- Journey Map assignment Tue Jun 12th 11:59pm PDT
- Course Reflection Log assignment Fri Aug 3rd 11:59pm PDT
May 9th Class One-minute Summaries
Elements of User Experience by Jesse James Garrett
Usability 101: Introduction to Usability
May 16th Class One-minute Summaries
The Evolution of UX Process Methodology
May 23rd Class One-minute Summaries
May 30th Class One-minute Summaries
The Skeptic’s Guide To Low-Fidelity Prototyping
What is usability and user experience design?
:fas fa-desktop fa-fw: Introduction to UX Design
:fas fa-book fa-fw: Usability 101: Introduction to Usability
What does a holistic user experience design process look like?
:fas fa-keyboard fa-fw: Course Reflection Log Fri Aug 3rd 11:59pm PDT
:fas fa-desktop fa-fw: The Process of UX Design
:fas fa-book fa-fw: The Evolution of UX Process Methodology
How to make more strategic design decisions?
:fas fa-keyboard fa-fw: Journey Map Tue Jun 12th 11:59pm PDT
:fas fa-folder fa-fw: Informed Consent Materials
:fas fa-desktop fa-fw: Strategic UX Design
:fas fa-book fa-fw: What is a User Journey Map?
How to explore the problem space?
:fas fa-desktop fa-fw: Prototyping
:fas fa-book fa-fw: The Skeptic’s Guide To Low-Fidelity Prototyping
:fas fa-users fa-fw: In-class office hours (tentative)
How to plan, conduct, and summarize usability tests?
:fas fa-desktop fa-fw: Usability Testing
:fas fa-book fa-fw: The Art of Guerrilla Usability Testing
:fas fa-users fa-fw: In-class office hours (tentative)
- A short guide to reflective writing
- How Reflecting On Your Work Can Make You A Better Designer
- Online Guide to Reflective Writing
- Reflective Toolbox
- Reflective writing: a basic introduction
- Android User Interface Design Guidelines
- Google Material Design Guidelines
- iOS Human Interface Design Guidelines (iPhone and iPad)
- KDE Human Interface Design Guidelines
- OS X Human Interface Design Guidelines
- Windows App Design Guidelines (Touch)
- Contextual Interview Form
- One Page User Research Plan
- Templates & Downloadable Documents | Usability.gov
- cxpartners | Resources
- The PM Toolkit
- UX Project Checklist
- A Checklist for Designing Mobile Input Fields
- Mobile UX Checklist (PDF, by Mobify)
- One-Page Touch Interaction Design Checklist (PDF)
- Usability checklist (Userium)
- UX Project Checklist
- Methods | Usability.gov
- Methods | Usability Body of Knowledge
- Usability Planner
- UX Techniques (by UX Mastery)
- 50 UX Best Practices by Above the Fold (email address required)
- Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers
- The Fable of the User-Centered Designer
- Human-Computer Interaction | Coursera
- The Design of Everyday Things | Udacity
- Rapid Wireframing: Finding the Right Product Design
- Design Critique: Products for People
- Podcasts - UIE Brain Sparks
- Boagworld Podcast
- User Experience Podcast
- Google Developers Channel
- Interaction Design Association Vimeo Channels
- NNgroup YouTube Channel
- UX Mastery YouTube Channel
Class Discussions
Some Name
[email protected]
Online office hours:
Mondays 12:00-1:30pm
Fridays 12:00-1:00pm
Suggestion, concern or complaint?
Send me your anonymous course feedback!