Pub/sub WS RPC server for the live network status of the configured chain.
Expects the config
folder to be in the same folder as the executable.
Copy the config
folder from inside the subvt-config crate and edit the configuration.
Subscribe to the network status with the subscribe_networkStatus
RPC method:
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscribe_networkStatus",
"params": []
Sample subscription response with the subscription id in the result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": 2248230140339139,
"id": 1
RPC method with the subscription id as the only parameter unsubscribes the client from
the update stream:
"method": "unsubscribe_networkStatus",
"params": [2248230140339139]
Initial response comes with the full network status:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscribe_networkStatus",
"params": {
"subscription": 2248230140339139,
"result": {
"network": "kusama",
"status": {
"finalized_block_number": 10860783,
"finalized_block_hash": "0xD49E7E2D71A503B4419D51825847C84E0795912331C9F35BE8ADF630B5C1D835",
"best_block_number": 10860787,
"best_block_hash": "0x05A7A145CDC9123CEA90ADB2BD8B749D068F07C0E23963C807EFF91B57030AEE",
"active_era": {
"index": 3201,
"start_timestamp": 1641554874009,
"end_timestamp": 1641576474009
"current_epoch": {
"index": 18501,
"start_block_number": 10860297,
"start_timestamp": 1641565674,
"end_timestamp": 1641569274
"active_validator_count": 1000,
"inactive_validator_count": 883,
"last_era_total_reward": 594161089112028,
"total_stake": 4956431691498674404,
"return_rate_per_million": 175139,
"min_stake": 3303010000000000,
"max_stake": 21785704095217456,
"average_stake": 4956431691498674,
"median_stake": 4440718951873155,
"era_reward_points": 1615200
After the initial response, the server is going to publish to the client only the network status update block by finalized block.
Status update is going to have only the updated data in the diff
field. In the example below, only changes are
the best block number and hash, and the era reward points so far:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscribe_networkStatus",
"params": {
"subscription": 2248230140339139,
"result": {
"network": "kusama",
"diff": {
"best_block_number": 10860795,
"best_block_hash": "0x891228EB1D925878597B34723DC3CD9C036D373DB1DC63A1072E9BCC02C2DA34",
"era_reward_points": 1620820