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Project Presentation 👽

Below you will find a list of personal projects I have worked on that I consider relevant.

NodeJs Skeleton with TypeScript (NodeTSkeleton) 💀


NodeTSkeleton is NodeJs skeleton based in Clean Architecture to use TypeScript with ExpressJs, KoaJs or any other web server framework.

Core and features:

NodeJS, TypeScript, API, Clean Architecture

SSPE (Sevent segments processing engine) 🤖


CLI application of a challenge type HackerRank that from an input of files of plain text with numbers in format of seven segments, is obtained as output the equivalent number in a string of text.

Core and features:

NodeJS, JavaScript, Naural Networks, CLI

Box Agile Dev Core (BADCore) 🚀


BoxAgileDevCore is a set of tools that will support you to perform some repetitive tasks that are executed in the development of any software project in which you interact with object models, business rules and data access of those models.

Core and features:

C#, .NetCore, Open Source, Nuget

Box Agile Dev (BAD) 🚀


BoxAgileDev is a set of tools that will support you to perform some repetitive tasks that are executed in the development of any software project in which you interact with object models, business rules and data access of those models.

Core and features:

C#, .Net, Open Source, Nuget

PanicApp 🚨


Flutter Mobile application for start a event of panic from a geographic position.

Core and features:

Flutter, Dart, GPS

HapiJs Template 🧰


A base template in HapiJs for api in NodeJs.

Core and features:

Javascript, HapiJs, Postgres

The Power Of CLI (NodeJS) 🛸


Candidate presentation for MeetUp. This presentation emphasizes the possibilities that are opened with the CLI in NodeJS.

Core and features:

NodeJS, JavaScript, CLI



Web CLI interface for the SSPE API version.

Core and features:

VueJs, JavaScript, CLI, Web Sockets

C-Motic 🏢


Mobile application to interact via Bluetooth (Serial and BLE) with the IoT ESP32 board.


This project was abandoned and migrated to NativeScript (Vue JS) for better performance with the hardware.

Core and features:

React Native, Bluetoth, BLE, ESP32, IoT, Arduino, Domotics, JavaScript

LechonApp 🐷


Application based on the alleged electoral fraud of the presidential elections in the first round of 2018.

Core and features:

ReactJS, JavaScript

INT Relay Interface 🏠


Relay interface via TCP/IP based on an ESP8266 board programmed with the Arduino IDE

Core and features:

C/C++, IoT, Arduino, Sockets, TCP/IP, ESP8266, Domotics

SSPE (Sevent segments processing engine), API 👾


API version for SSPE project.

Core and features:

NodeJS, Web Sockets, Naural Networks

Assembly Algorithms (2008) 🧬


First algorithms made in my journey through the university computer science career. The most representative project is a five-degree freedom robotic arm made from recycled appliances.

Core and features:


C++ and Arduino Scripts 🦠


First algorithms made in my journey through the university computer science career.

Core and features:

C++, Arduino

Java (2012) 🧪


First algorithms made in my journey through the university computer science career.

Core and features:
