Uses Google Cloud Cloud Foundation Fabric
Copy cluster.example.yaml
to cluster.yaml
, disable features by setting to empty ({}
or []
) or false
Clone Clound Foundation Fabric Terraform modules:
git clone --depth 1 --branch v21.0.0 tf/fabric
Update modules:
git fetch --tags
git checkout tags/v21.0.0
cd tf/
terraform apply
First time only, migrate Terraform state to a remote bucket.
cat <<EOF >
terraform {
backend "gcs" {
bucket = "$( terraform output -json | jq -r '."state_bucket".value' )"
prefix = "terraform/state/bootstrap"
tf init
Export helper variables locally:
REPO="$( git rev-parse --show-toplevel )"
TF_SUFFIX="$( cd ${REPO}/tf; terraform output -json | jq -r '.suffix.value' )"
CLUSTER_NAME="$( yq '.name' ${REPO}/cluster.yaml )-${TF_SUFFIX}"
PROJECT_ID="$( yq '.project' ${REPO}/cluster.yaml )"
REGION="$( yq '.region' ${REPO}/cluster.yaml )"
ZONE="$( yq '.zone' ${REPO}/cluster.yaml )"
BASTION="$( cd ${REPO}/tf; terraform output -json | jq -r '.iap_bastion_hostname.value' )"
Bastion nodes are required for kubectl to access a private cluster from outside the VPC network.
For example, if you use kubectl
on your desktop, you will need to enable the bastion
in the configuration and run the following commands on your local machine:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --region=$REGION --project=$PROJECT_ID
gcloud compute ssh $BASTION --tunnel-through-iap --project=$PROJECT_ID --zone=$ZONE -- -4 -L8888:localhost:8888 -N -q -f
kubectl config set-cluster $( kubectl config current-context ) --proxy-url http://localhost:8888
To start a preempted bastion node run: gcloud compute instances start bastion-vm --project $PROJECT_ID
BASTION is output by Terraform under "iap_bastion_hostname".
Google Cloud - Install kubectl and configure cluster access
gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --region=$REGION --project=$PROJECT_ID
kubectl get namespaces
Component / Tool | Version / Tag |
Terraform | >= 1.3 |
Fabric modules | v21.0.0 |