Right now, we support verification only for one single solidity file - therefore, before deployment and verification, you will need to flatten all solidity sources to one file.
To flatten your solidity files we recommended to use Truffle Flattener lib.
npm install truffle-flattener -g
truffle-flattener <solidity-files>
Or you can use any other flattener lib.
To easy the verification we recommend the contract deployment using Harmony Remix.
You can verify your contract here:
It is important to use the correct parameters (same as on deployment):
- Contract address
- Contract name
- Compiler version
- Optimizer
- Chain Type (mainnet or testnet)
- Sources
- Imported libs
Then click on Submit button. If all params are correct - you should to see a Success message, or an Error if bytecodes are not equal. On Success case - your contract will verify and you will see all contract details on contract explorer page.