To set up development environment which is highly sensitive for changes, run sh commands below (Prepared for MacOS and Linux). Your code changes will be processed instantly in this setup.
docker run --rm -d -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -p 27017:27017 mongo
PORT=2000 API_TOKEN=123456 MONGO_URI=mongodb://root:secret@localhost:27017/comment?authSource=admin npm run start:dev --prefix blog
PORT=2001 API_TOKEN=123456 MONGO_URI=mongodb://root:secret@localhost:27017/comment?authSource=admin npm run start:dev --prefix comment
PORT=2002 API_TOKEN=123456 npm run start:dev --prefix auth
PORT=5173 API_TOKEN=123456 AUTH_SERVICE_URI=http://localhost:2002 COMMENT_SERVICE_URI=http://localhost:2001 BLOG_SERVICE_URI=http://localhost:2000 npm run dev --prefix frontend