From 64cd1fe705d83527ac50c5afc906f97a6e9e81a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Schach Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 17:48:24 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] feat: API 59.0 update and refactor --- demo/{highlight.css => scratchpad.css} | 0 demo/scratchpad.html | 1184 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ demo/testcode.css | 163 ++++ demo/testcode.html | 37 +- demo/vs.css | 65 ++ dist/ | 152 +-- dist/apex.min.js | 154 +-- package-lock.json | 922 +----------------- package.json | 2 +- scripts/cheatsheet.txt | 14 + src/languages/apex.js | 877 +++++++++++++----- test/markup/apex/apexcode.expected.txt | 40 +- 12 files changed, 2324 insertions(+), 1286 deletions(-) rename demo/{highlight.css => scratchpad.css} (100%) create mode 100644 demo/scratchpad.html create mode 100644 demo/testcode.css create mode 100644 demo/vs.css create mode 100644 scripts/cheatsheet.txt diff --git a/demo/highlight.css b/demo/scratchpad.css similarity index 100% rename from demo/highlight.css rename to demo/scratchpad.css diff --git a/demo/scratchpad.html b/demo/scratchpad.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d243c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/demo/scratchpad.html @@ -0,0 +1,1184 @@ + + + + Single block Apex test file + + + + + + + + + +

+      /**
+      Copyright (c) 2016,
+      All rights reserved.
+      Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+      modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+      * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+        notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+      * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+        notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+        documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+      * Neither the name of nor the names of
+        its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+        from this software without specific prior written permission.
+  **/
+  @SuppressWarnings('PMD.AvoidGlobalModifier, PMD.ExcessiveClassLength')
+  global with sharing class VOL_SharedCode {
+      @TestVisible
+      private static VOL_Access access = VOL_Access.getInstance();
+      // the list of Campaigns that have Volunteer Jobs
+      global List<SelectOption> listSOCampaignsWithJobs {
+          get {
+              List<SelectOption> listSO = new List<SelectOption>();
+              listSO.add(new SelectOption('', ''));
+              // Ensure the user has access to the object before querying
+              if (
+                  Campaign.SObjectType.getDescribe().isAccessible() &&
+                  Campaign.Name.getDescribe().isAccessible() &&
+                  Campaign.IsActive.getDescribe().isAccessible() &&
+                  Campaign.StartDate.getDescribe().isAccessible() &&
+                  Campaign.RecordTypeId.getDescribe().isAccessible()
+              ) {
+                  for (Campaign c : [
+                      SELECT Name, Id
+                      FROM Campaign
+                      WHERE RecordTypeId = :recordtypeIdVolunteersCampaign AND IsActive = TRUE
+                      ORDER BY StartDate DESC, Name ASC
+                      LIMIT 999
+                  ]) {
+                      listSO.add(new SelectOption(,;
+                  }
+              }
+              return listSO;
+          }
+      }
+      // the list of Volunteer Jobs for the specified Campaign
+      global List<SelectOption> listSOVolunteerJobsOfCampaignId(Id campaignId) {
+          List<SelectOption> listSO = new List<SelectOption>();
+          listSO.add(new SelectOption('', ''));
+          // Ensure the user has access to the object before querying
+          if (
+              Volunteer_Job__c.SObjectType.getDescribe().isAccessible() &&
+              Volunteer_Job__c.Name.getDescribe().isAccessible() &&
+              Volunteer_Job__c.Campaign__c.getDescribe().isAccessible()
+          ) {
+              for (Volunteer_Job__c vj : [
+                  SELECT Name, Id
+                  FROM Volunteer_Job__c
+                  WHERE Campaign__c = :campaignId
+                  ORDER BY name
+                  LIMIT 999
+              ]) {
+                  listSO.add(new SelectOption(,;
+              }
+          }
+          return listSO;
+      }
+      // the list of Volunteer Job Shifts for the specified Job
+      global List<SelectOption> listSOVolunteerShiftsOfVolunteerJobId( //NOPMD
+          Id volunteerJobId,
+          Date dtStart,
+          Date dtEnd,
+          Boolean fIncludeShiftName,
+          Boolean fIncludeNumberNeeded
+      ) {
+          return listSOVolunteerShiftsOfVolunteerJobIdFormat(
+              volunteerJobId,
+              dtStart,
+              dtEnd,
+              fIncludeShiftName,
+              fIncludeNumberNeeded,
+              null,
+              null
+          );
+      }
+      // list of select options of Shifts for the specified job, using the date & time format strings for the shifts
+      public static List<SelectOption> listSOVolunteerShiftsOfVolunteerJobIdFormat( //NOPMD
+          Id volunteerJobId,
+          Date dtStart,
+          Date dtEnd,
+          Boolean fIncludeShiftName,
+          Boolean fIncludeNumberNeeded,
+          String strDateFormat,
+          String strTimeFormat
+      ) {
+          List<Volunteer_Job__c> listVolunteerJobs = new List<Volunteer_Job__c>();
+          List<SelectOption> listSO = new List<SelectOption>();
+          listSO.add(new SelectOption('', ''));
+          // Ensure the user has access to the object before querying
+          try {
+              UTIL_Describe.checkObjectReadAccess(String.valueOf(Volunteer_Shift__c.SObjectType));
+          } catch (Exception ex) {
+              // we will return an empty list vs throwing an error
+              return listSO;
+          }
+          Boolean canReadDate = Schema.sObjectType.Volunteer_Shift__c.fields.Start_Date_Time__c.isAccessible();
+          Boolean canReadNumberNeeded = Schema.sObjectType.Volunteer_Shift__c.fields.Number_of_Volunteers_Still_Needed__c.isAccessible();
+          // ensure valid date ranges
+          if (dtStart == null) {
+              dtStart =;
+          }
+          if (dtEnd == null) {
+              dtEnd =;
+          }
+          dtEnd = dtEnd.addDays(1);
+          // get our shifts in a Job query, so we can use our common date/time formatting routine.
+          listVolunteerJobs = [
+              SELECT
+                  Id,
+                  Campaign__r.IsActive,
+                  Campaign__r.Volunteer_Website_Time_Zone__c,
+                  Volunteer_Website_Time_Zone__c,
+                  (
+                      SELECT
+                          Id,
+                          Name,
+                          Start_Date_Time__c,
+                          Duration__c,
+                          Number_of_Volunteers_Still_Needed__c,
+                          Description__c,
+                          System_Note__c
+                      FROM Volunteer_Job_Slots__r
+                      WHERE Start_Date_Time__c >= :dtStart AND Start_Date_Time__c < :dtEnd
+                      ORDER BY Start_Date_Time__c
+                      LIMIT 999
+                  )
+              FROM Volunteer_Job__c
+              WHERE Id = :volunteerJobId
+          ];
+          // bail out if no jobs found
+          if (listVolunteerJobs.size() == 0) {
+              return listSO;
+          }
+          // whether to use our datetime formatting, or salesforce default for the current user
+          Boolean useDateTimeFixup = (strDateFormat != null && strTimeFormat != null);
+          // put correct date/time format with appropriate timezone in system note field (in memory only)
+          if (useDateTimeFixup) {
+              {
+                  dateTimeFixup(listVolunteerJobs, strDateFormat, strTimeFormat);
+              }
+          }
+          for (Volunteer_Shift__c vs : listVolunteerJobs[0].Volunteer_Job_Slots__r) {
+              SelectOption so = new SelectOption(
+        ,
+                  (canReadDate ? (useDateTimeFixup ? vs.System_Note__c : vs.Start_Date_Time__c.format()) : '') +
+                      (fIncludeShiftName ? '    (' + + ')' : '') +
+                      (fIncludeNumberNeeded && canReadNumberNeeded
+                          ? '  ' +
+                            (vs.Number_of_Volunteers_Still_Needed__c > 0
+                                ? System.Label.labelCalendarStillNeeded + vs.Number_of_Volunteers_Still_Needed__c
+                                : System.Label.labelCalendarShiftFull) +
+                            ' '
+                          : '')
+              );
+              so.setEscapeItem(false);
+              listSO.add(so);
+          }
+          return listSO;
+      }
+      // routine to go through all the shifts, and create the display
+      // for the shifts start date & time - end date & time, using the appropriate
+      // time zone that might be specified on the Job, Campaign, or Site Guest User.
+      // Note that it stores this  in the Shift's System_Note__c field (in memory only).
+      public static void dateTimeFixup(List<Volunteer_Job__c> listJob, String strDateFormat, String strTimeFormat) {
+          // get default time zone for site guest user
+          User u = [SELECT TimeZoneSidKey FROM User WHERE Id = :Userinfo.getUserId()];
+          // javascript formatting used 'tt' for am/pm, whereas apex formatting uses 'a'.
+          String strFormat = strDateFormat + ' ' + strTimeFormat.replace('tt', 'a');
+          String strFormatEndTime = strTimeFormat.replace('tt', 'a');
+          for (Volunteer_Job__c job : listJob) {
+              String strTimeZone = job.Volunteer_Website_Time_Zone__c;
+              if (strTimeZone == null) {
+                  strTimeZone = job.Campaign__r.Volunteer_Website_Time_Zone__c;
+              }
+              if (strTimeZone == null) {
+                  strTimeZone = u.TimeZoneSidKey;
+              }
+              for (Volunteer_Shift__c shift : job.Volunteer_Job_Slots__r) {
+                  DateTime dtEnd = shift.Start_Date_Time__c.addMinutes(Integer.valueOf(shift.Duration__c * 60));
+                  String strStart = shift.Start_Date_Time__c.format(strFormat, strTimeZone);
+                  // see if start and end are on the same day
+                  if (shift.Start_Date_Time__c.format('d', strTimeZone) == dtEnd.format('d', strTimeZone)) {
+                      shift.System_Note__c = strStart + ' - ' + dtEnd.format(strFormatEndTime, strTimeZone);
+                  } else {
+                      shift.System_Note__c = strStart + ' - ' + dtEnd.format(strFormat, strTimeZone);
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+      }
+      // return the GMT datetime for a datetime in the specified timezone
+      public static DateTime dtGmtFromDtTimeZone(DateTime dt, TimeZone tz) {
+          Integer offset = tz.getOffset(dt);
+          return dt.addSeconds(-offset / 1000);
+      }
+      // Volunteer Custom Settings object.  Loads an existing, and if not found creates one with default values.
+      global static Volunteers_Settings__c VolunteersSettings {
+          get {
+              if (VolunteersSettings == null) {
+                  VolunteersSettings = Volunteers_Settings__c.getInstance();
+                  if (VolunteersSettings.Id == null) {
+                      VolunteersSettings = Volunteers_Settings__c.getOrgDefaults();
+                  }
+                  if (VolunteersSettings.Id == null) {
+                      VolunteersSettings.Setupownerid = UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
+                      // create reasonable defaults
+                      VolunteersSettings.Signup_Matches_Existing_Contacts__c = false;
+                      VolunteersSettings.Signup_Creates_Contacts_If_No_Match__c = false;
+                      VolunteersSettings.Signup_Bucket_Account_On_Create__c = null;
+                      VolunteersSettings.Recurring_Job_Future_Months__c = 4;
+                      VolunteersSettings.Grant_Guest_Users_Update_Access__c = false;
+                      VolunteersSettings.Contact_Match_Email_Fields__c = null;
+                      VolunteersSettings.Contact_Match_First_Name_Fields__c = null;
+                      VolunteersSettings.Personal_Site_Org_Wide_Email_Name__c = null;
+                      VolunteersSettings.Contact_Matching_Rule__c = 'Firstname;Lastname;Email';
+                      VolunteersSettings.Personal_Site_Report_Hours_Filtered__c = false;
+                      if (UTIL_Describe.hasObjectCreateAccess(UTIL_Describe.StrTokenNSPrefix('Volunteers_Settings__c'))) {
+                          insert VolunteersSettings;
+                      }
+                  } else if (VolunteersSettings.Contact_Matching_Rule__c == null) {
+                      VolunteersSettings.Contact_Matching_Rule__c = 'Firstname;Lastname;Email';
+                      if (UTIL_Describe.hasObjectUpdateAccess(UTIL_Describe.StrTokenNSPrefix('Volunteers_Settings__c'))) {
+                          update VolunteersSettings;
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+              return VolunteersSettings;
+          }
+          set;
+      }
+      // helper to get the AccoutId of the Bucket Account specified in Custom Settings.
+      global static Id settingsBucketAccountId {
+          get {
+              if (settingsBucketAccountId == null) {
+                  if (
+                      VolunteersSettings.Signup_Bucket_Account_On_Create__c != null &&
+                      Account.getSObjectType().getDescribe().isAccessible()
+                  ) {
+                      Account[] acc = [
+                          SELECT Id
+                          FROM Account
+                          WHERE name = :VolunteersSettings.Signup_Bucket_Account_On_Create__c
+                          LIMIT 1
+                      ];
+                      if (acc.size() > 0) {
+                          settingsBucketAccountId = acc[0].Id;
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+              return settingsBucketAccountId;
+          }
+          set;
+      }
+      // test helper that allows one to override the users's Custom Settings with the settings we want to test with.
+      global static Volunteers_Settings__c getVolunteersSettingsForTests(Volunteers_Settings__c mySettings) {
+          //clear out whatever settings exist
+          delete [SELECT Id FROM Volunteers_Settings__c];
+          SettingsBucketAccountId = null;
+          //create our own based on what's passed in from the test
+          VolunteersSettings = new Volunteers_Settings__c(
+              Signup_Matches_Existing_Contacts__c = mySettings.Signup_Matches_Existing_Contacts__c,
+              Signup_Creates_Contacts_If_No_Match__c = mySettings.Signup_Creates_Contacts_If_No_Match__c,
+              Signup_Bucket_Account_On_Create__c = mySettings.Signup_Bucket_Account_On_Create__c,
+              Recurring_Job_Future_Months__c = mySettings.Recurring_Job_Future_Months__c,
+              Contact_Match_Email_Fields__c = mySettings.Contact_Match_Email_Fields__c,
+              Contact_Match_First_Name_Fields__c = mySettings.Contact_Match_First_Name_Fields__c,
+              Contact_Matching_Rule__c = mySettings.Contact_Matching_Rule__c,
+              Personal_Site_Org_Wide_Email_Name__c = mySettings.Personal_Site_Org_Wide_Email_Name__c,
+              Personal_Site_Report_Hours_Filtered__c = mySettings.Personal_Site_Report_Hours_Filtered__c
+          );
+          insert VolunteersSettings;
+          return VolunteersSettings;
+      }
+      // global helper to get the Volunteers Campaign recordtype.
+      private class MyException extends Exception {
+      }
+      global static Id recordtypeIdVolunteersCampaign {
+          get {
+              if (recordtypeIdVolunteersCampaign == null) {
+                  List<RecordType> listRT = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE DeveloperName = 'Volunteers_Campaign'];
+                  if (listRT.size() == 0) {
+                      throw (new MyException('The Volunteers Campaign Record Type is missing and must be restored.'));
+                  }
+                  recordtypeIdVolunteersCampaign = listRT[0].Id;
+              }
+              return recordtypeIdVolunteersCampaign;
+          }
+          set;
+      }
+      // shared routine to get all Fields names from the specified Field Set on Contact
+      // also explicitly adds additional Contact fields that we will always use in our Sites pages.
+      global static List<String> listStrFieldsFromContactFieldSet(Schema.FieldSet fs) {
+          Set<String> setStrFields = new Set<String>();
+          for (Schema.FieldSetMember f : fs.getFields()) {
+              setStrFields.add(f.getFieldPath().toLowerCase());
+          }
+          // also add the fields we explicitly refer to in CreateOrUpdateContactFS()
+          // we use a set (with lowercase) to avoid creating duplicates.
+          setStrFields.add('firstname');
+          setStrFields.add('lastname');
+          setStrFields.add('email');
+          //setStrFields.add(VOL_SharedCode.StrTokenNSPrefix('volunteer_status__c').tolowerCase());
+          //setStrFields.add(VOL_SharedCode.StrTokenNSPrefix('volunteer_notes__c').toLowerCase());
+          List<String> listStrFields = new List<String>();
+          listStrFields.addAll(setStrFields);
+          return listStrFields;
+      }
+      // shared routine to get all Fields names form the specified Field Set
+      global static List<String> listStrFieldsFromFieldSet(Schema.FieldSet fs) {
+          List<String> listStrFields = new List<String>();
+          for (Schema.FieldSetMember f : fs.getFields()) {
+              listStrFields.add(f.getFieldPath());
+          }
+          return listStrFields;
+      }
+      // global code to create a new lead or contact for web volunteer signup.
+      // this code is used by both the VolunteersSignup page, and the VolunteersJobListing page.
+      // it uses the custom setting for the bucket account, but takes parameters for
+      // matching existing contacts, and create contacts vs. leads.  this is because the two pages have different use cases.
+      // it also assumes that the contact that is passed in is the dummy record from the web page, and thus isn't real, and
+      // uses the Department field to track the user's company name.
+      global static Id createContactOrLead(Contact contact, Boolean fMatchExistingContacts, Boolean fCreateContacts) {
+          // update the date before we start
+          contact.Volunteer_Last_Web_Signup_Date__c =;
+          // let's see if we can find any matching Contacts.
+          List<Contact> listCon = [
+              SELECT
+                  Id,
+                  Lastname,
+                  Firstname,
+                  Email,
+                  Phone,
+                  HomePhone,
+                  Volunteer_Availability__c,
+                  Volunteer_Notes__c,
+                  Volunteer_Last_Web_Signup_Date__c,
+                  Volunteer_Status__c,
+                  Volunteer_Skills__c,
+                  Volunteer_Organization__c
+              FROM Contact
+              WHERE Lastname = :contact.Lastname AND Firstname = :contact.Firstname AND Email = :contact.Email
+          ];
+          Set<String> setFlds = new Set<String>{
+              'Lastname',
+              'Firstname',
+              'Email',
+              'Phone',
+              'HomePhone',
+              UTIL_Describe.StrTokenNSPrefix('Volunteer_Availability__c'),
+              UTIL_Describe.StrTokenNSPrefix('Volunteer_Notes__c'),
+              UTIL_Describe.StrTokenNSPrefix('Volunteer_Last_Web_Signup_Date__c'),
+              UTIL_Describe.StrTokenNSPrefix('Volunteer_Status__c'),
+              UTIL_Describe.StrTokenNSPrefix('Volunteer_Skills__c'),
+              UTIL_Describe.StrTokenNSPrefix('Volunteer_Organization__c')
+          };
+          // if we can match existing contacts, and we found a match, update them.
+          if (fMatchExistingContacts && listCon.size() > 0) {
+              for (Contact con : listCon) {
+                  con.Volunteer_Last_Web_Signup_Date__c = contact.Volunteer_Last_Web_Signup_Date__c;
+                  con.Volunteer_Availability__c = contact.Volunteer_Availability__c;
+                  String strNotes = con.Volunteer_Notes__c;
+                  if (strNotes != '') {
+                      strNotes += '  ';
+                  }
+                  if (contact.Volunteer_Notes__c != null) {
+                      con.Volunteer_Notes__c =
+                          strNotes +
+                          '[' +
+                          String.valueOf( +
+                          ']: ' +
+                          contact.Volunteer_Notes__c;
+                  }
+                  con.Volunteer_Skills__c = contact.Volunteer_Skills__c;
+                  if (con.Volunteer_Status__c == null) {
+                      con.Volunteer_Status__c = 'New Sign Up';
+                  }
+                  if (contact.Phone != null) {
+                      con.Phone = contact.Phone;
+                  }
+                  if (contact.HomePhone != null) {
+                      con.HomePhone = contact.HomePhone;
+                  } // NOTE: if we find existing contact(s), we don't worry about doing anything with Company.
+                  // but we can at least put it in the new Volunteer_Organization__c field.
+                  if (contact.Department != null) {
+                      con.Volunteer_Organization__c = contact.Department;
+                  }
+              }
+              checkUpdateAccessSites('Contact', setFlds);
+              access.updateRecords(listCon, dmlDuplicateOptions);
+              return listCon[0].Id;
+          } else if (fCreateContacts) {
+              // No Match found, create a Contact
+              contact.LeadSource = 'Web Volunteer Signup';
+              contact.Volunteer_Status__c = 'New Sign Up';
+              Account accToUse = null;
+              // see if we can find their company (which we assume the form used Department to record.)
+              if (contact.Department != null && Account.getSObjectType().getDescribe().isAccessible()) {
+                  List<Account> listAccount = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = :contact.Department LIMIT 1];
+                  if (listAccount.size() > 0) {
+                      accToUse = listAccount.get(0);
+                  }
+                  contact.Volunteer_Organization__c = contact.Department;
+              }
+              // if company found, use it
+              if (accToUse != null) {
+                  contact.AccountId = accToUse.Id;
+              } else {
+                  // otherwise use the bucket account (which may be null and imply the 1:1 model in NPSP)
+                  contact.AccountId = VOL_SharedCode.SettingsBucketAccountId;
+              }
+              access.checkCreateAccess('Contact', setFlds);
+              access.insertRecords(new List<Contact>{ contact }, dmlDuplicateOptions);
+              return contact.Id;
+          } else {
+              // No Match found, create a Lead
+              Lead ld = new lead();
+              ld.FirstName = contact.FirstName;
+              ld.LastName = contact.LastName;
+              ld.Company = (contact.Department == null ? '[not provided]' : contact.Department);
+              ld.Email = contact.Email;
+              ld.Phone = contact.Phone;
+              ld.MobilePhone = contact.HomePhone; // leads don't have a home phone!
+              ld.Volunteer_Availability__c = contact.Volunteer_Availability__c;
+              ld.Volunteer_Notes__c = contact.Volunteer_Notes__c;
+              ld.Volunteer_Skills__c = contact.Volunteer_Skills__c;
+              ld.Volunteer_Status__c = 'New Sign Up';
+              ld.LeadSource = 'Web Volunteer Signup';
+              UTIL_Describe.checkCreateAccess(
+                  'Lead',
+                  new Set<String>{
+                      'FirstName',
+                      'LastName',
+                      'Company',
+                      'Email',
+                      'Phone',
+                      'MobilePhone',
+                      'LeadSource',
+                      UTIL_Describe.StrTokenNSPrefix('Volunteer_Availability__c'),
+                      UTIL_Describe.StrTokenNSPrefix('Volunteer_Notes__c'),
+                      UTIL_Describe.StrTokenNSPrefix('Volunteer_Skills__c'),
+                      UTIL_Describe.StrTokenNSPrefix('Volunteer_Status__c')
+                  }
+              );
+              Database.insert(ld, dmlDuplicateOptions);
+              return ld.Id;
+          }
+      }
+      // global code to verify the passed in ContactId is valid, as well as the email
+      // exists on the Contact record.
+      global static Boolean isValidContactIdAndEmail(Id contactId, String strEmail) {
+          if (!Contact.getSObjectType().getDescribe().isAccessible()) {
+              return false;
+          }
+          String strSoql = 'SELECT Id from Contact where Id = :contactId ';
+          if (VolunteersSettings.Personal_Site_Requires_URL_Email_Match__c) {
+              if (strEmail == null || strEmail == '' || !Contact.Email.getDescribe().isAccessible()) {
+                  return false;
+              }
+              strEmail = strEmail.escapeHtml4();
+              strSoql += 'AND (Email = :strEmail';
+              // any additional email fields to check
+              Map<String, SObjectField> fieldByName = Contact.getSObjectType().getDescribe().fields.getMap();
+              if (VolunteersSettings.Contact_Match_Email_Fields__c != null) {
+                  List<String> listStrEmail = new List<String>();
+                  listStrEmail = VolunteersSettings.Contact_Match_Email_Fields__c.split(';');
+                  for (String str : listStrEmail) {
+                      if (fieldByName.containsKey(str)) {
+                          strSoql += ' or ' + str + ' = :strEmail ';
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+              // handle NPSP email fields
+              if (IsNPSPInstalled) {
+                  if (
+                      fieldByName.containsKey('npe01__AlternateEmail__c') &&
+                      fieldByName.get('npe01__AlternateEmail__c').getDescribe().isAccessible()
+                  ) {
+                      strSoql += ' or npe01__AlternateEmail__c = :strEmail ';
+                  }
+                  if (
+                      fieldByName.containsKey('npe01__HomeEmail__c') &&
+                      fieldByName.get('npe01__HomeEmail__c').getDescribe().isAccessible()
+                  ) {
+                      strSoql += ' or npe01__HomeEmail__c = :strEmail ';
+                  }
+                  if (
+                      fieldByName.containsKey('npe01__WorkEmail__c') &&
+                      fieldByName.get('npe01__WorkEmail__c').getDescribe().isAccessible()
+                  ) {
+                      strSoql += ' or npe01__WorkEmail__c = :strEmail ';
+                  }
+              }
+              strSoql += ') ';
+          }
+          List<Contact> listCon = Database.query(strSoql);
+          return listCon.size() > 0;
+      }
+      // global code to lookup an existing contact
+      // listStrFields are optional fields to include in the soql call
+      global static List<Contact> lookupContact(Contact contactRecord, List<String> listStrFields) {
+          // let's see if we can find any matching Contacts.
+          // we need to use dynamic soql, since we allow the user to modify the FieldSet of fields to edit.
+          String strSoql = 'SELECT ';
+          String strComma = '';
+          if (listStrFields == null) {
+              strSoql += 'Id';
+          } else {
+              for (String strF : listStrFields) {
+                  strSoql += strComma + strF;
+                  strComma = ', ';
+              }
+          }
+          strSoql += ' from Contact ';
+          String strAnd = ' where ';
+          // make sure their settings haven't been completely cleared
+          if (VolunteersSettings.Contact_Matching_Rule__c == null || VolunteersSettings.Contact_Matching_Rule__c == '') {
+              VolunteersSettings.Contact_Matching_Rule__c = 'Firstname;Lastname;Email';
+          }
+          final String rule = VolunteersSettings.Contact_Matching_Rule__c;
+          if (rule.containsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(Contact.LastName))) {
+              strSoql += strAnd + ' (Lastname=\'' + StrEscape(contactRecord.LastName) + '\') ';
+              strAnd = ' and ';
+          }
+          if (rule.containsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(Contact.FirstName))) {
+              strSoql += strAnd + ' (Firstname=\'' + StrEscape(contactRecord.FirstName) + '\'';
+              strAnd = ' and ';
+              // any additional firstname fields to check
+              if (VolunteersSettings.Contact_Match_First_Name_Fields__c != null) {
+                  List<String> listStrFname = new List<String>();
+                  listStrFname = VolunteersSettings.Contact_Match_First_Name_Fields__c.split(';');
+                  for (String str : listStrFname) {
+                      strSoql += ' or ' + str + '=\'' + StrEscape(contactRecord.FirstName) + '\'';
+                  }
+              }
+              strSoql += ') ';
+          }
+          if (rule.containsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(Contact.Email))) {
+              strSoql += strAnd + ' (Email=\'' + contactRecord.Email + '\'';
+              strAnd = ' and ';
+              // any additional email fields to check
+              if (VolunteersSettings.Contact_Match_Email_Fields__c != null) {
+                  List<String> listStrEmail = new List<String>();
+                  listStrEmail = VolunteersSettings.Contact_Match_Email_Fields__c.split(';');
+                  for (String str : listStrEmail) {
+                      strSoql += ' or ' + str + '=\'' + contactRecord.Email + '\'';
+                  }
+              }
+              // handle NPSP email fields
+              if (IsNPSPInstalled) {
+                  strSoql += ' or npe01__AlternateEmail__c=\'' + contactRecord.Email + '\'';
+                  strSoql += ' or npe01__HomeEmail__c=\'' + contactRecord.Email + '\'';
+                  strSoql += ' or npe01__WorkEmail__c=\'' + contactRecord.Email + '\'';
+              }
+              strSoql += ') ';
+          }
+          strSoql += ' limit 999 ';
+          List<Contact> listCon = Database.query(strSoql);
+          return listCon;
+      }
+      // global code to create a new contact, or update an existing contact, for web volunteer signup.
+      // this code is used by both the VolunteersSignupFS page, and the VolunteersJobListingFS page.
+      // if creating a new Contact, it uses the custom setting for the bucket account, but takes parameters for
+      // the account name to try to lookup and match.
+      // It also takes the list of fields on the contact object to copy over.
+      global static Id createOrUpdateContactFS( //NOPMD
+          String contactIdExisting,
+          Contact contact,
+          String strAccountName,
+          List<String> listStrFields
+      ) {
+          return CreateOrUpdateContactFS(contactIdExisting, contact, strAccountName, listStrFields, true);
+      }
+      global static Id createOrUpdateContactFS( //NOPMD
+          String contactIdExisting,
+          Contact contact,
+          String strAccountName,
+          List<String> listStrFields,
+          Boolean setLastWebSignup
+      ) {
+          // listStrFields is the specific list of fields on the form's fieldset, which we should assume we want to save.
+          // we also need to special case several fields we will potentially set, but we also need to know,
+          // if they are in the fieldset or not.
+          Set<String> setStrFields = new Set<String>();
+          // store all fields in lower case
+          for (String strField : listStrFields) {
+              setStrFields.add(strField.toLowerCase());
+          }
+          Boolean isStatusInFS = !setStrFields.add(VOL_SharedCode.StrTokenNSPrefix('volunteer_status__c').tolowerCase());
+          Boolean isNotesInFS = !setStrFields.add(VOL_SharedCode.StrTokenNSPrefix('volunteer_notes__c').toLowerCase());
+          // create a new list with all the fields
+          List<String> listStrFieldsAll = new List<String>(setStrFields);
+          // we will check perms on the fields in this set, so remove Id
+          setStrFields.remove('id');
+          List<Contact> listCon = LookupContact(contact, listStrFieldsAll);
+          // if we found a match
+          if (listCon.size() > 0) {
+              Contact conExisting = null;
+              // match the one that has the same Id
+              if (contactIdExisting != null && contactIdExisting != '') {
+                  for (Integer i = 0; i < listCon.size(); i++) {
+                      if (listCon[i].Id == contactIdExisting) {
+                          conExisting = listCon[i];
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+              // use first one if no match found.
+              if (conExisting == null) {
+                  conExisting = listCon[0];
+              }
+              // special case appending Volunteer Notes, rather than overwriting.
+              if (isNotesInFS) {
+                  if (
+                      contact.Volunteer_Notes__c != null &&
+                      contact.Volunteer_Notes__c != conExisting.Volunteer_Notes__c
+                  ) {
+                      contact.Volunteer_Notes__c =
+                          (conExisting.Volunteer_Notes__c != null ? (conExisting.Volunteer_Notes__c + '  ') : '') +
+                          '[' +
+                          String.valueOf( +
+                          ']: ' +
+                          contact.Volunteer_Notes__c;
+                  } else {
+                      contact.Volunteer_Notes__c = conExisting.Volunteer_Notes__c;
+                  }
+              }
+              // special case setting Volunteer Status, only if not currently set.
+              if (conExisting.Volunteer_Status__c != null) {
+                  contact.Volunteer_Status__c = null;
+              } else {
+                  conExisting.Volunteer_Status__c = 'New Sign Up';
+              }
+              // now copy over all the non-null fields from the form's contact to the existing contact.
+              // avoid overwriting existing first name or existing email, since we might match it from in a different field.
+              // special case address fields
+              Boolean hasMailingAddress = false;
+              Boolean hasOtherAddress = false;
+              for (String strF : listStrFields) {
+                  strF = strF.toLowerCase();
+                  // we actually still want to copy email if it is currently empty
+                  if (strF == 'email' && conExisting.Email == null) {
+                      conExisting.Email = contact.Email;
+                      continue;
+                  }
+                  if (strF != 'Id' && strF != 'firstname' && strF != 'email' && contact.get(strF) != null) {
+                      if (isMailingAddressField(strF)) {
+                          hasMailingAddress = true;
+                          continue;
+                      }
+                      if (isOtherAddressField(strF)) {
+                          hasOtherAddress = true;
+                          continue;
+                      }
+                      conExisting.put(strF, contact.get(strF));
+                  }
+              }
+              if (hasMailingAddress) {
+                  VOL_StateCountryPicklists.copyAddressStdSObj(contact, 'Mailing', conExisting, 'Mailing');
+              }
+              if (hasOtherAddress) {
+                  VOL_StateCountryPicklists.copyAddressStdSObj(contact, 'Other', conExisting, 'Other');
+              }
+              if (setLastWebSignup) {
+                  conExisting.Volunteer_Last_Web_Signup_Date__c =;
+              }
+              checkUpdateAccessSites('Contact', setStrFields);
+              access.updateRecords(new List<Contact>{ conExisting }, dmlDuplicateOptions);
+              // null out notes, so another update won't append them again!
+              contact.Volunteer_Notes__c = null;
+              return conExisting.Id;
+          } else {
+              // No Match found, create a Contact
+              // don't assume the contact object wasn't already used.
+              // since we can't null out Id for the insert, copy all
+              // the fields to a new object and use it.
+              Contact conNew = new Contact();
+              //  now copy over all the non-null fields from the form's contact to the existing contact.
+              // special case address fields
+              Boolean hasMailingAddress = false;
+              Boolean hasOtherAddress = false;
+              for (String strF : listStrFields) {
+                  strF = strF.toLowerCase();
+                  if (strF != 'Id' && contact.get(strF) != null) {
+                      if (isMailingAddressField(strF)) {
+                          hasMailingAddress = true;
+                          continue;
+                      }
+                      if (isOtherAddressField(strF)) {
+                          hasOtherAddress = true;
+                          continue;
+                      }
+                      conNew.put(strF, contact.get(strF));
+                  }
+              }
+              if (hasMailingAddress) {
+                  VOL_StateCountryPicklists.copyAddressStdSObj(contact, 'Mailing', conNew, 'Mailing');
+              }
+              if (hasOtherAddress) {
+                  VOL_StateCountryPicklists.copyAddressStdSObj(contact, 'Other', conNew, 'Other');
+              }
+              // see if we can find their company
+              Account accToUse = null;
+              if (strAccountName != null && Account.getSObjectType().getDescribe().isAccessible()) {
+                  strAccountName = strAccountName.escapeHtml4();
+                  List<Account> listAccount = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = :strAccountName LIMIT 1];
+                  if (listAccount.size() > 0) {
+                      accToUse = listAccount.get(0);
+                  }
+              }
+              // if company found, use it
+              if (accToUse != null) {
+                  conNew.AccountId = accToUse.Id;
+              } else {
+                  // otherwise use the bucket account (which may be null and imply the 1:1 model in NPSP)
+                  conNew.AccountId = VOL_SharedCode.SettingsBucketAccountId;
+              }
+              if (setLastWebSignup) {
+                  conNew.Volunteer_Last_Web_Signup_Date__c =;
+              }
+              conNew.LeadSource = 'Web Volunteer Signup';
+              conNew.Volunteer_Status__c = 'New Sign Up';
+              access.checkCreateAccess('Contact', setStrFields);
+              access.insertRecords(new List<Contact>{ conNew }, dmlDuplicateOptions);
+              // null out notes, so another update won't append them again!
+              contact.Volunteer_Notes__c = null;
+              return conNew.Id;
+          }
+      }
+      /*******************************************************************************************************
+       * @description detects standard mailing address fields
+       * @param strField The field to check against
+       * @return Boolean True if it is a standard mailing address field, false if not.
+       */
+      public static Boolean isMailingAddressField(String strField) {
+          return (strField.containsIgnoreCase('mailing') && !strField.endsWith('__c'));
+      }
+      /*******************************************************************************************************
+       * @description detects standard other address fields
+       * @param strField The field to check against
+       * @return Boolean True if it is a standard other address field, false if not.
+       */
+      public static Boolean isOtherAddressField(String strField) {
+          return (strField.containsIgnoreCase('other') &&
+          !strField.endsWith('__c') &&
+          !strField.equalsIgnoreCase('otherphone'));
+      }
+      // global utility to escape a .
+      global static String strEscape(String str) {
+          if (str == null) {
+              return null;
+          }
+          return String.escapeSingleQuotes(str);
+      }
+      // global utility to load up an existing object and copy it to the provided object
+      global static void loadAndCopyObject(Id Id, SObject sobj) {
+          loadAndCopyObject(id, sobj, null);
+      }
+      public static SObject loadAndCopyObject(Id Id, SObject sobj, List<String> listStrFields) {
+          Schema.DescribeSObjectResult des = sobj.getSObjectType().getDescribe();
+          // if fields not provided, get all Contact fields
+          if (listStrFields == null) {
+              listStrFields = new List<String>();
+              // get the fields for the object
+              Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> mapS = des.fields.getMap().clone();
+              // avoid any of the API version 30 compound fields
+              // we only worry about Contact ones, since all callers are giving us contacts to copy.
+              mapS.remove('mailingaddress');
+              mapS.remove('otheraddress');
+              listStrFields.addAll(mapS.keySet());
+          }
+          String strSoql = 'SELECT ';
+          String strComma = '';
+          for (String strF : listStrFields) {
+              strSoql += strComma + strF;
+              strComma = ', ';
+          }
+          strSoql += ' from ' + des.getName() + ' where Id = :id ';
+          strSoql += ' limit 1';
+          List<SObject> listSObj = Security.stripInaccessible(AccessType.READABLE, Database.query(strSoql)).getRecords();
+          if (listSObj.size() > 0) {
+              SObject sobjT = listSObj[0];
+              //  now copy over all the non-null fields from the form's contact to the existing contact.
+              for (String strF : listStrFields) {
+                  if (sobjT.get(strF) != null) {
+                      try {
+                          sobj.put(strF, sobjT.get(strF));
+                      }
+                      // prettier-ignore
+                      catch (exception ex) { //NOPMD
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+              return sobjT;
+          }
+          return null;
+      }
+      public static void volunteerHoursTrigger(
+          List<Volunteer_Hours__c> listHoursOld,
+          List<Volunteer_Hours__c> listHoursNew,
+          Boolean resetTotals
+      ) {
+          // consider both newMap and oldMap.
+          // for each hours object, there are two potential shifts it interacts with.
+          // within a batch of hours changes (import scenario), multiple hours can affect the same shift.
+          // thus need to keep track of the shifts to update, their original value, and the sum of their changed values.
+          // Insert scenario: status=Confirmed or Completed. Shift <> null. Number of Volunteers <> null.
+          // Delete scenario: status=Confirmed or Completed.  Shift <> null. Number of Volunteers <> null.
+          // Update scenario: just treat as a delete and an insert, since we already have to handle multiple changes to same job!
+          // WARNING: deleting, undeleting, or merging a Contact, does NOT call any trigger on the Hours!
+          // thus I've manually called this from the before delete & after undelete trigger on Contacts (VOL_Contact_MaintainHours).
+          Map<Id, Double> mpShiftIdDelta = new Map<Id, Double>();
+          // first we go through the new hours, and add up the number of volunteers per shift
+          if (listHoursNew != null) {
+              for (Volunteer_Hours__c hr : listHoursNew) {
+                  if (
+                      (hr.Status__c == 'Confirmed' || hr.Status__c == 'Completed') &&
+                      (hr.Volunteer_Shift__c <> null &&
+                      hr.Number_Of_Volunteers__c != null)
+                  ) {
+                      Double numVols = mpShiftIdDelta.get(hr.Volunteer_Shift__c);
+                      if (numVols == null) {
+                          numVols = 0;
+                      }
+                      numVols += hr.Number_of_Volunteers__c;
+                      mpShiftIdDelta.put(hr.Volunteer_Shift__c, numVols);
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+          // second we go through the old hours, and subtract the number of volunteers per shift
+          if (listHoursOld != null) {
+              for (Volunteer_Hours__c hr : listHoursOld) {
+                  if (
+                      (hr.Status__c == 'Confirmed' || hr.Status__c == 'Completed') &&
+                      (hr.Volunteer_Shift__c <> null &&
+                      hr.Number_Of_Volunteers__c != null)
+                  ) {
+                      Double numVols = mpShiftIdDelta.get(hr.Volunteer_Shift__c);
+                      if (numVols == null) {
+                          numVols = 0;
+                      }
+                      numVols -= hr.Number_of_Volunteers__c;
+                      mpShiftIdDelta.put(hr.Volunteer_Shift__c, numVols);
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+          // bail out if nothing found (to avoid runtime error!)
+          if (mpShiftIdDelta.size() == 0) {
+              return;
+          }
+          // now that we have the Id's of the shifts, let's get them from the database, update them by the number of volunteers, and then commit.
+          //List<Volunteer_Shift__c> listShifts = new List<Volunteer_Shift__c>();
+          for (List<Volunteer_Shift__c> listShifts : [
+              SELECT Id, Total_Volunteers__c
+              FROM Volunteer_Shift__c
+              WHERE Id IN :mpShiftIdDelta.keySet()
+          ]) {
+              // loop through and update them
+              for (Volunteer_Shift__c shift : listShifts) {
+                  Double numVols = shift.Total_Volunteers__c;
+                  if (numVols == null || resetTotals) {
+                      numVols = 0;
+                  }
+                  shift.Total_Volunteers__c = numVols + mpShiftIdDelta.get(shift.Id);
+              }
+              // Note: We will not check CRUD / FLS for this process so that rollups are always in sync regardless of user
+              access.updateRecords(listShifts);
+          }
+      }
+      // global utility used to detect whether the Non Profit Starter Pack is installed in this instance.
+      private static Boolean fCheckedForNPSP = false;
+      global static Boolean IsNPSPInstalled {
+          get {
+              if (!fCheckedForNPSP) {
+                  Schema.SObjectType token = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('npe01__OppPayment__c');
+                  IsNPSPInstalled = (token != null);
+                  fCheckedForNPSP = true;
+              }
+              return IsNPSPInstalled;
+          }
+          set;
+      }
+      // global utility used to detect whether the Volunteers is running in a managed instance or unmanaged instance
+      private static Boolean fCheckedForVolunteersNamespace = false;
+      global static Boolean IsManagedCode {
+          get {
+              if (!fCheckedForVolunteersNamespace) {
+                  // in order for this call to work as expected, we must be API Version 28, but we
+                  // want to stay at version 25, so let's find another way!!
+                  //Schema.SObjectType token = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c');
+                  //IsManagedCode = (token != null);
+                  IsManagedCode = (getNamespace() != '');
+                  fCheckedForVolunteersNamespace = true;
+              }
+              return IsManagedCode;
+          }
+          set;
+      }
+      /******************************************************************************************************
+       * @description String helper property for getNamespace() method.
+       *******************************************************************************************************/
+      private static String plainNamespace;
+      /*******************************************************************************************************
+       * @description Finds the namespace for the current context.
+       * @return  The current namespace as a , or a blank  if we're not in a namespaced context.
+       ********************************************************************************************************/
+      public static String getNamespace() {
+          if (plainNamespace == null) {
+              String withDotNotation = VOL_SharedCode.class.getName();
+              if (withDotNotation.contains('.')) {
+                  plainNamespace = withDotNotation.substringBefore('.');
+              } else {
+                  plainNamespace = '';
+              }
+          }
+          return plainNamespace;
+      }
+      /*******************************************************************************************************
+       * @description Static method that takes a string
+       * If we are in a managed package, tokens in dynamic SOQL must include the package namespace prefix.
+       * If you ever deploy this package as unmanaged, this routine will do nothing!
+       * @param str token name
+       * @return token name, with namespace prefix, if required.
+       ********************************************************************************************************/
+      global static String strTokenNSPrefix(String str) {
+          if (getNamespace() == '') {
+              return str;
+          }
+          str = getNamespace() + '__' + str;
+          return str;
+      }
+      // utility to verify all the specified fields are accessible to the current user.
+      // fields that are not accessible will have a pageMessage added to the current page
+      // so the warning is displayed to the user.
+      global static void testObjectFieldVisibility(String strObj, List<String> listStrField) {
+          Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> gd;
+          Schema.DescribeSObjectResult sobjDescr;
+          Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> mapFieldDesc;
+          // Obtaining the field name/token map for the object
+          gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
+          if (gd != null) {
+              sobjDescr = gd.get(strObj).getDescribe();
+          }
+          if (sobjDescr != null) {
+              mapFieldDesc = sobjDescr.fields.getMap();
+          }
+          if (mapFieldDesc != null) {
+              for (String strField : listStrField) {
+                  // Check if the user has access on the each field
+                  // note that fields in our own package must not have their prefix for the Describe Field Map
+                  Schema.SObjectField fld = mapFieldDesc.get(strField.replace(StrTokenNSPrefix(''), ''));
+                  if (fld != null && !fld.getDescribe().isAccessible()) {
+                      ApexPages.addMessage(
+                          new ApexPages.Message(
+                              ApexPages.Severity.FATAL,
+                              // prettier-ignore
+                              'Field ' + strObj + '.' + strField + ' You need to enable field level security for this field on the Site\'s Guest User profile.'
+                          )
+                      );
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+      }
+      /*******************************************************************************************************
+       * @description Static method checks if running user has field update access for a set of fields
+       * @param objectName the name of the object the field belongs to
+       * @param fieldNames the set of field names to check update access
+       * @return void
+       ********************************************************************************************************/
+      public static void checkUpdateAccessSites(String objectName, Set<String> fieldNames) {
+          // for backward compatibility with 1000's of nonprofit customers, we can
+          // only enforce create permissions on the Sites user for Contacts.
+          if (objectName == 'Contact') {
+              access.checkCreateAccess(objectName, fieldNames);
+          } else {
+              access.checkUpdateAccess(objectName, fieldNames);
+          }
+      }
+      /**
+       * @description DML options to allow overriding duplicate rules to create contacts, while throwing
+       * exceptions for validation rules, required fields, etc.
+       */
+      private static Database.DMLOptions dmlDuplicateOptions {
+          get {
+              if (dmlDuplicateOptions == null) {
+                  dmlDuplicateOptions = new Database.DMLOptions();
+                  dmlDuplicateOptions.optAllOrNone = true;
+                  dmlDuplicateOptions.DuplicateRuleHeader.allowSave = true;
+              }
+              return dmlDuplicateOptions;
+          }
+          set;
+      }
+      // This massively nested SOQL where statement looks hard coded and dumb, but as it turns out
+      // there's a limit on number of campaign hierarchy levels anyway, so this isn't as dumb as it
+      // seems. This method will get all campaigns in hierarchy, and keeps the logic in a single query
+      /*******************************************************************************************************
+       * @description Static method that takes an Id
+       * Return a list of Campaign Ids that are children/grand-children &c of the given Campaign.
+       * @param Id for any campaign
+       * @return List<Id> of child campaigns
+       ********************************************************************************************************/
+      global static List<Id> listIdsCampaignsInHierarchy(Id campaignId) {
+          Map<Id, Campaign> campaignsInHierarchy = new Map<Id, Campaign>(
+              [
+                  SELECT Id, Name
+                  FROM Campaign
+                  WHERE
+                      IsActive = :true
+                      AND RecordTypeId = :recordtypeIdVolunteersCampaign
+                      AND (Id = :campaignId
+                      OR ParentId = :campaignId
+                      OR Parent.ParentId = :campaignId
+                      OR Parent.Parent.ParentId = :campaignId
+                      OR Parent.Parent.Parent.ParentId = :campaignId
+                      OR Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.ParentId = :campaignId)
+              ]
+          );
+          return new List<Id>(campaignsInHierarchy.keySet());
+      }
+      /*******************************************************************************************************
+       * @description keeps references to old labels that have been packaged, that we no longer use.
+       ********************************************************************************************************/
+      private static void keepUnusedLabelsInPackage() {
+          String str;
+          str = Label.labelCalendarConfirmed;
+          str = Label.labelContactInfoRankText;
+          str = Label.labelHide;
+          str = Label.labelMassEmailHelp1;
+          str = Label.labelMassEmailHelp2;
+          str = Label.labelMassEmailHelp3;
+          str = Label.labelMassEmailHelp4;
+          str = Label.labelMassEmailHelp5;
+          str = Label.labelMassEmailHelp6;
+          str = Label.labelMassEmailHelp7;
+          str = Label.labelShowHelp;
+          str = Label.labelFindVolunteersCriteria;
+          str = Label.labelFindVolunteersHelpAssign;
+          str = Label.labelVolunteersWizardNewCampaignTitle;
+          str = Label.labelContactLookupSuccess;
+          str = Label.labelContactLookupNotFound;
+      }
+  }    
+ + diff --git a/demo/testcode.css b/demo/testcode.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..122de5e --- /dev/null +++ b/demo/testcode.css @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +pre code.hljs { + display: block; + overflow-x: auto; + padding: 1em + } + code.hljs { + padding: 3px 5px + } + /*! + Theme: Google Light + Author: Seth Wright ( + License: ~ MIT (or more permissive) [via base16-schemes-source] + Maintainer: @highlightjs/core-team + Version: 2021.09.0 + */ + /* + WARNING: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. + + This theme file was auto-generated from the Base16 scheme google-light + by the Highlight.js Base16 template builder. + + - + */ + /* + base00 #ffffff Default Background + base01 #e0e0e0 Lighter Background (Used for status bars, line number and folding marks) + base02 #c5c8c6 Selection Background + base03 #b4b7b4 Comments, Invisibles, Line Highlighting + base04 #969896 Dark Foreground (Used for status bars) + base05 #373b41 Default Foreground, Caret, Delimiters, Operators + base06 #282a2e Light Foreground (Not often used) + base07 #1d1f21 Light Background (Not often used) + base08 #CC342B Variables, XML Tags, Markup Link Text, Markup Lists, Diff Deleted + base09 #F96A38 Integers, Boolean, Constants, XML Attributes, Markup Link Url + base0A #FBA922 Classes, Markup Bold, Search Text Background + base0B #198844 Strings, Inherited Class, Markup Code, Diff Inserted + base0C #3971ED Support, Regular Expressions, Escape Characters, Markup Quotes + base0D #3971ED Functions, Methods, Attribute IDs, Headings + base0E #A36AC7 Keywords, Storage, Selector, Markup Italic, Diff Changed + base0F #3971ED Deprecated, Opening/Closing Embedded Language Tags, e.g. + */ + pre code.hljs { + display: block; + overflow-x: auto; + padding: 1em + } + code.hljs { + padding: 3px 5px + } + .hljs { + color: #373b41; + background: #ffffff + } + .hljs::selection, + .hljs ::selection { + background-color: #c5c8c6; + color: #373b41 + } + /* purposely do not highlight these things */ + .hljs-formula, + .hljs-params, + .hljs-property { + + } + /* base03 - #b4b7b4 - Comments, Invisibles, Line Highlighting */ + .hljs-comment { + color: #b4b7b4 + } + /* base04 - #969896 - Dark Foreground (Used for status bars) */ + .hljs-tag { + color: #969896 + } + /* base05 - #373b41 - Default Foreground, Caret, Delimiters, Operators */ + .hljs-subst, + .hljs-punctuation, + .hljs-operator { + color: #373b41 + } + .hljs-operator { + opacity: 0.7 + } + /* base08 - Variables, XML Tags, Markup Link Text, Markup Lists, Diff Deleted */ + .hljs-bullet, + .hljs-variable, + .hljs-template-variable, + .hljs-selector-tag, + .hljs-name, + .hljs-deletion { + color: #CC342B + } + /* base09 - Integers, Boolean, Constants, XML Attributes, Markup Link Url */ + .hljs-symbol, + .hljs-number, + .hljs-link, + .hljs-attr, + .hljs-variable.constant_, + .hljs-literal { + color: #F96A38 + } + /* base0A - Classes, Markup Bold, Search Text Background */ + .hljs-title, + .hljs-class .hljs-title, + .hljs-title.class_ { + color: #FBA922 + } + .hljs-strong { + font-weight: bold; + color: #FBA922 + } + /* base0B - Strings, Inherited Class, Markup Code, Diff Inserted */ + .hljs-code, + .hljs-addition, + .hljs-title.class_.inherited__, + .hljs-string { + color: #198844 + } + /* base0C - Support, Regular Expressions, Escape Characters, Markup Quotes */ + /* guessing */ + .hljs-built_in, + .hljs-doctag, + .hljs-quote, + .hljs-keyword.hljs-atrule, + .hljs-regexp { + color: #3971ED + } + /* base0D - Functions, Methods, Attribute IDs, Headings */ + .hljs-function .hljs-title, + .hljs-attribute, + .ruby .hljs-property, + .hljs-title.function_, + .hljs-section { + color: #3971ED + } + /* base0E - Keywords, Storage, Selector, Markup Italic, Diff Changed */ + /* .hljs-selector-id, */ + /* .hljs-selector-class, */ + /* .hljs-selector-attr, */ + /* .hljs-selector-pseudo, */ + .hljs-type, + .hljs-template-tag, + .diff .hljs-meta, + .hljs-keyword { + color: #A36AC7 + } + .hljs-emphasis { + color: #A36AC7; + font-style: italic + } + /* base0F - Deprecated, Opening/Closing Embedded Language Tags, e.g. */ + /* + prevent top level .keyword and .string scopes + from leaking into meta by accident + */ + .hljs-meta, + .hljs-meta .hljs-keyword, + .hljs-meta .hljs-string { + color: #3971ED + } + /* for v10 compatible themes */ + .hljs-meta .hljs-keyword, + .hljs-meta-keyword { + font-weight: bold + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/demo/testcode.html b/demo/testcode.html index f07bcaf..c09833e 100644 --- a/demo/testcode.html +++ b/demo/testcode.html @@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +19,20 @@ +

+      List<SObject> mylist = [SELECT Name, StreetAddress__c, COUNT(),
+      FROM Warehouse__c 
+      WHERE DISTANCE(Location__c, GEOLOCATION(37.775,-122.418), 'mi') < 20 
+      AND Date__kav NOT IN LAST_N_DAYS:80
+      ORDER BY DISTANCE(Location__c, GEOLOCATION(37.775,-122.418), 'mi')
+      LIMIT 10];

+      @IsTest
+      private without sharing class myTestClass {
+      }

     Copyright (c) 2022,, inc.
@@ -543,7 +556,7 @@

-public without sharing class AccountSampleTriggerHandler extends TriggerHandler, Database.schedulable, Batchable<SObject> {
+public without sharing class AccountSampleTriggerHandler extends Database.schedulable, TriggerHandler, Database.Batchable<SObject> {
   private List<Account> newRecords;
   private List<Account> oldRecords;
   private Map<Id, Account> newRecordsMap;
@@ -553,21 +566,6 @@
     when 'BEFORE_INSERT' {
       this.triggerEvent = System.TriggerOperation.BEFORE_INSERT;
-    when 'BEFORE_UPDATE' {
-      this.triggerEvent = System.TriggerOperation.BEFORE_UPDATE;
-    }
-    when 'BEFORE_DELETE' {
-      this.triggerEvent = System.TriggerOperation.BEFORE_DELETE;
-    }
-    when 'AFTER_INSERT' {
-      this.triggerEvent = System.TriggerOperation.AFTER_INSERT;
-    }
-    when 'AFTER_UPDATE' {
-      this.triggerEvent = System.TriggerOperation.AFTER_UPDATE;
-    }
-    when 'AFTER_DELETE' {
-      this.triggerEvent = System.TriggerOperation.AFTER_DELETE;
-    }
     when 'AFTER_UNDELETE' {
       this.triggerEvent = System.TriggerOperation.AFTER_UNDELETE;
@@ -643,7 +641,6 @@
   @InvocableMethod(label='my invocable')
   public void moveTo(
     integer x, 
-    integer y, 
     integer z
   ) {
@@ -653,7 +650,7 @@
     Boolean ai = (Boolean) false;
     System.debug('Should not be called');
     if (1 > 5) { // wtf!?
-      Database.insert(myAccounts);
+      Database.insert(myAccounts, AccessLevel.USER_MODE);
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new file mode 100644
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+Visual Studio-like style based on original C# coloring by Jason Diamond 
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+3:"keyword"}},A,_,e.APOS_STRING_MODE,v,R,i,s,o,l,O,{match:/(?{var e=(()=>{"use strict";return e=>{
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-;const l={relevance:10,scope:{1:"meta"},match:["@"+s]},b=[{
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+3:"keyword"}},A,_,e.APOS_STRING_MODE,v,g,r,s,o,l,O,{match:/(?= 6"
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diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 7e5965b..d1f4a56 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 	"homepage": "",
 	"dependencies": {
-		"highlight.js": "11.8.0"
+		"highlight.js": "11.9.0"
 	"devDependencies": {
 		"auto-changelog": "^2.4.0",
diff --git a/scripts/cheatsheet.txt b/scripts/cheatsheet.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..947c18f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cheatsheet.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+## build for webpage
+npm run build-cdn apex
+## Set up developer.html
+# build just common set
+node ./tools/build -t browser :common
+# build common set + 3rd party `apex` from extra
+node ./tools/build -t browser :common apex
+# build everything (including all in extra)
+node ./tools/build -t browser 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/languages/apex.js b/src/languages/apex.js
index 9fef05f..55e252f 100644
--- a/src/languages/apex.js
+++ b/src/languages/apex.js
@@ -9,41 +9,29 @@ Website:
 export default function (hljs) {
   const regex = hljs.regex;
   const APEX_IDENT_RE = '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*';
-  const APEX_ALPHA_UNDER = '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_]*';
+  //const APEX_ALPHA_UNDER = '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_]*';
   //const APEX_FULL_TYPE_RE = '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9.<>]*';
   const NUMBER = {
     scope: 'number',
     variants: [
-        match: /\b[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?/
+        match: /(-?)\b[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?/
-      {
-        match: /\s(?:[0-9,]+)?\.[0-9]+/
-      },
-      {
-        // hex
-        // 0b binary-digits integer-type-suffix[opt] OR 0B binary-digits integer-type-suffix[opt]
-        match: /\b0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F_]+(U|u|L|l|UL|Ul|uL|ul|LU|Lu|lU|lu)?\b/
-      },
-      {
-        // numeric binary
-        match: /\b0(b|B)[01_]+(U|u|L|l|UL|Ul|uL|ul|LU|Lu|lU|lu)?\b/
-      },
-      {
+       {
         // numeric decimal
         // decimal-digits . decimal-digits exponent-part[opt] real-type-suffix[opt] OR . decimal-digits exponent-part[opt] real-type-suffix[opt]
-        match: /\b([0-9_]+)?\.[0-9_]+((e|E)[0-9]+)?(F|f|D|d|M|m)?\b/
+        match: /(-?)\b([0-9_]+)?\.[0-9_]+((e|E)[0-9]+)?(F|f|D|d|M|m)?\b/
         // numeric decimal
         // decimal-digits exponent-part real-type-suffix[opt]
-        match: /\b[0-9_]+(e|E)[0-9_]+(F|f|D|d|M|m)?\b/
+        match: /(-?)\b[0-9_]+(e|E)[0-9_]+(F|f|D|d|M|m)?\b/
         // numeric decimal
         // decimal-digits real-type-suffix
-        match: /\b[0-9_]+(F|f|D|d|M|m)\b/
+        match: /(-?)\b[0-9_]+(F|f|D|d|M|m)\b/
         // numeric decimal
@@ -59,10 +47,6 @@ export default function (hljs) {
-    'AccessLevel',
-    'USER_MODE',
-    'AccessType',
@@ -73,7 +57,6 @@ export default function (hljs) {
-    'for',
@@ -171,15 +154,6 @@ export default function (hljs) {
   ]; */
-  const KEYWORDS = {
-    $pattern: '[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z$_]*',
-    keyword: MAIN_KEYWORDS,
-    'variable.language': LANGUAGE_VARS,
-    built_in: BUILT_INS.concat(DMLS),
-    type: TYPES,
-    literal: LITERALS
-  };
     match: /\b(switch\s+on|as\s+user|as\s+system)\b/,
     relevance: 8,
@@ -190,7 +164,6 @@ export default function (hljs) {
-    'Assert',
@@ -237,6 +210,152 @@ export default function (hljs) {
+  const SYSTEM_CLASSES = [
+    'AccessLevel',
+    'Address',
+    'Answers',
+    'ApexPages',
+    'Approval',
+    'Assert',
+    'AsyncInfo',
+    'AsyncOptions',
+    'BusinessHours',
+    'Cases',
+    'Collator',
+    'Continuation',
+    'Cookie',
+    'Crypto',
+    'Database',
+    'Date',
+    'Datetime',
+    'Decimal',
+    'Domain',
+    'DomainCreator',
+    'DomainParser',
+    'EmailMessages',
+    'EncodingUtil',
+    'EventBus',
+    'Exception',
+    'FeatureManagement',
+    'FlexQueue',
+    'Formula',
+    'FormulaRecalcFieldError',
+    'FormulaRecalcResult',
+    'Http',
+    'HttpRequest',
+    'HttpResponse',
+    'Ideas',
+    'JSON',
+    'JSONGenerator',
+    'JSONParser',
+    'Label',
+    'Limits',
+    'Location',
+    'Matcher',
+    'Math',
+    'Messaging',
+    'MultiStaticResourceCalloutMock',
+    'Network',
+    'OrgLimit',
+    'OrgLimits',
+    'Packaging',
+    'PageReference',
+    'Pattern',
+    'QueueableDuplicateSignature',
+    'QueueableDuplicateSignature.Builder',
+    'QuickAction',
+    'Request',
+    'ResetPasswordResult',
+    'RestContext',
+    'RestRequest',
+    'RestResponse',
+    'Schema',
+    'Search',
+    'Security',
+    'SelectOption',
+    'Site',
+    'SObject',
+    'SObjectAccessDecision',
+    'StaticResourceCalloutMock',
+    'TimeZone',
+    'Type',
+    'URL',
+    'UserInfo',
+    'UserManagement',
+    'Version',
+    'WebServiceCallout',
+    'XmlStreamReader',
+    'XmlStreamWriter'
+  ];
+  const SYSTEM_ENUMS = [
+    'AccessType',
+    'DomainType',
+    'JSONToken',
+    'LoggingLevel',
+    'Quiddity',
+    'TriggerOperation'
+  ];
+    'Callable',
+    'Comparable',
+    'Comparator',
+    'HttpCalloutMock',
+    'InstallHandler',
+    'Queueable',
+    'QueueableContext',
+    'SandboxPostCopy',
+    'Schedulable',
+    'SchedulableContext',
+    'StubProvider',
+    'UninstallHandler',
+    'WebServiceMock'
+  ];
+  const SYSTEM_INVOKE = [
+    {
+      match: [
+        /\b/,
+        regex.either(...SYSTEM_CLASSES),
+        /\./
+      ],
+      scope: { 2: 'title' },
+      relevance: 9
+    }
+  ]
+  const NAMESPACES = [
+    {
+      match: [
+        /\b/,
+        regex.either(...SYSTEM_INTERFACES),
+        /\b/
+      ],
+      scope: { 2: 'title.class.inherited' },
+      relevance: 10
+    },
+    {
+      match: [/\b/, regex.either(...NAMESPACE_LIST), /\./, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\b/],
+      scope: { 2: 'built_in', 4: 'title.class' }
+    },
+    {
+      match: [/\b/, regex.either(...NAMESPACE_LIST), /(?=\.)/],
+      scope: { 2: 'built_in' },
+      relevance: 10
+    },
+    {
+      match: [/\bSystem/, '.', APEX_IDENT_RE, /(?=\.)/],
+      scope: { 1: 'built_in', 3: 'title.class' },
+      relevance: 10
+    },
+    {
+      match: [/\b/, regex.either(...SYSTEM_ENUMS), /\./, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\b/],
+      // TODO: Find a better scope for the enum value
+      scope: { 2: 'built_in', 4: 'type' }
+    }
+  ];
   const OPERATOR_REGEX = [
@@ -244,7 +363,7 @@ export default function (hljs) {
-    /%/,
+    /%[^%]/,
+      match: [regex.concat(/\b/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\b/), '>'],
       scope: {
         1: 'type'
@@ -409,184 +544,154 @@ export default function (hljs) {
-  const CUSTOM_OBJECT = {
+  const CUSTOM_METADATA = {
     // Custom fields, types, etc.
-    match: [/[^\.]/, /\b[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d_]*__[cxebr]\b/, /[\(\s;,]+/],
+    match: [
+      /(\w|[^\.])/,
+      regex.concat(
+        /\b/,
+        APEX_IDENT_RE,
+        /__(c|pc|r|b|e|mdt|x|share|kav|ka|history|del|s)/,
+        //regex.either(...OBJECT_SUFFIXES),
+        /\b/
+      ),
+      /(?=[\(\s;,])/
+    ],
     scope: {
       2: 'type'
     relevance: 10
+  const PARAM_VARS = {
+    contains:[NUMBER, hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE],
+    illegal: ':',
+    relevance: 0,
+    variants:[
+    {
+      match: regex.concat(/\b/,regex.either(...LITERALS),/\b/),
+      scope: 'literal'
+    },
+    {
+      // mymethod(c.Id, c.Name); highlights each part of each parameter
+      // must be followed by comma or paren
+      match: [APEX_IDENT_RE, /\./, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\s*(?=[,)])/],
+      scope: { 1: 'variable', 3: 'property' }
+    },
+    {
+      // mymethod(Date myDate, Date yourDate); highlights each part of each parameter
+      // must be followed by comma or paren
+    match: [APEX_IDENT_RE, /\s+/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\s*(?=[,)])/],
+      scope: { 1: 'type', 3: 'variable' }
+    },
+    {
+      // Parameter type, when declaring a method.
+      // This is a word, with/without a period, followed by a space and then NOT by a comma or paren
+      match: [
+        regex.either(
+          APEX_IDENT_RE,
+          regex.concat(APEX_IDENT_RE, /\./, APEX_IDENT_RE)
+        ),
+        /\s+(?![,)])/
+      ],
+      scope: { 1: 'variable' }
+    },
+    {
+      // Second part of the parameter, followed by comma or paren
+      match: [APEX_IDENT_RE, /\s*(?=[,)])/],
+      scope: { 1: 'variable' }
+    }
+  ]}
+  const INSTANTIATE = [
+    {
+      // Account a = new Account(Name = 'test account);
+      begin: [/\bnew\b/, /\s+/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\s*/, /\(/],
+      beginScope: {
+        1: 'keyword',
+        3: 'title.function.invoke'
+      },
+      end: /(?=\))/,
+      returnEnd: true,
+      scope: 'params',
+      contains: [PARAM_VARS, { match: /\(\)/ }, COMMENT_LINE],
+      illegal: ':'
+    }
+  ];
   const METHOD_CALL = {
     variants: [
-        match: [/\./, regex.concat('(?:' + APEX_IDENT_RE + ')'), /(?=\s*\(\))/],
-        scope: { 2: 'title.function.invoke' }
+        begin: [/\./, regex.concat('(?:' + APEX_IDENT_RE + ')'), /(?=\s*\(\))/],
+        beginScope: { 2: 'title.function.invoke' }
-      {
-        match: [
+     /*  {
+        begin: [
           regex.concat('(?:' + APEX_IDENT_RE + ')'),
-        scope: { 2: 'title.function.invoke' }
-      },
+        beginScope: { 2: 'title.function.invoke' }
+      }, */
-        match: [
+        begin: [
           regex.concat('(?:' + APEX_IDENT_RE + ')'),
-        scope: { 2: 'title.function' }
+        beginScope: { 2: 'title.function' }
+    end: /(?=\))/,
+    returnEnd: true,
     relevance: 0
-  const SOQL_KEYWORDS = [
-    'ABOVE',
-    'ACTIVE',
-    'ADVANCED',
-    'ALL',
-    /ALL\s+FIELDS/,
-    'AND',
-    'ANY',
-    'ARRAY',
-    'AS',
-    'ASC',
-    'BY',
-    'CATEGORY',
-    'CONTAINS',
-    'COUNT',
-    'SUM',
-    'MAX',
-    'MIN',
-    'HOUR_IN_DAY',
-    'CUBE',
-    'DATA',
-    'DESC',
-    'DIVISION',
-    'END',
-    'EXCLUDES',
-    'FIELDS',
-    'FIND|10',
-    'FIRST',
-    'FOR',
-    'FROM',
-    /GROUP\s+BY/,
-    'HAVING',
-    'INCLUDES',
-    'LAST',
-    'LAST_90_DAYS',
-    'LAST_MONTH',
-    'LAST_N_DAYS',
-    'LAST_WEEK',
-    'LAST',
-    'LIKE',
-    'LIMIT',
-    'NETWORK',
-    'NEXT_90_DAYS',
-    'NEXT_MONTH',
-    'NEXT_N_DAYS',
-    'NEXT_WEEK',
-    'NULLS',
-    'OFFSET',
-    'ON',
-    'OR',
-    /ORDER\s+BY/,
-    'ROLLUP',
-    'ROWS',
-    'SEARCH',
-    'SELECT',
-    'SNIPPET',
-    'SORT',
-    'THIS_MONTH',
-    'THIS_WEEK',
-    'TODAY',
-    'TOLABEL',
-    'TOMORROW',
-    'TRACKING',
-    'TYPEOF',
-    'UPDATE',
-    /USING\s+SCOPE/,
-    'VIEW',
-    'VIEWSTAT',
-    'WHERE',
-    'WITH',
-    'USER_MODE'
-  ];
-  const SOQL_QUERY = {
-    begin: /\[[\s\n]*(?=(SELECT|FIND))/,
-    end: /\]/,
-    scope: 'subst',
+  const CLASS_SHARING = {
     relevance: 10,
-    contains: [
-      {
-        begin: regex.concat(/\b/, regex.either(...SOQL_KEYWORDS), /\b/),
-        scope: 'keyword'
-      },
-      {
-        match: /(\bIN\b|<|<=|>|>=|\bNOT\s+IN\b|=|!\s*=|\s:{1}|:{1}\s)/,
-        scope: 'literal'
-      },
-      {
-        match: /(?<=\bFROM\b\s+)\w+/,
-        scope: 'type',
-        relevance: 0
-      },
-      {
-        match: [regex.concat(/\b/, APEX_ALPHA_UNDER), ':', /[0-9]+\b/],
-        scope: {
-          1: 'keyword',
-          3: 'number'
-        },
-        relevance: 10
-      },
-      NUMBER,
-      hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE
-    ],
-    illegal: '::'
+    match: /\b(with|without|inherited)\s+sharing\b/,
+    scope: 'keyword'
-      match: [/\b(?<=enum|\bnew)/, /\s+/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\s*(?=[{()])/],
-      scope: {
-        3: 'type'
+      // Enum
+      begin: [/\b(?<=enum)\s+/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\s*/,/[{()]/],
+      beginScope: {
+        2: 'type',
+        4: 'punctuation'
+      end: /[})]/,
+      endScope: 'punctuation',
+      relevance: 0,
+      contains: [COMMENT_LINE, COMMENT_BLOCK,
+      {
+        match: regex.concat(/\b/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\b/),
+        scope: 'variable.constant'
+      }] // , CUSTOM_OBJECT
     // Class Name
       match: [/(?<=\bclass\b)/, /\s+/, APEX_IDENT_RE],
       scope: {
-        //1: 'keyword',
+        1: 'keyword',
         3: 'title.class'
     // Constructor
+    // Matches public/private, methodname, then parens and a curly bracket
-      match: [
-        /(?<=(public|private))/,
-        /\s+/,
-        APEX_IDENT_RE,
-        /(?=\s*\(.*\)\s*{)/
-      ], // /(?=\s*\()/],
-      scope: {
+      begin: [/(?<=(public|private))/, /\s+/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /(?=\s*\()/], // /(?=\s*\()/],
+      beginScope: {
         3: 'constructor'
-      }
+      },
+      end: /\)\s*{/,
+      contains: [PARAM_VARS]
     // Trigger
@@ -601,8 +706,9 @@ export default function (hljs) {
       end: '{',
       scope: {
-        //1: 'keyword',
+        1: 'keyword',
         3: 'title.class',
+        5: 'operator',
         7: 'type'
       contains: [
@@ -647,73 +753,55 @@ export default function (hljs) {
       relevance: 0,
       illegal: [/\b_/, /_\b/]
     }, */
     // extending
+    // TODO: Change to beginKeywords and assign scope 'keyword'
-      match: [/(?:extends)/, /\s+/, APEX_IDENT_RE],
-      scope: {
-        3: 'title.class.inherited'
-      },
-      illegal: [/\b_/, /_\b/]
+      begin: /(?<=extends|implements)\s*/,
+      end: '{',
+      contains: [
+        NAMESPACES,
+        {
+          match: [/\b/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\b/],
+          scope: { 2: 'title.class.inherited' }
+        },
+        {
+          match: [/\b/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\./, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\b/],
+          scope: { 2: 'title.class.inherited', 4: 'title.class.inherited' }
+        }
+      ]
-  const MERGE_FIELDS = {
+  const DML_SECURITY = {
+    // TODO: Pick better scopes here
+    match: ['AccessLevel', '.', /(SYSTEM_MODE|USER_MODE)/],
+    scope: {
+      1: 'built_in',
+      3: 'keyword'
+    }
+  };
+  /* const MERGE_FIELDS = {
     begin: ['{', /\$[a-zA-Z]+]/, '.', /\w+/],
     end: '}',
-    scope: {
+    beginScope: {
+      1: 'punctuation',
       2: 'built_in',
       4: 'property'
-    }
-  };
+    },
+    endScope: 'punctuation'
+  }; */
-  const FOR_LOOP = {
-    variants: [
-      {
-        //for (APTask__c apTask : myTasks
-        match: [
-          /\bfor\b/,
-          /\s*\(/,
-          APEX_IDENT_RE,
-          /\s+/,
-          APEX_IDENT_RE,
-          /\s+:/,
-          /(?=\s*\[)/
-        ],
-        scope: {
-          1: 'keyword',
-          3: 'type'
-          //5: 'variable'
-        }
-      },
-      {
-        match: [
-          /\bfor\b/,
-          /\s*\(/,
-          APEX_IDENT_RE,
-          /\s+/,
-          APEX_IDENT_RE,
-          /\s+:/,
-          /\s*/,
-          APEX_IDENT_RE
-        ],
-        scope: {
-          1: 'keyword',
-          3: 'type',
-          //5: 'variable',
-          8: 'variable'
-        }
-      }
-    ],
-  };
   const ASSIGNMENTS = [
+      // Account a =
       match: [APEX_IDENT_RE, /\s+/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\s+/, /=/],
       scope: {
         1: 'type',
@@ -723,6 +811,7 @@ export default function (hljs) {
       relevance: 0
+      // Account abcd;
       match: [APEX_IDENT_RE, /\s+/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\s+/, ';'],
       scope: {
         1: 'type',
@@ -731,19 +820,38 @@ export default function (hljs) {
       relevance: 0
+      // mynum =
       match: [/\s+/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\s+/, /=/],
       scope: {
         2: 'variable',
         4: 'operator'
       relevance: 0
-    },
+    } /* ,
+      // TODO: Figure out what this was doing, and remove the non-fixed width lookbehind
       match: [/(?<=\w+\s+=\s+\()/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /(?=\))/],
       scope: {
         2: 'type'
       relevance: 0
+    } */
+  ];
+  const RETURNS = [
+    {
+      match: [/(?<=return)/, /\s+/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /(?=\s*;)/],
+      scope: {
+        3: 'variable'
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      begin: [/(?<=return)/, /\s+/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\(/],
+      end: /\)/,
+      beginScope: {
+        3: 'title.function.invoke'
+      },
+      contains: [PARAM_VARS]
@@ -753,6 +861,246 @@ export default function (hljs) {
     relevance: 8
+  /**
+   */
+  const SOQL_KEYWORDS = [
+    'ACTIVE',
+    'ADVANCED',
+    'ALL',
+    'ANY',
+    'ARRAY',
+    'AS',
+    'BY',
+    'CATEGORY',
+    'CONTAINS',
+    'CUSTOM',
+    'DATA',
+    'DIVISION',
+    'END',
+    'FIELDS',
+    'FIND|10',
+    'LAST',
+    'METADATA',
+    'NETWORK',
+    'ON',
+    'ROLLUP',
+    'ROWS',
+    'SEARCH',
+    'SELECT',
+    'SNIPPET',
+    'SORT',
+    'STANDARD',
+    'USER_MODE',
+    'WHERE'
+  ];
+  const SOQL_OPERATORS = [
+    ':',
+    'ABOVE',
+    'AND',
+    'ASC',
+    'AT',
+    'DESC',
+    'DISTANCE',
+    'FROM',
+    'HAVING',
+    'IN',
+    'LIKE',
+    'LIMIT',
+    'LISTVIEW',
+    'NOT',
+    'OFFSET',
+    'OR',
+    'TRACKING',
+    'TYPEOF',
+    'UPDATE',
+    'USING',
+    'VIEWSTAT',
+    /FOR\s+UPDATE/,
+    /FOR\s+VIEW/,
+    /GROUP\s+BY/,
+    /NOT\s+IN/,
+    /NULLS\s+FIRST/,
+    /NULLS\s+LAST/,
+    /ORDER\s+BY/,
+    //WITH/,
+    /WITH\s+PricebookId/
+  ];
+  const SOQL_FUNCTIONS = [
+    'AVG',
+    'convertCurrency',
+    'convertTimezone',
+    'COUNT',
+    'DAY_IN_MONTH',
+    'DAY_IN_WEEK',
+    'DAY_IN_YEAR',
+    'DAY_ONLY',
+    'toLabel',
+    'INCLUDES',
+    'EXCLUDES',
+    'FORMAT',
+    'GROUPING',
+    'HOUR_IN_DAY',
+    'MAX',
+    'MIN',
+    'SUM',
+  ];
+  const SOQL_DATES = [
+    'TODAY',
+    'TOMORROW',
+  ]
+  const SOQL_SCOPE = [
+    'Delegated',
+    'Everything',
+    'Mine',
+    'My_Territory',
+    'My_Team_Territory',
+    'Team'
+  ];
+  const SOQL_QUERY = {
+    begin: /\[\s*\b(SELECT|FIND)\b/,
+    end: /\]/,
+    scope: 'soql',
+    relevance: 10,
+    contains: [
+      {
+        begin: regex.concat(/\b/, regex.either(...SOQL_KEYWORDS), /\b/),
+        scope: 'keyword'
+      },
+      {
+        match: regex.concat(/\b/, regex.either(...SOQL_OPERATORS), /\b/),
+        scope: 'operator',
+        relevance: 0
+      },
+      {
+        match: regex.concat(/\b/, regex.either(...SOQL_FUNCTIONS), /\b/),
+        scope: 'title.function.invoke'
+      },
+      {
+        scope: 'literal'
+      },
+      {
+        match: regex.concat(/\b/, regex.either(...SOQL_DATES), /\b/),
+        scope: 'literal'
+      },
+      //{
+      //   match: /(\bIN\b|<|<=|>|>=|\bNOT\s+IN\b|=|!\s*=|\s:{1}|:{1}\s)/,
+      //   scope: 'literal'
+      //},
+      /* {
+        match: [/(?<=\bFROM\b\s+)/, APEX_IDENT_RE, /\./, APEX_IDENT_RE],
+        scope: { 2: 'type', 4: 'type' },
+        relevance: 0
+      }, */
+      {
+        match: /(?<=\bFROM\b\s+)\w+/,
+        scope: 'type',
+        relevance: 0
+      },
+      {
+        match: [/\bUSING\s+SCOPE\b\s+/, regex.either(...SOQL_SCOPE)],
+        scope: { 1: 'variable.language', 2: 'variable.language' }
+      },
+      {
+        match: [
+          /\s*/,
+          ':',
+          /\s*/,
+          /[0-9]+\b/
+        ],
+        scope: {
+          1: 'variable.language',
+          3: 'punctuation',
+          5: 'number'
+        },
+        relevance: 10
+      },{
+      match: [/(?<=:)/, /\s*/, APEX_IDENT_RE],
+      scope: {3: 'variable'}
+      },
+      {
+        match:/[(:)]/,
+        scope: 'punctuation',
+        relevance: 0
+      },
+      NUMBER,
+      hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE,
+    ],
+    illegal: '::'
+  };
+  const FOR_LOOP = {
+    // Treat this loop specifically because it can take a query
+    // Leave do/while to regular highlighting
+    variants: [
+      {
+        //for (APTask__c apTask : myTasks
+        match: [
+          /\bfor\b/,
+          /\s*\(/,
+          APEX_IDENT_RE,
+          /\s+/,
+          APEX_IDENT_RE,
+          /\s*:/,
+          /(?=\s*\[)/
+        ],
+        scope: {
+          1: 'keyword',
+          3: 'type',
+          5: 'variable',
+          6: 'punctuation'
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        match: [
+          /\bfor\b/, //1 for
+          /\s*\(/, //2 (
+          APEX_IDENT_RE, //3 Account
+          /\s+/,
+          APEX_IDENT_RE, //5 a
+          /\s*:/, //6 :
+          /\s*/,
+          APEX_IDENT_RE //8 myList
+        ],
+        scope: {
+          1: 'keyword',
+          2: 'punctuation',
+          3: 'type',
+          5: 'variable',
+          8: 'variable'
+        }
+      }
+    ],
+  };
   const ILLEGALS = [
+    /<%/,
+    '<%#',
+    '%%>',
+    '<%%'
     // /"[^"]+"/, // Quote_string_mode
     // /@\w+\[\w+\]/ //moonscript
+  const KEYWORDS = {
+    $pattern: APEX_IDENT_RE,
+    keyword: MAIN_KEYWORDS,
+    'variable.language': LANGUAGE_VARS,
+    built_in: [...BUILT_INS, ...DMLS, ...NAMESPACE_LIST],
+    type: TYPES,
+    literal: LITERALS,
+    classNameAliases: {
+      soql: 'subst'
+    }
+  };
   return {
     name: 'Apex',
     aliases: ['apex', 'lightning'],
@@ -817,21 +1183,26 @@ export default function (hljs) {
+      //MERGE_FIELDS,
+      RETURNS,
diff --git a/test/markup/apex/apexcode.expected.txt b/test/markup/apex/apexcode.expected.txt
index 0959558..76e7b1f 100644
--- a/test/markup/apex/apexcode.expected.txt
+++ b/test/markup/apex/apexcode.expected.txt
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
  * @author John Smith
-public with sharing class L2Char implements Database.batchable {
+public with sharing class L2Char implements Database.batchable {
   public static final String ERROR = 0x0001;
-  @InvocableApex(label='my invocable')
+  @InvocableApex(label='my invocable')
   public void moveTo(
-    integer x, 
-    integer y, 
-    integer z
+    integer x, 
+    integer y, 
+    integer z
   ) {
-    Account a = new Account();
+    Account a = new Account();
     a.Custom__c = 'stringvalue';
     insert a;
     Boolean ai = (Boolean) false;
-    System.debug('Should not be called');
-    if (1 > 5) { // wtf!?
-      Database.insert(myAccounts);
+    System.debug('Should not be called');
+    if (1 > 5) { // wtf!?
+      Database.insert(myAccounts);
-private static void makeData(Boolean a){
-  Custom__c c = new Custom__c();
+private static void makeData(Boolean a){
+  Custom__c c = new Custom__c();
-  for(Account a : acctLis ){
-    ConnectApi.insert a;
+  for(Account a : acctLis ){
+    ConnectApi.insert a;
 private testMethod void testme(){
-  System.assert(true);
+  System.assert(true);
 private List<SelectOption> recordTypes { get; private set; }
-for(Account a : [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE LastModifiedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:3]){
+for(Account a : [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE LastModifiedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:3]){
-trigger CTrig on Custom__c (before insert){
-  System.debug('inserting a record');
-  upsert myRecord__c;
+trigger CTrig on Custom__c (before insert){
+  System.debug('inserting a record');
+  upsert myRecord__c;
\ No newline at end of file