diff --git a/TOTALLY-GIGANTIC-FILE.md b/TOTALLY-GIGANTIC-FILE.md index 9d71f19d..5f6d1984 100644 --- a/TOTALLY-GIGANTIC-FILE.md +++ b/TOTALLY-GIGANTIC-FILE.md @@ -154,15 +154,12 @@ High level structure of the frontend code and the discipline of creating such st + **[uRequire](https://github.com/anodynos/urequire)**: The Ultimate JavaScript Module Builder & Automagical Task Runner. + **[UMD (Universal Module Definition)](https://github.com/umdjs/umd)**: This repository formalizes the design and implementation of the Universal Module Definition (UMD) API for JavaScript modules. These are modules which are capable of working everywhere, be it in the client, on the server or elsewhere. + **[Writing Modular JavaScript With AMD, CommonJS & ES Harmony](https://addyosmani.com/writing-modular-js/)**: In this article Addy Osmani reviewes several of the options available for writing modular JavaScript using modern module formats AMD, CommonJS and ES6 Modules. - + **[Model-View-Intent (MVI)](undefined)**: MVI is a unidirectional data flow architecture pattern consisting of three parts: Intent (to listen to the user), Model (to process information), and View (to output back to the user). - + **[MVI in Cycle.js Docs](http://cycle.js.org/model-view-intent.html)**: André Staltz describes how to refactor an application into MVI pattern. - + **[Model-View-Intent with React and RxJS](https://satishchilukuri.com/blog/entry/model-view-intent-with-react-and-rxjs)**: Satish Chilukuri shows an example implementation of MVI pattern with React. - + **[Reactive MVC and the Virtual DOM](http://futurice.com/blog/reactive-mvc-and-the-virtual-dom)**: André Staltz describes the idea of Reactive Programming vs. Interactive Programming, proceeds with the MVI design pattern and compares it to React/Flux. - + **[What Developers Need to Know about MVI (Model-View-Intent)](http://thenewstack.io/developers-need-know-mvi-model-view-intent/)**: The article explains the general MVI pattern and how it relates to React, Reactive Programming and Cycle.js + **[Observable](undefined)**: An Observable is an event stream which can emit zero or more events, and may or may not finish. If it finishes, then it does so by either emitting an error or a special “complete” event. + **[Reactive Extensions (RxJS)](https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/RxJS)**: RxJS is a set of libraries for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and fluent query operators. + **[Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRYN2xt11Ek)**: Jafar Husain explains in this video how Netflix uses the Reactive Extensions (Rx) library to build responsive user experiences that strive to be event-driven, scalable and resilient. + + **[Functional Core Reactive Shell](http://www.mokacoding.com/blog/functional-core-reactive-shell/)**: Giovanni Lodi makes an overview of different architecture meta-patterns and describes his current findings about functional programming and observables as a way to control side effects. + **[Learn RX](http://reactivex.io/learnrx/)**: A series of interactive exercises for learning Microsoft's Reactive Extensions (Rx) Library for Javascript. + + **[Real World Observables](https://medium.com/@sergimansilla/real-world-observables-1f65748c8f9)**: Sergi Mansilla writes an FTP client to use it as an example for a real world application based on RxJS. + **[Rx Training Games](https://github.com/JulienMoumne/rx-training-games)**: Rx Training Games is a coding playground that can be used to learn and practice Reactive Extensions coding grid-based games + **[Rx-Book](http://xgrommx.github.io/rx-book/index.html)**: A complete book about RxJS v.4.0. + **[RxMarbles](http://rxmarbles.com/)**: A webapp for experimenting with diagrams of Rx Observables, for learning purposes. @@ -178,7 +175,6 @@ High level structure of the frontend code and the discipline of creating such st + **[Route Recognizer](https://github.com/tildeio/route-recognizer)**: A lightweight JavaScript library that matches paths against registered routes. It includes support for dynamic and star segments and nested handlers. + **[Router.js (Ember)](https://github.com/tildeio/router.js)**: Router.js is the routing microlib used by Ember.js. + **[Router5](https://github.com/router5/router5)**: A simple, powerful, modular and extensible router, organising your named routes in a tree and handling route transitions. In its simplest form, Router5 processes routing instructions and outputs state updates. - + **[The Media Object](http://www.stubbornella.org/content/2010/06/25/the-media-object-saves-hundreds-of-lines-of-code)**: Extensive description with examples of popular design pattern "media object". + **[UI Data Binding](undefined)**: Binding of UI elements to an application domain model. Most frameworks employ the Observer pattern as the underlying binding mechanism. + **[Change And Its Detection In JavaScript Frameworks](http://teropa.info/blog/2015/03/02/change-and-its-detection-in-javascript-frameworks.html)**: This article explores several approaches to manage state: Ember's data binding, Angular's dirty checking, React's virtual DOM, and its relationship to immutable data structures. + **[Easy Two-Way Data Binding in JavaScript](http://www.lucaongaro.eu/blog/2012/12/02/easy-two-way-data-binding-in-javascript/)**: Two-way data binding refers to the ability to bind changes to an object’s properties to changes in the UI, and viceversa. This article describes how to implement data binding with vanilla JavaScript. @@ -186,6 +182,15 @@ High level structure of the frontend code and the discipline of creating such st + **[Knockout.js](http://knockoutjs.com/)**: Knockout is a standalone JavaScript implementation of the Model-View-ViewModel pattern with templates. + **[Rivets.js](http://rivetsjs.com/)**: Lightweight and powerful data binding + templating solution for building modern web applications. + **[Synapse](https://github.com/bruth/synapse/)**: Hooks to support data binding between virtually any object. + + **[Unidirectional Data Flow](undefined)**: An architecture design pattern which promotes a flow of data and events in a single direction, usually creating an interactive loop. + + **[Immutable User Interfaces](https://vimeo.com/album/3953264/video/166790294)**: Lee Byron talks about unidirectional data flow architectures based on immutable data structures in contrast to traditional MVC based designs. + + **[Immutable.js](https://github.com/facebook/immutable-js/)**: Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity. + + **[Model-View-Intent (MVI)](undefined)**: MVI is a unidirectional data flow architecture pattern consisting of three parts: Intent (to listen to the user), Model (to process information), and View (to output back to the user). + + **[MVI in Cycle.js Docs](http://cycle.js.org/model-view-intent.html)**: André Staltz describes how to refactor an application into MVI pattern. + + **[Model-View-Intent with React and RxJS](https://satishchilukuri.com/blog/entry/model-view-intent-with-react-and-rxjs)**: Satish Chilukuri shows an example implementation of MVI pattern with React. + + **[Reactive MVC and the Virtual DOM](http://futurice.com/blog/reactive-mvc-and-the-virtual-dom)**: André Staltz describes the idea of Reactive Programming vs. Interactive Programming, proceeds with the MVI design pattern and compares it to React/Flux. + + **[What Developers Need to Know about MVI (Model-View-Intent)](http://thenewstack.io/developers-need-know-mvi-model-view-intent/)**: The article explains the general MVI pattern and how it relates to React, Reactive Programming and Cycle.js + + **[Unidirectional Data Flow Architectures (Talk)](https://vimeo.com/168652278)**: Andre Staltz compares modern architecture patterns including Flux, Redux, Model-View-Intent, Elm Arch and BEST. + **[Designs](undefined)**: Ready to use and well documented structures and frameworks for frontend development. + **[Atomic Design](http://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/table-of-contents/)**: Atomic Design discusses the importance of crafting robust design systems, and introduces a methodology for which to create smart, deliberate interface systems. + **[A More Seamless Workflow — Style Guides for Better Design and Development](https://medium.com/@AshConnolly/a-more-seamless-workflow-style-guides-for-better-design-and-development-639fc55be28c)**: Ash Connolly explains what styles guides are and which benefits they bring to designers and developers. @@ -285,6 +290,7 @@ High level structure of the frontend code and the discipline of creating such st + **[Folktale](http://folktalejs.org/)**: Folktale is a suite of libraries for generic functional programming in JavaScript that allows you to write elegant modular applications with fewer bugs, and more reuse. + **[Freeky](https://github.com/DrBoolean/freeky)**: Collection of free monads by Brian Lonsdorf. + **[From Callback to Future -> Functor -> Monad](https://medium.com/@yelouafi/from-callback-to-future-functor-monad-6c86d9c16cb5)**: Yassine Elouafi goes through a simple implementation of Futures and compares them to Promises. + + **[Functional Core Reactive Shell](http://www.mokacoding.com/blog/functional-core-reactive-shell/)**: Giovanni Lodi makes an overview of different architecture meta-patterns and describes his current findings about functional programming and observables as a way to control side effects. + **[Functional Frontend Architecture](https://github.com/paldepind/functional-frontend-architecture)**: This repository is meant to document and explore the implementation of what is known as "the Elm architecture". A simple functional architecture for building frontend applications. + **[Functional Javascript Workshop](https://github.com/timoxley/functional-javascript-workshop)**: The goal of this workshop is to create realistic problems that can be solved using terse, vanilla, idiomatic JavaScript. + **[Functional Programming Jargon](https://github.com/hemanth/functional-programming-jargon)**: Jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms. @@ -381,7 +387,9 @@ High level structure of the frontend code and the discipline of creating such st + **[Most](https://github.com/cujojs/most)**: Monadic reactive streams with high performance. + **[Reactive Extensions (RxJS)](https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/RxJS)**: RxJS is a set of libraries for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and fluent query operators. + **[Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRYN2xt11Ek)**: Jafar Husain explains in this video how Netflix uses the Reactive Extensions (Rx) library to build responsive user experiences that strive to be event-driven, scalable and resilient. + + **[Functional Core Reactive Shell](http://www.mokacoding.com/blog/functional-core-reactive-shell/)**: Giovanni Lodi makes an overview of different architecture meta-patterns and describes his current findings about functional programming and observables as a way to control side effects. + **[Learn RX](http://reactivex.io/learnrx/)**: A series of interactive exercises for learning Microsoft's Reactive Extensions (Rx) Library for Javascript. + + **[Real World Observables](https://medium.com/@sergimansilla/real-world-observables-1f65748c8f9)**: Sergi Mansilla writes an FTP client to use it as an example for a real world application based on RxJS. + **[Rx Training Games](https://github.com/JulienMoumne/rx-training-games)**: Rx Training Games is a coding playground that can be used to learn and practice Reactive Extensions coding grid-based games + **[Rx-Book](http://xgrommx.github.io/rx-book/index.html)**: A complete book about RxJS v.4.0. + **[RxMarbles](http://rxmarbles.com/)**: A webapp for experimenting with diagrams of Rx Observables, for learning purposes. @@ -677,6 +685,7 @@ curated by Zoran Jambor. + **[MVI in Cycle.js Docs](http://cycle.js.org/model-view-intent.html)**: André Staltz describes how to refactor an application into MVI pattern. + **[RxMarbles](http://rxmarbles.com/)**: A webapp for experimenting with diagrams of Rx Observables, for learning purposes. + **[The Introduction to Reactive Programming](https://gist.github.com/staltz/868e7e9bc2a7b8c1f754)**: André Staltz provides a complete introduction to the Reactive Programming and RxJS. + + **[Unidirectional Data Flow Architectures (Talk)](https://vimeo.com/168652278)**: Andre Staltz compares modern architecture patterns including Flux, Redux, Model-View-Intent, Elm Arch and BEST. + **[What if the User was a Function?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zj7M1LnJV4)**: In this video André Staltz talks about the input/output cycle between humans and computers and how to take advantage of this model by using FRP and event streams. + **[Why We Built Xstream](http://staltz.com/why-we-built-xstream.html)**: The authors needed a stream library tailored for Cycle.js. It needs to be “hot” only, small in kB size and it should have only a few and intuitive operators. + **[Xstream](https://github.com/staltz/xstream)**: An extremely intuitive, small, and fast functional reactive stream library for JavaScript. @@ -782,7 +791,9 @@ Sass, Syntax, Ordering, Mixins, Placeholders, Nested selectors. + **[Knockout.js](http://knockoutjs.com/)**: Knockout is a standalone JavaScript implementation of the Model-View-ViewModel pattern with templates. + **[Reactive Extensions (RxJS)](https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/RxJS)**: RxJS is a set of libraries for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and fluent query operators. + **[Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRYN2xt11Ek)**: Jafar Husain explains in this video how Netflix uses the Reactive Extensions (Rx) library to build responsive user experiences that strive to be event-driven, scalable and resilient. + + **[Functional Core Reactive Shell](http://www.mokacoding.com/blog/functional-core-reactive-shell/)**: Giovanni Lodi makes an overview of different architecture meta-patterns and describes his current findings about functional programming and observables as a way to control side effects. + **[Learn RX](http://reactivex.io/learnrx/)**: A series of interactive exercises for learning Microsoft's Reactive Extensions (Rx) Library for Javascript. + + **[Real World Observables](https://medium.com/@sergimansilla/real-world-observables-1f65748c8f9)**: Sergi Mansilla writes an FTP client to use it as an example for a real world application based on RxJS. + **[Rx Training Games](https://github.com/JulienMoumne/rx-training-games)**: Rx Training Games is a coding playground that can be used to learn and practice Reactive Extensions coding grid-based games + **[Rx-Book](http://xgrommx.github.io/rx-book/index.html)**: A complete book about RxJS v.4.0. + **[RxMarbles](http://rxmarbles.com/)**: A webapp for experimenting with diagrams of Rx Observables, for learning purposes. diff --git a/architecture/design-patterns.md b/architecture/design-patterns.md index 18a2ebc7..26a1296b 100644 --- a/architecture/design-patterns.md +++ b/architecture/design-patterns.md @@ -63,15 +63,12 @@ Best practices that the programmer can use to solve common problems when designi + **[uRequire](https://github.com/anodynos/urequire)**: The Ultimate JavaScript Module Builder & Automagical Task Runner. + **[UMD (Universal Module Definition)](https://github.com/umdjs/umd)**: This repository formalizes the design and implementation of the Universal Module Definition (UMD) API for JavaScript modules. These are modules which are capable of working everywhere, be it in the client, on the server or elsewhere. + **[Writing Modular JavaScript With AMD, CommonJS & ES Harmony](https://addyosmani.com/writing-modular-js/)**: In this article Addy Osmani reviewes several of the options available for writing modular JavaScript using modern module formats AMD, CommonJS and ES6 Modules. -+ **Model-View-Intent (MVI)**: MVI is a unidirectional data flow architecture pattern consisting of three parts: Intent (to listen to the user), Model (to process information), and View (to output back to the user). - + **[MVI in Cycle.js Docs](http://cycle.js.org/model-view-intent.html)**: André Staltz describes how to refactor an application into MVI pattern. - + **[Model-View-Intent with React and RxJS](https://satishchilukuri.com/blog/entry/model-view-intent-with-react-and-rxjs)**: Satish Chilukuri shows an example implementation of MVI pattern with React. - + **[Reactive MVC and the Virtual DOM](http://futurice.com/blog/reactive-mvc-and-the-virtual-dom)**: André Staltz describes the idea of Reactive Programming vs. Interactive Programming, proceeds with the MVI design pattern and compares it to React/Flux. - + **[What Developers Need to Know about MVI (Model-View-Intent)](http://thenewstack.io/developers-need-know-mvi-model-view-intent/)**: The article explains the general MVI pattern and how it relates to React, Reactive Programming and Cycle.js + **Observable**: An Observable is an event stream which can emit zero or more events, and may or may not finish. If it finishes, then it does so by either emitting an error or a special “complete” event. + **[Reactive Extensions (RxJS)](https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/RxJS)**: RxJS is a set of libraries for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and fluent query operators. + **[Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRYN2xt11Ek)**: Jafar Husain explains in this video how Netflix uses the Reactive Extensions (Rx) library to build responsive user experiences that strive to be event-driven, scalable and resilient. + + **[Functional Core Reactive Shell](http://www.mokacoding.com/blog/functional-core-reactive-shell/)**: Giovanni Lodi makes an overview of different architecture meta-patterns and describes his current findings about functional programming and observables as a way to control side effects. + **[Learn RX](http://reactivex.io/learnrx/)**: A series of interactive exercises for learning Microsoft's Reactive Extensions (Rx) Library for Javascript. + + **[Real World Observables](https://medium.com/@sergimansilla/real-world-observables-1f65748c8f9)**: Sergi Mansilla writes an FTP client to use it as an example for a real world application based on RxJS. + **[Rx Training Games](https://github.com/JulienMoumne/rx-training-games)**: Rx Training Games is a coding playground that can be used to learn and practice Reactive Extensions coding grid-based games + **[Rx-Book](http://xgrommx.github.io/rx-book/index.html)**: A complete book about RxJS v.4.0. + **[RxMarbles](http://rxmarbles.com/)**: A webapp for experimenting with diagrams of Rx Observables, for learning purposes. @@ -87,7 +84,6 @@ Best practices that the programmer can use to solve common problems when designi + **[Route Recognizer](https://github.com/tildeio/route-recognizer)**: A lightweight JavaScript library that matches paths against registered routes. It includes support for dynamic and star segments and nested handlers. + **[Router.js (Ember)](https://github.com/tildeio/router.js)**: Router.js is the routing microlib used by Ember.js. + **[Router5](https://github.com/router5/router5)**: A simple, powerful, modular and extensible router, organising your named routes in a tree and handling route transitions. In its simplest form, Router5 processes routing instructions and outputs state updates. -+ **[The Media Object](http://www.stubbornella.org/content/2010/06/25/the-media-object-saves-hundreds-of-lines-of-code)**: Extensive description with examples of popular design pattern "media object". + **UI Data Binding**: Binding of UI elements to an application domain model. Most frameworks employ the Observer pattern as the underlying binding mechanism. + **[Change And Its Detection In JavaScript Frameworks](http://teropa.info/blog/2015/03/02/change-and-its-detection-in-javascript-frameworks.html)**: This article explores several approaches to manage state: Ember's data binding, Angular's dirty checking, React's virtual DOM, and its relationship to immutable data structures. + **[Easy Two-Way Data Binding in JavaScript](http://www.lucaongaro.eu/blog/2012/12/02/easy-two-way-data-binding-in-javascript/)**: Two-way data binding refers to the ability to bind changes to an object’s properties to changes in the UI, and viceversa. This article describes how to implement data binding with vanilla JavaScript. @@ -95,6 +91,15 @@ Best practices that the programmer can use to solve common problems when designi + **[Knockout.js](http://knockoutjs.com/)**: Knockout is a standalone JavaScript implementation of the Model-View-ViewModel pattern with templates. + **[Rivets.js](http://rivetsjs.com/)**: Lightweight and powerful data binding + templating solution for building modern web applications. + **[Synapse](https://github.com/bruth/synapse/)**: Hooks to support data binding between virtually any object. ++ **Unidirectional Data Flow**: An architecture design pattern which promotes a flow of data and events in a single direction, usually creating an interactive loop. + + **[Immutable User Interfaces](https://vimeo.com/album/3953264/video/166790294)**: Lee Byron talks about unidirectional data flow architectures based on immutable data structures in contrast to traditional MVC based designs. + + **[Immutable.js](https://github.com/facebook/immutable-js/)**: Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity. + + **Model-View-Intent (MVI)**: MVI is a unidirectional data flow architecture pattern consisting of three parts: Intent (to listen to the user), Model (to process information), and View (to output back to the user). + + **[MVI in Cycle.js Docs](http://cycle.js.org/model-view-intent.html)**: André Staltz describes how to refactor an application into MVI pattern. + + **[Model-View-Intent with React and RxJS](https://satishchilukuri.com/blog/entry/model-view-intent-with-react-and-rxjs)**: Satish Chilukuri shows an example implementation of MVI pattern with React. + + **[Reactive MVC and the Virtual DOM](http://futurice.com/blog/reactive-mvc-and-the-virtual-dom)**: André Staltz describes the idea of Reactive Programming vs. Interactive Programming, proceeds with the MVI design pattern and compares it to React/Flux. + + **[What Developers Need to Know about MVI (Model-View-Intent)](http://thenewstack.io/developers-need-know-mvi-model-view-intent/)**: The article explains the general MVI pattern and how it relates to React, Reactive Programming and Cycle.js + + **[Unidirectional Data Flow Architectures (Talk)](https://vimeo.com/168652278)**: Andre Staltz compares modern architecture patterns including Flux, Redux, Model-View-Intent, Elm Arch and BEST. ------------------ diff --git a/architecture/functional-programming.md b/architecture/functional-programming.md index 6dfcf174..b7244c3a 100644 --- a/architecture/functional-programming.md +++ b/architecture/functional-programming.md @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Functional programming is a programming paradigm, that treats computation as the + **[Folktale](http://folktalejs.org/)**: Folktale is a suite of libraries for generic functional programming in JavaScript that allows you to write elegant modular applications with fewer bugs, and more reuse. + **[Freeky](https://github.com/DrBoolean/freeky)**: Collection of free monads by Brian Lonsdorf. + **[From Callback to Future -> Functor -> Monad](https://medium.com/@yelouafi/from-callback-to-future-functor-monad-6c86d9c16cb5)**: Yassine Elouafi goes through a simple implementation of Futures and compares them to Promises. ++ **[Functional Core Reactive Shell](http://www.mokacoding.com/blog/functional-core-reactive-shell/)**: Giovanni Lodi makes an overview of different architecture meta-patterns and describes his current findings about functional programming and observables as a way to control side effects. + **[Functional Frontend Architecture](https://github.com/paldepind/functional-frontend-architecture)**: This repository is meant to document and explore the implementation of what is known as "the Elm architecture". A simple functional architecture for building frontend applications. + **[Functional Javascript Workshop](https://github.com/timoxley/functional-javascript-workshop)**: The goal of this workshop is to create realistic problems that can be solved using terse, vanilla, idiomatic JavaScript. + **[Functional Programming Jargon](https://github.com/hemanth/functional-programming-jargon)**: Jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms. diff --git a/architecture/functional-reactive-programming-frp.md b/architecture/functional-reactive-programming-frp.md index e6bb4d31..b080d534 100644 --- a/architecture/functional-reactive-programming-frp.md +++ b/architecture/functional-reactive-programming-frp.md @@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ FRP is a programming paradigm for asynchronous dataflow programming using the bu + **[Most](https://github.com/cujojs/most)**: Monadic reactive streams with high performance. + **[Reactive Extensions (RxJS)](https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/RxJS)**: RxJS is a set of libraries for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and fluent query operators. + **[Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRYN2xt11Ek)**: Jafar Husain explains in this video how Netflix uses the Reactive Extensions (Rx) library to build responsive user experiences that strive to be event-driven, scalable and resilient. + + **[Functional Core Reactive Shell](http://www.mokacoding.com/blog/functional-core-reactive-shell/)**: Giovanni Lodi makes an overview of different architecture meta-patterns and describes his current findings about functional programming and observables as a way to control side effects. + **[Learn RX](http://reactivex.io/learnrx/)**: A series of interactive exercises for learning Microsoft's Reactive Extensions (Rx) Library for Javascript. + + **[Real World Observables](https://medium.com/@sergimansilla/real-world-observables-1f65748c8f9)**: Sergi Mansilla writes an FTP client to use it as an example for a real world application based on RxJS. + **[Rx Training Games](https://github.com/JulienMoumne/rx-training-games)**: Rx Training Games is a coding playground that can be used to learn and practice Reactive Extensions coding grid-based games + **[Rx-Book](http://xgrommx.github.io/rx-book/index.html)**: A complete book about RxJS v.4.0. + **[RxMarbles](http://rxmarbles.com/)**: A webapp for experimenting with diagrams of Rx Observables, for learning purposes. diff --git a/ecosystem/notable-community-members.md b/ecosystem/notable-community-members.md index efc53503..4ef8f619 100644 --- a/ecosystem/notable-community-members.md +++ b/ecosystem/notable-community-members.md @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Important engineers, evangelists, architects and other celebrities. + **[MVI in Cycle.js Docs](http://cycle.js.org/model-view-intent.html)**: André Staltz describes how to refactor an application into MVI pattern. + **[RxMarbles](http://rxmarbles.com/)**: A webapp for experimenting with diagrams of Rx Observables, for learning purposes. + **[The Introduction to Reactive Programming](https://gist.github.com/staltz/868e7e9bc2a7b8c1f754)**: André Staltz provides a complete introduction to the Reactive Programming and RxJS. + + **[Unidirectional Data Flow Architectures (Talk)](https://vimeo.com/168652278)**: Andre Staltz compares modern architecture patterns including Flux, Redux, Model-View-Intent, Elm Arch and BEST. + **[What if the User was a Function?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zj7M1LnJV4)**: In this video André Staltz talks about the input/output cycle between humans and computers and how to take advantage of this model by using FRP and event streams. + **[Why We Built Xstream](http://staltz.com/why-we-built-xstream.html)**: The authors needed a stream library tailored for Cycle.js. It needs to be “hot” only, small in kB size and it should have only a few and intuitive operators. + **[Xstream](https://github.com/staltz/xstream)**: An extremely intuitive, small, and fast functional reactive stream library for JavaScript. diff --git a/ecosystem/organizations.md b/ecosystem/organizations.md index 2a88d829..2b2f6d18 100644 --- a/ecosystem/organizations.md +++ b/ecosystem/organizations.md @@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ Sass, Syntax, Ordering, Mixins, Placeholders, Nested selectors. + **[Knockout.js](http://knockoutjs.com/)**: Knockout is a standalone JavaScript implementation of the Model-View-ViewModel pattern with templates. + **[Reactive Extensions (RxJS)](https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/RxJS)**: RxJS is a set of libraries for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and fluent query operators. + **[Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRYN2xt11Ek)**: Jafar Husain explains in this video how Netflix uses the Reactive Extensions (Rx) library to build responsive user experiences that strive to be event-driven, scalable and resilient. + + **[Functional Core Reactive Shell](http://www.mokacoding.com/blog/functional-core-reactive-shell/)**: Giovanni Lodi makes an overview of different architecture meta-patterns and describes his current findings about functional programming and observables as a way to control side effects. + **[Learn RX](http://reactivex.io/learnrx/)**: A series of interactive exercises for learning Microsoft's Reactive Extensions (Rx) Library for Javascript. + + **[Real World Observables](https://medium.com/@sergimansilla/real-world-observables-1f65748c8f9)**: Sergi Mansilla writes an FTP client to use it as an example for a real world application based on RxJS. + **[Rx Training Games](https://github.com/JulienMoumne/rx-training-games)**: Rx Training Games is a coding playground that can be used to learn and practice Reactive Extensions coding grid-based games + **[Rx-Book](http://xgrommx.github.io/rx-book/index.html)**: A complete book about RxJS v.4.0. + **[RxMarbles](http://rxmarbles.com/)**: A webapp for experimenting with diagrams of Rx Observables, for learning purposes.