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File metadata and controls

148 lines (125 loc) · 9.41 KB


// Required
    title: string;
    meeting_id: Id;

// Optional
    number: string;
    additional_submitter: string;
    sort_parent_id: Id;
    category_id: Id;
    block_id: Id;
    supporter_meeting_user_ids: Id[]; // meeting user ids
    tag_ids: Id[];
    attachment_ids: Id[];

// Special logic given by the type of the motion
    text: HTML;
    amendment_paragraph: {
        [paragraph_number: number]: HTML;
    };  // JSON Field
    lead_motion_id: Id;
    statute_paragraph_id: Id;
    reason: HTML; // is required, if special settings are set

// Optional special fields, see notes below
    workflow_id: Id;
    submitter_ids: Id[];

// Non-model fields for customizing the agenda item creation, optional
    agenda_create: boolean;
    agenda_type: number;
    agenda_parent_id: number;
    agenda_comment: string;
    agenda_duration: number;
    agenda_weight: number;


Creates a new motion.

First, the type of the motion is identified by the values of lead_motion_id, statute_paragraph_id:

  • A normal motion: None of the fields are given.
  • An amendment: lead_motion_id is given.
  • A statute amendment: statute_paragraph_id is given.

If lead_motion_id and statute_paragraph_id is given, it must result in an error. This is the logic for other fields depending on the motion type:

  • normal motion:
    • text required
    • error, if amendment_paragraph is given
  • amendment:
    • text XOR amendment_paragraph required
  • statute amendment:
    • text required
    • error, if amendment_paragraph is given

reason is independent must be given, if meeting/motions_reason_required is true.

There are some fields that need special attention:

  • workflow_id: If it is given, the motion's state is set to the workflow's first state. The workflow must be from the same meeting. If the field is not given, one of the three default (meeting/motions_default_workflow_id, meeting/motions_default_amendment_workflow_id or meeting/motions_default_statute_amendment_workflow_id) workflows is used depending on the type of the motion to create.
  • submitter_ids: These are user ids and not ids of the submitter model. If nothing is given ([]), the request user's id is used. For each id in the list a motion_submitter model is created. The weight must be set to the order of the given list.
  • agenda_*: See Agenda.

Another things to do when creating a motions:

  • Set the field sequential_number: It is the max+1 of sequential_number of all motions in the same meeting. If there are no other motions in this meeting (e.g. this is the first one), it gets 1.
  • Set timestamps:
    • always set last_modified and created to the current timestamp
    • if the state pointed to by first_state_id of the given workflow has the flag set_workflow_timestamp set, also set workflow_timestampto the current timestamp.
  • Field number: Attention, it is a string, even if the field is named number. Note that the number must be unique within the meeting if it is set (so all numbers with length > 0 are unique). See the next paragraph how to get a value for number.

Determinate a value for number

This is the procedure to determine what to set for the field number:

  • If number in the payload is a string with a length > 0, set it as the number and stop, but raise an error, if it exists.
  • if meeting/motions_number_type == "manually" or not motion.state.set_number: Stop. We should not set the number automatically
  • A prefix is created:
    • If the motion is an amendment (it has a lead motion), the prefix is:
      if meeting/motions_number_with_blank:
          prefix = f"{lead_motion.number} {meeting/motions_amendments_prefix}"
          prefix = f"{lead_motion.number}{meeting/motions_amendments_prefix}"
    • Else if the motion has a category, the prefix is:
      if meeting/motions_number_with_blank:
          prefix = f"{category.prefix} "
          prefix = f"{category.prefix}"
    • Else, the prefix is an empty string
  • choose a number_value. This is a numerical variable with the actual numerical number:
    • If the motion is an amendment (it has a lead motion), number_value is the maximum+1 of number_value of all lead_motion.amendments. If there are no other amendments, number_value is 1. Hint: To easily access the number_value of other motions, it can be saved into the Datastore.
    • Else if meeting/motions_number_type is "per_category", choose the maximum+1 of number_value of all motions in the motions category. This includes the "None"-category; if the motion has no category, the maximum is choosen of all motions, that do not have a category. If there are no other motions, number_value is 1.
    • Else: Choose the maximum+1 of number_value of all lead motions. If there are no other lead motions, choose 1.
  • create number from prefix and number_value:
    • First, number_value is converted to the string number_value_string and potentially filled with leading zeros. The value meeting/motions_number_min_digits gives the amount of minimum digits. E.g. if number_value is 12 and meeting/motions_number_min_digits=3, the number_value_string is "012". If number_value is 3582, the number_value_string is "3582".
    • Set number = f"{prefix}{number_value_string}"
  • Remember: number must be unique. If a motion with this number already exists, increment number_value by one and go to the last step (the prefix is the same, the number incremented - try again).
  • If there is a unique number, save it into the motion. Done!
  • Note: The complete calculation is restricted to motions and other objects from the same meeting.

Some examples for determinating the number. First comes the general setup and the test cases are numbered:


  1. Create a motion without a number in the payload. It now has a blank one.
  2. Create two motion without a number in the payload. Both have a blank one.
  3. Create two motion with the same number in the payload. The second one fails since numbers must be unique.

meeting/motions_number_type="serially_numbered", meeting/motions_number_min_digits=3, meeting/motions_number_with_blank=true. Create three categories: {name: "A", prefix: "A"}, {name: "B", prefix: "B"}, {name: "no prefix"} (the last one has an empty prefix, see OpenSlides/OpenSlides#5723). Make sure the state the motions get has set_number=true.

  1. Create three motions with no number in the payloads and each motion assigned to one category in the order A, B, no prefix. The resulting numbers should be A 001, B 002, 003.
  2. Create a motion with category A, it should get A 001. Create a second motion with the number B 002 in the payload. Create a third motion with category B and no number in the payload. It must get the number B 003.
  3. Create a motion in category A. It must get A 001. Delete it and create a new motion in category A. It should also get A 001.

meeting/motions_number_type="per_category", meeting/motions_number_min_digits=3, meeting/motions_number_with_blank=false. Create three categories: {name: "A", prefix: "A"}, {name: "B", prefix: "B"}, {name: "no prefix"}. Make sure the state the motions get has set_number=true.

  1. Create two motions in category A. Than two motions in category B. Than two motions in category no prefix. The numbers must be A001, A002, B001, B002, 001 and 002.
  2. Create a motion without a category. It gets the number 001. Set meeting/motions_number_min_digits=1. Create a plain motion. It must get the number 2.

meeting/motions_number_type="per_category", meeting/motions_number_min_digits=3, meeting/motions_number_with_blank=true, meeting/motions_amendments_prefix="X-". Create a category: {name: "A", prefix: "A"}. Make sure the state the motions get has set_number=true.

  1. Create a motion in category A. It must get A 001. Create two amendments (motions wiuth lead_motion_id set to the id of A 001). The numbers are A 001 X-001 and A 001 X-002.
  2. Do 1) again, but with meeting/motions_number_with_blank=false and meeting/motions_number_min_digits=1. The numbers are A1, A1X-1, A1X-2.
  3. Do 1) again, but set meeting/motions_number_with_blank=false and meeting/motions_number_min_digits=1 after creating the first lead motion. The numbers are A 001, A 001X-1, A 001X-2.
  4. Do 1) again. Create a new motion without an identifier and no lead_motion_id. It gets the number 002.

Repeat an autonumbering task from above, but set the states set_number=false. The motions should not get a number and have a blank one, if it was not provided in the payload.


The request user needs:

  • motion.can_manage if he has his vote delegated and the meeting has users_forbid_delegator_as_submitter
  • motion.can_create_amendments if lead_motion_id is given
  • motion.can_create else

If the request user does not have motion.can_manage, the fields in the payload are restricted with a whitelist. These fields are contained:

  • meeting_id
  • title
  • text
  • reason
  • lead_motion_id
  • amendment_paragraph
  • category_id
  • statute_paragraph_id
  • workflow_id

If lead_motion_id is given and category_id is empty, the value of category_id is set to the value of the lead motion.