diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/CreateResourceButton.tsx b/frontend/src/components/common/CreateResourceButton.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b70b990549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/CreateResourceButton.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
+import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
+import { getCluster } from '../../lib/cluster';
+import { apply } from '../../lib/k8s/apiProxy';
+import { KubeObjectInterface } from '../../lib/k8s/cluster';
+import { clusterAction } from '../../redux/clusterActionSlice';
+import { EventStatus, HeadlampEventType, useEventCallback } from '../../redux/headlampEventSlice';
+import { ActionButton, EditorDialog } from '../common';
+import { BASE_EMPTY_CONFIG_MAP } from '../configmap/storyHelper';
+import { LEASE_DUMMY_DATA } from '../lease/storyHelper';
+import { BASE_RC } from '../runtimeClass/storyHelper';
+import { BASE_EMPTY_SECRET } from '../secret/storyHelper';
+interface CreateResourceButtonProps {
+ resource: string;
+export function CreateResourceButton(props: CreateResourceButtonProps) {
+ const { resource } = props;
+ const { t } = useTranslation(['glossary', 'translation']);
+ const [openDialog, setOpenDialog] = React.useState(false);
+ const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = React.useState('');
+ const dispatchCreateEvent = useEventCallback(HeadlampEventType.CREATE_RESOURCE);
+ const dispatch = useDispatch();
+ const applyFunc = async (newItems: KubeObjectInterface[], clusterName: string) => {
+ await Promise.allSettled(newItems.map(newItem => apply(newItem, clusterName))).then(
+ (values: any) => {
+ values.forEach((value: any, index: number) => {
+ if (value.status === 'rejected') {
+ let msg;
+ const kind = newItems[index].kind;
+ const name = newItems[index].metadata.name;
+ const apiVersion = newItems[index].apiVersion;
+ if (newItems.length === 1) {
+ msg = t('translation|Failed to create {{ kind }} {{ name }}.', { kind, name });
+ } else {
+ msg = t('translation|Failed to create {{ kind }} {{ name }} in {{ apiVersion }}.', {
+ kind,
+ name,
+ apiVersion,
+ });
+ }
+ setErrorMessage(msg);
+ setOpenDialog(true);
+ throw msg;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ function handleSave(newItemDefs: KubeObjectInterface[]) {
+ let massagedNewItemDefs = newItemDefs;
+ const cancelUrl = location.pathname;
+ // check if all yaml objects are valid
+ for (let i = 0; i < massagedNewItemDefs.length; i++) {
+ if (massagedNewItemDefs[i].kind === 'List') {
+ // flatten this List kind with the items that it has which is a list of valid k8s resources
+ const deletedItem = massagedNewItemDefs.splice(i, 1);
+ massagedNewItemDefs = massagedNewItemDefs.concat(deletedItem[0].items);
+ }
+ if (!massagedNewItemDefs[i].metadata?.name) {
+ setErrorMessage(
+ t(`translation|Invalid: One or more of resources doesn't have a name property`)
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!massagedNewItemDefs[i].kind) {
+ setErrorMessage(t('translation|Invalid: Please set a kind to the resource'));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // all resources name
+ const resourceNames = massagedNewItemDefs.map(newItemDef => newItemDef.metadata.name);
+ setOpenDialog(false);
+ const clusterName = getCluster() || '';
+ dispatch(
+ clusterAction(() => applyFunc(massagedNewItemDefs, clusterName), {
+ startMessage: t('translation|Applying {{ newItemName }}…', {
+ newItemName: resourceNames.join(','),
+ }),
+ cancelledMessage: t('translation|Cancelled applying {{ newItemName }}.', {
+ newItemName: resourceNames.join(','),
+ }),
+ successMessage: t('translation|Applied {{ newItemName }}.', {
+ newItemName: resourceNames.join(','),
+ }),
+ errorMessage: t('translation|Failed to apply {{ newItemName }}.', {
+ newItemName: resourceNames.join(','),
+ }),
+ cancelUrl,
+ })
+ );
+ dispatchCreateEvent({
+ status: EventStatus.CONFIRMED,
+ });
+ }
+ const defaultContentMap: { [key: string]: any } = {
+ RuntimeClass: BASE_RC,
+ };
+ const getDefaultContent = () => defaultContentMap[resource] || '';
+ return (