We expect you to be constantly coming across words, phrases, and entire concepts that you have never seen before and are totally lost in. When you have to get things done, you'll have to learn more about it and one of the best ways to get those holes in your knowledge filled is to ask questions.
Here are some guidelines for asking questions.
- There is no such thing as a bad question, especially on this site
- Write up your problem with as much information as possible
- Describe your problem's symptoms in chronological order
- Describe the goal, not the step you are on
- If you solve it later, follow up with a brief note on the solution
Throw it on Slack on #course_computing or #techsupport, whatever. No one here will ever get annoyed, because there is really no such thing as a bad question. Even if your question isn't related to our courses, we are happy to help.
If you're in person, just ask. It's faster than Googling and you'll get more out of it.
The biggest thing we want to avoid is you sitting around banging your head against a boring problem. If it's interesting and you'll get something out of it, we want you to do it... otherwise, pass.
We already told you what RTFM stood for, so now we're gonna have you do it.