diff --git a/TOTALLY-GIGANTIC-FILE.md b/TOTALLY-GIGANTIC-FILE.md index 87bdc4f4..7647b5c0 100644 --- a/TOTALLY-GIGANTIC-FILE.md +++ b/TOTALLY-GIGANTIC-FILE.md @@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ High level structure of the frontend code and the discipline of creating such st + **[Functional Frontend Architecture](https://github.com/paldepind/functional-frontend-architecture)**: This repository is meant to document and explore the implementation of what is known as "the Elm architecture". A simple functional architecture for building frontend applications. + **[Functional JavaScript Mini Book](https://jcouyang.gitbooks.io/functional-javascript/content/en/index.html)**: Jichao Ouyang gives and introduction to functional programming with JavaScript and describes some Typeclasses like Functor and Monad. + **[Functional Javascript Workshop](https://github.com/timoxley/functional-javascript-workshop)**: The goal of this workshop is to create realistic problems that can be solved using terse, vanilla, idiomatic JavaScript. + + **[Functional Principles In React](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uRC3hmKQnM)**: Jessica Kerr talks about four functional principles: Composition, Declarative Style, Isolation and Flow Of Data, and their usage in React. + **[Functional Programming Jargon](https://github.com/hemanth/functional-programming-jargon)**: Jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms. + **[Functional Programming for JavaScript People](https://medium.com/@chetcorcos/functional-programming-for-javascript-people-1915d8775504)**: Chet Corcos explains different features of functional programming like composition, currying, lazy evaluation, referential transparency and compares Clojure with Haskell. + **[Functional.js](http://functionaljs.com/)**: Functional.js is a functional JavaScript library. It facilitates currying and point-free / tacit programming and this methodology has been adhered to from the ground up. @@ -326,15 +327,18 @@ High level structure of the frontend code and the discipline of creating such st + **[Futures and Monoids](https://medium.com/@yelouafi/futures-and-monoids-7e9f4574bd88)**: Yassine Elouafi explains the nature of Monoids using Futures, Numbers and Strings as examples. + **[Futurizer](https://github.com/arcseldon/futurizer)**: Turn callback-style functions or promises into futures! + **[Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong!](http://functionaltalks.org/2013/05/27/brian-lonsdorf-hey-underscore-youre-doing-it-wrong/)**: In this talk Brian Lonsdorf gently takes a shot at underscore.js for not thinking about currying and partial function application in its library design. + + **[Immutability, Interactivity & JavaScript](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS264h8KGwk)**: We'll dive in and see how trees of JavaScript arrays can permit building efficient immutable collections. Then we'll see how embracing immutable values dramatically simplifies some classic hard problems in client side programming including but not limited to undo, error playback, and online/offline synchronization. + **[Immutable Sequence.js](https://github.com/qiao/immutable-sequence.js)**: High performance implementation of Immutable Sequence in JavaScript, based on Finger Tree. + **[Immutable.js](https://github.com/facebook/immutable-js/)**: Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity. + **[JSAir - Functional and Immutable Design Patterns in JavaScript](https://javascriptair.com/episodes/2015-12-30/)**: An episode of JavaScript Air about "the how and why of functional programming and immutable design patterns in JavaScript" with Dab Abramov and Brian Lonsdorf as guests. + **[JavaScript and Type Thinking](https://medium.com/@yelouafi/javascript-and-type-thinking-735edddc388d)**: Yassine Elouafi introduces Algebraic Data Types with an example of a simple and a recursive type. + + **[Javascript Combinators by Reginald Braithwaite](https://vimeo.com/97408202)**: In this talk, we'll explore functions that consume and return functions, and see how they can be used to build expressive programs that hew closely to JavaScript's natural style. + **[Lamda.js](https://github.com/loop-recur/lambdajs)**: This library takes all the methods on instances of strings, arrays, objects, numbers, and regexp's and turns them into functions that can be used in a pointfree way. + **[Lazy Either](https://www.npmjs.com/package/lazy-either)**: The LazyEither type is used to represent a lazy Either value. It is similar to the Future and Promise types. + **[Lenses Quick n’ Dirty](https://vimeo.com/104807358)**: A video by Brian Lonsdorf that introduces lenses. + **[Lenses.js](https://github.com/DrBoolean/lenses)**: Composable kmett style lenses. + **[Lodash/fp](https://github.com/lodash/lodash/wiki/FP-Guide)**: The lodash/fp module is an instance of lodash with its methods wrapped to produce immutable auto-curried iteratee-first data-last methods. + + **[Monad Transformers](https://github.com/boris-marinov/monad-transformers)**: Monad transformers are tricky, they require an excessive amount of type juggling. One of the aims of this package is to reduce the amount of wrapping and unwrapping needed for making a new transformer and to provide an easy way to define and combine transformers. + **[Monad a day 1: Reader](https://vimeo.com/105300347)**: A video by Brian Lonsdorf explaining the Reader Monad. + **[Monad a day 2: Future](https://vimeo.com/106008027)**: Brian Lonsdorf explains the Future monad in this video. + **[Monad a day 3: State](https://vimeo.com/109984691)**: Brian Lonsdorf explains the State monad in this video. @@ -379,6 +383,7 @@ High level structure of the frontend code and the discipline of creating such st + **[Union Type](https://github.com/paldepind/union-type)**: Union types are a way to group different values together. Union-type is a small JavaScript library for defining and using union types. + **[Functional Reactive Programming (FRP)](undefined)**: FRP is a programming paradigm for asynchronous dataflow programming using the building blocks of functional programming. + **[A General Theory of Reactivity](https://github.com/kriskowal/gtor)**: Kris Kowal describes popular primitives of Reactive Programming and some use cases. + + **[A General Theory of Reactivity (Video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9CGieinKVo)**: Kris Kowal talks about reactive primitives and their traits. + **[Cycle.js](http://cycle.js.org/)**: A functional and reactive JavaScript framework that solves the cyclic dependency of Observables which emerge during dialogues (mutual observations) between the Human and the Computer. + **[Async Driver](https://github.com/whitecolor/cycle-async-driver)**: Higher order factory for creating cycle.js async request based drivers. Allows you almost completely eliminate boilerplate code for this kind of drivers. + **[Cycle.js Was Built to Solve Problems](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj8ZTRVka4E)**: In this video André Staltz shows how Cycle.js has a practical purpose, meant to solve problems your customers/business may relate to. @@ -663,13 +668,13 @@ Important developers, companies, organizations and news sources. + **[Block, Element, Modifying Your JavaScript Components](https://medium.com/seek-ui-engineering/block-element-modifying-your-javascript-components-d7f99fcab52b)**: Mark Dalgleish is discussing how to organize React code with BEM and build everything with Webpack. + **[CSS Modules To The Rescue.jsx](https://medium.com/@kadmil/css-modules-to-the-rescue-jsx-ded2db874d34)**: If you use react-like templates/components, use webpack CSS loader to enable CSS Modules and forget about global CSS problems. + **[Find Your Perfect React Starter Project](http://andrewhfarmer.com/starter-project/)**: A simple search engine for React boilerplates with the ability to pick the ingredients. + + **[Functional Principles In React](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uRC3hmKQnM)**: Jessica Kerr talks about four functional principles: Composition, Declarative Style, Isolation and Flow Of Data, and their usage in React. + **[Getting Started with TDD in React](https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/getting-started-with-tdd-in-react)**: Learn how to test React components using a TDD approach with minimal setup, while learning exactly what to test and how to avoid common pitfalls. + **[Getting to Grips with React (as an Angular developer)](https://daveceddia.com/to-react-from-angular/)**: In a series of posts Dave Ceddia tries to help you apply your hard-won knowledge of “Angularisms” to React. + **[How we use the Flux architecture in Delve](https://medium.com/@delveeng/how-we-use-the-flux-architecture-in-delve-effc551f8fbc)**: Øystein Hallaråker describes how Delve utilizes the Flux application architecture. + **[Immutable Data and React](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7IdS-PbEgI)**: Lee Byron talks about how persistent immutable data structures work, and techniques for using them in a React applications with Immutable.js. + **[JSX Transform](https://github.com/alexmingoia/jsx-transform)**: JSX transpiler. A standard and configurable implementation of JSX decoupled from React. + **[Model-View-Intent with React and RxJS](https://satishchilukuri.com/blog/entry/model-view-intent-with-react-and-rxjs)**: Satish Chilukuri shows an example implementation of MVI pattern with React. - + **[New Node](undefined)**: undefined + **[React App](https://github.com/kriasoft/react-app)**: React App is a small library powered by React, Universal Router and History that handles routing, navigation and rendering logic in isomorphic (universal) and single-page applications. + **[React Components, Elements, and Instances](https://medium.com/@dan_abramov/react-components-elements-and-instances-90800811f8ca#.9208ahtfb)**: Dan Abramov explains the Virtual DOM dictionary in React. + **[React Demystified](http://blog.reverberate.org/2014/02/react-demystified.html)**: This article is an attempt to explain the core ideas behind React.js and Virtual DOM. @@ -813,13 +818,13 @@ Sass, Syntax, Ordering, Mixins, Placeholders, Nested selectors. + **[Block, Element, Modifying Your JavaScript Components](https://medium.com/seek-ui-engineering/block-element-modifying-your-javascript-components-d7f99fcab52b)**: Mark Dalgleish is discussing how to organize React code with BEM and build everything with Webpack. + **[CSS Modules To The Rescue.jsx](https://medium.com/@kadmil/css-modules-to-the-rescue-jsx-ded2db874d34)**: If you use react-like templates/components, use webpack CSS loader to enable CSS Modules and forget about global CSS problems. + **[Find Your Perfect React Starter Project](http://andrewhfarmer.com/starter-project/)**: A simple search engine for React boilerplates with the ability to pick the ingredients. + + **[Functional Principles In React](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uRC3hmKQnM)**: Jessica Kerr talks about four functional principles: Composition, Declarative Style, Isolation and Flow Of Data, and their usage in React. + **[Getting Started with TDD in React](https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/getting-started-with-tdd-in-react)**: Learn how to test React components using a TDD approach with minimal setup, while learning exactly what to test and how to avoid common pitfalls. + **[Getting to Grips with React (as an Angular developer)](https://daveceddia.com/to-react-from-angular/)**: In a series of posts Dave Ceddia tries to help you apply your hard-won knowledge of “Angularisms” to React. + **[How we use the Flux architecture in Delve](https://medium.com/@delveeng/how-we-use-the-flux-architecture-in-delve-effc551f8fbc)**: Øystein Hallaråker describes how Delve utilizes the Flux application architecture. + **[Immutable Data and React](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7IdS-PbEgI)**: Lee Byron talks about how persistent immutable data structures work, and techniques for using them in a React applications with Immutable.js. + **[JSX Transform](https://github.com/alexmingoia/jsx-transform)**: JSX transpiler. A standard and configurable implementation of JSX decoupled from React. + **[Model-View-Intent with React and RxJS](https://satishchilukuri.com/blog/entry/model-view-intent-with-react-and-rxjs)**: Satish Chilukuri shows an example implementation of MVI pattern with React. - + **[New Node](undefined)**: undefined + **[React App](https://github.com/kriasoft/react-app)**: React App is a small library powered by React, Universal Router and History that handles routing, navigation and rendering logic in isomorphic (universal) and single-page applications. + **[React Components, Elements, and Instances](https://medium.com/@dan_abramov/react-components-elements-and-instances-90800811f8ca#.9208ahtfb)**: Dan Abramov explains the Virtual DOM dictionary in React. + **[React Demystified](http://blog.reverberate.org/2014/02/react-demystified.html)**: This article is an attempt to explain the core ideas behind React.js and Virtual DOM. diff --git a/architecture/functional-programming.md b/architecture/functional-programming.md index 43acffb9..229af513 100644 --- a/architecture/functional-programming.md +++ b/architecture/functional-programming.md @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ Functional programming is a programming paradigm, that treats computation as the + **[Functional Frontend Architecture](https://github.com/paldepind/functional-frontend-architecture)**: This repository is meant to document and explore the implementation of what is known as "the Elm architecture". A simple functional architecture for building frontend applications. + **[Functional JavaScript Mini Book](https://jcouyang.gitbooks.io/functional-javascript/content/en/index.html)**: Jichao Ouyang gives and introduction to functional programming with JavaScript and describes some Typeclasses like Functor and Monad. + **[Functional Javascript Workshop](https://github.com/timoxley/functional-javascript-workshop)**: The goal of this workshop is to create realistic problems that can be solved using terse, vanilla, idiomatic JavaScript. ++ **[Functional Principles In React](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uRC3hmKQnM)**: Jessica Kerr talks about four functional principles: Composition, Declarative Style, Isolation and Flow Of Data, and their usage in React. + **[Functional Programming Jargon](https://github.com/hemanth/functional-programming-jargon)**: Jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms. + **[Functional Programming for JavaScript People](https://medium.com/@chetcorcos/functional-programming-for-javascript-people-1915d8775504)**: Chet Corcos explains different features of functional programming like composition, currying, lazy evaluation, referential transparency and compares Clojure with Haskell. + **[Functional.js](http://functionaljs.com/)**: Functional.js is a functional JavaScript library. It facilitates currying and point-free / tacit programming and this methodology has been adhered to from the ground up. @@ -49,15 +50,18 @@ Functional programming is a programming paradigm, that treats computation as the + **[Futures and Monoids](https://medium.com/@yelouafi/futures-and-monoids-7e9f4574bd88)**: Yassine Elouafi explains the nature of Monoids using Futures, Numbers and Strings as examples. + **[Futurizer](https://github.com/arcseldon/futurizer)**: Turn callback-style functions or promises into futures! + **[Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong!](http://functionaltalks.org/2013/05/27/brian-lonsdorf-hey-underscore-youre-doing-it-wrong/)**: In this talk Brian Lonsdorf gently takes a shot at underscore.js for not thinking about currying and partial function application in its library design. ++ **[Immutability, Interactivity & JavaScript](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS264h8KGwk)**: We'll dive in and see how trees of JavaScript arrays can permit building efficient immutable collections. Then we'll see how embracing immutable values dramatically simplifies some classic hard problems in client side programming including but not limited to undo, error playback, and online/offline synchronization. + **[Immutable Sequence.js](https://github.com/qiao/immutable-sequence.js)**: High performance implementation of Immutable Sequence in JavaScript, based on Finger Tree. + **[Immutable.js](https://github.com/facebook/immutable-js/)**: Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity. + **[JSAir - Functional and Immutable Design Patterns in JavaScript](https://javascriptair.com/episodes/2015-12-30/)**: An episode of JavaScript Air about "the how and why of functional programming and immutable design patterns in JavaScript" with Dab Abramov and Brian Lonsdorf as guests. + **[JavaScript and Type Thinking](https://medium.com/@yelouafi/javascript-and-type-thinking-735edddc388d)**: Yassine Elouafi introduces Algebraic Data Types with an example of a simple and a recursive type. ++ **[Javascript Combinators by Reginald Braithwaite](https://vimeo.com/97408202)**: In this talk, we'll explore functions that consume and return functions, and see how they can be used to build expressive programs that hew closely to JavaScript's natural style. + **[Lamda.js](https://github.com/loop-recur/lambdajs)**: This library takes all the methods on instances of strings, arrays, objects, numbers, and regexp's and turns them into functions that can be used in a pointfree way. + **[Lazy Either](https://www.npmjs.com/package/lazy-either)**: The LazyEither type is used to represent a lazy Either value. It is similar to the Future and Promise types. + **[Lenses Quick n’ Dirty](https://vimeo.com/104807358)**: A video by Brian Lonsdorf that introduces lenses. + **[Lenses.js](https://github.com/DrBoolean/lenses)**: Composable kmett style lenses. + **[Lodash/fp](https://github.com/lodash/lodash/wiki/FP-Guide)**: The lodash/fp module is an instance of lodash with its methods wrapped to produce immutable auto-curried iteratee-first data-last methods. ++ **[Monad Transformers](https://github.com/boris-marinov/monad-transformers)**: Monad transformers are tricky, they require an excessive amount of type juggling. One of the aims of this package is to reduce the amount of wrapping and unwrapping needed for making a new transformer and to provide an easy way to define and combine transformers. + **[Monad a day 1: Reader](https://vimeo.com/105300347)**: A video by Brian Lonsdorf explaining the Reader Monad. + **[Monad a day 2: Future](https://vimeo.com/106008027)**: Brian Lonsdorf explains the Future monad in this video. + **[Monad a day 3: State](https://vimeo.com/109984691)**: Brian Lonsdorf explains the State monad in this video. diff --git a/architecture/functional-reactive-programming-frp.md b/architecture/functional-reactive-programming-frp.md index 17b30261..2e8c40b2 100644 --- a/architecture/functional-reactive-programming-frp.md +++ b/architecture/functional-reactive-programming-frp.md @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ FRP is a programming paradigm for asynchronous dataflow programming using the bu ----------------------------------------- + **[A General Theory of Reactivity](https://github.com/kriskowal/gtor)**: Kris Kowal describes popular primitives of Reactive Programming and some use cases. ++ **[A General Theory of Reactivity (Video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9CGieinKVo)**: Kris Kowal talks about reactive primitives and their traits. + **[Cycle.js](http://cycle.js.org/)**: A functional and reactive JavaScript framework that solves the cyclic dependency of Observables which emerge during dialogues (mutual observations) between the Human and the Computer. + **[Async Driver](https://github.com/whitecolor/cycle-async-driver)**: Higher order factory for creating cycle.js async request based drivers. Allows you almost completely eliminate boilerplate code for this kind of drivers. + **[Cycle.js Was Built to Solve Problems](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj8ZTRVka4E)**: In this video André Staltz shows how Cycle.js has a practical purpose, meant to solve problems your customers/business may relate to. diff --git a/ecosystem/communities-around-projects.md b/ecosystem/communities-around-projects.md index 273b6f35..5a0671a6 100644 --- a/ecosystem/communities-around-projects.md +++ b/ecosystem/communities-around-projects.md @@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ Successful open source projects attract many developers who produce plugins, lib + **[Block, Element, Modifying Your JavaScript Components](https://medium.com/seek-ui-engineering/block-element-modifying-your-javascript-components-d7f99fcab52b)**: Mark Dalgleish is discussing how to organize React code with BEM and build everything with Webpack. + **[CSS Modules To The Rescue.jsx](https://medium.com/@kadmil/css-modules-to-the-rescue-jsx-ded2db874d34)**: If you use react-like templates/components, use webpack CSS loader to enable CSS Modules and forget about global CSS problems. + **[Find Your Perfect React Starter Project](http://andrewhfarmer.com/starter-project/)**: A simple search engine for React boilerplates with the ability to pick the ingredients. + + **[Functional Principles In React](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uRC3hmKQnM)**: Jessica Kerr talks about four functional principles: Composition, Declarative Style, Isolation and Flow Of Data, and their usage in React. + **[Getting Started with TDD in React](https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/getting-started-with-tdd-in-react)**: Learn how to test React components using a TDD approach with minimal setup, while learning exactly what to test and how to avoid common pitfalls. + **[Getting to Grips with React (as an Angular developer)](https://daveceddia.com/to-react-from-angular/)**: In a series of posts Dave Ceddia tries to help you apply your hard-won knowledge of “Angularisms” to React. + **[How we use the Flux architecture in Delve](https://medium.com/@delveeng/how-we-use-the-flux-architecture-in-delve-effc551f8fbc)**: Øystein Hallaråker describes how Delve utilizes the Flux application architecture. + **[Immutable Data and React](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7IdS-PbEgI)**: Lee Byron talks about how persistent immutable data structures work, and techniques for using them in a React applications with Immutable.js. + **[JSX Transform](https://github.com/alexmingoia/jsx-transform)**: JSX transpiler. A standard and configurable implementation of JSX decoupled from React. + **[Model-View-Intent with React and RxJS](https://satishchilukuri.com/blog/entry/model-view-intent-with-react-and-rxjs)**: Satish Chilukuri shows an example implementation of MVI pattern with React. - + **New Node**: undefined + **[React App](https://github.com/kriasoft/react-app)**: React App is a small library powered by React, Universal Router and History that handles routing, navigation and rendering logic in isomorphic (universal) and single-page applications. + **[React Components, Elements, and Instances](https://medium.com/@dan_abramov/react-components-elements-and-instances-90800811f8ca#.9208ahtfb)**: Dan Abramov explains the Virtual DOM dictionary in React. + **[React Demystified](http://blog.reverberate.org/2014/02/react-demystified.html)**: This article is an attempt to explain the core ideas behind React.js and Virtual DOM. diff --git a/ecosystem/organizations.md b/ecosystem/organizations.md index addf0b81..e42d9197 100644 --- a/ecosystem/organizations.md +++ b/ecosystem/organizations.md @@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ Sass, Syntax, Ordering, Mixins, Placeholders, Nested selectors. + **[Block, Element, Modifying Your JavaScript Components](https://medium.com/seek-ui-engineering/block-element-modifying-your-javascript-components-d7f99fcab52b)**: Mark Dalgleish is discussing how to organize React code with BEM and build everything with Webpack. + **[CSS Modules To The Rescue.jsx](https://medium.com/@kadmil/css-modules-to-the-rescue-jsx-ded2db874d34)**: If you use react-like templates/components, use webpack CSS loader to enable CSS Modules and forget about global CSS problems. + **[Find Your Perfect React Starter Project](http://andrewhfarmer.com/starter-project/)**: A simple search engine for React boilerplates with the ability to pick the ingredients. + + **[Functional Principles In React](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uRC3hmKQnM)**: Jessica Kerr talks about four functional principles: Composition, Declarative Style, Isolation and Flow Of Data, and their usage in React. + **[Getting Started with TDD in React](https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/getting-started-with-tdd-in-react)**: Learn how to test React components using a TDD approach with minimal setup, while learning exactly what to test and how to avoid common pitfalls. + **[Getting to Grips with React (as an Angular developer)](https://daveceddia.com/to-react-from-angular/)**: In a series of posts Dave Ceddia tries to help you apply your hard-won knowledge of “Angularisms” to React. + **[How we use the Flux architecture in Delve](https://medium.com/@delveeng/how-we-use-the-flux-architecture-in-delve-effc551f8fbc)**: Øystein Hallaråker describes how Delve utilizes the Flux application architecture. + **[Immutable Data and React](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7IdS-PbEgI)**: Lee Byron talks about how persistent immutable data structures work, and techniques for using them in a React applications with Immutable.js. + **[JSX Transform](https://github.com/alexmingoia/jsx-transform)**: JSX transpiler. A standard and configurable implementation of JSX decoupled from React. + **[Model-View-Intent with React and RxJS](https://satishchilukuri.com/blog/entry/model-view-intent-with-react-and-rxjs)**: Satish Chilukuri shows an example implementation of MVI pattern with React. - + **New Node**: undefined + **[React App](https://github.com/kriasoft/react-app)**: React App is a small library powered by React, Universal Router and History that handles routing, navigation and rendering logic in isomorphic (universal) and single-page applications. + **[React Components, Elements, and Instances](https://medium.com/@dan_abramov/react-components-elements-and-instances-90800811f8ca#.9208ahtfb)**: Dan Abramov explains the Virtual DOM dictionary in React. + **[React Demystified](http://blog.reverberate.org/2014/02/react-demystified.html)**: This article is an attempt to explain the core ideas behind React.js and Virtual DOM.