:fas fa-calendar fa-fw: Week 1 (May 9 - 15)
What is usability and user experience design?
:fas fa-desktop fa-fw: Introduction to UX Design
:fas fa-book fa-fw: Usability 101: Introduction to Usability
:fas fa-calendar fa-fw: Week 2 (May 16 - 22)
What does a holistic user experience design process look like?
:fas fa-keyboard fa-fw: Course Reflection Log Fri Aug 3rd 11:59pm PDT
:fas fa-desktop fa-fw: The Process of UX Design
:fas fa-book fa-fw: The Evolution of UX Process Methodology
:fas fa-calendar fa-fw: Week 3 (May 23 - 29)
How to make more strategic design decisions?
:fas fa-keyboard fa-fw: Journey Map Tue Jun 12th 11:59pm PDT
:fas fa-folder fa-fw: Informed Consent Materials
:fas fa-desktop fa-fw: Strategic UX Design
:fas fa-book fa-fw: What is a User Journey Map?
:fas fa-calendar fa-fw: Week 4 (May 30 - Jun 5)
How to explore the problem space?
:fas fa-desktop fa-fw: Prototyping
:fas fa-book fa-fw: The Skeptic’s Guide To Low-Fidelity Prototyping
:fas fa-users fa-fw: In-class office hours (tentative)
:fas fa-calendar fa-fw: Week 5 (Jun 6 - 12)
How to plan, conduct, and summarize usability tests?
:fas fa-desktop fa-fw: Usability Testing
:fas fa-book fa-fw: The Art of Guerrilla Usability Testing
:fas fa-users fa-fw: In-class office hours (tentative)