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Module: net

IoT.js provides asynchronous networking through Net module.

You can use this module with require('net') and create both servers and clients.


net.createServer([options][, connectionListener])

  • options: Object
  • connectionListener: Function(connection: net.Socket)

Creates a TCP server according to options.

connectionListener is automatically registered as connection event listener.

net.connect(options[, connectListener])

net.connect(port[, host][, connectListener])

net.createConnection(options[, connectnListener])

net.createConnnection(port[, host][, connectListener])

  • options: Object
  • port: Number
  • host: String, Default: localhost
  • connectListner: Function()

Creates a net.Socket and connects to the supplied host.

It is equivalent to new net.Socket() followed by socket.connect().

class: net.Server

You can create net.Server instance with net.createServer().

Instance Methods

server.listen(port[, host][, backlog][, listenListener])

server.listen(options[, listenListener])

  • port: Number
  • host: String
  • backlog: Number
  • listenListener: Function()

Starts listening and accepting connections on specified port and host.


  • closeListener: Function()

Stops listening new arriving connection.

Server socket will finally close when all existing connections are closed, then emit 'close' event.

closeListener is registered as close event listener.



Emitted when server has been started listening.


  • socket: net.Socket

Emitted when new connection is established.


Emitted when server closed.

Note that this event will be emitted after all existing connections are closed.


Emitted when an error occurs.

class: net.Socket


new net.Socket([options])

  • options: Object

Creates a new socket object.

options is an object specifying following information:

  • allowHalfOpen: Boolean

Instance Methods

socket.connect(options[, connectListener])

socket.connect(port[, host][, connectListener])

  • options: Object
  • port: Number
  • 'host: String, Default: 'localhost'`

Opens the connection with supplied port and host.

options is an object specifying following information:

  • port: Number - port connect to (required)
  • host: String - host connect to (optional, default: '')

connectionListner is automatically registered as connect event listener which will be emitted when the connection is established.

socket.write(data[, callback])

  • data: String | Buffer
  • callback: Funciton()

Sends data on the socket.

callback function will be called after given data is flushed through the connection.

socket.end([data][, callback])

  • data: String | Buffer
  • callback: Funciton()

Half-closes the socket.

If data is given it is equivalent to socket.write(data) followed by socket.end().

  • data: String | Buffer


Destroys the socket.


Pauses reading data.


Resumes reading data after a call to pause().

socket.setTimeout(timeout[, callback])

  • timeout: Number
  • callback: Function()

Sets timeout for the socket.

If the socket is inactive for timeout milliseconds, 'timeout' event will emit.

callback is registered as timeout event listener.

socket.setKeepAlive([enable][, initialDelay])

  • enable: Boolean
  • initilalDelay: Number, Default: 0

Enables or disables keep-alive functionality.


'lookup(err, address, family)'

  • err: Error | Null
  • address: String
  • family: String | Null

Emitted after resolving hostname.


Emitted after connection is established.


  • data: Buffer | String

Emitted when data is received from the connection.


Emitted when the write buffer becomes empty.


Emitted when FIN packet received.


Emitted when the connection remains idle for specified timeout.


Emitted when the socket closed.


Emitted when an error occurs.