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214 lines (180 loc) · 8.87 KB

Task Configuration Core Fields:

Parameter Internal Relationship

  • You may notice some configuration field ends with _cv, they are parameters chained with other parameters. For example, when changing the map, the limit of episode_length and the number of agents N_AGENT_EACH_TEAM are implicated and also need to be changed. To make it simple, we add episode_length_cv and N_AGENT_EACH_TEAM_cv to record this link with lambda function.

  • When parameters (e.g. map) that are bind to other parameters are changed, the Transparent Parameter Control (TPC) module will scan and parse variables with twin variables that end with _cv, and automatically modify their values. (refer to ./UTILS/

Generally, you can safely ignore them and only pay attention to fields below.


Field Value Explaination zh Explaination
N_TEAM int the number of agent teams in the tasks, information cannot be shared between different team 队伍数量,每个队伍被一个ALGORITHM模块控制,队伍之间不可共享信息。大多数任务中,队伍之间是敌对关系
N_AGENT_EACH_TEAM list (of int) the number of agents in each team 每个队伍的智能体数量
AGENT_ID_EACH_TEAM list of list (of int) the ID of agents in each team, double layer list, must agree with N_AGENT_EACH_TEAM! 每个队伍的智能体的ID,双层列表,必须与N_AGENT_EACH_TEAM对应!
TEAM_NAMES list (of string) use which ALGORITHM to control each team, fill the path of chosen algorithm and its main class name, e.g.">ReinforceAlgorithmFoundation" 选择每支队伍的控制算法,填写控制算法主模块的路径和类名
RewardAsUnity bool Shared reward, or each agent has individual reward signal 每个队伍的智能体共享集体奖励(True),或者每个队伍的智能体都独享个体奖励(False)
ObsAsUnity bool Agents do not has individual observation, only shared collective observation 没有个体观测值,整个群体的观测值获取方式如同单智能体问题一样
StateProvided bool Whether the global state is provided in training. If True, the Algorithm can access both obs and state during training 是否在训练过程中提供全局state

* How to Introduce a New Mission Environment

Step 1: Declare Mission Info (how many agents and actions, maximum episode steps

  • make a folder under ./MISSIONS, e.g. ./MISSIONS/uhmap.
  • make a py file, e.g. ./MISSIONS/uhmap/
  • in, copy and paste following template:
from UTILS.config_args import ChainVar

# please register this ScenarioConfig into MISSIONS/
class ScenarioConfig(object):  
        ScenarioConfig: This config class will be 'injected' with new settings from JSONC.
        (E.g., override configs with ```python --cfg example.jsonc```)
        (As the name indicated, ChainVars will change WITH vars it 'chained_with' during config injection)
        (please see UTILS.config_args to find out how this advanced trick works out.)
    n_team1agent = 5

    # <Part 1> Needed by the hmp core #
    N_TEAM = 1

    N_AGENT_EACH_TEAM = [n_team1agent,]
    N_AGENT_EACH_TEAM_cv = ChainVar(lambda n_team1agent: [n_team1agent,], chained_with=['n_team1agent'])

    AGENT_ID_EACH_TEAM = [range(0,n_team1agent),]
    AGENT_ID_EACH_TEAM_cv = ChainVar(lambda n_team1agent: [range(0,n_team1agent),], chained_with=['n_team1agent'])

    TEAM_NAMES = ['ALGORITHM.None->None',]

        ## If the length of action array == the number of teams, set ActAsUnity to True
        ## If the length of action array == the number of agents, set ActAsUnity to False
    ActAsUnity = False

        ## If the length of reward array == the number of agents, set RewardAsUnity to False
        ## If the length of reward array == 1, set RewardAsUnity to True
    RewardAsUnity = True

        ## If the length of obs array == the number of agents, set ObsAsUnity to False
        ## If the length of obs array == the number of teams, set ObsAsUnity to True
    ObsAsUnity = False

    # <Part 2> Needed by env itself #
    MaxEpisodeStep = 100
    render = False

    # <Part 3> Needed by some ALGORITHM #
    StateProvided = False
    AvailActProvided = False
    EntityOriented = False

    n_actions = 2
    obs_vec_length = 10

Step 2: Writing Environment

  • For convenience, please copy and paste class BaseEnv(object) into your script:
class BaseEnv(object):
    def __init__(self, rank) -> None:
        self.observation_space = None
        self.action_space = None
        self.rank = rank

    def step(self, act):
        # obs: a Tensor with shape (n_agent, ...)
        # reward: a Tensor with shape (n_agent, 1) or (n_team, 1)
        # done: a Bool
        # info: a dict
        raise NotImplementedError
        # Warning: if you have only one team and RewardAsUnity, 
        # you must make sure that reward has shape=[n_team=1, 1]
        # e.g. 
        # >> RewardForTheOnlyTeam = +1
        # >> RewardForAllTeams = np.array([RewardForTheOnlyTeam, ])
        # >> return (ob, RewardForAllTeams, done, info)
        return (ob, RewardForAllTeams,  done, info)  # choose this if RewardAsUnity
        return (ob, RewardForAllAgents, done, info)  # choose this if not RewardAsUnity

    def reset(self):
        # obs: a Tensor with shape (n_agent, ...)
        # done: a Bool
        raise NotImplementedError
        return ob, info
  • Then create a class that inherit from it (class UhmapEnv(BaseEnv)):
class UhmapEnv(BaseEnv):
    def __init__(self, rank) -> None:
        super().__init__(rank) = rank
        self.render = ScenarioConfig.render and (
        self.n_agents = ScenarioConfig.n_team1agent
        # self.observation_space = ?
        # self.action_space = ?
        if ScenarioConfig.StateProvided:
            # self.observation_space['state_shape'] = ?
        if self.render:
            # render init
  • Next, it is time to write your own code of step() and reset() function. There is little we can help about that, as it is your custom environment after all.

Step 3: Write a Function to Initialize the Environment

A empty function getting a instance of environment, it will used in step 4. But don'y worry, two lines of code will do:

# please register this into MISSIONS/
def make_uhmap_env(env_id, rank):
    return UhmapEnv(rank)

Step 4: Make Everything Kiss Together

This step will make HMP aware of the existence of this new MISSION.

  • Open MISSIONS/
  • Add the path of environment's configuration in import_path_ref
import_path_ref = {
    "uhmap": ("MISSIONS.uhmap.uhmap_env_wrapper", 'ScenarioConfig'),
  • Add the path of environment's init function in env_init_function_ref, e.g.:
env_init_function_ref = {
    "uhmap": ("MISSIONS.uhmap.uhmap_env_wrapper", "make_uhmap_env"),

Step 5: Write a Config Override to Start Experiment

Create a exp.jsonc or json file, copy and paste following content, and please pay attention to lines marked with ***, they are the most important ones:

    // config HMP core
    ">GlobalConfig": {
        "note": "uhmp-dev",
        "env_name": "uhmap", // *** the selection of MISSION
        "env_path": "MISSIONS.uhmap", // *** confirm the path of env (a fail safe)
        "draw_mode": "Img",
        "num_threads": "1",
        "report_reward_interval": "1",
        "test_interval": "128",
        "test_epoch": "4",
        "device": "cuda",
        "max_n_episode": 500000,
        "fold": "4",
        "backup_files": [

    // config MISSION
    ">ScenarioConfig": {  // *** must kiss with "env_name" and "env_path"
        // remember this? declared in ScenarioConfig class in ./MISSIONS/math_game/
        "n_team1agent": 4,
        "n_actions": 10,
        "StateProvided": false,
        "TEAM_NAMES": [
            ">ReinforceAlgorithmFoundation"  // *** select ALGORITHMs

    // config ALGORITHMs
    ">AlgorithmConfig": { // must kiss with "TEAM_NAMES"
        "train_traj_needed": "16",
        "fix_n_sample": "True",
        "n_focus_on": 3,
        "lr": 0.0005,
        "ppo_epoch": 24,
        "gamma_in_reward_forwarding": "True",
        "gamma_in_reward_forwarding_value": 0.95,
        "gamma": 0.99

At last, run experiment with python --cfg ./path-to-exp-json/exp.jsonc.