This is a simple interface for the Ptrace facilities. It features more comfortable read/write access to the tracees memory etc. Only tested on Ubuntu 64bit.
NOTE: This is currently alpha software, and is released only to publish the API of the module. This should not be used in production software, as many features are incomplete.
First you need to compile the C extension for Ptrace:
bash# cd ptrace_wrapper/module
bash# ruby extconf.rb
bash# make
bash# cp ../lib/
Note that the Ruby headers must be installed. On Ubuntu, these are in the ruby-dev or ruby1.9-dev package.
This example illustrates how to use the RDBG class.
require './rdbg.rb'
require 'pp'
d ="sleep 10")
#print infos on all mapped memory ranges
pp d.mappings
#find the first read only range from the binary
code = d.mappings.find{|m| m[:path].strip =~/sleep/ && m[:permissions]=~/r-/}
# read the first 100 bytes from the range, should contain the elf header
start = d.read_mem(code[:range].min,100)
puts start.inspect
start[0..3] = "NOPE"
# overwrites the elf magic bytes in memory (doesn't really matter)
start = d.write_mem(code[:range].min,start)
#get register
puts d.get_reg("rip")
#set register
puts d.set_reg("rip", d.get_reg("rip"))
puts d.get_reg("rip")
puts d.get_reg("rip")
#continues execution without singlesteping
sleep 1
#pause the execution where ever it currently is
#kill the process