From 23a605444ddaedbafb4591f914af6b1851df0845 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Henrique Sposito
#extract_date("Today is the twenty six of February of two thousand and twenty four")
Urgency in political discourses is an expression of how necessary and/or +how soon an action should be undertaken or completed. +This is measured along four dimensions, +two related to necessity and two related to timing. +The first two dimensions, degree of intensity and degree of commitment, +relate to the necessity of taking the action, while the next two dimensions, +frequency of action and timing of action, +relate to the timing in which action is taken. +Our dictionary includes terms in each of these dimensions. +The terms included in each of these dimensions were validated and adjusted +through an online survey that took place between July and August of 2024. +The survey results were recorded as counts of the number of participants +who selected an urgency-related word as more urgent than its pair. +To analyze the survey results, we employed Bradley-Terry models for +paired comparisons. +A rank of the words for each dimension of urgency was obtained from the analysis, +which were then used to create the urgency word scores in the dictionaries. +For more information on the dimensions, scores, or the survey on urgency, +please run `get_urgency()` to access the urgency codebook. +For priorities (i.e. coded using the `select_priorities()`), +urgency scores are calculated by multiplying the commitment scores by all +other dimensions. +This is done because commitment words are indicative of political priorities, +For more information please refer to the `select_priorities()` function. +For vectors or data frames urgency scores are calculated by +adding commitment and intensity dimension scores (i.e. how necessary) +and multiplying these by the sum of timing and frequency dimension +scores (i.e. how soon). +In both cases, zero urgency scores are indicative of no urgency but maximum +scores can vary.