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203 lines (131 loc) · 5.9 KB

File metadata and controls

203 lines (131 loc) · 5.9 KB


A file system API that is similar to Hyperdrive. This tool comes in handy when mirroring files from user filesystem to a drive, and vice-versa.

GitHub (Localdrive)


Install with npm:

npm install localdrive


const Localdrive = require('localdrive')

const drive = new Localdrive('./my-project')

await drive.put('/blob.txt', Buffer.from('example'))
await drive.put('/images/logo.png', Buffer.from('..'))
await drive.put('/images/old-logo.png', Buffer.from('..'))

const buffer = await drive.get('/blob.txt')
console.log(buffer) // => <Buffer ..> 'example'

const entry = await drive.entry('/blob.txt')
console.log(entry) // => { key, value: { executable, linkname, blob, metadata } }

await drive.del('/images/old-logo.png')

await drive.symlink('/images/logo.shortcut', '/images/logo.png')

for await (const file of drive.list('/images')) {
  console.log('list', file) // => { key, value }

const rs = drive.createReadStream('/blob.txt')
for await (const chunk of rs) {
  console.log('rs', chunk) // => <Buffer ..>

const ws = drive.createWriteStream('/blob.txt')
ws.write('new example')
ws.once('close', () => console.log('file saved'))


const drive = new Localdrive(root, [options])

Creates a drive based on a root directory. root can be relative or absolute.

options include:

Property Description Type Default
followLinks If enabled then entry(key) will follow the linkname. Boolean false
metadata Hook functions are called accordingly. Object null
atomic Enables atomicity for file writing (tmp file and rename). Boolean false
roots For mapping key prefixes to different roots. Object {}

The metadata hook del() could be called with non-existing metadata keys.


String with the resolved (absolute) drive path.


Boolean indicating whether the drive handles metadata. Default false.

If options.metadata hooks are passed then supportsMetadata becomes true.

await drive.put(key, buffer, [options])

Creates a file at key path in the drive. options are the same as in createWriteStream.

const buffer = await drive.get(key)

Returns the blob at key path in the drive. If no blob exists, returns null.

It also returns null for symbolic links.

const entry = await drive.entry(key, [options])

Returns the entry at key path in the drive. It looks like this:

  key: String,
  value: {
    executable: Boolean,
    linkname: null,
    blob: {
      byteOffset: Number,
      blockOffset: Number,
      blockLength: Number,
      byteLength: Number
    metadata: null
  mtime: Number

Available options:

  follow: false // Follow symlinks, 16 max or throws an error

await drive.del(key)

Deletes the file at key path from the drive.

await drive.symlink(key, linkname)

Creates an entry in drive at key path that points to the entry at linkname.

ℹ️ If a blob entry currently exists at key path then it will be overwritten and drive.get(key) will return null, while drive.entry(key) will return the entry with symlink information.

const comparison =, entryB)

Returns 0 if entries are the same, 1 if entryA is older, and -1 if entryB is older.

const iterator = drive.list([folder])

Returns a stream of all entries in the drive inside of specified folder.

const iterator = drive.readdir([folder])

Returns a stream of all subpaths of entries in drive stored at paths prefixed by folder.

const mirror = drive.mirror(out, [options])

Mirrors this drive into another. Returns a MirrorDrive instance constructed with options.

Call await mirror.done() to wait for the mirroring to finish.

const rs = drive.createReadStream(key, [options])

Returns a stream to read out the blob stored in the drive at key path.

options include:

Property Description Type Default
start Starting offset of the desired readstream interval Integer null
end Ending offset of the desired readstream interval Integer null
length Length of the desired readstream interval Integer null

start and end are inclusive.

length overrides end, they're not meant to be used together.

const ws = drive.createWriteStream(key, [options])

Streams a blob into the drive at key path.

options include:

Property Description Type Default
executable whether the blob is executable or not Boolean true


Metadata hooks

Metadata backed by Map:

const meta = new Map()
const metadata = {
  get: (key) => meta.has(key) ? meta.get(key) : null,
  put: (key, value) => meta.set(key, value),
  del: (key) => meta.delete(key)

const drive = new Localdrive('./my-app', { metadata })

// ...

metadata.del() will also be called when metadata is null

await drive.put('/file.txt', Buffer.from('a')) // Default metadata is null