- Author(s): Fizzy99
- Start Date: 2024-04-11
- Category: Economic, Technical
- Original HIP PR: #986
- Tracking Issue: #994
- Vote Requirements: veMOBILE Holders
This Helium Improvement Proposal (HIP) introduces Data Connectivity and Usability requirements for MOBILE CBRS Radios and Wi-Fi Access Points in which units must be rewarded 1 data credit over a 14 epochs (days) in order to receive 1.0x multiplier for mobile coverage points. Units that do not pass this metric will receive 0.5x multiplier for mobile coverage points.
HIP-111 - MOBILE Data Utility Benchmark - 10x Reward Boost HIP-118 - Verification Mapping for MOBILE Network
This HIP was written to ensure that hotspots have a working and operational connection to the internet.
- MOBILE Holders.
- MOBILE Hotspots.
The Data Connectivity and Usability benchmark will be calculated at the end of each epoch. Units must have received at least 1 data credit through the unit within a rolling 14 epoch window to be eligible to receive a full 1.0x multiplier on coverage points. If a unit has not been rewarded 1 data credit over the rolling 14 epochs, they will receive a 0.5x multiplier on coverage points.
If a particular technology (Wi-Fi or CBRS) is unable to pass data, it will be exempt from the reward reduction. This will be calculated if all active units for that technology do not receive 1 data credit over the rolling 14 epochs. Example: Currently, all CBRS radios are unable and have not received 1 data credit at the time of writing this HIP, so they would be exempt from the reward reduction until a method is in place to allow users to pass rewardable data.
1 data credit was chosen as it is low enough to simulate a single mobile webpage loading on a device that is connected.
These changes will require updates to the MOBILE Oracles and overall rewards mechanism.
None so far.
Unrewarded data does not count as data credit. Subscribers that have gone over their rewardable data allocation or Free Wi-Fi access will not be counted as data credit.
More than 50% of online and active deployments show 1 data credit every 14 epochs.