Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Architecture
Functional programming is a programming paradigm, that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data.
- A Million Ways to Fold in JS: Brian Lonsdorf provides many functional alternatives to loops in this video.
- is a JavaScript library based on the function combinator and decorator recipes introduced in the book JavaScript Allongé.
- Barely Functional: Tiny (2.7kb) functional programming library using native es5/6 operations.
- Curry or Partial Application?: Eric Elliott describes the difference between partial application and curry.
- Daggy: Library for creating tagged constructors (catamorphisms).
- Date FP: Functional programming date manipulation library.
- Debugging Functional: This post will demonstrate a simple solution that can go a long way to enhance the debugging experience in functional JavaScript applications.
- Example Projects: Open source projects which use functional programming, preferably point-free and side-effect-free.
- Async Problem: This project considers various approaches to the problem of concurrently reading files inside a directory and concatenating their contents.
- CommonJS module dependencies resolver: The module and all related modules are written using point-free style.
- Egg Hunt Server: A restful API written in FP style.
- Idealist: Functional HTTP micro-framework.
- Sanctuary Build Script: A build script for generating the Sanctuary website.
- FP DOM: A collection of functions to favor functional programming in a DOM context.
- Fantasy Combinators: Combinators which are used for fantasy-land projects.
- Fantasy Land: Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript.
- Conformant Implementations: A list of libraries implementing the Fantasy Land specification.
- Fantasy Lenses: Composable, immutable getters and setters.
- Fluture: The debuggable Fantasy Land Future library.
- Folktale: Folktale is a suite of libraries for generic functional programming in JavaScript that allows you to write elegant modular applications with fewer bugs, and more reuse.
- Freeky: Collection of free monads by Brian Lonsdorf.
- From Callback to Future -> Functor -> Monad: Yassine Elouafi goes through a simple implementation of Futures and compares them to Promises.
- Functional Frontend Architecture: This repository is meant to document and explore the implementation of what is known as "the Elm architecture". A simple functional architecture for building frontend applications.
- Functional Javascript Workshop: The goal of this workshop is to create realistic problems that can be solved using terse, vanilla, idiomatic JavaScript.
- Functional Programming Jargon: Jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms.
- Functional.js: Functional.js is a functional JavaScript library. It facilitates currying and point-free / tacit programming and this methodology has been adhered to from the ground up.
- Functionize: A collection of functions which aids in making non-functional libraries functional.
- Futures and Monoids: Yassine Elouafi explains the nature of Monoids using Futures, Numbers and Strings as examples.
- Futurizer: Turn callback-style functions or promises into futures!
- Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong!: In this talk Brian Lonsdorf gently takes a shot at underscore.js for not thinking about currying and partial function application in its library design.
- Immutable Sequence.js: High performance implementation of Immutable Sequence in JavaScript, based on Finger Tree.
- Immutable.js: Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity.
- JSAir - Functional and Immutable Design Patterns in JavaScript: An episode of JavaScript Air about "the how and why of functional programming and immutable design patterns in JavaScript" with Dab Abramov and Brian Lonsdorf as guests.
- Lamda.js: This library takes all the methods on instances of strings, arrays, objects, numbers, and regexp's and turns them into functions that can be used in a pointfree way.
- Lazy Either: The LazyEither type is used to represent a lazy Either value. It is similar to the Future and Promise types.
- Lenses Quick n’ Dirty: A video by Brian Lonsdorf that introduces lenses.
- Lenses.js: Composable kmett style lenses.
- Lodash/fp: The lodash/fp module is an instance of lodash with its methods wrapped to produce immutable auto-curried iteratee-first data-last methods.
- Monad a day 1: Reader: A video by Brian Lonsdorf explaining the Reader Monad.
- Monad a day 2: Future: Brian Lonsdorf explains the Future monad in this video.
- Monad a day 3: State: Brian Lonsdorf explains the State monad in this video.
- Monads and Gonads: In this video from YUIConf 2012, Douglas Crockford attempts to break the long-standing Monad tutorial curse by explaining the concept and applications of monads in a way that is actually understandable to the audience.
- Monads in JavaScript: This article explains monads and their usage in JavaScript including Identity, Maybe, List, Continuation, Do notation and Chaining.
- Monat Transformers Library: Practical monad transformers for JS.
- Monet.js: Monet is a tool bag that assists Functional Programming by providing a rich set of Monads and other useful functions.
- Mori: A library for using ClojureScript's persistent data structures and supporting API from the comfort of vanilla JavaScript.
- Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming: A book by Brian Lonsdorf that introduces algebraic functional programming in JavaScript.
- Nanoscope: Nanoscope is a javascript library designed to make complex transformations of data much easier. It is a built on the idea of a functional Lens - a construct that enables focusing on sub-parts of data structures to get and modify.
- Pointfree Fantasy: Point-free wrappers for fantasy-land. Functions are curried using lodash's curry function, and receive their data last. Gives us aliases with our familar haskell names as well.
- Practical functional programming: pick two: James Coglan tries to show in this video how to use functional concepts in daily JavaScript programming.
- PureScript: PureScript is a strongly, statically typed language which compiles to JavaScript. It is written in and inspired by Haskell.
- Ramda: A practical library designed specifically for a functional programming style, one that makes it easy to create functional pipelines, one that never mutates user data.
- Ramda Fantasy: Fantasy Land compatible types for easy integration with Ramda. This is an experimental project and will probably merge with Sanctuary.
- Sanctuary: Sanctuary is a functional programming library inspired by Haskell and PureScript. It depends on and works nicely with Ramda. Sanctuary makes it possible to write safe code without null checks.
- Sanctuary Build Script: A build script for generating the Sanctuary website.
- The Little Idea of Functional Programming: Jack Hsu tries to take a look at a couple of simple concepts that make up the little idea behind functional programming and to tie the concepts back to code examples in JavaScript.
- Timm: Immutability helpers with fast reads and acceptable writes.
- Transducers: Transducers are a powerful and composable way to build algorithmic transformations that you can reuse in many contexts.
- "Transducers" Presentation at Strange Loop: This talk will describe transducers, a new library feature for Clojure (but of interest to other languages) that emphasizes composable, context-free, intermediate-free notions like 'mapping' and 'filtering' and their concrete reuse across all of the contexts above.
- Figuring out what transducers are good for: Tim Cuthbertson attempts some plausible but detailed examples with Transducers in JavaScript.
- Implementations: Libraries that implement Transducer protocoll and include ready to use transformers.
- Transduce: Implementation by Kevin Beaty extracted from underarm.
- Transducers-js by Cognitect Labs: A high performance Transducers implementation for JavaScript by Cognitect Labs.
- Transducers.js Library by James Long: A small library for generalized transformation of data (inspired by Clojure's transducers)
- Transducers.js Round 2 with Benchmarks: Refactored version of Transducers.js, some benchmarks, Laziness, the transformer protocoll.
- Transducers.js: A JavaScript Library for Transformation of Data: A post announcing the transducers.js library with some explanation.
- Streaming Logs with Transducers and Ramda: In this article we will use Ramda to parse a log file without curly braces (and introduce transducers along the way).
- Transducers Documentation for Clojure: Transducers are composable algorithmic transformations. They are independent from the context of their input and output sources and specify only the essence of the transformation in terms of an individual element.
- Transducers Explained: Part 1: An introduction to transducers using JavaScript. We will work from reducing over arrays, to defining transformations as transformers, then incrementally introducing transducers and using them with transduce.
- Transducers Explained: Pipelines: In this article, we will introduce four new transducers: filter, remove, drop and take. We will show how transducers can be composed into pipelines and talk about the order of transformation.
- Transducers are Coming: The first announcement by Rich Hickey.
- Transducers with Observable Sequences: A chapter from the RxJS Book describing Transducers.
- Understanding Transducers in JavaScript: Roman Liutikov translated code examples from similar Clojure article into JavaScript. So you can still read the article and check code examples here.
- Union Type: Union types are a way to group different values together. Union-type is a small JavaScript library for defining and using union types.
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