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File metadata and controls

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Midimagic is envisioned to be a central entry point for digital controlling devices communicating via MIDI (e.g. MIDI keyboards, sequencers, DAWs and such) to a analog synthesizer setup.

This document explains the behaviour of Midimagic and how you can use it in your setup. A basic knowledge of the MIDI protocol and it's concepts is expected from the reader. See MIDI-Wikipedia

For a guide about the user interface see here.

Details of Operation

On the Matter of MIDI Messages

Until today Midimagic supports the following message types:

  • Note Off
  • Note On
  • Polyphonic Aftertouch
  • Control Change
  • Monophonic/Channel Aftertouch
  • Pitch Bend
  • MIDI Clock/Start/Continue

More System message types other than Clock might be added in the future.

See Ports for more information about the behaviour of ports when receiving messages.

On the Matter of Portgroups

Each portgroup operates on a single MIDI channel and distributes incoming messages via a demuxer to associated output ports. Portgroups can have overlapping sets of input types and output ports, for example:

Portgroup 1 listens for NoteOn and NoteOff messages and sends them to the ports 1 to 3.

Portgroup 2 listens for Pitch Bend messages and sends them to the ports 1 to 4.

Using this setup one would have 1V/octave pitch control voltage combined with the pitch bend shift on ports 1 to 3 and pitch bend CV only on port 4 for other uses.

More on the interpretation of different message types in the section Ports. See Examples for more possible use cases.

When setup to receive Control Change messages an additional property per Portgroup is used: One MIDI controller to listen to

On the Matter of Demuxers

A Demuxer distributes messages to ports following one of 3 available methods:

  • Random

1 port is randomly picked

  • Identic

Every message on all ports

  • FIFO

The first free/inactive port is picked, if all ports are currently assigned/active the "oldest"/longest active one is chosen.

This is usefull for playing polyphonically with multiple oscillators for example.

On the Matter of Ports

Each port consists of a variable voltage and a gate/trigger output. The variable/control voltage (analog) output has a range of +/-5V and is used for continuous voltage such as pitch CV. The gate/trigger is a digital (low/high) output to indicate a change (trigger) of the continuous CV value output or gate representing a pressed key for example. Available voltages levels are either 0V or 10V. The 2 outputs are used diffently depending on the type of received message.

The different MIDI message types are interpreted as follows:

Type Hex value Analog output Digital output
Note On 0x08 The pitch information as halftone offset from C4 with 1V/Oct scaling Or note velocity High voltage until Note Off for the note is received
Note Off 0x09 unchanged Low voltage
Polyphonic Key Pressure/Aftertouch 0xA Raw value scaled to ~2.5V unchanged
Control Change 0xB Raw value Low if value is less than 64, else High (as per MIDI spec)
Program Change 0xC Ignored *
Channel Pressure/Monophonic Aftertouch 0xD Raw value scaled to ~2.5V unchanged
Pitch Bend 0xE Raw value scaled to 2 halftones (as per MIDI spec), but is added to the current value if port is active unchanged
Clock 0xF8 unchanged Rate adjustable trigger with 5 clock ticks duty cycle
Start 0xFA unchanged Resyncs clock period on the next clock message
Continue 0xFB unchanged idem

*Program Change messages are supposed to control the MIDI receiver, Midimagic itself in this case. As there is no concept of how Midimagic is supposed to react to these types they are ignored for now. Do you have an idea or suggestion as to how to control Midimagic via Program changes? Let us know!

Using Midimagic in your Patch


Here are a few suggestions of how to setup and work with Midimagic. Feel free to adapt and enhance these in your setup. All ports and MIDI channels noted are only exemplary and can be changed for your needs.

A simple monophonic setup

----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Note On                  |====>| Portgroup 1    | Demuxer =====>| Port 1                  |
| Note Off                 |     | Channel 1      | Identic |     | Port 2                  |
|                          |     |                ----------|     | Port 3                  |
|                          |     |                          |     | Port 4                  |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------

A simple polyphonic setup to control 3 VCOs

----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Note On                  |====>| Portgroup 1    | Demuxer =====>| Port 1                  |
| Note Off                 |     | Channel 1      | FIFO    |     | Port 2                  |
|                          |     |                ----------|     | Port 3                  |
|                          |     |                          |     |                         |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------

Combine Note messages from different MIDI channels to the same ports with Pitch Bend from channel 1

----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Note On                  |====>| Portgroup 1    | Demuxer =====>| Port 1                  |
| Note Off                 |     | Channel 1      | FIFO    |     | Port 2                  |
|                          |     |                ----------|     | Port 3                  |
|                          |     |                          |     |                         |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Note On                  |====>| Portgroup 2    | Demuxer =====>| Port 1                  |
| Note Off                 |     | Channel 5      | FIFO    |     | Port 2                  |
|                          |     |                ----------|     | Port 3                  |
|                          |     |                          |     |                         |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Pitch Bend               |====>| Portgroup 3    | Demuxer =====>| Port 1                  |
|                          |     | Channel 1      | Identic |     | Port 2                  |
|                          |     |                ----------|     | Port 3                  |
|                          |     |                          |     |                         |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------

Use Pitch and Velocity CV in parallel

----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Note On                  |====>| Portgroup 1    | Demuxer =====>| Port 1 (in pitch mode)  |
| Note Off                 |     | Channel 3      | FIFO    |     | Port 2 (in pitch mode)  |
|                          |     |                ----------|     | Port 3 (in pitch mode)  |
|                          |     |                          |     |                         |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
----------------------------     ----------------------------     -----------------------------
| Note On                  |====>| Portgroup 2    | Demuxer =====>| Port 4 (in velocity mode) |
| Note Off                 |     | Channel 3      | FIFO    |     | Port 5 (in velocity mode) |
|                          |     |                ----------|     | Port 6 (in velocity mode) |
|                          |     |                          |     |                           |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     -----------------------------

Output Clock pulses and Monophonic Aftertouch parallel on the same port

Aftertouch will change the analog output while Clock will change only the digital output

----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Clock                    |====>| Portgroup 1    | Demuxer =====>| Port 8                  |
| Channel Pressure         |     | Channel 1      | Identic |     |                         |
|                          |     |                ----------|     |                         |
|                          |     |                          |     |                         |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------

Use different Controllers simultaneously

As the purposes of MIDI Controllers are merely suggestions it is up to the user what is to be controlled by them. E.g. Controller 7 could be controlled via a MIDI clip from a DAW to adjust the cutoff frequency of a VCF.

----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Control Change           |====>| Portgroup 1    | Demuxer =====>| Port 5                  |
|                          |     | Channel 1      | Identic |     |                         |
|                          |     |                ----------|     |                         |
|                          |     | Controller 1 (Mod wheel) |     |                         |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Control Change           |====>| Portgroup 2    | Demuxer =====>| Port 6                  |
|                          |     | Channel 1      | Identic |     |                         |
|                          |     |                ----------|     |                         |
|                          |     | Controller 7 (Volume)    |     |                         |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Control Change           |====>| Portgroup 3    | Demuxer =====>| Port 7                  |
|                          |     | Channel 1      | Identic |     |                         |
|                          |     |                ----------|     |                         |
|                          |     | Controller 11(Expression)|     |                         |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------

More experimental examples:

Distribute Notes randomly but have Pitch Bend on all ports

----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Note On                  |====>| Portgroup 1    | Demuxer =====>| Port 1                  |
| Note Off                 |     | Channel 1      | Random  |     | Port 2                  |
|                          |     |                ----------|     | Port 3                  |
|                          |     |                          |     |                         |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Pitch Bend               |====>| Portgroup 2    | Demuxer =====>| Port 1                  |
|                          |     | Channel 1      | Identic |     | Port 2                  |
|                          |     |                ----------|     | Port 3                  |
|                          |     |                          |     |                         |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------

Pitch CV and Clock as ADSR trigger on the same port (clock retriggers the notes like an arppegiator)

----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Note On                  |====>| Portgroup 1    | Demuxer =====>| Port 5                  |
| Note Off                 |     | Channel 1      | Identic |     |                         |
| Clock                    |     |                ----------|     |                         |
|                          |     |                          |     |                         |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------

Use MIDI Clock as random triggers

----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------
| Clock                    |====>| Portgroup 1    | Demuxer =====>| Port 5                  |
|                          |     | Channel 1      | Random  |     | Port 6                  |
|                          |     |                ----------|     | Port 7                  |
|                          |     |                          |     | Port 8                  |
----------------------------     ----------------------------     ---------------------------

As mentioned before any combination of message types or ports is possible.