title | subtitle | author | theme | logo | date | institute |
The title |
and a possibly very long subtitle |
The Author |
lucid |
gu.png |
the date |
The Institution |
It just contains some text in various styles in it.
A first, multiline paragraph with some random words and even a correctly placed footnote!1
And a second, shorter paragraph here.
- one
- two
- one
- one
- two
- three
- two
- three
- one
- three
- one
- two
- one
- one
- two
- three
- two
- three
- one
- three
Where the text
And some more text that doesn't say anything particularly interesting.
Introduced by some text, here are
Some words of wisdom
And a closing comment.
A syntax-highlighted code example:
haskellExample :: From -> To
haskellExample from = to
Plus some inline monospaced text
just because we can.
Here is a pretty random formula:
With equal spacing above and below, obviously.
As always, a very realistic example:
col a | col b | col c |
a1 | b1 | c1 |
a2 | b2 | c2 |
This is the footnote. ↩