So you've learned a few commands and you generally have an idea how to read manpages, but let's put you over the top.
How do we learn about man
? Well, man man
of course!
There is a lot in there, but let's go through it piece by piece.
MAN-PAGES(7) Linux Programmer's Manual MAN-PAGES(7)
The top line here shows MAN-PAGES(7). What does the 7 mean? Well if we go a little bit further down we can see.
Theres a ton more documentation underneath but we are going to ignore it
right now because it isn't what we are looking for. We got the
documentation guide but shouldn't the man
we are looking for be in
Section 1, as a user program?
Let's try that command again, but instead specify Section 1.
$ man 1 man
There we go! Alright wow, lot going on there. We see the "MAN(1)" at the top, the name, a synopsis section that shows example usages, description, a bunch of usages... Alright that's enough, if we don't need to read the man page for something, don't!
Let's look at something a bit more interesting. Use man to find the flag
used to make mkdir
$ man mkdir
You should see the (1) in the top left so you know it's a command.
Verbose is just a fancy word for output more information to STDOUT and
STDERR than usual, you'll see it all over the place. For many programs,
adding a -v
flag will really help with troubleshooting.
Remember, if the man page doesn't help, googling the command and the word "usage" will usually get you where you need to be.
Scroll to the bottom and you will see under "See Also" mkdir(2).
Go back to the command line with 'q' and check out the man page for the mkdir system call.
Don't read it for understanding, just skim to see what this is showing. This task was meant to illustrate how system calls are defined so that software can make directories by using the OS provided API.
You don't have to worry about system calls right now, just commands, but keep in mind that is what is going on behind the scenes for all the other software on your computer.