- Missed building for 3.3.0
- #287 Use prop-types package instead of React.PropTypes (@ssilve1989)
- #278 Make MutationObserver-based removal tracking (@huumanoid)
- #272 Fix wrapper tag (@huumanoid)
- #259 Track removal of DOM elements (@antoniogiordano)
- #270 Fix typos and improve for clarity (@theholla)
- #236 escape backslash in getTargetArray method (@rnons)
- #251 Dropfen dynamic wrapper (@dropfen)
- #247 Fix delayHide issue #246 (@huumanoid)
- #238 Update README.md (@nikbelikov)
- #233 Added more syntax highlighting (@oyeanuj)
- #229 Replaced Object.keys(...) by Object.getOwnPropertyNames(...) (@gauthierj)
- #220 Use parameter 'useCapture' for remove listener if it is registered as… (@achernetsky)
- #223 Fix/security csp style src (@briantrice)
- #216 Fix fire of global show event for IE (@SubVersive)
- #202 Hide tooltip when getContent return null or undefined, same for empty… (@wwayne)
- #201 Hide tooltip if the tip is empty or disabled (@wwayne)
- #200 Remove countTransform because the way of transform calculation is cha… (@wwayne)
- #195 Use node parent when calculating offset (@iamdoron)
- #194 Add resizeHide option (@wwayne)
- #193 hide specific tooltip (@wwayne)
- #192 Create scroll hide option (@wwayne)
- #181 Judge if the component has been mounted mount in getContent #180 (@wwayne)
- #179 Add bower.json (@mikkopiu)
- #176 Support ReactTooltip.show() #47 (@wwayne)
- #174 Factor transform in css into position calculation #152 (@wwayne)
- #173 Add new attribute afterShow and afterHide (@wwayne)
- #172 Add support for aria- and role props #159 (@wwayne)
- #164 Fix for delayShwo #163 (@wwayne)
- #162 Fix for #158, getposition error (@wwayne)
- #151 Update postion calculation so that it can calculate continous tootlip (@wwayne)
- #149 Update algorithm for get positon to fix the shake problem #146 (@wwayne)
- #145 fix typo (@meandavejustice)
- #132 Make getContent to support dynamical generate content while hover (@wwayne)
- #131 Add possibility to recalculate content on show tooltip (@pokidovea)
- #128 Correct Typos in README.md (@gottsohn)
- #124 Consider both vertical and horizontal into place re-calculation (@wwayne)
- #122 Fixed "Wrong query selector for data-tip #121" (@neciu)
- #120 Fix custom event with specific id (@wwayne)
- #117 Improve deploy process (@wwayne)
- #115 Improve structure (@wwayne)
- #106 Workaround for fixed elements inside transformed elements (@nd0ut)
- #112 Add custom event to hide tooltip (@wwayne)
- #103 Allow user to specify separate off event for the tooltip (@ondy1985)
- #104 Ensure data-html is converted to bool type (@antoniodgonzalez)
- #102 Clear hide timeout on component unmount (@oluckyman)
- #100 correct spelling error (@SashaBayan)
- #99 Simplify setting Sstate in the showTooltip (@Kiwka)
- #96 New attribute isCapture, deprecate eventPropagationMode (@wwayne)
- #95 Added ability to change event propagation mode from default "bubble" to "capture" (@aweber1)
- #93 Upgrade classnames to
(@petrbrzek) - #92 Update peer dependencies to support react / react-dom >= 15.0.0 (@cchamberlain)
- #84 Add logic to handle outside cases for solid tooltips #83 (@andrejunges)
- #81 Fix typo (@robzolkos)
- #79 Require the non-minified dist build in index (@idan)
- #73 Clear timeout when unmounting. (@joelburget)
- #72 clearing delayShowLoop-Timeout when component will unmount (@dsumer)
- #68 better fix for Maximum call stack size exceeded (@enjalot)
- #62 Fixes IE's lacking event constructor (@mikkelvagn)
- #54 New Feature: watchWindow (@Sly777)
- #55 Add support for borders (@ahstro)
- #1 New Feature: watchWindow (@Sly777)
- #53 New Feature, Fixes (@Sly777)
- #36 also babelify and move style.js to dist (@conorhastings)
- #34 avoid getBoundingClientRect() to be called twice (@ruffle1986)
- #26 Add editorconfig and eslinter to project (@johnamiahford)