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File metadata and controls

111 lines (93 loc) · 5.09 KB


Please also see the contribution guide in the root folder.


  • Install docker-logo Docker
  • Install nodejs-logo NodeJS
  • Install yarn-logo Yarn
  • Create an .env file with required variables (see .env.example)

Setup for local development

  • Open a terminal in the lab-server directory
  • Run yarn to install the project dependencies
  • Start the server using yarn start:dev (uses docker compose up -d)
  • To test the application, send a GET request to http://localhost:8081/api/v1/health in order to verify that the lab server is up and running (or different port, if changed in .env)
  • Complete the Keycloak setup (local) and MinIO and test user setup (local)
  • If everything was setup correctly you can (1) get an access token from Keycloak and (2) use this token to make a request to the lab server under the route http://localhost:8081/api/v1/star-alleles

Keycloak setup (local)

  1. Open http://localhost:28080 in your browser to access the keycloak admin console (or different port, if changed in .env; make sure to also adapt the port in KEYCLOAK_AUTH_SERVER_URL accordingly)
  2. Login using the credentials KEYCLOAK_USER and KEYCLOAK_PASS configured in the .env file
  3. Create a realm called KEYCLOAK_REALM (see .env or use pharme-realm-export.json for default settings; handles step 4, but need to regenerate KEYCLOAK_SECRET in 4.1.2)
  4. Create clients (one for the backend and one for the frontend)
    1. For the backend with name KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID (see .env)
      1. access-type "bearer only" (uncheck all other types, see StackOverflow)
      2. In the credentials tab (enable "Client authentication" and save to enable tab, see StackOverflow) create a secret and update the .env value KEYCLOAK_SECRET accordingly
    2. For the frontend with the name pharme-app (as clientId in app/lib/login/pages/cubit.dart)
      1. access-type "public" ("Client authentication" off)
      2. Set the redirect URI to * (for testing)
    3. In Authentication > Required actions disable Verify Profile
  5. Create a user for testing (you can choose username and password freely, no roles are required); when setting the password, set "Temporary" to "OFF"
  6. For more information see this guide (the important steps are described above; most of the steps described in the guide, including the application configuration in NestJS, are irrelevant for this setup)

To check all endpoints of your local Keycloak instance, send a GET request to (for example with Postman): http://localhost:28080/auth/realms/pharme/.well-known/openid-configuration

In order to check the admin console, send a GET request to: http://localhost:28080/auth/

To receive authentication tokens, send a POST request to: http://localhost:28080/auth/realms/pharme/protocol/openid-connect/token with the following body (x-www-form-urlencoded):

Type Value
grant_type password
username <username-of-your-user>
password <password-of-your-user>
client_id pharme-app

Please make sure that if using localhost to get the token, the host configured in .env also needs to be localhost, not Otherwise, requesting data with the will result in an wrong ISS error.

MinIO and test user setup (local)

  • Open http://localhost:9001 (or different port, if changed in .env) in your browser
  • Open the administration console. Login with the credentials MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD set in the .env file.
  • Create a bucket called alleles
  • Add an alleles file to the alleles bucket using the MinIO admin console
  • Adapt the test user data in src/seeder/users.json (if not present, create based on src/seeder/users.example.json) to include a user with the sub of the Keycloak user created earlier; adapt the allelesFile name to the file name you uploaded
  • Run the seeder with yarn seed:run


Only works on Linux due to network_mode: host setting.

From the project root, run docker compose --file lab-server/docker-compose.yml --profile production up -d to start all components.

The API and other components will be available under the ports specified in the .env file.