The Sitecore Experience Edge for Content Hub Cli is a command line interface for adminisitering Experience Edge from command prompt. To know more about Sitecore Experience Edge for Content Hub architecture read my blog
The Cli is an npm package that can be installed globally in your machine using below cpmmand.
npm install -g @himadric/xedge-cli
To see command help you can always run the command with --help option.
To set up your local with Sitecore Experience Edge URLs, run the below command. This needs to run only once unless your Experience Edge environment is modified.
xedge-setup-env --tkn_url <Token URL> --aud_url <Audience Url> --adm_url <Admin URL> --key_url <Preview URL>
To get the JWT token
xedge-get-admin-token --ci <Client ID> --cs <Client Secret>
xedge-delete-cache --id <Collection Id>
xedge-get-webhooks --id <Webhook Id>
xedge-create-webhook -f <json request file>
xedge-delete-webhook --id <Webhook Id>
xedge-update-webhook -f <json request file>
xedge-update-settings --contentCacheAutoClear <true or false> --mediaCacheAutoClear <true or false> --tenantCacheAutoClear <true or false> --contentCacheTtl <duration> --mediaCacheTtl <duration>
xedge-create-api-key -f <json request file>
xedge-get-api-key-by-hash -h <hash value>
xedge-get-api-key-by-token -t <token value>
xedge-rename-api-key-by-hash -h <hash> -n <new name>
xedge-rename-api-key-by-token -t <token>
xedge-revoke-api-key-by-hash -h <hash>
xedge-revoke-api-key-by-token -t <token>
This package borrowed code from