"Kubernetes The Hard Way On AWS" is a learning project aimed at understanding each task required to bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster. Unlike the original Kubernetes The Hard Way by Kelsey Hightower, this project uses Terraform to provision the infrastructure and Ansible to configure the Kubernetes cluster. This project is designed to take the long route to ensure a deep understanding of deploying a Kubernetes cluster on AWS.
- AWS Account
- AWS CLI configured
- Docker
- Setup prerequisites:
graph TD
root[Bootstrap Prerequisites]
crypto_assets[Crypto Assets]
terraform_backend[Terraform Backend]
terraform_sp[Terraform Service Principal]
root --> crypto_assets
root --> terraform_backend
root --> terraform_sp
crypto_assets --> setup_root_ca[Self-Signed Root CA]
crypto_assets --> setup_ssh_key[RSA SSH Key]
setup_root_ca --> create_sa_certificate[Service Accounts Certificate]
create_sa_certificate --> create_apiserver_certificate[kube-apiserver Certificate]
create_apiserver_certificate --> create_controllermanager_certificate[kube-controller-manager Certificate]
create_controllermanager_certificate --> create_admin_certificate[admin Certificate]
create_admin_certificate --> create_scheduler_certificate[kube-scheduler Certificate]
create_scheduler_certificate --> create_kubelet_certificate[Kubelet Certificate]
create_kubelet_certificate --> create_proxy_certificate[kube-proxy Certificate]
terraform_backend --> create_s3_bucket[S3 Bucket]
terraform_sp --> create_iam_user[IAM User]
terraform_sp --> create_iam_policy[IAM Policy]
create_iam_user --> attach_iam_user_policy[Attach Policy to User]
create_iam_policy --> attach_iam_user_policy[Attach Policy to User]
- Provision the infrastructure with Terraform:
./k8s_manager.sh provision # Provision skipping tests: SKIP_TESTS="1" ./k8s_manager.sh provision # Plan: ./k8s_manager.sh plan
graph TD;
subgraph "For each child module"
A["Linting & Formatting"] --> B["Unit test"];
B --> C["Contract test"];
C --> D["Integration test"];
D --> E["Security Scanner"];
E --> F["Linting & Formatting (root module)"];
F --> G["End-to-end test (root module)"];
- Create the Kubernetes cluster with Ansible:
./k8s_manager.sh create
graph TD;
A["Control Plane Playbook"] --> B["Worker Node Playbook"];
B --> C["Smoke Tests Playbook"];
- Delete the cluster and the infrastructure:
./k8s_manager.sh destroy
SSH to the control plane
./k8s_manager.sh troubleshoot ssh k8s_control_plane kubectl get secrets --kubeconfig=admin.kubeconfig NAME TYPE DATA AGE kubernetes-the-hard-way Opaque 1 75s
SSH to the worker node
./k8s_manager.sh troubleshoot ssh k8s_worker_node kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig=kubelet.kubeconfig NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION node-0 Ready <none> 5m27s v1.31.1
This project is a personal learning endeavor, and contributions are not being accepted at this time.
- Clone this repo and cd
- Install
hooks:pre-commit install
- (Optional) Run pre-commit on all files:
pre-commit run --all-files
- Hoarau Jerome - GitHub
Special thanks to Kelsey Hightower for the original "Kubernetes The Hard Way".
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. For more details, see the LICENSE file or visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.
This project is done and has been completed successfully as a learning project. It is no longer maintained.