Persian Identity Library PersianIdentity is an opensource library to change your identity error to persian language. Target Branch Version Github master v1.0.0 Persian Identity Public Version Target Branch Version Download link Total downloads GitHub Actions Nuget master v1.0.0 Cross Platform Platform Supported Version .NET Framework 4.6.1 Or Higher .NET Standard 2.0 Or Higher .NET Core 2.0 Or Higher Mono 5.4 Or Higher Xamarin.iOS 10.14 Or Higher Xamarin.Mac 3.8 Or Higher Xamarin.Android 8.0 Or Higher Universal Windows Platform (UWP) 10.0.16299 Or Higher Unity 2018.1 Or Higher Code Example Go to your Startup.cs => ConfigureServices and add AddErrorDescriber() method to your Identity. services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>() .AddEntityFrameworkStores<AppDbContext>() .AddDefaultTokenProviders() .AddErrorDescriber<PersianIdentityErrorDescriber>(); Developer Name Github Email Telegram Hootan Hemmati @hootanht [email protected]