder based UI
- HAL-658: Missing configuration options in Console for new attributes in webservices subsystem
- HAL-649: suspend resume operations on groups and servers
- HAL-641: Add content columns; remove old deployment classes
- HAL-638: Upgrade Ballroom to 2.3.1
- HAL-619: Tweak maven settings to use new extension archetypes
- HAL-618: New ActiveMQ messaging subsystem
- HAL-615: Support for profile inheritance
- HAL-614: Support for cloning of profiles
- HAL-610: Support capacity policies for JCA deployments
- HAL-520: ported enhancements to master
- HAL-297: Migrate datasource wizard to have back buttons
- Target: WildFly 9.0.0.Final
- Release Stream: 2.7.4.Final
- Core Console: 2.7.4.Final
- Tracking Issue: WFLY-4809
- New finder based user interface
- Replaced JacORB with IIOP OpenJDK subsystem
- Remoting subsystem
- Support for datasource templates.
- Provide all flush-* operations for connection pools
- Improved log viewer
- Enhanced model browser with support for singleton resources
- Get more details about applied patches
- Ability to launch the management console independently from WildFly
- HAL-701: Fix broken links on homepage
- HAL-700: Scrolling with nested presenters
- HAL-699: Closing of notification messages
- HAL-698: Reload standalone server, server and groups in domain
- HAL-697: Scrolling in standalone mode
- HAL-690, HAL-691: Check and add missing subresource; reset finder column selection
- HAL-678: Server config settings don't refresh after changes
- HAL-674: Server groups settings don't refresh after changes
- HAL-672: Replace old access control UI with finder based UI
- HAL-665: Replace EJB subsystem with MBUI views
- HAL-655: Add support for remaining servlet container settings (undertow)
- HAL-644: Hornetq messaging finder contributions
- HAL-643: Infinispan cache container become finder contributions
- HAL-641: Deployment Finder
- HAL-635: Runtime/Transaction typo fix.
- HAL-634: Remove non-heap panel: meatspace has replaced permgen on JDK 8
- HAL-633: Fix refreshing in deployment / content repository
- HAL-630: Preview content i18n
- HAL-621: Added 'module' attribute to security domain forms
- HAL-609: Scrolling in finder views
- HAL-607: Additional preview contents
- HAL-606: Finder styles
- HAL-599: JXM subsystem attributes have changed
- HAL-598: Fix jGroups protocol and transport properties
- HAL-598: Fix backport from master
- HAL-597: Fix interface form validation
- HAL-594: Removed check for 'transactions' flag in JacORB subsystem
- HAL-594: Remove JacORB related form validation
- HAL-593: Add new IIOP JDK ORB subsystem
- HAL-592: Fix default table selection
- HAL-591: Adjust to changed management model for jgroup protocols
- HAL-588: Gracfully handle optional resource references
- HAL-587: Revert to action parameter API in stores
- HAL-585: Revisit resource adapter configuration
- HAL-583: Revisit (xa) datasource configuration
- HAL-582: Revisit JCA common configuration
- HAL-580: Fix ReadRequiredResources (patch management for standalone is broken)
- HAL-575: Upgrade GWT to 2.7.0; switch to Super DevMode
- HAL-574: Update bootstrap process
- HAL-573: Combine security context setup and r-r-d processing
- HAL-572: Upgrade GWTP to 1.4
- HAL-569: Expose all flush-* operations for datasources
- HAL-565: Add datasource templates
- HAL-564: Replace data-source=*:enable() / :disable() op
- HAL-563: Add pager to datasource tables in #ds-metrics
- HAL-562: Fix typo
- HAL-561: Fix broken filter after removing deployment from content repository
- HAL-560: :flush-all-connection-in-pool called
- HAL-556, HAL-640: server group and profile stores
- HAL-554: Fix loading settings
- HAL-553: Use '{selected.profile}' when saving model driven widgets in web presenter
- HAL-544: UI for remoting subsystem
- HAL-536: Changing the settings should force reload the browser window
- HAL-533: Adjust section about latest applied patch
- HAL-529: Fix hanging "download in progress" dialog
- HAL-528: Fix search in concurrently opened log files
- HAL-526: Fix add mail server dialog
- HAL-523: Singleton resource metata, support for list and property attribute types in model browser
- HAL-520: Ability to choose the available security module codes
- HAL-473: provide http metrics view for undertow
- Target: EAP 6.4.0.GA
- Release Stream: 2.5.5.Final
- Core Console: 2.5.5.Final
- Tracking Issue: BZ1193523
- BZ901260: Updated translations
- BZ1176249: Product logo depends on product name.
- BZ1174732: Use '{selected.profile}' when saving model driven widgets in web presenter
- BZ1173031: Fix loading settings
- BZ1172168: Fix match between subsystem key and related subsystem token
- BZ1170538: Fix in viewframework
- BZ1167673: Fix search in concurrently opened log files
- BZ1167525: Fix add mail server dialog
- BZ1167362: Fix hanging "download in progress" dialog
- BZ1166749 / BZ1166737: Visual adjustments for the homepage and the search
- BZ1159771: Wrong error message in New Connector wizard
- BZ1026823: run as dialog
- BZ1017655: Fix validation in WebServicePresenter#onSaveProvider
- BZ1017059: After :server-set-restart-required operation web console shows reload required message
- Target: WildFly 8.2.0.Final
- Release Stream: 2.4.9.Final
- Core Console: 2.4.9.Final
- Tracking Issue: WFLY-4107
- Updated look & feel. Now follows the Patternfly styles.
- Improved information architecture: Domain management, deployments and runtime views have been relocated / consolidated
- Extended / complete subsystem configuration: EE, Undertow, Messaging, IO and Batch
- Updated model browser: supports inline editing of resources
- Log Viewer: Tail log files from within the console
- Picketlink extension: The GUI now ships the picketlink management parts (enabled on demand)
- Improved runtime monitoring: The charts and data tables have been cleaned up
- See also http://hbraun.info/2014/10/updated-management-console-in-[wildfly-8](https://issues.jboss.org/browse/wildfly-8)-2/
- HAL-514: Prepare double click handler on log file table
- HAL-512: Display deployment "status" attribute on deployment list
- HAL-508: Tools links leave wrong name token
- HAL-507: Tab titles are no longer truncated by default
- HAL-506: Add operation adresses to tool buttons in logviewer
- HAL-503: Product and server name are displayed in the browser's title
- HAL-501: relative-to for file based log handler is only required if path is relative
- HAL-500: Navigation for RH Access
- HAL-497: Entire layout of csp plugin falls apart after visiting different page
- HAL-495: Fix tooltips in topology view
- HAL-493: Apply patch wizard stuck on patch application step
- HAL-492: Fix URL fragment problem
- HAL-490: Distinguish community and product version
- HAL-487: Fix handler reference bug which was introduced by HAL-313
- HAL-486: Invalid default value for "Default Module" attribute of Virtual Server
- HAL-484: Resource adapter names not visible
- HAL-483: Switch back to 'StandaloneDriverStrategy' for standalpone mode
- HAL-482: Application constraints for logging subsystem
- HAL-481: Cache Containers doesn't refresh after save
- HAL-477: Exclude attribute 'thread-factory' from 'ThreadPoolsView'
- HAL-476: Update to CSP Plugin 0.9.4-SNAPSHOT
- HAL-472: Highlight Standalone Runtime Nav
- HAL-471: Introduce collapsible panel and cleanup left hand navigation
- HAL-469: LHS navigation highlight is gone when using place requests that include parameters
- HAL-468: Enable stats on data sources
- HAL-467: Cleanup subsystem metrics
- HAL-465: Unable to remove server config
- HAL-463: ModelBrowser doesn't work for profiles on EAP 6.x
- HAL-457: Provide a stripped down version of the GUI
- HAL-455: Perspective presenter cause unnecessary onReset() calls
- HAL-454: Add support for adding a periodic-size-rotating-file handler.
- HAL-451: Extended configuration for the EE subsystem
- HAL-425: Reorganize web subsystem attributes into 'global' and 'jsp'
- HAL-397: JTA default not respected creating datasource
- HAL-391: show timestamp when deployed applications are enabled/disabled.
- HAL-389: Change flush operation from 'flush-all-connection-in-pool' to 'flush-idle-connection-in-pool'
- HAL-388: Console uses hardcoded hornetq-server name as "default"
- HAL-354: display jvm uptime on jvm rutime view
- HAL-342: Remove unused class
- HAL-342: After cancel the process to upload a deployment file, the content is added to data directory
- HAL-311: Provide the ability to view server logs
- HAL-303: Improve the question asked when enabling / disabling datasource
- HAL-292: Add error message when unable to execute an operation
- Target: EAP 6.3.0.GA
- Release Stream: 2.2.8.Final
- Core Console: 2.2.8.Final
- Tracking Issue: BZ1104216
- Role based access control (RBAC)
- Patching
- New top level navigation
- Home page
- BZ901227: Allow -1 as default value for modcluster timeout attributes
- BZ1092650: Add pager to list of EE modules
- BZ1088314: Fix refresh in JacORB view
- BZ1081990: Add restart button; fix for one-off patches
- BZ1081570: Add check if running in domain mode
- BZ1081186: Change label and help text for GA
- BZ1080767: Home page string suggestions and corrections
- BZ1075720: Get rid of patch confirm step
- BZ1075264: Remove inline warning icon
- BZ1075169: Fix wizard title
- BZ1075137: Disable rollback button when no items are available
- BZ1074675: Modal patch wizard
- BZ1074623: Fix parsing error
- BZ1073988: Fix intro paragraph for homepage
- BZ1073597: Home page task containers show (empty) scrollbar.
- BZ1072337: Fix recovery from verify connection failed
- BZ1071949: Redirect when trying to access "Security Domains"
- BZ1070130: Postpone driver auto detection
- EAP6-109: New top-level navigation
- EAP6-87: Analytics is disabled in product version by default
- EAP6-66: Add ability to test the connection for new and existing datasources
- EAP6-18: Expose patch management in Console
- EAP6-16: Refactoring of the confirm step; apply success i18n
- Target: WildFly 8.1.0.Final
- Release Stream: 2.2.6.Final
- Core Console: 2.2.6.Final
- Tracking Issue: WFLY-3332
- Patching
- New top level navigation
- Home page
- HAL-403: Fix index setup
- HAL-402: Fix refresh when using view framework
- HAL-385: Scrollbar for profile selector
- HAL-384: Only servers which belong to the current profile are part of the verify operation
- HAL-383: Homepage links don't work as expected
- HAL-382: Prevent loading of google vis in web mode
- HAL-381: Default build for community includes modern browsers and en. New profile 'full' for all browsers / locales
- HAL-347: Queues are read-only after creation
- HAL-312: Prevent duplicate mail server types
- HAL-302: It is possible to use duplicate name or jdni in "New Datasource" wizard
- HAL-301: Proper use of IDs and classes to enable better testability
- HAL-295: Console responses are slow in case of larger domains
- HAL-260: Facilities to reset policy decision on interaction units (post DOM creation)
- HAL-259: Security child contexts for instance based meta data
- HAL-238: Control element visibility for users with multiple scoped roles
- HAL-226: Abbreviate long JNDI names for JMS endpoints
- Target: WildFly 8.0.0.Final
- Release Stream: 2.1.1.Final
- Core Console: 2.1.1.Final
- Tracking Issue: HAL-346
- Topology View
- Performance
- RBAC sensitive UI
- HAL-337: Partly undo fix which was introduced by HAL-10
- HAL-336: Show a warning and change default place to "Profiles" if there are no groups defined.
- HAL-335: Workaround using include-aliases=true; more fail-safe RBACGatekeeper
- HAL-331: Add horizontal scrolling to value table in properties table
- HAL-329: Fix top level navigation for MBUI dialogs
- HAL-328: Navigation not highlighted for MBUI dialogs
- HAL-327: Add RBAC check for server reload button
- HAL-326: remote repo in dev mode
- HAL-321: properly clear and reset dialog state upon removal of resources
- HAL-320: Progress bar for RBAC related r-r-d
- HAL-319: Scope assignment and statement context resolution
- HAL-317: Undefine attribute doesn't work
- HAL-315: "Max Retry" -> "Max Retry Interval"
- HAL-313: Async handlers don't provide handlers to subviews - ie no nesting allowed!
- HAL-312: Prevent creation of duplicate mail server type per mail session
- HAL-308: Fix error when no running server is present
- HAL-296: Add progress element to footer
- HAL-295: Read topology using async flow API and condensed composite operatiions
- HAL-280: Read drivers for domain mode using async flow functions
- HAL-266: Upgrade to ballroom 2.0.5.Final
- HAL-265: Several GIU enhancements
- WFLY-1921: Honor cancel button
- Target: EAP 6.2.0.GA
- Release Stream: 2.0.6.Final
- Core Console: 2.0.6.Final
- Tracking Issue: HAL-291
- HAL-285: Syslog handler is missing in setting of Handlers in Management Console
- HAL-284: Changing scope type of the role leads to "Failed to save" error
- HAL-281: Unclear error message when trying to configure Auditor role as Administrator
- HAL-280: Unable to List Driver during Datasource Creation via the management console
- HAL-278: List attributes in "need help" in same order as in settings tabs
- HAL-275: Improve error handling when operating on stopped server instances
- HAL-274: RunAs after switching roles results in an error
- HAL-264: Resource adapter inline editing problems
- HAL-263: Modal windows are sized inconsistently
- HAL-261: Role management mapping should be accessible for Auditor
- HAL-256: Module and ClassName fields are disabled in new Custom handler dialog
- HAL-255: Runtime name input disable in new Unmanaged Deployment dialog
- HAL-253: Domain mode: kill an unresponsive JVM
- HAL-250: Revert project name references
- HAL-244: Unable to unset "Default From" attribute in Mail Session administration
- HAL-241: Role names seem to be case insensitive but roles tab of the console assumes they are ALLCAPS
- HAL-240: Push translations to translate.jboss.org
- HAL-239: Removing role with "include-all"
- HAL-221: Missing server controls in topology view for Server scoped roles
- HAL-208: Add descriptions and help texts to the role assignment views