All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- added new function to quickly create consumers and producers (03edb5e)
- panic on error log feature (508ea9a)
- added logging method (c5e67b2)
0.0.9 (2023-04-26)
- added memphis container to docker setup (d07d423)
0.0.4 (2023-04-19)
- Admin table support (29c7a4c)
- Alert create operation (16d120a)
- Alert QueryOne controller (debf62c)
- Alerts query many (c4a544c)
- Authorize API keys of stations (5746fba)
- authorize user (6b3b586)
- Create station and Add/Delete sensors (fbc482f)
- created Controller (a89de99)
- delete alerts operation (7775594)
- delete station controller (5c29d1c)
- numeric random operations (f89f7f8)
- Query Account details (07b2c67)
- Query many stations controller operation (f633eed)
- query one station controller operation (375335c)
- query sensor historical data by UUID (2811350)
- registration controller (62314ed)
- Update Alert controller operation (9d24b25)
- Update alerts system (ecf764f)
- Update station controller operation (f389d9c)
- user authentication (1990a6d)
- User details update (8a875e8)
- added APIKey column to stations (c7e61f2)
- added enabled to alert model (17f5112)
- added missing Controller close (379fa15)
- added on cascade on relation arrays (ecf6d94)
- added support for checking if the account was at the end able to query a specific alert (7468a4e)
- added support for max int64 (179ba7a)
- after updating phone or email account should be unconfirmed again (d96e289)
- CI/CD with my correct email address (7d7d902)
- comparing pointed value instead of address (84ac972)
- ensure at least one station is deleted (e6e2809)
- fixed typo in users struct (d96b1bb)
- organized it accord to the repo docs/ (608971a)
- removed duplicate condition field in alerts struct (51d5117)
- updated tables to be compatible with gorm zero value UPDATE option (947c0d1)
- added coverage TOKEN (033a5bc)
- removed yaml from docker compose up command (2d1cea7)