There are some important details to know when triggering Jenkins jobs with parameters and/or token.
Tokens need to be treated as constants so they should be surrounded with single quotes. See examples below.
- Jenkins discards the body specified in notificationMessageKeyValues
- the parameters need to be send in the URL
- do not specify more parameters than you have in your job. This is a Jenkins security feature to hinder that someone triggers jobs that overwrite job environment variables. Your job will not be triggered otherwise.
Example below shows a subscription that triggers a parameterized Jenkins job having job token and a parameter object containing the aggregated object. Observe that we use buildWithParameters and empty notificationMessageKeyValues.
// The name of the subscription to make it easy to search for it.
// Only numbers,letters and underscore allowed.
"subscriptionName" : "Subscription1",
// The name of the logged in user creating or updating the subscription
// added by Eiffel Intelligence if LDAP is enabled. Defaults to an empty string.
"ldapUserName" : "ABC",
// Instructs whether the same subscription should be re-triggered
// for new additions to the aggregated object. If this is set to
// false, only the first time the conditions are fulfilled, a
// notification will be triggered. No matter how many times the
// aggregated object is updated.
"repeat" : false,
// Creation time in system time, added by Eiffel Intelligence.
"created" : 1542117412833,
"notificationMessageKeyValuesAuth" : [],
"authenticationType" : "BASIC_AUTH",
// The username and password to insert in headers of the POST request when sending
// a notification via REST POST.
"userName" : "functionalUser",
"password" : "functionalUserPassword",
// How to notify when a subscription is triggered.
"notificationType" : "REST_POST",
// Which url to use for the HTTP POST request.
"notificationMeta" : "http://eiffel-jenkins1:8080/job/ei-artifact-triggered-job/buildWithParameters?token='TOKEN'&object=id",
// Headers for the HTTP request, can be 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' or 'application/json'.
"restPostBodyMediaType" : "application/json",
// The data to send with the HTTP POST request.
"notificationMessageKeyValues" : [
// An array of requirements. At least one requirement should be fulfilled to
// trigger this subscription.
"requirements" : [
// Array of conditions. Here we use JMESPATH condition based on content in
// aggregated object. All conditions needs to be fulfilled in order for
// a requirement to be fulfilled.
"conditions" : [
"jmespath" : "identity=='pkg:maven/com.othercompany.library/[email protected]'"
- the parameters should be specified in notificationMessageKeyValues. Also here not more parameters than the job is configured with. Your job will not be triggered otherwise.
- no job parameters in the URL
The subscription below triggers the same parameterized Jenkins job but we now use build endpoint and we send the parameter in a json form using REST body.
// The name of the subscription to make it easy to search for it.
// Only numbers, letters and underscore allowed.
"subscriptionName" : "Subscription1",
// The name of the logged in user creating or updating the subscription
// added by Eiffel Intelligence if LDAP is enabled. Defaults to an empty string.
"ldapUserName" : "ABC",
// Instructs whether same subscription should be re-triggered for new additions
// to the aggregated object. If false only first time the conditions are fulfilled
// a notification will be triggered. No matter how many times the aggregated object
// is updated.
"repeat" : false,
// Creation time in system time, added by Eiffel Intelligence.
"created" : 1542117412833,
"authenticationType" : "BASIC_AUTH",
// How to notify when a subscription is triggered.
"notificationType" : "REST_POST",
// The username and password to insert in headers of the POST request when sending
// a notification via REST POST.
"userName" : "functionalUser",
"password" : "functionalUserPassword",
// Which url to use for the HTTP POST request.
"notificationMeta" : "http://eiffel-jenkins1:8080/job/ei-artifact-triggered-job/build?token='TOKEN'",
// Headers for the HTTP request, can be 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' or 'application/json'.
"restPostBodyMediaType" : "application/json",
// The data to send with the HTTP POST request.
"notificationMessageKeyValues" : [
// The form value will be run through JMESPATH engine to extract
// content from aggregated object.
"formkey" : "json",
"formvalue" : "{parameter: [{ name: 'object', value : to_string(@) }]}"
// An array of requirements. At least one requirement should be fulfilled to
// trigger this subscription.
"requirements" : [
// Array of conditions. Here we use JMESPATH condition based on content in
// aggregated object. All conditions needs to be fulfilled in order for
// a requirement to be fulfilled.
"conditions" : [
"jmespath" : "identity=='pkg:maven/com.othercompany.library/[email protected]'"
Read more on how Eiffel Intelligence groups requirements and conditions in subscriptions.