- Support for the purchase unit maintained in Grocy has been added by andreheuer (Big thanks!)
- "UNIT" in .env is not required anymore
- Now the shopping list can be the source for BRING instead of the missing products.
- To enable, set SOURCE=shoppinglist in .env
- The missing amount of a product is added to the Bring list.
- Translation of the unit via Environment Variable UNIT
- Added possibility to skip products that are only partly missing.
- Added possibility to define a custom field to skip products that are partly missing.
This makes it possible, to add partly missing products to the bring list, except for specific products.
- Environment Variable GROCYSKIPPARTLYINSTOCKCUSTOM to enable/disable and HIDEPARTLYFROMBRING to define the user field.
- Added possiblity to hide missing products from the BRING list.
- Added Envionment Variable HIDEFROMBRING
- Added function to check if the user field HIDEFROMBRING is true