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Preston Cothren edited this page Jan 27, 2021 · 56 revisions


Welcome to the Dear PyGui wiki! Always in construction - feel free to edit and contribute!

Dear PyGui is an easy-to-use, dynamic, GPU-Accelerated, cross-platform graphical user interface (GUI) framework for Python. As an extended wrapping of Dear ImGui, Dear PyGui is highly performant. It is written primarily in C/C++ and uses your GPU for rendering.

Features include traditional GUI elements to display text, images and various controls, such as buttons, radio buttons, and menus and various methods to create a functional and beautiful layout. Additionally, it offers incredibly dynamic charts, tables, drawings and tools for application development, such as built-in documentation, logging, and debugger. Check out our comparison of Python GUI frameworks to see how Dear PyGui stacks up.

As a GUI toolkit, it is well suited for creating simple user interfaces to wrap basic command line interfaces as well as to developing complex and demanding graphical interfaces. It offers a solid framework for developing science, engineering, games, data science and other applications that require fast and interactive interfaces.


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How To Use The Docs

If your ready to start using Dear PyGui visit the Getting Started.

Next consider looking through the Tutorial list on the sidebar!

Internal Documentation: Run the show_documentation command from within the library to view an reference guide.

Live Demo: A mostly complete showcase of Dear PyGui can be found by running the show_demo command in the dearpygui.demo module.

Online API Reference


  • Discord Forum- if you have issues with running or using Dear PyGui.
  • Reddit- if you have issues with running or using Dear PyGui. If you are experienced with Dear PyGui, please consider helping people and answering questions there!