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Functional Programming

Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Architecture

Functional programming is a programming paradigm, that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data. PayPal Beerpay Flattr Gitter Twitter

  • A Million Ways to Fold in JS: Brian Lonsdorf provides many functional alternatives to loops in this video.
  • is a JavaScript library based on the function combinator and decorator recipes introduced in the book JavaScript Allongé.
  • Barely Functional: Tiny (2.7kb) functional programming library using native es5/6 operations.
  • Curry or Partial Application?: Eric Elliott describes the difference between partial application and curry.
  • Daggy: Library for creating tagged constructors (catamorphisms).
  • Date FP: Functional programming date manipulation library.
  • Debugging Functional: This post will demonstrate a simple solution that can go a long way to enhance the debugging experience in functional JavaScript applications.
  • Example Projects: Open source projects which use functional programming, preferably point-free and side-effect-free.
  • FP DOM: A collection of functions to favor functional programming in a DOM context.
  • Fantasy Combinators: Combinators which are used for fantasy-land projects.
  • Fantasy Land: Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript.
  • Fantasy Lenses: Composable, immutable getters and setters.
  • Fluture: The debuggable Fantasy Land Future library.
  • Folktale: Folktale is a suite of libraries for generic functional programming in JavaScript that allows you to write elegant modular applications with fewer bugs, and more reuse.
  • Freeky: Collection of free monads by Brian Lonsdorf.
  • From Callback to Future -> Functor -> Monad: Yassine Elouafi goes through a simple implementation of Futures and compares them to Promises.
  • Functional Frontend Architecture: This repository is meant to document and explore the implementation of what is known as "the Elm architecture". A simple functional architecture for building frontend applications.
  • Functional Javascript Workshop: The goal of this workshop is to create realistic problems that can be solved using terse, vanilla, idiomatic JavaScript.
  • Functional Programming Jargon: Jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms.
  • Functional.js: Functional.js is a functional JavaScript library. It facilitates currying and point-free / tacit programming and this methodology has been adhered to from the ground up.
  • Functionize: A collection of functions which aids in making non-functional libraries functional.
  • Futures and Monoids: Yassine Elouafi explains the nature of Monoids using Futures, Numbers and Strings as examples.
  • Futurizer: Turn callback-style functions or promises into futures!
  • Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong!: In this talk Brian Lonsdorf gently takes a shot at underscore.js for not thinking about currying and partial function application in its library design.
  • Immutable Sequence.js: High performance implementation of Immutable Sequence in JavaScript, based on Finger Tree.
  • Immutable.js: Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity.
  • JSAir - Functional and Immutable Design Patterns in JavaScript: An episode of JavaScript Air about "the how and why of functional programming and immutable design patterns in JavaScript" with Dab Abramov and Brian Lonsdorf as guests.
  • Lamda.js: This library takes all the methods on instances of strings, arrays, objects, numbers, and regexp's and turns them into functions that can be used in a pointfree way.
  • Lazy Either: The LazyEither type is used to represent a lazy Either value. It is similar to the Future and Promise types.
  • Lenses Quick n’ Dirty: A video by Brian Lonsdorf that introduces lenses.
  • Lenses.js: Composable kmett style lenses.
  • Lodash/fp: The lodash/fp module is an instance of lodash with its methods wrapped to produce immutable auto-curried iteratee-first data-last methods.
  • Monad a day 1: Reader: A video by Brian Lonsdorf explaining the Reader Monad.
  • Monad a day 2: Future: Brian Lonsdorf explains the Future monad in this video.
  • Monad a day 3: State: Brian Lonsdorf explains the State monad in this video.
  • Monads and Gonads: In this video from YUIConf 2012, Douglas Crockford attempts to break the long-standing Monad tutorial curse by explaining the concept and applications of monads in a way that is actually understandable to the audience.
  • Monads in JavaScript: This article explains monads and their usage in JavaScript including Identity, Maybe, List, Continuation, Do notation and Chaining.
  • Monat Transformers Library: Practical monad transformers for JS.
  • Monet.js: Monet is a tool bag that assists Functional Programming by providing a rich set of Monads and other useful functions.
  • Mori: A library for using ClojureScript's persistent data structures and supporting API from the comfort of vanilla JavaScript.
  • Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming: A book by Brian Lonsdorf that introduces algebraic functional programming in JavaScript.
  • Nanoscope: Nanoscope is a javascript library designed to make complex transformations of data much easier. It is a built on the idea of a functional Lens - a construct that enables focusing on sub-parts of data structures to get and modify.
  • Pointfree Fantasy: Point-free wrappers for fantasy-land. Functions are curried using lodash's curry function, and receive their data last. Gives us aliases with our familar haskell names as well.
  • Practical functional programming: pick two: James Coglan tries to show in this video how to use functional concepts in daily JavaScript programming.
  • PureScript: PureScript is a strongly, statically typed language which compiles to JavaScript. It is written in and inspired by Haskell.
  • Ramda: A practical library designed specifically for a functional programming style, one that makes it easy to create functional pipelines, one that never mutates user data.
  • Ramda Fantasy: Fantasy Land compatible types for easy integration with Ramda. This is an experimental project and will probably merge with Sanctuary.
  • Sanctuary: Sanctuary is a functional programming library inspired by Haskell and PureScript. It depends on and works nicely with Ramda. Sanctuary makes it possible to write safe code without null checks.
  • The Little Idea of Functional Programming: Jack Hsu tries to take a look at a couple of simple concepts that make up the little idea behind functional programming and to tie the concepts back to code examples in JavaScript.
  • Timm: Immutability helpers with fast reads and acceptable writes.
  • Transducers: Transducers are a powerful and composable way to build algorithmic transformations that you can reuse in many contexts.
  • Union Type: Union types are a way to group different values together. Union-type is a small JavaScript library for defining and using union types.


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