Capturing Errors (on stderr)
Shell code blocks will now prefix / postfix with exec where stderr is redirected to stdout and captured.
exec 2>&1
and appending:
Each of the following code blocks will be fed to an application via HEREDOC. The example here is big query.
exec 2>&1 bq query -n 2000 --nouse_legacy_sql <<EOF
and appending:
The exec + : ensure that stderr is captured.
We add bq
and params feed the code block to big query.
Each of the following code blocks will be fed to big query via prefixing
exec 2>&1
and appending:
The exec + : ensure that stderr is capture.
org-file-dir is the directory this file exists in user-buffer is $USER.$FILENAME without .org ie. hh.filenamebase socket is /tmp/$USER.$FILENAMEBASE.ii.socket we copy the tmate command to clipboard and primary tmpdir creates folder in the ramdisk on load :async yes to enable async execution As soon as you load this file, create a new terminal and paste to create target tmate session