added state dependent injection and example
added state dependent injection and example
output distortion in terms of x instead of energy
output distortion in terms of x instead of energy
changed discretize function to include negative values of spectra
changed discretize function to include negative values of spectra
initial distortion needs to be rebinned
initial distortion needs to be rebinned
DarkHistory now outputs distortion as text file. Also fixed spectral …
DarkHistory now outputs distortion as text file. Also fixed spectral …
added option to give DarkHistory an initial spectral distortion. Othe…
added option to give DarkHistory an initial spectral distortion. Othe…
bug fixes with initial distortion
bug fixes with initial distortion
corrections to initial distortion
corrections to initial distortion
add option for initial condition for spectral distortion.
add option for initial condition for spectral distortion.
reorganized CLASS interface function. added option for verbosity, sin…
reorganized CLASS interface function. added option for verbosity, sin…
testing CLASS interface
testing CLASS interface
change 2 more places of float128
change 2 more places of float128
removed interp2d, updated scipy dependency
removed interp2d, updated scipy dependency
removed interp2d, updated scipy dependency
removed interp2d, updated scipy dependency
requires in_spec_xxxx_func's to accept next rs and dt
requires in_spec_xxxx_func's to accept next rs and dt