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File metadata and controls

91 lines (69 loc) · 2.54 KB


This document contains notes to myself for reference later.

Example Commands

Shell Commands

User Accounts

Can use the dscl binary, or the OpenDirectory framework.

Some examples of using dscl:

Get all user accounts on the machine

/usr/bin/dscl -plist localhost readall /Local/Default/Users UniqueID RecordName RealName NFSHomeDirectory HomeDirectory IsHidden

Get user accounts in the admin group

/usr/bin/dscl -plist localhost read /Local/Default/Groups/admin GroupMembership

Some examples of using OpenDirectory:

import OpenDirectory

let session = ODSession.default()
let node = try ODNode(session: session, name: "/Local/Default")
let query = try ODQuery(
	node: node,
	forRecordTypes: kODRecordTypeUsers,
	attribute: nil,
	matchType: 0,
	queryValues: nil,
	returnAttributes: nil,
	maximumResults: 0

let results = try query.resultsAllowingPartial(false)
for result in results {

Library for styled TUI components:

Information about Mac computers located at /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ServerInformation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/en.lproj/SIMachineAttributes.plist

import OSLog

// Extension that makes it a breeze to create a logger that is
// configured with an appropriate subsystem and category ✨
// source: // Source:
extension Logger {
	init<T>(forType type: T.Type) {
		let subsystem = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
		let category = String(describing: type)
		self.init(subsystem: subsystem, category: category)

// Example usage 👇
struct MyStruct {
	private let logger = Logger(forType: Self.self)

	func performOperation() {"Performing operation...")
		// ..."Did perform operation.")