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Manos1966 edited this page Apr 9, 2024 · 31 revisions

Power Meter supports 5 different modes

  • SDM 1 phase (SDM120/220/230)
  • SDM 3 phase (SDM72/630)
  • SML (OBIS 16.7.0)
  • SMA HomeManager 2.0
  • MQTT

Examples for HTTP(S) + JSON:

Shelly 3EM: Working configuration:

Discussion: #331

Bildschirmfoto 2023-08-19 um 20 36 59


Tasmota returns values and names based on the definitions you put in the script.

The standard command (where is the IP Adress of your Tasmota) will return the values that are available, for example:

{ "StatusSNS": { "Time": "2023-12-10T20:17:41", "Wohnung": { "server_id": "0a01415041010557ff7d", "total_kwh": 819.9, "export_total_kwh": 251.48, "aktuelle_Wirkleistung": 557, "freq": 50, "amp_p1": 0.98, "amp_p2": 0.45, "amp_p3": 1.46, "curr_w_p1": 184, "curr_w_p2": 82, "curr_w_p3": 289, "volt_p1": 240.8, "volt_p2": 240.9, "volt_p3": 241.3, "phase_angle_l2_l1": 238, "phase_angle_l3_l1": 118, "phase_angle_p1": 330, "phase_angle_p2": 325, "phase_angle_p3": 333 } } }

In this case, the value aktuelle_Wirkleistung is the one we need.

In order to extract the correct value, you need to notice the number of curly brackets { and the titles

Based on the example above: {"StatusSNS": {"Wohnung": {"aktuelle_Wirkleistung": 557

Subsequently the JSON Pfad you need to enter is:


Power Meter Tasmota 01

Tasmota Teleperiod is configurable between 10-300 Seconds. As Standart is 300: Tasmota sends every 5 Minutes. You can go as low as 10 Seconds.

If you need faster than 10 Seconds, you have to change the descriptor, the information will be send with every change of values

the last entry is the number of digits + an optional flag to send the value as fast as possible code = 16 so 16+2 = 18 means 2 digits + fast send


If your line looks like this: 1,77070100100700ff@1,P,W,P,0

add 0+16=16 and change it to: 1,77070100100700ff@1,P,W,P,16

Examples for MQTT:

  • Tasmota and MQTT, push seperate values with rules #344

Power Meter uses the same MQTT Server you have defined under Settings-> MQTT Settings

Then, go to Settings -> Power Meter and you can define up to three topics.

There is an example in every line but keep in mind, these are inactive. If you need exactly the same, you have to re-type it yourself.


Important: For the time being, the MQTT Functionality is not as advanced as with HTTP(s)+JSON

The Topic you choose, must deliver a single value. No JSON Objects, no Strings can be used.

If you are not sure what Data your MQTT Server receives, monitor its log for a while. For example:

None of these Topics (List from MQTT Server) will work: Capture

The first three Topics below will work: Untitled

IF you have problems seeing the data you expect in Live View, it is useful to go to Info-> Console

Messages like this imply that your MQTT Server refused the connection

17:35:55.099 Connecting to MQTT..

17:35:56.209 PowerMeterClass: TotalPower: 0.00

17:35:58.109 Disconnected from MQTT.

17:35:58.168 Disconnect reason:TCP_DISCONNECTED

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