required ecmaScript 5 compatible browser IE8+, Chrome, Firefox, Opera
Use the Index.html to view the public interface and Admin.html to do the administration.
This is taken as the proofOfConcept on this slice of technologies/libraries
- MSSql
- with tables, stps for insert/update/delete
- Entity Framework Code First
- to provide ORM mapping
- to generate database, including STPs (info taken from EF metadata)
- System.Web.Http.ApiController (MVC 4) - supported with Breeze.WebApi
- provides set of operations and IQueryable interface
- breeze.js
- to provide communication and data exchange in asynchronous manner
- backbone.js
- MVVM library to support the view-model binding
- jQuery
- to manipulate DOM, provide autocomplete box
Database incuding stored procedures is created on first start of application. To have some entries in database run ComputerShopDataTest.InitDB test in ComputerShop.Data.Test project.