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Commit e565c56

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Charlike Mike Reagentrenovate[bot]renovate-bot
authored andcommittedFeb 29, 2020
chore: Import hela (#217)
* init * fix(deps): add missing dep TAG: latest * fix(*): apply fixes, include eslint config TAG: latest * chore(build): travis fix TAG: latest * fix(*): tweaks TAG: latest * chore(*): tweaks and deps TAG: latest * fix(build): travis no cache TAG: latest * fix(*): fake test, coverage, readme TAG: latest * fix(nsp): update nsp badge, add nspId field TAG: latest * fix(pkg): update description TAG: latest * fix(tweaks): update readme, add keywords, default linting to . TAG: latest * fix(task): update test task TAG: latest * feat(tweaks): and update deps TAG: latest * fix(tasks): add renovate task, and run it run renovate task on postinstall and in precommit TAG: latest * fix(renovate): run every 15 mins (temporary, testing purposes) TAG: latest * fix(files): include renovaterc in files field TAG: latest * fix(update): simplify renovate task TAG: latest * fix(task): renovate task to use __dirname TAG: latest * fix(task): renovate task fix; write to cwd TAG: latest * fix(relax): dont run renovate task on precommit make semantic-release devDependency TAG: latest * fix(renovate): move back to default semantic prefixes because it seems that semantic-release has problem to generate release notes when has slash in the type TAG: latest * chore(devDeps): update dependency eslint-config-standard-tunnckocore to v1.0.3 * feat(tasks): add build, pretest and posttest tasks TAG: latest closes #3 * chore(config): move nyc config to .nycrc.json TAG: latest * chore(renovate): branch-push dependencies updates TAG: latest * fix(pkg): add rollup as dependency so won't need to include it in our packages - it don't have deps, so it is small add TAG: latest * fix(tasks): expose 'execa' as 'exec' and '' as 'shell' TAG: latest fixes #4 * fix(rollup): include source-map-support because rollup v0.46.0 bug temporary, until rollup/rollup#1528 is fixed (if it is fixed?) TAG: latest * fix(travis): typo in travis.yml; test in node >=6, not >=7 TAG: latest * feat(task): add new task: fresh removes node_modules, dest and package-lock.json; runs npm prune and npm install TAG: latest fixes #5 * chore(cleanup): delete created somehow by nano TAG: latest * chore(deps): remove unused rimraf doh, need to add check for deps TAG: latest * fix(deps): remove source-map-support, bump rollup to 0.46.1 the bug from 0.46.0 is probably fixed TAG: latest * fix(deps): update dependency rollup to v0.46.2 * feat(tasks): add contrib task pulls directly file from tunnckocore/contributing repo TAG: latest * fix(renovate): update config, default schedule (run per 1 hour) TAG: latest * fix(task): run 'git status --porcelain' on precommit task TAG: latest * fix(deps): update rollup to latest TAG: latest * fix(tasks): add console.log in contrib task TAG: latest * fix(deps): update dependency rollup to v0.47.4 * chore(devDeps): update dependency eslint-config-standard-tunnckocore to v1.0.4 * chore(devDeps): update dependency eslint-config-standard-tunnckocore to v1.0.5 * chore(devDeps): update dependency semantic-release to v^7.0.0 * fix(deps): update dependency rollup to v0.47.5 * fix(deps): update dependency rollup to v0.47.6 * chore(devDeps): update dependency eslint to v4.5.0 * fix(deps): update dependency simple-get to v2.7.0 * fix(deps): update dependency rollup to v0.48.2 * chore(devDeps): update dependency eslint-config-standard-tunnckocore to v1.0.6 * feat(task): add 'init' task for adding predefined (default) npm scripts TAG: latest fixes #8 * chore(devDeps): update dependency eslint-config-standard-tunnckocore to v1.0.7 * feat(cli): use npm start script as entry point so you will be able to just 'npm start lint' (make an alias for npm start); this allows to have small npm scripts count, access any of the tasks without thinking to add it to scripts; and always will have just at least 4 scripts - start, test, precommit and commit TAG: latest * fix(deps): update dependency rollup to v0.49.0 * fix(deps): update dependency rollup to v0.49.1 * fix(deps): update dependency rollup to v0.49.2 * chore(devDeps): update dependency eslint to v4.6.0 * chore(devDeps): update dependency eslint to v4.6.1 * fix(deps): update dependency nyc to v11.2.0 * fix(deps): update dependency nyc to v11.2.1 * chore(renovate): update config * fix(renovate): update config - try the `commitMessage` option - switch to `automergeType: pr` - assign me on any type of deps update * fix(deps): update dependency rollup to 0.49.3 signed-off-by: renovate[bot] <renovate[bot]> * major(release): refactor, more stable + presets - more powerful & more extensible - support presets - support config, powered by `pretty-config` + .helarc.json + .helarc.yaml + .helarc + hela.config.js + pkg.hela or pkg.helaConfig + pkg.config.hela - full es6 modules implemented (including the tests) - expose CJS and ES modules Signed-off-by: tunnckoCore <[email protected]> * chore(travis): yarn fix TAG: latest * chore(deps): force bump preset run yarn hela (yarn build-self) when in CI, so tests can run TAG: latest * chore(travis): update "script" hook Signed-off-by: tunnckoCore <[email protected]> * chore(travis): remove osx TAG: latest * fix(misc): regenerate readme, force bump hela-preset-tunnckocore TAG: latest * fix(tasks): override the default build task override the default build task which builds for browsers too, so which just build for node now TAG: latest * fix(readme): clarification Signed-off-by: tunnckoCore <[email protected]> * fix(scripts): move cli.js to src/cli.js TAG: latest * fix(pkg): update scripts build self too TAG: latest * fix(cleanup): ignore src/cli.js from codeclimate, del root cli.js TAG: latest * fix(travis): update hooks Signed-off-by: tunnckoCore <[email protected]> * fix(scripts): update Signed-off-by: tunnckoCore <[email protected]> * fix(devDeps): force bump preset, because update build tasks there Signed-off-by: tunnckoCore <[email protected]> * fix(helarc): clean and then build both cli and node Signed-off-by: tunnckoCore <[email protected]> * fix(pkg): cleanup unused fields TAG: latest * fix(deps): force update TAG: latest * fix(misc): force updates TAG: latest * fix(pkg): update hela tasks TAG: latest * fix(pkg): cleanup TAG: latest * fix(renovate): pinVersions: false TAG: latest * fix(deps): force update preset bump and run hela update task TAG: latest * fix(update): force update preset to latest version and run 'update' task TAG: latest * feat(presets): better preset resolver, support multiple presets now each preset is an object with 'tasks' and 'presets' properties. So now it is even possible each preset to load another and more presets TAG: latest Resolves #13 * fix(deps): force update hela-preset-tunnckocore TAG: latest * chore(renovate): force to run on evry hour,evryday * chore(typo): fix * fix(renovate): pin all deps, pr not pending * fix(deps): renovate pin dependencies packages (#18) * feat(presets): switch to 'extends' field instead of 'presets' follow ESLint strictly; if both 'extends' and 'presets' will work until next major TAG: latest partially #17 * fix(update): force update TAG: latest * feat(tweaks): remove build step, add @std/esm, etc stuff TAG: latest * fix(tweaks): rename, fix gitconfig names, resync travis? TAG: latest * fix(misc): resync semantic-release-cli TAG: latest * fix(style): comma dangle es5 TAG: latest * fix(tests): use ava, temporary TAG: latest * fix(cov): add nyc TAG: latest * fix(tests): switch to rollup + babel and istanbul plugin TAG: latest * fix(chore): remove babel TAG: latest * fix(resolver): fix resolving & cli error handling TAG: latest * fix(dep): force bump TAG: latest * fix(cli): provide cwd's package.json as options.pkg TAG: latest * fix(cli): add interop for loading pkg TAG: latest * fix(esm): turn back @std/esm TAG: latest * fix(deps): force bump TAG: latest * fix(presets): preferLocal bins when executing each task (execa option) TAG: latest * fix(tweaks): prettierignore and dont define --config flags for the eslint and prettier-eslint bins, since tasks already run tasks prefering local bins TAG: latest * fix(stuff): switch to airbnb, update ignore files move to hela-config-tunnckocore * fix(license): add apache 2 license * fix(*): sasasa Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * REMOVE SEMANTIC-RELEASE! because semantic-release just FUCKED ME A LOT and i'm totally BURNT OUT FOR 3rd time this year! * Delete fo * major(release): refactor, switch back to CJS modules use execa-pro instead of execa; expose "exec" and "shell", and deprecate "helaExec" and "helaShell" which were passed to each task function; Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * fix(factory): update executables that are passed to each task Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * fix(readme): generate docs Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * fix(docs): update docs and add section for Shareable Configs Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * fix(readme): fix broken links and description Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * fix(docs): improve cli docs Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * fix(*): simplify .exec and .shell methods Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.6 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.7 * chore(deps): update lock file * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.8 * chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-tunnckocore to v0.3.0 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.9 * chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v4.12.0 * chore(deps): update lock file * chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v4.12.1 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.10 * chore(deps): update lock file * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.12 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.13 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.14 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.15 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.16 * chore(readme): is shutting down * chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v4.13.0 * chore(deps): update lock file * chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v4.13.1 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.18 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.19 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.20 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.21 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.22 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.23 * chore(deps): update lock file * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.24 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.25 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.26 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.28 * chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v4.14.0 * chore(deps): update lock file * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.29 * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.30 * chore: add :gitSignOff to Renovate * chore(deps): update lock file Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.31 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v4.15.0 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update lock file Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.32 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update lock file Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.33 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.34 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.35 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.36 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update lock file Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.37 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.38 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.39 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.40 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v4.16.0 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.41 Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * fix(deps): update dependency @tunnckocore/pretty-config to v0.5.1 (#81) Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v4.17.0 (#80) Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore: update renovate * fix(deps): update dependency execa-pro to v1.0.3 (#82) Signed-off-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.42 Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.44 Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency hela-config-tunnckocore to v2.2.45 Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * fix(cli): better error reporting and all tasks are async Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v4.18.0 Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v4.18.1 Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v4.18.2 Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v4.19.1 Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update circleci/node to tag 8 Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore(deps): update circleci/node:8 digest Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * fix(deps): update dependency mri to v1.1.1 Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * Update * fix: update readme badges * chore: fix readme failing builds are not because tests * chore: release v3 (#109) * chore: refactor * chore: move CircleCI config on root * chore: update loading hela config * chore: updates, create simple config preset * fix: shareable config loading + new releases * chore: remove hela.extends field, because we fallback to @hela/config-tunnckocore * chore: tweaks * chore: force release new versions, because recent npm bugs * chore: update and use BoltPKG * chore: add test folders and lint script * update tests, create asia and pretty-config pkgs * fix(asia): anonymous tests reporting * chore: update root scripts * fix(cli): better resolving for local configs * chore: add `xaxa` package * chore: fixes linter rules, misc stuff * fix(xaxa): disable no-unpublished-import in the linter * chore(xaxa): release 0.3.1 * chore: update all packages to use xaxa * chore updates * chore: new version * chore: new version * chore: new version * chore: new version * chore: new version * chore: new version * chore: new version * chore(xaxa): new release 0.3.3 * feat(pretty-config): named exports, export internal APIs too * chore(asia): new version * chore(xaxa): use console.error to output results * chore: pull `xaxa` out of monorepo, fix lint errors * chore: pull `asia` out of monorepo * chore(config-tunnckocore): move `asia` and `xaxa` to deps * chore: force updates * chore(config-tunnckocore): release 0.1.3 * chore(pretty-config): update to CJS * chore(pretty-config): release 0.3.0 * chore(dargs): update to CJS * chore(dargs): release 0.2.0 * chore(core): update to CJS * chore(core): release 0.2.0 * chore(cli): update to CJS * chore(cli): release 0.2.0 * chore: updates * chore(cli): release 0.2.1 * chore(config-tunnckocore): release 0.3.0 * chore: update monorepo roots * chore: cleanup * chore: remove uneccesary package * feat: tweaks and tricks, introducing Hela * chore: update scripts and few tweaks * chore: simplify * chore: add linting with jest * chore: repo scripts and configs stuff * feat: drastically simplify, updates * fix(@hela/core): upgrade execa to use the "next" dist tag * fix: hela / sade, convert listen() to async * chore: tweak example config * fix: config loading stuff, remove ".commandless()" * chore: cleanup * chore: cleanup 2 * feat: @hela/dev, the "devest" as Hela config ;0 * feat(@hela/dev): add example lint command * feat: finish lint command and some tweaks * chore(lerna): pre release * fix(@hela/cli): guards and esm loader * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.1 * chore: force build and root hela config * fix: root scripts tweaks * fix: root scripts tweaks * fix: root scripts tweaks 2 * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.2 * chore: COME ONNNNNNNNNNN * chore: dang dang dang * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.3 * chore: beep boop, force * chore: beep boop, force 2 * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.4 * chore: use @tunnckocore/scripts of course + tweaks * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.5 * fix(hela-dev): add jest & update configs * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.6 * fix: remove caching and hashing, for now * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.7 * fix(hela-dev): expose babel config to configs/ dir * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.8 * fix: add NODE_ENV=test when running tests * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.9 * fix: about picking right babel config in testing * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.10 * fix: missed to update the cli bin reference * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.11 * fix(use self to manage itself): plus add support for --all and --watch flags * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.12 * chore: force bump on root * chore: sync * chore: cleanup * chore: put some basic readme * chore: typos readme * chore: continue write the readme * chore: readme update * chore(readme): add one more bullet * chore(readme): bullet tweaks * chore(readme): bullet typos * fix: tweaks * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.13 * feat: add command, for now * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.14 * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.14 * feat: couple of new and upgraded flags so we now support --dest and --format ;0, also added a help command * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.15 * chore: cleanup * feat: add "commit" task to @hela/dev using the gitcommit cli * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.16 * chore: tweaks * chore: okay * fix(@hela/dev): build format tweaks * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.17 * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.20 * chore: doh lerna dooooooooooooooh * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.30 * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.40 * chore: duh * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.45 * fix: babel configs * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.46 * fix(jest-runner-babel): converts file ext properly to .js * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.47 * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.48 * fix: execute "git add -A" before "gitcommit" cli * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.49 * fix: better naming and separation * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.50 * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.55 * chore: cleanup * fix(hela-cli): add --cwd option automatically for each action() creation * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.56 * feat(hela-dev): add typegen command plus possible tsc Workers implementation * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.60 * fix: cleanups, upgrade to dargs v7 🎉 * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.61 * chore: trying the my own git commit alias... * fix: fixing the commit command * fix(hela-dev): disable the "commit" command need to update the gitcommit to latest dargs v7, instead of the fork * chore: force * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.65 * fix(hela-core): update toFlags * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.66 * chore(ci): trying git on Now * chore: look the env vars NOW_ * fix(tweaks): few updates & cleanups, and re-publish make jest-runner-babel a complete cjs-only (no build step) * chore(foo): bar qux * chore(release): version v3.0.0-alpha.67 * chore: updates * chore: more tweaks * chore: reorganize and use @tunnckocore/utils * chore: force publish alpha.80 * chore: add tunnckocore/utils to monorepo, tweaks * chore(@tunnckocore/utils): add readme * chore(@tunnckocore/utils): readme tweaks * chore: add @tunnckocore/execa & update main fields * chore: force bumps * chore: ignore fixtures folders on build * chore: force update lockfile * chore: clean auto-gen configs * chore: cleanup and scaffold * implement upstream of Sade; add package.json files; use preconstruct * chore(ci): typos * chore(ci): disable cache action? * chore(ci): tweaks * chore(ci): doh doh typo * chore: disable covarage upload for now * chore: try enabling the cache * chore: github actions caching second try * chore: github actions doooooooooooooh * chore: duh, disable cache, OK! ;/ * chore: add @hela/core * chore: lint * chore: support version string as second param * chore: better handling of string case of prev commit * nah * chore: TEMP! * fix: default command fixes & help output tweaks * fix: show default command in help output * chore: Sade tweaks * chore: cleanups * chore: more cleanups * chore: publish sade 0.2.1 with build files * chore: sync deps of @hela/core * chore: sync lockfile * chore: temporary, help does not show all commands * chore: tweaks, canary for core and cli * chore(lerna): temporary allow versioning from next (this branch) * chore: release package(s) - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] * chore: release package(s) - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] * chore: trying `release` by zeit * chore: sync * chore: prepare for publish & release v3 into master * chore(lerna): remove prerelease option from lerna config * chore: mega updates, yarn v2 trying * chore: lastest Hela * fix: defaults and todo comment in yaro * chore: latest build/bundle * chore: publish on `hela` pkg * chore(update): scripts & deps * chore: push latest bin/ * fix: handle no package.json nor hela.config.js * chore: .4 * chore: remove note * chore: stuff * chore: publish .5 * feat: add hela-dev, peers; fix yaro flag default vals * chore: clean * fix: deps, include hela-dev in npm package * fix: copy hela-dev in dist * fix: correct exit, add showStack global option * chore: publish .44 * fix(yaro): correctly set flag incoming value * chore: push binaries * fix(yaro): flag aliases were not recognized * chore: cleanup * fix: add vebose flag * chore: publish 20200119.3 * fix: add deps * chore: nah * chore: fresh & prepare * chore: cleanup * chore: add husky * chore: organize thru the workspaces * chore: add package.json files and deps * chore: github funding, github actions, lint & fmt * chore: format && add Security Policy * chore: tweak * chore: release package(s) - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] * chore: add `hela` alias package which includes both cli and core Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore: release package(s) - [email protected] * fix: license file & security policy tweaks Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore: release package(s) - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - @hela/[email protected] - [email protected] - @hela/[email protected] * fix(@hela/build): license file Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore: release package(s) - @hela/[email protected] * chore: use self to manage itself Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore: delete funding, since we have global template * chore: delete the local security, we have global * chore: trying global license file (#110) [skip ci] * chore: revert (#111) [skip ci] This reverts commit 0b0f7dc. * chore: add issue templates Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore: templates tweaks Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> * chore: cleanup Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]> Co-authored-by: WhiteSource Renovate <[email protected]> Signed-off-by: Charlike Mike Reagent <[email protected]>
1 parent 21d59cb commit e565c56

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Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.

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@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
root = true

indent_style = space
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trim_trailing_whitespace = false
insert_final_newline = false

0 commit comments
