diff --git a/7zip.txt b/7zip.txt index 515ae454..020fe904 100644 --- a/7zip.txt +++ b/7zip.txt @@ -19,12 +19,15 @@ SizeBytes = 1594881 [Section.0001] Description = .برنامج لضغط وفك ضغط الملفات يدعم تنسيقات متعددة مثل زيب و 7زيب و رار و غيرها -[Section.0407] -Description = Dateiarchivierungswerkzeug zum Erstellen und Öffnen von 7zip, zip, tar, rar und vielen anderen Archivformaten. - [Section.0a] Description = Utilidad para crear y abrir 7zip, zip, tar, rar y otros archivos comprimidos. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款檔案封存工具程式,支援 7zip、zip、tar、rar 及其他的壓縮檔格式。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Dateiarchivierungswerkzeug zum Erstellen und Öffnen von 7zip, zip, tar, rar und vielen anderen Archivformaten. + [Section.040c] Description = Utilitaire pour créer et ouvrir les fichiers 7zip, zip, tar, rar et d'autres archives. diff --git a/BOINC.txt b/BOINC.txt index 7cd88f21..38aae5a7 100644 --- a/BOINC.txt +++ b/BOINC.txt @@ -9,8 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://boinc.berkeley.edu/dl/boinc_7.14.2_windows_intelx86.exe SHA1 = 0d4b39def85afe620df3e8cb0b68a795c338a18d SizeBytes = 8673832 +[Section.0a] +Description = BOINC es una plataforma de software libre destinado a la computación usando recursos de ordenadores voluntarios. + +[Section.0404] +Description = BOINC 是開源的軟體平臺。它利用各地志願者的裝置作運算。 + [Section.0415] Description = BOINC to otwartoźródłowa platforma do obliczeń wykorzystująca zasoby dobrowolne. -[Section.0a] -Description = BOINC es una plataforma de software libre destinado a la computación usando recursos de ordenadores voluntarios. diff --git a/CONTRIBUTORS b/CONTRIBUTORS index bba7e538..413a6f95 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTORS +++ b/CONTRIBUTORS @@ -1,15 +1,17 @@ -Translations: -German translation by Daniel Reimer (dreimer) daniel.reimer@reactos.org -Polish translation by wojo664 -Romanian translated by Ștefan Fulea -Turkish translation by Erdem Ersoy (eersoy93) (erdemersoy [at] erdemersoy [dot] net) and Ercan Ersoy (ercanersoy) (ercanersoy [at] ercanersoy [dot] net) -Simplified Chinese translation by Henry Tang Ih (henrytang5247) (henrytang2@hotmail.com), Luo Yufan (njlyf2011@hotmail.com) and Li Keqing (auroracloud4096@gmail.com) -Russian translation by Nikolay Burshtyn (amber) (amber8706@mail.ru) -Estonian translations by Joann Mõndresku (cernodile) (joannmondresku at gmail dot com) - Maintenance: -Maintained by Daniel Reimer (dreimer) daniel.reimer@reactos.org +Maintained by Daniel Reimer (dreimer) + +Translations: +Chinese (Simplified): by Henry Tang Ih (henrytang5247) , Luo Yufan and Li Keqing +Chinese (Traditional): by Chan Chilung +Estonian: by Joann Mõndresku (cernodile) +German: by Daniel Reimer (dreimer) +Polish: by wojo664 and CompGame356 +Romanian: by Ștefan Fulea +Russian: by Nikolay Burshtyn (amber) +Spanish: by Julen Urizar Compains +Turkish: by Erdem Ersoy (eersoy93) and Ercan Ersoy (ercanersoy) -Other: +Others: Base Python script for SHA1 sync by Ismael Ferreras Morezuelas Extended Python script with ini parsing, size calculating, dead link detection and language specific namings by Christopher Reimer diff --git a/QtEmu.txt b/QtEmu.txt index 03942a27..9c34f16c 100644 --- a/QtEmu.txt +++ b/QtEmu.txt @@ -1,14 +1,17 @@ - [Section] - Name = QtEmu - Version = 1.0.5 - License = GPLv2 - Description = QtEmu is a graphical user interface for QEMU written in Qt4. - Category = 16 - URLSite = https://qtemu.org/ - URLDownload = https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/qtemu/qtemu/1.0.5/qtemu-1.0.5.exe - SHA1 = 064318f1c199340fd08c5e314347f5a93460dc83 - SizeBytes = 5336074 - - [Section.0415] - Description = QtEmu to graficzny interfejs użytkownika dla QEMU napisany w Qt4. +[Section] +Name = QtEmu +Version = 1.0.5 +License = GPLv2 +Description = QtEmu is a graphical user interface for QEMU written in Qt4. +Category = 16 +URLSite = https://qtemu.org/ +URLDownload = https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/qtemu/qtemu/1.0.5/qtemu-1.0.5.exe +SHA1 = 064318f1c199340fd08c5e314347f5a93460dc83 +SizeBytes = 5336074 + +[Section.0404] +Description = QtEmu 是一款以 Qt4 編寫的 QEMU 圖形用戶界面。 + +[Section.0415] +Description = QtEmu to graficzny interfejs użytkownika dla QEMU napisany w Qt4. diff --git a/SNES9x.txt b/SNES9x.txt index f684c9d8..147e714b 100644 --- a/SNES9x.txt +++ b/SNES9x.txt @@ -8,7 +8,13 @@ URLSite = https://github.com/snes9xgit/snes9x/ URLDownload = https://github.com/snes9xgit/snes9x/releases/download/1.60/snes9x-1.60-win32.zip SHA1 = a67156f159405c73be86df49818f9984dfee218d SizeBytes = 2619607 -[Section.040c] -Description = Un émulateur portable et gratuit de Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Vous devrez utiliser OpenGL comme moteur de rendu dans les paramètres vidéo ou dans le fichier .ini. + [Section.0a] Description = Un emulador de Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) portátil y gratuito. Deberá cambiar el renderizador de video a OpenGL en la configuración de video o en el archivo ini. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款免費,輕便的超級任天堂(SNES/SFC)模擬器。您需要在視訊設定或直接在 INI 檔案中將視訊算繪器設定為 OpenGL。 + +[Section.040c] +Description = Un émulateur portable et gratuit de Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Vous devrez utiliser OpenGL comme moteur de rendu dans les paramètres vidéo ou dans le fichier .ini. + diff --git a/ZinjaI.txt b/ZinjaI.txt index 47923a5a..fdb9acc8 100644 --- a/ZinjaI.txt +++ b/ZinjaI.txt @@ -8,8 +8,12 @@ URLSite = http://zinjai.sourceforge.net/ URLDownload = https://sourceforge.net/projects/zinjai/files/zinjai-20180718/zinjai-w32-20180718.exe/download SizeBytes = 37629858 +[Section.0404] +Description = ZinjaI 是用於編寫 C 和 C++ 語言的整合開發環境。 + [Section.040a] Description = ZinjaI es un entorno de desarrollo IDE para programar en C y C++. [Section.0416] Description= ZinjaI é um ambiente de desenvolvimento IDE para programar em C e C++. + diff --git a/abiword.txt b/abiword.txt index d63a28a5..44372029 100644 --- a/abiword.txt +++ b/abiword.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://www.abisource.com/downloads/abiword/2.9.4/Windows/abiword-s SHA1 = ad6163ab21b1a48975a3f966699963334aedb4d0 SizeBytes = 9856350 -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffene Textverarbeitung. - [Section.0a] Description = Procesador de textos rápido y de código abierto. +[Section.0404] +Description = 開源的文字處理器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffene Textverarbeitung. + [Section.040c] Description = Éditeur de texte. diff --git a/abiword26.txt b/abiword26.txt index dddca1fd..e39a1eb5 100644 --- a/abiword26.txt +++ b/abiword26.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://www.abisource.com/downloads/abiword/2.6.8/Windows/abiword-s SHA1 = 50d9d952cd159b7e7f7aa19c57d448ebc9cb422f SizeBytes = 5912280 -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffene Textverarbeitung. - [Section.0a] Description = Procesador de textos rápido y de código abierto. +[Section.0404] +Description = 開源的文字處理器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffene Textverarbeitung. + [Section.040c] Description = Éditeur de texte. diff --git a/abyss.txt b/abyss.txt index d4f9b061..2f511d24 100644 --- a/abyss.txt +++ b/abyss.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = http://www.aprelium.com/data/abwsx1.exe SHA1 = 502d9316447643524eef7dbf3d918b657fa6c368 SizeBytes = 3253776 -[Section.0407] -Description = Ermöglicht es Webseiten auf Ihrem Computer zu hosten. Er unterstützt sichere SSL/TLS Verbindungen (HTTPS) sowie eine Vielfalt an Web Technologien. Er kann ebenfalls PHP, Perl, Python, ASP, ASP.NET, und Ruby on Rails Web Anwendungen ausführen, welche von Datenbanken, wie MySQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server, MS Access, oder Oracle unterstützt werden können. - [Section.0a] Description = Permite alojar sitios Web localmente en el equipo. Soporta conexiones seguras SSL / TLS (HTTPS) así como una gran cantidad de tecnologías web. También puede ejecutar aplicaciones web en PHP, Perl, Python, ASP, ASP.Net, Ruby y Ruby on Rails, que pueden ser asociadas con bases de datos tales como MySQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server, MS Access u Oracle. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款可以讓您的電腦架設網站的程式。它支援安全 SSL/TLS 連線(HTTPS)及多種網路技術。它也可以執行由 MySQL、SQLite、MS SQL Server、MS Access 或 Oracle 等的資料庫提供支援的 PHP、Perl、Python、ASP、ASP.NET 及 Ruby on Rails 的網路程式。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Ermöglicht es Webseiten auf Ihrem Computer zu hosten. Er unterstützt sichere SSL/TLS Verbindungen (HTTPS) sowie eine Vielfalt an Web Technologien. Er kann ebenfalls PHP, Perl, Python, ASP, ASP.NET, und Ruby on Rails Web Anwendungen ausführen, welche von Datenbanken, wie MySQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server, MS Access, oder Oracle unterstützt werden können. + [Section.040c] Description = Abyss Web Server vous permet d'héberger vos sites internet sur votre ordinateur. Il supporte les connexions sécurisées SSL/TLS (HTTPS) ainsi qu'un grand nombre de technologies web. Il peut également faire tourner des applications web PHP, Perl, Python, ASP, ASP.Net, Ruby et Ruby on Rails, qui peuvent être associées à des bases de données telles que MySQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server, MS Access ou Oracle. diff --git a/ac97forvirtualbox.txt b/ac97forvirtualbox.txt index 5a97c0ec..1896ef68 100644 --- a/ac97forvirtualbox.txt +++ b/ac97forvirtualbox.txt @@ -8,6 +8,16 @@ URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/ac97_vbox.exe SHA1 = 050b74c2f1b7aacaf2c2ff5068b89a24e4495d21 SizeBytes = 189954 +[Section.0a] +Name = Controlador AC'97 para VirtualBox +License = Desconocida +Description = Controlador de audio para dispositivos compatibles con AC'97. Se debe descomprimir en la carpeta «ReactOS» y reiniciar dos veces. + +[Section.0404] +Name = 適用於 VirtualBox 的 AC'97 驅動程式 +License = 不明 +Description = AC'97 相容裝置的音訊驅動程式。需要解壓縮到 ReactOS 資料夾,並重新啟動兩次後才能使用。 + [Section.0405] Name = Ovladač AC97 pro VirtualBox License = Neznámá @@ -18,11 +28,6 @@ Name = AC97 Treiber für VirtualBox License = Unbekannt Description = Sound Treiber für AC'97-kompatible Geräte. Entpacken in das "ReactOS"-Verzeichnis und ReactOS zweimal neustarten. -[Section.0a] -Name = Controlador AC'97 para VirtualBox -License = Desconocida -Description = Controlador de audio para dispositivos compatibles con AC'97. Se debe descomprimir en la carpeta «ReactOS» y reiniciar dos veces. - [Section.0410] Name = Driver AC97 per VirtualBox License = Sconosciuta diff --git a/agatemulator.txt b/agatemulator.txt index 1e108ea9..5251087a 100644 --- a/agatemulator.txt +++ b/agatemulator.txt @@ -9,13 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = https://sourceforge.net/projects/agatemulator/files/agatemulator/1 SHA1 = 99db84ac514ea588d8d4938f09a9d0a0749ab461 SizeBytes = 6346282 -[Section.0407] -Description = Apple ][ und Agat 7/9 Emulator für Win32. - [Section.0a] Name = Emulador Agat Description = Emulador de Apple ][ y Agat 7/9 para Win32. +[Section.0404] +Description = Win32 的 Apple ][ 和 Agat 7/9 的模擬軟體。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Apple ][ und Agat 7/9 Emulator für Win32. + [Section.0415] Description = Emulator Apple ][ i Agat 7/9 dla Win32. diff --git a/aim.txt b/aim.txt index c3fffd05..ee1a22e9 100644 --- a/aim.txt +++ b/aim.txt @@ -11,3 +11,8 @@ SizeBytes = 2598120 [Section.0a] Description = Mensajería Instantánea AOL. Cambie el DNS host a iwarg.ddns.net en el puerto 519' para restaurar su funcionalidad. Requiere AIM Phoenix. + +[Section.0404] +License = 廢棄軟體 +Description = AOL 即時通訊。在連線設定中將 host DNS 變更為 iwarg.ddns.net,並將連接埠設為 5190 即可恢復其功能。這個軟體需要一個 AIM Phoenix 帳戶。 + diff --git a/air.txt b/air.txt index a8abb06f..b4f37e01 100644 --- a/air.txt +++ b/air.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20180317021711if_/https://airdownload. SHA1 = 9460f20461e2b92abd30c03454c810dc919fc8ad SizeBytes = 10857648 +[Section.0a] +Description = El entorno de ejecución de Adobe AIR permite a los desarrolladores empaquetar el mismo código en aplicaciones nativas y juegos. + +[Section.0404] +License = Adobe 軟體授權合約 +Description = Adobe AIR 執行環境可讓開發者以同樣的代碼封裝為原生應用程式及遊戲。 + [Section.0407] Description = Mithilfe der Adobe AIR-Laufzeit können Entwickler den gleichen Code in native Anwendungen und Spiele einbinden. @@ -33,6 +40,3 @@ Description = Adobe AIR runtime lubab arendajatel pakkida sama koodi kohalikesse [Section.0804] Description = Adobe AIR 运行库允许开发者将同样的代码打包成原生应用及游戏。 -[Section.0a] -Description = El entorno de ejecución de Adobe AIR permite a los desarrolladores empaquetar el mismo código en aplicaciones nativas y juegos. - diff --git a/akelpad.txt b/akelpad.txt index 0e7b11f7..ce2ea322 100644 --- a/akelpad.txt +++ b/akelpad.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 1205230 [Section.0a] Description = Un editor de texto plano de código abierto. Se diseñó para ser ligero y rápido. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款小巧而快速的開源純文字編輯器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Kleiner, schneller und quelloffener Text Editor. diff --git a/alreader.txt b/alreader.txt index e9931a97..f3f68e91 100644 --- a/alreader.txt +++ b/alreader.txt @@ -8,12 +8,15 @@ URLDownload = https://svn.reactos.org/packages/AlReader2Setup.exe SHA1 = 84093c0a4af21e733357c20b649d2cec20ea67bb SizeBytes = 4776658 -[Section.0407] -Description = FB2 eBook Reader. Unterstützung für folgende Formate: fb2, fbz, txt, epub, html, doc, docx, odt, rtf, mobi, prc (PalmDoc), tcr. ZIP und GZ Archive werden ebenfalls unterstützt. - [Section.0a] Description = Un lector de libros electrónicos. Soporta los formatos fb2, fbz, txt, epub, html, doc, docx, odt, rtf, mobi, prc (PalmDoc) y tcr, además de libros comprimidos en archivos ZIP y GZ. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款 FB2 電子書閱讀器。支援的格式:fb2、fbz、txt、epub、html、doc、docx、odt、rtf、mobi、prc (PalmDoc) 和 tcr。支援 ZIP 和 GZ 壓縮檔。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = FB2 eBook Reader. Unterstützung für folgende Formate: fb2, fbz, txt, epub, html, doc, docx, odt, rtf, mobi, prc (PalmDoc), tcr. ZIP und GZ Archive werden ebenfalls unterstützt. + [Section.0410] Description = Un eBook Reader. Legge i formati fb2, fbz, txt, epub, html, doc, docx, odt, rtf, mobi, prc (PalmDoc), tcr. Supporta gli archivi ZIP e GZ. diff --git a/assaultcube.txt b/assaultcube.txt index 0757be36..09b8acf4 100644 --- a/assaultcube.txt +++ b/assaultcube.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20210404184218/https://github.com/assa SHA1 = 91de3526daa12a139f051dee9f865f84be79aeed SizeBytes = 45464090 +[Section.0a] +Description = Shooter 3D en primera persona basado en el motor gráfico Cube. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 基於 Cube 引擎的第一人稱 3D 射擊遊戲。 + [Section.0419] License = Бесплатно Description = Трехмерный шутер от первого лица, основанный на движке Cube. @@ -17,5 +24,3 @@ Description = Трехмерный шутер от первого лица, ос License = Безкоштовно Description = Трьохмірний шутер від першої особи, що базується на движку Cube. -[Section.0a] -Description = Shooter 3D en primera persona basado en el motor gráfico Cube. diff --git a/audacious.txt b/audacious.txt index 8ab27bcc..6f276969 100644 --- a/audacious.txt +++ b/audacious.txt @@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ SizeBytes = 15969876 Icon = audacious.ico Screenshot1 = https://i.imgur.com/xpvdELX.png +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款以 Winamp/XMMS 為靈感的開源音訊播放器。 + [Section.0419] Description = Аудиопроигрыватель с открытым исходным кодом, вдохновлённый Winamp/XMMS. diff --git a/audacity.txt b/audacity.txt index 61f27cf8..6365a4b1 100644 --- a/audacity.txt +++ b/audacity.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://dreimer.eu/reactos/audacity-win-2.2.2.exe SHA1 = 39d00d43e72a7944f433d3f61855a487b5797328 SizeBytes = 20248056 -[Section.0407] -Description = Freie, quelloffene Cross-Plattform Software zur Aufnahme und Bearbeitung von Sounds. - [Section.0a] Description = Programa libre, gratuito y multiplataforma para grabar y editar audio y música. +[Section.0404] +Description = 免費、開源、跨平台的聲音錄制和編輯軟體。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Freie, quelloffene Cross-Plattform Software zur Aufnahme und Bearbeitung von Sounds. + [Section.0415] Description = Darmowy, otwartoźródłowy, wieloplatformowy program do nagrywania i edycji dźwięków. @@ -31,5 +34,5 @@ Description = Sesleri kaydetme ve düzenleme için özgür, açık kaynak ve ça Description = Tasuta, avatud lähtekoodiga ja mitmikplatvormil tarkvara helisalvestamiseks ja redigeerimiseks. [Section.0804] -Description = 免费开源跨平台的声音录制、编辑软件。 +Description = 免费、开源、跨平台的声音录制和编辑软件。 diff --git a/audiograbber.txt b/audiograbber.txt index 41094c6f..3a585a3b 100644 --- a/audiograbber.txt +++ b/audiograbber.txt @@ -9,15 +9,19 @@ URLDownload = http://rsteinbu.myonlineportal.org/downloads/freeware/Multimedia/A SHA1 = c53224ad4f0e381af5c8cd146d7c90539c6d6489 SizeBytes = 3349460 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un buen extractor de pistas de CDs de música y conversor de archivos de audio. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款非常好用的 CD 分割和音訊檔案轉換工具。 + [Section.0407] Description = Sehr guter CD-Ripper/Audio-Datei-Konverter. [Section.0410] Description = Un buon CD Ripper/Convertitore di file Audio. -[Section.0a] -Description = Un buen extractor de pistas de CDs de música y conversor de archivos de audio. - [Section.040c] Description = Un très bon extracteur de CD/convertisseur de fichier audio. diff --git a/bochs.txt b/bochs.txt index 7d0353f9..f2509347 100644 --- a/bochs.txt +++ b/bochs.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/project/bochs/bochs/2.6.9/Bochs-2 SHA1 = ad2d245b9f7d0492ec800df4b38b8893d8bb0642 SizeBytes = 5335913 -[Section.0407] -Description = Portabler, quelloffener IA-32 (x86) PC-Emulator geschrieben in C++, der auf den meisten populären Plattformen läuft. - [Section.0a] Description = Un emulador de PC IA-32 (x86) multiplataforma y de código abierto escrito en C++, funciona en gran cantidad de arquitecturas. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款以 C++ 編寫,開源的可攜式 IA-32 (x86) PC 模擬器。它可在大多數的主流平臺上執行。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Portabler, quelloffener IA-32 (x86) PC-Emulator geschrieben in C++, der auf den meisten populären Plattformen läuft. + [Section.0410] Description = Bochs è un emulatore pc IA-32 (x86) scritto in C++ open source e portatile, che può essere eseguito sulle piattaformi più popolari. diff --git a/boswars.txt b/boswars.txt index 6cf4eebd..28ac5e5f 100644 --- a/boswars.txt +++ b/boswars.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://www.boswars.org/dist/releases/BosWars-2.6.1.exe SHA1 = d3f12d5f8529edfb924dca789f779f6b593a2221 SizeBytes = 65299934 -[Section.0407] -Description = Futuristisches Echtzeitstrategiespiel. Benötigt die Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime. - [Section.0a] Description = Un juego de estrategia futurista en tiempo real. Para ejecutar el juego es necesario instalar Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 runtime. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款未來風格的即時戰略遊戲。這個軟體需要 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 執行環境才能執行。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Futuristisches Echtzeitstrategiespiel. Benötigt die Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime. + [Section.0410] Description = Bos Wars è un gioco futuristico di strategia in tempo reale. Per iniziare il gioco, installare Microsoft Visual C + + 2008 runtime. diff --git a/boundaround.txt b/boundaround.txt index 18148e69..505cc2a3 100644 --- a/boundaround.txt +++ b/boundaround.txt @@ -8,12 +8,16 @@ URLDownload = http://www.blueskied.com/BoundAround_Demo.exe SHA1 = 06907f4f3ff6fb9be2f64ff7056b9bb1623a48b9 SizeBytes = 2045624 -[Section.0407] -Description = Spiel ähnlich zu Frozen Fruits. - [Section.0a] Description = Un juego similar a Frozen Fruits. +[Section.0404] +License = 共享軟體 +Description = 一款類似 Frozen Fruits 的遊戲。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Spiel ähnlich zu Frozen Fruits. + [Section.0410] Name = Bound Around (Versione di prova) Description = Un gioco simile a Frozen Fruits. diff --git a/calibre2.txt b/calibre2.txt index 5ff0a43b..c1069a34 100644 --- a/calibre2.txt +++ b/calibre2.txt @@ -16,3 +16,7 @@ SizeBytes = 67489792 [Section.0a] Description = Calibre es un software de licencia abierta para la gestión de libros digitales. Edita librerías virtuales, lee libros, crea y convierte ebooks y sincronízalos con tu dispositivo favorito. + +[Section.0404] +Description = Calibre 是一款開源、跨平臺的電子書程式集。您可以編輯虛擬圖書館、顯示、建立、轉換您的電子書,並同步至您喜歡的裝置。 + diff --git a/ccleaner.txt b/ccleaner.txt index 82d5b6b5..177aa446 100644 --- a/ccleaner.txt +++ b/ccleaner.txt @@ -9,15 +9,19 @@ URLDownload = https://download.ccleaner.com/ccsetup562.exe SHA1 = e5c348ec9ff7905cb7f09a61a8686cb1e32154de SizeBytes = 25441808 -[Section.0407] -Description = Sehr gutes Bereinigungswerkzeug für den PC. -URLSite = https://www.ccleaner.com/de-de/ccleaner - [Section.0a] License = Gratuita Description = Una herramienta de limpieza y mantenimiento con la que borrar archivos temporales. URLSite = https://www.ccleaner.com/es-es/ccleaner +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款清理暫存檔案和日常維護電腦的好工具。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Sehr gutes Bereinigungswerkzeug für den PC. +URLSite = https://www.ccleaner.com/de-de/ccleaner + [Section.0415] Description = Przyzwoite narzędzie do czyszczenia tymczasowych plików i ogólnej konserwacji komputera. diff --git a/christmasbound.txt b/christmasbound.txt index bf0ef5bf..c1de5b95 100644 --- a/christmasbound.txt +++ b/christmasbound.txt @@ -9,13 +9,17 @@ URLDownload = http://www.blueskied.com/xmas/ChristmasBound_setup.exe SHA1 = cc8bef8e9060b1838f63af2864dc1f91abe60ea0 SizeBytes = 913751 -[Section.0407] -Description = Spiel ähnlich zu Frozen Fruits. - [Section.0a] License = Gratuito Description = Un juego similar a Frozen Fruits. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款類似 Frozen Fruits 的遊戲。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Spiel ähnlich zu Frozen Fruits. + [Section.0410] Description = Un gioco simile a Frozen Fruits. diff --git a/chromium.txt b/chromium.txt index 11ef751f..e4a66b71 100644 --- a/chromium.txt +++ b/chromium.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/chromium-bsu/Chromium%20B. SHA1 = 1dadfa58e602ee7cd478e90de1697b6d1f081e43 SizeBytes = 2284853 -[Section.0407] -Description = Arcade-Style, Top-Scrolling Space Shooter. - [Section.0a] Description = Un juego vertical de disparos espacial al clásico estilo arcade. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款街機風格的縱向卷軸太空射擊遊戲。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Arcade-Style, Top-Scrolling Space Shooter. + [Section.0410] Description = Cromo B.S.U. è sparatutto spaziale. diff --git a/clamwin.txt b/clamwin.txt index 0a237c81..ea369b23 100644 --- a/clamwin.txt +++ b/clamwin.txt @@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ SHA1 = f75d795dd6c31ea646cd944ec944c3e8be2a8f17 SizeBytes = 236832816 Languages = 0409|040A +[Section.0404] +Description = ClamWin 是適用於 Microsoft Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP/Me/2000/98 及 Windows Server 2012/2008/2003 的免費防毒軟體。 + [Section.040a] Name = ClamWin Antivirus Gratuito Description = ClamWin es un antivirus libre para Microsoft Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP/Me/2000/98 y para Windows Server 2012, 2008 y 2003. + diff --git a/cnt.txt b/cnt.txt index 4d376c0d..8b7d864d 100644 --- a/cnt.txt +++ b/cnt.txt @@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ URLDownload = https://svn.reactos.org/packages/CNTzip.exe SHA1 = 5aac6280bd28308a1a92a0053fc550ea8e647eb3 SizeBytes = 1368064 +[Section.0404] +Name = Click-N-Type 虛擬鍵盤 +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款免費的虛擬鍵盤應用程式。 + [Section.0407] Description = Kostenlose virtuelle Tastatur. diff --git a/codeblocks.txt b/codeblocks.txt index 91167647..65d274d4 100644 --- a/codeblocks.txt +++ b/codeblocks.txt @@ -11,13 +11,17 @@ SizeBytes = 37372176 Icon=codeblocks.ico Screenshot1=https://i.imgur.com/FykFrzz.png -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffene, plattformübergreifende, mächtige IDE. Diese enthält keinen Compiler. - [Section.0a] Name = Code::Blocks (sin compilador) Description = Un IDE potente, de código abierto y multiplataforma. No viene con compilador. +[Section.0804] +Name = Code::Blocks(無編譯器) +Description = 開源、跨平台和功能強大的 IDE。這個軟體不含編譯器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffene, plattformübergreifende, mächtige IDE. Diese enthält keinen Compiler. + [Section.0410] Description = Un IDE potente, open source, multipiattaforma. Non contiene un compilatore. diff --git a/codeblocks_gcc.txt b/codeblocks_gcc.txt index c80e5764..858492e0 100644 --- a/codeblocks_gcc.txt +++ b/codeblocks_gcc.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/project/codeblocks/Binaries/17.12 SHA1 = d9159bdfa76762bf6ceade3485af4af13a6ecff7 SizeBytes = 90337727 -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffene, plattformübergreifende, mächtige IDE. Diese enthält den TDM-GCC (version 5.1.0, 32 bit) Compiler. - [Section.0a] Description = Un IDE potente, de código abierto y multiplataforma. Viene con el compilador TDM-GCC (version 5.1.0, 32 bit). +[Section.0804] +Name = Code::Blocks TDM-GCC(版本 5.1.0, 32 位元) +Description = 開源、跨平台和功能強大的 IDE。這個軟體包含 TDM-GCC(版本 5.1.0, 32 位元)編譯器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffene, plattformübergreifende, mächtige IDE. Diese enthält den TDM-GCC (version 5.1.0, 32 bit) Compiler. + [Section.0410] Description = Un IDE potente, open source, multipiattaforma. Contiene il compilatore TDM-GCC (versione 5.1.0, 32 bit). diff --git a/comctl32ocx.txt b/comctl32ocx.txt index 21fb2a86..372e921f 100644 --- a/comctl32ocx.txt +++ b/comctl32ocx.txt @@ -9,14 +9,6 @@ URLDownload = http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/a/5/3a5925ac-e779-4b1c-bb SHA1 = f271f3f5c8e0436b860cbd094133d97428bcd151 SizeBytes = 937984 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Datei wird von einigen Anwendungen benötigt. Beinhaltet: comctl32.ocx, mscomctl.ocx, advpack.dll. -URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/de-DE/download/details.aspx?id=10019 -URLDownload = http://download.microsoft.com/download/c/e/d/ced699fe-7a40-420b-bdd7-10b38caef4c6/VisualBasic6-KB896559-v1-DEU.exe -SHA1 = 423a2bc72bca3b25ce55aeada1a98e6295751033 -SizeBytes = 932872 - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para algunas aplicaciones. Incluye: comctl32.ocx, mscomctl.ocx y advpack.dll. @@ -25,6 +17,18 @@ URLDownload = http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/0/9/90935db7-89ec-4344-a9 SHA1 = 934f60140442a539400972e954e4e99ee6293a2b SizeBytes = 934400 +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 一些應用程式需要的檔案。包括:comctl32.ocx、mscomctl.ocx、advpack.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Datei wird von einigen Anwendungen benötigt. Beinhaltet: comctl32.ocx, mscomctl.ocx, advpack.dll. +URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/de-DE/download/details.aspx?id=10019 +URLDownload = http://download.microsoft.com/download/c/e/d/ced699fe-7a40-420b-bdd7-10b38caef4c6/VisualBasic6-KB896559-v1-DEU.exe +SHA1 = 423a2bc72bca3b25ce55aeada1a98e6295751033 +SizeBytes = 932872 + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = Fichier nécessaire pour certaines applications. Contient: comctl32.ocx, mscomctl.ocx, advpack.dll. diff --git a/cstalin.txt b/cstalin.txt index 17ac56db..9bdc1bee 100644 --- a/cstalin.txt +++ b/cstalin.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/commanderstalin/commander% SHA1 = 736b89d96c025bdf0b17116b4b8f26424e219669 SizeBytes = 273683958 -[Section.0407] -Description = Ein "Soviet" Echzeitstrategiespiel basierend auf Boswars. - [Section.0a] Description = Un juego de estrategia en tiempo real con tintes soviéticos. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款基於 Boswars,以蘇聯為主題的即時戰略遊戲。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Ein "Soviet" Echzeitstrategiespiel basierend auf Boswars. + [Section.0415] Description = "Sowiecka" gra strategiczna czasu rzeczywistego (RTS) oparta na Boswars. diff --git a/devcpp_tdm_gcc_x64.txt b/devcpp_tdm_gcc_x64.txt index a846bcd4..f2d9bb3e 100644 --- a/devcpp_tdm_gcc_x64.txt +++ b/devcpp_tdm_gcc_x64.txt @@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ SHA1 = 599853e3331311f9ef81b1e633d7713dd258f81d SizeBytes = 50433966 Icon = devcpp.ico -[Section.0407] -Description = Gepflegte Version von Dev-C++. Der 64 bit TDM-GCC Compiler liegt bei. - [Section.0a] Description = Una versión en desarrollo de Dev-C++. Viene con el compilador de 64 bits TDM-GCC. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款仍在維護的 Dev-C++ 版本。它包含 64 位元 TDM-GCC 編譯器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Gepflegte Version von Dev-C++. Der 64 bit TDM-GCC Compiler liegt bei. + [Section.0410] Description = Una versione sostenuta di Dev-C++. Contiene il compilatore a 64bit TDM-GCC. diff --git a/diablo2.txt b/diablo2.txt index ad021608..85b04739 100644 --- a/diablo2.txt +++ b/diablo2.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = https://bitbucket.org/Swyter/tld-downloads/downloads/diabloiidemo. SHA1 = f7aa7f76b9f4c7584d4980cb32a7de97394a3f05 SizeBytes = 138309685 -[Section.0407] -Description = Zeckensacks Glide Wrapper wird zum Ausführen benötigt. - [Section.0a] Description = Versión de demostración. El adaptador de compatibilidad para Glide de Zeckensack es necesario para poder ejecutar el juego. +[Section.0404] +License = 共享軟體 +Description = 這款遊戲的演示版,需要 Zeckensack's Glide wrapper 才能執行。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Zeckensacks Glide Wrapper wird zum Ausführen benötigt. + [Section.040c] Description = Zeckensack's Glide wrapper est requis pour le faire tourner. diff --git a/dilinuxreader.txt b/dilinuxreader.txt index 2465ee9c..4acc9e84 100644 --- a/dilinuxreader.txt +++ b/dilinuxreader.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20180525220638if_/http://www.diskinter SHA1 = e299b236a60536e4d44729d016dbfc4b9e1ffe7a SizeBytes = 22355893 +[Section.0a] +Description = Una manera sencilla de conectar entre Windows/ReactOS y los sistemas de archivos Ext2/Ext3/Ext4, HFS y ReiserFS. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款能使 Windows/ReactOS 與 Ext2/Ext3/Ext4、HFS 和 ReiserFS 檔案系統建立聯繫的軟體。 + [Section.0407] Description = Eine einfache Möglichkeit zwischen Windows/ReactOS und Ext2/Ext3/Ext4, HFS und ReiserFS-Dateisystemen zu überbrücken. @@ -35,6 +42,3 @@ Description = Kerge viis sillastada Windows/Reactos ja Ext2/Ext3/Ext4, HFS ja Re License = 免费软件 Description = 一种能够简单使 Windows/ReactOS 与 Ext2/Ext3/Ext4、HFS 和 ReiserFS 文件系统建立联系的软件。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Una manera sencilla de conectar entre Windows/ReactOS y los sistemas de archivos Ext2/Ext3/Ext4, HFS y ReiserFS. - diff --git a/directx.txt b/directx.txt index 35f74310..7a7da167 100644 --- a/directx.txt +++ b/directx.txt @@ -9,6 +9,14 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20190628041441/https://download.micros SHA1 = f8f1217f666bf2f6863631a7d5e5fb3a8d1542df SizeBytes = 100271992 +[Section.0a] +Description = Proporciona el entorno de ejecución requerido por la mayoría de las aplicaciones y juegos basados en DirectX. Necesitarás iniciar manualmente el instalador tras descomprimirlo. + +[Section.0404] +Name = DirectX End-User Runtimes(2010 年 6 月) +License = 不明 +Description = 為多數基於 DirectX 的應用程式和遊戲提供必須的執行環境。您需要在解壓縮後自行執行安裝程式。 + [Section.0415] License = Nieznana Description = Zawiera biblioteki wymagane przez większość gier i aplikacji opartych na DirectX. Należy uruchomić instalator po wypakowaniu plików. @@ -17,5 +25,3 @@ Description = Zawiera biblioteki wymagane przez większość gier i aplikacji op License = Tundmatu Description = Annab enamus DirectX põhinevate rakenduste ja mängude jaoks sobivad runtimed. Peate installeri käivitama käsitisi pärast lahti pakkimist. -[Section.0a] -Description = Proporciona el entorno de ejecución requerido por la mayoría de las aplicaciones y juegos basados en DirectX. Necesitarás iniciar manualmente el instalador tras descomprimirlo. diff --git a/directxfeb2010.txt b/directxfeb2010.txt index e1793b5a..9f9a67a6 100644 --- a/directxfeb2010.txt +++ b/directxfeb2010.txt @@ -9,6 +9,14 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20191108074337/https://download.micros SHA1 = a97c820915dc20929e84b49646ec275760012a42 SizeBytes = 109072752 +[Section.0a] +Description = Proporciona el entorno de ejecución requerido por la mayoría de las aplicaciones y juegos basados en DirectX. Necesitarás iniciar manualmente el instalador tras descomprimirlo. + +[Section.0404] +Name = DirectX End-User Runtimes(2010 年 2 月) +License = 不明 +Description = 為多數基於 DirectX 的應用程式和遊戲提供必須的執行環境。您需要在解壓縮後自行執行安裝程式。 + [Section.0415] License = Nieznana Description = Zawiera biblioteki wymagane przez większość gier i aplikacji opartych na DirectX. Należy uruchomić instalator po wypakowaniu plików. @@ -25,5 +33,3 @@ Description = Надає бібліотеки, необхідні для біл License = Tundmatu Description = Annab enamus DirectX põhinevate rakenduste ja mängude jaoks sobivad runtimed. Peate installeri käivitama käsitisi pärast lahti pakkimist. -[Section.0a] -Description = Proporciona el entorno de ejecución requerido por la mayoría de las aplicaciones y juegos basados en DirectX. Necesitarás iniciar manualmente el instalador tras descomprimirlo. diff --git a/dosblaster.txt b/dosblaster.txt index efe78e59..2e999c57 100644 --- a/dosblaster.txt +++ b/dosblaster.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/dosblaster/DosBlaster%202. SHA1 = 900927b51b67e09d83d924670e0ca72ba8151901 SizeBytes = 2152137 -[Section.0407] -Description = Shell Extension, die es ermöglicht jede DOS Anwendung via Rechtsklick in DOSBox zu öffnen. Diese Version beinhaltet DOSBox 0.70, kann aber sehr einfach aktualisiert werden, indem man ein neueres DOSBox in die DosBlaster Ordner installiert. - [Section.0a] Description = Una extensión del explorador de archivos que permite abrir cualquier ejecutable DOS en DOSBox haciendo clic derecho del ratón. Esta versión contiene DOSBox 0.70, pero se puede actualizar fácilmente instalando una nueva versión de DOSBox en la carpeta de DosBlaster. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款能通過滑鼠右鍵使任何 DOS 程式在 DOSBox 中執行的殼層延伸。這個版本包括 DOSBox 0.70,但您可以在 DosBlaster 資料夾中安裝 DOSBox 的新版本。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Shell Extension, die es ermöglicht jede DOS Anwendung via Rechtsklick in DOSBox zu öffnen. Diese Version beinhaltet DOSBox 0.70, kann aber sehr einfach aktualisiert werden, indem man ein neueres DOSBox in die DosBlaster Ordner installiert. + [Section.040c] Description = DosBlaster est une extension Shell qui permet d'ouvrir n'importe quel exécutable DOS dans DOSBox via un click droit. Cette version contient DOSBox 0.70 mais peut être simplement mise à jour en installant une nouvelle version de DOSBox dans les répertoires de DosBlaster. diff --git a/dosbox.txt b/dosbox.txt index 7befa1d9..d34a7ba2 100644 --- a/dosbox.txt +++ b/dosbox.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/dosbox/dosbox/0.74-2/DOSBo SHA1 = 06f23be4ceba35c8c547a98f1b327da20082b483 SizeBytes = 1453151 -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffener DOS-Emulator. - [Section.0a] Description = Un emulador de DOS de código abierto. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款開源的 DOS 模擬器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffener DOS-Emulator. + [Section.040c] Description = DOSBox est un émulateur DOS. diff --git a/doublecommander.txt b/doublecommander.txt index 4c7d7778..9bf4632c 100644 --- a/doublecommander.txt +++ b/doublecommander.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/DC%20for%20Window SHA1 = 3fa65b99368bbd4d20aee2743e346b3e914e3315 SizeBytes = 6566228 -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffener Dateimanager mit zwei nebeneinander liegenden Panels. - [Section.0a] Description = Un explorador de archivos multipanel de código abierto. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款帶有兩個面板並排一起的開源檔案管理器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffener Dateimanager mit zwei nebeneinander liegenden Panels. + [Section.0410] Description = Double Commander è un open-source file-manager con due pannelli laterali affiancati. diff --git a/dplus.txt b/dplus.txt index bb1312ba..320eff0d 100644 --- a/dplus.txt +++ b/dplus.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 1425497 [Section.0a] Description = Un navegador de archivos con interfaz gráfica y un énfasis en la seguridad, el rendimiento y la portabilidad. Se basa en Dillo y es una versión alternativa del proyecto Dillo-Win32. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款注重安全、性能和輕便的網際網路瀏覽器。它基於 Dillo,是 Dillo-Win32 方案的分支。 + [Section.0407] Description = Grafischer Web-Browser mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Sicherheit, Leistung und Mobilität. Er basiert auf Dillo und wurde vom Dillo-Win32-Projekt geforked. diff --git a/dvdwritenow.txt b/dvdwritenow.txt index e6743ba1..c1c8c569 100644 --- a/dvdwritenow.txt +++ b/dvdwritenow.txt @@ -9,13 +9,17 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20150606193303if_/http://dwn.alter.org SHA1 = 52ff824dc8363e4e6323f3417dbd337cb21d7f98 SizeBytes = 1354393 -[Section.0407] -Description = Kostenlose CD/DVD Brennsoftware. Sobald es installiert ist, kann man CD/DVD RW als USB Flash oder Wechseldatenträger beschreiben. Auch kann man hiermit auf CD/DVD RW schreiben, welche mit dem UDF Dateisystem beschrieben wurden. Auch kann man mit dieser Software UDF Disks, welche mit anderer Software erstellt wurden, lesen. (Microsoft DVD−ROMs, RW Disks erstellt mit Ahead InCD). Es wird für die Installation ein ZIP Dekomprimierprogramm benötigt. - [Section.0a] License = Gratuito Description = Un programa gratuito de grabación de CD/DVD. Una vez instalado, es posible utilizar CD/DVDs regrabables como memorias flash o discos duros extraíbles. Aparte, también permite escribir CD/DVDs regrabables que utilicen el sistema de archivos UDF. Además permite leer discos creados con otros programas(DVD−ROMs de Microsoft, discos regrabables hechos con Ahead InCD). Para instalarlo es necesario utilizar un extractor ZIP. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款免費的 CD/DVD 直接刻錄軟體。安裝後,您可以將 CD/DVD RW 當作 USB 隨身碟或移動硬碟來使用。您也可以使用這個工具來將 CD/DVD RW 以 UDF 檔案系統燒錄。這個程式也可以讀取由其他軟體(如 Microsoft DVD−ROMs,在 Ahead InCD 燒錄的 RW 光碟)建立的 UDF 光碟。您需要一個 ZIP 解壓縮程式才能安裝這個應用程式。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Kostenlose CD/DVD Brennsoftware. Sobald es installiert ist, kann man CD/DVD RW als USB Flash oder Wechseldatenträger beschreiben. Auch kann man hiermit auf CD/DVD RW schreiben, welche mit dem UDF Dateisystem beschrieben wurden. Auch kann man mit dieser Software UDF Disks, welche mit anderer Software erstellt wurden, lesen. (Microsoft DVD−ROMs, RW Disks erstellt mit Ahead InCD). Es wird für die Installation ein ZIP Dekomprimierprogramm benötigt. + [Section.0410] Description = Un software di masterizzazione CD/DVD diretto e gratuito. Una volta installato, è possibile utilizzare il CD/DVD RW da flash USB o dischi rigidi rimovibili. Insieme a questo è possibile scrivere CD/DVD RW registrati con filesystem UDF. È anche possibile leggere i dischi UDF creati con altri software. (Microsoft DVD-ROM, dischi RW registrati con InCD Ahead). Il programma ha bisogno di un programma di decompressione ZIP per installarlo. diff --git a/efsearch.txt b/efsearch.txt index 8652c7cf..5d2d3b40 100644 --- a/efsearch.txt +++ b/efsearch.txt @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ SizeBytes = 967106 [Section.0a] Description = Buscador de archivos compatible con ReactOS. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 與 ReactOS 相容的檔案搜尋工具程式。 + [Section.0407] Description = ReactOS kompatibles Dateisuchprogramm. diff --git a/everedit.txt b/everedit.txt index f5f69d73..9a526aa3 100644 --- a/everedit.txt +++ b/everedit.txt @@ -9,5 +9,11 @@ URLDownload = http://download.everedit.cn/everedit_win32_4480_setup.exe SHA1 = 74ef1e92d2337a8beabdd8ac1d387c7674009009 SizeBytes = 4380855 +[Section.0404] +License = 共享軟體 +Description = 現代、強大和物有所值的文字編輯器。 + [Section.0804] -Description = 最强的物有所值的现代文本编辑器 +License = 共享软件 +Description = 最强的物有所值的现代文本编辑器。 + diff --git a/everythingse.txt b/everythingse.txt index 3bf29785..7ee963eb 100644 --- a/everythingse.txt +++ b/everythingse.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = https://www.voidtools.com/Everything- SHA1 = b13cfdac10dd85737d94e7fc3b02a074a184137a SizeBytes = 1481176 +[Section.0a] +Description = Localiza archivos y carpetas por el nombre al instante. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 可以通過名稱來即時找到檔案和資料夾。 + [Section.0407] Description = Finde schnell Dateien und Ordner durch den Namen. @@ -35,6 +42,3 @@ Description = Leia faile ja kaustu nimepidi koheselt. License = 免费软件 Description = 即刻通过名字找到文件和文件夹。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Localiza archivos y carpetas por el nombre al instante. - diff --git a/excelview.txt b/excelview.txt index 7d8783d2..b035167b 100644 --- a/excelview.txt +++ b/excelview.txt @@ -9,13 +9,6 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20171225133033if_/http://download.micr SHA1 = 610cdc9a6684a5ef57ee5b4c1ca127384f3fb7e1 SizeBytes = 77738888 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Freeware Tabellenbetrachter für Office-Formate (* .xls). -URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20170104231942if_/http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/8/8/F88CB355-ECAA-4B74-87D6-C05C81D215BF/ExcelViewer.exe -SHA1 = f386b822000c24cb46782b3f8dbc32e617bc09bd -SizeBytes = 53634800 - [Section.0a] Name = Visor de Microsoft Excel Description = Visor gratuito de hojas de cálculo en formato Office (*.xls). @@ -24,6 +17,17 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20180420035744if_/http://download.micr SHA1 = d589d62072e31ead801318065758b77df16452fa SizeBytes = 53590312 +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 免費的 Office 試算表格式(*.xls)檢視器。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Freeware Tabellenbetrachter für Office-Formate (* .xls). +URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20170104231942if_/http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/8/8/F88CB355-ECAA-4B74-87D6-C05C81D215BF/ExcelViewer.exe +SHA1 = f386b822000c24cb46782b3f8dbc32e617bc09bd +SizeBytes = 53634800 + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20170501235031if_/http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/0/E/00EE9DCF-7BCA-4414-837E-BC3AA23DCC8D/ExcelViewer.exe diff --git a/fall.txt b/fall.txt index 39d76996..a5232ccf 100644 --- a/fall.txt +++ b/fall.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/insomnia/fall/stable/Fall- SHA1 = b8364dd7a015c1b9d5dbb2e8ac3cad34f803f0cb SizeBytes = 379782 +[Section.0a] +Description = Los pingüinos están cayendo desde un iceberg y tienes que introducirlo en la barca. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 企鵝會從冰山落下,您必須把它們彈上碼頭。 + [Section.0407] Description = Pinguine fallen von einem Eisberg herunter und man muss sie auf sicheres Land befördern. @@ -30,6 +36,3 @@ Description = Pingviinid kukkuvad jäemäelt ja Te peate nad põrkama sadamasse. [Section.0804] Description = 企鹅从冰山落下,你必须把它们弹上码头。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Los pingüinos están cayendo desde un iceberg y tienes que introducirlo en la barca. - diff --git a/famitracker.txt b/famitracker.txt index 007795fc..dc72e7a4 100644 --- a/famitracker.txt +++ b/famitracker.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = http://famitracker.com/files/FamiTracker-v0.4.6.zip SHA1 = b80c9630b2e08f04c0b512ab5ba573d79d47c275 SizeBytes = 1604814 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un tracker gratuito para crear música para los sistemas NES y Famicon en Windows. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一個免費的用來製作 NES 和 Famicom 系統音樂的 Windows 追蹤器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Kostenloser Windows Tracker zur Erstellung von Musik für NES und Famicom Systeme. @@ -35,6 +42,3 @@ Description = Tasuta Windows jälgija muusika produtseerimise jaoks NES ja Famic License = 免费软件 Description = 一个免费的用来制作 NES 和 Famicom 系统音乐的 Windows 跟踪器。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Un tracker gratuito para crear música para los sistemas NES y Famicon en Windows. - diff --git a/fap.txt b/fap.txt index e2a1a137..8941c687 100644 --- a/fap.txt +++ b/fap.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/fap-0.10.2-win32.exe SHA1 = f5ffcecf7adbce9145a7fe209ec1797bf22b0ceb SizeBytes = 1994190 -[Section.0407] -Description = Kleiner und einfacher Mediaplayer. - [Section.0a] Description = Reproductor de audio simple y ligero. +[Section.0404] +Description = 簡單、輕量級的音訊播放器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Kleiner und einfacher Mediaplayer. + [Section.040c] Description = Lecteur audio simple et léger. diff --git a/farmanager.txt b/farmanager.txt index 0568dfcd..c8cb9e84 100644 --- a/farmanager.txt +++ b/farmanager.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://www.farmanager.com/files/Far30b5200.x86.20180502.msi SHA1 = 4299f3835a498ad38ae01d226aea410bb4d6689c SizeBytes = 10739712 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un gestor de archivos open source basado en consola con dos paneles a cada lado. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款使用主控臺,帶有兩個面板並排一起的開源檔案管理器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Quelloffener, konsolenbasierter Dateimanager mit zwei nebeneinander liegenden Panels. @@ -32,5 +38,3 @@ Description = Avatud lähtekoodiga konsoolipõhine failihaldur kahe kõrvuti pan [Section.0804] Description = 一款开源的拥有两个并排面板的基于控制台的文件管理器。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Un gestor de archivos open source basado en consola con dos paneles a cada lado. diff --git a/fira.txt b/fira.txt index c8606c93..b5f1b442 100644 --- a/fira.txt +++ b/fira.txt @@ -9,13 +9,17 @@ URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/Fira.exe SHA1 = a8ac5e3ac34df5c52e144962ecf6df6cf366d1c8 SizeBytes = 3008302 +[Section.0a] +Description = Paquete de fuentes de Mozilla Fira. Incluye las fuentes Mono y Sans. Debe descomprimirse en la carpeta ReactOS. + +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 包括 Mono 和 Sans 的字體集,請將字體解壓縮至 ReactOS 資料夾。 + [Section.0407] License = Unbekannt Description = Font Pack, der Mono und Sans Schriften beinhaltet. Bitte in den "ReactOS" Ordner entpacken. -[Section.0a] -Description = Paquete de fuentes de Mozilla Fira. Incluye las fuentes Mono y Sans. Debe descomprimirse en la carpeta ReactOS. - [Section.0410] License = Sconosciuta Description = Fira Font Pack di Mozilla, Include i font Mono e Sans. Estrare nella cartella "ReactOS". diff --git a/firefox.txt b/firefox.txt index 1790b397..319cec37 100644 --- a/firefox.txt +++ b/firefox.txt @@ -9,6 +9,20 @@ URLDownload = https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/48.0.2/win32/en-US/Fi SHA1 = 82e3a5075a4aeb053fb45a573c0388cb576fb6cb SizeBytes = 45172688 +[Section.0a] +Description = Navegador web popular, libre y gratuito. +URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/es-ES/ +URLDownload = https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/48.0.2/win32/es-ES/Firefox%20Setup%2048.0.2.exe +SHA1 = f49bc1d402f5bcb7a63c0cae6313045fadf6fd01 +SizeBytes = 44931032 + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款全球流行的免費,開源的網頁瀏覽器。由社群共同製作。 +URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/zh-TW/ +URLDownload = https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/48.0.2/win32/zh-TW/Firefox%20Setup%2048.0.2.exe +SHA1 = 06e8a6a3fe4f5d2cad265935d719281c50703b7c +SizeBytes = 45229280 + [Section.0405] Description = Nejpopulárnější a jeden z nejlepších svobodných webových prohlížečů. URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/cs/ @@ -23,13 +37,6 @@ URLDownload = https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/48.0.2/win32/de/Firef SHA1 = bbdbb9b0b3a35e4f355fca4735826fd1d78706c3 SizeBytes = 45031256 -[Section.0a] -Description = Navegador web popular, libre y gratuito. -URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/es-ES/ -URLDownload = https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/48.0.2/win32/es-ES/Firefox%20Setup%2048.0.2.exe -SHA1 = f49bc1d402f5bcb7a63c0cae6313045fadf6fd01 -SizeBytes = 44931032 - [Section.040c] Description = Le navigateur web gratuit le plus populaire et l'un des meilleurs. URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/fr/ diff --git a/firefox28.txt b/firefox28.txt index 1831fac4..8a7de0e1 100644 --- a/firefox28.txt +++ b/firefox28.txt @@ -9,6 +9,20 @@ URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/28.0/win32 SHA1 = 0154f7a38acad5c186c000533f992830e509abee SizeBytes = 25200168 +[Section.0a] +Description = Navegador web popular, libre y gratuito. +URLSite = http://www.mozilla.org/es-ES/ +URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/28.0/win32/es-ES/Firefox%20Setup%2028.0.exe +SHA1 = 1c309423345543b9962e34d9092858fd12a4c099 +SizeBytes = 24976024 + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款全球流行的免費,開源的網頁瀏覽器。由社群共同製作。 +URLSite = http://www.mozilla.org/zh-TW/ +URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/28.0/win32/zh-TW/Firefox%20Setup%2028.0.exe +SHA1 = 8c1eadc24324eec592d0787f295e94f5e178a30f +SizeBytes = 25233560 + [Section.0405] Description = Nejpopulárnější a jeden z nejlepších svobodných webových prohlížečů. URLSite = http://www.mozilla.org/cs/ @@ -23,13 +37,6 @@ URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/28.0/win32 SHA1 = 98ee50985810c23361ae753f4fefc9abc967a54d SizeBytes = 25032080 -[Section.0a] -Description = Navegador web popular, libre y gratuito. -URLSite = http://www.mozilla.org/es-ES/ -URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/28.0/win32/es-ES/Firefox%20Setup%2028.0.exe -SHA1 = 1c309423345543b9962e34d9092858fd12a4c099 -SizeBytes = 24976024 - [Section.040c] Description = Le navigateur web gratuit le plus populaire et l'un des meilleurs. URLSite = http://www.mozilla.org/fr/ diff --git a/firefox36.txt b/firefox36.txt index ab2fc5ae..d525effc 100644 --- a/firefox36.txt +++ b/firefox36.txt @@ -9,6 +9,20 @@ URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.6.28/win SHA1 = 3657287c2cff34f5edc237de954a9cc6f2ca465a SizeBytes = 8624296 +[Section.0a] +Description = Navegador web popular, libre y gratuito. +URLSite = http://www.mozilla.org/es-ES/ +URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.6.28/win32/es-ES/Firefox%20Setup%203.6.28.exe +SHA1 = ad49dd088ed934504c30ee122abacc6cf774d65a +SizeBytes = 8444280 + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款全球流行的免費,開源的網頁瀏覽器。由社群共同製作。 +URLSite = http://www.mozilla.org/zh-TW/ +URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.6.28/win32/zh-TW/Firefox%20Setup%203.6.28.exe +SHA1 = 94a15386582847ecf1beceb59e0fcb6831ac432a +SizeBytes = 8455416 + [Section.0405] Description = Nejpopulárnější a jeden z nejlepších svobodných webových prohlížečů. URLSite = http://www.mozilla.org/cs/ @@ -23,13 +37,6 @@ URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.6.28/win SHA1 = 17c100fa1ecb36d6751dc72004b24eb84b251fc5 SizeBytes = 8459768 -[Section.0a] -Description = Navegador web popular, libre y gratuito. -URLSite = http://www.mozilla.org/es-ES/ -URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.6.28/win32/es-ES/Firefox%20Setup%203.6.28.exe -SHA1 = ad49dd088ed934504c30ee122abacc6cf774d65a -SizeBytes = 8444280 - [Section.040c] Description = Le navigateur web gratuit le plus populaire et l'un des meilleurs. URLSite = http://www.mozilla.org/fr/ diff --git a/foxit.txt b/foxit.txt index 4b145cf5..3f9effdb 100644 --- a/foxit.txt +++ b/foxit.txt @@ -9,15 +9,19 @@ URLDownload = https://cdn09.foxitsoftware.com/product/reader/desktop/win/9.1/Fox SHA1 = b158cbc4095c184bbcb65af38e7c0dee28b56bfc SizeBytes = 81823328 -[Section.0407] -Version = 9.1.0 -Description = Alternativer PDF Reader. Neben Adobe Reader der beste PDF Reader. - [Section.0a] Version = 9.1.0 License = Gratuito Description = Uno de los mejores lectores de PDF, parecido a Adobe Reader. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款在功能上媲美 Adobe Reader 的 PDF 閱讀器。 + +[Section.0407] +Version = 9.1.0 +Description = Alternativer PDF Reader. Neben Adobe Reader der beste PDF Reader. + [Section.0415] Description = Alternatywny czytnik PDF, konkurujący funkcjonalnością z Adobe Reader. diff --git a/fpnpapi.txt b/fpnpapi.txt index de0adfcb..29ebeabf 100644 --- a/fpnpapi.txt +++ b/fpnpapi.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20180518145318if_/http://fpdownload.ma SHA1 = 4f81e6c440331bc6a12bc1365ecbc6e227443fc1 SizeBytes = 20872192 +[Section.0a] +Description = Plugin de Flash Player para los navegadores web con soporte NPAPI (p.e. Firefox, Opera 12). + +[Section.0404] +Description = 適用於支援 NPAPI 的網頁瀏覽器的 Flash Player 插件(如:Firefox、Opera 12)。 + [Section.0415] License = Darmowe Description = Wtyczka Flash Player do przeglądarek internetowych obsługujących NPAPI (np. Firefox, Opera 12). @@ -17,5 +23,3 @@ Description = Wtyczka Flash Player do przeglądarek internetowych obsługującyc License = Vabavaraline Description = Flash Playeri plugin veebibrauseritele NPAPI toega (nt. Firefox, Opera 12). -[Section.0a] -Description = Plugin de Flash Player para los navegadores web con soporte NPAPI (p.e. Firefox, Opera 12). diff --git a/fpppapi.txt b/fpppapi.txt index e2dcc6b6..65eb80c9 100644 --- a/fpppapi.txt +++ b/fpppapi.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20180516032306if_/http://fpdownload.ma SHA1 = e0ddb0f3c4bc9a48ebbe164ee5a068b133c7e156 SizeBytes = 20846592 +[Section.0a] +Description = Plugin de Flash Player para los navegadores web con soporte PPAPI (p.e. Chrome, Vivaldi). + +[Section.0404] +Description = 適用於支援 PPAPI 的網頁瀏覽器的 Flash Player 插件(如:Chrome、Vivaldi)。 + [Section.0415] License = Darmowe Description = Wtyczka Flash Player do przeglądarek internetowych obsługujących PPAPI (np. Chrome, Vivaldi). @@ -17,5 +23,3 @@ Description = Wtyczka Flash Player do przeglądarek internetowych obsługującyc License = Vabavaraline Description = Flash Playeri plugin veebibrauseritele PPAPI toega (nt. Chrome, Vivaldi). -[Section.0a] -Description = Plugin de Flash Player para los navegadores web con soporte PPAPI (p.e. Chrome, Vivaldi). diff --git a/freebasic.txt b/freebasic.txt index 4ede997c..24a2e6d6 100644 --- a/freebasic.txt +++ b/freebasic.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://sourceforge.net/projects/fbc/files/FreeBASIC-1.08.1/Binari SHA1 = 29977d1d2aaa6c322e155f3a2db9e3b7481d80a1 SizeBytes = 19823315 -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffener BASIC Compiler. Die BASIC Syntax ist kompatibel zu QBASIC. - [Section.0a] Description = Compilador BASIC de código abierto. El lenguaje BASIC es compatible con QBASIC. +[Section.0404] +Description = 開源的 BASIC 編譯器。BASIC 語法相容於 QBASIC。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffener BASIC Compiler. Die BASIC Syntax ist kompatibel zu QBASIC. + [Section.040c] Description = Compilateur BASIC open source. La syntaxe du BASIC est compatible avec le QBASIC. diff --git a/freemat.txt b/freemat.txt index ef816333..c35ad0c6 100644 --- a/freemat.txt +++ b/freemat.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/freemat/FreeMat4/FreeMat-4 SHA1 = 0f3dce8d6109e0da87f1851f4f4b8fec5f0e8943 SizeBytes = 52264419 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un entorno gratuito y rápido de prototipado científico, de procesamiento de datos e ingenieril. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款免費的快速工程、科學原型設計和資料處理的環境。 + [Section.0407] Description = Eine freie Umgebung für schnelle technische und wissenschaftliche Prototyping und Datenverarbeitung. @@ -31,6 +37,3 @@ Description = Tasuta keskkond kiire inseneri- ja teaduslik prototüüpimise ja a [Section.0804] Description = 一个免费的快速工程、科学原型设计及数据处理的环境。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Un entorno gratuito y rápido de prototipado científico, de procesamiento de datos e ingenieril. - diff --git a/freestopwatch.txt b/freestopwatch.txt index a72ccf51..3e854916 100644 --- a/freestopwatch.txt +++ b/freestopwatch.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = http://web.archive.org/web/20161018075018/http://free-stopwatch.co SHA1 = 17df516838698e717925b2d58a5e76ad14f795c9 SizeBytes = 1527424 +[Section.0a] +Description = Una aplicación de cronómetro digital muy flexible. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款靈活的電子計時器軟體。 + [Section.0407] Description = Eine flexible digitale Stoppuhr-Software. @@ -37,6 +44,3 @@ Description = Painduv digitaalne stopperi tarkvara. License = 免费软件 Description = 一款灵活的电子停表软件。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Una aplicación de cronómetro digital muy flexible. - diff --git a/gecko.txt b/gecko.txt index ece1e823..4ee5fd8f 100644 --- a/gecko.txt +++ b/gecko.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = https://svn.reactos.org/amine/wine_gecko-2.40-x86.msi SHA1 = 8a3adedf3707973d1ed4ac3b2e791486abf814bd SizeBytes = 27959808 +[Section.0a] +Name = Motor de renderizado Wine Gecko +Description = El motor de renderizado Gecko se instala normalmente en el primer paso de la instalación, pero solo si la conexión a internet está disponible en el proceso. Necesario para las aplicaciones que hacen uso del "mshtml.dll". + +[Section.0404] +Description = 除非當時網路不可用,否則 Gecko Engine 在系統安裝程式的第一階段時已經安装。在使用需要利用 mshtml.dll 的應用程式時需要它。 + [Section.0407] Description = Die Gecko Engine, welche normalerweise während des 1st stage Setups installiert wird, aber nur wenn zu diesem Zeitpunkt Internet verfügbar war. Wird für Anwendungen benötigt, die mshtml.dll einsetzen. @@ -30,7 +37,3 @@ Description = Gecko Engine on tavaliselt installitud esimeses paigalduse etapis, [Section.0804] Description = Gecko Engine 通常在系统安装第一阶段安装,除非当时网络不可用。使用 mshtml.dll 的应用程序需要它。 -[Section.0a] -Name = Motor de renderizado Wine Gecko -Description = El motor de renderizado Gecko se instala normalmente en el primer paso de la instalación, pero solo si la conexión a internet está disponible en el proceso. Necesario para las aplicaciones que hacen uso del "mshtml.dll". - diff --git a/gensemulator.txt b/gensemulator.txt index 06842a28..5f1ccb75 100644 --- a/gensemulator.txt +++ b/gensemulator.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = http://www.emucamp.com/sega_megadrive/gens/windows/gens-win32-bin- SHA1 = 664af709eeb828aeae57e79739f4edcdfbc156dd SizeBytes = 586839 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un emulador Win32 de Sega Genesis, Sega CD y Sega 32X. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 適用於 Win32 的 Sega Genesis/Sega CD/Sega 32X 模擬器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Ein Win32 Sega Genesis / Sega CD / Sega 32X Emulator. @@ -31,6 +37,3 @@ Description = Win32 Sega Genesis / Sega CD / Sega 32X emulaator. [Section.0804] Description = Win32 用的 Sega Genesis / Sega CD / Sega 32X 模拟器。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Un emulador Win32 de Sega Genesis, Sega CD y Sega 32X. - diff --git a/ghostscript.txt b/ghostscript.txt index 26abfdc5..3cb60c67 100644 --- a/ghostscript.txt +++ b/ghostscript.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20200916172531/https://github.com/Arti SHA1 = 5d741922a801bf882b1fff64e9d047aebb622ac0 SizeBytes = 25909024 -[Section.0407] -Description = Offener Interpreter für die PostScript Sprache und PDF. - [Section.0a] Description = Un intérprete libre para el lenguaje PostScript y PDF. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款開源的 PostScript 和 PDF 的直譯器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Offener Interpreter für die PostScript Sprache und PDF. + [Section.0415] Description = Otwarty interpreter języka PostScript i PDF. diff --git a/ghostview.txt b/ghostview.txt index ec0ae620..05f0225f 100644 --- a/ghostview.txt +++ b/ghostview.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://ghostgum.com.au/download/gsv50w32.exe SHA1 = e2a99a0725769f9e0c622ca37adead6fe32ea165 SizeBytes = 2032640 -[Section.0407] -Description = Grafisches Interface für Ghostscript. - [Section.0a] Description = Una interfaz gráfica para Ghostscript. +[Section.0404] +Description = Ghostscript 的圖形界面。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Grafisches Interface für Ghostscript. + [Section.0415] Description = Interfejs graficzny dla Ghostscript. diff --git a/gimp.txt b/gimp.txt index 71ef6130..fb79a5a3 100644 --- a/gimp.txt +++ b/gimp.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gimp/v2.6/windows/gimp-2.6.12 SHA1 = 438ee0a517507396cdab6d814638d7313d0b99e0 SizeBytes = 20924432 +[Section.0a] +Description = Es un acrónimo en inglés de «Programa de Manipulación de Imágenes GNU». Se distribuye libremente y está pensado para el retoque fotográfico, composición de imágenes y dibujo. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 「GNU 圖像處理程式」的英文首字母縮寫。它是一款用於圖像的修飾、構圖和設計的軟體。 + [Section.0407] Description = Akronym für GNU Image Manipulation Program. Es ist ein frei verfügbares Programm für Aufgaben wie Foto-Retusche, Bildkomposition und Bild-Authoring. @@ -27,9 +33,6 @@ Description = "GNU Image Manipulation Program" için bir kısaltma. Fotoğraf d [Section.0425] Description = Lühend "GNU Image Manipulation Progamm" jaoks. Tasuta jagatud programm ülesannete jaoks nagu foto viimistlus, pildikompositsioonimine, pildi loomine. -[Section.0a] -Description = Es un acrónimo en inglés de «Programa de Manipulación de Imágenes GNU». Se distribuye libremente y está pensado para el retoque fotográfico, composición de imágenes y dibujo. - [Section.0804] Description = “GNU 图片编辑程序”的首字母缩写。它是一个用于譬如照片修描、图像构图和设计的自由软件。 diff --git a/git.txt b/git.txt index 815746c9..c99a7adc 100644 --- a/git.txt +++ b/git.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20170403083756/https://github.com/git- SHA1 = 5defdff68265622535b9f0423d9d9b8fb1c90be2 SizeBytes = 32980760 +[Section.0a] +Name = Git para Windows +Description = Git es un sistema de control y revision de sistemas rápido, escalable y distribucional con una variedad rica de comandos que proveen operaciones a alto nivel y un control total de los elementos. + +[Section.0404] +Description = Git 是快速,可擴展的分散式版本控制軟體,並擁有非常多用於高階操作和對內部的完全存取的命令。 + [Section.0419] Name = Git для Windows Description = Git - это быстрая, масштабируемая, распределённая система контроля версий с необычно богатым набором команд, который обеспечивает как операции высокого уровня, так и полный доступ к внутренним компонентам. @@ -17,6 +24,3 @@ Description = Git - это быстрая, масштабируемая, рас Name = Git Windowsile Description = Git on kiire, skaleeritav, jaotatud muudatuste kontrollsüsteem ebatavaliselt rikka käsustikuga, mis annab nii kõrge tasemelisi operatsiooni kui ka täieliku ligipääsu siseosadesse. -[Section.0a] -Name = Git para Windows -Description = Git es un sistema de control y revision de sistemas rápido, escalable y distribucional con una variedad rica de comandos que proveen operaciones a alto nivel y un control total de los elementos. diff --git a/glidewrapzbag.txt b/glidewrapzbag.txt index 606a4bac..0bf46c6b 100644 --- a/glidewrapzbag.txt +++ b/glidewrapzbag.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = http://www.zeckensack.de/glide/archive/GlideWrapper084c.exe SHA1 = 7a9d60a18b660473742b476465e9aea7bd5ab6f8 SizeBytes = 254995 -[Section.0407] -Description = Glide API Emulator (emuliert 3dfx-Karten mit OpenGL). Ist erforderlich um Diablo2 in ReactOS auszuführen. - [Section.0a] Name = Adaptador de compat. para Glide de zeckensack License = Gratuito Description = Reimplementación de Glide a OpenGL (para tarjetas gráficas 3dfx). Necesario para ejecutar Diablo II en ReactOS. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 在 ReactOS 上執行 Diablo II 時需要的 Glide API 轉換層(以 OpenGL 模擬 3dfx 顯示卡)。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Glide API Emulator (emuliert 3dfx-Karten mit OpenGL). Ist erforderlich um Diablo2 in ReactOS auszuführen. + [Section.040c] Description = glidewrapper est nécessaire pour faire tourner Diablo 2 dans ReactOS. diff --git a/globulation2.txt b/globulation2.txt index 13905d3e..a6b569d5 100644 --- a/globulation2.txt +++ b/globulation2.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://dl.sv.nongnu.org/releases/glob2/0.9.4/glob2- SHA1 = 030490b12518719388986c571b88efe2192981fa SizeBytes = 14079010 -[Section.0407] -Description = Echtzeitstrategiespiel. Das Spiel vereinfacht das Mikromanagement, indem es Einheiten automatisch mit Aufträgen versieht. - [Section.0a] Description = Un juego de estrategia en tiempo real. El juego minimiza la supervisión excesiva asignando tareas a las unidades de forma automática. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款實時戰略遊戲。遊戲通過自動向單位分配任務來簡化遊戲操作。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Echtzeitstrategiespiel. Das Spiel vereinfacht das Mikromanagement, indem es Einheiten automatisch mit Aufträgen versieht. + [Section.0410] Description = Globulation 2 è un gioco di strategia in tempo reale. Il gioco minimizza la supervisone eccessiva assegnando in automatico compiti alle unità. diff --git a/gnucash.txt b/gnucash.txt index a5853f54..d64d7e39 100644 --- a/gnucash.txt +++ b/gnucash.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnucash/gnucash%20%28 SHA1 = 1e0c6b54de65824b24feb30e96de2f062bb9787e SizeBytes = 119588469 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un programa de contabilidad personal y de PYMEs liberado bajo los términos de la GNU GPL. Está disponible para GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X y Microsoft Windows. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 個人和小企業的財務管理軟體,以 GNU GPL 許可免費發行,可在 GNU/Linux、BSD、Solaris、Mac OS X 和 Microsoft Windows 上使用。 + [Section.0407] Description = Privat und Small-Business Finanzbuchhaltungssoftware, unter der GNU GPL lizenziert und frei für GNU / Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X und Microsoft Windows verfügbar. @@ -27,9 +33,6 @@ Description = GNU GPL altında özgürce ruhsatlanmış, GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris [Section.0425] Description = Finantsarvestus tarkvara eraisikutele ja väikeettevõtjatele, tasuta litsentseeritud GNU GPL all ja saadaval GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X ja Microsoft Windows platvormidel. -[Section.0a] -Description = Un programa de contabilidad personal y de PYMEs liberado bajo los términos de la GNU GPL. Está disponible para GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X y Microsoft Windows. - [Section.0804] Description = 个人和小企业财务管理软件,以 GNU GPL 许可免费发行,可供 GNU/Linux、BSD、Solaris、Mac OS X 和 Microsoft Windows 使用。 diff --git a/gog_galaxy.txt b/gog_galaxy.txt index dd034d92..23f703e3 100644 --- a/gog_galaxy.txt +++ b/gog_galaxy.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Name = GOG Galaxy Version = License = Freeware -Description = The gaming Client designed for a convenient purchasing, playing and updating games, as well as an online play between gaming platforms, GOG Galaxy is also built with optionality in mind, and a belief that you should own the games you buy. DRM-free! +Description = The gaming Client designed for a convenient purchasing, playing and updating games, as well as an online play between gaming platforms, GOG Galaxy is also built with optionality in mind, and a belief that you should own the games you buy. DRM-free! Category = 4 URLSite = https://www.gog.com/galaxy URLDownload = https://svn.reactos.org/packages/setup_galaxy_1.1.15.13.exe @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ SizeBytes = 146623848 [Section.0a] Description = El cliente gaming diseñado para una conveniente venta, juego y actualización de juegos, así como para el juego online entre plataformas gamers, GOG Galaxy está construida con la opcionalidad en mente, y creyendo que deberías ser propietario de los juegos que compras. ¡Sin DRM! +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款方便玩家購買、遊玩、更新遊戲和跨平臺線上多人遊玩的遊戲用戶端。GOG Galaxy 在構建時也考慮到可選性,並堅信您應該擁有自己購買的遊戲。無 DRM! + [Section.0419] License = Бесплатно Description = Клиет для игровой платформы GOG Galaxy @@ -19,3 +23,4 @@ Description = Клиет для игровой платформы GOG Galaxy [Section.0425] License = Vabavara Description = Mänguri klient disainitud mugavaks mängude ostmiseks, mängimiseks ja uuendamiseks, lisaks mitmikmängimise võimalus erinevate platvormidega, GOG Galaxy on veel üles ehitatud valikulisust silmas pidades ja veendumisega, et Te peaksite omama mänge, mida ostate. DRM-vaba! + diff --git a/hexedit.txt b/hexedit.txt index c8afd729..4f5b0ee0 100644 --- a/hexedit.txt +++ b/hexedit.txt @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ SizeBytes = 149786 [Section.0a] Description = Un buen editor hexadecimal para Windows. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款適用於 Windows 的十六進制檔案編輯器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Ein HEX-Editor für Windows. diff --git a/hiawatha.txt b/hiawatha.txt index d6890ffb..08363e4b 100644 --- a/hiawatha.txt +++ b/hiawatha.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 3560500 [Section.0a] Description = Un webserver de licencia abierta centrado en la seguridad. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款專注於安全的開源網路伺服器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Quelloffener Webserver mit einem Augenmerk auf Sicherheit. diff --git a/hover.txt b/hover.txt index 0ab7fd98..8df5da71 100644 --- a/hover.txt +++ b/hover.txt @@ -8,12 +8,15 @@ URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/Hover.exe SHA1 = 2e9220901494175df906e6bb8d16fa4c6b730921 SizeBytes = 6456517 -[Section.0407] -Description = Das klassische Hover CTF Spiel, dass auf der Windows 95 CD zu finden war. - [Section.0a] Description = El clásico juego Hover CTF (captura la bandera) incluido en el CD de Windows 95. +[Section.0404] +Description = 可以在 Windows 95 CD 中找到的經典 Hover 奪旗遊戲。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Das klassische Hover CTF Spiel, dass auf der Windows 95 CD zu finden war. + [Section.0410] Description = Il classico gioco Hover CTF che trovate sul CD di Windows 95. diff --git a/hxd.txt b/hxd.txt index 8ddac04a..7420100c 100644 --- a/hxd.txt +++ b/hxd.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://mh-nexus.de/downloads/HxDSetup.zip SHA1 = d0d69744f1d01353507bc090ff79fb45db6882c0 SizeBytes = 3348036 -[Section.0407] -Description = Guter Hexadezimal Editor. -URLSite = https://mh-nexus.de/de/ - [Section.0a] License = Gratuito Description = Un buen editor hexadecimal. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款好用的十六進制編輯器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Guter Hexadezimal Editor. +URLSite = https://mh-nexus.de/de/ + [Section.0415] Description = Dobry edytor Hex. diff --git a/icytower.txt b/icytower.txt index e7a62dfd..906869e3 100644 --- a/icytower.txt +++ b/icytower.txt @@ -8,3 +8,8 @@ Category = 4 URLSite = https://archive.org/post/1100239/icy-tower-is-not-the-latest-version URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20161108225602if_/http://icytower.muskedunderinter.netdna-cdn.com/icytower_install.exe SHA1 = 8486c4f9e4bcd1adc4e5bcb6cd58ba4a917de359 + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = Icy Tower 是一款好玩、簡短、而易令人上癮的遊戲。您需要做的就是儘可能取得最高的分數。 + diff --git a/idm.txt b/idm.txt index a9a9b0c3..f1faceb5 100644 --- a/idm.txt +++ b/idm.txt @@ -10,3 +10,8 @@ Icon=idm.ico Screenshot1 = https://i.imgur.com/ZgyZ62m.png SHA1 = d99662924b9d260872bba995b233332ee0eab748 SizeBytes = 10640368 + +[Section.0404] +License = 試用版本 +Description = Internet Download Manager(IDM)工具可以提升下載速度至最高 5 倍,而且可以暫停或排定下載。 + diff --git a/indiftpd.txt b/indiftpd.txt index d4255eb3..b764dbac 100644 --- a/indiftpd.txt +++ b/indiftpd.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://www.dftpd.com/files/IndiFTPD/1.0.9_beta/Windows/Intel/indif SHA1 = 106b5c86c563ed4d4d1976014a8b2562281e5e2d SizeBytes = 569344 -[Section.0407] -Description = Eigenständiger FTP Server in einer einzigen Anwendung. Er wurde erstellt für Situationen, in denen ein Anwender keinen Server auf dem System installieren/konfigurieren möchte (oder nicht die Rechte dafür besitzt) und schnell einen Server lauffähig bekommen will. - [Section.0a] Description = Un servidor FTP autónomo que funciona como un único ejecutable. Útil para situaciones en las que no se quiere/puede instalar un servidor en el sistema y se necesita tener algo rápido que lo supla en un momento. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款以可執行檔案運作的獨立 FTP 伺服器。它為不想在系統上安裝或設定伺服器(或者沒有權限這樣做)並且想馬上運行一個伺服器的使用者而設計。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Eigenständiger FTP Server in einer einzigen Anwendung. Er wurde erstellt für Situationen, in denen ein Anwender keinen Server auf dem System installieren/konfigurieren möchte (oder nicht die Rechte dafür besitzt) und schnell einen Server lauffähig bekommen will. + [Section.0410] Description = IndiFTPD è un server FTP autonomo che funziona come un unico eseguibile. È stato progettato per le situazioni quando un utente non vuole installare / configurare un server sul sistema (o non ha il permesso di farlo), e vuole ottenere rapidamente un server che esegue. diff --git a/inkscape.txt b/inkscape.txt index 4467150a..09dd7bce 100644 --- a/inkscape.txt +++ b/inkscape.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://inkscape.org/gallery/item/8396/Inkscape-0.48.5-1-win32.exe SHA1 = 6fa012e495aab0624056054003c998137326219a SizeBytes = 34573304 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un editor de gráficos vectoriales bajo la licencia GNU GPL. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 以 GNU General Public 條款發行的矢量圖編輯器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Editor für Vektorgrafiken, lizensiert unter der GNU General Public License. @@ -21,9 +27,6 @@ Description = Editor de grafică vectorială oferit sub Licența Publică Genera [Section.0419] Description = Векторный графический редактор под лицензией GNU General Public License. -[Section.0a] -Description = Un editor de gráficos vectoriales bajo la licencia GNU GPL. - [Section.041f] Description = GNU Genel Kamu Ruhsatı altında ruhsatlanmış bir vektör çizge düzenleyicisidir. diff --git a/iqpuzzle.txt b/iqpuzzle.txt index b0fe959c..36cfd8f3 100644 --- a/iqpuzzle.txt +++ b/iqpuzzle.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ Icon = iqpuzzle.ico Screenshot1 = https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26674558/166152612-90f722f6-e937-4b11-8c4c-160c3568e267.png Languages = 0407|0809|040C|0410|0413|0412|0414|0402|0804 +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款有趣且具有挑戰性的的五格骨牌。 + [Section.0a] Description = Un puzzle pentominó que te divertirá y retará intelectualmente. @@ -20,3 +23,4 @@ Description = Ein kurzweiliges herausforderndes Pentomino-Puzzle [Section.0425] Description = Suunav I.Q. pentomino mõistatus. + diff --git a/irfanview.txt b/irfanview.txt index cd0af880..067c0998 100644 --- a/irfanview.txt +++ b/irfanview.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20180518225728if_/http://www.tucows.co SHA1 = ec492cad75a154a9ac9d6e356ac7c2b0dc62356f SizeBytes = 2466952 -[Section.0407] -License = Freeware für nichtkommerzielle Nutzung -Description = Anzeigeprogramm für alle Arten von Grafik-/Audio- oder Video-Dateien. - [Section.0a] License = Gratuito (para uso personal) Description = Visor para toda clase de archivos de imagen, audio y video. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體(僅限個人用戶) +Description = 各種類型的圖像、音訊、視訊的檢視器。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Freeware für nichtkommerzielle Nutzung +Description = Anzeigeprogramm für alle Arten von Grafik-/Audio- oder Video-Dateien. + [Section.040c] License = Gratuit (pour un usage personnel) Description = Visionneur pour tous les types de fichiers graphiques/audio/vidéo. diff --git a/irfanviewplugins.txt b/irfanviewplugins.txt index 4ac766c2..265b63b9 100644 --- a/irfanviewplugins.txt +++ b/irfanviewplugins.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20180526163030if_/http://www.tucows.co SHA1 = 1e2d2a83eeb9d4f5d48776789e159a3ba332f5fd SizeBytes = 16595080 -[Section.0407] -License = Freeware für nichtkommerzielle Nutzung -Description = Zusätzliche Plugins zur Unterstützung von weiteren Dateitypen. - [Section.0a] License = Gratuito (para uso personal) Description = Complementos adicionales para visualizar más formatos. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體(僅限個人用戶) +Description = 一個使 IrfanView 支援更多格式的插件集。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Freeware für nichtkommerzielle Nutzung +Description = Zusätzliche Plugins zur Unterstützung von weiteren Dateitypen. + [Section.040c] License = Gratuit (pour un usage personnel) Description = Modules additionnels pour supporter plus de types de fichiers. diff --git a/jdk8.txt b/jdk8.txt index e8e1b8a6..77df9157 100644 --- a/jdk8.txt +++ b/jdk8.txt @@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ SHA1 = 8351328b571bbec051a069322289a9eb65477be5 SizeBytes = 92491776 Languages=0409|040A +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款由 Zulu 建構,基於 OpenJDK 的開源 Java 編譯器和執行環境。 + [Section.040a] Name = Java SE 8. Compilador y entorno de ejecución. Description = Un compilador Java de código abierto y un entorno de ejecución creado por Zulu basado en OpenJDK. - diff --git a/jet40.txt b/jet40.txt index 5b125179..8012d83e 100644 --- a/jet40.txt +++ b/jet40.txt @@ -14,3 +14,8 @@ Name = Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 (SP8) (KB829558) para 9x/NT License = Desconocida Description = Esta instalación incluye productos de Microsoft que incorporan funciones de Microsoft Jet database engine versión 4.0. +[Section.0404] +Name = 適用於 9x/NT 的 Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 (SP8) (KB829558) +License = 不明 +Description = 這個安裝程式包括使用了 Microsoft Jet Database Engine 4.0 版本的 Microsoft 產品。 + diff --git a/jpn-package.txt b/jpn-package.txt index 7b4157a3..cccdf11c 100644 --- a/jpn-package.txt +++ b/jpn-package.txt @@ -11,3 +11,8 @@ SizeBytes = 6538290 [Section.0a] Description = Este paquete convierte el entorno de tu ReactOS al japonés. + +[Section.0404] +Name = ReactOS 日本組合包 +Description = 適用於日本地區的 ReactOS 組合包。 + diff --git a/jre.txt b/jre.txt index 57834b27..ab6cb044 100644 --- a/jre.txt +++ b/jre.txt @@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ SHA1 = 305c1493fca53ab63ba1686c9afdfb65142e59d3 SizeBytes = 29509544 Icon = jdk8.ico -[Section.0407] -Description = Sie wollen Java Programme nutzen? Wenn ja, laden Sie die Java Runtime Environment herunter. - [Section.0a] Description = Plataforma y bibliotecas necesarias para la ejecución de aplicaciones programadas en Java. +[Section.0404] +Description = 執行基於 Java 的程式時所需的平臺和函式庫。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Sie wollen Java Programme nutzen? Wenn ja, laden Sie die Java Runtime Environment herunter. + [Section.041f] Name = Java SE Runtime Environment 7 License = Oracle İkili Kod Ruhsatı @@ -36,6 +39,6 @@ License = Oracle binaarkoodi litsents Description = Vajalikud teegid ja platvorm Java-põhiste programmide rakendamiseks. [Section.0804] -License = Oracle 二进制代码许可 +License = Oracle 二进制代码许可协议 Description = 运行基于 Java 的程序所需的平台和运行库。 diff --git a/jre6.txt b/jre6.txt index 7d900bf0..06f10d35 100644 --- a/jre6.txt +++ b/jre6.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ SHA1 = 5100b8eafaa7ed73ed6dab5469ba3faff38a9ae9 SizeBytes = 17090992 Icon = jdk8.ico -[Section.0407] -Description = Sie wollen Java Programme nutzen? Wenn ja, laden Sie die Java Runtime Environment herunter. - [Section.0a] Description = Plataforma y bibliotecas necesarias para la ejecución de aplicaciones programadas en Java. +[Section.0404] +Description = 執行基於 Java 的程式時所需的平臺和函式庫。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Sie wollen Java Programme nutzen? Wenn ja, laden Sie die Java Runtime Environment herunter. + [Section.041f] Name = Java SE Runtime Environment 6 License = Oracle İkili Kod Ruhsatı @@ -35,5 +38,5 @@ License = Oracle binaarkoodi litsents Description = Vajalikud teegid ja platvorm Java-põhiste programmide rakendamiseks. [Section.0804] -License = Oracle 二进制代码许可 +License = Oracle 二进制代码许可协议 Description = 运行基于 Java 的程序所需的平台和运行库。 diff --git a/jre8.txt b/jre8.txt index bbd40b12..e5bb12a4 100644 --- a/jre8.txt +++ b/jre8.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ SHA1 = 5d59f9e360c83e61e365c75d6602f5cd0ba033b5 SizeBytes = 31150504 Icon = jdk8.ico -[Section.0407] -Description = Sie wollen Java Programme nutzen? Wenn ja, laden Sie die Java Runtime Environment herunter. - [Section.0a] Description = Plataforma y bibliotecas necesarias para la ejecución de aplicaciones programadas en Java. +[Section.0404] +Description = 執行基於 Java 的程式時所需的平臺和函式庫。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Sie wollen Java Programme nutzen? Wenn ja, laden Sie die Java Runtime Environment herunter. + [Section.041f] Name = Java SE Runtime Environment 8 License = Oracle İkili Kod Ruhsatı @@ -35,5 +38,5 @@ License = Oracle binaarkoodi litsents Description = Vajalikud teegid ja platvorm Java-põhiste programmide rakendamiseks. [Section.0804] -License = Oracle 二进制代码许可 +License = Oracle 二进制代码许可协议 Description = 运行基于 Java 的程序所需的平台和运行库。 diff --git a/kindlepc.txt b/kindlepc.txt index 93c99e50..217b03c9 100644 --- a/kindlepc.txt +++ b/kindlepc.txt @@ -9,15 +9,19 @@ URLDownload = http://kindleforpc.amazon.com/44025/KindleForPC-installer-1.16.440 SHA1 = c57d0a7d8cd5f1c3020536edf336c3187f3e051f SizeBytes = 65292192 +[Section.0a] +Description = Una aplicación gratuita que te permite lee libros Kindle. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款讓您閱讀 Kindle 電子書的免費應用程式。 + [Section.0405] Description = Bezplatná aplikace, která umožňuje číst knihy Kindle. [Section.0407] Description = Ein kostenloses Programm, mit dem Sie Kindle Bücher lesen können. -[Section.0a] -Description = Una aplicación gratuita que te permite lee libros Kindle. - [Section.040c] Description = Une application gratuite qui vous permet de lire des livres Kindle. diff --git a/kmeleon.txt b/kmeleon.txt index 714aa18a..3e33a9c9 100644 --- a/kmeleon.txt +++ b/kmeleon.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 26570888 [Section.0a] Description = Un navegador web ligero, rápido y personalizable basado en el entorno Gecko. +[Section.0404] +Description = 基於 Gecko 布局引擎,速度快、可自訂卻仍舊輕量的網路瀏覽器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Extrem schneller, erweiterbarer und dennoch kleiner Web Browser basierend auf der Gecko Layout Engine. diff --git a/kompozer.txt b/kompozer.txt index 61d69e75..3ca28f01 100644 --- a/kompozer.txt +++ b/kompozer.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 7949158 [Section.0a] Description = Un completo sistema de autoría web que combina la gestión de archivos web y una interfaz WYSIWYG fácil de usar en la edición web. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一套完整結合網路檔案管理和簡單易用的所見即所得網頁編輯的網路創作系統。 + [Section.0407] Description = Ein vollständiges Web-Authoring-System, welches Web-Datei-Management und leicht zu bedienende WYSIWYG Web-Seite Bearbeitung verbindet. diff --git a/kvirc.txt b/kvirc.txt index 3cd8bd47..21a480d4 100644 --- a/kvirc.txt +++ b/kvirc.txt @@ -12,8 +12,12 @@ SizeBytes = 19206936 [Section.0a] Description = Un buen cliente para el Internet Relay Chat (IRC) escrito usando la interfaz GUI Qt Toolkit. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款以 Qt GUI Toolkit 開發,好用的 IRC(Internet Relay Chat)用戶端。 + [Section.040c] Description = Un bon client pour l'Internet Relay Chat (IRC) écrit avec le GUI Toolkit Qt. [Section.0415] Description = Dobry klient IRC (Internet Relay Chat) napisany przy użyciu Qt GUI. + diff --git a/kyodai.txt b/kyodai.txt index c2dbb765..54cd94e5 100644 --- a/kyodai.txt +++ b/kyodai.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = http://files.cynagames.com/kyo2006.exe SHA1 = 2f877cd6f01cfd25a8fc5e48715602bea03f05f3 SizeBytes = 14520461 -[Section.0407] -Description = Eines der besten Mahjongg Solitaire Spiele im Netz. - [Section.0a] Description = Uno de los mejores solitarios Mahjongg en existencia. +[Section.0404] +License = 共享軟體 +Description = 最棒的麻將接龍遊戲之一。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Eines der besten Mahjongg Solitaire Spiele im Netz. + [Section.0410] Description = Uno dei migliori giochi di Mahjongg Solitaire. diff --git a/lazaruside.txt b/lazaruside.txt index c93f4839..64e05985 100644 --- a/lazaruside.txt +++ b/lazaruside.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus/files/Lazarus%20Windows%2 SHA1 = 20f58dea4405c142340fb486c9710752f4838a5d SizeBytes = 133997259 -[Section.0407] -Description = Plattformunabhängige IDE, mit der man Pascal-Programme erstellen kann. Es verwendet den Free Pascal Compiler um die Programme zu erzeugen. - [Section.0a] Description = Un IDE multiplataforma para la creación de programas en Object Pascal. Utiliza el compilador Free Pascal para compilar los proyectos. +[Section.0404] +Description = 讓您建立 Object Pascal 程式的跨平臺 IDE。它使用 Free Pascal 語言編譯器來構建您的項目。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Plattformunabhängige IDE, mit der man Pascal-Programme erstellen kann. Es verwendet den Free Pascal Compiler um die Programme zu erzeugen. + [Section.0415] Description = Wielopratformowe zintegrowane środowisko programistyczne (IDE) które pozwala na tworzenie graficznych (GUI) i niegraficznych (działających w konsoli) programów obiektowych w języku Pascal. Program używa darmowego kompilatora Free Pascal. diff --git a/lbreakout2.txt b/lbreakout2.txt index e79f8122..0678a060 100644 --- a/lbreakout2.txt +++ b/lbreakout2.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/LBreakout2%20P SHA1 = 4a61f55e861c71c13469fc1692d0ffac7783480d SizeBytes = 2895032 -[Section.0407] -Description = Breakout-Klon. Verwendet SDL Bibliothek. - [Section.0a] Description = Clon de Breakout usando las librerias SDL. +[Section.0404] +Description = 使用 SDL 庫的 Breakout 的克隆。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Breakout-Klon. Verwendet SDL Bibliothek. + [Section.040c] Description = Clone de casse-brique utilisant la bibliothèque SDL. diff --git a/lgeneral.txt b/lgeneral.txt index 5d11856c..1f27459f 100644 --- a/lgeneral.txt +++ b/lgeneral.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://sourceforge.net/projects/lgeneral/files/lgeneral/lgeneral- SHA1 = 85925fbee97d0fbd3af7ee09639e68c7d7667dde SizeBytes = 6161244 -[Section.0407] -Description = Panzer-General-Klon. Verwendet SDL Bibliotheken. - [Section.0a] Description = Clon de Panzer General usando las librerias SDL. +[Section.0404] +Description = 使用 SDL 庫的 Panzer General 的克隆。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Panzer-General-Klon. Verwendet SDL Bibliotheken. + [Section.040c] Description = Clone de Pansez General utilisant la bibliothèque SDL. diff --git a/librecad.txt b/librecad.txt index 6820a230..a794ea9c 100644 --- a/librecad.txt +++ b/librecad.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/librecad/Windows/2.1.3/LibreCAD-I SHA1 = 03ea2ea9634294608c26f4a7835c17e372bac0d4 SizeBytes = 27870725 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un editor CAD (de diseño asistido) 2D para Windows, Linux y OS X. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款免費的開源二維 CAD 應用程式。適用於 Windows、 Linux 和 OS X。 + [Section.0407] Description = Kostenloses und quelloffenes 2D-CAD Programm für Windows, Linux und OS X. @@ -21,9 +27,6 @@ Description = Aplicație 2D-CAD gratuită, cu surse deschise, pentru Windows, Li [Section.0419] Description = Кроссплатформенная, открытая и свободная САПР для 2-мерного черчения и проектирования, создана на основе QCad -[Section.0a] -Description = Un editor CAD (de diseño asistido) 2D para Windows, Linux y OS X. - [Section.041f] License = GPL sürüm 2 Description = Windows, Linux ve OS X için özgür ve açık kaynak bir 2 boyutlu CAD uygulamasıdır. diff --git a/libreoffice.txt b/libreoffice.txt index 55e08bc4..db4b70f3 100644 --- a/libreoffice.txt +++ b/libreoffice.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/old/5.4 SHA1 = be0769418eed84391f9cbcb3702b5e7d344cdfa0 SizeBytes = 225308672 -[Section.0407] -Description = Vorher bekannt als OpenOffice. Quelloffene Office Suite. - [Section.0a] Description = La suite de ofimática de código abierto. Descendiente de OpenOffice. +[Section.0404] +Description = 功能強大的開源辦公套件。它是 OpenOffice 的分支。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Vorher bekannt als OpenOffice. Quelloffene Office Suite. + [Section.040c] Description = Précédemment appelé OpenOffice. Suite bureautique open source. diff --git a/libreofficehelp.txt b/libreofficehelp.txt index 5959e27d..692a1725 100644 --- a/libreofficehelp.txt +++ b/libreofficehelp.txt @@ -9,6 +9,20 @@ URLDownload = http://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/old/5.4. SHA1 = cd700f10c88c6807c44b074b3362ca94f19eff36 SizeBytes = 5357568 +[Section.0a] +Name = LibreOffice — Paquete de ayuda +Description = Páginas de ayuda para LibreOffice. +URLDownload = http://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/old/ +SHA1 = 8ff7155f132d0bd9d090668ac6fedce1adbd9734 +SizeBytes = 7487488 + +[Section.0404] +Name = LibreOffice 說明包 +Description = LibreOffice 的離線說明内容。 +URLDownload = http://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/old/ +SHA1 = f526097efc2bd8230263197dbb4386b93bd6ace0 +SizeBytes = 10072064 + [Section.0407] Name = LibreOffice Help Pack Description = Offline Hilfe für LibreOffice. @@ -33,13 +47,6 @@ URLDownload = http://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/old/5.4. SHA1 = 8aebe4dc2e265c2b5d24bd8e94ac44414f345ab4 SizeBytes = 7639040 -[Section.0a] -Name = LibreOffice — Paquete de ayuda -Description = Páginas de ayuda para LibreOffice. -URLDownload = http://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/old/ -SHA1 = 8ff7155f132d0bd9d090668ac6fedce1adbd9734 -SizeBytes = 7487488 - [Section.041f] Name = LibreOffice Yardım Paketi License = GPL sürüm 3 diff --git a/lmarbles.txt b/lmarbles.txt index 1db40f52..1d58c620 100644 --- a/lmarbles.txt +++ b/lmarbles.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://archive.org/download/lmarbles-1.0.6-win32/lmarbles-1.0.6-w SHA1 = c812e4fd05f534e51104b42799b592765af7067a SizeBytes = 1453852 -[Section.0407] -Description = Atomix-Klon. Verwendet SDL Bibliotheken. - [Section.0a] Description = Clon de Atomix usando las librerias SDL. +[Section.0404] +Description = 使用 SDL 庫的 Atomix 的克隆。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Atomix-Klon. Verwendet SDL Bibliotheken. + [Section.040c] Description = Clone de Atomix utilisant la bibliothèque SDL. diff --git a/longhorn5048.txt b/longhorn5048.txt index db0a1242..25a8dbe1 100644 --- a/longhorn5048.txt +++ b/longhorn5048.txt @@ -6,3 +6,7 @@ Category = 15 URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20211005184902/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/petr-akhlamov/ros-repo/master/longhorn5048.exe SHA1 = c2807e55fb7787bf224c815149b2598bc1a0c457 SizeBytes = 581302 + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款來自 Longhorn 5048 的 Windows 主題。 + diff --git a/luna beta.txt b/luna beta.txt index 18d5cea3..42a9aa1a 100644 --- a/luna beta.txt +++ b/luna beta.txt @@ -6,3 +6,7 @@ Category = 15 URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20211005194155/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/petr-akhlamov/ros-repo/master/lunabeta.exe SHA1 = abeef21ededa6fc178aef54256768b64cb26f5f5 SizeBytes = 364810 + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款來自 Windows Codename Whistler 的 Luna 主題。 + diff --git a/luna.txt b/luna.txt index 1638f1a9..44c595ab 100644 --- a/luna.txt +++ b/luna.txt @@ -6,3 +6,7 @@ Category = 15 URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20211005193602/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/petr-akhlamov/ros-repo/master/luna.exe SHA1 = 584cb4bc31f6c1a252a13f925fac6e1ade049bd5 SizeBytes = 1186139 + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款來自 Windows XP 的 Luna 主題。 + diff --git a/mcwin32.txt b/mcwin32.txt index 08a20433..728c4832 100644 --- a/mcwin32.txt +++ b/mcwin32.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/project/mcwin32/mcwin32-build204- SHA1 = df6382b46efc9d29eef066d15d8433e697a79c6f SizeBytes = 3461847 +[Section.0a] +Description = Una versión para Windows 32-bits de Midnight Commander. + +[Section.0404] +Description = GNU Midnight Commander 的 32 位 Windows 移植版。 + [Section.0407] Description = 32-bit Windows port des GNU Midnight Commander. @@ -16,9 +22,6 @@ Description = 32-bit Windows port des GNU Midnight Commander. License = GPL versione 3 Description = Un porting Windows 32bit di Midnight Commander. -[Section.0a] -Description = Una versión para Windows 32-bits de Midnight Commander. - [Section.0415] License = GPL wersja 3 Description = 32-bitowy port GNU Midnight Commander dla Windows. diff --git a/md5summer.txt b/md5summer.txt index a9d92b64..4469ba13 100644 --- a/md5summer.txt +++ b/md5summer.txt @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ SizeBytes = 463330 [Section.0a] Description = Una aplicación que genera y comprueba las sumas de verificación md5. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款生成並驗證 MD5 校驗碼的應用程式。 + [Section.0407] Description = Anwendung, welche MD5 Checksummen generiert und verifiziert. diff --git a/mdac28.txt b/mdac28.txt index aa990429..0fb54f85 100644 --- a/mdac28.txt +++ b/mdac28.txt @@ -12,3 +12,6 @@ SizeBytes = 6100504 [Section.0a] Description = MDAC 2.8 SP1 contiene el núcleo de componentes de Data Access como el Microsoft SQL Server™ OLE DB proveedor y driver ODBC. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 + diff --git a/mesagallium.txt b/mesagallium.txt index 69dc607a..a969aa3a 100644 --- a/mesagallium.txt +++ b/mesagallium.txt @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ SizeBytes = 5978718 Name = Librería gráfica Mesa3D Description = Esta entrega de la librería gráfica Mesa3D contiene Mesa, Gallium y llvmpipe. Te proporciona una mejora significativa en el rendimiento de los sistemas sin necesariamente hacer uso de la aceleración hardware de OpenGL. Puede reemplazar a los OGL drivers de tu sistema - esto puede ser a lo largo de la instalación o a través del panel de control y configuración de OpenGL. +[Section.0404] +Description = 這個 Mesa3D 圖形庫由 Mesa、Gallium 和 llvmpipe 組成。它為沒有 OpenGL 硬體加速的系統提供重大的性能提升。它可以取代您的系統中的 OGL 驅動程式 — 這可以在安裝過程中或通過控制臺的 OpenGL 設定程式中設定。 + [Section.0405] Description = Grafická knihovna obsahujicí moduly Mesa, Gallium a llvmpipe. Poskytuje vyšší výkon na systémech bez hardwarové OpenGL akcelerace. Tato knihovna může nahradit výchozí OGL ovladač na Vašem systému - nastavení lze provést během instalace, nebo pomocí ovládacího panelu Nastavení OpenGL. diff --git a/mfc40.txt b/mfc40.txt index 645ac100..f5b36c4a 100644 --- a/mfc40.txt +++ b/mfc40.txt @@ -9,16 +9,20 @@ URLDownload = https://svn.reactos.org/packages/OLE2V.EXE SHA1 = c6cac71f32405ccb09c6f375e0738e6e13f073e4 SizeBytes = 885799 -[Section.0407] -Name = OLE Anzeige und Microsoft Foundation Classes Version 4 -License = Unbekannt -Description = MFC 4 wird von einigen Anwendungen benötigt. Beinhaltet: mfc40.dll, msvcrt40.dll. - [Section.0a] Name = Visor OLE y Microsoft Foundation Classes Version 4 License = Desconocida Description = MFC 4 es necesario para varias aplicaciones. Incluye: mfc40.dll, msvcrt40.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 一些應用程式需要 MFC 4 才能執行。包括:mfc40.dll、msvcrt40.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +Name = OLE Anzeige und Microsoft Foundation Classes Version 4 +License = Unbekannt +Description = MFC 4 wird von einigen Anwendungen benötigt. Beinhaltet: mfc40.dll, msvcrt40.dll. + [Section.040c] Name = Visionneur OLE et Microsoft Foundation Classes version 4 License = Inconnue diff --git a/mfc42_msvbm60.txt b/mfc42_msvbm60.txt index 6b7355f6..b28ea77b 100644 --- a/mfc42_msvbm60.txt +++ b/mfc42_msvbm60.txt @@ -12,3 +12,8 @@ SizeBytes = 1464 [Section.0a] Name = Script MFC 4.2 y VB6 (DIY) Description = Un pequeño script que, via comandos y al vuelo, instala los DLLs de VS6 en ReactOS. Varias aplicaciones los pueden necesitar. Incluyen: mfc42.dll, mfc42u.dll y msvbvm60.dll. + +[Section.0404] +Name = MFC 4.2 & VB6(自製) +Description = 一個為 ReactOS 而設的 VS6 DLL 安裝腳本。一些應用程式需要它們才能執行。包括:mfc42.dll、mfc42u.dll、msvbvm60.dll。 + diff --git a/miktex.txt b/miktex.txt index 45a6d368..0d3dda1a 100644 --- a/miktex.txt +++ b/miktex.txt @@ -9,13 +9,17 @@ URLDownload = http://ftp.lyx.org/pub/TeX/CTAN/systems/win32/miktex/setup/basic-m SHA1 = 8a0797f119d796ff80adfab99945e76e6883609f SizeBytes = 171108104 -[Section.0407] -Description = Aktuelle Implementierung von TeX/LaTeX und zugehöriger Programme für Windows. - [Section.0a] License = Gratuita Description = MikTEX es una implementación actualizada de TeX/LaTeX y otros programas. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款將 TeX/LaTeX 及相關程式加入到 Windows 上的最新實作。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Aktuelle Implementierung von TeX/LaTeX und zugehöriger Programme für Windows. + [Section.0415] Description = Nowoczesna implementacja TeX/LaTeX i pokrewnych programów dla Windows. diff --git a/mirandaim.txt b/mirandaim.txt index dc5241aa..53eda89e 100644 --- a/mirandaim.txt +++ b/mirandaim.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20140327190905if_/http://files.miranda SHA1 = 8b76ecba6e54abe99cc52b2f7c3c27726befaf0c SizeBytes = 2951752 -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffene Multiprotokoll Instant Messaging Anwendung. Funktioniert möglicherweise nicht vollständig. - [Section.0a] Description = Aplicación de mensajería instantánea multiprotocolo de código abierto. Puede que no funcione del todo bien. +[Section.0404] +Description = 開源的多協議即時通信應用程式。可能無法完全正常運作。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffene Multiprotokoll Instant Messaging Anwendung. Funktioniert möglicherweise nicht vollständig. + [Section.040c] Description = Application de messagerie instantannée multi-protocoles open source - pourrait ne pas fonctionner complètement. diff --git a/mirc.txt b/mirc.txt index af4aaeac..4708f1da 100644 --- a/mirc.txt +++ b/mirc.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20180526000951if_/https://www.mirc.com SHA1 = d3d3a071c5e1fb8dad532a061404e1b3426e63c0 SizeBytes = 2764904 -[Section.0407] -Description = Der populärste Client für Internet Relay Chat (IRC). - [Section.0a] Description = El cliente más popular para Internet Relay Chat (IRC). +[Section.0404] +License = 共享軟體 +Description = 一款流行的網際網路中繼聊天(IRC)用戶端。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Der populärste Client für Internet Relay Chat (IRC). + [Section.040c] Description = Le client le plus populaire pour l'Internet Relay Chat (IRC). diff --git a/mirc6.txt b/mirc6.txt index 00ebee73..616e2b2c 100644 --- a/mirc6.txt +++ b/mirc6.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/mirc635.exe SHA1 = d9c26f7e40298b20f553934ed69dcbe6223c1101 SizeBytes = 1751280 -[Section.0407] -Description = Der populärste Client für Internet Relay Chat (IRC). - [Section.0a] Description = El cliente más popular para Internet Relay Chat (IRC). +[Section.0404] +License = 共享軟體 +Description = 一款流行的網際網路中繼聊天(IRC)用戶端。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Der populärste Client für Internet Relay Chat (IRC). + [Section.040c] Description = Le client le plus populaire pour l'Internet Relay Chat (IRC). diff --git a/mkvtoolnix.txt b/mkvtoolnix.txt index 79a8f0b4..f044055b 100644 --- a/mkvtoolnix.txt +++ b/mkvtoolnix.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 15467976 [Section.0a] Description = Set de herramientas para trabajar los archivos con formato MKV. +[Section.0404] +Description = 能處理 MKV 格式檔案的工具套件。 + [Section.0407] Description = Sammlung von Werkzeugen zum Bearbeiten von MKV Dateien. diff --git a/mono2.txt b/mono2.txt index 35bfc7fa..fc14d069 100644 --- a/mono2.txt +++ b/mono2.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = https://download.mono-project.com/archive/4.3.2/windows-installer/ SHA1 = 9b4210bee8ca90517244fca40573dd062a596473 SizeBytes = 133230592 -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffenes .NET Framework. - [Section.0a] Description = Versión de .NET Framework de código abierto. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 開源的 .NET 框架。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffenes .NET Framework. + [Section.040c] Description = Framework .NET open source. diff --git a/mpc.txt b/mpc.txt index c0f88d93..edb11a96 100644 --- a/mpc.txt +++ b/mpc.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20210121063508/https://binaries.mpc-hc SHA1 = 213e67b32df5585f9fb50302aa317918064c6f62 SizeBytes = 13331776 -[Section.0407] -Description = Alternativer Mediaplayer. - [Section.0a] Description = Reproductor multimedia alternativo. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款媒體播放器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Alternativer Mediaplayer. + [Section.040c] Description = Un lecteur media. diff --git a/mpxplay.txt b/mpxplay.txt index b3aa3b94..2e91bb77 100644 --- a/mpxplay.txt +++ b/mpxplay.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/mpxplay/Mpxplay/Mpxplay%20 SHA1 = d2b1ad5cd95a7b0b16391888ba40aafaf0918518 SizeBytes = 537943 -[Section.0407] -Description = Konsolenbasierter 32-bit Audio Player für Windows. - [Section.0a] Description = Un reproductor de audio en consola de 32-bit. +[Section.0404] +Description = Windows 的 32 位元主控臺音訊播放器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Konsolenbasierter 32-bit Audio Player für Windows. + [Section.0410] Description = Mpxplay è una console audio 32-bit per Windows. diff --git a/msxml3.txt b/msxml3.txt index 0658c0a9..e7ea0e87 100644 --- a/msxml3.txt +++ b/msxml3.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/msxml3.msi SHA1 = d4c2178dfb807e1a0267fce0fd06b8d51106d913 SizeBytes = 1070592 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Wird von einigen MSI Installern benötigt. Beinhaltet: msxml3.dll, msxml3a.dll, msxml3r.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para algunos instaladores MSI. Incluye: msxml3.dll, msxml3a.dll, msxml3r.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 一些 Microsoft Installer 安裝程式需要的檔案。包括:msxml3.dll、msxml3a.dll、msxml3r.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Wird von einigen MSI Installern benötigt. Beinhaltet: msxml3.dll, msxml3a.dll, msxml3r.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = MSXML3 est nécessaire pour certains installateurs MSI. Contient: msxml3.dll, msxml3a.dll, msxml3r.dll. diff --git a/msxml4.txt b/msxml4.txt index fbe07484..cd85a809 100644 --- a/msxml4.txt +++ b/msxml4.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://download.microsoft.com/download/A/2/D/A2D8587D-0027-4217-9 SHA1 = aa70c5c1a7a069af824947bcda1d9893a895318b SizeBytes = 2434048 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Wird von einigen MSI Installern benötigt. Beinhaltet: msxml4.dll, msxml4r.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para algunos instaladores MSI. Incluye: msxml4.dll, msxml4r.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 一些 Microsoft Installer 安裝程式需要的檔案。包括:msxml4.dll、msxml4r.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Wird von einigen MSI Installern benötigt. Beinhaltet: msxml4.dll, msxml4r.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = MSXML4 est nécessaire pour certains installateurs MSI. Contient: msxml4.dll, msxml4r.dll. diff --git a/msxml6.txt b/msxml6.txt index fa8465aa..9543b7e7 100644 --- a/msxml6.txt +++ b/msxml6.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/e/0/2e01308a-e17f-4bf9-bf SHA1 = 2308743ddb4cb56ae910e461eeb3eab0a9e58058 SizeBytes = 1528320 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Wird von einigen MSI Installern benötigt. Beinhaltet: msxml6.dll, msxml6r.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para algunos instaladores MSI. Incluye: msxml6.dll, msxml6r.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 一些 Microsoft Installer 安裝程式需要的檔案。包括:msxml6.dll、msxml6r.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Wird von einigen MSI Installern benötigt. Beinhaltet: msxml6.dll, msxml6r.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = MSXML3 est nécessaire pour certains installateurs MSI. Contient: msxml6.dll, msxml6r.dll. diff --git a/musescore.txt b/musescore.txt index f6d8be8a..0d2320d2 100644 --- a/musescore.txt +++ b/musescore.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 79675392 [Section.0a] Description = Programa de edición musical profesional de partituras de licencia abierta. +[Section.0404] +Description = 專業的開源樂譜軟體。 + [Section.0415] Description = Profesjonalne oprogramowanie do zapisu nutowego o otwartym kodzie źródłowym. diff --git a/mypal.txt b/mypal.txt index 947eca87..7d0ed9b5 100644 --- a/mypal.txt +++ b/mypal.txt @@ -12,5 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 31540445 [Section.0a] Description = Mypal es un navegador web mantenido y actual para Windows XP, basado en PaleMoon y Firefox. +[Section.0404] +Description = Mypal 是一款現代,但已放棄開發的 Windows XP 網頁瀏覽器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Mypal ist ein freier, moderner und quelloffener Webbrowser, der Kompatibilität zu Windows XP bewahrt. + diff --git a/mysql.txt b/mysql.txt index 32bb12c2..4c51fb4f 100644 --- a/mysql.txt +++ b/mysql.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 37466112 [Section.0a] Description = El gestor de bases de datos de código abierto más popular del mundo. +[Section.0404] +Description = 世界上最流行的開源資料庫。 + [Section.0415] Description = Najpopularniejsza otwartoźródłowa baza danych. diff --git a/nano-win.txt b/nano-win.txt index 747332f1..081d7e26 100644 --- a/nano-win.txt +++ b/nano-win.txt @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ SHA1 = 9a824dfd5486632e018c4fa8ece9a862c01e4772 SizeBytes = 638976 Screenshot1 = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zbalkan/nano-win/main/nano.jpg -; Turkish +[Section.0404] +Description = Nano for Windows(nano-win)是獨立的 GNU nano 的 Windows 移植版本。它是一款有名的,容易使用的 Linux 文字編輯器。請將「nano.exe」複製到目標資料夾,如果可以的話,請同時將目錄新增到環境變數中的 PATH 變數。 + [Section.041f] Description = Nano for Windows (nano-win), Linux üzerinde kullanılan ünlü, kullanımı kolay ve kullanışlı metin düzenleyici olan GNU nano'nun port edilmiş, tek başına çalışabilen bir sürümüdür. "nano.exe" dosyasını uygun bir klasöre kopyalayın. Çevresel Değişkenler'de PATH değişkenine klasörü eklemeniz tavsiye edilir. diff --git a/neko98.txt b/neko98.txt index 3e4a48bf..2de539b9 100644 --- a/neko98.txt +++ b/neko98.txt @@ -7,3 +7,8 @@ Category = 4 URLDownload = https://archive.org/download/neko98/neko98_4.zip SHA1 = 0213288fd85ce90b72279c05bcfabeb8d044b8d9 SizeBytes = 69538 + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = Neko98 是一款以追逐游標的貓為主題的動畫 Screenmate 應用程式。 + diff --git a/net11.txt b/net11.txt index 80a989c0..f57e63e5 100644 --- a/net11.txt +++ b/net11.txt @@ -9,13 +9,6 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20210505032023if_/http://download.micr SHA1 = 16a354a2207c4c8846b617cbc78f7b7c1856340e SizeBytes = 24265736 -[Section.0407] -Description = Runtime für C# Windows Anwendungen. -URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/de-DE/download/details.aspx?id=26 -URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20210212100858if_/http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/f/3/4f3ac857-e063-45d0-9835-83894f20e808/dotnetfx.exe -SHA1 = 4e5cd34df2b41bdcc0d813df259ea994d7cfc7fd -SizeBytes = 24277024 - [Section.0a] Description = Componentes necesarios para ejecutar programas escritos en lenguajes intermedios como C#. License = Desconocida @@ -24,6 +17,21 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20210126141804if_/http://download.micr SHA1 = 092d1f37018bfeba6ce8d9da43552d3f6e98cf86 SizeBytes = 24275488 +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 執行由 C# 之類的中間語言所編譯的 Windows 應用程式所需的組件。 +URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/zh-TW/download/details.aspx?id=26 +URLDownload = http://web.archive.org/web/20210415125751if_/https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/2/7/827bb1ef-f5e1-4464-9788-40ef682930fd/dotnetfx.exe +SHA1 = ae602dd9efcdfe296f3d67f91c7aa2282533636a +SizeBytes = 24282144 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Runtime für C# Windows Anwendungen. +URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/de-DE/download/details.aspx?id=26 +URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20210212100858if_/http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/f/3/4f3ac857-e063-45d0-9835-83894f20e808/dotnetfx.exe +SHA1 = 4e5cd34df2b41bdcc0d813df259ea994d7cfc7fd +SizeBytes = 24277024 + [Section.040c] Description = Paquet redistribuable. URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/fr-FR/download/details.aspx?id=26 diff --git a/net20.txt b/net20.txt index caadb432..9b6d186a 100644 --- a/net20.txt +++ b/net20.txt @@ -9,13 +9,17 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20210505034809if_/http://download.micr SHA1 = a3625c59d7a2995fb60877b5f5324892a1693b2a SizeBytes = 23510720 -[Section.0407] -Description = Runtime für C# Windows Anwendungen - [Section.0a] Description = Componentes necesarios para ejecutar programas escritos en lenguajes intermedios como C#. License = Desconocida +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 執行由 C# 之類的中間語言所編譯的 Windows 應用程式所需的組件。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Runtime für C# Windows Anwendungen + [Section.040c] Description = Paquet redistribuable. diff --git a/net20sp2.txt b/net20sp2.txt index c9ec7cd1..614a5b25 100644 --- a/net20sp2.txt +++ b/net20sp2.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20190523030127if_/http://download.micr SHA1 = 22d776d4d204863105a5db99e8b8888be23c61a7 SizeBytes = 25001480 -[Section.0407] -Description = Runtime für C# Windows Anwendungen. -URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/de-DE/download/details.aspx?id=1639 - [Section.0a] Description = Componentes necesarios para ejecutar programas escritos en lenguajes intermedios como C#. URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/es-ES/download/details.aspx?id=1639 +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 執行由 C# 之類的中間語言所編譯的 Windows 應用程式所需的組件。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Runtime für C# Windows Anwendungen. +URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/de-DE/download/details.aspx?id=1639 + [Section.040c] Description = Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 Service Pack 2. URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/fr-FR/download/details.aspx?id=1639 diff --git a/net40.txt b/net40.txt index 933c7e4f..354dcb6f 100644 --- a/net40.txt +++ b/net40.txt @@ -9,14 +9,19 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20210525175036if_/https://download.mic SHA1 = 58da3d74db353aad03588cbb5cea8234166d8b99 SizeBytes = 50449456 -[Section.0407] -Description = Runtime für C# Windows Anwendungen. -URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/de-DE/download/details.aspx?id=17718 - [Section.0a] Description = Componentes necesarios para ejecutar programas escritos en lenguajes intermedios como C#. URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/es-ES/download/details.aspx?id=17718 +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 執行由 C# 之類的中間語言所編譯的 Windows 應用程式所需的組件。 +URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/zh-TW/download/details.aspx?id=17718 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Runtime für C# Windows Anwendungen. +URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/de-DE/download/details.aspx?id=17718 + [Section.040c] Description = Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.0 URLSite = http://www.microsoft.com/fr-FR/download/details.aspx?id=17718 diff --git a/neverball.txt b/neverball.txt index 2a10d7a2..b74e284c 100644 --- a/neverball.txt +++ b/neverball.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = http://neverball.org/neverball-1.6.0.zip SHA1 = 51b744f87ee8c435959da1fa0b35472fe02c719b SizeBytes = 75802818 +[Section.0a] +Description = Gira el suelo para mover una bola a través de una pista de obstáculos a contra reloj. Neverball es mitad puzle, mitad juego de acción y toda una prueba de habilidad. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 傾斜地板來使小球在規定時間內繞過障礙物。Neverball 是一款半解密半動作遊戲,也是一種對技巧的考驗。 + [Section.0407] Description = Neigen Sie den Boden, um einen Ball durch einen Hindernisparcours zu rollen, bevor die Zeit abläuft. Neverball ist teils ein Puzzle-Spiel, teils ein Action-Spiel und ganz ein Test der Geschicklichkeit. @@ -21,9 +27,6 @@ Description = Joc în parte de tip enigmă, în parte de tip acțiune, și un te [Section.0419] Description = Компьютерная игра-платформер, в которой игрок управляет мячом путём наклона опорной конструкции в трёхмерном пространстве. Для перехода на следующий уровень нужно открыть цель, собрав для этого определённое количество монет (очков), и попасть в неё мячом. -[Section.0a] -Description = Gira el suelo para mover una bola a través de una pista de obstáculos a contra reloj. Neverball es mitad puzle, mitad juego de acción y toda una prueba de habilidad. - [Section.041f] License = GPL sürüm 2 Description = Süre bitmeden önce bir engel gidişi boyunca bir topu yuvarlamak için odayı eğiniz. Neverball, tikelik bulmaca oyunu, tikelik devingen oyun ve büsbütün bir ustalık sınamasıdır. diff --git a/nginx.txt b/nginx.txt index 01fd2da5..1f56b403 100644 --- a/nginx.txt +++ b/nginx.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 1473335 [Section.0a] Description = Un servidor proxy HTTP y revertido, también como servidor proxy mail, escrito por Igor Sysoev. +[Section.0404] +Description = HTTP 和反向代理伺服器,以及一個郵件代理伺服器,由 Igor Sysoev 編寫。 + [Section.0407] Description = HTTP- und Reverse Proxy Server, sowie Mail Proxy Server, erstellt von Igor Sysoev. diff --git a/nirlauncher.txt b/nirlauncher.txt index 5500bb1e..465d7547 100644 --- a/nirlauncher.txt +++ b/nirlauncher.txt @@ -9,16 +9,20 @@ URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/nirsoft_package_1.19.98.zip SHA1 = 003458ee09b034884c8d5d4753463985a1c16862 SizeBytes = 24751955 +[Section.0a] +License = Gratuita +Description = Un paquete con más de 180 utilidades. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 適用於 Windows 的一款超過 180 個工具的合集。 + [Section.0407] Description = Paket von mehr als 180 Utilities für Windows. [Section.040c] Description = Un ensemble de plus de 180 utilitaires pour Windows. -[Section.0a] -License = Gratuita -Description = Un paquete con más de 180 utilidades. - [Section.0415] Description = Pakiet zawierający ponad 180 narzędzi dla Windows. diff --git a/notepad2e.txt b/notepad2e.txt index 6f9d0626..378ec1c0 100644 --- a/notepad2e.txt +++ b/notepad2e.txt @@ -9,5 +9,9 @@ URLDownload = https://github.com/ProgerXP/Notepad2e/releases/download/R134/Notep SHA1 = 1917ca27cb46bf7f65e153376105bcb7f379c1dd SizeBytes = 1001759 +[Section.0404] +Description = Notepad 2e 是 Notepad2 的分支版本,帶有高亮字詞、並行編輯、數學計算、正則匹配、Lua 解析和 DPI 適配等的功能。 + [Section.0804] Description = Notepad 2e 是 Notepad2 的分支版本,带有词语高亮、并行编辑、数学计算、正则匹配、Lua 解析和 DPI 适配等功能特性 + diff --git a/npackd.txt b/npackd.txt index de46b9c3..3670e40e 100644 --- a/npackd.txt +++ b/npackd.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 8490496 [Section.0a] Description = Npackd es un gestor de paquetes, tienda de aplicaciones, instalador para Windows, licenciado con la GPLv3. +[Section.0404] +Description = Npackd(讀作「unpacked」)是一款適用於 Windows 平臺,使用 GPLv3 許可的安裝程式、應用商店、套件管理和應用購買的應用程式。 + [Section.0407] Description = Leistungsstarke Paketverwaltung, bietet die Installation von Software in verschiedenen Versionen an. diff --git a/npp.txt b/npp.txt index fdbfeaa9..c21de75e 100644 --- a/npp.txt +++ b/npp.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://notepad-plus-plus.org/repository/6.x/6.9/npp.6.9.Installer SHA1 = 99d3507a8eab110b7471bf2a8e63e88ecfb4e831 SizeBytes = 4206592 -[Section.0407] -Description = Voll funktionsfähiger, kostenloser Texteditor mit vielen Plugins. - [Section.0a] Description = Un editor de texto completo, libre y con gran cantidad de extensiones. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款多功能,可安裝大量插件的免費文字編輯器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Voll funktionsfähiger, kostenloser Texteditor mit vielen Plugins. + [Section.040c] Description = Un éditeur de texte. URLSite = http://notepad-plus-plus.org/fr/ diff --git a/nvdisp.txt b/nvdisp.txt index 41b8e39e..5f970aee 100644 --- a/nvdisp.txt +++ b/nvdisp.txt @@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ SizeBytes = 19433601 Name = Controladores de pantalla de NVidia Description = Controlador de pantalla para RIVA TNT2, tarjetas GeForce/Quadro 1/2/3/4 de NVidia. +[Section.0404] +Name = NVidia 顯示驅動程式 +License = 不明 +Description = 適用於 NVidia 的 RIVA TNT2、GeForce/Quadro 1/2/3/4 的顯示驅動程式。 + [Section.0407] Name = NVidia Display Treiber License = Unbekannt diff --git a/officeformatpack.txt b/officeformatpack.txt index 915265ad..c1981baa 100644 --- a/officeformatpack.txt +++ b/officeformatpack.txt @@ -13,6 +13,12 @@ SizeBytes = 38808920 Name = Paquete de compatibilidad de Microsoft Office de Word, Excel y Powerpoint Description = Paquete necesario para poder abrir los *.docx, *.xlsx, etc en el visor de Word y Excel y en Office 2003/XP. +[Section.0404] +Name = Microsoft Office Word、Excel 及 PowerPoint 檔案格式相容性套件 +License = 不明 +Description = 在 Word/Excel Viewer 和 Office 2003 上開啟 *.docx、*.xlsx 等格式時需要的套件。 +URLSite = https://web.archive.org/web/20180426155056if_/http://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/download/details.aspx?id=3 + [Section.0407] License = Unbekannt Description = Wird zum Öffnen von *.docx, *.xlsx, etc unter Word/Excel Viewer und Office 2003 benötigt. diff --git a/openarena.txt b/openarena.txt index bc7fad90..075f176b 100644 --- a/openarena.txt +++ b/openarena.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 425189255 [Section.0a] Description = Un juego FPS creado por la comunidad basado en la tecnología GPL idTech3. +[Section.0404] +Description = 由社群製作的一款基於 GPL idTech3 技術的死亡競賽 FPS 遊戲。 + [Section.0407] Description = Ein Community-produziertes Deathmatch-FPS-Spiel basierend auf GPL idTech3 Technologie. diff --git a/opencodecs.txt b/opencodecs.txt index ec57b6ce..eca11d92 100644 --- a/opencodecs.txt +++ b/opencodecs.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/oggdsf/opencodecs_0.85.17777.ex SHA1 = 386cf7cd29ffcbf8705eff8c8233de448ecf33ab SizeBytes = 2653944 -[Section.0407] -Description = DirectShow Filter für Ogg Vorbis, Speex, Theora, FLAC, und WebM Audio-/Videoformate. - [Section.0a] Description = Filtros DirectShow para los formatos de audio y vídeo Ogg Vorbis, Speex, Theora, FLAC y WebM. +[Section.0404] +Description = 適用於 Ogg Vorbis, Speex, Theora, FLAC 和 WebM 的音訊視訊檔案格式的 DirectShow 過濾器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = DirectShow Filter für Ogg Vorbis, Speex, Theora, FLAC, und WebM Audio-/Videoformate. + [Section.0410] Description = I filtri DirectShow per la Ogg Vorbis, Speex, Theora, FLAC e formati di file WebM. diff --git a/openoffice.txt b/openoffice.txt index d3527778..69b07df1 100644 --- a/openoffice.txt +++ b/openoffice.txt @@ -12,13 +12,6 @@ SizeBytes = 142674664 Icon = openoffice.ico Screenshot1 = https://i.imgur.com/AYl9dp6.png -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffene Office-Suite. -URLSite = https://www.openoffice.org/de/ -URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.1.13/binaries/de/Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.13_Win_x86_install_de.exe -SHA1 = dc81621a1f94d4092714963876fc430371517588 -SizeBytes = 176650648 - [Section.0a] Description = Suite de ofimática de código abierto. URLSite = https://www.openoffice.org/es/ @@ -26,6 +19,20 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.1. SHA1 = d76a5e24896606875ef89d12d4e3d90b3b6361e0 SizeBytes = 131730832 +[Section.0404] +Description = 開源的辦公套件。 +URLSite = https://www.openoffice.org/zh-tw/ +URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.1.13/binaries/zh-TW/Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.13_Win_x86_install_zh-TW.exe +SHA1 = c1cbf4afd3c75910c4e173f274d851925fd1b357 +SizeBytes = 131196000 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffene Office-Suite. +URLSite = https://www.openoffice.org/de/ +URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.1.13/binaries/de/Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.13_Win_x86_install_de.exe +SHA1 = dc81621a1f94d4092714963876fc430371517588 +SizeBytes = 176650648 + [Section.040c] Description = La suite bureautique open source. URLSite = https://www.openoffice.org/fr/ diff --git a/openttd.txt b/openttd.txt index 6b58a8b0..a4e1e66c 100644 --- a/openttd.txt +++ b/openttd.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://cdn.openttd.org/openttd-releases/1.10.3/openttd-1.10.3-win SHA1 = c4f37b89a7a657ea08541263acd6d851b133e146 SizeBytes = 5161788 -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffener Klon der "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" Spiel-Engine. Sie benötigen eine Kopie von Transport Tycoon. - [Section.0a] Description = Clon del motor de juegos «Transport Tycoon Deluxe» de código abierto. Es necesaria una copia de Transport Tycoon. +[Section.0404] +Description = Transport Tycoon Deluxe 遊戲引擎的開源復刻。您可能需要一份 Transport Tycoon 的副本。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffener Klon der "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" Spiel-Engine. Sie benötigen eine Kopie von Transport Tycoon. + [Section.040c] Description = Clone open source du moteur de jeu "Transport Tycoon Deluxe". Vous aurez besoin d'une copie de Transport Tycoon. diff --git a/opera.txt b/opera.txt index 93cd9786..dac2df02 100644 --- a/opera.txt +++ b/opera.txt @@ -9,15 +9,19 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20210606230730/http://ftp.opera.com/pu SHA1 = b2344bfd13e85dab4f50c0b579b9a485bf473136 SizeBytes = 12956472 +[Section.0a] +Description = Popular navegador web con muchas características avanzadas, incluyendo un cliente de correo y BitTorrent. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = Opera 是一款流行的瀏覽器。有許多進階功能,包括電子郵件和 BitTorrent 用戶端。 + [Section.0405] Description = Populární prohlížeč Opera s mnoha pokročilými vlastnostmi, včetně vestavené podpory pro e-mail a BitTorrent. [Section.0407] Description = Der populäre Opera Browser mit vielen fortschrittlichen Eigenschaften, enthält einen E-Mail und BitTorrent Client. -[Section.0a] -Description = Popular navegador web con muchas características avanzadas, incluyendo un cliente de correo y BitTorrent. - [Section.040c] Description = Le populaire navigateur Opera avec beaucoup de fonctionnalités avancées, incluant un client mail et BitTorrent. diff --git a/opera9.txt b/opera9.txt index 8ddd002f..dde4d98e 100644 --- a/opera9.txt +++ b/opera9.txt @@ -9,15 +9,19 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20140327183619if_/http://arc.opera.com SHA1 = e7354e79956acae6f76727a3c9bb3c25ea3a7b6f SizeBytes = 7562568 +[Section.0a] +Description = Popular navegador web con muchas características avanzadas, incluyendo un cliente de correo y BitTorrent. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = Opera 是一款流行的瀏覽器。有許多進階功能,包括電子郵件和 BitTorrent 用戶端。 + [Section.0405] Description = Populární prohlížeč Opera s mnoha pokročilými vlastnostmi, včetně vestavené podpory pro e-mail a BitTorrent. [Section.0407] Description = Der populäre Opera Browser mit vielen fortschrittlichen Eigenschaften, enthält einen E-Mail und BitTorrent Client. -[Section.0a] -Description = Popular navegador web con muchas características avanzadas, incluyendo un cliente de correo y BitTorrent. - [Section.040c] Description = Le populaire navigateur Opera avec beaucoup de fonctionnalités avancées, incluant un client mail et BitTorrent. diff --git a/otter.txt b/otter.txt index d5ac2ceb..2f259f9a 100644 --- a/otter.txt +++ b/otter.txt @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ SizeBytes = 70390771 Name = Navegador Otter Description = El navegador Otter tiene el objetivo de recrear el buen aspecto del Opera clásico (12.x) usando Qt5. +[Section.0404] +Description = Otter Browser 旨在使用 Qt5 來重現經典的 Opera (12.x) UI 介面。 + [Section.0407] Description = Otter Browser ist ein Web-Browser, der das klassische Opera (12.x) UI mittels Qt5 wiederbelebt. diff --git a/pcsx.txt b/pcsx.txt index 008098eb..f5e2cd7f 100644 --- a/pcsx.txt +++ b/pcsx.txt @@ -11,4 +11,7 @@ SizeBytes = 2203783 [Section.0a] Description = PCSX es un emulador de la consola PlayStation 1. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = PCSX 是一款 Playstation 1 的模擬器。 diff --git a/pdfsam.txt b/pdfsam.txt index e1f8ebe5..17dbd9a2 100644 --- a/pdfsam.txt +++ b/pdfsam.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 15396864 [Section.0a] Description = Una herramienta de código abierto independiente, que divide, combina y edita otras funciones en un documento PDF. Necesita tener instalado Java runtime. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款免費、開源和獨立於平臺的 PDF 檔案拆分、合併和其他操作的工具。需要 Java 執行環境。 + [Section.0407] Description = Freies, quelloffenes, Plattformunabhängiges Werkzeug zum spiltten, zusammenfügen und anderer Manipulationen an PDF Dokumenten. Java Runtime benötigt! diff --git a/peazip.txt b/peazip.txt index e8f97161..9df8efb5 100644 --- a/peazip.txt +++ b/peazip.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/project/peazip/6.6.0/peazip-6.6.0 SHA1 = a1aefe8e06f14c16e5516c797fc4a81afde3c1b5 SizeBytes = 7138401 -[Section.0407] -Description = Freier, plattformübergreifender, quelloffener Datei- und Archivmanager. Er unterstützt über 150 Archiv-Formate. - [Section.0a] Description = Un administrador de archivos y compresor de código abierto y multiplataforma. Soporta más de 150 formatos de archivo. +[Section.0404] +Description = 免費、跨平台、開源的檔案和壓縮檔管理器。它支持超過 150 種壓縮檔格式。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Freier, plattformübergreifender, quelloffener Datei- und Archivmanager. Er unterstützt über 150 Archiv-Formate. + [Section.0410] Description = PeaZip è un manager di file e archivi gratis, multipiattaforma e open source. Supporta oltre 150 formati d'archivio. diff --git a/pengupop.txt b/pengupop.txt index d6d84b73..36af3cb5 100644 --- a/pengupop.txt +++ b/pengupop.txt @@ -8,12 +8,15 @@ URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/Pengupop.exe SHA1 = 59b87b20244cf13136f59c31b962a0521486a359 SizeBytes = 1780574 -[Section.0407] -Description = Das Ziel des Spiels ist es farbige Orbs ins Spielfeld zu feuern, so dass diese Gruppen von drei oder mehr bilden. - [Section.0a] Description = Dispara orbes de colores en el campo de juego formando grupos de más de tres. +[Section.0404] +Description = 將彩色彈珠發射到遊戲台上,使它們組合為三個或更多的彈珠。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Das Ziel des Spiels ist es farbige Orbs ins Spielfeld zu feuern, so dass diese Gruppen von drei oder mehr bilden. + [Section.0410] Description = Lo scopo di questo gioco è quello di sparare sfere colorate nel vostro campo di gioco, in modo da formare gruppi di tre o più. diff --git a/photivo.txt b/photivo.txt index c0b3c07e..d77db91e 100644 --- a/photivo.txt +++ b/photivo.txt @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ SizeBytes = 12370635 [Section.0a] Description = Un procesador fotográfico gratuito y de código abierto. +[Section.0404] +Description = 免費、開源的圖片處理軟體。 + [Section.0415] Description = Darmowy i otwartoźródłowy program do obróbki zdjęć. diff --git a/photofiltre.txt b/photofiltre.txt index 83898839..cd8299ba 100644 --- a/photofiltre.txt +++ b/photofiltre.txt @@ -9,18 +9,22 @@ URLDownload = SHA1 = d4f9a0b0d7bdd82e21aa9f16a0728e7787f4eb0e SizeBytes = 5239812 -[Section.0407] -Description = Komplettes Bildretuschier-Programm. Version mit Layers, aber eingeschänkter als die Studio-X Version. - [Section.0a] Description = Un programa de retoque fotográfico. Esta versión viene con capas, pero es mucho más limitada que la versión Studio X. -[Section.0415] -Description = Ta wersja obsługuje warstwy, ale ma większe ograniczenia od Studio X. PhotoFiltre Studio to program do retuszu zdjęć. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 完整的圖像修描程式。此版本支援圖層,但相對於 Studio X 版本有所限制。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Komplettes Bildretuschier-Programm. Version mit Layers, aber eingeschänkter als die Studio-X Version. [Section.0410] Description = Questa versione con pannelli ma più limitata della versione Studio X. PhotoFiltre Studio è un programma di fotoritocco completo. +[Section.0415] +Description = Ta wersja obsługuje warstwy, ale ma większe ograniczenia od Studio X. PhotoFiltre Studio to program do retuszu zdjęć. + [Section.0418] License = Gratuită Description = Aplicație completă de retușare a imaginilor. diff --git a/pidgin.txt b/pidgin.txt index 15839d44..c4bfbc7f 100644 --- a/pidgin.txt +++ b/pidgin.txt @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ Icon = pidgin.ico [Section.0a] Description = Un programa de mensajería instantanea que te permite iniciar sesión en múltiples redes de chat simultaneamente. +[Section.0404] +Description = 允許您同時登入多個聊天網路帳戶的即時通訊程式。 + [Section.0407] Description = Ein instant messaging-Programm, welches läßt Sie zu Konten auf mehreren Chat-Netzwerken gleichzeitig anmelden. diff --git a/pingus.txt b/pingus.txt index 04b4e2ff..777a17c5 100644 --- a/pingus.txt +++ b/pingus.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://github.com/Pingus/downloads/raw/master/Pingus-0.7.6.exe SHA1 = 925d9a46eb1e063a3f792b9205cac7a01741632c SizeBytes = 16569464 -[Section.0407] -Description = Freies Lemmings-ähnliches Puzzle Spiel. - [Section.0a] Description = Un juego de puzzles parecido a los Lemmings. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款類似 Lemmings 的免費解謎遊戲。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Freies Lemmings-ähnliches Puzzle Spiel. + [Section.0410] Description = Pingus è un gioco gratuito simile a Lemmings. diff --git a/plex.txt b/plex.txt index b6033919..e2532909 100644 --- a/plex.txt +++ b/plex.txt @@ -6,3 +6,7 @@ Category = 15 URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20211216235851/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/petr-akhlamov/ros-repo/master/plex.exe SHA1 = 77e24dfc61920c2f2675ea3e9c889877bef12c93 SizeBytes = 693590 + +[Section.0404] +Description = 來自 Windows Codename Longhorn 的 Plex 主題。 + diff --git a/pnotepad.txt b/pnotepad.txt index 52fe66ee..b5c0e472 100644 --- a/pnotepad.txt +++ b/pnotepad.txt @@ -9,5 +9,9 @@ URLDownload = https://github.com/simonsteele/pn/releases/download/v2.4.2/pn24214 SHA1 = 2df95fbda64d23b7d07a06690f05859f7c994580 SizeBytes = 2492493 +[Section.0404] +Description = 專為程式設計師設計的 Windows 記事本程式。 + [Section.0804] -Description = 专为程序员设计的 Windows 记事本程序 +Description = 专为程序员设计的 Windows 记事本程序。 + diff --git a/podcasteasy.txt b/podcasteasy.txt index 523bee58..6e2c05b3 100644 --- a/podcasteasy.txt +++ b/podcasteasy.txt @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ SizeBytes = 712140 [Section.0a] Description = Programa para descargar podcasts. +[Section.0404] +License = 公用軟體 +Description = 一款下載 Podcast 的程式。 + [Section.0407] Description = Anwendung zum Herunterladen von Podcasts. diff --git a/pptview.txt b/pptview.txt index 450f02b1..d590f433 100644 --- a/pptview.txt +++ b/pptview.txt @@ -9,13 +9,6 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20171225132744if_/http://download.micr SHA1 = ab48a8ebac88219c84f293c6c1e81f1a0f420da6 SizeBytes = 63210976 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Freeware Präsentationsbetrachter für Office-Formate (*.ppt). -URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20170105015503if_/http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/F/7/9F742C8F-8C70-4498-B4D1-539BE36A1077/PowerPointViewer.exe -SHA1 = 8fab720491697b378110212d3ec673c575dd302c -SizeBytes = 63363736 - [Section.0a] Name = Visor de Microsoft Powerpoint Description = Visor de presentaciones gratuito para formatos de Office (*.ppt). @@ -24,6 +17,17 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20170426125202if_/http://download.micr SHA1 = 8b6f50e6129412fc51692864150a42295861ec63 SizeBytes = 63412736 +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 免費的 Office 簡報格式(*.ppt)檢視器。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Freeware Präsentationsbetrachter für Office-Formate (*.ppt). +URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20170105015503if_/http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/F/7/9F742C8F-8C70-4498-B4D1-539BE36A1077/PowerPointViewer.exe +SHA1 = 8fab720491697b378110212d3ec673c575dd302c +SizeBytes = 63363736 + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20170510170718if_/http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/B/4/6B4CA627-C0CD-4B27-BE31-0B87AE10F46B/PowerPointViewer.exe diff --git a/precisecalc.txt b/precisecalc.txt index e9f41917..19198cdb 100644 --- a/precisecalc.txt +++ b/precisecalc.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/preccalc/preccalc-32bit.zip SHA1 = 6a2711d3c72708f3876ac128fcd1f19a5145d77a SizeBytes = 192127 +[Section.0a] +Description = Una calculadora científica gratuita y de código abierto. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款適用於 Windows 的免費、開源的科學計算器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Freier und quelloffener wissenschaftlicher Rechner für Windows. @@ -21,9 +27,6 @@ Description = Calculatr științific gratuit, cu surse deschise. [Section.0419] Description = Бесплатный научный калькулятор с исходным кодом для Windows. -[Section.0a] -Description = Una calculadora científica gratuita y de código abierto. - [Section.041f] Name = Precise Hesap Makinesi License = GPL sürüm 3 diff --git a/processhacker.txt b/processhacker.txt index 58087036..6c5909d0 100644 --- a/processhacker.txt +++ b/processhacker.txt @@ -8,3 +8,7 @@ URLSite = https://processhacker.sourceforge.io/ URLDownload = https://github.com/processhacker/processhacker/releases/download/v2.38/processhacker-2.38-setup.exe SHA1 = 8953D402F80D18423E8744EDB05EB6582ED11019 SizeBytes = 2261896 + +[Section.0404] +Description = Process Hacker 是一款免費、多用途、功能強大的工具程式,可幫助您監控系統資源、對軟體進行除錯和檢測惡意軟體。 + diff --git a/pspad.txt b/pspad.txt index 2b58a076..68143cb4 100644 --- a/pspad.txt +++ b/pspad.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://www.pspad.com/files/pspad/pspad500_setup.exe SHA1 = 92dfe2d3a8b999e2f85f9d3e66bd54ff1ec658e6 SizeBytes = 6582336 -[Section.0407] -Description = Leichtgewichtiger Texteditor. -URLSite = http://www.pspad.com/de/ - [Section.0a] Description = Un pequeño editor de texto. URLSite = http://www.pspad.com/es/ +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一個輕量級的文字編輯器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Leichtgewichtiger Texteditor. +URLSite = http://www.pspad.com/de/ + [Section.040c] Description = Un éditeur de texte. URLSite = http://www.pspad.com/fr/ diff --git a/ptanks.txt b/ptanks.txt index df2fcab1..20d89c93 100644 --- a/ptanks.txt +++ b/ptanks.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = https://classic.blitwise.com/ptanks.exe SHA1 = 1f10dd5830eecf117bc10daf7e85d29f364dbdc2 SizeBytes = 3003784 -[Section.0407] -Description = Das schnellste Artillerie-Spiel, das Sie jemals gespielt haben. - [Section.0a] Description = Un divertido y rápido juego de artillería. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 你玩過最快的炮戰遊戲。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Das schnellste Artillerie-Spiel, das Sie jemals gespielt haben. + [Section.0410] Description = Il gioco d'artiglieria più veloce a cui potrai giocare. diff --git a/putty.txt b/putty.txt index e2567a87..05c450a4 100644 --- a/putty.txt +++ b/putty.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.70/w32/putty-0.70-installer SHA1 = 2031fc9b6a972f5c3f3e506987143dfc1f7214e0 SizeBytes = 2942464 -[Section.0407] -Description = Freier SSH-, Telnet-, rlogin- und TCP-Client. - [Section.0a] Description = Un cliente SSH, Telnet, rlogin y TCP libre y gratuito. +[Section.0404] +Description = 免費的 SSH、Telnet、rlogin 及原始 TCP 用戶端。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Freier SSH-, Telnet-, rlogin- und TCP-Client. + [Section.040c] Description = Un client SSH, Telnet, rlogin et raw TCP gratuit. diff --git a/python.txt b/python.txt index e0ca4f99..a550b950 100644 --- a/python.txt +++ b/python.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.4.4/python-3.4.4.msi SHA1 = 46c89a6eebfb5f2e8f9b7edbe5409e314366a66a SizeBytes = 24932352 -[Section.0407] -Description = Sehr mächtige, dynamische Programmiersprache. - [Section.0a] Description = Un lenguaje de programación dinámico sumamente potente. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款非常強大的動態語言。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Sehr mächtige, dynamische Programmiersprache. + [Section.040c] Description = Un langage de programmation dynamique remarquablement puissant. diff --git a/python2.txt b/python2.txt index beb32d6e..2c391607 100644 --- a/python2.txt +++ b/python2.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.15/python-2.7.15.msi SHA1 = 70830dd027e250a17b2265e24440785b1e2f3a16 SizeBytes = 19304448 -[Section.0407] -Description = Sehr mächtige, dynamische Programmiersprache. - [Section.0a] Description = Un lenguaje de programación dinámico sumamente potente. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款非常強大的動態語言。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Sehr mächtige, dynamische Programmiersprache. + [Section.040c] Description = Un langage de programmation dynamique remarquablement puissant. diff --git a/qb64sdl.txt b/qb64sdl.txt index 09d19d49..3f6bf650 100644 --- a/qb64sdl.txt +++ b/qb64sdl.txt @@ -9,12 +9,17 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20180526110545if_/http://www.qb64.net/ SHA1 = 64b8f8d32c24c65598f9d655506fec25c4fb4052 SizeBytes = 102775452 -[Section.0407] -Description = Self-Hosting BASIC-Compiler für Microsoft Windows, Linux und Mac OS X, entwickelt, um mit Microsoft QBasic und Microsoft QuickBASIC kompatibel zu sein. - [Section.0a] Description = Es un compilador auto-compilable de BASIC para Windows, Linux y Mac OS X, diseñado para ser compatible con Microsoft QuickBasic. +[Section.0404] +Name = QB64(SDL 版本) +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 適用於 Microsoft Windows、Linux 及 Mac OS X 平臺的 BASIC 編譯器,設計上與 Microsoft QBasic 和 Microsoft QuickBASIC 相容。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Self-Hosting BASIC-Compiler für Microsoft Windows, Linux und Mac OS X, entwickelt, um mit Microsoft QBasic und Microsoft QuickBASIC kompatibel zu sein. + [Section.0410] Description = QB64 è un compilatore auto ospitante di BASIC per Microsoft Windows, Linux e Mac OS X, progettato per essere compatibile con Microsoft QuickBasic. diff --git a/qemu.txt b/qemu.txt index a36ea1b8..8494245b 100644 --- a/qemu.txt +++ b/qemu.txt @@ -9,11 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://qemu.weilnetz.de/w32/2013/qemu-w32-setup-20130627.exe SHA1 = d5c45b5220951a2abbb3340d368c36d3140da83f SizeBytes = 13938504 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un emulador o virtualizador de máquinas muy ligero y de código abierto. Puede emular procesadores basados en muchas arquitecturas (p.e. x86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC). Utilizar con la línea "-display sdl" para evitar los gliches en pantalla. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款開源、快速的模擬器/虛擬機器。它可以模擬多種架構的處理器(如:x86、ARM、MIPS、PowerPC)。執行程式時加上「-display sdl」參數可避免顯示錯誤。 + [Section.0415] Description = Otwartoźródłowy i bardzo szybki emulator/virtualizer maszyny. Potrafi emulować procesory bazujące na wielu różnych architekturach (np. x86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC). Uruchom z opcją "-display sdl", aby zapobiec błędom w wyświetlaniu. [Section.0804] Description = 一款开源、快速的模拟器/虚拟机。它可以模拟基于多种架构的处理器(比如 x86、ARM、MIPS、PowerPC)。运行程序时加上 “-display sdl” 参数可避免显示错误。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Un emulador o virtualizador de máquinas muy ligero y de código abierto. Puede emular procesadores basados en muchas arquitecturas (p.e. x86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC). Utilizar con la línea "-display sdl" para evitar los gliches en pantalla. diff --git a/qmmp.txt b/qmmp.txt index 700e624c..a27d657d 100644 --- a/qmmp.txt +++ b/qmmp.txt @@ -9,13 +9,17 @@ URLDownload = http://qmmp.ylsoftware.com/files/windows/0.11/qmmp-0.11.1-win32.ex SHA1 = ffe410a53b46a7905a7b80863aba4a37249c5250 SizeBytes = 14754797 -[Section.0407] -Description = Audio-Player, der mit Hilfe der Qt Bibliothek geschrieben wurde. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist ähnlich zu WinAMP oder XMMS. Alternative Benutzeroberflächen sind ebenfalls verfügbar. - [Section.0a] Name = Qmmp (Reproductor multimedia Qt) Description = Reproductor multimedia basado en las bibliotecas Qt, la interfaz es parecida a la de WinAMP o XMMS. Existen otras interfaces alternativas. +[Section.0404] +Name = Qmmp +Description = 基於 Qt 庫的音訊播放器。用戶界面與 WinAMP 或 XMMS 類似。亦可以使用其他用戶界面款式。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Audio-Player, der mit Hilfe der Qt Bibliothek geschrieben wurde. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist ähnlich zu WinAMP oder XMMS. Alternative Benutzeroberflächen sind ebenfalls verfügbar. + [Section.0410] Description = Qmmp è un lettore multimediale, scritto con l'aiuto della libreria Qt. L'interfaccia grafica è simile a WinAMP o XMMS. Interfaccie utenti alternative sono disponibili. diff --git a/rainmeter.txt b/rainmeter.txt index fe2c8d29..6bde4127 100644 --- a/rainmeter.txt +++ b/rainmeter.txt @@ -10,3 +10,7 @@ Icon=rainmeter.ico Screenshot1 = https://i.imgur.com/oj6yqE2.png SHA1 = eac2d350cac138c9ece86fe9ccd823e380601b1c SizeBytes = 2404088 + +[Section.0404] +Description = Rainmeter 可以在桌面顯示如記憶體、電池容量、RSS 摘要及天氣報告。程式支援自訂外觀。 + diff --git a/remood.txt b/remood.txt index b270682b..e59d7afa 100644 --- a/remood.txt +++ b/remood.txt @@ -9,15 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/remood/ReMooD/0.8a/remoods SHA1 = 3d91e4feb9f56616a17baeedafc55fd7fe30d560 SizeBytes = 1205484 +[Section.0a] +Description = Una versión derivada de Doom Legacy. Su fin es revivir la experiencia clásica con nuevas características y mayor estabilidad. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款 Doom Legacy 的開源移植。它旨在提供新功能和更好穩定性的經典傳統遊戲體驗。 + [Section.0407] Description = Port des Doom Legacy Sources. Es versucht das klassische Legacy Erfahrung zusammen mit neuen Features und mehr Stabilität zu bieten. [Section.0410] Description = ReMooD è un porting sorgente di Doom Legacy. Punta a provedere la classica esperienza ereditaria con nuove funzionalità e maggiore stabilità. -[Section.0a] -Description = Una versión derivada de Doom Legacy. Su fin es revivir la experiencia clásica con nuevas características y mayor estabilidad. - [Section.040c] Description = ReMood est un portage du source de Doom Legacy. Son but est de fournir l'expérience classique de Legacy avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités et plus de stabilité. diff --git a/reshack.txt b/reshack.txt index fe3d49f7..ccdf4ebc 100644 --- a/reshack.txt +++ b/reshack.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20180426130124if_/http://www.angusj.co SHA1 = a34547ccb44ce387c95e97d540e4763894a4a15b SizeBytes = 2933617 -[Section.0407] -Description = Freeware-Tool zum Anzeigen, Ändern, Umbenennen, Hinzufügen, Löschen und Extrahieren von Ressourcen in 32-Bit & 64-Bit-Windows Anwendungen und Ressourcen-Dateien (*.res). - [Section.0a] Description = Una utilidad gratuita para ver, editar, renombrar, borrar y extraer recursos de ejecutables de Windows y archivos derivados (*.res). +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款可以在 32 及 64 位元 Windows 中查看、修改、重新命名、新增、刪除和提取可執行程式和資源檔案 (*.res) 的資源的公用程式。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Freeware-Tool zum Anzeigen, Ändern, Umbenennen, Hinzufügen, Löschen und Extrahieren von Ressourcen in 32-Bit & 64-Bit-Windows Anwendungen und Ressourcen-Dateien (*.res). + [Section.0410] Description = Resource Hacker, è uno strumento freewere per vedere, modificare, rinominare, aggiungere, rimuovere e estrarre risorse in eseguibili Windows 32 e 64 bit e file di risorse (*.res). diff --git a/revo.txt b/revo.txt index df23a389..5636cd39 100644 --- a/revo.txt +++ b/revo.txt @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ SizeBytes = 2623656 [Section.0a] Description = Ayuda a desinstalar el software y eliminar los programas y archivos no deseados facilmente. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 幫助使用者簡單地解除安裝軟體並移除不想要的程式。 + [Section.0407] Description = Hilft Software zu deinstallieren und einfach ungewollte Programme loszuwerden. diff --git a/rfstools.txt b/rfstools.txt index 258e6131..ec51d2af 100644 --- a/rfstools.txt +++ b/rfstools.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool/rfstool-0.14.zip SHA1 = 137131e26c8fefa38d13e4e51c26b8750285c0f2 SizeBytes = 54687 +[Section.0a] +Description = Te permite acceder a particiones ReiserFS desde un sistema Windows. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 允許您從 Windows 系統存取 ReiserFS 分區。 + [Section.0407] Description = Ermöglicht den Zugriff auf ReiserFS Partitionen unter Windows Systemen. @@ -27,6 +33,3 @@ Description = Позволяет вам получить доступ к раз [Section.0804] Description = 允许您从 Windows 系统访问 ReiserFS 分区。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Te permite acceder a particiones ReiserFS desde un sistema Windows. - diff --git a/risoheditor.txt b/risoheditor.txt index de575667..4b5b3148 100644 --- a/risoheditor.txt +++ b/risoheditor.txt @@ -9,8 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://github.com/katahiromz/RisohEditor/releases/download/5.7.2/ SHA1 = e0f09689f00f13fa497e85d3d2341cf4eeb6d785 SizeBytes = 3355955 +[Section.0a] +Description = RisohEditor es un editor de recursos Win32 gratuito que puede editar datos en archivos EXE/DLL/RC/RES. + +[Section.0404] +Description = RisohEditor 是一款免費的 Win32 資源編輯器,程式可以修改 EXE/DLL/RC/RES 檔案的資源。 + [Section.0411] Description = リソーエディタは、EXE/DLL/RC/RESファイルの中のリソースデータを編集できるフリーのWin32のリソースエディタです。 -[Section.0a] -Description = RisohEditor es un editor de recursos Win32 gratuito que puede editar datos en archivos EXE/DLL/RC/RES. diff --git a/rocks.txt b/rocks.txt index 54d4c862..555071c4 100644 --- a/rocks.txt +++ b/rocks.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://www.artsoft.org/RELEASES/win32/rocksndiamonds/rocksndiamond SHA1 = c00f508ec5edebc98d3159c1673bd02a2769d10b SizeBytes = 2549896 -[Section.0407] -Description = Arcade-Style Spiel für UNIX, Mac OS X, Windows und DOS in der Tradition von: "Boulder Dash" (C64), "Emerald Mine" (Amiga), "Supaplex" (Amiga / PC), "Sokoban" (PC). - [Section.0a] Description = Juego al estilo arcade para UNIX, Mac OS X, Windows y DOS siguiendo la tradición de: «Boulder Dash» (C64), «Emerald Mine» (Amiga), «Supaplex» (Amiga/PC), «Sokoban» (PC). +[Section.0404] +Description = 適用於 UNIX、Mac OS X、Windows 及 DOS 平臺的街機風格遊戲,包括「Boulder Dash」(C64)、「Emerald Mine」(Amiga)、「Supaplex」(Amiga/PC)、「Sokoban」(PC)。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Arcade-Style Spiel für UNIX, Mac OS X, Windows und DOS in der Tradition von: "Boulder Dash" (C64), "Emerald Mine" (Amiga), "Supaplex" (Amiga / PC), "Sokoban" (PC). + [Section.0410] Description = Gioco in stile arcade per UNIX, Mac OS X, Windows e DOS nella tradizione di: "Boulder Dash" (C64), "Emerald Mine" (Amiga), "Supaplex" (Amiga/PC), "Sokoban" (PC). diff --git a/rosbe.txt b/rosbe.txt index 3609ac56..674ed3d5 100644 --- a/rosbe.txt +++ b/rosbe.txt @@ -9,15 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/reactos/RosBE-2.1.6.exe SHA1 = 01b195f442cea01bcf21536f1c2e5d898ba9fe0c SizeBytes = 37300572 +[Section.0a] +Description = Te permite compilar el código de ReactOS. Para más información consulta la Wiki de ReactOS. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 可以讓您編譯 ReactOS 原始碼。詳情請參閱 ReactOS wiki。 + [Section.0405] Description = Dovoluje zkompilovat zdrojový kód systému ReactOS. Pro další detaily viz. ReactOS wiki. [Section.0407] Description = Erlaubt es Ihnen den ReactOS Source Code zu kompilieren. Im ReactOS-Wiki finden Sie dazu nähere Anweisungen. -[Section.0a] -Description = Te permite compilar el código de ReactOS. Para más información consulta la Wiki de ReactOS. - [Section.040c] Description = Vous permet de compiler le code source de ReactOS. Pour plus d'instructions, reportez-vous au wiki ReactOS. diff --git a/samba.txt b/samba.txt index c41cf409..9d5944c9 100644 --- a/samba.txt +++ b/samba.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/samba-for-ReactOSv1.3.exe SHA1 = 85e670da4700dbfe93e8460a43f6aeafee6fd1fd SizeBytes = 11290074 +[Section.0a] +Description = Proporciona proveedores de autentificación para secur32.dll (p.e. NTLM) necesario para cargar algunas aplicaciones. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 為需要 secur32.dll(如 NTLM)才能執行的程式提供驗證提供者。 + [Section.0407] Description = Liefert Authentifizierungsanbieter für secur32.dll (wie NTLM ...) die für einige Anwendungen benötigt werden. @@ -28,6 +34,3 @@ Description = Çalışan uygulamaların gereksinim duyduğu secur32.dll (ör: NT [Section.0804] Description = 为需要 secur32.dll (如 NTLM)运行的程序提供鉴权提供者 -[Section.0a] -Description = Proporciona proveedores de autentificación para secur32.dll (p.e. NTLM) necesario para cargar algunas aplicaciones. - diff --git a/sambatng.txt b/sambatng.txt index aab4de25..27682757 100644 --- a/sambatng.txt +++ b/sambatng.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/samba-tng.exe SHA1 = 23daea49ec9fb08cbee044fa49dfbcc195073c62 SizeBytes = 2238545 -[Section.0407] -Description = Erlaubt den Zugriff auf Windows' gemeinsame Verzeichnisse und Drucker aus ReactOS heraus. - [Section.0a] Description = Permite acceder a carpetas e impresoras compartidas en Windows con ReactOS. +[Section.0404] +Description = 讓您在 ReactOS 存取 Windows 共享資料夾、印表機。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Erlaubt den Zugriff auf Windows' gemeinsame Verzeichnisse und Drucker aus ReactOS heraus. + [Section.040c] Description = Cet outil vous permet d'accéder à vos répertoire/imprimantes partagés Windows avec ReactOS. diff --git a/sbforvmware.txt b/sbforvmware.txt index 6ae44b6a..b5db3159 100644 --- a/sbforvmware.txt +++ b/sbforvmware.txt @@ -8,6 +8,16 @@ URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/sb_vmware.exe SHA1 = d731e7490e5d287fff41d1cc19598fad48b743cd SizeBytes = 2332019 +[Section.0a] +Name = Controlador SoundBlaster para VMWare +License = Desconocida +Description = Controlador de audio para dispositivos compatibles con SoundBlaster. Se debe descomprimir en la carpeta «ReactOS» y reiniciar dos veces. + +[Section.0404] +Name = 適用於 VMWare 的 SoundBlaster 驅動程式 +License = 不明 +Description = Sound Blaster 相容裝置的音訊驅動程式。請解壓縮到 ReactOS 資料夾並重新啟動兩次。 + [Section.0405] Name = Ovladač SoundBlaster pro VMWare License = Neznámá @@ -18,11 +28,6 @@ Name = SoundBlaster Treiber für VMWare License = Unbekannt Description = Sound Treiber für SoundBlaster-kompatible Geräte. Entpacken in das "ReactOS"-Verzeichnis und ReactOS zweimal neustarten. -[Section.0a] -Name = Controlador SoundBlaster para VMWare -License = Desconocida -Description = Controlador de audio para dispositivos compatibles con SoundBlaster. Se debe descomprimir en la carpeta «ReactOS» y reiniciar dos veces. - [Section.040c] Name = Pilote SoundBlaster pour VMWare License = Inconnue diff --git a/scilab.txt b/scilab.txt index 786e06f3..a5721b7b 100644 --- a/scilab.txt +++ b/scilab.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://www.scilab.org/download/5.5.2/scilab-5.5.2.exe SHA1 = 9f6eeabe4a90a4a3c84889eed1a82c866b02a1de SizeBytes = 134667168 -[Section.0407] -Description = Eine Software für die numerische Berechnung in technischen und wissenschaftlichen Anwendungen. - [Section.0a] Description = Un software para computación numérica en ingeniería y aplicaciones científicas. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款用於工程和科學應用數值計算的軟體。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Eine Software für die numerische Berechnung in technischen und wissenschaftlichen Anwendungen. + [Section.040c] Description = Un logiciel de calcul numérique dans l'ingénierie et les applications scientifiques. URLSite = http://www.scilab.org/fr diff --git a/scite.txt b/scite.txt index 84d0be5d..c89d5b6d 100644 --- a/scite.txt +++ b/scite.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = https://www.ebswift.com/uploads/7/0/4/0/70403747/scite-4.0.5x86.ms SHA1 = bb2fc084824157912b1709352e8e3b6e3c6e4b25 SizeBytes = 3448832 -[Section.0407] -Description = SCIntilla basierter Text Editor. Ursprünglich wurde er erstellt, um Scintilla vorzuführen, wuchs aber zu einem nützlichen Editor mit der Fähigkeit Programme zu erstellen und auszuführen. - [Section.0a] Description = Editor de texto basado en SCIntilla. Originalmente creado para demostrar Scintilla, ha terminado siendo un gran editor con capacidad para crear y ejecutar programas. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款基於 SCIntilla 的文字編輯器。最初的構建用於模擬 Scintilla,現在已發展成能夠構建並執行程式的編輯器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = SCIntilla basierter Text Editor. Ursprünglich wurde er erstellt, um Scintilla vorzuführen, wuchs aber zu einem nützlichen Editor mit der Fähigkeit Programme zu erstellen und auszuführen. + [Section.040c] Description = SciTE est un éditeur de texte basé sur SCIntilla. Originelement réalisé pour montrer Scintilla, il a évolué pour devenir un éditeur généralement utile avec des options pour compiler et lancer des programmes. diff --git a/scratch.txt b/scratch.txt index 220d6524..072c3e04 100644 --- a/scratch.txt +++ b/scratch.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://archive.org/download/scratchinstaller1.4/ScratchInstaller1 SHA1 = fc48f579616cab2c2986c018745852e6c8817460 SizeBytes = 34637975 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un entorno de programación orientada a objetos, muy visual para niños. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款面向兒童的可視化物件導向編程環境。 + [Section.0407] Description = Visuelle objektorientierte Programmierumgebug für Kinder. @@ -27,5 +33,3 @@ Description = Çocuklar için görmelik nesneye yönelik programlama ortamı. [Section.0804] Description = 面向儿童的可视化面向对象编程环境。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Un entorno de programación orientada a objetos, muy visual para niños. diff --git a/scribus.txt b/scribus.txt index dbf1bc3e..6a53b285 100644 --- a/scribus.txt +++ b/scribus.txt @@ -9,15 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/project/scribus/scribus/1.4.7/scr SHA1 = 644694da09557b30d019f09949c6809db768b2e2 SizeBytes = 84314878 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un programa de código abierto que brinda diseño de página profesional a ReactOS. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款給予 ReactOS 專業的頁面布局的開源程式。 + [Section.0405] Description = Open-source program, který přináší profesionální stránky rozložení ReactOS. [Section.0407] Description = Ein Open-Source-Programm, das professionelles Seitenlayout in ReactOS bringt. -[Section.0a] -Description = Un programa de código abierto que brinda diseño de página profesional a ReactOS. - [Section.040c] Description = Un programme open source qui apporte la mise en page professionnelle de ReactOS. diff --git a/scummvm.txt b/scummvm.txt index 25ab900b..0785ddb6 100644 --- a/scummvm.txt +++ b/scummvm.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.0.0/scummvm-2.0.0-win32.exe SHA1 = df72f47edc1341dae439815fdaf4c857feae5924 SizeBytes = 11985315 -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffene Implementierung von klassischen Abenteuervideospiel-Engines (wie Monkey Island, Sam and Max oder Day of the Tentacle), so dass sie auf ReactOS funktionieren. - [Section.0a] Description = Reimplementación de código abierto de motores de juegos de aventura clásicos (como «Monkey Island», «Sam and Max» o «Day of the Tentacle»), haciéndolos funcionar en ReactOS. +[Section.0404] +Description = 經典冒險遊戲引擎(如 Monkey Island,Sam and Max 及 Day of the Tentacle)的開源復刻,它們能在 ReactOS 上執行。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffene Implementierung von klassischen Abenteuervideospiel-Engines (wie Monkey Island, Sam and Max oder Day of the Tentacle), so dass sie auf ReactOS funktionieren. + [Section.040c] Description = Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, etc sur ReactOS. diff --git a/sdelete.txt b/sdelete.txt index db201d29..f1641cd6 100644 --- a/sdelete.txt +++ b/sdelete.txt @@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sysinternals.com/files/SDelete.zip SHA1 = e08182dcce77c122f7bc18c01e380ecf066aad2e SizeBytes = 531364 -; Turkish +[Section.0404] +Description = SDelete 是一款讓您用於安全地永久刪除檔案並使檔案無法復原的免費命令列工具。 + [Section.041f] Description = SDelete dosyalarınızı bir daha geri getirilemez biçimde güvenli olarak silmek için kullanabileceğiniz ücretsiz bir komut satırı aracıdır. + diff --git a/shed.txt b/shed.txt index 4a81ccac..1949b8e9 100644 --- a/shed.txt +++ b/shed.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = https://www.catch22.net/assets/files/software/shedsetup1.exe SHA1 = beb2f027c2955205a6c520be112b9b43ea5e6fae SizeBytes = 67371 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un juego de cartas de un jugador hecho para Windows. Está basado en el popular juego de estudiantes "Shit-head". + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = Windows 上的單人卡牌遊戲。它基於一款名為「Shit-head」的學生卡牌遊戲。 + [Section.0407] Description = Ein Single-Player-Kartenspiel für Windows. Es basiert auf dem beliebten Kartenpiel "Arschloch". @@ -31,6 +38,3 @@ Description = Windows için bir tekli oyunculu kart oyunu. "Shit-head" tutulan License = 免费软件 Description = Windows 上的单人卡牌游戏。它基于一款叫做 "Shit-head" 的流行的学生卡牌游戏。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Un juego de cartas de un jugador hecho para Windows. Está basado en el popular juego de estudiantes "Shit-head". - diff --git a/slate.txt b/slate.txt index 322e1e09..d720f5e2 100644 --- a/slate.txt +++ b/slate.txt @@ -6,3 +6,7 @@ Category = 15 URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20211217000713/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/petr-akhlamov/ros-repo/master/slate.exe SHA1 = 4c8b77c79d14bfb378427775c40ca8e298bc092d SizeBytes = 1712682 + +[Section.0404] +Description = 來自 Windows Codename Longhorn 的 Slate 主題。 + diff --git a/smplayer.txt b/smplayer.txt index 3e3d1fd5..8798cddd 100644 --- a/smplayer.txt +++ b/smplayer.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/project/smplayer/SMPlayer/18.5.0/ SHA1 = 42ee24828cec18cb33b3f8ce54d96342118f399c SizeBytes = 40892832 -[Section.0407] -Description = Grafische Oberfläche für MPlayer. -URLSite = http://smplayer.sourceforge.net/de/ - [Section.0a] Description = Interfaz gráfica para Mplayer, el reproductor multimedia. URLSite = http://smplayer.sourceforge.net/es/ +[Section.0404] +Description = MPlayer 的用戶圖形介面。 +URLSite = https://www.smplayer.info/zh_TW/ + +[Section.0407] +Description = Grafische Oberfläche für MPlayer. +URLSite = http://smplayer.sourceforge.net/de/ + [Section.040c] URLSite = http://smplayer.sourceforge.net/fr/ diff --git a/snoopy.txt b/snoopy.txt index 16a1a85c..b4f17501 100644 --- a/snoopy.txt +++ b/snoopy.txt @@ -9,13 +9,17 @@ URLDownload = http://www.blueskied.com/snoop/Snoop_install.exe SHA1 = 51417f07cec3771513c70b718a87dac6fa41d1f1 SizeBytes = 721152 +[Section.0a] +Description = Nueva versión del juego Snoopy para Commodore 64. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 原版 C64 Snoppy 的復刻。 + [Section.0407] Description = Das Original C64 Snoopy Remake. URLSite = http://www.blueskied.com/spiele-spielen/snoopy.htm -[Section.0a] -Description = Nueva versión del juego Snoopy para Commodore 64. - [Section.0410] Description = Il remake del gioco Snoopy per Commodore 64. diff --git a/spotify.txt b/spotify.txt index 0bb1e6c5..fed98ba0 100644 --- a/spotify.txt +++ b/spotify.txt @@ -11,3 +11,8 @@ SizeBytes = 50109784 [Section.0a] Description = Spotify es uno de los servicios más populares de streaming de música, incluye planes gratuitos y de pago. El cliente de Spotify ha cesado del soporte para Windows XP, pero está archivada una versión que todavía lo soporta. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = Spotify 是一款非常流行的音樂串流軟體。它同時有免費和收費計劃。現時的 Spotify 用戶端已不再支援 Windows XP,但舊有版本則仍然支援。 + diff --git a/stamina.txt b/stamina.txt index 83bdca00..2d395ee9 100644 --- a/stamina.txt +++ b/stamina.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = http://stamina.ru/files/StaminaSetup.exe SHA1 = 93664a5828e24a1081fe600d6e471bc45b1d9714 SizeBytes = 5110315 -[Section.0407] -Description = Freies Schreiblernprogramm. - [Section.0a] Description = Programa para aprender a escribir a máquina. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 免費的打字導師。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Freies Schreiblernprogramm. + [Section.0410] Description = Tutore di scrittura gratuita. diff --git a/steam.txt b/steam.txt index 6d24f009..c6ea9b71 100644 --- a/steam.txt +++ b/steam.txt @@ -9,14 +9,19 @@ URLDownload = https://encodedpr.com/files/reactos/apps/steam.zip SHA1 = 5967d1b0e91b477659a808bc14844e9fdd1ed7af SizeBytes = 494672502 -[Section.0407] -Description = Beliebte Internet Spiel-Vertriebsplattform und soziales Netz. Enthält DRM. -URLSite = http://store.steampowered.com/?l=german - [Section.0a] Description = Plataforma de distribución de juegos por Internet y red social. Incluye DRM. URLSite = http://store.steampowered.com/?l=spanish +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 流行的網際網路遊戲發行平臺和社群網路。已包括 DRM。 +URLSite = http://store.steampowered.com/?l=tchinese + +[Section.0407] +Description = Beliebte Internet Spiel-Vertriebsplattform und soziales Netz. Enthält DRM. +URLSite = http://store.steampowered.com/?l=german + [Section.040c] Description = La plateforme de jeu Steam utilisée par beaucoup de jeux de nos jours. URLSite = http://store.steampowered.com/?l=french diff --git a/sumatrapdf.txt b/sumatrapdf.txt index e04209b8..fb34983f 100644 --- a/sumatrapdf.txt +++ b/sumatrapdf.txt @@ -9,14 +9,17 @@ URLDownload = https://kjkpub.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/software/sumatrapdf/rel SHA1 = b750eec0f91a5cf2e43259c935c5473c82d27d72 SizeBytes = 4860560 -[Section.0407] -Description = Freies, schlankes, quelloffenes PDF-Anzeigeprogramm. -URLSite = http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/free-pdf-reader-de.html - [Section.0a] Description = Un lector PDF ligero, libre y de código abierto que no necesita instalación. URLSite = http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/free-pdf-reader-es.html +[Section.0404] +Description = 一个輕巧便攜、免費、開源的 PDF 閱讀器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Freies, schlankes, quelloffenes PDF-Anzeigeprogramm. +URLSite = http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/free-pdf-reader-de.html + [Section.040c] Description = Sumatra PDF est un lecteur PDF léger, libre et open-source. URLSite = http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/free-pdf-reader-fr.html diff --git a/summerbound.txt b/summerbound.txt index 10b982b9..3039bb41 100644 --- a/summerbound.txt +++ b/summerbound.txt @@ -9,13 +9,17 @@ URLDownload = http://www.blueskied.com/summer/SummerBound_setup.exe SHA1 = 5ac90ccde964a6ad51b35bae0a405b7bb6e4b311 SizeBytes = 782870 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un juego parecido a Frozen Fruits. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款類似 Frozen Fruits 的遊戲。 + [Section.0407] Description = Spiel ähnlich zu Frozen Fruits. URLSite = http://www.blueskied.com/freeware-spiele/runterladen.htm -[Section.0a] -Description = Un juego parecido a Frozen Fruits. - [Section.0410] Description = Un gioco simile a Frozen Fruits. diff --git a/superdxb.txt b/superdxb.txt index 63a91684..49d1887b 100644 --- a/superdxb.txt +++ b/superdxb.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = http://www.classic.blitwise.com/superdxb.exe SHA1 = c8b6992e6879d4b607f248eb05d630cb44eb553f SizeBytes = 3995248 -[Section.0407] -Description = Lebendiges und buntes Brick-Breaking-Spiel. - [Section.0a] Description = Un juego vibrante y colorido de romper bloques. +[Section.0404] +License = 共享軟體 +Description = 一款節奏明快、顏色豐富的敲磚塊遊戲。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Lebendiges und buntes Brick-Breaking-Spiel. + [Section.0410] Description = Super DX-Ball è un gioco spacca blocchi vibrante e colorato. diff --git a/superfinder.txt b/superfinder.txt index 1c7e8b11..5d9e5ad3 100644 --- a/superfinder.txt +++ b/superfinder.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20110401000000/http://www.webalice.it/ SHA1 = 11dc368582e7055cbc19d9b1a8a30b2f6e2e3601 SizeBytes = 5184839 -[Section.0407] -Description = Schnelle und effektive Suchanwendung. - [Section.0a] Description = Una aplicación de búsqueda rápida y completa. +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款快速和功能豐富的搜尋應用程式。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Schnelle und effektive Suchanwendung. + [Section.040c] Description = Une application de recherche rapide et riche en fonctionnalités. @@ -43,9 +47,9 @@ Description = Hızlı ve özellik zengini bir arama uygulaması. Description = Швидка та потужна програма пошуку. [Section.0804] +License = 免费软件 Description = 一个快速和功能丰富的搜索应用程序。 [Section.0813] -License = 免费软件 Description = Een snelle zoekapplicatie rijk aan mogelijkheden. diff --git a/supertux.txt b/supertux.txt index 056bd470..295a154b 100644 --- a/supertux.txt +++ b/supertux.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://github.com/SuperTux/supertux/releases/download/v0.5.1/Supe SHA1 = e8ce99f3197b0c1cb329054ba82d957255c54cea SizeBytes = 90194764 -[Section.0407] -Description = Zweidimensionales, freies, quelloffenes Plattformspiel. - [Section.0a] Description = Un juego 2D plataformero de código abierto. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款免費、開源的二維平臺遊戲。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Zweidimensionales, freies, quelloffenes Plattformspiel. + [Section.0410] Description = SuperTux è un gioco open-source gratuito in 2D. diff --git a/swiftshader.txt b/swiftshader.txt index 81006c3c..61fbea5a 100644 --- a/swiftshader.txt +++ b/swiftshader.txt @@ -9,8 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/SwiftShader_ReactOS_WindowsXP_3.3. SHA1 = 43c0fe3c4c18b360b78786df9af49f0ef1da7c93 SizeBytes = 1782144 +[Section.0a] +Description = SwiftShader es un emulador de dispositivos de Direct3D 9 de alto rendimiento, puede ser práctico para cargar algunas aplicaciones o juegos basados en Direct3D 9 cuando el renderizado 3D por hardware no está disponible. + +[Section.0404] +Description = SwiftShader 是一款高效能的 Direct3D 9 裝置模擬器。當沒有 3D 硬體圖形算繪器可用時,它可能對執行某些基於 Direct3D 9 的應用程式或遊戲很有用。 + [Section.0415] Description = SwiftShader to szybki emulator urządzenia Direct3D 9, może być użyteczny przy uruchamianiu niektórych aplikacji i gier opartych na Direct3D 9, gdy sprzętowa akceleracja grafiki 3D nie jest dostępna. -[Section.0a] -Description = SwiftShader es un emulador de dispositivos de Direct3D 9 de alto rendimiento, puede ser práctico para cargar algunas aplicaciones o juegos basados en Direct3D 9 cuando el renderizado 3D por hardware no está disponible. diff --git a/sylpheed.txt b/sylpheed.txt index d9d78fbc..204164a1 100644 --- a/sylpheed.txt +++ b/sylpheed.txt @@ -9,11 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://sylpheed.sraoss.jp/sylpheed/win32/Sylpheed-3.7_setup.exe SHA1 = 0518235bbef0cda374e1c8002eb4f65f8f2f8e6c SizeBytes = 8233467 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un cliente de correo ligero y amigable para el usuario. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款輕巧和易用的電子郵件用戶端。 + [Section.0419] Description = Легковесный и дружелюбный к пользователю почтовый клиент. [Section.0422] Description = Легкий і дружний до користувача поштовий клієнт. -[Section.0a] -Description = Un cliente de correo ligero y amigable para el usuario. diff --git a/tcc.txt b/tcc.txt index 8eb44f72..2f047bc1 100644 --- a/tcc.txt +++ b/tcc.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/tinycc/tcc-0.9.27-win32 SHA1 = 455f7571620c9a002562184f8f1f8d9025b34d87 SizeBytes = 483247 +[Section.0a] +Name = Compilador Tiny C +Description = Un pequeño pero muy rápido compilador de lenguaje C. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 小而精的 C 語言編譯器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Ein kleiner, aber sehr schneller C-Compiler. @@ -28,6 +35,3 @@ Description = Küçük ancak aşırı hızlı bir C derleyicisi. [Section.0804] Description = 小而精的 C 语言编译器。 -[Section.0a] -Name = Compilador Tiny C -Description = Un pequeño pero muy rápido compilador de lenguaje C. diff --git a/tgit.txt b/tgit.txt index 99caedf8..6cd4cd19 100644 --- a/tgit.txt +++ b/tgit.txt @@ -9,8 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://download.tortoisegit.org/tgit/ SHA1 = ef5af7bb8eaa68bcb1dffd17b4cad23564169271 SizeBytes = 16433152 +[Section.0a] +Description = Una interfaz gráfica para Git, basada en TortoiseSVN, para la actualización/sincronización de código. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款基於 TortoiseSVN,適用於 Git 的圖形殼層介面。它用於代碼同步和更新。 + [Section.040c] Description = Interface graphique de shell pour Git, basée sur TortoiseSVN. -[Section.0a] -Description = Una interfaz gráfica para Git, basada en TortoiseSVN, para la actualización/sincronización de código. diff --git a/thunderbird.txt b/thunderbird.txt index a0e6559b..8942c5e2 100644 --- a/thunderbird.txt +++ b/thunderbird.txt @@ -9,13 +9,6 @@ URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/45.8.0 SHA1 = 6a62c77eacb47149d1e631e8b4749e3fd422dd96 SizeBytes = 35068528 -[Section.0407] -Description = Populärer und quelloffener E-Mail-Client. -URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/de/thunderbird/ -URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/45.8.0/win32/de/Thunderbird%20Setup%2045.8.0.exe -SHA1 = 3fe6f201c047b48b6eca8fd56337bbe7666f44c9 -SizeBytes = 34928376 - [Section.0a] Description = Cliente de correo electrónico popular y de código abierto. URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/es-ES/thunderbird/ @@ -23,6 +16,20 @@ URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/45.8.0 SHA1 = 65a6f37bdcf44378497b71edee008f4c1ed32747 SizeBytes = 34841584 +[Section.0404] +Description = 流行的開源電子郵件用戶端。 +URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/zh-TW/thunderbird/ +URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/45.8.0/win32/zh-TW/Thunderbird%20Setup%2045.8.0.exe +SHA1 = f51ca00e6dfb9e55469c35a3e072e5bc80d2f3fa +SizeBytes = 35139312 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Populärer und quelloffener E-Mail-Client. +URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/de/thunderbird/ +URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/45.8.0/win32/de/Thunderbird%20Setup%2045.8.0.exe +SHA1 = 3fe6f201c047b48b6eca8fd56337bbe7666f44c9 +SizeBytes = 34928376 + [Section.040c] Description = Le plus populaire et l'un des meilleurs clients mail gratuits disponible. URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/fr/thunderbird/ diff --git a/thunderbird3.txt b/thunderbird3.txt index 2d60bfa5..58f0bf5e 100644 --- a/thunderbird3.txt +++ b/thunderbird3.txt @@ -9,13 +9,6 @@ URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/3.1.20 SHA1 = c60318ae183d61cbdc76a570a3557d1b308b05f2 SizeBytes = 9502272 -[Section.0407] -Description = Populärer und quelloffener E-Mail-Client. -URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/de/thunderbird/ -URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/3.1.20/win32/de/Thunderbird%20Setup%203.1.20.exe -SHA1 = 60d0824eb22c843137801b8eea76bee4b810eeca -SizeBytes = 9342360 - [Section.0a] Description = Cliente de correo electrónico popular y de código abierto. URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/es-ES/thunderbird/ @@ -23,6 +16,20 @@ URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/3.1.20 SHA1 = 4313ca4bc8100e71b1a0d4e405259e3b1c1fb28c SizeBytes = 9310912 +[Section.0404] +Description = 流行的開源電子郵件用戶端。 +URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/zh-TW/thunderbird/ +URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/3.1.20/win32/zh-TW/Thunderbird%20Setup%203.1.20.exe +SHA1 = c8c57b150c1c6400619bc9de182c5d64ca21f9dc +SizeBytes = 9337624 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Populärer und quelloffener E-Mail-Client. +URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/de/thunderbird/ +URLDownload = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/3.1.20/win32/de/Thunderbird%20Setup%203.1.20.exe +SHA1 = 60d0824eb22c843137801b8eea76bee4b810eeca +SizeBytes = 9342360 + [Section.040c] Description = Le plus populaire et l'un des meilleurs clients mail gratuits disponible. URLSite = https://www.mozilla.org/fr/thunderbird/ diff --git a/tightvnc.txt b/tightvnc.txt index c8894b93..ab7ad1de 100644 --- a/tightvnc.txt +++ b/tightvnc.txt @@ -9,13 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://www.tightvnc.com/download/2.8.11/tightvnc-2.8.11-gpl-setup SHA1 = 3ac08623e2158e532933af3af5941e3caeadebf8 SizeBytes = 2080768 +[Section.0a] +Description = Paquete de software que sirve para el control remoto del equipo vía VNC. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款免費的遠端控制軟體套裝。 + [Section.0407] Description = Freies Fernbedienungsoftwarepaket. -[Section.041f] -License = GPL sürüm 2 -Description = Ücretsiz bir uzaktan denetim yazılımı paketi. - [Section.0415] Description = Darmowe oprogramowanie do zdalnej kontroli. @@ -25,8 +27,10 @@ Description = Program gratuit de control la distanță. [Section.0419] Description = Бесплатный пакет программного обеспечения для удаленного управления. +[Section.041f] +License = GPL sürüm 2 +Description = Ücretsiz bir uzaktan denetim yazılımı paketi. + [Section.0804] Description = 一套免费的远程控制软件。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Paquete de software que sirve para el control remoto del equipo vía VNC. diff --git a/tileworld.txt b/tileworld.txt index 387d35a4..7c6009e3 100644 --- a/tileworld.txt +++ b/tileworld.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/pub/software/tworld/tworld-1.3 SHA1 = d9d3b1c443cd4a31d48675e2bf2281dd4af48541 SizeBytes = 1195967 -[Section.0407] -Description = Schöner Klon von Chip's Challenge ursprünglich etnwickelt für Atari Lynx. Enthält CCLP2 Graphics Pack, deshalb wird das urheberrechtlich geschützte Original nicht benötigt. - [Section.0a] Description = Clon de «Chip's Challenge» creado originalmente para Atari Lynx. Incluye el paquete gráfico gratuito CCLP2, por lo que no es necesario tener los archivos originales. +[Section.0404] +Description = Atari Lynx 平臺的 Chip's Challenge 的復刻版本。已包含免費的 CCLP2 圖形包,因此您不需要使用受著作權保護的原版。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Schöner Klon von Chip's Challenge ursprünglich etnwickelt für Atari Lynx. Enthält CCLP2 Graphics Pack, deshalb wird das urheberrechtlich geschützte Original nicht benötigt. + [Section.040c] Description = Clone sympathique de Chip's Challenge originelment fait pour Atari Lynx. Il inclut le pack de graphisme gratuit CCLP2, ainsi vous n'avez pas besoin de l'original sous copyrigth. diff --git a/totalcommander.txt b/totalcommander.txt index ebd39c01..3bd0ed0b 100644 --- a/totalcommander.txt +++ b/totalcommander.txt @@ -9,13 +9,17 @@ URLDownload = https://totalcommander.ch/win/tcmd912x32.exe SHA1 = edec52556aea94d2f5d895abf7bfacb12e00f991 SizeBytes = 4366296 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un navegador de archivos multipanel para usuarios avanzados. + +[Section.0404] +License = 共享軟體 +Description = 為使用者提供並排視窗的檔案管理器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Dateimanager für Power User mit zwei nebeneinander liegenden Panels. URLSite = http://www.ghisler.com/deutsch.htm -[Section.0a] -Description = Un navegador de archivos multipanel para usuarios avanzados. - [Section.0410] Description = Total Commander è un file manager con due pannelli affiancati. diff --git a/tsvn.txt b/tsvn.txt index 8f3145b0..b5c29b37 100644 --- a/tsvn.txt +++ b/tsvn.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/project/tortoisesvn/1.8.12/Applic SHA1 = 5caa4cf8c30c2ced5a439016a7f43b309bf83293 SizeBytes = 15646720 +[Section.0a] +Description = Cliente gráfico SVN para la sincronización y actualización de código. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 用於代碼同步和更新的圖形化 SVN 用戶端。 + [Section.0407] Description = Grafischer SVN Client für Code Synchronisation/Aktualisierung. @@ -27,5 +33,3 @@ Description = Kod eş zamanlama ve güncelleme için grafik SVN istemcisi. [Section.0804] Description = 用来做代码同步及更新的图形化 SVN 客户端。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Cliente gráfico SVN para la sincronización y actualización de código. diff --git a/tuxpaint.txt b/tuxpaint.txt index c1678872..e5278f17 100644 --- a/tuxpaint.txt +++ b/tuxpaint.txt @@ -9,15 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/tuxpaint/tuxpaint/0.9.22/t SHA1 = 1ceeb1cba00d939f41e9b1e6d5aa82d071b010d5 SizeBytes = 14161131 +[Section.0a] +Description = Editor gráfico de imágenes de código abierto, pensado para niños pequeños. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款面向兒童的開源點陣圖編輯器。 + [Section.0405] Description = Open source bitmapový editor určený dětem. [Section.0407] Description = Quelloffenes Bitmap Zeichenprogramm für kleine Kinder. -[Section.0a] -Description = Editor gráfico de imágenes de código abierto, pensado para niños pequeños. - [Section.040c] Description = Un éditeur graphic bitmap open source orienté pour les jeunes enfants. diff --git a/twsynth.txt b/twsynth.txt index 0774a1f6..92a7ea1b 100644 --- a/twsynth.txt +++ b/twsynth.txt @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ URLDownload = https://sourceforge.net/projects/twsynth/files/Originarl%20TiMidit SHA1 = bac885b32da21d7a71004189df4a95a66cbde745 SizeBytes = 27588544 +[Section.0a] +Name = Sintetizador TiMidity++ para Windows +Description = TWSYNTH es una versión extendida del software de síntesis TiMidity++ con driver de salida MIDI. + +[Section.0404] +Description = TWSYNTH 是 TiMidity++ 軟體合成器的延伸版本。它帶有 MIDI 輸出驅動程式。 + [Section.0419] Name = Синтезатор TiMidity++ для Windows Description = TWSYNTH является расширенной версией программного синтезатора TiMidity++ с драйвером выхода MIDI. -[Section.0a] -Name = Sintetizador TiMidity++ para Windows -Description = TWSYNTH es una versión extendida del software de síntesis TiMidity++ con driver de salida MIDI. diff --git a/ultraiso.txt b/ultraiso.txt index f1bcf433..3bee0131 100644 --- a/ultraiso.txt +++ b/ultraiso.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20180413051731if_/http://dw.ezbsys.net SHA1 = 2ea6f41e99886667a185608328c9adb03e6aa9ed SizeBytes = 4536880 +[Section.0a] +Description = Una herramienta para crear, convertir y editar imágenes ISO, y un creador de CD/DVD, que puede editar directamente las imágenes de CD/DVD para extraer archivos o carpetas. Crea imágenes de disco duro y CD/DVD. + +[Section.0404] +License = 試用版本 +Description = 一款針對 ISO CD/DVD 映像檔案的建立、編輯、轉換及製作可引導 CD/DVD 的工具。它可以直接編輯 CD/DVD 映像檔案並從中提取檔案或目錄,也可以直接從您的 CD/DVD-ROM 或硬碟中建立 ISO 檔案。 + [Section.0415] License = Wersja próbna Description = Program do tworzenia, edycji, lub konwertowania obrazów płyt CD/DVD (bootowalnych i zwykłych). Można bezpośrednio edytować plik obrazu, wypakować z niego pliki i foldery, potrafi równierz utworzyć obrazy ISO z napędu optycznego lub plików na dysku twardym. @@ -27,8 +34,5 @@ Description = CD/DVD kalıp dosyasını doğrudan düzenleyebilmekle ve ondan do [Section.0804] License = 试用版本 -Description = 一款针对 ISO CD/DVD 镜像文件创建、编辑及转换的工具,它也可以用来制作可引导 CD/DVD。它可以直接编辑编辑 CD/DVD 的镜像文件并从中释放文件或目录,也可以直接从您的 CD/DVD-ROM 或硬盘中创建 ISO 文件。 - -[Section.0a] -Description = Una herramienta para crear, convertir y editar imágenes ISO, y un creador de CD/DVD, que puede editar directamente las imágenes de CD/DVD para extraer archivos o carpetas. Crea imágenes de disco duro y CD/DVD. +Description = 一款针对 ISO CD/DVD 镜像文件创建、编辑及转换的工具,它也可以用来制作可引导 CD/DVD。它可以直接编辑 CD/DVD 的镜像文件并从中释放文件或目录,也可以直接从您的 CD/DVD-ROM 或硬盘中创建 ISO 文件。 diff --git a/ultravnc.txt b/ultravnc.txt index af576267..42d33a44 100644 --- a/ultravnc.txt +++ b/ultravnc.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = https://www.uvnc.eu/download/1217/UltraVNC_1_2_17_X86_Setup.exe SHA1 = 77d70393e3a3446c7456ff19271d694a86036c02 SizeBytes = 2970960 -[Section.0407] -Description = Quelloffener VNC Client/Server. - [Section.0a] Description = Cliente/servidor VNC de código abierto. +[Section.0404] +Description = 開源的 VNC 用戶端/伺服器。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Quelloffener VNC Client/Server. + [Section.040c] Description = Client/serveur VNC open source. diff --git a/unxutils.txt b/unxutils.txt index 97883d39..6594523c 100644 --- a/unxutils.txt +++ b/unxutils.txt @@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ SizeBytes = 3365638 Name = Utilidades GNU para Win32 Description = Algunos ports de las utilidades GNU para Win32 nativo. +[Section.0404] +Name = 適用於 Win32 的 GNU 公用程式 +Description = 一些常用 GNU 公用程式的原生 Win32 移植版本。 + [Section.0407] Description = Einige Portierungen der bekannten GNU Utilities auf natives Win32. diff --git a/usbdeview.txt b/usbdeview.txt index 30080b5f..959e0862 100644 --- a/usbdeview.txt +++ b/usbdeview.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20180524095442if_/http://nirsoft.net/u SHA1 = 7d9c5ef40a4a0263cee45764e327fe3e6dd318cd SizeBytes = 94634 +[Section.0a] +Description = Una pequeña utilidad que muestra todos los dispositivos USB que estén conectados en tu ordenador, así como todos los que hayas usado previamente. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 列舉目前連接到您的電腦及曾經使用過的所有 USB 裝置的小工具。 + [Section.0415] Description = Małe narzędzie, które wyświetla wszystkie urządzenia USB podłączone do komputera, a także wszystkie urządzenia USB, z których korzystałeś wcześniej. @@ -19,6 +26,3 @@ Description = Небольшая утилита, которая позволяе License = 免费软件 Description = 列举当前连接到您的电脑及曾经使用过的所有 USB 设备的小工具。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Una pequeña utilidad que muestra todos los dispositivos USB que estén conectados en tu ordenador, así como todos los que hayas usado previamente. - diff --git a/vb5run.txt b/vb5run.txt index 3ca99bb6..f0db5637 100644 --- a/vb5run.txt +++ b/vb5run.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = http://download.microsoft.com/download/vb50pro/utility/1/win98/en- SHA1 = 28bfaf09b8ac32cf5ffa81252f3e2fadcb3a8f27 SizeBytes = 992864 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Benötigt für Visual Basic 5 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, comcat.dll, msvbvm50.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para aplicaciones escritas en Visual Basic 5. Incluye: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, comcat.dll, msvbvm50.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 開啟以 Visual Basic 5 編寫的應用程式時需要的元件。包含:advpack.dll、asycfilt.dll、comcat.dll、msvbvm50.dll、oleaut32.dll、olepro32.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Benötigt für Visual Basic 5 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, comcat.dll, msvbvm50.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = Bibliothèque Microsoft Visual Basic 5. Contient: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, comcat.dll, msvbvm50.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. diff --git a/vb6run.txt b/vb6run.txt index 860daf1e..9259d7b9 100644 --- a/vb6run.txt +++ b/vb6run.txt @@ -9,21 +9,25 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20210125001711if_/http://download.micr SHA1 = 73ef177008005675134d2f02c6f580515ab0d842 SizeBytes = 1064736 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Benötigt für Visual Basic 6 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, comcat.dll, msvbvm60.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para aplicaciones escritas en Visual Basic 6. Incluye: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, comcat.dll, msvbvm60.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 開啟以 Visual Basic 6 編寫的應用程式時需要的元件。包含:advpack.dll、asycfilt.dll、comcat.dll、msvbvm60.dll、oleaut32.dll、olepro32.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Benötigt für Visual Basic 6 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, comcat.dll, msvbvm60.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = Bibliothèque Microsoft Visual Basic 6. Contient: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, comcat.dll, msvbvm60.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. [Section.0410] License = Sconosciuta -Description = Libreria Microsoft Visual Basic 6.Contiene: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, comcat.dll, msvbvm50.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. +Description = Libreria Microsoft Visual Basic 6. Contiene: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, comcat.dll, msvbvm50.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. [Section.0413] License = Ongekend diff --git a/vbasdl.txt b/vbasdl.txt index d10961d5..9b67a4b1 100644 --- a/vbasdl.txt +++ b/vbasdl.txt @@ -9,6 +9,14 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/vba/VisualBoyAdvance/1.7.2 SHA1 = 550882e10d873b84a2034d68fe66e4c470eb1b57 SizeBytes = 449393 +[Section.0a] +Name = VisualBoyAdvance (versión SDL) +Description = Un emulador para juegos de los sistemas GameBoy y GameBoy Advance. + +[Section.0404] +Name = VisualBoyAdvance(SDL 版本) +Description = 一款 Gameboy 和 GameboyAdvance 系統的模擬器。 + [Section.0407] Description = Ein Gameboy und Gameboy Advance System Emulator. @@ -30,6 +38,3 @@ Description = Gameboy ve GameboyAdvance sistemleri için bir öykünücü. [Section.0804] Description = 一个 Gameboy 和 GameboyAdvance 系统的模拟器。 -[Section.0a] -Name = VisualBoyAdvance (versión SDL) -Description = Un emulador para juegos de los sistemas GameBoy y GameBoy Advance. diff --git a/vc2005sp1run.txt b/vc2005sp1run.txt index e9822692..e35cd532 100644 --- a/vc2005sp1run.txt +++ b/vc2005sp1run.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = http://web.archive.org/web/20201112025512/http://download.microsof SHA1 = b8fab0bb7f62a24ddfe77b19cd9a1451abd7b847 SizeBytes = 2707352 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2005 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: atl80.dll, mfc80.dll, mfcm80.dll, mfcm80u.dll, msdia80.dll, msvcm80.dll, msvcp80.dll, msvcr80.dll, vcomp.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para aplicaciones compiladas con Studio 2005. Incluye: atl80.dll, mfc80.dll, mfcm80.dll, mfcm80u.dll, msdia80.dll, msvcm80.dll, msvcp80.dll, msvcr80.dll, vcomp.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 開啟以 Visual Studio 2005 編寫的應用程式時需要的元件。包含:atl80.dll、mfc80.dll、mfcm80.dll、mfcm80u.dll、msdia80.dll、msvcm80.dll、msvcp80.dll、msvcr80.dll、vcomp.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2005 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: atl80.dll, mfc80.dll, mfcm80.dll, mfcm80u.dll, msdia80.dll, msvcm80.dll, msvcp80.dll, msvcr80.dll, vcomp.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = Bibliothèque Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 SP1. Contient: atl80.dll, mfc80.dll, mfcm80.dll, mfcm80u.dll, msdia80.dll, msvcm80.dll, msvcp80.dll, msvcr80.dll, vcomp.dll. diff --git a/vc2008sp1run.txt b/vc2008sp1run.txt index a2008bfc..bad30ace 100644 --- a/vc2008sp1run.txt +++ b/vc2008sp1run.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20200819111521/http://download.microso SHA1 = 470640aa4bb7db8e69196b5edb0010933569e98d SizeBytes = 4479832 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2008 basierte Anwendungen. Enthält: atl90.dll, mfc90.dll, mfc90u.dll, mfcm90.dll, mfcm90u.dll, msdia90.dll, msvcm90.dll, msvcp90.dll, msvcr90.dll, vcomp90.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para aplicaciones compiladas con Visual Studio 2008. Incluye: atl90.dll, mfc90.dll, mfc90u.dll, mfcm90.dll, mfcm90u.dll, msdia90.dll, msvcm90.dll, msvcp90.dll, msvcr90.dll, vcomp90.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 開啟以 Visual Studio 2008 編寫的應用程式時需要的元件。包含:atl90.dll、mfc90.dll、mfc90u.dll、mfcm90.dll、mfcm90u.dll、msdia90.dll、msvcm90.dll、msvcp90.dll、msvcr90.dll、vcomp90.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2008 basierte Anwendungen. Enthält: atl90.dll, mfc90.dll, mfc90u.dll, mfcm90.dll, mfcm90u.dll, msdia90.dll, msvcm90.dll, msvcp90.dll, msvcr90.dll, vcomp90.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = Bibliothèque Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1. Contient: atl90.dll, mfc90.dll, mfc90u.dll, mfcm90.dll, mfcm90u.dll, msdia90.dll, msvcm90.dll, msvcp90.dll, msvcr90.dll, vcomp90.dll. diff --git a/vc2010sp1run.txt b/vc2010sp1run.txt index ca94272d..734cf0aa 100644 --- a/vc2010sp1run.txt +++ b/vc2010sp1run.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20200810231845/http://download.microso SHA1 = 28c54491be70c38c97849c3d8cfbfdd0d3c515cb SizeBytes = 8990552 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2010 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: atl100.dll, mfc100.dll, mfc100u.dll, mfcm100.dll, mfcm100u.dll, msdia100.dll, msvcm100.dll, msvcp100.dll, msvcr100.dll, vcomp100.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para aplicaciones compiladas con Visual Studio 2010. Incluye: atl100.dll, mfc100.dll, mfc100u.dll, mfcm100.dll, mfcm100u.dll, msdia100.dll, msvcm100.dll, msvcp100.dll, msvcr100.dll, vcomp100.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 開啟以 Visual Studio 2010 編寫的應用程式時需要的元件。包含:atl100.dll, mfc100.dll、mfc100u.dll、mfcm100.dll、mfcm100u.dll、msdia100.dll、msvcm100.dll、msvcp100.dll、msvcr100.dll、vcomp100.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2010 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: atl100.dll, mfc100.dll, mfc100u.dll, mfcm100.dll, mfcm100u.dll, msdia100.dll, msvcm100.dll, msvcp100.dll, msvcr100.dll, vcomp100.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = Bibliothèque Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1. Contient: atl100.dll, mfc100.dll, mfc100u.dll, mfcm100.dll, mfcm100u.dll, msdia100.dll, msvcm100.dll, msvcp100.dll, msvcr100.dll, vcomp100.dll. diff --git a/vc2012run.txt b/vc2012run.txt index 91667295..32b857de 100644 --- a/vc2012run.txt +++ b/vc2012run.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/6/B/16B06F60-3B20-4FF2-B6 SHA1 = 96b377a27ac5445328cbaae210fc4f0aaa750d3f SizeBytes = 6554576 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2012 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: atl110.dll, mfc110.dll, mfc110u.dll, mfcm110.dll, mfcm110u.dll, msdia110.dll, msvcm110.dll, msvcp110.dll, msvcr110.dll, vcomp110.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para aplicaciones compiladas con Visual Studio 2012. Incluye: atl110.dll, mfc110.dll, mfc110u.dll, mfcm110.dll, mfcm110u.dll, msdia110.dll, msvcm110.dll, msvcp110.dll, msvcr110.dll, vcomp110.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 開啟以 Visual Studio 2012 編寫的應用程式時需要的元件。包含:atl110.dll、mfc110.dll、mfc110u.dll、mfcm110.dll、mfcm110u.dll、msdia110.dll、msvcm110.dll、msvcp110.dll、msvcr110.dll、vcomp110.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2012 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: atl110.dll, mfc110.dll, mfc110u.dll, mfcm110.dll, mfcm110u.dll, msdia110.dll, msvcm110.dll, msvcp110.dll, msvcr110.dll, vcomp110.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = Bibliothèque Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Update 4. Contient: atl110.dll, mfc110.dll, mfc110u.dll, mfcm110.dll, mfcm110u.dll, msdia110.dll, msvcm110.dll, msvcp110.dll, msvcr110.dll, vcomp110.dll. diff --git a/vc2013run.txt b/vc2013run.txt index 0fb27b73..b7e7820b 100644 --- a/vc2013run.txt +++ b/vc2013run.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/E/6/2E61CFA4-993B-4DD4-91 SHA1 = df7f0a73bfa077e483e51bfb97f5e2eceedfb6a3 SizeBytes = 6503984 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2013 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: atl120.dll, mfc120.dll, mfc120u.dll, mfcm120.dll, mfcm120u.dll, msdia120.dll, msvcm120.dll, msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll, vcomp120.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para aplicaciones compiladas con Visual Studio 2013. Incluye: atl120.dll, mfc120.dll, mfc120u.dll, mfcm120.dll, mfcm120u.dll, msdia120.dll, msvcm120.dll, msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll, vcomp120.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 開啟以 Visual Studio 2013 編寫的應用程式時需要的元件。包含:atl120.dll、mfc120.dll、mfc120u.dll、mfcm120.dll、mfcm120u.dll、msdia120.dll、msvcm120.dll、msvcp120.dll、msvcr120.dll、vcomp120.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2013 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: atl120.dll, mfc120.dll, mfc120u.dll, mfcm120.dll, mfcm120u.dll, msdia120.dll, msvcm120.dll, msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll, vcomp120.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = Bibliothèque Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. Contient: atl120.dll, mfc120.dll, mfc120u.dll, mfcm120.dll, mfcm120u.dll, msdia120.dll, msvcm120.dll, msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll, vcomp120.dll. diff --git a/vc2015run.txt b/vc2015run.txt index 6abfc2cd..cb41e32f 100644 --- a/vc2015run.txt +++ b/vc2015run.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/D/F/6DF3FF94-F7F9-4F0B-8 SHA1 = 89f20df555625e1796a60bba0fbd2f6bbc627370 SizeBytes = 14456872 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2015 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: atl140.dll, concrt140.dll, mfc140.dll, mfc140u.dll, mfcm140.dll, mfcm140u.dll, msvcp140.dll, vcamp140.dll, vccorlib140.dll, vcomp140.dll, vcruntime140.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para aplicaciones compiladas con Visual Studio 2015. Incluye: atl140.dll, concrt140.dll, mfc140.dll, mfc140u.dll, mfcm140.dll, mfcm140u.dll, msvcp140.dll, vcamp140.dll, vccorlib140.dll, vcomp140.dll, vcruntime140.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 開啟以 Visual Studio 2015 編寫的應用程式時需要的元件。包含:atl140.dll、concrt140.dll、mfc140.dll、mfc140u.dll、mfcm140.dll、mfcm140u.dll、msvcp140.dll、vcamp140.dll、vccorlib140.dll、vcomp140.dll、vcruntime140.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2015 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: atl140.dll, concrt140.dll, mfc140.dll, mfc140u.dll, mfcm140.dll, mfcm140u.dll, msvcp140.dll, vcamp140.dll, vccorlib140.dll, vcomp140.dll, vcruntime140.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = Bibliothèque Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Contient: atl140.dll, concrt140.dll, mfc140.dll, mfc140u.dll, mfcm140.dll, mfcm140u.dll, msvcp140.dll, vcamp140.dll, vccorlib140.dll, vcomp140.dll, vcruntime140.dll. @@ -56,3 +60,4 @@ Description = 用 Visual Studio 2015 编译的应用程序需要它。包含: at [Section.0813] License = Ongekend Description = Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Runtime. Bevat: atl140.dll, concrt140.dll, mfc140.dll, mfc140u.dll, mfcm140.dll, mfcm140u.dll, msvcp140.dll, vcamp140.dll, vccorlib140.dll, vcomp140.dll, vcruntime140.dll. + diff --git a/vc2017run.txt b/vc2017run.txt index 479a4806..318ddd38 100644 --- a/vc2017run.txt +++ b/vc2017run.txt @@ -8,14 +8,18 @@ URLDownload = https://aka.ms/vs/15/release/vc_redist.x86.exe SHA1 = 3ee9622151e4b50837fcdfac1b085430f0181f4e SizeBytes = 14656504 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2015/2017 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: atl140.dll, mfc140.dll, mfc140u.dll, mfcm140.dll, mfcm140u.dll, msdia140.dll, msvcm140.dll, msvcp140.dll, msvcr140.dll, vcomp140.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para aplicaciones compiladas con Visual Studio 2015/2017. Incluye: atl140.dll, mfc140.dll, mfc140u.dll, mfcm140.dll, mfcm140u.dll, msdia140.dll, msvcm140.dll, msvcp140.dll, msvcr140.dll, vcomp140.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 開啟以 Visual Studio 2015 或 2017 編寫的應用程式時需要的元件。包含:atl140.dll、mfc140.dll、mfc140u.dll、mfcm140.dll、mfcm140u.dll、msdia140.dll、msvcm140.dll、msvcp140.dll、msvcr140.dll、vcomp140.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 2015/2017 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: atl140.dll, mfc140.dll, mfc140u.dll, mfcm140.dll, mfcm140u.dll, msdia140.dll, msvcm140.dll, msvcp140.dll, msvcr140.dll, vcomp140.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = Bibliothèque Microsoft Visual Studio 2015/2017. Contient: atl140.dll, mfc140.dll, mfc140u.dll, mfcm140.dll, mfcm140u.dll, msdia140.dll, msvcm140.dll, msvcp140.dll, msvcr140.dll, vcomp140.dll. @@ -55,3 +59,4 @@ Description = 用 Visual Studio 2015/2017 编译的应用程序需要它。包 [Section.0813] License = Ongekend Description = Microsoft Visual Studio 2015/2017 Runtime. Bevat: atl140.dll, mfc140.dll, mfc140u.dll, mfcm140.dll, mfcm140u.dll, msdia140.dll, msvcm140.dll, msvcp140.dll, msvcr140.dll, vcomp140.dll. + diff --git a/vc6run.txt b/vc6run.txt index 1406c229..ec486cde 100644 --- a/vc6run.txt +++ b/vc6run.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = http://download.microsoft.com/download/vc60pro/Update/2/W9XNT4/EN- SHA1 = a8c4dd33e281c166488846a10edf97ff0ce37044 SizeBytes = 1837888 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 6 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, atla.dll, atlu.dll, comcat.dll, mfc42.dll, mfc42u.dll, msvcirt.dll, msvcp60.dll, msvcrt.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Necesario para aplicaciones compiladas con Visual Studio 6. Incluye: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, atla.dll, atlu.dll, comcat.dll, mfc42.dll, mfc42u.dll, msvcirt.dll, msvcp60.dll, msvcrt.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 開啟以 Visual Studio 6 編寫的應用程式時需要的元件。包含:advpack.dll、asycfilt.dll、atla.dll、atlu.dll、comcat.dll、mfc42.dll、mfc42u.dll、msvcirt.dll、msvcp60.dll、msvcrt.dll、oleaut32.dll、olepro32.dll。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Benötigt für Visual Studio 6 basierte Anwendungen. Beinhaltet: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, atla.dll, atlu.dll, comcat.dll, mfc42.dll, mfc42u.dll, msvcirt.dll, msvcp60.dll, msvcrt.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue Description = Bibliothèque Microsoft Visual Studio 6. Contient: advpack.dll, asycfilt.dll, atla.dll, atlu.dll, comcat.dll, mfc42.dll, mfc42u.dll, msvcirt.dll, msvcp60.dll, msvcrt.dll, oleaut32.dll, olepro32.dll. diff --git a/vlc.txt b/vlc.txt index 83f97eb1..7437b5fd 100644 --- a/vlc.txt +++ b/vlc.txt @@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ URLDownload = https://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/video/vlc/vlc/3.0.11/win32/vlc-3.0.11-w SHA1 = cf3b8ed243803c47a20c990174d8a42fa2e5789a SizeBytes = 40732864 -[Section.0407] -Description = Voll funktionsfähiger FOSS Media-Player mit eingebauten Codecs. - [Section.0a] Description = Completo reproductor multimedia, de código abierto y con códecs propios. +[Section.0404] +Description = 功能完善的自由開源媒體播放器。程式內置了編解碼器。 +URLSite = http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.zh_TW.html + +[Section.0407] +Description = Voll funktionsfähiger FOSS Media-Player mit eingebauten Codecs. + [Section.040c] Description = Un lecteur media. @@ -45,7 +49,8 @@ Description = Мультимедійний програвач. [Section.0804] Description = 功能完善的包含内置编码解码器的自由开源媒体播放器。 -URLSite = http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.zh.html +URLSite = http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.zh_CN.html [Section.0813] Description = Een mediaspeler. + diff --git a/watercolor.txt b/watercolor.txt index 725b3cba..760c1509 100644 --- a/watercolor.txt +++ b/watercolor.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = https://uploads.s.zeid.me/Watercolor/Watercolor43.exe SHA1 = 069be12175d80a0f3c76daa5b90eeca8f547dd28 SizeBytes = 881783 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un tema de Windows basado en el look del Windows Codename Whistler. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款基於 Windows Codename Whistler 的外觀的 Windows 主題。 + [Section.0407] Description = Ein Windows Design basierend auf dem Aussehenvon Windows Codename Whistler. @@ -31,5 +38,3 @@ Description = Windows Codename Whistler görünümü tabanlı bir Windows temas License = 免费软件 Description = 基于 Windows 代号 Whistler 外观的 Windows 主题。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Un tema de Windows basado en el look del Windows Codename Whistler. diff --git a/watercolorlite.txt b/watercolorlite.txt index 0f498436..1683fd91 100644 --- a/watercolorlite.txt +++ b/watercolorlite.txt @@ -11,3 +11,8 @@ SizeBytes = 601627 [Section.0a] Description = Un tema de Windows basado en el look del Windows Codename Whistler. Pequeña variación sobre el Tema Watercolor 4.3. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款基於 Windows Codename Whistler 的外觀的 Windows 主題。這個 Watercolor 版本與 4.3 版本有一些區別。 + diff --git a/winamp.txt b/winamp.txt index b1d936fa..d71d8af4 100644 --- a/winamp.txt +++ b/winamp.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = http://winamp.meggamusic.co.uk/winamp5666_full_all_redux.exe SHA1 = 136314be0da42ed399b88a106cb1f43093e2c0c2 SizeBytes = 15023516 +[Section.0a] +Description = Un reproductor de media que soporta una gran cantidad de plugins, skins y presenta visualización musical, listas, librería media, con soporte de una gran comunidad online. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費增值軟體 +Description = 一款由一個大型的在線社群提供支援的媒體播放器,支援插件、外觀、可視化音樂功能、播放列表和媒體庫。 + [Section.0407] Description = Media Player welcher Erweiterbarkeit mit Plug-Ins und Skins ermöglicht und Musikvisualisierung, Playlist und Medienbibliothek bietet. Er wird durch eine große Online-Community unterstützt. @@ -32,6 +39,3 @@ Description = Winamp, eklentilerle ve dış görünümlerle genişletilebilirli License = 免费商业软件 Description = 一个支持插件、皮肤、音乐可视化功能、播放列表和媒体库媒体播放器,由一个大型的在线社区提供支持。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Un reproductor de media que soporta una gran cantidad de plugins, skins y presenta visualización musical, listas, librería media, con soporte de una gran comunidad online. - diff --git a/winboard.txt b/winboard.txt index 68d6214a..dc18f7de 100644 --- a/winboard.txt +++ b/winboard.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://hgm.nubati.net/WinBoard-4.8.0.exe SHA1 = a242194b7582c196612f78b397bac892bb6908e0 SizeBytes = 2551668 -[Section.0407] -Description = Grafisches Schachbrett für Windows/ReactOS welches als Nutzerinterface für GNU Chess, Crafty oder andere Schachprogramme, für Internet Schachserver und für Briefschach dient. - [Section.0a] Description = Tablero de ajedrez para Windows/ReactOS que puede ser utilizado como interfaz para GNU Chess, Crafty, y otros motores de ajedrez, para servidores de ajedrez en internet, así como para partidas por correo electrónico. +[Section.0404] +Description = 適用於 Windows/ReactOS 的圖形化棋盤軟體,能作為 GNU Chess,Crafty 及其他棋類遊戲引擎的用戶界面,支持網路棋類遊戲伺服器及通過電郵下棋。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Grafisches Schachbrett für Windows/ReactOS welches als Nutzerinterface für GNU Chess, Crafty oder andere Schachprogramme, für Internet Schachserver und für Briefschach dient. + [Section.040c] Description = WinBoard est un jeu d'échec graphique pour Windows/ReactOS qui peut servir d'interface utilisateur pour GNU Chess, Crafty et d'autres moteurs d'échecs, pour les serveurs d'échec internet et pour le jeu d'échec par courriel. diff --git a/windirstat.txt b/windirstat.txt index 5cf9d56f..4aca24bb 100644 --- a/windirstat.txt +++ b/windirstat.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = https://download.sourceforge.net/project/windirstat/windirstat/1.1 SHA1 = 6fa92dd2ca691c11dfbfc0a239e34369897a7fab SizeBytes = 645729 +[Section.0a] +Description = Programa que analiza el uso del diso y su limpieza. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款分析磁碟使用情況及清理磁碟的程式。 + [Section.0407] Description = Programm zur Laufwerkanalyse und Bereinigung. @@ -27,5 +33,3 @@ Description = Disk kullanımını çözümleme ve silme için program. [Section.0804] Description = 分析磁盘使用情况及清理磁盘的程序 -[Section.0a] -Description = Programa que analiza el uso del diso y su limpieza. diff --git a/winemono.txt b/winemono.txt index a7faac8d..35f1ef3f 100644 --- a/winemono.txt +++ b/winemono.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/wine/Wine%20Mono/4.5.6/wine-mono-4 SHA1 = 12ec9a4fa5958426292effd40d9230c7acbba1e8 SizeBytes = 53705216 -[Section.0407] -Description = Freie Neu-Umsetzung des .NET Frameworks, welche von den Wine-Bibliotheken verwendet wird. - [Section.0a] Description = Reimplementación libre de .NET Framework utilizadas por las bibliotecas de Wine. +[Section.0404] +Description = 由 Wine 庫重新實作的免費 .NET 框架。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Freie Neu-Umsetzung des .NET Frameworks, welche von den Wine-Bibliotheken verwendet wird. + [Section.040c] Description = Wine Mono .NET Framework diff --git a/winevdm.txt b/winevdm.txt index bd15cb34..909d96f5 100644 --- a/winevdm.txt +++ b/winevdm.txt @@ -8,3 +8,7 @@ SHA1 = 9A23BB67E3A26A6C56834972CD06A3D2AF5F9B0E Version = 0.8.1 URLSite = https://github.com/otya128/winevdm License = GPL + +[Section.0404] +Description = 這款軟體將啟用對 WOW16 應用程式的支援。請將程式直接安裝至「Program Files」目錄。 + diff --git a/winhier.txt b/winhier.txt index c1443147..476cf8ad 100644 --- a/winhier.txt +++ b/winhier.txt @@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ SizeBytes = 792973 [Section.0a] Description = WinHier es un visor de las propiedades, jerarquía y mensajes de Windows. + +[Section.0404] +Description = WinHier 是 Windows 的階層、屬性和訊息的檢視器。 + diff --git a/winmerge.txt b/winmerge.txt index 08b9c6c5..e1026f94 100644 --- a/winmerge.txt +++ b/winmerge.txt @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/winmerge/stable/2.14.0/Win SHA1 = 4006203d4fc3542e765212e1a78f115fb3f946d2 SizeBytes = 6433055 +[Section.0a] +Description = Una herramienta para la comparación, combinación de archivos y versionado, para tanto archivos como directorios. + +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款可視化的檔案和目錄的差異顯示及合併的工具。 + [Section.0407] Description = Werkzeug zur grafischen Darstellung und Zusammenführen von Dateien und Ordnern. @@ -28,6 +34,3 @@ Description = Dosyalar ve dizinler için, görsel ayrım görüntüleme ve birle [Section.0804] Description = 一款可视化文件及目录差异显示及合并的工具。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Una herramienta para la comparación, combinación de archivos y versionado, para tanto archivos como directorios. - diff --git a/winnt3.txt b/winnt3.txt index 553fb436..a74ee4c4 100644 --- a/winnt3.txt +++ b/winnt3.txt @@ -6,3 +6,7 @@ Category = 15 URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20211217001039/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/petr-akhlamov/ros-repo/master/winnt3.exe SHA1 = c24a23d4b39566a9e1e1738ae29b29db5f33c418 SizeBytes = 170825 + +[Section.0404] +Description = 基於 Windows NT 3 的外觀的 Windows 主題。 + diff --git a/winspypp.txt b/winspypp.txt index bb69831d..f11679c7 100644 --- a/winspypp.txt +++ b/winspypp.txt @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ URLDownload = http://www.catch22.net/assets/files/software/WinSpy17.zip SHA1 = E1414E233267025E9B384C4B02A5DADA7CC8098E SizeBytes = 59355 +[Section.0a] +Description = Una herramienta práctica para programadores que puede ser usada para seleccionar y ver las propiedades de cualquier ventana del sistema. + +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 一款能用來選擇和檢視系統中任意窗口的屬性的公用程式。 + [Section.0407] Description = Ein nützliches Werkzeug für Programmierer, das verwendet werden kann, um die Eigenschaften jedes Fensters im System sehen zu können. @@ -31,6 +38,3 @@ Description = Sistemdeki bir pencerenin özelliklerini görüntülemek ve seçme License = 免费软件 Description = 一款能够用来选择和查看系统中任意窗口属性的面向高级程序员的实用工具。 -[Section.0a] -Description = Una herramienta práctica para programadores que puede ser usada para seleccionar y ver las propiedades de cualquier ventana del sistema. - diff --git a/wme9.txt b/wme9.txt index 0beb7f61..91dd0fff 100644 --- a/wme9.txt +++ b/wme9.txt @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ URLDownload = https://v1support.s3.amazonaws.com/WMEncoder.exe SHA1 = 7a3f8781f3e5705651992ef0150ee30bc1295116 SizeBytes = 9918872 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Konvertieren und Broadcast von Audio und Video im Windows Media Format. - [Section.0a] License = Desconocida Description = Convierte y emite audio y vídeo en los formatos de Windows Media. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 以 Windows Media 格式轉換及廣播音訊和視訊。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Konvertieren und Broadcast von Audio und Video im Windows Media Format. + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue diff --git a/wordview.txt b/wordview.txt index b17e95eb..cf6f0ee3 100644 --- a/wordview.txt +++ b/wordview.txt @@ -9,13 +9,6 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20171123104006if_/http://download.micr SHA1 = e6dfdc8a1545d45ef5840ba513a5c4036bf154bc SizeBytes = 25685128 -[Section.0407] -License = Unbekannt -Description = Freeware Dokumentbetrachter für Office-Formate (*.doc). -URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20170104154150if_/http://download.microsoft.com/download/d/4/b/d4b23f0e-c8b6-4383-878d-1a8184b7db56/wordview_de-de.exe -SHA1 = 679d2c80bb33ca262b9cf55626ce36e23fd67293 -SizeBytes = 25755856 - [Section.0a] Name = Visor de Microsoft Word Description = Visor gratuito de documentos en formato Office (*.doc) @@ -24,6 +17,17 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20170426125808if_/http://download.micr SHA1 = 6c83c4418f384ea9a0ddb81c8c5bcdb183dba3d8 SizeBytes = 25725600 +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = 免費的 Office 文件格式(*.doc)檢視器。 + +[Section.0407] +License = Unbekannt +Description = Freeware Dokumentbetrachter für Office-Formate (*.doc). +URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20170104154150if_/http://download.microsoft.com/download/d/4/b/d4b23f0e-c8b6-4383-878d-1a8184b7db56/wordview_de-de.exe +SHA1 = 679d2c80bb33ca262b9cf55626ce36e23fd67293 +SizeBytes = 25755856 + [Section.040c] License = Inconnue URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20170510171508if_/http://download.microsoft.com/download/b/f/3/bf36c75d-2e93-4db1-ace2-1425e5219260/wordview_fr-fr.exe diff --git a/xna40.txt b/xna40.txt index f7ff551a..99ae0e29 100644 --- a/xna40.txt +++ b/xna40.txt @@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ SizeBytes = 7054336 [Section.0a] Description = La framework redistribuible XNA te proporciona los componentes runtime para ejecutar un juego en Windows que haya sido desarrollado usando el Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0. +[Section.0404] +License = 不明 +Description = XNA Framework Redistributable 向使用 Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0 開發的遊戲提供在 Windows 執行時必要的執行環境。 + [Section.0415] License = Nieznana Description = Pakiet redystrybucyjny XNA zawiera niezbędne biblioteki do uruchomienia gier w systemie Windows, które zostały opracowane przy użyciu oprogramowania Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0. + diff --git a/zaz.txt b/zaz.txt index 41abd3f2..2c6a99ea 100644 --- a/zaz.txt +++ b/zaz.txt @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ URLDownload = http://download.sourceforge.net/project/zaz/Zaz-1.0.0-Setup.exe SHA1 = e4f40943dbdc71bfbeca2dfaecf7747dda3ec27a SizeBytes = 21934236 -[Section.0407] -Description = Freies Arcade Action Puzzle Spiel, ein wenig wie Frozen Bubble. - [Section.0a] Description = Zaz es un juego de acción arcade parecido a Frozen Bubble. +[Section.0404] +Description = 一款類似 Frozen Bubble 的免費街機動作益智電腦遊戲。 + +[Section.0407] +Description = Freies Arcade Action Puzzle Spiel, ein wenig wie Frozen Bubble. + [Section.0410] Description = Zaz è un gioco arcade puzzle gratuito per computer, in parte simile a Frozen Bubble. diff --git a/zerobrane.txt b/zerobrane.txt index 87011f5e..00dba621 100644 --- a/zerobrane.txt +++ b/zerobrane.txt @@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ URLDownload = https://download.zerobrane.com/ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-1.80-win32.e SHA1 = 35195342a6199437ae2e9d5040abb8b092b2c71a SizeBytes = 6390000 +[Section.0404] +Description = Zerobrane Studio 是一款輕量級開源 Lua 整合開發環境編輯器,它實現了很多能使用戶輕鬆編寫 Lua 代碼和腳本的特性與功能。 + [Section.0415] Description = ZeroBrane Studio to lekki, otwartoźródłowy edytor tekstu IDE z wieloma funkcjami pozwalającymi na łatwe programowanie w Lua i tworzenie skryptów w tym języku. diff --git a/zeth.txt b/zeth.txt index 4708526e..e43ed343 100644 --- a/zeth.txt +++ b/zeth.txt @@ -8,5 +8,7 @@ URLDownload = https://web.archive.org/web/20211217001357/https://raw.githubuserc SHA1 = 9E895D19F62FB636E8CF66C81CCD514BAD5C5B23 SizeBytes = 259681 - +[Section.0404] +License = 免費軟體 +Description = 適用於 ReactOS 的 Zeth 視覺樣式。這是一個執行檔,您可以執行這個程式並將檔案提取至 C:\ReactOS\Resources\Themes\Zeth。