# National Park Service Trails This processes both the National Park Service trails dataset, and the National Forest Service trail datasets. The schema of the two datasets is very similar. One of the differences is for Park Service Trails has two default tags in the output file which are *bicycle=no* and *motor_vehicle=no*. These default tags are [documented here](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/US_National_Park_Service_Tagging:_Trails). This dataset is available in a variety of formats from the [ArcGIS Hub](https://hub.arcgis.com/datasets/fedmaps::national-park-service-trails/about). ## Processed Fields These are the fields extracted from the data that are converted to OpenStreetMap syntax so they can be conflated. * OBJECTID becomes **id** * TRLNAME becomes **name** * TRLCLASS becomes **sac_scale** * TRLUSE becomes *yes* for **horse**, **bicycle**, **atv**, etc... * TRLALTNAME becomes **alt_name** * SEASONAL becomes **seasonal** * MAINTAINER becomas **operator** * TRLSURFACE becomes **surface** ## Dropped Fields These fields are all ignored, and are dropped from the output file. * MAPLABEL * TRLSTATUS * TRLTYPE * PUBLICDISP * DATAACCESS * ACCESSNOTE * ORIGINATOR * UNITCODE * UNITNAME * UNITTYPE * GROUPCODE * GROUPNAME * REGIONCODE * CREATEDATE * EDITDATE * LINETYPE * MAPMETHOD * MAPSOURCE * SOURCEDATE * XYACCURACY * GEOMETRYID * FEATUREID * FACLOCID * FACASSETID * IMLOCID * OBSERVABLE * ISEXTANT * OPENTOPUBL * ALTLANGNAM * ALTLANG * NOTES ## National Forest Service Trails The US Forest Service makes much of their data publically accessible, so it's been a source for imports for a long time. There is a nice detailed wiki page on the [Forest Service Data](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/US_Forest_Service_Data). The conversion process handles most of the implementation details. # Keep Fields The two primary fields are *TRAIL_NO*, which is used for the *ref:usfs* tags, and *TRAIL_NAME*, which is the name of the trail. In addition to these ## The 5 Variations For many of the features classes, there are 5 variations on each one which is used for access. * Managed: Usage allowed and managed by the forest service * Accepted: Usage is accepted year round * Accepted/Discouraged: Usage is accepted, but discouraged * Restricted: Usage is restricted * Discouraged: Usage is discouraged These are converted to the apppropriate value. * Managed* sets the keyword to **designated** * Accepted* sets the keyword to **yes** * Restricted* sets the keyword to **no** * Discouraged* sets the keyword to **discouraged** * Accepted/Discouraged* sets the keyword to **permissive** Many of the values for these are NULL, so ignored when generating the output file. If the value exists, it's either a **Y** or a **N**, which is used to set the values. For example: "SNOWMOBILE": "Y" becomes **snowmobile=yes** in the output file. * PACK_SADDLE_ becomes **horse=** * BICYCLE_ becomes **bicycle=** * MOTORCYCLE_ becomes **motorcycle=** * ATV_ becoms **atv=** * FOURWD_ becomes **4wd_only** * SNOWMOBILE_ becomes **snowmobile=** * SNOWSHOE_ becomes **snowwhoe=** * XCOUNTRY_SKI_ becomes **ski** Currently these fields appear to be empty, but that may change in the future. * SNOWCOACH_SNOWCAT_ * SNOWCOACH_SNOWCAT_ * E_BIKE_CLASS1_ * E_BIKE_CLASS2_ * E_BIKE_CLASS3_ This field is ignored as it's assumed the trail is accessible by hikers. * HIKER_PEDESTRIAN_ ## Dropped Fields These fields are dropped as unnecessary for OSM. Manye only have a NULL value anyway, so useless. * MOTOR_WATERCRAFT_ * NONMOTOR_WATERCRAFT_ * GIS_MILES * Geometry Column * TRAIL_TYPE * TRAIL_CN * BMP * EMP * SEGMENT_LENGTH * ADMIN_ORG * MANAGING_ORG * SECURITY_ID * ATTRIBUTESUBSET * NATIONAL_TRAIL_DESIGNATION * TRAIL_CLASS * ACCESSIBILITY_STATUS * TRAIL_SURFACE * SURFACE_FIRMNESS * TYPICAL_TRAIL_GRADE * TYPICAL_TREAD_WIDTH * MINIMUM_TRAIL_WIDTH * TYPICAL_TREAD_CROSS_SLOPE * SPECIAL_MGMT_AREA * TERRA_BASE_SYMBOLOGY * MVUM_SYMBOL * TERRA_MOTORIZED * SNOW_MOTORIZED * WATER_MOTORIZED * ALLOWED_TERRA_USE * ALLOWED_SNOW_USE ## Options -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose verbose output -i INFILE, --infile INFILE input data file -c, --convert Convert feature to OSM feature -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE Output GeoJson file