Releases: hassio-addons/addon-grafana
Releases · hassio-addons/addon-grafana
This release upgrades Grafana to 5.4.0 🎉, which offers a lot of new functionality! Especially folks using it with MySQL will be happy to see the graphical query builder in this release! 👷
PhantomJS has been removed from the build. 🔥 It still works on AMD64 based machines (embedded into Grafana), but on ARM-based devices (e.g., Raspberry Pi), this has, and will, never work. I've tried several solutions and finally decided to add a note to the known issues and limitations in the documentation. For the record, Grafana simply does not support it, and the PhantomJS project has been abandoned as well. Grafana is planning on replacing it with Grafana 6.x.
- Changed past to paste (#13) (@dayofdoom)
- Removes phantomjs
- Upgrades Grafana to 5.4.0
- Corrects the env var name (#16) (@goern)
- Limits supported machines (#14) (@HoppingMonk)
- Adds known issue and limitation about PhantomJS
- Adds Hassio API security role
- Upgrades Grafana to 5.2.4
- Adds PhantomJS
- Fixes linting errors
- Improves InfluxDB setup documentation (#9) (@aetjansen)
- Upgrades hadolint to latest
- Upgrades base image to v2.1.0
- Sets default Shell
- Less aggressive cleanup
- Enables SSL by default
- Updates README and links
- Upgrades Ubuntu base image to 2.0.0
- Upgrades libfontconfig1 to 2.12.6-0ubuntu2
- Updates memcached to 1.5.6-0ubuntu1
- Links and changes to reflect the InfluxDB docs (#3) (@ferazambuja)
- Rewrites GitLab CI
- Removed i386 (from GitLab CI)