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185 lines (148 loc) · 9.01 KB

File metadata and controls

185 lines (148 loc) · 9.01 KB

2.1.1 (Dec 11, 2022)

2.1.0 (Sep 3, 2021)

2.0.8 (Oct 8, 2020)

  • Fixed issue #136 on not assigning ctrlClass to some of the column type. (Thanks malohtie for reporting)

2.0.7 (Aug 20, 2020)

2.0.6 (Mar 12, 2020)

  • Fixed issue #131 on passing rowIndex parameter to getRowValue method. (Thanks scrnjakovic for reporting)
  • Fixed issue #132 about the order of array data added by using insertRow method.
  • Fixed no return values for appendRow and insertRow methods.

2.0.5 (Dec 20, 2019)

  • Migrated maxRowsAllowed option from v1 that limited the maximum allowed rows of grid.
  • Migrated maxNumRowsReached callback from v1 that notify user when maximum allowed rows reached.

2.0.4 (Sep 24, 2019)

  • Fixed a problem on removing a row when hideRowNumColumn is in used. (Thanks malohtie for reporting)

2.0.3 (Jun 17, 2019)

  • initData or initRows will be handled after grid initialized.
  • Fixed a problem that numeric zero value cannot be set by using setCtrlValue method.
  • Added readonly column type for bootstrap4 and bulma UI framework.
  • Removed wrapper DIV element on table. It was used for Fixed Header feature but we can use other libraries such as jquery.floatThead for that.
  • Added sizing uiParams for bootstrap4 and bulma UI framework.
  • Added ctrlAdded callback function that to be executed after control generated and added to table cell.
  • Removed wrapper which can be done by using ctrlAdded callback with more customization.

2.0.2 (May 8, 2019)

  • Fixed a problem on generating unusable AppendGrid.js file.

2.0.1 (May 8, 2019)

  • Added iconParams for customize icons used within the grid.
  • Modified to support display as callback method.
  • Modified the data type of uniqueIndex of event callback argument to number format.
  • Reimplemented headerSpan from v1.
  • Reimplemented grid callbacks from v1.
  • Reimplemented empty grid message from v1.

2.0.0 (Apr 24, 2019)

  • Removed dependency on jQuery and jQuery UI and compatible with modern web frameworks such as Bootstrap 4.

1.7.1 (Sep 13, 2017)

  • Fixed a problem on get/set values on select element with multiple attribute. (Thanks shahab2058 for reporting)

1.7.0 (Sep 10, 2017)

  • Fixed jQuery UI Button issues on jQuery UI v1.12. (Thanks gdevilee for reporting)
  • jQuery UI v1.12 will become minimum requirement as it had some breaking changes that incompatible with its previous version.

1.6.3 (Feb 27, 2017)

  • Fixed a problem that column width is not correct when no command buttons visible at the end of row. (Thanks Ridwan09 for reporting)

1.6.2 (Feb 21, 2016)

  • Fixed a problem that calculation on column width is wrong when maxBodyHeight is used with Bootstrap. (Thanks mrsiva26 for reporting)

1.6.1 (Sep 24, 2015)

  • Fixed a problem that uniqueIndex become undefined in afterRowDragged callback. (Thanks rasikrodri for reporting)

1.6.0 (Aug 6, 2015)

  • Added maxBodyHeight option to limit the maximum height on table body and vertical scrollbar will be displayed when this height limit is reached. (Thanks niftyhawk for suggestion)
  • Fixed a problem that buttonClasses is not working. (Thanks pbreah for reporting)

1.5.2 (Feb 28, 2015)

  • Fixed a problem that nameFormatter is not working on hidden type columns.
    (Thanks robertadsoft for reporting)

1.5.1 (Dec 21, 2014)

  • Added maxRowsAllowed option and maxNumRowsReached callback function to limit the number of rows allowed. (Thanks iannos for suggestion)
  • Added maintainScroll option to scroll the page after appended or removed last row. (Thanks iannos for suggestion)
  • Removed unnecessary coding so that appendGrid requires jQuery UI Core, Widget and Button components only for all standard features. But you will not able to use Datepicker or other jQuery UI widgets.

1.5.0 (Oct 12, 2014)

  • Added useSubPanel option to enable the sub panal mode. Users can generated extra elements to the under each of the normal appendGrid row. Please notice that useSubPanel is not compatible with rowDragging feature. (Thanks iannos for naming)
  • Added subPanelBuilder and subPanelGetter callback function that required for sub panel.
  • Added subPanel option for sectionClasses.
  • The long-awaited sub grid feature is available by make use of sub panel!
  • Added rowCountName option for changing the key name of row count variable for the result of getAllValue method.
  • Parameter order of rowDataLoaded method is changed.
  • Performaced improve by changing the use of insertRow and insertCell javascript function to appendChild.

1.4.2 (Oct 2, 2014)

  • caption and display can be fully customized by passing a callback function. (Thanks iannos for suggestion)
  • Added captionTooltip and displayTooltip that make use of jQuery UI tooltip for generate tooltip on caption or column header text. (Thanks iannos for suggestion)
  • Added sectionClasses that can specify CSS classes to different table section. (Thanks iannos for suggestion)
  • Added emptyCriteria option to identify a row is empty. Also, isRowEmpty and removeEmptyRows methods are added that make use of this changes. (Thanks iannos for suggestion)
  • Added support on generating select element with optgroup support. You can also specify the title attribute for each option. (Thanks iannos for suggestion)
  • Added rowDataLoaded callback function that will be useful when loading data into a row with controls with dynamic content, such as cascading drop down list.

1.4.1 (Aug 10, 2014)

  • Added afterRowDragged callback function to be triggered after grid row dragged. (Thanks for PolarbearDK's work)
  • Added nameFormatter callback function for format the HTML name of generated controls. (Thanks iannos for suggestion)

1.4.0 (Jul 16, 2014)

  • Added invisible option and showColumn / hideColumn / isColumnInvisible methods for changing / checking visibility of columns.
  • Added resizable option that allow column resizable.
  • Added getColumn method to get columns array used for grid initialization.
  • [Important] You are allowed to call appendGrid methods by passing ONE element in jQuery object only. It will not be affected if you are already using ID, such as $("#tblAppendGrid"), as jQuery selector.

1.3.6 (Jun 28, 2014)

  • Added getCellCtrl and getCellCtrlByUniqueIndex methods for retrieving generated control for further customization.

1.3.5 (Apr 23, 2014)

  • Added customGridButtons option for customize the standard grid buttons (append/remove last/insert/remove/move up/move down). (Thanks pixelwiz for suggestion)
  • Fixed a problem that the selection of select elements are not correct when dragging rows. (Thanks pixelwiz for reporting)

1.3.4 (Mar 27, 2014)

  • Renamed rowBottonsInFront option to rowButtonsInFront. (Thanks artiaggarwal for reporting)

1.3.3 (Mar 26, 2014)

  • Added rowBottonsInFront option to allow generating row buttons in the front of input columns. (Thanks artiaggarwal for suggestion)

1.3.2 (Mar 08, 2014)

  • Added headerSpan to allow header cell column span. (Thanks Rajeevgandhi for suggestion)
  • Allowed to pass array of data to appendRow and insertRow method. (Thanks mailivore for suggestion)
  • Fixed a problem that empty row message will not be displayed when passing empty array to load method. (Thanks mailivore for reporting)

1.3.1 (Jan 26, 2014)

  • Removed firstCellWidth and lastCellWidth parameters
  • Added customFooterButtons option that allow adding extra buttons to the bottom of grid
  • The last column will not be displayed if all buttons are hidden

1.3.0 (Jan 21, 2014)

  • Added hideButtons option that allow hiding each buttons individually and removed hideMoveUpDown option
  • Added customRowButtons option that allow adding extra buttons at the last cell of each row
  • Added hideRowNumColumn option that allow to not generating the row number column
  • Added a message to be displayed when the grid is empty (Thanks mailivore for above ideas)

1.2.3 (Jan 16, 2014)

  • Fixed a problem on setting default value on hidden type columns (Thanks mailivore for reporting)

1.2.2 (Jan 02, 2014)

  • Fixed a problem on serializing hidden type columns (Thanks ahmedsaleh747 for reporting)

1.2.1 (Dec 23, 2013)

  • Added buttonClasses initial parameters (Thanks suggestion from twinh)

1.2.0 (Nov 15, 2013)

  • Added drag & drop support
  • Added rowDragging and hideMoveUpDown initial parameters

1.1.3 (Oct 29, 2013)

  • Fixed a problem that i18n parameter not working even correct values passed in (Thanks DinkoMiletic for reporting)

1.1.2 (May 19, 2013)

  • Fixed a problem on generating ui-datepicker columns (Thanks kado for reporting)

1.1.0 (April 16, 2013)

  • Added support to HTML5 input type such as date/time/email
  • Added ctrlProp column parameter

1.0.0 (April 10, 2013)

  • Initial release