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+Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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+Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
+International Public License
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+these terms and conditions.
+Section 1 -- Definitions.
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+ Rights that is derived from or based upon the Licensed Material
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+Section 2 -- Scope.
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+ its terms and conditions.
+ 3. Term. The term of this Public License is specified in Section
+ 6(a).
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+ technical modifications necessary to circumvent Effective
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+ simply making modifications authorized by this Section 2(a)
+ (4) never produces Adapted Material.
+ 5. Downstream recipients.
+ a. Offer from the Licensor -- Licensed Material. Every
+ recipient of the Licensed Material automatically
+ receives an offer from the Licensor to exercise the
+ Licensed Rights under the terms and conditions of this
+ Public License.
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+ provided in Section 3(a)(1)(A)(i).
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+Section 3 -- License Conditions.
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+following conditions.
+ a. Attribution.
+ 1. If You Share the Licensed Material, You must:
+ a. retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor
+ with the Licensed Material:
+ i. identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed
+ Material and any others designated to receive
+ attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by
+ the Licensor (including by pseudonym if
+ designated);
+ ii. a copyright notice;
+ iii. a notice that refers to this Public License;
+ iv. a notice that refers to the disclaimer of
+ warranties;
+ v. a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the
+ extent reasonably practicable;
+ b. indicate if You modified the Licensed Material and
+ retain an indication of any previous modifications; and
+ c. indicate the Licensed Material is licensed under this
+ Public License, and include the text of, or the URI or
+ hyperlink to, this Public License.
+ For the avoidance of doubt, You do not have permission under
+ this Public License to Share Adapted Material.
+ 2. You may satisfy the conditions in Section 3(a)(1) in any
+ reasonable manner based on the medium, means, and context in
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+ reasonable to satisfy the conditions by providing a URI or
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+ 3. If requested by the Licensor, You must remove any of the
+ information required by Section 3(a)(1)(A) to the extent
+ reasonably practicable.
+Section 4 -- Sui Generis Database Rights.
+Where the Licensed Rights include Sui Generis Database Rights that
+apply to Your use of the Licensed Material:
+ a. for the avoidance of doubt, Section 2(a)(1) grants You the right
+ to extract, reuse, reproduce, and Share all or a substantial
+ portion of the contents of the database for NonCommercial purposes
+ only and provided You do not Share Adapted Material;
+ b. if You include all or a substantial portion of the database
+ contents in a database in which You have Sui Generis Database
+ Rights, then the database in which You have Sui Generis Database
+ Rights (but not its individual contents) is Adapted Material; and
+ c. You must comply with the conditions in Section 3(a) if You Share
+ all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database.
+For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 4 supplements and does not
+replace Your obligations under this Public License where the Licensed
+Rights include other Copyright and Similar Rights.
+Section 5 -- Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.
+ c. The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided
+ above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent
+ possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and
+ waiver of all liability.
+Section 6 -- Term and Termination.
+ a. This Public License applies for the term of the Copyright and
+ Similar Rights licensed here. However, if You fail to comply with
+ this Public License, then Your rights under this Public License
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+ b. Where Your right to use the Licensed Material has terminated under
+ Section 6(a), it reinstates:
+ 1. automatically as of the date the violation is cured, provided
+ it is cured within 30 days of Your discovery of the
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+ 2. upon express reinstatement by the Licensor.
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diff --git a/Licenses/CERN-OHL-W.txt b/Licenses/CERN-OHL-W.txt
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+CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal
+CERN has developed this licence to promote collaboration among
+hardware designers and to provide a legal tool which supports the
+freedom to use, study, modify, share and distribute hardware designs
+and products based on those designs. Version 2 of the CERN Open
+Hardware Licence comes in three variants: CERN-OHL-P (permissive); and
+two reciprocal licences: this licence, CERN-OHL-W (weakly reciprocal)
+and CERN-OHL-S (strongly reciprocal).
+The CERN-OHL-W is copyright CERN 2020. Anyone is welcome to use it, in
+unmodified form only.
+Use of this Licence does not imply any endorsement by CERN of any
+Licensor or their designs nor does it imply any involvement by CERN in
+their development.
+1 Definitions
+ 1.1 'Licence' means this CERN-OHL-W.
+ 1.2 'Compatible Licence' means
+ a) any earlier version of the CERN Open Hardware licence, or
+ b) any version of the CERN-OHL-S or the CERN-OHL-W, or
+ c) any licence which permits You to treat the Source to which
+ it applies as licensed under CERN-OHL-S or CERN-OHL-W
+ provided that on Conveyance of any such Source, or any
+ associated Product You treat the Source in question as being
+ licensed under CERN-OHL-S or CERN-OHL-W as appropriate.
+ 1.3 'Source' means information such as design materials or digital
+ code which can be applied to Make or test a Product or to
+ prepare a Product for use, Conveyance or sale, regardless of its
+ medium or how it is expressed. It may include Notices.
+ 1.4 'Covered Source' means Source that is explicitly made available
+ under this Licence.
+ 1.5 'Product' means any device, component, work or physical object,
+ whether in finished or intermediate form, arising from the use,
+ application or processing of Covered Source.
+ 1.6 'Make' means to create or configure something, whether by
+ manufacture, assembly, compiling, loading or applying Covered
+ Source or another Product or otherwise.
+ 1.7 'Available Component' means any part, sub-assembly, library or
+ code which:
+ a) is licensed to You as Complete Source under a Compatible
+ Licence; or
+ b) is available, at the time a Product or the Source containing
+ it is first Conveyed, to You and any other prospective
+ licensees
+ i) with sufficient rights and information (including any
+ configuration and programming files and information
+ about its characteristics and interfaces) to enable it
+ either to be Made itself, or to be sourced and used to
+ Make the Product; or
+ ii) as part of the normal distribution of a tool used to
+ design or Make the Product.
+ 1.8 'External Material' means anything (including Source) which:
+ a) is only combined with Covered Source in such a way that it
+ interfaces with the Covered Source using a documented
+ interface which is described in the Covered Source; and
+ b) is not a derivative of or contains Covered Source, or, if it
+ is, it is solely to the extent necessary to facilitate such
+ interfacing.
+ 1.9 'Complete Source' means the set of all Source necessary to Make
+ a Product, in the preferred form for making modifications,
+ including necessary installation and interfacing information
+ both for the Product, and for any included Available Components.
+ If the format is proprietary, it must also be made available in
+ a format (if the proprietary tool can create it) which is
+ viewable with a tool available to potential licensees and
+ licensed under a licence approved by the Free Software
+ Foundation or the Open Source Initiative. Complete Source need
+ not include the Source of any Available Component, provided that
+ You include in the Complete Source sufficient information to
+ enable a recipient to Make or source and use the Available
+ Component to Make the Product.
+ 1.10 'Source Location' means a location where a Licensor has placed
+ Covered Source, and which that Licensor reasonably believes will
+ remain easily accessible for at least three years for anyone to
+ obtain a digital copy.
+ 1.11 'Notice' means copyright, acknowledgement and trademark notices,
+ Source Location references, modification notices (subsection
+ 3.3(b)) and all notices that refer to this Licence and to the
+ disclaimer of warranties that are included in the Covered
+ Source.
+ 1.12 'Licensee' or 'You' means any person exercising rights under
+ this Licence.
+ 1.13 'Licensor' means a natural or legal person who creates or
+ modifies Covered Source. A person may be a Licensee and a
+ Licensor at the same time.
+ 1.14 'Convey' means to communicate to the public or distribute.
+2 Applicability
+ 2.1 This Licence governs the use, copying, modification, Conveying
+ of Covered Source and Products, and the Making of Products. By
+ exercising any right granted under this Licence, You irrevocably
+ accept these terms and conditions.
+ 2.2 This Licence is granted by the Licensor directly to You, and
+ shall apply worldwide and without limitation in time.
+ 2.3 You shall not attempt to restrict by contract or otherwise the
+ rights granted under this Licence to other Licensees.
+ 2.4 This Licence is not intended to restrict fair use, fair dealing,
+ or any other similar right.
+3 Copying, Modifying and Conveying Covered Source
+ 3.1 You may copy and Convey verbatim copies of Covered Source, in
+ any medium, provided You retain all Notices.
+ 3.2 You may modify Covered Source, other than Notices, provided that
+ You irrevocably undertake to make that modified Covered Source
+ available from a Source Location should You Convey a Product in
+ circumstances where the recipient does not otherwise receive a
+ copy of the modified Covered Source. In each case subsection 3.3
+ shall apply.
+ You may only delete Notices if they are no longer applicable to
+ the corresponding Covered Source as modified by You and You may
+ add additional Notices applicable to Your modifications.
+ 3.3 You may Convey modified Covered Source (with the effect that You
+ shall also become a Licensor) provided that You:
+ a) retain Notices as required in subsection 3.2;
+ b) add a Notice to the modified Covered Source stating that You
+ have modified it, with the date and brief description of how
+ You have modified it;
+ c) add a Source Location Notice for the modified Covered Source
+ if You Convey in circumstances where the recipient does not
+ otherwise receive a copy of the modified Covered Source; and
+ d) license the modified Covered Source under the terms and
+ conditions of this Licence (or, as set out in subsection
+ 8.3, a later version, if permitted by the licence of the
+ original Covered Source). Such modified Covered Source must
+ be licensed as a whole, but excluding Available Components
+ contained in it or External Material to which it is
+ interfaced, which remain licensed under their own applicable
+ licences.
+4 Making and Conveying Products
+ 4.1 You may Make Products, and/or Convey them, provided that You
+ either provide each recipient with a copy of the Complete Source
+ or ensure that each recipient is notified of the Source Location
+ of the Complete Source. That Complete Source includes Covered
+ Source and You must accordingly satisfy Your obligations set out
+ in subsection 3.3. If specified in a Notice, the Product must
+ visibly and securely display the Source Location on it or its
+ packaging or documentation in the manner specified in that
+ Notice.
+ 4.2 Where You Convey a Product which incorporates External Material,
+ the Complete Source for that Product which You are required to
+ provide under subsection 4.1 need not include any Source for the
+ External Material.
+ 4.3 You may license Products under terms of Your choice, provided
+ that such terms do not restrict or attempt to restrict any
+ recipients' rights under this Licence to the Covered Source.
+5 Research and Development
+You may Convey Covered Source, modified Covered Source or Products to
+a legal entity carrying out development, testing or quality assurance
+work on Your behalf provided that the work is performed on terms which
+prevent the entity from both using the Source or Products for its own
+internal purposes and Conveying the Source or Products or any
+modifications to them to any person other than You. Any modifications
+made by the entity shall be deemed to be made by You pursuant to
+subsection 3.2.
+ 6.1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY -- The Covered Source and any Products
+ are provided 'as is' and any express or implied warranties,
+ including, but not limited to, implied warranties of
+ merchantability, of satisfactory quality, non-infringement of
+ third party rights, and fitness for a particular purpose or use
+ are disclaimed in respect of any Source or Product to the
+ maximum extent permitted by law. The Licensor makes no
+ representation that any Source or Product does not or will not
+ infringe any patent, copyright, trade secret or other
+ proprietary right. The entire risk as to the use, quality, and
+ performance of any Source or Product shall be with You and not
+ the Licensor. This disclaimer of warranty is an essential part
+ of this Licence and a condition for the grant of any rights
+ granted under this Licence.
+ the maximum extent permitted by law, have no liability for
+ direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary,
+ punitive or other damages of any character including, without
+ limitation, procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of
+ use, data or profits, or business interruption, however caused
+ and on any theory of contract, warranty, tort (including
+ negligence), product liability or otherwise, arising in any way
+ in relation to the Covered Source, modified Covered Source
+ and/or the Making or Conveyance of a Product, even if advised of
+ the possibility of such damages, and You shall hold the
+ Licensor(s) free and harmless from any liability, costs,
+ damages, fees and expenses, including claims by third parties,
+ in relation to such use.
+7 Patents
+ 7.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Licence, each
+ Licensor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide,
+ non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as
+ stated in subsections 7.2 and 8.4) patent licence to Make, have
+ Made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer
+ the Covered Source and Products, where such licence applies only
+ to those patent claims licensable by such Licensor that are
+ necessarily infringed by exercising rights under the Covered
+ Source as Conveyed by that Licensor.
+ 7.2 If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including
+ a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the
+ Covered Source or a Product constitutes direct or contributory
+ patent infringement, or You seek any declaration that a patent
+ licensed to You under this Licence is invalid or unenforceable
+ then any rights granted to You under this Licence shall
+ terminate as of the date such process is initiated.
+8 General
+ 8.1 If any provisions of this Licence are or subsequently become
+ invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining
+ provisions shall remain effective.
+ 8.2 You shall not use any of the name (including acronyms and
+ abbreviations), image, or logo by which the Licensor or CERN is
+ known, except where needed to comply with section 3, or where
+ the use is otherwise allowed by law. Any such permitted use
+ shall be factual and shall not be made so as to suggest any kind
+ of endorsement or implication of involvement by the Licensor or
+ its personnel.
+ 8.3 CERN may publish updated versions and variants of this Licence
+ which it considers to be in the spirit of this version, but may
+ differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. New
+ versions will be published with a unique version number and a
+ variant identifier specifying the variant. If the Licensor has
+ specified that a given variant applies to the Covered Source
+ without specifying a version, You may treat that Covered Source
+ as being released under any version of the CERN-OHL with that
+ variant. If no variant is specified, the Covered Source shall be
+ treated as being released under CERN-OHL-S. The Licensor may
+ also specify that the Covered Source is subject to a specific
+ version of the CERN-OHL or any later version in which case You
+ may apply this or any later version of CERN-OHL with the same
+ variant identifier published by CERN.
+ You may treat Covered Source licensed under CERN-OHL-W as
+ licensed under CERN-OHL-S if and only if all Available
+ Components referenced in the Covered Source comply with the
+ corresponding definition of Available Component for CERN-OHL-S.
+ 8.4 This Licence shall terminate with immediate effect if You fail
+ to comply with any of its terms and conditions.
+ 8.5 However, if You cease all breaches of this Licence, then Your
+ Licence from any Licensor is reinstated unless such Licensor has
+ terminated this Licence by giving You, while You remain in
+ breach, a notice specifying the breach and requiring You to cure
+ it within 30 days, and You have failed to come into compliance
+ in all material respects by the end of the 30 day period. Should
+ You repeat the breach after receipt of a cure notice and
+ subsequent reinstatement, this Licence will terminate
+ immediately and permanently. Section 6 shall continue to apply
+ after any termination.
+ 8.6 This Licence shall not be enforceable except by a Licensor
+ acting as such, and third party beneficiary rights are
+ specifically excluded.
diff --git a/bottles/bepis/bepis.kicad_pcb b/bottles/bepis/bepis.kicad_pcb
index 6ec7b27..c10cc68 100644
--- a/bottles/bepis/bepis.kicad_pcb
+++ b/bottles/bepis/bepis.kicad_pcb
@@ -1,5993 +1,5436 @@
-(kicad_pcb (version 20221018) (generator pcbnew)
- (general
- (thickness 1.6)
- )
- (paper "A4")
- (layers
- (0 "F.Cu" signal)
- (31 "B.Cu" signal)
- (32 "B.Adhes" user "B.Adhesive")
- (33 "F.Adhes" user "F.Adhesive")
- (34 "B.Paste" user)
- (35 "F.Paste" user)
- (36 "B.SilkS" user "B.Silkscreen")
- (37 "F.SilkS" user "F.Silkscreen")
- (38 "B.Mask" user)
- (39 "F.Mask" user)
- (40 "Dwgs.User" user "User.Drawings")
- (41 "Cmts.User" user "User.Comments")
- (42 "Eco1.User" user "User.Eco1")
- (43 "Eco2.User" user "User.Eco2")
- (44 "Edge.Cuts" user)
- (45 "Margin" user)
- (46 "B.CrtYd" user "B.Courtyard")
- (47 "F.CrtYd" user "F.Courtyard")
- (48 "B.Fab" user)
- (49 "F.Fab" user)
- (50 "User.1" user)
- (51 "User.2" user)
- (52 "User.3" user)
- (53 "User.4" user)
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- (xy 148.73081 63.044883)
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- (xy 148.62491 63.089909)
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- (xy 148.60877 63.085777)
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- (xy 148.593547 63.078558)
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- (xy 148.121734 63.105962)
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- (xy 148.110922 63.118752)
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- (xy 148.016379 63.172986)
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- (xy 148.24245 63.386239)
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- (xy 148.234245 63.427145)
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+ (xy 145.949474 68.360935) (xy 147.803502 68.360935) (xy 147.926454 68.580736) (xy 148.054375 68.797651)
+ (xy 148.18425 69.002194) (xy 148.248977 69.096863) (xy 148.31306 69.184881) (xy 148.376124 69.265065)
+ (xy 148.43779 69.336228) (xy 148.497682 69.397184) (xy 148.555423 69.446749) (xy 148.610635 69.483736)
+ (xy 148.637175 69.497142) (xy 148.662941 69.50696) (xy 148.687887 69.51304) (xy 148.711965 69.515235)
+ (xy 148.735128 69.513396) (xy 148.757329 69.507375) (xy 148.751767 69.507375) (xy 148.459312 69.051647)
+ (xy 148.317273 68.838932) (xy 148.183177 68.650786) (xy 148.120316 68.569318) (xy 148.060889 68.498062)
+ (xy 148.00538 68.438374) (xy 147.954271 68.391611) (xy 147.908046 68.359129) (xy 147.886916 68.348667)
+ (xy 147.867188 68.342284) (xy 147.848922 68.34015) (xy 147.832178 68.342434) (xy 147.817018 68.349306)
+ (xy 147.803502 68.360935) (xy 145.949474 68.360935) (xy 145.949382 68.303473) (xy 148.166831 68.303473)
+ (xy 148.167161 68.309511) (xy 148.168035 68.31555) (xy 148.169417 68.321587) (xy 148.171268 68.327617)
+ (xy 148.173552 68.333635) (xy 148.176232 68.339635) (xy 148.17927 68.345614) (xy 148.182628 68.351566)
+ (xy 148.190159 68.363372) (xy 148.198525 68.375016) (xy 148.207428 68.386459) (xy 148.225652 68.40859)
+ (xy 148.234377 68.419202) (xy 148.242444 68.429461) (xy 148.340888 68.555726) (xy 148.437558 68.683326)
+ (xy 148.53244 68.812242) (xy 148.625522 68.942455) (xy 148.71679 69.073945) (xy 148.806231 69.206695)
+ (xy 148.89383 69.340684) (xy 148.978264 69.473824) (xy 148.980569 69.472702) (xy 148.988298 69.469401)
+ (xy 149.006634 69.462521) (xy 149.027705 69.45538) (xy 149.050187 69.448109) (xy 149.072755 69.440838)
+ (xy 149.094085 69.433697) (xy 149.112855 69.426817) (xy 149.120866 69.423516) (xy 149.12774 69.420328)
+ (xy 148.386907 68.309077) (xy 148.378702 68.2973) (xy 148.37006 68.285706) (xy 148.360979 68.274474)
+ (xy 148.351456 68.263788) (xy 148.341488 68.25383) (xy 148.336336 68.24918) (xy 148.331072 68.244779)
+ (xy 148.325695 68.240652) (xy 148.320206 68.23682) (xy 148.314603 68.233306) (xy 148.308887 68.230133)
+ (xy 148.303057 68.227323) (xy 148.297112 68.2249) (xy 148.291053 68.222885) (xy 148.284879 68.221303)
+ (xy 148.278589 68.220174) (xy 148.272184 68.219523) (xy 148.265663 68.219372) (xy 148.259026 68.219743)
+ (xy 148.252272 68.22066) (xy 148.245401 68.222144) (xy 148.238412 68.22422) (xy 148.231306 68.226909)
+ (xy 148.224082 68.230234) (xy 148.21674 68.234218) (xy 148.209278 68.238883) (xy 148.201698 68.244253)
+ (xy 148.19453 68.250009) (xy 148.188279 68.255815) (xy 148.182908 68.261665) (xy 148.178381 68.267555)
+ (xy 148.174659 68.273481) (xy 148.171706 68.279437) (xy 148.169484 68.285419) (xy 148.167955 68.291422)
+ (xy 148.167084 68.297442) (xy 148.166831 68.303473) (xy 145.949382 68.303473) (xy 145.949072 68.110807)
+ (xy 146.424088 68.110807) (xy 146.424789 68.127171) (xy 146.426654 68.1435) (xy 146.429692 68.159731)
+ (xy 146.433912 68.175802) (xy 146.43932 68.191649) (xy 146.445927 68.207209) (xy 146.4519 68.216972)
+ (xy 146.458009 68.225795) (xy 146.464248 68.233718) (xy 146.470612 68.240778) (xy 146.477095 68.247014)
+ (xy 146.483692 68.252462) (xy 146.490397 68.257162) (xy 146.497206 68.261151) (xy 146.504113 68.264467)
+ (xy 146.511111 68.267149) (xy 146.518197 68.269233) (xy 146.525364 68.270759) (xy 146.532606 68.271763)
+ (xy 146.53992 68.272285) (xy 146.547298 68.272362) (xy 146.554736 68.272032) (xy 146.562229 68.271333)
+ (xy 146.56977 68.270303) (xy 146.584978 68.267402) (xy 146.600315 68.263633) (xy 146.61574 68.259299)
+ (xy 146.646675 68.250155) (xy 146.6621 68.245952) (xy 146.677437 68.2424) (xy 147.055542 68.164935)
+ (xy 147.319443 68.103497) (xy 148.542487 68.103497) (xy 148.637312 68.254606) (xy 148.734177 68.404386)
+ (xy 148.833067 68.552816) (xy 148.933969 68.699877) (xy 149.036868 68.845548) (xy 149.141749 68.989808)
+ (xy 149.248599 69.132637) (xy 149.357402 69.274014) (xy 149.36234 69.279879) (xy 149.36743 69.285323)
+ (xy 149.372672 69.290345) (xy 149.378068 69.294947) (xy 149.383617 69.29913) (xy 149.389319 69.302895)
+ (xy 149.395176 69.306243) (xy 149.401187 69.309175) (xy 149.407352 69.311691) (xy 149.413672 69.313794)
+ (xy 149.420148 69.315483) (xy 149.42678 69.31676) (xy 149.433567 69.317627) (xy 149.440511 69.318083)
+ (xy 149.447611 69.31813) (xy 149.454868 69.31777) (xy 149.462283 69.317002) (xy 149.469856 69.315829)
+ (xy 149.477586 69.31425) (xy 149.485475 69.312268) (xy 149.493522 69.309882) (xy 149.501729 69.307095)
+ (xy 149.510095 69.303907) (xy 149.51862 69.30032) (xy 149.527306 69.296333) (xy 149.536152 69.291949)
+ (xy 149.545159 69.287167) (xy 149.554326 69.281991) (xy 149.573146 69.270453) (xy 149.592615 69.257346)
+ (xy 149.529564 69.19157) (xy 149.468727 69.124246) (xy 149.409844 69.055559) (xy 149.352654 68.985698)
+ (xy 149.24231 68.8432) (xy 149.135613 68.698249) (xy 148.924823 68.40698) (xy 148.816564 68.263657)
+ (xy 148.760807 68.193229) (xy 148.703617 68.123872) (xy 148.702992 68.122379) (xy 148.702153 68.121018)
+ (xy 148.701094 68.119783) (xy 148.699808 68.118666) (xy 148.698287 68.117659) (xy 148.696524 68.116753)
+ (xy 148.694512 68.115942) (xy 148.692244 68.115218) (xy 148.689713 68.114572) (xy 148.686912 68.113997)
+ (xy 148.683833 68.113485) (xy 148.68047 68.113029) (xy 148.672861 68.11225) (xy 148.664029 68.111599)
+ (xy 148.615325 68.109023) (xy 148.59952 68.108074) (xy 148.582151 68.106879) (xy 148.563158 68.105373)
+ (xy 148.542487 68.103497) (xy 147.319443 68.103497) (xy 147.431248 68.077468) (xy 147.522189 68.053726)
+ (xy 148.960064 68.053726) (xy 148.960363 68.05974) (xy 148.961015 68.065792) (xy 148.962009 68.071876)
+ (xy 148.963333 68.077986) (xy 148.964976 68.084117) (xy 148.966926 68.090263) (xy 148.969174 68.096418)
+ (xy 148.971707 68.102577) (xy 148.974515 68.108733) (xy 148.980908 68.121015) (xy 148.988264 68.133219)
+ (xy 148.996494 68.145298) (xy 149.005508 68.157206) (xy 149.343978 68.589203) (xy 149.685224 69.018423)
+ (xy 149.692077 69.026986) (xy 149.699149 69.03535) (xy 149.706435 69.043513) (xy 149.713931 69.051471)
+ (xy 149.721632 69.059219) (xy 149.729533 69.066754) (xy 149.73763 69.074072) (xy 149.745919 69.081169)
+ (xy 149.754395 69.088042) (xy 149.763053 69.094686) (xy 149.771889 69.101099) (xy 149.780899 69.107276)
+ (xy 149.790077 69.113213) (xy 149.79942 69.118907) (xy 149.808922 69.124354) (xy 149.81858 69.12955)
+ (xy 149.823649 69.13271) (xy 149.828882 69.135475) (xy 149.834258 69.137845) (xy 149.839754 69.139818)
+ (xy 149.845349 69.141395) (xy 149.851022 69.142574) (xy 149.856751 69.143355) (xy 149.862515 69.143737)
+ (xy 149.868291 69.143719) (xy 149.874058 69.143301) (xy 149.879795 69.142482) (xy 149.88548 69.141262)
+ (xy 149.891091 69.139639) (xy 149.896607 69.137613) (xy 149.902007 69.135183) (xy 149.907267 69.132349)
+ (xy 149.909825 69.13079) (xy 149.912313 69.129148) (xy 149.914729 69.127426) (xy 149.917073 69.125627)
+ (xy 149.919343 69.123753) (xy 149.921538 69.121807) (xy 149.923657 69.119791) (xy 149.925699 69.117707)
+ (xy 149.927661 69.115557) (xy 149.929544 69.113345) (xy 149.931346 69.111073) (xy 149.933065 69.108742)
+ (xy 149.9347 69.106355) (xy 149.936251 69.103916) (xy 149.937715 69.101425) (xy 149.939092 69.098886)
+ (xy 149.94038 69.0963) (xy 149.941578 69.093671) (xy 149.942685 69.091001) (xy 149.943699 69.088292)
+ (xy 149.94462 69.085546) (xy 149.945446 69.082766) (xy 149.946176 69.079954) (xy 149.946809 69.077113)
+ (xy 149.947342 69.074245) (xy 149.947776 69.071353) (xy 149.948109 69.068438) (xy 149.948339 69.065503)
+ (xy 149.948466 69.062552) (xy 149.948487 69.059585) (xy 149.948403 69.056605) (xy 149.948211 69.053616)
+ (xy 149.948217 69.053616) (xy 149.948217 69.009165) (xy 149.583358 68.488498) (xy 149.397629 68.229119)
+ (xy 149.303179 68.1002) (xy 149.207384 67.971997) (xy 149.203094 67.966478) (xy 149.198565 67.961376)
+ (xy 149.193808 67.956684) (xy 149.188835 67.952398) (xy 149.183655 67.948511) (xy 149.178279 67.945016)
+ (xy 149.17272 67.941908) (xy 149.166986 67.93918) (xy 149.16109 67.936827) (xy 149.155042 67.934842)
+ (xy 149.148853 67.933219) (xy 149.142533 67.931953) (xy 149.136094 67.931036) (xy 149.129547 67.930463)
+ (xy 149.122902 67.930228) (xy 149.11617 67.930325) (xy 149.109362 67.930747) (xy 149.102489 67.931488)
+ (xy 149.095562 67.932543) (xy 149.088591 67.933906) (xy 149.081588 67.935569) (xy 149.074563 67.937528)
+ (xy 149.067528 67.939775) (xy 149.060492 67.942305) (xy 149.046464 67.94819) (xy 149.032566 67.955133)
+ (xy 149.018885 67.963085) (xy 149.005508 67.971997) (xy 148.999173 67.976749) (xy 148.99336 67.981626)
+ (xy 148.988056 67.986621) (xy 148.98325 67.99173) (xy 148.978931 67.996945) (xy 148.975088 68.002262)
+ (xy 148.971709 68.007675) (xy 148.968784 68.013177) (xy 148.966301 68.018764) (xy 148.964249 68.024428)
+ (xy 148.962617 68.030166) (xy 148.961394 68.03597) (xy 148.960568 68.041835) (xy 148.960128 68.047756)
+ (xy 148.960064 68.053726) (xy 147.522189 68.053726) (xy 147.804358 67.98006) (xy 148.174676 67.872771)
+ (xy 148.248957 67.849089) (xy 149.380484 67.849089) (xy 149.719483 68.315098) (xy 149.888544 68.545393)
+ (xy 150.059343 68.773953) (xy 150.068041 68.786082) (xy 150.076833 68.799274) (xy 150.095083 68.8272)
+ (xy 150.10473 68.841109) (xy 150.114851 68.854431) (xy 150.125543 68.866756) (xy 150.131132 68.872414)
+ (xy 150.136899 68.877669) (xy 150.142856 68.882468) (xy 150.149015 68.886759) (xy 150.155388 68.890492)
+ (xy 150.161986 68.893614) (xy 150.168821 68.896075) (xy 150.175906 68.897821) (xy 150.183252 68.898803)
+ (xy 150.19087 68.898968) (xy 150.198774 68.898265) (xy 150.206975 68.896642) (xy 150.215484 68.894048)
+ (xy 150.224313 68.890431) (xy 150.233475 68.88574) (xy 150.242981 68.879923) (xy 150.252843 68.872929)
+ (xy 150.263073 68.864705) (xy 150.272849 68.856021) (xy 150.281378 68.84767) (xy 150.288715 68.839637)
+ (xy 150.294914 68.831907) (xy 150.30003 68.824466) (xy 150.304119 68.8173) (xy 150.307235 68.810393)
+ (xy 150.309434 68.803732) (xy 150.31077 68.797301) (xy 150.311298 68.791086) (xy 150.311073 68.785073)
+ (xy 150.31015 68.779246) (xy 150.308584 68.773592) (xy 150.306431 68.768095) (xy 150.303744 68.762742)
+ (xy 150.300579 68.757517) (xy 150.29699 68.752406) (xy 150.293034 68.747394) (xy 150.284236 68.73761)
+ (xy 150.274623 68.728049) (xy 150.264637 68.718594) (xy 150.254716 68.709127) (xy 150.245299 68.699533)
+ (xy 150.240917 68.694652) (xy 150.236826 68.689695) (xy 150.233081 68.684648) (xy 150.229737 68.679497)
+ (xy 150.165149 68.577169) (xy 150.099541 68.475536) (xy 149.967436 68.272965) (xy 149.902024 68.171332)
+ (xy 149.837762 68.069005) (xy 149.775192 67.965635) (xy 149.714859 67.860877) (xy 149.703809 67.842332)
+ (xy 149.692882 67.82555) (xy 149.682068 67.810474) (xy 149.671359 67.797044) (xy 149.660746 67.785202)
+ (xy 149.650221 67.774887) (xy 149.639776 67.766041) (xy 149.629401 67.758606) (xy 149.619089 67.752521)
+ (xy 149.60883 67.747729) (xy 149.598617 67.74417) (xy 149.588441 67.741785) (xy 149.578294 67.740515)
+ (xy 149.568166 67.7403) (xy 149.55805 67.741083) (xy 149.547938 67.742804) (xy 149.537819 67.745404)
+ (xy 149.527687 67.748824) (xy 149.517532 67.753006) (xy 149.507347 67.757889) (xy 149.497122 67.763415)
+ (xy 149.486849 67.769525) (xy 149.466127 67.783261) (xy 149.445111 67.798624) (xy 149.423734 67.815144)
+ (xy 149.380484 67.849089) (xy 148.248957 67.849089) (xy 148.542006 67.75566) (xy 148.781553 67.672199)
+ (xy 149.861988 67.672199) (xy 149.862284 67.678417) (xy 149.862892 67.684681) (xy 149.863809 67.690982)
+ (xy 149.865038 67.697314) (xy 149.866578 67.703671) (xy 149.86843 67.710046) (xy 149.870594 67.716431)
+ (xy 149.87307 67.72282) (xy 149.875859 67.729207) (xy 149.878961 67.735584) (xy 149.882376 67.741945)
+ (xy 149.886105 67.748283) (xy 149.890148 67.754591) (xy 149.894505 67.760863) (xy 150.472354 68.592449)
+ (xy 150.482715 68.618869) (xy 150.487527 68.632394) (xy 150.489594 68.639017) (xy 150.49134 68.645463)
+ (xy 150.492696 68.651671) (xy 150.493591 68.657577) (xy 150.493953 68.66312) (xy 150.493913 68.665736)
+ (xy 150.493714 68.668237) (xy 150.493346 68.670617) (xy 150.492801 68.672866) (xy 150.49207 68.674978)
+ (xy 150.491832 68.675484) (xy 150.512623 68.668805) (xy 150.532721 68.661742) (xy 150.55117 68.654614)
+ (xy 150.567969 68.647432) (xy 150.583119 68.640206) (xy 150.596619 68.632948) (xy 150.608469 68.625668)
+ (xy 150.61867 68.618378) (xy 150.627222 68.611087) (xy 150.634124 68.603807) (xy 150.639376 68.596549)
+ (xy 150.641384 68.592931) (xy 150.642979 68.589323) (xy 150.644162 68.585726) (xy 150.644932 68.582141)
+ (xy 150.64529 68.57857) (xy 150.645236 68.575013) (xy 150.644769 68.571473) (xy 150.64389 68.567951)
+ (xy 150.642598 68.564447) (xy 150.640894 68.560964) (xy 150.504216 68.309689) (xy 150.369794 68.059281)
+ (xy 150.234331 67.81061) (xy 150.165178 67.687196) (xy 150.094527 67.564542) (xy 150.090248 67.557604)
+ (xy 150.085753 67.551359) (xy 150.081054 67.545787) (xy 150.076163 67.540863) (xy 150.071091 67.536566)
+ (xy 150.06585 67.532873) (xy 150.060453 67.529762) (xy 150.054911 67.527211) (xy 150.049236 67.525197)
+ (xy 150.04344 67.523698) (xy 150.037535 67.522691) (xy 150.031532 67.522154) (xy 150.025444 67.522065)
+ (xy 150.019282 67.522401) (xy 150.013059 67.52314) (xy 150.006786 67.52426) (xy 150.000474 67.525737)
+ (xy 149.994137 67.527551) (xy 149.987785 67.529677) (xy 149.981431 67.532095) (xy 149.968764 67.537714)
+ (xy 149.956229 67.544228) (xy 149.943922 67.551458) (xy 149.931938 67.559225) (xy 149.920372 67.56735)
+ (xy 149.909319 67.575654) (xy 149.904089 67.579907) (xy 149.899162 67.584327) (xy 149.89454 67.588906)
+ (xy 149.890223 67.593639) (xy 149.886212 67.598519) (xy 149.882505 67.603538) (xy 149.879105 67.60869)
+ (xy 149.876011 67.613968) (xy 149.873223 67.619366) (xy 149.870743 67.624876) (xy 149.86857 67.630493)
+ (xy 149.866704 67.636208) (xy 149.865146 67.642015) (xy 149.863896 67.647908) (xy 149.862955 67.65388)
+ (xy 149.862323 67.659923) (xy 149.862001 67.666032) (xy 149.861988 67.672199) (xy 148.781553 67.672199)
+ (xy 148.906152 67.628787) (xy 149.266916 67.492212) (xy 149.432643 67.42437) (xy 150.247224 67.42437)
+ (xy 150.247938 67.433043) (xy 150.249469 67.442172) (xy 150.251843 67.451772) (xy 150.255087 67.461857)
+ (xy 150.259228 67.472443) (xy 150.264293 67.483545) (xy 150.270308 67.495176) (xy 150.277301 67.507354)
+ (xy 150.285297 67.520091) (xy 150.51102 67.87569) (xy 150.735353 68.23129) (xy 150.743127 68.243068)
+ (xy 150.751189 68.254669) (xy 150.759566 68.265917) (xy 150.768285 68.276637) (xy 150.777373 68.286651)
+ (xy 150.786856 68.295783) (xy 150.791755 68.299964) (xy 150.796763 68.303858) (xy 150.801884 68.307443)
+ (xy 150.807121 68.310697) (xy 150.812477 68.313599) (xy 150.817956 68.316127) (xy 150.823561 68.318257)
+ (xy 150.829295 68.319969) (xy 150.835163 68.321239) (xy 150.841166 68.322047) (xy 150.84731 68.32237)
+ (xy 150.853597 68.322186) (xy 150.86003 68.321473) (xy 150.866613 68.320208) (xy 150.873349 68.318371)
+ (xy 150.880242 68.315939) (xy 150.887295 68.312889) (xy 150.894512 68.3092) (xy 150.901895 68.30485)
+ (xy 150.909449 68.299816) (xy 150.913727 68.295902) (xy 150.917778 68.291826) (xy 150.921599 68.287599)
+ (xy 150.925189 68.283228) (xy 150.928547 68.278723) (xy 150.931673 68.274093) (xy 150.934566 68.269346)
+ (xy 150.937223 68.264491) (xy 150.939645 68.259537) (xy 150.941831 68.254494) (xy 150.943778 68.249369)
+ (xy 150.945487 68.244172) (xy 150.946957 68.238912) (xy 150.948185 68.233597) (xy 150.949172 68.228236)
+ (xy 150.949916 68.222838) (xy 150.950416 68.217413) (xy 150.950671 68.211968) (xy 150.950681 68.206513)
+ (xy 150.950443 68.201056) (xy 150.949958 68.195607) (xy 150.949224 68.190174) (xy 150.94824 68.184766)
+ (xy 150.947005 68.179392) (xy 150.945518 68.174061) (xy 150.943779 68.168782) (xy 150.941785 68.163563)
+ (xy 150.939536 68.158413) (xy 150.937031 68.153342) (xy 150.934269 68.148358) (xy 150.93125 68.143469)
+ (xy 150.927971 68.138686) (xy 150.821735 67.944536) (xy 150.714286 67.750907) (xy 150.496438 67.364517)
+ (xy 150.487957 67.35166) (xy 150.483543 67.345153) (xy 150.478956 67.338761) (xy 150.474152 67.332606)
+ (xy 150.469087 67.326816) (xy 150.463718 67.321514) (xy 150.460907 67.319085) (xy 150.458003 67.316825)
+ (xy 150.455001 67.314749) (xy 150.451896 67.312874) (xy 150.448683 67.311214) (xy 150.445356 67.309785)
+ (xy 150.44191 67.308604) (xy 150.438339 67.307685) (xy 150.434637 67.307043) (xy 150.4308 67.306696)
+ (xy 150.426822 67.306658) (xy 150.422697 67.306945) (xy 150.418421 67.307572) (xy 150.413987 67.308555)
+ (xy 150.40939 67.30991) (xy 150.404626 67.311653) (xy 150.399687 67.313798) (xy 150.39457 67.316361)
+ (xy 150.373422 67.321091) (xy 150.353184 67.326331) (xy 150.334069 67.3322) (xy 150.316291 67.338818)
+ (xy 150.300065 67.346304) (xy 150.292601 67.35041) (xy 150.285605 67.354778) (xy 150.279105 67.359423)
+ (xy 150.273126 67.364359) (xy 150.267696 67.369601) (xy 150.262842 67.375166) (xy 150.25859 67.381066)
+ (xy 150.254966 67.387318) (xy 150.251999 67.393936) (xy 150.249715 67.400936) (xy 150.248139 67.408331)
+ (xy 150.2473 67.416138) (xy 150.247224 67.42437) (xy 149.432643 67.42437) (xy 149.624102 67.345995)
+ (xy 149.706419 67.306986) (xy 149.787651 67.264012) (xy 149.867692 67.217197) (xy 149.946433 67.166668)
+ (xy 150.023768 67.112549) (xy 150.099589 67.054967) (xy 150.122139 67.036452) (xy 150.672789 67.036452)
+ (xy 150.688025 67.096725) (xy 150.705344 67.15807) (xy 150.724324 67.218846) (xy 150.74495 67.27902)
+ (xy 150.767205 67.33856) (xy 150.791074 67.397433) (xy 150.81654 67.455607) (xy 150.843589 67.51305)
+ (xy 150.872204 67.569728) (xy 150.902369 67.625611) (xy 150.934069 67.680664) (xy 150.967287 67.734856)
+ (xy 151.002009 67.788155) (xy 151.038217 67.840527) (xy 151.075897 67.891941) (xy 151.115033 67.942364)
+ (xy 151.118353 67.9468) (xy 151.121713 67.950744) (xy 151.12511 67.954214) (xy 151.12854 67.957227)
+ (xy 151.132 67.959803) (xy 151.135487 67.961958) (xy 151.138996 67.963712) (xy 151.142525 67.965081)
+ (xy 151.146071 67.966083) (xy 151.149629 67.966738) (xy 151.153197 67.967062) (xy 151.156771 67.967074)
+ (xy 151.160347 67.966791) (xy 151.163923 67.966232) (xy 151.167495 67.965415) (xy 151.171059 67.964357)
+ (xy 151.174613 67.963077) (xy 151.178152 67.961592) (xy 151.181674 67.959921) (xy 151.185174 67.958081)
+ (xy 151.192099 67.953967) (xy 151.198898 67.949395) (xy 151.205546 67.944508) (xy 151.212014 67.93945)
+ (xy 151.224305 67.929397) (xy 151.228968 67.926475) (xy 151.233457 67.923338) (xy 151.237768 67.919992)
+ (xy 151.241894 67.916447) (xy 151.245829 67.912709) (xy 151.249567 67.908788) (xy 151.253102 67.904691)
+ (xy 151.256428 67.900427) (xy 151.25954 67.896004) (xy 151.26243 67.891429) (xy 151.265093 67.886711)
+ (xy 151.267524 67.881859) (xy 151.269715 67.876879) (xy 151.271662 67.871781) (xy 151.273357 67.866572)
+ (xy 151.274795 67.86126) (xy 151.275965 67.855883) (xy 151.276859 67.850479) (xy 151.277479 67.845057)
+ (xy 151.277827 67.839627) (xy 151.277904 67.8342) (xy 151.277712 67.828786) (xy 151.277252 67.823394)
+ (xy 151.276527 67.818034) (xy 151.275538 67.812717) (xy 151.274286 67.807452) (xy 151.272773 67.80225)
+ (xy 151.271 67.79712) (xy 151.26897 67.792073) (xy 151.266684 67.787118) (xy 151.264143 67.782265)
+ (xy 151.261349 67.777525) (xy 151.002749 67.379101) (xy 150.968352 67.330685) (xy 150.93251 67.283347)
+ (xy 150.894926 67.237316) (xy 150.855304 67.192823) (xy 150.813349 67.150099) (xy 150.768765 67.109374)
+ (xy 150.721257 67.07088) (xy 150.672789 67.036452) (xy 150.122139 67.036452) (xy 150.173788 66.994046)
+ (xy 150.246257 66.929912) (xy 150.31689 66.862691) (xy 150.385579 66.792508) (xy 150.423026 66.751475)
+ (xy 150.892781 66.751475) (xy 151.136098 67.123975) (xy 151.258711 67.309096) (xy 151.383582 67.492308)
+ (xy 151.389356 67.497484) (xy 151.395405 67.502245) (xy 151.401708 67.506583) (xy 151.40824 67.510494)
+ (xy 151.414982 67.513971) (xy 151.421909 67.517009) (xy 151.429001 67.519602) (xy 151.436235 67.521744)
+ (xy 151.443588 67.523429) (xy 151.451039 67.524651) (xy 151.458566 67.525405) (xy 151.466146 67.525684)
+ (xy 151.473757 67.525483) (xy 151.481377 67.524797) (xy 151.488984 67.523619) (xy 151.496556 67.521943)
+ (xy 151.50163 67.519806) (xy 151.506546 67.517397) (xy 151.511294 67.514726) (xy 151.515866 67.511803)
+ (xy 151.520253 67.508637) (xy 151.524446 67.505237) (xy 151.528437 67.501613) (xy 151.532216 67.497775)
+ (xy 151.535774 67.493731) (xy 151.539104 67.489492) (xy 151.542195 67.485066) (xy 151.54504 67.480464)
+ (xy 151.547628 67.475695) (xy 151.549953 67.470768) (xy 151.552003 67.465692) (xy 151.553772 67.460478)
+ (xy 151.55524 67.455172) (xy 151.556397 67.449821) (xy 151.557245 67.44444) (xy 151.557785 67.43904)
+ (xy 151.558019 67.433635) (xy 151.55795 67.428237) (xy 151.557579 67.422859) (xy 151.556909 67.417515)
+ (xy 151.555942 67.412216) (xy 151.554678 67.406975) (xy 151.553122 67.401806) (xy 151.551273 67.396721)
+ (xy 151.549135 67.391733) (xy 151.54671 67.386855) (xy 151.543999 67.3821) (xy 151.541004 67.37748)
+ (xy 151.512073 67.329219) (xy 151.482282 67.281524) (xy 151.451639 67.234404) (xy 151.420155 67.187871)
+ (xy 151.387836 67.141936) (xy 151.354693 67.09661) (xy 151.320734 67.051904) (xy 151.285968 67.007828)
+ (xy 151.250403 66.964394) (xy 151.214048 66.921613) (xy 151.176912 66.879496) (xy 151.139005 66.838053)
+ (xy 151.100334 66.797295) (xy 151.060908 66.757235) (xy 151.020737 66.717881) (xy 150.980685 66.680055)
+ (xy 150.892781 66.751475) (xy 150.423026 66.751475) (xy 150.452216 66.719489) (xy 150.516694 66.643758)
+ (xy 150.578906 66.565442) (xy 150.638743 66.484666) (xy 150.673117 66.434856) (xy 151.198776 66.434856)
+ (xy 151.201999 66.454319) (xy 151.208514 66.476796) (xy 151.21807 66.501967) (xy 151.245313 66.559118)
+ (xy 151.281737 66.623225) (xy 151.32535 66.69174) (xy 151.374162 66.762117) (xy 151.42618 66.831808)
+ (xy 151.479414 66.898265) (xy 151.531871 66.95894) (xy 151.581562 67.011287) (xy 151.626494 67.052757)
+ (xy 151.646553 67.068617) (xy 151.664675 67.080803) (xy 151.680613 67.088995) (xy 151.694116 67.092877)
+ (xy 151.704936 67.092129) (xy 151.712824 67.086432) (xy 151.717531 67.075469) (xy 151.718808 67.058921)
+ (xy 151.738725 67.05641) (xy 151.753194 67.04944) (xy 151.762528 67.038342) (xy 151.767042 67.023443)
+ (xy 151.767049 67.005071) (xy 151.762865 66.983554) (xy 151.754802 66.959222) (xy 151.743174 66.932401)
+ (xy 151.728297 66.903421) (xy 151.710484 66.87261) (xy 151.667304 66.806807) (xy 151.616149 66.737618)
+ (xy 151.559529 66.66767) (xy 151.499958 66.599587) (xy 151.439947 66.535998) (xy 151.382009 66.479528)
+ (xy 151.328656 66.432802) (xy 151.2824 66.398448) (xy 151.262719 66.386731) (xy 151.245754 66.379092)
+ (xy 151.23182 66.375858) (xy 151.22123 66.377359) (xy 151.214298 66.383922) (xy 151.211339 66.395876)
+ (xy 151.211339 66.397726) (xy 151.203197 66.406241) (xy 151.199092 66.418723) (xy 151.198776 66.434856)
+ (xy 150.673117 66.434856) (xy 150.696098 66.401556) (xy 150.750864 66.316236) (xy 150.802933 66.228833)
+ (xy 150.852198 66.139472) (xy 150.898552 66.048278) (xy 150.937705 65.96434) (xy 151.352099 65.96434)
+ (xy 151.360097 66.013464) (xy 151.370732 66.06181) (xy 151.383943 66.109285) (xy 151.399674 66.155797)
+ (xy 151.417862 66.201254) (xy 151.438451 66.245562) (xy 151.46138 66.28863) (xy 151.486589 66.330364)
+ (xy 151.51402 66.370673) (xy 151.543614 66.409465) (xy 151.57531 66.446646) (xy 151.609051 66.482124)
+ (xy 151.644775 66.515808) (xy 151.682425 66.547603) (xy 151.72194 66.577419) (xy 151.763262 66.605162)
+ (xy 151.766964 66.607013) (xy 151.759639 66.560789) (xy 151.749517 66.516423) (xy 151.736666 66.473691)
+ (xy 151.721153 66.432367) (xy 151.703047 66.392226) (xy 151.682415 66.353042) (xy 151.659325 66.314591)
+ (xy 151.633845 66.276647) (xy 151.606043 66.238985) (xy 151.575986 66.201381) (xy 151.543743 66.163608)
+ (xy 151.50938 66.125441) (xy 151.472967 66.086657) (xy 151.434571 66.047028) (xy 151.352099 65.96434)
+ (xy 150.937705 65.96434) (xy 150.941886 65.955377) (xy 150.982093 65.860894) (xy 151.019066 65.764955)
+ (xy 151.052698 65.667685) (xy 151.054342 65.662319) (xy 151.463371 65.662319) (xy 151.463662 65.678433)
+ (xy 151.465129 65.693725) (xy 151.467708 65.708232) (xy 151.471337 65.721997) (xy 151.475953 65.735058)
+ (xy 151.481494 65.747456) (xy 151.487896 65.75923) (xy 151.495097 65.770421) (xy 151.503035 65.781069)
+ (xy 151.511646 65.791214) (xy 151.520868 65.800895) (xy 151.530638 65.810153) (xy 151.540893 65.819028)
+ (xy 151.562608 65.835788) (xy 151.585511 65.851495) (xy 151.609101 65.86647) (xy 151.656332 65.895503)
+ (xy 151.67897 65.910201) (xy 151.700286 65.925447) (xy 151.70214 65.927299) (xy 151.697975 65.900128)
+ (xy 151.692388 65.873356) (xy 151.68541 65.847034) (xy 151.677071 65.821209) (xy 151.6674 65.795932)
+ (xy 151.656427 65.77125) (xy 151.644184 65.747214) (xy 151.630699 65.723871) (xy 151.616003 65.701272)
+ (xy 151.600126 65.679464) (xy 151.583097 65.658497) (xy 151.564948 65.638421) (xy 151.545708 65.619283)
+ (xy 151.525407 65.601133) (xy 151.504075 65.584021) (xy 151.481742 65.567994) (xy 151.475215 65.588826)
+ (xy 151.470177 65.608634) (xy 151.466566 65.627459) (xy 151.464318 65.645341) (xy 151.463371 65.662319)
+ (xy 151.054342 65.662319) (xy 151.08288 65.56921) (xy 151.109505 65.469656) (xy 151.132466 65.369147)
+ (xy 151.151655 65.267809) (xy 151.166965 65.165767) (xy 151.178288 65.063148) (xy 151.185517 64.960077)
+ (xy 151.188544 64.856678) (xy 151.187261 64.753078) (xy 151.196519 64.753076) (xy 151.200198 64.679833)
+ (xy 151.199774 64.606908) (xy 151.195308 64.534459) (xy 151.186859 64.462639) (xy 151.174486 64.391605)
+ (xy 151.15825 64.321513) (xy 151.138209 64.252519) (xy 151.114423 64.184778) (xy 151.086952 64.118445)
+ (xy 151.055856 64.053677) (xy 151.021193 63.99063) (xy 150.983023 63.929459) (xy 150.941406 63.870319)
+ (xy 150.896402 63.813368) (xy 150.84807 63.758759) (xy 150.796469 63.70665) (xy 150.742653 63.659362)
+ (xy 150.694723 63.618314) (xy 150.652093 63.583669) (xy 150.632584 63.568798) (xy 150.614182 63.555589)
+ (xy 150.596813 63.544062) (xy 150.580405 63.534238) (xy 150.564885 63.526136) (xy 150.55018 63.519777)
+ (xy 150.536217 63.515182) (xy 150.522923 63.512371) (xy 150.510225 63.511363) (xy 150.49805 63.512181)
+ (xy 150.486326 63.514843) (xy 150.474979 63.51937) (xy 150.463937 63.525783) (xy 150.453126 63.534102)
+ (xy 150.442474 63.544347) (xy 150.431908 63.556538) (xy 150.421355 63.570697) (xy 150.410742 63.586842)
+ (xy 150.399996 63.604996) (xy 150.389044 63.625177) (xy 150.366231 63.671705) (xy 150.341719 63.726589)
+ (xy 150.314926 63.789992) (xy 150.192383 64.049947) (xy 150.063442 64.306637) (xy 149.92817 64.559947)
+ (xy 149.786636 64.80976) (xy 149.638907 65.055961) (xy 149.485051 65.298432) (xy 149.325135 65.537058)
+ (xy 149.159228 65.771724) (xy 149.046322 65.926676) (xy 148.928697 66.077634) (xy 148.806466 66.224501)
+ (xy 148.679742 66.367183) (xy 148.548638 66.505584) (xy 148.413266 66.639609) (xy 148.27374 66.769163)
+ (xy 148.130172 66.894152) (xy 147.982676 67.014479) (xy 147.831363 67.130049) (xy 147.676348 67.240768)
+ (xy 147.517743 67.34654) (xy 147.355661 67.44727) (xy 147.190214 67.542863) (xy 147.021516 67.633224)
+ (xy 146.84968 67.718257) (xy 146.825131 67.730098) (xy 146.800187 67.741442) (xy 146.749609 67.763432)
+ (xy 146.698944 67.785813) (xy 146.673892 67.797645) (xy 146.649192 67.810169) (xy 146.624969 67.823583)
+ (xy 146.601349 67.838084) (xy 146.578456 67.853872) (xy 146.556415 67.871144) (xy 146.53535 67.890097)
+ (xy 146.515386 67.910931) (xy 146.505857 67.922115) (xy 146.496649 67.933843) (xy 146.48778 67.94614)
+ (xy 146.479263 67.959031) (xy 146.468784 67.972297) (xy 146.459385 67.986155) (xy 146.451075 68.000543)
+ (xy 146.443861 68.015396) (xy 146.437753 68.030654) (xy 146.432759 68.046253) (xy 146.428887 68.062131)
+ (xy 146.426145 68.078224) (xy 146.424543 68.094471) (xy 146.424088 68.110807) (xy 145.949072 68.110807)
+ (xy 145.947749 67.286884) (xy 146.47064 67.286884) (xy 146.471973 67.316312) (xy 146.474698 67.345628)
+ (xy 146.478811 67.374782) (xy 146.484305 67.403724) (xy 146.491175 67.432403) (xy 146.499414 67.460768)
+ (xy 146.509016 67.488771) (xy 146.519976 67.516359) (xy 146.532289 67.543484) (xy 146.545947 67.570095)
+ (xy 146.562813 67.54787) (xy 146.580604 67.526509) (xy 146.599283 67.506036) (xy 146.618817 67.486474)
+ (xy 146.63917 67.467845) (xy 146.660307 67.450173) (xy 146.682193 67.433482) (xy 146.704794 67.417793)
+ (xy 146.728073 67.403131) (xy 146.751996 67.389519) (xy 146.776529 67.376979) (xy 146.801635 67.365535)
+ (xy 146.82728 67.35521) (xy 146.853429 67.346027) (xy 146.880048 67.338009) (xy 146.9071 67.33118)
+ (xy 146.931909 67.324666) (xy 146.956225 67.316901) (xy 146.980006 67.307916) (xy 147.003212 67.297742)
+ (xy 147.025802 67.286411) (xy 147.047735 67.273951) (xy 147.068971 67.260395) (xy 147.089468 67.245773)
+ (xy 147.109185 67.230116) (xy 147.128082 67.213454) (xy 147.146118 67.195819) (xy 147.163252 67.177241)
+ (xy 147.179443 67.15775) (xy 147.19465 67.137378) (xy 147.208833 67.116155) (xy 147.22195 67.094112)
+ (xy 147.223804 67.094112) (xy 147.132341 67.087247) (xy 147.040775 67.082942) (xy 146.94916 67.081194)
+ (xy 146.85755 67.082003) (xy 146.765999 67.085367) (xy 146.674559 67.091285) (xy 146.583285 67.099757)
+ (xy 146.492229 67.11078) (xy 146.48508 67.139824) (xy 146.479359 67.169057) (xy 146.47506 67.19843)
+ (xy 146.472178 67.227893) (xy 146.470707 67.257394) (xy 146.47064 67.286884) (xy 145.947749 67.286884)
+ (xy 145.947706 67.259853) (xy 145.94267 66.47737) (xy 146.388507 66.47737) (xy 146.396629 66.490492)
+ (xy 146.403369 66.50412) (xy 146.408852 66.518197) (xy 146.413203 66.532665) (xy 146.41655 66.547467)
+ (xy 146.419017 66.562546) (xy 146.421817 66.593299) (xy 146.423003 66.715826) (xy 146.42583 66.74403)
+ (xy 146.428315 66.75745) (xy 146.431682 66.77034) (xy 146.436056 66.78264) (xy 146.441565 66.794295)
+ (xy 146.448332 66.805245) (xy 146.456486 66.815433) (xy 146.46615 66.824803) (xy 146.477451 66.833295)
+ (xy 146.490516 66.840852) (xy 146.505468 66.847418) (xy 146.522435 66.852933) (xy 146.541543 66.857341)
+ (xy 146.562916 66.860584) (xy 146.586681 66.862603) (xy 146.725562 66.869516) (xy 146.864291 66.872761)
+ (xy 147.002716 66.873184) (xy 147.140686 66.871632) (xy 147.414649 66.865989) (xy 147.684965 66.862603)
+ (xy 147.82017 66.794077) (xy 147.78768 66.785131) (xy 147.757869 66.776009) (xy 147.730647 66.766721)
+ (xy 147.705926 66.757274) (xy 147.683617 66.747679) (xy 147.663631 66.737943) (xy 147.645879 66.728075)
+ (xy 147.630272 66.718084) (xy 147.616722 66.70798) (xy 147.60514 66.69777) (xy 147.595436 66.687464)
+ (xy 147.587522 66.677071) (xy 147.581309 66.666599) (xy 147.576709 66.656057) (xy 147.573632 66.645454)
+ (xy 147.571989 66.634799) (xy 147.571692 66.6241) (xy 147.572652 66.613367) (xy 147.57478 66.602608)
+ (xy 147.577987 66.591832) (xy 147.582184 66.581048) (xy 147.587282 66.570264) (xy 147.599828 66.548735)
+ (xy 147.614914 66.527314) (xy 147.631827 66.506072) (xy 147.650958 66.484217) (xy 147.632239 66.481742)
+ (xy 147.621461 66.479522) (xy 147.856107 66.479522) (xy 147.8665 66.4954) (xy 147.87838 66.512472)
+ (xy 147.884505 66.520494) (xy 147.890798 66.528039) (xy 147.897294 66.535008) (xy 147.904026 66.5413)
+ (xy 147.911026 66.546816) (xy 147.91833 66.551455) (xy 147.925401 66.55483) (xy 147.933313 66.557879)
+ (xy 147.941908 66.560408) (xy 147.95103 66.56222) (xy 147.95574 66.562797) (xy 147.960521 66.563121)
+ (xy 147.965356 66.563169) (xy 147.970224 66.562915) (xy 147.975105 66.562336) (xy 147.97998 66.561407)
+ (xy 147.98483 66.560103) (xy 147.989634 66.558401) (xy 147.994373 66.556275) (xy 147.999027 66.553702)
+ (xy 148.003577 66.550656) (xy 148.008002 66.547115) (xy 148.012284 66.543052) (xy 148.016403 66.538444)
+ (xy 148.020338 66.533266) (xy 148.02407 66.527494) (xy 148.027581 66.521104) (xy 148.030848 66.51407)
+ (xy 148.033855 66.506369) (xy 148.036579 66.497977) (xy 148.039003 66.488868) (xy 148.041106 66.479018)
+ (xy 148.042868 66.468404) (xy 148.04427 66.457) (xy 148.009546 66.460251) (xy 147.974839 66.464253)
+ (xy 147.905537 66.47335) (xy 147.856107 66.479522) (xy 147.621461 66.479522) (xy 147.598785 66.474851)
+ (xy 147.565542 66.465229) (xy 147.549006 66.459302) (xy 147.532528 66.452584) (xy 147.516111 66.445038)
+ (xy 147.499757 66.436627) (xy 147.485469 66.429448) (xy 147.470529 66.42304) (xy 147.439565 66.411623)
+ (xy 147.4086 66.400554) (xy 147.393661 66.39458) (xy 147.379372 66.388009) (xy 147.365952 66.380613)
+ (xy 147.359635 66.376535) (xy 147.353617 66.372165) (xy 147.347924 66.367475) (xy 147.342584 66.362436)
+ (xy 147.337623 66.35702) (xy 147.33307 66.351199) (xy 147.328951 66.344944) (xy 147.325292 66.338226)
+ (xy 147.322123 66.331017) (xy 147.319468 66.323288) (xy 147.317357 66.315011) (xy 147.315815 66.306158)
+ (xy 147.31487 66.2967) (xy 147.314549 66.286609) (xy 147.314897 66.276518) (xy 147.315921 66.267068)
+ (xy 147.317592 66.258236) (xy 147.319881 66.250001) (xy 147.322758 66.242342) (xy 147.326196 66.235236)
+ (xy 147.330163 66.228661) (xy 147.334632 66.222597) (xy 147.339573 66.21702) (xy 147.344957 66.211911)
+ (xy 147.350755 66.207246) (xy 147.356937 66.203005) (xy 147.363474 66.199165) (xy 147.370338 66.195705)
+ (xy 147.377499 66.192603) (xy 147.384928 66.189838) (xy 147.392595 66.187387) (xy 147.400472 66.185229)
+ (xy 147.40853 66.183343) (xy 147.416738 66.181706) (xy 147.433493 66.179094) (xy 147.450503 66.17722)
+ (xy 147.467534 66.175911) (xy 147.484354 66.174992) (xy 147.516425 66.173631) (xy 147.694196 66.16657)
+ (xy 147.871793 66.161592) (xy 148.225771 66.155109) (xy 148.245158 66.157528) (xy 148.264561 66.15902)
+ (xy 148.283947 66.159591) (xy 148.303285 66.159249) (xy 148.322545 66.158002) (xy 148.341695 66.155856)
+ (xy 148.360703 66.152819) (xy 148.379539 66.148897) (xy 148.398171 66.1441) (xy 148.416567 66.138433)
+ (xy 148.434697 66.131904) (xy 148.452529 66.12452) (xy 148.470031 66.116289) (xy 148.487174 66.107217)
+ (xy 148.503924 66.097313) (xy 148.520251 66.086583) (xy 148.556424 66.055503) (xy 148.564993 66.04753)
+ (xy 148.572926 66.039247) (xy 148.576586 66.034954) (xy 148.580003 66.030541) (xy 148.58315 66.025994)
+ (xy 148.585999 66.021298) (xy 148.588523 66.01644) (xy 148.590694 66.011404) (xy 148.592483 66.006177)
+ (xy 148.593864 66.000745) (xy 148.594807 65.995092) (xy 148.595286 65.989206) (xy 148.595273 65.983072)
+ (xy 148.594739 65.976675) (xy 148.593658 65.970001) (xy 148.592 65.963037) (xy 148.589739 65.955767)
+ (xy 148.586847 65.948178) (xy 148.583295 65.940255) (xy 148.579057 65.931984) (xy 148.574103 65.923351)
+ (xy 148.568407 65.914341) (xy 148.544121 65.878038) (xy 148.52344 65.845995) (xy 148.506497 65.817869)
+ (xy 148.49947 65.805168) (xy 148.493426 65.793319) (xy 148.488384 65.782278) (xy 148.48436 65.772003)
+ (xy 148.48137 65.762451) (xy 148.479431 65.753579) (xy 148.478559 65.745344) (xy 148.478772 65.737705)
+ (xy 148.480085 65.730617) (xy 148.482516 65.724039) (xy 148.486081 65.717928) (xy 148.490797 65.71224)
+ (xy 148.49668 65.706934) (xy 148.503747 65.701966) (xy 148.512014 65.697294) (xy 148.521499 65.692875)
+ (xy 148.532217 65.688666) (xy 148.544186 65.684624) (xy 148.571941 65.676873) (xy 148.604896 65.669279)
+ (xy 148.643186 65.661501) (xy 148.686943 65.653196) (xy 148.752461 65.643271) (xy 148.768189 65.640158)
+ (xy 148.78331 65.636105) (xy 148.790588 65.633617) (xy 148.797649 65.630765) (xy 148.804471 65.627505)
+ (xy 148.811033 65.623795) (xy 148.817313 65.619591) (xy 148.823289 65.61485) (xy 148.828939 65.609529)
+ (xy 148.834242 65.603585) (xy 148.839176 65.596975) (xy 148.84372 65.589655) (xy 148.847851 65.581584)
+ (xy 148.851548 65.572718) (xy 148.854789 65.563013) (xy 148.857553 65.552426) (xy 148.859818 65.540916)
+ (xy 148.861562 65.528437) (xy 148.862763 65.514949) (xy 148.863399 65.500406) (xy 148.86345 65.484767)
+ (xy 148.862893 65.467988) (xy 148.12206 65.467988) (xy 148.077758 65.468219) (xy 148.033464 65.467789)
+ (xy 147.989188 65.466697) (xy 147.944936 65.464943) (xy 147.900715 65.462528) (xy 147.856532 65.459453)
+ (xy 147.812395 65.455716) (xy 147.768311 65.45132) (xy 147.755337 65.45086) (xy 147.742216 65.449464)
+ (xy 147.729106 65.447108) (xy 147.716164 65.443767) (xy 147.703548 65.439416) (xy 147.691414 65.434032)
+ (xy 147.685578 65.430945) (xy 147.679921 65.42759) (xy 147.674464 65.423964) (xy 147.669226 65.420065)
+ (xy 147.664226 65.415889) (xy 147.659485 65.411434) (xy 147.655022 65.406695) (xy 147.650857 65.401671)
+ (xy 147.647009 65.396358) (xy 147.643498 65.390752) (xy 147.640345 65.384852) (xy 147.637567 65.378654)
+ (xy 147.635186 65.372154) (xy 147.63322 65.365351) (xy 147.63169 65.35824) (xy 147.630615 65.350818)
+ (xy 147.630015 65.343084) (xy 147.629909 65.335033) (xy 147.630317 65.326663) (xy 147.631259 65.31797)
+ (xy 147.631452 65.311838) (xy 147.632023 65.305941) (xy 147.632959 65.300277) (xy 147.634247 65.294841)
+ (xy 147.635874 65.28963) (xy 147.637827 65.284641) (xy 147.640094 65.27987) (xy 147.642661 65.275314)
+ (xy 147.645515 65.27097) (xy 147.648645 65.266834) (xy 147.652036 65.262903) (xy 147.655676 65.259174)
+ (xy 147.659552 65.255642) (xy 147.663651 65.252305) (xy 147.66796 65.249159) (xy 147.672467 65.246202)
+ (xy 147.677159 65.243428) (xy 147.682022 65.240836) (xy 147.687043 65.238422) (xy 147.692211 65.236181)
+ (xy 147.697511 65.234112) (xy 147.702932 65.23221) (xy 147.714082 65.228896) (xy 147.725557 65.226211)
+ (xy 147.737255 65.224128) (xy 147.749073 65.22262) (xy 147.760907 65.22166) (xy 147.787106 65.220597)
+ (xy 147.817687 65.220097) (xy 147.887314 65.220271) (xy 148.027608 65.22166) (xy 148.870303 65.22166)
+ (xy 148.895924 65.220929) (xy 148.921862 65.218759) (xy 148.947783 65.21519) (xy 148.973355 65.210259)
+ (xy 148.998243 65.204004) (xy 149.022113 65.196462) (xy 149.044632 65.187673) (xy 149.065466 65.177674)
+ (xy 149.084282 65.166503) (xy 149.092829 65.160489) (xy 149.100746 65.154197) (xy 149.107992 65.147631)
+ (xy 149.114524 65.140796) (xy 149.120302 65.133696) (xy 149.125282 65.126336) (xy 149.129425 65.118722)
+ (xy 149.132688 65.110857) (xy 149.135029 65.102746) (xy 149.136406 65.094395) (xy 149.136778 65.085808)
+ (xy 149.136104 65.076989) (xy 149.134341 65.067944) (xy 149.131448 65.058677) (xy 149.123449 65.034874)
+ (xy 149.117117 65.012391) (xy 149.112383 64.991169) (xy 149.109179 64.971151) (xy 149.107433 64.952278)
+ (xy 149.107078 64.934491) (xy 149.108045 64.917732) (xy 149.110263 64.901944) (xy 149.113665 64.887067)
+ (xy 149.11818 64.873043) (xy 149.123739 64.859814) (xy 149.130274 64.847322) (xy 149.137715 64.835508)
+ (xy 149.145993 64.824313) (xy 149.155039 64.813681) (xy 149.164784 64.803552) (xy 149.175158 64.793867)
+ (xy 149.186092 64.78457) (xy 149.209364 64.766901) (xy 149.234048 64.750078) (xy 149.259588 64.733636)
+ (xy 149.285433 64.717107) (xy 149.311028 64.700024) (xy 149.33582 64.681921) (xy 149.347742 64.672341)
+ (xy 149.359256 64.662331) (xy 149.37432 64.647731) (xy 149.388087 64.632524) (xy 149.394404 64.624747)
+ (xy 149.400302 64.616882) (xy 149.405748 64.608953) (xy 149.41071 64.600981) (xy 149.415157 64.592986)
+ (xy 149.419056 64.584992) (xy 149.422377 64.577019) (xy 149.425086 64.56909) (xy 149.427152 64.561226)
+ (xy 149.428543 64.553448) (xy 149.429227 64.54578) (xy 149.429173 64.538241) (xy 149.428349 64.530854)
+ (xy 149.426721 64.523641) (xy 149.42426 64.516624) (xy 149.420933 64.509823) (xy 149.416707 64.503261)
+ (xy 149.411552 64.49696) (xy 149.405435 64.490941) (xy 149.398324 64.485225) (xy 149.390188 64.479835)
+ (xy 149.380994 64.474793) (xy 149.370711 64.470119) (xy 149.359307 64.465836) (xy 149.34675 64.461965)
+ (xy 149.333008 64.458529) (xy 149.318049 64.455548) (xy 149.301842 64.453045) (xy 149.273884 64.448324)
+ (xy 149.259963 64.445414) (xy 149.246251 64.442019) (xy 149.232875 64.438049) (xy 149.219964 64.433413)
+ (xy 149.207643 64.428024) (xy 149.196042 64.421791) (xy 149.190551 64.41833) (xy 149.185287 64.414624)
+ (xy 149.180267 64.410663) (xy 149.175506 64.406435) (xy 149.171021 64.401929) (xy 149.166827 64.397134)
+ (xy 149.16294 64.392038) (xy 149.159376 64.38663) (xy 149.156151 64.3809) (xy 149.153282 64.374835)
+ (xy 149.150783 64.368426) (xy 149.148672 64.361659) (xy 149.146963 64.354526) (xy 149.145673 64.347013)
+ (xy 149.144818 64.339111) (xy 149.144414 64.330807) (xy 149.144729 64.319806) (xy 149.145659 64.309367)
+ (xy 149.147177 64.299474) (xy 149.149257 64.290116) (xy 149.151873 64.281276) (xy 149.154998 64.272943)
+ (xy 149.158607 64.265101) (xy 149.162674 64.257737) (xy 149.167172 64.250836) (xy 149.172075 64.244386)
+ (xy 149.177357 64.238372) (xy 149.182992 64.23278) (xy 149.188955 64.227597) (xy 149.195218 64.222807)
+ (xy 149.201755 64.218399) (xy 149.208542 64.214357) (xy 149.21555 64.210667) (xy 149.222756 64.207317)
+ (xy 149.230131 64.204291) (xy 149.23765 64.201576) (xy 149.245288 64.199158) (xy 149.253017 64.197024)
+ (xy 149.268648 64.193549) (xy 149.284332 64.19104) (xy 149.299862 64.189385) (xy 149.315028 64.188474)
+ (xy 149.329622 64.188195) (xy 149.369272 64.187182) (xy 149.406346 64.184193) (xy 149.440955 64.179302)
+ (xy 149.473215 64.172586) (xy 149.50324 64.164118) (xy 149.531143 64.153974) (xy 149.557039 64.142229)
+ (xy 149.581041 64.128957) (xy 149.603263 64.114234) (xy 149.623819 64.098134) (xy 149.642824 64.080733)
+ (xy 149.660391 64.062105) (xy 149.676634 64.042325) (xy 149.691666 64.021469) (xy 149.705603 63.999611)
+ (xy 149.718558 63.976826) (xy 149.730644 63.953189) (xy 149.741976 63.928775) (xy 149.762834 63.877916)
+ (xy 149.782043 63.824849) (xy 149.800513 63.770173) (xy 149.819157 63.714488) (xy 149.838886 63.658393)
+ (xy 149.860612 63.602488) (xy 149.872509 63.574794) (xy 149.885247 63.547372) (xy 149.734099 63.548935)
+ (xy 149.598405 63.55154) (xy 149.534237 63.552256) (xy 149.471393 63.55206) (xy 149.409026 63.550563)
+ (xy 149.34629 63.547372) (xy 149.325974 63.547915) (xy 149.304177 63.549282) (xy 149.25768 63.552929)
+ (xy 149.23375 63.554426) (xy 149.209881 63.555186) (xy 149.186456 63.554817) (xy 149.163861 63.552929)
+ (xy 149.152995 63.551293) (xy 149.142482 63.54913) (xy 149.132368 63.546393) (xy 149.122703 63.543032)
+ (xy 149.113535 63.538997) (xy 149.104911 63.534241) (xy 149.096879 63.528715) (xy 149.089489 63.522369)
+ (xy 149.082788 63.515155) (xy 149.076824 63.507024) (xy 149.071645 63.497928) (xy 149.0673 63.487816)
+ (xy 149.063837 63.476641) (xy 149.061304 63.464354) (xy 149.059748 63.450906) (xy 149.059219 63.436247)
+ (xy 149.059754 63.421508) (xy 149.06133 63.407825) (xy 149.0639 63.395155) (xy 149.06742 63.383459)
+ (xy 149.071845 63.372694) (xy 149.077129 63.36282) (xy 149.083228 63.353796) (xy 149.090097 63.345581)
+ (xy 149.09769 63.338134) (xy 149.105962 63.331413) (xy 149.114869 63.325378) (xy 149.124364 63.319988)
+ (xy 149.134404 63.315201) (xy 149.144942 63.310978) (xy 149.155934 63.307275) (xy 149.167335 63.304053)
+ (xy 149.179099 63.301271) (xy 149.191182 63.298887) (xy 149.216123 63.295151) (xy 149.241796 63.292516)
+ (xy 149.26784 63.290655) (xy 149.319602 63.287938) (xy 149.344596 63.286426) (xy 149.36852 63.284374)
+ (xy 149.406465 63.280858) (xy 149.444625 63.279075) (xy 149.48304 63.278632) (xy 149.521751 63.279136)
+ (xy 149.600222 63.281411) (xy 149.680364 63.282754) (xy 149.721164 63.282091) (xy 149.762504 63.280015)
+ (xy 149.804424 63.276133) (xy 149.846966 63.27005) (xy 149.890169 63.261373) (xy 149.934075 63.24971)
+ (xy 149.978725 63.234666) (xy 150.001341 63.225753) (xy 150.024159 63.215848) (xy 149.521087 63.067219)
+ (xy 149.283702 62.998113) (xy 149.049961 62.93248) (xy 149.00919 62.921555) (xy 148.988996 62.916641)
+ (xy 148.968962 62.912454) (xy 148.949112 62.909266) (xy 148.929471 62.907347) (xy 148.910063 62.906969)
+ (xy 148.900455 62.907443) (xy 148.890914 62.908403) (xy 148.881443 62.909885) (xy 148.872046 62.911921)
+ (xy 148.862726 62.914547) (xy 148.853485 62.917794) (xy 148.844327 62.921699) (xy 148.835255 62.926293)
+ (xy 148.826272 62.931612) (xy 148.81738 62.93769) (xy 148.808584 62.944559) (xy 148.799885 62.952255)
+ (xy 148.791288 62.960811) (xy 148.782795 62.970261) (xy 148.774409 62.980638) (xy 148.766133 62.991977)
+ (xy 148.757971 63.004312) (xy 148.749925 63.017677) (xy 148.743968 63.027416) (xy 148.737583 63.036486)
+ (xy 148.73081 63.044883) (xy 148.723685 63.052599) (xy 148.716248 63.059629) (xy 148.708539 63.065966)
+ (xy 148.700594 63.071605) (xy 148.692453 63.076539) (xy 148.684155 63.080762) (xy 148.675738 63.084268)
+ (xy 148.667242 63.087052) (xy 148.658703 63.089106) (xy 148.650162 63.090425) (xy 148.641657 63.091002)
+ (xy 148.633227 63.090832) (xy 148.62491 63.089909) (xy 148.616745 63.088226) (xy 148.60877 63.085777)
+ (xy 148.601024 63.082556) (xy 148.593547 63.078558) (xy 148.586376 63.073775) (xy 148.57955 63.068202)
+ (xy 148.573108 63.061833) (xy 148.567089 63.054661) (xy 148.561531 63.046681) (xy 148.556472 63.037887)
+ (xy 148.551952 63.028271) (xy 148.54801 63.017829) (xy 148.544683 63.006554) (xy 148.542011 62.99444)
+ (xy 148.540032 62.981481) (xy 148.538784 62.96767) (xy 148.537685 62.953867) (xy 148.536131 62.940917)
+ (xy 148.534134 62.928793) (xy 148.531708 62.917468) (xy 148.528864 62.906917) (xy 148.525614 62.897112)
+ (xy 148.521971 62.888028) (xy 148.517947 62.879638) (xy 148.513554 62.871915) (xy 148.508804 62.864833)
+ (xy 148.50371 62.858365) (xy 148.498283 62.852486) (xy 148.492537 62.847168) (xy 148.486482 62.842385)
+ (xy 148.480131 62.838111) (xy 148.473498 62.83432) (xy 148.466592 62.830984) (xy 148.459428 62.828077)
+ (xy 148.452017 62.825573) (xy 148.444371 62.823446) (xy 148.436503 62.821669) (xy 148.428425 62.820215)
+ (xy 148.411686 62.818172) (xy 148.394253 62.817106) (xy 148.376222 62.816805) (xy 148.357693 62.817058)
+ (xy 148.338762 62.817652) (xy 148.300542 62.819454) (xy 148.262191 62.821993) (xy 148.223579 62.82514)
+ (xy 148.184577 62.828765) (xy 148.022057 62.845432) (xy 148.031733 62.857523) (xy 148.041905 62.868887)
+ (xy 148.052419 62.879665) (xy 148.063121 62.889998) (xy 148.084467 62.909893) (xy 148.094802 62.919738)
+ (xy 148.104706 62.929702) (xy 148.114024 62.939926) (xy 148.122601 62.950552) (xy 148.126564 62.95606)
+ (xy 148.130283 62.961721) (xy 148.13374 62.967552) (xy 148.136916 62.973573) (xy 148.13979 62.979799)
+ (xy 148.142343 62.98625) (xy 148.144557 62.992942) (xy 148.146411 62.999892) (xy 148.147887 63.00712)
+ (xy 148.148966 63.014642) (xy 148.149627 63.022476) (xy 148.149852 63.03064) (xy 148.149357 63.036087)
+ (xy 148.148655 63.041498) (xy 148.147749 63.046866) (xy 148.146641 63.052186) (xy 148.145333 63.057452)
+ (xy 148.143828 63.06266) (xy 148.142126 63.067803) (xy 148.140232 63.072876) (xy 148.138146 63.077873)
+ (xy 148.13587 63.08279) (xy 148.133408 63.087619) (xy 148.130761 63.092357) (xy 148.127932 63.096997)
+ (xy 148.124922 63.101534) (xy 148.121734 63.105962) (xy 148.118369 63.110276) (xy 148.110922 63.118752)
+ (xy 148.103028 63.126708) (xy 148.094713 63.134132) (xy 148.086006 63.141013) (xy 148.076933 63.147339)
+ (xy 148.067523 63.153098) (xy 148.057804 63.158279) (xy 148.047802 63.16287) (xy 148.037545 63.16686)
+ (xy 148.027062 63.170236) (xy 148.016379 63.172986) (xy 148.005524 63.175101) (xy 147.994524 63.176566)
+ (xy 147.983408 63.177372) (xy 147.972202 63.177506) (xy 147.960935 63.176957) (xy 147.878091 63.178119)
+ (xy 147.795261 63.177756) (xy 147.712465 63.17587) (xy 147.629725 63.172461) (xy 147.547062 63.16753)
+ (xy 147.464496 63.161079) (xy 147.382049 63.153107) (xy 147.29974 63.143617) (xy 147.274159 63.138906)
+ (xy 147.248529 63.135948) (xy 147.22293 63.134716) (xy 147.197442 63.135185) (xy 147.172145 63.137329)
+ (xy 147.147118 63.141121) (xy 147.122442 63.146536) (xy 147.098197 63.153548) (xy 147.074462 63.16213)
+ (xy 147.051317 63.172257) (xy 147.028843 63.183902) (xy 147.007119 63.19704) (xy 146.986225 63.211645)
+ (xy 146.966241 63.227691) (xy 146.947247 63.245152) (xy 146.929324 63.264001) (xy 148.057242 63.264001)
+ (xy 148.090724 63.26424) (xy 148.107769 63.264807) (xy 148.124727 63.265911) (xy 148.141382 63.267732)
+ (xy 148.157515 63.270448) (xy 148.172911 63.274238) (xy 148.180264 63.276592) (xy 148.187351 63.279281)
+ (xy 148.194145 63.282329) (xy 148.20062 63.285757) (xy 148.206747 63.289588) (xy 148.212499 63.293845)
+ (xy 148.21785 63.298549) (xy 148.222772 63.303723) (xy 148.227239 63.309389) (xy 148.231222 63.315571)
+ (xy 148.234696 63.322289) (xy 148.237632 63.329567) (xy 148.240004 63.337427) (xy 148.241785 63.345891)
+ (xy 148.242947 63.354982) (xy 148.243463 63.364722) (xy 148.243307 63.375134) (xy 148.24245 63.386239)
+ (xy 148.241019 63.397382) (xy 148.239167 63.407902) (xy 148.236905 63.417817) (xy 148.234245 63.427145)
+ (xy 148.231201 63.435903) (xy 148.227783 63.444108) (xy 148.224004 63.45178) (xy 148.219877 63.458934)
+ (xy 148.215413 63.465589) (xy 148.210626 63.471763) (xy 148.205526 63.477473) (xy 148.200126 63.482736)
+ (xy 148.194439 63.487571) (xy 148.188476 63.491995) (xy 148.182251 63.496025) (xy 148.175774 63.49968)
+ (xy 148.169059 63.502976) (xy 148.162117 63.505932) (xy 148.154961 63.508566) (xy 148.147603 63.510894)
+ (xy 148.140054 63.512934) (xy 148.132329 63.514704) (xy 148.116393 63.517506) (xy 148.099893 63.519439)
+ (xy 148.082926 63.520646) (xy 148.06559 63.521266) (xy 148.047984 63.521441) (xy 146.805237 63.521441)
+ (xy 146.784935 63.521025) (xy 146.764358 63.519936) (xy 146.722676 63.516695) (xy 146.680777 63.513627)
+ (xy 146.659929 63.512755) (xy 146.639246 63.512643) (xy 146.618802 63.513529) (xy 146.59867 63.515653)
+ (xy 146.578924 63.519252) (xy 146.569218 63.52168) (xy 146.559635 63.524566) (xy 146.550186 63.52794)
+ (xy 146.540879 63.531833) (xy 146.531723 63.536274) (xy 146.522727 63.541292) (xy 146.513902 63.546919)
+ (xy 146.505254 63.553183) (xy 146.496795 63.560114) (xy 146.488533 63.567743) (xy 146.493402 63.592725)
+ (xy 146.495948 63.604133) (xy 146.498662 63.614798) (xy 146.501615 63.624704) (xy 146.504877 63.633833)
+ (xy 146.508518 63.64217) (xy 146.512611 63.649699) (xy 146.514848 63.653155) (xy 146.517224 63.656403)
+ (xy 146.519747 63.65944) (xy 146.522428 63.662266) (xy 146.525274 63.664877) (xy 146.528294 63.667271)
+ (xy 146.531498 63.669447) (xy 146.534893 63.671403) (xy 146.53849 63.673136) (xy 146.542295 63.674645)
+ (xy 146.546319 63.675928) (xy 146.550571 63.676981) (xy 146.555058 63.677804) (xy 146.55979 63.678395)
+ (xy 146.564776 63.67875) (xy 146.570025 63.678869) (xy 146.597515 63.676097) (xy 146.625056 63.674116)
+ (xy 146.652631 63.672928) (xy 146.680224 63.672532) (xy 146.707816 63.672928) (xy 146.735392 63.674116)
+ (xy 146.762933 63.676097) (xy 146.790423 63.678869) (xy 146.808275 63.682732) (xy 146.827042 63.685376)
+ (xy 146.866941 63.687511) (xy 146.909363 63.686288) (xy 146.953551 63.682718) (xy 147.044198 63.672586)
+ (xy 147.089143 63.668047) (xy 147.132826 63.66521) (xy 147.174491 63.665085) (xy 147.194331 63.666357)
+ (xy 147.213381 63.668686) (xy 147.231549 63.672199) (xy 147.248738 63.677023) (xy 147.264856 63.683285)
+ (xy 147.279807 63.69111) (xy 147.293496 63.700625) (xy 147.305828 63.711957) (xy 147.316711 63.725232)
+ (xy 147.326047 63.740577) (xy 147.333744 63.758118) (xy 147.339706 63.777981) (xy 147.343839 63.800294)
+ (xy 147.346048 63.825183) (xy 147.345059 63.845345) (xy 147.342153 63.863529) (xy 147.337421 63.879828)
+ (xy 147.330953 63.894335) (xy 147.322839 63.907146) (xy 147.31317 63.918354) (xy 147.302037 63.928053)
+ (xy 147.28953 63.936336) (xy 147.27574 63.943299) (xy 147.260757 63.949034) (xy 147.244672 63.953635)
+ (xy 147.227576 63.957198) (xy 147.209558 63.959814) (xy 147.19071 63.96158) (xy 147.171122 63.962587)
+ (xy 147.150884 63.962931) (xy 147.108823 63.962004) (xy 147.06525 63.959549) (xy 146.97647 63.953063)
+ (xy 146.93271 63.950534) (xy 146.890337 63.949485) (xy 146.850075 63.950666) (xy 146.830961 63.952327)
+ (xy 146.812647 63.954828) (xy 146.796202 63.95727) (xy 146.779537 63.959082) (xy 146.762694 63.96033)
+ (xy 146.745712 63.961079) (xy 146.711495 63.961339) (xy 146.677213 63.960384) (xy 146.609757 63.956911)
+ (xy 146.577233 63.955435) (xy 146.545947 63.954828) (xy 146.538469 63.955064) (xy 146.53131 63.955762)
+ (xy 146.524466 63.956906) (xy 146.51793 63.958481) (xy 146.511697 63.960471) (xy 146.50576 63.962861)
+ (xy 146.500115 63.965634) (xy 146.494754 63.968776) (xy 146.489673 63.972271) (xy 146.484866 63.976102)
+ (xy 146.480326 63.980255) (xy 146.476049 63.984714) (xy 146.472028 63.989464) (xy 146.468258 63.994488)
+ (xy 146.464733 63.999771) (xy 146.461446 64.005297) (xy 146.458393 64.011052) (xy 146.455568 64.017018)
+ (xy 146.452964 64.023182) (xy 146.450576 64.029526) (xy 146.448399 64.036036) (xy 146.446426 64.042696)
+ (xy 146.444652 64.04949) (xy 146.443071 64.056403) (xy 146.440464 64.070523) (xy 146.43856 64.08493)
+ (xy 146.437312 64.0995) (xy 146.436674 64.114108) (xy 146.436625 64.121249) (xy 146.436821 64.128094)
+ (xy 146.43726 64.134647) (xy 146.437936 64.140916) (xy 146.438848 64.146906) (xy 146.43999 64.152625)
+ (xy 146.44136 64.158079) (xy 146.442953 64.163274) (xy 146.444766 64.168217) (xy 146.446795 64.172914)
+ (xy 146.449036 64.177371) (xy 146.451486 64.181596) (xy 146.454141 64.185594) (xy 146.456997 64.189372)
+ (xy 146.46005 64.192936) (xy 146.463297 64.196293) (xy 146.466733 64.199449) (xy 146.470356 64.202411)
+ (xy 146.474162 64.205186) (xy 146.478146 64.207778) (xy 146.482305 64.210196) (xy 146.486635 64.212445)
+ (xy 146.491133 64.214532) (xy 146.495795 64.216464) (xy 146.505594 64.219885) (xy 146.516005 64.222762)
+ (xy 146.526995 64.225144) (xy 146.538537 64.227085) (xy 146.549093 64.23037) (xy 146.559716 64.23339)
+ (xy 146.570401 64.236144) (xy 146.581142 64.238631) (xy 146.591935 64.240851) (xy 146.602775 64.242803)
+ (xy 146.613656 64.244486) (xy 146.624574 64.245901) (xy 146.635523 64.247045) (xy 146.646499 64.24792)
+ (xy 146.657497 64.248523) (xy 146.668511 64.248855) (xy 146.679537 64.248915) (xy 146.690569 64.248703)
+ (xy 146.701603 64.248217) (xy 146.712633 64.247458) (xy 146.821801 64.219155) (xy 146.931201 64.197014)
+ (xy 147.040808 64.18038) (xy 147.150594 64.168599) (xy 147.260532 64.161018) (xy 147.370594 64.156984)
+ (xy 147.590984 64.156937) (xy 148.032069 64.170625) (xy 148.252329 64.173899) (xy 148.362294 64.172356)
+ (xy 148.472112 64.167819) (xy 148.510672 64.167737) (xy 148.549187 64.168874) (xy 148.587627 64.17123)
+ (xy 148.625964 64.174799) (xy 148.664169 64.179579) (xy 148.702213 64.185568) (xy 148.740068 64.192761)
+ (xy 148.777705 64.201155) (xy 148.783142 64.201948) (xy 148.788502 64.203022) (xy 148.793778 64.20437)
+ (xy 148.798958 64.205989) (xy 148.804033 64.20787) (xy 148.808993 64.21001) (xy 148.81383 64.212402)
+ (xy 148.818533 64.21504) (xy 148.823092 64.217919) (xy 148.827499 64.221033) (xy 148.831743 64.224377)
+ (xy 148.835815 64.227944) (xy 148.839705 64.231729) (xy 148.843403 64.235727) (xy 148.846901 64.23993)
+ (xy 148.850188 64.244335) (xy 148.853237 64.248907) (xy 148.856026 64.25361) (xy 148.858554 64.258434)
+ (xy 148.860818 64.263366) (xy 148.862816 64.268397) (xy 148.864545 64.273516) (xy 148.866004 64.278711)
+ (xy 148.86719 64.283971) (xy 148.868102 64.289285) (xy 148.868736 64.294644) (xy 148.869091 64.300035)
+ (xy 148.869165 64.305447) (xy 148.868955 64.310871) (xy 148.868459 64.316294) (xy 148.867675 64.321705)
+ (xy 148.866601 64.327095) (xy 148.865821 64.331304) (xy 148.864857 64.335438) (xy 148.863715 64.339493)
+ (xy 148.862399 64.343464) (xy 148.860914 64.347348) (xy 148.859264 64.35114) (xy 148.857455 64.354838)
+ (xy 148.855491 64.358437) (xy 148.853376 64.361933) (xy 148.851116 64.365322) (xy 148.848714 64.3686)
+ (xy 148.846176 64.371763) (xy 148.843507 64.374808) (xy 148.84071 64.37773) (xy 148.837791 64.380526)
+ (xy 148.834755 64.383191) (xy 148.831606 64.385722) (xy 148.828348 64.388114) (xy 148.824987 64.390364)
+ (xy 148.821527 64.392468) (xy 148.817973 64.394422) (xy 148.81433 64.396222) (xy 148.810601 64.397864)
+ (xy 148.806793 64.399343) (xy 148.802909 64.400657) (xy 148.798954 64.401801) (xy 148.794933 64.402772)
+ (xy 148.790851 64.403564) (xy 148.786712 64.404175) (xy 148.782521 64.404601) (xy 148.778283 64.404837)
+ (xy 148.774003 64.404879) (xy 148.74104 64.408795) (xy 148.708021 64.412122) (xy 148.674953 64.414859)
+ (xy 148.641844 64.417008) (xy 148.608702 64.418566) (xy 148.575535 64.419534) (xy 148.54235 64.419911)
+ (xy 148.509156 64.419697) (xy 147.684979 64.417384) (xy 147.27619 64.411886) (xy 146.866359 64.401178)
+ (xy 146.795441 64.402756) (xy 146.759481 64.404939) (xy 146.72372 64.408239) (xy 146.688555 64.412799)
+ (xy 146.654385 64.418759) (xy 146.621611 64.426259) (xy 146.590629 64.435442) (xy 146.56184 64.446448)
+ (xy 146.535642 64.459418) (xy 146.523639 64.466683) (xy 146.512433 64.474493) (xy 146.502075 64.482864)
+ (xy 146.492614 64.491814) (xy 146.484099 64.501362) (xy 146.476581 64.511523) (xy 146.47011 64.522317)
+ (xy 146.464735 64.533761) (xy 146.460506 64.545872) (xy 146.457474 64.558668) (xy 146.455687 64.572167)
+ (xy 146.455196 64.586386) (xy 146.456054 64.600323) (xy 146.458238 64.613003) (xy 146.461683 64.624479)
+ (xy 146.466327 64.634807) (xy 146.472107 64.644042) (xy 146.478959 64.652239) (xy 146.486819 64.659451)
+ (xy 146.495624 64.665736) (xy 146.505311 64.671147) (xy 146.515817 64.675739) (xy 146.527077 64.679567)
+ (xy 146.539029 64.682687) (xy 146.551608 64.685153) (xy 146.564753 64.68702) (xy 146.578398 64.688343)
+ (xy 146.592482 64.689176) (xy 146.825613 64.680842) (xy 146.941749 64.684564) (xy 147.058079 64.686311)
+ (xy 147.290717 64.685704) (xy 147.751655 64.680842) (xy 147.779423 64.679569) (xy 147.807203 64.678661)
+ (xy 147.83499 64.678116) (xy 147.862781 64.677934) (xy 147.890572 64.678116) (xy 147.918359 64.678662)
+ (xy 147.946138 64.679571) (xy 147.973907 64.680844) (xy 148.000158 64.682897) (xy 148.027907 64.683813)
+ (xy 148.086075 64.684113) (xy 148.115581 64.684435) (xy 148.144763 64.685498) (xy 148.173162 64.68777)
+ (xy 148.200325 64.691723) (xy 148.225794 64.697823) (xy 148.237752 64.701826) (xy 148.249115 64.706542)
+ (xy 148.259827 64.71203) (xy 148.269831 64.718349) (xy 148.27907 64.725557) (xy 148.287487 64.733712)
+ (xy 148.295025 64.742874) (xy 148.301627 64.753101) (xy 148.307236 64.764453) (xy 148.311795 64.776986)
+ (xy 148.315247 64.790761) (xy 148.317535 64.805836) (xy 148.318602 64.82227) (xy 148.318392 64.84012)
+ (xy 148.316929 64.857965) (xy 148.314313 64.87438) (xy 148.310592 64.889423) (xy 148.305817 64.903149)
+ (xy 148.300038 64.915617) (xy 148.293306 64.926883) (xy 148.285671 64.937004) (xy 148.277182 64.946037)
+ (xy 148.26789 64.954039) (xy 148.257845 64.961067) (xy 148.247098 64.967178) (xy 148.235698 64.972429)
+ (xy 148.223696 64.976878) (xy 148.211142 64.980579) (xy 148.198086 64.983592) (xy 148.184578 64.985973)
+ (xy 148.170669 64.987778) (xy 148.156408 64.989066) (xy 148.127034 64.990314) (xy 148.096856 64.990173)
+ (xy 148.066277 64.989098) (xy 148.00552 64.985972) (xy 147.976145 64.984833) (xy 147.947975 64.984583)
+ (xy 146.705229 64.984583) (xy 146.69969 64.98734) (xy 146.693853 64.989733) (xy 146.687732 64.991796)
+ (xy 146.681344 64.993567) (xy 146.667825 64.996375) (xy 146.653423 64.998448) (xy 146.589466 65.005192)
+ (xy 146.572514 65.007943) (xy 146.555426 65.011701) (xy 146.54687 65.014047) (xy 146.538328 65.016755)
+ (xy 146.529813 65.019859) (xy 146.521343 65.023396) (xy 146.512932 65.027402) (xy 146.504597 65.031914)
+ (xy 146.496353 65.036968) (xy 146.488215 65.0426) (xy 146.480199 65.048847) (xy 146.47232 65.055745)
+ (xy 146.464595 65.063329) (xy 146.457039 65.071637) (xy 146.466297 65.069782) (xy 146.46883 65.075688)
+ (xy 146.471562 65.081259) (xy 146.474485 65.086508) (xy 146.477591 65.091447) (xy 146.480874 65.096089)
+ (xy 146.484326 65.100447) (xy 146.487939 65.104532) (xy 146.491707 65.108359) (xy 146.49562 65.111938)
+ (xy 146.499673 65.115283) (xy 146.503857 65.118406) (xy 146.508166 65.12132) (xy 146.512591 65.124037)
+ (xy 146.517125 65.12657) (xy 146.521761 65.128931) (xy 146.526491 65.131134) (xy 146.536204 65.135112)
+ (xy 146.546205 65.138604) (xy 146.556433 65.141711) (xy 146.56683 65.144533) (xy 146.608906 65.154979)
+ (xy 146.63122 65.161245) (xy 146.643198 65.165023) (xy 146.655467 65.169333) (xy 146.667833 65.174251)
+ (xy 146.680104 65.179853) (xy 146.692088 65.186214) (xy 146.703592 65.19341) (xy 146.709103 65.197346)
+ (xy 146.714423 65.201519) (xy 146.719526 65.205938) (xy 146.724388 65.210614) (xy 146.728986 65.215556)
+ (xy 146.733296 65.220774) (xy 146.737293 65.226276) (xy 146.740953 65.232072) (xy 146.744252 65.238173)
+ (xy 146.747166 65.244587) (xy 146.749672 65.251323) (xy 146.751744 65.258392) (xy 146.753359 65.265803)
+ (xy 146.754494 65.273565) (xy 146.755122 65.281688) (xy 146.755222 65.290181) (xy 146.754818 65.298632)
+ (xy 146.753963 65.30663) (xy 146.752674 65.314189) (xy 146.750965 65.321323) (xy 146.748854 65.328046)
+ (xy 146.746355 65.334372) (xy 146.743486 65.340315) (xy 146.740262 65.345889) (xy 146.736698 65.351107)
+ (xy 146.732811 65.355983) (xy 146.728617 65.360532) (xy 146.724132 65.364768) (xy 146.719371 65.368703)
+ (xy 146.714351 65.372353) (xy 146.709087 65.375731) (xy 146.703595 65.37885) (xy 146.697892 65.381725)
+ (xy 146.691994 65.384371) (xy 146.685915 65.386799) (xy 146.679673 65.389026) (xy 146.666761 65.392926)
+ (xy 146.653385 65.396184) (xy 146.639673 65.39891) (xy 146.625752 65.401215) (xy 146.597794 65.405009)
+ (xy 146.58683 65.406035) (xy 146.575885 65.407231) (xy 146.564963 65.408597) (xy 146.554063 65.410134)
+ (xy 146.543189 65.41184) (xy 146.532343 65.413716) (xy 146.521525 65.415761) (xy 146.51074 65.417976)
+ (xy 146.505292 65.419549) (xy 146.499976 65.421364) (xy 146.494797 65.423413) (xy 146.489759 65.42569)
+ (xy 146.484868 65.428186) (xy 146.480128 65.430894) (xy 146.475544 65.433807) (xy 146.471121 65.436917)
+ (xy 146.466863 65.440217) (xy 146.462775 65.443699) (xy 146.458863 65.447356) (xy 146.455129 65.45118)
+ (xy 146.451581 65.455164) (xy 146.448222 65.459301) (xy 146.445056 65.463582) (xy 146.44209 65.468002)
+ (xy 146.439327 65.472551) (xy 146.436772 65.477223) (xy 146.434431 65.48201) (xy 146.432307 65.486904)
+ (xy 146.430406 65.491899) (xy 146.428733 65.496987) (xy 146.427291 65.50216) (xy 146.426087 65.507411)
+ (xy 146.425124 65.512732) (xy 146.424407 65.518117) (xy 146.423942 65.523556) (xy 146.423733 65.529044)
+ (xy 146.423784 65.534572) (xy 146.424101 65.540134) (xy 146.424689 65.545721) (xy 146.425551 65.551326)
+ (xy 146.425718 65.55812) (xy 146.426211 65.564616) (xy 146.427021 65.570819) (xy 146.428138 65.576734)
+ (xy 146.429551 65.582367) (xy 146.431253 65.587723) (xy 146.433231 65.592808) (xy 146.435477 65.597628)
+ (xy 146.437981 65.602186) (xy 146.440733 65.60649) (xy 146.443723 65.610544) (xy 146.446941 65.614354)
+ (xy 146.450377 65.617925) (xy 146.454022 65.621263) (xy 146.457866 65.624373) (xy 146.461898 65.627261)
+ (xy 146.46611 65.629931) (xy 146.470491 65.63239) (xy 146.475031 65.634643) (xy 146.479721 65.636695)
+ (xy 146.484551 65.638552) (xy 146.489511 65.640218) (xy 146.49459 65.641701) (xy 146.49978 65.643004)
+ (xy 146.510451 65.645095) (xy 146.521445 65.646534) (xy 146.532683 65.647366) (xy 146.544087 65.647634)
+ (xy 146.643783 65.653899) (xy 146.743552 65.658374) (xy 146.843368 65.66106) (xy 146.943208 65.661955)
+ (xy 147.043048 65.66106) (xy 147.142864 65.658374) (xy 147.242633 65.653899) (xy 147.342329 65.647634)
+ (xy 147.365922 65.645169) (xy 147.389473 65.643951) (xy 147.412983 65.643873) (xy 147.436453 65.644824)
+ (xy 147.483282 65.649381) (xy 147.52997 65.656751) (xy 147.715527 65.696947) (xy 147.761672 65.70532)
+ (xy 147.807741 65.711282) (xy 147.853745 65.713961) (xy 147.876726 65.713797) (xy 147.899695 65.712486)
+ (xy 147.922653 65.709919) (xy 147.945601 65.705987) (xy 147.968541 65.700581) (xy 147.991475 65.693593)
+ (xy 148.014403 65.684913) (xy 148.037327 65.674432) (xy 148.060248 65.662042) (xy 148.083168 65.647634)
+ (xy 148.089364 65.644202) (xy 148.095714 65.641171) (xy 148.1022 65.638542) (xy 148.108803 65.636315)
+ (xy 148.115504 65.634492) (xy 148.122285 65.633075) (xy 148.129127 65.632063) (xy 148.136011 65.631459)
+ (xy 148.142919 65.631262) (xy 148.149832 65.631475) (xy 148.156731 65.632099) (xy 148.163598 65.633134)
+ (xy 148.170414 65.634582) (xy 148.177161 65.636444) (xy 148.18382 65.63872) (xy 148.190372 65.641412)
+ (xy 148.196748 65.644496) (xy 148.202887 65.647937) (xy 148.208775 65.651721) (xy 148.214402 65.655833)
+ (xy 148.219755 65.660257) (xy 148.224823 65.664981) (xy 148.229594 65.669989) (xy 148.234057 65.675266)
+ (xy 148.2382 65.680797) (xy 148.242012 65.686569) (xy 148.24548 65.692567) (xy 148.248593 65.698775)
+ (xy 148.25134 65.70518) (xy 148.253709 65.711766) (xy 148.255687 65.718519) (xy 148.257264 65.725425)
+ (xy 148.25934 65.73231) (xy 148.260949 65.739263) (xy 148.262093 65.746262) (xy 148.262779 65.753284)
+ (xy 148.263009 65.760308) (xy 148.262788 65.767313) (xy 148.26212 65.774276) (xy 148.26101 65.781176)
+ (xy 148.259462 65.787991) (xy 148.257479 65.794699) (xy 148.255066 65.801279) (xy 148.252228 65.807708)
+ (xy 148.248968 65.813966) (xy 148.245291 65.820029) (xy 148.241201 65.825878) (xy 148.236702 65.831489)
+ (xy 148.231844 65.836793) (xy 148.22669 65.841729) (xy 148.221259 65.84629) (xy 148.215574 65.850469)
+ (xy 148.209654 65.854257) (xy 148.203521 65.857647) (xy 148.197194 65.860633) (xy 148.190696 65.863205)
+ (xy 148.184048 65.865358) (xy 148.177268 65.867083) (xy 148.17038 65.868372) (xy 148.163403 65.86922)
+ (xy 148.156358 65.869617) (xy 148.149266 65.869556) (xy 148.142149 65.869031) (xy 148.135026 65.868033)
+ (xy 148.10784 65.861165) (xy 148.080796 65.855779) (xy 148.053886 65.851785) (xy 148.027098 65.849093)
+ (xy 148.000425 65.84761) (xy 147.973856 65.847246) (xy 147.920994 65.849512) (xy 147.868436 65.855164)
+ (xy 147.816105 65.863475) (xy 147.763927 65.873718) (xy 147.711824 65.885165) (xy 147.607543 65.908765)
+ (xy 147.555213 65.919463) (xy 147.502655 65.928458) (xy 147.449792 65.935022) (xy 147.39655 65.938428)
+ (xy 147.342852 65.937948) (xy 147.315809 65.936025) (xy 147.288623 65.932857) (xy 147.205607 65.926749)
+ (xy 147.122509 65.922386) (xy 147.039357 65.919769) (xy 146.956177 65.918896) (xy 146.872997 65.919769)
+ (xy 146.789844 65.922386) (xy 146.706747 65.926749) (xy 146.623731 65.932857) (xy 146.549066 65.930311)
+ (xy 146.529993 65.930325) (xy 146.511343 65.931295) (xy 146.49341 65.933567) (xy 146.484803 65.935299)
+ (xy 146.476486 65.937488) (xy 146.468494 65.940176) (xy 146.460864 65.943406) (xy 146.453633 65.947222)
+ (xy 146.446837 65.951668) (xy 146.440514 65.956787) (xy 146.434699 65.962622) (xy 146.42943 65.969216)
+ (xy 146.424742 65.976614) (xy 146.420673 65.984858) (xy 146.417259 65.993991) (xy 146.414537 66.004058)
+ (xy 146.412543 66.015102) (xy 146.411315 66.027166) (xy 146.410888 66.040293) (xy 146.411299 66.054528)
+ (xy 146.412585 66.069912) (xy 146.414637 66.085228) (xy 146.417303 66.099261) (xy 146.420557 66.112063)
+ (xy 146.424373 66.123688) (xy 146.428725 66.134186) (xy 146.433586 66.143611) (xy 146.438932 66.152014)
+ (xy 146.444735 66.159449) (xy 146.450969 66.165966) (xy 146.457608 66.171618) (xy 146.464627 66.176458)
+ (xy 146.471998 66.180538) (xy 146.479697 66.183909) (xy 146.487697 66.186625) (xy 146.495971 66.188737)
+ (xy 146.504493 66.190297) (xy 146.513239 66.191359) (xy 146.52218 66.191973) (xy 146.531292 66.192193)
+ (xy 146.540548 66.19207) (xy 146.559388 66.191006) (xy 146.57849 66.189198) (xy 146.61665 66.185024)
+ (xy 146.635288 66.183493) (xy 146.653354 66.182889) (xy 146.680851 66.179982) (xy 146.708304 66.176714)
+ (xy 146.735708 66.173085) (xy 146.763062 66.169097) (xy 146.790361 66.164749) (xy 146.817601 66.160042)
+ (xy 146.844779 66.154977) (xy 146.871893 66.149554) (xy 146.889241 66.147748) (xy 146.906498 66.146566)
+ (xy 146.92357 66.146111) (xy 146.940365 66.146486) (xy 146.956791 66.147795) (xy 146.972756 66.15014)
+ (xy 146.988167 66.153624) (xy 147.002932 66.158351) (xy 147.010044 66.161213) (xy 147.01696 66.164424)
+ (xy 147.023668 66.167997) (xy 147.030157 66.171945) (xy 147.036416 66.176281) (xy 147.042432 66.181018)
+ (xy 147.048195 66.186169) (xy 147.053692 66.191746) (xy 147.058913 66.197763) (xy 147.063845 66.204232)
+ (xy 147.068478 66.211167) (xy 147.072799 66.21858) (xy 147.076797 66.226484) (xy 147.080462 66.234891)
+ (xy 147.08378 66.243816) (xy 147.086741 66.25327) (xy 147.089101 66.262773) (xy 147.090646 66.271842)
+ (xy 147.091408 66.280488) (xy 147.091418 66.288723) (xy 147.090708 66.296558) (xy 147.089309 66.304004)
+ (xy 147.087253 66.311073) (xy 147.084571 66.317774) (xy 147.081295 66.32412) (xy 147.077456 66.330122)
+ (xy 147.073086 66.335791) (xy 147.068217 66.341139) (xy 147.06288 66.346175) (xy 147.057106 66.350912)
+ (xy 147.050927 66.355361) (xy 147.044375 66.359533) (xy 147.037481 66.363439) (xy 147.030277 66.36709)
+ (xy 147.022794 66.370498) (xy 147.015064 66.373673) (xy 146.998988 66.379372) (xy 146.982302 66.384276)
+ (xy 146.965257 66.388474) (xy 146.948107 66.392056) (xy 146.931103 66.395112) (xy 146.914498 66.397731)
+ (xy 146.388507 66.47737) (xy 145.94267 66.47737) (xy 145.931037 64.669716) (xy 145.921082 63.114197)
+ (xy 145.925567 62.336871) (xy 145.933963 61.99516) (xy 146.394638 61.99516) (xy 146.395097 62.10539)
+ (xy 146.400982 62.326215) (xy 146.416293 62.767647) (xy 146.416594 62.778348) (xy 146.417485 62.788902)
+ (xy 146.41895 62.799282) (xy 146.42097 62.80946) (xy 146.423529 62.819409) (xy 146.426609 62.829101)
+ (xy 146.430193 62.838509) (xy 146.434264 62.847605) (xy 146.438804 62.856362) (xy 146.443796 62.864753)
+ (xy 146.449223 62.872749) (xy 146.455067 62.880324) (xy 146.461312 62.88745) (xy 146.467939 62.894099)
+ (xy 146.474932 62.900245) (xy 146.482274 62.905859) (xy 146.489946 62.910914) (xy 146.497932 62.915383)
+ (xy 146.506214 62.919238) (xy 146.514776 62.922452) (xy 146.523599 62.924997) (xy 146.532667 62.926846)
+ (xy 146.541962 62.927971) (xy 146.551467 62.928345) (xy 146.561165 62.92794) (xy 146.571038 62.926729)
+ (xy 146.581069 62.924685) (xy 146.59124 62.921779) (xy 146.601536 62.917985) (xy 146.611937 62.913275)
+ (xy 146.622427 62.907622) (xy 146.632989 62.900997) (xy 146.689181 62.866537) (xy 146.746542 62.836453)
+ (xy 146.804939 62.81026) (xy 146.86424 62.787471) (xy 146.924311 62.767601) (xy 146.985019 62.750165)
+ (xy 147.046232 62.734677) (xy 147.107817 62.720652) (xy 147.355214 62.669459) (xy 147.416663 62.65546)
+ (xy 147.477687 62.64001) (xy 147.538151 62.622623) (xy 147.597923 62.602813) (xy 147.752269 62.552851)
+ (xy 147.906183 62.513753) (xy 148.059582 62.485008) (xy 148.212382 62.466105) (xy 148.364497 62.456535)
+ (xy 148.515845 62.455788) (xy 148.666341 62.463354) (xy 148.8159 62.478722) (xy 148.96444 62.501383)
+ (xy 149.111875 62.530826) (xy 149.258122 62.566542) (xy 149.403096 62.608021) (xy 149.546714 62.654751)
+ (xy 149.688891 62.706224) (xy 149.829544 62.76193) (xy 149.968587 62.821357) (xy 150.18244 62.921986)
+ (xy 150.387578 63.030917) (xy 150.583622 63.148334) (xy 150.770192 63.274422) (xy 150.946909 63.409366)
+ (xy 151.113392 63.553349) (xy 151.269262 63.706556) (xy 151.414139 63.869172) (xy 151.547643 64.041382)
+ (xy 151.669394 64.223369) (xy 151.779012 64.415318) (xy 151.829153 64.515086) (xy 151.876118 64.617414)
+ (xy 151.91986 64.722325) (xy 151.960331 64.829842) (xy 151.997485 64.939987) (xy 152.031273 65.052785)
+ (xy 152.061648 65.168257) (xy 152.088562 65.286428) (xy 152.111968 65.40732) (xy 152.131819 65.530956)
+ (xy 152.158141 65.744777) (xy 152.175098 65.955604) (xy 152.182396 66.163391) (xy 152.179743 66.368097)
+ (xy 152.166845 66.569677) (xy 152.14341 66.768089) (xy 152.109145 66.963288) (xy 152.063756 67.155232)
+ (xy 152.006951 67.343877) (xy 151.938437 67.529179) (xy 151.85792 67.711096) (xy 151.765108 67.889583)
+ (xy 151.659707 68.064598) (xy 151.541425 68.236096) (xy 151.409969 68.404035) (xy 151.265046 68.568371)
+ (xy 151.214793 68.620131) (xy 151.163735 68.67105) (xy 151.111883 68.721119) (xy 151.059247 68.77033)
+ (xy 151.005839 68.818673) (xy 150.95167 68.866141) (xy 150.896749 68.912723) (xy 150.841089 68.958411)
+ (xy 150.7847 69.003197) (xy 150.727593 69.047071) (xy 150.669779 69.090025) (xy 150.611269 69.132049)
+ (xy 150.552074 69.173136) (xy 150.492205 69.213275) (xy 150.431672 69.252459) (xy 150.370486 69.290679)
+ (xy 150.234675 69.375883) (xy 150.096584 69.460435) (xy 149.956018 69.541949) (xy 149.884746 69.580821)
+ (xy 149.812783 69.618037) (xy 149.740103 69.6533) (xy 149.666682 69.686311) (xy 149.592497 69.716772)
+ (xy 149.517521 69.744384) (xy 149.441732 69.76885) (xy 149.365105 69.789869) (xy 149.287615 69.807145)
+ (xy 149.209238 69.820379) (xy 149.076829 69.837445) (xy 148.944178 69.851026) (xy 148.811354 69.861127)
+ (xy 148.678425 69.867751) (xy 148.545457 69.870904) (xy 148.41252 69.870589) (xy 148.27968 69.866813)
+ (xy 148.147006 69.859578) (xy 148.014566 69.84889) (xy 147.882427 69.834753) (xy 147.750657 69.817172)
+ (xy 147.619324 69.796152) (xy 147.488495 69.771697) (xy 147.35824 69.743811) (xy 147.228625 69.712499)
+ (xy 147.099718 69.677766) (xy 147.067723 69.667841) (xy 147.036239 69.656352) (xy 147.005124 69.643648)
+ (xy 146.974237 69.630076) (xy 146.912582 69.601716) (xy 146.850146 69.574051) (xy 146.818283 69.561347)
+ (xy 146.785801 69.549858) (xy 146.752559 69.539932) (xy 146.718417 69.531917) (xy 146.700964 69.528733)
+ (xy 146.683233 69.526158) (xy 146.665206 69.524234) (xy 146.646866 69.523004) (xy 146.628195 69.522512)
+ (xy 146.609175 69.522801) (xy 146.589789 69.523915) (xy 146.570019 69.525898) (xy 146.579277 69.525895)
+ (xy 146.579277 70.811241) (xy 146.579522 70.870767) (xy 146.580543 70.923252) (xy 146.582769 70.969167)
+ (xy 146.586627 71.00898) (xy 146.589303 71.026745) (xy 146.592548 71.043161) (xy 146.596415 71.058286)
+ (xy 146.600959 71.072179) (xy 146.606232 71.084899) (xy 146.612289 71.096504) (xy 146.619183 71.107052)
+ (xy 146.626968 71.116604) (xy 146.635696 71.125217) (xy 146.645422 71.132949) (xy 146.6562 71.139861)
+ (xy 146.668082 71.146009) (xy 146.681123 71.151454) (xy 146.695376 71.156253) (xy 146.710895 71.160466)
+ (xy 146.727733 71.16415) (xy 146.765581 71.17017) (xy 146.809348 71.174782) (xy 146.859464 71.178455)
+ (xy 146.916358 71.181658) (xy 147.123979 71.184454) (xy 147.330298 71.181455) (xy 147.535576 71.174332)
+ (xy 147.740072 71.164757) (xy 148.147762 71.144934) (xy 148.351477 71.138028) (xy 148.555452 71.135355)
+ (xy 155.130348 71.161288) (xy 155.965174 71.16013) (xy 156.385192 71.157382) (xy 156.808335 71.15203)
+ (xy 156.863924 71.151727) (xy 156.912895 71.150561) (xy 156.955665 71.148148) (xy 156.992647 71.144101)
+ (xy 157.009098 71.141345) (xy 157.024258 71.138036) (xy 157.038178 71.134126) (xy 157.050912 71.129567)
+ (xy 157.062509 71.12431) (xy 157.073024 71.118309) (xy 157.082507 71.111513) (xy 157.09101 71.103877)
+ (xy 157.098585 71.09535) (xy 157.105284 71.085885) (xy 157.111159 71.075434) (xy 157.116262 71.063948)
+ (xy 157.120644 71.05138) (xy 157.124358 71.037682) (xy 157.127456 71.022804) (xy 157.129989 71.0067)
+ (xy 157.133568 70.970617) (xy 157.135512 70.929049) (xy 157.136235 70.88161) (xy 157.136152 70.827914)
+ (xy 157.135504 70.772353) (xy 157.13375 70.71679) (xy 157.12805 70.605665) (xy 157.121308 70.49454)
+ (xy 157.115781 70.383415) (xy 157.101027 70.244929) (xy 157.090023 70.10617) (xy 157.082771 69.967216)
+ (xy 157.079271 69.828141) (xy 157.079525 69.689024) (xy 157.083533 69.549938) (xy 157.091296 69.410961)
+ (xy 157.102816 69.272168) (xy 157.131287 69.091188) (xy 157.153834 68.909534) (xy 157.171996 68.727404)
+ (xy 157.187315 68.544992) (xy 157.215588 68.180102) (xy 157.231624 67.998016) (xy 157.25098 67.816429)
+ (xy 157.258924 67.725791) (xy 157.261662 67.635149) (xy 157.259847 67.544495) (xy 157.254134 67.453825)
+ (xy 157.245176 67.363134) (xy 157.233627 67.272415) (xy 157.205372 67.090874) (xy 157.174599 66.90916)
+ (xy 157.14654 66.727229) (xy 157.135162 66.636169) (xy 157.126424 66.545038) (xy 157.12098 66.453831)
+ (xy 157.119484 66.362542) (xy 157.118441 65.718256) (xy 157.105245 65.07436) (xy 157.056975 63.78722)
+ (xy 157.003843 62.500081) (xy 156.98457 61.856185) (xy 156.975021 61.211899) (xy 156.974745 61.117766)
+ (xy 156.973422 61.034952) (xy 156.970308 60.962795) (xy 156.964661 60.900633) (xy 156.960654 60.873093)
+ (xy 156.955736 60.847803) (xy 156.949812 60.824681) (xy 156.94279 60.803644) (xy 156.934577 60.784609)
+ (xy 156.92508 60.767494) (xy 156.914207 60.752216) (xy 156.901863 60.738691) (xy 156.887957 60.726838)
+ (xy 156.872395 60.716573) (xy 156.855085 60.707814) (xy 156.835933 60.700477) (xy 156.814847 60.694481)
+ (xy 156.791733 60.689743) (xy 156.7665 60.686179) (xy 156.739053 60.683707) (xy 156.677148 60.681709)
+ (xy 156.605276 60.683085) (xy 156.522692 60.687175) (xy 156.428655 60.693315) (xy 155.768843 60.724225)
+ (xy 155.108987 60.745781) (xy 153.788973 60.767167) (xy 151.146515 60.767397) (xy 149.059217 60.760915)
+ (xy 146.971918 60.741468) (xy 146.954915 60.740821) (xy 146.938023 60.740897) (xy 146.921261 60.741684)
+ (xy 146.904645 60.74317) (xy 146.871924 60.748188) (xy 146.839999 60.755855) (xy 146.809011 60.766075)
+ (xy 146.7791 60.778751) (xy 146.750406 60.793785) (xy 146.723068 60.811082) (xy 146.697228 60.830544)
+ (xy 146.673024 60.852075) (xy 146.650597 60.875577) (xy 146.630086 60.900955) (xy 146.611633 60.928111)
+ (xy 146.595376 60.956948) (xy 146.588115 60.971967) (xy 146.581456 60.98737) (xy 146.575417 61.003146)
+ (xy 146.570013 61.019281) (xy 146.527572 61.125556) (xy 146.49223 61.232509) (xy 146.463405 61.340081)
+ (xy 146.440513 61.448212) (xy 146.422971 61.556842) (xy 146.410196 61.665911) (xy 146.401604 61.77536)
+ (xy 146.396612 61.88513) (xy 146.394638 61.99516) (xy 145.933963 61.99516) (xy 145.935112 61.948393)
+ (xy 145.951407 61.560066) (xy 145.958656 61.354498) (xy 145.971816 61.149526) (xy 145.990854 60.945273)
+ (xy 146.015739 60.741862) (xy 146.046439 60.539416) (xy 146.082924 60.33806) (xy 146.12516 60.137915)
+ (xy 146.173117 59.939107) (xy 146.226762 59.741757) (xy 146.286065 59.54599) (xy 146.350993 59.351929)
+ (xy 146.421516 59.159696) (xy 146.497601 58.969416) (xy 146.579216 58.781212) (xy 146.666331 58.595207)
+ (xy 146.758913 58.411525) (xy 146.879163 58.205953) (xy 147.003162 58.002792) (xy 147.13087 57.802089)
+ (xy 147.262249 57.603895) (xy 147.39726 57.408256) (xy 147.535864 57.215224) (xy 147.678024 57.024845)
+ (xy 147.8237 56.837169) (xy 147.972854 56.652245) (xy 148.125446 56.470122) (xy 148.28144 56.290848)
+ (xy 148.380117 56.181632) (xy 149.088859 56.181632) (xy 149.098111 56.181634) (xy 149.234175 56.187919)
+ (xy 149.370293 56.192408) (xy 149.506447 56.195102) (xy 149.642619 56.196) (xy 149.778791 56.195103)
+ (xy 149.914945 56.19241) (xy 150.051063 56.187921) (xy 150.187126 56.181637) (xy 150.685803 56.20032)
+ (xy 151.184479 56.209562) (xy 152.181828 56.210574) (xy 153.179177 56.206377) (xy 153.677852 56.209108)
+ (xy 154.176526 56.218675) (xy 154.398778 56.218675) (xy 154.428069 56.218466) (xy 154.44359 56.217967)
+ (xy 154.459465 56.216997) (xy 154.475525 56.215397) (xy 154.491598 56.213011) (xy 154.507514 56.20968)
+ (xy 154.523102 56.205248) (xy 154.53819 56.199557) (xy 154.545494 56.19619) (xy 154.552608 56.19245)
+ (xy 154.559513 56.188316) (xy 154.566185 56.183769) (xy 154.572605 56.178789) (xy 154.578751 56.173357)
+ (xy 154.584601 56.167453) (xy 154.590133 56.161057) (xy 154.595328 56.15415) (xy 154.600162 56.146712)
+ (xy 154.604615 56.138723) (xy 154.608666 56.130163) (xy 154.612293 56.121014) (xy 154.615475 56.111254)
+ (xy 154.618132 56.101409) (xy 154.620213 56.092001) (xy 154.62174 56.083014) (xy 154.622732 56.07443)
+ (xy 154.623212 56.066231) (xy 154.6232 56.058399) (xy 154.622717 56.050918) (xy 154.621785 56.043769)
+ (xy 154.620424 56.036934) (xy 154.618655 56.030397) (xy 154.6165 56.024139) (xy 154.613979 56.018143)
+ (xy 154.611113 56.012392) (xy 154.607924 56.006866) (xy 154.604433 56.00155) (xy 154.60066 55.996425)
+ (xy 154.596626 55.991473) (xy 154.592353 55.986678) (xy 154.583173 55.977484) (xy 154.573288 55.968703)
+ (xy 154.562866 55.960193) (xy 154.541082 55.943424) (xy 154.530057 55.934881) (xy 154.519168 55.926046)
+ (xy 154.460794 55.879769) (xy 154.403604 55.832078) (xy 154.347398 55.78321) (xy 154.291969 55.733401)
+ (xy 154.182635 55.631901) (xy 154.073974 55.529469) (xy 153.964357 55.427991) (xy 153.908682 55.378201)
+ (xy 153.852158 55.329357) (xy 153.79458 55.281696) (xy 153.735747 55.235454) (xy 153.675453 55.190867)
+ (xy 153.613497 55.148172) (xy 153.580372 55.128981) (xy 153.548136 55.108706) (xy 153.516806 55.087377)
+ (xy 153.486399 55.065025) (xy 153.456931 55.041683) (xy 153.42842 55.017381) (xy 153.400883 54.992152)
+ (xy 153.374336 54.966025) (xy 153.348797 54.939034) (xy 153.324281 54.911209) (xy 153.300807 54.882581)
+ (xy 153.278391 54.853183) (xy 153.257049 54.823045) (xy 153.236799 54.792199) (xy 153.217658 54.760677)
+ (xy 153.199642 54.72851) (xy 153.182769 54.695729) (xy 153.167055 54.662366) (xy 153.152517 54.628452)
+ (xy 153.139173 54.594018) (xy 153.127038 54.559097) (xy 153.11613 54.523719) (xy 153.106466 54.487916)
+ (xy 153.098062 54.45172) (xy 153.090936 54.415161) (xy 153.085104 54.378272) (xy 153.080584 54.341083)
+ (xy 153.077392 54.303626) (xy 153.075545 54.265933) (xy 153.075059 54.228035) (xy 153.075953 54.189964)
+ (xy 153.078242 54.15175) (xy 153.086218 54.004235) (xy 153.089962 53.856111) (xy 153.09045 53.707293)
+ (xy 153.08866 53.557694) (xy 153.082149 53.255804) (xy 153.079382 53.10334) (xy 153.078242 52.949747)
+ (xy 153.01922 52.937455) (xy 152.959962 52.926803) (xy 152.9005 52.917789) (xy 152.84087 52.910414)
+ (xy 152.781104 52.904678) (xy 152.721237 52.900581) (xy 152.661303 52.898123) (xy 152.601334 52.897304)
+ (xy 152.541366 52.898124) (xy 152.481431 52.900582) (xy 152.421564 52.904679) (xy 152.361799 52.910415)
+ (xy 152.302168 52.91779) (xy 152.242707 52.926804) (xy 152.183448 52.937456) (xy 152.124426 52.949747)
+ (xy 151.987976 52.971563) (xy 151.851105 52.990132) (xy 151.713871 53.005448) (xy 151.576333 53.017508)
+ (xy 151.438547 53.026306) (xy 151.300573 53.031839) (xy 151.162467 53.034102) (xy 151.024288 53.03309)
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+ (xy 150.576076 53.286825) (xy 150.575797 53.403436) (xy 150.572344 53.519932) (xy 150.565723 53.636248)
+ (xy 150.55594 53.752319) (xy 150.543003 53.868081) (xy 150.526917 53.983469) (xy 150.50769 54.098419)
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+ (xy 150.44528 54.462363) (xy 150.427738 54.522656) (xy 150.407284 54.58191) (xy 150.38397 54.64002)
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+ (xy 149.088859 56.181632) (xy 148.380117 56.181632) (xy 148.440795 56.114473) (xy 148.603473 55.941044)
+ (xy 148.769436 55.770612) (xy 148.938645 55.603224) (xy 149.111061 55.43893) (xy 149.192994 55.356415)
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+ (xy 153.250162 52.352918) (xy 153.252304 52.363673) (xy 153.255078 52.374015) (xy 153.258541 52.383879)
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+ (xy 153.494961 52.331157) (xy 153.500015 52.315361) (xy 153.504556 52.299421) (xy 153.508582 52.283353)
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+ (effects
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+ )
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+ (hide yes)
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+ )
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+ (at 0 0 0)
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_fp_filters" "Connector*:*_1x??_*"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
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+ },
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diff --git a/bottles/bepis/panel_bepis.kicad_pro b/bottles/bepis/panel_bepis.kicad_pro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfde465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bottles/bepis/panel_bepis.kicad_pro
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
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+ "defaults": {
+ "apply_defaults_to_fp_fields": false,
+ "apply_defaults_to_fp_shapes": false,
+ "apply_defaults_to_fp_text": false,
+ "board_outline_line_width": 0.1,
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+ "silk_text_thickness": 0.15,
+ "silk_text_upright": false,
+ "zones": {
+ "min_clearance": 0.5
+ }
+ },
+ "diff_pair_dimensions": [],
+ "drc_exclusions": [],
+ "meta": {
+ "version": 2
+ },
+ "rule_severities": {
+ "annular_width": "error",
+ "clearance": "error",
+ "connection_width": "warning",
+ "copper_edge_clearance": "error",
+ "copper_sliver": "warning",
+ "courtyards_overlap": "error",
+ "diff_pair_gap_out_of_range": "error",
+ "diff_pair_uncoupled_length_too_long": "error",
+ "drill_out_of_range": "error",
+ "duplicate_footprints": "warning",
+ "extra_footprint": "warning",
+ "footprint": "error",
+ "footprint_symbol_mismatch": "warning",
+ "footprint_type_mismatch": "ignore",
+ "hole_clearance": "error",
+ "hole_near_hole": "error",
+ "holes_co_located": "warning",
+ "invalid_outline": "error",
+ "isolated_copper": "warning",
+ "item_on_disabled_layer": "error",
+ "items_not_allowed": "error",
+ "length_out_of_range": "error",
+ "lib_footprint_issues": "warning",
+ "lib_footprint_mismatch": "warning",
+ "malformed_courtyard": "error",
+ "microvia_drill_out_of_range": "error",
+ "missing_courtyard": "ignore",
+ "missing_footprint": "warning",
+ "net_conflict": "warning",
+ "npth_inside_courtyard": "ignore",
+ "padstack": "warning",
+ "pth_inside_courtyard": "ignore",
+ "shorting_items": "error",
+ "silk_edge_clearance": "warning",
+ "silk_over_copper": "warning",
+ "silk_overlap": "warning",
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+ "solder_mask_bridge": "error",
+ "starved_thermal": "error",
+ "text_height": "warning",
+ "text_thickness": "warning",
+ "through_hole_pad_without_hole": "error",
+ "too_many_vias": "error",
+ "track_dangling": "warning",
+ "track_width": "error",
+ "tracks_crossing": "error",
+ "unconnected_items": "error",
+ "unresolved_variable": "error",
+ "via_dangling": "warning",
+ "zones_intersect": "error"
+ },
+ "rules": {
+ "max_error": 0.005,
+ "min_clearance": 0.0,
+ "min_connection": 0.0,
+ "min_copper_edge_clearance": 0.0,
+ "min_hole_clearance": 0.25,
+ "min_hole_to_hole": 0.25,
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+ "min_silk_clearance": 0.0,
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+ "min_via_diameter": 0.5,
+ "solder_mask_to_copper_clearance": 0.0,
+ "use_height_for_length_calcs": true
+ },
+ "teardrop_options": [
+ {
+ "td_onpadsmd": true,
+ "td_onroundshapesonly": false,
+ "td_ontrackend": false,
+ "td_onviapad": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "teardrop_parameters": [
+ {
+ "td_allow_use_two_tracks": true,
+ "td_curve_segcount": 0,
+ "td_height_ratio": 1.0,
+ "td_length_ratio": 0.5,
+ "td_maxheight": 2.0,
+ "td_maxlen": 1.0,
+ "td_on_pad_in_zone": false,
+ "td_target_name": "td_round_shape",
+ "td_width_to_size_filter_ratio": 0.9
+ },
+ {
+ "td_allow_use_two_tracks": true,
+ "td_curve_segcount": 0,
+ "td_height_ratio": 1.0,
+ "td_length_ratio": 0.5,
+ "td_maxheight": 2.0,
+ "td_maxlen": 1.0,
+ "td_on_pad_in_zone": false,
+ "td_target_name": "td_rect_shape",
+ "td_width_to_size_filter_ratio": 0.9
+ },
+ {
+ "td_allow_use_two_tracks": true,
+ "td_curve_segcount": 0,
+ "td_height_ratio": 1.0,
+ "td_length_ratio": 0.5,
+ "td_maxheight": 2.0,
+ "td_maxlen": 1.0,
+ "td_on_pad_in_zone": false,
+ "td_target_name": "td_track_end",
+ "td_width_to_size_filter_ratio": 0.9
+ }
+ ],
+ "track_widths": [],
+ "tuning_pattern_settings": {
+ "diff_pair_defaults": {
+ "corner_radius_percentage": 80,
+ "corner_style": 1,
+ "max_amplitude": 1.0,
+ "min_amplitude": 0.2,
+ "single_sided": false,
+ "spacing": 1.0
+ },
+ "diff_pair_skew_defaults": {
+ "corner_radius_percentage": 80,
+ "corner_style": 1,
+ "max_amplitude": 1.0,
+ "min_amplitude": 0.2,
+ "single_sided": false,
+ "spacing": 0.6
+ },
+ "single_track_defaults": {
+ "corner_radius_percentage": 80,
+ "corner_style": 1,
+ "max_amplitude": 1.0,
+ "min_amplitude": 0.2,
+ "single_sided": false,
+ "spacing": 0.6
+ }
+ },
+ "via_dimensions": [],
+ "zones_allow_external_fillets": false
+ },
+ "ipc2581": {
+ "dist": "",
+ "distpn": "",
+ "internal_id": "",
+ "mfg": "",
+ "mpn": ""
+ },
+ "layer_presets": [],
+ "viewports": []
+ },
+ "boards": [],
+ "cvpcb": {
+ "equivalence_files": []
+ },
+ "libraries": {
+ "pinned_footprint_libs": [],
+ "pinned_symbol_libs": []
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "filename": "panel_bepis.kicad_pro",
+ "version": 1
+ },
+ "net_settings": {
+ "classes": [
+ {
+ "bus_width": 12,
+ "clearance": 0.2,
+ "diff_pair_gap": 0.25,
+ "diff_pair_via_gap": 0.25,
+ "diff_pair_width": 0.2,
+ "line_style": 0,
+ "microvia_diameter": 0.3,
+ "microvia_drill": 0.1,
+ "name": "Default",
+ "pcb_color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.000)",
+ "schematic_color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.000)",
+ "track_width": 0.2,
+ "via_diameter": 0.6,
+ "via_drill": 0.3,
+ "wire_width": 6
+ }
+ ],
+ "meta": {
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "net_colors": null,
+ "netclass_assignments": null,
+ "netclass_patterns": []
+ },
+ "pcbnew": {
+ "last_paths": {
+ "gencad": "",
+ "idf": "",
+ "netlist": "",
+ "plot": "",
+ "pos_files": "",
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+ "svg": "",
+ "vrml": ""
+ },
+ "page_layout_descr_file": ""
+ },
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+ "legacy_lib_dir": "",
+ "legacy_lib_list": []
+ },
+ "sheets": [],
+ "text_variables": {}
diff --git a/bottles/milk/milk.kicad_pcb b/bottles/milk/milk.kicad_pcb
index 183d829..2e8e17e 100644
--- a/bottles/milk/milk.kicad_pcb
+++ b/bottles/milk/milk.kicad_pcb
@@ -1,4001 +1,3878 @@
-(kicad_pcb (version 20221018) (generator pcbnew)
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- (thickness 1.6)
- )
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- (39 "F.Mask" user)
- (40 "Dwgs.User" user "User.Drawings")
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- (43 "Eco2.User" user "User.Eco2")
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- (47 "F.CrtYd" user "F.Courtyard")
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- (49 "F.Fab" user)
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- (51 "User.2" user)
- (52 "User.3" user)
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- (54 "User.5" user)
- (55 "User.6" user)
- (56 "User.7" user)
- (57 "User.8" user)
- (58 "User.9" user)
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- (layer "B.SilkS" (type "Bottom Silk Screen") (color "Black"))
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- )
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- )
- )
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- (xy 142.162934 74.799478)
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- (xy 141.607303 78.362872)
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+ (xy 142.045137 79.129011) (xy 142.029231 79.134025) (xy 142.013052 79.138207) (xy 141.996632 79.141542)
+ (xy 141.980003 79.144016) (xy 141.963196 79.145613) (xy 141.946243 79.146318) (xy 141.808042 79.163975)
+ (xy 141.669551 79.178774) (xy 141.530815 79.190714) (xy 141.391877 79.199791) (xy 141.252782 79.206004)
+ (xy 141.113573 79.209349) (xy 140.974296 79.209825) (xy 140.834993 79.207428) (xy 140.093292 79.161476)
+ (xy 139.351938 79.107884) (xy 137.87166 79) (xy 137.777524 78.993747) (xy 137.683312 78.98928) (xy 137.589049 78.9866)
+ (xy 137.49476 78.985707) (xy 137.400472 78.9866) (xy 137.306208 78.98928) (xy 137.211996 78.993747)
+ (xy 137.117861 79) (xy 133.891529 79.294482) (xy 133.720041 79.300508) (xy 133.548567 79.301357)
+ (xy 133.377223 79.297036) (xy 133.206127 79.287554) (xy 133.035394 79.272918) (xy 132.865142 79.253138)
+ (xy 132.695486 79.228221) (xy 132.526545 79.198175) (xy 132.067254 79.124529) (xy 131.606352 79.063821)
+ (xy 131.144111 79.016069) (xy 130.680804 78.981288) (xy 130.216704 78.959495) (xy 129.752086 78.950708)
+ (xy 129.287221 78.954942) (xy 128.822384 78.972216) (xy 128.778438 78.97847) (xy 128.734666 78.981084)
+ (xy 128.691255 78.98015) (xy 128.648391 78.97576) (xy 128.60626 78.968005) (xy 128.565049 78.956979)
+ (xy 128.524944 78.942772) (xy 128.486131 78.925478) (xy 128.448798 78.905187) (xy 128.41313 78.881993)
+ (xy 128.379313 78.855986) (xy 128.347535 78.82726) (xy 128.317981 78.795905) (xy 128.290837 78.762015)
+ (xy 128.266291 78.72568) (xy 128.244529 78.686994) (xy 128.232579 78.666584) (xy 128.221244 78.645866)
+ (xy 128.210529 78.624854) (xy 128.200438 78.603563) (xy 128.190976 78.582006) (xy 128.182148 78.560198)
+ (xy 128.173957 78.538152) (xy 128.166409 78.515884) (xy 128.159508 78.493406) (xy 128.153259 78.470734)
+ (xy 128.147666 78.44788) (xy 128.142733 78.42486) (xy 128.138466 78.401688) (xy 128.134868 78.378377)
+ (xy 128.131945 78.354942) (xy 128.129701 78.331397) (xy 128.122285 72.836257) (xy 128.06325 70.339186)
+ (xy 128.011159 67.811554) (xy 128.013583 67.696179) (xy 128.02013 67.580652) (xy 128.029716 67.464994)
+ (xy 128.041255 67.349229) (xy 128.065852 67.117458) (xy 128.07674 67.001497) (xy 128.085241 66.885513)
+ (xy 128.094385 66.698133) (xy 128.096326 66.63433) (xy 128.492642 66.63433) (xy 128.495526 66.912449)
+ (xy 128.50282 67.190468) (xy 128.51452 67.468335) (xy 128.530625 67.745999) (xy 128.551133 68.023409)
+ (xy 128.576042 68.300512) (xy 128.592487 68.543591) (xy 128.612796 68.786649) (xy 128.657536 69.272615)
+ (xy 128.678234 69.515479) (xy 128.69533 69.758235) (xy 128.706956 70.000861) (xy 128.711246 70.243335)
+ (xy 128.717526 71.898664) (xy 128.746203 73.552777) (xy 128.773554 74.379214) (xy 128.812039 75.205153)
+ (xy 128.863503 76.030528) (xy 128.929791 76.855274) (xy 128.941071 76.96493) (xy 128.955085 77.074456)
+ (xy 128.971269 77.183895) (xy 128.989059 77.293291) (xy 129.064995 77.731311) (xy 129.067837 77.746989)
+ (xy 129.071153 77.76208) (xy 129.074939 77.776595) (xy 129.079189 77.790543) (xy 129.083901 77.803935)
+ (xy 129.08907 77.816781) (xy 129.094692 77.829091) (xy 129.100763 77.840875) (xy 129.107278 77.852144)
+ (xy 129.114235 77.862908) (xy 129.121629 77.873177) (xy 129.129455 77.88296) (xy 129.13771 77.892269)
+ (xy 129.14639 77.901113) (xy 129.15549 77.909503) (xy 129.165006 77.917448) (xy 129.174935 77.924959)
+ (xy 129.185272 77.932047) (xy 129.196014 77.93872) (xy 129.207155 77.94499) (xy 129.218693 77.950867)
+ (xy 129.230623 77.95636) (xy 129.242941 77.961481) (xy 129.255642 77.966238) (xy 129.282181 77.974705)
+ (xy 129.310207 77.981842) (xy 129.339686 77.987732) (xy 129.370588 77.992455) (xy 130.622133 78.168636)
+ (xy 131.248426 78.257334) (xy 131.876456 78.34065) (xy 132.036101 78.358742) (xy 132.195946 78.374776)
+ (xy 132.355972 78.388752) (xy 132.516158 78.400667) (xy 132.676484 78.410521) (xy 132.836928 78.418311)
+ (xy 132.997472 78.424037) (xy 133.158094 78.427696) (xy 133.207633 78.426742) (xy 133.252889 78.423796)
+ (xy 133.294047 78.418735) (xy 133.313149 78.415372) (xy 133.331296 78.411433) (xy 133.348513 78.406902)
+ (xy 133.364823 78.401765) (xy 133.380249 78.396004) (xy 133.394814 78.389606) (xy 133.408543 78.382554)
+ (xy 133.421458 78.374832) (xy 133.433583 78.366425) (xy 133.444941 78.357318) (xy 133.455556 78.347494)
+ (xy 133.465451 78.336939) (xy 133.474649 78.325636) (xy 133.483174 78.31357) (xy 133.491049 78.300725)
+ (xy 133.498298 78.287087) (xy 133.504944 78.272638) (xy 133.51101 78.257364) (xy 133.51652 78.241248)
+ (xy 133.521497 78.224277) (xy 133.529947 78.1877) (xy 133.536547 78.14751) (xy 133.541483 78.103582)
+ (xy 133.605381 77.397707) (xy 133.618642 77.221076) (xy 133.629516 77.044336) (xy 133.629616 77.04209)
+ (xy 133.91463 77.04209) (xy 133.915782 77.14752) (xy 133.919877 77.252857) (xy 133.926911 77.358039)
+ (xy 133.93688 77.463004) (xy 133.949781 77.567691) (xy 133.965612 77.672038) (xy 134.019225 77.919597)
+ (xy 134.042603 78.022003) (xy 134.065653 78.111333) (xy 134.089843 78.188464) (xy 134.102824 78.222731)
+ (xy 134.11664 78.254277) (xy 134.131475 78.283214) (xy 134.147512 78.30965) (xy 134.164935 78.333696)
+ (xy 134.183927 78.355462) (xy 134.204671 78.375058) (xy 134.227352 78.392593) (xy 134.252152 78.408177)
+ (xy 134.279255 78.421921) (xy 134.308844 78.433933) (xy 134.341104 78.444325) (xy 134.376217 78.453205)
+ (xy 134.414366 78.460684) (xy 134.50051 78.471878) (xy 134.601003 78.478785) (xy 134.717313 78.482285)
+ (xy 134.850907 78.483256) (xy 140.760905 78.483256) (xy 140.867471 78.474106) (xy 140.973858 78.463265)
+ (xy 141.080046 78.450736) (xy 141.186015 78.436521) (xy 141.291745 78.420625) (xy 141.397215 78.40305)
+ (xy 141.502406 78.383798) (xy 141.607298 78.362872) (xy 141.607303 78.362872) (xy 141.607303 74.184573)
+ (xy 141.611239 72.895754) (xy 141.620587 72.251779) (xy 141.638791 71.608325) (xy 141.650894 71.370184)
+ (xy 141.668945 71.132195) (xy 141.713337 70.656586) (xy 141.734904 70.418922) (xy 141.752869 70.181324)
+ (xy 141.764843 69.94377) (xy 141.768439 69.706237) (xy 141.762937 69.435371) (xy 141.748384 69.164504)
+ (xy 141.727711 68.893637) (xy 141.703847 68.62277) (xy 141.658269 68.081035) (xy 141.642414 67.810167)
+ (xy 141.635089 67.539298) (xy 141.632397 66.373845) (xy 141.63995 65.208219) (xy 141.662869 62.875754)
+ (xy 141.665853 62.803943) (xy 141.66752 62.732108) (xy 141.667871 62.660267) (xy 141.666908 62.588438)
+ (xy 141.664628 62.516639) (xy 141.661034 62.444888) (xy 141.656126 62.373202) (xy 141.649902 62.301601)
+ (xy 141.641036 62.248862) (xy 141.63567 62.224065) (xy 141.62967 62.200296) (xy 141.62303 62.177539)
+ (xy 141.615739 62.155777) (xy 141.607789 62.134997) (xy 141.599173 62.115181) (xy 141.589881 62.096315)
+ (xy 141.579905 62.078383) (xy 141.569236 62.06137) (xy 141.557866 62.045259) (xy 141.545787 62.030035)
+ (xy 141.53299 62.015682) (xy 141.519467 62.002186) (xy 141.505209 61.98953) (xy 141.490207 61.977698)
+ (xy 141.474454 61.966676) (xy 141.45794 61.956447) (xy 141.440658 61.946997) (xy 141.422598 61.938308)
+ (xy 141.403752 61.930367) (xy 141.384112 61.923156) (xy 141.36367 61.916661) (xy 141.342416 61.910866)
+ (xy 141.320343 61.905756) (xy 141.273703 61.897525) (xy 141.223683 61.891845) (xy 141.170214 61.88859)
+ (xy 140.196481 61.843907) (xy 139.709094 61.825821) (xy 139.464815 61.820956) (xy 139.219971 61.820064)
+ (xy 138.466 61.828572) (xy 137.712375 61.847846) (xy 136.95875 61.868507) (xy 136.204779 61.88118)
+ (xy 136.01154 61.880135) (xy 135.818041 61.876984) (xy 135.624369 61.871707) (xy 135.43061 61.86428)
+ (xy 135.236851 61.854684) (xy 135.043178 61.842895) (xy 134.849679 61.828892) (xy 134.65644 61.812654)
+ (xy 134.564735 61.805147) (xy 134.48233 61.800344) (xy 134.408672 61.798781) (xy 134.343207 61.800992)
+ (xy 134.313374 61.803679) (xy 134.285381 61.807511) (xy 134.259161 61.812553) (xy 134.234643 61.818872)
+ (xy 134.211758 61.826536) (xy 134.190437 61.835611) (xy 134.17061 61.846164) (xy 134.15221 61.858262)
+ (xy 134.135166 61.871971) (xy 134.11941 61.887358) (xy 134.104871 61.904491) (xy 134.091482 61.923435)
+ (xy 134.079172 61.944259) (xy 134.067873 61.967028) (xy 134.057515 61.991809) (xy 134.04803 62.01867)
+ (xy 134.039347 62.047676) (xy 134.031399 62.078895) (xy 134.017427 62.14824) (xy 134.00556 62.227237)
+ (xy 133.995245 62.316421) (xy 133.990362 62.371352) (xy 133.986737 62.426402) (xy 133.982743 62.536818)
+ (xy 133.982223 62.647581) (xy 133.984133 62.758605) (xy 133.991078 62.981088) (xy 133.99403 63.092372)
+ (xy 133.995245 63.20357) (xy 133.963759 64.291669) (xy 133.948364 64.835544) (xy 133.937831 65.379768)
+ (xy 133.937585 65.939409) (xy 133.948017 66.498832) (xy 133.984595 67.617548) (xy 134.014923 68.736958)
+ (xy 134.017542 69.297249) (xy 134.006358 69.858104) (xy 133.961531 71.600597) (xy 133.94084 73.343957)
+ (xy 133.921163 76.831196) (xy 133.916422 76.936628) (xy 133.91463 77.04209) (xy 133.629616 77.04209)
+ (xy 133.637351 76.867466) (xy 133.641497 76.690442) (xy 133.645113 76.012579) (xy 133.642653 75.334716)
+ (xy 133.634985 74.656852) (xy 133.622975 73.978989) (xy 133.563707 68.422739) (xy 133.553867 67.662027)
+ (xy 133.550278 66.904265) (xy 133.550739 65.398231) (xy 133.537775 64.944527) (xy 133.538547 64.869057)
+ (xy 133.540741 64.802893) (xy 133.544172 64.744705) (xy 133.548656 64.693164) (xy 133.554007 64.646941)
+ (xy 133.560043 64.604705) (xy 133.573427 64.526882) (xy 133.587332 64.449058) (xy 133.594018 64.406823)
+ (xy 133.600282 64.360599) (xy 133.605937 64.309058) (xy 133.610801 64.25087) (xy 133.614688 64.184706)
+ (xy 133.617413 64.109236) (xy 133.631825 63.690376) (xy 133.650751 63.26839) (xy 133.666898 62.845016)
+ (xy 133.67165 62.633352) (xy 133.672973 62.421991) (xy 133.676055 62.372394) (xy 133.677537 62.322814)
+ (xy 133.677425 62.273289) (xy 133.675727 62.223856) (xy 133.672449 62.174553) (xy 133.667598 62.125417)
+ (xy 133.661181 62.076487) (xy 133.653204 62.027798) (xy 133.643675 61.97939) (xy 133.6326 61.931299)
+ (xy 133.619986 61.883563) (xy 133.60584 61.836219) (xy 133.590168 61.789306) (xy 133.572977 61.742861)
+ (xy 133.554275 61.696921) (xy 133.534067 61.651523) (xy 133.046941 60.882967) (xy 132.549917 60.120314)
+ (xy 131.544931 58.602996) (xy 131.523604 58.571092) (xy 131.501746 58.53956) (xy 131.479362 58.508405)
+ (xy 131.456456 58.477635) (xy 131.433035 58.447255) (xy 131.409102 58.417273) (xy 131.384663 58.387694)
+ (xy 131.359723 58.358526) (xy 131.319197 58.314213) (xy 131.299505 58.294252) (xy 131.280167 58.275763)
+ (xy 131.261164 58.258751) (xy 131.242476 58.243222) (xy 131.224085 58.229182) (xy 131.205971 58.216636)
+ (xy 131.188115 58.205591) (xy 131.170497 58.196052) (xy 131.153098 58.188024) (xy 131.135899 58.181514)
+ (xy 131.118881 58.176528) (xy 131.102023 58.17307) (xy 131.085308 58.171148) (xy 131.068714 58.170766)
+ (xy 131.052224 58.171931) (xy 131.035818 58.174647) (xy 131.019476 58.178922) (xy 131.003179 58.18476)
+ (xy 130.986908 58.192168) (xy 130.970643 58.201152) (xy 130.954366 58.211716) (xy 130.938056 58.223867)
+ (xy 130.921695 58.23761) (xy 130.905262 58.252952) (xy 130.88874 58.269898) (xy 130.872108 58.288454)
+ (xy 130.855347 58.308625) (xy 130.838438 58.330418) (xy 130.821362 58.353837) (xy 130.804098 58.37889)
+ (xy 128.73347 61.427417) (xy 128.704658 61.471229) (xy 128.677886 61.516109) (xy 128.653175 61.561985)
+ (xy 128.630542 61.608786) (xy 128.610006 61.656439) (xy 128.591587 61.704874) (xy 128.575302 61.754019)
+ (xy 128.561171 61.803801) (xy 128.549212 61.854149) (xy 128.539444 61.904991) (xy 128.531885 61.956256)
+ (xy 128.526555 62.007872) (xy 128.523472 62.059766) (xy 128.522655 62.111868) (xy 128.524122 62.164106)
+ (xy 128.527892 62.216407) (xy 128.536439 62.393674) (xy 128.541753 62.571225) (xy 128.545718 62.926911)
+ (xy 128.545862 63.282945) (xy 128.548262 63.638805) (xy 128.5535 64.248344) (xy 128.549881 64.857708)
+ (xy 128.543504 65.162488) (xy 128.533415 65.46742) (xy 128.519115 65.772569) (xy 128.500106 66.078001)
+ (xy 128.494168 66.356164) (xy 128.492642 66.63433) (xy 128.096326 66.63433) (xy 128.100058 66.511622)
+ (xy 128.102953 66.326848) (xy 128.103763 66.14468) (xy 128.101217 65.03343) (xy 128.09517 64.477805)
+ (xy 128.083393 63.92218) (xy 128.07283 63.489633) (xy 128.058621 63.056564) (xy 128.037815 62.623842)
+ (xy 128.024014 62.407882) (xy 128.007457 62.192334) (xy 128.001988 62.108789) (xy 128.000521 62.025417)
+ (xy 128.003017 61.942352) (xy 128.009436 61.859728) (xy 128.019738 61.77768) (xy 128.033882 61.696341)
+ (xy 128.051829 61.615845) (xy 128.073539 61.536326) (xy 128.098971 61.457918) (xy 128.128086 61.380756)
+ (xy 128.160844 61.304973) (xy 128.197205 61.230703) (xy 128.237128 61.158081) (xy 128.280574 61.087239)
+ (xy 128.327502 61.018313) (xy 128.377874 60.951437) (xy 128.695015 60.53709) (xy 129.016149 60.12587)
+ (xy 129.337629 59.715344) (xy 129.65581 59.303083) (xy 129.883704 59.002727) (xy 130.109339 58.700461)
+ (xy 130.22017 58.548015) (xy 130.32907 58.394376) (xy 130.435582 58.239304) (xy 130.539252 58.082561)
+ (xy 130.560317 58.046794) (xy 130.580352 58.010504) (xy 130.599351 57.973714) (xy 130.617306 57.936447)
+ (xy 130.634209 57.898726) (xy 130.650053 57.860573) (xy 130.664829 57.822011) (xy 130.67853 57.783062)
+ (xy 130.686232 57.759067) (xy 131.519638 57.759067) (xy 131.519874 57.764932) (xy 131.520435 57.770364)
+ (xy 131.521371 57.775393) (xy 131.52273 57.780054) (xy 131.524561 57.784379) (xy 131.708499 58.132829)
+ (xy 131.901563 58.476066) (xy 132.103638 58.813915) (xy 132.314608 59.1462) (xy 132.534359 59.472745)
+ (xy 132.762775 59.793374) (xy 132.999741 60.107911) (xy 133.245143 60.416182) (xy 133.295376 60.475937)
+ (xy 133.344509 60.536576) (xy 133.392531 60.598083) (xy 133.43943 60.660443) (xy 133.485194 60.723639)
+ (xy 133.529812 60.787656) (xy 133.573273 60.85248) (xy 133.615565 60.918095) (xy 133.626233 60.937913)
+ (xy 133.637545 60.957238) (xy 133.649484 60.976062) (xy 133.662032 60.994373) (xy 133.675172 61.01216)
+ (xy 133.688887 61.029415) (xy 133.703158 61.046126) (xy 133.717968 61.062283) (xy 133.7333 61.077875)
+ (xy 133.749136 61.092893) (xy 133.765459 61.107327) (xy 133.782251 61.121165) (xy 133.799495 61.134397)
+ (xy 133.817174 61.147013) (xy 133.835269 61.159004) (xy 133.853764 61.170357) (xy 133.87264 61.181064)
+ (xy 133.891881 61.191114) (xy 133.911468 61.200496) (xy 133.931385 61.209201) (xy 133.951614 61.217217)
+ (xy 133.972137 61.224535) (xy 133.992937 61.231144) (xy 134.013997 61.237034) (xy 134.035298 61.242195)
+ (xy 134.056824 61.246616) (xy 134.078557 61.250287) (xy 134.100479 61.253197) (xy 134.122573 61.255337)
+ (xy 134.144821 61.256696) (xy 134.167207 61.257263) (xy 134.189712 61.257029) (xy 134.611175 61.259345)
+ (xy 135.03287 61.266291) (xy 135.454797 61.277867) (xy 135.876957 61.294073) (xy 139.1144 61.447793)
+ (xy 139.345518 61.462807) (xy 139.576801 61.469469) (xy 139.808025 61.467792) (xy 140.038963 61.45779)
+ (xy 140.269392 61.439478) (xy 140.499085 61.41287) (xy 140.727818 61.377979) (xy 140.955366 61.334819)
+ (xy 140.959073 61.340375) (xy 140.967584 61.317192) (xy 140.974741 61.294513) (xy 140.980592 61.272321)
+ (xy 140.985184 61.250599) (xy 140.988562 61.22933) (xy 140.990775 61.208498) (xy 140.991869 61.188084)
+ (xy 140.99189 61.168073) (xy 140.990886 61.148447) (xy 140.988903 61.129189) (xy 140.985988 61.110283)
+ (xy 140.982188 61.091711) (xy 140.97755 61.073456) (xy 140.97212 61.055502) (xy 140.959073 61.020428)
+ (xy 140.943422 60.986351) (xy 140.925541 60.953138) (xy 140.905803 60.920652) (xy 140.884585 60.888757)
+ (xy 140.839202 60.826199) (xy 140.792387 60.76438) (xy 140.333939 60.166042) (xy 140.105388 59.866482)
+ (xy 139.880699 59.564231) (xy 139.662435 59.257465) (xy 139.453156 58.944361) (xy 139.352687 58.784863)
+ (xy 139.255425 58.623096) (xy 139.161689 58.458834) (xy 139.071801 58.291848) (xy 139.058638 58.267686)
+ (xy 139.044891 58.243798) (xy 139.030629 58.220154) (xy 139.01592 58.196725) (xy 138.985429 58.150391)
+ (xy 138.953961 58.104556) (xy 138.890267 58.013428) (xy 138.859125 57.967658) (xy 138.829178 57.921431)
+ (xy 138.82209 57.909001) (xy 138.814598 57.896894) (xy 138.806714 57.885119) (xy 138.79845 57.87368)
+ (xy 138.789816 57.862585) (xy 138.780825 57.851839) (xy 138.771488 57.84145) (xy 138.761815 57.831422)
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+ (at 0 0 0)
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+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
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+ (font
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+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical"
+ (at 74.93 77.47 0)
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "3"
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+ )
+ (instances
+ (project "milk"
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+ (reference "J1")
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+ )
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diff --git a/bottles/panel/panelize.sh b/bottles/panel/panelize.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2cab03b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bottles/panel/panelize.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+rm *.svg
+mkdir -p milk
+#width = 16mm
+kikit panelize \
+ --layout 'grid; rows: 2; cols: 5; space: 2mm' \
+ --tabs annotation \
+ --framing 'railstb; width: 5mm; space: 3mm;' \
+ --cuts vcuts \
+ --post 'millradius: 1mm' \
+ ../milk/milk.kicad_pcb milk/panel_milk.kicad_pcb
+kicad-cli pcb export svg -o milk.svg -l Edge.Cuts \
+ --exclude-drawing-sheet milk/panel_milk.kicad_pcb
+mkdir -p bepis
+#width = 13.5mm, 2.5mm diff, need 1.25mm longer tabs
+kikit panelize \
+ --layout 'grid; rows: 2; cols: 5; space: 2mm' \
+ --tabs annotation \
+ --framing 'railstb; width: 5mm; space: 3mm;' \
+ --cuts vcuts \
+ --post 'millradius: 1mm' \
+ ../bepis/bepis.kicad_pcb bepis/panel_bepis.kicad_pcb
+kicad-cli pcb export svg -o bepis.svg -l Edge.Cuts \
+ --exclude-drawing-sheet bepis/panel_bepis.kicad_pcb
+code *.svg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bottles/pipebomb-mask/pipebomb-mask.kicad_pcb b/bottles/pipebomb-mask/pipebomb-mask.kicad_pcb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64c9a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bottles/pipebomb-mask/pipebomb-mask.kicad_pcb
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+ (55 "User.6" user)
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+ (57 "User.8" user)
+ (58 "User.9" user)
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+ (xy 76.202688 51.014102) (xy 76.20991 51.001673) (xy 76.216569 50.989137) (xy 76.222666 50.976485)
+ (xy 76.2282 50.963704) (xy 76.233171 50.950782) (xy 76.23758 50.937708) (xy 76.241425 50.924469)
+ (xy 76.244708 50.911055) (xy 76.247428 50.897453) (xy 76.249586 50.883652) (xy 76.25118 50.869639)
+ (xy 76.252212 50.855404) (xy 76.252681 50.840935) (xy 76.252588 50.826219) (xy 76.251931 50.811245)
+ (xy 76.250712 50.796002) (xy 76.24893 50.780478) (xy 76.246585 50.76466) (xy 76.240207 50.732098)
+ (xy 76.231579 50.698224) (xy 76.220698 50.662942) (xy 76.212715 50.64494) (xy 76.206731 50.626973)
+ (xy 76.202681 50.609076) (xy 76.200501 50.591284) (xy 76.200127 50.573634) (xy 76.201494 50.556159)
+ (xy 76.204537 50.538895) (xy 76.209192 50.521878) (xy 76.215395 50.505142) (xy 76.223081 50.488722)
+ (xy 76.232186 50.472654) (xy 76.242645 50.456973) (xy 76.254393 50.441715) (xy 76.267367 50.426913)
+ (xy 76.281501 50.412604) (xy 76.296732 50.398822) (xy 76.312994 50.385603) (xy 76.330224 50.372982)
+ (xy 76.348356 50.360995) (xy 76.367327 50.349675) (xy 76.387071 50.339059) (xy 76.407525 50.329181)
+ (xy 76.428624 50.320078) (xy 76.450303 50.311783) (xy 76.472498 50.304332) (xy 76.495144 50.297761)
+ (xy 76.518177 50.292104) (xy 76.541533 50.287397) (xy 76.565146 50.283675) (xy 76.588953 50.280972)
+ (xy 76.612889 50.279325) (xy 76.63689 50.278768) (xy 76.997053 50.279268) (xy 77.357218 50.28277)
+ (xy 77.717382 50.292274) (xy 77.897464 50.300214) (xy 78.077545 50.310781) (xy 78.26463 50.311281)
+ (xy 78.355546 50.312469) (xy 78.445712 50.314783) (xy 78.535878 50.318597) (xy 78.626795 50.324287)
+ (xy 78.719213 50.332229) (xy 78.813883 50.342796) (xy 78.843239 50.343723) (xy 78.871276 50.346462)
+ (xy 78.897988 50.350947) (xy 78.92337 50.357115) (xy 78.947415 50.364901) (xy 78.970118 50.37424)
+ (xy 78.991473 50.385068) (xy 79.011473 50.397321) (xy 79.030113 50.410934) (xy 79.047388 50.425842)
+ (xy 79.063291 50.441981) (xy 79.077816 50.459287) (xy 79.090958 50.477695) (xy 79.10271 50.49714)
+ (xy 79.113067 50.517558) (xy 79.122024 50.538886) (xy 79.129573 50.561057) (xy 79.13571 50.584008)
+ (xy 79.140428 50.607674) (xy 79.143721 50.631991) (xy 79.145584 50.656893) (xy 79.146011 50.682318)
+ (xy 79.144996 50.7082) (xy 79.142533 50.734475) (xy 79.138616 50.761078) (xy 79.133239 50.787944)
+ (xy 79.126397 50.81501) (xy 79.118084 50.842211) (xy 79.108293 50.869482) (xy 79.101035 50.887043)
+ (xy 78.621806 50.887043) (xy 78.621806 50.823015) (xy 76.668914 50.823015) (xy 76.636899 50.823013)
+ (xy 76.66091 50.846899) (xy 76.684921 50.870034) (xy 76.696926 50.881086) (xy 76.708932 50.891669)
+ (xy 76.720937 50.901689) (xy 76.732943 50.911052) (xy 76.744948 50.919666) (xy 76.756954 50.927435)
+ (xy 76.768959 50.934266) (xy 76.780965 50.940066) (xy 76.786968 50.942549) (xy 76.792971 50.94474)
+ (xy 76.798974 50.946626) (xy 76.804977 50.948195) (xy 76.81098 50.949435) (xy 76.816983 50.950336)
+ (xy 76.822986 50.950885) (xy 76.82899 50.951071) (xy 78.429716 50.951071) (xy 78.453727 50.950946)
+ (xy 78.465733 50.950649) (xy 78.477738 50.950071) (xy 78.489744 50.949117) (xy 78.50175 50.947695)
+ (xy 78.513755 50.945709) (xy 78.525761 50.943068) (xy 78.537767 50.939675) (xy 78.549772 50.935439)
+ (xy 78.561778 50.930265) (xy 78.573783 50.924059) (xy 78.585789 50.916728) (xy 78.591792 50.912611)
+ (xy 78.597795 50.908177) (xy 78.603798 50.903416) (xy 78.6098 50.898314) (xy 78.615803 50.89286)
+ (xy 78.621806 50.887043) (xy 79.101035 50.887043) (xy 79.097019 50.89676) (xy 79.084256 50.923978)
+ (xy 79.069999 50.951073) (xy 79.082067 50.975084) (xy 79.09451 50.999095) (xy 79.107704 51.023105)
+ (xy 79.114699 51.035111) (xy 79.122023 51.047116) (xy 79.129721 51.059122) (xy 79.137842 51.071127)
+ (xy 79.146432 51.083133) (xy 79.155537 51.095138) (xy 79.165205 51.107143) (xy 79.175483 51.119149)
+ (xy 79.186417 51.131154) (xy 79.198054 51.143159) (xy 79.222128 51.167045) (xy 79.234282 51.178754)
+ (xy 79.246576 51.190181) (xy 79.259059 51.201233) (xy 79.271775 51.211816) (xy 79.284773 51.221837)
+ (xy 79.298099 51.231201) (xy 79.3118 51.239814) (xy 79.325924 51.247583) (xy 79.333159 51.251122)
+ (xy 79.340516 51.254415) (xy 79.348003 51.257449) (xy 79.355625 51.260214) (xy 79.363387 51.262698)
+ (xy 79.371296 51.264888) (xy 79.379357 51.266774) (xy 79.387577 51.268343) (xy 79.39596 51.269584)
+ (xy 79.404514 51.270485) (xy 79.413244 51.271034) (xy 79.422155 51.271219) (xy 80.76677 51.271219)
+ (xy 80.772771 51.271035) (xy 80.778767 51.270493) (xy 80.784751 51.26961) (xy 80.790717 51.268406)
+ (xy 80.79666 51.266896) (xy 80.802574 51.2651) (xy 80.81429 51.260715) (xy 80.825818 51.255392) (xy 80.837112 51.249272)
+ (xy 80.848125 51.242496) (xy 80.858809 51.235203) (xy 80.869119 51.227536) (xy 80.879006 51.219634)
+ (xy 80.888424 51.211638) (xy 80.897327 51.203689) (xy 80.913397 51.188494) (xy 80.926841 51.175174)
+ (xy 80.944482 51.144793) (xy 80.96142 51.113709) (xy 80.977701 51.081968) (xy 80.993372 51.049617)
+ (xy 81.023073 50.983275) (xy 81.050899 50.915056) (xy 81.077223 50.845337) (xy 81.102421 50.774493)
+ (xy 81.150942 50.630927) (xy 81.15704 50.616293) (xy 81.163338 50.602391) (xy 81.169847 50.589204)
+ (xy 81.176579 50.576715) (xy 81.183545 50.564906) (xy 81.190757 50.553759) (xy 81.198228 50.543257)
+ (xy 81.205967 50.533383) (xy 81.213989 50.524118) (xy 81.222303 50.515445) (xy 81.230923 50.507347)
+ (xy 81.239858 50.499805) (xy 81.249122 50.492803) (xy 81.258726 50.486323) (xy 81.268682 50.480347)
+ (xy 81.279001 50.474857) (xy 81.289696 50.469836) (xy 81.300777 50.465267) (xy 81.312257 50.461131)
+ (xy 81.324147 50.457412) (xy 81.336459 50.454091) (xy 81.349205 50.451151) (xy 81.362397 50.448575)
+ (xy 81.376046 50.446344) (xy 81.404762 50.442851) (xy 81.435448 50.44053) (xy 81.468197 50.43924)
+ (xy 81.503103 50.438841) (xy 81.69019 50.438341) (xy 81.781107 50.437153) (xy 81.871273 50.434839)
+ (xy 81.961439 50.431025) (xy 82.052356 50.425335) (xy 82.144773 50.417394) (xy 82.23944 50.406826)
+ (xy 82.911748 50.406826) (xy 82.941388 50.407384) (xy 82.97029 50.409038) (xy 82.998465 50.411759)
+ (xy 83.025925 50.415518) (xy 83.052681 50.420285) (xy 83.078746 50.42603) (xy 83.104131 50.432726)
+ (xy 83.128847 50.440342) (xy 83.152907 50.448848) (xy 83.176322 50.458217) (xy 83.221265 50.479422)
+ (xy 83.263769 50.503722) (xy 83.303928 50.530883) (xy 83.341836 50.56067) (xy 83.377587 50.592849)
+ (xy 83.411274 50.627185) (xy 83.442991 50.663444) (xy 83.472833 50.701391) (xy 83.500892 50.740792)
+ (xy 83.527264 50.781413) (xy 83.55204 50.823018) (xy 83.598623 50.89505) (xy 83.64258 50.967082)
+ (xy 83.684286 51.039115) (xy 83.724117 51.111148) (xy 83.762447 51.183181) (xy 83.799652 51.255214)
+ (xy 83.872186 51.39928) (xy 83.872463 51.40228) (xy 83.873273 51.405275) (xy 83.874587 51.408258)
+ (xy 83.876376 51.411223) (xy 83.87861 51.414165) (xy 83.881261 51.417077) (xy 83.884298 51.419954)
+ (xy 83.887693 51.42279) (xy 83.891417 51.42558) (xy 83.895439 51.428316) (xy 83.904264 51.433608)
+ (xy 83.913932 51.438618) (xy 83.92421 51.443299) (xy 83.934863 51.447606) (xy 83.945657 51.45149)
+ (xy 83.956357 51.454906) (xy 83.966729 51.457805) (xy 83.976538 51.460142) (xy 83.985549 51.46187)
+ (xy 83.993529 51.46294) (xy 84.000242 51.463308) (xy 85.568957 51.463308) (xy 88.194152 51.39928)
+ (xy 91.075463 51.39928) (xy 91.747768 51.303235) (xy 91.777228 51.302496) (xy 91.805615 51.300327)
+ (xy 91.832982 51.296798) (xy 91.859381 51.291979) (xy 91.884867 51.285942) (xy 91.90949 51.278755)
+ (xy 91.933305 51.270489) (xy 91.956363 51.261216) (xy 91.978718 51.251004) (xy 92.000422 51.239925)
+ (xy 92.021528 51.228048) (xy 92.042089 51.215445) (xy 92.081787 51.188339) (xy 92.119937 51.159169)
+ (xy 92.156962 51.128499) (xy 92.193283 51.096891) (xy 92.265503 51.033112) (xy 92.302246 51.002067)
+ (xy 92.339974 50.972335) (xy 92.379109 50.944478) (xy 92.420073 50.919061) (xy 92.462467 50.889461)
+ (xy 92.505612 50.860846) (xy 92.549507 50.833451) (xy 92.594153 50.80751) (xy 92.639549 50.783257)
+ (xy 92.685695 50.760926) (xy 92.732591 50.740753) (xy 92.780238 50.722971) (xy 92.828635 50.707816)
+ (xy 92.877783 50.695522) (xy 92.92768 50.686322) (xy 92.978329 50.680452) (xy 93.029727 50.678147)
+ (xy 93.055708 50.678404) (xy 93.081876 50.67964) (xy 93.108232 50.681884) (xy 93.134776 50.685166)
+ (xy 93.161507 50.689515) (xy 93.188425 50.69496) (xy 93.412526 50.69496) (xy 93.508382 50.69546)
+ (xy 93.555959 50.696648) (xy 93.603113 50.698961) (xy 93.649704 50.702776) (xy 93.695592 50.708466)
+ (xy 93.740636 50.716407) (xy 93.784695 50.726974) (xy 93.827629 50.740543) (xy 93.869296 50.757489)
+ (xy 93.889611 50.767345) (xy 93.909556 50.778186) (xy 93.929115 50.790058) (xy 93.948269 50.80301)
+ (xy 93.967001 50.817086) (xy 93.985294 50.832336) (xy 94.003129 50.848804) (xy 94.02049 50.866539)
+ (xy 94.037358 50.885587) (xy 94.053716 50.905995) (xy 94.069546 50.927809) (xy 94.084831 50.951078)
+ (xy 94.088295 50.956895) (xy 94.092655 50.962348) (xy 94.097871 50.96745) (xy 94.103902 50.972212)
+ (xy 94.110707 50.976646) (xy 94.118244 50.980763) (xy 94.126474 50.984575) (xy 94.135354 50.988094)
+ (xy 94.154901 50.9943) (xy 94.17656 50.999474) (xy 94.2 51.00371) (xy 94.224894 51.007102) (xy 94.250914 51.009744)
+ (xy 94.27773 51.011729) (xy 94.305016 51.013152) (xy 94.332443 51.014105) (xy 94.386405 51.014981)
+ (xy 94.43699 51.015106) (xy 94.853182 51.015106) (xy 95.010629 51.016544) (xy 95.170327 51.020608)
+ (xy 95.331525 51.026924) (xy 95.493474 51.035115) (xy 95.81662 51.055624) (xy 96.133764 51.079134)
+ (xy 96.139859 51.078948) (xy 96.146129 51.078399) (xy 96.159151 51.076257) (xy 96.172735 51.072803)
+ (xy 96.186789 51.068129) (xy 96.201217 51.062329) (xy 96.215927 51.055498) (xy 96.230824 51.047729)
+ (xy 96.245816 51.039116) (xy 96.260807 51.029752) (xy 96.275704 51.019732) (xy 96.290414 51.009149)
+ (xy 96.304843 50.998097) (xy 96.318896 50.98667) (xy 96.33248 50.974962) (xy 96.345502 50.963066)
+ (xy 96.357867 50.951076) (xy 96.393164 50.92601) (xy 96.427148 50.899115) (xy 96.460007 50.870813)
+ (xy 96.491927 50.841526) (xy 96.613982 50.722973) (xy 96.644027 50.695093) (xy 96.67426 50.668761)
+ (xy 96.704867 50.644398) (xy 96.736038 50.622427) (xy 96.751893 50.61247) (xy 96.767959 50.60327)
+ (xy 96.784259 50.594878) (xy 96.800817 50.587349) (xy 96.817657 50.580733) (xy 96.834802 50.575085)
+ (xy 96.852275 50.570457) (xy 96.870099 50.566902) (xy 96.918121 50.556366) (xy 96.966143 50.548644)
+ (xy 97.014165 50.543548) (xy 97.062187 50.54089) (xy 97.110209 50.540484) (xy 97.158231 50.542141)
+ (xy 97.206253 50.545674) (xy 97.254274 50.550895) (xy 97.302296 50.557616) (xy 97.350318 50.565651)
+ (xy 97.446361 50.584909) (xy 97.542405 50.607169) (xy 97.638449 50.630929) (xy 97.679358 50.644045)
+ (xy 97.71811 50.659317) (xy 97.754799 50.676653) (xy 97.789518 50.695958) (xy 97.822361 50.71714)
+ (xy 97.853421 50.740103) (xy 97.882794 50.764755) (xy 97.910572 50.791002) (xy 97.93685 50.818749)
+ (xy 97.961721 50.847903) (xy 97.985278 50.87837) (xy 98.007617 50.910057) (xy 98.02883 50.942869)
+ (xy 98.049011 50.976713) (xy 98.068254 51.011495) (xy 98.086654 51.047121) (xy 98.132479 51.149535)
+ (xy 98.174131 51.252652) (xy 98.211938 51.356425) (xy 98.246227 51.460809) (xy 98.277327 51.565755)
+ (xy 98.305567 51.671217) (xy 98.331274 51.777148) (xy 98.354777 51.883501) (xy 98.396483 52.097286)
+ (xy 98.433313 52.312197) (xy 98.502845 52.743894) (xy 98.5413 52.947987) (xy 98.582382 53.15208)
+ (xy 98.622713 53.356173) (xy 98.658917 53.560266) (xy 98.674416 53.662313) (xy 98.687617 53.764359)
+ (xy 98.698098 53.866406) (xy 98.705437 53.968452) (xy 98.709212 54.070499) (xy 98.709001 54.172545)
+ (xy 98.704381 54.274592) (xy 98.694931 54.376638) (xy 98.690413 54.423925) (xy 98.689826 54.440659)
+ (xy 98.310773 54.440659) (xy 98.286261 54.187043) (xy 98.273068 54.066425) (xy 98.258748 53.948434)
+ (xy 98.242929 53.831943) (xy 98.225233 53.715828) (xy 98.205286 53.598962) (xy 98.182713 53.48022)
+ (xy 98.160015 53.360166) (xy 98.139194 53.240111) (xy 98.098675 53.000002) (xy 98.076728 52.879947)
+ (xy 98.052154 52.759893) (xy 98.023829 52.639838) (xy 98.007908 52.579811) (xy 97.990627 52.519784)
+ (xy 97.842559 51.927515) (xy 97.802728 51.777571) (xy 97.761022 51.628378) (xy 97.717064 51.480686)
+ (xy 97.670481 51.335245) (xy 97.657277 51.305983) (xy 97.641765 51.278227) (xy 97.624071 51.251983)
+ (xy 97.604326 51.227258) (xy 97.582658 51.204057) (xy 97.559196 51.182386) (xy 97.534069 51.162251)
+ (xy 97.507407 51.143658) (xy 97.479337 51.126612) (xy 97.44999 51.11112) (xy 97.419494 51.097186)
+ (xy 97.387977 51.084819) (xy 97.35557 51.074022) (xy 97.322401 51.064802) (xy 97.288598 51.057164)
+ (xy 97.254292 51.051116) (xy 97.21961 51.046662) (xy 97.184682 51.043808) (xy 97.149637 51.04256)
+ (xy 97.114603 51.042925) (xy 97.07971 51.044907) (xy 97.045087 51.048513) (xy 97.010862 51.053749)
+ (xy 96.977165 51.06062) (xy 96.944125 51.069133) (xy 96.91187 51.079293) (xy 96.880529 51.091106)
+ (xy 96.850232 51.104578) (xy 96.821107 51.119714) (xy 96.793284 51.136522) (xy 96.766891 51.155006)
+ (xy 96.742057 51.175172) (xy 96.766779 51.216831) (xy 96.792768 51.257834) (xy 96.819788 51.298275)
+ (xy 96.847605 51.338246) (xy 96.962158 51.495318) (xy 97.018121 51.573479) (xy 97.044954 51.612794)
+ (xy 97.070708 51.65239) (xy 97.095149 51.692362) (xy 97.118042 51.732802) (xy 97.139154 51.773805)
+ (xy 97.158249 51.815464) (xy 97.20477 51.935526) (xy 97.24829 52.055636) (xy 97.288808 52.175839)
+ (xy 97.326325 52.296182) (xy 97.36084 52.416714) (xy 97.392355 52.537479) (xy 97.420868 52.658527)
+ (xy 97.446379 52.779902) (xy 97.468889 52.901653) (xy 97.488398 53.023826) (xy 97.504906 53.146467)
+ (xy 97.518412 53.269625) (xy 97.528917 53.393345) (xy 97.53642 53.517675) (xy 97.538551 53.576826)
+ (xy 97.068714 53.576826) (xy 97.064767 53.436199) (xy 97.051159 53.285068) (xy 97.028688 53.126058)
+ (xy 96.99815 52.961795) (xy 96.960344 52.794907) (xy 96.916066 52.628018) (xy 96.866113 52.463756)
+ (xy 96.811284 52.304746) (xy 96.752374 52.153615) (xy 96.690182 52.012989) (xy 96.625504 51.885493)
+ (xy 96.559138 51.773755) (xy 96.491881 51.6804) (xy 96.424531 51.608055) (xy 96.391069 51.580582)
+ (xy 96.357883 51.559346) (xy 96.404092 51.655515) (xy 96.425484 51.703834) (xy 96.445423 51.752434)
+ (xy 96.463673 51.80141) (xy 96.480001 51.850854) (xy 96.494171 51.900861) (xy 96.50595 51.951525)
+ (xy 96.515103 52.002938) (xy 96.521395 52.055196) (xy 96.524591 52.108392) (xy 96.524459 52.16262)
+ (xy 96.520762 52.217973) (xy 96.513266 52.274546) (xy 96.501737 52.332431) (xy 96.485941 52.391724)
+ (xy 96.473936 52.36844) (xy 96.461931 52.346516) (xy 96.449925 52.325811) (xy 96.43792 52.306185)
+ (xy 96.425915 52.287497) (xy 96.413909 52.269606) (xy 96.389898 52.235654) (xy 96.341877 52.171124)
+ (xy 96.317866 52.138297) (xy 96.293856 52.103593) (xy 96.19381 51.895498) (xy 96.165985 51.841598)
+ (xy 96.151392 51.814883) (xy 96.136284 51.788449) (xy 96.120613 51.76239) (xy 96.104332 51.7368)
+ (xy 96.087395 51.711772) (xy 96.069755 51.687402) (xy 96.066568 51.681583) (xy 96.063017 51.676115)
+ (xy 96.059115 51.670976) (xy 96.054873 51.666142) (xy 96.050302 51.66159) (xy 96.045415 51.657295)
+ (xy 96.040223 51.653234) (xy 96.034738 51.649385) (xy 96.028972 51.645723) (xy 96.022936 51.642226)
+ (xy 96.010102 51.635629) (xy 95.99633 51.629407) (xy 95.981714 51.623373) (xy 95.950325 51.611118)
+ (xy 95.933739 51.604521) (xy 95.916684 51.597361) (xy 95.899255 51.589452) (xy 95.881544 51.580604)
+ (xy 95.863646 51.57063) (xy 95.854656 51.565163) (xy 95.845654 51.559344) (xy 95.88267 51.664704)
+ (xy 95.919687 51.765937) (xy 95.953702 51.86492) (xy 95.968646 51.914153) (xy 95.981715 51.963527)
+ (xy 95.992532 52.013276) (xy 96.000724 52.063635) (xy 96.005913 52.114838) (xy 96.007727 52.167119)
+ (xy 96.005788 52.220714) (xy 96.003295 52.248077) (xy 95.999723 52.275856) (xy 95.995026 52.304081)
+ (xy 95.989156 52.332781) (xy 95.982067 52.361985) (xy 95.973712 52.391722) (xy 95.956438 52.374081)
+ (xy 95.940571 52.357143) (xy 95.926018 52.340862) (xy 95.912683 52.325191) (xy 95.900475 52.310082)
+ (xy 95.889298 52.29549) (xy 95.879059 52.281366) (xy 95.869664 52.267665) (xy 95.861019 52.254338)
+ (xy 95.853031 52.241341) (xy 95.83865 52.216142) (xy 95.825769 52.191694) (xy 95.813639 52.167621)
+ (xy 95.621553 51.751429) (xy 95.615183 51.73944) (xy 95.608109 51.727544) (xy 95.600379 51.715836)
+ (xy 95.592039 51.704409) (xy 95.583136 51.693357) (xy 95.573718 51.682774) (xy 95.56383 51.672754)
+ (xy 95.553521 51.66339) (xy 95.542836 51.654777) (xy 95.531824 51.647007) (xy 95.520529 51.640176)
+ (xy 95.514791 51.637142) (xy 95.509001 51.634377) (xy 95.503163 51.631893) (xy 95.497285 51.629703)
+ (xy 95.491371 51.627817) (xy 95.485428 51.626248) (xy 95.479461 51.625007) (xy 95.473477 51.624106)
+ (xy 95.467481 51.623557) (xy 95.46148 51.623371) (xy 94.949245 51.623371) (xy 94.789172 52.295676)
+ (xy 94.788804 52.301495) (xy 94.787726 52.306955) (xy 94.78598 52.312076) (xy 94.783607 52.316874)
+ (xy 94.780648 52.321367) (xy 94.777143 52.325573) (xy 94.773135 52.32951) (xy 94.768663 52.333194)
+ (xy 94.763769 52.336644) (xy 94.758494 52.339877) (xy 94.75288 52.342911) (xy 94.746966 52.345763)
+ (xy 94.734405 52.350992) (xy 94.721141 52.355705) (xy 94.667617 52.372213) (xy 94.65576 52.376457)
+ (xy 94.645169 52.381029) (xy 94.640451 52.383482) (xy 94.636173 52.386071) (xy 94.632375 52.388811)
+ (xy 94.629099 52.391722) (xy 94.565071 52.199636) (xy 94.565806 52.157976) (xy 94.567948 52.116973)
+ (xy 94.571402 52.076533) (xy 94.576076 52.036562) (xy 94.581876 51.996966) (xy 94.588707 51.957651)
+ (xy 94.596476 51.918523) (xy 94.605089 51.87949) (xy 94.624473 51.801329) (xy 94.646109 51.722418)
+ (xy 94.693132 51.559344) (xy 94.689005 51.559469) (xy 94.678125 51.560344) (xy 94.670856 51.561298)
+ (xy 94.662742 51.56272) (xy 94.654066 51.564705) (xy 94.645109 51.567347) (xy 94.640613 51.568943)
+ (xy 94.636152 51.570739) (xy 94.631761 51.572746) (xy 94.627476 51.574975) (xy 94.623331 51.577439)
+ (xy 94.619363 51.58015) (xy 94.615605 51.583118) (xy 94.612094 51.586355) (xy 94.608864 51.589874)
+ (xy 94.60595 51.593687) (xy 94.603388 51.597804) (xy 94.601213 51.602237) (xy 94.599461 51.606999)
+ (xy 94.598165 51.612101) (xy 94.597362 51.617554) (xy 94.597086 51.623371) (xy 94.596961 51.660764)
+ (xy 94.596086 51.700407) (xy 94.595133 51.720838) (xy 94.59371 51.741551) (xy 94.591725 51.762451)
+ (xy 94.589083 51.783444) (xy 94.585691 51.804438) (xy 94.581455 51.825338) (xy 94.576281 51.846051)
+ (xy 94.570075 51.866482) (xy 94.562743 51.886538) (xy 94.554193 51.906125) (xy 94.544329 51.92515)
+ (xy 94.533059 51.943518) (xy 94.532782 51.949428) (xy 94.531972 51.955163) (xy 94.530658 51.960734)
+ (xy 94.528869 51.966153) (xy 94.526635 51.97143) (xy 94.523984 51.976579) (xy 94.520947 51.981611)
+ (xy 94.517551 51.986537) (xy 94.513828 51.991369) (xy 94.509806 51.996119) (xy 94.505513 52.000799)
+ (xy 94.500981 52.005421) (xy 94.491312 52.014534) (xy 94.481034 52.023554) (xy 94.459587 52.041688)
+ (xy 94.448886 52.050989) (xy 94.438514 52.060571) (xy 94.433525 52.065497) (xy 94.428705 52.070529)
+ (xy 94.424085 52.075678) (xy 94.419693 52.080956) (xy 94.415559 52.086374) (xy 94.411712 52.091945)
+ (xy 94.408182 52.09768) (xy 94.404998 52.103591) (xy 94.398644 52.091593) (xy 94.39168 52.079643)
+ (xy 94.384247 52.067786) (xy 94.376486 52.056069) (xy 94.360542 52.033246) (xy 94.344972 52.011548)
+ (xy 94.330903 51.991351) (xy 94.324783 51.981933) (xy 94.31946 51.97303) (xy 94.315075 51.964691)
+ (xy 94.311769 51.956961) (xy 94.310565 51.953339) (xy 94.309682 51.949887) (xy 94.30914 51.946612)
+ (xy 94.308955 51.943518) (xy 94.308955 51.527326) (xy 94.308954 51.527327) (xy 94.308953 51.527328)
+ (xy 94.308952 51.527328) (xy 94.308951 51.527328) (xy 94.308951 51.527329) (xy 94.30895 51.527329)
+ (xy 94.308949 51.527331) (xy 94.29159 51.536428) (xy 94.275504 51.545707) (xy 94.260649 51.555161)
+ (xy 94.246983 51.564786) (xy 94.234467 51.574574) (xy 94.223058 51.584521) (xy 94.212717 51.594621)
+ (xy 94.203401 51.604867) (xy 94.19507 51.615253) (xy 94.187683 51.625775) (xy 94.181199 51.636425)
+ (xy 94.175576 51.647198) (xy 94.170774 51.658089) (xy 94.166752 51.669091) (xy 94.163468 51.680199)
+ (xy 94.160882 51.691406) (xy 94.158952 51.702707) (xy 94.157638 51.714096) (xy 94.156898 51.725567)
+ (xy 94.156692 51.737114) (xy 94.157716 51.760414) (xy 94.160381 51.783948) (xy 94.164359 51.80767)
+ (xy 94.169323 51.831532) (xy 94.180891 51.879492) (xy 94.227474 52.070203) (xy 94.271431 52.258664)
+ (xy 94.352968 52.631834) (xy 94.428503 53.005003) (xy 94.501037 53.384175) (xy 94.511658 53.429251)
+ (xy 94.519982 53.468652) (xy 94.53255 53.531743) (xy 94.538201 53.55609) (xy 94.540553 53.564405)
+ (xy 94.095324 53.564405) (xy 94.095257 53.549083) (xy 94.0936 53.517116) (xy 94.090067 53.48346)
+ (xy 94.084845 53.44821) (xy 94.077749 53.370893) (xy 94.068588 53.29489) (xy 94.057552 53.220012)
+ (xy 94.044828 53.146072) (xy 94.015064 53.000255) (xy 93.980799 52.855939) (xy 93.904764 52.565808)
+ (xy 93.865996 52.41699) (xy 93.828729 52.263671) (xy 93.809971 52.198024) (xy 93.789711 52.133174)
+ (xy 93.767951 52.069169) (xy 93.74469 52.006054) (xy 93.719929 51.943877) (xy 93.693667 51.882686)
+ (xy 93.665904 51.822525) (xy 93.636641 51.763444) (xy 93.605877 51.705488) (xy 93.573612 51.648704)
+ (xy 93.539847 51.593139) (xy 93.504581 51.538841) (xy 93.467814 51.485856) (xy 93.429547 51.43423)
+ (xy 93.389779 51.384012) (xy 93.34851 51.335247) (xy 93.348234 51.332155) (xy 93.347424 51.328893)
+ (xy 93.34611 51.325478) (xy 93.344321 51.321929) (xy 93.342086 51.318262) (xy 93.339436 51.314495)
+ (xy 93.336398 51.310647) (xy 93.333003 51.306734) (xy 93.329279 51.302774) (xy 93.325257 51.298785)
+ (xy 93.316432 51.290789) (xy 93.306764 51.282887) (xy 93.296486 51.275219) (xy 93.285832 51.267927)
+ (xy 93.275038 51.26115) (xy 93.264338 51.25503) (xy 93.253966 51.249707) (xy 93.244156 51.245322)
+ (xy 93.235144 51.242016) (xy 93.23101 51.240811) (xy 93.227164 51.239929) (xy 93.223634 51.239387)
+ (xy 93.22045 51.239202) (xy 93.056876 51.287224) (xy 92.896303 51.335246) (xy 92.729727 51.383269)
+ (xy 92.641374 51.40728) (xy 92.548145 51.43129) (xy 92.59329 51.441919) (xy 92.633183 51.450298)
+ (xy 92.700214 51.463303) (xy 92.728853 51.469431) (xy 92.742281 51.472729) (xy 92.75524 51.476309)
+ (xy 92.767824 51.480264) (xy 92.780127 51.484688) (xy 92.792242 51.489675) (xy 92.804263 51.495318)
+ (xy 92.842353 51.513975) (xy 92.866669 51.527331) (xy 83.199888 51.527331) (xy 83.039817 51.143157)
+ (xy 83.03672 51.131431) (xy 83.033423 51.120256) (xy 83.029915 51.10962) (xy 83.026185 51.099512)
+ (xy 83.02222 51.08992) (xy 83.018008 51.080832) (xy 83.013539 51.072236) (xy 83.008801 51.064121)
+ (xy 83.003781 51.056475) (xy 82.998468 51.049286) (xy 82.99285 51.042543) (xy 82.986915 51.036233)
+ (xy 82.980653 51.030346) (xy 82.97405 51.024869) (xy 82.967096 51.01979) (xy 82.959778 51.015099)
+ (xy 82.952085 51.010782) (xy 82.944005 51.006829) (xy 82.935527 51.003228) (xy 82.926638 50.999967)
+ (xy 82.917327 50.997034) (xy 82.907582 50.994417) (xy 82.897392 50.992106) (xy 82.886745 50.990087)
+ (xy 82.875628 50.98835) (xy 82.864031 50.986882) (xy 82.839348 50.98471) (xy 82.812601 50.983475)
+ (xy 82.783697 50.983084) (xy 81.887288 51.015099) (xy 81.749663 51.016037) (xy 81.693488 51.018264)
+ (xy 81.644677 51.022602) (xy 81.622783 51.025782) (xy 81.602431 51.029754) (xy 81.583521 51.034605)
+ (xy 81.565953 51.040423) (xy 81.549628 51.047296) (xy 81.534447 51.055313) (xy 81.520308 51.06456)
+ (xy 81.507114 51.075126) (xy 81.494764 51.087099) (xy 81.483158 51.100568) (xy 81.472197 51.115618)
+ (xy 81.461781 51.13234) (xy 81.451811 51.15082) (xy 81.442186 51.171147) (xy 81.432808 51.193408)
+ (xy 81.423577 51.217691) (xy 81.405154 51.272677) (xy 81.386123 51.336808) (xy 81.343041 51.495318)
+ (xy 81.343041 51.527331) (xy 78.621806 51.527331) (xy 78.615756 51.492448) (xy 78.609425 51.459863)
+ (xy 78.602532 51.429623) (xy 78.594794 51.401774) (xy 78.585931 51.376364) (xy 78.580989 51.364589)
+ (xy 78.575661 51.35344) (xy 78.569911 51.342924) (xy 78.563703 51.333048) (xy 78.557003 51.323816)
+ (xy 78.549775 51.315235) (xy 78.541985 51.30731) (xy 78.533596 51.300048) (xy 78.524575 51.293454)
+ (xy 78.514885 51.287535) (xy 78.504492 51.282295) (xy 78.49336 51.277741) (xy 78.481454 51.273879)
+ (xy 78.46874 51.270715) (xy 78.455181 51.268253) (xy 78.440743 51.266502) (xy 78.425391 51.265465)
+ (xy 78.409088 51.265149) (xy 78.391801 51.265561) (xy 78.373494 51.266705) (xy 78.354132 51.268588)
+ (xy 78.33368 51.271215) (xy 77.117121 51.271215) (xy 76.983061 51.266213) (xy 76.946732 51.266135)
+ (xy 76.910028 51.267839) (xy 76.873324 51.271981) (xy 76.855089 51.275172) (xy 76.836995 51.279219)
+ (xy 76.819088 51.284204) (xy 76.801416 51.290208) (xy 76.784026 51.297315) (xy 76.766963 51.305606)
+ (xy 76.750276 51.315163) (xy 76.734011 51.326068) (xy 76.718214 51.338404) (xy 76.702934 51.352252)
+ (xy 76.688216 51.367695) (xy 76.674108 51.384814) (xy 76.660657 51.403691) (xy 76.647909 51.42441)
+ (xy 76.635911 51.447051) (xy 76.62471 51.471696) (xy 76.614354 51.498429) (xy 76.604889 51.527331)
+ (xy 78.621806 51.527331) (xy 81.343041 51.527331) (xy 83.199888 51.527331) (xy 92.866669 51.527331)
+ (xy 92.878625 51.533898) (xy 92.913139 51.55504) (xy 92.945952 51.577355) (xy 92.977125 51.600795)
+ (xy 93.006714 51.625314) (xy 93.03478 51.650865) (xy 93.06138 51.6774) (xy 93.086573 51.704874) (xy 93.110418 51.733238)
+ (xy 93.12447 51.751436) (xy 71.068118 51.751436) (xy 70.618157 51.751436) (xy 70.611795 51.751804)
+ (xy 70.604776 51.752874) (xy 70.597194 51.754602) (xy 70.589144 51.756939) (xy 70.580718 51.759838)
+ (xy 70.572011 51.763254) (xy 70.563116 51.767138) (xy 70.554128 51.771445) (xy 70.545139 51.776126)
+ (xy 70.536245 51.781136) (xy 70.527538 51.786428) (xy 70.519112 51.791953) (xy 70.511062 51.797667)
+ (xy 70.503481 51.803521) (xy 70.496463 51.809469) (xy 70.490101 51.815464) (xy 70.466153 51.852856)
+ (xy 70.44258 51.892499) (xy 70.419757 51.933642) (xy 70.39806 51.975536) (xy 70.382628 52.007548)
+ (xy 69.94585 52.007548) (xy 69.561674 52.007548) (xy 69.689729 52.295679) (xy 69.689362 52.302401)
+ (xy 69.688291 52.310436) (xy 69.686564 52.319596) (xy 69.684227 52.329695) (xy 69.681327 52.340544)
+ (xy 69.677911 52.351955) (xy 69.674027 52.363742) (xy 69.66972 52.375716) (xy 69.665039 52.38769)
+ (xy 69.660029 52.399477) (xy 69.654738 52.410889) (xy 69.649212 52.421737) (xy 69.643499 52.431835)
+ (xy 69.637645 52.440996) (xy 69.631698 52.44903) (xy 69.625704 52.455752) (xy 69.621514 52.455627)
+ (xy 69.610196 52.454751) (xy 69.602451 52.453798) (xy 69.593626 52.452375) (xy 69.583958 52.45039)
+ (xy 69.57368 52.447748) (xy 69.563027 52.444356) (xy 69.557633 52.44235) (xy 69.552233 52.44012)
+ (xy 69.546856 52.437656) (xy 69.541533 52.434946) (xy 69.536291 52.431978) (xy 69.531161 52.42874)
+ (xy 69.526172 52.425221) (xy 69.521352 52.421409) (xy 69.516732 52.417292) (xy 69.512341 52.412858)
+ (xy 69.508207 52.408096) (xy 69.504361 52.402995) (xy 69.500832 52.397541) (xy 69.497648 52.391724)
+ (xy 69.48565 52.379351) (xy 69.473699 52.366275) (xy 69.461842 52.352543) (xy 69.450126 52.3382)
+ (xy 69.438597 52.323295) (xy 69.427302 52.307874) (xy 69.416289 52.291984) (xy 69.405605 52.275671)
+ (xy 69.395295 52.258984) (xy 69.385408 52.241968) (xy 69.375989 52.224671) (xy 69.367086 52.207139)
+ (xy 69.358747 52.18942) (xy 69.351016 52.17156) (xy 69.343943 52.153606) (xy 69.337573 52.135606)
+ (xy 69.325383 52.11807) (xy 69.312835 52.101489) (xy 69.299948 52.085881) (xy 69.286738 52.071264)
+ (xy 69.273223 52.057656) (xy 69.259421 52.045073) (xy 69.245349 52.033534) (xy 69.231025 52.023055)
+ (xy 69.216467 52.013656) (xy 69.201692 52.005352) (xy 69.186717 51.998162) (xy 69.171561 51.992104)
+ (xy 69.15624 51.987194) (xy 69.140773 51.983452) (xy 69.125177 51.980893) (xy 69.10947 51.979536)
+ (xy 69.093669 51.979398) (xy 69.077791 51.980497) (xy 69.061855 51.982851) (xy 69.045878 51.986476)
+ (xy 69.029878 51.991392) (xy 69.013871 51.997614) (xy 68.997877 52.005161) (xy 68.981912 52.014051)
+ (xy 68.965993 52.024301) (xy 68.950139 52.035928) (xy 68.934368 52.048951) (xy 68.918696 52.063386)
+ (xy 68.903141 52.079251) (xy 68.887721 52.096565) (xy 68.872453 52.115344) (xy 68.857356 52.135606)
+ (xy 68.84571 52.147604) (xy 68.83472 52.159555) (xy 68.824293 52.171412) (xy 68.814335 52.183128)
+ (xy 68.777318 52.227649) (xy 68.768298 52.237958) (xy 68.759184 52.247846) (xy 68.749883 52.257264)
+ (xy 68.740301 52.266166) (xy 68.730343 52.274506) (xy 68.719916 52.282236) (xy 68.708926 52.289309)
+ (xy 68.69728 52.295679) (xy 68.505194 52.359709) (xy 68.505194 52.135606) (xy 68.505471 52.126695)
+ (xy 68.506281 52.117965) (xy 68.507595 52.109411) (xy 68.509384 52.101028) (xy 68.511618 52.092808)
+ (xy 68.514269 52.084747) (xy 68.517306 52.076838) (xy 68.520701 52.069076) (xy 68.524424 52.061455)
+ (xy 68.528447 52.053968) (xy 68.537271 52.039375) (xy 68.546939 52.025252) (xy 68.557217 52.01155)
+ (xy 68.578663 51.985226) (xy 68.599735 51.960027) (xy 68.609544 51.947733) (xy 68.618556 51.935579)
+ (xy 68.626536 51.923518) (xy 68.63325 51.911505) (xy 68.621237 51.899859) (xy 68.609177 51.88887)
+ (xy 68.597023 51.878443) (xy 68.584728 51.868486) (xy 68.572246 51.858903) (xy 68.559529 51.849602)
+ (xy 68.546532 51.840489) (xy 68.533205 51.831469) (xy 68.409149 51.751432) (xy 68.371819 51.858043)
+ (xy 68.332614 51.962028) (xy 68.253078 52.16362) (xy 68.214998 52.261977) (xy 68.179545 52.359209)
+ (xy 68.147843 52.45569) (xy 68.133751 52.503767) (xy 68.121018 52.551797) (xy 67.980953 53.748342)
+ (xy 67.918425 54.339111) (xy 67.864902 54.920876) (xy 67.863589 54.991533) (xy 67.860399 55.05994)
+ (xy 67.852895 55.193) (xy 67.850831 55.259155) (xy 67.850714 55.292467) (xy 67.851394 55.32606) (xy 67.853012 55.360029)
+ (xy 67.855709 55.394466) (xy 67.859626 55.429466) (xy 67.864902 55.465123) (xy 67.893664 55.753005)
+ (xy 67.932931 56.039386) (xy 67.956973 56.181545) (xy 67.984204 56.322765) (xy 68.014812 56.462861)
+ (xy 68.048984 56.601643) (xy 68.086907 56.738924) (xy 68.12877 56.874517) (xy 68.174759 57.008234)
+ (xy 68.225063 57.139888) (xy 68.279869 57.26929) (xy 68.339365 57.396254) (xy 68.403737 57.520592)
+ (xy 68.473175 57.642116) (xy 68.627808 57.628735) (xy 68.779816 57.613103) (xy 69.077452 57.578088)
+ (xy 69.369084 57.543071) (xy 69.513587 57.527439) (xy 69.657714 57.514058) (xy 69.657719 57.51406)
+ (xy 69.657719 57.418015) (xy 69.623179 57.285587) (xy 69.5915 57.152457) (xy 69.536162 56.884272)
+ (xy 69.490579 56.613836) (xy 69.453625 56.341525) (xy 69.424174 56.067712) (xy 69.401102 55.792774)
+ (xy 69.383281 55.517086) (xy 69.369588 55.241022) (xy 69.369588 54.824833) (xy 69.529663 54.056483)
+ (xy 69.817794 52.51978) (xy 69.94585 52.007548) (xy 70.382628 52.007548) (xy 70.377863 52.017431)
+ (xy 70.359542 52.058574) (xy 70.343471 52.098218) (xy 70.330026 52.13561) (xy 70.089918 53.196092)
+ (xy 69.849809 54.280586) (xy 69.721754 54.888863) (xy 69.721034 54.912882) (xy 69.719002 54.936947)
+ (xy 69.715844 54.961107) (xy 69.711749 54.985407) (xy 69.701494 55.034617) (xy 69.689738 55.084953)
+ (xy 69.677983 55.13679) (xy 69.672574 55.163388) (xy 69.667728 55.190502) (xy 69.663632 55.218179)
+ (xy 69.660475 55.246465) (xy 69.658442 55.275408) (xy 69.657723 55.305054) (xy 69.658224 55.448619)
+ (xy 69.659412 55.519463) (xy 69.661725 55.589182) (xy 69.66554 55.657401) (xy 69.67123 55.723743)
+ (xy 69.679171 55.787834) (xy 69.684103 55.818918) (xy 69.689738 55.849299) (xy 69.715188 56.030757)
+ (xy 69.743264 56.214466) (xy 69.805793 56.585635) (xy 69.874325 56.956804) (xy 69.945859 57.32197)
+ (xy 69.946137 57.328062) (xy 69.946961 57.334319) (xy 69.948312 57.340717) (xy 69.950174 57.347231)
+ (xy 69.952527 57.35384) (xy 69.955356 57.360519) (xy 69.958641 57.367244) (xy 69.962367 57.373994)
+ (xy 69.966514 57.380743) (xy 69.971066 57.387469) (xy 69.976005 57.394147) (xy 69.981313 57.400756)
+ (xy 69.986973 57.407271) (xy 69.992967 57.413668) (xy 69.999278 57.419925) (xy 70.005887 57.426017)
+ (xy 70.012778 57.431922) (xy 70.019933 57.437616) (xy 70.027334 57.443076) (xy 70.034963 57.448277)
+ (xy 70.042804 57.453198) (xy 70.050838 57.457813) (xy 70.059048 57.4621) (xy 70.067416 57.466035)
+ (xy 70.075925 57.469596) (xy 70.084557 57.472757) (xy 70.093295 57.475497) (xy 70.10212 57.477791)
+ (xy 70.111016 57.479616) (xy 70.119964 57.480948) (xy 70.128948 57.481765) (xy 70.137949 57.482043)
+ (xy 70.618166 57.482043) (xy 70.649681 57.386499) (xy 70.662062 57.346981) (xy 70.672192 57.311965)
+ (xy 70.680071 57.280701) (xy 70.685698 57.252438) (xy 70.689075 57.226426) (xy 70.6902 57.201915)
+ (xy 70.689075 57.178155) (xy 70.685698 57.154394) (xy 70.680071 57.129883) (xy 70.672192 57.103871)
+ (xy 70.662062 57.075608) (xy 70.649681 57.044344) (xy 70.618166 56.969811) (xy 70.561204 56.801672)
+ (xy 70.510618 56.633157) (xy 70.466786 56.463893) (xy 70.44752 56.378862) (xy 70.430082 56.293503)
+ (xy 70.41452 56.207768) (xy 70.400881 56.121612) (xy 70.389212 56.034986) (xy 70.379559 55.947845)
+ (xy 70.371969 55.860141) (xy 70.36649 55.771827) (xy 70.363168 55.682857) (xy 70.36205 55.593183)
+ (xy 70.36205 54.152525) (xy 70.36359 54.008843) (xy 70.368366 53.865957) (xy 70.376611 53.723916)
+ (xy 70.388562 53.582766) (xy 70.404452 53.442554) (xy 70.424516 53.303327) (xy 70.448988 53.165131)
+ (xy 70.478102 53.028014) (xy 70.512094 52.892023) (xy 70.551198 52.757204) (xy 70.595648 52.623604)
+ (xy 70.645678 52.49127) (xy 70.701524 52.36025) (xy 70.763419 52.230589) (xy 70.831599 52.102335)
+ (xy 70.906297 51.975535) (xy 70.918662 51.951899) (xy 70.931683 51.929013) (xy 70.945267 51.906878)
+ (xy 70.95932 51.885493) (xy 70.973748 51.864858) (xy 70.988458 51.844974) (xy 71.003355 51.82584)
+ (xy 71.018346 51.807457) (xy 71.048235 51.772941) (xy 71.068118 51.751436) (xy 93.12447 51.751436)
+ (xy 93.132973 51.762447) (xy 93.154297 51.792453) (xy 93.174449 51.823209) (xy 93.193487 51.854669)
+ (xy 93.228456 51.919511) (xy 93.259673 51.986604) (xy 93.287608 52.055573) (xy 93.312728 52.126042)
+ (xy 93.335504 52.197637) (xy 93.356405 52.269983) (xy 93.375898 52.342703) (xy 93.41254 52.487769)
+ (xy 93.445806 52.645342) (xy 93.474569 52.805915) (xy 93.500331 52.969489) (xy 93.524592 53.136065)
+ (xy 93.574614 53.47822) (xy 93.603376 53.6538) (xy 93.636641 53.832382) (xy 93.636643 53.832384)
+ (xy 93.7607 53.788363) (xy 93.787025 53.780172) (xy 93.799741 53.776756) (xy 93.812223 53.773856)
+ (xy 93.824518 53.771519) (xy 93.836671 53.769792) (xy 93.848731 53.768721) (xy 93.860744 53.768354)
+ (xy 93.881195 53.767981) (xy 93.900544 53.766869) (xy 93.918814 53.76503) (xy 93.936028 53.762476)
+ (xy 93.952212 53.759219) (xy 93.967386 53.75527) (xy 93.981576 53.750641) (xy 93.994805 53.745343)
+ (xy 94.007096 53.73939) (xy 94.018472 53.732791) (xy 94.028958 53.725559) (xy 94.038575 53.717706)
+ (xy 94.047349 53.709243) (xy 94.055302 53.700182) (xy 94.062457 53.690535) (xy 94.068839 53.680314)
+ (xy 94.074471 53.66953) (xy 94.079375 53.658195) (xy 94.083576 53.64632) (xy 94.087098 53.633918)
+ (xy 94.089962 53.621) (xy 94.092194 53.607578) (xy 94.093815 53.593664) (xy 94.094851 53.579269)
+ (xy 94.095324 53.564405) (xy 94.540553 53.564405) (xy 94.541176 53.566608) (xy 94.544368 53.576076)
+ (xy 94.547865 53.584536) (xy 94.551755 53.592029) (xy 94.556125 53.598595) (xy 94.561063 53.604277)
+ (xy 94.566659 53.609114) (xy 94.572999 53.613148) (xy 94.580171 53.61642) (xy 94.588263 53.618971)
+ (xy 94.597364 53.620841) (xy 94.607561 53.622073) (xy 94.618943 53.622707) (xy 94.631596 53.622784)
+ (xy 94.66107 53.621432) (xy 94.696688 53.618344) (xy 94.789168 53.608276) (xy 95.075861 53.574323)
+ (xy 95.359928 53.546748) (xy 95.641744 53.528928) (xy 95.781925 53.524731) (xy 95.921684 53.524238)
+ (xy 96.061068 53.527873) (xy 96.200123 53.536056) (xy 96.338897 53.549211) (xy 96.477437 53.567758)
+ (xy 96.615789 53.592121) (xy 96.754 53.622721) (xy 96.892118 53.659981) (xy 97.030188 53.704321)
+ (xy 97.062203 53.704321) (xy 97.068714 53.576826) (xy 97.538551 53.576826) (xy 97.540922 53.642662)
+ (xy 97.542423 53.768352) (xy 97.543173 53.797631) (xy 97.545424 53.825503) (xy 97.549176 53.852062)
+ (xy 97.554428 53.877401) (xy 97.561181 53.901616) (xy 97.569435 53.924798) (xy 97.579189 53.947043)
+ (xy 97.590444 53.968443) (xy 97.6032 53.989094) (xy 97.617456 54.009087) (xy 97.633213 54.028518)
+ (xy 97.650471 54.04748) (xy 97.669229 54.066066) (xy 97.689488 54.084371) (xy 97.711248 54.102489)
+ (xy 97.734509 54.120513) (xy 97.855564 54.192546) (xy 97.917967 54.228562) (xy 97.982622 54.264578)
+ (xy 98.050277 54.300594) (xy 98.121685 54.336611) (xy 98.197594 54.372627) (xy 98.278756 54.408644)
+ (xy 98.310773 54.440659) (xy 98.689826 54.440659) (xy 98.688803 54.469805) (xy 98.690007 54.514372)
+ (xy 98.693931 54.55772) (xy 98.700481 54.599942) (xy 98.709563 54.641133) (xy 98.721084 54.681386)
+ (xy 98.734949 54.720794) (xy 98.751066 54.759452) (xy 98.769339 54.797454) (xy 98.789676 54.834893)
+ (xy 98.811983 54.871863) (xy 98.836166 54.908457) (xy 98.862131 54.944771) (xy 98.889784 54.980896)
+ (xy 98.919032 55.016928) (xy 98.948326 55.054031) (xy 98.976308 55.09315) (xy 99.003164 55.134052)
+ (xy 99.029082 55.176501) (xy 99.05425 55.220263) (xy 99.078855 55.265104) (xy 99.127127 55.357083)
+ (xy 99.1754 55.450563) (xy 99.225173 55.543668) (xy 99.251091 55.589493) (xy 99.277947 55.634521)
+ (xy 99.305928 55.678518) (xy 99.335223 55.721248) (xy 99.408827 55.842045) (xy 99.473849 55.964296)
+ (xy 99.530711 56.087954) (xy 99.579835 56.212972) (xy 99.621643 56.339303) (xy 99.656558 56.4669)
+ (xy 99.685 56.595717) (xy 99.707393 56.725706) (xy 99.724158 56.85682) (xy 99.735718 56.989013) (xy 99.742495 57.122238)
+ (xy 99.74491 57.256447) (xy 99.743385 57.391595) (xy 99.738793 57.515498) (xy 99.307851 57.515498)
+ (xy 99.304771 57.421182) (xy 99.298221 57.327475) (xy 99.288294 57.234331) (xy 99.275085 57.141703)
+ (xy 99.258687 57.049544) (xy 99.239194 56.957806) (xy 99.216699 56.866444) (xy 99.191297 56.775411)
+ (xy 99.163081 56.684659) (xy 99.132145 56.594141) (xy 99.098583 56.503811) (xy 99.062489 56.413622)
+ (xy 99.023956 56.323526) (xy 98.983078 56.233478) (xy 98.89496 56.051465) (xy 98.798869 55.877378)
+ (xy 98.695087 55.710888) (xy 98.583896 55.551667) (xy 98.465576 55.399386) (xy 98.34041 55.253718)
+ (xy 98.208678 55.114335) (xy 98.070662 54.980907) (xy 97.926643 54.853106) (xy 97.776903 54.730605)
+ (xy 97.621723 54.613075) (xy 97.461384 54.500188) (xy 97.296168 54.391615) (xy 97.126356 54.287028)
+ (xy 96.95223 54.186099) (xy 96.77407 54.0885) (xy 96.756054 54.07687) (xy 96.737992 54.06599) (xy 96.719835 54.055861)
+ (xy 96.701538 54.046482) (xy 96.683053 54.037853) (xy 96.664334 54.029974) (xy 96.645333 54.022846)
+ (xy 96.626004 54.016468) (xy 96.6063 54.01084) (xy 96.586173 54.005963) (xy 96.565578 54.001836)
+ (xy 96.544467 53.99846) (xy 96.522793 53.995834) (xy 96.50051 53.993958) (xy 96.47757 53.992832)
+ (xy 96.453926 53.992457) (xy 96.451143 53.992464) (xy 93.380532 53.992464) (xy 93.335261 53.777866)
+ (xy 93.294492 53.566269) (xy 93.220458 53.15208) (xy 93.146425 52.749897) (xy 93.105656 52.553308)
+ (xy 93.060386 52.35972) (xy 93.059832 52.347807) (xy 93.058205 52.336069) (xy 93.055559 52.324495)
+ (xy 93.051945 52.313074) (xy 93.047416 52.301793) (xy 93.042026 52.290641) (xy 93.035827 52.279607)
+ (xy 93.028871 52.268678) (xy 93.021213 52.257843) (xy 93.012903 52.24709) (xy 93.003996 52.236408)
+ (xy 92.994543 52.225784) (xy 92.974214 52.204665) (xy 92.952336 52.18364) (xy 92.857792 52.098601)
+ (xy 92.834508 52.076638) (xy 92.812209 52.054206) (xy 92.791316 52.031211) (xy 92.781529 52.019473)
+ (xy 92.772253 52.007559) (xy 92.74024 52.039574) (xy 92.746697 52.0544) (xy 92.754004 52.068892)
+ (xy 92.762073 52.083091) (xy 92.770816 52.097038) (xy 92.789973 52.12434) (xy 92.810771 52.151125)
+ (xy 92.854479 52.204462) (xy 92.875981 52.23167) (xy 92.89631 52.259675) (xy 92.905815 52.274079)
+ (xy 92.914764 52.288806) (xy 92.923067 52.303895) (xy 92.930638 52.31939) (xy 92.937388 52.33533)
+ (xy 92.94323 52.351756) (xy 92.948075 52.36871) (xy 92.951835 52.386232) (xy 92.954423 52.404365)
+ (xy 92.955751 52.423147) (xy 92.95573 52.442622) (xy 92.954274 52.462829) (xy 92.951293 52.48381)
+ (xy 92.9467 52.505606) (xy 92.940407 52.528258) (xy 92.932326 52.551806) (xy 92.516137 52.135617)
+ (xy 92.503764 52.118007) (xy 92.490688 52.101289) (xy 92.476955 52.085602) (xy 92.469857 52.078189)
+ (xy 92.462613 52.071087) (xy 92.455228 52.064314) (xy 92.447707 52.057886) (xy 92.440058 52.051821)
+ (xy 92.432286 52.046138) (xy 92.424397 52.040854) (xy 92.416396 52.035985) (xy 92.40829 52.03155)
+ (xy 92.400084 52.027567) (xy 92.391784 52.024053) (xy 92.383397 52.021025) (xy 92.374927 52.018502)
+ (xy 92.366381 52.0165) (xy 92.357764 52.015037) (xy 92.349084 52.014131) (xy 92.340344 52.0138) (xy 92.331552 52.014061)
+ (xy 92.322713 52.014931) (xy 92.313833 52.016429) (xy 92.304917 52.018572) (xy 92.295973 52.021377)
+ (xy 92.287005 52.024862) (xy 92.278019 52.029044) (xy 92.269022 52.033942) (xy 92.260018 52.039572)
+ (xy 92.964338 52.93598) (xy 92.976649 52.953637) (xy 92.989287 52.970684) (xy 93.01386 53.003512)
+ (xy 93.024951 53.019574) (xy 93.030013 53.027578) (xy 93.034682 53.035589) (xy 93.038906 53.043623)
+ (xy 93.042631 53.051698) (xy 93.045806 53.059832) (xy 93.048376 53.068041) (xy 93.05029 53.076345)
+ (xy 93.051495 53.08476) (xy 93.051938 53.093304) (xy 93.051565 53.101994) (xy 93.050326 53.110849)
+ (xy 93.048165 53.119885) (xy 93.045032 53.129121) (xy 93.040873 53.138574) (xy 93.035635 53.148261)
+ (xy 93.029266 53.1582) (xy 93.021713 53.168409) (xy 93.012923 53.178905) (xy 93.002843 53.189706)
+ (xy 92.991421 53.200829) (xy 92.978604 53.212293) (xy 92.964338 53.224114) (xy 92.94039 53.212046)
+ (xy 92.916817 53.199602) (xy 92.905288 53.193123) (xy 92.893994 53.186408) (xy 92.882981 53.179413)
+ (xy 92.872296 53.172089) (xy 92.861987 53.16439) (xy 92.852099 53.156269) (xy 92.842681 53.147679)
+ (xy 92.833778 53.138573) (xy 92.825439 53.128905) (xy 92.817709 53.118626) (xy 92.810635 53.107692)
+ (xy 92.804265 53.096053) (xy 92.420091 52.615836) (xy 92.347996 52.533236) (xy 92.275525 52.453262)
+ (xy 92.202305 52.375538) (xy 92.127958 52.299691) (xy 92.052111 52.225344) (xy 91.974389 52.152123)
+ (xy 91.894415 52.079653) (xy 91.811814 52.007557) (xy 91.805719 52.001739) (xy 91.799442 51.996279)
+ (xy 91.792989 51.991158) (xy 91.786365 51.98636) (xy 91.779578 51.981867) (xy 91.772633 51.977661)
+ (xy 91.75829 51.970041) (xy 91.743385 51.963358) (xy 91.727964 51.957473) (xy 91.712074 51.952244)
+ (xy 91.695762 51.947531) (xy 91.662058 51.939089) (xy 91.62723 51.931023) (xy 91.59165 51.922207)
+ (xy 91.573697 51.917165) (xy 91.555696 51.911514) (xy 91.555696 51.975542) (xy 91.683754 52.1036)
+ (xy 91.85183 52.296188) (xy 92.019908 52.491777) (xy 92.103946 52.591635) (xy 92.187985 52.693369)
+ (xy 92.272023 52.797354) (xy 92.356061 52.903965) (xy 92.358878 52.91006) (xy 92.361337 52.91633)
+ (xy 92.363456 52.922765) (xy 92.365252 52.929351) (xy 92.367949 52.942936) (xy 92.369567 52.956989)
+ (xy 92.370247 52.971417) (xy 92.370129 52.986127) (xy 92.369356 53.001024) (xy 92.368066 53.016016)
+ (xy 92.364502 53.045904) (xy 92.360563 53.075043) (xy 92.357374 53.10268) (xy 92.356413 53.115701)
+ (xy 92.356061 53.128066) (xy 92.343704 53.127691) (xy 92.330738 53.126565) (xy 92.317302 53.12469)
+ (xy 92.303538 53.122063) (xy 92.289586 53.118687) (xy 92.275588 53.11456) (xy 92.261683 53.109682)
+ (xy 92.248012 53.104055) (xy 92.234717 53.097677) (xy 92.221938 53.090548) (xy 92.209815 53.08267)
+ (xy 92.198489 53.074041) (xy 92.188102 53.064661) (xy 92.183303 53.05969) (xy 92.178793 53.054532)
+ (xy 92.174586 53.049185) (xy 92.170703 53.043651) (xy 92.167159 53.03793) (xy 92.163973 53.032021)
+ (xy 91.843827 52.679862) (xy 91.758351 52.595824) (xy 91.670249 52.511786) (xy 91.579895 52.427747)
+ (xy 91.487666 52.343708) (xy 91.29908 52.175631) (xy 91.107492 52.007555) (xy 91.075477 52.03957)
+ (xy 91.174022 52.134426) (xy 91.275569 52.228156) (xy 91.377115 52.322637) (xy 91.426951 52.370745)
+ (xy 91.47566 52.419744) (xy 91.522869 52.469868) (xy 91.568202 52.521352) (xy 91.611284 52.574431)
+ (xy 91.65174 52.629338) (xy 91.689194 52.686309) (xy 91.723272 52.745578) (xy 91.738927 52.776148)
+ (xy 91.753598 52.80738) (xy 91.767237 52.839303) (xy 91.779797 52.871948) (xy 91.715769 52.935976)
+ (xy 90.883391 52.19964) (xy 90.627272 52.67986) (xy 90.626995 52.68286) (xy 90.626178 52.685854)
+ (xy 90.624846 52.688837) (xy 90.623021 52.691802) (xy 90.620726 52.694744) (xy 90.617987 52.697656)
+ (xy 90.614825 52.700533) (xy 90.611265 52.703369) (xy 90.60733 52.706159) (xy 90.603042 52.708895)
+ (xy 90.598427 52.711573) (xy 90.593507 52.714187) (xy 90.582846 52.719197) (xy 90.571246 52.723878)
+ (xy 90.558897 52.728185) (xy 90.545985 52.73207) (xy 90.532697 52.735485) (xy 90.519223 52.738385)
+ (xy 90.505748 52.740722) (xy 90.492461 52.742449) (xy 90.479549 52.74352) (xy 90.467199 52.743888)
+ (xy 90.466848 52.73189) (xy 90.465886 52.719939) (xy 90.464456 52.708082) (xy 90.462698 52.696366)
+ (xy 90.455195 52.651845) (xy 90.453905 52.641536) (xy 90.453131 52.631648) (xy 90.453014 52.62223)
+ (xy 90.453694 52.613327) (xy 90.454377 52.609084) (xy 90.455312 52.604988) (xy 90.456516 52.601043)
+ (xy 90.458008 52.597258) (xy 90.459805 52.593636) (xy 90.461924 52.590184) (xy 90.464383 52.586908)
+ (xy 90.467199 52.583814) (xy 90.479572 52.548165) (xy 90.492648 52.51322) (xy 90.506381 52.47893)
+ (xy 90.520723 52.445251) (xy 90.55105 52.379533) (xy 90.583252 52.315692) (xy 90.616955 52.253351)
+ (xy 90.651784 52.192135) (xy 90.723318 52.07158) (xy 90.702675 52.090047) (xy 90.682729 52.109387)
+ (xy 90.64472 52.150429) (xy 90.608868 52.194191) (xy 90.57475 52.240157) (xy 90.541946 52.287812)
+ (xy 90.510033 52.336638) (xy 90.447192 52.435746) (xy 90.41542 52.484995) (xy 90.38285 52.533353)
+ (xy 90.349061 52.580304) (xy 90.31363 52.625332) (xy 90.276136 52.667922) (xy 90.236157 52.707557)
+ (xy 90.215103 52.726105) (xy 90.19327 52.743722) (xy 90.170604 52.760341) (xy 90.147053 52.7759)
+ (xy 90.144302 52.775838) (xy 90.137049 52.7754) (xy 90.132203 52.774923) (xy 90.126795 52.774212)
+ (xy 90.121011 52.77322) (xy 90.115039 52.771899) (xy 90.109068 52.770203) (xy 90.106141 52.769199)
+ (xy 90.103284 52.768085) (xy 90.100521 52.766853) (xy 90.097876 52.765498) (xy 90.095371 52.764014)
+ (xy 90.09303 52.762395) (xy 90.090877 52.760635) (xy 90.088934 52.758729) (xy 90.087227 52.756671)
+ (xy 90.085777 52.754454) (xy 90.084608 52.752073) (xy 90.083745 52.749523) (xy 90.083209 52.746796)
+ (xy 90.083025 52.743888) (xy 90.403172 52.07158) (xy 90.371154 52.07158) (xy 90.339141 52.039567)
+ (xy 90.315131 52.051635) (xy 90.29112 52.064078) (xy 90.267109 52.077271) (xy 90.255103 52.084266)
+ (xy 90.243097 52.09159) (xy 90.231092 52.099289) (xy 90.219086 52.10741) (xy 90.20708 52.116) (xy 90.195075 52.125105)
+ (xy 90.183069 52.134774) (xy 90.171064 52.145052) (xy 90.159059 52.155987) (xy 90.147053 52.167625)
+ (xy 89.890937 52.583817) (xy 89.887751 52.589635) (xy 89.884208 52.595095) (xy 89.880324 52.600216)
+ (xy 89.876118 52.605013) (xy 89.871607 52.609507) (xy 89.866809 52.613713) (xy 89.861741 52.617649)
+ (xy 89.856421 52.621333) (xy 89.850867 52.624783) (xy 89.845096 52.628016) (xy 89.832973 52.633901)
+ (xy 89.820193 52.63913) (xy 89.806898 52.643843) (xy 89.793228 52.648181) (xy 89.779323 52.652285)
+ (xy 89.751374 52.660352) (xy 89.73761 52.664596) (xy 89.724174 52.669169) (xy 89.711208 52.67421)
+ (xy 89.698851 52.679862) (xy 89.698851 52.487774) (xy 89.890937 52.1036) (xy 89.872945 52.092361)
+ (xy 89.855046 52.082716) (xy 89.837334 52.074759) (xy 89.828578 52.071443) (xy 89.819905 52.068585)
+ (xy 89.811325 52.066195) (xy 89.80285 52.064286) (xy 89.794493 52.062869) (xy 89.786264 52.061957)
+ (xy 89.778177 52.06156) (xy 89.770242 52.061691) (xy 89.762471 52.062361) (xy 89.754876 52.063582)
+ (xy 89.747468 52.065366) (xy 89.74026 52.067725) (xy 89.733262 52.07067) (xy 89.726488 52.074212)
+ (xy 89.719948 52.078364) (xy 89.713654 52.083138) (xy 89.707618 52.088544) (xy 89.701852 52.094596)
+ (xy 89.696367 52.101304) (xy 89.691176 52.10868) (xy 89.686289 52.116736) (xy 89.681718 52.125484)
+ (xy 89.677476 52.134936) (xy 89.673574 52.145102) (xy 89.670023 52.155996) (xy 89.666836 52.167628)
+ (xy 89.660466 52.185628) (xy 89.653393 52.203582) (xy 89.645662 52.221442) (xy 89.637323 52.239161)
+ (xy 89.62842 52.256693) (xy 89.619001 52.27399) (xy 89.609114 52.291005) (xy 89.598804 52.307693)
+ (xy 89.58812 52.324005) (xy 89.577107 52.339895) (xy 89.565812 52.355316) (xy 89.554283 52.370221)
+ (xy 89.542567 52.384564) (xy 89.53071 52.398297) (xy 89.518759 52.411373) (xy 89.506761 52.423746)
+ (xy 89.506485 52.426656) (xy 89.505675 52.429389) (xy 89.50436 52.431959) (xy 89.502572 52.434376)
+ (xy 89.500337 52.436652) (xy 89.497686 52.4388) (xy 89.494649 52.44083) (xy 89.491254 52.442755)
+ (xy 89.48753 52.444586) (xy 89.483508 52.446335) (xy 89.474684 52.449633) (xy 89.465015 52.452744)
+ (xy 89.454737 52.455761) (xy 89.43329 52.461888) (xy 89.42259 52.465187) (xy 89.412218 52.468766)
+ (xy 89.40241 52.472721) (xy 89.39779 52.474868) (xy 89.393398 52.477145) (xy 89.389265 52.479562)
+ (xy 89.385419 52.482131) (xy 89.381889 52.484864) (xy 89.378705 52.487774) (xy 89.378523 52.481772)
+ (xy 89.377994 52.475776) (xy 89.377149 52.469792) (xy 89.376017 52.463826) (xy 89.373007 52.451969)
+ (xy 89.369201 52.440253) (xy 89.364832 52.428724) (xy 89.360134 52.41743) (xy 89.350692 52.395733)
+ (xy 89.346417 52.385423) (xy 89.342751 52.375536) (xy 89.339929 52.366117) (xy 89.338908 52.361599)
+ (xy 89.338186 52.357215) (xy 89.337793 52.352971) (xy 89.337756 52.348875) (xy 89.338107 52.344931)
+ (xy 89.338874 52.341145) (xy 89.340087 52.337523) (xy 89.341774 52.334071) (xy 89.343965 52.330795)
+ (xy 89.34669 52.327701) (xy 89.347417 52.309692) (xy 89.349504 52.291684) (xy 89.35281 52.273676)
+ (xy 89.357195 52.255668) (xy 89.362517 52.237659) (xy 89.368637 52.219651) (xy 89.375413 52.201643)
+ (xy 89.382705 52.183635) (xy 89.41422 52.111603) (xy 89.429415 52.075587) (xy 89.43638 52.057578)
+ (xy 89.442735 52.03957) (xy 89.41072 52.007555) (xy 89.393071 52.019568) (xy 89.376079 52.031628)
+ (xy 89.35965 52.043782) (xy 89.343689 52.056076) (xy 89.328104 52.068559) (xy 89.3128 52.081276)
+ (xy 89.282661 52.1076) (xy 89.252522 52.135426) (xy 89.221633 52.165127) (xy 89.154604 52.231656)
+ (xy 89.058559 52.03957) (xy 88.194166 52.03957) (xy 88.197623 52.054486) (xy 88.201935 52.069232)
+ (xy 88.207022 52.083825) (xy 88.2128 52.098284) (xy 88.226102 52.126867) (xy 88.241187 52.155122)
+ (xy 88.274077 52.21121) (xy 88.290569 52.239325) (xy 88.306216 52.267674) (xy 88.320363 52.296398)
+ (xy 88.326669 52.310944) (xy 88.332353 52.325638) (xy 88.337334 52.340495) (xy 88.341529 52.355534)
+ (xy 88.344856 52.370772) (xy 88.347234 52.386228) (xy 88.34858 52.401918) (xy 88.348813 52.417859)
+ (xy 88.347849 52.434071) (xy 88.345608 52.45057) (xy 88.342006 52.467373) (xy 88.336963 52.484499)
+ (xy 88.330395 52.501965) (xy 88.322222 52.519789) (xy 88.298219 52.501413) (xy 88.274263 52.482334)
+ (xy 88.250401 52.462598) (xy 88.226679 52.442253) (xy 88.203145 52.421345) (xy 88.179846 52.399921)
+ (xy 88.156828 52.378029) (xy 88.134138 52.355714) (xy 88.111823 52.333024) (xy 88.08993 52.310006)
+ (xy 88.068507 52.286706) (xy 88.047599 52.263172) (xy 88.027254 52.23945) (xy 88.007519 52.215588)
+ (xy 87.98844 52.191631) (xy 87.970065 52.167628) (xy 87.952049 52.144727) (xy 87.933986 52.123983)
+ (xy 87.915829 52.105303) (xy 87.897531 52.088592) (xy 87.888315 52.080946) (xy 87.879046 52.073757)
+ (xy 87.869718 52.067014) (xy 87.860326 52.060704) (xy 87.850864 52.054817) (xy 87.841325 52.04934)
+ (xy 87.831705 52.044261) (xy 87.821996 52.039569) (xy 87.802292 52.0313) (xy 87.782165 52.024437)
+ (xy 87.76157 52.018888) (xy 87.740459 52.014558) (xy 87.718785 52.011353) (xy 87.696502 52.00918)
+ (xy 87.673562 52.007945) (xy 87.649919 52.007555) (xy 77.245181 52.007555) (xy 77.233183 52.00793)
+ (xy 77.221232 52.009055) (xy 77.209375 52.010931) (xy 77.197659 52.013557) (xy 77.18613 52.016934)
+ (xy 77.174835 52.021061) (xy 77.163822 52.025938) (xy 77.153138 52.031566) (xy 77.142828 52.037944)
+ (xy 77.132941 52.045072) (xy 77.123522 52.052951) (xy 77.114619 52.06158) (xy 77.10628 52.07096)
+ (xy 77.098549 52.081089) (xy 77.091476 52.091969) (xy 77.085106 52.1036) (xy 77.067449 52.12797)
+ (xy 77.050402 52.152997) (xy 77.017574 52.204646) (xy 76.953046 52.311695) (xy 76.919093 52.365594)
+ (xy 76.901202 52.39231) (xy 76.882514 52.418744) (xy 76.862888 52.444803) (xy 76.842183 52.470393)
+ (xy 76.820259 52.49542) (xy 76.796974 52.519791) (xy 76.796697 52.522701) (xy 76.79588 52.525434)
+ (xy 76.794548 52.528003) (xy 76.792723 52.53042) (xy 76.790429 52.532697) (xy 76.787689 52.534844)
+ (xy 76.784528 52.536874) (xy 76.780968 52.538799) (xy 76.777032 52.54063) (xy 76.772745 52.542378)
+ (xy 76.76321 52.545677) (xy 76.752549 52.548787) (xy 76.74095 52.551804) (xy 76.715689 52.557932)
+ (xy 76.702402 52.56123) (xy 76.688927 52.56481) (xy 76.675453 52.568765) (xy 76.662165 52.573189)
+ (xy 76.649253 52.578176) (xy 76.642996 52.58091) (xy 76.636904 52.583819) (xy 76.636904 52.423746)
+ (xy 76.643274 52.399735) (xy 76.650348 52.375724) (xy 76.658078 52.351713) (xy 76.666418 52.327702)
+ (xy 76.684738 52.27968) (xy 76.704935 52.231658) (xy 76.726632 52.183636) (xy 76.749455 52.135615)
+ (xy 76.796974 52.039572) (xy 76.764959 52.007557) (xy 76.739636 52.019625) (xy 76.712437 52.032068)
+ (xy 76.684487 52.045262) (xy 76.670582 52.052258) (xy 76.656912 52.059581) (xy 76.643617 52.06728)
+ (xy 76.630837 52.075401) (xy 76.618714 52.083991) (xy 76.607388 52.093097) (xy 76.597 52.102766)
+ (xy 76.58769 52.113044) (xy 76.583483 52.118427) (xy 76.579599 52.123979) (xy 76.576055 52.129707)
+ (xy 76.572869 52.135617) (xy 76.284742 52.615836) (xy 76.284466 52.618746) (xy 76.283656 52.621479)
+ (xy 76.282342 52.624049) (xy 76.280553 52.626466) (xy 76.278319 52.628742) (xy 76.275668 52.630889)
+ (xy 76.27263 52.632919) (xy 76.269235 52.634844) (xy 76.265512 52.636675) (xy 76.261489 52.638424)
+ (xy 76.252665 52.641722) (xy 76.242997 52.644833) (xy 76.232719 52.64785) (xy 76.211272 52.653977)
+ (xy 76.200572 52.657276) (xy 76.1902 52.660855) (xy 76.180391 52.66481) (xy 76.175771 52.666958)
+ (xy 76.17138 52.669234) (xy 76.167246 52.671651) (xy 76.1634 52.674221) (xy 76.15987 52.676955) (xy 76.156687 52.679864)
+ (xy 76.156335 52.668219) (xy 76.155373 52.657229) (xy 76.153943 52.646803) (xy 76.152184 52.636845)
+ (xy 76.148244 52.617961) (xy 76.146344 52.608848) (xy 76.144679 52.599828) (xy 76.14339 52.590808)
+ (xy 76.142616 52.581694) (xy 76.142498 52.572393) (xy 76.14273 52.567643) (xy 76.143178 52.56281)
+ (xy 76.143862 52.557884) (xy 76.144797 52.552853) (xy 76.146002 52.547704) (xy 76.147494 52.542426)
+ (xy 76.149291 52.537008) (xy 76.15141 52.531437) (xy 76.15387 52.525702) (xy 76.156687 52.519791)
+ (xy 76.204707 52.400237) (xy 76.252728 52.283684) (xy 76.276739 52.22747) (xy 76.30075 52.173133)
+ (xy 76.324761 52.121047) (xy 76.348773 52.071587) (xy 76.322682 52.061056) (xy 76.298368 52.053368)
+ (xy 76.27573 52.048364) (xy 76.254669 52.045887) (xy 76.235085 52.045779) (xy 76.216878 52.04788)
+ (xy 76.19995 52.052033) (xy 76.1842 52.05808) (xy 76.169528 52.065862) (xy 76.155835 52.075221) (xy 76.143022 52.085998)
+ (xy 76.130988 52.098036) (xy 76.119635 52.111175) (xy 76.108861 52.125259) (xy 76.088656 52.155624)
+ (xy 76.050827 52.220717) (xy 76.031607 52.252911) (xy 76.011121 52.283183) (xy 76.000154 52.297202)
+ (xy 75.988571 52.310266) (xy 75.976274 52.322215) (xy 75.963161 52.332893) (xy 75.949135 52.342141)
+ (xy 75.934094 52.3498) (xy 75.917939 52.355711) (xy 75.900571 52.359718) (xy 75.900571 52.039572)
+ (xy 75.855426 52.072713) (xy 75.815533 52.1006) (xy 75.780143 52.123986) (xy 75.748503 52.14362)
+ (xy 75.719865 52.160252) (xy 75.693478 52.174634) (xy 75.644455 52.199645) (xy 75.388339 52.039572)
+ (xy 75.388698 52.069211) (xy 75.389714 52.098099) (xy 75.393341 52.153624) (xy 75.398469 52.206148)
+ (xy 75.404346 52.25567) (xy 75.415352 52.345711) (xy 75.418978 52.386229) (xy 75.419994 52.405363)
+ (xy 75.420354 52.423746) (xy 75.419987 52.430101) (xy 75.418916 52.437065) (xy 75.417188 52.444498)
+ (xy 75.414851 52.452259) (xy 75.411952 52.460209) (xy 75.408536 52.468204) (xy 75.404651 52.476107)
+ (xy 75.400344 52.483774) (xy 75.395663 52.491067) (xy 75.390652 52.497843) (xy 75.385361 52.503963)
+ (xy 75.382624 52.506733) (xy 75.379835 52.509286) (xy 75.376999 52.511605) (xy 75.374121 52.513671)
+ (xy 75.371209 52.515468) (xy 75.368267 52.516977) (xy 75.365302 52.518182) (xy 75.362319 52.519064)
+ (xy 75.359324 52.519607) (xy 75.356324 52.519791) (xy 75.342942 52.519666) (xy 75.335361 52.519369)
+ (xy 75.32731 52.518791) (xy 75.318884 52.517837) (xy 75.310177 52.516415) (xy 75.301283 52.51443)
+ (xy 75.292294 52.511788) (xy 75.283306 52.508396) (xy 75.278841 52.506389) (xy 75.274411 52.504159)
+ (xy 75.270029 52.501695) (xy 75.265704 52.498985) (xy 75.261451 52.496017) (xy 75.257279 52.492779)
+ (xy 75.253201 52.48926) (xy 75.249229 52.485448) (xy 75.245374 52.481331) (xy 75.241648 52.476898)
+ (xy 75.238063 52.472136) (xy 75.23463 52.467034) (xy 75.231361 52.46158) (xy 75.228268 52.455763)
+ (xy 75.222273 52.443398) (xy 75.216325 52.430377) (xy 75.204758 52.402739) (xy 75.193941 52.3736)
+ (xy 75.188931 52.358703) (xy 75.18425 52.343712) (xy 75.179943 52.328721) (xy 75.176059 52.313823)
+ (xy 75.172644 52.299113) (xy 75.169744 52.284685) (xy 75.167408 52.270631) (xy 75.16568 52.257047)
+ (xy 75.16461 52.244025) (xy 75.164243 52.23166) (xy 75.163964 52.219936) (xy 75.16314 52.208775)
+ (xy 75.161789 52.198176) (xy 75.159928 52.188141) (xy 75.157574 52.178668) (xy 75.154746 52.169757)
+ (xy 75.15146 52.16141) (xy 75.147735 52.153625) (xy 75.143587 52.146403) (xy 75.139035 52.139744)
+ (xy 75.134096 52.133647) (xy 75.128788 52.128114) (xy 75.123128 52.123143) (xy 75.117134 52.118735)
+ (xy 75.110824 52.114889) (xy 75.104214 52.111607) (xy 75.097323 52.108887) (xy 75.090169 52.106729)
+ (xy 75.082768 52.105135) (xy 75.075138 52.104103) (xy 75.067297 52.103634) (xy 75.059263 52.103728)
+ (xy 75.051053 52.104385) (xy 75.042685 52.105604) (xy 75.034176 52.107386) (xy 75.025544 52.109731)
+ (xy 75.016807 52.112638) (xy 75.007981 52.116109) (xy 74.999086 52.120142) (xy 74.990137 52.124738)
+ (xy 74.981153 52.129896) (xy 74.972152 52.135617) (xy 74.972152 52.647849) (xy 74.876107 52.647849)
+ (xy 74.716036 52.135617) (xy 74.652006 52.135617) (xy 74.651506 52.308696) (xy 74.650318 52.397861)
+ (xy 74.648004 52.487777) (xy 74.64419 52.577693) (xy 74.6385 52.666859) (xy 74.630558 52.754524)
+ (xy 74.619991 52.839937) (xy 74.523946 52.839937) (xy 74.36387 52.135617) (xy 74.299845 52.135617)
+ (xy 74.299845 52.29569) (xy 74.171789 52.615836) (xy 74.165074 52.59782) (xy 74.157093 52.579757)
+ (xy 74.148081 52.5616) (xy 74.138271 52.543303) (xy 74.095751 52.467768) (xy 74.085473 52.448064)
+ (xy 74.075805 52.427938) (xy 74.066981 52.407342) (xy 74.059235 52.386231) (xy 74.05584 52.375468)
+ (xy 74.052803 52.364557) (xy 74.050152 52.353495) (xy 74.047918 52.342274) (xy 74.046129 52.330889)
+ (xy 74.044815 52.319334) (xy 74.044005 52.307603) (xy 74.043729 52.29569) (xy 74.042978 52.266802)
+ (xy 74.040727 52.240165) (xy 74.039039 52.227691) (xy 74.036976 52.215779) (xy 74.034537 52.20443)
+ (xy 74.031724 52.193644) (xy 74.028535 52.183421) (xy 74.024971 52.17376) (xy 74.021032 52.164662)
+ (xy 74.016717 52.156127) (xy 74.012028 52.148155) (xy 74.006963 52.140745) (xy 74.001523 52.133898)
+ (xy 73.995708 52.127614) (xy 73.989518 52.121893) (xy 73.982953 52.116734) (xy 73.976012 52.112138)
+ (xy 73.968697 52.108105) (xy 73.961006 52.104635) (xy 73.95294 52.101727) (xy 73.944498 52.099382)
+ (xy 73.935682 52.0976) (xy 73.92649 52.096381) (xy 73.916923 52.095724) (xy 73.906981 52.09563) (xy 73.896664 52.096099)
+ (xy 73.885971 52.097131) (xy 73.874904 52.098725) (xy 73.863461 52.100882) (xy 73.851643 52.103602)
+ (xy 73.839997 52.127605) (xy 73.829007 52.151562) (xy 73.808623 52.199146) (xy 73.771605 52.291688)
+ (xy 73.753472 52.335896) (xy 73.734588 52.378228) (xy 73.72463 52.398574) (xy 73.714203 52.418309)
+ (xy 73.703214 52.437388) (xy 73.691567 52.455763) (xy 73.499477 52.16763) (xy 73.403432 52.16763)
+ (xy 73.394428 52.153365) (xy 73.385424 52.140547) (xy 73.37642 52.129125) (xy 73.367416 52.119045)
+ (xy 73.358412 52.110255) (xy 73.349409 52.102702) (xy 73.340405 52.096333) (xy 73.331401 52.091095)
+ (xy 73.322397 52.086936) (xy 73.313393 52.083803) (xy 73.304389 52.081643) (xy 73.295385 52.080403)
+ (xy 73.286381 52.080031) (xy 73.277377 52.080474) (xy 73.268373 52.081678) (xy 73.259369 52.083592)
+ (xy 73.250365 52.086163) (xy 73.241361 52.089337) (xy 73.232357 52.093062) (xy 73.223353 52.097286)
+ (xy 73.205345 52.107017) (xy 73.187337 52.118108) (xy 73.115305 52.16763) (xy 72.603069 52.647849)
+ (xy 72.596691 52.65386) (xy 72.589562 52.659917) (xy 72.581684 52.666069) (xy 72.573055 52.67236)
+ (xy 72.563675 52.67884) (xy 72.553545 52.685554) (xy 72.531035 52.699873) (xy 72.477009 52.733388)
+ (xy 72.445495 52.753334) (xy 72.410978 52.775907) (xy 72.411625 52.746356) (xy 72.413526 52.717701)
+ (xy 72.416623 52.689903) (xy 72.420858 52.662919) (xy 72.426171 52.636709) (xy 72.432504 52.611232)
+ (xy 72.439798 52.586446) (xy 72.447995 52.562311) (xy 72.466863 52.515829) (xy 72.488639 52.471458)
+ (xy 72.512853 52.428868) (xy 72.539037 52.387732) (xy 72.566722 52.347722) (xy 72.595438 52.308509)
+ (xy 72.654091 52.231161) (xy 72.683089 52.19237) (xy 72.711243 52.153064) (xy 72.738085 52.112913)
+ (xy 72.763144 52.071589) (xy 72.751138 52.071965) (xy 72.739133 52.07309) (xy 72.727127 52.074966)
+ (xy 72.715122 52.077592) (xy 72.703116 52.080968) (xy 72.69111 52.085095) (xy 72.679105 52.089972)
+ (xy 72.667099 52.0956) (xy 72.655093 52.101977) (xy 72.643088 52.109106) (xy 72.631082 52.116984)
+ (xy 72.619076 52.125613) (xy 72.607071 52.134992) (xy 72.595065 52.145122) (xy 72.583059 52.156002)
+ (xy 72.571054 52.167632) (xy 72.512401 52.227597) (xy 72.456 52.287187) (xy 72.346951 52.40374) (xy 72.292802 52.459954)
+ (xy 72.237903 52.514291) (xy 72.209937 52.54064) (xy 72.181503 52.566378) (xy 72.152506 52.59146)
+ (xy 72.122852 52.615839) (xy 72.116849 52.621657) (xy 72.110846 52.627117) (xy 72.098841 52.637036)
+ (xy 72.086835 52.645735) (xy 72.07483 52.653355) (xy 72.062825 52.660038) (xy 72.050819 52.665923)
+ (xy 72.038814 52.671152) (xy 72.026808 52.675865) (xy 72.002797 52.684306) (xy 71.978786 52.692373)
+ (xy 71.96678 52.696617) (xy 71.954774 52.701189) (xy 71.942768 52.706231) (xy 71.930761 52.711882)
+ (xy 71.866731 52.647854) (xy 72.282923 52.071592) (xy 72.244823 52.078791) (xy 72.208482 52.088294)
+ (xy 72.173783 52.099967) (xy 72.140607 52.113673) (xy 72.108839 52.129279) (xy 72.07836 52.146649)
+ (xy 72.049054 52.165649) (xy 72.020803 52.186143) (xy 71.99349 52.207998) (xy 71.966997 52.231078)
+ (xy 71.941208 52.255248) (xy 71.916005 52.280373) (xy 71.866889 52.332952) (xy 71.818712 52.387735)
+ (xy 71.721418 52.499598) (xy 71.670426 52.554521) (xy 71.616621 52.607334) (xy 71.58837 52.632612)
+ (xy 71.559064 52.656958) (xy 71.528586 52.680237) (xy 71.496818 52.702314) (xy 71.463643 52.723055)
+ (xy 71.428944 52.742324) (xy 71.392603 52.759987) (xy 71.354504 52.77591) (xy 71.355152 52.746266)
+ (xy 71.35706 52.717344) (xy 71.360175 52.689114) (xy 71.364446 52.661546) (xy 71.369818 52.634611)
+ (xy 71.37624 52.608279) (xy 71.383659 52.582523) (xy 71.392021 52.557311) (xy 71.411365 52.508406)
+ (xy 71.433852 52.46133) (xy 71.459059 52.415848) (xy 71.486563 52.371727) (xy 71.515944 52.328731)
+ (xy 71.546778 52.286625) (xy 71.611119 52.20415) (xy 71.67621 52.122425) (xy 71.707982 52.081258)
+ (xy 71.738676 52.039574) (xy 71.61062 52.039574) (xy 71.098383 52.615839) (xy 71.098884 52.655356)
+ (xy 71.100072 52.683931) (xy 71.102386 52.715883) (xy 71.104082 52.732539) (xy 71.106201 52.749335)
+ (xy 71.108788 52.766038) (xy 71.111892 52.782413) (xy 71.115558 52.798225) (xy 71.119834 52.81324)
+ (xy 71.124767 52.827223) (xy 71.130403 52.83994) (xy 71.142767 52.863583) (xy 71.155788 52.886523)
+ (xy 71.169372 52.908807) (xy 71.183425 52.930481) (xy 71.197854 52.951592) (xy 71.212563 52.972187)
+ (xy 71.242452 53.012017) (xy 71.301479 53.087551) (xy 71.329117 53.124005) (xy 71.342139 53.142068)
+ (xy 71.354504 53.160084) (xy 71.322484 53.192099) (xy 71.275776 53.168026) (xy 71.230944 53.143577)
+ (xy 71.186862 53.118378) (xy 71.142404 53.092054) (xy 70.938313 52.967998) (xy 70.939689 53.000279)
+ (xy 70.943698 53.031159) (xy 70.950157 53.060738) (xy 70.958884 53.089115) (xy 70.969699 53.11639)
+ (xy 70.982418 53.142663) (xy 70.996861 53.168033) (xy 71.012846 53.192599) (xy 71.030191 53.216463)
+ (xy 71.048714 53.239722) (xy 71.088568 53.284829) (xy 71.130954 53.328716) (xy 71.174419 53.372181)
+ (xy 71.217509 53.416021) (xy 71.25877 53.461034) (xy 71.27826 53.484229) (xy 71.296748 53.508016)
+ (xy 71.314051 53.532495) (xy 71.329989 53.557766) (xy 71.344379 53.583927) (xy 71.35704 53.611079)
+ (xy 71.36779 53.639321) (xy 71.376448 53.668754) (xy 71.38283 53.699476) (xy 71.386757 53.731587)
+ (xy 71.388045 53.765187) (xy 71.386514 53.800376) (xy 71.351224 53.776365) (xy 71.317294 53.752354)
+ (xy 71.284584 53.728343) (xy 71.252952 53.704332) (xy 71.192362 53.656311) (xy 71.134399 53.608289)
+ (xy 71.021848 53.512245) (xy 70.965011 53.464224) (xy 70.906297 53.416202) (xy 70.895409 53.445481)
+ (xy 70.886726 53.473353) (xy 70.880199 53.499912) (xy 70.875782 53.525252) (xy 70.873429 53.549466)
+ (xy 70.873093 53.572649) (xy 70.874726 53.594893) (xy 70.878282 53.616294) (xy 70.883714 53.636944)
+ (xy 70.890975 53.656937) (xy 70.900018 53.676368) (xy 70.910796 53.69533) (xy 70.923262 53.713917)
+ (xy 70.93737 53.732222) (xy 70.953073 53.750339) (xy 70.970323 53.768363) (xy 71.007465 53.804629)
+ (xy 71.026458 53.823231) (xy 71.045358 53.842396) (xy 71.063882 53.862311) (xy 71.081749 53.883164)
+ (xy 71.098679 53.905143) (xy 71.106704 53.916613) (xy 71.114389 53.928435) (xy 71.121699 53.940632)
+ (xy 71.128599 53.953227) (xy 71.135053 53.966245) (xy 71.141026 53.979708) (xy 71.146484 53.99364)
+ (xy 71.151391 54.008065) (xy 71.155711 54.023005) (xy 71.15941 54.038485) (xy 71.162453 54.054528)
+ (xy 71.164803 54.071156) (xy 71.166427 54.088395) (xy 71.167289 54.106266) (xy 71.167354 54.124794)
+ (xy 71.166587 54.144002) (xy 71.164951 54.163914) (xy 71.162413 54.184552) (xy 71.115705 54.149912)
+ (xy 71.070873 54.117522) (xy 71.026791 54.086633) (xy 70.982333 54.056494) (xy 70.936374 54.026355)
+ (xy 70.887789 53.995466) (xy 70.835452 53.963077) (xy 70.778237 53.928436) (xy 70.778237 54.536713)
+ (xy 70.777237 55.107473) (xy 70.781613 55.389289) (xy 70.794244 55.669228) (xy 70.804827 55.808612)
+ (xy 70.81888 55.947668) (xy 70.836873 56.086442) (xy 70.859273 56.224981) (xy 70.886551 56.363334)
+ (xy 70.919175 56.501545) (xy 70.957615 56.639663) (xy 71.002338 56.777734) (xy 71.015805 56.814094)
+ (xy 71.03204 56.851017) (xy 71.050806 56.888315) (xy 71.071871 56.925801) (xy 71.094999 56.963286)
+ (xy 71.119956 57.000585) (xy 71.146507 57.037508) (xy 71.174419 57.073868) (xy 71.203455 57.109478)
+ (xy 71.233383 57.14415) (xy 71.263968 57.177697) (xy 71.294974 57.20993) (xy 71.326168 57.240663)
+ (xy 71.357315 57.269707) (xy 71.38818 57.296876) (xy 71.418529 57.321981) (xy 71.433722 57.330431)
+ (xy 71.449278 57.337808) (xy 71.465186 57.344166) (xy 71.481434 57.349556) (xy 71.49801 57.354032)
+ (xy 71.514902 57.357645) (xy 71.5321 57.36045) (xy 71.54959 57.362499) (xy 71.585404 57.364539) (xy 71.622249 57.364187)
+ (xy 71.660032 57.361866) (xy 71.698658 57.357997) (xy 71.778069 57.347305) (xy 71.859731 57.335487)
+ (xy 71.901172 57.330211) (xy 71.942894 57.32592) (xy 71.984803 57.323036) (xy 72.026807 57.321981)
+ (xy 72.026807 56.009384) (xy 71.994792 53.928436) (xy 71.995723 53.886982) (xy 71.998489 53.846672)
+ (xy 72.003048 53.807522) (xy 72.009361 53.769551) (xy 72.017385 53.732775) (xy 72.027079 53.697213)
+ (xy 72.038404 53.662882) (xy 72.051317 53.629799) (xy 72.065777 53.597983) (xy 72.081744 53.56745)
+ (xy 72.099177 53.538219) (xy 72.118034 53.510307) (xy 72.138274 53.483732) (xy 72.159857 53.45851)
+ (xy 72.182742 53.434661) (xy 72.206886 53.4122) (xy 72.23225 53.391147) (xy 72.258792 53.371518)
+ (xy 72.286472 53.353331) (xy 72.315248 53.336603) (xy 72.345078 53.321353) (xy 72.375923 53.307598)
+ (xy 72.407742 53.295355) (xy 72.440492 53.284642) (xy 72.474133 53.275477) (xy 72.508624 53.267877)
+ (xy 72.543925 53.261859) (xy 72.579993 53.257442) (xy 72.616788 53.254643) (xy 72.654269 53.253479)
+ (xy 72.692395 53.253969) (xy 72.731124 53.256129) (xy 73.038266 53.279639) (xy 73.339403 53.300148)
+ (xy 73.489597 53.308339) (xy 73.64054 53.314654) (xy 73.792984 53.318719) (xy 73.947679 53.320157)
+ (xy 91.843832 53.320157) (xy 91.884718 53.32093) (xy 91.923306 53.323346) (xy 91.959549 53.327543)
+ (xy 91.9934 53.333663) (xy 92.024813 53.341846) (xy 92.03959 53.346756) (xy 92.05374 53.352234) (xy 92.067257 53.358298)
+ (xy 92.080135 53.364967) (xy 92.092368 53.372256) (xy 92.103951 53.380185) (xy 92.114877 53.38877)
+ (xy 92.12514 53.398029) (xy 92.134735 53.40798) (xy 92.143656 53.41864) (xy 92.151898 53.430027)
+ (xy 92.159453 53.442159) (xy 92.166316 53.455052) (xy 92.172482 53.468726) (xy 92.177945 53.483196)
+ (xy 92.182698 53.498482) (xy 92.186736 53.514599) (xy 92.190053 53.531567) (xy 92.192643 53.549402)
+ (xy 92.1945 53.568123) (xy 92.195619 53.587746) (xy 92.195993 53.60829) (xy 92.197431 53.68176) (xy 92.201495 53.757857)
+ (xy 92.20781 53.836205) (xy 92.216001 53.916429) (xy 92.225693 53.998154) (xy 92.23651 54.081004)
+ (xy 92.260021 54.24858) (xy 92.392205 54.213939) (xy 92.525141 54.18155) (xy 92.796264 54.120523)
+ (xy 93.079394 54.059495) (xy 93.380532 53.992464) (xy 96.451143 53.992464) (xy 96.050743 53.993457)
+ (xy 95.851777 53.995833) (xy 95.653561 54.000461) (xy 95.455345 54.008089) (xy 95.256379 54.019469)
+ (xy 95.055913 54.035351) (xy 94.853196 54.056485) (xy 94.791793 54.057923) (xy 94.728139 54.061987)
+ (xy 94.662984 54.068302) (xy 94.59708 54.076493) (xy 94.531175 54.086185) (xy 94.46602 54.097002)
+ (xy 94.402367 54.10857) (xy 94.340964 54.120513) (xy 94.196898 54.145023) (xy 94.124865 54.158216)
+ (xy 94.052832 54.172535) (xy 93.980799 54.188355) (xy 93.908766 54.206051) (xy 93.836733 54.225998)
+ (xy 93.764699 54.248571) (xy 93.532594 54.352618) (xy 93.502174 54.364217) (xy 93.470816 54.374878)
+ (xy 93.438332 54.384414) (xy 93.404536 54.392636) (xy 93.369239 54.399358) (xy 93.332253 54.404392)
+ (xy 93.293392 54.40755) (xy 93.252467 54.408644) (xy 93.192799 54.409738) (xy 93.133788 54.412896)
+ (xy 93.075339 54.417929) (xy 93.01736 54.424651) (xy 92.959756 54.432874) (xy 92.902433 54.44241)
+ (xy 92.788255 54.46467) (xy 92.674078 54.489931) (xy 92.559151 54.516694) (xy 92.442723 54.543456)
+ (xy 92.324044 54.568717) (xy 92.31795 54.568994) (xy 92.311687 54.569811) (xy 92.305271 54.571144)
+ (xy 92.29872 54.572969) (xy 92.292052 54.575263) (xy 92.285284 54.578002) (xy 92.278435 54.581164)
+ (xy 92.27152 54.584724) (xy 92.257569 54.592947) (xy 92.24357 54.602483) (xy 92.229666 54.613144)
+ (xy 92.215995 54.624743) (xy 92.2027 54.637092) (xy 92.189921 54.650005) (xy 92.177798 54.663292)
+ (xy 92.166473 54.676767) (xy 92.156085 54.690242) (xy 92.146777 54.703529) (xy 92.138687 54.716441)
+ (xy 92.131958 54.72879) (xy 92.131958 55.112964) (xy 92.676203 54.952891) (xy 93.065381 54.881358)
+ (xy 93.460561 54.812827) (xy 93.855742 54.750298) (xy 94.051456 54.722223) (xy 94.244918 54.696773)
+ (xy 94.519669 54.666697) (xy 94.792169 54.648251) (xy 95.063167 54.64106) (xy 95.333416 54.64475)
+ (xy 95.603664 54.658944) (xy 95.874662 54.683267) (xy 96.147161 54.717345) (xy 96.421911 54.760803)
+ (xy 96.505191 54.773949) (xy 96.586924 54.78944) (xy 96.667062 54.80737) (xy 96.745558 54.827832)
+ (xy 96.822367 54.850921) (xy 96.89744 54.876729) (xy 96.970731 54.905352) (xy 97.042193 54.936882)
+ (xy 97.11178 54.971413) (xy 97.179444 55.009039) (xy 97.245138 55.049854) (xy 97.308815 55.093952)
+ (xy 97.370429 55.141427) (xy 97.429933 55.192372) (xy 97.48728 55.246881) (xy 97.542423 55.305047)
+ (xy 97.649034 55.414536) (xy 97.743279 55.516149) (xy 97.117227 55.516149) (xy 97.116428 55.499772)
+ (xy 97.114773 55.484368) (xy 97.11225 55.469879) (xy 97.108848 55.456246) (xy 97.104555 55.44341)
+ (xy 97.09936 55.431313) (xy 97.093249 55.419896) (xy 97.086213 55.4091) (xy 97.078239 55.398866)
+ (xy 97.069315 55.389137) (xy 97.059429 55.379854) (xy 97.048571 55.370957) (xy 97.036728 55.362389)
+ (xy 97.023888 55.35409) (xy 96.995172 55.338067) (xy 96.962328 55.322419) (xy 96.925265 55.306678)
+ (xy 96.8381 55.273037) (xy 96.70604 55.233972) (xy 96.57398 55.200629) (xy 96.44192 55.172726) (xy 96.30986 55.149981)
+ (xy 96.1778 55.132114) (xy 96.045739 55.118842) (xy 95.913679 55.109885) (xy 95.781619 55.10496)
+ (xy 95.649559 55.103788) (xy 95.517498 55.106086) (xy 95.385438 55.111572) (xy 95.253378 55.119967)
+ (xy 94.989258 55.144352) (xy 94.725138 55.176992) (xy 94.710411 55.177272) (xy 94.696242 55.178109)
+ (xy 94.682623 55.179498) (xy 94.66955 55.181431) (xy 94.657016 55.183904) (xy 94.645015 55.18691)
+ (xy 94.633542 55.190444) (xy 94.622591 55.1945) (xy 94.612156 55.199071) (xy 94.60223 55.204153)
+ (xy 94.592809 55.209739) (xy 94.583886 55.215822) (xy 94.575456 55.222399) (xy 94.567511 55.229462)
+ (xy 94.560048 55.237005) (xy 94.55306 55.245024) (xy 94.54654 55.253511) (xy 94.540484 55.262461)
+ (xy 94.534885 55.271869) (xy 94.529737 55.281728) (xy 94.525035 55.292033) (xy 94.520772 55.302777)
+ (xy 94.516943 55.313955) (xy 94.513542 55.325561) (xy 94.510563 55.337589) (xy 94.508001 55.350033)
+ (xy 94.505848 55.362887) (xy 94.505032 55.36908) (xy 94.084845 55.36908) (xy 94.084845 55.305054)
+ (xy 93.958038 55.305742) (xy 93.906733 55.307376) (xy 93.862745 55.310557) (xy 93.843318 55.312889)
+ (xy 93.825509 55.315801) (xy 93.809248 55.319359) (xy 93.794464 55.323625) (xy 93.781087 55.328666)
+ (xy 93.769046 55.334544) (xy 93.765038 55.337067) (xy 93.380527 55.337067) (xy 93.084393 55.385088)
+ (xy 92.812269 55.43311) (xy 92.292033 55.529155) (xy 92.288941 55.529341) (xy 92.285679 55.52989)
+ (xy 92.282264 55.530791) (xy 92.278715 55.532032) (xy 92.275048 55.533601) (xy 92.271281 55.535486)
+ (xy 92.267433 55.537677) (xy 92.26352 55.54016) (xy 92.25956 55.542925) (xy 92.255571 55.54596) (xy 92.247575 55.552791)
+ (xy 92.239673 55.56056) (xy 92.232005 55.569173) (xy 92.228303 55.573767) (xy 92.224713 55.578537)
+ (xy 92.221251 55.58347) (xy 92.217936 55.588557) (xy 92.214785 55.593784) (xy 92.211816 55.59914)
+ (xy 92.209046 55.604613) (xy 92.206493 55.610192) (xy 92.204175 55.615864) (xy 92.202108 55.621619)
+ (xy 92.200311 55.627444) (xy 92.198802 55.633327) (xy 92.197597 55.639258) (xy 92.196715 55.645223)
+ (xy 92.196173 55.651212) (xy 92.195988 55.657213) (xy 92.195988 57.386002) (xy 92.219624 57.379647)
+ (xy 92.242509 57.372683) (xy 92.264644 57.36525) (xy 92.286029 57.357489) (xy 92.326547 57.341544)
+ (xy 92.364064 57.325974) (xy 92.39858 57.311905) (xy 92.414712 57.305785) (xy 92.430094 57.300462)
+ (xy 92.444726 57.296077) (xy 92.458607 57.292771) (xy 92.471738 57.290684) (xy 92.484119 57.289957)
+ (xy 92.516667 57.283487) (xy 92.548289 57.276091) (xy 92.578996 57.267781) (xy 92.608801 57.258568)
+ (xy 92.637714 57.248464) (xy 92.665748 57.23748) (xy 92.692915 57.225629) (xy 92.719226 57.212922)
+ (xy 92.744692 57.199371) (xy 92.769326 57.184988) (xy 92.79314 57.169783) (xy 92.816145 57.15377)
+ (xy 92.838352 57.13696) (xy 92.859774 57.119364) (xy 92.900308 57.081863) (xy 92.937841 57.04136)
+ (xy 92.972466 56.997949) (xy 93.004278 56.951725) (xy 93.033369 56.902781) (xy 93.059834 56.85121)
+ (xy 93.083767 56.797107) (xy 93.105262 56.740566) (xy 93.124412 56.68168) (xy 93.171933 56.518606)
+ (xy 93.194755 56.439694) (xy 93.216453 56.361533) (xy 93.23665 56.283372) (xy 93.254971 56.204461)
+ (xy 93.271041 56.12405) (xy 93.284485 56.041387) (xy 93.332505 55.713238) (xy 93.356516 55.537157)
+ (xy 93.368522 55.440864) (xy 93.380527 55.337067) (xy 93.765038 55.337067) (xy 93.758272 55.341326)
+ (xy 93.748693 55.349074) (xy 93.74024 55.357855) (xy 93.732842 55.367731) (xy 93.726429 55.378768)
+ (xy 93.720931 55.391031) (xy 93.716276 55.404583) (xy 93.712395 55.419489) (xy 93.709218 55.435814)
+ (xy 93.706674 55.453621) (xy 93.703204 55.493944) (xy 93.701422 55.540973) (xy 93.700671 55.657213)
+ (xy 93.699194 55.752889) (xy 93.694856 55.847862) (xy 93.687798 55.942178) (xy 93.678161 56.035885)
+ (xy 93.666085 56.129029) (xy 93.651712 56.221657) (xy 93.635181 56.313816) (xy 93.616633 56.405553)
+ (xy 93.574051 56.587949) (xy 93.525092 56.769219) (xy 93.470879 56.949739) (xy 93.41254 57.129884)
+ (xy 93.387342 57.189974) (xy 93.361017 57.250439) (xy 93.335443 57.311654) (xy 93.323524 57.34266)
+ (xy 93.312495 57.373995) (xy 93.302592 57.405705) (xy 93.294049 57.437836) (xy 93.287101 57.470437)
+ (xy 93.281981 57.503553) (xy 93.278925 57.537233) (xy 93.278167 57.571522) (xy 93.278723 57.588909)
+ (xy 93.279941 57.606467) (xy 93.281851 57.6242) (xy 93.284482 57.642116) (xy 93.322899 57.738161)
+ (xy 92.676207 57.738161) (xy 92.516134 57.738161) (xy 92.481493 57.822261) (xy 92.449103 57.906737)
+ (xy 92.418214 57.991963) (xy 92.388075 58.078315) (xy 92.327047 58.255896) (xy 92.294657 58.347876)
+ (xy 92.260142 58.442137) (xy 92.280524 58.441481) (xy 92.294476 58.440527) (xy 92.308475 58.439105)
+ (xy 92.322379 58.437119) (xy 92.33605 58.434478) (xy 92.349345 58.431085) (xy 92.362124 58.426849)
+ (xy 92.374247 58.421675) (xy 92.380018 58.418707) (xy 92.385573 58.415469) (xy 92.390893 58.41195)
+ (xy 92.395961 58.408138) (xy 92.400759 58.404021) (xy 92.40527 58.399587) (xy 92.409476 58.394826)
+ (xy 92.413359 58.389724) (xy 92.416903 58.38427) (xy 92.420089 58.378453) (xy 92.437738 58.342069)
+ (xy 92.45473 58.304982) (xy 92.48712 58.228884) (xy 92.518009 58.150536) (xy 92.548148 58.070312)
+ (xy 92.609176 57.905737) (xy 92.641566 57.822136) (xy 92.676207 57.738161) (xy 93.322899 57.738161)
+ (xy 93.34851 57.802189) (xy 93.476568 57.706143) (xy 93.550227 57.567346) (xy 93.615632 57.427141)
+ (xy 93.673533 57.285624) (xy 93.724682 57.142887) (xy 93.769827 56.999025) (xy 93.809721 56.85413)
+ (xy 93.845112 56.708298) (xy 93.876751 56.561622) (xy 94.084845 55.36908) (xy 94.505032 55.36908)
+ (xy 94.504101 55.376147) (xy 94.501795 55.403855) (xy 94.501037 55.43311) (xy 94.372979 56.20146)
+ (xy 94.359535 56.286874) (xy 94.343465 56.374539) (xy 94.325144 56.463704) (xy 94.304947 56.55362)
+ (xy 94.283249 56.643536) (xy 94.260427 56.732702) (xy 94.212906 56.90578) (xy 96.742057 57.001826)
+ (xy 96.930143 56.345526) (xy 96.974351 56.183328) (xy 97.016682 56.020379) (xy 97.056763 55.855929)
+ (xy 97.094216 55.689228) (xy 97.104706 55.638127) (xy 97.1121 55.592559) (xy 97.114607 55.571703)
+ (xy 97.116305 55.552056) (xy 97.117182 55.533557) (xy 97.117227 55.516149) (xy 97.743279 55.516149)
+ (xy 97.753018 55.52665) (xy 97.854752 55.641015) (xy 97.95461 55.757255) (xy 98.052967 55.874996)
+ (xy 98.150199 55.993863) (xy 98.342786 56.233471) (xy 98.342969 56.236473) (xy 98.343505 56.239481)
+ (xy 98.344368 56.242501) (xy 98.345537 56.245539) (xy 98.346987 56.2486) (xy 98.348695 56.25169)
+ (xy 98.350637 56.254816) (xy 98.35279 56.257982) (xy 98.357636 56.264462) (xy 98.363045 56.271176)
+ (xy 98.3748 56.285495) (xy 98.380771 56.293194) (xy 98.386555 56.301315) (xy 98.389318 56.305549)
+ (xy 98.391963 56.309905) (xy 98.394468 56.314391) (xy 98.396809 56.319011) (xy 98.398963 56.323772)
+ (xy 98.400905 56.32868) (xy 98.402613 56.33374) (xy 98.404062 56.338958) (xy 98.405231 56.34434)
+ (xy 98.406095 56.349893) (xy 98.40663 56.355621) (xy 98.406814 56.361531) (xy 98.44258 56.493591)
+ (xy 98.466464 56.585639) (xy 97.926599 56.585639) (xy 97.926599 56.425566) (xy 97.830054 56.305511)
+ (xy 97.780844 56.245484) (xy 97.730508 56.185456) (xy 97.678672 56.125429) (xy 97.62496 56.065401)
+ (xy 97.568997 56.005374) (xy 97.510408 55.945347) (xy 97.063472 57.509623) (xy 97.075183 57.508907)
+ (xy 97.090153 57.508682) (xy 97.120018 57.50998) (xy 97.149743 57.51306) (xy 97.266296 57.530068)
+ (xy 97.294614 57.53221) (xy 97.322509 57.532194) (xy 97.336284 57.531172) (xy 97.349936 57.529365)
+ (xy 97.363459 57.52669) (xy 97.376846 57.523065) (xy 97.390094 57.518409) (xy 97.403194 57.512639)
+ (xy 97.416143 57.505673) (xy 97.428933 57.497429) (xy 97.441558 57.487825) (xy 97.454014 57.476779)
+ (xy 97.466294 57.464209) (xy 97.478393 57.450032) (xy 97.926599 56.585639) (xy 98.466464 56.585639)
+ (xy 98.476846 56.625651) (xy 98.508111 56.757711) (xy 98.534873 56.889771) (xy 98.546097 56.955801)
+ (xy 98.555632 57.021831) (xy 98.563292 57.087861) (xy 98.568888 57.153892) (xy 98.572233 57.219922)
+ (xy 98.57314 57.285952) (xy 98.573101 57.287457) (xy 98.235239 57.287457) (xy 98.233186 57.250215)
+ (xy 98.228853 57.213213) (xy 98.222163 57.17655) (xy 98.213041 57.140328) (xy 98.20141 57.104645)
+ (xy 98.187193 57.069601) (xy 98.170315 57.035295) (xy 98.1507 57.001828) (xy 97.850255 57.577683)
+ (xy 94.411423 57.577683) (xy 94.410727 57.565986) (xy 94.408993 57.554078) (xy 94.406227 57.541983)
+ (xy 94.402435 57.529723) (xy 94.397624 57.517323) (xy 94.391798 57.504805) (xy 94.384964 57.492194)
+ (xy 94.377127 57.479513) (xy 94.368294 57.466784) (xy 94.35847 57.454032) (xy 94.347662 57.44128)
+ (xy 94.335874 57.428552) (xy 94.323113 57.41587) (xy 94.309385 57.403259) (xy 94.294696 57.390742)
+ (xy 94.279051 57.378342) (xy 94.262457 57.366082) (xy 94.244918 57.353987) (xy 94.245286 57.372363)
+ (xy 94.246357 57.391442) (xy 94.248084 57.411177) (xy 94.250421 57.431523) (xy 94.256736 57.473854)
+ (xy 94.264928 57.518062) (xy 94.274619 57.56377) (xy 94.285436 57.610604) (xy 94.308946 57.706148)
+ (xy 94.323391 57.699868) (xy 94.336717 57.693048) (xy 94.348928 57.685713) (xy 94.360032 57.677885)
+ (xy 94.370034 57.669588) (xy 94.378939 57.660846) (xy 94.386754 57.651681) (xy 94.393485 57.642118)
+ (xy 94.399137 57.63218) (xy 94.403716 57.62189) (xy 94.407229 57.611272) (xy 94.40968 57.600349)
+ (xy 94.411076 57.589145) (xy 94.411423 57.577683) (xy 97.850255 57.577683) (xy 97.766526 57.738163)
+ (xy 97.748494 57.767051) (xy 97.730321 57.793688) (xy 97.711868 57.818075) (xy 97.702491 57.829423)
+ (xy 97.692992 57.84021) (xy 97.683352 57.850433) (xy 97.673553 57.860094) (xy 97.663579 57.869191)
+ (xy 97.653411 57.877727) (xy 97.643032 57.885699) (xy 97.632425 57.893109) (xy 97.621571 57.899955)
+ (xy 97.610454 57.906239) (xy 97.599055 57.911961) (xy 97.587358 57.917119) (xy 97.575344 57.921715)
+ (xy 97.562995 57.925748) (xy 97.550295 57.929219) (xy 97.537226 57.932126) (xy 97.52377 57.934471)
+ (xy 97.509909 57.936253) (xy 97.495626 57.937473) (xy 97.480904 57.938129) (xy 97.465724 57.938223)
+ (xy 97.45007 57.937754) (xy 97.433923 57.936723) (xy 97.417266 57.935128) (xy 97.400082 57.932971)
+ (xy 97.382352 57.930251) (xy 96.838105 57.930251) (xy 96.837919 57.927156) (xy 96.83737 57.923873)
+ (xy 96.836469 57.920403) (xy 96.835229 57.916745) (xy 96.83366 57.912899) (xy 96.831774 57.908866)
+ (xy 96.8271 57.900237) (xy 96.821301 57.890858) (xy 96.814469 57.880728) (xy 96.8067 57.869848) (xy 96.798087 57.858218)
+ (xy 96.757068 57.804193) (xy 96.74564 57.788811) (xy 96.733932 57.772679) (xy 96.722035 57.755796)
+ (xy 96.710045 57.738163) (xy 96.710042 57.738161) (xy 96.704967 57.759254) (xy 96.701703 57.780477)
+ (xy 96.700186 57.80177) (xy 96.700351 57.823074) (xy 96.702134 57.844332) (xy 96.70547 57.865484)
+ (xy 96.70564 57.866221) (xy 92.996353 57.866221) (xy 92.996351 57.866219) (xy 92.932323 57.866219)
+ (xy 92.85929 58.010785) (xy 92.820897 58.084006) (xy 92.780254 58.158352) (xy 92.73661 58.234199)
+ (xy 92.689214 58.311923) (xy 92.637315 58.391897) (xy 92.580164 58.474498) (xy 92.626623 58.474373)
+ (xy 92.669705 58.473498) (xy 92.689862 58.472544) (xy 92.709035 58.471122) (xy 92.727176 58.469136)
+ (xy 92.744239 58.466495) (xy 92.760176 58.463102) (xy 92.77494 58.458866) (xy 92.788486 58.453692)
+ (xy 92.800765 58.447486) (xy 92.811731 58.440154) (xy 92.816707 58.436037) (xy 92.821338 58.431603)
+ (xy 92.825616 58.426841) (xy 92.829537 58.421739) (xy 92.833095 58.416285) (xy 92.836283 58.410468)
+ (xy 92.847928 58.380087) (xy 92.858918 58.349003) (xy 92.879302 58.284911) (xy 92.898185 58.218569)
+ (xy 92.916318 58.15035) (xy 92.953335 58.009787) (xy 92.973719 57.938192) (xy 92.996353 57.866221)
+ (xy 96.70564 57.866221) (xy 96.710296 57.886472) (xy 96.716546 57.907237) (xy 96.724156 57.927721)
+ (xy 96.733061 57.947865) (xy 96.743198 57.967611) (xy 96.754501 57.986899) (xy 96.766906 58.005671)
+ (xy 96.780349 58.023869) (xy 96.794764 58.041433) (xy 96.810089 58.058306) (xy 96.826257 58.074429)
+ (xy 96.843206 58.089743) (xy 96.860869 58.104189) (xy 96.879183 58.117709) (xy 96.898083 58.130244)
+ (xy 96.917505 58.141735) (xy 96.937384 58.152125) (xy 96.957656 58.161354) (xy 96.978257 58.169363)
+ (xy 96.999121 58.176095) (xy 97.020184 58.18149) (xy 97.041382 58.18549) (xy 97.062651 58.188036)
+ (xy 97.083925 58.189069) (xy 97.105141 58.188532) (xy 97.126234 58.186365) (xy 97.210272 58.172859)
+ (xy 97.29431 58.156352) (xy 97.378348 58.136844) (xy 97.462386 58.114333) (xy 97.546424 58.088822)
+ (xy 97.630463 58.060309) (xy 97.714501 58.028795) (xy 97.798539 57.994279) (xy 97.828352 57.981165)
+ (xy 97.857714 57.965899) (xy 97.886549 57.948581) (xy 97.914779 57.929312) (xy 97.94233 57.908189)
+ (xy 97.969124 57.885315) (xy 97.995087 57.860787) (xy 98.02014 57.834706) (xy 98.044209 57.807171)
+ (xy 98.067216 57.778281) (xy 98.089087 57.748138) (xy 98.109744 57.716839) (xy 98.129111 57.684486)
+ (xy 98.147112 57.651177) (xy 98.163672 57.617012) (xy 98.178713 57.582091) (xy 98.192159 57.546513)
+ (xy 98.203935 57.510378) (xy 98.213964 57.473787) (xy 98.22217 57.436837) (xy 98.228477 57.39963)
+ (xy 98.232808 57.362264) (xy 98.235087 57.32484) (xy 98.235239 57.287457) (xy 98.573101 57.287457)
+ (xy 98.57142 57.351982) (xy 98.566887 57.418012) (xy 98.558266 57.511821) (xy 98.544439 57.601221)
+ (xy 98.525454 57.686307) (xy 98.501358 57.767172) (xy 98.472196 57.84391) (xy 98.438016 57.916615)
+ (xy 98.398866 57.98538) (xy 98.354791 58.0503) (xy 98.305839 58.111469) (xy 98.252056 58.168979)
+ (xy 98.193491 58.222926) (xy 98.130188 58.273402) (xy 98.062196 58.320501) (xy 97.989561 58.364318)
+ (xy 97.912331 58.404946) (xy 97.830551 58.442479) (xy 97.782521 58.45976) (xy 97.734445 58.475682)
+ (xy 97.686274 58.490384) (xy 97.637963 58.504007) (xy 97.540731 58.528581) (xy 97.442374 58.550528)
+ (xy 97.240782 58.591046) (xy 97.136797 58.611867) (xy 97.030186 58.634565) (xy 97.126231 58.666584)
+ (xy 97.126416 58.672679) (xy 97.126958 58.678949) (xy 97.129045 58.69197) (xy 97.132351 58.705555)
+ (xy 97.136736 58.719608) (xy 97.142059 58.734036) (xy 97.148179 58.748746) (xy 97.154955 58.763643)
+ (xy 97.162247 58.778635) (xy 97.222277 58.890685) (xy 97.244904 58.946672) (xy 97.265234 58.99492)
+ (xy 97.283969 59.035947) (xy 97.301813 59.070267) (xy 97.31062 59.085074) (xy 97.319469 59.098397)
+ (xy 97.328447 59.110302) (xy 97.337641 59.120853) (xy 97.347141 59.130114) (xy 97.357033 59.13815)
+ (xy 97.367406 59.145025) (xy 97.378347 59.150804) (xy 97.389946 59.155551) (xy 97.402288 59.159331)
+ (xy 97.415463 59.162209) (xy 97.429558 59.164248) (xy 97.444662 59.165513) (xy 97.460862 59.166069)
+ (xy 97.496902 59.165311) (xy 97.538382 59.162489) (xy 97.586005 59.158121) (xy 97.702496 59.146803)
+ (xy 97.803057 59.132915) (xy 97.90071 59.115227) (xy 97.99555 59.093694) (xy 98.08767 59.068268)
+ (xy 98.177163 59.038903) (xy 98.264125 59.005552) (xy 98.348648 58.968168) (xy 98.430826 58.926704)
+ (xy 98.510753 58.881113) (xy 98.588523 58.831348) (xy 98.664229 58.777362) (xy 98.737966 58.719109)
+ (xy 98.809827 58.656542) (xy 98.879906 58.589613) (xy 98.948297 58.518276) (xy 99.015093 58.442483)
+ (xy 99.073432 58.35832) (xy 99.101124 58.316004) (xy 99.127643 58.273407) (xy 99.15285 58.230434)
+ (xy 99.176603 58.186992) (xy 99.198762 58.142988) (xy 99.219185 58.098327) (xy 99.237733 58.052916)
+ (xy 99.254264 58.00666) (xy 99.268638 57.959467) (xy 99.280714 57.911242) (xy 99.290351 57.861891)
+ (xy 99.297409 57.811321) (xy 99.301747 57.759438) (xy 99.303224 57.706148) (xy 99.307366 57.610472)
+ (xy 99.307851 57.515498) (xy 99.738793 57.515498) (xy 99.738344 57.527633) (xy 99.719397 57.802196)
+ (xy 99.718655 57.831842) (xy 99.716458 57.860785) (xy 99.712855 57.889071) (xy 99.707892 57.916748)
+ (xy 99.701616 57.943862) (xy 99.694073 57.970461) (xy 99.685312 57.99659) (xy 99.675377 58.022297)
+ (xy 99.664318 58.047629) (xy 99.65218 58.072633) (xy 99.639009 58.097355) (xy 99.624854 58.121843)
+ (xy 99.609762 58.146143) (xy 99.593778 58.170303) (xy 99.576949 58.194368) (xy 99.559324 58.218387)
+ (xy 99.49177 58.329805) (xy 99.421074 58.435924) (xy 99.347095 58.536696) (xy 99.269693 58.632075)
+ (xy 99.188726 58.722015) (xy 99.104055 58.806467) (xy 99.015538 58.885386) (xy 98.923035 58.958724)
+ (xy 98.826405 59.026435) (xy 98.725507 59.088471) (xy 98.620201 59.144786) (xy 98.510347 59.195332)
+ (xy 98.395802 59.240064) (xy 98.276427 59.278933) (xy 98.152081 59.311894) (xy 98.022623 59.338899)
+ (xy 97.992977 59.339625) (xy 97.964034 59.341712) (xy 97.935748 59.345018) (xy 97.908071 59.349403)
+ (xy 97.880957 59.354726) (xy 97.854359 59.360846) (xy 97.82823 59.367622) (xy 97.802523 59.374914)
+ (xy 97.752187 59.390484) (xy 97.702977 59.406428) (xy 97.654517 59.421623) (xy 97.606432 59.434941)
+ (xy 97.606451 59.56299) (xy 97.702496 61.131706) (xy 97.705122 61.241131) (xy 97.7115 61.352806)
+ (xy 97.712128 61.362311) (xy 97.371655 61.362311) (xy 97.364628 61.183354) (xy 97.350332 61.003648)
+ (xy 97.336763 60.847701) (xy 97.319818 60.692506) (xy 97.299121 60.538811) (xy 97.274297 60.387367)
+ (xy 97.244971 60.238925) (xy 97.210768 60.094234) (xy 97.171314 59.954045) (xy 97.149499 59.885873)
+ (xy 97.126231 59.819108) (xy 97.064703 59.65247) (xy 97.000174 59.488458) (xy 96.932643 59.326697)
+ (xy 96.86211 59.166812) (xy 96.788577 59.008427) (xy 96.712041 58.851168) (xy 96.632505 58.69466)
+ (xy 96.549967 58.538526) (xy 96.488064 58.431102) (xy 96.455283 58.378562) (xy 96.420908 58.327429)
+ (xy 96.384657 58.278172) (xy 96.346249 58.23126) (xy 96.305403 58.187162) (xy 96.261836 58.146346)
+ (xy 96.238945 58.127316) (xy 96.215268 58.109283) (xy 96.190771 58.092304) (xy 96.165417 58.07644)
+ (xy 96.139173 58.061747) (xy 96.112002 58.048286) (xy 96.08387 58.036115) (xy 96.054742 58.025292)
+ (xy 96.024582 58.015875) (xy 95.993354 58.007925) (xy 95.961025 58.001498) (xy 95.927559 57.996654)
+ (xy 95.89292 57.993452) (xy 95.857073 57.991949) (xy 95.819984 57.992206) (xy 95.781617 57.994279)
+ (xy 95.769252 57.993912) (xy 95.75623 57.992841) (xy 95.742646 57.991114) (xy 95.728593 57.988777)
+ (xy 95.714165 57.985877) (xy 95.699455 57.982461) (xy 95.684557 57.978577) (xy 95.669566 57.97427)
+ (xy 95.654575 57.969588) (xy 95.639678 57.964578) (xy 95.610539 57.953761) (xy 95.582902 57.942194)
+ (xy 95.56988 57.936246) (xy 95.557516 57.930251) (xy 95.533505 57.930189) (xy 95.509494 57.929751)
+ (xy 95.485484 57.928563) (xy 95.473478 57.92757) (xy 95.461473 57.926249) (xy 95.449467 57.924553)
+ (xy 95.437462 57.922435) (xy 95.425456 57.919848) (xy 95.413451 57.916745) (xy 95.401446 57.913079)
+ (xy 95.38944 57.908804) (xy 95.377435 57.903872) (xy 95.36543 57.898236) (xy 95.365492 57.919433)
+ (xy 95.365641 57.928132) (xy 95.36593 57.935753) (xy 95.366407 57.942435) (xy 95.367118 57.948321)
+ (xy 95.368111 57.95355) (xy 95.369431 57.958263) (xy 95.371127 57.962601) (xy 95.373245 57.966704)
+ (xy 95.375832 57.970714) (xy 95.378935 57.974771) (xy 95.382601 57.979015) (xy 95.386876 57.983588)
+ (xy 95.397443 57.994282) (xy 95.490516 58.091802) (xy 95.577775 58.192184) (xy 95.659406 58.295285)
+ (xy 95.735597 58.400966) (xy 95.806536 58.509085) (xy 95.87241 58.619503) (xy 95.933406 58.732078)
+ (xy 95.989713 58.846669) (xy 96.041518 58.963136) (xy 96.089009 59.081338) (xy 96.132372 59.201135)
+ (xy 96.171797 59.322385) (xy 96.207469 59.444949) (xy 96.239578 59.568685) (xy 96.26831 59.693452)
+ (xy 96.293853 59.819111) (xy 96.352317 60.072602) (xy 96.407405 60.328343) (xy 96.458741 60.585586)
+ (xy 96.50595 60.843578) (xy 96.548656 61.101571) (xy 96.586486 61.358813) (xy 96.619063 61.614555)
+ (xy 96.646012 61.868046) (xy 96.661691 62.053739) (xy 96.662062 62.060129) (xy 96.281847 62.060129)
+ (xy 96.277556 61.871059) (xy 96.267778 61.682082) (xy 96.252654 61.493293) (xy 96.232324 61.304785)
+ (xy 96.20693 61.116652) (xy 96.176611 60.928989) (xy 96.14151 60.741888) (xy 96.101765 60.555444)
+ (xy 96.00572 60.139252) (xy 95.945255 59.923341) (xy 95.882164 59.708555) (xy 95.813821 59.496021)
+ (xy 95.776859 59.39095) (xy 95.737599 59.286864) (xy 95.695713 59.183903) (xy 95.650872 59.082208)
+ (xy 95.602749 58.98192) (xy 95.551015 58.88318) (xy 95.495341 58.786128) (xy 95.4354 58.690905) (xy 95.370863 58.597652)
+ (xy 95.301402 58.506509) (xy 95.29504 58.499795) (xy 95.288021 58.491815) (xy 95.272388 58.472994)
+ (xy 95.255255 58.451922) (xy 95.237372 58.430475) (xy 95.228383 58.420197) (xy 95.219488 58.410528)
+ (xy 95.210781 58.401704) (xy 95.202355 58.393958) (xy 95.194305 58.387525) (xy 95.190449 58.384875)
+ (xy 95.186723 58.38264) (xy 95.183137 58.380851) (xy 95.179704 58.379537) (xy 95.176435 58.378727)
+ (xy 95.173342 58.378451) (xy 94.59708 58.378451) (xy 94.597439 58.402094) (xy 94.598455 58.425034)
+ (xy 94.600034 58.447318) (xy 94.602082 58.468992) (xy 94.607209 58.510698) (xy 94.613086 58.550529)
+ (xy 94.618963 58.588859) (xy 94.62409 58.626063) (xy 94.626138 58.644361) (xy 94.627717 58.662518)
+ (xy 94.628733 58.680581) (xy 94.629092 58.698597) (xy 94.628908 58.7046) (xy 94.628365 58.710602)
+ (xy 94.627483 58.716605) (xy 94.626279 58.722608) (xy 94.624769 58.72861) (xy 94.622972 58.734613)
+ (xy 94.618588 58.746618) (xy 94.613265 58.758624) (xy 94.607145 58.770629) (xy 94.600369 58.782634)
+ (xy 94.593076 58.79464) (xy 94.577507 58.818651) (xy 94.561562 58.842662) (xy 94.5538 58.854667)
+ (xy 94.546367 58.866672) (xy 94.539402 58.878678) (xy 94.533047 58.890683) (xy 94.527045 58.890498)
+ (xy 94.52105 58.889956) (xy 94.515066 58.889074) (xy 94.509099 58.887869) (xy 94.503156 58.88636)
+ (xy 94.497242 58.884563) (xy 94.485526 58.880178) (xy 94.473997 58.874856) (xy 94.462703 58.868736)
+ (xy 94.45169 58.861959) (xy 94.441006 58.854667) (xy 94.430696 58.846999) (xy 94.420809 58.839097)
+ (xy 94.411391 58.831101) (xy 94.402488 58.823152) (xy 94.386418 58.807957) (xy 94.372974 58.794638)
+ (xy 94.372849 58.7932) (xy 94.372552 58.791472) (xy 94.371974 58.789135) (xy 94.37102 58.786236)
+ (xy 94.370373 58.78459) (xy 94.369598 58.78282) (xy 94.368681 58.780934) (xy 94.367612 58.778936)
+ (xy 94.366379 58.776832) (xy 94.364971 58.774629) (xy 94.363374 58.772332) (xy 94.361578 58.769948)
+ (xy 94.359572 58.767481) (xy 94.357342 58.764938) (xy 94.354878 58.762324) (xy 94.352168 58.759646)
+ (xy 94.3492 58.75691) (xy 94.345962 58.75412) (xy 94.342443 58.751284) (xy 94.338631 58.748407) (xy 94.334514 58.745495)
+ (xy 94.33008 58.742553) (xy 94.325319 58.739588) (xy 94.320217 58.736605) (xy 94.314763 58.73361)
+ (xy 94.308946 58.73061) (xy 94.382066 59.090047) (xy 94.445196 59.448124) (xy 94.498104 59.804982)
+ (xy 94.540553 60.160761) (xy 94.57231 60.515602) (xy 94.593139 60.869647) (xy 94.602808 61.223034)
+ (xy 94.602786 61.227445) (xy 94.234867 61.227445) (xy 94.228911 60.991642) (xy 94.216953 60.756214)
+ (xy 94.199273 60.521115) (xy 94.176152 60.286297) (xy 94.147874 60.051713) (xy 94.076966 59.583062)
+ (xy 93.9888 59.114786) (xy 93.96554 58.993731) (xy 93.940779 58.872676) (xy 93.926429 58.813086)
+ (xy 93.910015 58.754622) (xy 93.890975 58.697659) (xy 93.868746 58.642571) (xy 93.842766 58.589735)
+ (xy 93.828193 58.564278) (xy 93.812471 58.539525) (xy 93.79553 58.515522) (xy 93.777299 58.492316)
+ (xy 93.757708 58.469954) (xy 93.736687 58.448484) (xy 93.714165 58.427951) (xy 93.690072 58.408403)
+ (xy 93.664337 58.389887) (xy 93.636891 58.372449) (xy 93.607663 58.356137) (xy 93.576583 58.340998)
+ (xy 93.543579 58.327077) (xy 93.508583 58.314423) (xy 93.485886 58.314298) (xy 93.475311 58.314001)
+ (xy 93.465064 58.313423) (xy 93.455004 58.312469) (xy 93.444992 58.311046) (xy 93.434886 58.309061)
+ (xy 93.424545 58.306419) (xy 93.413829 58.303027) (xy 93.402597 58.298791) (xy 93.390709 58.293616)
+ (xy 93.378023 58.28741) (xy 93.3644 58.280079) (xy 93.349697 58.271528) (xy 93.333776 58.261664)
+ (xy 93.316495 58.250393) (xy 93.31662 58.30892) (xy 93.317495 58.364445) (xy 93.319871 58.416969)
+ (xy 93.321857 58.442106) (xy 93.324499 58.466492) (xy 93.327891 58.490128) (xy 93.332127 58.513013)
+ (xy 93.337301 58.535148) (xy 93.343507 58.556533) (xy 93.350838 58.577167) (xy 93.359389 58.597051)
+ (xy 93.369252 58.616184) (xy 93.380523 58.634567) (xy 93.427404 58.724624) (xy 93.47194 58.814774)
+ (xy 93.514038 58.905112) (xy 93.553603 58.995732) (xy 93.590542 59.086726) (xy 93.62476 59.17819)
+ (xy 93.656165 59.270216) (xy 93.684663 59.362899) (xy 93.710159 59.456332) (xy 93.73256 59.55061)
+ (xy 93.751772 59.645825) (xy 93.767701 59.742072) (xy 93.780254 59.839444) (xy 93.789336 59.938036)
+ (xy 93.794854 60.037941) (xy 93.796714 60.139252) (xy 93.796714 61.038166) (xy 93.363023 61.038166)
+ (xy 93.358583 60.622038) (xy 93.348515 60.203285) (xy 93.348077 60.047339) (xy 93.345013 59.892143)
+ (xy 93.336697 59.738449) (xy 93.329748 59.662399) (xy 93.320502 59.587005) (xy 93.30863 59.512362)
+ (xy 93.293803 59.438563) (xy 93.275693 59.365702) (xy 93.253972 59.293872) (xy 93.228312 59.223168)
+ (xy 93.198385 59.153684) (xy 93.163861 59.085512) (xy 93.124414 59.018748) (xy 93.098965 58.981543)
+ (xy 93.085232 58.962401) (xy 93.07089 58.943213) (xy 93.055985 58.924212) (xy 93.040564 58.905633)
+ (xy 93.024673 58.88771) (xy 93.008361 58.870679) (xy 92.991674 58.854773) (xy 92.974658 58.840228)
+ (xy 92.957361 58.827277) (xy 92.939829 58.816154) (xy 92.93099 58.811352) (xy 92.92211 58.807096)
+ (xy 92.913195 58.803413) (xy 92.90425 58.800335) (xy 92.895282 58.797889) (xy 92.886296 58.796106)
+ (xy 92.877299 58.795015) (xy 92.868296 58.794645) (xy 92.826628 58.789369) (xy 92.785571 58.785453)
+ (xy 92.744982 58.782757) (xy 92.704721 58.781139) (xy 92.624622 58.780576) (xy 92.544148 58.78264)
+ (xy 92.377572 58.790143) (xy 92.28922 58.793332) (xy 92.228001 58.794194) (xy 92.228001 58.98673)
+ (xy 92.222499 59.712061) (xy 92.207993 60.443394) (xy 92.164941 61.868041) (xy 91.907864 61.868041)
+ (xy 91.907864 61.64394) (xy 91.875849 60.715517) (xy 91.875849 54.824833) (xy 91.876349 54.657257)
+ (xy 91.877537 54.574406) (xy 91.879851 54.492681) (xy 91.883665 54.412457) (xy 91.889355 54.334108)
+ (xy 91.897297 54.258011) (xy 91.907864 54.184541) (xy 91.907864 54.088495) (xy 91.896218 54.064117)
+ (xy 91.885228 54.039035) (xy 91.874802 54.013297) (xy 91.864844 53.986949) (xy 91.84596 53.932612)
+ (xy 91.827827 53.876399) (xy 91.79081 53.759846) (xy 91.770426 53.700256) (xy 91.759437 53.670297)
+ (xy 91.747791 53.640291) (xy 91.747784 53.640294) (xy 81.631177 53.640294) (xy 77.117121 53.616283)
+ (xy 74.860092 53.613282) (xy 72.603064 53.640294) (xy 72.574169 53.641052) (xy 72.547477 53.643357)
+ (xy 72.534943 53.645105) (xy 72.522943 53.647258) (xy 72.51147 53.64982) (xy 72.500519 53.652799)
+ (xy 72.490083 53.6562) (xy 72.480158 53.660029) (xy 72.470737 53.664291) (xy 72.461814 53.668994)
+ (xy 72.453383 53.674141) (xy 72.445439 53.679741) (xy 72.437976 53.685797) (xy 72.430987 53.692317)
+ (xy 72.424468 53.699305) (xy 72.418411 53.706768) (xy 72.412812 53.714712) (xy 72.407664 53.723143)
+ (xy 72.402962 53.732066) (xy 72.398699 53.741487) (xy 72.39487 53.751412) (xy 72.391469 53.761848)
+ (xy 72.38849 53.772799) (xy 72.385927 53.784272) (xy 72.383775 53.796273) (xy 72.382027 53.808807)
+ (xy 72.379721 53.835498) (xy 72.378963 53.864394) (xy 72.378963 56.425561) (xy 72.374461 56.977313)
+ (xy 72.366958 57.526063) (xy 72.366348 57.746501) (xy 71.947568 57.746501) (xy 71.947311 57.722698)
+ (xy 71.946075 57.699206) (xy 71.943831 57.676113) (xy 71.94055 57.653506) (xy 71.936201 57.631473)
+ (xy 71.930757 57.610103) (xy 71.898407 57.70615) (xy 71.354495 57.70615) (xy 71.32248 57.674133)
+ (xy 71.258454 57.674133) (xy 71.066364 58.122337) (xy 71.066489 58.125151) (xy 71.066512 58.125414)
+ (xy 69.510729 58.125414) (xy 69.510105 58.109784) (xy 69.508649 58.093322) (xy 69.506349 58.076015)
+ (xy 69.503193 58.057853) (xy 69.49917 58.038823) (xy 69.494267 58.018913) (xy 69.488473 57.998113)
+ (xy 69.481777 57.97641) (xy 69.474166 57.953793) (xy 69.465628 57.930249) (xy 69.413606 58.094323)
+ (xy 69.397787 58.140031) (xy 69.380092 58.186865) (xy 69.370424 58.210586) (xy 69.367067 58.21838)
+ (xy 69.209517 58.21838) (xy 69.209332 58.212286) (xy 69.20879 58.206015) (xy 69.206703 58.192994)
+ (xy 69.203397 58.17941) (xy 69.199012 58.165357) (xy 69.193689 58.150928) (xy 69.187569 58.136218)
+ (xy 69.180792 58.121321) (xy 69.1735 58.10633) (xy 69.113472 57.994279) (xy 69.113197 58.00019) (xy 69.112401 58.005925)
+ (xy 69.111124 58.011496) (xy 69.109407 58.016914) (xy 69.107292 58.022192) (xy 69.104819 58.027341)
+ (xy 69.10203 58.032372) (xy 69.098965 58.037298) (xy 69.095666 58.042131) (xy 69.092173 58.046881)
+ (xy 69.084771 58.056182) (xy 69.069452 58.074316) (xy 69.062191 58.083336) (xy 69.058803 58.087875)
+ (xy 69.055633 58.092449) (xy 69.052721 58.097071) (xy 69.050107 58.10175) (xy 69.047834 58.106501)
+ (xy 69.045942 58.111333) (xy 69.044472 58.116259) (xy 69.043465 58.121291) (xy 69.043362 58.122337)
+ (xy 68.056993 58.122337) (xy 67.988634 58.111864) (xy 67.92731 58.104579) (xy 67.872551 58.100672)
+ (xy 67.847487 58.100042) (xy 67.823888 58.100328) (xy 67.801697 58.101551) (xy 67.780853 58.103736)
+ (xy 67.761299 58.106905) (xy 67.742977 58.111083) (xy 67.725826 58.116292) (xy 67.70979 58.122557)
+ (xy 67.694808 58.1299) (xy 67.680824 58.138345) (xy 67.667777 58.147916) (xy 67.655609 58.158635)
+ (xy 67.644262 58.170528) (xy 67.633677 58.183616) (xy 67.623796 58.197923) (xy 67.614559 58.213473)
+ (xy 67.605908 58.230289) (xy 67.597785 58.248395) (xy 67.582888 58.288569) (xy 67.569397 58.334184)
+ (xy 67.556844 58.385426) (xy 67.544761 58.442483) (xy 67.384685 59.274861) (xy 67.3734 59.334897)
+ (xy 67.363427 59.394979) (xy 67.34667 59.515471) (xy 67.332914 59.636714) (xy 67.320659 59.759082)
+ (xy 67.308404 59.882951) (xy 67.294647 60.008696) (xy 67.27789 60.136691) (xy 67.25663 60.267313)
+ (xy 67.28864 60.267313) (xy 67.334443 60.266187) (xy 67.355715 60.26478) (xy 67.375931 60.262811)
+ (xy 67.395116 60.260278) (xy 67.413292 60.257183) (xy 67.430484 60.253525) (xy 67.446714 60.249305)
+ (xy 67.462006 60.244521) (xy 67.476384 60.239175) (xy 67.48987 60.233266) (xy 67.502489 60.226794)
+ (xy 67.514264 60.21976) (xy 67.525218 60.212163) (xy 67.535375 60.204003) (xy 67.544758 60.19528)
+ (xy 67.553391 60.185995) (xy 67.561297 60.176146) (xy 67.568499 60.165735) (xy 67.575022 60.154762)
+ (xy 67.580888 60.143225) (xy 67.58612 60.131126) (xy 67.590743 60.118464) (xy 67.59478 60.105239)
+ (xy 67.598254 60.091452) (xy 67.601189 60.077101) (xy 67.605535 60.046713) (xy 67.608005 60.014073)
+ (xy 67.608786 59.979182) (xy 67.609927 59.871508) (xy 67.613413 59.764584) (xy 67.619338 59.658411)
+ (xy 67.627795 59.552988) (xy 67.638878 59.448315) (xy 67.652682 59.344393) (xy 67.669299 59.241221)
+ (xy 67.688824 59.138799) (xy 67.71135 59.037128) (xy 67.736972 58.936207) (xy 67.765782 58.836037)
+ (xy 67.797875 58.736616) (xy 67.833345 58.637946) (xy 67.872285 58.540027) (xy 67.91479 58.442857)
+ (xy 67.960952 58.346438) (xy 67.984963 58.297917) (xy 67.996968 58.272718) (xy 68.008972 58.246393)
+ (xy 68.020977 58.218568) (xy 68.032982 58.188867) (xy 68.044987 58.156915) (xy 68.056993 58.122337)
+ (xy 69.043362 58.122337) (xy 69.042962 58.126439) (xy 69.043004 58.131717) (xy 69.043633 58.137136)
+ (xy 69.044889 58.142707) (xy 69.046813 58.148441) (xy 69.049446 58.154352) (xy 69.049631 58.157445)
+ (xy 69.050173 58.160714) (xy 69.051055 58.164147) (xy 69.05226 58.167733) (xy 69.053769 58.171459)
+ (xy 69.055566 58.175314) (xy 69.05995 58.183365) (xy 69.065273 58.19179) (xy 69.071393 58.200497)
+ (xy 69.078169 58.209392) (xy 69.085461 58.21838) (xy 69.093128 58.227369) (xy 69.10103 58.236264)
+ (xy 69.116974 58.253397) (xy 69.132168 58.269029) (xy 69.145487 58.28241) (xy 69.145487 58.282408)
+ (xy 69.148238 58.28097) (xy 69.155491 58.276905) (xy 69.160338 58.274006) (xy 69.165746 58.27059)
+ (xy 69.17153 58.266705) (xy 69.177502 58.262399) (xy 69.183473 58.257717) (xy 69.189257 58.252707)
+ (xy 69.19202 58.250094) (xy 69.194666 58.247416) (xy 69.197171 58.244679) (xy 69.199512 58.24189)
+ (xy 69.201666 58.239054) (xy 69.203608 58.236176) (xy 69.205316 58.233264) (xy 69.206766 58.230322)
+ (xy 69.207934 58.227357) (xy 69.208798 58.224375) (xy 69.209333 58.22138) (xy 69.209517 58.21838)
+ (xy 69.367067 58.21838) (xy 69.360146 58.234449) (xy 69.349211 58.258405) (xy 69.337573 58.282408)
+ (xy 69.352296 58.282125) (xy 69.366446 58.281267) (xy 69.380008 58.279823) (xy 69.392973 58.277781)
+ (xy 69.405329 58.275129) (xy 69.417063 58.271856) (xy 69.428164 58.26795) (xy 69.438619 58.263399)
+ (xy 69.448419 58.258192) (xy 69.45755 58.252316) (xy 69.466001 58.24576) (xy 69.47376 58.238513)
+ (xy 69.480816 58.230562) (xy 69.487157 58.221896) (xy 69.492771 58.212503) (xy 69.497646 58.202371)
+ (xy 69.50177 58.191489) (xy 69.505133 58.179845) (xy 69.507722 58.167428) (xy 69.509525 58.154224)
+ (xy 69.510532 58.140224) (xy 69.510729 58.125414) (xy 71.066512 58.125414) (xy 71.066786 58.128457)
+ (xy 71.067364 58.132842) (xy 71.068318 58.138164) (xy 71.06974 58.144284) (xy 71.071726 58.151061)
+ (xy 71.074367 58.158353) (xy 71.075964 58.162149) (xy 71.07776 58.166021) (xy 71.079766 58.169951)
+ (xy 71.081996 58.173923) (xy 71.08446 58.177918) (xy 71.08717 58.181919) (xy 71.090138 58.185908)
+ (xy 71.093376 58.189868) (xy 71.096896 58.193781) (xy 71.100708 58.19763) (xy 71.104825 58.201396)
+ (xy 71.109259 58.205063) (xy 71.114021 58.208613) (xy 71.119123 58.212027) (xy 71.124577 58.21529)
+ (xy 71.130394 58.218382) (xy 71.133207 58.21832) (xy 71.140898 58.217882) (xy 71.14622 58.217405)
+ (xy 71.15234 58.216694) (xy 71.159116 58.215701) (xy 71.166408 58.214381) (xy 71.174076 58.212684)
+ (xy 71.181977 58.210566) (xy 71.189973 58.207979) (xy 71.193962 58.206495) (xy 71.197922 58.204876)
+ (xy 71.201834 58.203116) (xy 71.205683 58.20121) (xy 71.209449 58.199152) (xy 71.213116 58.196935)
+ (xy 71.216665 58.194554) (xy 71.22008 58.192003) (xy 71.223342 58.189276) (xy 71.226434 58.186367)
+ (xy 71.250948 58.066313) (xy 71.264142 58.006285) (xy 71.278461 57.946258) (xy 71.29428 57.886231)
+ (xy 71.311975 57.826204) (xy 71.331922 57.766177) (xy 71.342856 57.736164) (xy 71.354495 57.70615)
+ (xy 71.898407 57.70615) (xy 71.882235 57.754168) (xy 71.857036 57.8262) (xy 71.830712 57.898233)
+ (xy 71.802887 57.970266) (xy 71.773186 58.042299) (xy 71.741234 58.114332) (xy 71.706656 58.186365)
+ (xy 71.721564 58.185348) (xy 71.736255 58.182355) (xy 71.7507 58.177475) (xy 71.764869 58.170795)
+ (xy 71.778734 58.162404) (xy 71.792264 58.152389) (xy 71.805431 58.140838) (xy 71.818205 58.127839)
+ (xy 71.830557 58.11348) (xy 71.842458 58.097848) (xy 71.853878 58.081033) (xy 71.864788 58.063122)
+ (xy 71.875159 58.044202) (xy 71.884961 58.024362) (xy 71.894165 58.00369) (xy 71.902742 57.982273)
+ (xy 71.910663 57.960199) (xy 71.917898 57.937557) (xy 71.924417 57.914434) (xy 71.930192 57.890919)
+ (xy 71.935194 57.867098) (xy 71.939392 57.843061) (xy 71.942758 57.818895) (xy 71.945262 57.794687)
+ (xy 71.946875 57.770527) (xy 71.947568 57.746501) (xy 72.366348 57.746501) (xy 72.365457 58.06881)
+ (xy 72.369771 58.336995) (xy 72.370098 58.34644) (xy 70.682192 58.34644) (xy 70.658187 58.326366)
+ (xy 70.634224 58.30815) (xy 70.610343 58.291774) (xy 70.586585 58.277222) (xy 70.562991 58.264475)
+ (xy 70.539602 58.253516) (xy 70.516459 58.244327) (xy 70.493604 58.236891) (xy 70.471077 58.23119)
+ (xy 70.448919 58.227207) (xy 70.427172 58.224924) (xy 70.405876 58.224323) (xy 70.385073 58.225387)
+ (xy 70.364803 58.228098) (xy 70.345107 58.232439) (xy 70.326027 58.238392) (xy 70.307604 58.245939)
+ (xy 70.289878 58.255063) (xy 70.272891 58.265747) (xy 70.256683 58.277972) (xy 70.241297 58.291722)
+ (xy 70.226772 58.306978) (xy 70.213149 58.323723) (xy 70.200471 58.341939) (xy 70.188777 58.361609)
+ (xy 70.17811 58.382715) (xy 70.168509 58.40524) (xy 70.160016 58.429166) (xy 70.152672 58.454476)
+ (xy 70.146518 58.481151) (xy 70.141596 58.509174) (xy 70.137945 58.538529) (xy 70.130627 58.602556)
+ (xy 69.721749 58.602556) (xy 69.691391 58.607856) (xy 69.66047 58.611936) (xy 69.597691 58.617563)
+ (xy 69.534911 58.62169) (xy 69.473633 58.626568) (xy 69.444026 58.629991) (xy 69.415357 58.634446)
+ (xy 69.387813 58.640215) (xy 69.361583 58.647578) (xy 69.336854 58.656816) (xy 69.325111 58.662227)
+ (xy 69.313813 58.668212) (xy 69.302984 58.674807) (xy 69.292648 58.682047) (xy 69.282828 58.689967)
+ (xy 69.273547 58.698602) (xy 69.20983 58.751126) (xy 69.183434 58.77176) (xy 69.159994 58.788643)
+ (xy 69.14922 58.795677) (xy 69.138992 58.801774) (xy 69.129244 58.806932) (xy 69.119912 58.811153)
+ (xy 69.110932 58.814436) (xy 69.10224 58.816781) (xy 69.09377 58.818187) (xy 69.085458 58.818656)
+ (xy 69.077241 58.818187) (xy 69.069052 58.816781) (xy 69.060829 58.814436) (xy 69.052505 58.811153)
+ (xy 69.044018 58.806932) (xy 69.035302 58.801774) (xy 69.026293 58.795677) (xy 69.016926 58.788643)
+ (xy 69.007137 58.78067) (xy 68.996862 58.77176) (xy 68.974594 58.751126) (xy 68.949605 58.726739)
+ (xy 68.921381 58.698602) (xy 68.909378 58.687064) (xy 68.897386 58.676458) (xy 68.885418 58.666779)
+ (xy 68.873485 58.65802) (xy 68.861599 58.650175) (xy 68.849772 58.64324) (xy 68.838014 58.637206)
+ (xy 68.826339 58.63207) (xy 68.814758 58.627825) (xy 68.803282 58.624465) (xy 68.791923 58.621984)
+ (xy 68.780693 58.620377) (xy 68.769604 58.619638) (xy 68.758668 58.61976) (xy 68.747895 58.620738)
+ (xy 68.737299 58.622566) (xy 68.726889 58.625238) (xy 68.71668 58.628748) (xy 68.706681 58.633091)
+ (xy 68.696905 58.63826) (xy 68.687363 58.64425) (xy 68.678068 58.651055) (xy 68.669031 58.658669)
+ (xy 68.660263 58.667086) (xy 68.651776 58.6763) (xy 68.643583 58.686306) (xy 68.635695 58.697097)
+ (xy 68.628123 58.708667) (xy 68.620879 58.721012) (xy 68.613975 58.734124) (xy 68.607424 58.747999)
+ (xy 68.601235 58.762629) (xy 68.60105 58.768632) (xy 68.600508 58.774635) (xy 68.599626 58.780637)
+ (xy 68.598421 58.78664) (xy 68.596912 58.792643) (xy 68.595115 58.798645) (xy 68.590731 58.810651)
+ (xy 68.585408 58.822656) (xy 68.579289 58.834661) (xy 68.572512 58.846667) (xy 68.56522 58.858672)
+ (xy 68.549651 58.882683) (xy 68.533707 58.906694) (xy 68.525946 58.918699) (xy 68.518513 58.930705)
+ (xy 68.511549 58.94271) (xy 68.505194 58.954715) (xy 68.504918 58.957716) (xy 68.504108 58.96071)
+ (xy 68.502794 58.963693) (xy 68.501005 58.966658) (xy 68.498771 58.9696) (xy 68.49612 58.972513)
+ (xy 68.493082 58.97539) (xy 68.489687 58.978226) (xy 68.485964 58.981016) (xy 68.481941 58.983752)
+ (xy 68.473117 58.989044) (xy 68.463448 58.994054) (xy 68.45317 58.998736) (xy 68.442517 59.003043)
+ (xy 68.431722 59.006927) (xy 68.421022 59.010343) (xy 68.41065 59.013243) (xy 68.400841 59.01558)
+ (xy 68.391829 59.017307) (xy 68.383848 59.018378) (xy 68.377134 59.018745) (xy 68.374042 59.018469)
+ (xy 68.37078 59.017659) (xy 68.367365 59.016345) (xy 68.363815 59.014556) (xy 68.360149 59.012322)
+ (xy 68.356382 59.009671) (xy 68.352534 59.006633) (xy 68.348621 59.003238) (xy 68.344661 58.999515)
+ (xy 68.340672 58.995492) (xy 68.332676 58.986668) (xy 68.324774 58.976999) (xy 68.317106 58.966721)
+ (xy 68.309813 58.956068) (xy 68.303037 58.945273) (xy 68.296917 58.934573) (xy 68.291594 58.924201)
+ (xy 68.287209 58.914392) (xy 68.283903 58.90538) (xy 68.282698 58.901246) (xy 68.281816 58.897399)
+ (xy 68.281274 58.893869) (xy 68.281089 58.890685) (xy 68.281151 58.865299) (xy 68.281589 58.837662)
+ (xy 68.282777 58.808523) (xy 68.285091 58.778635) (xy 68.286788 58.763643) (xy 68.288906 58.748746)
+ (xy 68.291494 58.734036) (xy 68.294597 58.719608) (xy 68.298264 58.705555) (xy 68.30254 58.69197)
+ (xy 68.307472 58.678949) (xy 68.313109 58.666584) (xy 68.185053 58.890685) (xy 68.089008 59.510968)
+ (xy 67.992962 60.10724) (xy 67.993345 60.124865) (xy 67.994526 60.141693) (xy 67.99655 60.157677)
+ (xy 67.999465 60.17277) (xy 68.003319 60.186925) (xy 68.005612 60.193636) (xy 68.008157 60.200095)
+ (xy 68.01096 60.206296) (xy 68.014027 60.212233) (xy 68.017363 60.217901) (xy 68.020975 60.223293)
+ (xy 68.024868 60.228404) (xy 68.029049 60.233227) (xy 68.033523 60.237758) (xy 68.038295 60.241989)
+ (xy 68.043373 60.245915) (xy 68.048761 60.249531) (xy 68.054465 60.252831) (xy 68.060492 60.255808)
+ (xy 68.066848 60.258456) (xy 68.073537 60.260771) (xy 68.080566 60.262745) (xy 68.087942 60.264374)
+ (xy 68.095669 60.265651) (xy 68.103753 60.26657) (xy 68.112201 60.267126) (xy 68.121018 60.267313)
+ (xy 68.145029 60.26804) (xy 68.169039 60.270126) (xy 68.19305 60.273433) (xy 68.217061 60.277818)
+ (xy 68.241072 60.28314) (xy 68.265083 60.28926) (xy 68.313105 60.30333) (xy 68.409149 60.334844)
+ (xy 68.457172 60.350039) (xy 68.481183 60.357003) (xy 68.505194 60.363358) (xy 68.635879 60.400813)
+ (xy 68.764313 60.440894) (xy 68.891246 60.483225) (xy 69.017428 60.527433) (xy 69.529658 60.715519)
+ (xy 69.721749 58.602556) (xy 70.130627 58.602556) (xy 69.881824 60.779549) (xy 69.881824 60.875594)
+ (xy 70.362046 61.355811) (xy 70.362046 61.387824) (xy 70.363484 61.387762) (xy 70.365211 61.387613)
+ (xy 70.367548 61.387324) (xy 70.370448 61.386847) (xy 70.373864 61.386136) (xy 70.377748 61.385143)
+ (xy 70.382055 61.383822) (xy 70.386736 61.382126) (xy 70.389203 61.381123) (xy 70.391746 61.380008)
+ (xy 70.39436 61.378776) (xy 70.397037 61.377421) (xy 70.399774 61.375937) (xy 70.402563 61.374318)
+ (xy 70.405399 61.372558) (xy 70.408276 61.370652) (xy 70.411188 61.368593) (xy 70.41413 61.366377)
+ (xy 70.417095 61.363996) (xy 70.420077 61.361445) (xy 70.423071 61.358718) (xy 70.426071 61.355809)
+ (xy 70.426439 61.332158) (xy 70.42751 61.309163) (xy 70.429237 61.286731) (xy 70.431574 61.264768)
+ (xy 70.434474 61.24318) (xy 70.437889 61.221874) (xy 70.446081 61.17973) (xy 70.455773 61.137586)
+ (xy 70.46659 61.094691) (xy 70.490101 61.00365) (xy 70.490602 60.758539) (xy 70.494103 60.507425)
+ (xy 70.497918 60.381492) (xy 70.503608 60.256311) (xy 70.511549 60.132629) (xy 70.522117 60.011199)
+ (xy 70.522117 59.691053) (xy 70.511604 59.607014) (xy 70.504046 59.522976) (xy 70.499395 59.438938)
+ (xy 70.497605 59.354899) (xy 70.498629 59.270861) (xy 70.50242 59.186823) (xy 70.508931 59.102784)
+ (xy 70.518115 59.018746) (xy 70.529925 58.934707) (xy 70.544314 58.850669) (xy 70.561237 58.766631)
+ (xy 70.580644 58.682593) (xy 70.60249 58.598554) (xy 70.626728 58.514516) (xy 70.653311 58.430478)
+ (xy 70.682192 58.34644) (xy 72.370098 58.34644) (xy 72.378963 58.602554) (xy 72.401474 59.178817)
+ (xy 72.409915 59.466948) (xy 72.41498 59.755079) (xy 72.415543 60.04321) (xy 72.410478 60.331341)
+ (xy 72.39866 60.619472) (xy 72.378963 60.907603) (xy 72.378963 61.707968) (xy 72.379243 61.722603)
+ (xy 72.380073 61.736504) (xy 72.381443 61.749691) (xy 72.38334 61.76218) (xy 72.385754 61.773989)
+ (xy 72.388671 61.785136) (xy 72.392081 61.795638) (xy 72.395971 61.805512) (xy 72.400331 61.814777)
+ (xy 72.405147 61.82345) (xy 72.41041 61.831548) (xy 72.416106 61.83909) (xy 72.422224 61.846092)
+ (xy 72.428752 61.852572) (xy 72.435679 61.858549) (xy 72.442993 61.864038) (xy 72.450682 61.869059)
+ (xy 72.458734 61.873628) (xy 72.467139 61.877764) (xy 72.475883 61.881483) (xy 72.484955 61.884804)
+ (xy 72.494344 61.887744) (xy 72.504038 61.89032) (xy 72.514025 61.892551) (xy 72.534831 61.896044)
+ (xy 72.556669 61.898366) (xy 72.579444 61.899655) (xy 72.603064 61.900054) (xy 74.780057 61.900054)
+ (xy 74.888169 61.901367) (xy 74.996656 61.904556) (xy 75.216255 61.912059) (xy 75.328119 61.914123)
+ (xy 75.441858 61.91356) (xy 75.557849 61.909246) (xy 75.616805 61.90533) (xy 75.676465 61.900054)
+ (xy 76.412803 61.836026) (xy 76.519476 61.834713) (xy 76.623899 61.831524) (xy 76.828992 61.82402)
+ (xy 76.931164 61.821957) (xy 77.034087 61.82252) (xy 77.13851 61.826834) (xy 77.19152 61.83075) (xy 77.245186 61.836026)
+ (xy 78.653821 61.868041) (xy 84.960699 61.868041) (xy 86.465384 61.836026) (xy 86.993623 61.836526)
+ (xy 87.521864 61.840028) (xy 88.050105 61.849532) (xy 88.578347 61.868041) (xy 91.907864 61.868041)
+ (xy 92.164941 61.868041) (xy 92.163973 61.900056) (xy 92.163599 61.9236) (xy 92.16248 61.946218)
+ (xy 92.160623 61.967921) (xy 92.158033 61.988722) (xy 92.154716 62.008632) (xy 92.150678 62.027662)
+ (xy 92.145925 62.045824) (xy 92.140462 62.063131) (xy 92.134297 62.079594) (xy 92.127433 62.095224)
+ (xy 92.119878 62.110034) (xy 92.111637 62.124034) (xy 92.102716 62.137237) (xy 92.093121 62.149655)
+ (xy 92.082857 62.161299) (xy 92.071931 62.172181) (xy 92.060349 62.182313) (xy 92.048116 62.191706)
+ (xy 92.035238 62.200372) (xy 92.021721 62.208322) (xy 92.007571 62.21557) (xy 91.992794 62.222126)
+ (xy 91.977396 62.228001) (xy 91.961382 62.233209) (xy 91.944758 62.23776) (xy 91.92753 62.241666)
+ (xy 91.909705 62.244939) (xy 91.891287 62.24759) (xy 91.8527 62.251076) (xy 91.811814 62.252217)
+ (xy 87.393798 62.252217) (xy 86.84655 62.25772) (xy 86.305304 62.272226) (xy 85.216805 62.316245)
+ (xy 80.158507 62.316245) (xy 80.123584 62.317011) (xy 80.090725 62.319372) (xy 80.059742 62.32342)
+ (xy 80.030448 62.329251) (xy 80.002654 62.336958) (xy 79.989261 62.341544) (xy 79.976173 62.346634)
+ (xy 79.963367 62.35224) (xy 79.950818 62.358373) (xy 79.938504 62.365046) (xy 79.926401 62.37227)
+ (xy 79.902735 62.388418) (xy 79.879631 62.406911) (xy 79.873787 62.412293) (xy 79.422169 62.412293)
+ (xy 79.358139 62.380275) (xy 79.358076 62.378837) (xy 79.357928 62.37711) (xy 79.357639 62.374773)
+ (xy 79.357162 62.371873) (xy 79.356451 62.368457) (xy 79.355458 62.364573) (xy 79.354137 62.360266)
+ (xy 79.352441 62.355584) (xy 79.351438 62.353117) (xy 79.350323 62.350574) (xy 79.349091 62.347961)
+ (xy 79.347736 62.345283) (xy 79.346252 62.342546) (xy 79.344633 62.339757) (xy 79.342873 62.336921)
+ (xy 79.340967 62.334044) (xy 79.338908 62.331131) (xy 79.336691 62.32819) (xy 79.33431 62.325225)
+ (xy 79.331759 62.322242) (xy 79.329032 62.319248) (xy 79.326124 62.316247) (xy 78.973958 62.316247)
+ (xy 78.950073 62.316373) (xy 78.938365 62.31667) (xy 78.926939 62.317248) (xy 78.915887 62.318201)
+ (xy 78.905304 62.319624) (xy 78.895284 62.321609) (xy 78.885921 62.324251) (xy 78.881514 62.325847)
+ (xy 78.877307 62.327643) (xy 78.873311 62.32965) (xy 78.869538 62.331879) (xy 78.866 62.334343) (xy 78.862707 62.337053)
+ (xy 78.859672 62.340021) (xy 78.856907 62.343259) (xy 78.854424 62.346778) (xy 78.85357 62.348265)
+ (xy 78.429716 62.348265) (xy 78.429716 62.284232) (xy 77.629353 62.25222) (xy 76.476828 62.284232)
+ (xy 74.812067 62.220205) (xy 72.539029 62.220205) (xy 72.520678 62.219829) (xy 72.501763 62.218704)
+ (xy 72.482474 62.216828) (xy 72.462996 62.214202) (xy 72.443519 62.210826) (xy 72.424229 62.206699)
+ (xy 72.405314 62.201822) (xy 72.386962 62.196194) (xy 72.36936 62.189816) (xy 72.352696 62.182688)
+ (xy 72.337158 62.174809) (xy 72.322932 62.16618) (xy 72.310207 62.156801) (xy 72.299171 62.146671)
+ (xy 72.294345 62.141324) (xy 72.29001 62.13579) (xy 72.286192 62.130069) (xy 72.282913 62.124159)
+ (xy 72.207379 61.998602) (xy 72.169799 61.93226) (xy 72.151877 61.898362) (xy 72.134846 61.864041)
+ (xy 72.11894 61.829346) (xy 72.104395 61.794322) (xy 72.091444 61.759017) (xy 72.080322 61.723478)
+ (xy 72.071263 61.687751) (xy 72.064502 61.651883) (xy 72.060274 61.615921) (xy 72.059183 61.59792)
+ (xy 72.058812 61.579912) (xy 72.061564 61.45842) (xy 72.068817 61.334301) (xy 72.090828 61.079686)
+ (xy 72.102583 60.94994) (xy 72.112838 60.819068) (xy 72.120091 60.687445) (xy 72.122843 60.555448)
+ (xy 72.122843 58.82666) (xy 72.122342 58.736119) (xy 72.121154 58.694412) (xy 72.11884 58.654582)
+ (xy 72.117144 58.635253) (xy 72.115025 58.616252) (xy 72.112438 58.597532) (xy 72.109334 58.579047)
+ (xy 72.105668 58.56075) (xy 72.101392 58.542593) (xy 72.096459 58.52453) (xy 72.090823 58.506513)
+ (xy 71.986463 58.502449) (xy 71.889231 58.502512) (xy 71.798753 58.507077) (xy 71.714652 58.516519)
+ (xy 71.636554 58.531213) (xy 71.599639 58.540647) (xy 71.564084 58.551535) (xy 71.529842 58.563924)
+ (xy 71.496866 58.57786) (xy 71.465109 58.59339) (xy 71.434525 58.610562) (xy 71.405066 58.629422)
+ (xy 71.376686 58.650018) (xy 71.349338 58.672395) (xy 71.322974 58.696601) (xy 71.297549 58.722684)
+ (xy 71.273014 58.750688) (xy 71.249324 58.780663) (xy 71.226431 58.812654) (xy 71.204288 58.846709)
+ (xy 71.182849 58.882873) (xy 71.141893 58.961722) (xy 71.103188 59.049574) (xy 71.066359 59.146806)
+ (xy 71.043786 59.230844) (xy 71.023839 59.314882) (xy 71.006143 59.39892) (xy 70.990324 59.482958)
+ (xy 70.976005 59.566997) (xy 70.962812 59.651035) (xy 70.938303 59.819111) (xy 70.910415 60.023204)
+ (xy 70.877275 60.227296) (xy 70.842634 60.431389) (xy 70.810245 60.635483) (xy 70.783858 60.839576)
+ (xy 70.774087 60.941622) (xy 70.767225 61.043669) (xy 70.763738 61.145715) (xy 70.764098 61.247762)
+ (xy 70.768771 61.349808) (xy 70.778228 61.451854) (xy 70.778353 61.475865) (xy 70.77865 61.48787)
+ (xy 70.779228 61.499876) (xy 70.780182 61.511881) (xy 70.781605 61.523886) (xy 70.78359 61.535892)
+ (xy 70.786232 61.547897) (xy 70.789624 61.559903) (xy 70.79386 61.571909) (xy 70.799035 61.583914)
+ (xy 70.805241 61.59592) (xy 70.812572 61.607925) (xy 70.816689 61.613928) (xy 70.821123 61.619931)
+ (xy 70.825885 61.625934) (xy 70.830987 61.631937) (xy 70.836441 61.63794) (xy 70.842258 61.643942)
+ (xy 71.061045 61.858665) (xy 71.283959 62.071137) (xy 71.734664 62.492328) (xy 71.958704 62.702549)
+ (xy 72.179367 62.91352) (xy 72.394777 63.125993) (xy 72.60306 63.340716) (xy 72.651105 63.387573)
+ (xy 72.699291 63.431945) (xy 72.747758 63.473597) (xy 72.796648 63.512294) (xy 72.8461 63.547802)
+ (xy 72.896256 63.579887) (xy 72.947256 63.608314) (xy 72.999241 63.632849) (xy 73.025647 63.643583)
+ (xy 73.052351 63.653256) (xy 73.079372 63.66184) (xy 73.106728 63.669303) (xy 73.134435 63.675617)
+ (xy 73.162511 63.680753) (xy 73.190974 63.684682) (xy 73.219842 63.687374) (xy 73.249131 63.688799)
+ (xy 73.27886 63.688929) (xy 73.309047 63.687734) (xy 73.339708 63.685185) (xy 73.370862 63.681253)
+ (xy 73.402525 63.675908) (xy 73.434716 63.669121) (xy 73.467453 63.660862) (xy 77.021071 63.660862)
+ (xy 77.057072 63.659752) (xy 77.092979 63.656485) (xy 77.128699 63.651154) (xy 77.164137 63.643854)
+ (xy 77.1992 63.634678) (xy 77.233794 63.62372) (xy 77.267826 63.611073) (xy 77.3012 63.596832) (xy 77.333825 63.581091)
+ (xy 77.365605 63.563942) (xy 77.396447 63.54548) (xy 77.426258 63.5258) (xy 77.454943 63.504993)
+ (xy 77.482409 63.483155) (xy 77.508561 63.460379) (xy 77.533307 63.436759) (xy 77.568605 63.406011)
+ (xy 77.60259 63.373856) (xy 77.635449 63.340388) (xy 77.66737 63.3057) (xy 77.69854 63.269887) (xy 77.729148 63.233042)
+ (xy 77.789426 63.156633) (xy 77.911482 62.995559) (xy 77.976262 62.912395) (xy 78.010246 62.870485)
+ (xy 78.045544 62.828482) (xy 78.429716 62.348265) (xy 78.85357 62.348265) (xy 78.852233 62.350591)
+ (xy 78.850348 62.354708) (xy 78.848779 62.359141) (xy 78.847538 62.363903) (xy 78.846637 62.369005)
+ (xy 78.846088 62.374458) (xy 78.845902 62.380275) (xy 78.593788 62.72043) (xy 78.531697 62.808282)
+ (xy 78.501567 62.852889) (xy 78.472233 62.898011) (xy 78.443837 62.943696) (xy 78.41652 62.98999)
+ (xy 78.390423 63.036941) (xy 78.365685 63.084595) (xy 78.338116 63.134785) (xy 78.309457 63.183351)
+ (xy 78.279742 63.230358) (xy 78.249007 63.27587) (xy 78.184619 63.362667) (xy 78.116572 63.444259)
+ (xy 78.045149 63.521161) (xy 77.970631 63.59389) (xy 77.893299 63.66296) (xy 77.813435 63.728889)
+ (xy 77.731319 63.792191) (xy 77.647234 63.853383) (xy 77.56146 63.91298) (xy 77.47428 63.971499)
+ (xy 77.117116 64.205105) (xy 77.038346 64.251657) (xy 76.958169 64.295396) (xy 76.946765 64.30115)
+ (xy 75.644446 64.30115) (xy 73.819614 64.237122) (xy 73.879852 64.278289) (xy 73.951862 64.317346)
+ (xy 74.034657 64.353682) (xy 74.127254 64.386689) (xy 74.228667 64.415757) (xy 74.337912 64.440276)
+ (xy 74.454004 64.459637) (xy 74.575958 64.473229) (xy 74.702789 64.480443) (xy 74.833513 64.480669)
+ (xy 74.967144 64.473299) (xy 75.102698 64.457721) (xy 75.23919 64.433327) (xy 75.30748 64.417634)
+ (xy 75.375635 64.399507) (xy 75.443532 64.378872) (xy 75.511049 64.355651) (xy 75.578061 64.329769)
+ (xy 75.644446 64.30115) (xy 76.946765 64.30115) (xy 76.876679 64.336509) (xy 76.79397 64.375183)
+ (xy 76.710135 64.411605) (xy 76.625268 64.445965) (xy 76.539464 64.478448) (xy 76.452815 64.509244)
+ (xy 76.27736 64.566519) (xy 76.099654 64.619293) (xy 75.740491 64.717339) (xy 75.632441 64.740185)
+ (xy 75.524391 64.760546) (xy 75.416341 64.778187) (xy 75.308292 64.792873) (xy 75.200242 64.804371)
+ (xy 75.092193 64.812445) (xy 74.984143 64.816861) (xy 74.876094 64.817385) (xy 74.768045 64.813781)
+ (xy 74.659996 64.805817) (xy 74.551947 64.793257) (xy 74.443898 64.775866) (xy 74.33585 64.753411)
+ (xy 74.227801 64.725656) (xy 74.119753 64.692368) (xy 74.011704 64.653311) (xy 73.887147 64.604788)
+ (xy 73.82318 64.579589) (xy 73.759589 64.553265) (xy 73.697498 64.525439) (xy 73.667368 64.510847)
+ (xy 73.638034 64.495739) (xy 73.609639 64.480068) (xy 73.582322 64.463787) (xy 73.556225 64.44685)
+ (xy 73.531488 64.42921) (xy 73.268365 64.288646) (xy 73.13868 64.218176) (xy 73.011247 64.14508)
+ (xy 72.948609 64.106961) (xy 72.886815 64.067482) (xy 72.825959 64.026409) (xy 72.766135 63.983506)
+ (xy 72.707436 63.938541) (xy 72.649956 63.891277) (xy 72.593789 63.841481) (xy 72.539029 63.788918)
+ (xy 72.177116 63.421376) (xy 71.8107 63.063588) (xy 71.43828 62.716304) (xy 71.058358 62.380276)
+ (xy 70.865113 62.216717) (xy 70.66943 62.056254) (xy 70.471121 61.898979) (xy 70.269999 61.744987)
+ (xy 70.065874 61.594372) (xy 69.858561 61.447227) (xy 69.647872 61.303646) (xy 69.433618 61.163723)
+ (xy 69.361578 61.116819) (xy 69.289491 61.072118) (xy 69.21731 61.029575) (xy 69.144988 60.989143)
+ (xy 69.072479 60.950774) (xy 68.999735 60.914421) (xy 68.926709 60.880038) (xy 68.853356 60.847578)
+ (xy 68.779627 60.816994) (xy 68.705475 60.788238) (xy 68.630855 60.761265) (xy 68.555719 60.736027)
+ (xy 68.480021 60.712477) (xy 68.403712 60.690569) (xy 68.326747 60.670255) (xy 68.249078 60.651489)
+ (xy 68.153402 60.630792) (xy 68.058429 60.616473) (xy 67.964113 60.608157) (xy 67.870406 60.605468)
+ (xy 67.777262 60.608032) (xy 67.684634 60.615473) (xy 67.592475 60.627416) (xy 67.500738 60.643486)
+ (xy 67.409376 60.663307) (xy 67.318342 60.686505) (xy 67.22759 60.712705) (xy 67.137072 60.741531)
+ (xy 66.956552 60.80556) (xy 66.776408 60.875592) (xy 66.749589 60.888522) (xy 66.723181 60.903245)
+ (xy 66.697218 60.91968) (xy 66.671735 60.937745) (xy 66.646769 60.957358) (xy 66.622353 60.978436)
+ (xy 66.598524 61.000897) (xy 66.575316 61.02466) (xy 66.552765 61.049642) (xy 66.530905 61.075761)
+ (xy 66.509772 61.102936) (xy 66.489401 61.131083) (xy 66.451087 61.189969) (xy 66.416243 61.251763)
+ (xy 66.38515 61.315808) (xy 66.35809 61.381447) (xy 66.335345 61.448025) (xy 66.317196 61.514883)
+ (xy 66.309933 61.548213) (xy 66.303925 61.581367) (xy 66.299206 61.614262) (xy 66.295811 61.646818)
+ (xy 66.293777 61.678952) (xy 66.293138 61.710582) (xy 66.29393 61.741625) (xy 66.296187 61.772) (xy 66.296374 61.820022)
+ (xy 66.297687 61.868044) (xy 66.299118 61.892055) (xy 66.301251 61.916066) (xy 66.304229 61.940077)
+ (xy 66.308192 61.964088) (xy 66.313281 61.988099) (xy 66.319635 62.01211) (xy 66.327397 62.036121)
+ (xy 66.336706 62.060132) (xy 66.347703 62.084143) (xy 66.360529 62.108153) (xy 66.375325 62.132164)
+ (xy 66.392232 62.156174) (xy 66.429624 62.228269) (xy 66.469267 62.300739) (xy 66.552305 62.448306)
+ (xy 66.594199 62.524154) (xy 66.635342 62.601877) (xy 66.674986 62.681851) (xy 66.69401 62.7228)
+ (xy 66.712378 62.764452) (xy 66.715192 62.764389) (xy 66.722883 62.763951) (xy 66.728206 62.763475)
+ (xy 66.734326 62.762763) (xy 66.741102 62.761771) (xy 66.748395 62.76045) (xy 66.756063 62.758754)
+ (xy 66.763965 62.756636) (xy 66.771961 62.754049) (xy 66.77595 62.752565) (xy 66.77991 62.750946)
+ (xy 66.783823 62.749187) (xy 66.787671 62.747281) (xy 66.791438 62.745222) (xy 66.795104 62.743006)
+ (xy 66.798654 62.740625) (xy 66.802069 62.738074) (xy 66.805331 62.735347) (xy 66.808423 62.732439)
+ (xy 66.712378 62.25222) (xy 66.711667 62.227849) (xy 66.709689 62.202821) (xy 66.70668 62.177231)
+ (xy 66.702874 62.151172) (xy 66.684366 62.044123) (xy 66.680091 62.017126) (xy 66.676426 61.990223)
+ (xy 66.673604 61.963508) (xy 66.671861 61.937074) (xy 66.671431 61.911015) (xy 66.672548 61.885426)
+ (xy 66.675447 61.860399) (xy 66.680363 61.836028) (xy 66.687845 61.803118) (xy 66.698206 61.77046)
+ (xy 66.711322 61.738118) (xy 66.727071 61.706157) (xy 66.745328 61.674642) (xy 66.765971 61.643637)
+ (xy 66.788877 61.613206) (xy 66.813922 61.583414) (xy 66.840984 61.554326) (xy 66.86994 61.526005)
+ (xy 66.900666 61.498517) (xy 66.933039 61.471926) (xy 66.966937 61.446296) (xy 67.002235 61.421692)
+ (xy 67.038811 61.398178) (xy 67.076542 61.37582) (xy 67.115305 61.35468) (xy 67.154977 61.334824)
+ (xy 67.195434 61.316317) (xy 67.236554 61.299222) (xy 67.278212 61.283605) (xy 67.320287 61.269529)
+ (xy 67.362656 61.257059) (xy 67.405194 61.24626) (xy 67.447779 61.237196) (xy 67.490288 61.229932)
+ (xy 67.532597 61.224532) (xy 67.574584 61.221061) (xy 67.616126 61.219583) (xy 67.657099 61.220162)
+ (xy 67.69738 61.222863) (xy 67.736847 61.227751) (xy 67.867531 61.2532) (xy 67.995965 61.281275)
+ (xy 68.122898 61.311601) (xy 68.24908 61.343804) (xy 68.76131 61.483869) (xy 68.779311 61.484596)
+ (xy 68.797265 61.486683) (xy 68.815125 61.489989) (xy 68.832844 61.494374) (xy 68.850376 61.499697)
+ (xy 68.867673 61.505816) (xy 68.884688 61.512593) (xy 68.901376 61.519885) (xy 68.917688 61.527553)
+ (xy 68.933578 61.535455) (xy 68.963904 61.551399) (xy 68.991978 61.566594) (xy 69.017426 61.579912)
+ (xy 70.650172 62.828482) (xy 71.066364 63.276688) (xy 71.21043 63.40731) (xy 71.354495 63.535305)
+ (xy 71.642626 63.784919) (xy 71.930758 64.02853) (xy 72.218892 64.269139) (xy 72.293549 64.333165)
+ (xy 71.48255 64.333165) (xy 71.354491 64.332665) (xy 71.300216 64.331477) (xy 71.250443 64.329163)
+ (xy 71.203672 64.325349) (xy 71.158402 64.319659) (xy 71.113131 64.311717) (xy 71.066359 64.30115)
+ (xy 71.034349 64.30115) (xy 71.034286 64.302588) (xy 71.034137 64.304315) (xy 71.033848 64.306652)
+ (xy 71.033371 64.309552) (xy 71.03266 64.312968) (xy 71.031667 64.316852) (xy 71.030346 64.321159)
+ (xy 71.02865 64.325841) (xy 71.027646 64.328308) (xy 71.026531 64.330851) (xy 71.025299 64.333464)
+ (xy 71.023944 64.336142) (xy 71.022459 64.338879) (xy 71.02084 64.341668) (xy 71.01908 64.344504)
+ (xy 71.017174 64.347381) (xy 71.015115 64.350294) (xy 71.012898 64.353235) (xy 71.010516 64.3562)
+ (xy 71.007965 64.359183) (xy 71.005238 64.362177) (xy 71.002329 64.365178) (xy 71.019986 64.377535)
+ (xy 71.037033 64.390501) (xy 71.053611 64.403937) (xy 71.069861 64.417701) (xy 71.101938 64.445651)
+ (xy 71.118047 64.459556) (xy 71.13439 64.473227) (xy 71.151109 64.486522) (xy 71.168343 64.499301)
+ (xy 71.186234 64.511424) (xy 71.204922 64.52275) (xy 71.214609 64.528069) (xy 71.224548 64.533137)
+ (xy 71.234757 64.537935) (xy 71.245253 64.542446) (xy 71.256053 64.546652) (xy 71.267176 64.550536)
+ (xy 71.278639 64.55408) (xy 71.29046 64.557266) (xy 71.306968 64.535756) (xy 71.325914 64.511682)
+ (xy 71.350488 64.481231) (xy 71.379564 64.446277) (xy 71.395439 64.427699) (xy 71.412017 64.408698)
+ (xy 71.429158 64.38951) (xy 71.446721 64.370368) (xy 71.464565 64.351509) (xy 71.48255 64.333165)
+ (xy 72.293549 64.333165) (xy 72.315061 64.351614) (xy 72.41198 64.430712) (xy 72.460955 64.468878)
+ (xy 72.5104 64.506059) (xy 72.560407 64.542208) (xy 72.61107 64.577279) (xy 72.662484 64.611224)
+ (xy 72.678541 64.621294) (xy 70.842258 64.621294) (xy 70.618157 64.045029) (xy 70.606878 63.996648)
+ (xy 70.59696 63.94761) (xy 70.58826 63.898009) (xy 70.58064 63.84794) (xy 70.568071 63.746769) (xy 70.558129 63.644848)
+ (xy 70.541621 63.441756) (xy 70.532804 63.342085) (xy 70.522112 63.244666) (xy 70.521987 63.219343)
+ (xy 70.521111 63.192143) (xy 70.520158 63.178191) (xy 70.518735 63.164193) (xy 70.51675 63.150288)
+ (xy 70.514108 63.136617) (xy 70.510716 63.123322) (xy 70.50648 63.110543) (xy 70.501305 63.09842)
+ (xy 70.498337 63.092649) (xy 70.495099 63.087094) (xy 70.49158 63.081774) (xy 70.487768 63.076707)
+ (xy 70.48365 63.071908) (xy 70.479217 63.067398) (xy 70.474455 63.063191) (xy 70.469353 63.059308)
+ (xy 70.463899 63.055764) (xy 70.458082 63.052578) (xy 70.396617 62.992551) (xy 70.332525 62.932523)
+ (xy 70.266183 62.872496) (xy 70.197964 62.812468) (xy 70.128244 62.752441) (xy 70.0574 62.692414)
+ (xy 69.913835 62.572359) (xy 69.913835 62.572363) (xy 69.915312 62.692043) (xy 69.91965 62.810972)
+ (xy 69.926708 62.92915) (xy 69.936345 63.046579) (xy 69.962795 63.279184) (xy 69.997874 63.508789)
+ (xy 70.040456 63.735392) (xy 70.089415 63.958993) (xy 70.143627 64.179594) (xy 70.15905 64.23712)
+ (xy 69.689734 64.23712) (xy 69.657719 64.205105) (xy 69.657719 64.077047) (xy 69.497648 62.508331)
+ (xy 69.496507 62.456151) (xy 69.493021 62.407535) (xy 69.487096 62.362296) (xy 69.478639 62.320246)
+ (xy 69.473431 62.300358) (xy 69.467556 62.281197) (xy 69.461 62.262739) (xy 69.453752 62.244961)
+ (xy 69.445801 62.22784) (xy 69.437135 62.211352) (xy 69.427742 62.195474) (xy 69.41761 62.180182)
+ (xy 69.406728 62.165453) (xy 69.395084 62.151263) (xy 69.382666 62.137588) (xy 69.369463 62.124407)
+ (xy 69.355462 62.111694) (xy 69.340652 62.099427) (xy 69.308559 62.076135) (xy 69.273089 62.054344)
+ (xy 69.234149 62.033866) (xy 69.191645 62.014514) (xy 69.145482 61.996099) (xy 68.76131 61.804011)
+ (xy 68.719276 61.775475) (xy 68.677148 61.749799) (xy 68.634832 61.726844) (xy 68.592234 61.706468)
+ (xy 68.549262 61.68853) (xy 68.50582 61.67289) (xy 68.461816 61.659408) (xy 68.417155 61.647941)
+ (xy 68.371743 61.638351) (xy 68.325488 61.630496) (xy 68.278294 61.624235) (xy 68.230069 61.619428)
+ (xy 68.180718 61.615935) (xy 68.130147 61.613613) (xy 68.078264 61.612324) (xy 68.024973 61.611925)
+ (xy 68.027208 61.779634) (xy 68.033852 61.94664) (xy 68.04481 62.112989) (xy 68.059989 62.278729)
+ (xy 68.079295 62.443905) (xy 68.102634 62.608566) (xy 68.129913 62.772758) (xy 68.161036 62.936528)
+ (xy 68.195912 63.099923) (xy 68.234445 63.262989) (xy 68.322111 63.588325) (xy 68.423282 63.91291)
+ (xy 68.53721 64.23712) (xy 69.689734 64.23712) (xy 70.15905 64.23712) (xy 70.201966 64.397193) (xy 70.202244 64.406195)
+ (xy 70.203068 64.415186) (xy 70.204419 64.424153) (xy 70.205566 64.429655) (xy 68.170737 64.429655)
+ (xy 68.169541 64.409701) (xy 68.167032 64.389934) (xy 68.163351 64.370495) (xy 68.158637 64.351525)
+ (xy 68.153033 64.333165) (xy 68.152666 64.321519) (xy 68.151595 64.31053) (xy 68.149868 64.300103)
+ (xy 68.147531 64.290146) (xy 68.144631 64.280563) (xy 68.141215 64.271262) (xy 68.137331 64.262148)
+ (xy 68.133024 64.253128) (xy 68.128343 64.244109) (xy 68.123333 64.234995) (xy 68.112516 64.216111)
+ (xy 68.100949 64.195727) (xy 68.095002 64.184738) (xy 68.089008 64.173092) (xy 68.050302 64.052975)
+ (xy 68.007469 63.932482) (xy 67.916927 63.688871) (xy 67.87297 63.565002) (xy 67.832389 63.439258)
+ (xy 67.813951 63.375565) (xy 67.797061 63.311262) (xy 67.781953 63.246303) (xy 67.768862 63.180641)
+ (xy 67.735721 63.000558) (xy 67.707834 62.820476) (xy 67.684448 62.640394) (xy 67.664814 62.460312)
+ (xy 67.648182 62.28023) (xy 67.6338 62.100147) (xy 67.608786 61.739983) (xy 67.608388 61.716723)
+ (xy 67.607098 61.694963) (xy 67.604777 61.674704) (xy 67.601283 61.655945) (xy 67.599052 61.647129)
+ (xy 67.596476 61.638687) (xy 67.593536 61.630621) (xy 67.590215 61.62293) (xy 67.586496 61.615615)
+ (xy 67.58236 61.608674) (xy 67.577791 61.602109) (xy 67.57277 61.595918) (xy 67.56728 61.590103)
+ (xy 67.561304 61.584663) (xy 67.554823 61.579599) (xy 67.547821 61.574909) (xy 67.54028 61.570595)
+ (xy 67.532181 61.566655) (xy 67.523509 61.563091) (xy 67.514244 61.559902) (xy 67.504369 61.557089)
+ (xy 67.493867 61.55465) (xy 67.482721 61.552587) (xy 67.470912 61.550898) (xy 67.458423 61.549585)
+ (xy 67.445236 61.548648) (xy 67.431335 61.548085) (xy 67.4167 61.547897) (xy 67.402158 61.548177)
+ (xy 67.388531 61.549007) (xy 67.375794 61.550377) (xy 67.363926 61.552274) (xy 67.352901 61.554687)
+ (xy 67.342697 61.557605) (xy 67.33329 61.561015) (xy 67.324657 61.564905) (xy 67.316774 61.569265)
+ (xy 67.309619 61.574081) (xy 67.303166 61.579343) (xy 67.297394 61.585039) (xy 67.292278 61.591157)
+ (xy 67.287796 61.597686) (xy 67.283923 61.604613) (xy 67.280636 61.611927) (xy 67.277912 61.619616)
+ (xy 67.275728 61.627668) (xy 67.274059 61.636073) (xy 67.272883 61.644817) (xy 67.272175 61.653889)
+ (xy 67.271913 61.663278) (xy 67.272074 61.672972) (xy 67.272633 61.682959) (xy 67.273567 61.693227)
+ (xy 67.274852 61.703765) (xy 67.278385 61.725603) (xy 67.283044 61.748378) (xy 67.28864 61.771998)
+ (xy 67.28914 61.892553) (xy 67.290329 61.953768) (xy 67.292643 62.016109) (xy 67.296457 62.079951)
+ (xy 67.302148 62.145668) (xy 67.310091 62.213636) (xy 67.315867 62.252217) (xy 67.28864 62.252217)
+ (xy 67.313154 62.497329) (xy 67.340666 62.748443) (xy 67.356486 62.874375) (xy 67.374181 62.999557)
+ (xy 67.394127 63.123238) (xy 67.4167 63.244669) (xy 67.442148 63.399364) (xy 67.470223 63.551808)
+ (xy 67.500549 63.702752) (xy 67.532751 63.852945) (xy 67.672816 64.461223) (xy 67.676281 64.475947)
+ (xy 67.680648 64.490103) (xy 67.685883 64.503685) (xy 67.69195 64.516686) (xy 67.698815 64.5291)
+ (xy 67.706441 64.540923) (xy 67.714794 64.552148) (xy 67.72384 64.562769) (xy 67.733541 64.57278)
+ (xy 67.743864 64.582176) (xy 67.754773 64.590951) (xy 67.766234 64.599098) (xy 67.77821 64.606612)
+ (xy 67.790666 64.613487) (xy 67.803569 64.619718) (xy 67.816881 64.625297) (xy 67.830569 64.63022)
+ (xy 67.844597 64.634481) (xy 67.858929 64.638074) (xy 67.873532 64.640992) (xy 67.888368 64.64323)
+ (xy 67.903404 64.644783) (xy 67.918604 64.645643) (xy 67.933933 64.645807) (xy 67.949356 64.645266)
+ (xy 67.964838 64.644017) (xy 67.980343 64.642052) (xy 67.995836 64.639366) (xy 68.011282 64.635954)
+ (xy 68.026646 64.631808) (xy 68.041893 64.626924) (xy 68.056988 64.621296) (xy 68.068621 64.615109)
+ (xy 68.079522 64.608564) (xy 68.089708 64.601679) (xy 68.099195 64.594472) (xy 68.108003 64.58696)
+ (xy 68.116149 64.57916) (xy 68.123649 64.571091) (xy 68.130523 64.56277) (xy 68.136786 64.554215)
+ (xy 68.142458 64.545442) (xy 68.147555 64.53647) (xy 68.152095 64.527317) (xy 68.156096 64.517999)
+ (xy 68.159575 64.508535) (xy 68.16255 64.498942) (xy 68.165039 64.489237) (xy 68.167058 64.479439)
+ (xy 68.168627 64.469564) (xy 68.169761 64.459631) (xy 68.170479 64.449656) (xy 68.170737 64.429655)
+ (xy 70.205566 64.429655) (xy 70.20628 64.433084) (xy 70.208634 64.441969) (xy 70.211462 64.450796)
+ (xy 70.214748 64.459552) (xy 70.218474 64.468225) (xy 70.222621 64.476806) (xy 70.227173 64.48528)
+ (xy 70.23742 64.501866) (xy 70.249074 64.517888) (xy 70.261994 64.533255) (xy 70.27604 64.54787)
+ (xy 70.29107 64.561642) (xy 70.306945 64.574476) (xy 70.323523 64.586278) (xy 70.340664 64.596955)
+ (xy 70.358227 64.606412) (xy 70.376071 64.614556) (xy 70.394056 64.621294) (xy 70.424062 64.62657)
+ (xy 70.45402 64.630486) (xy 70.483885 64.633182) (xy 70.51361 64.6348) (xy 70.543147 64.63548) (xy 70.572449 64.635363)
+ (xy 70.630163 64.633299) (xy 70.740713 64.625796) (xy 70.792799 64.622607) (xy 70.842258 64.621294)
+ (xy 72.678541 64.621294) (xy 72.714742 64.643997) (xy 72.767938 64.67555) (xy 72.822166 64.705838)
+ (xy 72.87752 64.734812) (xy 72.934092 64.762426) (xy 72.991978 64.788633) (xy 73.051271 64.813386)
+ (xy 73.069279 64.819756) (xy 73.087288 64.82683) (xy 73.105296 64.834559) (xy 73.123304 64.842899)
+ (xy 73.141313 64.851801) (xy 73.159321 64.86122) (xy 73.195338 64.881416) (xy 73.231354 64.903114)
+ (xy 73.26737 64.925937) (xy 73.339402 64.97346) (xy 73.448186 65.041436) (xy 73.558376 65.10158)
+ (xy 73.66988 65.154315) (xy 73.782603 65.200062) (xy 73.896452 65.239244) (xy 74.011333 65.272283)
+ (xy 74.127151 65.2996) (xy 74.243814 65.321617) (xy 74.361227 65.338758) (xy 74.479296 65.351443)
+ (xy 74.597928 65.360096) (xy 74.71703 65.365137) (xy 74.836506 65.36699) (xy 74.956264 65.366075)
+ (xy 75.196248 65.357633) (xy 75.279919 65.355445) (xy 75.362886 65.34913) (xy 75.445197 65.339062)
+ (xy 75.526898 65.325619) (xy 75.608036 65.309174) (xy 75.688659 65.290103) (xy 75.768813 65.26878)
+ (xy 75.848545 65.245582) (xy 76.476833 65.037487) (xy 76.620117 64.988285) (xy 76.761712 64.936503)
+ (xy 76.901432 64.881814) (xy 77.039088 64.823889) (xy 77.174493 64.7624) (xy 77.30746 64.697019)
+ (xy 77.437801 64.627417) (xy 77.565328 64.553266) (xy 77.689853 64.474238) (xy 77.81119 64.390004)
+ (xy 77.92915 64.300237) (xy 78.043545 64.204607) (xy 78.154189 64.102787) (xy 78.260894 63.994449)
+ (xy 78.363472 63.879263) (xy 78.461735 63.756903) (xy 79.422169 62.412293) (xy 79.873787 62.412293)
+ (xy 79.856901 62.427843) (xy 79.83436 62.451307) (xy 79.811818 62.477397) (xy 79.789088 62.506207)
+ (xy 79.765983 62.537832) (xy 79.742315 62.572363) (xy 79.656839 62.716429) (xy 79.568737 62.860494)
+ (xy 79.478384 63.00456) (xy 79.386154 63.148626) (xy 79.197569 63.436757) (xy 79.005982 63.724888)
+ (xy 79.326128 63.724888) (xy 80.542683 63.788916) (xy 80.746776 63.787477) (xy 80.950868 63.783413)
+ (xy 81.359054 63.768906) (xy 81.767241 63.748397) (xy 82.175429 63.724888) (xy 82.259467 63.723817)
+ (xy 82.343505 63.720823) (xy 82.511581 63.710381) (xy 82.847734 63.680867) (xy 83.01581 63.667048)
+ (xy 83.183887 63.657356) (xy 83.267925 63.654878) (xy 83.351963 63.654417) (xy 83.436001 63.656301)
+ (xy 83.520039 63.660858) (xy 85.697032 63.756903) (xy 85.937141 63.755465) (xy 86.177251 63.751401)
+ (xy 86.65747 63.736895) (xy 87.137689 63.716386) (xy 87.617908 63.692875) (xy 87.708949 63.692375)
+ (xy 87.751843 63.691187) (xy 87.793987 63.688873) (xy 87.836131 63.685059) (xy 87.857437 63.682472)
+ (xy 87.879025 63.67937) (xy 87.900988 63.675704) (xy 87.92342 63.671429) (xy 87.946414 63.666497)
+ (xy 87.970065 63.660862) (xy 87.984794 63.660491) (xy 87.998977 63.659393) (xy 88.012633 63.657591)
+ (xy 88.025779 63.655109) (xy 88.038432 63.651971) (xy 88.05061 63.6482) (xy 88.062332 63.643819)
+ (xy 88.073613 63.638852) (xy 88.084473 63.633322) (xy 88.094928 63.627253) (xy 88.104996 63.620668)
+ (xy 88.114694 63.61359) (xy 88.124041 63.606044) (xy 88.133054 63.598052) (xy 88.14175 63.589637)
+ (xy 88.150148 63.580825) (xy 88.166116 63.562097) (xy 88.181099 63.542057) (xy 88.195238 63.520891)
+ (xy 88.208674 63.498787) (xy 88.221547 63.475933) (xy 88.233997 63.452516) (xy 88.258196 63.404744)
+ (xy 88.162154 63.453265) (xy 88.114132 63.478464) (xy 88.06611 63.504789) (xy 88.018089 63.532614)
+ (xy 87.970067 63.562315) (xy 87.922046 63.594267) (xy 87.898035 63.611204) (xy 87.874024 63.628845)
+ (xy 87.713949 63.628845) (xy 87.713949 63.500787) (xy 87.785483 63.428753) (xy 87.820312 63.392737)
+ (xy 87.854015 63.35672) (xy 87.886218 63.320704) (xy 87.901639 63.302695) (xy 87.916544 63.284687)
+ (xy 87.930887 63.266679) (xy 87.94462 63.24867) (xy 87.957697 63.230662) (xy 87.97007 63.212653)
+ (xy 87.938055 63.212653) (xy 87.938055 62.956537) (xy 88.258201 62.956537) (xy 88.418272 62.892507)
+ (xy 88.642372 62.892507) (xy 88.642247 62.917894) (xy 88.641372 62.945532) (xy 88.640419 62.95996)
+ (xy 88.638996 62.97467) (xy 88.637011 62.989567) (xy 88.634369 63.004559) (xy 88.630977 63.01955)
+ (xy 88.626741 63.034447) (xy 88.621567 63.049157) (xy 88.615362 63.063585) (xy 88.608031 63.077638)
+ (xy 88.603914 63.084495) (xy 88.59948 63.091222) (xy 88.594719 63.097809) (xy 88.589617 63.104243)
+ (xy 88.584164 63.110514) (xy 88.578347 63.116608) (xy 88.57807 63.122518) (xy 88.57726 63.128246)
+ (xy 88.575946 63.133799) (xy 88.574157 63.139181) (xy 88.571923 63.1444) (xy 88.569272 63.14946)
+ (xy 88.566235 63.154367) (xy 88.56284 63.159128) (xy 88.559116 63.163749) (xy 88.555094 63.168234)
+ (xy 88.550802 63.172591) (xy 88.546269 63.176824) (xy 88.541526 63.18094) (xy 88.536601 63.184945)
+ (xy 88.526322 63.192644) (xy 88.515669 63.199968) (xy 88.504875 63.206963) (xy 88.483802 63.220157)
+ (xy 88.473993 63.226449) (xy 88.464981 63.2326) (xy 88.457001 63.238658) (xy 88.453471 63.241666)
+ (xy 88.450287 63.244669) (xy 88.482302 63.276681) (xy 88.542328 63.227346) (xy 88.602355 63.176136)
+ (xy 88.72241 63.072589) (xy 88.782438 63.022503) (xy 88.842465 62.975044) (xy 88.872478 62.952652)
+ (xy 88.902492 62.931337) (xy 88.932505 62.911242) (xy 88.962519 62.892507) (xy 89.186619 62.828479)
+ (xy 89.186494 62.864371) (xy 89.185619 62.899512) (xy 89.184666 62.916567) (xy 89.183243 62.933153)
+ (xy 89.181258 62.949176) (xy 89.178616 62.964542) (xy 89.175224 62.979158) (xy 89.170988 62.99293)
+ (xy 89.165814 63.005764) (xy 89.159609 63.017566) (xy 89.15609 63.02305) (xy 89.152278 63.028242)
+ (xy 89.148161 63.033129) (xy 89.143727 63.037699) (xy 89.138966 63.041941) (xy 89.133864 63.045843)
+ (xy 89.128411 63.049394) (xy 89.122594 63.05258) (xy 89.103859 63.082235) (xy 89.083763 63.111232)
+ (xy 89.062448 63.139667) (xy 89.040055 63.167633) (xy 89.016724 63.195224) (xy 88.992595 63.222534)
+ (xy 88.94251 63.276684) (xy 88.838962 63.385734) (xy 88.787752 63.442135) (xy 88.76278 63.471133)
+ (xy 88.738418 63.500787) (xy 88.738785 63.507532) (xy 88.739856 63.515731) (xy 88.741583 63.525336)
+ (xy 88.74392 63.536302) (xy 88.750236 63.562126) (xy 88.758427 63.592828) (xy 88.778937 63.667362)
+ (xy 88.790505 63.710444) (xy 88.802448 63.756903) (xy 91.907862 63.756903) (xy 91.90862 63.733283)
+ (xy 91.910926 63.710507) (xy 91.914826 63.688669) (xy 91.917388 63.678131) (xy 91.920367 63.667863)
+ (xy 91.923768 63.657876) (xy 91.927597 63.648182) (xy 91.93186 63.638793) (xy 91.936562 63.62972)
+ (xy 91.94171 63.620976) (xy 91.947309 63.612572) (xy 91.953365 63.60452) (xy 91.959885 63.596831)
+ (xy 91.966873 63.589517) (xy 91.974337 63.58259) (xy 91.982281 63.576061) (xy 91.990711 63.569944)
+ (xy 91.999634 63.564248) (xy 92.009055 63.558985) (xy 92.018981 63.554169) (xy 92.029416 63.549809)
+ (xy 92.040367 63.545919) (xy 92.05184 63.542509) (xy 92.063841 63.539592) (xy 92.076375 63.537179)
+ (xy 92.089448 63.535282) (xy 92.103067 63.533912) (xy 92.117236 63.533081) (xy 92.131963 63.532802)
+ (xy 92.146597 63.533174) (xy 92.160499 63.534279) (xy 92.173686 63.536099) (xy 92.186175 63.538617)
+ (xy 92.197984 63.541815) (xy 92.20913 63.545675) (xy 92.219632 63.55018) (xy 92.229507 63.555312)
+ (xy 92.238772 63.561054) (xy 92.247445 63.567388) (xy 92.255543 63.574297) (xy 92.263084 63.581762)
+ (xy 92.270087 63.589767) (xy 92.276567 63.598293) (xy 92.282543 63.607324) (xy 92.288033 63.616841)
+ (xy 92.293054 63.626827) (xy 92.297623 63.637264) (xy 92.301759 63.648136) (xy 92.305478 63.659423)
+ (xy 92.308799 63.671109) (xy 92.311739 63.683176) (xy 92.314315 63.695606) (xy 92.316545 63.708383)
+ (xy 92.320039 63.734902) (xy 92.32236 63.762595) (xy 92.32365 63.791318) (xy 92.324048 63.820933)
+ (xy 92.644195 63.820933) (xy 92.77119 63.841318) (xy 92.82294 63.848086) (xy 92.867796 63.851948)
+ (xy 92.887859 63.852641) (xy 92.906462 63.852432) (xy 92.923693 63.851262) (xy 92.939641 63.849072)
+ (xy 92.954393 63.845803) (xy 92.968037 63.841396) (xy 92.980661 63.835794) (xy 92.992352 63.828938)
+ (xy 93.0032 63.820768) (xy 93.013292 63.811226) (xy 93.022715 63.800255) (xy 93.031558 63.787794)
+ (xy 93.039908 63.773786) (xy 93.047855 63.758171) (xy 93.055484 63.740892) (xy 93.062885 63.721889)
+ (xy 93.077353 63.678479) (xy 93.091961 63.627471) (xy 93.124414 63.500789) (xy 93.169489 63.296688)
+ (xy 93.20889 63.09254) (xy 93.242945 62.888299) (xy 93.271982 62.683917) (xy 93.296329 62.479347)
+ (xy 93.316315 62.274542) (xy 93.344515 61.864043) (xy 93.359209 61.452042) (xy 93.363023 61.038166)
+ (xy 93.796714 61.038166) (xy 93.796714 61.771996) (xy 93.795229 61.909683) (xy 93.790837 62.046621)
+ (xy 93.773704 62.318244) (xy 93.746066 62.586867) (xy 93.708674 62.852487) (xy 93.662278 63.115107)
+ (xy 93.607628 63.374725) (xy 93.545475 63.631341) (xy 93.476568 63.884956) (xy 93.284482 64.365175)
+ (xy 93.284205 64.371086) (xy 93.283388 64.376821) (xy 93.282055 64.382392) (xy 93.28023 64.38781)
+ (xy 93.277936 64.393088) (xy 93.275197 64.398237) (xy 93.272035 64.403269) (xy 93.268475 64.408195)
+ (xy 93.264539 64.413027) (xy 93.260252 64.417777) (xy 93.255637 64.422457) (xy 93.250716 64.427078)
+ (xy 93.245515 64.431653) (xy 93.240055 64.436192) (xy 93.228456 64.445212) (xy 93.216107 64.454232)
+ (xy 93.203195 64.463345) (xy 93.176432 64.482229) (xy 93.162958 64.492187) (xy 93.14967 64.502613)
+ (xy 93.136758 64.513603) (xy 93.130502 64.519338) (xy 93.124409 64.525248) (xy 93.828729 64.525248)
+ (xy 93.732686 64.461223) (xy 93.82823 64.072046) (xy 93.920772 63.676866) (xy 94.007311 63.281685)
+ (xy 94.047392 63.085971) (xy 94.084845 62.892507) (xy 94.128787 62.652765) (xy 94.164757 62.413727)
+ (xy 94.193036 62.175345) (xy 94.213905 61.937573) (xy 94.227645 61.700363) (xy 94.234539 61.463669)
+ (xy 94.234867 61.227445) (xy 94.602786 61.227445) (xy 94.601081 61.575906) (xy 94.587723 61.928402)
+ (xy 94.5625 62.280664) (xy 94.525179 62.632833) (xy 94.475523 62.985048) (xy 94.413299 63.33745)
+ (xy 94.338273 63.690181) (xy 94.250209 64.043381) (xy 94.158042 64.365178) (xy 95.493488 64.365178)
+ (xy 95.534389 64.364404) (xy 95.573086 64.361989) (xy 95.609626 64.357792) (xy 95.644056 64.351672)
+ (xy 95.676422 64.343488) (xy 95.706772 64.333101) (xy 95.721205 64.327037) (xy 95.735152 64.320369)
+ (xy 95.748618 64.313079) (xy 95.761609 64.305151) (xy 95.774132 64.296566) (xy 95.786191 64.287307)
+ (xy 95.797793 64.277356) (xy 95.808944 64.266696) (xy 95.819649 64.255309) (xy 95.829914 64.243177)
+ (xy 95.839746 64.230284) (xy 95.84915 64.216611) (xy 95.858132 64.20214) (xy 95.866697 64.186855)
+ (xy 95.874853 64.170737) (xy 95.882603 64.153769) (xy 95.896915 64.117214) (xy 95.909679 64.077047)
+ (xy 95.922036 64.041398) (xy 95.935003 64.006453) (xy 95.962203 63.938484) (xy 96.017728 63.808926)
+ (xy 96.043802 63.746585) (xy 96.06725 63.68537) (xy 96.077638 63.655067) (xy 96.086946 63.624905)
+ (xy 96.095036 63.594836) (xy 96.101765 63.564815) (xy 96.146434 63.37837) (xy 96.184491 63.19127)
+ (xy 96.216075 63.003606) (xy 96.241329 62.815474) (xy 96.260392 62.626966) (xy 96.273406 62.438177)
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+ (xy 96.605994 63.324708) (xy 96.568774 63.501023) (xy 96.522831 63.675743) (xy 96.467697 63.848775)
+ (xy 96.402902 64.020025) (xy 96.327977 64.189399) (xy 96.242453 64.356803) (xy 96.145862 64.522144)
+ (xy 96.037735 64.685328) (xy 96.037368 64.691691) (xy 96.036297 64.69871) (xy 96.034569 64.706291)
+ (xy 96.032232 64.714342) (xy 96.029333 64.722768) (xy 96.025917 64.731475) (xy 96.022032 64.74037)
+ (xy 96.017726 64.749359) (xy 96.013044 64.758347) (xy 96.008034 64.767242) (xy 96.002743 64.775949)
+ (xy 96.001776 64.777424) (xy 96.037735 64.813384) (xy 96.061738 64.796087) (xy 96.085694 64.780056)
+ (xy 96.109557 64.765057) (xy 96.133279 64.750855) (xy 96.225821 64.69733) (xy 96.248136 64.683597)
+ (xy 96.270028 64.669254) (xy 96.291452 64.654068) (xy 96.31236 64.637802) (xy 96.332705 64.620224)
+ (xy 96.35244 64.601098) (xy 96.371519 64.58019) (xy 96.389894 64.557266) (xy 96.638007 64.17309)
+ (xy 96.696284 64.077046) (xy 96.723828 64.029024) (xy 96.750059 63.981003) (xy 96.774789 63.932981)
+ (xy 96.797831 63.884959) (xy 96.818998 63.836937) (xy 96.8381 63.788916) (xy 96.908218 63.620463)
+ (xy 96.97435 63.451261) (xy 97.03626 63.281308) (xy 97.093716 63.110606) (xy 97.146482 62.939152)
+ (xy 97.194325 62.766949) (xy 97.237008 62.593995) (xy 97.274298 62.420291) (xy 97.305961 62.245837)
+ (xy 97.331762 62.070632) (xy 97.351466 61.894677) (xy 97.36484 61.717972) (xy 97.371647 61.540517)
+ (xy 97.371655 61.362311) (xy 97.712128 61.362311) (xy 97.726506 61.57991) (xy 97.730633 61.693837)
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+ (xy 97.512846 62.959477) (xy 97.471225 63.11257) (xy 97.426369 63.264679) (xy 97.378136 63.415661)
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+ (xy 97.081398 64.148769) (xy 97.009951 64.290045) (xy 96.934143 64.42921) (xy 96.884972 64.511357)
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+ (xy 96.155289 65.140533) (xy 96.112212 65.156054) (xy 96.068132 65.170344) (xy 96.023032 65.183391)
+ (xy 95.976895 65.195183) (xy 95.881438 65.214957) (xy 95.781619 65.229573) (xy 95.745626 65.228815)
+ (xy 95.709774 65.226509) (xy 95.674204 65.222609) (xy 95.639055 65.217068) (xy 95.604469 65.209838)
+ (xy 95.570586 65.200873) (xy 95.537548 65.190126) (xy 95.505494 65.17755) (xy 95.474566 65.163098)
+ (xy 95.444904 65.146724) (xy 95.416649 65.12838) (xy 95.389942 65.108019) (xy 95.364923 65.085595)
+ (xy 95.341733 65.06106) (xy 95.320512 65.034368) (xy 95.301402 65.005472) (xy 95.289021 64.982212)
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+ (xy 95.162963 64.850153) (xy 95.15349 64.845088) (xy 95.143829 64.840398) (xy 95.133981 64.836084)
+ (xy 95.123945 64.832145) (xy 95.113722 64.828581) (xy 95.103311 64.825392) (xy 95.092712 64.822578)
+ (xy 95.081926 64.820139) (xy 95.070952 64.818076) (xy 95.05979 64.816388) (xy 95.048441 64.815075)
+ (xy 95.036905 64.814137) (xy 95.013269 64.813386) (xy 94.906595 64.812073) (xy 94.802173 64.808884)
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+ (xy 94.234556 64.808111) (xy 94.180891 64.813386) (xy 94.168977 64.813756) (xy 94.157239 64.81484)
+ (xy 94.145666 64.816605) (xy 94.134244 64.819014) (xy 94.122964 64.822033) (xy 94.111812 64.825626)
+ (xy 94.100778 64.829759) (xy 94.089849 64.834396) (xy 94.068262 64.845041) (xy 94.046955 64.857281)
+ (xy 94.025836 64.870834) (xy 94.004811 64.885419) (xy 93.919773 64.948447) (xy 93.89781 64.96397)
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+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
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+ 1,
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+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 1,
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+ 1,
+ 1,
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+ 0,
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+ 0,
+ 0,
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+ [
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+ 0,
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+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
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+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
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+ 1,
+ 1,
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+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 2
+ ],
+ [
+ 0,
+ 0,
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+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
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+ 2,
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+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2
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+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
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+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
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+ 0,
+ 2,
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+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
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+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2
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+ "Name": "Top Solder Mask"
+ },
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index 0000000..322d250
--- /dev/null
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+ (xy 102.455908 80.542517) (xy 102.449501 80.602116) (xy 102.4495 80.602135) (xy 102.4495 82.39787)
+ (xy 102.449501 82.397876) (xy 102.455908 82.457483) (xy 102.506202 82.592328) (xy 102.506206 82.592335)
+ (xy 102.592452 82.707544) (xy 102.592455 82.707547) (xy 102.707664 82.793793) (xy 102.707671 82.793797)
+ (xy 102.839081 82.84281) (xy 102.895015 82.884681) (xy 102.919432 82.950145) (xy 102.90458 83.018418)
+ (xy 102.88343 83.046673) (xy 102.761503 83.1686) (xy 102.625965 83.362169) (xy 102.625964 83.362171)
+ (xy 102.526098 83.576335) (xy 102.526094 83.576344) (xy 102.464938 83.804586) (xy 102.464936 83.804596)
+ (xy 102.444341 84.039999) (xy 102.444341 84.04) (xy 102.464936 84.275403) (xy 102.464938 84.275413)
+ (xy 102.526094 84.503655) (xy 102.526096 84.503659) (xy 102.526097 84.503663) (xy 102.617232 84.699102)
+ (xy 102.625965 84.71783) (xy 102.625967 84.717834) (xy 102.720675 84.85309) (xy 102.761055 84.910759)
+ (xy 102.761501 84.911395) (xy 102.761506 84.911402) (xy 102.928597 85.078493) (xy 102.928603 85.078498)
+ (xy 102.97253 85.109256) (xy 103.081296 85.185415) (xy 103.114594 85.20873) (xy 103.158219 85.263307)
+ (xy 103.165413 85.332805) (xy 103.13389 85.39516) (xy 103.114595 85.41188) (xy 102.928922 85.54189)
+ (xy 102.92892 85.541891) (xy 102.761891 85.70892) (xy 102.761886 85.708926) (xy 102.6264 85.90242)
+ (xy 102.626399 85.902422) (xy 102.52657 86.116507) (xy 102.526567 86.116513) (xy 102.469364 86.329999)
+ (xy 102.469364 86.33) (xy 103.366988 86.33) (xy 103.334075 86.387007) (xy 103.3 86.514174) (xy 103.3 86.645826)
+ (xy 103.334075 86.772993) (xy 103.366988 86.83) (xy 102.469364 86.83) (xy 102.526567 87.043486)
+ (xy 102.52657 87.043492) (xy 102.626399 87.257578) (xy 102.761894 87.451082) (xy 102.928917 87.618105)
+ (xy 103.114595 87.748119) (xy 103.158219 87.802696) (xy 103.165412 87.872195) (xy 103.13389 87.934549)
+ (xy 103.114595 87.951269) (xy 102.928594 88.081508) (xy 102.761505 88.248597) (xy 102.625965 88.442169)
+ (xy 102.625964 88.442171) (xy 102.526098 88.656335) (xy 102.526094 88.656344) (xy 102.464938 88.884586)
+ (xy 102.464936 88.884596) (xy 102.444341 89.119999) (xy 102.444341 89.12) (xy 102.464936 89.355403)
+ (xy 102.464938 89.355413) (xy 102.526094 89.583655) (xy 102.526096 89.583659) (xy 102.526097 89.583663)
+ (xy 102.589906 89.720501) (xy 102.625965 89.79783) (xy 102.625967 89.797834) (xy 102.698532 89.901466)
+ (xy 102.761505 89.991401) (xy 102.928599 90.158495) (xy 102.968493 90.186429) (xy 103.122165 90.294032)
+ (xy 103.122167 90.294033) (xy 103.12217 90.294035) (xy 103.336337 90.393903) (xy 103.564592 90.455063)
+ (xy 103.752918 90.471539) (xy 103.799999 90.475659) (xy 103.8 90.475659) (xy 103.800001 90.475659)
+ (xy 103.839234 90.472226) (xy 104.035408 90.455063) (xy 104.263663 90.393903) (xy 104.47783 90.294035)
+ (xy 104.671401 90.158495) (xy 104.679896 90.15) (xy 108.920069 90.15) (xy 108.922832 90.185122)
+ (xy 108.922833 90.185128) (xy 108.967592 90.339188) (xy 108.967593 90.339191) (xy 109.049261 90.477285)
+ (xy 109.049268 90.477294) (xy 109.162705 90.590731) (xy 109.162714 90.590738) (xy 109.300805 90.672404)
+ (xy 109.44 90.712844) (xy 109.44 90.15) (xy 108.920069 90.15) (xy 104.679896 90.15) (xy 104.838495 89.991401)
+ (xy 104.974035 89.79783) (xy 105.073903 89.583663) (xy 105.135063 89.355408) (xy 105.155659 89.12)
+ (xy 105.135063 88.884592) (xy 105.083869 88.69353) (xy 105.073905 88.656344) (xy 105.073904 88.656343)
+ (xy 105.073903 88.656337) (xy 104.974035 88.442171) (xy 104.96342 88.42701) (xy 104.838494 88.248597)
+ (xy 104.671402 88.081506) (xy 104.671401 88.081505) (xy 104.485405 87.951269) (xy 104.441781 87.896692)
+ (xy 104.434588 87.827193) (xy 104.46611 87.764839) (xy 104.485405 87.748119) (xy 104.671082 87.618105)
+ (xy 104.838105 87.451082) (xy 104.9736 87.257578) (xy 105.073429 87.043492) (xy 105.073432 87.043486)
+ (xy 105.130636 86.83) (xy 104.233012 86.83) (xy 104.265925 86.772993) (xy 104.3 86.645826) (xy 104.3 86.514174)
+ (xy 104.265925 86.387007) (xy 104.233012 86.33) (xy 105.130636 86.33) (xy 105.130635 86.329999)
+ (xy 105.073432 86.116513) (xy 105.073429 86.116507) (xy 104.9736 85.902422) (xy 104.973599 85.90242)
+ (xy 104.838113 85.708926) (xy 104.838108 85.70892) (xy 104.671078 85.54189) (xy 104.485405 85.411879)
+ (xy 104.44178 85.357302) (xy 104.434588 85.287804) (xy 104.46611 85.225449) (xy 104.485406 85.20873)
+ (xy 104.488205 85.20677) (xy 104.671401 85.078495) (xy 104.838495 84.911401) (xy 104.974035 84.71783)
+ (xy 105.073903 84.503663) (xy 105.135063 84.275408) (xy 105.155659 84.04) (xy 105.135063 83.804592)
+ (xy 105.100671 83.676239) (xy 105.102334 83.606393) (xy 105.132763 83.55647) (xy 105.687693 83.001541)
+ (xy 105.749015 82.968057) (xy 105.818707 82.973041) (xy 105.87464 83.014913) (xy 105.899057 83.080377)
+ (xy 105.89445 83.123817) (xy 105.88239 83.165326) (xy 105.8795 83.202052) (xy 105.8795 83.627947)
+ (xy 105.88239 83.664673) (xy 105.882391 83.664679) (xy 105.928067 83.821894) (xy 105.936931 83.836883)
+ (xy 105.95411 83.904608) (xy 105.936931 83.963117) (xy 105.928067 83.978105) (xy 105.882391 84.13532)
+ (xy 105.88239 84.135326) (xy 105.8795 84.172052) (xy 105.8795 84.597947) (xy 105.88239 84.634673)
+ (xy 105.882391 84.634679) (xy 105.928066 84.791892) (xy 105.928068 84.791895) (xy 105.928069 84.791897)
+ (xy 105.944179 84.819138) (xy 106.011408 84.932817) (xy 106.011414 84.932825) (xy 106.127174 85.048585)
+ (xy 106.127178 85.048588) (xy 106.12718 85.04859) (xy 106.268103 85.131931) (xy 106.268104 85.131931)
+ (xy 106.268107 85.131933) (xy 106.382359 85.165126) (xy 106.425325 85.177609) (xy 106.425333 85.177609)
+ (xy 106.427565 85.178018) (xy 106.428703 85.17859) (xy 106.431409 85.179377) (xy 106.431263 85.179879)
+ (xy 106.489976 85.209429) (xy 106.525498 85.269595) (xy 106.522852 85.339415) (xy 106.482879 85.396721)
+ (xy 106.431307 85.420272) (xy 106.431409 85.420623) (xy 106.429022 85.421316) (xy 106.427565 85.421982)
+ (xy 106.425319 85.422392) (xy 106.268107 85.468066) (xy 106.268104 85.468068) (xy 106.127182 85.551408)
+ (xy 106.127174 85.551414) (xy 106.011414 85.667174) (xy 106.011408 85.667182) (xy 105.928068 85.808104)
+ (xy 105.928066 85.808107) (xy 105.882391 85.96532) (xy 105.88239 85.965326) (xy 105.8795 86.002052)
+ (xy 105.8795 86.427947) (xy 105.88239 86.464673) (xy 105.882391 86.464679) (xy 105.928067 86.621894)
+ (xy 105.936931 86.636883) (xy 105.95411 86.704608) (xy 105.936931 86.763117) (xy 105.928067 86.778105)
+ (xy 105.882393 86.935316) (xy 105.88239 86.935326) (xy 105.8795 86.972052) (xy 105.8795 87.397947)
+ (xy 105.88239 87.434673) (xy 105.882391 87.434679) (xy 105.928066 87.591892) (xy 105.928068 87.591895)
+ (xy 105.928069 87.591897) (xy 105.948185 87.625911) (xy 106.011408 87.732817) (xy 106.011414 87.732825)
+ (xy 106.127174 87.848585) (xy 106.127178 87.848588) (xy 106.12718 87.84859) (xy 106.268103 87.931931)
+ (xy 106.268104 87.931931) (xy 106.268107 87.931933) (xy 106.42532 87.977608) (xy 106.425323 87.977608)
+ (xy 106.425325 87.977609) (xy 106.46206 87.9805) (xy 106.594903 87.9805) (xy 106.661942 88.000185)
+ (xy 106.682584 88.016819) (xy 106.783181 88.117416) (xy 106.816666 88.178739) (xy 106.8195 88.205097)
+ (xy 106.8195 88.337947) (xy 106.82239 88.374673) (xy 106.822391 88.374679) (xy 106.868066 88.531892)
+ (xy 106.868068 88.531895) (xy 106.868069 88.531897) (xy 106.880162 88.552345) (xy 106.951408 88.672817)
+ (xy 106.951414 88.672825) (xy 107.067174 88.788585) (xy 107.067178 88.788588) (xy 107.06718 88.78859)
+ (xy 107.208103 88.871931) (xy 107.208104 88.871931) (xy 107.208107 88.871933) (xy 107.36532 88.917608)
+ (xy 107.365323 88.917608) (xy 107.365325 88.917609) (xy 107.40206 88.9205) (xy 107.534903 88.9205)
+ (xy 107.601942 88.940185) (xy 107.622584 88.956819) (xy 108.150139 89.484374) (xy 108.150149 89.484385)
+ (xy 108.154479 89.488715) (xy 108.15448 89.488716) (xy 108.266284 89.60052) (xy 108.347511 89.647416)
+ (xy 108.347512 89.647417) (xy 108.403209 89.679574) (xy 108.40321 89.679575) (xy 108.403212 89.679575)
+ (xy 108.403215 89.679577) (xy 108.555943 89.720501) (xy 108.555946 89.720501) (xy 108.721653 89.720501)
+ (xy 108.721669 89.7205) (xy 109.8155 89.7205) (xy 109.882539 89.740185) (xy 109.928294 89.792989)
+ (xy 109.9395 89.8445) (xy 109.9395 90.14917) (xy 109.939501 90.149182) (xy 109.939618 90.150663)
+ (xy 109.94 90.160393) (xy 109.94 90.712844) (xy 110.079194 90.672405) (xy 110.079196 90.672404)
+ (xy 110.136386 90.638582) (xy 110.204109 90.621398) (xy 110.262629 90.638581) (xy 110.320607 90.672869)
+ (xy 110.361268 90.684682) (xy 110.474791 90.717664) (xy 110.474794 90.717664) (xy 110.474796 90.717665)
+ (xy 110.510819 90.7205) (xy 110.90918 90.720499) (xy 110.945204 90.717665) (xy 111.099393 90.672869)
+ (xy 111.099394 90.672868) (xy 111.106885 90.670692) (xy 111.107776 90.673759) (xy 111.162473 90.666971)
+ (xy 111.1834 90.6723) (xy 111.220745 90.685368) (xy 111.220749 90.685368) (xy 111.220751 90.685369)
+ (xy 111.399996 90.705565) (xy 111.4 90.705565) (xy 111.400004 90.705565) (xy 111.579249 90.685369)
+ (xy 111.579251 90.685368) (xy 111.579255 90.685368) (xy 111.579258 90.685366) (xy 111.579262 90.685366)
+ (xy 111.702637 90.642195) (xy 111.772416 90.638633) (xy 111.806714 90.652504) (xy 111.823605 90.662494)
+ (xy 111.859316 90.672869) (xy 111.979002 90.707642) (xy 111.979005 90.707642) (xy 111.979007 90.707643)
+ (xy 112.01531 90.7105) (xy 112.015318 90.7105) (xy 112.424682 90.7105) (xy 112.42469 90.7105) (xy 112.460993 90.707643)
+ (xy 112.460995 90.707642) (xy 112.460997 90.707642) (xy 112.501975 90.695736) (xy 112.616395 90.662494)
+ (xy 112.636879 90.650379) (xy 112.704601 90.633196) (xy 112.763119 90.650379) (xy 112.783605 90.662494)
+ (xy 112.783607 90.662494) (xy 112.783608 90.662495) (xy 112.939002 90.707642) (xy 112.939005 90.707642)
+ (xy 112.939007 90.707643) (xy 112.97531 90.7105) (xy 112.975318 90.7105) (xy 113.384682 90.7105)
+ (xy 113.38469 90.7105) (xy 113.415581 90.708068) (xy 113.420994 90.707643) (xy 113.433229 90.704087)
+ (xy 113.461724 90.695809) (xy 113.531592 90.696006) (xy 113.562294 90.709891) (xy 113.62621 90.750053)
+ (xy 113.79648 90.809633) (xy 113.796485 90.809634) (xy 113.975731 90.82983) (xy 113.975735 90.82983)
+ (xy 113.975739 90.82983) (xy 114.154984 90.809634) (xy 114.154987 90.809633) (xy 114.15499 90.809633)
+ (xy 114.325257 90.750054) (xy 114.477997 90.654081) (xy 114.477998 90.65408) (xy 114.483441 90.64974)
+ (xy 114.48449 90.651055) (xy 114.538164 90.621739) (xy 114.607856 90.626715) (xy 114.626537 90.635514)
+ (xy 114.668215 90.659577) (xy 114.820942 90.7005) (xy 114.820943 90.7005) (xy 118.021569 90.7005)
+ (xy 118.088608 90.720185) (xy 118.10925 90.736819) (xy 118.940833 91.568403) (xy 118.974318 91.629726)
+ (xy 118.969334 91.699418) (xy 118.927462 91.755351) (xy 118.861998 91.779768) (xy 118.853152 91.780084)
+ (xy 111.994263 91.780084) (xy 111.980011 91.779262) (xy 111.978692 91.779109) (xy 111.978691 91.779109)
+ (xy 111.977777 91.779123) (xy 111.948953 91.779576) (xy 111.934809 91.778172) (xy 111.934763 91.778737)
+ (xy 111.926662 91.778063) (xy 111.897209 91.779477) (xy 111.882849 91.778525) (xy 111.882823 91.779052)
+ (xy 111.874709 91.778647) (xy 111.864508 91.779477) (xy 111.862058 91.779676) (xy 111.856034 91.77992)
+ (xy 111.85419 91.780163) (xy 111.848055 91.780814) (xy 111.846722 91.780922) (xy 111.838695 91.781311)
+ (xy 111.836948 91.781339) (xy 111.830937 91.780946) (xy 111.830936 91.781033) (xy 111.822809 91.780905)
+ (xy 111.822808 91.780905) (xy 111.822351 91.780957) (xy 111.811709 91.781655) (xy 111.803059 91.782933)
+ (xy 111.803036 91.782779) (xy 111.798068 91.783766) (xy 111.795281 91.784089) (xy 111.786922 91.784771)
+ (xy 111.78683 91.784776) (xy 111.784954 91.784866) (xy 111.779147 91.784681) (xy 111.779148 91.784731)
+ (xy 111.771027 91.784886) (xy 111.770984 91.784893) (xy 111.760605 91.785924) (xy 111.75178 91.78752)
+ (xy 111.751758 91.7874) (xy 111.746916 91.788533) (xy 111.743973 91.788978) (xy 111.735481 91.789964)
+ (xy 111.733193 91.79015) (xy 111.727544 91.790165) (xy 111.727546 91.790188) (xy 111.719154 91.790649)
+ (xy 111.709725 91.791915) (xy 111.70072 91.793854) (xy 111.700702 91.793771) (xy 111.696057 91.795028)
+ (xy 111.693898 91.795434) (xy 111.692904 91.795621) (xy 111.684192 91.796942) (xy 111.681568 91.797245)
+ (xy 111.67606 91.797454) (xy 111.667461 91.798242) (xy 111.659061 91.799674) (xy 111.649882 91.80198)
+ (xy 111.649868 91.801924) (xy 111.645348 91.80332) (xy 111.64197 91.804083) (xy 111.633196 91.805735)
+ (xy 111.630274 91.806177) (xy 111.624558 91.806601) (xy 111.616047 91.807702) (xy 111.60871 91.809225)
+ (xy 111.599358 91.811925) (xy 111.59935 91.811899) (xy 111.595046 91.8134) (xy 111.591454 91.814354)
+ (xy 111.582519 91.816377) (xy 111.579272 91.816987) (xy 111.573491 91.817629) (xy 111.565039 91.819048)
+ (xy 111.558647 91.820622) (xy 111.549202 91.823719) (xy 111.5492 91.823714) (xy 111.545035 91.82534)
+ (xy 111.54126 91.826496) (xy 111.532297 91.828878) (xy 111.528732 91.829684) (xy 111.52294 91.830549)
+ (xy 111.514455 91.832309) (xy 111.508987 91.833875) (xy 111.49975 91.83728) (xy 111.495465 91.83914)
+ (xy 111.491534 91.840511) (xy 111.482511 91.843278) (xy 111.478721 91.844284) (xy 111.472965 91.845367)
+ (xy 111.464469 91.847474) (xy 111.459754 91.84902) (xy 111.450729 91.852733) (xy 111.446343 91.854839)
+ (xy 111.442307 91.856423) (xy 111.433335 91.859554) (xy 111.431485 91.86012) (xy 111.429317 91.860784)
+ (xy 111.423671 91.862073) (xy 111.415103 91.864556) (xy 111.411065 91.866053) (xy 111.402303 91.870051)
+ (xy 111.397829 91.872414) (xy 111.393696 91.874225) (xy 111.384739 91.877742) (xy 111.380613 91.87918)
+ (xy 111.375123 91.880657) (xy 111.366515 91.883519) (xy 111.362956 91.884997) (xy 111.354443 91.889281)
+ (xy 111.34992 91.891898) (xy 111.345778 91.893909) (xy 111.336924 91.897789) (xy 111.332715 91.899441)
+ (xy 111.327387 91.901099) (xy 111.31878 91.904338) (xy 111.315503 91.905851) (xy 111.307206 91.910438)
+ (xy 111.302706 91.913281) (xy 111.29862 91.915465) (xy 111.289921 91.919688) (xy 111.2857 91.921537)
+ (xy 111.280562 91.923358) (xy 111.271946 91.926992) (xy 111.268813 91.92859) (xy 111.260881 91.933385)
+ (xy 111.256324 91.936518) (xy 111.252389 91.938824) (xy 111.24384 91.943394) (xy 111.239666 91.94542)
+ (xy 111.23475 91.947381) (xy 111.226152 91.951406) (xy 111.222958 91.953194) (xy 111.215318 91.958231)
+ (xy 111.210795 91.961607) (xy 111.207028 91.964015) (xy 111.198714 91.968885) (xy 111.176269 91.980886)
+ (xy 111.169663 91.985622) (xy 111.169497 91.985391) (xy 111.157081 91.994662) (xy 111.132579 92.009016)
+ (xy 111.126161 92.014007) (xy 111.125952 92.013738) (xy 111.113992 92.023394) (xy 110.849548 92.191697)
+ (xy 110.846242 92.19373) (xy 110.553734 92.367276) (xy 110.549913 92.369452) (xy 110.25447 92.530861)
+ (xy 110.250105 92.533135) (xy 109.951508 92.681195) (xy 109.946571 92.683509) (xy 109.644734 92.816983)
+ (xy 109.639205 92.81927) (xy 109.333854 92.937037) (xy 109.327731 92.939216) (xy 109.01861 93.040173)
+ (xy 109.011902 93.042156) (xy 108.698545 93.125268) (xy 108.691294 93.12696) (xy 108.373207 93.191175)
+ (xy 108.365477 93.192483) (xy 108.041945 93.236745) (xy 108.033828 93.237584) (xy 107.704065 93.260754)
+ (xy 107.695683 93.261059) (xy 107.358727 93.261899) (xy 107.350218 93.261628) (xy 107.00505 93.238751)
+ (xy 106.996558 93.237893) (xy 106.636939 93.18904) (xy 106.630684 93.188027) (xy 106.454997 93.154944)
+ (xy 106.450896 93.1541) (xy 106.267311 93.113067) (xy 106.263292 93.112098) (xy 106.076935 93.06387)
+ (xy 106.073009 93.062785) (xy 105.94494 93.025112) (xy 105.932872 93.019959) (xy 105.93256 93.020719)
+ (xy 105.925048 93.017626) (xy 105.925047 93.017626) (xy 105.925045 93.017625) (xy 105.925044 93.017625)
+ (xy 105.869343 93.002829) (xy 105.866185 93.001945) (xy 105.810904 92.985684) (xy 105.804234 92.98464)
+ (xy 105.788121 92.981005) (xy 105.739347 92.966525) (xy 105.736029 92.965488) (xy 105.696456 92.952504)
+ (xy 105.680553 92.947286) (xy 105.677274 92.946159) (xy 105.62125 92.926025) (xy 105.618069 92.924832)
+ (xy 105.561607 92.902776) (xy 105.558525 92.901525) (xy 105.501602 92.87751) (xy 105.498624 92.876207)
+ (xy 105.441127 92.850154) (xy 105.43825 92.848806) (xy 105.380906 92.82103) (xy 105.3779 92.819523)
+ (xy 105.357656 92.809021) (xy 105.354779 92.807479) (xy 105.344965 92.802046) (xy 105.334621 92.796319)
+ (xy 105.33221 92.794948) (xy 105.310749 92.782425) (xy 105.308933 92.781343) (xy 105.286403 92.767663)
+ (xy 105.284945 92.766764) (xy 105.239464 92.738281) (xy 105.228515 92.730571) (xy 105.223761 92.726824)
+ (xy 105.204832 92.715564) (xy 105.194309 92.707491) (xy 105.193833 92.708131) (xy 105.187315 92.703275)
+ (xy 105.187313 92.703273) (xy 105.182557 92.700616) (xy 105.166088 92.691415) (xy 105.153555 92.682447)
+ (xy 105.153385 92.682696) (xy 105.146685 92.678094) (xy 105.133797 92.671533) (xy 105.124246 92.666125)
+ (xy 105.114168 92.659814) (xy 105.114372 92.659488) (xy 105.107899 92.655475) (xy 105.107649 92.655883)
+ (xy 105.100721 92.651632) (xy 105.093944 92.64861) (xy 105.08833 92.6457) (xy 105.077489 92.641043)
+ (xy 105.077801 92.640314) (xy 105.065533 92.635242) (xy 105.059952 92.632124) (xy 105.04887 92.625138)
+ (xy 105.048144 92.624625) (xy 105.048143 92.624624) (xy 105.041891 92.622317) (xy 105.031412 92.61845)
+ (xy 105.018098 92.612628) (xy 105.005065 92.605993) (xy 105.005064 92.605992) (xy 105.004515 92.605713)
+ (xy 104.995222 92.601375) (xy 104.995151 92.601544) (xy 104.987671 92.598358) (xy 104.979367 92.596043)
+ (xy 104.962174 92.589851) (xy 104.956719 92.587419) (xy 104.956712 92.587417) (xy 104.956643 92.587406)
+ (xy 104.955572 92.587078) (xy 104.948928 92.585107) (xy 104.948944 92.585052) (xy 104.923798 92.577366)
+ (xy 104.918399 92.574853) (xy 104.915878 92.57406) (xy 104.908459 92.572057) (xy 104.901282 92.570432)
+ (xy 104.90128 92.570432) (xy 104.901277 92.570431) (xy 104.901274 92.570431) (xy 104.893978 92.56976)
+ (xy 104.862543 92.562662) (xy 104.855149 92.559943) (xy 104.855147 92.559942) (xy 104.855145 92.559942)
+ (xy 104.847876 92.558304) (xy 104.841044 92.557052) (xy 104.829777 92.555455) (xy 104.829887 92.554678)
+ (xy 104.822381 92.553533) (xy 104.822228 92.554474) (xy 104.814206 92.553165) (xy 104.808595 92.552992)
+ (xy 104.79428 92.550903) (xy 104.794215 92.551409) (xy 104.78615 92.55037) (xy 104.786149 92.55037)
+ (xy 104.778099 92.549333) (xy 104.778099 92.549332) (xy 104.768294 92.548491) (xy 104.767667 92.548381)
+ (xy 104.765905 92.548071) (xy 104.758071 92.548762) (xy 104.737139 92.548832) (xy 104.722783 92.547664)
+ (xy 104.719241 92.547592) (xy 104.712609 92.546989) (xy 104.712606 92.546989) (xy 104.712605 92.546989)
+ (xy 104.712603 92.546989) (xy 104.704491 92.547316) (xy 104.70448 92.547048) (xy 104.694289 92.547805)
+ (xy 104.686436 92.547628) (xy 104.684713 92.547816) (xy 104.684152 92.547876) (xy 104.669049 92.547816)
+ (xy 104.669055 92.548182) (xy 104.660924 92.548299) (xy 104.657573 92.54879) (xy 104.641782 92.549339)
+ (xy 104.641795 92.549558) (xy 104.633683 92.550004) (xy 104.631718 92.550374) (xy 104.611478 92.55248)
+ (xy 104.609513 92.552522) (xy 104.600654 92.553389) (xy 104.599315 92.553576) (xy 104.599343 92.553727)
+ (xy 104.591687 92.555124) (xy 104.585219 92.555741) (xy 104.585247 92.555936) (xy 104.575809 92.557267)
+ (xy 104.573783 92.557762) (xy 104.563278 92.559972) (xy 104.563043 92.558855) (xy 104.557091 92.560028)
+ (xy 104.557262 92.560952) (xy 104.551733 92.56197) (xy 104.549301 92.562329) (xy 104.548386 92.562525)
+ (xy 104.544474 92.563636) (xy 104.540849 92.564524) (xy 104.540763 92.564175) (xy 104.530299 92.566923)
+ (xy 104.530317 92.567001) (xy 104.52957 92.567169) (xy 104.528864 92.567299) (xy 104.526 92.568052)
+ (xy 104.523375 92.568436) (xy 104.523115 92.568502) (xy 104.521737 92.569052) (xy 104.520291 92.569584)
+ (xy 104.500409 92.575071) (xy 104.497393 92.575638) (xy 104.489679 92.578167) (xy 104.489485 92.577575)
+ (xy 104.480695 92.58034) (xy 104.480993 92.581344) (xy 104.476499 92.582676) (xy 104.470593 92.584236)
+ (xy 104.462727 92.587192) (xy 104.462712 92.587154) (xy 104.455181 92.590381) (xy 104.44634 92.593308)
+ (xy 104.443836 92.59407) (xy 104.443251 92.594318) (xy 104.44325 92.594319) (xy 104.443248 92.594319)
+ (xy 104.435777 92.597498) (xy 104.435714 92.597351) (xy 104.421065 92.603946) (xy 104.416717 92.605354)
+ (xy 104.409381 92.608845) (xy 104.40927 92.608612) (xy 104.395317 92.615591) (xy 104.391379 92.617041)
+ (xy 104.384185 92.62082) (xy 104.384003 92.620474) (xy 104.370846 92.627693) (xy 104.366081 92.629647)
+ (xy 104.353837 92.635538) (xy 104.333768 92.646711) (xy 104.325084 92.651108) (xy 104.301634 92.661846)
+ (xy 104.297977 92.66414) (xy 104.288046 92.671125) (xy 104.287018 92.671734) (xy 104.280327 92.675424)
+ (xy 104.280095 92.675543) (xy 104.278697 92.676258) (xy 104.273655 92.678318) (xy 104.273775 92.678577)
+ (xy 104.266343 92.682011) (xy 104.256755 92.687481) (xy 104.252458 92.689679) (xy 104.245775 92.694288)
+ (xy 104.245525 92.693926) (xy 104.233503 92.702531) (xy 104.207489 92.717014) (xy 104.200963 92.721862)
+ (xy 104.200491 92.721226) (xy 104.18998 92.729251) (xy 104.166357 92.743253) (xy 104.159968 92.748273)
+ (xy 104.159529 92.747714) (xy 104.148976 92.756246) (xy 104.092282 92.7921) (xy 104.091378 92.792666)
+ (xy 104.067756 92.807322) (xy 104.065831 92.808493) (xy 104.046548 92.819977) (xy 104.043826 92.821551)
+ (xy 104.028138 92.830363) (xy 104.024557 92.832298) (xy 104.012633 92.83849) (xy 104.008174 92.840693)
+ (xy 104.000027 92.844517) (xy 103.994698 92.846867) (xy 103.990318 92.848677) (xy 103.984039 92.851075)
+ (xy 103.98327 92.851345) (xy 103.976082 92.853626) (xy 103.974361 92.854115) (xy 103.968131 92.855711)
+ (xy 103.96037 92.857487) (xy 103.955505 92.858499) (xy 103.944373 92.860581) (xy 103.939595 92.861378)
+ (xy 103.928408 92.863021) (xy 103.923785 92.863611) (xy 103.911996 92.864892) (xy 103.907571 92.865293)
+ (xy 103.894914 92.866211) (xy 103.890756 92.866443) (xy 103.878924 92.866902) (xy 103.876794 92.866985)
+ (xy 103.872952 92.867074) (xy 103.857497 92.867194) (xy 103.854012 92.867172) (xy 103.836711 92.86682)
+ (xy 103.833622 92.866719) (xy 103.814259 92.865842) (xy 103.811575 92.865691) (xy 103.792408 92.864406)
+ (xy 103.789242 92.864153) (xy 103.737275 92.859329) (xy 103.733924 92.858972) (xy 103.66916 92.85118)
+ (xy 103.652963 92.847419) (xy 103.652954 92.847464) (xy 103.644995 92.845802) (xy 103.593246 92.84192)
+ (xy 103.587714 92.84138) (xy 103.536227 92.835186) (xy 103.528099 92.835277) (xy 103.528098 92.835231)
+ (xy 103.511485 92.83579) (xy 102.68164 92.773551) (xy 102.656144 92.768923) (xy 102.655885 92.768847)
+ (xy 102.655881 92.768846) (xy 102.65588 92.768846) (xy 102.606367 92.767734) (xy 102.599882 92.767419)
+ (xy 102.585345 92.766329) (xy 102.566949 92.764949) (xy 102.543998 92.761035) (xy 102.542808 92.760714)
+ (xy 102.53311 92.758104) (xy 102.527082 92.756316) (xy 102.507842 92.750071) (xy 102.503247 92.748479)
+ (xy 102.496548 92.74601) (xy 102.4797 92.7398) (xy 102.47555 92.738184) (xy 102.398548 92.706605)
+ (xy 102.397333 92.706099) (xy 102.377771 92.697833) (xy 102.365393 92.691771) (xy 102.362003 92.68987)
+ (xy 102.323342 92.674422) (xy 102.311565 92.66804) (xy 102.311216 92.668707) (xy 102.304015 92.664929)
+ (xy 102.275155 92.654322) (xy 102.269689 92.652164) (xy 102.25289 92.645066) (xy 102.247798 92.642371)
+ (xy 102.247657 92.642669) (xy 102.240321 92.63918) (xy 102.240319 92.639179) (xy 102.240316 92.639178)
+ (xy 102.240314 92.639177) (xy 102.216989 92.631626) (xy 102.209176 92.628804) (xy 102.186491 92.619741)
+ (xy 102.186636 92.619377) (xy 102.17837 92.616009) (xy 102.17801 92.616877) (xy 102.17051 92.613762)
+ (xy 102.170509 92.613762) (xy 102.170507 92.613761) (xy 102.170506 92.613761) (xy 102.154592 92.609481)
+ (xy 102.144028 92.606127) (xy 102.13431 92.602556) (xy 102.126381 92.600772) (xy 102.126682 92.599432)
+ (xy 102.102054 92.592436) (xy 102.101961 92.592708) (xy 102.097061 92.591017) (xy 102.095067 92.590451)
+ (xy 102.094279 92.590057) (xy 102.094272 92.590055) (xy 102.085595 92.588284) (xy 102.072212 92.584764)
+ (xy 102.068361 92.583518) (xy 102.066867 92.583243) (xy 102.051031 92.58123) (xy 102.048466 92.580706)
+ (xy 102.04109 92.578963) (xy 102.038338 92.578223) (xy 102.028632 92.575612) (xy 102.01355 92.570498)
+ (xy 102.011519 92.56966) (xy 102.011518 92.569659) (xy 102.009946 92.569455) (xy 101.99828 92.567137)
+ (xy 101.995963 92.566829) (xy 101.995961 92.566829) (xy 101.995958 92.566828) (xy 101.994248 92.566602)
+ (xy 101.981846 92.565791) (xy 101.968402 92.56404) (xy 101.959618 92.562574) (xy 101.939972 92.558564)
+ (xy 101.927875 92.555342) (xy 101.922329 92.554284) (xy 101.921853 92.554222) (xy 101.915964 92.553807)
+ (xy 101.903697 92.553824) (xy 101.898628 92.553533) (xy 101.883622 92.552668) (xy 101.87474 92.551834)
+ (xy 101.831724 92.54623) (xy 101.831711 92.54623) (xy 101.830661 92.54637) (xy 101.795515 92.546014)
+ (xy 101.790623 92.545262) (xy 101.735979 92.544086) (xy 101.731521 92.54391) (xy 101.676964 92.540768)
+ (xy 101.676486 92.540804) (xy 101.658383 92.540384) (xy 101.598455 92.541059) (xy 101.594392 92.541038)
+ (xy 101.53556 92.539771) (xy 101.52594 92.539867) (xy 101.525941 92.539878) (xy 101.461366 92.542545)
+ (xy 101.457645 92.542643) (xy 101.392997 92.543371) (xy 101.392996 92.543361) (xy 101.390164 92.543474)
+ (xy 101.390175 92.543626) (xy 101.324959 92.548132) (xy 101.321531 92.548321) (xy 101.256235 92.551019)
+ (xy 101.256227 92.550845) (xy 101.255353 92.550905) (xy 101.255381 92.551199) (xy 101.247296 92.551967)
+ (xy 101.247295 92.551967) (xy 101.210591 92.555455) (xy 101.189712 92.557439) (xy 101.186532 92.5577)
+ (xy 101.121955 92.562163) (xy 101.121964 92.562233) (xy 101.113902 92.563195) (xy 101.113899 92.563195)
+ (xy 101.055918 92.570117) (xy 101.053006 92.57043) (xy 100.990256 92.576394) (xy 100.924082 92.585828)
+ (xy 100.921289 92.586194) (xy 100.854877 92.594126) (xy 100.854837 92.593792) (xy 100.793189 92.604436)
+ (xy 100.789597 92.605002) (xy 100.733431 92.61301) (xy 100.728936 92.614267) (xy 100.710681 92.617917)
+ (xy 100.677609 92.621978) (xy 100.672085 92.622531) (xy 100.621294 92.626463) (xy 100.616006 92.626759)
+ (xy 100.561412 92.628646) (xy 100.556253 92.628717) (xy 100.499209 92.628314) (xy 100.494047 92.62817)
+ (xy 100.435879 92.625334) (xy 100.430616 92.624965) (xy 100.372617 92.619657) (xy 100.367154 92.619035)
+ (xy 100.310495 92.611304) (xy 100.304724 92.610377) (xy 100.250718 92.600396) (xy 100.244551 92.599093)
+ (xy 100.194419 92.587165) (xy 100.18775 92.585381) (xy 100.142719 92.571979) (xy 100.13545 92.569569)
+ (xy 100.09672 92.555386) (xy 100.088774 92.55216) (xy 100.057473 92.538174) (xy 100.048801 92.533886)
+ (xy 100.025782 92.521363) (xy 100.016374 92.515691) (xy 99.996005 92.502145) (xy 99.983476 92.492613)
+ (xy 99.981755 92.491122) (xy 99.976862 92.486648) (xy 99.9765 92.486299) (xy 99.960617 92.470978)
+ (xy 99.954799 92.464974) (xy 99.942381 92.451261) (xy 99.937221 92.445178) (xy 99.924601 92.429291)
+ (xy 99.9201 92.423258) (xy 99.907084 92.404658) (xy 99.90323 92.398805) (xy 99.889774 92.377055)
+ (xy 99.886553 92.371532) (xy 99.875937 92.35219) (xy 99.872097 92.344584) (xy 99.84041 92.276062)
+ (xy 99.836776 92.267346) (xy 99.808526 92.191598) (xy 99.806195 92.184743) (xy 99.799752 92.163808)
+ (xy 99.77864 92.095209) (xy 99.777227 92.090251) (xy 99.75047 91.988276) (xy 99.749675 91.985073)
+ (xy 99.723165 91.87184) (xy 99.722929 91.870808) (xy 99.683883 91.695153) (xy 99.681611 91.681221)
+ (xy 99.681389 91.679119) (xy 99.68139 91.679108) (xy 99.667228 91.620152) (xy 99.666777 91.6182)
+ (xy 99.651857 91.551072) (xy 99.652472 91.550935) (xy 99.649883 91.540494) (xy 99.649805 91.539926)
+ (xy 99.649805 91.53992) (xy 99.634964 91.485585) (xy 99.634046 91.48201) (xy 99.620897 91.427262)
+ (xy 99.620892 91.427254) (xy 99.620721 91.426805) (xy 99.620226 91.424473) (xy 99.618998 91.419359)
+ (xy 99.619134 91.419326) (xy 99.615734 91.403298) (xy 99.614474 91.403531) (xy 99.612998 91.395538)
+ (xy 99.612998 91.395536) (xy 99.597176 91.346722) (xy 99.59552 91.341169) (xy 99.582018 91.291731)
+ (xy 99.578872 91.284237) (xy 99.580285 91.283643) (xy 99.570534 91.254421) (xy 99.570086 91.254534)
+ (xy 99.56859 91.248595) (xy 99.568187 91.247385) (xy 99.568102 91.246653) (xy 99.568101 91.246649)
+ (xy 99.551197 91.204029) (xy 99.548502 91.196541) (xy 99.534365 91.152919) (xy 99.533446 91.151501)
+ (xy 99.532271 91.148519) (xy 99.530871 91.145578) (xy 99.531074 91.145481) (xy 99.518253 91.112944)
+ (xy 99.517787 91.113092) (xy 99.515647 91.106329) (xy 99.515397 91.105695) (xy 99.515334 91.105341)
+ (xy 99.515334 91.10534) (xy 99.507128 91.087791) (xy 99.495332 91.062563) (xy 99.492401 91.055771)
+ (xy 99.486993 91.042134) (xy 99.48539 91.036944) (xy 99.485372 91.036951) (xy 99.482569 91.029337)
+ (xy 99.482568 91.02933) (xy 99.482564 91.029323) (xy 99.482363 91.028776) (xy 99.477476 91.018135)
+ (xy 99.474993 91.011874) (xy 99.474575 91.011125) (xy 99.465066 90.996007) (xy 99.458633 90.98376)
+ (xy 99.456106 90.978666) (xy 99.452078 90.97005) (xy 99.447073 90.956555) (xy 99.445604 90.953117)
+ (xy 99.445601 90.953112) (xy 99.445601 90.953111) (xy 99.441826 90.946739) (xy 99.436191 90.936072)
+ (xy 99.434311 90.93205) (xy 99.43431 90.932049) (xy 99.434309 90.932046) (xy 99.430698 90.926391)
+ (xy 99.425093 90.918489) (xy 99.420166 90.910171) (xy 99.417087 90.904658) (xy 99.410861 90.892804)
+ (xy 99.405167 90.879566) (xy 99.403924 90.877055) (xy 99.401476 90.873405) (xy 99.394679 90.861994)
+ (xy 99.393857 90.860428) (xy 99.393856 90.860426) (xy 99.393855 90.860425) (xy 99.390726 90.855992)
+ (xy 99.384548 90.848162) (xy 99.376948 90.83683) (xy 99.37326 90.830982) (xy 99.365109 90.81722)
+ (xy 99.359647 90.806206) (xy 99.357923 90.803173) (xy 99.357922 90.803171) (xy 99.357921 90.803169)
+ (xy 99.356929 90.801858) (xy 99.349127 90.790238) (xy 99.348583 90.78932) (xy 99.34858 90.789317)
+ (xy 99.346065 90.786114) (xy 99.33862 90.777663) (xy 99.328921 90.764848) (xy 99.324807 90.759076)
+ (xy 99.318756 90.750053) (xy 99.298938 90.720499) (xy 99.298045 90.719167) (xy 99.296729 90.718017)
+ (xy 99.279453 90.699479) (xy 98.683923 89.912529) (xy 98.670441 89.890151) (xy 98.665412 89.879377)
+ (xy 98.659713 89.867165) (xy 98.655738 89.85763) (xy 98.631867 89.792901) (xy 98.628938 89.783919)
+ (xy 98.608425 89.711793) (xy 98.606376 89.703507) (xy 98.589715 89.624478) (xy 98.588345 89.616787)
+ (xy 98.584933 89.593386) (xy 98.57592 89.531559) (xy 98.575097 89.524502) (xy 98.572249 89.492022)
+ (xy 98.56715 89.433867) (xy 98.566757 89.427463) (xy 98.563412 89.332363) (xy 98.563346 89.326485)
+ (xy 98.564602 89.227889) (xy 98.564793 89.222429) (xy 98.566815 89.186933) (xy 98.570548 89.121395)
+ (xy 98.570933 89.116417) (xy 98.581007 89.013797) (xy 98.581561 89.00909) (xy 98.582247 89.004084)
+ (xy 98.595688 88.905997) (xy 98.596364 88.901647) (xy 98.614247 88.798926) (xy 98.61505 88.79475)
+ (xy 98.624451 88.749964) (xy 98.636303 88.693498) (xy 98.637202 88.68954) (xy 98.66146 88.590519)
+ (xy 98.662464 88.586691) (xy 98.689244 88.491003) (xy 98.690364 88.487239) (xy 98.719513 88.394763)
+ (xy 98.720646 88.391347) (xy 98.743473 88.325689) (xy 98.744393 88.323137) (xy 98.769184 88.256752)
+ (xy 98.770326 88.253813) (xy 98.829106 88.108026) (xy 98.830139 88.105544) (xy 98.934463 87.862886)
+ (xy 98.939289 87.853308) (xy 98.940051 87.851485) (xy 98.940053 87.851483) (xy 98.964321 87.79345)
+ (xy 98.964718 87.792514) (xy 98.98956 87.734736) (xy 98.98956 87.734734) (xy 98.990337 87.732928)
+ (xy 98.993878 87.722774) (xy 99.003399 87.700008) (xy 99.010061 87.688176) (xy 99.009429 87.687832)
+ (xy 99.01331 87.680695) (xy 99.013313 87.680692) (xy 99.033757 87.627548) (xy 99.035061 87.624298)
+ (xy 99.057016 87.571802) (xy 99.057016 87.5718) (xy 99.059147 87.563957) (xy 99.059844 87.564146)
+ (xy 99.063205 87.550999) (xy 99.072183 87.527661) (xy 99.078798 87.515019) (xy 99.078298 87.514768)
+ (xy 99.081947 87.507506) (xy 99.081946 87.507506) (xy 99.081948 87.507505) (xy 99.100274 87.454822)
+ (xy 99.101645 87.45108) (xy 99.112309 87.42336) (xy 99.115751 87.415279) (xy 99.11575 87.415279)
+ (xy 99.115753 87.415276) (xy 99.116187 87.413906) (xy 99.11866 87.406852) (xy 99.120462 87.402168)
+ (xy 99.121669 87.399032) (xy 99.12167 87.399018) (xy 99.123038 87.393342) (xy 99.125394 87.384886)
+ (xy 99.133076 87.360674) (xy 99.134143 87.357465) (xy 99.142336 87.333914) (xy 99.145533 87.325684)
+ (xy 99.147791 87.32043) (xy 99.147795 87.320425) (xy 99.150084 87.312313) (xy 99.152314 87.305234)
+ (xy 99.152981 87.303318) (xy 99.152981 87.303309) (xy 99.153058 87.302942) (xy 99.155159 87.294337)
+ (xy 99.155718 87.292356) (xy 99.162988 87.266605) (xy 99.1641 87.262893) (xy 99.172514 87.236374)
+ (xy 99.175068 87.22912) (xy 99.177513 87.222807) (xy 99.178777 87.217609) (xy 99.181 87.209664)
+ (xy 99.181012 87.209595) (xy 99.181014 87.20959) (xy 99.181014 87.209583) (xy 99.181123 87.208974)
+ (xy 99.182706 87.201445) (xy 99.190389 87.169845) (xy 99.191526 87.165516) (xy 99.200191 87.134825)
+ (xy 99.202381 87.127863) (xy 99.203347 87.125078) (xy 99.203349 87.125075) (xy 99.20354 87.124147)
+ (xy 99.205652 87.115483) (xy 99.206325 87.113101) (xy 99.206325 87.113092) (xy 99.207013 87.108358)
+ (xy 99.208277 87.101153) (xy 99.214423 87.071315) (xy 99.215365 87.067123) (xy 99.22834 87.013764)
+ (xy 99.228339 87.01375) (xy 99.228958 87.008031) (xy 99.230471 86.997936) (xy 99.232665 86.986524)
+ (xy 99.24322 86.931602) (xy 99.24352 86.93009) (xy 99.255994 86.86955) (xy 99.255993 86.869549)
+ (xy 99.256951 86.864905) (xy 99.257119 86.863565) (xy 99.257808 86.859725) (xy 99.25781 86.859723)
+ (xy 99.268822 86.798428) (xy 99.269026 86.797331) (xy 99.280792 86.736117) (xy 99.280791 86.736114)
+ (xy 99.280944 86.735323) (xy 99.282475 86.722442) (xy 99.300541 86.621894) (xy 99.302293 86.612141)
+ (xy 99.303101 86.60887) (xy 99.304167 86.602827) (xy 99.304169 86.602825) (xy 99.315522 86.538521)
+ (xy 99.316538 86.53287) (xy 99.318941 86.519494) (xy 99.327012 86.474573) (xy 99.327011 86.474569)
+ (xy 99.328095 86.468539) (xy 99.328465 86.465205) (xy 99.360871 86.281655) (xy 99.361129 86.280246)
+ (xy 99.368488 86.24131) (xy 99.397185 86.089473) (xy 99.400702 86.075425) (xy 99.400801 86.075104)
+ (xy 99.400805 86.075097) (xy 99.411368 86.014494) (xy 99.411674 86.012814) (xy 99.412598 86.007928)
+ (xy 99.415196 85.996949) (xy 99.417188 85.989961) (xy 99.417193 85.989951) (xy 99.421161 85.963146)
+ (xy 99.421981 85.958281) (xy 99.423087 85.952434) (xy 99.423086 85.95243) (xy 99.423283 85.951392)
+ (xy 99.424119 85.94317) (xy 99.425686 85.932586) (xy 99.42617 85.929587) (xy 99.428114 85.918433)
+ (xy 99.430192 85.908799) (xy 99.431524 85.903626) (xy 99.431527 85.90362) (xy 99.433067 85.890965)
+ (xy 99.433997 85.884689) (xy 99.435944 85.873528) (xy 99.436123 85.872499) (xy 99.436122 85.872492)
+ (xy 99.436335 85.867384) (xy 99.437136 85.857558) (xy 99.438528 85.84613) (xy 99.438943 85.843058)
+ (xy 99.440728 85.831007) (xy 99.442546 85.821374) (xy 99.443731 85.816218) (xy 99.443733 85.816214)
+ (xy 99.444902 85.803958) (xy 99.44568 85.797562) (xy 99.447418 85.785829) (xy 99.447417 85.785821)
+ (xy 99.447498 85.78081) (xy 99.448043 85.771021) (xy 99.449216 85.758727) (xy 99.449565 85.755514)
+ (xy 99.451131 85.742656) (xy 99.45268 85.733073) (xy 99.453743 85.727806) (xy 99.453749 85.727791)
+ (xy 99.454566 85.715872) (xy 99.455185 85.709378) (xy 99.455256 85.708794) (xy 99.456547 85.698197)
+ (xy 99.456545 85.698189) (xy 99.456499 85.693264) (xy 99.456784 85.683569) (xy 99.457119 85.678673)
+ (xy 99.457695 85.670297) (xy 99.457958 85.667083) (xy 99.459267 85.653359) (xy 99.460543 85.643876)
+ (xy 99.461482 85.638474) (xy 99.461486 85.638465) (xy 99.461961 85.626982) (xy 99.462413 85.620375)
+ (xy 99.463431 85.609714) (xy 99.463429 85.609706) (xy 99.463253 85.604762) (xy 99.46328 85.595173)
+ (xy 99.463865 85.58107) (xy 99.464049 85.577722) (xy 99.465036 85.563335) (xy 99.46604 85.553945)
+ (xy 99.466855 85.548342) (xy 99.466858 85.548334) (xy 99.467008 85.537305) (xy 99.467286 85.53055)
+ (xy 99.467981 85.52044) (xy 99.46798 85.520434) (xy 99.467666 85.515399) (xy 99.467436 85.505976)
+ (xy 99.467639 85.491132) (xy 99.467733 85.487712) (xy 99.468083 85.479255) (xy 99.468359 85.472592)
+ (xy 99.469088 85.463365) (xy 99.469774 85.457475) (xy 99.469777 85.457467) (xy 99.469619 85.446898)
+ (xy 99.469711 85.439984) (xy 99.470105 85.430495) (xy 99.470103 85.430488) (xy 99.469643 85.425354)
+ (xy 99.469162 85.416134) (xy 99.468928 85.400475) (xy 99.468927 85.396959) (xy 99.468952 85.39516)
+ (xy 99.469142 85.381245) (xy 99.469596 85.372212) (xy 99.470137 85.365993) (xy 99.470137 85.365992)
+ (xy 99.469694 85.356012) (xy 99.469585 85.348846) (xy 99.469707 85.339981) (xy 99.469705 85.339974)
+ (xy 99.469081 85.334671) (xy 99.46835 85.325659) (xy 99.467624 85.309257) (xy 99.46752 85.305706)
+ (xy 99.467277 85.289401) (xy 99.46746 85.280583) (xy 99.467832 85.273982) (xy 99.467835 85.27397)
+ (xy 99.467128 85.264531) (xy 99.466798 85.257166) (xy 99.466677 85.248976) (xy 99.466673 85.248963)
+ (xy 99.465869 85.243479) (xy 99.4649 85.234715) (xy 99.46363 85.217738) (xy 99.463408 85.214026)
+ (xy 99.462658 85.197107) (xy 99.462577 85.188546) (xy 99.462751 85.181534) (xy 99.462752 85.181529)
+ (xy 99.461817 85.172749) (xy 99.461244 85.165143) (xy 99.460911 85.157614) (xy 99.460909 85.157609)
+ (xy 99.459887 85.15183) (xy 99.458686 85.143347) (xy 99.45747 85.131931) (xy 99.456815 85.125774)
+ (xy 99.456464 85.121899) (xy 99.455167 85.104548) (xy 99.454826 85.096265) (xy 99.454767 85.088769)
+ (xy 99.454768 85.088762) (xy 99.453634 85.080642) (xy 99.452791 85.072775) (xy 99.452283 85.065972)
+ (xy 99.452281 85.065966) (xy 99.45102 85.059917) (xy 99.449602 85.051764) (xy 99.44706 85.033554)
+ (xy 99.446573 85.029587) (xy 99.444677 85.011774) (xy 99.444088 85.003818) (xy 99.443752 84.995766)
+ (xy 99.443751 84.995764) (xy 99.443752 84.995763) (xy 99.442456 84.988337) (xy 99.441312 84.980174)
+ (xy 99.440675 84.974187) (xy 99.440671 84.974178) (xy 99.439149 84.967873) (xy 99.43753 84.960084)
+ (xy 99.434241 84.94122) (xy 99.433598 84.937118) (xy 99.431786 84.924136) (xy 99.431001 84.918515)
+ (xy 99.430684 84.91072) (xy 99.430187 84.910759) (xy 99.429561 84.902661) (xy 99.429562 84.902654)
+ (xy 99.428158 84.896004) (xy 99.426682 84.887573) (xy 99.425956 84.882368) (xy 99.425954 84.882365)
+ (xy 99.425954 84.882359) (xy 99.42412 84.875723) (xy 99.422311 84.868293) (xy 99.418237 84.848986)
+ (xy 99.417408 84.844684) (xy 99.414008 84.825185) (xy 99.413419 84.817585) (xy 99.412973 84.817637)
+ (xy 99.412048 84.809557) (xy 99.412049 84.80955) (xy 99.410591 84.803714) (xy 99.408739 84.794969)
+ (xy 99.407983 84.790626) (xy 99.40798 84.790619) (xy 99.405812 84.7837) (xy 99.403843 84.7767) (xy 99.398857 84.756737)
+ (xy 99.39784 84.75232) (xy 99.393538 84.731931) (xy 99.392695 84.724571) (xy 99.39229 84.724634)
+ (xy 99.391057 84.716594) (xy 99.391056 84.71659) (xy 99.391056 84.716588) (xy 99.389606 84.711606)
+ (xy 99.387344 84.702574) (xy 99.386612 84.699103) (xy 99.386609 84.699098) (xy 99.384068 84.691886)
+ (xy 99.38196 84.685328) (xy 99.375983 84.664786) (xy 99.374762 84.660269) (xy 99.361691 84.607935)
+ (xy 99.36169 84.607934) (xy 99.36169 84.607931) (xy 99.358709 84.600373) (xy 99.358996 84.600259)
+ (xy 99.353072 84.586045) (xy 99.348252 84.569477) (xy 99.335641 84.526127) (xy 98.968985 83.265745)
+ (xy 98.967962 83.262013) (xy 98.96693 83.258001) (xy 98.931549 83.120417) (xy 98.930463 83.115827)
+ (xy 98.929719 83.112398) (xy 98.900143 82.976009) (xy 98.899249 82.971482) (xy 98.893273 82.937934)
+ (xy 98.874149 82.83058) (xy 98.873458 82.826249) (xy 98.853349 82.683763) (xy 98.852825 82.679518)
+ (xy 98.851611 82.668069) (xy 98.837502 82.535048) (xy 98.837145 82.531066) (xy 98.826403 82.38396)
+ (xy 98.826185 82.380151) (xy 98.825885 82.373025) (xy 98.819867 82.230211) (xy 98.819769 82.226683)
+ (xy 98.819667 82.219115) (xy 98.817842 82.084205) (xy 98.817971 82.076639) (xy 98.818053 82.074914)
+ (xy 98.885869 80.650832) (xy 98.888163 80.63685) (xy 98.887589 80.636766) (xy 98.888773 80.628731)
+ (xy 98.888776 80.628724) (xy 98.889646 80.572807) (xy 98.889768 80.568951) (xy 98.892432 80.51303)
+ (xy 98.89243 80.513024) (xy 98.892431 80.513022) (xy 98.891991 80.507752) (xy 98.891696 80.49163)
+ (xy 98.892199 80.480883) (xy 98.892438 80.477044) (xy 98.892503 80.476211) (xy 98.895071 80.443271)
+ (xy 98.895415 80.439584) (xy 98.899071 80.406012) (xy 98.899516 80.402419) (xy 98.904202 80.368854)
+ (xy 98.904752 80.365307) (xy 98.91047 80.331682) (xy 98.911104 80.328259) (xy 98.917871 80.294442)
+ (xy 98.918581 80.291139) (xy 98.926398 80.257122) (xy 98.927183 80.253907) (xy 98.936096 80.219481)
+ (xy 98.936952 80.216352) (xy 98.946952 80.181566) (xy 98.947845 80.178596) (xy 98.959004 80.143213)
+ (xy 98.959897 80.140499) (xy 98.97223 80.104501) (xy 98.973163 80.101878) (xy 98.986652 80.065324)
+ (xy 98.987602 80.062835) (xy 99.001146 80.028509) (xy 99.002568 80.025064) (xy 99.037432 79.944202)
+ (xy 99.039122 79.940458) (xy 99.620526 78.707874) (xy 99.627677 78.694814) (xy 99.653747 78.653335)
+ (xy 99.655504 78.650623) (xy 99.698114 78.586682) (xy 99.70016 78.583705) (xy 99.743181 78.523054)
+ (xy 99.745472 78.519933) (xy 99.788747 78.462859) (xy 99.791385 78.4595) (xy 99.834734 78.406272)
+ (xy 99.837758 78.4027) (xy 99.880954 78.353576) (xy 99.884384 78.349833) (xy 99.927252 78.304959)
+ (xy 99.931147 78.301061) (xy 99.973384 78.260647) (xy 99.977821 78.256605) (xy 100.019187 78.220721)
+ (xy 100.024208 78.216593) (xy 100.064471 78.185241) (xy 100.070116 78.181099) (xy 100.10906 78.154201)
+ (xy 100.115395 78.150108) (xy 100.152905 78.127472) (xy 100.159945 78.123534) (xy 100.195973 78.104906)
+ (xy 100.203766 78.101215) (xy 100.238445 78.086248) (xy 100.246888 78.082966) (xy 100.286424 78.069245)
+ (xy 100.293096 78.067142) (xy 100.300803 78.064951) (xy 100.30412 78.064008) (xy 100.308729 78.062792)
+ (xy 100.328963 78.057878) (xy 100.332229 78.057132) (xy 100.386086 78.045627) (xy 100.391303 78.04463)
+ (xy 100.437553 78.036819) (xy 100.44301 78.036021) (xy 100.487129 78.030583) (xy 100.492647 78.030028)
+ (xy 100.536172 78.026634) (xy 100.541532 78.026333) (xy 100.586127 78.024801) (xy 100.591148 78.024732)
+ (xy 100.638337 78.025035) (xy 100.642868 78.025147) (xy 100.694054 78.027361) (xy 100.6979 78.027588)
+ (xy 100.754241 78.031831) (xy 100.757479 78.032118) (xy 100.819681 78.038473) (xy 100.822254 78.038763)
+ (xy 100.889269 78.047043) (xy 100.891849 78.04739) (xy 101.054222 78.070997) (xy 101.055646 78.071214)
+ (xy 101.449089 78.133506) (xy 101.455418 78.134678) (xy 101.471687 78.138133) (xy 101.478237 78.139713)
+ (xy 101.485761 78.141746) (xy 101.494972 78.144235) (xy 101.500561 78.145887) (xy 101.521235 78.152533)
+ (xy 101.525738 78.154077) (xy 101.550887 78.163252) (xy 101.554329 78.164567) (xy 101.584249 78.176508)
+ (xy 101.586566 78.177461) (xy 101.619982 78.191607) (xy 101.621303 78.192166) (xy 101.622624 78.192735)
+ (xy 101.639573 78.200151) (xy 101.652332 78.206636) (xy 101.653293 78.207196) (xy 101.653301 78.207202)
+ (xy 101.709673 78.230842) (xy 101.711349 78.23156) (xy 101.724183 78.237176) (xy 101.740849 78.244469)
+ (xy 101.750061 78.249721) (xy 101.750341 78.249202) (xy 101.757502 78.25305) (xy 101.757505 78.253053)
+ (xy 101.772075 78.258577) (xy 101.798078 78.268436) (xy 101.811171 78.275182) (xy 101.811372 78.274775)
+ (xy 101.818655 78.278368) (xy 101.818661 78.278372) (xy 101.837491 78.284769) (xy 101.845535 78.287817)
+ (xy 101.863757 78.295459) (xy 101.863759 78.295459) (xy 101.864565 78.295797) (xy 101.880535 78.30146)
+ (xy 101.8849 78.303384) (xy 101.884901 78.303384) (xy 101.884904 78.303386) (xy 101.903647 78.308865)
+ (xy 101.912804 78.311933) (xy 101.926233 78.317025) (xy 101.926236 78.317025) (xy 101.926238 78.317026)
+ (xy 101.93058 78.31805) (xy 101.9484 78.32483) (xy 101.948663 78.324143) (xy 101.956253 78.327041)
+ (xy 101.956255 78.327041) (xy 101.95626 78.327044) (xy 101.969587 78.330219) (xy 101.980715 78.333428)
+ (xy 101.989967 78.336572) (xy 101.989969 78.336572) (xy 101.997947 78.338162) (xy 101.99776 78.339099)
+ (xy 102.024831 78.346076) (xy 102.024918 78.345804) (xy 102.029797 78.347356) (xy 102.031844 78.347883)
+ (xy 102.032665 78.348269) (xy 102.041017 78.349763) (xy 102.053959 78.352804) (xy 102.05919 78.354334)
+ (xy 102.059199 78.354334) (xy 102.060844 78.354589) (xy 102.077071 78.356214) (xy 102.080068 78.35675)
+ (xy 102.086927 78.358181) (xy 102.096434 78.360446) (xy 102.113354 78.365782) (xy 102.113778 78.36595)
+ (xy 102.117637 78.366396) (xy 102.132126 78.368952) (xy 102.133766 78.369343) (xy 102.13377 78.369342)
+ (xy 102.133771 78.369343) (xy 102.135397 78.369511) (xy 102.150109 78.370153) (xy 102.16005 78.371304)
+ (xy 102.167598 78.372414) (xy 102.213466 78.380623) (xy 102.213468 78.380622) (xy 102.221471 78.382055)
+ (xy 102.221373 78.382598) (xy 102.225123 78.383157) (xy 102.229612 78.383696) (xy 102.229619 78.383698)
+ (xy 102.255963 78.383399) (xy 102.271594 78.384212) (xy 102.297774 78.387242) (xy 102.317839 78.384278)
+ (xy 102.345241 78.383297) (xy 102.350297 78.383676) (xy 102.350303 78.383678) (xy 102.350308 78.383677)
+ (xy 102.350312 78.383678) (xy 102.377575 78.382149) (xy 102.383097 78.381962) (xy 102.405503 78.38171)
+ (xy 102.410194 78.381809) (xy 102.415808 78.381189) (xy 102.437325 78.379512) (xy 102.442689 78.379213)
+ (xy 102.463519 78.378509) (xy 102.470377 78.378468) (xy 102.473524 78.378536) (xy 102.473525 78.378535)
+ (xy 102.473527 78.378536) (xy 102.503005 78.375296) (xy 102.509567 78.374752) (xy 102.530241 78.373594)
+ (xy 102.530247 78.373591) (xy 102.535443 78.372609) (xy 102.54885 78.370824) (xy 102.57753 78.368589)
+ (xy 102.584833 78.368237) (xy 102.588453 78.368169) (xy 102.588455 78.368168) (xy 102.588458 78.368169)
+ (xy 102.641213 78.360205) (xy 102.646076 78.359572) (xy 102.699091 78.353747) (xy 102.699096 78.353744)
+ (xy 102.699596 78.35369) (xy 102.703645 78.352809) (xy 102.753774 78.343305) (xy 102.758353 78.342526)
+ (xy 102.811924 78.334442) (xy 102.81193 78.334439) (xy 102.812035 78.334409) (xy 102.819155 78.33258)
+ (xy 102.863707 78.322539) (xy 102.867867 78.321677) (xy 102.912163 78.31328) (xy 102.920287 78.312017)
+ (xy 102.923214 78.311661) (xy 102.950982 78.313526) (xy 102.951202 78.311443) (xy 102.967374 78.313147)
+ (xy 102.967322 78.313638) (xy 102.968253 78.31372) (xy 102.968289 78.313227) (xy 102.976395 78.313802)
+ (xy 102.9764 78.313803) (xy 103.031639 78.310485) (xy 103.03574 78.310309) (xy 103.091022 78.308875)
+ (xy 103.091026 78.308873) (xy 103.099052 78.307605) (xy 103.099129 78.308091) (xy 103.100053 78.307929)
+ (xy 103.09996 78.307446) (xy 103.107935 78.305903) (xy 103.107946 78.305903) (xy 103.160425 78.288407)
+ (xy 103.164392 78.287159) (xy 103.26277 78.258044) (xy 103.266251 78.257069) (xy 103.366158 78.230686)
+ (xy 103.369623 78.229826) (xy 103.412415 78.219879) (xy 103.415284 78.219248) (xy 103.458926 78.2102)
+ (xy 103.462145 78.209577) (xy 103.504158 78.202044) (xy 103.507759 78.201454) (xy 103.547997 78.195482)
+ (xy 103.551969 78.194959) (xy 103.590596 78.190526) (xy 103.594945 78.190105) (xy 103.632082 78.187189)
+ (xy 103.636774 78.186912) (xy 103.672544 78.185493) (xy 103.677641 78.185397) (xy 103.712185 78.185454)
+ (xy 103.717536 78.18558) (xy 103.75118 78.187102) (xy 103.756788 78.187483) (xy 103.789867 78.190497)
+ (xy 103.79565 78.191162) (xy 103.828457 78.19572) (xy 103.83435 78.196685) (xy 103.868766 78.203183)
+ (xy 103.874102 78.204313) (xy 104.173566 78.274775) (xy 104.2673 78.29683) (xy 104.268338 78.297079)
+ (xy 104.273344 78.298302) (xy 104.293547 78.30324) (xy 104.298478 78.304555) (xy 104.313914 78.309012)
+ (xy 104.318617 78.310472) (xy 104.334688 78.315815) (xy 104.339088 78.317372) (xy 104.355866 78.323673)
+ (xy 104.360021 78.325322) (xy 104.377421 78.332599) (xy 104.381414 78.334352) (xy 104.399259 78.342565)
+ (xy 104.399403 78.342631) (xy 104.403166 78.34444) (xy 104.42181 78.353793) (xy 104.425318 78.355624)
+ (xy 104.444596 78.366078) (xy 104.447864 78.367914) (xy 104.467767 78.379504) (xy 104.470766 78.381309)
+ (xy 104.491177 78.393997) (xy 104.494007 78.395811) (xy 104.514852 78.409575) (xy 104.517499 78.411372)
+ (xy 104.538767 78.426217) (xy 104.541227 78.427979) (xy 104.552944 78.43659) (xy 104.562899 78.443907)
+ (xy 104.56512 78.445578) (xy 104.587137 78.462555) (xy 104.589197 78.464179) (xy 104.611474 78.482138)
+ (xy 104.613387 78.483713) (xy 104.6159 78.485824) (xy 104.619724 78.489038) (xy 104.627622 78.496281)
+ (xy 104.725344 78.594005) (xy 104.726689 78.595373) (xy 104.76906 78.639133) (xy 104.769062 78.639135)
+ (xy 104.769064 78.639136) (xy 104.770301 78.640118) (xy 104.770709 78.640481) (xy 104.771456 78.641055)
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+ (xy 127.299911 92.39915) (xy 127.294537 92.400433) (xy 127.294536 92.400433) (xy 127.294534 92.400434)
+ (xy 127.294193 92.400564) (xy 127.277709 92.407934) (xy 127.265745 92.412234) (xy 127.259832 92.414193)
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+ (xy 125.013144 92.30814) (xy 125.013141 92.308138) (xy 125.013139 92.308136) (xy 125.00684 92.303012)
+ (xy 125.006973 92.302847) (xy 125.003077 92.299983) (xy 124.999332 92.296724) (xy 124.993443 92.291252)
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+ (xy 124.901652 92.211705) (xy 124.891901 92.203218) (xy 124.885942 92.197051) (xy 124.885911 92.197085)
+ (xy 124.880016 92.191503) (xy 124.880012 92.1915) (xy 124.875069 92.187917) (xy 124.866441 92.181058)
+ (xy 124.862337 92.177486) (xy 124.862336 92.177485) (xy 124.862334 92.177484) (xy 124.855565 92.172998)
+ (xy 124.855606 92.172935) (xy 124.848551 92.168698) (xy 124.838004 92.161053) (xy 124.83358 92.157692)
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+ (xy 124.806661 92.135621) (xy 124.797577 92.129042) (xy 124.793026 92.125421) (xy 124.793021 92.125417)
+ (xy 124.793015 92.125414) (xy 124.786055 92.12123) (xy 124.786066 92.12121) (xy 124.778572 92.117154)
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+ (xy 124.715457 92.073475) (xy 124.707123 92.069443) (xy 124.702924 92.06695) (xy 124.698022 92.06404)
+ (xy 124.693216 92.061036) (xy 124.685416 92.055909) (xy 124.677309 92.049532) (xy 124.671631 92.045472)
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+ (xy 124.371222 91.900797) (xy 124.361126 91.897047) (xy 124.351859 91.893138) (xy 124.345772 91.891464)
+ (xy 124.333889 91.888747) (xy 124.33008 91.887518) (xy 124.325054 91.885777) (xy 124.322602 91.884868)
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+ (xy 124.286268 91.871395) (xy 124.275824 91.867523) (xy 124.269239 91.866022) (xy 124.257477 91.863858)
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+ (xy 124.157593 91.834772) (xy 124.157591 91.834771) (xy 124.157588 91.83477) (xy 124.157584 91.834769)
+ (xy 124.145724 91.832449) (xy 124.136368 91.830239) (xy 124.123375 91.826632) (xy 124.115332 91.8255)
+ (xy 124.115543 91.823999) (xy 124.091881 91.818855) (xy 124.091387 91.820525) (xy 124.083591 91.818214)
+ (xy 124.070601 91.816155) (xy 124.061637 91.814393) (xy 124.047314 91.811024) (xy 124.047305 91.811022)
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+ (xy 124.009883 91.804563) (xy 124.00988 91.804562) (xy 124.009879 91.804562) (xy 123.995749 91.802808)
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+ (xy 123.896163 91.788495) (xy 123.888658 91.788298) (xy 123.868538 91.786115) (xy 123.861818 91.784824)
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+ (xy 123.821257 91.781157) (xy 123.821256 91.781157) (xy 123.813134 91.781218) (xy 123.813129 91.780625)
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+ (xy 117.511206 91.707595) (xy 117.5 91.656084) (xy 117.5 90.095823) (xy 117.519685 90.028784) (xy 117.572489 89.983029)
+ (xy 117.641647 89.973085) (xy 117.705203 90.00211) (xy 117.731386 90.033821) (xy 117.831508 90.207238)
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+ (xy 118.384007 91.050786) (xy 118.516309 91.107441) (xy 118.587761 91.115984) (xy 118.659212 91.124528)
+ (xy 118.659212 91.124527) (xy 118.659213 91.124528) (xy 118.778339 91.104495) (xy 118.801137 91.100662)
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+ (xy 123.729816 90.602262) (xy 123.825789 90.449522) (xy 123.885368 90.279255) (xy 123.895161 90.192329)
+ (xy 123.922226 90.127918) (xy 123.93069 90.118543) (xy 124.512416 89.536819) (xy 124.573739 89.503334)
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+ (xy 126.334579 89.685473) (xy 126.513825 89.705669) (xy 126.513829 89.705669) (xy 126.513833 89.705669)
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+ (xy 127.016091 89.52992) (xy 127.143645 89.402366) (xy 127.239618 89.249626) (xy 127.299197 89.079359)
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+ (xy 116.993826 78.916049) (xy 116.999711 78.918145) (xy 117.006163 78.920648) (xy 117.01216 78.92317)
+ (xy 117.028894 78.925463) (xy 117.048265 78.92972) (xy 117.049971 78.930241) (xy 117.049974 78.930242)
+ (xy 117.058681 78.931695) (xy 117.071785 78.934619) (xy 117.077464 78.936213) (xy 117.077468 78.936213)
+ (xy 117.077469 78.936214) (xy 117.08591 78.937427) (xy 117.09917 78.940077) (xy 117.104364 78.941413)
+ (xy 117.104368 78.941415) (xy 117.104371 78.941415) (xy 117.106838 78.94205) (xy 117.108499 78.942348)
+ (xy 117.11129 78.942635) (xy 117.111295 78.942637) (xy 117.111299 78.942636) (xy 117.11292 78.942804)
+ (xy 117.127243 78.946155) (xy 117.12746 78.945192) (xy 117.135395 78.946975) (xy 117.135398 78.946977)
+ (xy 117.1354 78.946977) (xy 117.135938 78.947098) (xy 117.138985 78.94732) (xy 117.141052 78.947488)
+ (xy 117.147906 78.948108) (xy 117.159915 78.949792) (xy 117.168367 78.951404) (xy 117.168372 78.951403)
+ (xy 117.168674 78.951461) (xy 117.183836 78.953314) (xy 117.184599 78.953457) (xy 117.184609 78.95346)
+ (xy 117.184618 78.95346) (xy 117.18476 78.953487) (xy 117.19532 78.954655) (xy 117.196477 78.954694)
+ (xy 117.196478 78.954695) (xy 117.196478 78.954694) (xy 117.202388 78.954899) (xy 117.215756 78.956086)
+ (xy 117.224149 78.957293) (xy 117.224151 78.957292) (xy 117.225002 78.957415) (xy 117.229813 78.957548)
+ (xy 117.229816 78.957549) (xy 117.233635 78.957654) (xy 117.245157 78.958512) (xy 117.251215 78.959248)
+ (xy 117.25123 78.959245) (xy 117.256852 78.95919) (xy 117.27084 78.960075) (xy 117.273151 78.960087)
+ (xy 117.273153 78.960088) (xy 117.275436 78.9601) (xy 117.285928 78.960602) (xy 117.298341 78.961726)
+ (xy 117.298342 78.961725) (xy 117.298346 78.961726) (xy 117.306458 78.961396) (xy 117.306475 78.961829)
+ (xy 117.32128 78.960962) (xy 117.34789 78.962423) (xy 117.34789 78.962422) (xy 117.347893 78.962423)
+ (xy 117.356004 78.961805) (xy 117.356064 78.962604) (xy 117.369266 78.961409) (xy 117.376558 78.961611)
+ (xy 117.3938 78.962089) (xy 117.393801 78.962088) (xy 117.393809 78.962089) (xy 117.393815 78.962087)
+ (xy 117.399359 78.961513) (xy 117.412818 78.960854) (xy 117.473404 78.961187) (xy 117.473404 78.961186)
+ (xy 117.477957 78.961212) (xy 117.483998 78.960833) (xy 123.163185 78.960833) (xy 123.169663 78.961238)
+ (xy 123.17397 78.961212) (xy 123.173972 78.961213) (xy 123.238109 78.960835) (xy 123.23884 78.960833)
+ (xy 123.307121 78.960833) (xy 123.313569 78.96039) (xy 123.499416 78.959294) (xy 123.51369 78.960035)
+ (xy 123.514899 78.960167) (xy 123.514904 78.960169) (xy 123.514909 78.960168) (xy 123.51491 78.960169)
+ (xy 123.526616 78.959917) (xy 123.575944 78.958857) (xy 123.577743 78.958832) (xy 123.638877 78.958473)
+ (xy 123.638887 78.95847) (xy 123.640085 78.958306) (xy 123.654335 78.957175) (xy 123.779116 78.954495)
+ (xy 123.7925 78.954931) (xy 123.798549 78.955455) (xy 123.798559 78.955458) (xy 123.857377 78.952845)
+ (xy 123.859973 78.952759) (xy 123.918801 78.951497) (xy 123.918804 78.951495) (xy 123.924807 78.950574)
+ (xy 123.938122 78.949259) (xy 124.010622 78.946039) (xy 124.02529 78.947057) (xy 124.025314 78.946599)
+ (xy 124.033423 78.947017) (xy 124.03343 78.947019) (xy 124.088269 78.942665) (xy 124.092539 78.942401)
+ (xy 124.147547 78.939959) (xy 124.147555 78.939956) (xy 124.155556 78.93854) (xy 124.155635 78.938991)
+ (xy 124.170073 78.936172) (xy 124.20325 78.933539) (xy 124.228823 78.934157) (xy 124.229941 78.934301)
+ (xy 124.278224 78.927775) (xy 124.284974 78.927052) (xy 124.333499 78.923202) (xy 124.334556 78.922826)
+ (xy 124.359426 78.916802) (xy 124.365328 78.916004) (xy 124.368627 78.915559) (xy 124.389695 78.914524)
+ (xy 124.402247 78.914977) (xy 124.43327 78.907852) (xy 124.438639 78.906619) (xy 124.44977 78.904592)
+ (xy 124.486771 78.899593) (xy 124.498357 78.894746) (xy 124.518436 78.888293) (xy 124.524938 78.8868)
+ (xy 124.537532 78.884586) (xy 124.570879 78.880486) (xy 124.586002 78.874371) (xy 124.604725 78.868478)
+ (xy 124.620631 78.864826) (xy 124.646771 78.850964) (xy 124.657153 78.846064) (xy 124.693882 78.830766)
+ (xy 124.694671 78.830442) (xy 124.75288 78.806912) (xy 124.752882 78.80691) (xy 124.753056 78.80684)
+ (xy 124.754644 78.80592) (xy 124.755754 78.805284) (xy 124.757322 78.804396) (xy 124.757468 78.804282)
+ (xy 124.757471 78.804282) (xy 124.80723 78.765944) (xy 124.808 78.765358) (xy 124.812961 78.761618)
+ (xy 124.826081 78.752976) (xy 124.845594 78.741828) (xy 124.86476 78.722832) (xy 124.876363 78.712683)
+ (xy 124.897741 78.696214) (xy 124.911669 78.677987) (xy 124.922901 78.665212) (xy 124.939198 78.649063)
+ (xy 124.952792 78.625759) (xy 124.961369 78.612956) (xy 124.977763 78.591507) (xy 124.977765 78.591501)
+ (xy 124.977955 78.591172) (xy 124.980177 78.586193) (xy 124.980548 78.585422) (xy 124.98055 78.58542)
+ (xy 124.998384 78.548378) (xy 125.002996 78.5397) (xy 125.010215 78.527326) (xy 125.023702 78.504208)
+ (xy 125.02601 78.495745) (xy 125.033914 78.474585) (xy 125.03772 78.466683) (xy 125.045361 78.42628)
+ (xy 125.047561 78.416737) (xy 125.048507 78.41327) (xy 125.085138 78.353776) (xy 125.102232 78.340866)
+ (xy 125.182437 78.290552) (xy 125.185513 78.288686) (xy 125.273455 78.237138) (xy 125.277064 78.235106)
+ (xy 125.360328 78.190094) (xy 125.364607 78.187888) (xy 125.365975 78.187216) (xy 125.444024 78.148863)
+ (xy 125.448786 78.146649) (xy 125.525294 78.113032) (xy 125.530503 78.110884) (xy 125.605277 78.082044)
+ (xy 125.610865 78.080042) (xy 125.670851 78.060167) (xy 125.685144 78.055431) (xy 125.690962 78.05366)
+ (xy 125.766172 78.032785) (xy 125.772025 78.031315) (xy 125.849715 78.013814) (xy 125.855488 78.012658)
+ (xy 125.93707 77.998345) (xy 125.942628 77.9975) (xy 126.029463 77.986318) (xy 126.034648 77.985761)
+ (xy 126.128064 77.977742) (xy 126.132855 77.977424) (xy 126.233817 77.97269) (xy 126.238016 77.972566)
+ (xy 126.347507 77.971237) (xy 126.351169 77.971248) (xy 126.475281 77.973537) (xy 126.476151 77.973557)
+ (xy 126.4966 77.974123) (xy 126.503369 77.974498) (xy 126.508937 77.974961) (xy 126.515622 77.975702)
+ (xy 126.52108 77.976458) (xy 126.527657 77.977551) (xy 126.533206 77.978629) (xy 126.539616 77.980053)
+ (xy 126.545333 77.981483) (xy 126.551574 77.98322) (xy 126.557592 77.985066) (xy 126.563587 77.987074)
+ (xy 126.569974 77.989398) (xy 126.575749 77.991665) (xy 126.582529 77.994527) (xy 126.58804 77.997014)
+ (xy 126.595243 78.000482) (xy 126.600494 78.003167) (xy 126.608061 78.00727) (xy 126.613115 78.010166)
+ (xy 126.621016 78.014944) (xy 126.625812 78.017996) (xy 126.634023 78.023493) (xy 126.638541 78.026667)
+ (xy 126.647022 78.032913) (xy 126.651313 78.036222) (xy 126.6574 78.041133) (xy 126.659947 78.043188)
+ (xy 126.664023 78.046626) (xy 126.672722 78.054287) (xy 126.676565 78.05782) (xy 126.686734 78.067572)
+ (xy 126.689973 78.070678) (xy 126.691826 78.072493) (xy 126.874292 78.254959) (xy 126.874295 78.254963)
+ (xy 126.881363 78.262031) (xy 126.974549 78.355217) (xy 127.01731 78.379905) (xy 127.088676 78.421109)
+ (xy 127.21597 78.455217) (xy 127.215971 78.455217) (xy 128.653193 78.455217) (xy 128.672616 78.456747)
+ (xy 128.689085 78.45936) (xy 128.720424 78.456073) (xy 128.722143 78.455893) (xy 128.735075 78.455217)
+ (xy 128.768579 78.455217) (xy 128.77133 78.455032) (xy 128.777352 78.454217) (xy 128.777355 78.454216)
+ (xy 128.777359 78.454216) (xy 128.792356 78.450139) (xy 128.811937 78.446475) (xy 128.827406 78.444853)
+ (xy 128.827408 78.444852) (xy 128.832539 78.444314) (xy 128.901266 78.456899) (xy 128.952279 78.504642)
+ (xy 128.969382 78.572386) (xy 128.951121 78.628687) (xy 128.952577 78.629465) (xy 128.85685 78.808557)
+ (xy 128.799667 78.997064) (xy 128.78036 79.193093) (xy 128.78136 79.203254) (xy 129.479013 79.01632)
+ (xy 129.518018 79.005868) (xy 129.482348 79.067652) (xy 129.460199 79.15031) (xy 129.460199 79.235884)
+ (xy 129.482348 79.318542) (xy 129.525135 79.392651) (xy 129.585645 79.453161) (xy 129.647427 79.488831)
+ (xy 128.914373 79.685253) (xy 128.949708 79.751359) (xy 129.074668 79.903623) (xy 129.130961 79.949822)
+ (xy 129.170295 80.007568) (xy 129.172164 80.077413) (xy 129.170956 80.081669) (xy 129.127873 80.223692)
+ (xy 129.108557 80.419823) (xy 129.127873 80.615952) (xy 129.127874 80.615955) (xy 129.181579 80.792997)
+ (xy 129.185086 80.804556) (xy 129.277984 80.978355) (xy 129.277988 80.978362) (xy 129.403014 81.130706)
+ (xy 129.459504 81.177066) (xy 129.498838 81.234812) (xy 129.500709 81.304656) (xy 129.4995 81.308914)
+ (xy 129.456575 81.450417) (xy 129.437259 81.646548) (xy 129.456575 81.842677) (xy 129.467841 81.879815)
+ (xy 129.509849 82.018298) (xy 129.513788 82.031281) (xy 129.545346 82.090321) (xy 129.559588 82.158724)
+ (xy 129.534588 82.223968) (xy 129.478283 82.265338) (xy 129.435988 82.272774) (xy 129.346153 82.272774)
+ (xy 129.279114 82.253089) (xy 129.233359 82.200285) (xy 129.222933 82.16266) (xy 129.218211 82.120745)
+ (xy 129.158632 81.950478) (xy 129.062659 81.797738) (xy 128.935105 81.670184) (xy 128.897489 81.646548)
+ (xy 128.782366 81.574211) (xy 128.612097 81.514631) (xy 128.612092 81.51463) (xy 128.432847 81.494435)
+ (xy 128.432839 81.494435) (xy 128.253593 81.51463) (xy 128.253588 81.514631) (xy 128.08332 81.574211)
+ (xy 128.078974 81.576942) (xy 128.011736 81.595938) (xy 127.944902 81.575568) (xy 127.89969 81.522299)
+ (xy 127.889603 81.459791) (xy 127.890526 81.450417) (xy 127.905341 81.3) (xy 127.886024 81.103868)
+ (xy 127.828814 80.915273) (xy 127.828811 80.915269) (xy 127.828811 80.915266) (xy 127.735913 80.741467)
+ (xy 127.735909 80.74146) (xy 127.610883 80.589116) (xy 127.458539 80.46409) (xy 127.458532 80.464086)
+ (xy 127.284733 80.371188) (xy 127.284727 80.371186) (xy 127.158997 80.333046) (xy 127.096129 80.313975)
+ (xy 126.9 80.294659) (xy 126.70387 80.313975) (xy 126.515266 80.371188) (xy 126.341467 80.464086)
+ (xy 126.34146 80.46409) (xy 126.189116 80.589116) (xy 126.06409 80.74146) (xy 126.064086 80.741467)
+ (xy 125.971188 80.915266) (xy 125.913975 81.10387) (xy 125.894659 81.3) (xy 125.894659 81.300001)
+ (xy 125.902906 81.383743) (xy 125.889887 81.452389) (xy 125.867186 81.483576) (xy 125.819479 81.531284)
+ (xy 125.773336 81.611208) (xy 125.773335 81.611207) (xy 125.740424 81.668211) (xy 125.740421 81.668219)
+ (xy 125.727321 81.717108) (xy 125.69523 81.77269) (xy 125.693712 81.77421) (xy 125.670183 81.797739)
+ (xy 125.574211 81.950476) (xy 125.514631 82.120745) (xy 125.51463 82.12075) (xy 125.494435 82.299996)
+ (xy 125.494435 82.300003) (xy 125.51463 82.479249) (xy 125.514631 82.479254) (xy 125.574211 82.649523)
+ (xy 125.64386 82.760368) (xy 125.670184 82.802262) (xy 125.797738 82.929816) (xy 125.950478 83.025789)
+ (xy 126.079509 83.070939) (xy 126.120745 83.085368) (xy 126.12075 83.085369) (xy 126.299996 83.105565)
+ (xy 126.3 83.105565) (xy 126.300004 83.105565) (xy 126.479249 83.085369) (xy 126.479252 83.085368)
+ (xy 126.479255 83.085368) (xy 126.649522 83.025789) (xy 126.684027 83.004108) (xy 126.751263 82.985107)
+ (xy 126.815973 83.004108) (xy 126.850475 83.025788) (xy 127.020745 83.085368) (xy 127.02075 83.085369)
+ (xy 127.199996 83.105565) (xy 127.2 83.105565) (xy 127.200004 83.105565) (xy 127.379246 83.085369)
+ (xy 127.379245 83.085369) (xy 127.379255 83.085368) (xy 127.410305 83.074502) (xy 127.480081 83.070939)
+ (xy 127.538941 83.103862) (xy 127.699453 83.264374) (xy 127.699463 83.264385) (xy 127.703793 83.268715)
+ (xy 127.703794 83.268716) (xy 127.815598 83.38052) (xy 127.8156 83.380521) (xy 127.838576 83.393786)
+ (xy 127.864258 83.413493) (xy 128.919469 84.468704) (xy 128.952954 84.530027) (xy 128.94797 84.599719)
+ (xy 128.919138 84.643352) (xy 128.919395 84.643587) (xy 128.919482 84.643659) (xy 128.919478 84.643662)
+ (xy 128.919573 84.643749) (xy 128.91877 84.644627) (xy 128.918823 84.64468) (xy 128.917678 84.645824)
+ (xy 128.825598 84.756384) (xy 127.657347 86.654791) (xy 127.617714 86.694796) (xy 127.497739 86.770183)
+ (xy 127.497735 86.770186) (xy 127.370184 86.897737) (xy 127.274211 87.050476) (xy 127.214631 87.220745)
+ (xy 127.21463 87.220749) (xy 127.196566 87.381081) (xy 127.178952 87.432185) (xy 127.014139 87.700008)
+ (xy 126.795911 88.054627) (xy 126.744013 88.101404) (xy 126.676424 88.112858) (xy 126.513833 88.094539)
+ (xy 126.513825 88.094539) (xy 126.334579 88.114734) (xy 126.334574 88.114735) (xy 126.164305 88.174315)
+ (xy 126.011566 88.270288) (xy 126.00886 88.272447) (xy 126.006779 88.273296) (xy 126.005671 88.273993)
+ (xy 126.005548 88.273798) (xy 125.944173 88.298856) (xy 125.931547 88.2995) (xy 125.618266 88.2995)
+ (xy 125.551227 88.279815) (xy 125.505472 88.227011) (xy 125.495528 88.157853) (xy 125.522413 88.096835)
+ (xy 125.635909 87.958539) (xy 125.635913 87.958532) (xy 125.640729 87.949523) (xy 125.705789 87.827804)
+ (xy 125.728812 87.784731) (xy 125.728812 87.78473) (xy 125.728814 87.784727) (xy 125.786024 87.596132)
+ (xy 125.786588 87.590401) (xy 125.812741 87.525615) (xy 125.8223 87.514876) (xy 125.842953 87.494224)
+ (xy 125.938926 87.341484) (xy 125.998505 87.171217) (xy 125.998904 87.167676) (xy 126.018702 86.991965)
+ (xy 126.018702 86.991958) (xy 125.998506 86.812712) (xy 125.998505 86.812707) (xy 125.983626 86.770186)
+ (xy 125.938926 86.64244) (xy 125.91989 86.612144) (xy 125.877143 86.544113) (xy 125.858143 86.476877)
+ (xy 125.865094 86.43719) (xy 125.885368 86.379255) (xy 125.885369 86.379249) (xy 125.905565 86.200003)
+ (xy 125.905565 86.199996) (xy 125.885369 86.02075) (xy 125.885368 86.020745) (xy 125.825788 85.850475)
+ (xy 125.762955 85.750478) (xy 125.756555 85.740293) (xy 125.737555 85.673058) (xy 125.742888 85.63833)
+ (xy 125.786024 85.496132) (xy 125.805341 85.3) (xy 125.786024 85.103868) (xy 125.728814 84.915273)
+ (xy 125.728811 84.915269) (xy 125.728811 84.915266) (xy 125.635913 84.741467) (xy 125.635909 84.74146)
+ (xy 125.510883 84.589116) (xy 125.358539 84.46409) (xy 125.358532 84.464086) (xy 125.184733 84.371188)
+ (xy 125.184727 84.371186) (xy 124.996132 84.313976) (xy 124.996129 84.313975) (xy 124.8 84.294659)
+ (xy 124.60387 84.313975) (xy 124.415266 84.371188) (xy 124.241467 84.464086) (xy 124.241461 84.46409)
+ (xy 124.174764 84.518827) (xy 124.110454 84.546139) (xy 124.041587 84.534348) (xy 124.008419 84.510654)
+ (xy 123.461854 83.96409) (xy 123.461852 83.964087) (xy 123.342981 83.845216) (xy 123.342976 83.845212)
+ (xy 123.239441 83.785437) (xy 123.23944 83.785436) (xy 123.206054 83.76616) (xy 123.206053 83.766159)
+ (xy 123.180615 83.759343) (xy 123.053321 83.725234) (xy 122.895207 83.725234) (xy 122.887611 83.725234)
+ (xy 122.887595 83.725235) (xy 121.856677 83.725235) (xy 121.789638 83.70555) (xy 121.779362 83.69818)
+ (xy 121.776528 83.69592) (xy 121.776527 83.695919) (xy 121.702687 83.649522) (xy 121.623788 83.599946)
+ (xy 121.453519 83.540366) (xy 121.453514 83.540365) (xy 121.274269 83.52017) (xy 121.274261 83.52017)
+ (xy 121.095015 83.540365) (xy 121.09501 83.540366) (xy 120.924741 83.599946) (xy 120.777832 83.692256)
+ (xy 120.710595 83.711256) (xy 120.64376 83.690888) (xy 120.624179 83.674943) (xy 120.568716 83.61948)
+ (xy 120.568714 83.619479) (xy 120.559617 83.614227) (xy 120.46496 83.559577) (xy 120.464959 83.559576)
+ (xy 120.431783 83.540422) (xy 120.371267 83.524207) (xy 120.279057 83.499499) (xy 120.120943 83.499499)
+ (xy 120.113347 83.499499) (xy 120.113331 83.4995) (xy 119.4245 83.4995) (xy 119.357461 83.479815)
+ (xy 119.311706 83.427011) (xy 119.3005 83.3755) (xy 119.3005 83.315434) (xy 119.320185 83.248395)
+ (xy 119.336815 83.227757) (xy 119.758873 82.805698) (xy 119.820194 82.772215) (xy 119.832649 82.770163)
+ (xy 119.919593 82.760368) (xy 120.08986 82.700789) (xy 120.104652 82.691494) (xy 120.171882 82.672492)
+ (xy 120.211576 82.679444) (xy 120.287533 82.706022) (xy 120.363565 82.732628) (xy 120.363575 82.73263)
+ (xy 120.542821 82.752826) (xy 120.542825 82.752826) (xy 120.542829 82.752826) (xy 120.722074 82.73263)
+ (xy 120.722077 82.732629) (xy 120.72208 82.732629) (xy 120.892347 82.67305) (xy 121.045087 82.577077)
+ (xy 121.085345 82.536819) (xy 121.146668 82.503334) (xy 121.173026 82.5005) (xy 122.183678 82.5005)
+ (xy 122.250717 82.520185) (xy 122.296472 82.572989) (xy 122.306898 82.610617) (xy 122.31463 82.679249)
+ (xy 122.314631 82.679254) (xy 122.314632 82.679255) (xy 122.314724 82.679518) (xy 122.37421 82.849521)
+ (xy 122.424662 82.929815) (xy 122.470184 83.002262) (xy 122.597738 83.129816) (xy 122.750478 83.225789)
+ (xy 122.918879 83.284715) (xy 122.920745 83.285368) (xy 122.92075 83.285369) (xy 123.099996 83.305565)
+ (xy 123.1 83.305565) (xy 123.100004 83.305565) (xy 123.279249 83.285369) (xy 123.279252 83.285368)
+ (xy 123.279255 83.285368) (xy 123.449522 83.225789) (xy 123.602262 83.129816) (xy 123.729816 83.002262)
+ (xy 123.825789 82.849522) (xy 123.885368 82.679255) (xy 123.886067 82.67305) (xy 123.905565 82.500003)
+ (xy 123.905565 82.499996) (xy 123.885369 82.32075) (xy 123.885368 82.320745) (xy 123.861694 82.253089)
+ (xy 123.825789 82.150478) (xy 123.807106 82.120745) (xy 123.750892 82.031281) (xy 123.729816 81.997738)
+ (xy 123.602262 81.870184) (xy 123.533553 81.827011) (xy 123.449521 81.77421) (xy 123.322869 81.729893)
+ (xy 123.282297 81.715696) (xy 123.235573 81.686337) (xy 123.080521 81.531285) (xy 123.08052 81.531284)
+ (xy 122.968716 81.41948) (xy 122.881904 81.36936) (xy 122.881904 81.369359) (xy 122.8819 81.369358)
+ (xy 122.831785 81.340423) (xy 122.679057 81.299499) (xy 122.520943 81.299499) (xy 122.513347 81.299499)
+ (xy 122.513331 81.2995) (xy 121.052252 81.2995) (xy 120.98628 81.280494) (xy 120.892347 81.221471)
+ (xy 120.892343 81.22147) (xy 120.722087 81.161894) (xy 120.722074 81.161891) (xy 120.542829 81.141696)
+ (xy 120.542821 81.141696) (xy 120.363575 81.161891) (xy 120.363562 81.161894) (xy 120.193303 81.221471)
+ (xy 120.178505 81.230769) (xy 120.111268 81.249767) (xy 120.071583 81.242815) (xy 119.919595 81.189632)
+ (xy 119.919587 81.18963) (xy 119.740342 81.169435) (xy 119.740334 81.169435) (xy 119.561088 81.18963)
+ (xy 119.561083 81.189631) (xy 119.390814 81.249211) (xy 119.238075 81.345184) (xy 119.110522 81.472737)
+ (xy 119.014548 81.625478) (xy 118.954968 81.79575) (xy 118.945175 81.882668) (xy 118.918108 81.947082)
+ (xy 118.909636 81.956465) (xy 118.487867 82.378234) (xy 118.426544 82.411719) (xy 118.356852 82.406735)
+ (xy 118.300919 82.364863) (xy 118.292803 82.35256) (xy 118.28052 82.331284) (xy 118.168716 82.21948)
+ (xy 118.168715 82.219479) (xy 118.164385 82.215149) (xy 118.164374 82.215139) (xy 117.38759 81.438355)
+ (xy 117.387588 81.438352) (xy 117.268717 81.319481) (xy 117.268716 81.31948) (xy 117.158303 81.255733)
+ (xy 117.158301 81.255732) (xy 117.131785 81.240423) (xy 117.131784 81.240422) (xy 117.131783 81.240422)
+ (xy 117.061056 81.221471) (xy 116.979057 81.199499) (xy 116.820943 81.199499) (xy 116.813347 81.199499)
+ (xy 116.813331 81.1995) (xy 116.08667 81.1995) (xy 116.086654 81.199499) (xy 116.079058 81.199499)
+ (xy 115.920943 81.199499) (xy 115.789156 81.234812) (xy 115.764077 81.241532) (xy 115.694227 81.239869)
+ (xy 115.636364 81.200707) (xy 115.624596 81.183757) (xy 115.455832 80.89145) (xy 115.455831 80.89145)
+ (xy 114.220881 81.60445) (xy 114.152981 81.620923) (xy 114.086954 81.59807) (xy 114.051494 81.559063)
+ (xy 113.871657 81.247578) (xy 113.871655 81.247572) (xy 113.193494 80.072963) (xy 113.193493 80.072963)
+ (xy 112.675765 80.371873) (xy 112.675751 80.371883) (xy 112.627392 80.407194) (xy 112.62739 80.407195)
+ (xy 112.535846 80.518068) (xy 112.47925 80.650234) (xy 112.462179 80.792997) (xy 112.46218 80.792999)
+ (xy 112.486021 80.93478) (xy 112.510255 80.98956) (xy 112.581812 81.1135) (xy 112.598285 81.1814)
+ (xy 112.575433 81.247427) (xy 112.520511 81.290618) (xy 112.474425 81.2995) (xy 110.579057 81.2995)
+ (xy 110.420943 81.2995) (xy 110.268215 81.340423) (xy 110.268214 81.340423) (xy 110.268212 81.340424)
+ (xy 110.268209 81.340425) (xy 110.218096 81.369359) (xy 110.218095 81.36936) (xy 110.193183 81.383743)
+ (xy 110.131285 81.419479) (xy 110.131282 81.419481) (xy 110.067188 81.483576) (xy 110.01948 81.531284)
+ (xy 110.019478 81.531286) (xy 109.835659 81.715106) (xy 109.687584 81.863181) (xy 109.626261 81.896666)
+ (xy 109.599903 81.8995) (xy 108.959875 81.8995) (xy 108.892836 81.879815) (xy 108.847081 81.827011)
+ (xy 108.837592 81.796064) (xy 108.823977 81.715106) (xy 108.799748 81.660334) (xy 108.355832 80.89145)
+ (xy 108.355831 80.89145) (xy 107.049947 81.645403) (xy 107.049945 81.645403) (xy 106.104166 82.191448)
+ (xy 106.104166 82.191449) (xy 106.548076 82.960325) (xy 106.548086 82.960339) (xy 106.583397 83.008698)
+ (xy 106.583398 83.0087) (xy 106.694271 83.100244) (xy 106.726567 83.114074) (xy 106.780445 83.158559)
+ (xy 106.80172 83.225111) (xy 106.800976 83.241944) (xy 106.795066 83.294406) (xy 106.794435 83.300004)
+ (xy 106.81463 83.479249) (xy 106.814631 83.479254) (xy 106.874211 83.649523) (xy 106.925587 83.731286)
+ (xy 106.95023 83.770506) (xy 106.970185 83.802263) (xy 106.972445 83.805097) (xy 106.973334 83.807275)
+ (xy 106.973889 83.808158) (xy 106.973734 83.808255) (xy 106.998855 83.869783) (xy 106.9995 83.882412)
+ (xy 106.9995 84.41333) (xy 106.999499 84.413348) (xy 106.999499 84.579054) (xy 106.999498 84.579054)
+ (xy 107.040423 84.731786) (xy 107.040424 84.731787) (xy 107.067929 84.779427) (xy 107.11948 84.868716)
+ (xy 107.119482 84.868718) (xy 107.238349 84.987585) (xy 107.238355 84.98759) (xy 107.571662 85.320897)
+ (xy 107.605147 85.38222) (xy 107.600163 85.451912) (xy 107.571663 85.496259) (xy 107.470183 85.597739)
+ (xy 107.374211 85.750476) (xy 107.314631 85.920745) (xy 107.31463 85.92075) (xy 107.294435 86.099996)
+ (xy 107.294435 86.100003) (xy 107.31463 86.279249) (xy 107.314631 86.279254) (xy 107.374211 86.449523)
+ (xy 107.446199 86.56409) (xy 107.470184 86.602262) (xy 107.597738 86.729816) (xy 107.750478 86.825789)
+ (xy 107.920745 86.885368) (xy 108.007669 86.895161) (xy 108.07208 86.922226) (xy 108.081465 86.9307)
+ (xy 109.340162 88.189397) (xy 109.369521 88.236119) (xy 109.374002 88.248926) (xy 109.374212 88.249524)
+ (xy 109.427639 88.334552) (xy 109.470184 88.402262) (xy 109.597738 88.529816) (xy 109.729418 88.612556)
+ (xy 109.750478 88.625789) (xy 109.874114 88.669051) (xy 109.93089 88.709773) (xy 109.955443 88.765529)
+ (xy 109.975542 88.885047) (xy 109.975543 88.885052) (xy 109.9998 88.939886) (xy 110.591272 89.964343)
+ (xy 110.607105 90.012459) (xy 110.61463 90.079249) (xy 110.614631 90.079254) (xy 110.614632 90.079255)
+ (xy 110.615662 90.082198) (xy 110.67421 90.249521) (xy 110.699801 90.290249) (xy 110.770184 90.402262)
+ (xy 110.897738 90.529816) (xy 110.9031 90.533185) (xy 110.944516 90.576179) (xy 111.137667 90.910726)
+ (xy 111.137669 90.910729) (xy 111.137671 90.910732) (xy 111.173026 90.959152) (xy 111.284007 91.050786)
+ (xy 111.416309 91.107441) (xy 111.46357 91.113092) (xy 111.559212 91.124528) (xy 111.559212 91.124527)
+ (xy 111.559213 91.124528) (xy 111.678339 91.104495) (xy 111.701137 91.100662) (xy 111.701137 91.100661)
+ (xy 111.701142 91.100661) (xy 111.75597 91.076406) (xy 113.224528 90.228533) (xy 113.272949 90.193178)
+ (xy 113.364583 90.082197) (xy 113.420862 89.950768) (xy 113.465346 89.896892) (xy 113.531898 89.875617)
+ (xy 113.599387 89.8937) (xy 113.600822 89.894589) (xy 113.650473 89.925787) (xy 113.650477 89.925788)
+ (xy 113.650478 89.925789) (xy 113.760659 89.964343) (xy 113.820745 89.985368) (xy 113.82075 89.985369)
+ (xy 113.999996 90.005565) (xy 114 90.005565) (xy 114.000004 90.005565) (xy 114.179249 89.985369)
+ (xy 114.179252 89.985368) (xy 114.179255 89.985368) (xy 114.349522 89.925789) (xy 114.502262 89.829816)
+ (xy 114.629816 89.702262) (xy 114.725789 89.549522) (xy 114.785368 89.379255) (xy 114.790984 89.329417)
+ (xy 114.7935 89.307083) (xy 114.820566 89.242669) (xy 114.878161 89.203114) (xy 114.930604 89.197746)
+ (xy 114.999998 89.205565) (xy 115 89.205565) (xy 115.000004 89.205565) (xy 115.179249 89.185369)
+ (xy 115.179252 89.185368) (xy 115.179255 89.185368) (xy 115.349522 89.125789) (xy 115.351276 89.124687)
+ (xy 115.359523 89.119506) (xy 115.425494 89.1005) (xy 116.713331 89.1005) (xy 116.713347 89.100501)
+ (xy 116.720943 89.100501) (xy 116.879054 89.100501) (xy 116.879057 89.100501) (xy 117.031785 89.059577)
+ (xy 117.031787 89.059576) (xy 117.039296 89.056466) (xy 117.040355 89.059022) (xy 117.095122 89.04573)
+ (xy 117.161152 89.068574) (xy 117.196624 89.10759) (xy 117.357416 89.386089) (xy 117.373889 89.453989)
+ (xy 117.351037 89.520016) (xy 117.317069 89.552404) (xy 117.241462 89.600993) (xy 117.241451 89.601002)
+ (xy 117.188659 89.646746) (xy 117.094433 89.755487) (xy 117.09443 89.755491) (xy 117.034664 89.886357)
+ (xy 117.014976 89.953405) (xy 116.9945 90.095824) (xy 116.9945 91.656084) (xy 116.974815 91.723123)
+ (xy 116.922011 91.768878) (xy 116.8705 91.780084) (xy 111.994263 91.780084) (xy 111.980011 91.779262)
+ (xy 111.978692 91.779109) (xy 111.978691 91.779109) (xy 111.977777 91.779123) (xy 111.948953 91.779576)
+ (xy 111.934809 91.778172) (xy 111.934763 91.778737) (xy 111.926662 91.778063) (xy 111.897209 91.779477)
+ (xy 111.882849 91.778525) (xy 111.882823 91.779052) (xy 111.874709 91.778647) (xy 111.864508 91.779477)
+ (xy 111.862058 91.779676) (xy 111.856034 91.77992) (xy 111.85419 91.780163) (xy 111.848055 91.780814)
+ (xy 111.846722 91.780922) (xy 111.838695 91.781311) (xy 111.836948 91.781339) (xy 111.830937 91.780946)
+ (xy 111.830936 91.781033) (xy 111.822809 91.780905) (xy 111.822808 91.780905) (xy 111.822351 91.780957)
+ (xy 111.811709 91.781655) (xy 111.803059 91.782933) (xy 111.803036 91.782779) (xy 111.798068 91.783766)
+ (xy 111.795281 91.784089) (xy 111.786922 91.784771) (xy 111.78683 91.784776) (xy 111.784954 91.784866)
+ (xy 111.779147 91.784681) (xy 111.779148 91.784731) (xy 111.771027 91.784886) (xy 111.770984 91.784893)
+ (xy 111.760605 91.785924) (xy 111.75178 91.78752) (xy 111.751758 91.7874) (xy 111.746916 91.788533)
+ (xy 111.743973 91.788978) (xy 111.735481 91.789964) (xy 111.733193 91.79015) (xy 111.727544 91.790165)
+ (xy 111.727546 91.790188) (xy 111.719154 91.790649) (xy 111.709725 91.791915) (xy 111.70072 91.793854)
+ (xy 111.700702 91.793771) (xy 111.696057 91.795028) (xy 111.693898 91.795434) (xy 111.692904 91.795621)
+ (xy 111.684192 91.796942) (xy 111.681568 91.797245) (xy 111.67606 91.797454) (xy 111.667461 91.798242)
+ (xy 111.659061 91.799674) (xy 111.649882 91.80198) (xy 111.649868 91.801924) (xy 111.645348 91.80332)
+ (xy 111.64197 91.804083) (xy 111.633196 91.805735) (xy 111.630274 91.806177) (xy 111.624558 91.806601)
+ (xy 111.616047 91.807702) (xy 111.60871 91.809225) (xy 111.599358 91.811925) (xy 111.59935 91.811899)
+ (xy 111.595046 91.8134) (xy 111.591454 91.814354) (xy 111.582519 91.816377) (xy 111.579272 91.816987)
+ (xy 111.573491 91.817629) (xy 111.565039 91.819048) (xy 111.558647 91.820622) (xy 111.549202 91.823719)
+ (xy 111.5492 91.823714) (xy 111.545035 91.82534) (xy 111.54126 91.826496) (xy 111.532297 91.828878)
+ (xy 111.528732 91.829684) (xy 111.52294 91.830549) (xy 111.514455 91.832309) (xy 111.508987 91.833875)
+ (xy 111.49975 91.83728) (xy 111.495465 91.83914) (xy 111.491534 91.840511) (xy 111.482511 91.843278)
+ (xy 111.478721 91.844284) (xy 111.472965 91.845367) (xy 111.464469 91.847474) (xy 111.459754 91.84902)
+ (xy 111.450729 91.852733) (xy 111.446343 91.854839) (xy 111.442307 91.856423) (xy 111.433335 91.859554)
+ (xy 111.431485 91.86012) (xy 111.429317 91.860784) (xy 111.423671 91.862073) (xy 111.415103 91.864556)
+ (xy 111.411065 91.866053) (xy 111.402303 91.870051) (xy 111.397829 91.872414) (xy 111.393696 91.874225)
+ (xy 111.384739 91.877742) (xy 111.380613 91.87918) (xy 111.375123 91.880657) (xy 111.366515 91.883519)
+ (xy 111.362956 91.884997) (xy 111.354443 91.889281) (xy 111.34992 91.891898) (xy 111.345778 91.893909)
+ (xy 111.336924 91.897789) (xy 111.332715 91.899441) (xy 111.327387 91.901099) (xy 111.31878 91.904338)
+ (xy 111.315503 91.905851) (xy 111.307206 91.910438) (xy 111.302706 91.913281) (xy 111.29862 91.915465)
+ (xy 111.289921 91.919688) (xy 111.2857 91.921537) (xy 111.280562 91.923358) (xy 111.271946 91.926992)
+ (xy 111.268813 91.92859) (xy 111.260881 91.933385) (xy 111.256324 91.936518) (xy 111.252389 91.938824)
+ (xy 111.24384 91.943394) (xy 111.239666 91.94542) (xy 111.23475 91.947381) (xy 111.226152 91.951406)
+ (xy 111.222958 91.953194) (xy 111.215318 91.958231) (xy 111.210795 91.961607) (xy 111.207028 91.964015)
+ (xy 111.198714 91.968885) (xy 111.176269 91.980886) (xy 111.169663 91.985622) (xy 111.169497 91.985391)
+ (xy 111.157081 91.994662) (xy 111.132579 92.009016) (xy 111.126161 92.014007) (xy 111.125952 92.013738)
+ (xy 111.113992 92.023394) (xy 110.849548 92.191697) (xy 110.846242 92.19373) (xy 110.553734 92.367276)
+ (xy 110.549913 92.369452) (xy 110.25447 92.530861) (xy 110.250105 92.533135) (xy 109.951508 92.681195)
+ (xy 109.946571 92.683509) (xy 109.644734 92.816983) (xy 109.639205 92.81927) (xy 109.333854 92.937037)
+ (xy 109.327731 92.939216) (xy 109.01861 93.040173) (xy 109.011902 93.042156) (xy 108.698545 93.125268)
+ (xy 108.691294 93.12696) (xy 108.373207 93.191175) (xy 108.365477 93.192483) (xy 108.041945 93.236745)
+ (xy 108.033828 93.237584) (xy 107.704065 93.260754) (xy 107.695683 93.261059) (xy 107.358727 93.261899)
+ (xy 107.350218 93.261628) (xy 107.00505 93.238751) (xy 106.996558 93.237893) (xy 106.636939 93.18904)
+ (xy 106.630684 93.188027) (xy 106.454997 93.154944) (xy 106.450896 93.1541) (xy 106.267311 93.113067)
+ (xy 106.263292 93.112098) (xy 106.076935 93.06387) (xy 106.073009 93.062785) (xy 105.94494 93.025112)
+ (xy 105.932872 93.019959) (xy 105.93256 93.020719) (xy 105.925048 93.017626) (xy 105.925047 93.017626)
+ (xy 105.925045 93.017625) (xy 105.925044 93.017625) (xy 105.869343 93.002829) (xy 105.866185 93.001945)
+ (xy 105.810904 92.985684) (xy 105.804234 92.98464) (xy 105.788121 92.981005) (xy 105.739347 92.966525)
+ (xy 105.736029 92.965488) (xy 105.696456 92.952504) (xy 105.680553 92.947286) (xy 105.677274 92.946159)
+ (xy 105.62125 92.926025) (xy 105.618069 92.924832) (xy 105.561607 92.902776) (xy 105.558525 92.901525)
+ (xy 105.501602 92.87751) (xy 105.498624 92.876207) (xy 105.441127 92.850154) (xy 105.43825 92.848806)
+ (xy 105.380906 92.82103) (xy 105.3779 92.819523) (xy 105.357656 92.809021) (xy 105.354779 92.807479)
+ (xy 105.344965 92.802046) (xy 105.334621 92.796319) (xy 105.33221 92.794948) (xy 105.310749 92.782425)
+ (xy 105.308933 92.781343) (xy 105.286403 92.767663) (xy 105.284945 92.766764) (xy 105.239464 92.738281)
+ (xy 105.228515 92.730571) (xy 105.223761 92.726824) (xy 105.204832 92.715564) (xy 105.194309 92.707491)
+ (xy 105.193833 92.708131) (xy 105.187315 92.703275) (xy 105.187313 92.703273) (xy 105.182557 92.700616)
+ (xy 105.166088 92.691415) (xy 105.153555 92.682447) (xy 105.153385 92.682696) (xy 105.146685 92.678094)
+ (xy 105.133797 92.671533) (xy 105.124246 92.666125) (xy 105.114168 92.659814) (xy 105.114372 92.659488)
+ (xy 105.107899 92.655475) (xy 105.107649 92.655883) (xy 105.100721 92.651632) (xy 105.093944 92.64861)
+ (xy 105.08833 92.6457) (xy 105.077489 92.641043) (xy 105.077801 92.640314) (xy 105.065533 92.635242)
+ (xy 105.059952 92.632124) (xy 105.04887 92.625138) (xy 105.048144 92.624625) (xy 105.048143 92.624624)
+ (xy 105.041891 92.622317) (xy 105.031412 92.61845) (xy 105.018098 92.612628) (xy 105.005065 92.605993)
+ (xy 105.005064 92.605992) (xy 105.004515 92.605713) (xy 104.995222 92.601375) (xy 104.995151 92.601544)
+ (xy 104.987671 92.598358) (xy 104.979367 92.596043) (xy 104.962174 92.589851) (xy 104.956719 92.587419)
+ (xy 104.956712 92.587417) (xy 104.956643 92.587406) (xy 104.955572 92.587078) (xy 104.948928 92.585107)
+ (xy 104.948944 92.585052) (xy 104.923798 92.577366) (xy 104.918399 92.574853) (xy 104.915878 92.57406)
+ (xy 104.908459 92.572057) (xy 104.901282 92.570432) (xy 104.90128 92.570432) (xy 104.901277 92.570431)
+ (xy 104.901274 92.570431) (xy 104.893978 92.56976) (xy 104.862543 92.562662) (xy 104.855149 92.559943)
+ (xy 104.855147 92.559942) (xy 104.855145 92.559942) (xy 104.847876 92.558304) (xy 104.841044 92.557052)
+ (xy 104.829777 92.555455) (xy 104.829887 92.554678) (xy 104.822381 92.553533) (xy 104.822228 92.554474)
+ (xy 104.814206 92.553165) (xy 104.808595 92.552992) (xy 104.79428 92.550903) (xy 104.794215 92.551409)
+ (xy 104.78615 92.55037) (xy 104.786149 92.55037) (xy 104.778099 92.549333) (xy 104.778099 92.549332)
+ (xy 104.768294 92.548491) (xy 104.767667 92.548381) (xy 104.765905 92.548071) (xy 104.758071 92.548762)
+ (xy 104.737139 92.548832) (xy 104.722783 92.547664) (xy 104.719241 92.547592) (xy 104.712609 92.546989)
+ (xy 104.712606 92.546989) (xy 104.712605 92.546989) (xy 104.712603 92.546989) (xy 104.704491 92.547316)
+ (xy 104.70448 92.547048) (xy 104.694289 92.547805) (xy 104.686436 92.547628) (xy 104.684713 92.547816)
+ (xy 104.684152 92.547876) (xy 104.669049 92.547816) (xy 104.669055 92.548182) (xy 104.660924 92.548299)
+ (xy 104.657573 92.54879) (xy 104.641782 92.549339) (xy 104.641795 92.549558) (xy 104.633683 92.550004)
+ (xy 104.631718 92.550374) (xy 104.611478 92.55248) (xy 104.609513 92.552522) (xy 104.600654 92.553389)
+ (xy 104.599315 92.553576) (xy 104.599343 92.553727) (xy 104.591687 92.555124) (xy 104.585219 92.555741)
+ (xy 104.585247 92.555936) (xy 104.575809 92.557267) (xy 104.573783 92.557762) (xy 104.563278 92.559972)
+ (xy 104.563043 92.558855) (xy 104.557091 92.560028) (xy 104.557262 92.560952) (xy 104.551733 92.56197)
+ (xy 104.549301 92.562329) (xy 104.548386 92.562525) (xy 104.544474 92.563636) (xy 104.540849 92.564524)
+ (xy 104.540763 92.564175) (xy 104.530299 92.566923) (xy 104.530317 92.567001) (xy 104.52957 92.567169)
+ (xy 104.528864 92.567299) (xy 104.526 92.568052) (xy 104.523375 92.568436) (xy 104.523115 92.568502)
+ (xy 104.521737 92.569052) (xy 104.520291 92.569584) (xy 104.500409 92.575071) (xy 104.497393 92.575638)
+ (xy 104.489679 92.578167) (xy 104.489485 92.577575) (xy 104.480695 92.58034) (xy 104.480993 92.581344)
+ (xy 104.476499 92.582676) (xy 104.470593 92.584236) (xy 104.462727 92.587192) (xy 104.462712 92.587154)
+ (xy 104.455181 92.590381) (xy 104.44634 92.593308) (xy 104.443836 92.59407) (xy 104.443251 92.594318)
+ (xy 104.44325 92.594319) (xy 104.443248 92.594319) (xy 104.435777 92.597498) (xy 104.435714 92.597351)
+ (xy 104.421065 92.603946) (xy 104.416717 92.605354) (xy 104.409381 92.608845) (xy 104.40927 92.608612)
+ (xy 104.395317 92.615591) (xy 104.391379 92.617041) (xy 104.384185 92.62082) (xy 104.384003 92.620474)
+ (xy 104.370846 92.627693) (xy 104.366081 92.629647) (xy 104.353837 92.635538) (xy 104.333768 92.646711)
+ (xy 104.325084 92.651108) (xy 104.301634 92.661846) (xy 104.297977 92.66414) (xy 104.288046 92.671125)
+ (xy 104.287018 92.671734) (xy 104.280327 92.675424) (xy 104.279307 92.675946) (xy 104.278697 92.676258)
+ (xy 104.273655 92.678318) (xy 104.273775 92.678577) (xy 104.266343 92.682011) (xy 104.256755 92.687481)
+ (xy 104.252458 92.689679) (xy 104.245775 92.694288) (xy 104.245525 92.693926) (xy 104.233503 92.702531)
+ (xy 104.207489 92.717014) (xy 104.200963 92.721862) (xy 104.200491 92.721226) (xy 104.18998 92.729251)
+ (xy 104.166357 92.743253) (xy 104.159968 92.748273) (xy 104.159529 92.747714) (xy 104.148976 92.756246)
+ (xy 104.092282 92.7921) (xy 104.091378 92.792666) (xy 104.067756 92.807322) (xy 104.065831 92.808493)
+ (xy 104.046548 92.819977) (xy 104.043826 92.821551) (xy 104.028138 92.830363) (xy 104.024557 92.832298)
+ (xy 104.012633 92.83849) (xy 104.008174 92.840693) (xy 104.000027 92.844517) (xy 103.994698 92.846867)
+ (xy 103.990318 92.848677) (xy 103.984039 92.851075) (xy 103.98327 92.851345) (xy 103.976082 92.853626)
+ (xy 103.974361 92.854115) (xy 103.968131 92.855711) (xy 103.96037 92.857487) (xy 103.955505 92.858499)
+ (xy 103.944373 92.860581) (xy 103.939595 92.861378) (xy 103.928408 92.863021) (xy 103.923785 92.863611)
+ (xy 103.911996 92.864892) (xy 103.907571 92.865293) (xy 103.894914 92.866211) (xy 103.890756 92.866443)
+ (xy 103.878924 92.866902) (xy 103.876794 92.866985) (xy 103.872952 92.867074) (xy 103.857497 92.867194)
+ (xy 103.854012 92.867172) (xy 103.836711 92.86682) (xy 103.833622 92.866719) (xy 103.814259 92.865842)
+ (xy 103.811575 92.865691) (xy 103.792408 92.864406) (xy 103.789242 92.864153) (xy 103.737275 92.859329)
+ (xy 103.733924 92.858972) (xy 103.66916 92.85118) (xy 103.652963 92.847419) (xy 103.652954 92.847464)
+ (xy 103.644995 92.845802) (xy 103.593246 92.84192) (xy 103.587714 92.84138) (xy 103.536227 92.835186)
+ (xy 103.528099 92.835277) (xy 103.528098 92.835231) (xy 103.511485 92.83579) (xy 102.68164 92.773551)
+ (xy 102.656144 92.768923) (xy 102.655885 92.768847) (xy 102.655881 92.768846) (xy 102.65588 92.768846)
+ (xy 102.606367 92.767734) (xy 102.599882 92.767419) (xy 102.585345 92.766329) (xy 102.566949 92.764949)
+ (xy 102.543998 92.761035) (xy 102.542808 92.760714) (xy 102.53311 92.758104) (xy 102.527082 92.756316)
+ (xy 102.507842 92.750071) (xy 102.503247 92.748479) (xy 102.496548 92.74601) (xy 102.4797 92.7398)
+ (xy 102.47555 92.738184) (xy 102.398548 92.706605) (xy 102.397333 92.706099) (xy 102.377771 92.697833)
+ (xy 102.365393 92.691771) (xy 102.362003 92.68987) (xy 102.323342 92.674422) (xy 102.311565 92.66804)
+ (xy 102.311216 92.668707) (xy 102.304015 92.664929) (xy 102.275155 92.654322) (xy 102.269689 92.652164)
+ (xy 102.25289 92.645066) (xy 102.247798 92.642371) (xy 102.247657 92.642669) (xy 102.240321 92.63918)
+ (xy 102.240319 92.639179) (xy 102.240316 92.639178) (xy 102.240314 92.639177) (xy 102.216989 92.631626)
+ (xy 102.209176 92.628804) (xy 102.186491 92.619741) (xy 102.186636 92.619377) (xy 102.17837 92.616009)
+ (xy 102.17801 92.616877) (xy 102.17051 92.613762) (xy 102.170509 92.613762) (xy 102.170507 92.613761)
+ (xy 102.170506 92.613761) (xy 102.154592 92.609481) (xy 102.144028 92.606127) (xy 102.13431 92.602556)
+ (xy 102.126381 92.600772) (xy 102.126682 92.599432) (xy 102.102054 92.592436) (xy 102.101961 92.592708)
+ (xy 102.097061 92.591017) (xy 102.095067 92.590451) (xy 102.094279 92.590057) (xy 102.094272 92.590055)
+ (xy 102.085595 92.588284) (xy 102.072212 92.584764) (xy 102.068361 92.583518) (xy 102.066867 92.583243)
+ (xy 102.051031 92.58123) (xy 102.048466 92.580706) (xy 102.04109 92.578963) (xy 102.038338 92.578223)
+ (xy 102.028632 92.575612) (xy 102.01355 92.570498) (xy 102.011519 92.56966) (xy 102.011518 92.569659)
+ (xy 102.009946 92.569455) (xy 101.99828 92.567137) (xy 101.995963 92.566829) (xy 101.995961 92.566829)
+ (xy 101.995958 92.566828) (xy 101.994248 92.566602) (xy 101.981846 92.565791) (xy 101.968402 92.56404)
+ (xy 101.959618 92.562574) (xy 101.939972 92.558564) (xy 101.927875 92.555342) (xy 101.922329 92.554284)
+ (xy 101.921853 92.554222) (xy 101.915964 92.553807) (xy 101.903697 92.553824) (xy 101.898628 92.553533)
+ (xy 101.883622 92.552668) (xy 101.87474 92.551834) (xy 101.831724 92.54623) (xy 101.831711 92.54623)
+ (xy 101.830661 92.54637) (xy 101.795515 92.546014) (xy 101.790623 92.545262) (xy 101.735979 92.544086)
+ (xy 101.731521 92.54391) (xy 101.676964 92.540768) (xy 101.676486 92.540804) (xy 101.658383 92.540384)
+ (xy 101.598455 92.541059) (xy 101.594392 92.541038) (xy 101.53556 92.539771) (xy 101.52594 92.539867)
+ (xy 101.525941 92.539878) (xy 101.461366 92.542545) (xy 101.457645 92.542643) (xy 101.392997 92.543371)
+ (xy 101.392996 92.543361) (xy 101.390164 92.543474) (xy 101.390175 92.543626) (xy 101.324959 92.548132)
+ (xy 101.321531 92.548321) (xy 101.256235 92.551019) (xy 101.256227 92.550845) (xy 101.255353 92.550905)
+ (xy 101.255381 92.551199) (xy 101.247296 92.551967) (xy 101.247295 92.551967) (xy 101.210591 92.555455)
+ (xy 101.189712 92.557439) (xy 101.186532 92.5577) (xy 101.121955 92.562163) (xy 101.121964 92.562233)
+ (xy 101.113902 92.563195) (xy 101.113899 92.563195) (xy 101.055918 92.570117) (xy 101.053006 92.57043)
+ (xy 100.990256 92.576394) (xy 100.924082 92.585828) (xy 100.921289 92.586194) (xy 100.854877 92.594126)
+ (xy 100.854837 92.593792) (xy 100.793189 92.604436) (xy 100.789597 92.605002) (xy 100.733431 92.61301)
+ (xy 100.728936 92.614267) (xy 100.710681 92.617917) (xy 100.677609 92.621978) (xy 100.672085 92.622531)
+ (xy 100.621294 92.626463) (xy 100.616006 92.626759) (xy 100.561412 92.628646) (xy 100.556253 92.628717)
+ (xy 100.499209 92.628314) (xy 100.494047 92.62817) (xy 100.435879 92.625334) (xy 100.430616 92.624965)
+ (xy 100.372617 92.619657) (xy 100.367154 92.619035) (xy 100.310495 92.611304) (xy 100.304724 92.610377)
+ (xy 100.250718 92.600396) (xy 100.244551 92.599093) (xy 100.194419 92.587165) (xy 100.18775 92.585381)
+ (xy 100.142719 92.571979) (xy 100.13545 92.569569) (xy 100.09672 92.555386) (xy 100.088774 92.55216)
+ (xy 100.057473 92.538174) (xy 100.048801 92.533886) (xy 100.025782 92.521363) (xy 100.016374 92.515691)
+ (xy 99.996005 92.502145) (xy 99.983476 92.492613) (xy 99.981755 92.491122) (xy 99.976862 92.486648)
+ (xy 99.9765 92.486299) (xy 99.960617 92.470978) (xy 99.954799 92.464974) (xy 99.942381 92.451261)
+ (xy 99.937221 92.445178) (xy 99.924601 92.429291) (xy 99.9201 92.423258) (xy 99.907084 92.404658)
+ (xy 99.90323 92.398805) (xy 99.889774 92.377055) (xy 99.886553 92.371532) (xy 99.875937 92.35219)
+ (xy 99.872097 92.344584) (xy 99.84041 92.276062) (xy 99.836776 92.267346) (xy 99.808526 92.191598)
+ (xy 99.806195 92.184743) (xy 99.799752 92.163808) (xy 99.77864 92.095209) (xy 99.777227 92.090251)
+ (xy 99.75047 91.988276) (xy 99.749675 91.985073) (xy 99.723165 91.87184) (xy 99.722929 91.870808)
+ (xy 99.683883 91.695153) (xy 99.681611 91.681221) (xy 99.681389 91.679119) (xy 99.68139 91.679108)
+ (xy 99.667228 91.620152) (xy 99.666777 91.6182) (xy 99.651857 91.551072) (xy 99.652472 91.550935)
+ (xy 99.649883 91.540494) (xy 99.649805 91.539926) (xy 99.649805 91.53992) (xy 99.634964 91.485585)
+ (xy 99.634046 91.48201) (xy 99.620897 91.427262) (xy 99.620892 91.427254) (xy 99.620721 91.426805)
+ (xy 99.620226 91.424473) (xy 99.618998 91.419359) (xy 99.619134 91.419326) (xy 99.615734 91.403298)
+ (xy 99.614474 91.403531) (xy 99.612998 91.395538) (xy 99.612998 91.395536) (xy 99.597176 91.346722)
+ (xy 99.59552 91.341169) (xy 99.582018 91.291731) (xy 99.578872 91.284237) (xy 99.580285 91.283643)
+ (xy 99.570534 91.254421) (xy 99.570086 91.254534) (xy 99.56859 91.248595) (xy 99.568187 91.247385)
+ (xy 99.568102 91.246653) (xy 99.568101 91.246649) (xy 99.551197 91.204029) (xy 99.548502 91.196541)
+ (xy 99.534365 91.152919) (xy 99.533446 91.151501) (xy 99.532271 91.148519) (xy 99.530871 91.145578)
+ (xy 99.531074 91.145481) (xy 99.518253 91.112944) (xy 99.517787 91.113092) (xy 99.515647 91.106329)
+ (xy 99.515397 91.105695) (xy 99.515334 91.105341) (xy 99.515334 91.10534) (xy 99.501805 91.076406)
+ (xy 99.495332 91.062563) (xy 99.492401 91.055771) (xy 99.486993 91.042134) (xy 99.48539 91.036944)
+ (xy 99.485372 91.036951) (xy 99.482569 91.029337) (xy 99.482568 91.02933) (xy 99.482564 91.029323)
+ (xy 99.482363 91.028776) (xy 99.477476 91.018135) (xy 99.474993 91.011874) (xy 99.474575 91.011125)
+ (xy 99.465066 90.996007) (xy 99.458633 90.98376) (xy 99.456106 90.978666) (xy 99.452078 90.97005)
+ (xy 99.447073 90.956555) (xy 99.445604 90.953117) (xy 99.445601 90.953112) (xy 99.445601 90.953111)
+ (xy 99.441826 90.946739) (xy 99.436191 90.936072) (xy 99.434311 90.93205) (xy 99.43431 90.932049)
+ (xy 99.434309 90.932046) (xy 99.430698 90.926391) (xy 99.425093 90.918489) (xy 99.42412 90.916846)
+ (xy 99.420161 90.910163) (xy 99.417087 90.904658) (xy 99.410861 90.892804) (xy 99.405167 90.879566)
+ (xy 99.403924 90.877055) (xy 99.401476 90.873405) (xy 99.394679 90.861994) (xy 99.393857 90.860428)
+ (xy 99.393856 90.860426) (xy 99.393855 90.860425) (xy 99.390726 90.855992) (xy 99.384548 90.848162)
+ (xy 99.376948 90.83683) (xy 99.37326 90.830982) (xy 99.365109 90.81722) (xy 99.359647 90.806206)
+ (xy 99.357923 90.803173) (xy 99.357922 90.803171) (xy 99.357921 90.803169) (xy 99.356929 90.801858)
+ (xy 99.349127 90.790238) (xy 99.348583 90.78932) (xy 99.34858 90.789317) (xy 99.346065 90.786114)
+ (xy 99.33862 90.777663) (xy 99.328921 90.764848) (xy 99.324807 90.759076) (xy 99.298045 90.719167)
+ (xy 99.296729 90.718017) (xy 99.279453 90.699479) (xy 98.683923 89.912529) (xy 98.670441 89.890151)
+ (xy 98.663629 89.875556) (xy 98.659713 89.867165) (xy 98.655738 89.85763) (xy 98.631867 89.792901)
+ (xy 98.628938 89.783919) (xy 98.608425 89.711793) (xy 98.606376 89.703507) (xy 98.589715 89.624478)
+ (xy 98.588345 89.616787) (xy 98.586042 89.600993) (xy 98.57592 89.531559) (xy 98.575097 89.524502)
+ (xy 98.572249 89.492022) (xy 98.56715 89.433867) (xy 98.566757 89.427463) (xy 98.563412 89.332363)
+ (xy 98.563346 89.326485) (xy 98.564602 89.227889) (xy 98.564793 89.222429) (xy 98.570548 89.121395)
+ (xy 98.570933 89.116417) (xy 98.581007 89.013797) (xy 98.581561 89.00909) (xy 98.582779 89.000202)
+ (xy 98.595688 88.905997) (xy 98.596364 88.901647) (xy 98.614247 88.798926) (xy 98.61505 88.79475)
+ (xy 98.636303 88.693498) (xy 98.637202 88.68954) (xy 98.66146 88.590519) (xy 98.662464 88.586691)
+ (xy 98.689244 88.491003) (xy 98.690364 88.487239) (xy 98.719513 88.394763) (xy 98.720646 88.391347)
+ (xy 98.743473 88.325689) (xy 98.744393 88.323137) (xy 98.769184 88.256752) (xy 98.770326 88.253813)
+ (xy 98.829106 88.108026) (xy 98.830139 88.105544) (xy 98.934463 87.862886) (xy 98.939289 87.853308)
+ (xy 98.940051 87.851485) (xy 98.940053 87.851483) (xy 98.964321 87.79345) (xy 98.964718 87.792514)
+ (xy 98.98956 87.734736) (xy 98.98956 87.734734) (xy 98.990337 87.732928) (xy 98.993878 87.722774)
+ (xy 98.994249 87.721889) (xy 99.0034 87.700005) (xy 99.010061 87.688176) (xy 99.009429 87.687832)
+ (xy 99.01331 87.680695) (xy 99.013313 87.680692) (xy 99.033757 87.627548) (xy 99.035061 87.624298)
+ (xy 99.057016 87.571802) (xy 99.057016 87.5718) (xy 99.059147 87.563957) (xy 99.059844 87.564146)
+ (xy 99.063205 87.550999) (xy 99.072183 87.527661) (xy 99.078798 87.515019) (xy 99.078298 87.514768)
+ (xy 99.081947 87.507506) (xy 99.081946 87.507506) (xy 99.081948 87.507505) (xy 99.100274 87.454822)
+ (xy 99.101645 87.45108) (xy 99.108914 87.432185) (xy 99.112312 87.423351) (xy 99.115751 87.415279)
+ (xy 99.11575 87.415279) (xy 99.115753 87.415276) (xy 99.116187 87.413906) (xy 99.11866 87.406852)
+ (xy 99.120462 87.402168) (xy 99.121669 87.399032) (xy 99.12167 87.399018) (xy 99.123038 87.393342)
+ (xy 99.125394 87.384886) (xy 99.133076 87.360674) (xy 99.134143 87.357465) (xy 99.142336 87.333914)
+ (xy 99.145533 87.325684) (xy 99.147791 87.32043) (xy 99.147795 87.320425) (xy 99.150084 87.312313)
+ (xy 99.152314 87.305234) (xy 99.152981 87.303318) (xy 99.152981 87.303309) (xy 99.153058 87.302942)
+ (xy 99.155159 87.294337) (xy 99.155503 87.29312) (xy 99.162988 87.266605) (xy 99.1641 87.262893)
+ (xy 99.172514 87.236374) (xy 99.175068 87.22912) (xy 99.177513 87.222807) (xy 99.178014 87.220749)
+ (xy 99.178777 87.217608) (xy 99.181 87.209664) (xy 99.181012 87.209595) (xy 99.181014 87.20959)
+ (xy 99.181014 87.209583) (xy 99.181123 87.208974) (xy 99.182706 87.201445) (xy 99.190389 87.169845)
+ (xy 99.191526 87.165516) (xy 99.200191 87.134825) (xy 99.202381 87.127863) (xy 99.203347 87.125078)
+ (xy 99.203349 87.125075) (xy 99.20354 87.124147) (xy 99.205652 87.115483) (xy 99.206325 87.113101)
+ (xy 99.206325 87.113092) (xy 99.207013 87.108358) (xy 99.208277 87.101153) (xy 99.214423 87.071315)
+ (xy 99.215365 87.067123) (xy 99.22834 87.013764) (xy 99.228339 87.01375) (xy 99.228958 87.008031)
+ (xy 99.230471 86.997936) (xy 99.23162 86.991962) (xy 99.24322 86.931602) (xy 99.24352 86.93009)
+ (xy 99.255994 86.86955) (xy 99.255993 86.869549) (xy 99.256951 86.864905) (xy 99.257119 86.863565)
+ (xy 99.257808 86.859725) (xy 99.25781 86.859723) (xy 99.268822 86.798428) (xy 99.269026 86.797331)
+ (xy 99.280792 86.736117) (xy 99.280791 86.736114) (xy 99.280944 86.735323) (xy 99.282475 86.722442)
+ (xy 99.295576 86.64953) (xy 99.302293 86.612141) (xy 99.303101 86.60887) (xy 99.304167 86.602827)
+ (xy 99.304169 86.602825) (xy 99.315522 86.538521) (xy 99.316538 86.53287) (xy 99.318941 86.519494)
+ (xy 99.327012 86.474573) (xy 99.327011 86.474569) (xy 99.328095 86.468539) (xy 99.328465 86.465205)
+ (xy 99.360871 86.281655) (xy 99.361129 86.280246) (xy 99.397185 86.089473) (xy 99.400702 86.075425)
+ (xy 99.400801 86.075104) (xy 99.400805 86.075097) (xy 99.411368 86.014494) (xy 99.411674 86.012814)
+ (xy 99.412598 86.007928) (xy 99.415196 85.996949) (xy 99.417188 85.989961) (xy 99.417193 85.989951)
+ (xy 99.421161 85.963146) (xy 99.421981 85.958281) (xy 99.423087 85.952434) (xy 99.423086 85.95243)
+ (xy 99.423283 85.951392) (xy 99.424119 85.94317) (xy 99.425686 85.932586) (xy 99.42617 85.929587)
+ (xy 99.428114 85.918433) (xy 99.430192 85.908799) (xy 99.431524 85.903626) (xy 99.431527 85.90362)
+ (xy 99.433067 85.890965) (xy 99.433997 85.884689) (xy 99.435944 85.873528) (xy 99.436123 85.872499)
+ (xy 99.436122 85.872492) (xy 99.436335 85.867384) (xy 99.437136 85.857558) (xy 99.438528 85.84613)
+ (xy 99.438943 85.843058) (xy 99.440728 85.831007) (xy 99.442546 85.821374) (xy 99.443731 85.816218)
+ (xy 99.443733 85.816214) (xy 99.444902 85.803958) (xy 99.44568 85.797562) (xy 99.447418 85.785829)
+ (xy 99.447417 85.785821) (xy 99.447498 85.78081) (xy 99.448043 85.771021) (xy 99.448801 85.763082)
+ (xy 99.449216 85.758727) (xy 99.449565 85.755514) (xy 99.449961 85.752262) (xy 99.451133 85.742643)
+ (xy 99.45268 85.733073) (xy 99.453743 85.727806) (xy 99.453749 85.727791) (xy 99.454566 85.715872)
+ (xy 99.455185 85.709378) (xy 99.45528 85.708597) (xy 99.456547 85.698197) (xy 99.456545 85.698189)
+ (xy 99.456499 85.693264) (xy 99.456784 85.683569) (xy 99.457505 85.673058) (xy 99.457695 85.670297)
+ (xy 99.457958 85.667083) (xy 99.459267 85.653359) (xy 99.460543 85.643876) (xy 99.461482 85.638474)
+ (xy 99.461486 85.638465) (xy 99.461961 85.626982) (xy 99.462413 85.620375) (xy 99.463431 85.609714)
+ (xy 99.463429 85.609706) (xy 99.463253 85.604762) (xy 99.46328 85.595173) (xy 99.463865 85.58107)
+ (xy 99.464049 85.577722) (xy 99.465036 85.563335) (xy 99.46604 85.553945) (xy 99.466855 85.548342)
+ (xy 99.466858 85.548334) (xy 99.467008 85.537305) (xy 99.467286 85.53055) (xy 99.467981 85.52044)
+ (xy 99.46798 85.520434) (xy 99.467666 85.515399) (xy 99.467436 85.505976) (xy 99.467639 85.491132)
+ (xy 99.467733 85.487712) (xy 99.467918 85.483243) (xy 99.468359 85.472592) (xy 99.469088 85.463365)
+ (xy 99.469774 85.457475) (xy 99.469777 85.457467) (xy 99.469619 85.446898) (xy 99.469711 85.439984)
+ (xy 99.470105 85.430495) (xy 99.470103 85.430488) (xy 99.469643 85.425354) (xy 99.469162 85.416134)
+ (xy 99.468928 85.400475) (xy 99.468927 85.396959) (xy 99.468956 85.394855) (xy 99.469142 85.381245)
+ (xy 99.469596 85.372212) (xy 99.470137 85.365993) (xy 99.469738 85.356998) (xy 99.469694 85.356012)
+ (xy 99.469585 85.348846) (xy 99.469707 85.339981) (xy 99.469705 85.339974) (xy 99.469081 85.334671)
+ (xy 99.46835 85.325659) (xy 99.467624 85.309257) (xy 99.46752 85.305706) (xy 99.467277 85.289401)
+ (xy 99.46746 85.280583) (xy 99.467832 85.273982) (xy 99.467835 85.27397) (xy 99.467128 85.264531)
+ (xy 99.466798 85.257166) (xy 99.466677 85.248976) (xy 99.466673 85.248963) (xy 99.465869 85.243479)
+ (xy 99.4649 85.234715) (xy 99.46363 85.217738) (xy 99.463408 85.214026) (xy 99.462658 85.197107)
+ (xy 99.462577 85.188546) (xy 99.462751 85.181534) (xy 99.462752 85.181529) (xy 99.461817 85.172749)
+ (xy 99.461244 85.165143) (xy 99.460911 85.157614) (xy 99.460909 85.157609) (xy 99.459887 85.15183)
+ (xy 99.458686 85.143347) (xy 99.456816 85.125785) (xy 99.456464 85.121899) (xy 99.456377 85.120741)
+ (xy 99.455166 85.104546) (xy 99.454826 85.096265) (xy 99.454767 85.088769) (xy 99.454768 85.088762)
+ (xy 99.453634 85.080642) (xy 99.452791 85.072775) (xy 99.452283 85.065972) (xy 99.452281 85.065966)
+ (xy 99.45102 85.059917) (xy 99.449602 85.051764) (xy 99.44706 85.033554) (xy 99.446573 85.029587)
+ (xy 99.444677 85.011774) (xy 99.444088 85.003818) (xy 99.443752 84.995766) (xy 99.443751 84.995764)
+ (xy 99.443752 84.995763) (xy 99.442456 84.988337) (xy 99.441312 84.980174) (xy 99.440675 84.974187)
+ (xy 99.440671 84.974178) (xy 99.439149 84.967873) (xy 99.43753 84.960084) (xy 99.434241 84.94122)
+ (xy 99.433598 84.937118) (xy 99.433309 84.935048) (xy 99.431001 84.918515) (xy 99.430684 84.91072)
+ (xy 99.430187 84.910759) (xy 99.429561 84.902661) (xy 99.429562 84.902654) (xy 99.428158 84.896004)
+ (xy 99.426682 84.887573) (xy 99.425956 84.882368) (xy 99.425954 84.882365) (xy 99.425954 84.882359)
+ (xy 99.42412 84.875723) (xy 99.422311 84.868293) (xy 99.418237 84.848986) (xy 99.417408 84.844684)
+ (xy 99.414008 84.825185) (xy 99.413419 84.817585) (xy 99.412973 84.817637) (xy 99.412048 84.809557)
+ (xy 99.412049 84.80955) (xy 99.410591 84.803714) (xy 99.408739 84.794969) (xy 99.407983 84.790626)
+ (xy 99.40798 84.790619) (xy 99.405812 84.7837) (xy 99.403843 84.7767) (xy 99.398857 84.756737) (xy 99.39784 84.75232)
+ (xy 99.393538 84.731931) (xy 99.392695 84.724571) (xy 99.39229 84.724634) (xy 99.391057 84.716594)
+ (xy 99.391056 84.71659) (xy 99.391056 84.716588) (xy 99.389606 84.711606) (xy 99.387344 84.702574)
+ (xy 99.386612 84.699103) (xy 99.386609 84.699098) (xy 99.384068 84.691886) (xy 99.38196 84.685328)
+ (xy 99.375983 84.664786) (xy 99.374762 84.660269) (xy 99.361691 84.607935) (xy 99.36169 84.607934)
+ (xy 99.36169 84.607931) (xy 99.358709 84.600373) (xy 99.358996 84.600259) (xy 99.353074 84.58605)
+ (xy 99.348398 84.569977) (xy 99.348395 84.569969) (xy 99.348104 84.56897) (xy 99.194222 84.039999)
+ (xy 102.444341 84.039999) (xy 102.444341 84.04) (xy 102.464936 84.275403) (xy 102.464938 84.275413)
+ (xy 102.526094 84.503655) (xy 102.526096 84.503659) (xy 102.526097 84.503663) (xy 102.617232 84.699102)
+ (xy 102.625965 84.71783) (xy 102.625967 84.717834) (xy 102.718177 84.849522) (xy 102.761055 84.910759)
+ (xy 102.761501 84.911395) (xy 102.761506 84.911402) (xy 102.928597 85.078493) (xy 102.928603 85.078498)
+ (xy 103.114158 85.208425) (xy 103.157783 85.263002) (xy 103.164977 85.3325) (xy 103.133454 85.394855)
+ (xy 103.114158 85.411575) (xy 102.928597 85.541505) (xy 102.761505 85.708597) (xy 102.625965 85.902169)
+ (xy 102.625964 85.902171) (xy 102.526098 86.116335) (xy 102.526094 86.116344) (xy 102.464938 86.344586)
+ (xy 102.464936 86.344596) (xy 102.444341 86.579999) (xy 102.444341 86.58) (xy 102.464936 86.815403)
+ (xy 102.464936 86.815406) (xy 102.464937 86.815408) (xy 102.471918 86.841462) (xy 102.526094 87.043655)
+ (xy 102.526096 87.043659) (xy 102.526097 87.043663) (xy 102.609634 87.222808) (xy 102.625965 87.25783)
+ (xy 102.625967 87.257834) (xy 102.73275 87.410334) (xy 102.761505 87.451401) (xy 102.928599 87.618495)
+ (xy 103.088671 87.730579) (xy 103.114594 87.74873) (xy 103.158219 87.803307) (xy 103.165413 87.872805)
+ (xy 103.13389 87.93516) (xy 103.114595 87.95188) (xy 102.928922 88.08189) (xy 102.92892 88.081891)
+ (xy 102.761891 88.24892) (xy 102.761886 88.248926) (xy 102.6264 88.44242) (xy 102.626399 88.442422)
+ (xy 102.52657 88.656507) (xy 102.526567 88.656513) (xy 102.469364 88.869999) (xy 102.469364 88.87)
+ (xy 103.366988 88.87) (xy 103.334075 88.927007) (xy 103.3 89.054174) (xy 103.3 89.185826) (xy 103.334075 89.312993)
+ (xy 103.366988 89.37) (xy 102.469364 89.37) (xy 102.526567 89.583486) (xy 102.52657 89.583492) (xy 102.626399 89.797578)
+ (xy 102.761894 89.991082) (xy 102.928917 90.158105) (xy 103.122421 90.2936) (xy 103.336507 90.393429)
+ (xy 103.336516 90.393433) (xy 103.55 90.450634) (xy 103.55 89.553012) (xy 103.607007 89.585925)
+ (xy 103.734174 89.62) (xy 103.865826 89.62) (xy 103.992993 89.585925) (xy 104.05 89.553012) (xy 104.05 90.450633)
+ (xy 104.263483 90.393433) (xy 104.263492 90.393429) (xy 104.477578 90.2936) (xy 104.671082 90.158105)
+ (xy 104.838105 89.991082) (xy 104.9736 89.797578) (xy 105.073429 89.583492) (xy 105.073432 89.583486)
+ (xy 105.130636 89.37) (xy 104.233012 89.37) (xy 104.265925 89.312993) (xy 104.3 89.185826) (xy 104.3 89.054174)
+ (xy 104.265925 88.927007) (xy 104.233012 88.87) (xy 105.130636 88.87) (xy 105.130635 88.869999)
+ (xy 105.073432 88.656513) (xy 105.073429 88.656507) (xy 104.9736 88.442422) (xy 104.973599 88.44242)
+ (xy 104.838113 88.248926) (xy 104.838108 88.24892) (xy 104.671078 88.08189) (xy 104.485405 87.951879)
+ (xy 104.44178 87.897302) (xy 104.434588 87.827804) (xy 104.46611 87.765449) (xy 104.485406 87.74873)
+ (xy 104.499198 87.739073) (xy 104.671401 87.618495) (xy 104.838495 87.451401) (xy 104.974035 87.25783)
+ (xy 105.073903 87.043663) (xy 105.135063 86.815408) (xy 105.155659 86.58) (xy 105.135063 86.344592)
+ (xy 105.084635 86.15639) (xy 105.073905 86.116344) (xy 105.073904 86.116343) (xy 105.073903 86.116337)
+ (xy 104.974035 85.902171) (xy 104.972865 85.900499) (xy 104.838494 85.708597) (xy 104.671402 85.541506)
+ (xy 104.671396 85.541501) (xy 104.485842 85.411575) (xy 104.442217 85.356998) (xy 104.435023 85.2875)
+ (xy 104.466546 85.225145) (xy 104.485842 85.208425) (xy 104.563216 85.154247) (xy 104.671401 85.078495)
+ (xy 104.838495 84.911401) (xy 104.974035 84.71783) (xy 105.073903 84.503663) (xy 105.135063 84.275408)
+ (xy 105.155659 84.04) (xy 105.135063 83.804592) (xy 105.085463 83.619479) (xy 105.073905 83.576344)
+ (xy 105.073904 83.576343) (xy 105.073903 83.576337) (xy 104.974035 83.362171) (xy 104.971474 83.358514)
+ (xy 104.838496 83.1686) (xy 104.782294 83.112398) (xy 104.716567 83.046671) (xy 104.683084 82.985351)
+ (xy 104.688068 82.915659) (xy 104.729939 82.859725) (xy 104.760915 82.84281) (xy 104.892331 82.793796)
+ (xy 105.007546 82.707546) (xy 105.093796 82.592331) (xy 105.144091 82.457483) (xy 105.1505 82.397873)
+ (xy 105.150499 80.989188) (xy 105.170184 80.92215) (xy 105.222987 80.876395) (xy 105.292146 80.866451)
+ (xy 105.355702 80.895476) (xy 105.387899 80.939024) (xy 105.410251 80.989553) (xy 105.854166 81.758436)
+ (xy 105.854167 81.758436) (xy 106.763493 81.233437) (xy 106.763493 81.233436) (xy 106.093494 80.072963)
+ (xy 106.093493 80.072963) (xy 105.575765 80.371873) (xy 105.575751 80.371883) (xy 105.527392 80.407194)
+ (xy 105.52739 80.407195) (xy 105.435847 80.518067) (xy 105.387144 80.631801) (xy 105.342659 80.685678)
+ (xy 105.276107 80.706953) (xy 105.208618 80.688869) (xy 105.161619 80.637169) (xy 105.149866 80.596241)
+ (xy 105.144091 80.542516) (xy 105.093797 80.407671) (xy 105.093793 80.407664) (xy 105.007547 80.292455)
+ (xy 105.007544 80.292452) (xy 104.892335 80.206206) (xy 104.892328 80.206202) (xy 104.757482 80.155908)
+ (xy 104.757483 80.155908) (xy 104.697883 80.149501) (xy 104.697881 80.1495) (xy 104.697873 80.1495)
+ (xy 104.697864 80.1495) (xy 102.902129 80.1495) (xy 102.902123 80.149501) (xy 102.842516 80.155908)
+ (xy 102.707671 80.206202) (xy 102.707664 80.206206) (xy 102.592455 80.292452) (xy 102.592452 80.292455)
+ (xy 102.506206 80.407664) (xy 102.506202 80.407671) (xy 102.455908 80.542517) (xy 102.449501 80.602116)
+ (xy 102.4495 80.602135) (xy 102.4495 82.39787) (xy 102.449501 82.397876) (xy 102.455908 82.457483)
+ (xy 102.506202 82.592328) (xy 102.506206 82.592335) (xy 102.592452 82.707544) (xy 102.592455 82.707547)
+ (xy 102.707664 82.793793) (xy 102.707671 82.793797) (xy 102.839081 82.84281) (xy 102.895015 82.884681)
+ (xy 102.919432 82.950145) (xy 102.90458 83.018418) (xy 102.88343 83.046673) (xy 102.761503 83.1686)
+ (xy 102.625965 83.362169) (xy 102.625964 83.362171) (xy 102.542844 83.540423) (xy 102.530527 83.566838)
+ (xy 102.526098 83.576335) (xy 102.526094 83.576344) (xy 102.464938 83.804586) (xy 102.464936 83.804596)
+ (xy 102.444341 84.039999) (xy 99.194222 84.039999) (xy 98.968985 83.265745) (xy 98.967962 83.262013)
+ (xy 98.961417 83.236563) (xy 98.931549 83.120417) (xy 98.930463 83.115827) (xy 98.929719 83.112398)
+ (xy 98.900143 82.976009) (xy 98.899249 82.971482) (xy 98.874149 82.83058) (xy 98.873458 82.826249)
+ (xy 98.853349 82.683763) (xy 98.852825 82.679518) (xy 98.837502 82.535048) (xy 98.837145 82.531066)
+ (xy 98.826403 82.38396) (xy 98.826185 82.380151) (xy 98.824126 82.331284) (xy 98.819867 82.230211)
+ (xy 98.819769 82.226683) (xy 98.817842 82.084205) (xy 98.817971 82.076639) (xy 98.885869 80.650832)
+ (xy 98.888163 80.63685) (xy 98.887589 80.636766) (xy 98.888773 80.628731) (xy 98.888776 80.628724)
+ (xy 98.889646 80.572807) (xy 98.889768 80.568951) (xy 98.892432 80.51303) (xy 98.89243 80.513024)
+ (xy 98.892431 80.513022) (xy 98.891991 80.507752) (xy 98.891696 80.49163) (xy 98.892199 80.480883)
+ (xy 98.892438 80.477044) (xy 98.892503 80.476211) (xy 98.895071 80.443271) (xy 98.895415 80.439584)
+ (xy 98.899071 80.406012) (xy 98.899516 80.402419) (xy 98.904202 80.368854) (xy 98.904752 80.365307)
+ (xy 98.91047 80.331682) (xy 98.911104 80.328259) (xy 98.917871 80.294442) (xy 98.918581 80.291139)
+ (xy 98.926398 80.257122) (xy 98.927183 80.253907) (xy 98.936096 80.219481) (xy 98.936952 80.216352)
+ (xy 98.946952 80.181566) (xy 98.947845 80.178596) (xy 98.959004 80.143213) (xy 98.959897 80.140499)
+ (xy 98.97223 80.104501) (xy 98.973163 80.101878) (xy 98.986652 80.065324) (xy 98.987602 80.062835)
+ (xy 99.001146 80.028509) (xy 99.002568 80.025064) (xy 99.037432 79.944202) (xy 99.039122 79.940458)
+ (xy 99.094544 79.822962) (xy 106.526506 79.822962) (xy 106.526506 79.822963) (xy 107.196505 80.983437)
+ (xy 107.196506 80.983437) (xy 108.105832 80.458438) (xy 108.105832 80.458437) (xy 107.738941 79.822962)
+ (xy 113.626506 79.822962) (xy 113.626506 79.822963) (xy 114.296505 80.983437) (xy 114.296506 80.983437)
+ (xy 115.205832 80.458438) (xy 115.205832 80.458437) (xy 114.761923 79.689562) (xy 114.761913 79.689548)
+ (xy 114.726602 79.641189) (xy 114.726601 79.641187) (xy 114.615728 79.549643) (xy 114.483562 79.493047)
+ (xy 114.340799 79.475976) (xy 114.340797 79.475977) (xy 114.199016 79.499818) (xy 114.144236 79.524052)
+ (xy 113.626506 79.822962) (xy 107.738941 79.822962) (xy 107.661923 79.689562) (xy 107.661913 79.689548)
+ (xy 107.626602 79.641189) (xy 107.626601 79.641187) (xy 107.515728 79.549643) (xy 107.383562 79.493047)
+ (xy 107.240799 79.475976) (xy 107.240797 79.475977) (xy 107.099016 79.499818) (xy 107.044236 79.524052)
+ (xy 106.526506 79.822962) (xy 99.094544 79.822962) (xy 99.620526 78.707874) (xy 99.627677 78.694814)
+ (xy 99.653747 78.653335) (xy 99.655504 78.650623) (xy 99.698114 78.586682) (xy 99.70016 78.583705)
+ (xy 99.743181 78.523054) (xy 99.745472 78.519933) (xy 99.788747 78.462859) (xy 99.791385 78.4595)
+ (xy 99.834734 78.406272) (xy 99.837758 78.4027) (xy 99.880954 78.353576) (xy 99.884384 78.349833)
+ (xy 99.927252 78.304959) (xy 99.931147 78.301061) (xy 99.973384 78.260647) (xy 99.977821 78.256605)
+ (xy 100.019187 78.220721) (xy 100.024208 78.216593) (xy 100.064471 78.185241) (xy 100.070116 78.181099)
+ (xy 100.10906 78.154201) (xy 100.115395 78.150108) (xy 100.152905 78.127472) (xy 100.159945 78.123534)
+ (xy 100.195973 78.104906) (xy 100.203766 78.101215) (xy 100.238445 78.086248) (xy 100.246888 78.082966)
+ (xy 100.286424 78.069245) (xy 100.293096 78.067142) (xy 100.300803 78.064951) (xy 100.30412 78.064008)
+ (xy 100.308729 78.062792) (xy 100.328963 78.057878) (xy 100.332229 78.057132) (xy 100.386086 78.045627)
+ (xy 100.391303 78.04463) (xy 100.437553 78.036819) (xy 100.44301 78.036021) (xy 100.487129 78.030583)
+ (xy 100.492647 78.030028) (xy 100.536172 78.026634) (xy 100.541532 78.026333) (xy 100.586127 78.024801)
+ (xy 100.591148 78.024732) (xy 100.638337 78.025035) (xy 100.642868 78.025147) (xy 100.694054 78.027361)
+ (xy 100.6979 78.027588) (xy 100.754241 78.031831) (xy 100.757479 78.032118) (xy 100.819681 78.038473)
+ (xy 100.822254 78.038763) (xy 100.889269 78.047043) (xy 100.891849 78.04739) (xy 101.054222 78.070997)
+ (xy 101.055646 78.071214) (xy 101.449089 78.133506) (xy 101.455418 78.134678) (xy 101.471687 78.138133)
+ (xy 101.478237 78.139713) (xy 101.485946 78.141796) (xy 101.494972 78.144235) (xy 101.500561 78.145887)
+ (xy 101.521235 78.152533) (xy 101.525738 78.154077) (xy 101.550887 78.163252) (xy 101.554329 78.164567)
+ (xy 101.584249 78.176508) (xy 101.586566 78.177461) (xy 101.619982 78.191607) (xy 101.621303 78.192166)
+ (xy 101.622624 78.192735) (xy 101.639573 78.200151) (xy 101.652332 78.206636) (xy 101.653293 78.207196)
+ (xy 101.653301 78.207202) (xy 101.709673 78.230842) (xy 101.711349 78.23156) (xy 101.724183 78.237176)
+ (xy 101.740849 78.244469) (xy 101.750061 78.249721) (xy 101.750341 78.249202) (xy 101.757502 78.25305)
+ (xy 101.757505 78.253053) (xy 101.772075 78.258577) (xy 101.798078 78.268436) (xy 101.811171 78.275182)
+ (xy 101.811372 78.274775) (xy 101.818655 78.278368) (xy 101.818661 78.278372) (xy 101.837491 78.284769)
+ (xy 101.845535 78.287817) (xy 101.863757 78.295459) (xy 101.863759 78.295459) (xy 101.864565 78.295797)
+ (xy 101.880535 78.30146) (xy 101.8849 78.303384) (xy 101.884901 78.303384) (xy 101.884904 78.303386)
+ (xy 101.903647 78.308865) (xy 101.912804 78.311933) (xy 101.926233 78.317025) (xy 101.926236 78.317025)
+ (xy 101.926238 78.317026) (xy 101.93058 78.31805) (xy 101.9484 78.32483) (xy 101.948663 78.324143)
+ (xy 101.956253 78.327041) (xy 101.956255 78.327041) (xy 101.95626 78.327044) (xy 101.969587 78.330219)
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/bottles/pipebomb/pipebomb.kicad_prl
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+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
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+ 26,
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+ "version": 3
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1c1c73
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+++ b/bottles/pipebomb/pipebomb.kicad_pro
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
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+ }
+ },
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+ {
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+ "width": 0.0
+ }
+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ ],
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+ },
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+ }
+ ],
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+ 0.0,
+ 0.66
+ ],
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+ "min_amplitude": 0.2,
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+ }
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+ {
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+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
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+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2
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+ [
+ 0,
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+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 2
+ ],
+ [
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 2
+ ],
+ [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
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+ [
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+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
+ ],
+ [
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 2
+ ],
+ [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
+ ],
+ [
+ 0,
+ 2,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2
+ ],
+ [
+ 0,
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+ 0,
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+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
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+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
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+ [
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+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 2,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
+ ],
+ [
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2
+ ]
+ ],
+ "rule_severities": {
+ "bus_definition_conflict": "error",
+ "bus_entry_needed": "error",
+ "bus_to_bus_conflict": "error",
+ "bus_to_net_conflict": "error",
+ "conflicting_netclasses": "error",
+ "different_unit_footprint": "error",
+ "different_unit_net": "error",
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+ "no_connect_dangling": "warning",
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+ "unit_value_mismatch": "error",
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+ "wire_dangling": "error"
+ }
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+ "pinned_symbol_libs": []
+ },
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+ "version": 1
+ },
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+ "diff_pair_width": 0.2,
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+ "schematic_color": "rgb(0, 132, 0)",
+ "track_width": 0.2,
+ "via_diameter": 0.6,
+ "via_drill": 0.3,
+ "wire_width": 6
+ },
+ {
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+ "diff_pair_gap": 0.25,
+ "diff_pair_via_gap": 0.25,
+ "diff_pair_width": 0.2,
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+ "schematic_color": "rgb(0, 0, 132)",
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+ "via_drill": 0.3,
+ "wire_width": 6
+ },
+ {
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+ "diff_pair_gap": 0.25,
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+ "line_style": 0,
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+ "via_diameter": 0.6,
+ "via_drill": 0.3,
+ "wire_width": 6
+ },
+ {
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+ "clearance": 0.2,
+ "diff_pair_gap": 0.25,
+ "diff_pair_via_gap": 0.25,
+ "diff_pair_width": 0.2,
+ "line_style": 0,
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+ "microvia_drill": 0.1,
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+ "schematic_color": "rgb(132, 0, 132)",
+ "track_width": 0.2,
+ "via_diameter": 0.6,
+ "via_drill": 0.3,
+ "wire_width": 6
+ },
+ {
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+ "clearance": 0.2,
+ "diff_pair_gap": 0.25,
+ "diff_pair_via_gap": 0.25,
+ "diff_pair_width": 0.2,
+ "line_style": 0,
+ "microvia_diameter": 0.3,
+ "microvia_drill": 0.1,
+ "name": "L6",
+ "pcb_color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.000)",
+ "schematic_color": "rgb(204, 102, 0)",
+ "track_width": 0.2,
+ "via_diameter": 0.6,
+ "via_drill": 0.3,
+ "wire_width": 6
+ }
+ ],
+ "meta": {
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "net_colors": null,
+ "netclass_assignments": null,
+ "netclass_patterns": [
+ {
+ "netclass": "L1",
+ "pattern": "*LED1"
+ },
+ {
+ "netclass": "L2",
+ "pattern": "*LED2"
+ },
+ {
+ "netclass": "L3",
+ "pattern": "*LED3"
+ },
+ {
+ "netclass": "L4",
+ "pattern": "*LED4"
+ },
+ {
+ "netclass": "L5",
+ "pattern": "*LED5"
+ },
+ {
+ "netclass": "L6",
+ "pattern": "*LED6"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "idf": "",
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+ "name": "CSV",
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+ "string_delimiter": "\""
+ },
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+ {
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+ "name": "Reference",
+ "show": true
+ },
+ {
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+ "label": "Value",
+ "name": "Value",
+ "show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "group_by": false,
+ "label": "Datasheet",
+ "name": "Datasheet",
+ "show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "group_by": false,
+ "label": "Footprint",
+ "name": "Footprint",
+ "show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "group_by": false,
+ "label": "Qty",
+ "name": "${QUANTITY}",
+ "show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "group_by": true,
+ "label": "DNP",
+ "name": "${DNP}",
+ "show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "group_by": false,
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+ "name": "${ITEM_NUMBER}",
+ "show": false
+ },
+ {
+ "group_by": false,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "group_by": false,
+ "label": "Description",
+ "name": "Description",
+ "show": false
+ }
+ ],
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+ "name": "",
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+ "text_offset_ratio": 0.15
+ },
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+ },
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+ "spice_external_command": "spice \"%I\"",
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+ "spice_save_all_dissipations": false,
+ "spice_save_all_voltages": false,
+ "subpart_first_id": 65,
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+ },
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+ [
+ "56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146",
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b0b23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bottles/pipebomb/pipebomb.kicad_sch
@@ -0,0 +1,9629 @@
+ (version 20231120)
+ (generator "eeschema")
+ (generator_version "8.0")
+ (uuid "56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146")
+ (paper "A4")
+ (lib_symbols
+ (symbol "Connector:TestPoint"
+ (pin_numbers hide)
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 0.762) hide)
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+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "TP"
+ (at 0 6.858 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "TestPoint"
+ (at 0 5.08 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 5.08 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 5.08 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "test point"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
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+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_fp_filters" "Pin* Test*"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "TestPoint_0_1"
+ (circle
+ (center 0 3.302)
+ (radius 0.762)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "TestPoint_1_1"
+ (pin passive line
+ (at 0 0 90)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04"
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 1.016) hide)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "J"
+ (at 0 5.08 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "Conn_01x04"
+ (at 0 -7.62 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Generic connector, single row, 01x04, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "connector"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_fp_filters" "Connector*:*_1x??_*"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Conn_01x04_1_1"
+ (rectangle
+ (start -1.27 -4.953)
+ (end 0 -5.207)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.1524)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
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+ )
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+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (rectangle
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+ (type default)
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+ (fill
+ (type none)
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+ (end 1.27 -6.35)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.254)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type background)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
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+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_1"
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -5.08 0 0)
+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
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+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_3"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "3"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ (at -5.08 -5.08 0)
+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_4"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "4"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Connector_Generic:Conn_01x05"
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 1.016) hide)
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+ (property "Reference" "J"
+ (at 0 7.62 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "Conn_01x05"
+ (at 0 -7.62 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Generic connector, single row, 01x05, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "connector"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_fp_filters" "Connector*:*_1x??_*"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Conn_01x05_1_1"
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (fill
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+ )
+ )
+ (rectangle
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+ (end 0 -0.127)
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+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (rectangle
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+ (end 0 2.413)
+ (stroke
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+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (rectangle
+ (start -1.27 5.207)
+ (end 0 4.953)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.1524)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (rectangle
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+ (end 1.27 -6.35)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.254)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type background)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -5.08 5.08 0)
+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_1"
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -5.08 2.54 0)
+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -5.08 0 0)
+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_3"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "3"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -5.08 -2.54 0)
+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_4"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "4"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -5.08 -5.08 0)
+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_5"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "5"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Device:C_Small"
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+ (pin_names
+ (offset 0.254) hide)
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+ (property "Reference" "C"
+ (at 0.254 1.778 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
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+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "capacitor cap"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_fp_filters" "C_*"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "C_Small_0_1"
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy -1.524 -0.508) (xy 1.524 -0.508)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.3302)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy -1.524 0.508) (xy 1.524 0.508)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.3048)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "C_Small_1_1"
+ (pin passive line
+ (at 0 2.54 270)
+ (length 2.032)
+ (name "~"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at 0 -2.54 90)
+ (length 2.032)
+ (name "~"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Device:LED"
+ (pin_numbers hide)
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 1.016) hide)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "D"
+ (at 0 2.54 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
+ (at 0 -2.54 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "LED diode"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_fp_filters" "LED* LED_SMD:* LED_THT:*"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "LED_0_1"
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy -1.27 -1.27) (xy -1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.254)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy -1.27 0) (xy 1.27 0)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 1.27 -1.27) (xy 1.27 1.27) (xy -1.27 0) (xy 1.27 -1.27)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.254)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy -3.048 -0.762) (xy -4.572 -2.286) (xy -3.81 -2.286) (xy -4.572 -2.286) (xy -4.572 -1.524)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy -1.778 -0.762) (xy -3.302 -2.286) (xy -2.54 -2.286) (xy -3.302 -2.286) (xy -3.302 -1.524)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "LED_1_1"
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -3.81 0 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "K"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at 3.81 0 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "A"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Device:R_Small"
+ (pin_numbers hide)
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 0.254) hide)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "R"
+ (at 0.762 0.508 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "R_Small"
+ (at 0.762 -1.016 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Resistor, small symbol"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "R resistor"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_fp_filters" "R_*"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "R_Small_0_1"
+ (rectangle
+ (start -0.762 1.778)
+ (end 0.762 -1.778)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.2032)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "R_Small_1_1"
+ (pin passive line
+ (at 0 2.54 270)
+ (length 0.762)
+ (name "~"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at 0 -2.54 90)
+ (length 0.762)
+ (name "~"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Switch:SW_Push"
+ (pin_numbers hide)
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 1.016) hide)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "SW"
+ (at 1.27 2.54 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "SW_Push"
+ (at 0 -1.524 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 5.08 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 0 5.08 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Push button switch, generic, two pins"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "switch normally-open pushbutton push-button"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "SW_Push_0_1"
+ (circle
+ (center -2.032 0)
+ (radius 0.508)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 0 1.27) (xy 0 3.048)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 2.54 1.27) (xy -2.54 1.27)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (circle
+ (center 2.032 0)
+ (radius 0.508)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -5.08 0 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at 5.08 0 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "easyeda2kicad:PY32F002AW15U6TR"
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "U"
+ (at 0 15.24 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "PY32F002AW15U6TR"
+ (at 0 -15.24 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "easyeda2kicad:TQFN-16_L3.0-W3.0-P0.50-BL-EP1.7"
+ (at 0 -17.78 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C5291740"
+ (at 0 -20.32 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "PY32F002AW15U6TR_0_1"
+ (rectangle
+ (start -15.24 12.7)
+ (end 15.24 -12.7)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type background)
+ )
+ )
+ (circle
+ (center -13.97 11.43)
+ (radius 0.38)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at -17.78 7.62 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PB1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at 17.78 -7.62 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PA4"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "10"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at 17.78 -5.08 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PA5"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "11"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at 17.78 -2.54 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PA6"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "12"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at 17.78 0 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PA7"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "13"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at 17.78 2.54 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PB0"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "14"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at 17.78 5.08 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "VCC"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "15"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at 17.78 7.62 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PA8"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "16"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at 17.78 10.16 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "VSS"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "17"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at -17.78 5.08 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PA12"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at -17.78 2.54 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PA13-SWD"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "3"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at -17.78 0 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PA14-SWC"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "4"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at -17.78 -2.54 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PF2-NRST"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "5"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at -17.78 -5.08 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PA0"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "6"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at -17.78 -7.62 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PA1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "7"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at -17.78 -10.16 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PA2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "8"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin unspecified line
+ (at 17.78 -10.16 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "PA3"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "9"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "power:GND"
+ (power)
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 0)
+ )
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "#PWR"
+ (at 0 -6.35 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "GND"
+ (at 0 -3.81 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"GND\" , ground"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "power-flag"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "GND_0_1"
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 0 0) (xy 0 -1.27) (xy 1.27 -1.27) (xy 0 -2.54) (xy -1.27 -1.27) (xy 0 -1.27)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "GND_1_1"
+ (pin power_in line
+ (at 0 0 270)
+ (length 0) hide
+ (name "GND"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "power:VDD"
+ (power)
+ (pin_numbers hide)
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 0) hide)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "#PWR"
+ (at 0 -3.81 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "VDD"
+ (at 0 3.556 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"VDD\""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "global power"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "VDD_0_1"
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy -0.762 1.27) (xy 0 2.54)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 0 0) (xy 0 2.54)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 0 2.54) (xy 0.762 1.27)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "VDD_1_1"
+ (pin power_in line
+ (at 0 0 90)
+ (length 0)
+ (name "~"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 114.3 77.47)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "04bb9c83-ae58-4243-a9ba-41e808cb7757")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 100.33 86.36)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "06317528-4120-4259-8689-433329ff480a")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 73.66 107.95)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "0dab62d6-82f9-44ea-8a78-c0d9542a2284")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 40.64 52.07)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "0e6afa31-c4d9-48bc-8eec-9b5416a99b40")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 73.66 77.47)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "0ee01988-4dce-4b9e-bd4d-32445031c1f0")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 90.17 127)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "10fb4879-8dc7-46d5-8c10-1f4474c1b35e")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 80.01 76.2)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "15d4d0bb-cd79-433d-99e1-5d6299eaf414")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 69.85 106.68)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "16e1ddd9-f5f2-4f84-afe8-fb8f0ecaa3bb")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 93.98 118.11)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "18127e8e-a1c2-4a17-ab66-c9040be4577e")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 80.01 96.52)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "1c2d238d-59e8-4303-b78e-5b65a77d68b7")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 83.82 118.11)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "26230de9-1322-4f5c-bffb-ed110343020a")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 104.14 118.11)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "26c91e24-da7c-4e17-af2e-38790bcd481d")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 124.46 127)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "3cfd6d2d-c565-4c81-bedf-79f131188064")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 80.01 127)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "3e2471af-5a27-4025-b2db-61e958b523f9")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 100.33 127)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "3ea5a2cb-4330-4a81-b929-7b9fea881b34")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 114.3 116.84)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "43205412-1aff-4485-ab2e-e9bc3cb77936")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 114.3 33.02)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "436367aa-653b-4043-b93a-96098906176b")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 83.82 87.63)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "44ffd965-5376-4890-98e3-05a2e00523fb")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 93.98 97.79)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "464b37db-8e36-4e1b-8b29-607857c56ae9")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 83.82 86.36)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "4b26e9b1-79b8-4dfe-9c21-468c74efd17a")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 110.49 96.52)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "50a36c3e-8c7f-4f39-8988-b319806a4937")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 69.85 96.52)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "5365d9a2-3978-4fd4-8791-ebdeb88dfcef")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 73.66 76.2)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "5458333d-9d4d-4307-9057-3752e73b1d8a")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 34.29 31.75)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "5866ea86-e019-4882-8ac6-e7398a0f7783")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 83.82 107.95)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "59c8e20d-12b2-44c7-a7e7-292edc43b5f6")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 124.46 97.79)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "5be7d97e-6f08-4735-9ef1-0133dc15bdb2")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 34.29 52.07)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "5c461f69-4a30-4203-8dbc-7ff409570f4c")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 93.98 96.52)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "5f42de73-2b81-431e-85d5-bf77003ffc8b")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 80.01 106.68)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "603095d2-2e7d-49fd-8144-df909a6cd864")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 120.65 96.52)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "63f5ef37-f522-459c-bf40-b780d89dea67")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 104.14 67.31)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "6f1b6e62-8a5b-4dd3-8b2e-5da60e12e6d8")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 124.46 77.47)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "70cfa7cf-b091-4f15-a69a-6910b66b8cf0")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 90.17 106.68)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "7180c0f2-1526-4733-91ba-e1420124db37")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 120.65 106.68)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "742e2e3a-3a3e-4349-ac88-a9b81a90075e")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 104.14 106.68)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "81197e85-b7f2-44b5-8e3a-6ca6f42a7738")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 114.3 87.63)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "82c7a697-60b1-4a30-88b4-28205c14e96d")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 114.3 97.79)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "83f4338e-7fb1-4cfb-82ee-110e2df54918")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 83.82 67.31)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "8577f88f-158b-458c-9a49-aafd04a91040")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 90.17 86.36)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "86344711-6e97-4828-84aa-adf4c8112ef2")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 104.14 107.95)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "8e19fb34-aa49-4d32-b37d-1b121fca9d79")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 114.3 118.11)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "90578db4-3bba-4c9a-bd6b-b1cbe4b9f762")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 73.66 118.11)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "961386dc-f20c-418d-8071-324e03e5e6dc")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 124.46 107.95)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "97512011-fd78-46a7-a51a-cde0a096b9bd")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 110.49 76.2)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "a7a9d1e2-931d-4e40-8350-cc60efc5c93e")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 83.82 97.79)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "ab67457c-cce1-4614-9ff4-c00d39b8d433")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 114.3 67.31)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "acf58f8c-ce1a-41e2-9141-ce8a39c74172")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 100.33 96.52)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "b44c20f0-48b8-4ae2-85ca-c76912e772cc")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 104.14 77.47)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "b5bde119-fe97-449f-919e-3f73d361df59")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 104.14 87.63)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "ba7ee4cb-76b1-4fd4-ade3-6711d0a85350")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 80.01 116.84)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "ba981aa5-7cd2-4227-aec9-02abc0f9969a")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 69.85 86.36)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "bdc963fc-8055-46e3-bc2d-135a766fde8f")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 110.49 106.68)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "bfb08846-e48f-457d-b41e-ae52e5036eff")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 124.46 43.18)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "c467eabd-ae46-4c32-b10f-0e199396b7c8")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 100.33 76.2)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "c95d4975-fcf5-4b8e-b6c8-2bdb29ad0808")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 124.46 67.31)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "cab4911e-abfd-4495-81cf-f9a8f55bac85")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 120.65 76.2)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "ce9313e4-adae-4a75-903b-7b1bf48d4ebc")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 93.98 107.95)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "cfc0a089-9fb5-46e8-b64c-f65fd2c3bb28")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 124.46 87.63)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "d6a81d0b-be6b-4a85-9185-f6d4dca59648")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 120.65 86.36)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "dc426d58-52ff-4bd3-83ae-8fc20a42ff2e")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 73.66 87.63)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "dcc1d018-7ef2-4cae-8040-0db790ecd84b")
+ )
+ (junction
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+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "dd17b181-fcf5-4cbe-8ff6-d31dbba1d9d0")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 73.66 97.79)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "dd46b6c1-4c01-4540-8bf8-d1546127016e")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 110.49 86.36)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "dedaa9e5-e340-4bd8-9eef-e598a6e328bf")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 110.49 127)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "e590ad50-0f8e-4bfb-94f9-7ce88758b9b1")
+ )
+ (junction
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+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "e7b42ae9-da80-4827-8d42-ed5f740c12bb")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 93.98 67.31)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "e8a1c12b-d351-4988-9893-8a22be8de1d0")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 100.33 116.84)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "f038a972-50c3-472e-8fe3-8d51b2caefff")
+ )
+ (junction
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+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "f1ab1d42-ca43-4f37-ba60-d93210ebadf4")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 90.17 76.2)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "f57d49ff-1055-4aea-93c4-78f53bf7e151")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 93.98 77.47)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "f7802622-7cb5-4f12-abba-7c7c90c19daa")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 69.85 127)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "f7b13eda-d706-4094-bcca-c2e8ba8f33a2")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 40.64 31.75)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "f9374682-3b9c-4039-9e84-9c322e15db2c")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
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+ (type default)
+ )
+ (uuid "01dfc154-48de-4ba3-8b57-9fe6cb02a11c")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
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+ (type default)
+ )
+ (uuid "03fa09a0-b25c-4320-827e-52bc6a61eef5")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
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+ (type default)
+ )
+ (uuid "04ce6d1a-fdfd-4422-b48f-2c22fde0bb21")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
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+ )
+ (uuid "05191f46-1cbe-41f1-abfc-2a749db9e039")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
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+ )
+ (uuid "06710572-c14f-4fbd-85aa-461da5c61d93")
+ )
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+ )
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+ (uuid "08f376c5-19e5-4536-b7f9-3440602e8e01")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
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+ )
+ (uuid "0b3b3896-67fe-4841-8ffb-2bc6ea3837be")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
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+ )
+ (uuid "112b357a-e4d8-46e2-bc2a-056792cffed5")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ (uuid "12a9ea8e-fbc3-41f7-af79-c8680670c8a1")
+ )
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+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
+ (uuid "163d1548-3e97-40a3-a9f9-d8bf2136702d")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ (uuid "1674ae6c-ad14-4dc1-84d7-30c83eec4e3f")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ (uuid "17acf1bf-f6d7-44e4-9187-601eb29c59a2")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
+ (uuid "186599ee-50e7-4f90-81a0-7530dd9f3ed6")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
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+ (uuid "1e4f317b-291e-45af-b2c2-3a151e331ba9")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
+ (uuid "2012d38c-e175-4100-a021-0c3a360c87a5")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
+ (uuid "252bebad-d39c-43fe-8af9-262b706caa5e")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ (uuid "26dfaf36-9f71-4ba2-a74f-2e0ca489c189")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
+ (uuid "29744cd4-7d66-4ede-b40f-17ae17347cc8")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
+ (uuid "2a0265ca-45ab-4818-b39a-beb0c2dd0358")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ (uuid "2b8cf446-0bf3-462e-8889-0f8f50fe0966")
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (uuid "2d9a37ae-1e28-489d-ac6d-73758cb030d0")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ (uuid "2dd7b013-6601-4ca6-866a-172e5271f98f")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
+ (uuid "3174448e-085d-422a-8908-decabab4ead4")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
+ (uuid "31905173-ff93-4611-92cb-aedcf172338f")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
+ (wire
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+ (uuid "32fb3f44-af7c-41b7-9ca0-84cd3bb46977")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ (uuid "33b8fd44-fbb6-4ff1-aacb-1c8d31fc9539")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ (uuid "33ccc985-558c-4496-acfd-557574549e40")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ (uuid "37ab96cc-ad38-410b-b263-9b132fb0045c")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
+ (uuid "37c13b36-b67e-49cf-923b-c12734afb496")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (label "LED2"
+ (at 113.03 50.8 0)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "72163153-36c2-42ab-8811-42e00a0fe174")
+ )
+ (label "LED3"
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+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "743eb37c-9bcf-412e-808e-10cd5e703f61")
+ )
+ (label "LED1"
+ (at 54.61 35.56 180)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "75073c4a-3a3d-4c42-8cc8-0f84d8458f6d")
+ )
+ (label "LED5"
+ (at 58.42 116.84 180)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "7b206306-df51-4661-926f-3a94c1d787ee")
+ )
+ (label "SWC"
+ (at 34.29 91.44 0)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "805e7af5-43b0-4301-93b4-c0e5e4db341e")
+ )
+ (label "LED5"
+ (at 114.3 63.5 0)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "8a0ac730-5709-4399-895b-5dfbb2211351")
+ )
+ (label "SWC"
+ (at 64.77 43.18 180)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "9dc70d14-b842-4b6d-af22-512fb219ac76")
+ )
+ (label "SWD"
+ (at 34.29 88.9 0)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "a42332be-3412-4d2d-bca8-9c4783cac9b0")
+ )
+ (label "LED5"
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+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "a7b00b88-906d-47c2-bac3-23a167e480cc")
+ )
+ (label "LED6"
+ (at 58.42 127 180)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "b6d0ab51-c73c-4c1c-b1a4-08f39bf4bf03")
+ )
+ (label "LED3"
+ (at 109.22 35.56 0)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "ca321011-556c-46ab-b45e-f272aae0431f")
+ )
+ (label "LED2"
+ (at 83.82 63.5 0)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "ebb4e992-fe61-4c69-af05-825e081e1ff6")
+ )
+ (label "SCL"
+ (at 33.02 69.85 0)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "f89c47c1-1b23-49e8-9054-3ba036a121bd")
+ )
+ (label "LED6"
+ (at 124.46 63.5 0)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "f9926e96-1d58-4356-a606-2db031a34778")
+ )
+ (label "SDA"
+ (at 59.69 53.34 180)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right bottom)
+ )
+ (uuid "fd87be61-e3d3-4409-af5a-3d65077d9c25")
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
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+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (dnp no)
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+ (at 77.089 101.9753 90)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
+ (at 77.089 104.3996 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 80.01 101.6 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 80.01 101.6 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 80.01 101.6 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 80.01 101.6 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
+ (at 80.01 101.6 0)
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "1"
+ (uuid "c69b85f5-9c5a-42ad-af4a-fa77fb750757")
+ )
+ (instances
+ (project "pipebomb"
+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "D16")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
+ (at 80.01 121.92 270)
+ (mirror x)
+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
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+ (property "Reference" "D26"
+ (at 77.089 122.2953 90)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
+ (at 77.089 124.7196 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 80.01 121.92 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 80.01 121.92 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 80.01 121.92 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 80.01 121.92 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
+ (at 80.01 121.92 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "D26")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
+ (at 100.33 91.44 270)
+ (mirror x)
+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
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+ (property "Reference" "D12"
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+ (effects
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
+ (at 97.409 94.2396 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 100.33 91.44 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 100.33 91.44 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 100.33 91.44 0)
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 100.33 91.44 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
+ (at 100.33 91.44 0)
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (reference "D12")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
+ (at 110.49 71.12 270)
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+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (uuid "146e0dd7-86e5-4f05-b825-9b3a245a2a7f")
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+ )
+ (justify right)
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+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
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+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 110.49 71.12 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 110.49 71.12 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 110.49 71.12 0)
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 110.49 71.12 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
+ (at 110.49 71.12 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
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+ (at 33.02 72.39 270)
+ (mirror x)
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+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (uuid "173c0ff2-9cee-4934-9c6c-f23e76b43c3c")
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+ (at 29.21 72.39 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
+ (property "Value" "VDD"
+ (at 37.1531 72.39 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 33.02 72.39 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
+ (at 33.02 72.39 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"VDD\""
+ (at 33.02 72.39 0)
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ (instances
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+ (reference "#PWR04")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
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+ (in_bom yes)
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
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+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 120.65 111.76 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 120.65 111.76 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 120.65 111.76 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 120.65 111.76 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
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+ (reference "D24")
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
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+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
+ (at 66.929 94.2396 90)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 69.85 91.44 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 69.85 91.44 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 69.85 91.44 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 69.85 91.44 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
+ (at 69.85 91.44 0)
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
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+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
+ (at 110.49 121.92 270)
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+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (dnp no)
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
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+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 110.49 121.92 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 110.49 121.92 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 110.49 121.92 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 110.49 121.92 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
+ (at 110.49 121.92 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
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+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "power:VDD")
+ (at 40.64 24.13 0)
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+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (uuid "24d037d0-3f83-4e55-82da-c1d0bd6f10be")
+ (property "Reference" "#PWR08"
+ (at 40.64 27.94 0)
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 40.64 24.13 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
+ (at 40.64 24.13 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"VDD\""
+ (at 40.64 24.13 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
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+ )
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+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
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+ (at 27.94 69.85 0)
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (hide yes)
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+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "DNP"
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (property "Value" "GND"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
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+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
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+ (hide yes)
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+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
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+ )
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+ (on_board yes)
+ (dnp no)
+ (uuid "5f942fd2-eb05-4521-85e5-0085c878b9b8")
+ (property "Reference" "C3"
+ (at 120.4341 34.7316 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "100n"
+ (at 120.4341 37.2685 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 118.11 35.56 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 118.11 35.56 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
+ (at 118.11 35.56 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C1525"
+ (at 118.11 35.56 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C1525"
+ (at 118.11 35.56 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "1"
+ (uuid "6ccfa68f-1581-416b-b952-d36de0a55961")
+ )
+ (pin "2"
+ (uuid "4848dce7-baf4-4d11-b98c-e30f6f145128")
+ )
+ (instances
+ (project "pipebomb"
+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "C3")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "power:VDD")
+ (at 34.29 82.55 0)
+ (mirror y)
+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (dnp no)
+ (uuid "60362777-ab5d-4bf5-91c2-caeaf6dfc8bd")
+ (property "Reference" "#PWR012"
+ (at 34.29 86.36 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "VDD"
+ (at 34.29 78.4169 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 34.29 82.55 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
+ (at 34.29 82.55 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"VDD\""
+ (at 34.29 82.55 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "1"
+ (uuid "89eb7e6b-631b-42b0-a044-abee1044b11a")
+ )
+ (instances
+ (project "pipebomb"
+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "#PWR012")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
+ (at 120.65 101.6 270)
+ (mirror x)
+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (uuid "6a67c619-d0d4-41f5-94dc-4d6f8aee5a18")
+ (property "Reference" "D19"
+ (at 117.729 101.9753 90)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
+ (at 117.729 104.3996 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 120.65 101.6 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 120.65 101.6 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 120.65 101.6 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 120.65 101.6 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
+ (at 120.65 101.6 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
+ (uuid "7a2cd21a-4231-4e34-beb8-e399367fc69e")
+ )
+ (pin "1"
+ (uuid "bcf2dfb8-393c-459e-9cbd-fb683aa42f72")
+ )
+ (instances
+ (project "pipebomb"
+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "D19")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:R_Small")
+ (at 40.64 27.94 180)
+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (dnp no)
+ (uuid "6aaf0881-41a9-4d72-8b70-3396e3c8f719")
+ (property "Reference" "R1"
+ (at 38.4769 29.21 90)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "10k"
+ (at 38.712 25.4 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 40.64 27.94 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 40.64 27.94 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
+ (at 40.64 27.94 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C25744"
+ (at 40.64 27.94 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C25744"
+ (at 40.64 27.94 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "1"
+ (uuid "a6518df0-bba0-43d2-b61d-4463a3e113d2")
+ )
+ (pin "2"
+ (uuid "3e457d9f-f9db-4c2c-84c5-0215cb491357")
+ )
+ (instances
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+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "R1")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:R_Small")
+ (at 59.69 38.1 90)
+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (dnp no)
+ (uuid "730b2da2-561f-4b58-b431-e6c2ab7fecdd")
+ (property "Reference" "R4"
+ (at 56.134 37.084 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "47"
+ (at 62.738 37.338 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric"
+ (at 59.69 38.1 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 59.69 38.1 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
+ (at 59.69 38.1 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C23182"
+ (at 59.69 38.1 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C23182"
+ (at 59.69 38.1 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "1"
+ (uuid "d92e9a73-e329-463f-ba73-9d91934df19f")
+ )
+ (pin "2"
+ (uuid "98663f44-499f-4eaa-8ac2-37af88ddda34")
+ )
+ (instances
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+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "R4")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "power:VDD")
+ (at 40.64 44.45 0)
+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (uuid "75217fd3-59b0-4b50-9142-4a5383e7a863")
+ (property "Reference" "#PWR06"
+ (at 40.64 48.26 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "VDD"
+ (at 40.64 40.3169 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 40.64 44.45 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
+ (at 40.64 44.45 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"VDD\""
+ (at 40.64 44.45 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "1"
+ (uuid "3ac0b75d-2166-46d8-9c32-c74499fb1876")
+ )
+ (instances
+ (project "pipebomb"
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+ (reference "#PWR06")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:R_Small")
+ (at 105.41 35.56 90)
+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (dnp no)
+ (uuid "76573740-c0f8-481a-baec-98d7bde4502a")
+ (property "Reference" "R8"
+ (at 101.854 34.544 90)
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "47"
+ (at 108.458 34.798 90)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric"
+ (at 105.41 35.56 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 105.41 35.56 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
+ (at 105.41 35.56 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C23182"
+ (at 105.41 35.56 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C23182"
+ (at 105.41 35.56 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (reference "R8")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "power:GND")
+ (at 34.29 95.25 0)
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+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (uuid "7b759ad7-0cd9-43f0-8d05-f08cfed460f0")
+ (property "Reference" "#PWR013"
+ (at 34.29 101.6 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "GND"
+ (at 34.29 99.6934 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 34.29 95.25 0)
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
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+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
+ (at 34.29 95.25 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "1"
+ (uuid "86bc1e1a-fed3-4649-8a96-025dac49771d")
+ )
+ (instances
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+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "#PWR013")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
+ (at 120.65 81.28 270)
+ (mirror x)
+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (uuid "7b9ecb84-ed9f-4e9b-882f-5578b48a4649")
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
+ (at 117.729 84.0796 90)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 120.65 81.28 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 120.65 81.28 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 120.65 81.28 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 120.65 81.28 0)
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "D9")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:R_Small")
+ (at 59.69 35.56 90)
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+ (dnp no)
+ (uuid "7e510f4c-ce01-4695-aad8-55fc90d0d0c5")
+ (property "Reference" "R3"
+ (at 56.134 34.544 90)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "47"
+ (at 62.738 34.798 90)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric"
+ (at 59.69 35.56 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 59.69 35.56 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
+ (at 59.69 35.56 0)
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C23182"
+ (at 59.69 35.56 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C23182"
+ (at 59.69 35.56 0)
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ )
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (reference "R3")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
+ (at 120.65 71.12 270)
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+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
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+ (property "Reference" "D4"
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+ (effects
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
+ (at 117.729 73.9196 90)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 120.65 71.12 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 120.65 71.12 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 120.65 71.12 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 120.65 71.12 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
+ (at 120.65 71.12 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (reference "D4")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
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+ (mirror x)
+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
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+ (property "Reference" "D23"
+ (at 97.409 112.1353 90)
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
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+ (effects
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 100.33 111.76 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 100.33 111.76 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 100.33 111.76 0)
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 100.33 111.76 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
+ (at 100.33 111.76 0)
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
+ (uuid "b82c3e05-be9d-46e3-9c73-ec84a78105d7")
+ )
+ (pin "1"
+ (uuid "b20169a8-3eca-4d13-9e3f-5dee748b5863")
+ )
+ (instances
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+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "D23")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
+ (at 120.65 91.44 270)
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+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (uuid "8961e540-3ee5-4c4e-97f2-b46c88cd74e3")
+ (property "Reference" "D14"
+ (at 117.729 91.8153 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
+ (at 117.729 94.2396 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 120.65 91.44 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 120.65 91.44 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 120.65 91.44 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 120.65 91.44 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "1"
+ (uuid "134f92c3-2880-4580-afb6-b841ffc36007")
+ )
+ (instances
+ (project "pipebomb"
+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "D14")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:R_Small")
+ (at 105.41 48.26 90)
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+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (dnp no)
+ (uuid "8da4272a-0015-4aa9-b49e-22d4b0d863a5")
+ (property "Reference" "R6"
+ (at 101.854 47.244 90)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "47"
+ (at 108.458 47.498 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric"
+ (at 105.41 48.26 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 105.41 48.26 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
+ (at 105.41 48.26 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C23182"
+ (at 105.41 48.26 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C23182"
+ (at 105.41 48.26 0)
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (instances
+ (project "pipebomb"
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+ (reference "R6")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
+ (at 100.33 81.28 270)
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+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (uuid "9dbca415-dd13-42bd-b786-bc31b05b58c9")
+ (property "Reference" "D7"
+ (at 97.409 81.6553 90)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
+ (at 97.409 84.0796 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 100.33 81.28 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 100.33 81.28 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 100.33 81.28 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 100.33 81.28 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "1"
+ (uuid "dd312e6c-3f45-4ac9-9e3b-66351db381e6")
+ )
+ (instances
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+ (reference "D7")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
+ (at 90.17 101.6 270)
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+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (uuid "a552699a-4bc4-4cc8-9bee-b1b32385e9d5")
+ (property "Reference" "D17"
+ (at 87.249 101.9753 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
+ (at 87.249 104.3996 90)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 90.17 101.6 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 90.17 101.6 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 90.17 101.6 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 90.17 101.6 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "D17")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "power:GND")
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+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
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+ (property "Reference" "#PWR011"
+ (at 34.29 64.77 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "GND"
+ (at 34.29 62.8634 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 34.29 58.42 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
+ (at 34.29 58.42 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
+ (at 34.29 58.42 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (reference "#PWR011")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
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+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (dnp no)
+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
+ (uuid "bd21195d-ecfa-4841-b23b-4d4d8d2a4272")
+ (property "Reference" "D2"
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
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+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 100.33 71.12 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 100.33 71.12 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 100.33 71.12 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 100.33 71.12 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
+ (at 100.33 71.12 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "D2")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:R_Small")
+ (at 105.41 50.8 90)
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+ (on_board yes)
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "47"
+ (at 108.458 50.038 90)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric"
+ (at 105.41 50.8 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 105.41 50.8 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
+ (at 105.41 50.8 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C23182"
+ (at 105.41 50.8 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C23182"
+ (at 105.41 50.8 0)
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ (instances
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
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+ (mirror x)
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+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (fields_autoplaced yes)
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+ (property "Reference" "D27"
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
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+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 90.17 121.92 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 90.17 121.92 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 90.17 121.92 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
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+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
+ (at 90.17 121.92 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (reference "D27")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
+ (at 100.33 121.92 270)
+ (mirror x)
+ (unit 1)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (dnp no)
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 100.33 121.92 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 100.33 121.92 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 100.33 121.92 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
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+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
+ (at 100.33 121.92 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (reference "D28")
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
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+ (property "Reference" "#PWR02"
+ (at 114.3 35.56 0)
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "VDD"
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 114.3 31.75 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"VDD\""
+ (at 114.3 31.75 0)
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (instances
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+ (path "/56472f0f-b501-4745-be4e-714d2b047146"
+ (reference "#PWR02")
+ (unit 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Connector_Generic:Conn_01x05")
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+ (property "Reference" "J2"
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+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "Conn_01x05"
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+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "Connector_PinHeader_1.27mm:PinHeader_1x05_P1.27mm_Vertical"
+ (at 27.94 88.9 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Generic connector, single row, 01x05, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)"
+ (at 27.94 88.9 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "DNP"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "DNP"
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
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+ (hide yes)
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
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+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
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+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ (property "Value" "LED"
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+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 110.49 91.44 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
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+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 110.49 91.44 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
+ (at 110.49 91.44 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
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+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ (pin "1"
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+ (instances
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:C_Small")
+ (at 34.29 54.61 0)
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+ (on_board yes)
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+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 34.29 54.61 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
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+ (property "LCSC" "C1525"
+ (at 34.29 54.61 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
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+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C1525"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Device:LED")
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+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
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+ )
+ (justify right)
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+ )
+ (property "Value" "LED"
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+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_0402_1005Metric"
+ (at 90.17 81.28 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 90.17 81.28 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
+ (at 90.17 81.28 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC" "C434445"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "C434445"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
+ (lib_id "Connector:TestPoint")
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+ (in_bom yes)
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+ (uuid "f9e9c5b6-8801-4c3e-afc5-693d8ccdedcc")
+ (property "Reference" "TP1"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
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+ )
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+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "LCSC Part" "DNP"
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+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol
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+ )
+ (property "Description" "Light emitting diode"
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
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+ )
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+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
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+ (hide yes)
+ )
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+ (property "LCSC Part" "DNP"
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+ )
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+ )
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+ -2.6270224 3.2546776 0.31003937,-2.6397346 3.2515752 0.31003937,
+ -2.6523059 3.2480217 0.31003937,-2.6647244 3.244024 0.31003937,
+ -2.676978 3.2395886 0.31003937,-2.6890547 3.2347228 0.31003937,
+ -2.7009421 3.2294339 0.31003937,-2.7126283 3.223728 0.31003937,
+ -2.7241008 3.2176126 0.31003937,-2.735348 3.2110945 0.31003937,
+ -2.7463571 3.2041807 0.31003937,-2.7571161 3.196878 0.31003937,
+ -2.7676134 3.1891937 0.31003937,-2.7778362 3.1811343 0.31003937,
+ -2.7877728 3.1727067 0.31003937,-2.797411 3.1639185 0.31003937,
+ -2.8067382 3.154776 0.31003937,-2.8157425 3.1452862 0.31003937,
+ -2.8244122 3.1354567 0.31003937,-2.8327346 3.1252933 0.31003937,
+ -2.8406976 3.1148039 0.31003937,-2.8482894 3.1039953 0.31003937,
+ -2.8554972 3.092874 0.31003937,-2.8623098 3.0814476 0.31003937,
+ -2.8687142 3.0697224 0.31003937,-2.8746984 3.0577055 0.31003937,
+ -2.8802508 3.0454039 0.31003937,-2.9750425 2.8273839 0.31003937,
+ -4.1504583 2.8463413 0.31003937,-4.1978535 2.8937378 0.31003937,
+ -4.2104059 2.9042862 0.31003937,-4.2231803 2.9145846 0.31003937,
+ -4.2361772 2.9246055 0.31003937,-4.2493965 2.9343209 0.31003937,
+ -4.2628374 2.9437028 0.31003937,-4.2765008 2.952724 0.31003937,
+ -4.2903862 2.9613559 0.31003937,-4.3044941 2.9695717 0.31003937,
+ -4.318824 2.9773429 0.31003937,-4.333376 2.9846421 0.31003937,
+ -4.34815 2.9914413 0.31003937,-4.3631465 2.997713 0.31003937,
+ -4.378365 3.0034291 0.31003937,-4.3938055 3.0085622 0.31003937,
+ -4.4094681 3.0130843 0.31003937,-4.4253528 3.0169673 0.31003937,
+ -4.5864984 3.0548835 0.31003937,-4.6112724 3.0595606 0.31003937,
+ -4.6358378 3.062974 0.31003937,-4.6602091 3.0651937 0.31003937,
+ -4.6844 3.0662882 0.31003937,-4.7084244 3.0663276 0.31003937,
+ -4.7322957 3.0653811 0.31003937,-4.7560283 3.0635181 0.31003937,
+ -4.7796362 3.0608083 0.31003937,-4.8031327 3.0573205 0.31003937,
+ -4.8265323 3.0531248 0.31003937,-4.8498484 3.0482906 0.31003937,
+ -4.8730949 3.0428866 0.31003937,-4.9194358 3.0306492 0.31003937,
+ -4.9656654 3.0169673 0.31003937,-4.9561874 3.0359248 0.31003937,
+ -4.9917528 3.0257232 0.31003937,-5.0274295 3.016522 0.31003937,
+ -5.063328 3.0084315 0.31003937,-5.0995598 3.001563 0.31003937,
+ -5.1362362 2.9960276 0.31003937,-5.1734681 2.9919358 0.31003937,
+ -5.1923268 2.9904665 0.31003937,-5.2113661 2.9893996 0.31003937,
+ -5.2306 2.9887492 0.31003937,-5.2500421 2.9885295 0.31003937,
+ -5.2709421 2.990948 0.31003937,-5.2910512 2.9945465 0.31003937,
+ -5.3104654 2.9991728 0.31003937,-5.3292827 3.0046736 0.31003937,
+ -5.3476 3.0108969 0.31003937,-5.3655146 3.017689 0.31003937,
+ -5.4005244 3.0323709 0.31003937,-5.4350902 3.0474965 0.31003937,
+ -5.4524492 3.0548445 0.31003937,-5.469989 3.0618449 0.31003937,
+ -5.4878063 3.0683457 0.31003937,-5.5059984 3.0741937 0.31003937,
+ -5.524663 3.0792366 0.31003937,-5.5438965 3.0833213 0.31003937,
+ -5.706672 3.1090929 0.31003937,-5.774674 3.1189795 0.31003937,
+ -5.806252 3.1228811 0.31003937,-5.8365661 3.1259776 0.31003937,
+ -5.8658807 3.1281854 0.31003937,-5.8944594 3.1294213 0.31003937,
+ -5.9225657 3.1296016 0.31003937,-5.9504642 3.1286437 0.31003937,
+ -5.9784177 3.1264638 0.31003937,-6.0066909 3.1229783 0.31003937,
+ -6.0355472 3.1181047 0.31003937,-6.0652508 3.1117591 0.31003937,
+ -6.0811358 3.1079012 0.31003937,-6.0968008 3.1034465 0.31003937,
+ -6.127476 3.0928008 0.31003937,-6.1572906 3.0799335 0.31003937,
+ -6.1862583 3.0649555 0.31003937,-6.2143925 3.0479783 0.31003937,
+ -6.2417075 3.0291126 0.31003937,-6.2682173 3.0084693 0.31003937,
+ -6.2939358 2.9861602 0.31003937,-6.3188764 2.9622957 0.31003937,
+ -6.3430535 2.936987 0.31003937,-6.3664807 2.9103453 0.31003937,
+ -6.389172 2.8824819 0.31003937,-6.4111413 2.8535075 0.31003937,
+ -6.4324024 2.8235335 0.31003937,-6.4529693 2.7926705 0.31003937,
+ -6.4728555 2.7610303 0.31003937,-6.7098343 2.2586335 0.31003937,
+ -6.7267008 2.2195138 0.31003937,-6.7344327 2.1999189 0.31003937,
+ -6.7416787 2.1802827 0.31003937,-6.7484248 2.1605909 0.31003937,
+ -6.7546571 2.1408295 0.31003937,-6.7603614 2.120985 0.31003937,
+ -6.7655244 2.1010429 0.31003937,-6.7701323 2.0809902 0.31003937,
+ -6.7741705 2.0608122 0.31003937,-6.7776256 2.0404953 0.31003937,
+ -6.7804835 2.0200256 0.31003937,-6.7827307 1.9993894 0.31003937,
+ -6.7843531 1.9785728 0.31003937,-6.7853366 1.9575618 0.31003937,
+ -6.7856673 1.9363421 0.31003937,-6.8141055 1.3391551 0.31003937,
+ -6.813198 1.2720417 0.31003937,-6.8104028 1.2057063 0.31003937,
+ -6.8056079 1.140037 0.31003937,-6.798702 1.0749232 0.31003937,
+ -6.7895748 1.0102539 0.31003937,-6.7781146 0.94591772 0.31003937,
+ -6.7642106 0.88180354 0.31003937,-6.7477516 0.81780039 0.31003937,
+ -6.5960854 0.29644646 0.31003937,-6.5877492 0.26779606 0.31003937,
+ -6.5804961 0.23875709 0.31003937,-6.5742984 0.20938465 0.31003937,
+ -6.5691283 0.17973425 0.31003937,-6.5649583 0.1498622 0.31003937,
+ -6.5617598 0.11982323 0.31003937,-6.5595055 0.089673228 0.31003937,
+ -6.5581681 0.059467323 0.31003937,-6.5577189 0.029261811 0.31003937,
+ -6.5581311 -0.00088818898 0.31003937,-6.559376 -0.030927165 0.31003937,
+ -6.5614264 -0.060799606 0.31003937,-6.5642547 -0.090449606 0.31003937,
+ -6.5678323 -0.11982205 0.31003937,-6.5721323 -0.14886142 0.31003937,
+ -6.5771268 -0.17751181 0.31003937,-6.596974 -0.28252323 0.31003937,
+ -6.6150437 -0.3848685 0.31003937,-6.6331134 -0.48543661 0.31003937,
+ -6.6427031 -0.53533189 0.31003937,-6.6529598 -0.58511575 0.31003937,
+ -6.6607126 -0.61700157 0.31003937,-6.6696594 -0.64869331 0.31003937,
+ -6.6796618 -0.68021811 0.31003937,-6.6905803 -0.71160394 0.31003937,
+ -6.7146114 -0.77407008 0.31003937,-6.7406421 -0.83631417 0.31003937,
+ -6.7942583 -0.9610248 0.31003937,-6.8196228 -1.0239354 0.31003937,
+ -6.8314579 -1.0556268 0.31003937,-6.8425433 -1.0875126 0.31003937,
+ -6.8562902 -1.1311248 0.31003937,-6.8689815 -1.1764724 0.31003937,
+ -6.8804512 -1.2232921 0.31003937,-6.8905323 -1.2713197 0.31003937,
+ -6.8990579 -1.3202913 0.31003937,-6.9058618 -1.3699437 0.31003937,
+ -6.9107772 -1.4200122 0.31003937,-6.9136378 -1.4702339 0.31003937,
+ -6.9142764 -1.5203441 0.31003937,-6.9125268 -1.5700795 0.31003937,
+ -6.908222 -1.6191764 0.31003937,-6.9011961 -1.6673705 0.31003937,
+ -6.8912815 -1.7143984 0.31003937,-6.8783126 -1.7599961 0.31003937,
+ -6.862122 -1.8038996 0.31003937,-6.8425433 -1.8458453 0.31003937,
+ -6.5771268 -2.1965744 0.31003937,-6.564339 -2.2156437 0.31003937,
+ -6.5525843 -2.2354886 0.31003937,-6.5417839 -2.256052 0.31003937,
+ -6.5318602 -2.2772768 0.31003937,-6.5143295 -2.3214811 0.31003937,
+ -6.4993681 -2.3676437 0.31003937,-6.4863504 -2.4153055 0.31003937,
+ -6.474652 -2.4640087 0.31003937,-6.4527126 -2.5627067 0.31003937,
+ -6.4412224 -2.611785 0.31003937,-6.428552 -2.660072 0.31003937,
+ -6.414076 -2.7071091 0.31003937,-6.3971705 -2.7524382 0.31003937,
+ -6.3772102 -2.7956016 0.31003937,-6.365889 -2.8162276 0.31003937,
+ -6.3535701 -2.8361402 0.31003937,-6.3401748 -2.8552823 0.31003937,
+ -6.3256252 -2.8735965 0.31003937,-6.3098437 -2.8910256 0.31003937,
+ -6.2927512 -2.9075118 0.31003937,-6.2817602 -2.9170386 0.31003937,
+ -6.2701386 -2.926072 0.31003937,-6.245152 -2.9426886 0.31003937,
+ -6.2180819 -2.9574161 0.31003937,-6.1892209 -2.9703114 0.31003937,
+ -6.1588602 -2.9814291 0.31003937,-6.1272917 -2.9908248 0.31003937,
+ -6.0948067 -2.9985543 0.31003937,-6.0616965 -3.0046732 0.31003937,
+ -6.0282531 -3.009237 0.31003937,-5.9947685 -3.0123012 0.31003937,
+ -5.9615335 -3.0139213 0.31003937,-5.9288402 -3.0141528 0.31003937,
+ -5.8969795 -3.0130512 0.31003937,-5.8662441 -3.010672 0.31003937,
+ -5.8369248 -3.0070713 0.31003937,-5.8093134 -3.0023035 0.31003937,
+ -5.7626949 -2.9956571 0.31003937,-5.7154102 -2.9900106 0.31003937,
+ -5.6676811 -2.9854748 0.31003937,-5.6197299 -2.9821606 0.31003937,
+ -5.5717787 -2.9801799 0.31003937,-5.52405 -2.9796429 0.31003937,
+ -5.4767654 -2.980661 0.31003937,-5.4301476 -2.9833457 0.31003937,
+ -5.4108094 -2.9858657 0.31003937,-5.3918602 -2.9897331 0.31003937,
+ -5.3732441 -2.9947386 0.31003937,-5.3549059 -3.0006744 0.31003937,
+ -5.3367902 -3.0073327 0.31003937,-5.3188406 -3.0145047 0.31003937,
+ -5.2832197 -3.0295563 0.31003937,-5.2475988 -3.0441642 0.31003937,
+ -5.2296492 -3.0507803 0.31003937,-5.2115331 -3.056661 0.31003937,
+ -5.1931949 -3.0615972 0.31003937,-5.1745791 -3.0653811 0.31003937,
+ -5.1556299 -3.0678043 0.31003937,-5.1460126 -3.0684402 0.31003937,
+ -5.1362917 -3.0686583 0.31003937,-4.757126 -3.0970961 0.31003937,
+ -4.7017315 -3.103761 0.31003937,-4.6748118 -3.1062602 0.31003937,
+ -4.6614496 -3.1071559 0.31003937,-4.6481146 -3.1077598 0.31003937,
+ -4.6347799 -3.1080307 0.31003937,-4.6214177 -3.1079264 0.31003937,
+ -4.6079996 -3.1074059 0.31003937,-4.5944984 -3.1064268 0.31003937,
+ -4.5808858 -3.104948 0.31003937,-4.5671346 -3.102928 0.31003937,
+ -4.5532169 -3.1003244 0.31003937,-4.5391043 -3.0970961 0.31003937,
+ -4.5251012 -3.0931134 0.31003937,-4.5115 -3.088339 0.31003937,
+ -4.4982602 -3.0828705 0.31003937,-4.4853398 -3.0768051 0.31003937,
+ -4.4726972 -3.0702394 0.31003937,-4.4602902 -3.0632713 0.31003937,
+ -4.448078 -3.0559976 0.31003937,-4.4360185 -3.0485157 0.31003937,
+ -4.3884744 -3.0184488 0.31003937,-4.3765535 -3.0113831 0.31003937,
+ -4.3645358 -3.0046925 0.31003937,-4.3523787 -2.9984744 0.31003937,
+ -4.3400417 -2.9928252 0.31003937,-4.3365933 -2.9911567 0.31003937,
+ -4.3333394 -2.9896965 0.31003937,-4.3302524 -2.9884307 0.31003937,
+ -4.3273039 -2.9873453 0.31003937,-4.3244665 -2.9864264 0.31003937,
+ -4.3217126 -2.9856606 0.31003937,-4.3190142 -2.9850335 0.31003937,
+ -4.3163433 -2.9845311 0.31003937,-4.3136728 -2.9841402 0.31003937,
+ -4.3109744 -2.9838465 0.31003937,-4.3082205 -2.9836358 0.31003937,
+ -4.3053831 -2.9834945 0.31003937,-4.2993472 -2.983365 0.31003937,
+ -4.2926453 -2.9833465 0.31003937,-4.2882008 -2.9834835 0.31003937,
+ -4.2837516 -2.9838878 0.31003937,-4.2748161 -2.9854571 0.31003937,
+ -4.2657976 -2.9879705 0.31003937,-4.2566539 -2.9913445 0.31003937,
+ -4.2473437 -2.9954961 0.31003937,-4.2378252 -3.0003421 0.31003937,
+ -4.2280567 -3.0057992 0.31003937,-4.2179965 -3.0117839 0.31003937,
+ -4.1740071 -3.0393327 0.31003937,-4.1618642 -3.0467059 0.31003937,
+ -4.1491799 -3.0541071 0.31003937,-4.1359126 -3.0614524 0.31003937,
+ -4.1220201 -3.0686591 0.31003937,-4.0935831 -3.0824331 0.31003937,
+ -4.0651461 -3.0953189 0.31003937,-4.0367087 -3.1073161 0.31003937,
+ -4.0082713 -3.1184244 0.31003937,-3.9798335 -3.1286445 0.31003937,
+ -3.9513961 -3.1379752 0.31003937,-3.9229583 -3.1464177 0.31003937,
+ -3.8945209 -3.1539713 0.31003937,-3.8123441 -3.1781445 0.31003937,
+ -3.7310976 -3.1991709 0.31003937,-3.6507677 -3.2171252 0.31003937,
+ -3.5713406 -3.2320819 0.31003937,-3.4151378 -3.2533012 0.31003937,
+ -3.2623791 -3.263426 0.31003937,-3.1129524 -3.2630535 0.31003937,
+ -2.9667476 -3.2527807 0.31003937,-2.8236528 -3.2332043 0.31003937,
+ -2.6835575 -3.204922 0.31003937,-2.54635 -3.1685303 0.31003937,
+ -2.4119201 -3.1246268 0.31003937,-2.2801559 -3.0738083 0.31003937,
+ -2.1509469 -3.0166717 0.31003937,-2.0241815 -2.9538146 0.31003937,
+ -1.8997488 -2.8858335 0.31003937,-1.7775382 -2.8133256 0.31003937,
+ -1.6574378 -2.7368886 0.31003937,-1.6466626 -2.7300012 0.31003937,
+ -1.6356654 -2.7235583 0.31003937,-1.6244461 -2.7175594 0.31003937,
+ -1.6130043 -2.7120051 0.31003937,-1.6013406 -2.7068953 0.31003937,
+ -1.5894547 -2.7022299 0.31003937,-1.5773465 -2.6980087 0.31003937,
+ -1.5650161 -2.6942319 0.31003937,-1.5524638 -2.6908992 0.31003937,
+ -1.539689 -2.688011 0.31003937,-1.5266921 -2.6855673 0.31003937,
+ -1.5134732 -2.6835677 0.31003937,-1.5000323 -2.6820126 0.31003937,
+ -1.4863689 -2.680902 0.31003937,-1.4724835 -2.6802354 0.31003937,
+ -1.458376 -2.6800134 0.31003937,2.835687 -2.6800134 0.31003937,
+ 2.881898 -2.6796244 0.31003937,2.9281091 -2.6786803 0.31003937,
+ 3.0205311 -2.6764583 0.31003937,3.0667417 -2.6758476 0.31003937,
+ 3.1129528 -2.6760142 0.31003937,3.1591638 -2.6772917 0.31003937,
+ 3.2053748 -2.6800134 0.31003937,3.2283693 -2.6821307 0.31003937,
+ 3.2511413 -2.6849563 0.31003937,3.2736913 -2.6885319 0.31003937,
+ 3.2960193 -2.6928992 0.31003937,3.3181248 -2.6980992 0.31003937,
+ 3.3400083 -2.704174 0.31003937,3.3616697 -2.7111654 0.31003937,
+ 3.3831091 -2.719115 0.31003937,3.404326 -2.7280642 0.31003937,
+ 3.4253209 -2.7380547 0.31003937,3.4460937 -2.7491283 0.31003937,
+ 3.4666441 -2.7613268 0.31003937,3.4869724 -2.7746917 0.31003937,
+ 3.5070787 -2.7892646 0.31003937,3.5269626 -2.805087 0.31003937,
+ 3.5466248 -2.8222008 0.31003937,3.5588602 -2.8332791 0.31003937,
+ 3.5707484 -2.8450654 0.31003937,3.582387 -2.8573795 0.31003937,
+ 3.5938724 -2.8700406 0.31003937,3.6167744 -2.8956827 0.31003937,
+ 3.628385 -2.908302 0.31003937,3.6402319 -2.9205469 0.31003937,
+ 3.6524118 -2.9322362 0.31003937,3.665022 -2.9431894 0.31003937,
+ 3.6715189 -2.9483339 0.31003937,3.6781598 -2.9532264 0.31003937,
+ 3.6849571 -2.9578449 0.31003937,3.6919228 -2.9621661 0.31003937,
+ 3.6990689 -2.9661685 0.31003937,3.7064079 -2.9698287 0.31003937,
+ 3.7139516 -2.9731248 0.31003937,3.7217118 -2.9760335 0.31003937,
+ 3.7297016 -2.9785323 0.31003937,3.7379327 -2.9805992 0.31003937,
+ 3.7464169 -2.9822114 0.31003937,3.7551669 -2.9833465 0.31003937,
+ 4.1438126 -3.0307421 0.31003937,4.1651382 -3.0338571 0.31003937,
+ 4.18645 -3.0361114 0.31003937,4.2077343 -3.0375323 0.31003937,
+ 4.2289768 -3.0381476 0.31003937,4.2501638 -3.0379858 0.31003937,
+ 4.2712815 -3.037074 0.31003937,4.2923157 -3.0354402 0.31003937,
+ 4.3132528 -3.0331118 0.31003937,4.3340783 -3.0301173 0.31003937,
+ 4.3547795 -3.0264839 0.31003937,4.3753417 -3.0222394 0.31003937,
+ 4.3957508 -3.0174118 0.31003937,4.4159937 -3.0120287 0.31003937,
+ 4.4360559 -3.0061181 0.31003937,4.4559236 -2.9997079 0.31003937,
+ 4.4755831 -2.9928252 0.31003937,4.5178693 -2.974015 0.31003937,
+ 4.5597106 -2.9543157 0.31003937,4.6015524 -2.9355059 0.31003937,
+ 4.6226122 -2.9269894 0.31003937,4.6438382 -2.9193614 0.31003937,
+ 4.6652866 -2.9128445 0.31003937,4.687013 -2.9076606 0.31003937,
+ 4.7090724 -2.9040319 0.31003937,4.7202445 -2.9028705 0.31003937,
+ 4.7315205 -2.9021807 0.31003937,4.7429079 -2.9019909 0.31003937,
+ 4.754413 -2.9023287 0.31003937,4.7660433 -2.903222 0.31003937,
+ 4.7778055 -2.9046984 0.31003937,4.7897067 -2.9067862 0.31003937,
+ 4.8017535 -2.9095122 0.31003937,4.8139531 -2.9129051 0.31003937,
+ 4.8263122 -2.9169917 0.31003937,5.0253744 -2.9928252 0.31003937,
+ 5.0577854 -3.0039472 0.31003937,5.0909327 -3.012487 0.31003937,
+ 5.124663 -3.0185272 0.31003937,5.1588236 -3.0221512 0.31003937,
+ 5.1932618 -3.0234425 0.31003937,5.2278252 -3.0224843 0.31003937,
+ 5.2623606 -3.0193602 0.31003937,5.2967157 -3.0141531 0.31003937,
+ 5.3307374 -3.0069465 0.31003937,5.3642732 -2.997824 0.31003937,
+ 5.3971705 -2.9868681 0.31003937,5.429276 -2.974163 0.31003937,
+ 5.4604374 -2.9597917 0.31003937,5.4905016 -2.943837 0.31003937,
+ 5.5193165 -2.9263831 0.31003937,5.5467287 -2.9075126 0.31003937,
+ 5.5554004 -2.9001882 0.31003937,5.5636693 -2.8924606 0.31003937,
+ 5.5715768 -2.8843724 0.31003937,5.5791654 -2.875965 0.31003937,
+ 5.586476 -2.8672795 0.31003937,5.5935508 -2.8583579 0.31003937,
+ 5.6004311 -2.8492421 0.31003937,5.6071583 -2.8399736 0.31003937,
+ 5.6333744 -2.8022047 0.31003937,5.6466488 -2.7834874 0.31003937,
+ 5.6534736 -2.7743157 0.31003937,5.6604787 -2.7653248 0.31003937,
+ 5.6919177 -2.7149114 0.31003937,5.7222598 -2.663276 0.31003937,
+ 5.7515189 -2.6105295 0.31003937,5.7797091 -2.5567835 0.31003937,
+ 5.8068433 -2.5021484 0.31003937,5.8329366 -2.4467362 0.31003937,
+ 5.8820543 -2.3340228 0.31003937,5.9271728 -2.2195323 0.31003937,
+ 5.9684035 -2.1041531 0.31003937,6.0058575 -1.9887736 0.31003937,
+ 6.0396457 -1.8742831 0.31003937,6.0554728 -1.8136406 0.31003937,
+ 6.0676201 -1.7526091 0.31003937,6.0764075 -1.6912445 0.31003937,
+ 6.0821535 -1.6296024 0.31003937,6.0851783 -1.5677378 0.31003937,
+ 6.0858008 -1.5057067 0.31003937,6.0843406 -1.4435642 0.31003937,
+ 6.0811169 -1.3813665 0.31003937,6.0706567 -1.2570264 0.31003937,
+ 6.0569748 -1.1331307 0.31003937,6.0426264 -1.010124 0.31003937,
+ 6.0301665 -0.88845 0.31003937,6.030502 -0.87601772 0.31003937,
+ 6.0315181 -0.86364134 0.31003937,6.0332283 -0.85137559 0.31003937,
+ 6.0356469 -0.83927677 0.31003937,6.0371256 -0.83330748 0.31003937,
+ 6.038787 -0.8274 0.31003937,6.0406323 -0.8215626 0.31003937,
+ 6.0426634 -0.81580118 0.31003937,6.0448819 -0.81012323 0.31003937,
+ 6.0472898 -0.80453543 0.31003937,6.0498882 -0.79904488 0.31003937,
+ 6.0526795 -0.79365866 0.31003937,6.055665 -0.78838307 0.31003937,
+ 6.0588469 -0.78322598 0.31003937,6.0622264 -0.7781937 0.31003937,
+ 6.0658059 -0.77329331 0.31003937,6.0695866 -0.7685315 0.31003937,
+ 6.0735701 -0.76391575 0.31003937,6.0777587 -0.75945276 0.31003937,
+ 6.0821535 -0.75514961 0.31003937,6.0867571 -0.7510126 0.31003937,
+ 6.0915705 -0.74704961 0.31003937,6.0965953 -0.74326693 0.31003937,
+ 6.1018339 -0.73967165 0.31003937,6.1072878 -0.73627087 0.31003937,
+ 6.1129587 -0.73307126 0.31003937,6.118848 -0.73008031 0.31003937,
+ 6.1249579 -0.72730433 0.31003937,6.4188122 -0.58511732 0.31003937,
+ 6.4648008 -0.56137087 0.31003937,6.5085657 -0.5346689 0.31003937,
+ 6.5501055 -0.50516535 0.31003937,6.5894185 -0.47301496 0.31003937,
+ 6.6265031 -0.43837205 0.31003937,6.6613571 -0.40139134 0.31003937,
+ 6.6939791 -0.36222677 0.31003937,6.7243673 -0.32103346 0.31003937,
+ 6.7525197 -0.27796535 0.31003937,6.778435 -0.23317756 0.31003937,
+ 6.802111 -0.18682402 0.31003937,6.8235465 -0.13905945 0.31003937,
+ 6.8427394 -0.090037795 0.31003937,6.8596882 -0.039914567 0.31003937,
+ 6.8868461 0.06302126 0.31003937,6.9050059 0.16851142 0.31003937,
+ 6.9141539 0.27532126 0.31003937,6.9142768 0.38221417 0.31003937,
+ 6.9053598 0.48795433 0.31003937,6.8873898 0.59130669 0.31003937,
+ 6.8750055 0.64170079 0.31003937,6.8603524 0.69103465 0.31003937,
+ 6.8434291 0.73915315 0.31003937,6.8242339 0.78590276 0.31003937,
+ 6.802765 0.83112795 0.31003937,6.7790205 0.8746748 0.31003937,
+ 6.7221453 0.9599874 0.31003937,6.5799579 1.1874874 0.31003937,
+ 6.5590925 1.2226457 0.31003937,6.5392272 1.2572484 0.31003937,
+ 6.5204724 1.2916287 0.31003937,6.5029398 1.3261205 0.31003937,
+ 6.4946661 1.3435118 0.31003937,6.4867398 1.3610563 0.31003937,
+ 6.4791748 1.3787953 0.31003937,6.4719843 1.3967697 0.31003937,
+ 6.4651827 1.4150224 0.31003937,6.4587839 1.4335941 0.31003937,
+ 6.4528012 1.4525272 0.31003937,6.4472496 1.4718626 0.31003937,
+ 6.3998535 1.784676 0.31003937,6.3783776 1.9396008 0.31003937,
+ 6.3560126 2.0927484 0.31003937,6.3318705 2.2458965 0.31003937,
+ 6.3050622 2.4008217 0.31003937,6.294824 2.4501803 0.31003937,
+ 6.2853634 2.4988724 0.31003937,6.2683303 2.5951453 0.31003937,
+ 6.2530748 2.6914181 0.31003937,6.2387075 2.7894681 0.31003937,
+ 6.2375169 2.7966862 0.31003937,6.2357362 2.8041146 0.31003937,
+ 6.2333858 2.8117409 0.31003937,6.2304874 2.8195528 0.31003937,
+ 6.223128 2.8356854 0.31003937,6.2138248 2.852415 0.31003937,
+ 6.2027441 2.8696441 0.31003937,6.1900528 2.8872764 0.31003937,
+ 6.1759173 2.9052142 0.31003937,6.1605043 2.9233602 0.31003937,
+ 6.1439807 2.9416173 0.31003937,6.1265126 2.9598882 0.31003937,
+ 6.1082673 2.978076 0.31003937,6.0894106 2.9960831 0.31003937,
+ 6.0701098 3.0138126 0.31003937,6.0505311 3.0311669 0.31003937,
+ 6.0112075 3.0643626 0.31003937,5.9873476 3.084698 0.31003937,
+ 5.9620717 3.1030756 0.31003937,5.9355177 3.1195366 0.31003937,
+ 5.9078256 3.1341236 0.31003937,5.8791335 3.1468772 0.31003937,
+ 5.8495807 3.1578398 0.31003937,5.8193055 3.1670528 0.31003937,
+ 5.7884472 3.1745579 0.31003937,5.7571449 3.1803969 0.31003937,
+ 5.725537 3.184611 0.31003937,5.6937622 3.1872425 0.31003937,
+ 5.6619598 3.1883323 0.31003937,5.6302685 3.1879228 0.31003937,
+ 5.5988272 3.1860551 0.31003937,5.5677744 3.1827717 0.31003937,
+ 5.5372496 3.178113 0.31003937,5.5088118 3.1705406 0.31003937,
+ 5.4803744 3.1619685 0.31003937,5.4519366 3.1522858 0.31003937,
+ 5.4234992 3.1413807 0.31003937,5.4092803 3.1354354 0.31003937,
+ 5.3950618 3.1291433 0.31003937,5.3808429 3.1224898 0.31003937,
+ 5.3666244 3.1154614 0.31003937,5.3524055 3.1080441 0.31003937,
+ 5.338187 3.1002244 0.31003937,5.3239681 3.0919882 0.31003937,
+ 5.3097492 3.0833213 0.31003937,5.3020035 3.078813 0.31003937,
+ 5.2931051 3.0725831 0.31003937,5.283235 3.0649091 0.31003937,
+ 5.2725732 3.0560685 0.31003937,5.2495972 3.0359992 0.31003937,
+ 5.2256217 3.0145969 0.31003937,5.2020902 2.9940835 0.31003937,
+ 5.1909425 2.9848543 0.31003937,5.1804472 2.9766803 0.31003937,
+ 5.1707854 2.9698394 0.31003937,5.162137 2.9646091 0.31003937,
+ 5.1582496 2.9626846 0.31003937,5.1546831 2.9612673 0.31003937,
+ 5.1514602 2.9603913 0.31003937,5.1486035 2.9600917 0.31003937,
+ 4.5893323 2.9600917 0.31003937,4.4945409 3.0548835 0.31003937,
+ 4.4836571 3.0653209 0.31003937,4.4723425 3.0752862 0.31003937,
+ 4.4606118 3.0847516 0.31003937,4.448478 3.093689 0.31003937,
+ 4.4359555 3.1020713 0.31003937,4.4230583 3.1098705 0.31003937,
+ 4.4098 3.1170583 0.31003937,4.3961945 3.1236079 0.31003937,
+ 4.3822559 3.1294906 0.31003937,4.3679976 3.1346791 0.31003937,
+ 4.3534343 3.1391453 0.31003937,4.3385791 3.1428622 0.31003937,
+ 4.3234461 3.1458012 0.31003937,4.3080492 3.1479346 0.31003937,
+ 4.2924028 3.1492354 0.31003937,4.2765201 3.1496752 0.31003937,
+ 4.2228201 3.1506657 0.31003937,4.1717307 3.1500453 0.31003937,
+ 4.122974 3.1477591 0.31003937,4.0762724 3.1437504 0.31003937,
+ 4.031348 3.137965 0.31003937,3.9879236 3.1303465 0.31003937,
+ 3.9457209 3.1208394 0.31003937,3.9044626 3.1093882 0.31003937,
+ 3.8638705 3.0959378 0.31003937,3.8236673 3.0804323 0.31003937,
+ 3.7835756 3.0628161 0.31003937,3.7433169 3.0430339 0.31003937,
+ 3.7026138 3.0210299 0.31003937,3.661189 2.9967488 0.31003937,
+ 3.6187642 2.970135 0.31003937,3.5750618 2.9411331 0.31003937,
+ 3.5488854 2.920365 0.31003937,3.5327205 2.9007358 0.31003937,
+ 3.5241366 2.8822728 0.31003937,3.5197276 1.3772846 0.31003937,
+ 3.5197276 0.078072047 0.31003937,3.5197276 -1.2211406 0.31003937,
+ 3.5187992 -1.2543055 0.31003937,3.5040394 -1.3189724 0.31003937,
+ 3.4752598 -1.3787339 0.31003937,3.4339039 -1.4305925 0.31003937,
+ 3.3820453 -1.4719484 0.31003937,3.3222839 -1.500728 0.31003937,
+ 3.2576169 -1.5154878 0.31003937,3.224452 -1.5164161 0.31003937,
+ -0.29917008 -1.5164161 0.31003937,-3.8227921 -1.5164161 0.31003937,
+ -3.8559571 -1.5154878 0.31003937,-3.920624 -1.500728 0.31003937,
+ -3.9803854 -1.4719484 0.31003937,-4.0322441 -1.4305925 0.31003937,
+ -4.0736 -1.3787339 0.31003937,-4.1023795 -1.3189724 0.31003937,
+ -4.1171394 -1.2543055 0.31003937,-4.1180677 -1.2211406 0.31003937,
+ -4.1180677 0.078072047 0.31003937,-4.1180677 1.3772846 0.31003937,
+ -4.1171394 1.4104496 0.31003937,-4.1023795 1.4751165 0.31003937,
+ -4.0736 1.534878 0.31003937,-4.0322441 1.5867366 0.31003937,
+ -3.9803854 1.6280925 0.31003937,-3.920624 1.656872 0.31003937,
+ -3.8559571 1.6716319 0.31003937,-3.8227921 1.6725602 0.31003937,
+ -0.29917008 1.6725602 0.31003937,3.224452 1.6725602 0.31003937,
+ 3.2576169 1.6716319 0.31003937,3.3222839 1.656872 0.31003937,
+ 3.3820453 1.6280925 0.31003937,3.4339039 1.5867366 0.31003937,
+ 3.4752598 1.534878 0.31003937,3.5040394 1.4751165 0.31003937,
+ 3.5187992 1.4104496 0.31003937,3.5207047 2.8650039 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5195752 2.8341598 -0.31003937,3.5170181 2.8206402 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5098925 2.8084256 -0.31003937,3.4957685 2.7975441 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4722165 2.7880232 -0.31003937,3.4368059 2.7798913 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3871075 2.7731752 -0.31003937,3.3206909 2.7679035 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2351264 2.7641035 -0.31003937,3.1279835 2.7618031 -0.31003937,
+ 2.9968327 2.7610303 -0.31003937,0.7028748 2.7610303 -0.31003937,
+ 0.6759185 2.7611783 -0.31003937,0.66321772 2.7615299 -0.31003937,
+ 0.65073937 2.762215 -0.31003937,0.63826102 2.7633445 -0.31003937,
+ 0.63195236 2.7641106 -0.31003937,0.62556063 2.7650291 -0.31003937,
+ 0.61905748 2.7661146 -0.31003937,0.61241575 2.7673807 -0.31003937,
+ 0.60560709 2.7688409 -0.31003937,0.59860433 2.7705094 -0.31003937,
+ 0.59155 2.7734756 -0.31003937,0.58460512 2.7770217 -0.31003937,
+ 0.57776811 2.7811161 -0.31003937,0.57103661 2.7857276 -0.31003937,
+ 0.56440945 2.7908252 -0.31003937,0.55788465 2.796378 -0.31003937,
+ 0.54513543 2.808722 -0.31003937,0.5327752 2.8225102 -0.31003937,
+ 0.52078937 2.8374925 -0.31003937,0.50916496 2.8534193 -0.31003937,
+ 0.4978874 2.8700402 -0.31003937,0.4763185 2.904365 -0.31003937,
+ 0.45597165 2.9384681 -0.31003937,0.43673583 2.9703492 -0.31003937,
+ 0.42749961 2.9848315 -0.31003937,0.41849921 2.9980087 -0.31003937,
+ 0.39640748 3.0257709 -0.31003937,0.37284409 3.0521441 -0.31003937,
+ 0.34789173 3.0770732 -0.31003937,0.32163425 3.1005028 -0.31003937,
+ 0.29415472 3.1223772 -0.31003937,0.26553701 3.1426409 -0.31003937,
+ 0.23586378 3.1612382 -0.31003937,0.2052185 3.1781138 -0.31003937,
+ 0.17368465 3.1932122 -0.31003937,0.14134528 3.2064776 -0.31003937,
+ 0.10828386 3.2178543 -0.31003937,0.074583858 3.2272874 -0.31003937,
+ 0.040328346 3.2347205 -0.31003937,0.0056007874 3.2400988 -0.31003937,
+ -0.029515748 3.2433665 -0.31003937,-0.064937402 3.2444681 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6669165 3.2634256 -0.31003937,-2.5484791 3.2634256 -0.31003937,
+ -2.5617795 3.2631768 -0.31003937,-2.5750118 3.262435 -0.31003937,
+ -2.588165 3.2612075 -0.31003937,-2.6012256 3.2595004 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6141823 3.2573217 -0.31003937,-2.6270224 3.2546776 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6397346 3.2515752 -0.31003937,-2.6523059 3.2480217 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6647244 3.244024 -0.31003937,-2.676978 3.2395886 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6890547 3.2347228 -0.31003937,-2.7009421 3.2294339 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7126283 3.223728 -0.31003937,-2.7241008 3.2176126 -0.31003937,
+ -2.735348 3.2110945 -0.31003937,-2.7463571 3.2041807 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7571161 3.196878 -0.31003937,-2.7676134 3.1891937 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7778362 3.1811343 -0.31003937,-2.7877728 3.1727067 -0.31003937,
+ -2.797411 3.1639185 -0.31003937,-2.8067382 3.154776 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8157425 3.1452862 -0.31003937,-2.8244122 3.1354567 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8327346 3.1252933 -0.31003937,-2.8406976 3.1148039 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8482894 3.1039953 -0.31003937,-2.8554972 3.092874 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8623098 3.0814476 -0.31003937,-2.8687142 3.0697224 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8746984 3.0577055 -0.31003937,-2.8802508 3.0454039 -0.31003937,
+ -2.9750425 2.8273839 -0.31003937,-4.1504583 2.8463413 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1978535 2.8937378 -0.31003937,-4.2104059 2.9042862 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2231803 2.9145846 -0.31003937,-4.2361772 2.9246055 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2493965 2.9343209 -0.31003937,-4.2628374 2.9437028 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2765008 2.952724 -0.31003937,-4.2903862 2.9613559 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3044941 2.9695717 -0.31003937,-4.318824 2.9773429 -0.31003937,
+ -4.333376 2.9846421 -0.31003937,-4.34815 2.9914413 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3631465 2.997713 -0.31003937,-4.378365 3.0034291 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3938055 3.0085622 -0.31003937,-4.4094681 3.0130843 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4253528 3.0169673 -0.31003937,-4.5864984 3.0548835 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6112724 3.0595606 -0.31003937,-4.6358378 3.062974 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6602091 3.0651937 -0.31003937,-4.6844 3.0662882 -0.31003937,
+ -4.7084244 3.0663276 -0.31003937,-4.7322957 3.0653811 -0.31003937,
+ -4.7560283 3.0635181 -0.31003937,-4.7796362 3.0608083 -0.31003937,
+ -4.8031327 3.0573205 -0.31003937,-4.8265323 3.0531248 -0.31003937,
+ -4.8498484 3.0482906 -0.31003937,-4.8730949 3.0428866 -0.31003937,
+ -4.9194358 3.0306492 -0.31003937,-4.9656654 3.0169673 -0.31003937,
+ -4.9561874 3.0359248 -0.31003937,-4.9917528 3.0257232 -0.31003937,
+ -5.0274295 3.016522 -0.31003937,-5.063328 3.0084315 -0.31003937,
+ -5.0995598 3.001563 -0.31003937,-5.1362362 2.9960276 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1734681 2.9919358 -0.31003937,-5.1923268 2.9904665 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2113661 2.9893996 -0.31003937,-5.2306 2.9887492 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2500421 2.9885295 -0.31003937,-5.2709421 2.990948 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2910512 2.9945465 -0.31003937,-5.3104654 2.9991728 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3292827 3.0046736 -0.31003937,-5.3476 3.0108969 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3655146 3.017689 -0.31003937,-5.4005244 3.0323709 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4350902 3.0474965 -0.31003937,-5.4524492 3.0548445 -0.31003937,
+ -5.469989 3.0618449 -0.31003937,-5.4878063 3.0683457 -0.31003937,
+ -5.5059984 3.0741937 -0.31003937,-5.524663 3.0792366 -0.31003937,
+ -5.5438965 3.0833213 -0.31003937,-5.706672 3.1090929 -0.31003937,
+ -5.774674 3.1189795 -0.31003937,-5.806252 3.1228811 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8365661 3.1259776 -0.31003937,-5.8658807 3.1281854 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8944594 3.1294213 -0.31003937,-5.9225657 3.1296016 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9504642 3.1286437 -0.31003937,-5.9784177 3.1264638 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0066909 3.1229783 -0.31003937,-6.0355472 3.1181047 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0652508 3.1117591 -0.31003937,-6.0811358 3.1079012 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0968008 3.1034465 -0.31003937,-6.127476 3.0928008 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1572906 3.0799335 -0.31003937,-6.1862583 3.0649555 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2143925 3.0479783 -0.31003937,-6.2417075 3.0291126 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2682173 3.0084693 -0.31003937,-6.2939358 2.9861602 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3188764 2.9622957 -0.31003937,-6.3430535 2.936987 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3664807 2.9103453 -0.31003937,-6.389172 2.8824819 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4111413 2.8535075 -0.31003937,-6.4324024 2.8235335 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4529693 2.7926705 -0.31003937,-6.4728555 2.7610303 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7098343 2.2586335 -0.31003937,-6.7267008 2.2195138 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7344327 2.1999189 -0.31003937,-6.7416787 2.1802827 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7484248 2.1605909 -0.31003937,-6.7546571 2.1408295 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7603614 2.120985 -0.31003937,-6.7655244 2.1010429 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7701323 2.0809902 -0.31003937,-6.7741705 2.0608122 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7776256 2.0404953 -0.31003937,-6.7804835 2.0200256 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7827307 1.9993894 -0.31003937,-6.7843531 1.9785728 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7853366 1.9575618 -0.31003937,-6.7856673 1.9363421 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8141055 1.3391551 -0.31003937,-6.813198 1.2720417 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8104028 1.2057063 -0.31003937,-6.8056079 1.140037 -0.31003937,
+ -6.798702 1.0749232 -0.31003937,-6.7895748 1.0102539 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7781146 0.94591772 -0.31003937,-6.7642106 0.88180354 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7477516 0.81780039 -0.31003937,-6.5960854 0.29644646 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5877492 0.26779606 -0.31003937,-6.5804961 0.23875709 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5742984 0.20938465 -0.31003937,-6.5691283 0.17973425 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5649583 0.1498622 -0.31003937,-6.5617598 0.11982323 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5595055 0.089673228 -0.31003937,-6.5581681 0.059467323 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5577189 0.029261811 -0.31003937,-6.5581311 -0.00088818898 -0.31003937,
+ -6.559376 -0.030927165 -0.31003937,-6.5614264 -0.060799606 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5642547 -0.090449606 -0.31003937,-6.5678323 -0.11982205 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5721323 -0.14886142 -0.31003937,-6.5771268 -0.17751181 -0.31003937,
+ -6.596974 -0.28252323 -0.31003937,-6.6150437 -0.3848685 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6331134 -0.48543661 -0.31003937,-6.6427031 -0.53533189 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6529598 -0.58511575 -0.31003937,-6.6607126 -0.61700157 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6696594 -0.64869331 -0.31003937,-6.6796618 -0.68021811 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6905803 -0.71160394 -0.31003937,-6.7146114 -0.77407008 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7406421 -0.83631417 -0.31003937,-6.7942583 -0.9610248 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8196228 -1.0239354 -0.31003937,-6.8314579 -1.0556268 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8425433 -1.0875126 -0.31003937,-6.8562902 -1.1311248 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8689815 -1.1764724 -0.31003937,-6.8804512 -1.2232921 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8905323 -1.2713197 -0.31003937,-6.8990579 -1.3202913 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9058618 -1.3699437 -0.31003937,-6.9107772 -1.4200122 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9136378 -1.4702339 -0.31003937,-6.9142764 -1.5203441 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9125268 -1.5700795 -0.31003937,-6.908222 -1.6191764 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9011961 -1.6673705 -0.31003937,-6.8912815 -1.7143984 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8783126 -1.7599961 -0.31003937,-6.862122 -1.8038996 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8425433 -1.8458453 -0.31003937,-6.5771268 -2.1965744 -0.31003937,
+ -6.564339 -2.2156437 -0.31003937,-6.5525843 -2.2354886 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5417839 -2.256052 -0.31003937,-6.5318602 -2.2772768 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5143295 -2.3214811 -0.31003937,-6.4993681 -2.3676437 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4863504 -2.4153055 -0.31003937,-6.474652 -2.4640087 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4527126 -2.5627067 -0.31003937,-6.4412224 -2.611785 -0.31003937,
+ -6.428552 -2.660072 -0.31003937,-6.414076 -2.7071091 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3971705 -2.7524382 -0.31003937,-6.3772102 -2.7956016 -0.31003937,
+ -6.365889 -2.8162276 -0.31003937,-6.3535701 -2.8361402 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3401748 -2.8552823 -0.31003937,-6.3256252 -2.8735965 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3098437 -2.8910256 -0.31003937,-6.2927512 -2.9075118 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2817602 -2.9170386 -0.31003937,-6.2701386 -2.926072 -0.31003937,
+ -6.245152 -2.9426886 -0.31003937,-6.2180819 -2.9574161 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1892209 -2.9703114 -0.31003937,-6.1588602 -2.9814291 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1272917 -2.9908248 -0.31003937,-6.0948067 -2.9985543 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0616965 -3.0046732 -0.31003937,-6.0282531 -3.009237 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9947685 -3.0123012 -0.31003937,-5.9615335 -3.0139213 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9288402 -3.0141528 -0.31003937,-5.8969795 -3.0130512 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8662441 -3.010672 -0.31003937,-5.8369248 -3.0070713 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8093134 -3.0023035 -0.31003937,-5.7626949 -2.9956571 -0.31003937,
+ -5.7154102 -2.9900106 -0.31003937,-5.6676811 -2.9854748 -0.31003937,
+ -5.6197299 -2.9821606 -0.31003937,-5.5717787 -2.9801799 -0.31003937,
+ -5.52405 -2.9796429 -0.31003937,-5.4767654 -2.980661 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4301476 -2.9833457 -0.31003937,-5.4108094 -2.9858657 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3918602 -2.9897331 -0.31003937,-5.3732441 -2.9947386 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3549059 -3.0006744 -0.31003937,-5.3367902 -3.0073327 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3188406 -3.0145047 -0.31003937,-5.2832197 -3.0295563 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2475988 -3.0441642 -0.31003937,-5.2296492 -3.0507803 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2115331 -3.056661 -0.31003937,-5.1931949 -3.0615972 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1745791 -3.0653811 -0.31003937,-5.1556299 -3.0678043 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1460126 -3.0684402 -0.31003937,-5.1362917 -3.0686583 -0.31003937,
+ -4.757126 -3.0970961 -0.31003937,-4.7017315 -3.103761 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6748118 -3.1062602 -0.31003937,-4.6614496 -3.1071559 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6481146 -3.1077598 -0.31003937,-4.6347799 -3.1080307 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6214177 -3.1079264 -0.31003937,-4.6079996 -3.1074059 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5944984 -3.1064268 -0.31003937,-4.5808858 -3.104948 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5671346 -3.102928 -0.31003937,-4.5532169 -3.1003244 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5391043 -3.0970961 -0.31003937,-4.5251012 -3.0931134 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5115 -3.088339 -0.31003937,-4.4982602 -3.0828705 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4853398 -3.0768051 -0.31003937,-4.4726972 -3.0702394 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4602902 -3.0632713 -0.31003937,-4.448078 -3.0559976 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4360185 -3.0485157 -0.31003937,-4.3884744 -3.0184488 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3765535 -3.0113831 -0.31003937,-4.3645358 -3.0046925 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3523787 -2.9984744 -0.31003937,-4.3400417 -2.9928252 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3365933 -2.9911567 -0.31003937,-4.3333394 -2.9896965 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3302524 -2.9884307 -0.31003937,-4.3273039 -2.9873453 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3244665 -2.9864264 -0.31003937,-4.3217126 -2.9856606 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3190142 -2.9850335 -0.31003937,-4.3163433 -2.9845311 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3136728 -2.9841402 -0.31003937,-4.3109744 -2.9838465 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3082205 -2.9836358 -0.31003937,-4.3053831 -2.9834945 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2993472 -2.983365 -0.31003937,-4.2926453 -2.9833465 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2882008 -2.9834835 -0.31003937,-4.2837516 -2.9838878 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2748161 -2.9854571 -0.31003937,-4.2657976 -2.9879705 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2566539 -2.9913445 -0.31003937,-4.2473437 -2.9954961 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2378252 -3.0003421 -0.31003937,-4.2280567 -3.0057992 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2179965 -3.0117839 -0.31003937,-4.1740071 -3.0393327 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1618642 -3.0467059 -0.31003937,-4.1491799 -3.0541071 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1359126 -3.0614524 -0.31003937,-4.1220201 -3.0686591 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0935831 -3.0824331 -0.31003937,-4.0651461 -3.0953189 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0367087 -3.1073161 -0.31003937,-4.0082713 -3.1184244 -0.31003937,
+ -3.9798335 -3.1286445 -0.31003937,-3.9513961 -3.1379752 -0.31003937,
+ -3.9229583 -3.1464177 -0.31003937,-3.8945209 -3.1539713 -0.31003937,
+ -3.8123441 -3.1781445 -0.31003937,-3.7310976 -3.1991709 -0.31003937,
+ -3.6507677 -3.2171252 -0.31003937,-3.5713406 -3.2320819 -0.31003937,
+ -3.4151378 -3.2533012 -0.31003937,-3.2623791 -3.263426 -0.31003937,
+ -3.1129524 -3.2630535 -0.31003937,-2.9667476 -3.2527807 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8236528 -3.2332043 -0.31003937,-2.6835575 -3.204922 -0.31003937,
+ -2.54635 -3.1685303 -0.31003937,-2.4119201 -3.1246268 -0.31003937,
+ -2.2801559 -3.0738083 -0.31003937,-2.1509469 -3.0166717 -0.31003937,
+ -2.0241815 -2.9538146 -0.31003937,-1.8997488 -2.8858335 -0.31003937,
+ -1.7775382 -2.8133256 -0.31003937,-1.6574378 -2.7368886 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6466626 -2.7300012 -0.31003937,-1.6356654 -2.7235583 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6244461 -2.7175594 -0.31003937,-1.6130043 -2.7120051 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6013406 -2.7068953 -0.31003937,-1.5894547 -2.7022299 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5773465 -2.6980087 -0.31003937,-1.5650161 -2.6942319 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5524638 -2.6908992 -0.31003937,-1.539689 -2.688011 -0.31003937,
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+ -1.5000323 -2.6820126 -0.31003937,-1.4863689 -2.680902 -0.31003937,
+ -1.4724835 -2.6802354 -0.31003937,-1.458376 -2.6800134 -0.31003937,
+ 2.835687 -2.6800134 -0.31003937,2.881898 -2.6796244 -0.31003937,
+ 2.9281091 -2.6786803 -0.31003937,3.0205311 -2.6764583 -0.31003937,
+ 3.0667417 -2.6758476 -0.31003937,3.1129528 -2.6760142 -0.31003937,
+ 3.1591638 -2.6772917 -0.31003937,3.2053748 -2.6800134 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2283693 -2.6821307 -0.31003937,3.2511413 -2.6849563 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2736913 -2.6885319 -0.31003937,3.2960193 -2.6928992 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3181248 -2.6980992 -0.31003937,3.3400083 -2.704174 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3616697 -2.7111654 -0.31003937,3.3831091 -2.719115 -0.31003937,
+ 3.404326 -2.7280642 -0.31003937,3.4253209 -2.7380547 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4460937 -2.7491283 -0.31003937,3.4666441 -2.7613268 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4869724 -2.7746917 -0.31003937,3.5070787 -2.7892646 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5269626 -2.805087 -0.31003937,3.5466248 -2.8222008 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5588602 -2.8332791 -0.31003937,3.5707484 -2.8450654 -0.31003937,
+ 3.582387 -2.8573795 -0.31003937,3.5938724 -2.8700406 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6167744 -2.8956827 -0.31003937,3.628385 -2.908302 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6402319 -2.9205469 -0.31003937,3.6524118 -2.9322362 -0.31003937,
+ 3.665022 -2.9431894 -0.31003937,3.6715189 -2.9483339 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6781598 -2.9532264 -0.31003937,3.6849571 -2.9578449 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6919228 -2.9621661 -0.31003937,3.6990689 -2.9661685 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7064079 -2.9698287 -0.31003937,3.7139516 -2.9731248 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7217118 -2.9760335 -0.31003937,3.7297016 -2.9785323 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7379327 -2.9805992 -0.31003937,3.7464169 -2.9822114 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7551669 -2.9833465 -0.31003937,4.1438126 -3.0307421 -0.31003937,
+ 4.1651382 -3.0338571 -0.31003937,4.18645 -3.0361114 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2077343 -3.0375323 -0.31003937,4.2289768 -3.0381476 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2501638 -3.0379858 -0.31003937,4.2712815 -3.037074 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2923157 -3.0354402 -0.31003937,4.3132528 -3.0331118 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3340783 -3.0301173 -0.31003937,4.3547795 -3.0264839 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3753417 -3.0222394 -0.31003937,4.3957508 -3.0174118 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4159937 -3.0120287 -0.31003937,4.4360559 -3.0061181 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4559236 -2.9997079 -0.31003937,4.4755831 -2.9928252 -0.31003937,
+ 4.5178693 -2.974015 -0.31003937,4.5597106 -2.9543157 -0.31003937,
+ 4.6015524 -2.9355059 -0.31003937,4.6226122 -2.9269894 -0.31003937,
+ 4.6438382 -2.9193614 -0.31003937,4.6652866 -2.9128445 -0.31003937,
+ 4.687013 -2.9076606 -0.31003937,4.7090724 -2.9040319 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7202445 -2.9028705 -0.31003937,4.7315205 -2.9021807 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7429079 -2.9019909 -0.31003937,4.754413 -2.9023287 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7660433 -2.903222 -0.31003937,4.7778055 -2.9046984 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7897067 -2.9067862 -0.31003937,4.8017535 -2.9095122 -0.31003937,
+ 4.8139531 -2.9129051 -0.31003937,4.8263122 -2.9169917 -0.31003937,
+ 5.0253744 -2.9928252 -0.31003937,5.0577854 -3.0039472 -0.31003937,
+ 5.0909327 -3.012487 -0.31003937,5.124663 -3.0185272 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1588236 -3.0221512 -0.31003937,5.1932618 -3.0234425 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2278252 -3.0224843 -0.31003937,5.2623606 -3.0193602 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2967157 -3.0141531 -0.31003937,5.3307374 -3.0069465 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3642732 -2.997824 -0.31003937,5.3971705 -2.9868681 -0.31003937,
+ 5.429276 -2.974163 -0.31003937,5.4604374 -2.9597917 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4905016 -2.943837 -0.31003937,5.5193165 -2.9263831 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5467287 -2.9075126 -0.31003937,5.5554004 -2.9001882 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5636693 -2.8924606 -0.31003937,5.5715768 -2.8843724 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5791654 -2.875965 -0.31003937,5.586476 -2.8672795 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5935508 -2.8583579 -0.31003937,5.6004311 -2.8492421 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6071583 -2.8399736 -0.31003937,5.6333744 -2.8022047 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6466488 -2.7834874 -0.31003937,5.6534736 -2.7743157 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6604787 -2.7653248 -0.31003937,5.6919177 -2.7149114 -0.31003937,
+ 5.7222598 -2.663276 -0.31003937,5.7515189 -2.6105295 -0.31003937,
+ 5.7797091 -2.5567835 -0.31003937,5.8068433 -2.5021484 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8329366 -2.4467362 -0.31003937,5.8820543 -2.3340228 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9271728 -2.2195323 -0.31003937,5.9684035 -2.1041531 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0058575 -1.9887736 -0.31003937,6.0396457 -1.8742831 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0554728 -1.8136406 -0.31003937,6.0676201 -1.7526091 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.224452 1.6725602 -0.31003937,3.2576169 1.6716319 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.4339039 1.5867366 -0.31003937,3.4752598 1.534878 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5040394 1.4751165 -0.31003937,3.5187992 1.4104496 -0.31003937] }
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+ 648,509,510,-1,648,510,647,-1,649,650,503,-1,649,503,504,-1,649,504,505,-1,649,505,506,-1,503,650,502,-1,502,650,651,-1,
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+ 677,480,481,-1,677,481,482,-1,677,482,483,-1,677,483,484,-1,677,484,485,-1,677,485,486,-1,677,486,487,-1,677,487,488,-1,
+ 677,488,489,-1,677,489,490,-1,678,679,469,-1,678,469,470,-1,678,470,471,-1,680,681,468,-1,680,468,469,-1,680,469,679,-1,
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+ 694,460,693,-1,454,455,696,-1,696,455,456,-1,696,456,695,-1,695,456,457,-1,697,698,452,-1,697,452,453,-1,697,453,454,-1,
+ 697,454,696,-1,452,698,699,-1,452,699,700,-1,452,700,701,-1,452,701,702,-1,452,702,703,-1,452,703,704,-1,452,704,705,-1,
+ 452,705,706,-1,452,706,451,-1,448,449,707,-1,707,449,450,-1,707,450,706,-1,706,450,451,-1,707,708,445,-1,707,445,446,-1,
+ 707,446,447,-1,707,447,448,-1,708,709,439,-1,708,439,440,-1,708,440,441,-1,708,441,442,-1,708,442,443,-1,708,443,444,-1,
+ 708,444,445,-1,709,710,436,-1,709,436,437,-1,709,437,438,-1,709,438,439,-1,710,711,433,-1,710,433,434,-1,710,434,435,-1,
+ 710,435,436,-1,714,429,713,-1,713,429,430,-1,713,430,712,-1,712,430,431,-1,712,431,711,-1,711,431,432,-1,711,432,433,-1,
+ 429,714,0,-1,429,0,715,-1,429,715,716,-1,429,716,717,-1,429,717,718,-1,429,718,428,-1,425,426,720,-1,720,426,427,-1,
+ 720,427,719,-1,719,427,428,-1,719,428,718,-1,721,722,422,-1,721,422,423,-1,721,423,424,-1,721,424,425,-1,721,425,720,-1,
+ 418,419,723,-1,723,419,420,-1,723,420,722,-1,722,420,421,-1,722,421,422,-1,415,416,724,-1,724,416,417,-1,724,417,723,-1,
+ 723,417,418,-1,725,726,407,-1,725,407,408,-1,725,408,409,-1,725,409,410,-1,725,410,411,-1,725,411,412,-1,725,412,413,-1,
+ 725,413,414,-1,725,414,415,-1,725,415,724,-1,726,727,373,-1,726,373,374,-1,726,374,375,-1,726,375,376,-1,726,376,377,-1,
+ 726,377,378,-1,726,378,379,-1,726,379,380,-1,726,380,381,-1,726,381,382,-1,726,382,383,-1,726,383,384,-1,726,384,385,-1,
+ 726,385,386,-1,726,386,387,-1,726,387,388,-1,726,388,389,-1,726,389,390,-1,726,390,391,-1,726,391,392,-1,726,392,393,-1,
+ 726,393,394,-1,726,394,395,-1,726,395,396,-1,726,396,397,-1,726,397,398,-1,726,398,399,-1,726,399,400,-1,726,400,401,-1,
+ 726,401,402,-1,726,402,403,-1,726,403,404,-1,726,404,405,-1,726,405,406,-1,726,406,407,-1,370,371,729,-1,729,371,372,-1,
+ 729,372,728,-1,728,372,373,-1,728,373,727,-1,366,367,731,-1,731,367,368,-1,731,368,730,-1,730,368,369,-1,730,369,729,-1,
+ 729,369,370,-1,732,733,365,-1,732,365,366,-1,732,366,731,-1,362,363,737,-1,737,363,364,-1,737,364,735,-1,735,364,365,-1,
+ 735,365,734,-1,734,365,733,-1,1,2,754,-1,1,754,715,-1,1,715,0,-1,5,752,4,-1,4,752,753,-1,4,753,3,-1,
+ 3,753,754,-1,3,754,2,-1,749,750,7,-1,7,750,751,-1,7,751,6,-1,6,751,752,-1,6,752,5,-1,10,747,9,-1,
+ 9,747,748,-1,9,748,8,-1,8,748,749,-1,8,749,7,-1,747,10,11,-1,747,11,12,-1,747,12,13,-1,747,13,14,-1,
+ 747,14,15,-1,747,15,16,-1,747,16,17,-1,747,17,18,-1,747,18,19,-1,747,19,20,-1,747,20,21,-1,747,21,22,-1,
+ 747,22,746,-1,34,35,36,-1,34,36,37,-1,34,37,38,-1,34,38,39,-1,34,39,33,-1,40,41,32,-1,40,32,33,-1,
+ 40,33,39,-1,42,43,31,-1,42,31,32,-1,42,32,41,-1,44,45,30,-1,44,30,31,-1,44,31,43,-1,46,47,29,-1,
+ 46,29,30,-1,46,30,45,-1,47,48,29,-1,29,48,49,-1,29,49,28,-1,28,49,50,-1,28,50,51,-1,27,28,51,-1,
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+ 23,746,22,-1,746,54,55,-1,746,55,56,-1,746,56,57,-1,746,57,58,-1,746,58,59,-1,746,59,60,-1,746,60,61,-1,
+ 746,61,62,-1,746,62,63,-1,746,63,64,-1,746,64,65,-1,746,65,66,-1,746,66,67,-1,746,67,68,-1,746,68,69,-1,
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+ 89,743,744,-1,89,744,745,-1,90,91,360,-1,90,360,361,-1,90,361,362,-1,90,362,737,-1,90,737,738,-1,90,738,739,-1,
+ 90,739,740,-1,90,740,741,-1,356,357,94,-1,94,357,358,-1,94,358,93,-1,93,358,359,-1,93,359,92,-1,92,359,360,-1,
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+ 1457,1207,1458,-1,1458,1207,1459,-1,1459,1207,1460,-1,1460,1207,1461,-1,1461,1207,1206,-1,1204,1203,1462,-1,1204,1462,1205,-1,1205,1462,1461,-1,
+ 1205,1461,1206,-1,1463,1462,1200,-1,1200,1462,1201,-1,1201,1462,1202,-1,1202,1462,1203,-1,1464,1463,1194,-1,1194,1463,1195,-1,1195,1463,1196,-1,
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+ 1186,1467,1466,-1,1186,1466,1187,-1,1187,1466,1188,-1,1469,1184,755,-1,755,1184,1470,-1,1470,1184,1471,-1,1471,1184,1472,-1,1472,1184,1473,-1,
+ 1473,1184,1183,-1,1181,1180,1475,-1,1181,1475,1182,-1,1182,1475,1474,-1,1182,1474,1183,-1,1183,1474,1473,-1,1477,1476,1177,-1,1177,1476,1178,-1,
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+ 1153,1481,1154,-1,1154,1481,1155,-1,1155,1481,1156,-1,1156,1481,1157,-1,1157,1481,1158,-1,1158,1481,1159,-1,1159,1481,1160,-1,1160,1481,1161,-1,
+ 1161,1481,1162,-1,1126,1125,1484,-1,1126,1484,1127,-1,1127,1484,1483,-1,1127,1483,1128,-1,1128,1483,1482,-1,1122,1121,1486,-1,1122,1486,1123,-1,
+ 1123,1486,1485,-1,1123,1485,1124,-1,1124,1485,1484,-1,1124,1484,1125,-1,1488,1487,1120,-1,1120,1487,1121,-1,1121,1487,1486,-1,1118,1117,1492,-1,
+ 1118,1492,1119,-1,1119,1492,1490,-1,1119,1490,1120,-1,1120,1490,1489,-1,1120,1489,1488,-1,757,756,1509,-1,1509,756,1470,-1,1470,756,755,-1,
+ 1507,760,759,-1,1507,759,1508,-1,1508,759,758,-1,1508,758,1509,-1,1509,758,757,-1,1505,1504,762,-1,1505,762,1506,-1,1506,762,761,-1,
+ 1506,761,1507,-1,1507,761,760,-1,1502,765,764,-1,1502,764,1503,-1,1503,764,763,-1,1503,763,1504,-1,1504,763,762,-1,765,1502,766,-1,
+ 766,1502,767,-1,767,1502,768,-1,768,1502,769,-1,769,1502,770,-1,770,1502,771,-1,771,1502,772,-1,772,1502,773,-1,773,1502,774,-1,
+ 774,1502,775,-1,775,1502,776,-1,776,1502,777,-1,777,1502,1501,-1,790,789,791,-1,791,789,792,-1,792,789,793,-1,793,789,794,-1,
+ 794,789,788,-1,796,795,787,-1,787,795,788,-1,788,795,794,-1,798,797,786,-1,786,797,787,-1,787,797,796,-1,800,799,785,-1,
+ 785,799,786,-1,786,799,798,-1,802,801,784,-1,784,801,785,-1,785,801,800,-1,803,802,784,-1,803,784,804,-1,804,784,783,-1,
+ 804,783,805,-1,805,783,806,-1,783,782,806,-1,806,782,807,-1,807,782,808,-1,808,782,781,-1,780,779,1501,-1,780,1501,781,-1,
+ 781,1501,809,-1,781,809,808,-1,779,778,1501,-1,1501,778,777,-1,809,1501,810,-1,810,1501,811,-1,811,1501,812,-1,812,1501,813,-1,
+ 813,1501,814,-1,814,1501,815,-1,815,1501,816,-1,816,1501,817,-1,817,1501,818,-1,818,1501,819,-1,819,1501,820,-1,820,1501,821,-1,
+ 821,1501,822,-1,822,1501,823,-1,823,1501,824,-1,824,1501,825,-1,825,1501,826,-1,826,1501,827,-1,827,1501,828,-1,828,1501,829,-1,
+ 829,1501,830,-1,830,1501,831,-1,831,1501,832,-1,832,1501,833,-1,833,1501,834,-1,834,1501,835,-1,835,1501,836,-1,836,1501,837,-1,
+ 837,1501,838,-1,838,1501,839,-1,839,1501,840,-1,840,1501,841,-1,841,1501,842,-1,842,1501,843,-1,843,1501,844,-1,844,1501,1500,-1,
+ 845,844,1496,-1,1496,844,1497,-1,1497,844,1498,-1,1498,844,1499,-1,1499,844,1500,-1,846,845,1115,-1,1115,845,1116,-1,1116,845,1117,-1,
+ 1117,845,1492,-1,1492,845,1493,-1,1493,845,1494,-1,1494,845,1495,-1,1495,845,1496,-1,1112,1111,849,-1,1112,849,1113,-1,1113,849,848,-1,
+ 1113,848,1114,-1,1114,848,847,-1,1114,847,1115,-1,1115,847,846,-1,1109,1108,851,-1,1109,851,1110,-1,1110,851,850,-1,1110,850,1111,-1,
+ 1111,850,849,-1,853,852,1106,-1,1106,852,1107,-1,1107,852,1108,-1,1108,852,851,-1,1103,1102,854,-1,1103,854,1104,-1,1104,854,853,-1,
+ 1104,853,1105,-1,1105,853,1106,-1,855,854,1099,-1,1099,854,1100,-1,1100,854,1101,-1,1101,854,1102,-1,856,855,1093,-1,1093,855,1094,-1,
+ 1094,855,1095,-1,1095,855,1096,-1,1096,855,1097,-1,1097,855,1098,-1,1098,855,1099,-1,1089,1088,858,-1,1089,858,1090,-1,1090,858,857,-1,
+ 1090,857,1091,-1,1091,857,856,-1,1091,856,1092,-1,1092,856,1093,-1,860,859,1087,-1,1087,859,1088,-1,1088,859,858,-1,1086,1085,862,-1,
+ 1086,862,1087,-1,1087,862,861,-1,1087,861,860,-1,863,862,1075,-1,1075,862,1076,-1,1076,862,1077,-1,1077,862,1078,-1,1078,862,1079,-1,
+ 1079,862,1080,-1,1080,862,1081,-1,1081,862,1082,-1,1082,862,1083,-1,1083,862,1084,-1,1084,862,1085,-1,1072,1071,864,-1,1072,864,1073,-1,
+ 1073,864,863,-1,1073,863,1074,-1,1074,863,1075,-1,1069,1068,866,-1,1069,866,1070,-1,1070,866,865,-1,1070,865,1071,-1,1071,865,864,-1,
+ 868,867,1067,-1,1067,867,1068,-1,1068,867,866,-1,869,868,1067,-1,869,1067,870,-1,870,1067,1066,-1,870,1066,871,-1,871,1066,872,-1,
+ 872,1066,873,-1,873,1066,874,-1,874,1066,875,-1,879,1066,880,-1,880,1066,881,-1,881,1066,882,-1,882,1066,883,-1,883,1066,1065,-1,
+ 1060,1059,886,-1,1060,886,1061,-1,1061,886,885,-1,1061,885,1062,-1,1062,885,884,-1,1062,884,1063,-1,1063,884,883,-1,1063,883,1064,-1,
+ 1064,883,1065,-1,888,887,1058,-1,1058,887,1059,-1,1059,887,886,-1,890,889,1057,-1,1057,889,1058,-1,1058,889,888,-1,1053,1052,894,-1,
+ 1053,894,1054,-1,1054,894,893,-1,1054,893,1055,-1,1055,893,892,-1,1055,892,1056,-1,1056,892,891,-1,1056,891,1057,-1,1057,891,890,-1,
+ 896,895,1050,-1,1050,895,1051,-1,1051,895,1052,-1,1052,895,894,-1,897,896,1050,-1,897,1050,898,-1,898,1050,1049,-1,898,1049,899,-1,
+ 899,1049,900,-1,1049,1048,900,-1,900,1048,901,-1,901,1048,902,-1,902,1048,1047,-1,1044,1043,903,-1,1044,903,1045,-1,1045,903,902,-1,
+ 1045,902,1046,-1,1046,902,1047,-1,904,903,1043,-1,904,1043,905,-1,905,1043,1042,-1,905,1042,906,-1,906,1042,1041,-1,906,1041,907,-1,
+ 907,1041,1040,-1,907,1040,908,-1,908,1040,1039,-1,908,1039,909,-1,909,1039,1038,-1,909,1038,910,-1,910,1038,1037,-1,910,1037,911,-1,
+ 911,1037,1036,-1,911,1036,912,-1,912,1036,1035,-1,912,1035,913,-1,913,1035,1034,-1,913,1034,914,-1,914,1034,915,-1,915,1034,1033,-1,
+ 915,1033,916,-1,916,1033,1032,-1,916,1032,917,-1,917,1032,918,-1,1027,1026,922,-1,1027,922,1028,-1,1028,922,921,-1,1028,921,1029,-1,
+ 1029,921,920,-1,1029,920,1030,-1,1030,920,919,-1,1030,919,1031,-1,1031,919,918,-1,1031,918,1032,-1,1023,1022,924,-1,1023,924,1024,-1,
+ 1024,924,923,-1,1024,923,1025,-1,1025,923,922,-1,1025,922,1026,-1,926,925,1020,-1,1020,925,1021,-1,1021,925,1022,-1,1022,925,924,-1,
+ 1017,1016,928,-1,1017,928,1018,-1,1018,928,927,-1,1018,927,1019,-1,1019,927,926,-1,1019,926,1020,-1,930,929,1014,-1,1014,929,1015,-1,
+ 1015,929,1016,-1,1016,929,928,-1,932,931,957,-1,957,931,958,-1,958,931,959,-1,959,931,960,-1,960,931,961,-1,961,931,962,-1,
+ 962,931,963,-1,963,931,964,-1,964,931,965,-1,965,931,966,-1,966,931,1007,-1,1007,931,1008,-1,1008,931,1009,-1,1009,931,1010,-1,
+ 1010,931,1011,-1,1011,931,1012,-1,1012,931,1013,-1,1013,931,1014,-1,1014,931,930,-1,932,957,933,-1,933,957,934,-1,934,957,935,-1,
+ 935,957,956,-1,935,956,936,-1,936,956,937,-1,937,956,938,-1,938,956,955,-1,938,955,939,-1,939,955,940,-1,940,955,941,-1,
+ 941,955,942,-1,942,955,954,-1,942,954,943,-1,943,954,944,-1,944,954,945,-1,945,954,946,-1,946,954,947,-1,947,954,953,-1,
+ 948,947,949,-1,949,947,950,-1,950,947,951,-1,951,947,952,-1,952,947,953,-1,966,1007,967,-1,967,1007,968,-1,968,1007,969,-1,
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+ 975,1005,976,-1,976,1005,977,-1,977,1005,978,-1,978,1005,979,-1,979,1005,980,-1,980,1005,981,-1,981,1005,982,-1,982,1005,983,-1,
+ 983,1005,984,-1,984,1005,985,-1,985,1005,986,-1,986,1005,987,-1,987,1005,988,-1,988,1005,1004,-1,1002,991,990,-1,1002,990,1003,-1,
+ 1003,990,989,-1,1003,989,1004,-1,1004,989,988,-1,998,996,995,-1,998,995,999,-1,999,995,994,-1,999,994,1000,-1,1000,994,993,-1,
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+ 0.43673583 2.9703492 0.31003937,0.45597165 2.9384681 0.31003937,
+ 0.43673583 2.9703492 -0.31003937,0.43673583 2.9703492 -0.31003937,
+ 0.45597165 2.9384681 0.31003937,0.45597165 2.9384681 -0.31003937,
+ 0.42749961 2.9848315 0.31003937,0.43673583 2.9703492 0.31003937,
+ 0.42749961 2.9848315 -0.31003937,0.42749961 2.9848315 -0.31003937,
+ 0.43673583 2.9703492 0.31003937,0.43673583 2.9703492 -0.31003937,
+ 0.41849921 2.9980087 0.31003937,0.42749961 2.9848315 0.31003937,
+ 0.41849921 2.9980087 -0.31003937,0.41849921 2.9980087 -0.31003937,
+ 0.42749961 2.9848315 0.31003937,0.42749961 2.9848315 -0.31003937,
+ 0.39640748 3.0257709 0.31003937,0.41849921 2.9980087 0.31003937,
+ 0.39640748 3.0257709 -0.31003937,0.39640748 3.0257709 -0.31003937,
+ 0.41849921 2.9980087 0.31003937,0.41849921 2.9980087 -0.31003937,
+ 0.37284409 3.0521441 0.31003937,0.39640748 3.0257709 0.31003937,
+ 0.37284409 3.0521441 -0.31003937,0.37284409 3.0521441 -0.31003937,
+ 0.39640748 3.0257709 0.31003937,0.39640748 3.0257709 -0.31003937,
+ 0.34789173 3.0770732 0.31003937,0.37284409 3.0521441 0.31003937,
+ 0.34789173 3.0770732 -0.31003937,0.34789173 3.0770732 -0.31003937,
+ 0.37284409 3.0521441 0.31003937,0.37284409 3.0521441 -0.31003937,
+ 0.32163425 3.1005028 0.31003937,0.34789173 3.0770732 0.31003937,
+ 0.32163425 3.1005028 -0.31003937,0.32163425 3.1005028 -0.31003937,
+ 0.34789173 3.0770732 0.31003937,0.34789173 3.0770732 -0.31003937,
+ 0.29415472 3.1223772 0.31003937,0.32163425 3.1005028 0.31003937,
+ 0.29415472 3.1223772 -0.31003937,0.29415472 3.1223772 -0.31003937,
+ 0.32163425 3.1005028 0.31003937,0.32163425 3.1005028 -0.31003937,
+ 0.26553701 3.1426409 0.31003937,0.29415472 3.1223772 0.31003937,
+ 0.26553701 3.1426409 -0.31003937,0.26553701 3.1426409 -0.31003937,
+ 0.29415472 3.1223772 0.31003937,0.29415472 3.1223772 -0.31003937,
+ 0.23586378 3.1612382 0.31003937,0.26553701 3.1426409 0.31003937,
+ 0.23586378 3.1612382 -0.31003937,0.23586378 3.1612382 -0.31003937,
+ 0.26553701 3.1426409 0.31003937,0.26553701 3.1426409 -0.31003937,
+ 0.2052185 3.1781138 0.31003937,0.23586378 3.1612382 0.31003937,
+ 0.2052185 3.1781138 -0.31003937,0.2052185 3.1781138 -0.31003937,
+ 0.23586378 3.1612382 0.31003937,0.23586378 3.1612382 -0.31003937,
+ 0.17368465 3.1932122 0.31003937,0.2052185 3.1781138 0.31003937,
+ 0.17368465 3.1932122 -0.31003937,0.17368465 3.1932122 -0.31003937,
+ 0.2052185 3.1781138 0.31003937,0.2052185 3.1781138 -0.31003937,
+ 0.14134528 3.2064776 0.31003937,0.17368465 3.1932122 0.31003937,
+ 0.14134528 3.2064776 -0.31003937,0.14134528 3.2064776 -0.31003937,
+ 0.17368465 3.1932122 0.31003937,0.17368465 3.1932122 -0.31003937,
+ 0.10828386 3.2178543 0.31003937,0.14134528 3.2064776 0.31003937,
+ 0.10828386 3.2178543 -0.31003937,0.10828386 3.2178543 -0.31003937,
+ 0.14134528 3.2064776 0.31003937,0.14134528 3.2064776 -0.31003937,
+ 0.074583858 3.2272874 0.31003937,0.10828386 3.2178543 0.31003937,
+ 0.074583858 3.2272874 -0.31003937,0.074583858 3.2272874 -0.31003937,
+ 0.10828386 3.2178543 0.31003937,0.10828386 3.2178543 -0.31003937,
+ 0.040328346 3.2347205 0.31003937,0.074583858 3.2272874 0.31003937,
+ 0.040328346 3.2347205 -0.31003937,0.040328346 3.2347205 -0.31003937,
+ 0.074583858 3.2272874 0.31003937,0.074583858 3.2272874 -0.31003937,
+ 0.0056007874 3.2400988 0.31003937,0.040328346 3.2347205 0.31003937,
+ 0.0056007874 3.2400988 -0.31003937,0.0056007874 3.2400988 -0.31003937,
+ 0.040328346 3.2347205 0.31003937,0.040328346 3.2347205 -0.31003937,
+ -0.029515748 3.2433665 0.31003937,0.0056007874 3.2400988 0.31003937,
+ -0.029515748 3.2433665 -0.31003937,-0.029515748 3.2433665 -0.31003937,
+ 0.0056007874 3.2400988 0.31003937,0.0056007874 3.2400988 -0.31003937,
+ -0.064937402 3.2444681 0.31003937,-0.029515748 3.2433665 0.31003937,
+ -0.064937402 3.2444681 -0.31003937,-0.064937402 3.2444681 -0.31003937,
+ -0.029515748 3.2433665 0.31003937,-0.029515748 3.2433665 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6669165 3.2634256 0.31003937,-0.064937402 3.2444681 0.31003937,
+ -1.6669165 3.2634256 -0.31003937,-1.6669165 3.2634256 -0.31003937,
+ -0.064937402 3.2444681 0.31003937,-0.064937402 3.2444681 -0.31003937,
+ -2.5484791 3.2634256 0.31003937,-1.6669165 3.2634256 0.31003937,
+ -2.5484791 3.2634256 -0.31003937,-2.5484791 3.2634256 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6669165 3.2634256 0.31003937,-1.6669165 3.2634256 -0.31003937,
+ -2.5617795 3.2631768 0.31003937,-2.5484791 3.2634256 0.31003937,
+ -2.5617795 3.2631768 -0.31003937,-2.5617795 3.2631768 -0.31003937,
+ -2.5484791 3.2634256 0.31003937,-2.5484791 3.2634256 -0.31003937,
+ -2.5750118 3.262435 0.31003937,-2.5617795 3.2631768 0.31003937,
+ -2.5750118 3.262435 -0.31003937,-2.5750118 3.262435 -0.31003937,
+ -2.5617795 3.2631768 0.31003937,-2.5617795 3.2631768 -0.31003937,
+ -2.588165 3.2612075 0.31003937,-2.5750118 3.262435 0.31003937,
+ -2.588165 3.2612075 -0.31003937,-2.588165 3.2612075 -0.31003937,
+ -2.5750118 3.262435 0.31003937,-2.5750118 3.262435 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6012256 3.2595004 0.31003937,-2.588165 3.2612075 0.31003937,
+ -2.6012256 3.2595004 -0.31003937,-2.6012256 3.2595004 -0.31003937,
+ -2.588165 3.2612075 0.31003937,-2.588165 3.2612075 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6141823 3.2573217 0.31003937,-2.6012256 3.2595004 0.31003937,
+ -2.6141823 3.2573217 -0.31003937,-2.6141823 3.2573217 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6012256 3.2595004 0.31003937,-2.6012256 3.2595004 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6270224 3.2546776 0.31003937,-2.6141823 3.2573217 0.31003937,
+ -2.6270224 3.2546776 -0.31003937,-2.6270224 3.2546776 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6141823 3.2573217 0.31003937,-2.6141823 3.2573217 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6397346 3.2515752 0.31003937,-2.6270224 3.2546776 0.31003937,
+ -2.6397346 3.2515752 -0.31003937,-2.6397346 3.2515752 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6270224 3.2546776 0.31003937,-2.6270224 3.2546776 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6523059 3.2480217 0.31003937,-2.6397346 3.2515752 0.31003937,
+ -2.6523059 3.2480217 -0.31003937,-2.6523059 3.2480217 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6397346 3.2515752 0.31003937,-2.6397346 3.2515752 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6647244 3.244024 0.31003937,-2.6523059 3.2480217 0.31003937,
+ -2.6647244 3.244024 -0.31003937,-2.6647244 3.244024 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6523059 3.2480217 0.31003937,-2.6523059 3.2480217 -0.31003937,
+ -2.676978 3.2395886 0.31003937,-2.6647244 3.244024 0.31003937,
+ -2.676978 3.2395886 -0.31003937,-2.676978 3.2395886 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6647244 3.244024 0.31003937,-2.6647244 3.244024 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6890547 3.2347228 0.31003937,-2.676978 3.2395886 0.31003937,
+ -2.6890547 3.2347228 -0.31003937,-2.6890547 3.2347228 -0.31003937,
+ -2.676978 3.2395886 0.31003937,-2.676978 3.2395886 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7009421 3.2294339 0.31003937,-2.6890547 3.2347228 0.31003937,
+ -2.7009421 3.2294339 -0.31003937,-2.7009421 3.2294339 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6890547 3.2347228 0.31003937,-2.6890547 3.2347228 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7126283 3.223728 0.31003937,-2.7009421 3.2294339 0.31003937,
+ -2.7126283 3.223728 -0.31003937,-2.7126283 3.223728 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7009421 3.2294339 0.31003937,-2.7009421 3.2294339 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7241008 3.2176126 0.31003937,-2.7126283 3.223728 0.31003937,
+ -2.7241008 3.2176126 -0.31003937,-2.7241008 3.2176126 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7126283 3.223728 0.31003937,-2.7126283 3.223728 -0.31003937,
+ -2.735348 3.2110945 0.31003937,-2.7241008 3.2176126 0.31003937,
+ -2.735348 3.2110945 -0.31003937,-2.735348 3.2110945 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7241008 3.2176126 0.31003937,-2.7241008 3.2176126 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7463571 3.2041807 0.31003937,-2.735348 3.2110945 0.31003937,
+ -2.7463571 3.2041807 -0.31003937,-2.7463571 3.2041807 -0.31003937,
+ -2.735348 3.2110945 0.31003937,-2.735348 3.2110945 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7571161 3.196878 0.31003937,-2.7463571 3.2041807 0.31003937,
+ -2.7571161 3.196878 -0.31003937,-2.7571161 3.196878 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7463571 3.2041807 0.31003937,-2.7463571 3.2041807 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7676134 3.1891937 0.31003937,-2.7571161 3.196878 0.31003937,
+ -2.7676134 3.1891937 -0.31003937,-2.7676134 3.1891937 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7571161 3.196878 0.31003937,-2.7571161 3.196878 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7778362 3.1811343 0.31003937,-2.7676134 3.1891937 0.31003937,
+ -2.7778362 3.1811343 -0.31003937,-2.7778362 3.1811343 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7676134 3.1891937 0.31003937,-2.7676134 3.1891937 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7877728 3.1727067 0.31003937,-2.7778362 3.1811343 0.31003937,
+ -2.7877728 3.1727067 -0.31003937,-2.7877728 3.1727067 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7778362 3.1811343 0.31003937,-2.7778362 3.1811343 -0.31003937,
+ -2.797411 3.1639185 0.31003937,-2.7877728 3.1727067 0.31003937,
+ -2.797411 3.1639185 -0.31003937,-2.797411 3.1639185 -0.31003937,
+ -2.7877728 3.1727067 0.31003937,-2.7877728 3.1727067 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8067382 3.154776 0.31003937,-2.797411 3.1639185 0.31003937,
+ -2.8067382 3.154776 -0.31003937,-2.8067382 3.154776 -0.31003937,
+ -2.797411 3.1639185 0.31003937,-2.797411 3.1639185 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8157425 3.1452862 0.31003937,-2.8067382 3.154776 0.31003937,
+ -2.8157425 3.1452862 -0.31003937,-2.8157425 3.1452862 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8067382 3.154776 0.31003937,-2.8067382 3.154776 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8244122 3.1354567 0.31003937,-2.8157425 3.1452862 0.31003937,
+ -2.8244122 3.1354567 -0.31003937,-2.8244122 3.1354567 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8157425 3.1452862 0.31003937,-2.8157425 3.1452862 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8327346 3.1252933 0.31003937,-2.8244122 3.1354567 0.31003937,
+ -2.8327346 3.1252933 -0.31003937,-2.8327346 3.1252933 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8244122 3.1354567 0.31003937,-2.8244122 3.1354567 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8406976 3.1148039 0.31003937,-2.8327346 3.1252933 0.31003937,
+ -2.8406976 3.1148039 -0.31003937,-2.8406976 3.1148039 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8327346 3.1252933 0.31003937,-2.8327346 3.1252933 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8482894 3.1039953 0.31003937,-2.8406976 3.1148039 0.31003937,
+ -2.8482894 3.1039953 -0.31003937,-2.8482894 3.1039953 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8406976 3.1148039 0.31003937,-2.8406976 3.1148039 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8554972 3.092874 0.31003937,-2.8482894 3.1039953 0.31003937,
+ -2.8554972 3.092874 -0.31003937,-2.8554972 3.092874 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8482894 3.1039953 0.31003937,-2.8482894 3.1039953 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8623098 3.0814476 0.31003937,-2.8554972 3.092874 0.31003937,
+ -2.8623098 3.0814476 -0.31003937,-2.8623098 3.0814476 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8554972 3.092874 0.31003937,-2.8554972 3.092874 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8687142 3.0697224 0.31003937,-2.8623098 3.0814476 0.31003937,
+ -2.8687142 3.0697224 -0.31003937,-2.8687142 3.0697224 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8623098 3.0814476 0.31003937,-2.8623098 3.0814476 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8746984 3.0577055 0.31003937,-2.8687142 3.0697224 0.31003937,
+ -2.8746984 3.0577055 -0.31003937,-2.8746984 3.0577055 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8687142 3.0697224 0.31003937,-2.8687142 3.0697224 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8802508 3.0454039 0.31003937,-2.8746984 3.0577055 0.31003937,
+ -2.8802508 3.0454039 -0.31003937,-2.8802508 3.0454039 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8746984 3.0577055 0.31003937,-2.8746984 3.0577055 -0.31003937,
+ -2.9750425 2.8273839 0.31003937,-2.8802508 3.0454039 0.31003937,
+ -2.9750425 2.8273839 -0.31003937,-2.9750425 2.8273839 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8802508 3.0454039 0.31003937,-2.8802508 3.0454039 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1504583 2.8463413 0.31003937,-2.9750425 2.8273839 0.31003937,
+ -4.1504583 2.8463413 -0.31003937,-4.1504583 2.8463413 -0.31003937,
+ -2.9750425 2.8273839 0.31003937,-2.9750425 2.8273839 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1978535 2.8937378 0.31003937,-4.1504583 2.8463413 0.31003937,
+ -4.1978535 2.8937378 -0.31003937,-4.1978535 2.8937378 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1504583 2.8463413 0.31003937,-4.1504583 2.8463413 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2104059 2.9042862 0.31003937,-4.1978535 2.8937378 0.31003937,
+ -4.2104059 2.9042862 -0.31003937,-4.2104059 2.9042862 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1978535 2.8937378 0.31003937,-4.1978535 2.8937378 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2231803 2.9145846 0.31003937,-4.2104059 2.9042862 0.31003937,
+ -4.2231803 2.9145846 -0.31003937,-4.2231803 2.9145846 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2104059 2.9042862 0.31003937,-4.2104059 2.9042862 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2361772 2.9246055 0.31003937,-4.2231803 2.9145846 0.31003937,
+ -4.2361772 2.9246055 -0.31003937,-4.2361772 2.9246055 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2231803 2.9145846 0.31003937,-4.2231803 2.9145846 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2493965 2.9343209 0.31003937,-4.2361772 2.9246055 0.31003937,
+ -4.2493965 2.9343209 -0.31003937,-4.2493965 2.9343209 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2361772 2.9246055 0.31003937,-4.2361772 2.9246055 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2628374 2.9437028 0.31003937,-4.2493965 2.9343209 0.31003937,
+ -4.2628374 2.9437028 -0.31003937,-4.2628374 2.9437028 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2493965 2.9343209 0.31003937,-4.2493965 2.9343209 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2765008 2.952724 0.31003937,-4.2628374 2.9437028 0.31003937,
+ -4.2765008 2.952724 -0.31003937,-4.2765008 2.952724 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2628374 2.9437028 0.31003937,-4.2628374 2.9437028 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2903862 2.9613559 0.31003937,-4.2765008 2.952724 0.31003937,
+ -4.2903862 2.9613559 -0.31003937,-4.2903862 2.9613559 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2765008 2.952724 0.31003937,-4.2765008 2.952724 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3044941 2.9695717 0.31003937,-4.2903862 2.9613559 0.31003937,
+ -4.3044941 2.9695717 -0.31003937,-4.3044941 2.9695717 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2903862 2.9613559 0.31003937,-4.2903862 2.9613559 -0.31003937,
+ -4.318824 2.9773429 0.31003937,-4.3044941 2.9695717 0.31003937,
+ -4.318824 2.9773429 -0.31003937,-4.318824 2.9773429 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3044941 2.9695717 0.31003937,-4.3044941 2.9695717 -0.31003937,
+ -4.333376 2.9846421 0.31003937,-4.318824 2.9773429 0.31003937,
+ -4.333376 2.9846421 -0.31003937,-4.333376 2.9846421 -0.31003937,
+ -4.318824 2.9773429 0.31003937,-4.318824 2.9773429 -0.31003937,
+ -4.34815 2.9914413 0.31003937,-4.333376 2.9846421 0.31003937,
+ -4.34815 2.9914413 -0.31003937,-4.34815 2.9914413 -0.31003937,
+ -4.333376 2.9846421 0.31003937,-4.333376 2.9846421 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3631465 2.997713 0.31003937,-4.34815 2.9914413 0.31003937,
+ -4.3631465 2.997713 -0.31003937,-4.3631465 2.997713 -0.31003937,
+ -4.34815 2.9914413 0.31003937,-4.34815 2.9914413 -0.31003937,
+ -4.378365 3.0034291 0.31003937,-4.3631465 2.997713 0.31003937,
+ -4.378365 3.0034291 -0.31003937,-4.378365 3.0034291 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3631465 2.997713 0.31003937,-4.3631465 2.997713 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3938055 3.0085622 0.31003937,-4.378365 3.0034291 0.31003937,
+ -4.3938055 3.0085622 -0.31003937,-4.3938055 3.0085622 -0.31003937,
+ -4.378365 3.0034291 0.31003937,-4.378365 3.0034291 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4094681 3.0130843 0.31003937,-4.3938055 3.0085622 0.31003937,
+ -4.4094681 3.0130843 -0.31003937,-4.4094681 3.0130843 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3938055 3.0085622 0.31003937,-4.3938055 3.0085622 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4253528 3.0169673 0.31003937,-4.4094681 3.0130843 0.31003937,
+ -4.4253528 3.0169673 -0.31003937,-4.4253528 3.0169673 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4094681 3.0130843 0.31003937,-4.4094681 3.0130843 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5864984 3.0548835 0.31003937,-4.4253528 3.0169673 0.31003937,
+ -4.5864984 3.0548835 -0.31003937,-4.5864984 3.0548835 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4253528 3.0169673 0.31003937,-4.4253528 3.0169673 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6112724 3.0595606 0.31003937,-4.5864984 3.0548835 0.31003937,
+ -4.6112724 3.0595606 -0.31003937,-4.6112724 3.0595606 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5864984 3.0548835 0.31003937,-4.5864984 3.0548835 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6358378 3.062974 0.31003937,-4.6112724 3.0595606 0.31003937,
+ -4.6358378 3.062974 -0.31003937,-4.6358378 3.062974 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6112724 3.0595606 0.31003937,-4.6112724 3.0595606 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6602091 3.0651937 0.31003937,-4.6358378 3.062974 0.31003937,
+ -4.6602091 3.0651937 -0.31003937,-4.6602091 3.0651937 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6358378 3.062974 0.31003937,-4.6358378 3.062974 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6844 3.0662882 0.31003937,-4.6602091 3.0651937 0.31003937,
+ -4.6844 3.0662882 -0.31003937,-4.6844 3.0662882 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6602091 3.0651937 0.31003937,-4.6602091 3.0651937 -0.31003937,
+ -4.7084244 3.0663276 0.31003937,-4.6844 3.0662882 0.31003937,
+ -4.7084244 3.0663276 -0.31003937,-4.7084244 3.0663276 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6844 3.0662882 0.31003937,-4.6844 3.0662882 -0.31003937,
+ -4.7322957 3.0653811 0.31003937,-4.7084244 3.0663276 0.31003937,
+ -4.7322957 3.0653811 -0.31003937,-4.7322957 3.0653811 -0.31003937,
+ -4.7084244 3.0663276 0.31003937,-4.7084244 3.0663276 -0.31003937,
+ -4.7560283 3.0635181 0.31003937,-4.7322957 3.0653811 0.31003937,
+ -4.7560283 3.0635181 -0.31003937,-4.7560283 3.0635181 -0.31003937,
+ -4.7322957 3.0653811 0.31003937,-4.7322957 3.0653811 -0.31003937,
+ -4.7796362 3.0608083 0.31003937,-4.7560283 3.0635181 0.31003937,
+ -4.7796362 3.0608083 -0.31003937,-4.7796362 3.0608083 -0.31003937,
+ -4.7560283 3.0635181 0.31003937,-4.7560283 3.0635181 -0.31003937,
+ -4.8031327 3.0573205 0.31003937,-4.7796362 3.0608083 0.31003937,
+ -4.8031327 3.0573205 -0.31003937,-4.8031327 3.0573205 -0.31003937,
+ -4.7796362 3.0608083 0.31003937,-4.7796362 3.0608083 -0.31003937,
+ -4.8265323 3.0531248 0.31003937,-4.8031327 3.0573205 0.31003937,
+ -4.8265323 3.0531248 -0.31003937,-4.8265323 3.0531248 -0.31003937,
+ -4.8031327 3.0573205 0.31003937,-4.8031327 3.0573205 -0.31003937,
+ -4.8498484 3.0482906 0.31003937,-4.8265323 3.0531248 0.31003937,
+ -4.8498484 3.0482906 -0.31003937,-4.8498484 3.0482906 -0.31003937,
+ -4.8265323 3.0531248 0.31003937,-4.8265323 3.0531248 -0.31003937,
+ -4.8730949 3.0428866 0.31003937,-4.8498484 3.0482906 0.31003937,
+ -4.8730949 3.0428866 -0.31003937,-4.8730949 3.0428866 -0.31003937,
+ -4.8498484 3.0482906 0.31003937,-4.8498484 3.0482906 -0.31003937,
+ -4.9194358 3.0306492 0.31003937,-4.8730949 3.0428866 0.31003937,
+ -4.9194358 3.0306492 -0.31003937,-4.9194358 3.0306492 -0.31003937,
+ -4.8730949 3.0428866 0.31003937,-4.8730949 3.0428866 -0.31003937,
+ -4.9656654 3.0169673 0.31003937,-4.9194358 3.0306492 0.31003937,
+ -4.9656654 3.0169673 -0.31003937,-4.9656654 3.0169673 -0.31003937,
+ -4.9194358 3.0306492 0.31003937,-4.9194358 3.0306492 -0.31003937,
+ -4.9561874 3.0359248 0.31003937,-4.9656654 3.0169673 0.31003937,
+ -4.9561874 3.0359248 -0.31003937,-4.9561874 3.0359248 -0.31003937,
+ -4.9656654 3.0169673 0.31003937,-4.9656654 3.0169673 -0.31003937,
+ -4.9917528 3.0257232 0.31003937,-4.9561874 3.0359248 0.31003937,
+ -4.9917528 3.0257232 -0.31003937,-4.9917528 3.0257232 -0.31003937,
+ -4.9561874 3.0359248 0.31003937,-4.9561874 3.0359248 -0.31003937,
+ -5.0274295 3.016522 0.31003937,-4.9917528 3.0257232 0.31003937,
+ -5.0274295 3.016522 -0.31003937,-5.0274295 3.016522 -0.31003937,
+ -4.9917528 3.0257232 0.31003937,-4.9917528 3.0257232 -0.31003937,
+ -5.063328 3.0084315 0.31003937,-5.0274295 3.016522 0.31003937,
+ -5.063328 3.0084315 -0.31003937,-5.063328 3.0084315 -0.31003937,
+ -5.0274295 3.016522 0.31003937,-5.0274295 3.016522 -0.31003937,
+ -5.0995598 3.001563 0.31003937,-5.063328 3.0084315 0.31003937,
+ -5.0995598 3.001563 -0.31003937,-5.0995598 3.001563 -0.31003937,
+ -5.063328 3.0084315 0.31003937,-5.063328 3.0084315 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1362362 2.9960276 0.31003937,-5.0995598 3.001563 0.31003937,
+ -5.1362362 2.9960276 -0.31003937,-5.1362362 2.9960276 -0.31003937,
+ -5.0995598 3.001563 0.31003937,-5.0995598 3.001563 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1734681 2.9919358 0.31003937,-5.1362362 2.9960276 0.31003937,
+ -5.1734681 2.9919358 -0.31003937,-5.1734681 2.9919358 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1362362 2.9960276 0.31003937,-5.1362362 2.9960276 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1923268 2.9904665 0.31003937,-5.1734681 2.9919358 0.31003937,
+ -5.1923268 2.9904665 -0.31003937,-5.1923268 2.9904665 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1734681 2.9919358 0.31003937,-5.1734681 2.9919358 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2113661 2.9893996 0.31003937,-5.1923268 2.9904665 0.31003937,
+ -5.2113661 2.9893996 -0.31003937,-5.2113661 2.9893996 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1923268 2.9904665 0.31003937,-5.1923268 2.9904665 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2306 2.9887492 0.31003937,-5.2113661 2.9893996 0.31003937,
+ -5.2306 2.9887492 -0.31003937,-5.2306 2.9887492 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2113661 2.9893996 0.31003937,-5.2113661 2.9893996 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2500421 2.9885295 0.31003937,-5.2306 2.9887492 0.31003937,
+ -5.2500421 2.9885295 -0.31003937,-5.2500421 2.9885295 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2306 2.9887492 0.31003937,-5.2306 2.9887492 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2709421 2.990948 0.31003937,-5.2500421 2.9885295 0.31003937,
+ -5.2709421 2.990948 -0.31003937,-5.2709421 2.990948 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2500421 2.9885295 0.31003937,-5.2500421 2.9885295 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2910512 2.9945465 0.31003937,-5.2709421 2.990948 0.31003937,
+ -5.2910512 2.9945465 -0.31003937,-5.2910512 2.9945465 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2709421 2.990948 0.31003937,-5.2709421 2.990948 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3104654 2.9991728 0.31003937,-5.2910512 2.9945465 0.31003937,
+ -5.3104654 2.9991728 -0.31003937,-5.3104654 2.9991728 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2910512 2.9945465 0.31003937,-5.2910512 2.9945465 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3292827 3.0046736 0.31003937,-5.3104654 2.9991728 0.31003937,
+ -5.3292827 3.0046736 -0.31003937,-5.3292827 3.0046736 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3104654 2.9991728 0.31003937,-5.3104654 2.9991728 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3476 3.0108969 0.31003937,-5.3292827 3.0046736 0.31003937,
+ -5.3476 3.0108969 -0.31003937,-5.3476 3.0108969 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3292827 3.0046736 0.31003937,-5.3292827 3.0046736 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3655146 3.017689 0.31003937,-5.3476 3.0108969 0.31003937,
+ -5.3655146 3.017689 -0.31003937,-5.3655146 3.017689 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3476 3.0108969 0.31003937,-5.3476 3.0108969 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4005244 3.0323709 0.31003937,-5.3655146 3.017689 0.31003937,
+ -5.4005244 3.0323709 -0.31003937,-5.4005244 3.0323709 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3655146 3.017689 0.31003937,-5.3655146 3.017689 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4350902 3.0474965 0.31003937,-5.4005244 3.0323709 0.31003937,
+ -5.4350902 3.0474965 -0.31003937,-5.4350902 3.0474965 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4005244 3.0323709 0.31003937,-5.4005244 3.0323709 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4524492 3.0548445 0.31003937,-5.4350902 3.0474965 0.31003937,
+ -5.4524492 3.0548445 -0.31003937,-5.4524492 3.0548445 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4350902 3.0474965 0.31003937,-5.4350902 3.0474965 -0.31003937,
+ -5.469989 3.0618449 0.31003937,-5.4524492 3.0548445 0.31003937,
+ -5.469989 3.0618449 -0.31003937,-5.469989 3.0618449 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4524492 3.0548445 0.31003937,-5.4524492 3.0548445 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4878063 3.0683457 0.31003937,-5.469989 3.0618449 0.31003937,
+ -5.4878063 3.0683457 -0.31003937,-5.4878063 3.0683457 -0.31003937,
+ -5.469989 3.0618449 0.31003937,-5.469989 3.0618449 -0.31003937,
+ -5.5059984 3.0741937 0.31003937,-5.4878063 3.0683457 0.31003937,
+ -5.5059984 3.0741937 -0.31003937,-5.5059984 3.0741937 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4878063 3.0683457 0.31003937,-5.4878063 3.0683457 -0.31003937,
+ -5.524663 3.0792366 0.31003937,-5.5059984 3.0741937 0.31003937,
+ -5.524663 3.0792366 -0.31003937,-5.524663 3.0792366 -0.31003937,
+ -5.5059984 3.0741937 0.31003937,-5.5059984 3.0741937 -0.31003937,
+ -5.5438965 3.0833213 0.31003937,-5.524663 3.0792366 0.31003937,
+ -5.5438965 3.0833213 -0.31003937,-5.5438965 3.0833213 -0.31003937,
+ -5.524663 3.0792366 0.31003937,-5.524663 3.0792366 -0.31003937,
+ -5.706672 3.1090929 0.31003937,-5.5438965 3.0833213 0.31003937,
+ -5.706672 3.1090929 -0.31003937,-5.706672 3.1090929 -0.31003937,
+ -5.5438965 3.0833213 0.31003937,-5.5438965 3.0833213 -0.31003937,
+ -5.774674 3.1189795 0.31003937,-5.706672 3.1090929 0.31003937,
+ -5.774674 3.1189795 -0.31003937,-5.774674 3.1189795 -0.31003937,
+ -5.706672 3.1090929 0.31003937,-5.706672 3.1090929 -0.31003937,
+ -5.806252 3.1228811 0.31003937,-5.774674 3.1189795 0.31003937,
+ -5.806252 3.1228811 -0.31003937,-5.806252 3.1228811 -0.31003937,
+ -5.774674 3.1189795 0.31003937,-5.774674 3.1189795 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8365661 3.1259776 0.31003937,-5.806252 3.1228811 0.31003937,
+ -5.8365661 3.1259776 -0.31003937,-5.8365661 3.1259776 -0.31003937,
+ -5.806252 3.1228811 0.31003937,-5.806252 3.1228811 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8658807 3.1281854 0.31003937,-5.8365661 3.1259776 0.31003937,
+ -5.8658807 3.1281854 -0.31003937,-5.8658807 3.1281854 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8365661 3.1259776 0.31003937,-5.8365661 3.1259776 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8944594 3.1294213 0.31003937,-5.8658807 3.1281854 0.31003937,
+ -5.8944594 3.1294213 -0.31003937,-5.8944594 3.1294213 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8658807 3.1281854 0.31003937,-5.8658807 3.1281854 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9225657 3.1296016 0.31003937,-5.8944594 3.1294213 0.31003937,
+ -5.9225657 3.1296016 -0.31003937,-5.9225657 3.1296016 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8944594 3.1294213 0.31003937,-5.8944594 3.1294213 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9504642 3.1286437 0.31003937,-5.9225657 3.1296016 0.31003937,
+ -5.9504642 3.1286437 -0.31003937,-5.9504642 3.1286437 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9225657 3.1296016 0.31003937,-5.9225657 3.1296016 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9784177 3.1264638 0.31003937,-5.9504642 3.1286437 0.31003937,
+ -5.9784177 3.1264638 -0.31003937,-5.9784177 3.1264638 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9504642 3.1286437 0.31003937,-5.9504642 3.1286437 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0066909 3.1229783 0.31003937,-5.9784177 3.1264638 0.31003937,
+ -6.0066909 3.1229783 -0.31003937,-6.0066909 3.1229783 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9784177 3.1264638 0.31003937,-5.9784177 3.1264638 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0355472 3.1181047 0.31003937,-6.0066909 3.1229783 0.31003937,
+ -6.0355472 3.1181047 -0.31003937,-6.0355472 3.1181047 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0066909 3.1229783 0.31003937,-6.0066909 3.1229783 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0652508 3.1117591 0.31003937,-6.0355472 3.1181047 0.31003937,
+ -6.0652508 3.1117591 -0.31003937,-6.0652508 3.1117591 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0355472 3.1181047 0.31003937,-6.0355472 3.1181047 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0811358 3.1079012 0.31003937,-6.0652508 3.1117591 0.31003937,
+ -6.0811358 3.1079012 -0.31003937,-6.0811358 3.1079012 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0652508 3.1117591 0.31003937,-6.0652508 3.1117591 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0968008 3.1034465 0.31003937,-6.0811358 3.1079012 0.31003937,
+ -6.0968008 3.1034465 -0.31003937,-6.0968008 3.1034465 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0811358 3.1079012 0.31003937,-6.0811358 3.1079012 -0.31003937,
+ -6.127476 3.0928008 0.31003937,-6.0968008 3.1034465 0.31003937,
+ -6.127476 3.0928008 -0.31003937,-6.127476 3.0928008 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0968008 3.1034465 0.31003937,-6.0968008 3.1034465 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1572906 3.0799335 0.31003937,-6.127476 3.0928008 0.31003937,
+ -6.1572906 3.0799335 -0.31003937,-6.1572906 3.0799335 -0.31003937,
+ -6.127476 3.0928008 0.31003937,-6.127476 3.0928008 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1862583 3.0649555 0.31003937,-6.1572906 3.0799335 0.31003937,
+ -6.1862583 3.0649555 -0.31003937,-6.1862583 3.0649555 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1572906 3.0799335 0.31003937,-6.1572906 3.0799335 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2143925 3.0479783 0.31003937,-6.1862583 3.0649555 0.31003937,
+ -6.2143925 3.0479783 -0.31003937,-6.2143925 3.0479783 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1862583 3.0649555 0.31003937,-6.1862583 3.0649555 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2417075 3.0291126 0.31003937,-6.2143925 3.0479783 0.31003937,
+ -6.2417075 3.0291126 -0.31003937,-6.2417075 3.0291126 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2143925 3.0479783 0.31003937,-6.2143925 3.0479783 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2682173 3.0084693 0.31003937,-6.2417075 3.0291126 0.31003937,
+ -6.2682173 3.0084693 -0.31003937,-6.2682173 3.0084693 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2417075 3.0291126 0.31003937,-6.2417075 3.0291126 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2939358 2.9861602 0.31003937,-6.2682173 3.0084693 0.31003937,
+ -6.2939358 2.9861602 -0.31003937,-6.2939358 2.9861602 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2682173 3.0084693 0.31003937,-6.2682173 3.0084693 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3188764 2.9622957 0.31003937,-6.2939358 2.9861602 0.31003937,
+ -6.3188764 2.9622957 -0.31003937,-6.3188764 2.9622957 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2939358 2.9861602 0.31003937,-6.2939358 2.9861602 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3430535 2.936987 0.31003937,-6.3188764 2.9622957 0.31003937,
+ -6.3430535 2.936987 -0.31003937,-6.3430535 2.936987 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3188764 2.9622957 0.31003937,-6.3188764 2.9622957 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3664807 2.9103453 0.31003937,-6.3430535 2.936987 0.31003937,
+ -6.3664807 2.9103453 -0.31003937,-6.3664807 2.9103453 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3430535 2.936987 0.31003937,-6.3430535 2.936987 -0.31003937,
+ -6.389172 2.8824819 0.31003937,-6.3664807 2.9103453 0.31003937,
+ -6.389172 2.8824819 -0.31003937,-6.389172 2.8824819 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3664807 2.9103453 0.31003937,-6.3664807 2.9103453 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4111413 2.8535075 0.31003937,-6.389172 2.8824819 0.31003937,
+ -6.4111413 2.8535075 -0.31003937,-6.4111413 2.8535075 -0.31003937,
+ -6.389172 2.8824819 0.31003937,-6.389172 2.8824819 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4324024 2.8235335 0.31003937,-6.4111413 2.8535075 0.31003937,
+ -6.4324024 2.8235335 -0.31003937,-6.4324024 2.8235335 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4111413 2.8535075 0.31003937,-6.4111413 2.8535075 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4529693 2.7926705 0.31003937,-6.4324024 2.8235335 0.31003937,
+ -6.4529693 2.7926705 -0.31003937,-6.4529693 2.7926705 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4324024 2.8235335 0.31003937,-6.4324024 2.8235335 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4728555 2.7610303 0.31003937,-6.4529693 2.7926705 0.31003937,
+ -6.4728555 2.7610303 -0.31003937,-6.4728555 2.7610303 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4529693 2.7926705 0.31003937,-6.4529693 2.7926705 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7098343 2.2586335 0.31003937,-6.4728555 2.7610303 0.31003937,
+ -6.7098343 2.2586335 -0.31003937,-6.7098343 2.2586335 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4728555 2.7610303 0.31003937,-6.4728555 2.7610303 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7267008 2.2195138 0.31003937,-6.7098343 2.2586335 0.31003937,
+ -6.7267008 2.2195138 -0.31003937,-6.7267008 2.2195138 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7098343 2.2586335 0.31003937,-6.7098343 2.2586335 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7344327 2.1999189 0.31003937,-6.7267008 2.2195138 0.31003937,
+ -6.7344327 2.1999189 -0.31003937,-6.7344327 2.1999189 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7267008 2.2195138 0.31003937,-6.7267008 2.2195138 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7416787 2.1802827 0.31003937,-6.7344327 2.1999189 0.31003937,
+ -6.7416787 2.1802827 -0.31003937,-6.7416787 2.1802827 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7344327 2.1999189 0.31003937,-6.7344327 2.1999189 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7484248 2.1605909 0.31003937,-6.7416787 2.1802827 0.31003937,
+ -6.7484248 2.1605909 -0.31003937,-6.7484248 2.1605909 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7416787 2.1802827 0.31003937,-6.7416787 2.1802827 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7546571 2.1408295 0.31003937,-6.7484248 2.1605909 0.31003937,
+ -6.7546571 2.1408295 -0.31003937,-6.7546571 2.1408295 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7484248 2.1605909 0.31003937,-6.7484248 2.1605909 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7603614 2.120985 0.31003937,-6.7546571 2.1408295 0.31003937,
+ -6.7603614 2.120985 -0.31003937,-6.7603614 2.120985 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7546571 2.1408295 0.31003937,-6.7546571 2.1408295 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7655244 2.1010429 0.31003937,-6.7603614 2.120985 0.31003937,
+ -6.7655244 2.1010429 -0.31003937,-6.7655244 2.1010429 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7603614 2.120985 0.31003937,-6.7603614 2.120985 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7701323 2.0809902 0.31003937,-6.7655244 2.1010429 0.31003937,
+ -6.7701323 2.0809902 -0.31003937,-6.7701323 2.0809902 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7655244 2.1010429 0.31003937,-6.7655244 2.1010429 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7741705 2.0608122 0.31003937,-6.7701323 2.0809902 0.31003937,
+ -6.7741705 2.0608122 -0.31003937,-6.7741705 2.0608122 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7701323 2.0809902 0.31003937,-6.7701323 2.0809902 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7776256 2.0404953 0.31003937,-6.7741705 2.0608122 0.31003937,
+ -6.7776256 2.0404953 -0.31003937,-6.7776256 2.0404953 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7741705 2.0608122 0.31003937,-6.7741705 2.0608122 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7804835 2.0200256 0.31003937,-6.7776256 2.0404953 0.31003937,
+ -6.7804835 2.0200256 -0.31003937,-6.7804835 2.0200256 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7776256 2.0404953 0.31003937,-6.7776256 2.0404953 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7827307 1.9993894 0.31003937,-6.7804835 2.0200256 0.31003937,
+ -6.7827307 1.9993894 -0.31003937,-6.7827307 1.9993894 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7804835 2.0200256 0.31003937,-6.7804835 2.0200256 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7843531 1.9785728 0.31003937,-6.7827307 1.9993894 0.31003937,
+ -6.7843531 1.9785728 -0.31003937,-6.7843531 1.9785728 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7827307 1.9993894 0.31003937,-6.7827307 1.9993894 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7853366 1.9575618 0.31003937,-6.7843531 1.9785728 0.31003937,
+ -6.7853366 1.9575618 -0.31003937,-6.7853366 1.9575618 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7843531 1.9785728 0.31003937,-6.7843531 1.9785728 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7856673 1.9363421 0.31003937,-6.7853366 1.9575618 0.31003937,
+ -6.7856673 1.9363421 -0.31003937,-6.7856673 1.9363421 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7853366 1.9575618 0.31003937,-6.7853366 1.9575618 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8141055 1.3391551 0.31003937,-6.7856673 1.9363421 0.31003937,
+ -6.8141055 1.3391551 -0.31003937,-6.8141055 1.3391551 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7856673 1.9363421 0.31003937,-6.7856673 1.9363421 -0.31003937,
+ -6.813198 1.2720417 0.31003937,-6.8141055 1.3391551 0.31003937,
+ -6.813198 1.2720417 -0.31003937,-6.813198 1.2720417 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8141055 1.3391551 0.31003937,-6.8141055 1.3391551 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8104028 1.2057063 0.31003937,-6.813198 1.2720417 0.31003937,
+ -6.8104028 1.2057063 -0.31003937,-6.8104028 1.2057063 -0.31003937,
+ -6.813198 1.2720417 0.31003937,-6.813198 1.2720417 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8056079 1.140037 0.31003937,-6.8104028 1.2057063 0.31003937,
+ -6.8056079 1.140037 -0.31003937,-6.8056079 1.140037 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8104028 1.2057063 0.31003937,-6.8104028 1.2057063 -0.31003937,
+ -6.798702 1.0749232 0.31003937,-6.8056079 1.140037 0.31003937,
+ -6.798702 1.0749232 -0.31003937,-6.798702 1.0749232 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8056079 1.140037 0.31003937,-6.8056079 1.140037 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7895748 1.0102539 0.31003937,-6.798702 1.0749232 0.31003937,
+ -6.7895748 1.0102539 -0.31003937,-6.7895748 1.0102539 -0.31003937,
+ -6.798702 1.0749232 0.31003937,-6.798702 1.0749232 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7781146 0.94591772 0.31003937,-6.7895748 1.0102539 0.31003937,
+ -6.7781146 0.94591772 -0.31003937,-6.7781146 0.94591772 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7895748 1.0102539 0.31003937,-6.7895748 1.0102539 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7642106 0.88180354 0.31003937,-6.7781146 0.94591772 0.31003937,
+ -6.7642106 0.88180354 -0.31003937,-6.7642106 0.88180354 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7781146 0.94591772 0.31003937,-6.7781146 0.94591772 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7477516 0.81780039 0.31003937,-6.7642106 0.88180354 0.31003937,
+ -6.7477516 0.81780039 -0.31003937,-6.7477516 0.81780039 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7642106 0.88180354 0.31003937,-6.7642106 0.88180354 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5960854 0.29644646 0.31003937,-6.7477516 0.81780039 0.31003937,
+ -6.5960854 0.29644646 -0.31003937,-6.5960854 0.29644646 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7477516 0.81780039 0.31003937,-6.7477516 0.81780039 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5877492 0.26779606 0.31003937,-6.5960854 0.29644646 0.31003937,
+ -6.5877492 0.26779606 -0.31003937,-6.5877492 0.26779606 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5960854 0.29644646 0.31003937,-6.5960854 0.29644646 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5804961 0.23875709 0.31003937,-6.5877492 0.26779606 0.31003937,
+ -6.5804961 0.23875709 -0.31003937,-6.5804961 0.23875709 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5877492 0.26779606 0.31003937,-6.5877492 0.26779606 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5742984 0.20938465 0.31003937,-6.5804961 0.23875709 0.31003937,
+ -6.5742984 0.20938465 -0.31003937,-6.5742984 0.20938465 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5804961 0.23875709 0.31003937,-6.5804961 0.23875709 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5691283 0.17973425 0.31003937,-6.5742984 0.20938465 0.31003937,
+ -6.5691283 0.17973425 -0.31003937,-6.5691283 0.17973425 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5742984 0.20938465 0.31003937,-6.5742984 0.20938465 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5649583 0.1498622 0.31003937,-6.5691283 0.17973425 0.31003937,
+ -6.5649583 0.1498622 -0.31003937,-6.5649583 0.1498622 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5691283 0.17973425 0.31003937,-6.5691283 0.17973425 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5617598 0.11982323 0.31003937,-6.5649583 0.1498622 0.31003937,
+ -6.5617598 0.11982323 -0.31003937,-6.5617598 0.11982323 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5649583 0.1498622 0.31003937,-6.5649583 0.1498622 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5595055 0.089673228 0.31003937,-6.5617598 0.11982323 0.31003937,
+ -6.5595055 0.089673228 -0.31003937,-6.5595055 0.089673228 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5617598 0.11982323 0.31003937,-6.5617598 0.11982323 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5581681 0.059467323 0.31003937,-6.5595055 0.089673228 0.31003937,
+ -6.5581681 0.059467323 -0.31003937,-6.5581681 0.059467323 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5595055 0.089673228 0.31003937,-6.5595055 0.089673228 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5577189 0.029261811 0.31003937,-6.5581681 0.059467323 0.31003937,
+ -6.5577189 0.029261811 -0.31003937,-6.5577189 0.029261811 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5581681 0.059467323 0.31003937,-6.5581681 0.059467323 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5581311 -0.00088818898 0.31003937,-6.5577189 0.029261811 0.31003937,
+ -6.5581311 -0.00088818898 -0.31003937,-6.5581311 -0.00088818898 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5577189 0.029261811 0.31003937,-6.5577189 0.029261811 -0.31003937,
+ -6.559376 -0.030927165 0.31003937,-6.5581311 -0.00088818898 0.31003937,
+ -6.559376 -0.030927165 -0.31003937,-6.559376 -0.030927165 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5581311 -0.00088818898 0.31003937,-6.5581311 -0.00088818898 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5614264 -0.060799606 0.31003937,-6.559376 -0.030927165 0.31003937,
+ -6.5614264 -0.060799606 -0.31003937,-6.5614264 -0.060799606 -0.31003937,
+ -6.559376 -0.030927165 0.31003937,-6.559376 -0.030927165 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5642547 -0.090449606 0.31003937,-6.5614264 -0.060799606 0.31003937,
+ -6.5642547 -0.090449606 -0.31003937,-6.5642547 -0.090449606 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5614264 -0.060799606 0.31003937,-6.5614264 -0.060799606 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5678323 -0.11982205 0.31003937,-6.5642547 -0.090449606 0.31003937,
+ -6.5678323 -0.11982205 -0.31003937,-6.5678323 -0.11982205 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5642547 -0.090449606 0.31003937,-6.5642547 -0.090449606 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5721323 -0.14886142 0.31003937,-6.5678323 -0.11982205 0.31003937,
+ -6.5721323 -0.14886142 -0.31003937,-6.5721323 -0.14886142 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5678323 -0.11982205 0.31003937,-6.5678323 -0.11982205 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5771268 -0.17751181 0.31003937,-6.5721323 -0.14886142 0.31003937,
+ -6.5771268 -0.17751181 -0.31003937,-6.5771268 -0.17751181 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5721323 -0.14886142 0.31003937,-6.5721323 -0.14886142 -0.31003937,
+ -6.596974 -0.28252323 0.31003937,-6.5771268 -0.17751181 0.31003937,
+ -6.596974 -0.28252323 -0.31003937,-6.596974 -0.28252323 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5771268 -0.17751181 0.31003937,-6.5771268 -0.17751181 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6150437 -0.3848685 0.31003937,-6.596974 -0.28252323 0.31003937,
+ -6.6150437 -0.3848685 -0.31003937,-6.6150437 -0.3848685 -0.31003937,
+ -6.596974 -0.28252323 0.31003937,-6.596974 -0.28252323 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6331134 -0.48543661 0.31003937,-6.6150437 -0.3848685 0.31003937,
+ -6.6331134 -0.48543661 -0.31003937,-6.6331134 -0.48543661 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6150437 -0.3848685 0.31003937,-6.6150437 -0.3848685 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6427031 -0.53533189 0.31003937,-6.6331134 -0.48543661 0.31003937,
+ -6.6427031 -0.53533189 -0.31003937,-6.6427031 -0.53533189 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6331134 -0.48543661 0.31003937,-6.6331134 -0.48543661 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6529598 -0.58511575 0.31003937,-6.6427031 -0.53533189 0.31003937,
+ -6.6529598 -0.58511575 -0.31003937,-6.6529598 -0.58511575 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6427031 -0.53533189 0.31003937,-6.6427031 -0.53533189 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6607126 -0.61700157 0.31003937,-6.6529598 -0.58511575 0.31003937,
+ -6.6607126 -0.61700157 -0.31003937,-6.6607126 -0.61700157 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6529598 -0.58511575 0.31003937,-6.6529598 -0.58511575 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6696594 -0.64869331 0.31003937,-6.6607126 -0.61700157 0.31003937,
+ -6.6696594 -0.64869331 -0.31003937,-6.6696594 -0.64869331 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6607126 -0.61700157 0.31003937,-6.6607126 -0.61700157 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6796618 -0.68021811 0.31003937,-6.6696594 -0.64869331 0.31003937,
+ -6.6796618 -0.68021811 -0.31003937,-6.6796618 -0.68021811 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6696594 -0.64869331 0.31003937,-6.6696594 -0.64869331 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6905803 -0.71160394 0.31003937,-6.6796618 -0.68021811 0.31003937,
+ -6.6905803 -0.71160394 -0.31003937,-6.6905803 -0.71160394 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6796618 -0.68021811 0.31003937,-6.6796618 -0.68021811 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7146114 -0.77407008 0.31003937,-6.6905803 -0.71160394 0.31003937,
+ -6.7146114 -0.77407008 -0.31003937,-6.7146114 -0.77407008 -0.31003937,
+ -6.6905803 -0.71160394 0.31003937,-6.6905803 -0.71160394 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7406421 -0.83631417 0.31003937,-6.7146114 -0.77407008 0.31003937,
+ -6.7406421 -0.83631417 -0.31003937,-6.7406421 -0.83631417 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7146114 -0.77407008 0.31003937,-6.7146114 -0.77407008 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7942583 -0.9610248 0.31003937,-6.7406421 -0.83631417 0.31003937,
+ -6.7942583 -0.9610248 -0.31003937,-6.7942583 -0.9610248 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7406421 -0.83631417 0.31003937,-6.7406421 -0.83631417 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8196228 -1.0239354 0.31003937,-6.7942583 -0.9610248 0.31003937,
+ -6.8196228 -1.0239354 -0.31003937,-6.8196228 -1.0239354 -0.31003937,
+ -6.7942583 -0.9610248 0.31003937,-6.7942583 -0.9610248 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8314579 -1.0556268 0.31003937,-6.8196228 -1.0239354 0.31003937,
+ -6.8314579 -1.0556268 -0.31003937,-6.8314579 -1.0556268 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8196228 -1.0239354 0.31003937,-6.8196228 -1.0239354 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8425433 -1.0875126 0.31003937,-6.8314579 -1.0556268 0.31003937,
+ -6.8425433 -1.0875126 -0.31003937,-6.8425433 -1.0875126 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8314579 -1.0556268 0.31003937,-6.8314579 -1.0556268 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8562902 -1.1311248 0.31003937,-6.8425433 -1.0875126 0.31003937,
+ -6.8562902 -1.1311248 -0.31003937,-6.8562902 -1.1311248 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8425433 -1.0875126 0.31003937,-6.8425433 -1.0875126 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8689815 -1.1764724 0.31003937,-6.8562902 -1.1311248 0.31003937,
+ -6.8689815 -1.1764724 -0.31003937,-6.8689815 -1.1764724 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8562902 -1.1311248 0.31003937,-6.8562902 -1.1311248 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8804512 -1.2232921 0.31003937,-6.8689815 -1.1764724 0.31003937,
+ -6.8804512 -1.2232921 -0.31003937,-6.8804512 -1.2232921 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8689815 -1.1764724 0.31003937,-6.8689815 -1.1764724 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8905323 -1.2713197 0.31003937,-6.8804512 -1.2232921 0.31003937,
+ -6.8905323 -1.2713197 -0.31003937,-6.8905323 -1.2713197 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8804512 -1.2232921 0.31003937,-6.8804512 -1.2232921 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8990579 -1.3202913 0.31003937,-6.8905323 -1.2713197 0.31003937,
+ -6.8990579 -1.3202913 -0.31003937,-6.8990579 -1.3202913 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8905323 -1.2713197 0.31003937,-6.8905323 -1.2713197 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9058618 -1.3699437 0.31003937,-6.8990579 -1.3202913 0.31003937,
+ -6.9058618 -1.3699437 -0.31003937,-6.9058618 -1.3699437 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8990579 -1.3202913 0.31003937,-6.8990579 -1.3202913 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9107772 -1.4200122 0.31003937,-6.9058618 -1.3699437 0.31003937,
+ -6.9107772 -1.4200122 -0.31003937,-6.9107772 -1.4200122 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9058618 -1.3699437 0.31003937,-6.9058618 -1.3699437 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9136378 -1.4702339 0.31003937,-6.9107772 -1.4200122 0.31003937,
+ -6.9136378 -1.4702339 -0.31003937,-6.9136378 -1.4702339 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9107772 -1.4200122 0.31003937,-6.9107772 -1.4200122 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9142764 -1.5203441 0.31003937,-6.9136378 -1.4702339 0.31003937,
+ -6.9142764 -1.5203441 -0.31003937,-6.9142764 -1.5203441 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9136378 -1.4702339 0.31003937,-6.9136378 -1.4702339 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9125268 -1.5700795 0.31003937,-6.9142764 -1.5203441 0.31003937,
+ -6.9125268 -1.5700795 -0.31003937,-6.9125268 -1.5700795 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9142764 -1.5203441 0.31003937,-6.9142764 -1.5203441 -0.31003937,
+ -6.908222 -1.6191764 0.31003937,-6.9125268 -1.5700795 0.31003937,
+ -6.908222 -1.6191764 -0.31003937,-6.908222 -1.6191764 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9125268 -1.5700795 0.31003937,-6.9125268 -1.5700795 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9011961 -1.6673705 0.31003937,-6.908222 -1.6191764 0.31003937,
+ -6.9011961 -1.6673705 -0.31003937,-6.9011961 -1.6673705 -0.31003937,
+ -6.908222 -1.6191764 0.31003937,-6.908222 -1.6191764 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8912815 -1.7143984 0.31003937,-6.9011961 -1.6673705 0.31003937,
+ -6.8912815 -1.7143984 -0.31003937,-6.8912815 -1.7143984 -0.31003937,
+ -6.9011961 -1.6673705 0.31003937,-6.9011961 -1.6673705 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8783126 -1.7599961 0.31003937,-6.8912815 -1.7143984 0.31003937,
+ -6.8783126 -1.7599961 -0.31003937,-6.8783126 -1.7599961 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8912815 -1.7143984 0.31003937,-6.8912815 -1.7143984 -0.31003937,
+ -6.862122 -1.8038996 0.31003937,-6.8783126 -1.7599961 0.31003937,
+ -6.862122 -1.8038996 -0.31003937,-6.862122 -1.8038996 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8783126 -1.7599961 0.31003937,-6.8783126 -1.7599961 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8425433 -1.8458453 0.31003937,-6.862122 -1.8038996 0.31003937,
+ -6.8425433 -1.8458453 -0.31003937,-6.8425433 -1.8458453 -0.31003937,
+ -6.862122 -1.8038996 0.31003937,-6.862122 -1.8038996 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5771268 -2.1965744 0.31003937,-6.8425433 -1.8458453 0.31003937,
+ -6.5771268 -2.1965744 -0.31003937,-6.5771268 -2.1965744 -0.31003937,
+ -6.8425433 -1.8458453 0.31003937,-6.8425433 -1.8458453 -0.31003937,
+ -6.564339 -2.2156437 0.31003937,-6.5771268 -2.1965744 0.31003937,
+ -6.564339 -2.2156437 -0.31003937,-6.564339 -2.2156437 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5771268 -2.1965744 0.31003937,-6.5771268 -2.1965744 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5525843 -2.2354886 0.31003937,-6.564339 -2.2156437 0.31003937,
+ -6.5525843 -2.2354886 -0.31003937,-6.5525843 -2.2354886 -0.31003937,
+ -6.564339 -2.2156437 0.31003937,-6.564339 -2.2156437 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5417839 -2.256052 0.31003937,-6.5525843 -2.2354886 0.31003937,
+ -6.5417839 -2.256052 -0.31003937,-6.5417839 -2.256052 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5525843 -2.2354886 0.31003937,-6.5525843 -2.2354886 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5318602 -2.2772768 0.31003937,-6.5417839 -2.256052 0.31003937,
+ -6.5318602 -2.2772768 -0.31003937,-6.5318602 -2.2772768 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5417839 -2.256052 0.31003937,-6.5417839 -2.256052 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5143295 -2.3214811 0.31003937,-6.5318602 -2.2772768 0.31003937,
+ -6.5143295 -2.3214811 -0.31003937,-6.5143295 -2.3214811 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5318602 -2.2772768 0.31003937,-6.5318602 -2.2772768 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4993681 -2.3676437 0.31003937,-6.5143295 -2.3214811 0.31003937,
+ -6.4993681 -2.3676437 -0.31003937,-6.4993681 -2.3676437 -0.31003937,
+ -6.5143295 -2.3214811 0.31003937,-6.5143295 -2.3214811 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4863504 -2.4153055 0.31003937,-6.4993681 -2.3676437 0.31003937,
+ -6.4863504 -2.4153055 -0.31003937,-6.4863504 -2.4153055 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4993681 -2.3676437 0.31003937,-6.4993681 -2.3676437 -0.31003937,
+ -6.474652 -2.4640087 0.31003937,-6.4863504 -2.4153055 0.31003937,
+ -6.474652 -2.4640087 -0.31003937,-6.474652 -2.4640087 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4863504 -2.4153055 0.31003937,-6.4863504 -2.4153055 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4527126 -2.5627067 0.31003937,-6.474652 -2.4640087 0.31003937,
+ -6.4527126 -2.5627067 -0.31003937,-6.4527126 -2.5627067 -0.31003937,
+ -6.474652 -2.4640087 0.31003937,-6.474652 -2.4640087 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4412224 -2.611785 0.31003937,-6.4527126 -2.5627067 0.31003937,
+ -6.4412224 -2.611785 -0.31003937,-6.4412224 -2.611785 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4527126 -2.5627067 0.31003937,-6.4527126 -2.5627067 -0.31003937,
+ -6.428552 -2.660072 0.31003937,-6.4412224 -2.611785 0.31003937,
+ -6.428552 -2.660072 -0.31003937,-6.428552 -2.660072 -0.31003937,
+ -6.4412224 -2.611785 0.31003937,-6.4412224 -2.611785 -0.31003937,
+ -6.414076 -2.7071091 0.31003937,-6.428552 -2.660072 0.31003937,
+ -6.414076 -2.7071091 -0.31003937,-6.414076 -2.7071091 -0.31003937,
+ -6.428552 -2.660072 0.31003937,-6.428552 -2.660072 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3971705 -2.7524382 0.31003937,-6.414076 -2.7071091 0.31003937,
+ -6.3971705 -2.7524382 -0.31003937,-6.3971705 -2.7524382 -0.31003937,
+ -6.414076 -2.7071091 0.31003937,-6.414076 -2.7071091 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3772102 -2.7956016 0.31003937,-6.3971705 -2.7524382 0.31003937,
+ -6.3772102 -2.7956016 -0.31003937,-6.3772102 -2.7956016 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3971705 -2.7524382 0.31003937,-6.3971705 -2.7524382 -0.31003937,
+ -6.365889 -2.8162276 0.31003937,-6.3772102 -2.7956016 0.31003937,
+ -6.365889 -2.8162276 -0.31003937,-6.365889 -2.8162276 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3772102 -2.7956016 0.31003937,-6.3772102 -2.7956016 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3535701 -2.8361402 0.31003937,-6.365889 -2.8162276 0.31003937,
+ -6.3535701 -2.8361402 -0.31003937,-6.3535701 -2.8361402 -0.31003937,
+ -6.365889 -2.8162276 0.31003937,-6.365889 -2.8162276 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3401748 -2.8552823 0.31003937,-6.3535701 -2.8361402 0.31003937,
+ -6.3401748 -2.8552823 -0.31003937,-6.3401748 -2.8552823 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3535701 -2.8361402 0.31003937,-6.3535701 -2.8361402 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3256252 -2.8735965 0.31003937,-6.3401748 -2.8552823 0.31003937,
+ -6.3256252 -2.8735965 -0.31003937,-6.3256252 -2.8735965 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3401748 -2.8552823 0.31003937,-6.3401748 -2.8552823 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3098437 -2.8910256 0.31003937,-6.3256252 -2.8735965 0.31003937,
+ -6.3098437 -2.8910256 -0.31003937,-6.3098437 -2.8910256 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3256252 -2.8735965 0.31003937,-6.3256252 -2.8735965 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2927512 -2.9075118 0.31003937,-6.3098437 -2.8910256 0.31003937,
+ -6.2927512 -2.9075118 -0.31003937,-6.2927512 -2.9075118 -0.31003937,
+ -6.3098437 -2.8910256 0.31003937,-6.3098437 -2.8910256 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2817602 -2.9170386 0.31003937,-6.2927512 -2.9075118 0.31003937,
+ -6.2817602 -2.9170386 -0.31003937,-6.2817602 -2.9170386 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2927512 -2.9075118 0.31003937,-6.2927512 -2.9075118 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2701386 -2.926072 0.31003937,-6.2817602 -2.9170386 0.31003937,
+ -6.2701386 -2.926072 -0.31003937,-6.2701386 -2.926072 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2817602 -2.9170386 0.31003937,-6.2817602 -2.9170386 -0.31003937,
+ -6.245152 -2.9426886 0.31003937,-6.2701386 -2.926072 0.31003937,
+ -6.245152 -2.9426886 -0.31003937,-6.245152 -2.9426886 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2701386 -2.926072 0.31003937,-6.2701386 -2.926072 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2180819 -2.9574161 0.31003937,-6.245152 -2.9426886 0.31003937,
+ -6.2180819 -2.9574161 -0.31003937,-6.2180819 -2.9574161 -0.31003937,
+ -6.245152 -2.9426886 0.31003937,-6.245152 -2.9426886 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1892209 -2.9703114 0.31003937,-6.2180819 -2.9574161 0.31003937,
+ -6.1892209 -2.9703114 -0.31003937,-6.1892209 -2.9703114 -0.31003937,
+ -6.2180819 -2.9574161 0.31003937,-6.2180819 -2.9574161 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1588602 -2.9814291 0.31003937,-6.1892209 -2.9703114 0.31003937,
+ -6.1588602 -2.9814291 -0.31003937,-6.1588602 -2.9814291 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1892209 -2.9703114 0.31003937,-6.1892209 -2.9703114 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1272917 -2.9908248 0.31003937,-6.1588602 -2.9814291 0.31003937,
+ -6.1272917 -2.9908248 -0.31003937,-6.1272917 -2.9908248 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1588602 -2.9814291 0.31003937,-6.1588602 -2.9814291 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0948067 -2.9985543 0.31003937,-6.1272917 -2.9908248 0.31003937,
+ -6.0948067 -2.9985543 -0.31003937,-6.0948067 -2.9985543 -0.31003937,
+ -6.1272917 -2.9908248 0.31003937,-6.1272917 -2.9908248 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0616965 -3.0046732 0.31003937,-6.0948067 -2.9985543 0.31003937,
+ -6.0616965 -3.0046732 -0.31003937,-6.0616965 -3.0046732 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0948067 -2.9985543 0.31003937,-6.0948067 -2.9985543 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0282531 -3.009237 0.31003937,-6.0616965 -3.0046732 0.31003937,
+ -6.0282531 -3.009237 -0.31003937,-6.0282531 -3.009237 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0616965 -3.0046732 0.31003937,-6.0616965 -3.0046732 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9947685 -3.0123012 0.31003937,-6.0282531 -3.009237 0.31003937,
+ -5.9947685 -3.0123012 -0.31003937,-5.9947685 -3.0123012 -0.31003937,
+ -6.0282531 -3.009237 0.31003937,-6.0282531 -3.009237 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9615335 -3.0139213 0.31003937,-5.9947685 -3.0123012 0.31003937,
+ -5.9615335 -3.0139213 -0.31003937,-5.9615335 -3.0139213 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9947685 -3.0123012 0.31003937,-5.9947685 -3.0123012 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9288402 -3.0141528 0.31003937,-5.9615335 -3.0139213 0.31003937,
+ -5.9288402 -3.0141528 -0.31003937,-5.9288402 -3.0141528 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9615335 -3.0139213 0.31003937,-5.9615335 -3.0139213 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8969795 -3.0130512 0.31003937,-5.9288402 -3.0141528 0.31003937,
+ -5.8969795 -3.0130512 -0.31003937,-5.8969795 -3.0130512 -0.31003937,
+ -5.9288402 -3.0141528 0.31003937,-5.9288402 -3.0141528 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8662441 -3.010672 0.31003937,-5.8969795 -3.0130512 0.31003937,
+ -5.8662441 -3.010672 -0.31003937,-5.8662441 -3.010672 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8969795 -3.0130512 0.31003937,-5.8969795 -3.0130512 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8369248 -3.0070713 0.31003937,-5.8662441 -3.010672 0.31003937,
+ -5.8369248 -3.0070713 -0.31003937,-5.8369248 -3.0070713 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8662441 -3.010672 0.31003937,-5.8662441 -3.010672 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8093134 -3.0023035 0.31003937,-5.8369248 -3.0070713 0.31003937,
+ -5.8093134 -3.0023035 -0.31003937,-5.8093134 -3.0023035 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8369248 -3.0070713 0.31003937,-5.8369248 -3.0070713 -0.31003937,
+ -5.7626949 -2.9956571 0.31003937,-5.8093134 -3.0023035 0.31003937,
+ -5.7626949 -2.9956571 -0.31003937,-5.7626949 -2.9956571 -0.31003937,
+ -5.8093134 -3.0023035 0.31003937,-5.8093134 -3.0023035 -0.31003937,
+ -5.7154102 -2.9900106 0.31003937,-5.7626949 -2.9956571 0.31003937,
+ -5.7154102 -2.9900106 -0.31003937,-5.7154102 -2.9900106 -0.31003937,
+ -5.7626949 -2.9956571 0.31003937,-5.7626949 -2.9956571 -0.31003937,
+ -5.6676811 -2.9854748 0.31003937,-5.7154102 -2.9900106 0.31003937,
+ -5.6676811 -2.9854748 -0.31003937,-5.6676811 -2.9854748 -0.31003937,
+ -5.7154102 -2.9900106 0.31003937,-5.7154102 -2.9900106 -0.31003937,
+ -5.6197299 -2.9821606 0.31003937,-5.6676811 -2.9854748 0.31003937,
+ -5.6197299 -2.9821606 -0.31003937,-5.6197299 -2.9821606 -0.31003937,
+ -5.6676811 -2.9854748 0.31003937,-5.6676811 -2.9854748 -0.31003937,
+ -5.5717787 -2.9801799 0.31003937,-5.6197299 -2.9821606 0.31003937,
+ -5.5717787 -2.9801799 -0.31003937,-5.5717787 -2.9801799 -0.31003937,
+ -5.6197299 -2.9821606 0.31003937,-5.6197299 -2.9821606 -0.31003937,
+ -5.52405 -2.9796429 0.31003937,-5.5717787 -2.9801799 0.31003937,
+ -5.52405 -2.9796429 -0.31003937,-5.52405 -2.9796429 -0.31003937,
+ -5.5717787 -2.9801799 0.31003937,-5.5717787 -2.9801799 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4767654 -2.980661 0.31003937,-5.52405 -2.9796429 0.31003937,
+ -5.4767654 -2.980661 -0.31003937,-5.4767654 -2.980661 -0.31003937,
+ -5.52405 -2.9796429 0.31003937,-5.52405 -2.9796429 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4301476 -2.9833457 0.31003937,-5.4767654 -2.980661 0.31003937,
+ -5.4301476 -2.9833457 -0.31003937,-5.4301476 -2.9833457 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4767654 -2.980661 0.31003937,-5.4767654 -2.980661 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4108094 -2.9858657 0.31003937,-5.4301476 -2.9833457 0.31003937,
+ -5.4108094 -2.9858657 -0.31003937,-5.4108094 -2.9858657 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4301476 -2.9833457 0.31003937,-5.4301476 -2.9833457 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3918602 -2.9897331 0.31003937,-5.4108094 -2.9858657 0.31003937,
+ -5.3918602 -2.9897331 -0.31003937,-5.3918602 -2.9897331 -0.31003937,
+ -5.4108094 -2.9858657 0.31003937,-5.4108094 -2.9858657 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3732441 -2.9947386 0.31003937,-5.3918602 -2.9897331 0.31003937,
+ -5.3732441 -2.9947386 -0.31003937,-5.3732441 -2.9947386 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3918602 -2.9897331 0.31003937,-5.3918602 -2.9897331 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3549059 -3.0006744 0.31003937,-5.3732441 -2.9947386 0.31003937,
+ -5.3549059 -3.0006744 -0.31003937,-5.3549059 -3.0006744 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3732441 -2.9947386 0.31003937,-5.3732441 -2.9947386 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3367902 -3.0073327 0.31003937,-5.3549059 -3.0006744 0.31003937,
+ -5.3367902 -3.0073327 -0.31003937,-5.3367902 -3.0073327 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3549059 -3.0006744 0.31003937,-5.3549059 -3.0006744 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3188406 -3.0145047 0.31003937,-5.3367902 -3.0073327 0.31003937,
+ -5.3188406 -3.0145047 -0.31003937,-5.3188406 -3.0145047 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3367902 -3.0073327 0.31003937,-5.3367902 -3.0073327 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2832197 -3.0295563 0.31003937,-5.3188406 -3.0145047 0.31003937,
+ -5.2832197 -3.0295563 -0.31003937,-5.2832197 -3.0295563 -0.31003937,
+ -5.3188406 -3.0145047 0.31003937,-5.3188406 -3.0145047 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2475988 -3.0441642 0.31003937,-5.2832197 -3.0295563 0.31003937,
+ -5.2475988 -3.0441642 -0.31003937,-5.2475988 -3.0441642 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2832197 -3.0295563 0.31003937,-5.2832197 -3.0295563 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2296492 -3.0507803 0.31003937,-5.2475988 -3.0441642 0.31003937,
+ -5.2296492 -3.0507803 -0.31003937,-5.2296492 -3.0507803 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2475988 -3.0441642 0.31003937,-5.2475988 -3.0441642 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2115331 -3.056661 0.31003937,-5.2296492 -3.0507803 0.31003937,
+ -5.2115331 -3.056661 -0.31003937,-5.2115331 -3.056661 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2296492 -3.0507803 0.31003937,-5.2296492 -3.0507803 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1931949 -3.0615972 0.31003937,-5.2115331 -3.056661 0.31003937,
+ -5.1931949 -3.0615972 -0.31003937,-5.1931949 -3.0615972 -0.31003937,
+ -5.2115331 -3.056661 0.31003937,-5.2115331 -3.056661 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1745791 -3.0653811 0.31003937,-5.1931949 -3.0615972 0.31003937,
+ -5.1745791 -3.0653811 -0.31003937,-5.1745791 -3.0653811 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1931949 -3.0615972 0.31003937,-5.1931949 -3.0615972 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1556299 -3.0678043 0.31003937,-5.1745791 -3.0653811 0.31003937,
+ -5.1556299 -3.0678043 -0.31003937,-5.1556299 -3.0678043 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1745791 -3.0653811 0.31003937,-5.1745791 -3.0653811 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1460126 -3.0684402 0.31003937,-5.1556299 -3.0678043 0.31003937,
+ -5.1460126 -3.0684402 -0.31003937,-5.1460126 -3.0684402 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1556299 -3.0678043 0.31003937,-5.1556299 -3.0678043 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1362917 -3.0686583 0.31003937,-5.1460126 -3.0684402 0.31003937,
+ -5.1362917 -3.0686583 -0.31003937,-5.1362917 -3.0686583 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1460126 -3.0684402 0.31003937,-5.1460126 -3.0684402 -0.31003937,
+ -4.757126 -3.0970961 0.31003937,-5.1362917 -3.0686583 0.31003937,
+ -4.757126 -3.0970961 -0.31003937,-4.757126 -3.0970961 -0.31003937,
+ -5.1362917 -3.0686583 0.31003937,-5.1362917 -3.0686583 -0.31003937,
+ -4.7017315 -3.103761 0.31003937,-4.757126 -3.0970961 0.31003937,
+ -4.7017315 -3.103761 -0.31003937,-4.7017315 -3.103761 -0.31003937,
+ -4.757126 -3.0970961 0.31003937,-4.757126 -3.0970961 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6748118 -3.1062602 0.31003937,-4.7017315 -3.103761 0.31003937,
+ -4.6748118 -3.1062602 -0.31003937,-4.6748118 -3.1062602 -0.31003937,
+ -4.7017315 -3.103761 0.31003937,-4.7017315 -3.103761 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6614496 -3.1071559 0.31003937,-4.6748118 -3.1062602 0.31003937,
+ -4.6614496 -3.1071559 -0.31003937,-4.6614496 -3.1071559 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6748118 -3.1062602 0.31003937,-4.6748118 -3.1062602 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6481146 -3.1077598 0.31003937,-4.6614496 -3.1071559 0.31003937,
+ -4.6481146 -3.1077598 -0.31003937,-4.6481146 -3.1077598 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6614496 -3.1071559 0.31003937,-4.6614496 -3.1071559 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6347799 -3.1080307 0.31003937,-4.6481146 -3.1077598 0.31003937,
+ -4.6347799 -3.1080307 -0.31003937,-4.6347799 -3.1080307 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6481146 -3.1077598 0.31003937,-4.6481146 -3.1077598 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6214177 -3.1079264 0.31003937,-4.6347799 -3.1080307 0.31003937,
+ -4.6214177 -3.1079264 -0.31003937,-4.6214177 -3.1079264 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6347799 -3.1080307 0.31003937,-4.6347799 -3.1080307 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6079996 -3.1074059 0.31003937,-4.6214177 -3.1079264 0.31003937,
+ -4.6079996 -3.1074059 -0.31003937,-4.6079996 -3.1074059 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6214177 -3.1079264 0.31003937,-4.6214177 -3.1079264 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5944984 -3.1064268 0.31003937,-4.6079996 -3.1074059 0.31003937,
+ -4.5944984 -3.1064268 -0.31003937,-4.5944984 -3.1064268 -0.31003937,
+ -4.6079996 -3.1074059 0.31003937,-4.6079996 -3.1074059 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5808858 -3.104948 0.31003937,-4.5944984 -3.1064268 0.31003937,
+ -4.5808858 -3.104948 -0.31003937,-4.5808858 -3.104948 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5944984 -3.1064268 0.31003937,-4.5944984 -3.1064268 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5671346 -3.102928 0.31003937,-4.5808858 -3.104948 0.31003937,
+ -4.5671346 -3.102928 -0.31003937,-4.5671346 -3.102928 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5808858 -3.104948 0.31003937,-4.5808858 -3.104948 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5532169 -3.1003244 0.31003937,-4.5671346 -3.102928 0.31003937,
+ -4.5532169 -3.1003244 -0.31003937,-4.5532169 -3.1003244 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5671346 -3.102928 0.31003937,-4.5671346 -3.102928 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5391043 -3.0970961 0.31003937,-4.5532169 -3.1003244 0.31003937,
+ -4.5391043 -3.0970961 -0.31003937,-4.5391043 -3.0970961 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5532169 -3.1003244 0.31003937,-4.5532169 -3.1003244 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5251012 -3.0931134 0.31003937,-4.5391043 -3.0970961 0.31003937,
+ -4.5251012 -3.0931134 -0.31003937,-4.5251012 -3.0931134 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5391043 -3.0970961 0.31003937,-4.5391043 -3.0970961 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5115 -3.088339 0.31003937,-4.5251012 -3.0931134 0.31003937,
+ -4.5115 -3.088339 -0.31003937,-4.5115 -3.088339 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5251012 -3.0931134 0.31003937,-4.5251012 -3.0931134 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4982602 -3.0828705 0.31003937,-4.5115 -3.088339 0.31003937,
+ -4.4982602 -3.0828705 -0.31003937,-4.4982602 -3.0828705 -0.31003937,
+ -4.5115 -3.088339 0.31003937,-4.5115 -3.088339 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4853398 -3.0768051 0.31003937,-4.4982602 -3.0828705 0.31003937,
+ -4.4853398 -3.0768051 -0.31003937,-4.4853398 -3.0768051 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4982602 -3.0828705 0.31003937,-4.4982602 -3.0828705 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4726972 -3.0702394 0.31003937,-4.4853398 -3.0768051 0.31003937,
+ -4.4726972 -3.0702394 -0.31003937,-4.4726972 -3.0702394 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4853398 -3.0768051 0.31003937,-4.4853398 -3.0768051 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4602902 -3.0632713 0.31003937,-4.4726972 -3.0702394 0.31003937,
+ -4.4602902 -3.0632713 -0.31003937,-4.4602902 -3.0632713 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4726972 -3.0702394 0.31003937,-4.4726972 -3.0702394 -0.31003937,
+ -4.448078 -3.0559976 0.31003937,-4.4602902 -3.0632713 0.31003937,
+ -4.448078 -3.0559976 -0.31003937,-4.448078 -3.0559976 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4602902 -3.0632713 0.31003937,-4.4602902 -3.0632713 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4360185 -3.0485157 0.31003937,-4.448078 -3.0559976 0.31003937,
+ -4.4360185 -3.0485157 -0.31003937,-4.4360185 -3.0485157 -0.31003937,
+ -4.448078 -3.0559976 0.31003937,-4.448078 -3.0559976 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3884744 -3.0184488 0.31003937,-4.4360185 -3.0485157 0.31003937,
+ -4.3884744 -3.0184488 -0.31003937,-4.3884744 -3.0184488 -0.31003937,
+ -4.4360185 -3.0485157 0.31003937,-4.4360185 -3.0485157 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3765535 -3.0113831 0.31003937,-4.3884744 -3.0184488 0.31003937,
+ -4.3765535 -3.0113831 -0.31003937,-4.3765535 -3.0113831 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3884744 -3.0184488 0.31003937,-4.3884744 -3.0184488 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3645358 -3.0046925 0.31003937,-4.3765535 -3.0113831 0.31003937,
+ -4.3645358 -3.0046925 -0.31003937,-4.3645358 -3.0046925 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3765535 -3.0113831 0.31003937,-4.3765535 -3.0113831 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3523787 -2.9984744 0.31003937,-4.3645358 -3.0046925 0.31003937,
+ -4.3523787 -2.9984744 -0.31003937,-4.3523787 -2.9984744 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3645358 -3.0046925 0.31003937,-4.3645358 -3.0046925 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3400417 -2.9928252 0.31003937,-4.3523787 -2.9984744 0.31003937,
+ -4.3400417 -2.9928252 -0.31003937,-4.3400417 -2.9928252 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3523787 -2.9984744 0.31003937,-4.3523787 -2.9984744 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3365933 -2.9911567 0.31003937,-4.3400417 -2.9928252 0.31003937,
+ -4.3365933 -2.9911567 -0.31003937,-4.3365933 -2.9911567 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3400417 -2.9928252 0.31003937,-4.3400417 -2.9928252 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3333394 -2.9896965 0.31003937,-4.3365933 -2.9911567 0.31003937,
+ -4.3333394 -2.9896965 -0.31003937,-4.3333394 -2.9896965 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3365933 -2.9911567 0.31003937,-4.3365933 -2.9911567 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3302524 -2.9884307 0.31003937,-4.3333394 -2.9896965 0.31003937,
+ -4.3302524 -2.9884307 -0.31003937,-4.3302524 -2.9884307 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3333394 -2.9896965 0.31003937,-4.3333394 -2.9896965 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3273039 -2.9873453 0.31003937,-4.3302524 -2.9884307 0.31003937,
+ -4.3273039 -2.9873453 -0.31003937,-4.3273039 -2.9873453 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3302524 -2.9884307 0.31003937,-4.3302524 -2.9884307 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3244665 -2.9864264 0.31003937,-4.3273039 -2.9873453 0.31003937,
+ -4.3244665 -2.9864264 -0.31003937,-4.3244665 -2.9864264 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3273039 -2.9873453 0.31003937,-4.3273039 -2.9873453 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3217126 -2.9856606 0.31003937,-4.3244665 -2.9864264 0.31003937,
+ -4.3217126 -2.9856606 -0.31003937,-4.3217126 -2.9856606 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3244665 -2.9864264 0.31003937,-4.3244665 -2.9864264 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3190142 -2.9850335 0.31003937,-4.3217126 -2.9856606 0.31003937,
+ -4.3190142 -2.9850335 -0.31003937,-4.3190142 -2.9850335 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3217126 -2.9856606 0.31003937,-4.3217126 -2.9856606 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3163433 -2.9845311 0.31003937,-4.3190142 -2.9850335 0.31003937,
+ -4.3163433 -2.9845311 -0.31003937,-4.3163433 -2.9845311 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3190142 -2.9850335 0.31003937,-4.3190142 -2.9850335 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3136728 -2.9841402 0.31003937,-4.3163433 -2.9845311 0.31003937,
+ -4.3136728 -2.9841402 -0.31003937,-4.3136728 -2.9841402 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3163433 -2.9845311 0.31003937,-4.3163433 -2.9845311 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3109744 -2.9838465 0.31003937,-4.3136728 -2.9841402 0.31003937,
+ -4.3109744 -2.9838465 -0.31003937,-4.3109744 -2.9838465 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3136728 -2.9841402 0.31003937,-4.3136728 -2.9841402 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3082205 -2.9836358 0.31003937,-4.3109744 -2.9838465 0.31003937,
+ -4.3082205 -2.9836358 -0.31003937,-4.3082205 -2.9836358 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3109744 -2.9838465 0.31003937,-4.3109744 -2.9838465 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3053831 -2.9834945 0.31003937,-4.3082205 -2.9836358 0.31003937,
+ -4.3053831 -2.9834945 -0.31003937,-4.3053831 -2.9834945 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3082205 -2.9836358 0.31003937,-4.3082205 -2.9836358 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2993472 -2.983365 0.31003937,-4.3053831 -2.9834945 0.31003937,
+ -4.2993472 -2.983365 -0.31003937,-4.2993472 -2.983365 -0.31003937,
+ -4.3053831 -2.9834945 0.31003937,-4.3053831 -2.9834945 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2926453 -2.9833465 0.31003937,-4.2993472 -2.983365 0.31003937,
+ -4.2926453 -2.9833465 -0.31003937,-4.2926453 -2.9833465 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2993472 -2.983365 0.31003937,-4.2993472 -2.983365 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2882008 -2.9834835 0.31003937,-4.2926453 -2.9833465 0.31003937,
+ -4.2882008 -2.9834835 -0.31003937,-4.2882008 -2.9834835 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2926453 -2.9833465 0.31003937,-4.2926453 -2.9833465 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2837516 -2.9838878 0.31003937,-4.2882008 -2.9834835 0.31003937,
+ -4.2837516 -2.9838878 -0.31003937,-4.2837516 -2.9838878 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2882008 -2.9834835 0.31003937,-4.2882008 -2.9834835 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2748161 -2.9854571 0.31003937,-4.2837516 -2.9838878 0.31003937,
+ -4.2748161 -2.9854571 -0.31003937,-4.2748161 -2.9854571 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2837516 -2.9838878 0.31003937,-4.2837516 -2.9838878 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2657976 -2.9879705 0.31003937,-4.2748161 -2.9854571 0.31003937,
+ -4.2657976 -2.9879705 -0.31003937,-4.2657976 -2.9879705 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2748161 -2.9854571 0.31003937,-4.2748161 -2.9854571 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2566539 -2.9913445 0.31003937,-4.2657976 -2.9879705 0.31003937,
+ -4.2566539 -2.9913445 -0.31003937,-4.2566539 -2.9913445 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2657976 -2.9879705 0.31003937,-4.2657976 -2.9879705 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2473437 -2.9954961 0.31003937,-4.2566539 -2.9913445 0.31003937,
+ -4.2473437 -2.9954961 -0.31003937,-4.2473437 -2.9954961 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2566539 -2.9913445 0.31003937,-4.2566539 -2.9913445 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2378252 -3.0003421 0.31003937,-4.2473437 -2.9954961 0.31003937,
+ -4.2378252 -3.0003421 -0.31003937,-4.2378252 -3.0003421 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2473437 -2.9954961 0.31003937,-4.2473437 -2.9954961 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2280567 -3.0057992 0.31003937,-4.2378252 -3.0003421 0.31003937,
+ -4.2280567 -3.0057992 -0.31003937,-4.2280567 -3.0057992 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2378252 -3.0003421 0.31003937,-4.2378252 -3.0003421 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2179965 -3.0117839 0.31003937,-4.2280567 -3.0057992 0.31003937,
+ -4.2179965 -3.0117839 -0.31003937,-4.2179965 -3.0117839 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2280567 -3.0057992 0.31003937,-4.2280567 -3.0057992 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1740071 -3.0393327 0.31003937,-4.2179965 -3.0117839 0.31003937,
+ -4.1740071 -3.0393327 -0.31003937,-4.1740071 -3.0393327 -0.31003937,
+ -4.2179965 -3.0117839 0.31003937,-4.2179965 -3.0117839 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1618642 -3.0467059 0.31003937,-4.1740071 -3.0393327 0.31003937,
+ -4.1618642 -3.0467059 -0.31003937,-4.1618642 -3.0467059 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1740071 -3.0393327 0.31003937,-4.1740071 -3.0393327 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1491799 -3.0541071 0.31003937,-4.1618642 -3.0467059 0.31003937,
+ -4.1491799 -3.0541071 -0.31003937,-4.1491799 -3.0541071 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1618642 -3.0467059 0.31003937,-4.1618642 -3.0467059 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1359126 -3.0614524 0.31003937,-4.1491799 -3.0541071 0.31003937,
+ -4.1359126 -3.0614524 -0.31003937,-4.1359126 -3.0614524 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1491799 -3.0541071 0.31003937,-4.1491799 -3.0541071 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1220201 -3.0686591 0.31003937,-4.1359126 -3.0614524 0.31003937,
+ -4.1220201 -3.0686591 -0.31003937,-4.1220201 -3.0686591 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1359126 -3.0614524 0.31003937,-4.1359126 -3.0614524 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0935831 -3.0824331 0.31003937,-4.1220201 -3.0686591 0.31003937,
+ -4.0935831 -3.0824331 -0.31003937,-4.0935831 -3.0824331 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1220201 -3.0686591 0.31003937,-4.1220201 -3.0686591 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0651461 -3.0953189 0.31003937,-4.0935831 -3.0824331 0.31003937,
+ -4.0651461 -3.0953189 -0.31003937,-4.0651461 -3.0953189 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0935831 -3.0824331 0.31003937,-4.0935831 -3.0824331 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0367087 -3.1073161 0.31003937,-4.0651461 -3.0953189 0.31003937,
+ -4.0367087 -3.1073161 -0.31003937,-4.0367087 -3.1073161 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0651461 -3.0953189 0.31003937,-4.0651461 -3.0953189 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0082713 -3.1184244 0.31003937,-4.0367087 -3.1073161 0.31003937,
+ -4.0082713 -3.1184244 -0.31003937,-4.0082713 -3.1184244 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0367087 -3.1073161 0.31003937,-4.0367087 -3.1073161 -0.31003937,
+ -3.9798335 -3.1286445 0.31003937,-4.0082713 -3.1184244 0.31003937,
+ -3.9798335 -3.1286445 -0.31003937,-3.9798335 -3.1286445 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0082713 -3.1184244 0.31003937,-4.0082713 -3.1184244 -0.31003937,
+ -3.9513961 -3.1379752 0.31003937,-3.9798335 -3.1286445 0.31003937,
+ -3.9513961 -3.1379752 -0.31003937,-3.9513961 -3.1379752 -0.31003937,
+ -3.9798335 -3.1286445 0.31003937,-3.9798335 -3.1286445 -0.31003937,
+ -3.9229583 -3.1464177 0.31003937,-3.9513961 -3.1379752 0.31003937,
+ -3.9229583 -3.1464177 -0.31003937,-3.9229583 -3.1464177 -0.31003937,
+ -3.9513961 -3.1379752 0.31003937,-3.9513961 -3.1379752 -0.31003937,
+ -3.8945209 -3.1539713 0.31003937,-3.9229583 -3.1464177 0.31003937,
+ -3.8945209 -3.1539713 -0.31003937,-3.8945209 -3.1539713 -0.31003937,
+ -3.9229583 -3.1464177 0.31003937,-3.9229583 -3.1464177 -0.31003937,
+ -3.8123441 -3.1781445 0.31003937,-3.8945209 -3.1539713 0.31003937,
+ -3.8123441 -3.1781445 -0.31003937,-3.8123441 -3.1781445 -0.31003937,
+ -3.8945209 -3.1539713 0.31003937,-3.8945209 -3.1539713 -0.31003937,
+ -3.7310976 -3.1991709 0.31003937,-3.8123441 -3.1781445 0.31003937,
+ -3.7310976 -3.1991709 -0.31003937,-3.7310976 -3.1991709 -0.31003937,
+ -3.8123441 -3.1781445 0.31003937,-3.8123441 -3.1781445 -0.31003937,
+ -3.6507677 -3.2171252 0.31003937,-3.7310976 -3.1991709 0.31003937,
+ -3.6507677 -3.2171252 -0.31003937,-3.6507677 -3.2171252 -0.31003937,
+ -3.7310976 -3.1991709 0.31003937,-3.7310976 -3.1991709 -0.31003937,
+ -3.5713406 -3.2320819 0.31003937,-3.6507677 -3.2171252 0.31003937,
+ -3.5713406 -3.2320819 -0.31003937,-3.5713406 -3.2320819 -0.31003937,
+ -3.6507677 -3.2171252 0.31003937,-3.6507677 -3.2171252 -0.31003937,
+ -3.4151378 -3.2533012 0.31003937,-3.5713406 -3.2320819 0.31003937,
+ -3.4151378 -3.2533012 -0.31003937,-3.4151378 -3.2533012 -0.31003937,
+ -3.5713406 -3.2320819 0.31003937,-3.5713406 -3.2320819 -0.31003937,
+ -3.2623791 -3.263426 0.31003937,-3.4151378 -3.2533012 0.31003937,
+ -3.2623791 -3.263426 -0.31003937,-3.2623791 -3.263426 -0.31003937,
+ -3.4151378 -3.2533012 0.31003937,-3.4151378 -3.2533012 -0.31003937,
+ -3.1129524 -3.2630535 0.31003937,-3.2623791 -3.263426 0.31003937,
+ -3.1129524 -3.2630535 -0.31003937,-3.1129524 -3.2630535 -0.31003937,
+ -3.2623791 -3.263426 0.31003937,-3.2623791 -3.263426 -0.31003937,
+ -2.9667476 -3.2527807 0.31003937,-3.1129524 -3.2630535 0.31003937,
+ -2.9667476 -3.2527807 -0.31003937,-2.9667476 -3.2527807 -0.31003937,
+ -3.1129524 -3.2630535 0.31003937,-3.1129524 -3.2630535 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8236528 -3.2332043 0.31003937,-2.9667476 -3.2527807 0.31003937,
+ -2.8236528 -3.2332043 -0.31003937,-2.8236528 -3.2332043 -0.31003937,
+ -2.9667476 -3.2527807 0.31003937,-2.9667476 -3.2527807 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6835575 -3.204922 0.31003937,-2.8236528 -3.2332043 0.31003937,
+ -2.6835575 -3.204922 -0.31003937,-2.6835575 -3.204922 -0.31003937,
+ -2.8236528 -3.2332043 0.31003937,-2.8236528 -3.2332043 -0.31003937,
+ -2.54635 -3.1685303 0.31003937,-2.6835575 -3.204922 0.31003937,
+ -2.54635 -3.1685303 -0.31003937,-2.54635 -3.1685303 -0.31003937,
+ -2.6835575 -3.204922 0.31003937,-2.6835575 -3.204922 -0.31003937,
+ -2.4119201 -3.1246268 0.31003937,-2.54635 -3.1685303 0.31003937,
+ -2.4119201 -3.1246268 -0.31003937,-2.4119201 -3.1246268 -0.31003937,
+ -2.54635 -3.1685303 0.31003937,-2.54635 -3.1685303 -0.31003937,
+ -2.2801559 -3.0738083 0.31003937,-2.4119201 -3.1246268 0.31003937,
+ -2.2801559 -3.0738083 -0.31003937,-2.2801559 -3.0738083 -0.31003937,
+ -2.4119201 -3.1246268 0.31003937,-2.4119201 -3.1246268 -0.31003937,
+ -2.1509469 -3.0166717 0.31003937,-2.2801559 -3.0738083 0.31003937,
+ -2.1509469 -3.0166717 -0.31003937,-2.1509469 -3.0166717 -0.31003937,
+ -2.2801559 -3.0738083 0.31003937,-2.2801559 -3.0738083 -0.31003937,
+ -2.0241815 -2.9538146 0.31003937,-2.1509469 -3.0166717 0.31003937,
+ -2.0241815 -2.9538146 -0.31003937,-2.0241815 -2.9538146 -0.31003937,
+ -2.1509469 -3.0166717 0.31003937,-2.1509469 -3.0166717 -0.31003937,
+ -1.8997488 -2.8858335 0.31003937,-2.0241815 -2.9538146 0.31003937,
+ -1.8997488 -2.8858335 -0.31003937,-1.8997488 -2.8858335 -0.31003937,
+ -2.0241815 -2.9538146 0.31003937,-2.0241815 -2.9538146 -0.31003937,
+ -1.7775382 -2.8133256 0.31003937,-1.8997488 -2.8858335 0.31003937,
+ -1.7775382 -2.8133256 -0.31003937,-1.7775382 -2.8133256 -0.31003937,
+ -1.8997488 -2.8858335 0.31003937,-1.8997488 -2.8858335 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6574378 -2.7368886 0.31003937,-1.7775382 -2.8133256 0.31003937,
+ -1.6574378 -2.7368886 -0.31003937,-1.6574378 -2.7368886 -0.31003937,
+ -1.7775382 -2.8133256 0.31003937,-1.7775382 -2.8133256 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6466626 -2.7300012 0.31003937,-1.6574378 -2.7368886 0.31003937,
+ -1.6466626 -2.7300012 -0.31003937,-1.6466626 -2.7300012 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6574378 -2.7368886 0.31003937,-1.6574378 -2.7368886 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6356654 -2.7235583 0.31003937,-1.6466626 -2.7300012 0.31003937,
+ -1.6356654 -2.7235583 -0.31003937,-1.6356654 -2.7235583 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6466626 -2.7300012 0.31003937,-1.6466626 -2.7300012 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6244461 -2.7175594 0.31003937,-1.6356654 -2.7235583 0.31003937,
+ -1.6244461 -2.7175594 -0.31003937,-1.6244461 -2.7175594 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6356654 -2.7235583 0.31003937,-1.6356654 -2.7235583 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6130043 -2.7120051 0.31003937,-1.6244461 -2.7175594 0.31003937,
+ -1.6130043 -2.7120051 -0.31003937,-1.6130043 -2.7120051 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6244461 -2.7175594 0.31003937,-1.6244461 -2.7175594 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6013406 -2.7068953 0.31003937,-1.6130043 -2.7120051 0.31003937,
+ -1.6013406 -2.7068953 -0.31003937,-1.6013406 -2.7068953 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6130043 -2.7120051 0.31003937,-1.6130043 -2.7120051 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5894547 -2.7022299 0.31003937,-1.6013406 -2.7068953 0.31003937,
+ -1.5894547 -2.7022299 -0.31003937,-1.5894547 -2.7022299 -0.31003937,
+ -1.6013406 -2.7068953 0.31003937,-1.6013406 -2.7068953 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5773465 -2.6980087 0.31003937,-1.5894547 -2.7022299 0.31003937,
+ -1.5773465 -2.6980087 -0.31003937,-1.5773465 -2.6980087 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5894547 -2.7022299 0.31003937,-1.5894547 -2.7022299 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5650161 -2.6942319 0.31003937,-1.5773465 -2.6980087 0.31003937,
+ -1.5650161 -2.6942319 -0.31003937,-1.5650161 -2.6942319 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5773465 -2.6980087 0.31003937,-1.5773465 -2.6980087 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5524638 -2.6908992 0.31003937,-1.5650161 -2.6942319 0.31003937,
+ -1.5524638 -2.6908992 -0.31003937,-1.5524638 -2.6908992 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5650161 -2.6942319 0.31003937,-1.5650161 -2.6942319 -0.31003937,
+ -1.539689 -2.688011 0.31003937,-1.5524638 -2.6908992 0.31003937,
+ -1.539689 -2.688011 -0.31003937,-1.539689 -2.688011 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5524638 -2.6908992 0.31003937,-1.5524638 -2.6908992 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5266921 -2.6855673 0.31003937,-1.539689 -2.688011 0.31003937,
+ -1.5266921 -2.6855673 -0.31003937,-1.5266921 -2.6855673 -0.31003937,
+ -1.539689 -2.688011 0.31003937,-1.539689 -2.688011 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5134732 -2.6835677 0.31003937,-1.5266921 -2.6855673 0.31003937,
+ -1.5134732 -2.6835677 -0.31003937,-1.5134732 -2.6835677 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5266921 -2.6855673 0.31003937,-1.5266921 -2.6855673 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5000323 -2.6820126 0.31003937,-1.5134732 -2.6835677 0.31003937,
+ -1.5000323 -2.6820126 -0.31003937,-1.5000323 -2.6820126 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5134732 -2.6835677 0.31003937,-1.5134732 -2.6835677 -0.31003937,
+ -1.4863689 -2.680902 0.31003937,-1.5000323 -2.6820126 0.31003937,
+ -1.4863689 -2.680902 -0.31003937,-1.4863689 -2.680902 -0.31003937,
+ -1.5000323 -2.6820126 0.31003937,-1.5000323 -2.6820126 -0.31003937,
+ -1.4724835 -2.6802354 0.31003937,-1.4863689 -2.680902 0.31003937,
+ -1.4724835 -2.6802354 -0.31003937,-1.4724835 -2.6802354 -0.31003937,
+ -1.4863689 -2.680902 0.31003937,-1.4863689 -2.680902 -0.31003937,
+ -1.458376 -2.6800134 0.31003937,-1.4724835 -2.6802354 0.31003937,
+ -1.458376 -2.6800134 -0.31003937,-1.458376 -2.6800134 -0.31003937,
+ -1.4724835 -2.6802354 0.31003937,-1.4724835 -2.6802354 -0.31003937,
+ 2.835687 -2.6800134 0.31003937,-1.458376 -2.6800134 0.31003937,
+ 2.835687 -2.6800134 -0.31003937,2.835687 -2.6800134 -0.31003937,
+ -1.458376 -2.6800134 0.31003937,-1.458376 -2.6800134 -0.31003937,
+ 2.881898 -2.6796244 0.31003937,2.835687 -2.6800134 0.31003937,
+ 2.881898 -2.6796244 -0.31003937,2.881898 -2.6796244 -0.31003937,
+ 2.835687 -2.6800134 0.31003937,2.835687 -2.6800134 -0.31003937,
+ 2.9281091 -2.6786803 0.31003937,2.881898 -2.6796244 0.31003937,
+ 2.9281091 -2.6786803 -0.31003937,2.9281091 -2.6786803 -0.31003937,
+ 2.881898 -2.6796244 0.31003937,2.881898 -2.6796244 -0.31003937,
+ 3.0205311 -2.6764583 0.31003937,2.9281091 -2.6786803 0.31003937,
+ 3.0205311 -2.6764583 -0.31003937,3.0205311 -2.6764583 -0.31003937,
+ 2.9281091 -2.6786803 0.31003937,2.9281091 -2.6786803 -0.31003937,
+ 3.0667417 -2.6758476 0.31003937,3.0205311 -2.6764583 0.31003937,
+ 3.0667417 -2.6758476 -0.31003937,3.0667417 -2.6758476 -0.31003937,
+ 3.0205311 -2.6764583 0.31003937,3.0205311 -2.6764583 -0.31003937,
+ 3.1129528 -2.6760142 0.31003937,3.0667417 -2.6758476 0.31003937,
+ 3.1129528 -2.6760142 -0.31003937,3.1129528 -2.6760142 -0.31003937,
+ 3.0667417 -2.6758476 0.31003937,3.0667417 -2.6758476 -0.31003937,
+ 3.1591638 -2.6772917 0.31003937,3.1129528 -2.6760142 0.31003937,
+ 3.1591638 -2.6772917 -0.31003937,3.1591638 -2.6772917 -0.31003937,
+ 3.1129528 -2.6760142 0.31003937,3.1129528 -2.6760142 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2053748 -2.6800134 0.31003937,3.1591638 -2.6772917 0.31003937,
+ 3.2053748 -2.6800134 -0.31003937,3.2053748 -2.6800134 -0.31003937,
+ 3.1591638 -2.6772917 0.31003937,3.1591638 -2.6772917 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2283693 -2.6821307 0.31003937,3.2053748 -2.6800134 0.31003937,
+ 3.2283693 -2.6821307 -0.31003937,3.2283693 -2.6821307 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2053748 -2.6800134 0.31003937,3.2053748 -2.6800134 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2511413 -2.6849563 0.31003937,3.2283693 -2.6821307 0.31003937,
+ 3.2511413 -2.6849563 -0.31003937,3.2511413 -2.6849563 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2283693 -2.6821307 0.31003937,3.2283693 -2.6821307 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2736913 -2.6885319 0.31003937,3.2511413 -2.6849563 0.31003937,
+ 3.2736913 -2.6885319 -0.31003937,3.2736913 -2.6885319 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2511413 -2.6849563 0.31003937,3.2511413 -2.6849563 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2960193 -2.6928992 0.31003937,3.2736913 -2.6885319 0.31003937,
+ 3.2960193 -2.6928992 -0.31003937,3.2960193 -2.6928992 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2736913 -2.6885319 0.31003937,3.2736913 -2.6885319 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3181248 -2.6980992 0.31003937,3.2960193 -2.6928992 0.31003937,
+ 3.3181248 -2.6980992 -0.31003937,3.3181248 -2.6980992 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2960193 -2.6928992 0.31003937,3.2960193 -2.6928992 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3400083 -2.704174 0.31003937,3.3181248 -2.6980992 0.31003937,
+ 3.3400083 -2.704174 -0.31003937,3.3400083 -2.704174 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3181248 -2.6980992 0.31003937,3.3181248 -2.6980992 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3616697 -2.7111654 0.31003937,3.3400083 -2.704174 0.31003937,
+ 3.3616697 -2.7111654 -0.31003937,3.3616697 -2.7111654 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3400083 -2.704174 0.31003937,3.3400083 -2.704174 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3831091 -2.719115 0.31003937,3.3616697 -2.7111654 0.31003937,
+ 3.3831091 -2.719115 -0.31003937,3.3831091 -2.719115 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3616697 -2.7111654 0.31003937,3.3616697 -2.7111654 -0.31003937,
+ 3.404326 -2.7280642 0.31003937,3.3831091 -2.719115 0.31003937,
+ 3.404326 -2.7280642 -0.31003937,3.404326 -2.7280642 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3831091 -2.719115 0.31003937,3.3831091 -2.719115 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4253209 -2.7380547 0.31003937,3.404326 -2.7280642 0.31003937,
+ 3.4253209 -2.7380547 -0.31003937,3.4253209 -2.7380547 -0.31003937,
+ 3.404326 -2.7280642 0.31003937,3.404326 -2.7280642 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4460937 -2.7491283 0.31003937,3.4253209 -2.7380547 0.31003937,
+ 3.4460937 -2.7491283 -0.31003937,3.4460937 -2.7491283 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4253209 -2.7380547 0.31003937,3.4253209 -2.7380547 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4666441 -2.7613268 0.31003937,3.4460937 -2.7491283 0.31003937,
+ 3.4666441 -2.7613268 -0.31003937,3.4666441 -2.7613268 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4460937 -2.7491283 0.31003937,3.4460937 -2.7491283 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4869724 -2.7746917 0.31003937,3.4666441 -2.7613268 0.31003937,
+ 3.4869724 -2.7746917 -0.31003937,3.4869724 -2.7746917 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4666441 -2.7613268 0.31003937,3.4666441 -2.7613268 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5070787 -2.7892646 0.31003937,3.4869724 -2.7746917 0.31003937,
+ 3.5070787 -2.7892646 -0.31003937,3.5070787 -2.7892646 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4869724 -2.7746917 0.31003937,3.4869724 -2.7746917 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5269626 -2.805087 0.31003937,3.5070787 -2.7892646 0.31003937,
+ 3.5269626 -2.805087 -0.31003937,3.5269626 -2.805087 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5070787 -2.7892646 0.31003937,3.5070787 -2.7892646 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5466248 -2.8222008 0.31003937,3.5269626 -2.805087 0.31003937,
+ 3.5466248 -2.8222008 -0.31003937,3.5466248 -2.8222008 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5269626 -2.805087 0.31003937,3.5269626 -2.805087 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5588602 -2.8332791 0.31003937,3.5466248 -2.8222008 0.31003937,
+ 3.5588602 -2.8332791 -0.31003937,3.5588602 -2.8332791 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5466248 -2.8222008 0.31003937,3.5466248 -2.8222008 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5707484 -2.8450654 0.31003937,3.5588602 -2.8332791 0.31003937,
+ 3.5707484 -2.8450654 -0.31003937,3.5707484 -2.8450654 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5588602 -2.8332791 0.31003937,3.5588602 -2.8332791 -0.31003937,
+ 3.582387 -2.8573795 0.31003937,3.5707484 -2.8450654 0.31003937,
+ 3.582387 -2.8573795 -0.31003937,3.582387 -2.8573795 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5707484 -2.8450654 0.31003937,3.5707484 -2.8450654 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5938724 -2.8700406 0.31003937,3.582387 -2.8573795 0.31003937,
+ 3.5938724 -2.8700406 -0.31003937,3.5938724 -2.8700406 -0.31003937,
+ 3.582387 -2.8573795 0.31003937,3.582387 -2.8573795 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6167744 -2.8956827 0.31003937,3.5938724 -2.8700406 0.31003937,
+ 3.6167744 -2.8956827 -0.31003937,3.6167744 -2.8956827 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5938724 -2.8700406 0.31003937,3.5938724 -2.8700406 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.628385 -2.908302 -0.31003937,3.628385 -2.908302 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6167744 -2.8956827 0.31003937,3.6167744 -2.8956827 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6402319 -2.9205469 0.31003937,3.628385 -2.908302 0.31003937,
+ 3.6402319 -2.9205469 -0.31003937,3.6402319 -2.9205469 -0.31003937,
+ 3.628385 -2.908302 0.31003937,3.628385 -2.908302 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6524118 -2.9322362 0.31003937,3.6402319 -2.9205469 0.31003937,
+ 3.6524118 -2.9322362 -0.31003937,3.6524118 -2.9322362 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6402319 -2.9205469 0.31003937,3.6402319 -2.9205469 -0.31003937,
+ 3.665022 -2.9431894 0.31003937,3.6524118 -2.9322362 0.31003937,
+ 3.665022 -2.9431894 -0.31003937,3.665022 -2.9431894 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6524118 -2.9322362 0.31003937,3.6524118 -2.9322362 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6715189 -2.9483339 0.31003937,3.665022 -2.9431894 0.31003937,
+ 3.6715189 -2.9483339 -0.31003937,3.6715189 -2.9483339 -0.31003937,
+ 3.665022 -2.9431894 0.31003937,3.665022 -2.9431894 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.6781598 -2.9532264 -0.31003937,3.6781598 -2.9532264 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6715189 -2.9483339 0.31003937,3.6715189 -2.9483339 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6849571 -2.9578449 0.31003937,3.6781598 -2.9532264 0.31003937,
+ 3.6849571 -2.9578449 -0.31003937,3.6849571 -2.9578449 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6781598 -2.9532264 0.31003937,3.6781598 -2.9532264 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6919228 -2.9621661 0.31003937,3.6849571 -2.9578449 0.31003937,
+ 3.6919228 -2.9621661 -0.31003937,3.6919228 -2.9621661 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6849571 -2.9578449 0.31003937,3.6849571 -2.9578449 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6990689 -2.9661685 0.31003937,3.6919228 -2.9621661 0.31003937,
+ 3.6990689 -2.9661685 -0.31003937,3.6990689 -2.9661685 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6919228 -2.9621661 0.31003937,3.6919228 -2.9621661 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7064079 -2.9698287 0.31003937,3.6990689 -2.9661685 0.31003937,
+ 3.7064079 -2.9698287 -0.31003937,3.7064079 -2.9698287 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6990689 -2.9661685 0.31003937,3.6990689 -2.9661685 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7139516 -2.9731248 0.31003937,3.7064079 -2.9698287 0.31003937,
+ 3.7139516 -2.9731248 -0.31003937,3.7139516 -2.9731248 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7064079 -2.9698287 0.31003937,3.7064079 -2.9698287 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7217118 -2.9760335 0.31003937,3.7139516 -2.9731248 0.31003937,
+ 3.7217118 -2.9760335 -0.31003937,3.7217118 -2.9760335 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7139516 -2.9731248 0.31003937,3.7139516 -2.9731248 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7297016 -2.9785323 0.31003937,3.7217118 -2.9760335 0.31003937,
+ 3.7297016 -2.9785323 -0.31003937,3.7297016 -2.9785323 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7217118 -2.9760335 0.31003937,3.7217118 -2.9760335 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7379327 -2.9805992 0.31003937,3.7297016 -2.9785323 0.31003937,
+ 3.7379327 -2.9805992 -0.31003937,3.7379327 -2.9805992 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7297016 -2.9785323 0.31003937,3.7297016 -2.9785323 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7464169 -2.9822114 0.31003937,3.7379327 -2.9805992 0.31003937,
+ 3.7464169 -2.9822114 -0.31003937,3.7464169 -2.9822114 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7379327 -2.9805992 0.31003937,3.7379327 -2.9805992 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7551669 -2.9833465 0.31003937,3.7464169 -2.9822114 0.31003937,
+ 3.7551669 -2.9833465 -0.31003937,3.7551669 -2.9833465 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7464169 -2.9822114 0.31003937,3.7464169 -2.9822114 -0.31003937,
+ 4.1438126 -3.0307421 0.31003937,3.7551669 -2.9833465 0.31003937,
+ 4.1438126 -3.0307421 -0.31003937,4.1438126 -3.0307421 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7551669 -2.9833465 0.31003937,3.7551669 -2.9833465 -0.31003937,
+ 4.1651382 -3.0338571 0.31003937,4.1438126 -3.0307421 0.31003937,
+ 4.1651382 -3.0338571 -0.31003937,4.1651382 -3.0338571 -0.31003937,
+ 4.1438126 -3.0307421 0.31003937,4.1438126 -3.0307421 -0.31003937,
+ 4.18645 -3.0361114 0.31003937,4.1651382 -3.0338571 0.31003937,
+ 4.18645 -3.0361114 -0.31003937,4.18645 -3.0361114 -0.31003937,
+ 4.1651382 -3.0338571 0.31003937,4.1651382 -3.0338571 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2077343 -3.0375323 0.31003937,4.18645 -3.0361114 0.31003937,
+ 4.2077343 -3.0375323 -0.31003937,4.2077343 -3.0375323 -0.31003937,
+ 4.18645 -3.0361114 0.31003937,4.18645 -3.0361114 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2289768 -3.0381476 0.31003937,4.2077343 -3.0375323 0.31003937,
+ 4.2289768 -3.0381476 -0.31003937,4.2289768 -3.0381476 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2077343 -3.0375323 0.31003937,4.2077343 -3.0375323 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2501638 -3.0379858 0.31003937,4.2289768 -3.0381476 0.31003937,
+ 4.2501638 -3.0379858 -0.31003937,4.2501638 -3.0379858 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2289768 -3.0381476 0.31003937,4.2289768 -3.0381476 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2712815 -3.037074 0.31003937,4.2501638 -3.0379858 0.31003937,
+ 4.2712815 -3.037074 -0.31003937,4.2712815 -3.037074 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2501638 -3.0379858 0.31003937,4.2501638 -3.0379858 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2923157 -3.0354402 0.31003937,4.2712815 -3.037074 0.31003937,
+ 4.2923157 -3.0354402 -0.31003937,4.2923157 -3.0354402 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2712815 -3.037074 0.31003937,4.2712815 -3.037074 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3132528 -3.0331118 0.31003937,4.2923157 -3.0354402 0.31003937,
+ 4.3132528 -3.0331118 -0.31003937,4.3132528 -3.0331118 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2923157 -3.0354402 0.31003937,4.2923157 -3.0354402 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3340783 -3.0301173 0.31003937,4.3132528 -3.0331118 0.31003937,
+ 4.3340783 -3.0301173 -0.31003937,4.3340783 -3.0301173 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3132528 -3.0331118 0.31003937,4.3132528 -3.0331118 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3547795 -3.0264839 0.31003937,4.3340783 -3.0301173 0.31003937,
+ 4.3547795 -3.0264839 -0.31003937,4.3547795 -3.0264839 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3340783 -3.0301173 0.31003937,4.3340783 -3.0301173 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3753417 -3.0222394 0.31003937,4.3547795 -3.0264839 0.31003937,
+ 4.3753417 -3.0222394 -0.31003937,4.3753417 -3.0222394 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3547795 -3.0264839 0.31003937,4.3547795 -3.0264839 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3957508 -3.0174118 0.31003937,4.3753417 -3.0222394 0.31003937,
+ 4.3957508 -3.0174118 -0.31003937,4.3957508 -3.0174118 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3753417 -3.0222394 0.31003937,4.3753417 -3.0222394 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4159937 -3.0120287 0.31003937,4.3957508 -3.0174118 0.31003937,
+ 4.4159937 -3.0120287 -0.31003937,4.4159937 -3.0120287 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3957508 -3.0174118 0.31003937,4.3957508 -3.0174118 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4360559 -3.0061181 0.31003937,4.4159937 -3.0120287 0.31003937,
+ 4.4360559 -3.0061181 -0.31003937,4.4360559 -3.0061181 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4159937 -3.0120287 0.31003937,4.4159937 -3.0120287 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4559236 -2.9997079 0.31003937,4.4360559 -3.0061181 0.31003937,
+ 4.4559236 -2.9997079 -0.31003937,4.4559236 -2.9997079 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4360559 -3.0061181 0.31003937,4.4360559 -3.0061181 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4755831 -2.9928252 0.31003937,4.4559236 -2.9997079 0.31003937,
+ 4.4755831 -2.9928252 -0.31003937,4.4755831 -2.9928252 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4559236 -2.9997079 0.31003937,4.4559236 -2.9997079 -0.31003937,
+ 4.5178693 -2.974015 0.31003937,4.4755831 -2.9928252 0.31003937,
+ 4.5178693 -2.974015 -0.31003937,4.5178693 -2.974015 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4755831 -2.9928252 0.31003937,4.4755831 -2.9928252 -0.31003937,
+ 4.5597106 -2.9543157 0.31003937,4.5178693 -2.974015 0.31003937,
+ 4.5597106 -2.9543157 -0.31003937,4.5597106 -2.9543157 -0.31003937,
+ 4.5178693 -2.974015 0.31003937,4.5178693 -2.974015 -0.31003937,
+ 4.6015524 -2.9355059 0.31003937,4.5597106 -2.9543157 0.31003937,
+ 4.6015524 -2.9355059 -0.31003937,4.6015524 -2.9355059 -0.31003937,
+ 4.5597106 -2.9543157 0.31003937,4.5597106 -2.9543157 -0.31003937,
+ 4.6226122 -2.9269894 0.31003937,4.6015524 -2.9355059 0.31003937,
+ 4.6226122 -2.9269894 -0.31003937,4.6226122 -2.9269894 -0.31003937,
+ 4.6015524 -2.9355059 0.31003937,4.6015524 -2.9355059 -0.31003937,
+ 4.6438382 -2.9193614 0.31003937,4.6226122 -2.9269894 0.31003937,
+ 4.6438382 -2.9193614 -0.31003937,4.6438382 -2.9193614 -0.31003937,
+ 4.6226122 -2.9269894 0.31003937,4.6226122 -2.9269894 -0.31003937,
+ 4.6652866 -2.9128445 0.31003937,4.6438382 -2.9193614 0.31003937,
+ 4.6652866 -2.9128445 -0.31003937,4.6652866 -2.9128445 -0.31003937,
+ 4.6438382 -2.9193614 0.31003937,4.6438382 -2.9193614 -0.31003937,
+ 4.687013 -2.9076606 0.31003937,4.6652866 -2.9128445 0.31003937,
+ 4.687013 -2.9076606 -0.31003937,4.687013 -2.9076606 -0.31003937,
+ 4.6652866 -2.9128445 0.31003937,4.6652866 -2.9128445 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7090724 -2.9040319 0.31003937,4.687013 -2.9076606 0.31003937,
+ 4.7090724 -2.9040319 -0.31003937,4.7090724 -2.9040319 -0.31003937,
+ 4.687013 -2.9076606 0.31003937,4.687013 -2.9076606 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7202445 -2.9028705 0.31003937,4.7090724 -2.9040319 0.31003937,
+ 4.7202445 -2.9028705 -0.31003937,4.7202445 -2.9028705 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7090724 -2.9040319 0.31003937,4.7090724 -2.9040319 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7315205 -2.9021807 0.31003937,4.7202445 -2.9028705 0.31003937,
+ 4.7315205 -2.9021807 -0.31003937,4.7315205 -2.9021807 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7202445 -2.9028705 0.31003937,4.7202445 -2.9028705 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7429079 -2.9019909 0.31003937,4.7315205 -2.9021807 0.31003937,
+ 4.7429079 -2.9019909 -0.31003937,4.7429079 -2.9019909 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7315205 -2.9021807 0.31003937,4.7315205 -2.9021807 -0.31003937,
+ 4.754413 -2.9023287 0.31003937,4.7429079 -2.9019909 0.31003937,
+ 4.754413 -2.9023287 -0.31003937,4.754413 -2.9023287 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7429079 -2.9019909 0.31003937,4.7429079 -2.9019909 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7660433 -2.903222 0.31003937,4.754413 -2.9023287 0.31003937,
+ 4.7660433 -2.903222 -0.31003937,4.7660433 -2.903222 -0.31003937,
+ 4.754413 -2.9023287 0.31003937,4.754413 -2.9023287 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7778055 -2.9046984 0.31003937,4.7660433 -2.903222 0.31003937,
+ 4.7778055 -2.9046984 -0.31003937,4.7778055 -2.9046984 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7660433 -2.903222 0.31003937,4.7660433 -2.903222 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7897067 -2.9067862 0.31003937,4.7778055 -2.9046984 0.31003937,
+ 4.7897067 -2.9067862 -0.31003937,4.7897067 -2.9067862 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7778055 -2.9046984 0.31003937,4.7778055 -2.9046984 -0.31003937,
+ 4.8017535 -2.9095122 0.31003937,4.7897067 -2.9067862 0.31003937,
+ 4.8017535 -2.9095122 -0.31003937,4.8017535 -2.9095122 -0.31003937,
+ 4.7897067 -2.9067862 0.31003937,4.7897067 -2.9067862 -0.31003937,
+ 4.8139531 -2.9129051 0.31003937,4.8017535 -2.9095122 0.31003937,
+ 4.8139531 -2.9129051 -0.31003937,4.8139531 -2.9129051 -0.31003937,
+ 4.8017535 -2.9095122 0.31003937,4.8017535 -2.9095122 -0.31003937,
+ 4.8263122 -2.9169917 0.31003937,4.8139531 -2.9129051 0.31003937,
+ 4.8263122 -2.9169917 -0.31003937,4.8263122 -2.9169917 -0.31003937,
+ 4.8139531 -2.9129051 0.31003937,4.8139531 -2.9129051 -0.31003937,
+ 5.0253744 -2.9928252 0.31003937,4.8263122 -2.9169917 0.31003937,
+ 5.0253744 -2.9928252 -0.31003937,5.0253744 -2.9928252 -0.31003937,
+ 4.8263122 -2.9169917 0.31003937,4.8263122 -2.9169917 -0.31003937,
+ 5.0577854 -3.0039472 0.31003937,5.0253744 -2.9928252 0.31003937,
+ 5.0577854 -3.0039472 -0.31003937,5.0577854 -3.0039472 -0.31003937,
+ 5.0253744 -2.9928252 0.31003937,5.0253744 -2.9928252 -0.31003937,
+ 5.0909327 -3.012487 0.31003937,5.0577854 -3.0039472 0.31003937,
+ 5.0909327 -3.012487 -0.31003937,5.0909327 -3.012487 -0.31003937,
+ 5.0577854 -3.0039472 0.31003937,5.0577854 -3.0039472 -0.31003937,
+ 5.124663 -3.0185272 0.31003937,5.0909327 -3.012487 0.31003937,
+ 5.124663 -3.0185272 -0.31003937,5.124663 -3.0185272 -0.31003937,
+ 5.0909327 -3.012487 0.31003937,5.0909327 -3.012487 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1588236 -3.0221512 0.31003937,5.124663 -3.0185272 0.31003937,
+ 5.1588236 -3.0221512 -0.31003937,5.1588236 -3.0221512 -0.31003937,
+ 5.124663 -3.0185272 0.31003937,5.124663 -3.0185272 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1932618 -3.0234425 0.31003937,5.1588236 -3.0221512 0.31003937,
+ 5.1932618 -3.0234425 -0.31003937,5.1932618 -3.0234425 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1588236 -3.0221512 0.31003937,5.1588236 -3.0221512 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2278252 -3.0224843 0.31003937,5.1932618 -3.0234425 0.31003937,
+ 5.2278252 -3.0224843 -0.31003937,5.2278252 -3.0224843 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1932618 -3.0234425 0.31003937,5.1932618 -3.0234425 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2623606 -3.0193602 0.31003937,5.2278252 -3.0224843 0.31003937,
+ 5.2623606 -3.0193602 -0.31003937,5.2623606 -3.0193602 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2278252 -3.0224843 0.31003937,5.2278252 -3.0224843 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2967157 -3.0141531 0.31003937,5.2623606 -3.0193602 0.31003937,
+ 5.2967157 -3.0141531 -0.31003937,5.2967157 -3.0141531 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2623606 -3.0193602 0.31003937,5.2623606 -3.0193602 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3307374 -3.0069465 0.31003937,5.2967157 -3.0141531 0.31003937,
+ 5.3307374 -3.0069465 -0.31003937,5.3307374 -3.0069465 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2967157 -3.0141531 0.31003937,5.2967157 -3.0141531 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3642732 -2.997824 0.31003937,5.3307374 -3.0069465 0.31003937,
+ 5.3642732 -2.997824 -0.31003937,5.3642732 -2.997824 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3307374 -3.0069465 0.31003937,5.3307374 -3.0069465 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3971705 -2.9868681 0.31003937,5.3642732 -2.997824 0.31003937,
+ 5.3971705 -2.9868681 -0.31003937,5.3971705 -2.9868681 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3642732 -2.997824 0.31003937,5.3642732 -2.997824 -0.31003937,
+ 5.429276 -2.974163 0.31003937,5.3971705 -2.9868681 0.31003937,
+ 5.429276 -2.974163 -0.31003937,5.429276 -2.974163 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3971705 -2.9868681 0.31003937,5.3971705 -2.9868681 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4604374 -2.9597917 0.31003937,5.429276 -2.974163 0.31003937,
+ 5.4604374 -2.9597917 -0.31003937,5.4604374 -2.9597917 -0.31003937,
+ 5.429276 -2.974163 0.31003937,5.429276 -2.974163 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4905016 -2.943837 0.31003937,5.4604374 -2.9597917 0.31003937,
+ 5.4905016 -2.943837 -0.31003937,5.4905016 -2.943837 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4604374 -2.9597917 0.31003937,5.4604374 -2.9597917 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5193165 -2.9263831 0.31003937,5.4905016 -2.943837 0.31003937,
+ 5.5193165 -2.9263831 -0.31003937,5.5193165 -2.9263831 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4905016 -2.943837 0.31003937,5.4905016 -2.943837 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5467287 -2.9075126 0.31003937,5.5193165 -2.9263831 0.31003937,
+ 5.5467287 -2.9075126 -0.31003937,5.5467287 -2.9075126 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5193165 -2.9263831 0.31003937,5.5193165 -2.9263831 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5554004 -2.9001882 0.31003937,5.5467287 -2.9075126 0.31003937,
+ 5.5554004 -2.9001882 -0.31003937,5.5554004 -2.9001882 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5467287 -2.9075126 0.31003937,5.5467287 -2.9075126 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5636693 -2.8924606 0.31003937,5.5554004 -2.9001882 0.31003937,
+ 5.5636693 -2.8924606 -0.31003937,5.5636693 -2.8924606 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5554004 -2.9001882 0.31003937,5.5554004 -2.9001882 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5715768 -2.8843724 0.31003937,5.5636693 -2.8924606 0.31003937,
+ 5.5715768 -2.8843724 -0.31003937,5.5715768 -2.8843724 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5636693 -2.8924606 0.31003937,5.5636693 -2.8924606 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5791654 -2.875965 0.31003937,5.5715768 -2.8843724 0.31003937,
+ 5.5791654 -2.875965 -0.31003937,5.5791654 -2.875965 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5715768 -2.8843724 0.31003937,5.5715768 -2.8843724 -0.31003937,
+ 5.586476 -2.8672795 0.31003937,5.5791654 -2.875965 0.31003937,
+ 5.586476 -2.8672795 -0.31003937,5.586476 -2.8672795 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5791654 -2.875965 0.31003937,5.5791654 -2.875965 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5935508 -2.8583579 0.31003937,5.586476 -2.8672795 0.31003937,
+ 5.5935508 -2.8583579 -0.31003937,5.5935508 -2.8583579 -0.31003937,
+ 5.586476 -2.8672795 0.31003937,5.586476 -2.8672795 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6004311 -2.8492421 0.31003937,5.5935508 -2.8583579 0.31003937,
+ 5.6004311 -2.8492421 -0.31003937,5.6004311 -2.8492421 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5935508 -2.8583579 0.31003937,5.5935508 -2.8583579 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6071583 -2.8399736 0.31003937,5.6004311 -2.8492421 0.31003937,
+ 5.6071583 -2.8399736 -0.31003937,5.6071583 -2.8399736 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6004311 -2.8492421 0.31003937,5.6004311 -2.8492421 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6333744 -2.8022047 0.31003937,5.6071583 -2.8399736 0.31003937,
+ 5.6333744 -2.8022047 -0.31003937,5.6333744 -2.8022047 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6071583 -2.8399736 0.31003937,5.6071583 -2.8399736 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6466488 -2.7834874 0.31003937,5.6333744 -2.8022047 0.31003937,
+ 5.6466488 -2.7834874 -0.31003937,5.6466488 -2.7834874 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6333744 -2.8022047 0.31003937,5.6333744 -2.8022047 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6534736 -2.7743157 0.31003937,5.6466488 -2.7834874 0.31003937,
+ 5.6534736 -2.7743157 -0.31003937,5.6534736 -2.7743157 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6466488 -2.7834874 0.31003937,5.6466488 -2.7834874 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6604787 -2.7653248 0.31003937,5.6534736 -2.7743157 0.31003937,
+ 5.6604787 -2.7653248 -0.31003937,5.6604787 -2.7653248 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6534736 -2.7743157 0.31003937,5.6534736 -2.7743157 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6919177 -2.7149114 0.31003937,5.6604787 -2.7653248 0.31003937,
+ 5.6919177 -2.7149114 -0.31003937,5.6919177 -2.7149114 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6604787 -2.7653248 0.31003937,5.6604787 -2.7653248 -0.31003937,
+ 5.7222598 -2.663276 0.31003937,5.6919177 -2.7149114 0.31003937,
+ 5.7222598 -2.663276 -0.31003937,5.7222598 -2.663276 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6919177 -2.7149114 0.31003937,5.6919177 -2.7149114 -0.31003937,
+ 5.7515189 -2.6105295 0.31003937,5.7222598 -2.663276 0.31003937,
+ 5.7515189 -2.6105295 -0.31003937,5.7515189 -2.6105295 -0.31003937,
+ 5.7222598 -2.663276 0.31003937,5.7222598 -2.663276 -0.31003937,
+ 5.7797091 -2.5567835 0.31003937,5.7515189 -2.6105295 0.31003937,
+ 5.7797091 -2.5567835 -0.31003937,5.7797091 -2.5567835 -0.31003937,
+ 5.7515189 -2.6105295 0.31003937,5.7515189 -2.6105295 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8068433 -2.5021484 0.31003937,5.7797091 -2.5567835 0.31003937,
+ 5.8068433 -2.5021484 -0.31003937,5.8068433 -2.5021484 -0.31003937,
+ 5.7797091 -2.5567835 0.31003937,5.7797091 -2.5567835 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8329366 -2.4467362 0.31003937,5.8068433 -2.5021484 0.31003937,
+ 5.8329366 -2.4467362 -0.31003937,5.8329366 -2.4467362 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8068433 -2.5021484 0.31003937,5.8068433 -2.5021484 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8820543 -2.3340228 0.31003937,5.8329366 -2.4467362 0.31003937,
+ 5.8820543 -2.3340228 -0.31003937,5.8820543 -2.3340228 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8329366 -2.4467362 0.31003937,5.8329366 -2.4467362 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9271728 -2.2195323 0.31003937,5.8820543 -2.3340228 0.31003937,
+ 5.9271728 -2.2195323 -0.31003937,5.9271728 -2.2195323 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8820543 -2.3340228 0.31003937,5.8820543 -2.3340228 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9684035 -2.1041531 0.31003937,5.9271728 -2.2195323 0.31003937,
+ 5.9684035 -2.1041531 -0.31003937,5.9684035 -2.1041531 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9271728 -2.2195323 0.31003937,5.9271728 -2.2195323 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0058575 -1.9887736 0.31003937,5.9684035 -2.1041531 0.31003937,
+ 6.0058575 -1.9887736 -0.31003937,6.0058575 -1.9887736 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9684035 -2.1041531 0.31003937,5.9684035 -2.1041531 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0396457 -1.8742831 0.31003937,6.0058575 -1.9887736 0.31003937,
+ 6.0396457 -1.8742831 -0.31003937,6.0396457 -1.8742831 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0058575 -1.9887736 0.31003937,6.0058575 -1.9887736 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0554728 -1.8136406 0.31003937,6.0396457 -1.8742831 0.31003937,
+ 6.0554728 -1.8136406 -0.31003937,6.0554728 -1.8136406 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0396457 -1.8742831 0.31003937,6.0396457 -1.8742831 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0676201 -1.7526091 0.31003937,6.0554728 -1.8136406 0.31003937,
+ 6.0676201 -1.7526091 -0.31003937,6.0676201 -1.7526091 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0554728 -1.8136406 0.31003937,6.0554728 -1.8136406 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0764075 -1.6912445 0.31003937,6.0676201 -1.7526091 0.31003937,
+ 6.0764075 -1.6912445 -0.31003937,6.0764075 -1.6912445 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0676201 -1.7526091 0.31003937,6.0676201 -1.7526091 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0821535 -1.6296024 0.31003937,6.0764075 -1.6912445 0.31003937,
+ 6.0821535 -1.6296024 -0.31003937,6.0821535 -1.6296024 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0764075 -1.6912445 0.31003937,6.0764075 -1.6912445 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0851783 -1.5677378 0.31003937,6.0821535 -1.6296024 0.31003937,
+ 6.0851783 -1.5677378 -0.31003937,6.0851783 -1.5677378 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0821535 -1.6296024 0.31003937,6.0821535 -1.6296024 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0858008 -1.5057067 0.31003937,6.0851783 -1.5677378 0.31003937,
+ 6.0858008 -1.5057067 -0.31003937,6.0858008 -1.5057067 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0851783 -1.5677378 0.31003937,6.0851783 -1.5677378 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0843406 -1.4435642 0.31003937,6.0858008 -1.5057067 0.31003937,
+ 6.0843406 -1.4435642 -0.31003937,6.0843406 -1.4435642 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0858008 -1.5057067 0.31003937,6.0858008 -1.5057067 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0811169 -1.3813665 0.31003937,6.0843406 -1.4435642 0.31003937,
+ 6.0811169 -1.3813665 -0.31003937,6.0811169 -1.3813665 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0843406 -1.4435642 0.31003937,6.0843406 -1.4435642 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0706567 -1.2570264 0.31003937,6.0811169 -1.3813665 0.31003937,
+ 6.0706567 -1.2570264 -0.31003937,6.0706567 -1.2570264 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0811169 -1.3813665 0.31003937,6.0811169 -1.3813665 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0569748 -1.1331307 0.31003937,6.0706567 -1.2570264 0.31003937,
+ 6.0569748 -1.1331307 -0.31003937,6.0569748 -1.1331307 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0706567 -1.2570264 0.31003937,6.0706567 -1.2570264 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0426264 -1.010124 0.31003937,6.0569748 -1.1331307 0.31003937,
+ 6.0426264 -1.010124 -0.31003937,6.0426264 -1.010124 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0569748 -1.1331307 0.31003937,6.0569748 -1.1331307 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0301665 -0.88845 0.31003937,6.0426264 -1.010124 0.31003937,
+ 6.0301665 -0.88845 -0.31003937,6.0301665 -0.88845 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0426264 -1.010124 0.31003937,6.0426264 -1.010124 -0.31003937,
+ 6.030502 -0.87601772 0.31003937,6.0301665 -0.88845 0.31003937,
+ 6.030502 -0.87601772 -0.31003937,6.030502 -0.87601772 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0301665 -0.88845 0.31003937,6.0301665 -0.88845 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0315181 -0.86364134 0.31003937,6.030502 -0.87601772 0.31003937,
+ 6.0315181 -0.86364134 -0.31003937,6.0315181 -0.86364134 -0.31003937,
+ 6.030502 -0.87601772 0.31003937,6.030502 -0.87601772 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0332283 -0.85137559 0.31003937,6.0315181 -0.86364134 0.31003937,
+ 6.0332283 -0.85137559 -0.31003937,6.0332283 -0.85137559 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0315181 -0.86364134 0.31003937,6.0315181 -0.86364134 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0356469 -0.83927677 0.31003937,6.0332283 -0.85137559 0.31003937,
+ 6.0356469 -0.83927677 -0.31003937,6.0356469 -0.83927677 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0332283 -0.85137559 0.31003937,6.0332283 -0.85137559 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0371256 -0.83330748 0.31003937,6.0356469 -0.83927677 0.31003937,
+ 6.0371256 -0.83330748 -0.31003937,6.0371256 -0.83330748 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0356469 -0.83927677 0.31003937,6.0356469 -0.83927677 -0.31003937,
+ 6.038787 -0.8274 0.31003937,6.0371256 -0.83330748 0.31003937,
+ 6.038787 -0.8274 -0.31003937,6.038787 -0.8274 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0371256 -0.83330748 0.31003937,6.0371256 -0.83330748 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0406323 -0.8215626 0.31003937,6.038787 -0.8274 0.31003937,
+ 6.0406323 -0.8215626 -0.31003937,6.0406323 -0.8215626 -0.31003937,
+ 6.038787 -0.8274 0.31003937,6.038787 -0.8274 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0426634 -0.81580118 0.31003937,6.0406323 -0.8215626 0.31003937,
+ 6.0426634 -0.81580118 -0.31003937,6.0426634 -0.81580118 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0406323 -0.8215626 0.31003937,6.0406323 -0.8215626 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0448819 -0.81012323 0.31003937,6.0426634 -0.81580118 0.31003937,
+ 6.0448819 -0.81012323 -0.31003937,6.0448819 -0.81012323 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0426634 -0.81580118 0.31003937,6.0426634 -0.81580118 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0472898 -0.80453543 0.31003937,6.0448819 -0.81012323 0.31003937,
+ 6.0472898 -0.80453543 -0.31003937,6.0472898 -0.80453543 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0448819 -0.81012323 0.31003937,6.0448819 -0.81012323 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0498882 -0.79904488 0.31003937,6.0472898 -0.80453543 0.31003937,
+ 6.0498882 -0.79904488 -0.31003937,6.0498882 -0.79904488 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0472898 -0.80453543 0.31003937,6.0472898 -0.80453543 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0526795 -0.79365866 0.31003937,6.0498882 -0.79904488 0.31003937,
+ 6.0526795 -0.79365866 -0.31003937,6.0526795 -0.79365866 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0498882 -0.79904488 0.31003937,6.0498882 -0.79904488 -0.31003937,
+ 6.055665 -0.78838307 0.31003937,6.0526795 -0.79365866 0.31003937,
+ 6.055665 -0.78838307 -0.31003937,6.055665 -0.78838307 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0526795 -0.79365866 0.31003937,6.0526795 -0.79365866 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0588469 -0.78322598 0.31003937,6.055665 -0.78838307 0.31003937,
+ 6.0588469 -0.78322598 -0.31003937,6.0588469 -0.78322598 -0.31003937,
+ 6.055665 -0.78838307 0.31003937,6.055665 -0.78838307 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0622264 -0.7781937 0.31003937,6.0588469 -0.78322598 0.31003937,
+ 6.0622264 -0.7781937 -0.31003937,6.0622264 -0.7781937 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0588469 -0.78322598 0.31003937,6.0588469 -0.78322598 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0658059 -0.77329331 0.31003937,6.0622264 -0.7781937 0.31003937,
+ 6.0658059 -0.77329331 -0.31003937,6.0658059 -0.77329331 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0622264 -0.7781937 0.31003937,6.0622264 -0.7781937 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0695866 -0.7685315 0.31003937,6.0658059 -0.77329331 0.31003937,
+ 6.0695866 -0.7685315 -0.31003937,6.0695866 -0.7685315 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0658059 -0.77329331 0.31003937,6.0658059 -0.77329331 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0735701 -0.76391575 0.31003937,6.0695866 -0.7685315 0.31003937,
+ 6.0735701 -0.76391575 -0.31003937,6.0735701 -0.76391575 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0695866 -0.7685315 0.31003937,6.0695866 -0.7685315 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0777587 -0.75945276 0.31003937,6.0735701 -0.76391575 0.31003937,
+ 6.0777587 -0.75945276 -0.31003937,6.0777587 -0.75945276 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0735701 -0.76391575 0.31003937,6.0735701 -0.76391575 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0821535 -0.75514961 0.31003937,6.0777587 -0.75945276 0.31003937,
+ 6.0821535 -0.75514961 -0.31003937,6.0821535 -0.75514961 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0777587 -0.75945276 0.31003937,6.0777587 -0.75945276 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0867571 -0.7510126 0.31003937,6.0821535 -0.75514961 0.31003937,
+ 6.0867571 -0.7510126 -0.31003937,6.0867571 -0.7510126 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0821535 -0.75514961 0.31003937,6.0821535 -0.75514961 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0915705 -0.74704961 0.31003937,6.0867571 -0.7510126 0.31003937,
+ 6.0915705 -0.74704961 -0.31003937,6.0915705 -0.74704961 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0867571 -0.7510126 0.31003937,6.0867571 -0.7510126 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0965953 -0.74326693 0.31003937,6.0915705 -0.74704961 0.31003937,
+ 6.0965953 -0.74326693 -0.31003937,6.0965953 -0.74326693 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0915705 -0.74704961 0.31003937,6.0915705 -0.74704961 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1018339 -0.73967165 0.31003937,6.0965953 -0.74326693 0.31003937,
+ 6.1018339 -0.73967165 -0.31003937,6.1018339 -0.73967165 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0965953 -0.74326693 0.31003937,6.0965953 -0.74326693 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1072878 -0.73627087 0.31003937,6.1018339 -0.73967165 0.31003937,
+ 6.1072878 -0.73627087 -0.31003937,6.1072878 -0.73627087 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1018339 -0.73967165 0.31003937,6.1018339 -0.73967165 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1129587 -0.73307126 0.31003937,6.1072878 -0.73627087 0.31003937,
+ 6.1129587 -0.73307126 -0.31003937,6.1129587 -0.73307126 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1072878 -0.73627087 0.31003937,6.1072878 -0.73627087 -0.31003937,
+ 6.118848 -0.73008031 0.31003937,6.1129587 -0.73307126 0.31003937,
+ 6.118848 -0.73008031 -0.31003937,6.118848 -0.73008031 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1129587 -0.73307126 0.31003937,6.1129587 -0.73307126 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1249579 -0.72730433 0.31003937,6.118848 -0.73008031 0.31003937,
+ 6.1249579 -0.72730433 -0.31003937,6.1249579 -0.72730433 -0.31003937,
+ 6.118848 -0.73008031 0.31003937,6.118848 -0.73008031 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4188122 -0.58511732 0.31003937,6.1249579 -0.72730433 0.31003937,
+ 6.4188122 -0.58511732 -0.31003937,6.4188122 -0.58511732 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1249579 -0.72730433 0.31003937,6.1249579 -0.72730433 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4648008 -0.56137087 0.31003937,6.4188122 -0.58511732 0.31003937,
+ 6.4648008 -0.56137087 -0.31003937,6.4648008 -0.56137087 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4188122 -0.58511732 0.31003937,6.4188122 -0.58511732 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5085657 -0.5346689 0.31003937,6.4648008 -0.56137087 0.31003937,
+ 6.5085657 -0.5346689 -0.31003937,6.5085657 -0.5346689 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4648008 -0.56137087 0.31003937,6.4648008 -0.56137087 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5501055 -0.50516535 0.31003937,6.5085657 -0.5346689 0.31003937,
+ 6.5501055 -0.50516535 -0.31003937,6.5501055 -0.50516535 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5085657 -0.5346689 0.31003937,6.5085657 -0.5346689 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5894185 -0.47301496 0.31003937,6.5501055 -0.50516535 0.31003937,
+ 6.5894185 -0.47301496 -0.31003937,6.5894185 -0.47301496 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5501055 -0.50516535 0.31003937,6.5501055 -0.50516535 -0.31003937,
+ 6.6265031 -0.43837205 0.31003937,6.5894185 -0.47301496 0.31003937,
+ 6.6265031 -0.43837205 -0.31003937,6.6265031 -0.43837205 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5894185 -0.47301496 0.31003937,6.5894185 -0.47301496 -0.31003937,
+ 6.6613571 -0.40139134 0.31003937,6.6265031 -0.43837205 0.31003937,
+ 6.6613571 -0.40139134 -0.31003937,6.6613571 -0.40139134 -0.31003937,
+ 6.6265031 -0.43837205 0.31003937,6.6265031 -0.43837205 -0.31003937,
+ 6.6939791 -0.36222677 0.31003937,6.6613571 -0.40139134 0.31003937,
+ 6.6939791 -0.36222677 -0.31003937,6.6939791 -0.36222677 -0.31003937,
+ 6.6613571 -0.40139134 0.31003937,6.6613571 -0.40139134 -0.31003937,
+ 6.7243673 -0.32103346 0.31003937,6.6939791 -0.36222677 0.31003937,
+ 6.7243673 -0.32103346 -0.31003937,6.7243673 -0.32103346 -0.31003937,
+ 6.6939791 -0.36222677 0.31003937,6.6939791 -0.36222677 -0.31003937,
+ 6.7525197 -0.27796535 0.31003937,6.7243673 -0.32103346 0.31003937,
+ 6.7525197 -0.27796535 -0.31003937,6.7525197 -0.27796535 -0.31003937,
+ 6.7243673 -0.32103346 0.31003937,6.7243673 -0.32103346 -0.31003937,
+ 6.778435 -0.23317756 0.31003937,6.7525197 -0.27796535 0.31003937,
+ 6.778435 -0.23317756 -0.31003937,6.778435 -0.23317756 -0.31003937,
+ 6.7525197 -0.27796535 0.31003937,6.7525197 -0.27796535 -0.31003937,
+ 6.802111 -0.18682402 0.31003937,6.778435 -0.23317756 0.31003937,
+ 6.802111 -0.18682402 -0.31003937,6.802111 -0.18682402 -0.31003937,
+ 6.778435 -0.23317756 0.31003937,6.778435 -0.23317756 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8235465 -0.13905945 0.31003937,6.802111 -0.18682402 0.31003937,
+ 6.8235465 -0.13905945 -0.31003937,6.8235465 -0.13905945 -0.31003937,
+ 6.802111 -0.18682402 0.31003937,6.802111 -0.18682402 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8427394 -0.090037795 0.31003937,6.8235465 -0.13905945 0.31003937,
+ 6.8427394 -0.090037795 -0.31003937,6.8427394 -0.090037795 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8235465 -0.13905945 0.31003937,6.8235465 -0.13905945 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8596882 -0.039914567 0.31003937,6.8427394 -0.090037795 0.31003937,
+ 6.8596882 -0.039914567 -0.31003937,6.8596882 -0.039914567 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8427394 -0.090037795 0.31003937,6.8427394 -0.090037795 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8868461 0.06302126 0.31003937,6.8596882 -0.039914567 0.31003937,
+ 6.8868461 0.06302126 -0.31003937,6.8868461 0.06302126 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8596882 -0.039914567 0.31003937,6.8596882 -0.039914567 -0.31003937,
+ 6.9050059 0.16851142 0.31003937,6.8868461 0.06302126 0.31003937,
+ 6.9050059 0.16851142 -0.31003937,6.9050059 0.16851142 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8868461 0.06302126 0.31003937,6.8868461 0.06302126 -0.31003937,
+ 6.9141539 0.27532126 0.31003937,6.9050059 0.16851142 0.31003937,
+ 6.9141539 0.27532126 -0.31003937,6.9141539 0.27532126 -0.31003937,
+ 6.9050059 0.16851142 0.31003937,6.9050059 0.16851142 -0.31003937,
+ 6.9142768 0.38221417 0.31003937,6.9141539 0.27532126 0.31003937,
+ 6.9142768 0.38221417 -0.31003937,6.9142768 0.38221417 -0.31003937,
+ 6.9141539 0.27532126 0.31003937,6.9141539 0.27532126 -0.31003937,
+ 6.9053598 0.48795433 0.31003937,6.9142768 0.38221417 0.31003937,
+ 6.9053598 0.48795433 -0.31003937,6.9053598 0.48795433 -0.31003937,
+ 6.9142768 0.38221417 0.31003937,6.9142768 0.38221417 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8873898 0.59130669 0.31003937,6.9053598 0.48795433 0.31003937,
+ 6.8873898 0.59130669 -0.31003937,6.8873898 0.59130669 -0.31003937,
+ 6.9053598 0.48795433 0.31003937,6.9053598 0.48795433 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8750055 0.64170079 0.31003937,6.8873898 0.59130669 0.31003937,
+ 6.8750055 0.64170079 -0.31003937,6.8750055 0.64170079 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8873898 0.59130669 0.31003937,6.8873898 0.59130669 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8603524 0.69103465 0.31003937,6.8750055 0.64170079 0.31003937,
+ 6.8603524 0.69103465 -0.31003937,6.8603524 0.69103465 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8750055 0.64170079 0.31003937,6.8750055 0.64170079 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8434291 0.73915315 0.31003937,6.8603524 0.69103465 0.31003937,
+ 6.8434291 0.73915315 -0.31003937,6.8434291 0.73915315 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8603524 0.69103465 0.31003937,6.8603524 0.69103465 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8242339 0.78590276 0.31003937,6.8434291 0.73915315 0.31003937,
+ 6.8242339 0.78590276 -0.31003937,6.8242339 0.78590276 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8434291 0.73915315 0.31003937,6.8434291 0.73915315 -0.31003937,
+ 6.802765 0.83112795 0.31003937,6.8242339 0.78590276 0.31003937,
+ 6.802765 0.83112795 -0.31003937,6.802765 0.83112795 -0.31003937,
+ 6.8242339 0.78590276 0.31003937,6.8242339 0.78590276 -0.31003937,
+ 6.7790205 0.8746748 0.31003937,6.802765 0.83112795 0.31003937,
+ 6.7790205 0.8746748 -0.31003937,6.7790205 0.8746748 -0.31003937,
+ 6.802765 0.83112795 0.31003937,6.802765 0.83112795 -0.31003937,
+ 6.7221453 0.9599874 0.31003937,6.7790205 0.8746748 0.31003937,
+ 6.7221453 0.9599874 -0.31003937,6.7221453 0.9599874 -0.31003937,
+ 6.7790205 0.8746748 0.31003937,6.7790205 0.8746748 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5799579 1.1874874 0.31003937,6.7221453 0.9599874 0.31003937,
+ 6.5799579 1.1874874 -0.31003937,6.5799579 1.1874874 -0.31003937,
+ 6.7221453 0.9599874 0.31003937,6.7221453 0.9599874 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5590925 1.2226457 0.31003937,6.5799579 1.1874874 0.31003937,
+ 6.5590925 1.2226457 -0.31003937,6.5590925 1.2226457 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5799579 1.1874874 0.31003937,6.5799579 1.1874874 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5392272 1.2572484 0.31003937,6.5590925 1.2226457 0.31003937,
+ 6.5392272 1.2572484 -0.31003937,6.5392272 1.2572484 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5590925 1.2226457 0.31003937,6.5590925 1.2226457 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5204724 1.2916287 0.31003937,6.5392272 1.2572484 0.31003937,
+ 6.5204724 1.2916287 -0.31003937,6.5204724 1.2916287 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5392272 1.2572484 0.31003937,6.5392272 1.2572484 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5029398 1.3261205 0.31003937,6.5204724 1.2916287 0.31003937,
+ 6.5029398 1.3261205 -0.31003937,6.5029398 1.3261205 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5204724 1.2916287 0.31003937,6.5204724 1.2916287 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4946661 1.3435118 0.31003937,6.5029398 1.3261205 0.31003937,
+ 6.4946661 1.3435118 -0.31003937,6.4946661 1.3435118 -0.31003937,
+ 6.5029398 1.3261205 0.31003937,6.5029398 1.3261205 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4867398 1.3610563 0.31003937,6.4946661 1.3435118 0.31003937,
+ 6.4867398 1.3610563 -0.31003937,6.4867398 1.3610563 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4946661 1.3435118 0.31003937,6.4946661 1.3435118 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4791748 1.3787953 0.31003937,6.4867398 1.3610563 0.31003937,
+ 6.4791748 1.3787953 -0.31003937,6.4791748 1.3787953 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4867398 1.3610563 0.31003937,6.4867398 1.3610563 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4719843 1.3967697 0.31003937,6.4791748 1.3787953 0.31003937,
+ 6.4719843 1.3967697 -0.31003937,6.4719843 1.3967697 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4791748 1.3787953 0.31003937,6.4791748 1.3787953 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4651827 1.4150224 0.31003937,6.4719843 1.3967697 0.31003937,
+ 6.4651827 1.4150224 -0.31003937,6.4651827 1.4150224 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4719843 1.3967697 0.31003937,6.4719843 1.3967697 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4587839 1.4335941 0.31003937,6.4651827 1.4150224 0.31003937,
+ 6.4587839 1.4335941 -0.31003937,6.4587839 1.4335941 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4651827 1.4150224 0.31003937,6.4651827 1.4150224 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4528012 1.4525272 0.31003937,6.4587839 1.4335941 0.31003937,
+ 6.4528012 1.4525272 -0.31003937,6.4528012 1.4525272 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4587839 1.4335941 0.31003937,6.4587839 1.4335941 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4472496 1.4718626 0.31003937,6.4528012 1.4525272 0.31003937,
+ 6.4472496 1.4718626 -0.31003937,6.4472496 1.4718626 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4528012 1.4525272 0.31003937,6.4528012 1.4525272 -0.31003937,
+ 6.3998535 1.784676 0.31003937,6.4472496 1.4718626 0.31003937,
+ 6.3998535 1.784676 -0.31003937,6.3998535 1.784676 -0.31003937,
+ 6.4472496 1.4718626 0.31003937,6.4472496 1.4718626 -0.31003937,
+ 6.3783776 1.9396008 0.31003937,6.3998535 1.784676 0.31003937,
+ 6.3783776 1.9396008 -0.31003937,6.3783776 1.9396008 -0.31003937,
+ 6.3998535 1.784676 0.31003937,6.3998535 1.784676 -0.31003937,
+ 6.3560126 2.0927484 0.31003937,6.3783776 1.9396008 0.31003937,
+ 6.3560126 2.0927484 -0.31003937,6.3560126 2.0927484 -0.31003937,
+ 6.3783776 1.9396008 0.31003937,6.3783776 1.9396008 -0.31003937,
+ 6.3318705 2.2458965 0.31003937,6.3560126 2.0927484 0.31003937,
+ 6.3318705 2.2458965 -0.31003937,6.3318705 2.2458965 -0.31003937,
+ 6.3560126 2.0927484 0.31003937,6.3560126 2.0927484 -0.31003937,
+ 6.3050622 2.4008217 0.31003937,6.3318705 2.2458965 0.31003937,
+ 6.3050622 2.4008217 -0.31003937,6.3050622 2.4008217 -0.31003937,
+ 6.3318705 2.2458965 0.31003937,6.3318705 2.2458965 -0.31003937,
+ 6.294824 2.4501803 0.31003937,6.3050622 2.4008217 0.31003937,
+ 6.294824 2.4501803 -0.31003937,6.294824 2.4501803 -0.31003937,
+ 6.3050622 2.4008217 0.31003937,6.3050622 2.4008217 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2853634 2.4988724 0.31003937,6.294824 2.4501803 0.31003937,
+ 6.2853634 2.4988724 -0.31003937,6.2853634 2.4988724 -0.31003937,
+ 6.294824 2.4501803 0.31003937,6.294824 2.4501803 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2683303 2.5951453 0.31003937,6.2853634 2.4988724 0.31003937,
+ 6.2683303 2.5951453 -0.31003937,6.2683303 2.5951453 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2853634 2.4988724 0.31003937,6.2853634 2.4988724 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2530748 2.6914181 0.31003937,6.2683303 2.5951453 0.31003937,
+ 6.2530748 2.6914181 -0.31003937,6.2530748 2.6914181 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2683303 2.5951453 0.31003937,6.2683303 2.5951453 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2387075 2.7894681 0.31003937,6.2530748 2.6914181 0.31003937,
+ 6.2387075 2.7894681 -0.31003937,6.2387075 2.7894681 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2530748 2.6914181 0.31003937,6.2530748 2.6914181 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2375169 2.7966862 0.31003937,6.2387075 2.7894681 0.31003937,
+ 6.2375169 2.7966862 -0.31003937,6.2375169 2.7966862 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2387075 2.7894681 0.31003937,6.2387075 2.7894681 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2357362 2.8041146 0.31003937,6.2375169 2.7966862 0.31003937,
+ 6.2357362 2.8041146 -0.31003937,6.2357362 2.8041146 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2375169 2.7966862 0.31003937,6.2375169 2.7966862 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2333858 2.8117409 0.31003937,6.2357362 2.8041146 0.31003937,
+ 6.2333858 2.8117409 -0.31003937,6.2333858 2.8117409 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2357362 2.8041146 0.31003937,6.2357362 2.8041146 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2304874 2.8195528 0.31003937,6.2333858 2.8117409 0.31003937,
+ 6.2304874 2.8195528 -0.31003937,6.2304874 2.8195528 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2333858 2.8117409 0.31003937,6.2333858 2.8117409 -0.31003937,
+ 6.223128 2.8356854 0.31003937,6.2304874 2.8195528 0.31003937,
+ 6.223128 2.8356854 -0.31003937,6.223128 2.8356854 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2304874 2.8195528 0.31003937,6.2304874 2.8195528 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2138248 2.852415 0.31003937,6.223128 2.8356854 0.31003937,
+ 6.2138248 2.852415 -0.31003937,6.2138248 2.852415 -0.31003937,
+ 6.223128 2.8356854 0.31003937,6.223128 2.8356854 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2027441 2.8696441 0.31003937,6.2138248 2.852415 0.31003937,
+ 6.2027441 2.8696441 -0.31003937,6.2027441 2.8696441 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2138248 2.852415 0.31003937,6.2138248 2.852415 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1900528 2.8872764 0.31003937,6.2027441 2.8696441 0.31003937,
+ 6.1900528 2.8872764 -0.31003937,6.1900528 2.8872764 -0.31003937,
+ 6.2027441 2.8696441 0.31003937,6.2027441 2.8696441 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1759173 2.9052142 0.31003937,6.1900528 2.8872764 0.31003937,
+ 6.1759173 2.9052142 -0.31003937,6.1759173 2.9052142 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1900528 2.8872764 0.31003937,6.1900528 2.8872764 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1605043 2.9233602 0.31003937,6.1759173 2.9052142 0.31003937,
+ 6.1605043 2.9233602 -0.31003937,6.1605043 2.9233602 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1759173 2.9052142 0.31003937,6.1759173 2.9052142 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1439807 2.9416173 0.31003937,6.1605043 2.9233602 0.31003937,
+ 6.1439807 2.9416173 -0.31003937,6.1439807 2.9416173 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1605043 2.9233602 0.31003937,6.1605043 2.9233602 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1265126 2.9598882 0.31003937,6.1439807 2.9416173 0.31003937,
+ 6.1265126 2.9598882 -0.31003937,6.1265126 2.9598882 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1439807 2.9416173 0.31003937,6.1439807 2.9416173 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1082673 2.978076 0.31003937,6.1265126 2.9598882 0.31003937,
+ 6.1082673 2.978076 -0.31003937,6.1082673 2.978076 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1265126 2.9598882 0.31003937,6.1265126 2.9598882 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0894106 2.9960831 0.31003937,6.1082673 2.978076 0.31003937,
+ 6.0894106 2.9960831 -0.31003937,6.0894106 2.9960831 -0.31003937,
+ 6.1082673 2.978076 0.31003937,6.1082673 2.978076 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0701098 3.0138126 0.31003937,6.0894106 2.9960831 0.31003937,
+ 6.0701098 3.0138126 -0.31003937,6.0701098 3.0138126 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0894106 2.9960831 0.31003937,6.0894106 2.9960831 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0505311 3.0311669 0.31003937,6.0701098 3.0138126 0.31003937,
+ 6.0505311 3.0311669 -0.31003937,6.0505311 3.0311669 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0701098 3.0138126 0.31003937,6.0701098 3.0138126 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0112075 3.0643626 0.31003937,6.0505311 3.0311669 0.31003937,
+ 6.0112075 3.0643626 -0.31003937,6.0112075 3.0643626 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0505311 3.0311669 0.31003937,6.0505311 3.0311669 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9873476 3.084698 0.31003937,6.0112075 3.0643626 0.31003937,
+ 5.9873476 3.084698 -0.31003937,5.9873476 3.084698 -0.31003937,
+ 6.0112075 3.0643626 0.31003937,6.0112075 3.0643626 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9620717 3.1030756 0.31003937,5.9873476 3.084698 0.31003937,
+ 5.9620717 3.1030756 -0.31003937,5.9620717 3.1030756 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9873476 3.084698 0.31003937,5.9873476 3.084698 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9355177 3.1195366 0.31003937,5.9620717 3.1030756 0.31003937,
+ 5.9355177 3.1195366 -0.31003937,5.9355177 3.1195366 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9620717 3.1030756 0.31003937,5.9620717 3.1030756 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9078256 3.1341236 0.31003937,5.9355177 3.1195366 0.31003937,
+ 5.9078256 3.1341236 -0.31003937,5.9078256 3.1341236 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9355177 3.1195366 0.31003937,5.9355177 3.1195366 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8791335 3.1468772 0.31003937,5.9078256 3.1341236 0.31003937,
+ 5.8791335 3.1468772 -0.31003937,5.8791335 3.1468772 -0.31003937,
+ 5.9078256 3.1341236 0.31003937,5.9078256 3.1341236 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8495807 3.1578398 0.31003937,5.8791335 3.1468772 0.31003937,
+ 5.8495807 3.1578398 -0.31003937,5.8495807 3.1578398 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8791335 3.1468772 0.31003937,5.8791335 3.1468772 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8193055 3.1670528 0.31003937,5.8495807 3.1578398 0.31003937,
+ 5.8193055 3.1670528 -0.31003937,5.8193055 3.1670528 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8495807 3.1578398 0.31003937,5.8495807 3.1578398 -0.31003937,
+ 5.7884472 3.1745579 0.31003937,5.8193055 3.1670528 0.31003937,
+ 5.7884472 3.1745579 -0.31003937,5.7884472 3.1745579 -0.31003937,
+ 5.8193055 3.1670528 0.31003937,5.8193055 3.1670528 -0.31003937,
+ 5.7571449 3.1803969 0.31003937,5.7884472 3.1745579 0.31003937,
+ 5.7571449 3.1803969 -0.31003937,5.7571449 3.1803969 -0.31003937,
+ 5.7884472 3.1745579 0.31003937,5.7884472 3.1745579 -0.31003937,
+ 5.725537 3.184611 0.31003937,5.7571449 3.1803969 0.31003937,
+ 5.725537 3.184611 -0.31003937,5.725537 3.184611 -0.31003937,
+ 5.7571449 3.1803969 0.31003937,5.7571449 3.1803969 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6937622 3.1872425 0.31003937,5.725537 3.184611 0.31003937,
+ 5.6937622 3.1872425 -0.31003937,5.6937622 3.1872425 -0.31003937,
+ 5.725537 3.184611 0.31003937,5.725537 3.184611 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6619598 3.1883323 0.31003937,5.6937622 3.1872425 0.31003937,
+ 5.6619598 3.1883323 -0.31003937,5.6619598 3.1883323 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6937622 3.1872425 0.31003937,5.6937622 3.1872425 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6302685 3.1879228 0.31003937,5.6619598 3.1883323 0.31003937,
+ 5.6302685 3.1879228 -0.31003937,5.6302685 3.1879228 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6619598 3.1883323 0.31003937,5.6619598 3.1883323 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5988272 3.1860551 0.31003937,5.6302685 3.1879228 0.31003937,
+ 5.5988272 3.1860551 -0.31003937,5.5988272 3.1860551 -0.31003937,
+ 5.6302685 3.1879228 0.31003937,5.6302685 3.1879228 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5677744 3.1827717 0.31003937,5.5988272 3.1860551 0.31003937,
+ 5.5677744 3.1827717 -0.31003937,5.5677744 3.1827717 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5988272 3.1860551 0.31003937,5.5988272 3.1860551 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5372496 3.178113 0.31003937,5.5677744 3.1827717 0.31003937,
+ 5.5372496 3.178113 -0.31003937,5.5372496 3.178113 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5677744 3.1827717 0.31003937,5.5677744 3.1827717 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5088118 3.1705406 0.31003937,5.5372496 3.178113 0.31003937,
+ 5.5088118 3.1705406 -0.31003937,5.5088118 3.1705406 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5372496 3.178113 0.31003937,5.5372496 3.178113 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4803744 3.1619685 0.31003937,5.5088118 3.1705406 0.31003937,
+ 5.4803744 3.1619685 -0.31003937,5.4803744 3.1619685 -0.31003937,
+ 5.5088118 3.1705406 0.31003937,5.5088118 3.1705406 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4519366 3.1522858 0.31003937,5.4803744 3.1619685 0.31003937,
+ 5.4519366 3.1522858 -0.31003937,5.4519366 3.1522858 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4803744 3.1619685 0.31003937,5.4803744 3.1619685 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4234992 3.1413807 0.31003937,5.4519366 3.1522858 0.31003937,
+ 5.4234992 3.1413807 -0.31003937,5.4234992 3.1413807 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4519366 3.1522858 0.31003937,5.4519366 3.1522858 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4092803 3.1354354 0.31003937,5.4234992 3.1413807 0.31003937,
+ 5.4092803 3.1354354 -0.31003937,5.4092803 3.1354354 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4234992 3.1413807 0.31003937,5.4234992 3.1413807 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3950618 3.1291433 0.31003937,5.4092803 3.1354354 0.31003937,
+ 5.3950618 3.1291433 -0.31003937,5.3950618 3.1291433 -0.31003937,
+ 5.4092803 3.1354354 0.31003937,5.4092803 3.1354354 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3808429 3.1224898 0.31003937,5.3950618 3.1291433 0.31003937,
+ 5.3808429 3.1224898 -0.31003937,5.3808429 3.1224898 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3950618 3.1291433 0.31003937,5.3950618 3.1291433 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3666244 3.1154614 0.31003937,5.3808429 3.1224898 0.31003937,
+ 5.3666244 3.1154614 -0.31003937,5.3666244 3.1154614 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3808429 3.1224898 0.31003937,5.3808429 3.1224898 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3524055 3.1080441 0.31003937,5.3666244 3.1154614 0.31003937,
+ 5.3524055 3.1080441 -0.31003937,5.3524055 3.1080441 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3666244 3.1154614 0.31003937,5.3666244 3.1154614 -0.31003937,
+ 5.338187 3.1002244 0.31003937,5.3524055 3.1080441 0.31003937,
+ 5.338187 3.1002244 -0.31003937,5.338187 3.1002244 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3524055 3.1080441 0.31003937,5.3524055 3.1080441 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3239681 3.0919882 0.31003937,5.338187 3.1002244 0.31003937,
+ 5.3239681 3.0919882 -0.31003937,5.3239681 3.0919882 -0.31003937,
+ 5.338187 3.1002244 0.31003937,5.338187 3.1002244 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3097492 3.0833213 0.31003937,5.3239681 3.0919882 0.31003937,
+ 5.3097492 3.0833213 -0.31003937,5.3097492 3.0833213 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3239681 3.0919882 0.31003937,5.3239681 3.0919882 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3020035 3.078813 0.31003937,5.3097492 3.0833213 0.31003937,
+ 5.3020035 3.078813 -0.31003937,5.3020035 3.078813 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3097492 3.0833213 0.31003937,5.3097492 3.0833213 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2931051 3.0725831 0.31003937,5.3020035 3.078813 0.31003937,
+ 5.2931051 3.0725831 -0.31003937,5.2931051 3.0725831 -0.31003937,
+ 5.3020035 3.078813 0.31003937,5.3020035 3.078813 -0.31003937,
+ 5.283235 3.0649091 0.31003937,5.2931051 3.0725831 0.31003937,
+ 5.283235 3.0649091 -0.31003937,5.283235 3.0649091 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2931051 3.0725831 0.31003937,5.2931051 3.0725831 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2725732 3.0560685 0.31003937,5.283235 3.0649091 0.31003937,
+ 5.2725732 3.0560685 -0.31003937,5.2725732 3.0560685 -0.31003937,
+ 5.283235 3.0649091 0.31003937,5.283235 3.0649091 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2495972 3.0359992 0.31003937,5.2725732 3.0560685 0.31003937,
+ 5.2495972 3.0359992 -0.31003937,5.2495972 3.0359992 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2725732 3.0560685 0.31003937,5.2725732 3.0560685 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2256217 3.0145969 0.31003937,5.2495972 3.0359992 0.31003937,
+ 5.2256217 3.0145969 -0.31003937,5.2256217 3.0145969 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2495972 3.0359992 0.31003937,5.2495972 3.0359992 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2020902 2.9940835 0.31003937,5.2256217 3.0145969 0.31003937,
+ 5.2020902 2.9940835 -0.31003937,5.2020902 2.9940835 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2256217 3.0145969 0.31003937,5.2256217 3.0145969 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1909425 2.9848543 0.31003937,5.2020902 2.9940835 0.31003937,
+ 5.1909425 2.9848543 -0.31003937,5.1909425 2.9848543 -0.31003937,
+ 5.2020902 2.9940835 0.31003937,5.2020902 2.9940835 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1804472 2.9766803 0.31003937,5.1909425 2.9848543 0.31003937,
+ 5.1804472 2.9766803 -0.31003937,5.1804472 2.9766803 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1909425 2.9848543 0.31003937,5.1909425 2.9848543 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1707854 2.9698394 0.31003937,5.1804472 2.9766803 0.31003937,
+ 5.1707854 2.9698394 -0.31003937,5.1707854 2.9698394 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1804472 2.9766803 0.31003937,5.1804472 2.9766803 -0.31003937,
+ 5.162137 2.9646091 0.31003937,5.1707854 2.9698394 0.31003937,
+ 5.162137 2.9646091 -0.31003937,5.162137 2.9646091 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1707854 2.9698394 0.31003937,5.1707854 2.9698394 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1582496 2.9626846 0.31003937,5.162137 2.9646091 0.31003937,
+ 5.1582496 2.9626846 -0.31003937,5.1582496 2.9626846 -0.31003937,
+ 5.162137 2.9646091 0.31003937,5.162137 2.9646091 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1546831 2.9612673 0.31003937,5.1582496 2.9626846 0.31003937,
+ 5.1546831 2.9612673 -0.31003937,5.1546831 2.9612673 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1582496 2.9626846 0.31003937,5.1582496 2.9626846 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1514602 2.9603913 0.31003937,5.1546831 2.9612673 0.31003937,
+ 5.1514602 2.9603913 -0.31003937,5.1514602 2.9603913 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1546831 2.9612673 0.31003937,5.1546831 2.9612673 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1486035 2.9600917 0.31003937,5.1514602 2.9603913 0.31003937,
+ 5.1486035 2.9600917 -0.31003937,5.1486035 2.9600917 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1514602 2.9603913 0.31003937,5.1514602 2.9603913 -0.31003937,
+ 4.5893323 2.9600917 0.31003937,5.1486035 2.9600917 0.31003937,
+ 4.5893323 2.9600917 -0.31003937,4.5893323 2.9600917 -0.31003937,
+ 5.1486035 2.9600917 0.31003937,5.1486035 2.9600917 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4945409 3.0548835 0.31003937,4.5893323 2.9600917 0.31003937,
+ 4.4945409 3.0548835 -0.31003937,4.4945409 3.0548835 -0.31003937,
+ 4.5893323 2.9600917 0.31003937,4.5893323 2.9600917 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4836571 3.0653209 0.31003937,4.4945409 3.0548835 0.31003937,
+ 4.4836571 3.0653209 -0.31003937,4.4836571 3.0653209 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4945409 3.0548835 0.31003937,4.4945409 3.0548835 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4723425 3.0752862 0.31003937,4.4836571 3.0653209 0.31003937,
+ 4.4723425 3.0752862 -0.31003937,4.4723425 3.0752862 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4836571 3.0653209 0.31003937,4.4836571 3.0653209 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4606118 3.0847516 0.31003937,4.4723425 3.0752862 0.31003937,
+ 4.4606118 3.0847516 -0.31003937,4.4606118 3.0847516 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4723425 3.0752862 0.31003937,4.4723425 3.0752862 -0.31003937,
+ 4.448478 3.093689 0.31003937,4.4606118 3.0847516 0.31003937,
+ 4.448478 3.093689 -0.31003937,4.448478 3.093689 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4606118 3.0847516 0.31003937,4.4606118 3.0847516 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4359555 3.1020713 0.31003937,4.448478 3.093689 0.31003937,
+ 4.4359555 3.1020713 -0.31003937,4.4359555 3.1020713 -0.31003937,
+ 4.448478 3.093689 0.31003937,4.448478 3.093689 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4230583 3.1098705 0.31003937,4.4359555 3.1020713 0.31003937,
+ 4.4230583 3.1098705 -0.31003937,4.4230583 3.1098705 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4359555 3.1020713 0.31003937,4.4359555 3.1020713 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4098 3.1170583 0.31003937,4.4230583 3.1098705 0.31003937,
+ 4.4098 3.1170583 -0.31003937,4.4098 3.1170583 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4230583 3.1098705 0.31003937,4.4230583 3.1098705 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3961945 3.1236079 0.31003937,4.4098 3.1170583 0.31003937,
+ 4.3961945 3.1236079 -0.31003937,4.3961945 3.1236079 -0.31003937,
+ 4.4098 3.1170583 0.31003937,4.4098 3.1170583 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3822559 3.1294906 0.31003937,4.3961945 3.1236079 0.31003937,
+ 4.3822559 3.1294906 -0.31003937,4.3822559 3.1294906 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3961945 3.1236079 0.31003937,4.3961945 3.1236079 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3679976 3.1346791 0.31003937,4.3822559 3.1294906 0.31003937,
+ 4.3679976 3.1346791 -0.31003937,4.3679976 3.1346791 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3822559 3.1294906 0.31003937,4.3822559 3.1294906 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3534343 3.1391453 0.31003937,4.3679976 3.1346791 0.31003937,
+ 4.3534343 3.1391453 -0.31003937,4.3534343 3.1391453 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3679976 3.1346791 0.31003937,4.3679976 3.1346791 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3385791 3.1428622 0.31003937,4.3534343 3.1391453 0.31003937,
+ 4.3385791 3.1428622 -0.31003937,4.3385791 3.1428622 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3534343 3.1391453 0.31003937,4.3534343 3.1391453 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3234461 3.1458012 0.31003937,4.3385791 3.1428622 0.31003937,
+ 4.3234461 3.1458012 -0.31003937,4.3234461 3.1458012 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3385791 3.1428622 0.31003937,4.3385791 3.1428622 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3080492 3.1479346 0.31003937,4.3234461 3.1458012 0.31003937,
+ 4.3080492 3.1479346 -0.31003937,4.3080492 3.1479346 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3234461 3.1458012 0.31003937,4.3234461 3.1458012 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2924028 3.1492354 0.31003937,4.3080492 3.1479346 0.31003937,
+ 4.2924028 3.1492354 -0.31003937,4.2924028 3.1492354 -0.31003937,
+ 4.3080492 3.1479346 0.31003937,4.3080492 3.1479346 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2765201 3.1496752 0.31003937,4.2924028 3.1492354 0.31003937,
+ 4.2765201 3.1496752 -0.31003937,4.2765201 3.1496752 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2924028 3.1492354 0.31003937,4.2924028 3.1492354 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2228201 3.1506657 0.31003937,4.2765201 3.1496752 0.31003937,
+ 4.2228201 3.1506657 -0.31003937,4.2228201 3.1506657 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2765201 3.1496752 0.31003937,4.2765201 3.1496752 -0.31003937,
+ 4.1717307 3.1500453 0.31003937,4.2228201 3.1506657 0.31003937,
+ 4.1717307 3.1500453 -0.31003937,4.1717307 3.1500453 -0.31003937,
+ 4.2228201 3.1506657 0.31003937,4.2228201 3.1506657 -0.31003937,
+ 4.122974 3.1477591 0.31003937,4.1717307 3.1500453 0.31003937,
+ 4.122974 3.1477591 -0.31003937,4.122974 3.1477591 -0.31003937,
+ 4.1717307 3.1500453 0.31003937,4.1717307 3.1500453 -0.31003937,
+ 4.0762724 3.1437504 0.31003937,4.122974 3.1477591 0.31003937,
+ 4.0762724 3.1437504 -0.31003937,4.0762724 3.1437504 -0.31003937,
+ 4.122974 3.1477591 0.31003937,4.122974 3.1477591 -0.31003937,
+ 4.031348 3.137965 0.31003937,4.0762724 3.1437504 0.31003937,
+ 4.031348 3.137965 -0.31003937,4.031348 3.137965 -0.31003937,
+ 4.0762724 3.1437504 0.31003937,4.0762724 3.1437504 -0.31003937,
+ 3.9879236 3.1303465 0.31003937,4.031348 3.137965 0.31003937,
+ 3.9879236 3.1303465 -0.31003937,3.9879236 3.1303465 -0.31003937,
+ 4.031348 3.137965 0.31003937,4.031348 3.137965 -0.31003937,
+ 3.9457209 3.1208394 0.31003937,3.9879236 3.1303465 0.31003937,
+ 3.9457209 3.1208394 -0.31003937,3.9457209 3.1208394 -0.31003937,
+ 3.9879236 3.1303465 0.31003937,3.9879236 3.1303465 -0.31003937,
+ 3.9044626 3.1093882 0.31003937,3.9457209 3.1208394 0.31003937,
+ 3.9044626 3.1093882 -0.31003937,3.9044626 3.1093882 -0.31003937,
+ 3.9457209 3.1208394 0.31003937,3.9457209 3.1208394 -0.31003937,
+ 3.8638705 3.0959378 0.31003937,3.9044626 3.1093882 0.31003937,
+ 3.8638705 3.0959378 -0.31003937,3.8638705 3.0959378 -0.31003937,
+ 3.9044626 3.1093882 0.31003937,3.9044626 3.1093882 -0.31003937,
+ 3.8236673 3.0804323 0.31003937,3.8638705 3.0959378 0.31003937,
+ 3.8236673 3.0804323 -0.31003937,3.8236673 3.0804323 -0.31003937,
+ 3.8638705 3.0959378 0.31003937,3.8638705 3.0959378 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7835756 3.0628161 0.31003937,3.8236673 3.0804323 0.31003937,
+ 3.7835756 3.0628161 -0.31003937,3.7835756 3.0628161 -0.31003937,
+ 3.8236673 3.0804323 0.31003937,3.8236673 3.0804323 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7433169 3.0430339 0.31003937,3.7835756 3.0628161 0.31003937,
+ 3.7433169 3.0430339 -0.31003937,3.7433169 3.0430339 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7835756 3.0628161 0.31003937,3.7835756 3.0628161 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7026138 3.0210299 0.31003937,3.7433169 3.0430339 0.31003937,
+ 3.7026138 3.0210299 -0.31003937,3.7026138 3.0210299 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7433169 3.0430339 0.31003937,3.7433169 3.0430339 -0.31003937,
+ 3.661189 2.9967488 0.31003937,3.7026138 3.0210299 0.31003937,
+ 3.661189 2.9967488 -0.31003937,3.661189 2.9967488 -0.31003937,
+ 3.7026138 3.0210299 0.31003937,3.7026138 3.0210299 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6187642 2.970135 0.31003937,3.661189 2.9967488 0.31003937,
+ 3.6187642 2.970135 -0.31003937,3.6187642 2.970135 -0.31003937,
+ 3.661189 2.9967488 0.31003937,3.661189 2.9967488 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5750618 2.9411331 0.31003937,3.6187642 2.970135 0.31003937,
+ 3.5750618 2.9411331 -0.31003937,3.5750618 2.9411331 -0.31003937,
+ 3.6187642 2.970135 0.31003937,3.6187642 2.970135 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5488854 2.920365 0.31003937,3.5750618 2.9411331 0.31003937,
+ 3.5488854 2.920365 -0.31003937,3.5488854 2.920365 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5750618 2.9411331 0.31003937,3.5750618 2.9411331 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5327205 2.9007358 0.31003937,3.5488854 2.920365 0.31003937,
+ 3.5327205 2.9007358 -0.31003937,3.5327205 2.9007358 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5488854 2.920365 0.31003937,3.5488854 2.920365 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5241366 2.8822728 0.31003937,3.5327205 2.9007358 0.31003937,
+ 3.5241366 2.8822728 -0.31003937,3.5241366 2.8822728 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5327205 2.9007358 0.31003937,3.5327205 2.9007358 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5207047 2.8650039 0.31003937,3.5241366 2.8822728 0.31003937,
+ 3.5207047 2.8650039 -0.31003937,3.5207047 2.8650039 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5241366 2.8822728 0.31003937,3.5241366 2.8822728 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5197276 0.078072047 0.31003937,3.5197276 1.3772846 0.31003937,
+ 3.5197276 0.078072047 -0.31003937,3.5197276 0.078072047 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5197276 1.3772846 0.31003937,3.5197276 1.3772846 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.5197276 -1.2211406 -0.31003937,3.5197276 -1.2211406 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5197276 0.078072047 0.31003937,3.5197276 0.078072047 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.5187992 -1.2543055 -0.31003937,3.5187992 -1.2543055 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5197276 -1.2211406 0.31003937,3.5197276 -1.2211406 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.5040394 -1.3189724 -0.31003937,3.5040394 -1.3189724 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.4752598 -1.3787339 -0.31003937,3.4752598 -1.3787339 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5040394 -1.3189724 0.31003937,3.5040394 -1.3189724 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.4339039 -1.4305925 -0.31003937,3.4339039 -1.4305925 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4752598 -1.3787339 0.31003937,3.4752598 -1.3787339 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.3820453 -1.4719484 -0.31003937,3.3820453 -1.4719484 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4339039 -1.4305925 0.31003937,3.4339039 -1.4305925 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.3222839 -1.500728 -0.31003937,3.3222839 -1.500728 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3820453 -1.4719484 0.31003937,3.3820453 -1.4719484 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.2576169 -1.5154878 -0.31003937,3.2576169 -1.5154878 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3222839 -1.500728 0.31003937,3.3222839 -1.500728 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.224452 -1.5164161 -0.31003937,3.224452 -1.5164161 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2576169 -1.5154878 0.31003937,3.2576169 -1.5154878 -0.31003937,
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+ 3.224452 -1.5164161 0.31003937,3.224452 -1.5164161 -0.31003937,
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+ -3.8559571 -1.5154878 -0.31003937,-3.8559571 -1.5154878 -0.31003937,
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+ -3.920624 -1.500728 -0.31003937,-3.920624 -1.500728 -0.31003937,
+ -3.8559571 -1.5154878 0.31003937,-3.8559571 -1.5154878 -0.31003937,
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+ -3.9803854 -1.4719484 -0.31003937,-3.9803854 -1.4719484 -0.31003937,
+ -3.920624 -1.500728 0.31003937,-3.920624 -1.500728 -0.31003937,
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+ -4.0322441 -1.4305925 -0.31003937,-4.0322441 -1.4305925 -0.31003937,
+ -3.9803854 -1.4719484 0.31003937,-3.9803854 -1.4719484 -0.31003937,
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+ -4.0736 -1.3787339 -0.31003937,-4.0736 -1.3787339 -0.31003937,
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+ -4.1023795 -1.3189724 -0.31003937,-4.1023795 -1.3189724 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0736 -1.3787339 0.31003937,-4.0736 -1.3787339 -0.31003937,
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+ -4.1171394 -1.2543055 -0.31003937,-4.1171394 -1.2543055 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1023795 -1.3189724 0.31003937,-4.1023795 -1.3189724 -0.31003937,
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+ -4.1180677 -1.2211406 -0.31003937,-4.1180677 -1.2211406 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1171394 -1.2543055 0.31003937,-4.1171394 -1.2543055 -0.31003937,
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+ -4.1180677 0.078072047 -0.31003937,-4.1180677 0.078072047 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1180677 -1.2211406 0.31003937,-4.1180677 -1.2211406 -0.31003937,
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+ -4.1180677 1.3772846 -0.31003937,-4.1180677 1.3772846 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1180677 0.078072047 0.31003937,-4.1180677 0.078072047 -0.31003937,
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+ -4.1171394 1.4104496 -0.31003937,-4.1171394 1.4104496 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1180677 1.3772846 0.31003937,-4.1180677 1.3772846 -0.31003937,
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+ -4.1023795 1.4751165 -0.31003937,-4.1023795 1.4751165 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1171394 1.4104496 0.31003937,-4.1171394 1.4104496 -0.31003937,
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+ -4.0736 1.534878 -0.31003937,-4.0736 1.534878 -0.31003937,
+ -4.1023795 1.4751165 0.31003937,-4.1023795 1.4751165 -0.31003937,
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+ -4.0322441 1.5867366 -0.31003937,-4.0322441 1.5867366 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0736 1.534878 0.31003937,-4.0736 1.534878 -0.31003937,
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+ -3.9803854 1.6280925 -0.31003937,-3.9803854 1.6280925 -0.31003937,
+ -4.0322441 1.5867366 0.31003937,-4.0322441 1.5867366 -0.31003937,
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+ -3.920624 1.656872 -0.31003937,-3.920624 1.656872 -0.31003937,
+ -3.9803854 1.6280925 0.31003937,-3.9803854 1.6280925 -0.31003937,
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+ -3.8559571 1.6716319 -0.31003937,-3.8559571 1.6716319 -0.31003937,
+ -3.920624 1.656872 0.31003937,-3.920624 1.656872 -0.31003937,
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+ -3.8227921 1.6725602 -0.31003937,-3.8227921 1.6725602 -0.31003937,
+ -3.8559571 1.6716319 0.31003937,-3.8559571 1.6716319 -0.31003937,
+ -0.29917008 1.6725602 0.31003937,-3.8227921 1.6725602 0.31003937,
+ -0.29917008 1.6725602 -0.31003937,-0.29917008 1.6725602 -0.31003937,
+ -3.8227921 1.6725602 0.31003937,-3.8227921 1.6725602 -0.31003937,
+ 3.224452 1.6725602 0.31003937,-0.29917008 1.6725602 0.31003937,
+ 3.224452 1.6725602 -0.31003937,3.224452 1.6725602 -0.31003937,
+ -0.29917008 1.6725602 0.31003937,-0.29917008 1.6725602 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2576169 1.6716319 0.31003937,3.224452 1.6725602 0.31003937,
+ 3.2576169 1.6716319 -0.31003937,3.2576169 1.6716319 -0.31003937,
+ 3.224452 1.6725602 0.31003937,3.224452 1.6725602 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3222839 1.656872 0.31003937,3.2576169 1.6716319 0.31003937,
+ 3.3222839 1.656872 -0.31003937,3.3222839 1.656872 -0.31003937,
+ 3.2576169 1.6716319 0.31003937,3.2576169 1.6716319 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3820453 1.6280925 0.31003937,3.3222839 1.656872 0.31003937,
+ 3.3820453 1.6280925 -0.31003937,3.3820453 1.6280925 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3222839 1.656872 0.31003937,3.3222839 1.656872 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4339039 1.5867366 0.31003937,3.3820453 1.6280925 0.31003937,
+ 3.4339039 1.5867366 -0.31003937,3.4339039 1.5867366 -0.31003937,
+ 3.3820453 1.6280925 0.31003937,3.3820453 1.6280925 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4752598 1.534878 0.31003937,3.4339039 1.5867366 0.31003937,
+ 3.4752598 1.534878 -0.31003937,3.4752598 1.534878 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4339039 1.5867366 0.31003937,3.4339039 1.5867366 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5040394 1.4751165 0.31003937,3.4752598 1.534878 0.31003937,
+ 3.5040394 1.4751165 -0.31003937,3.5040394 1.4751165 -0.31003937,
+ 3.4752598 1.534878 0.31003937,3.4752598 1.534878 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5187992 1.4104496 0.31003937,3.5040394 1.4751165 0.31003937,
+ 3.5187992 1.4104496 -0.31003937,3.5187992 1.4104496 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5040394 1.4751165 0.31003937,3.5040394 1.4751165 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5197276 1.3772846 0.31003937,3.5187992 1.4104496 0.31003937,
+ 3.5197276 1.3772846 -0.31003937,3.5197276 1.3772846 -0.31003937,
+ 3.5187992 1.4104496 0.31003937,3.5187992 1.4104496 -0.31003937] }
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+ 312,313,314,-1,315,316,317,-1,318,319,320,-1,321,322,323,-1,324,325,326,-1,327,328,329,-1,330,331,332,-1,333,334,335,-1,
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+ 360,361,362,-1,363,364,365,-1,366,367,368,-1,369,370,371,-1,372,373,374,-1,375,376,377,-1,378,379,380,-1,381,382,383,-1,
+ 384,385,386,-1,387,388,389,-1,390,391,392,-1,393,394,395,-1,396,397,398,-1,399,400,401,-1,402,403,404,-1,405,406,407,-1,
+ 408,409,410,-1,411,412,413,-1,414,415,416,-1,417,418,419,-1,420,421,422,-1,423,424,425,-1,426,427,428,-1,429,430,431,-1,
+ 432,433,434,-1,435,436,437,-1,438,439,440,-1,441,442,443,-1,444,445,446,-1,447,448,449,-1,450,451,452,-1,453,454,455,-1,
+ 456,457,458,-1,459,460,461,-1,462,463,464,-1,465,466,467,-1,468,469,470,-1,471,472,473,-1,474,475,476,-1,477,478,479,-1,
+ 480,481,482,-1,483,484,485,-1,486,487,488,-1,489,490,491,-1,492,493,494,-1,495,496,497,-1,498,499,500,-1,501,502,503,-1,
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+ 576,577,578,-1,579,580,581,-1,582,583,584,-1,585,586,587,-1,588,589,590,-1,591,592,593,-1,594,595,596,-1,597,598,599,-1,
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+ 768,769,770,-1,771,772,773,-1,774,775,776,-1,777,778,779,-1,780,781,782,-1,783,784,785,-1,786,787,788,-1,789,790,791,-1,
+ 792,793,794,-1,795,796,797,-1,798,799,800,-1,801,802,803,-1,804,805,806,-1,807,808,809,-1,810,811,812,-1,813,814,815,-1,
+ 816,817,818,-1,819,820,821,-1,822,823,824,-1,825,826,827,-1,828,829,830,-1,831,832,833,-1,834,835,836,-1,837,838,839,-1,
+ 840,841,842,-1,843,844,845,-1,846,847,848,-1,849,850,851,-1,852,853,854,-1,855,856,857,-1,858,859,860,-1,861,862,863,-1,
+ 864,865,866,-1,867,868,869,-1,870,871,872,-1,873,874,875,-1,876,877,878,-1,879,880,881,-1,882,883,884,-1,885,886,887,-1,
+ 888,889,890,-1,891,892,893,-1,894,895,896,-1,897,898,899,-1,900,901,902,-1,903,904,905,-1,906,907,908,-1,909,910,911,-1,
+ 912,913,914,-1,915,916,917,-1,918,919,920,-1,921,922,923,-1,924,925,926,-1,927,928,929,-1,930,931,932,-1,933,934,935,-1,
+ 936,937,938,-1,939,940,941,-1,942,943,944,-1,945,946,947,-1,948,949,950,-1,951,952,953,-1,954,955,956,-1,957,958,959,-1,
+ 960,961,962,-1,963,964,965,-1,966,967,968,-1,969,970,971,-1,972,973,974,-1,975,976,977,-1,978,979,980,-1,981,982,983,-1,
+ 984,985,986,-1,987,988,989,-1,990,991,992,-1,993,994,995,-1,996,997,998,-1,999,1000,1001,-1,1002,1003,1004,-1,1005,1006,1007,-1,
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+ 1032,1033,1034,-1,1035,1036,1037,-1,1038,1039,1040,-1,1041,1042,1043,-1,1044,1045,1046,-1,1047,1048,1049,-1,1050,1051,1052,-1,1053,1054,1055,-1,
+ 1056,1057,1058,-1,1059,1060,1061,-1,1062,1063,1064,-1,1065,1066,1067,-1,1068,1069,1070,-1,1071,1072,1073,-1,1074,1075,1076,-1,1077,1078,1079,-1,
+ 1080,1081,1082,-1,1083,1084,1085,-1,1086,1087,1088,-1,1089,1090,1091,-1,1092,1093,1094,-1,1095,1096,1097,-1,1098,1099,1100,-1,1101,1102,1103,-1,
+ 1104,1105,1106,-1,1107,1108,1109,-1,1110,1111,1112,-1,1113,1114,1115,-1,1116,1117,1118,-1,1119,1120,1121,-1,1122,1123,1124,-1,1125,1126,1127,-1,
+ 1128,1129,1130,-1,1131,1132,1133,-1,1134,1135,1136,-1,1137,1138,1139,-1,1140,1141,1142,-1,1143,1144,1145,-1,1146,1147,1148,-1,1149,1150,1151,-1,
+ 1152,1153,1154,-1,1155,1156,1157,-1,1158,1159,1160,-1,1161,1162,1163,-1,1164,1165,1166,-1,1167,1168,1169,-1,1170,1171,1172,-1,1173,1174,1175,-1,
+ 1176,1177,1178,-1,1179,1180,1181,-1,1182,1183,1184,-1,1185,1186,1187,-1,1188,1189,1190,-1,1191,1192,1193,-1,1194,1195,1196,-1,1197,1198,1199,-1,
+ 1200,1201,1202,-1,1203,1204,1205,-1,1206,1207,1208,-1,1209,1210,1211,-1,1212,1213,1214,-1,1215,1216,1217,-1,1218,1219,1220,-1,1221,1222,1223,-1,
+ 1224,1225,1226,-1,1227,1228,1229,-1,1230,1231,1232,-1,1233,1234,1235,-1,1236,1237,1238,-1,1239,1240,1241,-1,1242,1243,1244,-1,1245,1246,1247,-1,
+ 1248,1249,1250,-1,1251,1252,1253,-1,1254,1255,1256,-1,1257,1258,1259,-1,1260,1261,1262,-1,1263,1264,1265,-1,1266,1267,1268,-1,1269,1270,1271,-1,
+ 1272,1273,1274,-1,1275,1276,1277,-1,1278,1279,1280,-1,1281,1282,1283,-1,1284,1285,1286,-1,1287,1288,1289,-1,1290,1291,1292,-1,1293,1294,1295,-1,
+ 1296,1297,1298,-1,1299,1300,1301,-1,1302,1303,1304,-1,1305,1306,1307,-1,1308,1309,1310,-1,1311,1312,1313,-1,1314,1315,1316,-1,1317,1318,1319,-1,
+ 1320,1321,1322,-1,1323,1324,1325,-1,1326,1327,1328,-1,1329,1330,1331,-1,1332,1333,1334,-1,1335,1336,1337,-1,1338,1339,1340,-1,1341,1342,1343,-1,
+ 1344,1345,1346,-1,1347,1348,1349,-1,1350,1351,1352,-1,1353,1354,1355,-1,1356,1357,1358,-1,1359,1360,1361,-1,1362,1363,1364,-1,1365,1366,1367,-1,
+ 1368,1369,1370,-1,1371,1372,1373,-1,1374,1375,1376,-1,1377,1378,1379,-1,1380,1381,1382,-1,1383,1384,1385,-1,1386,1387,1388,-1,1389,1390,1391,-1,
+ 1392,1393,1394,-1,1395,1396,1397,-1,1398,1399,1400,-1,1401,1402,1403,-1,1404,1405,1406,-1,1407,1408,1409,-1,1410,1411,1412,-1,1413,1414,1415,-1,
+ 1416,1417,1418,-1,1419,1420,1421,-1,1422,1423,1424,-1,1425,1426,1427,-1,1428,1429,1430,-1,1431,1432,1433,-1,1434,1435,1436,-1,1437,1438,1439,-1,
+ 1440,1441,1442,-1,1443,1444,1445,-1,1446,1447,1448,-1,1449,1450,1451,-1,1452,1453,1454,-1,1455,1456,1457,-1,1458,1459,1460,-1,1461,1462,1463,-1,
+ 1464,1465,1466,-1,1467,1468,1469,-1,1470,1471,1472,-1,1473,1474,1475,-1,1476,1477,1478,-1,1479,1480,1481,-1,1482,1483,1484,-1,1485,1486,1487,-1,
+ 1488,1489,1490,-1,1491,1492,1493,-1,1494,1495,1496,-1,1497,1498,1499,-1,1500,1501,1502,-1,1503,1504,1505,-1,1506,1507,1508,-1,1509,1510,1511,-1,
+ 1512,1513,1514,-1,1515,1516,1517,-1,1518,1519,1520,-1,1521,1522,1523,-1,1524,1525,1526,-1,1527,1528,1529,-1,1530,1531,1532,-1,1533,1534,1535,-1,
+ 1536,1537,1538,-1,1539,1540,1541,-1,1542,1543,1544,-1,1545,1546,1547,-1,1548,1549,1550,-1,1551,1552,1553,-1,1554,1555,1556,-1,1557,1558,1559,-1,
+ 1560,1561,1562,-1,1563,1564,1565,-1,1566,1567,1568,-1,1569,1570,1571,-1,1572,1573,1574,-1,1575,1576,1577,-1,1578,1579,1580,-1,1581,1582,1583,-1,
+ 1584,1585,1586,-1,1587,1588,1589,-1,1590,1591,1592,-1,1593,1594,1595,-1,1596,1597,1598,-1,1599,1600,1601,-1,1602,1603,1604,-1,1605,1606,1607,-1,
+ 1608,1609,1610,-1,1611,1612,1613,-1,1614,1615,1616,-1,1617,1618,1619,-1,1620,1621,1622,-1,1623,1624,1625,-1,1626,1627,1628,-1,1629,1630,1631,-1,
+ 1632,1633,1634,-1,1635,1636,1637,-1,1638,1639,1640,-1,1641,1642,1643,-1,1644,1645,1646,-1,1647,1648,1649,-1,1650,1651,1652,-1,1653,1654,1655,-1,
+ 1656,1657,1658,-1,1659,1660,1661,-1,1662,1663,1664,-1,1665,1666,1667,-1,1668,1669,1670,-1,1671,1672,1673,-1,1674,1675,1676,-1,1677,1678,1679,-1,
+ 1680,1681,1682,-1,1683,1684,1685,-1,1686,1687,1688,-1,1689,1690,1691,-1,1692,1693,1694,-1,1695,1696,1697,-1,1698,1699,1700,-1,1701,1702,1703,-1,
+ 1704,1705,1706,-1,1707,1708,1709,-1,1710,1711,1712,-1,1713,1714,1715,-1,1716,1717,1718,-1,1719,1720,1721,-1,1722,1723,1724,-1,1725,1726,1727,-1,
+ 1728,1729,1730,-1,1731,1732,1733,-1,1734,1735,1736,-1,1737,1738,1739,-1,1740,1741,1742,-1,1743,1744,1745,-1,1746,1747,1748,-1,1749,1750,1751,-1,
+ 1752,1753,1754,-1,1755,1756,1757,-1,1758,1759,1760,-1,1761,1762,1763,-1,1764,1765,1766,-1,1767,1768,1769,-1,1770,1771,1772,-1,1773,1774,1775,-1,
+ 1776,1777,1778,-1,1779,1780,1781,-1,1782,1783,1784,-1,1785,1786,1787,-1,1788,1789,1790,-1,1791,1792,1793,-1,1794,1795,1796,-1,1797,1798,1799,-1,
+ 1800,1801,1802,-1,1803,1804,1805,-1,1806,1807,1808,-1,1809,1810,1811,-1,1812,1813,1814,-1,1815,1816,1817,-1,1818,1819,1820,-1,1821,1822,1823,-1,
+ 1824,1825,1826,-1,1827,1828,1829,-1,1830,1831,1832,-1,1833,1834,1835,-1,1836,1837,1838,-1,1839,1840,1841,-1,1842,1843,1844,-1,1845,1846,1847,-1,
+ 1848,1849,1850,-1,1851,1852,1853,-1,1854,1855,1856,-1,1857,1858,1859,-1,1860,1861,1862,-1,1863,1864,1865,-1,1866,1867,1868,-1,1869,1870,1871,-1,
+ 1872,1873,1874,-1,1875,1876,1877,-1,1878,1879,1880,-1,1881,1882,1883,-1,1884,1885,1886,-1,1887,1888,1889,-1,1890,1891,1892,-1,1893,1894,1895,-1,
+ 1896,1897,1898,-1,1899,1900,1901,-1,1902,1903,1904,-1,1905,1906,1907,-1,1908,1909,1910,-1,1911,1912,1913,-1,1914,1915,1916,-1,1917,1918,1919,-1,
+ 1920,1921,1922,-1,1923,1924,1925,-1,1926,1927,1928,-1,1929,1930,1931,-1,1932,1933,1934,-1,1935,1936,1937,-1,1938,1939,1940,-1,1941,1942,1943,-1,
+ 1944,1945,1946,-1,1947,1948,1949,-1,1950,1951,1952,-1,1953,1954,1955,-1,1956,1957,1958,-1,1959,1960,1961,-1,1962,1963,1964,-1,1965,1966,1967,-1,
+ 1968,1969,1970,-1,1971,1972,1973,-1,1974,1975,1976,-1,1977,1978,1979,-1,1980,1981,1982,-1,1983,1984,1985,-1,1986,1987,1988,-1,1989,1990,1991,-1,
+ 1992,1993,1994,-1,1995,1996,1997,-1,1998,1999,2000,-1,2001,2002,2003,-1,2004,2005,2006,-1,2007,2008,2009,-1,2010,2011,2012,-1,2013,2014,2015,-1,
+ 2016,2017,2018,-1,2019,2020,2021,-1,2022,2023,2024,-1,2025,2026,2027,-1,2028,2029,2030,-1,2031,2032,2033,-1,2034,2035,2036,-1,2037,2038,2039,-1,
+ 2040,2041,2042,-1,2043,2044,2045,-1,2046,2047,2048,-1,2049,2050,2051,-1,2052,2053,2054,-1,2055,2056,2057,-1,2058,2059,2060,-1,2061,2062,2063,-1,
+ 2064,2065,2066,-1,2067,2068,2069,-1,2070,2071,2072,-1,2073,2074,2075,-1,2076,2077,2078,-1,2079,2080,2081,-1,2082,2083,2084,-1,2085,2086,2087,-1,
+ 2088,2089,2090,-1,2091,2092,2093,-1,2094,2095,2096,-1,2097,2098,2099,-1,2100,2101,2102,-1,2103,2104,2105,-1,2106,2107,2108,-1,2109,2110,2111,-1,
+ 2112,2113,2114,-1,2115,2116,2117,-1,2118,2119,2120,-1,2121,2122,2123,-1,2124,2125,2126,-1,2127,2128,2129,-1,2130,2131,2132,-1,2133,2134,2135,-1,
+ 2136,2137,2138,-1,2139,2140,2141,-1,2142,2143,2144,-1,2145,2146,2147,-1,2148,2149,2150,-1,2151,2152,2153,-1,2154,2155,2156,-1,2157,2158,2159,-1,
+ 2160,2161,2162,-1,2163,2164,2165,-1,2166,2167,2168,-1,2169,2170,2171,-1,2172,2173,2174,-1,2175,2176,2177,-1,2178,2179,2180,-1,2181,2182,2183,-1,
+ 2184,2185,2186,-1,2187,2188,2189,-1,2190,2191,2192,-1,2193,2194,2195,-1,2196,2197,2198,-1,2199,2200,2201,-1,2202,2203,2204,-1,2205,2206,2207,-1,
+ 2208,2209,2210,-1,2211,2212,2213,-1,2214,2215,2216,-1,2217,2218,2219,-1,2220,2221,2222,-1,2223,2224,2225,-1,2226,2227,2228,-1,2229,2230,2231,-1,
+ 2232,2233,2234,-1,2235,2236,2237,-1,2238,2239,2240,-1,2241,2242,2243,-1,2244,2245,2246,-1,2247,2248,2249,-1,2250,2251,2252,-1,2253,2254,2255,-1,
+ 2256,2257,2258,-1,2259,2260,2261,-1,2262,2263,2264,-1,2265,2266,2267,-1,2268,2269,2270,-1,2271,2272,2273,-1,2274,2275,2276,-1,2277,2278,2279,-1,
+ 2280,2281,2282,-1,2283,2284,2285,-1,2286,2287,2288,-1,2289,2290,2291,-1,2292,2293,2294,-1,2295,2296,2297,-1,2298,2299,2300,-1,2301,2302,2303,-1,
+ 2304,2305,2306,-1,2307,2308,2309,-1,2310,2311,2312,-1,2313,2314,2315,-1,2316,2317,2318,-1,2319,2320,2321,-1,2322,2323,2324,-1,2325,2326,2327,-1,
+ 2328,2329,2330,-1,2331,2332,2333,-1,2334,2335,2336,-1,2337,2338,2339,-1,2340,2341,2342,-1,2343,2344,2345,-1,2346,2347,2348,-1,2349,2350,2351,-1,
+ 2352,2353,2354,-1,2355,2356,2357,-1,2358,2359,2360,-1,2361,2362,2363,-1,2364,2365,2366,-1,2367,2368,2369,-1,2370,2371,2372,-1,2373,2374,2375,-1,
+ 2376,2377,2378,-1,2379,2380,2381,-1,2382,2383,2384,-1,2385,2386,2387,-1,2388,2389,2390,-1,2391,2392,2393,-1,2394,2395,2396,-1,2397,2398,2399,-1,
+ 2400,2401,2402,-1,2403,2404,2405,-1,2406,2407,2408,-1,2409,2410,2411,-1,2412,2413,2414,-1,2415,2416,2417,-1,2418,2419,2420,-1,2421,2422,2423,-1,
+ 2424,2425,2426,-1,2427,2428,2429,-1,2430,2431,2432,-1,2433,2434,2435,-1,2436,2437,2438,-1,2439,2440,2441,-1,2442,2443,2444,-1,2445,2446,2447,-1,
+ 2448,2449,2450,-1,2451,2452,2453,-1,2454,2455,2456,-1,2457,2458,2459,-1,2460,2461,2462,-1,2463,2464,2465,-1,2466,2467,2468,-1,2469,2470,2471,-1,
+ 2472,2473,2474,-1,2475,2476,2477,-1,2478,2479,2480,-1,2481,2482,2483,-1,2484,2485,2486,-1,2487,2488,2489,-1,2490,2491,2492,-1,2493,2494,2495,-1,
+ 2496,2497,2498,-1,2499,2500,2501,-1,2502,2503,2504,-1,2505,2506,2507,-1,2508,2509,2510,-1,2511,2512,2513,-1,2514,2515,2516,-1,2517,2518,2519,-1,
+ 2520,2521,2522,-1,2523,2524,2525,-1,2526,2527,2528,-1,2529,2530,2531,-1,2532,2533,2534,-1,2535,2536,2537,-1,2538,2539,2540,-1,2541,2542,2543,-1,
+ 2544,2545,2546,-1,2547,2548,2549,-1,2550,2551,2552,-1,2553,2554,2555,-1,2556,2557,2558,-1,2559,2560,2561,-1,2562,2563,2564,-1,2565,2566,2567,-1,
+ 2568,2569,2570,-1,2571,2572,2573,-1,2574,2575,2576,-1,2577,2578,2579,-1,2580,2581,2582,-1,2583,2584,2585,-1,2586,2587,2588,-1,2589,2590,2591,-1,
+ 2592,2593,2594,-1,2595,2596,2597,-1,2598,2599,2600,-1,2601,2602,2603,-1,2604,2605,2606,-1,2607,2608,2609,-1,2610,2611,2612,-1,2613,2614,2615,-1,
+ 2616,2617,2618,-1,2619,2620,2621,-1,2622,2623,2624,-1,2625,2626,2627,-1,2628,2629,2630,-1,2631,2632,2633,-1,2634,2635,2636,-1,2637,2638,2639,-1,
+ 2640,2641,2642,-1,2643,2644,2645,-1,2646,2647,2648,-1,2649,2650,2651,-1,2652,2653,2654,-1,2655,2656,2657,-1,2658,2659,2660,-1,2661,2662,2663,-1,
+ 2664,2665,2666,-1,2667,2668,2669,-1,2670,2671,2672,-1,2673,2674,2675,-1,2676,2677,2678,-1,2679,2680,2681,-1,2682,2683,2684,-1,2685,2686,2687,-1,
+ 2688,2689,2690,-1,2691,2692,2693,-1,2694,2695,2696,-1,2697,2698,2699,-1,2700,2701,2702,-1,2703,2704,2705,-1,2706,2707,2708,-1,2709,2710,2711,-1,
+ 2712,2713,2714,-1,2715,2716,2717,-1,2718,2719,2720,-1,2721,2722,2723,-1,2724,2725,2726,-1,2727,2728,2729,-1,2730,2731,2732,-1,2733,2734,2735,-1,
+ 2736,2737,2738,-1,2739,2740,2741,-1,2742,2743,2744,-1,2745,2746,2747,-1,2748,2749,2750,-1,2751,2752,2753,-1,2754,2755,2756,-1,2757,2758,2759,-1,
+ 2760,2761,2762,-1,2763,2764,2765,-1,2766,2767,2768,-1,2769,2770,2771,-1,2772,2773,2774,-1,2775,2776,2777,-1,2778,2779,2780,-1,2781,2782,2783,-1,
+ 2784,2785,2786,-1,2787,2788,2789,-1,2790,2791,2792,-1,2793,2794,2795,-1,2796,2797,2798,-1,2799,2800,2801,-1,2802,2803,2804,-1,2805,2806,2807,-1,
+ 2808,2809,2810,-1,2811,2812,2813,-1,2814,2815,2816,-1,2817,2818,2819,-1,2820,2821,2822,-1,2823,2824,2825,-1,2826,2827,2828,-1,2829,2830,2831,-1,
+ 2832,2833,2834,-1,2835,2836,2837,-1,2838,2839,2840,-1,2841,2842,2843,-1,2844,2845,2846,-1,2847,2848,2849,-1,2850,2851,2852,-1,2853,2854,2855,-1,
+ 2856,2857,2858,-1,2859,2860,2861,-1,2862,2863,2864,-1,2865,2866,2867,-1,2868,2869,2870,-1,2871,2872,2873,-1,2874,2875,2876,-1,2877,2878,2879,-1,
+ 2880,2881,2882,-1,2883,2884,2885,-1,2886,2887,2888,-1,2889,2890,2891,-1,2892,2893,2894,-1,2895,2896,2897,-1,2898,2899,2900,-1,2901,2902,2903,-1,
+ 2904,2905,2906,-1,2907,2908,2909,-1,2910,2911,2912,-1,2913,2914,2915,-1,2916,2917,2918,-1,2919,2920,2921,-1,2922,2923,2924,-1,2925,2926,2927,-1,
+ 2928,2929,2930,-1,2931,2932,2933,-1,2934,2935,2936,-1,2937,2938,2939,-1,2940,2941,2942,-1,2943,2944,2945,-1,2946,2947,2948,-1,2949,2950,2951,-1,
+ 2952,2953,2954,-1,2955,2956,2957,-1,2958,2959,2960,-1,2961,2962,2963,-1,2964,2965,2966,-1,2967,2968,2969,-1,2970,2971,2972,-1,2973,2974,2975,-1,
+ 2976,2977,2978,-1,2979,2980,2981,-1,2982,2983,2984,-1,2985,2986,2987,-1,2988,2989,2990,-1,2991,2992,2993,-1,2994,2995,2996,-1,2997,2998,2999,-1,
+ 3000,3001,3002,-1,3003,3004,3005,-1,3006,3007,3008,-1,3009,3010,3011,-1,3012,3013,3014,-1,3015,3016,3017,-1,3018,3019,3020,-1,3021,3022,3023,-1,
+ 3024,3025,3026,-1,3027,3028,3029,-1,3030,3031,3032,-1,3033,3034,3035,-1,3036,3037,3038,-1,3039,3040,3041,-1,3042,3043,3044,-1,3045,3046,3047,-1,
+ 3048,3049,3050,-1,3051,3052,3053,-1,3054,3055,3056,-1,3057,3058,3059,-1,3060,3061,3062,-1,3063,3064,3065,-1,3066,3067,3068,-1,3069,3070,3071,-1,
+ 3072,3073,3074,-1,3075,3076,3077,-1,3078,3079,3080,-1,3081,3082,3083,-1,3084,3085,3086,-1,3087,3088,3089,-1,3090,3091,3092,-1,3093,3094,3095,-1,
+ 3096,3097,3098,-1,3099,3100,3101,-1,3102,3103,3104,-1,3105,3106,3107,-1,3108,3109,3110,-1,3111,3112,3113,-1,3114,3115,3116,-1,3117,3118,3119,-1,
+ 3120,3121,3122,-1,3123,3124,3125,-1,3126,3127,3128,-1,3129,3130,3131,-1,3132,3133,3134,-1,3135,3136,3137,-1,3138,3139,3140,-1,3141,3142,3143,-1,
+ 3144,3145,3146,-1,3147,3148,3149,-1,3150,3151,3152,-1,3153,3154,3155,-1,3156,3157,3158,-1,3159,3160,3161,-1,3162,3163,3164,-1,3165,3166,3167,-1,
+ 3168,3169,3170,-1,3171,3172,3173,-1,3174,3175,3176,-1,3177,3178,3179,-1,3180,3181,3182,-1,3183,3184,3185,-1,3186,3187,3188,-1,3189,3190,3191,-1,
+ 3192,3193,3194,-1,3195,3196,3197,-1,3198,3199,3200,-1,3201,3202,3203,-1,3204,3205,3206,-1,3207,3208,3209,-1,3210,3211,3212,-1,3213,3214,3215,-1,
+ 3216,3217,3218,-1,3219,3220,3221,-1,3222,3223,3224,-1,3225,3226,3227,-1,3228,3229,3230,-1,3231,3232,3233,-1,3234,3235,3236,-1,3237,3238,3239,-1,
+ 3240,3241,3242,-1,3243,3244,3245,-1,3246,3247,3248,-1,3249,3250,3251,-1,3252,3253,3254,-1,3255,3256,3257,-1,3258,3259,3260,-1,3261,3262,3263,-1,
+ 3264,3265,3266,-1,3267,3268,3269,-1,3270,3271,3272,-1,3273,3274,3275,-1,3276,3277,3278,-1,3279,3280,3281,-1,3282,3283,3284,-1,3285,3286,3287,-1,
+ 3288,3289,3290,-1,3291,3292,3293,-1,3294,3295,3296,-1,3297,3298,3299,-1,3300,3301,3302,-1,3303,3304,3305,-1,3306,3307,3308,-1,3309,3310,3311,-1,
+ 3312,3313,3314,-1,3315,3316,3317,-1,3318,3319,3320,-1,3321,3322,3323,-1,3324,3325,3326,-1,3327,3328,3329,-1,3330,3331,3332,-1,3333,3334,3335,-1,
+ 3336,3337,3338,-1,3339,3340,3341,-1,3342,3343,3344,-1,3345,3346,3347,-1,3348,3349,3350,-1,3351,3352,3353,-1,3354,3355,3356,-1,3357,3358,3359,-1,
+ 3360,3361,3362,-1,3363,3364,3365,-1,3366,3367,3368,-1,3369,3370,3371,-1,3372,3373,3374,-1,3375,3376,3377,-1,3378,3379,3380,-1,3381,3382,3383,-1,
+ 3384,3385,3386,-1,3387,3388,3389,-1,3390,3391,3392,-1,3393,3394,3395,-1,3396,3397,3398,-1,3399,3400,3401,-1,3402,3403,3404,-1,3405,3406,3407,-1,
+ 3408,3409,3410,-1,3411,3412,3413,-1,3414,3415,3416,-1,3417,3418,3419,-1,3420,3421,3422,-1,3423,3424,3425,-1,3426,3427,3428,-1,3429,3430,3431,-1,
+ 3432,3433,3434,-1,3435,3436,3437,-1,3438,3439,3440,-1,3441,3442,3443,-1,3444,3445,3446,-1,3447,3448,3449,-1,3450,3451,3452,-1,3453,3454,3455,-1,
+ 3456,3457,3458,-1,3459,3460,3461,-1,3462,3463,3464,-1,3465,3466,3467,-1,3468,3469,3470,-1,3471,3472,3473,-1,3474,3475,3476,-1,3477,3478,3479,-1,
+ 3480,3481,3482,-1,3483,3484,3485,-1,3486,3487,3488,-1,3489,3490,3491,-1,3492,3493,3494,-1,3495,3496,3497,-1,3498,3499,3500,-1,3501,3502,3503,-1,
+ 3504,3505,3506,-1,3507,3508,3509,-1,3510,3511,3512,-1,3513,3514,3515,-1,3516,3517,3518,-1,3519,3520,3521,-1,3522,3523,3524,-1,3525,3526,3527,-1,
+ 3528,3529,3530,-1,3531,3532,3533,-1,3534,3535,3536,-1,3537,3538,3539,-1,3540,3541,3542,-1,3543,3544,3545,-1,3546,3547,3548,-1,3549,3550,3551,-1,
+ 3552,3553,3554,-1,3555,3556,3557,-1,3558,3559,3560,-1,3561,3562,3563,-1,3564,3565,3566,-1,3567,3568,3569,-1,3570,3571,3572,-1,3573,3574,3575,-1,
+ 3576,3577,3578,-1,3579,3580,3581,-1,3582,3583,3584,-1,3585,3586,3587,-1,3588,3589,3590,-1,3591,3592,3593,-1,3594,3595,3596,-1,3597,3598,3599,-1,
+ 3600,3601,3602,-1,3603,3604,3605,-1,3606,3607,3608,-1,3609,3610,3611,-1,3612,3613,3614,-1,3615,3616,3617,-1,3618,3619,3620,-1,3621,3622,3623,-1,
+ 3624,3625,3626,-1,3627,3628,3629,-1,3630,3631,3632,-1,3633,3634,3635,-1,3636,3637,3638,-1,3639,3640,3641,-1,3642,3643,3644,-1,3645,3646,3647,-1,
+ 3648,3649,3650,-1,3651,3652,3653,-1,3654,3655,3656,-1,3657,3658,3659,-1,3660,3661,3662,-1,3663,3664,3665,-1,3666,3667,3668,-1,3669,3670,3671,-1,
+ 3672,3673,3674,-1,3675,3676,3677,-1,3678,3679,3680,-1,3681,3682,3683,-1,3684,3685,3686,-1,3687,3688,3689,-1,3690,3691,3692,-1,3693,3694,3695,-1,
+ 3696,3697,3698,-1,3699,3700,3701,-1,3702,3703,3704,-1,3705,3706,3707,-1,3708,3709,3710,-1,3711,3712,3713,-1,3714,3715,3716,-1,3717,3718,3719,-1,
+ 3720,3721,3722,-1,3723,3724,3725,-1,3726,3727,3728,-1,3729,3730,3731,-1,3732,3733,3734,-1,3735,3736,3737,-1,3738,3739,3740,-1,3741,3742,3743,-1,
+ 3744,3745,3746,-1,3747,3748,3749,-1,3750,3751,3752,-1,3753,3754,3755,-1,3756,3757,3758,-1,3759,3760,3761,-1,3762,3763,3764,-1,3765,3766,3767,-1,
+ 3768,3769,3770,-1,3771,3772,3773,-1,3774,3775,3776,-1,3777,3778,3779,-1,3780,3781,3782,-1,3783,3784,3785,-1,3786,3787,3788,-1,3789,3790,3791,-1,
+ 3792,3793,3794,-1,3795,3796,3797,-1,3798,3799,3800,-1,3801,3802,3803,-1,3804,3805,3806,-1,3807,3808,3809,-1,3810,3811,3812,-1,3813,3814,3815,-1,
+ 3816,3817,3818,-1,3819,3820,3821,-1,3822,3823,3824,-1,3825,3826,3827,-1,3828,3829,3830,-1,3831,3832,3833,-1,3834,3835,3836,-1,3837,3838,3839,-1,
+ 3840,3841,3842,-1,3843,3844,3845,-1,3846,3847,3848,-1,3849,3850,3851,-1,3852,3853,3854,-1,3855,3856,3857,-1,3858,3859,3860,-1,3861,3862,3863,-1,
+ 3864,3865,3866,-1,3867,3868,3869,-1,3870,3871,3872,-1,3873,3874,3875,-1,3876,3877,3878,-1,3879,3880,3881,-1,3882,3883,3884,-1,3885,3886,3887,-1,
+ 3888,3889,3890,-1,3891,3892,3893,-1,3894,3895,3896,-1,3897,3898,3899,-1,3900,3901,3902,-1,3903,3904,3905,-1,3906,3907,3908,-1,3909,3910,3911,-1,
+ 3912,3913,3914,-1,3915,3916,3917,-1,3918,3919,3920,-1,3921,3922,3923,-1,3924,3925,3926,-1,3927,3928,3929,-1,3930,3931,3932,-1,3933,3934,3935,-1,
+ 3936,3937,3938,-1,3939,3940,3941,-1,3942,3943,3944,-1,3945,3946,3947,-1,3948,3949,3950,-1,3951,3952,3953,-1,3954,3955,3956,-1,3957,3958,3959,-1,
+ 3960,3961,3962,-1,3963,3964,3965,-1,3966,3967,3968,-1,3969,3970,3971,-1,3972,3973,3974,-1,3975,3976,3977,-1,3978,3979,3980,-1,3981,3982,3983,-1,
+ 3984,3985,3986,-1,3987,3988,3989,-1,3990,3991,3992,-1,3993,3994,3995,-1,3996,3997,3998,-1,3999,4000,4001,-1,4002,4003,4004,-1,4005,4006,4007,-1,
+ 4008,4009,4010,-1,4011,4012,4013,-1,4014,4015,4016,-1,4017,4018,4019,-1,4020,4021,4022,-1,4023,4024,4025,-1,4026,4027,4028,-1,4029,4030,4031,-1,
+ 4032,4033,4034,-1,4035,4036,4037,-1,4038,4039,4040,-1,4041,4042,4043,-1,4044,4045,4046,-1,4047,4048,4049,-1,4050,4051,4052,-1,4053,4054,4055,-1,
+ 4056,4057,4058,-1,4059,4060,4061,-1,4062,4063,4064,-1,4065,4066,4067,-1,4068,4069,4070,-1,4071,4072,4073,-1,4074,4075,4076,-1,4077,4078,4079,-1,
+ 4080,4081,4082,-1,4083,4084,4085,-1,4086,4087,4088,-1,4089,4090,4091,-1,4092,4093,4094,-1,4095,4096,4097,-1,4098,4099,4100,-1,4101,4102,4103,-1,
+ 4104,4105,4106,-1,4107,4108,4109,-1,4110,4111,4112,-1,4113,4114,4115,-1,4116,4117,4118,-1,4119,4120,4121,-1,4122,4123,4124,-1,4125,4126,4127,-1,
+ 4128,4129,4130,-1,4131,4132,4133,-1,4134,4135,4136,-1,4137,4138,4139,-1,4140,4141,4142,-1,4143,4144,4145,-1,4146,4147,4148,-1,4149,4150,4151,-1,
+ 4152,4153,4154,-1,4155,4156,4157,-1,4158,4159,4160,-1,4161,4162,4163,-1,4164,4165,4166,-1,4167,4168,4169,-1,4170,4171,4172,-1,4173,4174,4175,-1,
+ 4176,4177,4178,-1,4179,4180,4181,-1,4182,4183,4184,-1,4185,4186,4187,-1,4188,4189,4190,-1,4191,4192,4193,-1,4194,4195,4196,-1,4197,4198,4199,-1,
+ 4200,4201,4202,-1,4203,4204,4205,-1,4206,4207,4208,-1,4209,4210,4211,-1,4212,4213,4214,-1,4215,4216,4217,-1,4218,4219,4220,-1,4221,4222,4223,-1,
+ 4224,4225,4226,-1,4227,4228,4229,-1,4230,4231,4232,-1,4233,4234,4235,-1,4236,4237,4238,-1,4239,4240,4241,-1,4242,4243,4244,-1,4245,4246,4247,-1,
+ 4248,4249,4250,-1,4251,4252,4253,-1,4254,4255,4256,-1,4257,4258,4259,-1,4260,4261,4262,-1,4263,4264,4265,-1,4266,4267,4268,-1,4269,4270,4271,-1,
+ 4272,4273,4274,-1,4275,4276,4277,-1,4278,4279,4280,-1,4281,4282,4283,-1,4284,4285,4286,-1,4287,4288,4289,-1,4290,4291,4292,-1,4293,4294,4295,-1,
+ 4296,4297,4298,-1,4299,4300,4301,-1,4302,4303,4304,-1,4305,4306,4307,-1,4308,4309,4310,-1,4311,4312,4313,-1,4314,4315,4316,-1,4317,4318,4319,-1,
+ 4320,4321,4322,-1,4323,4324,4325,-1,4326,4327,4328,-1,4329,4330,4331,-1,4332,4333,4334,-1,4335,4336,4337,-1,4338,4339,4340,-1,4341,4342,4343,-1,
+ 4344,4345,4346,-1,4347,4348,4349,-1,4350,4351,4352,-1,4353,4354,4355,-1,4356,4357,4358,-1,4359,4360,4361,-1,4362,4363,4364,-1,4365,4366,4367,-1,
+ 4368,4369,4370,-1,4371,4372,4373,-1,4374,4375,4376,-1,4377,4378,4379,-1,4380,4381,4382,-1,4383,4384,4385,-1,4386,4387,4388,-1,4389,4390,4391,-1,
+ 4392,4393,4394,-1,4395,4396,4397,-1,4398,4399,4400,-1,4401,4402,4403,-1,4404,4405,4406,-1,4407,4408,4409,-1,4410,4411,4412,-1,4413,4414,4415,-1,
+ 4416,4417,4418,-1,4419,4420,4421,-1,4422,4423,4424,-1,4425,4426,4427,-1,4428,4429,4430,-1,4431,4432,4433,-1,4434,4435,4436,-1,4437,4438,4439,-1,
+ 4440,4441,4442,-1,4443,4444,4445,-1,4446,4447,4448,-1,4449,4450,4451,-1,4452,4453,4454,-1,4455,4456,4457,-1,4458,4459,4460,-1,4461,4462,4463,-1,
+ 4464,4465,4466,-1,4467,4468,4469,-1,4470,4471,4472,-1,4473,4474,4475,-1,4476,4477,4478,-1,4479,4480,4481,-1,4482,4483,4484,-1,4485,4486,4487,-1,
+ 4488,4489,4490,-1,4491,4492,4493,-1,4494,4495,4496,-1,4497,4498,4499,-1,4500,4501,4502,-1,4503,4504,4505,-1,4506,4507,4508,-1,4509,4510,4511,-1,
+ 4512,4513,4514,-1,4515,4516,4517,-1,4518,4519,4520,-1,4521,4522,4523,-1,4524,4525,4526,-1,4527,4528,4529,-1]
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+ 0.78248899 0.62266442 0,0.78248899 0.62266442 0,
+ 0.78248899 0.62266442 0,0.78248899 0.62266442 0,
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+ 0.74571482 0.66626527 0,0.74571482 0.66626527 0,
+ 0.74571482 0.66626527 0,0.74571482 0.66626527 0,
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+ 0.70677743 0.70743598 0,0.70677743 0.70743598 0,
+ 0.70677743 0.70743598 0,0.70677743 0.70743598 0,
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+ 0.66578408 0.74614446 0,0.66578408 0.74614446 0,
+ 0.66578408 0.74614446 0,0.66578408 0.74614446 0,
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+ 0.6227972 0.78238331 0,0.6227972 0.78238331 0,
+ 0.6227972 0.78238331 0,0.6227972 0.78238331 0,
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+ 0.57788245 0.81612001 0,0.57788245 0.81612001 0,
+ 0.57788245 0.81612001 0,0.57788245 0.81612001 0,
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+ 0.53105556 0.847337 0,0.53105556 0.847337 0,
+ 0.53105556 0.847337 0,0.53105556 0.847337 0,
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+ 0.48237272 0.87596607 0,0.48237272 0.87596607 0,
+ 0.48237272 0.87596607 0,0.48237272 0.87596607 0,
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+ 0.43185152 0.90194471 0,0.43185152 0.90194471 0,
+ 0.43185152 0.90194471 0,0.43185152 0.90194471 0,
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+ 0.37950543 0.92518951 0,0.37950543 0.92518951 0,
+ 0.37950543 0.92518951 0,0.37950543 0.92518951 0,
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+ 0.32538438 0.94558184 0,0.32538438 0.94558184 0,
+ 0.32538438 0.94558184 0,0.32538438 0.94558184 0,
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+ 0.26955231 0.96298575 0,0.26955231 0.96298575 0,
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+ 0.031083882 0.99951678 0,0.031083882 0.99951678 0,
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+ 0.011832959 0.99992999 0,0.011832959 0.99992999 0,
+ 0.011832959 0.99992999 0,0.011832959 0.99992999 0,
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+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
+ 0 1 0,0 1 0,
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+ 0.55098792 0.83451322 0,0.55098792 0.83451322 0,
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+ -0.055950268 0.99843356 0,-0.055950268 0.99843356 0,
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+ -0.033795724 0.99942876 0,-0.033795724 0.99942876 0,
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+ -0.011298714 0.99993617 0,-0.011298714 0.99993617 0,
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+ 0.11495082 0.99337118 0,0.11495082 0.99337118 0,
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+ 0.2318081 0.97276154 0,0.2318081 0.97276154 0,
+ 0.2318081 0.97276154 0,0.2318081 0.97276154 0,
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+ 0.28058293 0.95982979 0,0.28058293 0.95982979 0,
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+ 0.35451485 0.93505038 0,0.35451485 0.93505038 0,
+ 0.35451485 0.93505038 0,0.35451485 0.93505038 0,
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+ 0.40088726 0.9161274 0,0.40088726 0.9161274 0,
+ 0.40088726 0.9161274 0,0.40088726 0.9161274 0,
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+ 0.34275622 0.93942438 0,0.34275622 0.93942438 0,
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+ 0.52083515 -0.85365728 0,0.52083515 -0.85365728 0,
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+ 0.57905646 -0.81528745 0,0.57905646 -0.81528745 0,
+ 0.57905646 -0.81528745 0,0.57905646 -0.81528745 0,
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+ 0.63306343 -0.77409993 0,0.63306343 -0.77409993 0,
+ 0.63306343 -0.77409993 0,0.63306343 -0.77409993 0,
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+ 0.6826402 -0.73075465 0,0.6826402 -0.73075465 0,
+ 0.6826402 -0.73075465 0,0.6826402 -0.73075465 0,
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+ 0.72772286 -0.6858713 0,0.72772286 -0.6858713 0,
+ 0.72772286 -0.6858713 0,0.72772286 -0.6858713 0,
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+ 0.76836688 -0.64000964 0,0.76836688 -0.64000964 0,
+ 0.76836688 -0.64000964 0,0.76836688 -0.64000964 0,
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+ 0.80472708 -0.59364495 0,0.80472708 -0.59364495 0,
+ 0.80472708 -0.59364495 0,0.80472708 -0.59364495 0,
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+ 0.83703687 -0.54714649 0,0.83703687 -0.54714649 0,
+ 0.83703687 -0.54714649 0,0.83703687 -0.54714649 0,
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+ 0.86554711 -0.50082751 0,0.86554711 -0.50082751 0,
+ 0.86554711 -0.50082751 0,0.86554711 -0.50082751 0,
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+ 0.89055787 -0.45486996 0,0.89055787 -0.45486996 0,
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+ 0.91234005 -0.4094333 0,0.91234005 -0.4094333 0,
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+ 0.96691368 -0.25510379 0,0.96691368 -0.25510379 0,
+ 0.96691368 -0.25510379 0,0.96691368 -0.25510379 0,
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+ 0.98550406 -0.16965183 0,0.98550406 -0.16965183 0,
+ 0.98550406 -0.16965183 0,0.98550406 -0.16965183 0,
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+ 0.99635228 -0.085335413 0,0.99635228 -0.085335413 0,
+ 0.99635228 -0.085335413 0,0.99635228 -0.085335413 0,
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+ 0.99999934 -0.0011491367 0,0.99999934 -0.0011491367 0,
+ 0.99999934 -0.0011491367 0,0.99999934 -0.0011491367 0,
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+ 0.99646319 0.084030437 0,0.99646319 0.084030437 0,
+ 0.99646319 0.084030437 0,0.99646319 0.084030437 0,
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+ 0.98521859 0.1713019 0,0.98521859 0.1713019 0,
+ 0.98521859 0.1713019 0,0.98521859 0.1713019 0,
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+ 0.97110626 0.2386475 0,0.97110626 0.2386475 0,
+ 0.97110626 0.2386475 0,0.97110626 0.2386475 0,
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+ 0.9586089 0.28472615 0,0.9586089 0.28472615 0,
+ 0.9586089 0.28472615 0,0.9586089 0.28472615 0,
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+ 0.94335754 0.33177788 0,0.94335754 0.33177788 0,
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+ 0.92505775 0.37982648 0,0.92505775 0.37982648 0,
+ 0.92505775 0.37982648 0,0.92505775 0.37982648 0,
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+ 0.90337867 0.42884377 0,0.90337867 0.42884377 0,
+ 0.90337867 0.42884377 0,0.90337867 0.42884377 0,
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+ 0.87796624 0.47872255 0,0.87796624 0.47872255 0,
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+ 0.8320497 0.55470108 0,0.8320497 0.55470108 0,
+ 0.8320497 0.55470108 0,0.8320497 0.55470108 0,
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+ 0.84799847 0.52999868 0,0.84799847 0.52999868 0,
+ 0.84799847 0.52999868 0,0.84799847 0.52999868 0,
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+ 0.91131095 0.41171877 0,0.91131095 0.41171877 0,
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+ 0.91984683 0.39227771 0,0.91984683 0.39227771 0,
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+ 0.93705644 0.34917793 0,0.93705644 0.34917793 0,
+ 0.93705644 0.34917793 0,0.93705644 0.34917793 0,
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+ 0.94545453 0.3257541 0,0.94545453 0.3257541 0,
+ 0.94545453 0.3257541 0,0.94545453 0.3257541 0,
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+ 0.95352751 0.30130597 0,0.95352751 0.30130597 0,
+ 0.95352751 0.30130597 0,0.95352751 0.30130597 0,
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+ 0.96116643 0.27596937 0,0.96116643 0.27596937 0,
+ 0.96116643 0.27596937 0,0.96116643 0.27596937 0,
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+ 0.98871546 0.14980567 0,0.98871546 0.14980567 0,
+ 0.98871546 0.14980567 0,0.98871546 0.14980567 0,
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+ 0.99052826 0.137309 0,0.99052826 0.137309 0,
+ 0.99052826 0.137309 0,0.99052826 0.137309 0,
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+ 0.98950442 0.14450257 0,0.98950442 0.14450257 0,
+ 0.98950442 0.14450257 0,0.98950442 0.14450257 0,
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+ 0.98780183 0.15571624 0,0.98780183 0.15571624 0,
+ 0.98780183 0.15571624 0,0.98780183 0.15571624 0,
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+ 0.98535661 0.17050618 0,0.98535661 0.17050618 0,
+ 0.98535661 0.17050618 0,0.98535661 0.17050618 0,
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+ 0.97915776 0.20310118 0,0.97915776 0.20310118 0,
+ 0.97915776 0.20310118 0,0.97915776 0.20310118 0,
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+ 0.98164289 0.19072817 0,0.98164289 0.19072817 0,
+ 0.98164289 0.19072817 0,0.98164289 0.19072817 0,
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+ 0.98470688 0.17421926 0,0.98470688 0.17421926 0,
+ 0.98470688 0.17421926 0,0.98470688 0.17421926 0,
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+ 0.98767662 0.15650845 0,0.98767662 0.15650845 0,
+ 0.98767662 0.15650845 0,0.98767662 0.15650845 0,
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+ 0.98943424 0.14498237 0,0.98943424 0.14498237 0,
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+ 0.98666888 0.16274063 0,0.98666888 0.16274063 0,
+ 0.98666888 0.16274063 0,0.98666888 0.16274063 0,
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+ 0.97244949 0.23311369 0,0.97244949 0.23311369 0,
+ 0.97244949 0.23311369 0,0.97244949 0.23311369 0,
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+ 0.95564451 0.29452262 0,0.95564451 0.29452262 0,
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+ 0.93754683 0.34785908 0,0.93754683 0.34785908 0,
+ 0.93754683 0.34785908 0,0.93754683 0.34785908 0,
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+ 0.74142858 0.67103179 0,0.74142858 0.67103179 0,
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+ 0.7059903 0.7082215 0,0.7059903 0.7082215 0,
+ 0.7059903 0.7082215 0,0.7059903 0.7082215 0,
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+ 0.69062656 0.72321155 0,0.69062656 0.72321155 0,
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+ 0.66331709 0.74833845 0,0.66331709 0.74833845 0,
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+ geometry DEF FACE_3 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_3 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.5207047 2.8650039 0.31988189,3.5195752 2.8341598 0.31988189,
+ 3.5170181 2.8206402 0.31988189,3.5098925 2.8084256 0.31988189,
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+ 3.1279835 2.7618031 0.31988189,2.9968327 2.7610303 0.31988189,
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+ 0.61241575 2.7673807 0.31988189,0.60560709 2.7688409 0.31988189,
+ 0.59860433 2.7705094 0.31988189,0.59155 2.7734756 0.31988189,
+ 0.58460512 2.7770217 0.31988189,0.57776811 2.7811161 0.31988189,
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+ 0.50916496 2.8534193 0.31988189,0.4978874 2.8700402 0.31988189,
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+ -5.8662441 -3.010672 0.31988189,-5.8369248 -3.0070713 0.31988189,
+ -5.8093134 -3.0023035 0.31988189,-5.7626949 -2.9956571 0.31988189,
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+ -5.3549059 -3.0006744 0.31988189,-5.3367902 -3.0073327 0.31988189,
+ -5.3188406 -3.0145047 0.31988189,-5.2832197 -3.0295563 0.31988189,
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+ -4.5115 -3.088339 0.31988189,-4.4982602 -3.0828705 0.31988189,
+ -4.4853398 -3.0768051 0.31988189,-4.4726972 -3.0702394 0.31988189,
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+ -4.2993472 -2.983365 0.31988189,-4.2926453 -2.9833465 0.31988189,
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+ -4.2748161 -2.9854571 0.31988189,-4.2657976 -2.9879705 0.31988189,
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+ -4.2378252 -3.0003421 0.31988189,-4.2280567 -3.0057992 0.31988189,
+ -4.2179965 -3.0117839 0.31988189,-4.1740071 -3.0393327 0.31988189,
+ -4.1618642 -3.0467059 0.31988189,-4.1491799 -3.0541071 0.31988189,
+ -4.1359126 -3.0614524 0.31988189,-4.1220201 -3.0686591 0.31988189,
+ -4.0935831 -3.0824331 0.31988189,-4.0651461 -3.0953189 0.31988189,
+ -4.0367087 -3.1073161 0.31988189,-4.0082713 -3.1184244 0.31988189,
+ -3.9798335 -3.1286445 0.31988189,-3.9513961 -3.1379752 0.31988189,
+ -3.9229583 -3.1464177 0.31988189,-3.8945209 -3.1539713 0.31988189,
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+ -3.6507677 -3.2171252 0.31988189,-3.5713406 -3.2320819 0.31988189,
+ -3.4151378 -3.2533012 0.31988189,-3.2623791 -3.263426 0.31988189,
+ -3.1129524 -3.2630535 0.31988189,-2.9667476 -3.2527807 0.31988189,
+ -2.8236528 -3.2332043 0.31988189,-2.6835575 -3.204922 0.31988189,
+ -2.54635 -3.1685303 0.31988189,-2.4119201 -3.1246268 0.31988189,
+ -2.2801559 -3.0738083 0.31988189,-2.1509469 -3.0166717 0.31988189,
+ -2.0241815 -2.9538146 0.31988189,-1.8997488 -2.8858335 0.31988189,
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+ -1.6244461 -2.7175594 0.31988189,-1.6130043 -2.7120051 0.31988189,
+ -1.6013406 -2.7068953 0.31988189,-1.5894547 -2.7022299 0.31988189,
+ -1.5773465 -2.6980087 0.31988189,-1.5650161 -2.6942319 0.31988189,
+ -1.5524638 -2.6908992 0.31988189,-1.539689 -2.688011 0.31988189,
+ -1.5266921 -2.6855673 0.31988189,-1.5134732 -2.6835677 0.31988189,
+ -1.5000323 -2.6820126 0.31988189,-1.4863689 -2.680902 0.31988189,
+ -1.4724835 -2.6802354 0.31988189,-1.458376 -2.6800134 0.31988189,
+ 2.835687 -2.6800134 0.31988189,2.881898 -2.6796244 0.31988189,
+ 2.9281091 -2.6786803 0.31988189,3.0205311 -2.6764583 0.31988189,
+ 3.0667417 -2.6758476 0.31988189,3.1129528 -2.6760142 0.31988189,
+ 3.1591638 -2.6772917 0.31988189,3.2053748 -2.6800134 0.31988189,
+ 3.2283693 -2.6821307 0.31988189,3.2511413 -2.6849563 0.31988189,
+ 3.2736913 -2.6885319 0.31988189,3.2960193 -2.6928992 0.31988189,
+ 3.3181248 -2.6980992 0.31988189,3.3400083 -2.704174 0.31988189,
+ 3.3616697 -2.7111654 0.31988189,3.3831091 -2.719115 0.31988189,
+ 3.404326 -2.7280642 0.31988189,3.4253209 -2.7380547 0.31988189,
+ 3.4460937 -2.7491283 0.31988189,3.4666441 -2.7613268 0.31988189,
+ 3.4869724 -2.7746917 0.31988189,3.5070787 -2.7892646 0.31988189,
+ 3.5269626 -2.805087 0.31988189,3.5466248 -2.8222008 0.31988189,
+ 3.5588602 -2.8332791 0.31988189,3.5707484 -2.8450654 0.31988189,
+ 3.582387 -2.8573795 0.31988189,3.5938724 -2.8700406 0.31988189,
+ 3.6167744 -2.8956827 0.31988189,3.628385 -2.908302 0.31988189,
+ 3.6402319 -2.9205469 0.31988189,3.6524118 -2.9322362 0.31988189,
+ 3.665022 -2.9431894 0.31988189,3.6715189 -2.9483339 0.31988189,
+ 3.6781598 -2.9532264 0.31988189,3.6849571 -2.9578449 0.31988189,
+ 3.6919228 -2.9621661 0.31988189,3.6990689 -2.9661685 0.31988189,
+ 3.7064079 -2.9698287 0.31988189,3.7139516 -2.9731248 0.31988189,
+ 3.7217118 -2.9760335 0.31988189,3.7297016 -2.9785323 0.31988189,
+ 3.7379327 -2.9805992 0.31988189,3.7464169 -2.9822114 0.31988189,
+ 3.7551669 -2.9833465 0.31988189,4.1438126 -3.0307421 0.31988189,
+ 4.1651382 -3.0338571 0.31988189,4.18645 -3.0361114 0.31988189,
+ 4.2077343 -3.0375323 0.31988189,4.2289768 -3.0381476 0.31988189,
+ 4.2501638 -3.0379858 0.31988189,4.2712815 -3.037074 0.31988189,
+ 4.2923157 -3.0354402 0.31988189,4.3132528 -3.0331118 0.31988189,
+ 4.3340783 -3.0301173 0.31988189,4.3547795 -3.0264839 0.31988189,
+ 4.3753417 -3.0222394 0.31988189,4.3957508 -3.0174118 0.31988189,
+ 4.4159937 -3.0120287 0.31988189,4.4360559 -3.0061181 0.31988189,
+ 4.4559236 -2.9997079 0.31988189,4.4755831 -2.9928252 0.31988189,
+ 4.5178693 -2.974015 0.31988189,4.5597106 -2.9543157 0.31988189,
+ 4.6015524 -2.9355059 0.31988189,4.6226122 -2.9269894 0.31988189,
+ 4.6438382 -2.9193614 0.31988189,4.6652866 -2.9128445 0.31988189,
+ 4.687013 -2.9076606 0.31988189,4.7090724 -2.9040319 0.31988189,
+ 4.7202445 -2.9028705 0.31988189,4.7315205 -2.9021807 0.31988189,
+ 4.7429079 -2.9019909 0.31988189,4.754413 -2.9023287 0.31988189,
+ 4.7660433 -2.903222 0.31988189,4.7778055 -2.9046984 0.31988189,
+ 4.7897067 -2.9067862 0.31988189,4.8017535 -2.9095122 0.31988189,
+ 4.8139531 -2.9129051 0.31988189,4.8263122 -2.9169917 0.31988189,
+ 5.0253744 -2.9928252 0.31988189,5.0577854 -3.0039472 0.31988189,
+ 5.0909327 -3.012487 0.31988189,5.124663 -3.0185272 0.31988189,
+ 5.1588236 -3.0221512 0.31988189,5.1932618 -3.0234425 0.31988189,
+ 5.2278252 -3.0224843 0.31988189,5.2623606 -3.0193602 0.31988189,
+ 5.2967157 -3.0141531 0.31988189,5.3307374 -3.0069465 0.31988189,
+ 5.3642732 -2.997824 0.31988189,5.3971705 -2.9868681 0.31988189,
+ 5.429276 -2.974163 0.31988189,5.4604374 -2.9597917 0.31988189,
+ 5.4905016 -2.943837 0.31988189,5.5193165 -2.9263831 0.31988189,
+ 5.5467287 -2.9075126 0.31988189,5.5554004 -2.9001882 0.31988189,
+ 5.5636693 -2.8924606 0.31988189,5.5715768 -2.8843724 0.31988189,
+ 5.5791654 -2.875965 0.31988189,5.586476 -2.8672795 0.31988189,
+ 5.5935508 -2.8583579 0.31988189,5.6004311 -2.8492421 0.31988189,
+ 5.6071583 -2.8399736 0.31988189,5.6333744 -2.8022047 0.31988189,
+ 5.6466488 -2.7834874 0.31988189,5.6534736 -2.7743157 0.31988189,
+ 5.6604787 -2.7653248 0.31988189,5.6919177 -2.7149114 0.31988189,
+ 5.7222598 -2.663276 0.31988189,5.7515189 -2.6105295 0.31988189,
+ 5.7797091 -2.5567835 0.31988189,5.8068433 -2.5021484 0.31988189,
+ 5.8329366 -2.4467362 0.31988189,5.8820543 -2.3340228 0.31988189,
+ 5.9271728 -2.2195323 0.31988189,5.9684035 -2.1041531 0.31988189,
+ 6.0058575 -1.9887736 0.31988189,6.0396457 -1.8742831 0.31988189,
+ 6.0554728 -1.8136406 0.31988189,6.0676201 -1.7526091 0.31988189,
+ 6.0764075 -1.6912445 0.31988189,6.0821535 -1.6296024 0.31988189,
+ 6.0851783 -1.5677378 0.31988189,6.0858008 -1.5057067 0.31988189,
+ 6.0843406 -1.4435642 0.31988189,6.0811169 -1.3813665 0.31988189,
+ 6.0706567 -1.2570264 0.31988189,6.0569748 -1.1331307 0.31988189,
+ 6.0426264 -1.010124 0.31988189,6.0301665 -0.88845 0.31988189,
+ 6.030502 -0.87601772 0.31988189,6.0315181 -0.86364134 0.31988189,
+ 6.0332283 -0.85137559 0.31988189,6.0356469 -0.83927677 0.31988189,
+ 6.0371256 -0.83330748 0.31988189,6.038787 -0.8274 0.31988189,
+ 6.0406323 -0.8215626 0.31988189,6.0426634 -0.81580118 0.31988189,
+ 6.0448819 -0.81012323 0.31988189,6.0472898 -0.80453543 0.31988189,
+ 6.0498882 -0.79904488 0.31988189,6.0526795 -0.79365866 0.31988189,
+ 6.055665 -0.78838307 0.31988189,6.0588469 -0.78322598 0.31988189,
+ 6.0622264 -0.7781937 0.31988189,6.0658059 -0.77329331 0.31988189,
+ 6.0695866 -0.7685315 0.31988189,6.0735701 -0.76391575 0.31988189,
+ 6.0777587 -0.75945276 0.31988189,6.0821535 -0.75514961 0.31988189,
+ 6.0867571 -0.7510126 0.31988189,6.0915705 -0.74704961 0.31988189,
+ 6.0965953 -0.74326693 0.31988189,6.1018339 -0.73967165 0.31988189,
+ 6.1072878 -0.73627087 0.31988189,6.1129587 -0.73307126 0.31988189,
+ 6.118848 -0.73008031 0.31988189,6.1249579 -0.72730433 0.31988189,
+ 6.4188122 -0.58511732 0.31988189,6.4648008 -0.56137087 0.31988189,
+ 6.5085657 -0.5346689 0.31988189,6.5501055 -0.50516535 0.31988189,
+ 6.5894185 -0.47301496 0.31988189,6.6265031 -0.43837205 0.31988189,
+ 6.6613571 -0.40139134 0.31988189,6.6939791 -0.36222677 0.31988189,
+ 6.7243673 -0.32103346 0.31988189,6.7525197 -0.27796535 0.31988189,
+ 6.778435 -0.23317756 0.31988189,6.802111 -0.18682402 0.31988189,
+ 6.8235465 -0.13905945 0.31988189,6.8427394 -0.090037795 0.31988189,
+ 6.8596882 -0.039914567 0.31988189,6.8868461 0.06302126 0.31988189,
+ 6.9050059 0.16851142 0.31988189,6.9141539 0.27532126 0.31988189,
+ 6.9142768 0.38221417 0.31988189,6.9053598 0.48795433 0.31988189,
+ 6.8873898 0.59130669 0.31988189,6.8750055 0.64170079 0.31988189,
+ 6.8603524 0.69103465 0.31988189,6.8434291 0.73915315 0.31988189,
+ 6.8242339 0.78590276 0.31988189,6.802765 0.83112795 0.31988189,
+ 6.7790205 0.8746748 0.31988189,6.7221453 0.9599874 0.31988189,
+ 6.5799579 1.1874874 0.31988189,6.5590925 1.2226457 0.31988189,
+ 6.5392272 1.2572484 0.31988189,6.5204724 1.2916287 0.31988189,
+ 6.5029398 1.3261205 0.31988189,6.4946661 1.3435118 0.31988189,
+ 6.4867398 1.3610563 0.31988189,6.4791748 1.3787953 0.31988189,
+ 6.4719843 1.3967697 0.31988189,6.4651827 1.4150224 0.31988189,
+ 6.4587839 1.4335941 0.31988189,6.4528012 1.4525272 0.31988189,
+ 6.4472496 1.4718626 0.31988189,6.3998535 1.784676 0.31988189,
+ 6.3783776 1.9396008 0.31988189,6.3560126 2.0927484 0.31988189,
+ 6.3318705 2.2458965 0.31988189,6.3050622 2.4008217 0.31988189,
+ 6.294824 2.4501803 0.31988189,6.2853634 2.4988724 0.31988189,
+ 6.2683303 2.5951453 0.31988189,6.2530748 2.6914181 0.31988189,
+ 6.2387075 2.7894681 0.31988189,6.2375169 2.7966862 0.31988189,
+ 6.2357362 2.8041146 0.31988189,6.2333858 2.8117409 0.31988189,
+ 6.2304874 2.8195528 0.31988189,6.223128 2.8356854 0.31988189,
+ 6.2138248 2.852415 0.31988189,6.2027441 2.8696441 0.31988189,
+ 6.1900528 2.8872764 0.31988189,6.1759173 2.9052142 0.31988189,
+ 6.1605043 2.9233602 0.31988189,6.1439807 2.9416173 0.31988189,
+ 6.1265126 2.9598882 0.31988189,6.1082673 2.978076 0.31988189,
+ 6.0894106 2.9960831 0.31988189,6.0701098 3.0138126 0.31988189,
+ 6.0505311 3.0311669 0.31988189,6.0112075 3.0643626 0.31988189,
+ 5.9873476 3.084698 0.31988189,5.9620717 3.1030756 0.31988189,
+ 5.9355177 3.1195366 0.31988189,5.9078256 3.1341236 0.31988189,
+ 5.8791335 3.1468772 0.31988189,5.8495807 3.1578398 0.31988189,
+ 5.8193055 3.1670528 0.31988189,5.7884472 3.1745579 0.31988189,
+ 5.7571449 3.1803969 0.31988189,5.725537 3.184611 0.31988189,
+ 5.6937622 3.1872425 0.31988189,5.6619598 3.1883323 0.31988189,
+ 5.6302685 3.1879228 0.31988189,5.5988272 3.1860551 0.31988189,
+ 5.5677744 3.1827717 0.31988189,5.5372496 3.178113 0.31988189,
+ 5.5088118 3.1705406 0.31988189,5.4803744 3.1619685 0.31988189,
+ 5.4519366 3.1522858 0.31988189,5.4234992 3.1413807 0.31988189,
+ 5.4092803 3.1354354 0.31988189,5.3950618 3.1291433 0.31988189,
+ 5.3808429 3.1224898 0.31988189,5.3666244 3.1154614 0.31988189,
+ 5.3524055 3.1080441 0.31988189,5.338187 3.1002244 0.31988189,
+ 5.3239681 3.0919882 0.31988189,5.3097492 3.0833213 0.31988189,
+ 5.3020035 3.078813 0.31988189,5.2931051 3.0725831 0.31988189,
+ 5.283235 3.0649091 0.31988189,5.2725732 3.0560685 0.31988189,
+ 5.2495972 3.0359992 0.31988189,5.2256217 3.0145969 0.31988189,
+ 5.2020902 2.9940835 0.31988189,5.1909425 2.9848543 0.31988189,
+ 5.1804472 2.9766803 0.31988189,5.1707854 2.9698394 0.31988189,
+ 5.162137 2.9646091 0.31988189,5.1582496 2.9626846 0.31988189,
+ 5.1546831 2.9612673 0.31988189,5.1514602 2.9603913 0.31988189,
+ 5.1486035 2.9600917 0.31988189,4.5893323 2.9600917 0.31988189,
+ 4.4945409 3.0548835 0.31988189,4.4836571 3.0653209 0.31988189,
+ 4.4723425 3.0752862 0.31988189,4.4606118 3.0847516 0.31988189,
+ 4.448478 3.093689 0.31988189,4.4359555 3.1020713 0.31988189,
+ 4.4230583 3.1098705 0.31988189,4.4098 3.1170583 0.31988189,
+ 4.3961945 3.1236079 0.31988189,4.3822559 3.1294906 0.31988189,
+ 4.3679976 3.1346791 0.31988189,4.3534343 3.1391453 0.31988189,
+ 4.3385791 3.1428622 0.31988189,4.3234461 3.1458012 0.31988189,
+ 4.3080492 3.1479346 0.31988189,4.2924028 3.1492354 0.31988189,
+ 4.2765201 3.1496752 0.31988189,4.2228201 3.1506657 0.31988189,
+ 4.1717307 3.1500453 0.31988189,4.122974 3.1477591 0.31988189,
+ 4.0762724 3.1437504 0.31988189,4.031348 3.137965 0.31988189,
+ 3.9879236 3.1303465 0.31988189,3.9457209 3.1208394 0.31988189,
+ 3.9044626 3.1093882 0.31988189,3.8638705 3.0959378 0.31988189,
+ 3.8236673 3.0804323 0.31988189,3.7835756 3.0628161 0.31988189,
+ 3.7433169 3.0430339 0.31988189,3.7026138 3.0210299 0.31988189,
+ 3.661189 2.9967488 0.31988189,3.6187642 2.970135 0.31988189,
+ 3.5750618 2.9411331 0.31988189,3.5488854 2.920365 0.31988189,
+ 3.5327205 2.9007358 0.31988189,3.5241366 2.8822728 0.31988189,
+ 3.5197276 1.3772846 0.31988189,3.5197276 0.078072047 0.31988189,
+ 3.5197276 -1.2211406 0.31988189,3.5187992 -1.2543055 0.31988189,
+ 3.5040394 -1.3189724 0.31988189,3.4752598 -1.3787339 0.31988189,
+ 3.4339039 -1.4305925 0.31988189,3.3820453 -1.4719484 0.31988189,
+ 3.3222839 -1.500728 0.31988189,3.2576169 -1.5154878 0.31988189,
+ 3.224452 -1.5164161 0.31988189,-0.29917008 -1.5164161 0.31988189,
+ -3.8227921 -1.5164161 0.31988189,-3.8559571 -1.5154878 0.31988189,
+ -3.920624 -1.500728 0.31988189,-3.9803854 -1.4719484 0.31988189,
+ -4.0322441 -1.4305925 0.31988189,-4.0736 -1.3787339 0.31988189,
+ -4.1023795 -1.3189724 0.31988189,-4.1171394 -1.2543055 0.31988189,
+ -4.1180677 -1.2211406 0.31988189,-4.1180677 0.078072047 0.31988189,
+ -4.1180677 1.3772846 0.31988189,-4.1171394 1.4104496 0.31988189,
+ -4.1023795 1.4751165 0.31988189,-4.0736 1.534878 0.31988189,
+ -4.0322441 1.5867366 0.31988189,-3.9803854 1.6280925 0.31988189,
+ -3.920624 1.656872 0.31988189,-3.8559571 1.6716319 0.31988189,
+ -3.8227921 1.6725602 0.31988189,-0.29917008 1.6725602 0.31988189,
+ 3.224452 1.6725602 0.31988189,3.2576169 1.6716319 0.31988189,
+ 3.3222839 1.656872 0.31988189,3.3820453 1.6280925 0.31988189,
+ 3.4339039 1.5867366 0.31988189,3.4752598 1.534878 0.31988189,
+ 3.5040394 1.4751165 0.31988189,3.5187992 1.4104496 0.31988189] }
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+ 648,512,513,-1,648,513,647,-1,647,513,514,-1,647,514,515,-1,649,650,507,-1,649,507,508,-1,649,508,509,-1,649,509,510,-1,
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+ 678,481,482,-1,678,482,483,-1,678,483,484,-1,678,484,485,-1,678,485,486,-1,678,486,487,-1,678,487,488,-1,678,488,489,-1,
+ 678,489,490,-1,678,490,491,-1,679,680,470,-1,679,470,471,-1,679,471,472,-1,681,682,469,-1,681,469,470,-1,681,470,680,-1,
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+ 708,447,448,-1,708,448,449,-1,709,710,440,-1,709,440,441,-1,709,441,442,-1,709,442,443,-1,709,443,444,-1,709,444,445,-1,
+ 709,445,446,-1,710,711,437,-1,710,437,438,-1,710,438,439,-1,710,439,440,-1,711,712,434,-1,711,434,435,-1,711,435,436,-1,
+ 711,436,437,-1,715,430,714,-1,714,430,431,-1,714,431,713,-1,713,431,432,-1,713,432,712,-1,712,432,433,-1,712,433,434,-1,
+ 430,715,0,-1,430,0,716,-1,430,716,717,-1,430,717,718,-1,430,718,719,-1,430,719,429,-1,426,427,721,-1,721,427,428,-1,
+ 721,428,720,-1,720,428,429,-1,720,429,719,-1,722,723,423,-1,722,423,424,-1,722,424,425,-1,722,425,426,-1,722,426,721,-1,
+ 419,420,724,-1,724,420,421,-1,724,421,723,-1,723,421,422,-1,723,422,423,-1,416,417,725,-1,725,417,418,-1,725,418,724,-1,
+ 724,418,419,-1,726,727,408,-1,726,408,409,-1,726,409,410,-1,726,410,411,-1,726,411,412,-1,726,412,413,-1,726,413,414,-1,
+ 726,414,415,-1,726,415,416,-1,726,416,725,-1,727,728,374,-1,727,374,375,-1,727,375,376,-1,727,376,377,-1,727,377,378,-1,
+ 727,378,379,-1,727,379,380,-1,727,380,381,-1,727,381,382,-1,727,382,383,-1,727,383,384,-1,727,384,385,-1,727,385,386,-1,
+ 727,386,387,-1,727,387,388,-1,727,388,389,-1,727,389,390,-1,727,390,391,-1,727,391,392,-1,727,392,393,-1,727,393,394,-1,
+ 727,394,395,-1,727,395,396,-1,727,396,397,-1,727,397,398,-1,727,398,399,-1,727,399,400,-1,727,400,401,-1,727,401,402,-1,
+ 727,402,403,-1,727,403,404,-1,727,404,405,-1,727,405,406,-1,727,406,407,-1,727,407,408,-1,371,372,730,-1,730,372,373,-1,
+ 730,373,729,-1,729,373,374,-1,729,374,728,-1,367,368,732,-1,732,368,369,-1,732,369,731,-1,731,369,370,-1,731,370,730,-1,
+ 730,370,371,-1,733,734,366,-1,733,366,367,-1,733,367,732,-1,363,364,738,-1,738,364,365,-1,738,365,736,-1,736,365,366,-1,
+ 736,366,735,-1,735,366,734,-1,1,2,755,-1,1,755,716,-1,1,716,0,-1,5,753,4,-1,4,753,754,-1,4,754,3,-1,
+ 3,754,755,-1,3,755,2,-1,750,751,7,-1,7,751,752,-1,7,752,6,-1,6,752,753,-1,6,753,5,-1,10,748,9,-1,
+ 9,748,749,-1,9,749,8,-1,8,749,750,-1,8,750,7,-1,748,10,11,-1,748,11,12,-1,748,12,13,-1,748,13,14,-1,
+ 748,14,15,-1,748,15,16,-1,748,16,17,-1,748,17,18,-1,748,18,19,-1,748,19,20,-1,748,20,21,-1,748,21,22,-1,
+ 748,22,747,-1,34,35,36,-1,34,36,37,-1,34,37,38,-1,34,38,39,-1,34,39,33,-1,40,41,32,-1,40,32,33,-1,
+ 40,33,39,-1,42,43,31,-1,42,31,32,-1,42,32,41,-1,44,45,30,-1,44,30,31,-1,44,31,43,-1,46,47,29,-1,
+ 46,29,30,-1,46,30,45,-1,47,48,29,-1,29,48,49,-1,29,49,28,-1,28,49,50,-1,28,50,51,-1,27,28,51,-1,
+ 27,51,52,-1,27,52,53,-1,27,53,26,-1,24,25,747,-1,747,25,26,-1,747,26,54,-1,54,26,53,-1,23,24,747,-1,
+ 23,747,22,-1,747,54,55,-1,747,55,56,-1,747,56,57,-1,747,57,58,-1,747,58,59,-1,747,59,60,-1,747,60,61,-1,
+ 747,61,62,-1,747,62,63,-1,747,63,64,-1,747,64,65,-1,747,65,66,-1,747,66,67,-1,747,67,68,-1,747,68,69,-1,
+ 747,69,70,-1,747,70,71,-1,747,71,72,-1,747,72,73,-1,747,73,74,-1,747,74,75,-1,747,75,76,-1,747,76,77,-1,
+ 747,77,78,-1,747,78,79,-1,747,79,80,-1,747,80,81,-1,747,81,82,-1,747,82,83,-1,747,83,84,-1,747,84,85,-1,
+ 747,85,86,-1,747,86,87,-1,747,87,88,-1,747,88,89,-1,747,89,746,-1,89,90,742,-1,89,742,743,-1,89,743,744,-1,
+ 89,744,745,-1,89,745,746,-1,90,91,361,-1,90,361,362,-1,90,362,363,-1,90,363,738,-1,90,738,739,-1,90,739,740,-1,
+ 90,740,741,-1,90,741,742,-1,357,358,94,-1,94,358,359,-1,94,359,93,-1,93,359,360,-1,93,360,92,-1,92,360,361,-1,
+ 92,361,91,-1,354,355,96,-1,96,355,356,-1,96,356,95,-1,95,356,357,-1,95,357,94,-1,97,98,352,-1,97,352,353,-1,
+ 97,353,354,-1,97,354,96,-1,348,349,99,-1,99,349,350,-1,99,350,98,-1,98,350,351,-1,98,351,352,-1,99,100,345,-1,
+ 99,345,346,-1,99,346,347,-1,99,347,348,-1,100,101,339,-1,100,339,340,-1,100,340,341,-1,100,341,342,-1,100,342,343,-1,
+ 100,343,344,-1,100,344,345,-1,334,335,103,-1,103,335,336,-1,103,336,102,-1,102,336,337,-1,102,337,101,-1,101,337,338,-1,
+ 101,338,339,-1,104,105,333,-1,104,333,334,-1,104,334,103,-1,331,332,107,-1,107,332,333,-1,107,333,106,-1,106,333,105,-1,
+ 107,108,321,-1,107,321,322,-1,107,322,323,-1,107,323,324,-1,107,324,325,-1,107,325,326,-1,107,326,327,-1,107,327,328,-1,
+ 107,328,329,-1,107,329,330,-1,107,330,331,-1,317,318,109,-1,109,318,319,-1,109,319,108,-1,108,319,320,-1,108,320,321,-1,
+ 314,315,111,-1,111,315,316,-1,111,316,110,-1,110,316,317,-1,110,317,109,-1,112,113,313,-1,112,313,314,-1,112,314,111,-1,
+ 113,114,313,-1,313,114,115,-1,313,115,312,-1,312,115,116,-1,312,116,117,-1,312,117,118,-1,312,118,119,-1,312,119,120,-1,
+ 312,124,125,-1,312,125,126,-1,312,126,127,-1,312,127,128,-1,312,128,311,-1,305,306,131,-1,131,306,307,-1,131,307,130,-1,
+ 130,307,308,-1,130,308,129,-1,129,308,309,-1,129,309,128,-1,128,309,310,-1,128,310,311,-1,132,133,304,-1,132,304,305,-1,
+ 132,305,131,-1,134,135,303,-1,134,303,304,-1,134,304,133,-1,298,299,139,-1,139,299,300,-1,139,300,138,-1,138,300,301,-1,
+ 138,301,137,-1,137,301,302,-1,137,302,136,-1,136,302,303,-1,136,303,135,-1,140,141,296,-1,140,296,297,-1,140,297,298,-1,
+ 140,298,139,-1,141,142,296,-1,296,142,143,-1,296,143,295,-1,295,143,144,-1,295,144,145,-1,294,295,145,-1,294,145,146,-1,
+ 294,146,147,-1,294,147,293,-1,289,290,148,-1,148,290,291,-1,148,291,147,-1,147,291,292,-1,147,292,293,-1,148,149,289,-1,
+ 289,149,150,-1,289,150,288,-1,288,150,151,-1,288,151,287,-1,287,151,152,-1,287,152,286,-1,286,152,153,-1,286,153,285,-1,
+ 285,153,154,-1,285,154,284,-1,284,154,155,-1,284,155,283,-1,283,155,156,-1,283,156,282,-1,282,156,157,-1,282,157,281,-1,
+ 281,157,158,-1,281,158,280,-1,280,158,159,-1,280,159,160,-1,280,160,279,-1,279,160,161,-1,279,161,278,-1,278,161,162,-1,
+ 278,162,163,-1,272,273,167,-1,167,273,274,-1,167,274,166,-1,166,274,275,-1,166,275,165,-1,165,275,276,-1,165,276,164,-1,
+ 164,276,277,-1,164,277,163,-1,163,277,278,-1,268,269,169,-1,169,269,270,-1,169,270,168,-1,168,270,271,-1,168,271,167,-1,
+ 167,271,272,-1,170,171,266,-1,170,266,267,-1,170,267,268,-1,170,268,169,-1,262,263,173,-1,173,263,264,-1,173,264,172,-1,
+ 172,264,265,-1,172,265,171,-1,171,265,266,-1,174,175,260,-1,174,260,261,-1,174,261,262,-1,174,262,173,-1,176,177,203,-1,
+ 176,203,204,-1,176,204,205,-1,176,205,206,-1,176,206,207,-1,176,207,208,-1,176,208,209,-1,176,209,210,-1,176,210,211,-1,
+ 176,211,212,-1,176,212,253,-1,176,253,254,-1,176,254,255,-1,176,255,256,-1,176,256,257,-1,176,257,258,-1,176,258,259,-1,
+ 176,259,260,-1,176,260,175,-1,203,177,178,-1,203,178,179,-1,203,179,180,-1,203,180,202,-1,202,180,181,-1,202,181,182,-1,
+ 202,182,183,-1,202,183,201,-1,201,183,184,-1,201,184,185,-1,201,185,186,-1,201,186,187,-1,201,187,200,-1,200,187,188,-1,
+ 200,188,189,-1,200,189,190,-1,200,190,191,-1,200,191,192,-1,200,192,199,-1,192,193,196,-1,192,196,197,-1,192,197,198,-1,
+ 192,198,199,-1,193,194,195,-1,193,195,196,-1,253,212,213,-1,253,213,214,-1,253,214,215,-1,253,215,216,-1,253,216,252,-1,
+ 252,216,217,-1,252,217,218,-1,252,218,219,-1,252,219,251,-1,251,219,220,-1,251,220,221,-1,251,221,222,-1,251,222,223,-1,
+ 251,223,224,-1,251,224,225,-1,251,225,226,-1,251,226,227,-1,251,227,228,-1,251,228,229,-1,251,229,230,-1,251,230,231,-1,
+ 251,231,232,-1,251,232,233,-1,251,233,234,-1,251,234,250,-1,237,248,236,-1,236,248,249,-1,236,249,235,-1,235,249,250,-1,
+ 235,250,234,-1,242,244,241,-1,241,244,245,-1,241,245,240,-1,240,245,246,-1,240,246,239,-1,239,246,247,-1,239,247,238,-1,
+ 238,247,248,-1,238,248,237,-1,244,242,243,-1,738,736,737,-1]
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1,
+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+DEF TXFM_4 Transform {
+ center 0 0 0
+ rotation 0 0 1 0
+ scale 1 1 1
+ scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
+ translation 0 0 0
+ children [
+DEF SHAPE_4 Shape {
+ appearance DEF APP_3 Appearance {
+ material Material {
+ ambientIntensity 0.83265305
+ diffuseColor 0.96078432 0.96078432 0.96078432
+ emissiveColor 0 0 0
+ shininess 0.30000001
+ specularColor 0.97254902 0.97254902 0.97254902
+ transparency 0.17
+} }
+ geometry DEF FACE_4 IndexedFaceSet {
+ coord DEF COORD_4 Coordinate { point [
+ 3.5207047 2.8650039 -0.31988189,3.5195752 2.8341598 -0.31988189,
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+ 3.3181248 -2.6980992 -0.31988189,3.3400083 -2.704174 -0.31988189,
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+ 4.2077343 -3.0375323 -0.31988189,4.2289768 -3.0381476 -0.31988189,
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+ 4.2923157 -3.0354402 -0.31988189,4.3132528 -3.0331118 -0.31988189,
+ 4.3340783 -3.0301173 -0.31988189,4.3547795 -3.0264839 -0.31988189,
+ 4.3753417 -3.0222394 -0.31988189,4.3957508 -3.0174118 -0.31988189,
+ 4.4159937 -3.0120287 -0.31988189,4.4360559 -3.0061181 -0.31988189,
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+ 5.0909327 -3.012487 -0.31988189,5.124663 -3.0185272 -0.31988189,
+ 5.1588236 -3.0221512 -0.31988189,5.1932618 -3.0234425 -0.31988189,
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+ 6.030502 -0.87601772 -0.31988189,6.0315181 -0.86364134 -0.31988189,
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+ 6.055665 -0.78838307 -0.31988189,6.0588469 -0.78322598 -0.31988189,
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+ 6.0777587 -0.75945276 -0.31988189,6.0821535 -0.75514961 -0.31988189,
+ 6.0867571 -0.7510126 -0.31988189,6.0915705 -0.74704961 -0.31988189,
+ 6.0965953 -0.74326693 -0.31988189,6.1018339 -0.73967165 -0.31988189,
+ 6.1072878 -0.73627087 -0.31988189,6.1129587 -0.73307126 -0.31988189,
+ 6.118848 -0.73008031 -0.31988189,6.1249579 -0.72730433 -0.31988189,
+ 6.4188122 -0.58511732 -0.31988189,6.4648008 -0.56137087 -0.31988189,
+ 6.5085657 -0.5346689 -0.31988189,6.5501055 -0.50516535 -0.31988189,
+ 6.5894185 -0.47301496 -0.31988189,6.6265031 -0.43837205 -0.31988189,
+ 6.6613571 -0.40139134 -0.31988189,6.6939791 -0.36222677 -0.31988189,
+ 6.7243673 -0.32103346 -0.31988189,6.7525197 -0.27796535 -0.31988189,
+ 6.778435 -0.23317756 -0.31988189,6.802111 -0.18682402 -0.31988189,
+ 6.8235465 -0.13905945 -0.31988189,6.8427394 -0.090037795 -0.31988189,
+ 6.8596882 -0.039914567 -0.31988189,6.8868461 0.06302126 -0.31988189,
+ 6.9050059 0.16851142 -0.31988189,6.9141539 0.27532126 -0.31988189,
+ 6.9142768 0.38221417 -0.31988189,6.9053598 0.48795433 -0.31988189,
+ 6.8873898 0.59130669 -0.31988189,6.8750055 0.64170079 -0.31988189,
+ 6.8603524 0.69103465 -0.31988189,6.8434291 0.73915315 -0.31988189,
+ 6.8242339 0.78590276 -0.31988189,6.802765 0.83112795 -0.31988189,
+ 6.7790205 0.8746748 -0.31988189,6.7221453 0.9599874 -0.31988189,
+ 6.5799579 1.1874874 -0.31988189,6.5590925 1.2226457 -0.31988189,
+ 6.5392272 1.2572484 -0.31988189,6.5204724 1.2916287 -0.31988189,
+ 6.5029398 1.3261205 -0.31988189,6.4946661 1.3435118 -0.31988189,
+ 6.4867398 1.3610563 -0.31988189,6.4791748 1.3787953 -0.31988189,
+ 6.4719843 1.3967697 -0.31988189,6.4651827 1.4150224 -0.31988189,
+ 6.4587839 1.4335941 -0.31988189,6.4528012 1.4525272 -0.31988189,
+ 6.4472496 1.4718626 -0.31988189,6.3998535 1.784676 -0.31988189,
+ 6.3783776 1.9396008 -0.31988189,6.3560126 2.0927484 -0.31988189,
+ 6.3318705 2.2458965 -0.31988189,6.3050622 2.4008217 -0.31988189,
+ 6.294824 2.4501803 -0.31988189,6.2853634 2.4988724 -0.31988189,
+ 6.2683303 2.5951453 -0.31988189,6.2530748 2.6914181 -0.31988189,
+ 6.2387075 2.7894681 -0.31988189,6.2375169 2.7966862 -0.31988189,
+ 6.2357362 2.8041146 -0.31988189,6.2333858 2.8117409 -0.31988189,
+ 6.2304874 2.8195528 -0.31988189,6.223128 2.8356854 -0.31988189,
+ 6.2138248 2.852415 -0.31988189,6.2027441 2.8696441 -0.31988189,
+ 6.1900528 2.8872764 -0.31988189,6.1759173 2.9052142 -0.31988189,
+ 6.1605043 2.9233602 -0.31988189,6.1439807 2.9416173 -0.31988189,
+ 6.1265126 2.9598882 -0.31988189,6.1082673 2.978076 -0.31988189,
+ 6.0894106 2.9960831 -0.31988189,6.0701098 3.0138126 -0.31988189,
+ 6.0505311 3.0311669 -0.31988189,6.0112075 3.0643626 -0.31988189,
+ 5.9873476 3.084698 -0.31988189,5.9620717 3.1030756 -0.31988189,
+ 5.9355177 3.1195366 -0.31988189,5.9078256 3.1341236 -0.31988189,
+ 5.8791335 3.1468772 -0.31988189,5.8495807 3.1578398 -0.31988189,
+ 5.8193055 3.1670528 -0.31988189,5.7884472 3.1745579 -0.31988189,
+ 5.7571449 3.1803969 -0.31988189,5.725537 3.184611 -0.31988189,
+ 5.6937622 3.1872425 -0.31988189,5.6619598 3.1883323 -0.31988189,
+ 5.6302685 3.1879228 -0.31988189,5.5988272 3.1860551 -0.31988189,
+ 5.5677744 3.1827717 -0.31988189,5.5372496 3.178113 -0.31988189,
+ 5.5088118 3.1705406 -0.31988189,5.4803744 3.1619685 -0.31988189,
+ 5.4519366 3.1522858 -0.31988189,5.4234992 3.1413807 -0.31988189,
+ 5.4092803 3.1354354 -0.31988189,5.3950618 3.1291433 -0.31988189,
+ 5.3808429 3.1224898 -0.31988189,5.3666244 3.1154614 -0.31988189,
+ 5.3524055 3.1080441 -0.31988189,5.338187 3.1002244 -0.31988189,
+ 5.3239681 3.0919882 -0.31988189,5.3097492 3.0833213 -0.31988189,
+ 5.3020035 3.078813 -0.31988189,5.2931051 3.0725831 -0.31988189,
+ 5.283235 3.0649091 -0.31988189,5.2725732 3.0560685 -0.31988189,
+ 5.2495972 3.0359992 -0.31988189,5.2256217 3.0145969 -0.31988189,
+ 5.2020902 2.9940835 -0.31988189,5.1909425 2.9848543 -0.31988189,
+ 5.1804472 2.9766803 -0.31988189,5.1707854 2.9698394 -0.31988189,
+ 5.162137 2.9646091 -0.31988189,5.1582496 2.9626846 -0.31988189,
+ 5.1546831 2.9612673 -0.31988189,5.1514602 2.9603913 -0.31988189,
+ 5.1486035 2.9600917 -0.31988189,4.5893323 2.9600917 -0.31988189,
+ 4.4945409 3.0548835 -0.31988189,4.4836571 3.0653209 -0.31988189,
+ 4.4723425 3.0752862 -0.31988189,4.4606118 3.0847516 -0.31988189,
+ 4.448478 3.093689 -0.31988189,4.4359555 3.1020713 -0.31988189,
+ 4.4230583 3.1098705 -0.31988189,4.4098 3.1170583 -0.31988189,
+ 4.3961945 3.1236079 -0.31988189,4.3822559 3.1294906 -0.31988189,
+ 4.3679976 3.1346791 -0.31988189,4.3534343 3.1391453 -0.31988189,
+ 4.3385791 3.1428622 -0.31988189,4.3234461 3.1458012 -0.31988189,
+ 4.3080492 3.1479346 -0.31988189,4.2924028 3.1492354 -0.31988189,
+ 4.2765201 3.1496752 -0.31988189,4.2228201 3.1506657 -0.31988189,
+ 4.1717307 3.1500453 -0.31988189,4.122974 3.1477591 -0.31988189,
+ 4.0762724 3.1437504 -0.31988189,4.031348 3.137965 -0.31988189,
+ 3.9879236 3.1303465 -0.31988189,3.9457209 3.1208394 -0.31988189,
+ 3.9044626 3.1093882 -0.31988189,3.8638705 3.0959378 -0.31988189,
+ 3.8236673 3.0804323 -0.31988189,3.7835756 3.0628161 -0.31988189,
+ 3.7433169 3.0430339 -0.31988189,3.7026138 3.0210299 -0.31988189,
+ 3.661189 2.9967488 -0.31988189,3.6187642 2.970135 -0.31988189,
+ 3.5750618 2.9411331 -0.31988189,3.5488854 2.920365 -0.31988189,
+ 3.5327205 2.9007358 -0.31988189,3.5241366 2.8822728 -0.31988189,
+ 3.5197276 1.3772846 -0.31988189,3.5197276 0.078072047 -0.31988189,
+ 3.5197276 -1.2211406 -0.31988189,3.5187992 -1.2543055 -0.31988189,
+ 3.5040394 -1.3189724 -0.31988189,3.4752598 -1.3787339 -0.31988189,
+ 3.4339039 -1.4305925 -0.31988189,3.3820453 -1.4719484 -0.31988189,
+ 3.3222839 -1.500728 -0.31988189,3.2576169 -1.5154878 -0.31988189,
+ 3.224452 -1.5164161 -0.31988189,-0.29917008 -1.5164161 -0.31988189,
+ -3.8227921 -1.5164161 -0.31988189,-3.8559571 -1.5154878 -0.31988189,
+ -3.920624 -1.500728 -0.31988189,-3.9803854 -1.4719484 -0.31988189,
+ -4.0322441 -1.4305925 -0.31988189,-4.0736 -1.3787339 -0.31988189,
+ -4.1023795 -1.3189724 -0.31988189,-4.1171394 -1.2543055 -0.31988189,
+ -4.1180677 -1.2211406 -0.31988189,-4.1180677 0.078072047 -0.31988189,
+ -4.1180677 1.3772846 -0.31988189,-4.1171394 1.4104496 -0.31988189,
+ -4.1023795 1.4751165 -0.31988189,-4.0736 1.534878 -0.31988189,
+ -4.0322441 1.5867366 -0.31988189,-3.9803854 1.6280925 -0.31988189,
+ -3.920624 1.656872 -0.31988189,-3.8559571 1.6716319 -0.31988189,
+ -3.8227921 1.6725602 -0.31988189,-0.29917008 1.6725602 -0.31988189,
+ 3.224452 1.6725602 -0.31988189,3.2576169 1.6716319 -0.31988189,
+ 3.3222839 1.656872 -0.31988189,3.3820453 1.6280925 -0.31988189,
+ 3.4339039 1.5867366 -0.31988189,3.4752598 1.534878 -0.31988189,
+ 3.5040394 1.4751165 -0.31988189,3.5187992 1.4104496 -0.31988189] }
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+ 516,515,647,-1,516,647,517,-1,517,647,646,-1,517,646,518,-1,518,646,645,-1,518,645,519,-1,519,645,644,-1,519,644,520,-1,
+ 520,644,643,-1,520,643,521,-1,521,643,642,-1,521,642,522,-1,522,642,641,-1,522,641,523,-1,523,641,640,-1,512,511,648,-1,
+ 512,648,513,-1,513,648,647,-1,513,647,514,-1,514,647,515,-1,650,649,507,-1,507,649,508,-1,508,649,509,-1,509,649,510,-1,
+ 510,649,511,-1,511,649,648,-1,651,650,504,-1,504,650,505,-1,505,650,506,-1,506,650,507,-1,651,504,503,-1,651,503,652,-1,
+ 652,503,502,-1,652,502,653,-1,653,502,501,-1,653,501,654,-1,654,501,500,-1,654,500,655,-1,655,500,656,-1,500,499,656,-1,
+ 656,499,657,-1,657,499,658,-1,658,499,659,-1,659,499,498,-1,660,659,498,-1,660,498,661,-1,661,498,497,-1,661,497,662,-1,
+ 662,497,663,-1,665,664,496,-1,496,664,497,-1,497,664,663,-1,666,665,496,-1,666,496,667,-1,667,496,495,-1,667,495,668,-1,
+ 668,495,494,-1,668,494,669,-1,669,494,670,-1,494,493,670,-1,670,493,671,-1,671,493,672,-1,672,493,673,-1,673,493,674,-1,
+ 674,493,492,-1,674,492,675,-1,675,492,676,-1,676,492,677,-1,677,492,678,-1,678,492,491,-1,679,678,472,-1,472,678,473,-1,
+ 473,678,474,-1,474,678,475,-1,475,678,476,-1,476,678,477,-1,477,678,478,-1,478,678,479,-1,479,678,480,-1,480,678,481,-1,
+ 481,678,482,-1,482,678,483,-1,483,678,484,-1,484,678,485,-1,485,678,486,-1,486,678,487,-1,487,678,488,-1,488,678,489,-1,
+ 489,678,490,-1,490,678,491,-1,680,679,470,-1,470,679,471,-1,471,679,472,-1,682,681,469,-1,469,681,470,-1,470,681,680,-1,
+ 467,685,684,-1,467,684,468,-1,468,684,683,-1,468,683,469,-1,469,683,682,-1,687,686,466,-1,466,686,467,-1,467,686,685,-1,
+ 463,691,690,-1,463,690,464,-1,464,690,689,-1,464,689,465,-1,465,689,688,-1,465,688,466,-1,466,688,687,-1,461,694,693,-1,
+ 461,693,462,-1,462,693,692,-1,462,692,463,-1,463,692,691,-1,459,458,696,-1,459,696,460,-1,460,696,695,-1,460,695,461,-1,
+ 461,695,694,-1,456,455,697,-1,456,697,457,-1,457,697,696,-1,457,696,458,-1,699,698,453,-1,453,698,454,-1,454,698,455,-1,
+ 455,698,697,-1,699,453,700,-1,700,453,701,-1,701,453,702,-1,702,453,703,-1,703,453,704,-1,704,453,705,-1,705,453,706,-1,
+ 706,453,707,-1,707,453,452,-1,450,449,708,-1,450,708,451,-1,451,708,707,-1,451,707,452,-1,709,708,446,-1,446,708,447,-1,
+ 447,708,448,-1,448,708,449,-1,710,709,440,-1,440,709,441,-1,441,709,442,-1,442,709,443,-1,443,709,444,-1,444,709,445,-1,
+ 445,709,446,-1,711,710,437,-1,437,710,438,-1,438,710,439,-1,439,710,440,-1,712,711,434,-1,434,711,435,-1,435,711,436,-1,
+ 436,711,437,-1,430,715,714,-1,430,714,431,-1,431,714,713,-1,431,713,432,-1,432,713,712,-1,432,712,433,-1,433,712,434,-1,
+ 715,430,0,-1,0,430,716,-1,716,430,717,-1,717,430,718,-1,718,430,719,-1,719,430,429,-1,427,426,721,-1,427,721,428,-1,
+ 428,721,720,-1,428,720,429,-1,429,720,719,-1,723,722,423,-1,423,722,424,-1,424,722,425,-1,425,722,426,-1,426,722,721,-1,
+ 420,419,724,-1,420,724,421,-1,421,724,723,-1,421,723,422,-1,422,723,423,-1,417,416,725,-1,417,725,418,-1,418,725,724,-1,
+ 418,724,419,-1,727,726,408,-1,408,726,409,-1,409,726,410,-1,410,726,411,-1,411,726,412,-1,412,726,413,-1,413,726,414,-1,
+ 414,726,415,-1,415,726,416,-1,416,726,725,-1,728,727,374,-1,374,727,375,-1,375,727,376,-1,376,727,377,-1,377,727,378,-1,
+ 378,727,379,-1,379,727,380,-1,380,727,381,-1,381,727,382,-1,382,727,383,-1,383,727,384,-1,384,727,385,-1,385,727,386,-1,
+ 386,727,387,-1,387,727,388,-1,388,727,389,-1,389,727,390,-1,390,727,391,-1,391,727,392,-1,392,727,393,-1,393,727,394,-1,
+ 394,727,395,-1,395,727,396,-1,396,727,397,-1,397,727,398,-1,398,727,399,-1,399,727,400,-1,400,727,401,-1,401,727,402,-1,
+ 402,727,403,-1,403,727,404,-1,404,727,405,-1,405,727,406,-1,406,727,407,-1,407,727,408,-1,372,371,730,-1,372,730,373,-1,
+ 373,730,729,-1,373,729,374,-1,374,729,728,-1,368,367,732,-1,368,732,369,-1,369,732,731,-1,369,731,370,-1,370,731,730,-1,
+ 370,730,371,-1,734,733,366,-1,366,733,367,-1,367,733,732,-1,364,363,738,-1,364,738,365,-1,365,738,736,-1,365,736,366,-1,
+ 366,736,735,-1,366,735,734,-1,2,1,755,-1,755,1,716,-1,716,1,0,-1,753,5,4,-1,753,4,754,-1,754,4,3,-1,
+ 754,3,755,-1,755,3,2,-1,751,750,7,-1,751,7,752,-1,752,7,6,-1,752,6,753,-1,753,6,5,-1,748,10,9,-1,
+ 748,9,749,-1,749,9,8,-1,749,8,750,-1,750,8,7,-1,10,748,11,-1,11,748,12,-1,12,748,13,-1,13,748,14,-1,
+ 14,748,15,-1,15,748,16,-1,16,748,17,-1,17,748,18,-1,18,748,19,-1,19,748,20,-1,20,748,21,-1,21,748,22,-1,
+ 22,748,747,-1,35,34,36,-1,36,34,37,-1,37,34,38,-1,38,34,39,-1,39,34,33,-1,41,40,32,-1,32,40,33,-1,
+ 33,40,39,-1,43,42,31,-1,31,42,32,-1,32,42,41,-1,45,44,30,-1,30,44,31,-1,31,44,43,-1,47,46,29,-1,
+ 29,46,30,-1,30,46,45,-1,48,47,29,-1,48,29,49,-1,49,29,28,-1,49,28,50,-1,50,28,51,-1,28,27,51,-1,
+ 51,27,52,-1,52,27,53,-1,53,27,26,-1,25,24,747,-1,25,747,26,-1,26,747,54,-1,26,54,53,-1,24,23,747,-1,
+ 747,23,22,-1,54,747,55,-1,55,747,56,-1,56,747,57,-1,57,747,58,-1,58,747,59,-1,59,747,60,-1,60,747,61,-1,
+ 61,747,62,-1,62,747,63,-1,63,747,64,-1,64,747,65,-1,65,747,66,-1,66,747,67,-1,67,747,68,-1,68,747,69,-1,
+ 69,747,70,-1,70,747,71,-1,71,747,72,-1,72,747,73,-1,73,747,74,-1,74,747,75,-1,75,747,76,-1,76,747,77,-1,
+ 77,747,78,-1,78,747,79,-1,79,747,80,-1,80,747,81,-1,81,747,82,-1,82,747,83,-1,83,747,84,-1,84,747,85,-1,
+ 85,747,86,-1,86,747,87,-1,87,747,88,-1,88,747,89,-1,89,747,746,-1,90,89,742,-1,742,89,743,-1,743,89,744,-1,
+ 744,89,745,-1,745,89,746,-1,91,90,361,-1,361,90,362,-1,362,90,363,-1,363,90,738,-1,738,90,739,-1,739,90,740,-1,
+ 740,90,741,-1,741,90,742,-1,358,357,94,-1,358,94,359,-1,359,94,93,-1,359,93,360,-1,360,93,92,-1,360,92,361,-1,
+ 361,92,91,-1,355,354,96,-1,355,96,356,-1,356,96,95,-1,356,95,357,-1,357,95,94,-1,98,97,352,-1,352,97,353,-1,
+ 353,97,354,-1,354,97,96,-1,349,348,99,-1,349,99,350,-1,350,99,98,-1,350,98,351,-1,351,98,352,-1,100,99,345,-1,
+ 345,99,346,-1,346,99,347,-1,347,99,348,-1,101,100,339,-1,339,100,340,-1,340,100,341,-1,341,100,342,-1,342,100,343,-1,
+ 343,100,344,-1,344,100,345,-1,335,334,103,-1,335,103,336,-1,336,103,102,-1,336,102,337,-1,337,102,101,-1,337,101,338,-1,
+ 338,101,339,-1,105,104,333,-1,333,104,334,-1,334,104,103,-1,332,331,107,-1,332,107,333,-1,333,107,106,-1,333,106,105,-1,
+ 108,107,321,-1,321,107,322,-1,322,107,323,-1,323,107,324,-1,324,107,325,-1,325,107,326,-1,326,107,327,-1,327,107,328,-1,
+ 328,107,329,-1,329,107,330,-1,330,107,331,-1,318,317,109,-1,318,109,319,-1,319,109,108,-1,319,108,320,-1,320,108,321,-1,
+ 315,314,111,-1,315,111,316,-1,316,111,110,-1,316,110,317,-1,317,110,109,-1,113,112,313,-1,313,112,314,-1,314,112,111,-1,
+ 114,113,313,-1,114,313,115,-1,115,313,312,-1,115,312,116,-1,116,312,117,-1,117,312,118,-1,118,312,119,-1,119,312,120,-1,
+ 124,312,125,-1,125,312,126,-1,126,312,127,-1,127,312,128,-1,128,312,311,-1,306,305,131,-1,306,131,307,-1,307,131,130,-1,
+ 307,130,308,-1,308,130,129,-1,308,129,309,-1,309,129,128,-1,309,128,310,-1,310,128,311,-1,133,132,304,-1,304,132,305,-1,
+ 305,132,131,-1,135,134,303,-1,303,134,304,-1,304,134,133,-1,299,298,139,-1,299,139,300,-1,300,139,138,-1,300,138,301,-1,
+ 301,138,137,-1,301,137,302,-1,302,137,136,-1,302,136,303,-1,303,136,135,-1,141,140,296,-1,296,140,297,-1,297,140,298,-1,
+ 298,140,139,-1,142,141,296,-1,142,296,143,-1,143,296,295,-1,143,295,144,-1,144,295,145,-1,295,294,145,-1,145,294,146,-1,
+ 146,294,147,-1,147,294,293,-1,290,289,148,-1,290,148,291,-1,291,148,147,-1,291,147,292,-1,292,147,293,-1,149,148,289,-1,
+ 149,289,150,-1,150,289,288,-1,150,288,151,-1,151,288,287,-1,151,287,152,-1,152,287,286,-1,152,286,153,-1,153,286,285,-1,
+ 153,285,154,-1,154,285,284,-1,154,284,155,-1,155,284,283,-1,155,283,156,-1,156,283,282,-1,156,282,157,-1,157,282,281,-1,
+ 157,281,158,-1,158,281,280,-1,158,280,159,-1,159,280,160,-1,160,280,279,-1,160,279,161,-1,161,279,278,-1,161,278,162,-1,
+ 162,278,163,-1,273,272,167,-1,273,167,274,-1,274,167,166,-1,274,166,275,-1,275,166,165,-1,275,165,276,-1,276,165,164,-1,
+ 276,164,277,-1,277,164,163,-1,277,163,278,-1,269,268,169,-1,269,169,270,-1,270,169,168,-1,270,168,271,-1,271,168,167,-1,
+ 271,167,272,-1,171,170,266,-1,266,170,267,-1,267,170,268,-1,268,170,169,-1,263,262,173,-1,263,173,264,-1,264,173,172,-1,
+ 264,172,265,-1,265,172,171,-1,265,171,266,-1,175,174,260,-1,260,174,261,-1,261,174,262,-1,262,174,173,-1,177,176,203,-1,
+ 203,176,204,-1,204,176,205,-1,205,176,206,-1,206,176,207,-1,207,176,208,-1,208,176,209,-1,209,176,210,-1,210,176,211,-1,
+ 211,176,212,-1,212,176,253,-1,253,176,254,-1,254,176,255,-1,255,176,256,-1,256,176,257,-1,257,176,258,-1,258,176,259,-1,
+ 259,176,260,-1,260,176,175,-1,177,203,178,-1,178,203,179,-1,179,203,180,-1,180,203,202,-1,180,202,181,-1,181,202,182,-1,
+ 182,202,183,-1,183,202,201,-1,183,201,184,-1,184,201,185,-1,185,201,186,-1,186,201,187,-1,187,201,200,-1,187,200,188,-1,
+ 188,200,189,-1,189,200,190,-1,190,200,191,-1,191,200,192,-1,192,200,199,-1,193,192,196,-1,196,192,197,-1,197,192,198,-1,
+ 198,192,199,-1,194,193,195,-1,195,193,196,-1,212,253,213,-1,213,253,214,-1,214,253,215,-1,215,253,216,-1,216,253,252,-1,
+ 216,252,217,-1,217,252,218,-1,218,252,219,-1,219,252,251,-1,219,251,220,-1,220,251,221,-1,221,251,222,-1,222,251,223,-1,
+ 223,251,224,-1,224,251,225,-1,225,251,226,-1,226,251,227,-1,227,251,228,-1,228,251,229,-1,229,251,230,-1,230,251,231,-1,
+ 231,251,232,-1,232,251,233,-1,233,251,234,-1,234,251,250,-1,248,237,236,-1,248,236,249,-1,249,236,235,-1,249,235,250,-1,
+ 250,235,234,-1,244,242,241,-1,244,241,245,-1,245,241,240,-1,245,240,246,-1,246,240,239,-1,246,239,247,-1,247,239,238,-1,
+ 247,238,248,-1,248,238,237,-1,242,244,243,-1,736,738,737,-1]
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+ 3.9272669 -0.1328063 0.34448819,3.9192417 -0.15803937 0.34448819,
+ 3.914915 -0.17027717 0.34448819,3.9103303 -0.18223819 0.34448819,
+ 3.9090752 -0.18452835 0.34448819,3.9076744 -0.18667559 0.34448819,
+ 3.9061307 -0.18868425 0.34448819,3.9044465 -0.19055906 0.34448819,
+ 3.9026232 -0.19230472 0.34448819,3.9006642 -0.19392559 0.34448819,
+ 3.8963469 -0.1968122 0.34448819,3.8915126 -0.19925551 0.34448819,
+ 3.8861795 -0.20129252 0.34448819,3.8803669 -0.20296024 0.34448819,
+ 3.8740925 -0.20429606 0.34448819,3.8673748 -0.20533583 0.34448819,
+ 3.8602327 -0.20611772 0.34448819,3.8526843 -0.20667756 0.34448819,
+ 3.8447484 -0.20705315 0.34448819,3.827787 -0.20739764 0.34448819,
+ 3.8094961 -0.20744685 0.34448819,3.8319965 -0.17492677 0.34448819,
+ 3.8473083 0.082449606 0.34448819,3.8336701 0.049388583 0.34448819,
+ 3.8209181 0.016474803 0.34448819,3.7968913 -0.048318504 0.34448819,
+ 3.7850256 -0.079902756 0.34448819,3.7728646 -0.11074843 0.34448819,
+ 3.7601126 -0.14070827 0.34448819,3.7534228 -0.15530945 0.34448819,
+ 3.7464744 -0.16963386 0.34448819,3.7452201 -0.17192402 0.34448819,
+ 3.7438248 -0.17407126 0.34448819,3.7422961 -0.17607992 0.34448819,
+ 3.7406402 -0.17795433 0.34448819,3.7388642 -0.1797 0.34448819,
+ 3.7369752 -0.18132087 0.34448819,3.7349799 -0.18282165 0.34448819,
+ 3.7328854 -0.18420709 0.34448819,3.7306984 -0.18548189 0.34448819,
+ 3.7284264 -0.18665039 0.34448819,3.7236535 -0.1886874 0.34448819,
+ 3.7186224 -0.19035512 0.34448819,3.7133882 -0.19169094 0.34448819,
+ 3.7080059 -0.19273071 0.34448819,3.7025319 -0.1935126 0.34448819,
+ 3.6970205 -0.19407244 0.34448819,3.6915276 -0.19444803 0.34448819,
+ 3.6835031 -0.1947063 0.34448819,3.6970917 -0.15759567 0.34448819,
+ 3.7098437 -0.12138307 0.34448819,3.7338705 -0.051469291 0.34448819,
+ 3.7457362 -0.017472441 0.34448819,3.7578972 0.016081102 0.34448819,
+ 3.7706492 0.04933937 0.34448819,3.7842874 0.082449606 0.34448819,
+ 4.0843004 0.14805551 0.34448819,4.0845988 0.16155512 0.34448819,
+ 4.085802 0.17481496 0.34448819,4.0878177 0.18785276 0.34448819,
+ 4.0905531 0.2006878 0.34448819,4.0939165 0.2133378 0.34448819,
+ 4.0978154 0.22582205 0.34448819,4.1021575 0.23815866 0.34448819,
+ 4.10685 0.25036575 0.34448819,4.1169185 0.27446614 0.34448819,
+ 4.1272827 0.29827126 0.34448819,4.1372031 0.32192874 0.34448819,
+ 4.1601713 0.39285197 0.34448819,4.181515 0.46392283 0.34448819,
+ 4.2007902 0.53528898 0.34448819,4.2175547 0.60709843 0.34448819,
+ 4.2248571 0.64321535 0.34448819,4.2313654 0.67949843 0.34448819,
+ 4.237024 0.71596614 0.34448819,4.2417783 0.75263701 0.34448819,
+ 4.2455724 0.78952953 0.34448819,4.2483512 0.82666181 0.34448819,
+ 4.2500591 0.86405276 0.34448819,4.2506406 0.90172047 0.34448819,
+ 4.2509362 0.94748425 0.34448819,4.2516378 0.96599961 0.34448819,
+ 4.2530039 0.9818748 0.34448819,4.2540055 0.98888543 0.34448819,
+ 4.2552563 0.9953126 0.34448819,4.2567843 1.0011811 0.34448819,
+ 4.2586169 1.0065165 0.34448819,4.2607815 1.0113445 0.34448819,
+ 4.2633063 1.0156898 0.34448819,4.2662189 1.019578 0.34448819,
+ 4.2695469 1.023035 0.34448819,4.2733181 1.0260854 0.34448819,
+ 4.2759819 1.0277622 0.34448819,4.2775598 1.0287555 0.34448819,
+ 4.2823004 1.0310697 0.34448819,4.2875669 1.0330543 0.34448819,
+ 4.2933874 1.0347339 0.34448819,4.2997894 1.0361346 0.34448819,
+ 4.3068008 1.0372811 0.34448819,4.3144492 1.0381992 0.34448819,
+ 4.3317673 1.0394516 0.34448819,4.3519661 1.0400949 0.34448819,
+ 4.4018902 1.0403657 0.34448819,4.4018902 1.0151587 0.34448819,
+ 4.3199634 0.54565394 0.34448819,4.3075071 0.48790748 0.34448819,
+ 4.2935736 0.43049331 0.34448819,4.2879748 0.41015866 0.34448819,
+ 4.2778673 0.37344803 0.34448819,4.2600937 0.31680945 0.34448819,
+ 4.2399563 0.26061378 0.34448819,4.2289445 0.23369921 0.34448819,
+ 4.2171606 0.20489843 0.34448819,4.1914106 0.14969961 0.34448819,
+ 4.162411 0.095055118 0.34448819,4.1122146 0.057406693 0.34448819,
+ 4.1119945 0.057241732 0.34448819,4.1019114 0.082449606 0.34448819,
+ 4.0867866 0.1202626 0.34448819,4.0857508 0.12731614 0.34448819,
+ 4.0849988 0.13429764 0.34448819,4.0845193 0.14121024 0.34448819,
+ 3.6582457 0.22109488 0.34448819,3.6582457 0.90172047 0.34448819,
+ 3.6583185 0.90408307 0.34448819,3.6585319 0.90644094 0.34448819,
+ 3.6588791 0.90878937 0.34448819,3.6593535 0.91112441 0.34448819,
+ 3.6599476 0.91344055 0.34448819,3.6606551 0.91573386 0.34448819,
+ 3.6614689 0.91799961 0.34448819,3.6623815 0.92023268 0.34448819,
+ 3.6633866 0.92242913 0.34448819,3.6644772 0.92458386 0.34448819,
+ 3.6656461 0.92669252 0.34448819,3.6668866 0.92875039 0.34448819,
+ 3.6681917 0.93075315 0.34448819,3.6695547 0.93269528 0.34448819,
+ 3.6709681 0.93457323 0.34448819,3.6724256 0.93638189 0.34448819,
+ 3.6754445 0.93977283 0.34448819,3.6785555 0.9428315 0.34448819,
+ 3.6817035 0.94552087 0.34448819,3.683274 0.94671575 0.34448819,
+ 3.6848331 0.94780433 0.34448819,3.6863736 0.94878189 0.34448819,
+ 3.6878886 0.94964449 0.34448819,3.6893717 0.95038661 0.34448819,
+ 3.6908154 0.95100433 0.34448819,3.6922126 0.95149291 0.34448819,
+ 3.6935571 0.95184764 0.34448819,3.6948413 0.95206378 0.34448819,
+ 3.6960587 0.95213701 0.34448819,3.900876 0.98995 0.34448819,
+ 4.0080114 1.0088563 0.34448819,4.1245996 1.0277622 0.34448819,
+ 4.1198732 0.98689724 0.34448819,4.1151465 0.94898661 0.34448819,
+ 4.1056933 0.87966339 0.34448819,4.0867878 0.75047087 0.34448819,
+ 4.0814949 0.71792638 0.34448819,4.0751681 0.6862685 0.34448819,
+ 4.0679551 0.65520118 0.34448819,4.0600035 0.62442913 0.34448819,
+ 4.051461 0.59365709 0.34448819,4.042476 0.56258937 0.34448819,
+ 4.0237669 0.49838701 0.34448819,4.0162276 0.47520354 0.34448819,
+ 4.007765 0.45294331 0.34448819,3.9983425 0.43164291 0.34448819,
+ 3.9879232 0.41133937 0.34448819,3.9764701 0.39207008 0.34448819,
+ 3.9639457 0.37387165 0.34448819,3.9503138 0.35678071 0.34448819,
+ 3.935537 0.34083465 0.34448819,3.9195787 0.32607047 0.34448819,
+ 3.9111449 0.31914291 0.34448819,3.902402 0.3125248 0.34448819,
+ 3.8933449 0.30622047 0.34448819,3.8839693 0.30023425 0.34448819,
+ 3.8742709 0.29457165 0.34448819,3.8642449 0.28923661 0.34448819,
+ 3.8538862 0.28423386 0.34448819,3.8431906 0.27956811 0.34448819,
+ 3.8321535 0.2752437 0.34448819,3.8207705 0.27126575 0.34448819,
+ 3.8090362 0.26763858 0.34448819,3.7969469 0.26436693 0.34448819,
+ 3.7844972 0.26145512 0.34448819,3.7716831 0.25890787 0.34448819,
+ 3.7668087 0.25862165 0.34448819,3.761639 0.2578 0.34448819,
+ 3.756174 0.25649843 0.34448819,3.7504134 0.25477205 0.34448819,
+ 3.7443575 0.25267638 0.34448819,3.7380063 0.25026693 0.34448819,
+ 3.7244173 0.24472795 0.34448819,3.7096469 0.23859803 0.34448819,
+ 3.6936949 0.23232047 0.34448819,3.6852756 0.22926496 0.34448819,
+ 3.676561 0.22633858 0.34448819,3.6675512 0.22359685 0.34448819,
+ -0.32348976 -2.0307173 0.34448819,-0.32661063 -2.0288917 0.34448819,
+ -0.32977323 -2.0272646 0.34448819,-0.33298228 -2.02585 0.34448819,
+ -0.33624173 -2.0246614 0.34448819,-0.33955669 -2.023713 0.34448819,
+ -0.3429315 -2.0230181 0.34448819,-0.34637126 -2.0225913 0.34448819,
+ -0.34987992 -2.0224457 0.34448819,-0.35113425 -2.0214098 0.34448819,
+ -0.35252953 -2.0206579 0.34448819,-0.35405866 -2.0201783 0.34448819,
+ -0.35571457 -2.0199594 0.34448819,-0.35749055 -2.0199898 0.34448819,
+ -0.35937953 -2.0202579 0.34448819,-0.3613748 -2.0207524 0.34448819,
+ -0.36346929 -2.021461 0.34448819,-0.36565591 -2.0223732 0.34448819,
+ -0.36792795 -2.0234768 0.34448819,-0.37270079 -2.0262122 0.34448819,
+ -0.37773228 -2.0295756 0.34448819,-0.38296654 -2.0334744 0.34448819,
+ -0.38834843 -2.0378165 0.34448819,-0.39382283 -2.0425091 0.34448819,
+ -0.39933425 -2.0474602 0.34448819,-0.40482717 -2.052578 0.34448819,
+ -0.41553583 -2.0629417 0.34448819,-0.4255063 -2.0728622 0.34448819,
+ -0.42063504 -2.077589 0.34448819,-0.41548661 -2.0823154 0.34448819,
+ -0.41007992 -2.0870421 0.34448819,-0.40443346 -2.0917685 0.34448819,
+ -0.3924937 -2.1012217 0.34448819,-0.37981535 -2.1106752 0.34448819,
+ -0.36654646 -2.1201283 0.34448819,-0.35283425 -2.1295815 0.34448819,
+ -0.32467126 -2.1484878 0.34448819,-0.32467126 -2.1610909 0.34448819,
+ -0.32119921 -2.1587283 0.34448819,-0.31786772 -2.1563677 0.34448819,
+ -0.31159921 -2.1516626 0.34448819,-0.30581102 -2.1469945 0.34448819,
+ -0.30044724 -2.1423819 0.34448819,-0.29545315 -2.1378433 0.34448819,
+ -0.29077244 -2.1333965 0.34448819,-0.2821315 -2.1248543 0.34448819,
+ -0.2740815 -2.1169028 0.34448819,-0.27013976 -2.1131949 0.34448819,
+ -0.26617913 -2.1096898 0.34448819,-0.26214488 -2.1064063 0.34448819,
+ -0.2579815 -2.103363 0.34448819,-0.25583386 -2.101937 0.34448819,
+ -0.25363346 -2.100578 0.34448819,-0.25137283 -2.0992886 0.34448819,
+ -0.24904528 -2.0980701 0.34448819,-0.25255394 -2.0956354 0.34448819,
+ -0.2559937 -2.0930669 0.34448819,-0.26268346 -2.0875835 0.34448819,
+ -0.26915197 -2.0817307 0.34448819,-0.27543543 -2.0756193 0.34448819,
+ -0.2994626 -2.0508051 0.34448819,-0.30537717 -2.045063 0.34448819,
+ -0.31132835 -2.0397272 0.34448819,-0.31432953 -2.0372465 0.34448819,
+ -0.31735354 -2.0349083 0.34448819,-0.32040551 -2.0327276 0.34448819,
+ -0.85429449 -1.9802035 0.34448819,-0.85562244 -1.9741965 0.34448819,
+ -0.85724567 -1.9682449 0.34448819,-0.85915512 -1.9623646 0.34448819,
+ -0.86134134 -1.9565724 0.34448819,-0.86379528 -1.9508839 0.34448819,
+ -0.86650787 -1.9453154 0.34448819,-0.86946969 -1.9398831 0.34448819,
+ -0.87267126 -1.9346028 0.34448819,-0.87610394 -1.9294913 0.34448819,
+ -0.87975787 -1.9245642 0.34448819,-0.88362441 -1.9198382 0.34448819,
+ -0.88769409 -1.9153291 0.34448819,-0.89195748 -1.9110528 0.34448819,
+ -0.89640551 -1.907026 0.34448819,-0.90102913 -1.9032646 0.34448819,
+ -0.9058185 -1.8997846 0.34448819,-0.91076535 -1.8966024 0.34448819,
+ -0.91585945 -1.8937343 0.34448819,-0.92109252 -1.8911961 0.34448819,
+ -0.92645433 -1.8890039 0.34448819,-0.93193661 -1.887174 0.34448819,
+ -0.93752913 -1.8857228 0.34448819,-0.94322362 -1.8846661 0.34448819,
+ -0.94901024 -1.8840205 0.34448819,-0.95488031 -1.8838016 0.34448819,
+ -0.95752323 -1.8839461 0.34448819,-0.96066496 -1.8843677 0.34448819,
+ -0.9642126 -1.8850476 0.34448819,-0.96807441 -1.8859677 0.34448819,
+ -0.97215787 -1.8871094 0.34448819,-0.97637047 -1.8884539 0.34448819,
+ -0.98061969 -1.8899835 0.34448819,-0.98481417 -1.8916787 0.34448819,
+ -0.98886063 -1.893522 0.34448819,-0.99266693 -1.8954945 0.34448819,
+ -0.99614134 -1.8975776 0.34448819,-0.9977248 -1.8986551 0.34448819,
+ -0.99919055 -1.8997531 0.34448819,-1.0005272 -1.9008697 0.34448819,
+ -1.0017232 -1.9020024 0.34448819,-1.0027669 -1.9031492 0.34448819,
+ -1.0036465 -1.9043075 0.34448819,-1.0043508 -1.9054748 0.34448819,
+ -1.0048681 -1.9066492 0.34448819,-1.005187 -1.907828 0.34448819,
+ -1.0052961 -1.9090094 0.34448819,-1.0064047 -1.9102634 0.34448819,
+ -1.0073728 -1.9116555 0.34448819,-1.0082075 -1.9131772 0.34448819,
+ -1.0089146 -1.9148189 0.34448819,-1.009502 -1.9165713 0.34448819,
+ -1.0099764 -1.9184252 0.34448819,-1.0103445 -1.9203717 0.34448819,
+ -1.0106134 -1.9224008 0.34448819,-1.0108811 -1.926672 0.34448819,
+ -1.010835 -1.9311646 0.34448819,-1.0105303 -1.9358051 0.34448819,
+ -1.0100224 -1.9405193 0.34448819,-1.0093669 -1.9452339 0.34448819,
+ -1.0086193 -1.949874 0.34448819,-1.0070685 -1.9586382 0.34448819,
+ -1.005813 -1.9662205 0.34448819,-1.0054343 -1.9693839 0.34448819,
+ -1.0052961 -1.9720303 0.34448819,-1.0005661 -1.976615 0.34448819,
+ -0.99581811 -1.9809417 0.34448819,-0.99103307 -1.9850465 0.34448819,
+ -0.98619252 -1.9889669 0.34448819,-0.98127835 -1.9927394 0.34448819,
+ -0.97627205 -1.9964012 0.34448819,-0.96590827 -2.0035402 0.34448819,
+ -0.91706732 -2.0350512 0.34448819,-0.91706535 -2.0350512 0.34448819,
+ -0.92046299 -2.0397406 0.34448819,-0.92356772 -2.0443567 0.34448819,
+ -0.9263815 -2.0488984 0.34448819,-0.92890669 -2.0533665 0.34448819,
+ -0.93114567 -2.0577606 0.34448819,-0.93310079 -2.0620811 0.34448819,
+ -0.93477441 -2.0663276 0.34448819,-0.9361689 -2.0705004 0.34448819,
+ -0.93728622 -2.0745992 0.34448819,-0.93812913 -2.078624 0.34448819,
+ -0.93869961 -2.0825752 0.34448819,-0.939 -2.0864524 0.34448819,
+ -0.93903268 -2.0902559 0.34448819,-0.9388 -2.0939854 0.34448819,
+ -0.93830394 -2.0976413 0.34448819,-0.93754764 -2.1012232 0.34448819,
+ -0.93653228 -2.1047311 0.34448819,-0.93526102 -2.1081654 0.34448819,
+ -0.93373583 -2.1115256 0.34448819,-0.93195906 -2.1148118 0.34448819,
+ -0.92993307 -2.1180244 0.34448819,-0.92766024 -2.1211634 0.34448819,
+ -0.92514291 -2.1242283 0.34448819,-0.92238268 -2.1272193 0.34448819,
+ -0.91938307 -2.1301362 0.34448819,-0.91614528 -2.1329795 0.34448819,
+ -0.91267205 -2.1357492 0.34448819,-0.90896614 -2.1384449 0.34448819,
+ -0.90502913 -2.1410665 0.34448819,-0.90086378 -2.1436142 0.34448819,
+ -0.89647205 -2.1460882 0.34448819,-0.89185669 -2.1484886 0.34448819,
+ -0.88435197 -2.1486272 0.34448819,-0.87612717 -2.1490055 0.34448819,
+ -0.8581815 -2.150261 0.34448819,-0.82096024 -2.153215 0.34448819,
+ -0.81234724 -2.1537224 0.34448819,-0.80434331 -2.1540272 0.34448819,
+ -0.79711496 -2.1540732 0.34448819,-0.79082835 -2.1538055 0.34448819,
+ -0.78564961 -2.1531685 0.34448819,-0.78352717 -2.1526945 0.34448819,
+ -0.78174449 -2.1521071 0.34448819,-0.78032165 -2.1513996 0.34448819,
+ -0.77927953 -2.1505654 0.34448819,-0.77863898 -2.1495972 0.34448819,
+ -0.77842087 -2.1484886 0.34448819,-0.77409488 -2.1415807 0.34448819,
+ -0.77054685 -2.135026 0.34448819,-0.76774134 -2.1288079 0.34448819,
+ -0.76564488 -2.122911 0.34448819,-0.76422205 -2.1173185 0.34448819,
+ -0.76343858 -2.1120146 0.34448819,-0.76325984 -2.1069831 0.34448819,
+ -0.76365118 -2.1022075 0.34448819,-0.76457756 -2.097672 0.34448819,
+ -0.76600512 -2.0933606 0.34448819,-0.76789882 -2.0892567 0.34448819,
+ -0.77022402 -2.0853445 0.34448819,-0.77294606 -2.0816079 0.34448819,
+ -0.77603071 -2.0780303 0.34448819,-0.77944291 -2.0745957 0.34448819,
+ -0.78314843 -2.0712882 0.34448819,-0.7913 -2.064989 0.34448819,
+ -0.80020827 -2.0590039 0.34448819,-0.81918858 -2.0474583 0.34448819,
+ -0.8287063 -2.0416394 0.34448819,-0.83787323 -2.0356173 0.34448819,
+ -0.8464126 -2.029263 0.34448819,-0.85036024 -2.0259205 0.34448819,
+ -0.85404724 -2.0224469 0.34448819,-0.85304843 -2.0165043 0.34448819,
+ -0.85241024 -2.0105043 0.34448819,-0.85212244 -2.0044626 0.34448819,
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+ -0.56415512 -2.1610949 0.34448819,-0.56415315 -2.1610921 0.34448819,
+ -0.56415276 -2.1610917 0.34448819,-0.56415236 -2.1610913 0.34448819,
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+ -1.2043075 -2.0456965 0.34448819,-1.205978 -2.0462756 0.34448819,
+ -1.2077039 -2.0470205 0.34448819,-1.2094831 -2.0479154 0.34448819,
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+ -1.2550165 -2.0727543 0.34448819,-1.2573795 -2.0728622 0.34448819,
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+ -1.2558039 -2.1062413 0.34448819,-1.2510772 -2.1092972 0.34448819,
+ -1.241624 -2.1155748 0.34448819,-1.2321709 -2.1217047 0.34448819,
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+ -1.1990843 -2.135598 0.34448819,-1.1967209 -2.1358114 0.34448819,
+ -1.1943575 -2.1358843 0.34448819,-1.1920307 -2.1358114 0.34448819,
+ -1.1897728 -2.135598 0.34448819,-1.1875799 -2.1352508 0.34448819,
+ -1.1854465 -2.1347764 0.34448819,-1.1833689 -2.1341819 0.34448819,
+ -1.1813417 -2.1334748 0.34448819,-1.179361 -2.132661 0.34448819,
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+ -1.1402492 -2.1033146 0.34448819,-1.1381161 -2.1019173 0.34448819,
+ -1.1359228 -2.1005728 0.34448819,-1.133665 -2.0992886 0.34448819,
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+ 3.6943339 -2.0173248 0.34448819,3.6933839 -2.013263 0.34448819,
+ 3.692235 -2.0093488 0.34448819,3.6908929 -2.0055823 0.34448819,
+ 3.689361 -2.0019634 0.34448819,3.6876449 -1.9984925 0.34448819,
+ 3.6857488 -1.9951693 0.34448819,3.6836772 -1.9919933 0.34448819,
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+ 3.6020433 -1.9621331 0.34448819,3.6003146 -1.9635598 0.34448819,
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+ 3.5820878 -1.9850579 0.34448819,3.5778937 -1.9909354 0.34448819,
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+ 3.5600642 -2.0293972 0.34448819,3.5632709 -2.0361087 0.34448819,
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+ 3.6935646 -2.0493953 0.34448819,3.6943067 -2.0469622 0.34448819,
+ 3.6949244 -2.044552 0.34448819,3.695413 -2.0421598 0.34448819,
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+ 3.4813567 -2.0553972 0.34448819,3.4808319 -2.0528783 0.34448819,
+ 3.4801134 -2.0503138 0.34448819,3.4792102 -2.0477118 0.34448819,
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+ 3.4754854 -2.0397776 0.34448819,3.472248 -2.0344724 0.34448819,
+ 3.4684937 -2.0292409 0.34448819,3.4642965 -2.0241575 0.34448819,
+ 3.4597299 -2.0192957 0.34448819,3.4548677 -2.0147291 0.34448819,
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+ 3.439248 -2.0035402 0.34448819,3.4365909 -2.0021386 0.34448819,
+ 3.4339429 -2.0008937 0.34448819,3.4313134 -1.9998154 0.34448819,
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+ 3.4187665 -1.9972382 0.34448819,3.4164024 -1.9973472 0.34448819,
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+ 3.4092638 -1.9989122 0.34448819,3.4068535 -1.9998154 0.34448819,
+ 3.4044201 -2.0008937 0.34448819,3.3994657 -2.0035402 0.34448819,
+ 3.3943638 -2.0067776 0.34448819,3.3890772 -2.0105315 0.34448819,
+ 3.377802 -2.0192957 0.34448819,3.3653457 -2.0292409 0.34448819,
+ 3.3585819 -2.0344724 0.34448819,3.3514122 -2.0397776 0.34448819,
+ 3.3437992 -2.0450823 0.34448819,3.3357063 -2.0503138 0.34448819,
+ 3.3270965 -2.0553972 0.34448819,3.3179327 -2.0602591 0.34448819,
+ 3.3305378 -2.0602591 0.34448819,3.3374827 -2.0651209 0.34448819,
+ 3.3441508 -2.0702043 0.34448819,3.3505606 -2.0754354 0.34448819,
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+ 3.3947488 -2.1137406 0.34448819,3.3972161 -2.1154283 0.34448819,
+ 3.399663 -2.1169776 0.34448819,3.4020913 -2.1183791 0.34448819,
+ 3.4045035 -2.119624 0.34448819,3.406902 -2.1207028 0.34448819,
+ 3.4092886 -2.1216059 0.34448819,3.4116661 -2.1223244 0.34448819,
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+ 3.4236283 -2.1228488 0.34448819,3.4261469 -2.1223244 0.34448819,
+ 3.4287118 -2.1216059 0.34448819,3.4313134 -2.1207028 0.34448819,
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+ 3.4754854 -2.0807406 0.34448819,3.476887 -2.0780835 0.34448819,
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+ 3.8892555 -2.0015705 0.34448819,3.8902606 -2.0034728 0.34448819,
+ 3.8913512 -2.0053429 0.34448819,3.8937606 -2.0090051 0.34448819,
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+ 4.0151008 -1.9601669 0.34448819,4.0221906 -1.9520154 0.34448819,
+ 4.0292803 -1.9433839 0.34448819,3.8599118 -1.8585917 0.34448819,
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+ 3.8007071 -1.7907709 0.34448819,3.7907862 -1.7788311 0.34448819,
+ 3.7811606 -1.767778 0.34448819,3.7764126 -1.7626299 0.34448819,
+ 3.7716831 -1.7577587 0.34448819,3.7622791 -1.7672118 0.34448819,
+ 3.7531705 -1.776665 0.34448819,3.7488197 -1.7813913 0.34448819,
+ 3.7446531 -1.7861177 0.34448819,3.7407079 -1.7908445 0.34448819,
+ 3.7370217 -1.7955709 0.34448819,3.7336307 -1.8002976 0.34448819,
+ 3.730572 -1.805024 0.34448819,3.7278823 -1.8097508 0.34448819,
+ 3.7255992 -1.8144772 0.34448819,3.7246217 -1.8168406 0.34448819,
+ 3.7237591 -1.8192035 0.34448819,3.7230169 -1.8215669 0.34448819,
+ 3.7223988 -1.8239303 0.34448819,3.7219106 -1.8262933 0.34448819,
+ 3.7215559 -1.8286567 0.34448819,3.7213398 -1.8310201 0.34448819,
+ 3.7212665 -1.8333831 0.34448819,3.7213898 -1.8527327 0.34448819,
+ 3.7216819 -1.8625732 0.34448819,3.7222512 -1.8723772 0.34448819,
+ 3.7231898 -1.8820335 0.34448819,3.7238264 -1.8867717 0.34448819,
+ 3.7245902 -1.8914311 0.34448819,3.7254921 -1.8959984 0.34448819,
+ 3.7265441 -1.9004594 0.34448819,3.7277575 -1.9048008 0.34448819,
+ 3.7291441 -1.9090083 0.34448819,3.7307154 -1.9130677 0.34448819,
+ 3.7324831 -1.9169657 0.34448819,3.7344583 -1.9206882 0.34448819,
+ 3.7366528 -1.9242217 0.34448819,3.739078 -1.927552 0.34448819,
+ 3.7417453 -1.9306654 0.34448819,3.7446669 -1.933548 0.34448819,
+ 3.7478535 -1.9361858 0.34448819,3.7513173 -1.9385654 0.34448819,
+ 3.7550697 -1.9406724 0.34448819,3.759122 -1.9424933 0.34448819,
+ 3.7634858 -1.9440142 0.34448819,3.7681728 -1.9452213 0.34448819,
+ 3.7731941 -1.9461004 0.34448819,3.7785622 -1.9466382 0.34448819,
+ 3.7842874 -1.9468205 0.34448819,3.7855055 -1.9466748 0.34448819,
+ 3.7867953 -1.9462453 0.34448819,3.7881543 -1.9455433 0.34448819,
+ 3.7895799 -1.9445803 0.34448819,3.7926232 -1.9419189 0.34448819,
+ 3.7959067 -1.9383524 0.34448819,3.7994114 -1.9339736 0.34448819,
+ 3.8031197 -1.9288748 0.34448819,3.8110709 -1.9168862 0.34448819,
+ 3.8285988 -1.8883299 0.34448819,3.8378799 -1.8732394 0.34448819,
+ 3.8473083 -1.8585917 0.34448819,-3.7151917 -2.0224469 0.34448819,
+ -3.7178409 -2.0199449 0.34448819,-3.721026 -2.0172028 0.34448819,
+ -3.7246909 -2.0142764 0.34448819,-3.7287807 -2.0112205 0.34448819,
+ -3.7332398 -2.0080909 0.34448819,-3.7380122 -2.0049429 0.34448819,
+ -3.7430437 -2.0018319 0.34448819,-3.748278 -1.9988134 0.34448819,
+ -3.7536602 -1.9959421 0.34448819,-3.7591346 -1.9932744 0.34448819,
+ -3.7646457 -1.990865 0.34448819,-3.7701386 -1.9887693 0.34448819,
+ -3.7755579 -1.9870429 0.34448819,-3.7808476 -1.9857413 0.34448819,
+ -3.7859528 -1.9849197 0.34448819,-3.7884185 -1.9847063 0.34448819,
+ -3.7908177 -1.9846339 0.34448819,-3.9672752 -2.0098413 0.34448819,
+ -3.9798795 -2.0224469 0.34448819,-3.9798795 -2.0476547 0.34448819,
+ -3.9751528 -2.0501567 0.34448819,-3.9704264 -2.0528984 0.34448819,
+ -3.9656996 -2.0558248 0.34448819,-3.9609728 -2.0588807 0.34448819,
+ -3.9515197 -2.0651583 0.34448819,-3.9420665 -2.0712882 0.34448819,
+ -3.9373398 -2.0741591 0.34448819,-3.932613 -2.0768272 0.34448819,
+ -3.9278866 -2.0792366 0.34448819,-3.9231598 -2.0813319 0.34448819,
+ -3.9184335 -2.0830583 0.34448819,-3.9160701 -2.0837657 0.34448819,
+ -3.9137067 -2.0843598 0.34448819,-3.9113433 -2.0848343 0.34448819,
+ -3.9089799 -2.0851815 0.34448819,-3.9066165 -2.0853949 0.34448819,
+ -3.9042535 -2.0854677 0.34448819,-3.7404004 -2.0854677 0.34448819,
+ -3.7392189 -2.085287 0.34448819,-3.7380402 -2.0847598 0.34448819,
+ -3.7368657 -2.0839098 0.34448819,-3.7356984 -2.0827598 0.34448819,
+ -3.7345402 -2.0813327 0.34448819,-3.7333933 -2.0796516 0.34448819,
+ -3.7311441 -2.0756205 0.34448819,-3.7289685 -2.0708508 0.34448819,
+ -3.726885 -2.0655276 0.34448819,-3.7249126 -2.0598346 0.34448819,
+ -3.7230693 -2.0539571 0.34448819,-3.7198445 -2.042387 0.34448819,
+ -3.7173579 -2.0322937 0.34448819,-5.6310272 -0.61077913 0.34448819,
+ -5.6311358 -0.60956102 0.34448819,-5.6314547 -0.60827165 0.34448819,
+ -5.631972 -0.6069126 0.34448819,-5.6326764 -0.60548661 0.34448819,
+ -5.6335559 -0.60399606 0.34448819,-5.6345996 -0.60244331 0.34448819,
+ -5.6371319 -0.59916024 0.34448819,-5.6401811 -0.59565512 0.34448819,
+ -5.6436551 -0.59194724 0.34448819,-5.6515075 -0.58399567 0.34448819,
+ -5.6599512 -0.57545354 0.34448819,-5.6641638 -0.57100669 0.34448819,
+ -5.6682472 -0.56646811 0.34448819,-5.6721091 -0.56185512 0.34448819,
+ -5.6756571 -0.55718701 0.34448819,-5.6787992 -0.55248189 0.34448819,
+ -5.680189 -0.55012126 0.34448819,-5.6814429 -0.54775827 0.34448819,
+ -5.7005453 -0.56666496 0.34448819,-5.7104657 -0.57611811 0.34448819,
+ -5.7208299 -0.58557126 0.34448819,-5.7317846 -0.59502441 0.34448819,
+ -5.7375299 -0.59975118 0.34448819,-5.743478 -0.60447756 0.34448819,
+ -5.749648 -0.60920433 0.34448819,-5.7560579 -0.61393071 0.34448819,
+ -5.762726 -0.61865709 0.34448819,-5.7696717 -0.62338346 0.34448819,
+ -5.7570689 -0.62338346 0.34448819,-5.6814429 -0.69900787 0.34448819,
+ -5.680189 -0.69549961 0.34448819,-5.6787996 -0.69206299 0.34448819,
+ -5.677285 -0.68869528 0.34448819,-5.6756575 -0.68539488 0.34448819,
+ -5.6739287 -0.68215866 0.34448819,-5.6721098 -0.67898504 0.34448819,
+ -5.668248 -0.67281535 0.34448819,-5.6641646 -0.66686732 0.34448819,
+ -5.659952 -0.66112205 0.34448819,-5.6515083 -0.65016732 0.34448819,
+ -5.6474618 -0.64492087 0.34448819,-5.6436555 -0.63980315 0.34448819,
+ -5.6401815 -0.63479646 0.34448819,-5.6371319 -0.62988228 0.34448819,
+ -5.6357953 -0.62745394 0.34448819,-5.6345996 -0.62504173 0.34448819,
+ -5.6335563 -0.6226437 0.34448819,-5.6326764 -0.62025709 0.34448819,
+ -5.631972 -0.61787953 0.34448819,-5.6314547 -0.61550866 0.34448819,
+ -5.6311358 -0.61314291 0.34448819,-5.290713 -0.61077913 0.34448819,
+ -5.293224 -0.60604646 0.34448819,-5.2960303 -0.60127677 0.34448819,
+ -5.2991323 -0.59643346 0.34448819,-5.3025295 -0.59147913 0.34448819,
+ -5.3102102 -0.58109055 0.34448819,-5.3190724 -0.56981575 0.34448819,
+ -5.3403421 -0.54342598 0.34448819,-5.3527488 -0.52772008 0.34448819,
+ -5.3608094 -0.51717677 0.34448819,-5.3672976 -0.52407717 0.34448819,
+ -5.3735906 -0.53105 0.34448819,-5.3795327 -0.53791181 0.34448819,
+ -5.3851055 -0.54462638 0.34448819,-5.3902906 -0.55115591 0.34448819,
+ -5.3950697 -0.55746417 0.34448819,-5.399424 -0.56351417 0.34448819,
+ -5.403335 -0.5692685 0.34448819,-5.4067846 -0.57469055 0.34448819,
+ -5.4097539 -0.57974331 0.34448819,-5.4122252 -0.58438976 0.34448819,
+ -5.4141791 -0.58859331 0.34448819,-5.4155976 -0.59231693 0.34448819,
+ -5.4161004 -0.59398701 0.34448819,-5.4164626 -0.59552323 0.34448819,
+ -5.4166815 -0.59692126 0.34448819,-5.4167547 -0.59817598 0.34448819,
+ -5.4166457 -0.60171929 0.34448819,-5.416324 -0.6052563 0.34448819,
+ -5.4157992 -0.60877913 0.34448819,-5.4150807 -0.6122811 0.34448819,
+ -5.4141776 -0.61575591 0.34448819,-5.4130992 -0.61919567 0.34448819,
+ -5.4118543 -0.6225937 0.34448819,-5.4104528 -0.6259437 0.34448819,
+ -5.4089031 -0.62923819 0.34448819,-5.4072154 -0.63247047 0.34448819,
+ -5.4053984 -0.63563346 0.34448819,-5.403461 -0.63872008 0.34448819,
+ -5.4014134 -0.64172362 0.34448819,-5.3992638 -0.6446374 0.34448819,
+ -5.397022 -0.64745433 0.34448819,-5.3946972 -0.65016732 0.34448819,
+ -5.3922984 -0.65276929 0.34448819,-5.389835 -0.65525394 0.34448819,
+ -5.3873165 -0.65761378 0.34448819,-5.3847516 -0.65984173 0.34448819,
+ -5.3821496 -0.66193189 0.34448819,-5.3795201 -0.66387598 0.34448819,
+ -5.3768724 -0.66566811 0.34448819,-5.374215 -0.66730118 0.34448819,
+ -5.3715579 -0.66876772 0.34448819,-5.3689098 -0.67006142 0.34448819,
+ -5.3662803 -0.6711748 0.34448819,-5.3636787 -0.67210157 0.34448819,
+ -5.3611138 -0.67283425 0.34448819,-5.3585949 -0.67336614 0.34448819,
+ -5.3561319 -0.67369055 0.34448819,-5.3537331 -0.6738 0.34448819,
+ -5.3524433 -0.67369094 0.34448819,-5.350948 -0.67336929 0.34448819,
+ -5.3474063 -0.67212598 0.34448819,-5.3432366 -0.67014449 0.34448819,
+ -5.3385685 -0.66749803 0.34448819,-5.3335315 -0.66426063 0.34448819,
+ -5.3282539 -0.66050669 0.34448819,-5.3228661 -0.65630906 0.34448819,
+ -5.3174965 -0.65174252 0.34448819,-5.3122744 -0.64688071 0.34448819,
+ -5.3073295 -0.64179724 0.34448819,-5.3027909 -0.63656575 0.34448819,
+ -5.2987874 -0.63126102 0.34448819,-5.2970268 -0.62860354 0.34448819,
+ -5.2954488 -0.62595591 0.34448819,-5.2940689 -0.62332638 0.34448819,
+ -5.2929039 -0.62072441 0.34448819,-5.2919697 -0.61815984 0.34448819,
+ -5.2912823 -0.61564134 0.34448819,-5.2908579 -0.61317795 0.34448819,
+ -5.4520795 -0.42799449 0.34448819,-5.4521102 -0.42597992 0.34448819,
+ -5.4523783 -0.4238248 0.34448819,-5.4528724 -0.42154528 0.34448819,
+ -5.4535815 -0.41915669 0.34448819,-5.4544933 -0.41667638 0.34448819,
+ -5.4555969 -0.41411969 0.34448819,-5.4568807 -0.41150276 0.34448819,
+ -5.4583327 -0.40884213 0.34448819,-5.4616961 -0.40345394 0.34448819,
+ -5.4655949 -0.39808425 0.34448819,-5.469937 -0.3928622 0.34448819,
+ -5.4746295 -0.38791693 0.34448819,-5.4795811 -0.38337835 0.34448819,
+ -5.4821248 -0.38130157 0.34448819,-5.4846984 -0.3793748 0.34448819,
+ -5.4872906 -0.37761417 0.34448819,-5.4898898 -0.37603583 0.34448819,
+ -5.4924843 -0.3746563 0.34448819,-5.4950626 -0.37349094 0.34448819,
+ -5.497613 -0.37255669 0.34448819,-5.5001244 -0.37186929 0.34448819,
+ -5.502585 -0.37144488 0.34448819,-5.5049835 -0.3713 0.34448819,
+ -5.5085996 -0.37037441 0.34448819,-5.5123469 -0.36994921 0.34448819,
+ -5.5162098 -0.37000906 0.34448819,-5.520172 -0.37053701 0.34448819,
+ -5.5242173 -0.37151772 0.34448819,-5.5283295 -0.37293425 0.34448819,
+ -5.5324925 -0.37477087 0.34448819,-5.5366902 -0.37701181 0.34448819,
+ -5.5409063 -0.37963976 0.34448819,-5.5451248 -0.38263976 0.34448819,
+ -5.5535039 -0.38968976 0.34448819,-5.5616984 -0.39803189 0.34448819,
+ -5.5695791 -0.4075374 0.34448819,-5.5770169 -0.41807677 0.34448819,
+ -5.5838823 -0.42952087 0.34448819,-5.5900457 -0.44174016 0.34448819,
+ -5.5953787 -0.45460591 0.34448819,-5.5997512 -0.46798858 0.34448819,
+ -5.6030346 -0.48175906 0.34448819,-5.6042276 -0.48874921 0.34448819,
+ -5.6050996 -0.49578819 0.34448819,-5.6056346 -0.50285906 0.34448819,
+ -5.6058165 -0.50994606 0.34448819,-5.6033087 -0.5123126 0.34448819,
+ -5.6005236 -0.51469724 0.34448819,-5.5974803 -0.5171189 0.34448819,
+ -5.5941969 -0.51959606 0.34448819,-5.5790323 -0.53042795 0.34448819,
+ -5.5704898 -0.5366563 0.34448819,-5.5660433 -0.54003819 0.34448819,
+ -5.5615043 -0.54362283 0.34448819,-5.5568917 -0.54742953 0.34448819,
+ -5.5522236 -0.55147598 0.34448819,-5.5475185 -0.55578071 0.34448819,
+ -5.5427949 -0.5603626 0.34448819,-5.5379268 -0.55326969 0.34448819,
+ -5.5328004 -0.54615827 0.34448819,-5.5219197 -0.5318063 0.34448819,
+ -5.4986811 -0.50206811 0.34448819,-5.4869138 -0.48638701 0.34448819,
+ -5.4811224 -0.47827835 0.34448819,-5.4754421 -0.46996693 0.34448819,
+ -5.4699091 -0.46143386 0.34448819,-5.464561 -0.45266102 0.34448819,
+ -5.4594343 -0.44362953 0.34448819,-5.4545661 -0.43432087 0.34448819,
+ -5.4535303 -0.4330311 0.34448819,-5.4527783 -0.43153622 0.34448819,
+ -5.4522984 -0.42985197 0.34448819,-5.3537331 -0.50994724 0.34448819,
+ -5.3663374 -0.50994606 0.34448819,-5.360672 -0.51703071 0.34448819,
+ -5.2655043 -0.4469252 0.34448819,-5.2655776 -0.4445626 0.34448819,
+ -5.2657937 -0.44220472 0.34448819,-5.266148 -0.43985591 0.34448819,
+ -5.2666366 -0.43752087 0.34448819,-5.2672543 -0.43520472 0.34448819,
+ -5.2679969 -0.43291142 0.34448819,-5.2688591 -0.43064567 0.34448819,
+ -5.269837 -0.4284122 0.34448819,-5.2709256 -0.42621575 0.34448819,
+ -5.2721205 -0.42406102 0.34448819,-5.2734165 -0.42195236 0.34448819,
+ -5.2748098 -0.41989449 0.34448819,-5.2762953 -0.41789213 0.34448819,
+ -5.2778685 -0.41594961 0.34448819,-5.2795248 -0.41407165 0.34448819,
+ -5.2812594 -0.41226299 0.34448819,-5.2830681 -0.41052835 0.34448819,
+ -5.2849461 -0.40887205 0.34448819,-5.2868886 -0.40729882 0.34448819,
+ -5.2888909 -0.40581339 0.34448819,-5.2909488 -0.40442008 0.34448819,
+ -5.2930575 -0.40312362 0.34448819,-5.2952122 -0.40192913 0.34448819,
+ -5.2974083 -0.40084055 0.34448819,-5.2996417 -0.3998626 0.34448819,
+ -5.3019071 -0.39900039 0.34448819,-5.3042004 -0.39825787 0.34448819,
+ -5.3065165 -0.39764016 0.34448819,-5.3088512 -0.39715157 0.34448819,
+ -5.3111996 -0.39679724 0.34448819,-5.3135575 -0.3965811 0.34448819,
+ -5.3159201 -0.39650787 0.34448819,-5.3171386 -0.3965811 0.34448819,
+ -5.3184311 -0.39679724 0.34448819,-5.3212378 -0.39764016 0.34448819,
+ -5.3243398 -0.39900039 0.34448819,-5.3277374 -0.40084055 0.34448819,
+ -5.3314299 -0.40312402 0.34448819,-5.3354181 -0.40581378 0.34448819,
+ -5.3442803 -0.41226378 0.34448819,-5.36555 -0.42841299 0.34448819,
+ -5.3779571 -0.43752165 0.34448819,-5.3846039 -0.44220512 0.34448819,
+ -5.3915461 -0.4469252 0.34448819,-5.4041488 -0.4469252 0.34448819,
+ -5.3995315 -0.4492878 0.34448819,-5.3951264 -0.45164567 0.34448819,
+ -5.3909248 -0.45399449 0.34448819,-5.3869165 -0.45632913 0.34448819,
+ -5.3794453 -0.46093898 0.34448819,-5.372639 -0.4654378 0.34448819,
+ -5.3664228 -0.46978898 0.34448819,-5.360724 -0.47395551 0.34448819,
+ -5.3505819 -0.48158701 0.34448819,-5.3459906 -0.48497795 0.34448819,
+ -5.3416209 -0.48803661 0.34448819,-5.3373988 -0.49072598 0.34448819,
+ -5.3353205 -0.49192087 0.34448819,-5.3332508 -0.49300906 0.34448819,
+ -5.3311815 -0.49398701 0.34448819,-5.3291028 -0.49484921 0.34448819,
+ -5.3270055 -0.49559173 0.34448819,-5.3248807 -0.49620945 0.34448819,
+ -5.3227189 -0.49669803 0.34448819,-5.320511 -0.49705276 0.34448819,
+ -5.318248 -0.4972689 0.34448819,-5.3159201 -0.49734173 0.34448819,
+ -5.3135575 -0.49723307 0.34448819,-5.3111996 -0.49691417 0.34448819,
+ -5.3088512 -0.49639685 0.34448819,-5.3065165 -0.49569252 0.34448819,
+ -5.3042004 -0.4948126 0.34448819,-5.3019071 -0.49376929 0.34448819,
+ -5.2996417 -0.49257323 0.34448819,-5.2974083 -0.49123661 0.34448819,
+ -5.2952122 -0.48977087 0.34448819,-5.2930575 -0.48818701 0.34448819,
+ -5.2909488 -0.48649724 0.34448819,-5.2888909 -0.48471299 0.34448819,
+ -5.2849461 -0.4809063 0.34448819,-5.2812594 -0.47685984 0.34448819,
+ -5.2778685 -0.47266575 0.34448819,-5.2748098 -0.46841614 0.34448819,
+ -5.2721205 -0.46420354 0.34448819,-5.269837 -0.46012008 0.34448819,
+ -5.2679969 -0.45625827 0.34448819,-5.2666366 -0.45271024 0.34448819,
+ -5.2657937 -0.4495685 0.34448819,-5.2655776 -0.44817874 0.34448819,
+ -5.782276 1.683178 0.34448819,-5.7822764 1.6831787 0.34448819,
+ -5.7948803 1.6831787 0.34448819,-5.7444646 1.6831787 0.34448819,
+ -5.7537209 1.7207949 0.34448819,-5.7579799 1.7392331 0.34448819,
+ -5.7617957 1.7572287 0.34448819,-5.7650205 1.7746331 0.34448819,
+ -5.7675071 1.7912992 0.34448819,-5.7684272 1.7993091 0.34448819,
+ -5.7691071 1.8070791 0.34448819,-5.7695287 1.8145906 0.34448819,
+ -5.7696732 1.8218252 0.34448819,-5.7697823 1.8241154 0.34448819,
+ -5.7701012 1.8262622 0.34448819,-5.7706185 1.8282709 0.34448819,
+ -5.7713224 1.8301457 0.34448819,-5.7722024 1.8318909 0.34448819,
+ -5.7732457 1.8335118 0.34448819,-5.7744417 1.835013 0.34448819,
+ -5.7757783 1.8363984 0.34448819,-5.7772441 1.8376728 0.34448819,
+ -5.7788276 1.8388417 0.34448819,-5.7805173 1.8399087 0.34448819,
+ -5.7823016 1.8408787 0.34448819,-5.7841693 1.8417563 0.34448819,
+ -5.7861079 1.8425465 0.34448819,-5.7901543 1.8438819 0.34448819,
+ -5.7943484 1.844922 0.34448819,-5.798598 1.8457035 0.34448819,
+ -5.8028106 1.8462634 0.34448819,-5.8068941 1.846639 0.34448819,
+ -5.8143039 1.8469835 0.34448819,-5.820089 1.8470327 0.34448819,
+ -5.8212701 1.8468882 0.34448819,-5.8224488 1.8464665 0.34448819,
+ -5.8236232 1.8457866 0.34448819,-5.8247906 1.8448665 0.34448819,
+ -5.8259484 1.8437248 0.34448819,-5.8270953 1.8423803 0.34448819,
+ -5.828228 1.8408508 0.34448819,-5.8293445 1.8391551 0.34448819,
+ -5.8315201 1.8353398 0.34448819,-5.8336031 1.8310807 0.34448819,
+ -5.835576 1.8265264 0.34448819,-5.8374193 1.8218244 0.34448819,
+ -5.839115 1.8171228 0.34448819,-5.8406445 1.8125685 0.34448819,
+ -5.8431311 1.8044941 0.34448819,-5.8452976 1.7966161 0.34448819,
+ -5.8427894 1.7895264 0.34448819,-5.8400043 1.7824366 0.34448819,
+ -5.8369606 1.7753465 0.34448819,-5.8336772 1.7682567 0.34448819,
+ -5.830172 1.7611669 0.34448819,-5.8264642 1.7540768 0.34448819,
+ -5.8185126 1.7398972 0.34448819,-5.8099705 1.7257173 0.34448819,
+ -5.800985 1.7115378 0.34448819,-5.2899583 1.9384697 0.34448819,
+ -5.2909339 1.9464961 0.34448819,-5.2922413 1.9544256 0.34448819,
+ -5.293863 1.9622421 0.34448819,-5.2957799 1.9699291 0.34448819,
+ -5.297974 1.9774709 0.34448819,-5.3004264 1.9848512 0.34448819,
+ -5.3031189 1.9920539 0.34448819,-5.3060331 1.9990626 0.34448819,
+ -5.3091504 2.005861 0.34448819,-5.312452 2.0124335 0.34448819,
+ -5.3159201 2.0187638 0.34448819,-5.3195358 2.0248354 0.34448819,
+ -5.3232807 2.0306323 0.34448819,-5.3271366 2.0361386 0.34448819,
+ -5.3310846 2.0413378 0.34448819,-5.3351067 2.0462142 0.34448819,
+ -5.3391839 2.0507512 0.34448819,-5.343298 2.0549327 0.34448819,
+ -5.3474307 2.0587425 0.34448819,-5.3515638 2.0621646 0.34448819,
+ -5.355678 2.0651831 0.34448819,-5.3597551 2.0677815 0.34448819,
+ -5.3637772 2.0699433 0.34448819,-5.3677252 2.0716531 0.34448819,
+ -5.3715811 2.0728945 0.34448819,-5.375326 2.0736512 0.34448819,
+ -5.3789417 2.0739067 0.34448819,-5.3801953 2.0738339 0.34448819,
+ -5.3815846 2.0736177 0.34448819,-5.3847264 2.0727744 0.34448819,
+ -5.388274 2.0714142 0.34448819,-5.3921358 2.069574 0.34448819,
+ -5.3962193 2.0672909 0.34448819,-5.4004319 2.0646012 0.34448819,
+ -5.4046815 2.0615425 0.34448819,-5.4088756 2.0581516 0.34448819,
+ -5.412922 2.054465 0.34448819,-5.4167283 2.0505201 0.34448819,
+ -5.418513 2.0484622 0.34448819,-5.4202028 2.0463535 0.34448819,
+ -5.4217862 2.0441988 0.34448819,-5.423252 2.0420024 0.34448819,
+ -5.424589 2.0397693 0.34448819,-5.4257846 2.0375035 0.34448819,
+ -5.4268283 2.0352102 0.34448819,-5.4277079 2.0328941 0.34448819,
+ -5.4284122 2.0305591 0.34448819,-5.4289295 2.0282106 0.34448819,
+ -5.4292484 2.0258528 0.34448819,-5.4293575 2.0234902 0.34448819,
+ -5.4303205 2.0186209 0.34448819,-5.4308591 2.0134835 0.34448819,
+ -5.4309913 2.0081063 0.34448819,-5.4307362 2.0025165 0.34448819,
+ -5.4301114 1.9967421 0.34448819,-5.4291358 1.990811 0.34448819,
+ -5.4278283 1.9847504 0.34448819,-5.4262067 1.9785886 0.34448819,
+ -5.4242894 1.9723524 0.34448819,-5.4220957 1.9660705 0.34448819,
+ -5.4196429 1.9597701 0.34448819,-5.4169504 1.9534787 0.34448819,
+ -5.4140366 1.9472244 0.34448819,-5.4109193 1.9410346 0.34448819,
+ -5.4076173 1.934937 0.34448819,-5.4041496 1.9289594 0.34448819,
+ -5.4005339 1.9231299 0.34448819,-5.396789 1.9174756 0.34448819,
+ -5.3929335 1.9120244 0.34448819,-5.3889854 1.9068039 0.34448819,
+ -5.3849634 1.9018417 0.34448819,-5.3808862 1.8971661 0.34448819,
+ -5.376772 1.8928039 0.34448819,-5.3726394 1.8887839 0.34448819,
+ -5.3685067 1.8851327 0.34448819,-5.3643925 1.8818783 0.34448819,
+ -5.360315 1.8790488 0.34448819,-5.3562933 1.876672 0.34448819,
+ -5.3523453 1.8747748 0.34448819,-5.3484894 1.8733854 0.34448819,
+ -5.3447445 1.8725315 0.34448819,-5.3411287 1.8722406 0.34448819,
+ -5.3387661 1.8723492 0.34448819,-5.3364083 1.8726654 0.34448819,
+ -5.3340594 1.8731752 0.34448819,-5.3317248 1.8738654 0.34448819,
+ -5.3294083 1.8747217 0.34448819,-5.327115 1.8757303 0.34448819,
+ -5.3248496 1.8768772 0.34448819,-5.3226161 1.8781488 0.34448819,
+ -5.3204201 1.8795315 0.34448819,-5.3182654 1.8810106 0.34448819,
+ -5.3161567 1.8825732 0.34448819,-5.3140988 1.8842051 0.34448819,
+ -5.3101539 1.8876209 0.34448819,-5.3064677 1.8911472 0.34448819,
+ -5.3030768 1.8946736 0.34448819,-5.3000181 1.8980894 0.34448819,
+ -5.2973287 1.9012835 0.34448819,-5.2950457 1.9041453 0.34448819,
+ -5.2918453 1.9084291 0.34448819,-5.290713 1.9100539 0.34448819,
+ -5.290713 1.8974484 0.34448819,-5.2897496 1.9057173 0.34448819,
+ -5.289211 1.9139701 0.34448819,-5.2890787 1.9221902 0.34448819,
+ -5.2893339 1.9303622 0.34448819,-5.6184209 2.0108878 0.34448819,
+ -5.6231508 2.0157559 0.34448819,-5.6278988 2.0208823 0.34448819,
+ -5.637524 2.031763 0.34448819,-5.6474449 2.043235 0.34448819,
+ -5.6578087 2.055002 0.34448819,-5.6632028 2.0609043 0.34448819,
+ -5.6687634 2.0667693 0.34448819,-5.6745083 2.0725606 0.34448819,
+ -5.6804567 2.0782409 0.34448819,-5.6866264 2.0837736 0.34448819,
+ -5.6930362 2.089122 0.34448819,-5.6997043 2.0942484 0.34448819,
+ -5.7066496 2.0991165 0.34448819,-5.7078685 2.1001524 0.34448819,
+ -5.7091638 2.1009043 0.34448819,-5.7105374 2.1013839 0.34448819,
+ -5.7119917 2.1016024 0.34448819,-5.7135291 2.101572 0.34448819,
+ -5.715152 2.1013039 0.34448819,-5.7168626 2.1008094 0.34448819,
+ -5.718663 2.1001008 0.34448819,-5.7225437 2.098085 0.34448819,
+ -5.7268118 2.0953492 0.34448819,-5.7314858 2.0919858 0.34448819,
+ -5.7365846 2.088087 0.34448819,-5.7481303 2.0790524 0.34448819,
+ -5.7546138 2.0741012 0.34448819,-5.7615961 2.0689835 0.34448819,
+ -5.7690949 2.0637925 0.34448819,-5.7771295 2.0586197 0.34448819,
+ -5.7857177 2.0535579 0.34448819,-5.7948783 2.0486988 0.34448819,
+ -5.8074846 2.0486988 0.34448819,-5.7960988 2.0416154 0.34448819,
+ -5.7855256 2.0345689 0.34448819,-5.7756906 2.0275961 0.34448819,
+ -5.7665205 2.0207343 0.34448819,-5.7579413 2.0140197 0.34448819,
+ -5.7498791 2.0074902 0.34448819,-5.7350102 1.9951319 0.34448819,
+ -5.7213232 1.9839555 0.34448819,-5.7147382 1.9789028 0.34448819,
+ -5.7082268 1.9742563 0.34448819,-5.7017154 1.9700528 0.34448819,
+ -5.6951303 1.9663295 0.34448819,-5.691787 1.9646591 0.34448819,
+ -5.6883972 1.9631228 0.34448819,-5.6849524 1.9617252 0.34448819,
+ -5.6814429 1.9604705 0.34448819,-5.6802244 1.9605791 0.34448819,
+ -5.6789346 1.960898 0.34448819,-5.6775756 1.9614154 0.34448819,
+ -5.6761492 1.9621197 0.34448819,-5.6746587 1.9629992 0.34448819,
+ -5.6731059 1.9640429 0.34448819,-5.6698224 1.9665756 0.34448819,
+ -5.6663173 1.9696252 0.34448819,-5.6626094 1.9730992 0.34448819,
+ -5.6546579 1.9809524 0.34448819,-5.6461157 1.9893965 0.34448819,
+ -5.6416693 1.9936091 0.34448819,-5.6371303 1.9976925 0.34448819,
+ -5.6325177 2.0015543 0.34448819,-5.6278496 2.0051024 0.34448819,
+ -5.6231445 2.0082445 0.34448819,-5.6207839 2.0096343 0.34448819,
+ -5.4293591 2.1873453 0.34448819,-5.4295039 2.1901299 0.34448819,
+ -5.4299252 2.1936717 0.34448819,-5.4306051 2.1978413 0.34448819,
+ -5.4315252 2.2025091 0.34448819,-5.4326669 2.2075465 0.34448819,
+ -5.4340114 2.212824 0.34448819,-5.4355406 2.2182122 0.34448819,
+ -5.4372358 2.2235819 0.34448819,-5.4390791 2.2288039 0.34448819,
+ -5.4410516 2.2337488 0.34448819,-5.4431346 2.2382878 0.34448819,
+ -5.4453102 2.2422913 0.34448819,-5.4464268 2.244052 0.34448819,
+ -5.4475594 2.2456303 0.34448819,-5.4487059 2.2470098 0.34448819,
+ -5.4498642 2.2481752 0.34448819,-5.4510315 2.2491094 0.34448819,
+ -5.4522059 2.2497969 0.34448819,-5.4533846 2.2502209 0.34448819,
+ -5.4545661 2.2503661 0.34448819,-5.4558559 2.2514744 0.34448819,
+ -5.4573512 2.2524398 0.34448819,-5.4590358 2.2532669 0.34448819,
+ -5.4608933 2.2539598 0.34448819,-5.4629079 2.254524 0.34448819,
+ -5.4650634 2.254963 0.34448819,-5.4673433 2.2552823 0.34448819,
+ -5.4697315 2.2554862 0.34448819,-5.4722122 2.2555791 0.34448819,
+ -5.4747689 2.2555661 0.34448819,-5.4800465 2.2552402 0.34448819,
+ -5.4854346 2.2545445 0.34448819,-5.4908043 2.2535169 0.34448819,
+ -5.4960264 2.2521937 0.34448819,-5.5009713 2.2506118 0.34448819,
+ -5.5055102 2.2488087 0.34448819,-5.5075866 2.2478354 0.34448819,
+ -5.5095134 2.2468209 0.34448819,-5.511274 2.2457693 0.34448819,
+ -5.5128524 2.2446854 0.34448819,-5.5142319 2.2435736 0.34448819,
+ -5.5153969 2.242439 0.34448819,-5.5163311 2.2412858 0.34448819,
+ -5.5170185 2.2401189 0.34448819,-5.5174429 2.2389425 0.34448819,
+ -5.5175878 2.2377618 0.34448819,-5.5932142 2.0865122 0.34448819,
+ -5.5920323 2.0852587 0.34448819,-5.5908504 2.0838689 0.34448819,
+ -5.588487 2.0807272 0.34448819,-5.5861232 2.0771791 0.34448819,
+ -5.5837598 2.0733173 0.34448819,-5.5743067 2.0565776 0.34448819,
+ -5.5719437 2.0525311 0.34448819,-5.5695803 2.0487244 0.34448819,
+ -5.5672173 2.0452504 0.34448819,-5.5648539 2.0422008 0.34448819,
+ -5.5636724 2.0408642 0.34448819,-5.5624909 2.0396681 0.34448819,
+ -5.5613091 2.0386248 0.34448819,-5.5601276 2.0377449 0.34448819,
+ -5.5589461 2.0370406 0.34448819,-5.5577642 2.0365232 0.34448819,
+ -5.5565827 2.0362043 0.34448819,-5.5554008 2.0360957 0.34448819,
+ -5.5527579 2.0362402 0.34448819,-5.5496165 2.0366618 0.34448819,
+ -5.5460685 2.0373417 0.34448819,-5.5422067 2.0382618 0.34448819,
+ -5.5381236 2.0394035 0.34448819,-5.533911 2.040748 0.34448819,
+ -5.5296614 2.0422772 0.34448819,-5.5254673 2.0439728 0.34448819,
+ -5.5214209 2.0458161 0.34448819,-5.5176142 2.0477886 0.34448819,
+ -5.5141402 2.0498717 0.34448819,-5.5125563 2.0509492 0.34448819,
+ -5.5110906 2.0520472 0.34448819,-5.5097539 2.0531638 0.34448819,
+ -5.5085579 2.0542965 0.34448819,-5.5075146 2.0554433 0.34448819,
+ -5.5066346 2.0566016 0.34448819,-5.5059303 2.0577689 0.34448819,
+ -5.505413 2.0589433 0.34448819,-5.5050941 2.060122 0.34448819,
+ -5.5049854 2.0613035 0.34448819,-5.4980429 2.0683965 0.34448819,
+ -5.4913965 2.0755079 0.34448819,-5.4850449 2.0826563 0.34448819,
+ -5.478989 2.0898598 0.34448819,-5.4732283 2.0971374 0.34448819,
+ -5.467763 2.1045071 0.34448819,-5.4625933 2.1119878 0.34448819,
+ -5.4577189 2.1195976 0.34448819,-5.4531402 2.1273551 0.34448819,
+ -5.4488567 2.1352787 0.34448819,-5.4448685 2.1433874 0.34448819,
+ -5.4411756 2.1516988 0.34448819,-5.4377783 2.1602319 0.34448819,
+ -5.4346768 2.1690047 0.34448819,-5.4318701 2.1780366 0.34448819,
+ 5.9143917 0.59921929 0.34448819,5.9143917 0.53619843 0.34448819,
+ 5.7379327 0.19588622 0.34448819,5.7331693 0.19030472 0.34448819,
+ 5.7283346 0.18535591 0.34448819,5.7234307 0.18100709 0.34448819,
+ 5.7184602 0.17722598 0.34448819,5.7134248 0.17398031 0.34448819,
+ 5.7083268 0.1712378 0.34448819,5.7031693 0.16896614 0.34448819,
+ 5.6979535 0.16713307 0.34448819,5.6926831 0.16570591 0.34448819,
+ 5.6873591 0.16465276 0.34448819,5.6819843 0.16394134 0.34448819,
+ 5.676561 0.16353898 0.34448819,5.6655787 0.16353268 0.34448819,
+ 5.6544299 0.16437598 0.34448819,5.6085429 0.17107205 0.34448819,
+ 5.5968402 0.17228465 0.34448819,5.5850823 0.17279567 0.34448819,
+ 5.5791886 0.17270709 0.34448819,5.574578 0.1724252 0.34448819,
+ 5.750537 0.78828189 0.34448819,5.7736035 0.76464921 0.34448819,
+ 5.7956362 0.74101654 0.34448819,5.8167827 0.71738346 0.34448819,
+ 5.8371906 0.69375079 0.34448819,5.8570079 0.67011772 0.34448819,
+ 5.8763819 0.64648504 0.34448819,4.480863 0.1326689 0.34448819,
+ 4.4766043 0.15110748 0.34448819,4.472789 0.16910276 0.34448819,
+ 4.4695638 0.18650748 0.34448819,4.4670776 0.20317323 0.34448819,
+ 4.4661575 0.21118346 0.34448819,4.4654776 0.21895315 0.34448819,
+ 4.4650559 0.22646457 0.34448819,4.464911 0.23369921 0.34448819,
+ 4.4718161 0.2289374 0.34448819,4.4783492 0.22411063 0.34448819,
+ 4.4845087 0.21922874 0.34448819,4.4902917 0.21430079 0.34448819,
+ 4.4956965 0.20933583 0.34448819,4.5007205 0.20434291 0.34448819,
+ 4.5053614 0.19933189 0.34448819,4.5096165 0.19431142 0.34448819,
+ 4.5134843 0.18929094 0.34448819,4.5169618 0.18427953 0.34448819,
+ 4.5200472 0.17928701 0.34448819,4.5227378 0.17432205 0.34448819,
+ 4.5236205 0.1724252 0.34448819,4.5250315 0.1693937 0.34448819,
+ 4.5269256 0.16451181 0.34448819,4.5284185 0.15968504 0.34448819,
+ 4.5295075 0.15492323 0.34448819,4.5301902 0.15023504 0.34448819,
+ 4.5304642 0.14562992 0.34448819,4.5303276 0.14111732 0.34448819,
+ 4.529778 0.1367063 0.34448819,4.528813 0.13240591 0.34448819,
+ 4.5274299 0.12822559 0.34448819,4.5256272 0.12417441 0.34448819,
+ 4.523402 0.12026181 0.34448819,4.520752 0.11649685 0.34448819,
+ 4.5176752 0.11288858 0.34448819,4.5141693 0.10944685 0.34448819,
+ 4.5102315 0.10618031 0.34448819,4.5058598 0.10309843 0.34448819,
+ 4.5010524 0.10021063 0.34448819,4.4958059 0.097525591 0.34448819,
+ 4.4901189 0.09505315 0.34448819,5.5957413 0.95725748 0.34448819,
+ 5.5957236 0.95040394 0.34448819,5.5953783 0.94312087 0.34448819,
+ 5.5947098 0.93538583 0.34448819,5.5937228 0.9271748 0.34448819,
+ 5.5908118 0.90923465 0.34448819,5.5866819 0.88911614 0.34448819,
+ 5.5719366 0.82348583 0.34448819,5.5561567 0.75874173 0.34448819,
+ 5.5394909 0.69458858 0.34448819,5.5220862 0.6307311 0.34448819,
+ 5.4480366 0.37234528 0.34448819,4.4523079 0.41015866 0.34448819,
+ 4.4710169 0.47829961 0.34448819,4.480002 0.51340433 0.34448819,
+ 4.4885445 0.54880433 0.34448819,4.4964961 0.58420433 0.34448819,
+ 4.5037091 0.61930866 0.34448819,4.5100358 0.65382244 0.34448819,
+ 4.5153287 0.68745 0.34448819,4.5657453 0.98995 0.34448819,
+ 4.5660437 1.0014677 0.34448819,4.5669516 1.0123764 0.34448819,
+ 4.5673181 1.0151587 0.34448819,4.5676394 1.0175969 0.34448819,
+ 4.568487 1.0226575 0.34448819,4.5694957 1.0275567 0.34448819,
+ 4.5706685 1.0322921 0.34448819,4.5720075 1.0368614 0.34448819,
+ 4.573515 1.0412622 0.34448819,4.5751933 1.0454921 0.34448819,
+ 4.5770445 1.0495492 0.34448819,4.5790713 1.0534307 0.34448819,
+ 4.5812756 1.0571346 0.34448819,4.5836598 1.0606583 0.34448819,
+ 4.5862268 1.0639996 0.34448819,4.588978 1.0671567 0.34448819,
+ 4.5919161 1.0701264 0.34448819,4.5950441 1.0729071 0.34448819,
+ 4.598363 1.0754965 0.34448819,4.601876 1.0778913 0.34448819,
+ 4.605585 1.0800906 0.34448819,4.6094929 1.0820913 0.34448819,
+ 4.6136012 1.0838909 0.34448819,4.6179126 1.0854878 0.34448819,
+ 4.6224295 1.0868791 0.34448819,4.6271543 1.0880626 0.34448819,
+ 4.632089 1.0890362 0.34448819,4.6372358 1.0897972 0.34448819,
+ 4.6425976 1.0903441 0.34448819,4.648176 1.0906736 0.34448819,
+ 4.653974 1.0907839 0.34448819,4.7579583 1.1036343 0.34448819,
+ 4.8619425 1.1132346 0.34448819,4.9139346 1.1165398 0.34448819,
+ 4.9659268 1.1186996 0.34448819,5.0179193 1.1196043 0.34448819,
+ 5.0699114 1.1191429 0.34448819,5.1219035 1.1172039 0.34448819,
+ 5.1738957 1.1136776 0.34448819,5.2258882 1.1084524 0.34448819,
+ 5.2778803 1.1014181 0.34448819,5.3298724 1.0924634 0.34448819,
+ 5.3818646 1.081478 0.34448819,5.4338567 1.0683508 0.34448819,
+ 5.4858488 1.0529709 0.34448819,5.5201657 1.0397264 0.34448819,
+ 5.5347575 1.0335291 0.34448819,5.5476882 1.0273685 0.34448819,
+ 5.5589937 1.0210602 0.34448819,5.5640488 1.0177929 0.34448819,
+ 5.5687114 1.0144197 0.34448819,5.5729862 1.0109169 0.34448819,
+ 5.5768783 1.0072622 0.34448819,5.5803917 1.0034319 0.34448819,
+ 5.5835311 0.99940276 0.34448819,5.5863012 0.99515236 0.34448819,
+ 5.5887071 0.99065748 0.34448819,5.5907524 0.98589488 0.34448819,
+ 5.5924425 0.98084134 0.34448819,5.5937819 0.97547402 0.34448819,
+ 5.5947752 0.96976969 0.34448819,5.5954268 0.96370512 0.34448819,
+ 4.4901953 2.362587 0.34448819,4.4904087 2.3612976 0.34448819,
+ 4.4907563 2.3599386 0.34448819,4.4912303 2.3585126 0.34448819,
+ 4.4925319 2.3554693 0.34448819,4.4942583 2.3521862 0.34448819,
+ 4.4963539 2.3486811 0.34448819,4.4987634 2.3449732 0.34448819,
+ 4.5043024 2.3370217 0.34448819,4.5104323 2.3284791 0.34448819,
+ 4.5167094 2.3194937 0.34448819,4.519765 2.3148807 0.34448819,
+ 4.5226913 2.3102126 0.34448819,4.5254331 2.3055079 0.34448819,
+ 4.5279346 2.3007843 0.34448819,4.5291882 2.3031114 0.34448819,
+ 4.530578 2.3053693 0.34448819,4.5320925 2.3075626 0.34448819,
+ 4.5337201 2.3096957 0.34448819,4.5354492 2.3117736 0.34448819,
+ 4.5372681 2.3138008 0.34448819,4.5391657 2.3157819 0.34448819,
+ 4.5411299 2.3177213 0.34448819,4.5452134 2.3214937 0.34448819,
+ 4.5494264 2.3251555 0.34448819,4.5578701 2.3322949 0.34448819,
+ 4.5619165 2.3358461 0.34448819,4.5657232 2.3394339 0.34448819,
+ 4.5675075 2.3412535 0.34448819,4.5691976 2.3430961 0.34448819,
+ 4.5707811 2.3449661 0.34448819,4.5722469 2.3468685 0.34448819,
+ 4.5735839 2.3488079 0.34448819,4.5747795 2.350789 0.34448819,
+ 4.5758232 2.3528161 0.34448819,4.5767028 2.3548937 0.34448819,
+ 4.5774071 2.3570272 0.34448819,4.5779244 2.3592205 0.34448819,
+ 4.5782433 2.3614783 0.34448819,4.5783524 2.3638051 0.34448819,
+ 4.5827894 2.3710366 0.34448819,4.5866728 2.3785268 0.34448819,
+ 4.590039 2.3862382 0.34448819,4.5929256 2.3941343 0.34448819,
+ 4.5953689 2.402178 0.34448819,4.5974059 2.4103327 0.34448819,
+ 4.5990736 2.418561 0.34448819,4.6004091 2.4268264 0.34448819,
+ 4.6014492 2.4350913 0.34448819,4.6022307 2.4433197 0.34448819,
+ 4.6027909 2.4514744 0.34448819,4.6031661 2.4595181 0.34448819,
+ 4.6035106 2.4751256 0.34448819,4.6035598 2.4898472 0.34448819,
+ 4.6036685 2.4921374 0.34448819,4.6039846 2.4942843 0.34448819,
+ 4.6044949 2.4962929 0.34448819,4.6051846 2.4981677 0.34448819,
+ 4.6060409 2.499913 0.34448819,4.6070496 2.5015339 0.34448819,
+ 4.6081969 2.503035 0.34448819,4.6094685 2.5044205 0.34448819,
+ 4.6108508 2.5056949 0.34448819,4.6123303 2.5068634 0.34448819,
+ 4.6138925 2.5079307 0.34448819,4.6155244 2.5089008 0.34448819,
+ 4.6172114 2.5097783 0.34448819,4.6189402 2.5105685 0.34448819,
+ 4.6206965 2.5112756 0.34448819,4.6224665 2.5119039 0.34448819,
+ 4.6259929 2.5129441 0.34448819,4.6294087 2.5137256 0.34448819,
+ 4.6326031 2.5142854 0.34448819,4.635465 2.514661 0.34448819,
+ 4.6397484 2.5150055 0.34448819,4.6413732 2.5150547 0.34448819,
+ 4.6228602 2.4508524 0.34448819,4.6143421 2.419785 0.34448819,
+ 4.6067106 2.389013 0.34448819,4.6033197 2.3736457 0.34448819,
+ 4.600261 2.3582409 0.34448819,4.5975717 2.3427626 0.34448819,
+ 4.5952882 2.3271736 0.34448819,4.593448 2.311437 0.34448819,
+ 4.5920882 2.2955157 0.34448819,4.5912449 2.2793728 0.34448819,
+ 4.5909555 2.2629713 0.34448819,4.6161634 2.1873469 0.34448819,
+ 4.6174531 2.1884929 0.34448819,4.6189484 2.1895717 0.34448819,
+ 4.6206327 2.1905909 0.34448819,4.6224902 2.1915567 0.34448819,
+ 4.6266598 2.1933567 0.34448819,4.631328 2.1950276 0.34448819,
+ 4.6524004 2.2015268 0.34448819,4.6576224 2.2033823 0.34448819,
+ 4.6625677 2.2054409 0.34448819,4.6648961 2.2065638 0.34448819,
+ 4.6671063 2.2077583 0.34448819,4.6691831 2.2090311 0.34448819,
+ 4.6711098 2.2103894 0.34448819,4.6728705 2.2118398 0.34448819,
+ 4.6744484 2.2133898 0.34448819,4.6758283 2.2150457 0.34448819,
+ 4.6769933 2.2168146 0.34448819,4.6779276 2.2187035 0.34448819,
+ 4.678615 2.2207197 0.34448819,4.6790394 2.2228693 0.34448819,
+ 4.6791843 2.2251602 0.34448819,4.7422051 2.4898472 0.34448819,
+ 4.9438724 2.4898472 0.34448819,4.946235 2.489774 0.34448819,
+ 4.9485957 2.4895579 0.34448819,4.9509516 2.4892031 0.34448819,
+ 4.9533008 2.4887146 0.34448819,4.9556406 2.4880969 0.34448819,
+ 4.9579689 2.4873543 0.34448819,4.9602831 2.4864921 0.34448819,
+ 4.9625815 2.4855142 0.34448819,4.964861 2.4844256 0.34448819,
+ 4.9671201 2.4832311 0.34448819,4.9715669 2.4805417 0.34448819,
+ 4.9759024 2.4774827 0.34448819,4.9801091 2.4740917 0.34448819,
+ 4.9841677 2.4704051 0.34448819,4.9880606 2.4664602 0.34448819,
+ 4.9917685 2.4622937 0.34448819,4.9952736 2.4579425 0.34448819,
+ 4.9985571 2.4534437 0.34448819,5.0016004 2.4488343 0.34448819,
+ 5.0043854 2.4441508 0.34448819,5.0068933 2.4394307 0.34448819,
+ 5.0825177 2.2755756 0.34448819,5.0872933 2.266098 0.34448819,
+ 5.0923646 2.2564728 0.34448819,5.0980264 2.246552 0.34448819,
+ 5.1011713 2.241435 0.34448819,5.1045748 2.2361882 0.34448819,
+ 5.1082736 2.2307941 0.34448819,5.1123047 2.2252335 0.34448819,
+ 5.1167051 2.2194886 0.34448819,5.1215114 2.2135402 0.34448819,
+ 5.1267614 2.2073705 0.34448819,5.1324909 2.2009606 0.34448819,
+ 5.1387378 2.1942921 0.34448819,5.1455386 2.1873469 0.34448819,
+ 5.148828 2.1990543 0.34448819,5.1516189 2.210552 0.34448819,
+ 5.1539299 2.2218512 0.34448819,5.1557791 2.2329634 0.34448819,
+ 5.1571854 2.2439 0.34448819,5.1581669 2.2546728 0.34448819,
+ 5.1589303 2.2757732 0.34448819,5.1582161 2.2963563 0.34448819,
+ 5.1561732 2.316515 0.34448819,5.152948 2.3363413 0.34448819,
+ 5.1486894 2.3559276 0.34448819,5.1435441 2.3753661 0.34448819,
+ 5.1376606 2.3947492 0.34448819,5.1242689 2.4337189 0.34448819,
+ 5.1096953 2.4735744 0.34448819,5.095122 2.5150547 0.34448819,
+ 5.0986661 2.5127638 0.34448819,5.1022055 2.5106114 0.34448819,
+ 5.109252 2.5066846 0.34448819,5.1162248 2.5032012 0.34448819,
+ 5.1230866 2.5000874 0.34448819,5.1298012 2.4972685 0.34448819,
+ 5.1363311 2.4946713 0.34448819,5.148689 2.4898465 0.34448819,
+ 5.1544433 2.4874709 0.34448819,5.1598654 2.4850213 0.34448819,
+ 5.1649181 2.482424 0.34448819,5.1672945 2.4810472 0.34448819,
+ 5.1695646 2.4796055 0.34448819,5.171724 2.4780902 0.34448819,
+ 5.1737681 2.4764913 0.34448819,5.1756921 2.4748004 0.34448819,
+ 5.1774917 2.4730083 0.34448819,5.1791618 2.4711051 0.34448819,
+ 5.180698 2.4690819 0.34448819,5.1820961 2.4669291 0.34448819,
+ 5.1833508 2.4646382 0.34448819,5.1902957 2.4550437 0.34448819,
+ 5.1969638 2.4451902 0.34448819,5.2033736 2.4351154 0.34448819,
+ 5.2095433 2.4248559 0.34448819,5.2154913 2.4144488 0.34448819,
+ 5.2212366 2.4039311 0.34448819,5.2321913 2.3827106 0.34448819,
+ 5.2715795 2.3007835 0.34448819,5.2810323 2.2871205 0.34448819,
+ 5.2904854 2.2741965 0.34448819,5.3093913 2.2487909 0.34448819,
+ 5.3188445 2.235424 0.34448819,5.3235713 2.2283803 0.34448819,
+ 5.3282976 2.2210228 0.34448819,5.333024 2.2132961 0.34448819,
+ 5.3377508 2.2051445 0.34448819,5.3424772 2.196513 0.34448819,
+ 5.3472035 2.1873461 0.34448819,5.3534224 2.2106898 0.34448819,
+ 5.3579614 2.2334791 0.34448819,5.3609126 2.255752 0.34448819,
+ 5.3623681 2.2775445 0.34448819,5.3624201 2.2988941 0.34448819,
+ 5.3611618 2.3198374 0.34448819,5.3586846 2.3404114 0.34448819,
+ 5.3550811 2.3606528 0.34448819,5.3504437 2.3805992 0.34448819,
+ 5.344865 2.400287 0.34448819,5.3384366 2.4197531 0.34448819,
+ 5.3312516 2.439035 0.34448819,5.3234016 2.4581689 0.34448819,
+ 5.3149795 2.4771921 0.34448819,5.296787 2.5150539 0.34448819,
+ 5.3098524 2.5066933 0.34448819,5.3230264 2.4958772 0.34448819,
+ 5.3495421 2.4673949 0.34448819,5.3760213 2.4306409 0.34448819,
+ 5.4021496 2.3866496 0.34448819,5.4276134 2.3364543 0.34448819,
+ 5.4520984 2.2810898 0.34448819,5.4752913 2.2215894 0.34448819,
+ 5.4968776 2.158987 0.34448819,5.5165441 2.0943169 0.34448819,
+ 5.5339764 2.0286126 0.34448819,5.5488606 1.9629087 0.34448819,
+ 5.5608835 1.8982382 0.34448819,5.5697303 1.8356358 0.34448819,
+ 5.5750878 1.7761354 0.34448819,5.5766417 1.7207705 0.34448819,
+ 5.5740783 1.6705756 0.34448819,5.561474 1.6705756 0.34448819,
+ 5.5071157 1.6880323 0.34448819,5.4527386 1.7027016 0.34448819,
+ 5.3983248 1.7147488 0.34448819,5.3438555 1.7243406 0.34448819,
+ 5.2893122 1.7316425 0.34448819,5.2346768 1.7368217 0.34448819,
+ 5.1799307 1.7400433 0.34448819,5.1250551 1.7414744 0.34448819,
+ 5.0700319 1.7412803 0.34448819,5.0148425 1.739628 0.34448819,
+ 4.9038913 1.7326122 0.34448819,4.7920539 1.7217559 0.34448819,
+ 4.6791827 1.7083886 0.34448819,4.6427732 1.7044248 0.34448819,
+ 4.6287504 1.7032091 0.34448819,4.6171465 1.7026768 0.34448819,
+ 4.612165 1.7027071 0.34448819,4.6076839 1.7029567 0.34448819,
+ 4.6036693 1.7034417 0.34448819,4.6000862 1.704178 0.34448819,
+ 4.5969004 1.7051823 0.34448819,4.5940768 1.7064705 0.34448819,
+ 4.5915807 1.7080587 0.34448819,4.5893776 1.709963 0.34448819,
+ 4.5874335 1.7122 0.34448819,4.585713 1.714785 0.34448819,
+ 4.5841815 1.717735 0.34448819,4.5828047 1.7210657 0.34448819,
+ 4.581548 1.7247933 0.34448819,4.5813028 1.7256606 0.34448819,
+ 4.5803768 1.7289343 0.34448819,4.578152 1.7385197 0.34448819,
+ 4.5732039 1.7633587 0.34448819,4.5699268 1.7788709 0.34448819,
+ 4.5657453 1.7966173 0.34448819,4.5371886 1.9458976 0.34448819,
+ 4.5074504 2.0928146 0.34448819,4.4753492 2.2397319 0.34448819,
+ 4.4580433 2.3139291 0.34448819,4.4397035 2.3890122 0.34448819,
+ 4.4351492 2.4078941 0.34448819,4.4331949 2.4172886 0.34448819,
+ 4.4316287 2.426628 0.34448819,4.4305795 2.4358933 0.34448819,
+ 4.4301764 2.4450665 0.34448819,4.4302575 2.4496126 0.34448819,
+ 4.4305488 2.4541287 0.34448819,4.4310661 2.4586126 0.34448819,
+ 4.431826 2.4630618 0.34448819,4.4328441 2.467474 0.34448819,
+ 4.434137 2.4718472 0.34448819,4.4357205 2.4761787 0.34448819,
+ 4.437611 2.4804665 0.34448819,4.4398248 2.4847079 0.34448819,
+ 4.4423776 2.4889008 0.34448819,4.4452858 2.4930433 0.34448819,
+ 4.4485657 2.4971323 0.34448819,4.4522335 2.5011661 0.34448819,
+ 4.4563047 2.5051425 0.34448819,4.4607965 2.5090587 0.34448819,
+ 4.465724 2.5129122 0.34448819,4.4711043 2.5167016 0.34448819,
+ 4.4769528 2.5204236 0.34448819,4.4832858 2.5240768 0.34448819,
+ 4.4901201 2.5276583 0.34448819,4.4901205 2.5276591 0.34448819,
+ 4.4901209 2.5276591 0.34448819,4.4901209 2.5276594 0.34448819,
+ 4.4901213 2.5276594 0.34448819,4.4901217 2.5276594 0.34448819,
+ 4.490122 2.5276598 0.34448819,4.4901224 2.5276602 0.34448819,
+ 4.4901224 2.3638051 0.34448819,4.9060583 -0.3713 0.34448819,
+ 4.8934531 -0.35869646 0.34448819,-4.3135732 0.079166142 0.34448819,
+ -4.3138461 0.069707087 0.34448819,-4.3144811 0.060195276 0.34448819,
+ -4.3154669 0.050664567 0.34448819,-4.3167921 0.041150394 0.34448819,
+ -4.3184449 0.031687008 0.34448819,-4.3204142 0.022308661 0.34448819,
+ -4.3226878 0.013050787 0.34448819,-4.3252543 0.0039472441 0.34448819,
+ -4.3281028 -0.0049669291 0.34448819,-4.3312213 -0.01365748 0.34448819,
+ -4.334598 -0.02208937 0.34448819,-4.3382217 -0.030227953 0.34448819,
+ -4.3420807 -0.038038976 0.34448819,-4.3461638 -0.045487795 0.34448819,
+ -4.347528 -0.047727165 0.34448819,-4.3504591 -0.05253937 0.34448819,
+ -4.3549551 -0.059159449 0.34448819,-4.3596406 -0.06531378 0.34448819,
+ -4.3645035 -0.070966929 0.34448819,-4.3695327 -0.076084646 0.34448819,
+ -4.3747165 -0.080632283 0.34448819,-4.3800433 -0.084575197 0.34448819,
+ -4.385502 -0.08787874 0.34448819,-4.3910803 -0.090508661 0.34448819,
+ -4.3967673 -0.092429921 0.34448819,-4.4025512 -0.093608268 0.34448819,
+ -4.4084205 -0.094008661 0.34448819,-4.3948071 -0.065649213 0.34448819,
+ -4.3822276 -0.037289764 0.34448819,-4.3705343 -0.008930315 0.34448819,
+ -4.3595795 0.019429134 0.34448819,-4.3492157 0.047788583 0.34448819,
+ -4.3392949 0.076147638 0.34448819,-4.332928 0.095052362 0.34448819,
+ -4.3201917 0.13286614 0.34448819,-4.3180484 0.12445276 0.34448819,
+ -4.3163362 0.11577835 0.34448819,-4.3150445 0.10687795 0.34448819,
+ -4.314161 0.09778622 0.34448819,-4.3136744 0.088537402 0.34448819,
+ -4.6605039 -0.068800787 0.34448819,-4.584878 0.10765748 0.34448819,
+ -4.5596709 0.10765748 0.34448819,-4.5470665 0.095052362 0.34448819,
+ -4.5516488 0.083235827 0.34448819,-4.5559535 0.071419685 0.34448819,
+ -4.5638067 0.047787008 0.34448819,-4.5707732 0.024154331 0.34448819,
+ -4.5770012 0.00052165354 0.34448819,-4.5826386 -0.023111024 0.34448819,
+ -4.5878331 -0.046744094 0.34448819,-4.5974843 -0.094008661 0.34448819,
+ -4.5974843 -0.094009449 0.34448819,-4.5987016 -0.095154724 0.34448819,
+ -4.5999858 -0.096228346 0.34448819,-4.6013303 -0.097232677 0.34448819,
+ -4.6027276 -0.098170079 0.34448819,-4.6041713 -0.099042913 0.34448819,
+ -4.6056539 -0.09985315 0.34448819,-4.6071693 -0.10060354 0.34448819,
+ -4.6087094 -0.10129646 0.34448819,-4.6102685 -0.10193386 0.34448819,
+ -4.611839 -0.10251811 0.34448819,-4.614987 -0.10353661 0.34448819,
+ -4.6180976 -0.10437047 0.34448819,-4.6211165 -0.10503858 0.34448819,
+ -4.6239874 -0.10555827 0.34448819,-4.6266551 -0.10594921 0.34448819,
+ -4.6290646 -0.10622913 0.34448819,-4.6311598 -0.10641693 0.34448819,
+ -4.6341878 -0.10658937 0.34448819,-4.6352953 -0.10661378 0.34448819,
+ -4.6375854 -0.10539646 0.34448819,-4.6397327 -0.10411181 0.34448819,
+ -4.6417413 -0.10276772 0.34448819,-4.6436161 -0.10137008 0.34448819,
+ -4.6453618 -0.099926378 0.34448819,-4.6469827 -0.098443701 0.34448819,
+ -4.6484835 -0.096928346 0.34448819,-4.6498693 -0.095387795 0.34448819,
+ -4.6511441 -0.09382874 0.34448819,-4.6523126 -0.092258268 0.34448819,
+ -4.6533795 -0.090683071 0.34448819,-4.6543496 -0.089110236 0.34448819,
+ -4.6552276 -0.087546457 0.34448819,-4.6560173 -0.085999213 0.34448819,
+ -4.6567244 -0.084474803 0.34448819,-4.6573531 -0.082980315 0.34448819,
+ -4.6583929 -0.080109449 0.34448819,-4.6591748 -0.077441339 0.34448819,
+ -4.6597346 -0.07503189 0.34448819,-4.6601102 -0.072936614 0.34448819,
+ -4.6603378 -0.071210236 0.34448819,-4.6604457 -0.070012205 0.34448819,
+ -4.6604547 -0.069908661 0.34448819,-4.7743335 1.1181535 0.34448819,
+ -4.7739398 1.3428622 0.34448819,-4.7739398 1.5823413 0.34448819,
+ -4.7514142 1.5687031 0.34448819,-4.7308091 1.5559516 0.34448819,
+ -4.7116811 1.5437906 0.34448819,-4.693587 1.5319248 0.34448819,
+ -4.6760839 1.5200591 0.34448819,-4.6587287 1.507898 0.34448819,
+ -4.6410783 1.4951461 0.34448819,-4.6226894 1.4815083 0.34448819,
+ -4.6216902 1.4896335 0.34448819,-4.6210461 1.4974728 0.34448819,
+ -4.6207441 1.505035 0.34448819,-4.6207697 1.5123295 0.34448819,
+ -4.6211091 1.5193654 0.34448819,-4.6217484 1.5261524 0.34448819,
+ -4.6226736 1.5326988 0.34448819,-4.6238717 1.539015 0.34448819,
+ -4.625328 1.5451094 0.34448819,-4.6270287 1.5509913 0.34448819,
+ -4.6289606 1.5566705 0.34448819,-4.6311094 1.5621555 0.34448819,
+ -4.633461 1.5674559 0.34448819,-4.636002 1.5725811 0.34448819,
+ -4.6387185 1.5775398 0.34448819,-4.6415965 1.5823417 0.34448819,
+ -4.644622 1.5869961 0.34448819,-4.6477815 1.5915118 0.34448819,
+ -4.6544469 1.600165 0.34448819,-4.6614811 1.6083748 0.34448819,
+ -4.668774 1.6162154 0.34448819,-4.676215 1.6237606 0.34448819,
+ -4.6836925 1.6310843 0.34448819,-4.6983154 1.6453622 0.34448819,
+ -4.7051067 1.6524583 0.34448819,-4.711289 1.6595909 0.34448819,
+ -4.7168433 1.6667976 0.34448819,-4.7217512 1.6741154 0.34448819,
+ -4.7259945 1.6815807 0.34448819,-4.7295547 1.6892307 0.34448819,
+ -4.7324134 1.697102 0.34448819,-4.734552 1.7052319 0.34448819,
+ -4.735952 1.7136575 0.34448819,-4.7365949 1.722415 0.34448819,
+ -4.7364626 1.7315421 0.34448819,-4.7355362 1.7410752 0.34448819,
+ -4.7337972 1.7510516 0.34448819,-4.7312276 1.7615079 0.34448819,
+ -4.7278091 1.7724811 0.34448819,-4.7235224 1.7840083 0.34448819,
+ -4.7004067 1.765102 0.34448819,-4.6780299 1.7461961 0.34448819,
+ -4.6337185 1.7083835 0.34448819,-4.6108984 1.6894772 0.34448819,
+ -4.5870441 1.6705713 0.34448819,-4.5745906 1.6611181 0.34448819,
+ -4.5617126 1.651665 0.34448819,-4.5483543 1.6422118 0.34448819,
+ -4.5344606 1.6327587 0.34448819,-4.5338579 1.6466126 0.34448819,
+ -4.534365 1.6598409 0.34448819,-4.535911 1.6724831 0.34448819,
+ -4.5384236 1.6845783 0.34448819,-4.5418323 1.6961661 0.34448819,
+ -4.5460646 1.707285 0.34448819,-4.5510492 1.7179748 0.34448819,
+ -4.5567146 1.7282744 0.34448819,-4.5629894 1.7382236 0.34448819,
+ -4.5698016 1.747861 0.34448819,-4.5770803 1.757226 0.34448819,
+ -4.5847535 1.7663579 0.34448819,-4.600998 1.7840795 0.34448819,
+ -4.6179626 1.8013394 0.34448819,-4.6350748 1.8184516 0.34448819,
+ -4.6517622 1.8357299 0.34448819,-4.6674528 1.8534886 0.34448819,
+ -4.6747453 1.8626457 0.34448819,-4.681574 1.8720409 0.34448819,
+ -4.6878673 1.8817126 0.34448819,-4.6935535 1.8917008 0.34448819,
+ -4.698561 1.9020445 0.34448819,-4.7028189 1.9127827 0.34448819,
+ -4.7062547 1.9239547 0.34448819,-4.7087976 1.9356 0.34448819,
+ -4.710376 1.9477575 0.34448819,-4.7109177 1.9604665 0.34448819,
+ -4.6305669 1.9116256 0.34448819,-4.6130638 1.9012618 0.34448819,
+ -4.5957087 1.8913409 0.34448819,-4.5780583 1.8817154 0.34448819,
+ -4.5596693 1.8722378 0.34448819,-4.547063 1.8848421 0.34448819,
+ -4.5519311 1.891935 0.34448819,-4.5570579 1.8990465 0.34448819,
+ -4.567939 1.9133984 0.34448819,-4.591178 1.9431362 0.34448819,
+ -4.6029453 1.9588173 0.34448819,-4.6087362 1.9669256 0.34448819,
+ -4.6144169 1.975237 0.34448819,-4.6199496 1.9837701 0.34448819,
+ -4.6252976 1.9925433 0.34448819,-4.630424 2.0015748 0.34448819,
+ -4.6352917 2.0108831 0.34448819,-4.6375106 2.0158898 0.34448819,
+ -4.6394528 2.0213949 0.34448819,-4.6411362 2.0273063 0.34448819,
+ -4.6425795 2.0335315 0.34448819,-4.6438016 2.0399783 0.34448819,
+ -4.6448201 2.0465543 0.34448819,-4.6456543 2.0531669 0.34448819,
+ -4.646322 2.0597244 0.34448819,-4.6472331 2.0723039 0.34448819,
+ -4.6477008 2.0835539 0.34448819,-4.647898 2.0991118 0.34448819,
+ -4.4462299 2.3259878 0.34448819,-4.3958142 2.3259878 0.34448819,
+ -4.4078984 2.3095768 0.34448819,-4.4204071 2.2933693 0.34448819,
+ -4.4460335 2.2611941 0.34448819,-4.4713646 2.2287236 0.34448819,
+ -4.4835039 2.2121465 0.34448819,-4.4950713 2.1952189 0.34448819,
+ -4.5058996 2.1778484 0.34448819,-4.5158236 2.1599421 0.34448819,
+ -4.5246768 2.1414083 0.34448819,-4.5322925 2.1221543 0.34448819,
+ -4.5355846 2.1122283 0.34448819,-4.5385055 2.1020882 0.34448819,
+ -4.5410339 2.0917213 0.34448819,-4.5431488 2.0811169 0.34448819,
+ -4.5448303 2.0702634 0.34448819,-4.5460567 2.0591492 0.34448819,
+ -4.5468079 2.0477626 0.34448819,-4.547063 2.0360917 0.34448819,
+ -4.5320634 2.0423606 0.34448819,-4.5177559 2.0493146 0.34448819,
+ -4.5040949 2.0569008 0.34448819,-4.4910339 2.0650665 0.34448819,
+ -4.4785268 2.0737583 0.34448819,-4.4665276 2.0829232 0.34448819,
+ -4.4549898 2.0925083 0.34448819,-4.4438673 2.1024602 0.34448819,
+ -4.4226843 2.1232528 0.34448819,-4.4026087 2.144876 0.34448819,
+ -4.3643039 2.1889165 0.34448819,-4.3453366 2.2104846 0.34448819,
+ -4.3259996 2.231185 0.34448819,-4.3160772 2.2410768 0.34448819,
+ -4.305924 2.2505925 0.34448819,-4.2954937 2.2596791 0.34448819,
+ -4.2847406 2.2682835 0.34448819,-4.2736181 2.276352 0.34448819,
+ -4.2620803 2.2838323 0.34448819,-4.2500807 2.2906709 0.34448819,
+ -4.2375736 2.296815 0.34448819,-4.2245122 2.302211 0.34448819,
+ -4.2108512 2.3068067 0.34448819,-4.1965437 2.310548 0.34448819,
+ -4.1815437 2.3133823 0.34448819,-4.3453988 2.0865075 0.34448819,
+ -4.3201902 2.0612996 0.34448819,-4.315463 2.0635244 0.34448819,
+ -4.3107362 2.0655094 0.34448819,-4.3060094 2.0673094 0.34448819,
+ -4.3012827 2.0689803 0.34448819,-4.2918295 2.0721563 0.34448819,
+ -4.2823764 2.0754795 0.34448819,-4.2776496 2.077335 0.34448819,
+ -4.2729232 2.0793937 0.34448819,-4.2681965 2.0817106 0.34448819,
+ -4.2634701 2.0843417 0.34448819,-4.2587437 2.0873417 0.34448819,
+ -4.2540169 2.0907665 0.34448819,-4.2492906 2.0946717 0.34448819,
+ -4.2469272 2.0968213 0.34448819,-4.2445638 2.0991118 0.34448819,
+ -4.232889 2.1087098 0.34448819,-4.2214728 2.1185846 0.34448819,
+ -4.2102783 2.1287177 0.34448819,-4.1992681 2.1390913 0.34448819,
+ -4.1776543 2.1604839 0.34448819,-4.1563358 2.1826154 0.34448819,
+ -4.1134031 2.2285024 0.34448819,-4.091198 2.251963 0.34448819,
+ -4.0681063 2.2755713 0.34448819,-4.0633799 2.28015 0.34448819,
+ -4.0586531 2.2844335 0.34448819,-4.0539264 2.2884217 0.34448819,
+ -4.0492 2.2921142 0.34448819,-4.0444732 2.2955114 0.34448819,
+ -4.0397465 2.298613 0.34448819,-4.0350201 2.3014197 0.34448819,
+ -4.0302933 2.3039303 0.34448819,-4.0255665 2.3061461 0.34448819,
+ -4.0208402 2.3080661 0.34448819,-4.0161134 2.3096909 0.34448819,
+ -4.0113866 2.3110201 0.34448819,-4.0066602 2.3120539 0.34448819,
+ -4.0019335 2.3127925 0.34448819,-3.9972071 2.3132354 0.34448819,
+ -3.9924803 2.3133835 0.34448819,-4.0023461 2.2971142 0.34448819,
+ -4.0129138 2.2813067 0.34448819,-4.023998 2.2658319 0.34448819,
+ -4.0354146 2.2505598 0.34448819,-4.0585063 2.2201079 0.34448819,
+ -4.0698118 2.2046697 0.34448819,-4.0807114 2.1889177 0.34448819,
+ -4.0910201 2.1727224 0.34448819,-4.1005531 2.1559547 0.34448819,
+ -4.1091264 2.1384858 0.34448819,-4.1165547 2.1201858 0.34448819,
+ -4.1197819 2.1106839 0.34448819,-4.1226535 2.1009256 0.34448819,
+ -4.1251469 2.0908953 0.34448819,-4.1272386 2.0805764 0.34448819,
+ -4.1289059 2.0699528 0.34448819,-4.1301252 2.0590087 0.34448819,
+ -4.1308736 2.0477272 0.34448819,-4.1311283 2.0360929 0.34448819,
+ -4.117539 2.0449799 0.34448819,-4.1051319 2.0528327 0.34448819,
+ -4.0838618 2.0660276 0.34448819,-4.0749996 2.071665 0.34448819,
+ -4.0710114 2.0743083 0.34448819,-4.0673185 2.0768594 0.34448819,
+ -4.0639213 2.0793362 0.34448819,-4.0608197 2.0817583 0.34448819,
+ -4.058013 2.0841429 0.34448819,-4.055502 2.0865094 0.34448819,
+ -3.8538343 2.275572 0.34448819,-3.8254752 2.2950689 0.34448819,
+ -3.8183854 2.2994354 0.34448819,-3.8112957 2.3032665 0.34448819,
+ -3.8077508 2.3049295 0.34448819,-3.8042059 2.3063961 0.34448819,
+ -3.800661 2.3076457 0.34448819,-3.7971161 2.3086579 0.34448819,
+ -3.7935713 2.3094114 0.34448819,-3.7900264 2.3098854 0.34448819,
+ -3.7864815 2.3100598 0.34448819,-3.7829366 2.3099134 0.34448819,
+ -3.7793917 2.3094252 0.34448819,-3.7758469 2.3085748 0.34448819,
+ -3.772302 2.3073413 0.34448819,-3.7687571 2.3057039 0.34448819,
+ -3.7652122 2.3036417 0.34448819,-3.7616673 2.3011343 0.34448819,
+ -3.7581228 2.2981606 0.34448819,-3.754578 2.2947 0.34448819,
+ -3.7510331 2.2907315 0.34448819,-3.7474882 2.2862346 0.34448819,
+ -3.7439433 2.2811882 0.34448819,-3.7403984 2.275572 0.34448819,
+ -3.7025854 2.275572 0.34448819,-3.6269594 2.1621339 0.34448819,
+ -3.622374 2.1693681 0.34448819,-3.6180476 2.1768795 0.34448819,
+ -3.6139425 2.1846492 0.34448819,-3.610022 2.1926594 0.34448819,
+ -3.6025874 2.2093256 0.34448819,-3.5954484 2.2267303 0.34448819,
+ -3.5808744 2.2631642 0.34448819,-3.5728492 2.281898 0.34448819,
+ -3.5685224 2.2913299 0.34448819,-3.5639374 2.3007799 0.34448819,
+ -3.5592846 2.3018508 0.34448819,-3.5547795 2.3027 0.34448819,
+ -3.5504224 2.3033276 0.34448819,-3.5462126 2.3037339 0.34448819,
+ -3.5421508 2.3039185 0.34448819,-3.5382366 2.3038815 0.34448819,
+ -3.5344701 2.3036228 0.34448819,-3.5308512 2.3031429 0.34448819,
+ -3.5273803 2.3024413 0.34448819,-3.5240567 2.3015181 0.34448819,
+ -3.5208811 2.3003732 0.34448819,-3.5178531 2.2990071 0.34448819,
+ -3.5149732 2.2974193 0.34448819,-3.5122406 2.2956098 0.34448819,
+ -3.5096559 2.2935787 0.34448819,-3.5072189 2.2913264 0.34448819,
+ -3.5049295 2.2888524 0.34448819,-3.5027878 2.2861567 0.34448819,
+ -3.5007937 2.2832394 0.34448819,-3.4989476 2.2801008 0.34448819,
+ -3.4972488 2.2767406 0.34448819,-3.495698 2.2731587 0.34448819,
+ -3.4942949 2.2693551 0.34448819,-3.4930394 2.2653303 0.34448819,
+ -3.4919319 2.2610839 0.34448819,-3.4909717 2.2566157 0.34448819,
+ -3.4901594 2.251926 0.34448819,-3.4894949 2.247015 0.34448819,
+ -3.4886087 2.236528 0.34448819,-3.488313 2.2251547 0.34448819,
+ -3.4882043 2.2204646 0.34448819,-3.4878854 2.2158461 0.34448819,
+ -3.4873681 2.2112969 0.34448819,-3.4866638 2.2068146 0.34448819,
+ -3.4857843 2.2023969 0.34448819,-3.4847406 2.1980417 0.34448819,
+ -3.4835449 2.1937461 0.34448819,-3.4822083 2.1895087 0.34448819,
+ -3.4791587 2.1811972 0.34448819,-3.4756846 2.1730886 0.34448819,
+ -3.4718783 2.165165 0.34448819,-3.4678319 2.1574075 0.34448819,
+ -3.4510917 2.1276693 0.34448819,-3.4472295 2.1204657 0.34448819,
+ -3.4436815 2.1133173 0.34448819,-3.4405394 2.1062059 0.34448819,
+ -3.4378957 2.099113 0.34448819,-3.3874799 2.2251547 0.34448819,
+ -3.3874799 2.2881756 0.34448819,-3.3622732 2.2881756 0.34448819,
+ -3.2992512 2.0108843 0.34448819,-3.2614382 2.0108843 0.34448819,
+ -3.257278 2.0445114 0.34448819,-3.2541512 2.0790252 0.34448819,
+ -3.251911 2.1141299 0.34448819,-3.2504094 2.1495299 0.34448819,
+ -3.2494984 2.1849299 0.34448819,-3.2490307 2.2200343 0.34448819,
+ -3.2488339 2.2881756 0.34448819,-3.2236252 2.2881756 0.34448819,
+ -3.1606051 2.0865094 0.34448819,-3.1227921 2.0865094 0.34448819,
+ -3.1227921 2.2881756 0.34448819,-3.1192484 2.290428 0.34448819,
+ -3.1157114 2.2924587 0.34448819,-3.1121882 2.2942681 0.34448819,
+ -3.1086862 2.2958559 0.34448819,-3.1052114 2.2972224 0.34448819,
+ -3.1017717 2.2983669 0.34448819,-3.0983732 2.2992902 0.34448819,
+ -3.0950232 2.2999917 0.34448819,-3.0917287 2.3004717 0.34448819,
+ -3.0884965 2.3007303 0.34448819,-3.0853335 2.3007673 0.34448819,
+ -3.0822465 2.3005827 0.34448819,-3.0792425 2.3001764 0.34448819,
+ -3.0763287 2.2995488 0.34448819,-3.0735122 2.2986992 0.34448819,
+ -3.0707992 2.2976283 0.34448819,-3.0681969 2.2963362 0.34448819,
+ -3.0657126 2.294822 0.34448819,-3.0633528 2.2930866 0.34448819,
+ -3.0611244 2.2911295 0.34448819,-3.0590346 2.2889512 0.34448819,
+ -3.0570902 2.2865508 0.34448819,-3.055298 2.2839291 0.34448819,
+ -3.053665 2.2810858 0.34448819,-3.0521984 2.2780209 0.34448819,
+ -3.0509047 2.2747346 0.34448819,-3.0497913 2.2712264 0.34448819,
+ -3.0488646 2.2674969 0.34448819,-3.0481319 2.2635461 0.34448819,
+ -3.0476 2.2593732 0.34448819,-3.0472756 2.2549791 0.34448819,
+ -3.0471657 2.2503634 0.34448819,-3.0470213 2.2454953 0.34448819,
+ -3.0466 2.2403685 0.34448819,-3.0459197 2.2350205 0.34448819,
+ -3.045 2.2294874 0.34448819,-3.0438583 2.2238071 0.34448819,
+ -3.0425138 2.2180157 0.34448819,-3.0409846 2.2121504 0.34448819,
+ -3.039289 2.2062484 0.34448819,-3.0374461 2.2003465 0.34448819,
+ -3.0354736 2.1944815 0.34448819,-3.031215 2.1830094 0.34448819,
+ -3.026661 2.1721283 0.34448819,-3.0243193 2.167002 0.34448819,
+ -3.0219591 2.1621339 0.34448819,-3.0207413 2.1598437 0.34448819,
+ -3.0194543 2.1576965 0.34448819,-3.0181028 2.1556878 0.34448819,
+ -3.0166913 2.153813 0.34448819,-3.0152244 2.1520677 0.34448819,
+ -3.0137067 2.1504469 0.34448819,-3.0121429 2.1489461 0.34448819,
+ -3.0105374 2.1475606 0.34448819,-3.0088949 2.1462858 0.34448819,
+ -3.0072205 2.1451173 0.34448819,-3.0055177 2.1440504 0.34448819,
+ -3.0037925 2.1430803 0.34448819,-3.0020484 2.1422024 0.34448819,
+ -3.0002906 2.1414122 0.34448819,-2.996752 2.1400768 0.34448819,
+ -2.993213 2.1390366 0.34448819,-2.9897114 2.1382551 0.34448819,
+ -2.9862835 2.1376953 0.34448819,-2.9829661 2.1373197 0.34448819,
+ -2.9797965 2.1370921 0.34448819,-2.9768118 2.1369752 0.34448819,
+ -2.9715433 2.136926 0.34448819,-2.9703622 2.1369984 0.34448819,
+ -2.9691831 2.1372122 0.34448819,-2.9680087 2.1375594 0.34448819,
+ -2.9668413 2.1380339 0.34448819,-2.9656831 2.138628 0.34448819,
+ -2.9645366 2.1393354 0.34448819,-2.9634035 2.1401488 0.34448819,
+ -2.962287 2.1410618 0.34448819,-2.961189 2.1420669 0.34448819,
+ -2.9601114 2.1431575 0.34448819,-2.9580283 2.1455669 0.34448819,
+ -2.9560555 2.1482346 0.34448819,-2.9542126 2.1511059 0.34448819,
+ -2.9525169 2.1541244 0.34448819,-2.9509874 2.1572358 0.34448819,
+ -2.9496425 2.1603835 0.34448819,-2.9485012 2.1635134 0.34448819,
+ -2.9475811 2.1665689 0.34448819,-2.9469008 2.1694953 0.34448819,
+ -2.9464791 2.172237 0.34448819,-2.9463346 2.174739 0.34448819,
+ -2.9464764 2.1819764 0.34448819,-2.9468764 2.1895094 0.34448819,
+ -2.9483039 2.2054614 0.34448819,-2.952637 2.2409106 0.34448819,
+ -2.9549508 2.2604075 0.34448819,-2.9569697 2.2810862 0.34448819,
+ -2.9583976 2.3029465 0.34448819,-2.9587976 2.3143197 0.34448819,
+ -2.958939 2.3259886 0.34448819,-2.8581059 2.2629677 0.34448819,
+ -2.8388055 2.2728146 0.34448819,-2.8284169 2.2784768 0.34448819,
+ -2.8171421 2.2850248 0.34448819,-2.8046854 2.2927547 0.34448819,
+ -2.7907524 2.3019618 0.34448819,-2.7750465 2.3129409 0.34448819,
+ -2.7572728 2.3259886 0.34448819,-2.7572728 2.1999469 0.34448819,
+ -2.750435 2.2015244 0.34448819,-2.7440748 2.2038516 0.34448819,
+ -2.7381531 2.2068669 0.34448819,-2.7326311 2.2105079 0.34448819,
+ -2.7274685 2.2147118 0.34448819,-2.7226272 2.2194161 0.34448819,
+ -2.7180669 2.2245594 0.34448819,-2.7137492 2.2300787 0.34448819,
+ -2.7056839 2.2419969 0.34448819,-2.6981169 2.2546717 0.34448819,
+ -2.6832236 2.2802988 0.34448819,-2.6752689 2.2922535 0.34448819,
+ -2.6710272 2.2977984 0.34448819,-2.6665575 2.3029713 0.34448819,
+ -2.6618197 2.3077106 0.34448819,-2.6567752 2.3119535 0.34448819,
+ -2.6513843 2.3156382 0.34448819,-2.6456079 2.318702 0.34448819,
+ -2.6394071 2.3210827 0.34448819,-2.6327425 2.3227177 0.34448819,
+ -2.6255744 2.3235449 0.34448819,-2.6178642 2.3235024 0.34448819,
+ -2.6095724 2.3225272 0.34448819,-2.6006598 2.3205571 0.34448819,
+ -2.5910874 2.3175303 0.34448819,-2.5808154 2.3133843 0.34448819,
+ -2.5902689 2.2939118 0.34448819,-2.599722 2.2734055 0.34448819,
+ -2.6091752 2.252013 0.34448819,-2.6186283 2.2298815 0.34448819,
+ -2.6375343 2.1839945 0.34448819,-2.6564398 2.136926 0.34448819,
+ -2.6575488 2.1345988 0.34448819,-2.6585173 2.1323409 0.34448819,
+ -2.6593516 2.1301476 0.34448819,-2.6600591 2.1280146 0.34448819,
+ -2.6606465 2.1259366 0.34448819,-2.6611209 2.1239094 0.34448819,
+ -2.661489 2.1219287 0.34448819,-2.6617583 2.1199894 0.34448819,
+ -2.6619346 2.1180866 0.34448819,-2.662026 2.1162165 0.34448819,
+ -2.6619795 2.1125547 0.34448819,-2.6616748 2.1089665 0.34448819,
+ -2.6611673 2.1054154 0.34448819,-2.6605118 2.1018642 0.34448819,
+ -2.6597638 2.0982764 0.34448819,-2.6582126 2.0908417 0.34448819,
+ -2.6575201 2.0869213 0.34448819,-2.6569571 2.0828165 0.34448819,
+ -2.6565783 2.0784898 0.34448819,-2.6564398 2.0739051 0.34448819,
+ -2.6551866 2.0750504 0.34448819,-2.6537969 2.0761268 0.34448819,
+ -2.6522827 2.0771386 0.34448819,-2.6506551 2.0780902 0.34448819,
+ -2.6489264 2.0789862 0.34448819,-2.6471075 2.0798319 0.34448819,
+ -2.6432457 2.081389 0.34448819,-2.6391622 2.082798 0.34448819,
+ -2.6349496 2.0840969 0.34448819,-2.6265059 2.0865091 0.34448819,
+ -2.6224594 2.0876969 0.34448819,-2.6186531 2.0889217 0.34448819,
+ -2.6151791 2.0902201 0.34448819,-2.6135953 2.0909087 0.34448819,
+ -2.6121295 2.0916295 0.34448819,-2.6107929 2.0923874 0.34448819,
+ -2.6095969 2.0931866 0.34448819,-2.6085531 2.0940319 0.34448819,
+ -2.6076736 2.094928 0.34448819,-2.6069693 2.0958795 0.34448819,
+ -2.606452 2.0968913 0.34448819,-2.6061331 2.0979673 0.34448819,
+ -2.6060244 2.099113 0.34448819,-2.4925886 2.2881756 0.34448819,
+ -2.4913343 2.2905024 0.34448819,-2.489939 2.2927575 0.34448819,
+ -2.4884098 2.2949433 0.34448819,-2.4867535 2.2970626 0.34448819,
+ -2.4830882 2.3011091 0.34448819,-2.4789984 2.3049157 0.34448819,
+ -2.4745394 2.3085008 0.34448819,-2.4697665 2.3118827 0.34448819,
+ -2.464735 2.3150799 0.34448819,-2.4595008 2.318111 0.34448819,
+ -2.4541189 2.3209941 0.34448819,-2.4486445 2.3237484 0.34448819,
+ -2.4376406 2.3289429 0.34448819,-2.4269323 2.3338417 0.34448819,
+ -2.4169626 2.3385929 0.34448819,-2.4043583 2.3259886 0.34448819,
+ -2.4230665 2.2881764 0.34448819,-2.432052 2.2692705 0.34448819,
+ -2.4405941 2.2503642 0.34448819,-2.4485457 2.2314579 0.34448819,
+ -2.4557583 2.2125516 0.34448819,-2.4590417 2.2030984 0.34448819,
+ -2.462085 2.1936453 0.34448819,-2.4648701 2.1841921 0.34448819,
+ -2.467378 2.174739 0.34448819,-2.467378 2.1117181 0.34448819,
+ -2.4649795 2.1128634 0.34448819,-2.4625161 2.1139398 0.34448819,
+ -2.4574327 2.1159031 0.34448819,-2.4522012 2.1176449 0.34448819,
+ -2.4468965 2.119202 0.34448819,-2.4415913 2.1206114 0.34448819,
+ -2.4363602 2.1219098 0.34448819,-2.426415 2.1243224 0.34448819,
+ -2.4218484 2.1255102 0.34448819,-2.4176512 2.1267346 0.34448819,
+ -2.4138972 2.1280335 0.34448819,-2.4122094 2.1287217 0.34448819,
+ -2.4106598 2.1294425 0.34448819,-2.4092583 2.1302004 0.34448819,
+ -2.4080138 2.1309996 0.34448819,-2.406935 2.1318449 0.34448819,
+ -2.4060319 2.1327413 0.34448819,-2.4053134 2.1336929 0.34448819,
+ -2.404789 2.1347043 0.34448819,-2.4044673 2.1357803 0.34448819,
+ -2.4043583 2.136926 0.34448819,-2.3951909 2.1465209 0.34448819,
+ -2.3865594 2.156374 0.34448819,-2.3784079 2.1664488 0.34448819,
+ -2.3706811 2.1767083 0.34448819,-2.3633236 2.1871154 0.34448819,
+ -2.3562799 2.1976335 0.34448819,-2.3429126 2.2188535 0.34448819,
+ -2.3175079 2.2609988 0.34448819,-2.3045835 2.2813331 0.34448819,
+ -2.297872 2.2911862 0.34448819,-2.2909205 2.3007807 0.34448819,
+ -2.2884126 2.3053598 0.34448819,-2.285628 2.3096433 0.34448819,
+ -2.2825843 2.3136311 0.34448819,-2.2793012 2.317324 0.34448819,
+ -2.2757961 2.3207213 0.34448819,-2.2720878 2.3238232 0.34448819,
+ -2.2681953 2.3266295 0.34448819,-2.2641362 2.3291406 0.34448819,
+ -2.2599299 2.3313563 0.34448819,-2.2555941 2.3332764 0.34448819,
+ -2.2511472 2.3349012 0.34448819,-2.2466083 2.3362307 0.34448819,
+ -2.2419957 2.3372646 0.34448819,-2.2373276 2.3380031 0.34448819,
+ -2.2326224 2.3384461 0.34448819,-2.2278988 2.3385937 0.34448819,
+ 1.8684547 2.3385937 0.34448819,1.877763 2.3384402 0.34448819,
+ 1.8867945 2.3379539 0.34448819,1.8955673 2.3370984 0.34448819,
+ 1.9041004 2.3358366 0.34448819,1.9124118 2.3341319 0.34448819,
+ 1.9205201 2.3319472 0.34448819,1.9284441 2.3292453 0.34448819,
+ 1.9362016 2.3259898 0.34448819,1.940024 2.3241425 0.34448819,
+ 1.9438114 2.3221429 0.34448819,1.9475669 2.3199866 0.34448819,
+ 1.9512921 2.3176689 0.34448819,1.9549898 2.3151846 0.34448819,
+ 1.9586622 2.3125299 0.34448819,1.9623114 2.3096996 0.34448819,
+ 1.9659398 2.3066894 0.34448819,1.9731437 2.3001102 0.34448819,
+ 1.9802921 2.2927559 0.34448819,1.9874035 2.284589 0.34448819,
+ 1.9944965 2.2755728 0.34448819,2.0017307 2.2661228 0.34448819,
+ 2.0092421 2.2566909 0.34448819,2.0170118 2.2472965 0.34448819,
+ 2.0250217 2.2379571 0.34448819,2.0332531 2.2286917 0.34448819,
+ 2.0416874 2.2195185 0.34448819,2.0503067 2.2104563 0.34448819,
+ 2.0590921 2.2015232 0.34448819,2.0680252 2.1927378 0.34448819,
+ 2.0770874 2.1841189 0.34448819,2.0862602 2.1756843 0.34448819,
+ 2.0955256 2.1674528 0.34448819,2.104865 2.1594429 0.34448819,
+ 2.1142594 2.1516728 0.34448819,2.1236909 2.1441614 0.34448819,
+ 2.1331409 2.1369268 0.34448819,2.1363587 2.1439441 0.34448819,
+ 2.1389445 2.1508205 0.34448819,2.1409299 2.157563 0.34448819,
+ 2.142348 2.1641783 0.34448819,2.1432303 2.170674 0.34448819,
+ 2.1436098 2.1770567 0.34448819,2.1435181 2.1833327 0.34448819,
+ 2.1429882 2.1895098 0.34448819,2.142052 2.1955949 0.34448819,
+ 2.1407421 2.2015941 0.34448819,2.1390906 2.207515 0.34448819,
+ 2.1371295 2.2133642 0.34448819,2.1348917 2.2191492 0.34448819,
+ 2.1324091 2.224876 0.34448819,2.1268394 2.2361846 0.34448819,
+ 2.1206791 2.2473457 0.34448819,2.1141862 2.2584146 0.34448819,
+ 2.1012374 2.2804965 0.34448819,2.0952984 2.2916205 0.34448819,
+ 2.0900614 2.3028736 0.34448819,2.0877866 2.3085661 0.34448819,
+ 2.0857839 2.3143114 0.34448819,2.0840862 2.3201169 0.34448819,
+ 2.0827252 2.3259894 0.34448819,2.4230374 2.3259894 0.34448819,
+ 2.4608504 2.250365 0.34448819,2.4872398 2.2765575 0.34448819,
+ 2.4994008 2.2882508 0.34448819,2.5112665 2.2992059 0.34448819,
+ 2.5231323 2.3095697 0.34448819,2.5291575 2.3145764 0.34448819,
+ 2.5352933 2.3194909 0.34448819,2.5415772 2.3243311 0.34448819,
+ 2.5480453 2.3291161 0.34448819,2.554735 2.3338642 0.34448819,
+ 2.5616835 2.3385937 0.34448819,2.5742878 2.3259894 0.34448819,
+ 2.5717858 2.3188996 0.34448819,2.5690437 2.3118094 0.34448819,
+ 2.5630614 2.2976299 0.34448819,2.5506539 2.2692709 0.34448819,
+ 2.5477831 2.2621811 0.34448819,2.5451154 2.2550913 0.34448819,
+ 2.5427059 2.2480016 0.34448819,2.5406106 2.2409114 0.34448819,
+ 2.5388843 2.2338217 0.34448819,2.5375827 2.2267319 0.34448819,
+ 2.536761 2.2196421 0.34448819,2.5364748 2.212552 0.34448819,
+ 2.535402 2.2113339 0.34448819,2.5345394 2.2100441 0.34448819,
+ 2.5338752 2.208685 0.34448819,2.5333976 2.2072591 0.34448819,
+ 2.5330957 2.2057685 0.34448819,2.5329575 2.2042157 0.34448819,
+ 2.532972 2.2026031 0.34448819,2.5331268 2.2009323 0.34448819,
+ 2.533411 2.1992063 0.34448819,2.533813 2.1974276 0.34448819,
+ 2.534924 2.1937193 0.34448819,2.5363673 2.1898268 0.34448819,
+ 2.5380504 2.1857677 0.34448819,2.5417677 2.1772256 0.34448819,
+ 2.5436173 2.1727791 0.34448819,2.5453374 2.1682402 0.34448819,
+ 2.5468358 2.1636276 0.34448819,2.5480209 2.1589594 0.34448819,
+ 2.5484665 2.1566106 0.34448819,2.5487992 2.1542547 0.34448819,
+ 2.5490075 2.1518941 0.34448819,2.5490791 2.1495311 0.34448819,
+ 2.5503327 2.1506768 0.34448819,2.5517224 2.1517528 0.34448819,
+ 2.5532366 2.1527642 0.34448819,2.5548638 2.1537157 0.34448819,
+ 2.5565929 2.1546122 0.34448819,2.5584118 2.1554575 0.34448819,
+ 2.5622732 2.1570146 0.34448819,2.5663567 2.1584236 0.34448819,
+ 2.5705693 2.1597224 0.34448819,2.579013 2.1621346 0.34448819,
+ 2.5830594 2.1633224 0.34448819,2.5868661 2.1645472 0.34448819,
+ 2.5903402 2.1658457 0.34448819,2.5919236 2.1665343 0.34448819,
+ 2.5933898 2.1672551 0.34448819,2.5947264 2.168013 0.34448819,
+ 2.595922 2.1688122 0.34448819,2.5969657 2.1696579 0.34448819,
+ 2.5978457 2.1705539 0.34448819,2.5985496 2.1715055 0.34448819,
+ 2.5990673 2.1725173 0.34448819,2.5993862 2.1735933 0.34448819,
+ 2.5994949 2.174739 0.34448819,2.6042185 2.1796102 0.34448819,
+ 2.6089236 2.1847583 0.34448819,2.6135917 2.190165 0.34448819,
+ 2.6182043 2.1958118 0.34448819,2.6227433 2.2016799 0.34448819,
+ 2.6271902 2.2077512 0.34448819,2.631526 2.2140071 0.34448819,
+ 2.6357323 2.2204291 0.34448819,2.6397913 2.2269992 0.34448819,
+ 2.6436839 2.233698 0.34448819,2.6473921 2.2405079 0.34448819,
+ 2.6508972 2.2474102 0.34448819,2.6541803 2.2543862 0.34448819,
+ 2.657224 2.2614177 0.34448819,2.6600087 2.2684862 0.34448819,
+ 2.6625165 2.2755728 0.34448819,2.6637713 2.2801524 0.34448819,
+ 2.6651693 2.2844413 0.34448819,2.6667055 2.2884437 0.34448819,
+ 2.6683756 2.292165 0.34448819,2.6701752 2.2956091 0.34448819,
+ 2.6720992 2.2987807 0.34448819,2.6741429 2.3016846 0.34448819,
+ 2.6763024 2.3043256 0.34448819,2.6785724 2.3067083 0.34448819,
+ 2.6809488 2.3088366 0.34448819,2.6834268 2.3107161 0.34448819,
+ 2.6860016 2.3123508 0.34448819,2.6886685 2.3137453 0.34448819,
+ 2.6914236 2.3149047 0.34448819,2.6942614 2.3158335 0.34448819,
+ 2.697178 2.3165358 0.34448819,2.7001681 2.3170165 0.34448819,
+ 2.7032276 2.3172803 0.34448819,2.7063516 2.3173319 0.34448819,
+ 2.7095354 2.3171756 0.34448819,2.7127752 2.3168165 0.34448819,
+ 2.7160654 2.3162587 0.34448819,2.719402 2.3155071 0.34448819,
+ 2.7227799 2.3145661 0.34448819,2.7261945 2.3134409 0.34448819,
+ 2.7296417 2.3121354 0.34448819,2.736615 2.3090028 0.34448819,
+ 2.7436618 2.3052055 0.34448819,2.7507453 2.3007807 0.34448819,
+ 2.6751209 2.1495311 0.34448819,2.6751209 2.0739059 0.34448819,
+ 2.6799858 2.0761311 0.34448819,2.6850906 2.0781157 0.34448819,
+ 2.6903803 2.0799161 0.34448819,2.6957992 2.081587 0.34448819,
+ 2.7068028 2.084763 0.34448819,2.7122772 2.0863787 0.34448819,
+ 2.7176591 2.0880866 0.34448819,2.7228933 2.0899421 0.34448819,
+ 2.7279248 2.0920008 0.34448819,2.7326976 2.0943177 0.34448819,
+ 2.7349697 2.0955906 0.34448819,2.7371563 2.0969488 0.34448819,
+ 2.7392508 2.0983992 0.34448819,2.7412461 2.0999488 0.34448819,
+ 2.743135 2.1016047 0.34448819,2.744911 2.103374 0.34448819,
+ 2.7465669 2.1052626 0.34448819,2.7480961 2.1072787 0.34448819,
+ 2.7494909 2.1094283 0.34448819,2.7507453 2.1117189 0.34448819,
+ 2.8515783 2.275574 0.34448819,2.8563051 2.2801559 0.34448819,
+ 2.8610315 2.284461 0.34448819,2.8657579 2.2885075 0.34448819,
+ 2.8704846 2.2923142 0.34448819,2.875211 2.2958988 0.34448819,
+ 2.8799378 2.2992807 0.34448819,2.8846646 2.302478 0.34448819,
+ 2.8893909 2.3055091 0.34448819,2.8941177 2.3083925 0.34448819,
+ 2.8988445 2.3111465 0.34448819,2.9082976 2.3163406 0.34448819,
+ 2.9177508 2.3212394 0.34448819,2.9272035 2.3259906 0.34448819,
+ 2.9398071 2.313387 0.34448819,2.9524126 2.313387 0.34448819,
+ 2.8263705 2.0486988 0.34448819,2.8264429 2.0475539 0.34448819,
+ 2.8266539 2.0464803 0.34448819,2.8269937 2.0454764 0.34448819,
+ 2.8274539 2.044539 0.34448819,2.8280248 2.0436661 0.34448819,
+ 2.8286969 2.0428559 0.34448819,2.8294618 2.0421055 0.34448819,
+ 2.8303094 2.0414126 0.34448819,2.8312311 2.0407752 0.34448819,
+ 2.8322173 2.0401909 0.34448819,2.8332587 2.0396575 0.34448819,
+ 2.8343465 2.0391724 0.34448819,2.8354713 2.0387339 0.34448819,
+ 2.8366236 2.0383386 0.34448819,2.8389744 2.0376709 0.34448819,
+ 2.8413256 2.0371508 0.34448819,2.8436028 2.0367602 0.34448819,
+ 2.8457319 2.0364803 0.34448819,2.8476398 2.0362925 0.34448819,
+ 2.8504953 2.0361201 0.34448819,2.8515783 2.0360957 0.34448819,
+ 2.8608504 2.0422213 0.34448819,2.869774 2.0487642 0.34448819,
+ 2.8783697 2.0557 0.34448819,2.8866587 2.0630024 0.34448819,
+ 2.9023984 2.0786067 0.34448819,2.9171598 2.0953744 0.34448819,
+ 2.9311091 2.113102 0.34448819,2.9444118 2.1315866 0.34448819,
+ 2.9572346 2.1506252 0.34448819,2.9697433 2.1700146 0.34448819,
+ 2.9944839 2.2090335 0.34448819,3.007048 2.2282563 0.34448819,
+ 3.019963 2.2470181 0.34448819,3.0333953 2.265115 0.34448819,
+ 3.0475102 2.2823441 0.34448819,3.0624744 2.2985024 0.34448819,
+ 3.0703272 2.3061165 0.34448819,3.0784543 2.313387 0.34448819,
+ 3.0502913 2.2659244 0.34448819,3.0365791 2.2418236 0.34448819,
+ 3.0233102 2.2172799 0.34448819,3.0106323 2.1921457 0.34448819,
+ 2.9986925 2.1662724 0.34448819,2.9930461 2.153013 0.34448819,
+ 2.9876394 2.139513 0.34448819,2.9824913 2.1257551 0.34448819,
+ 2.9776201 2.1117201 0.34448819,2.9765114 2.110502 0.34448819,
+ 2.9755433 2.1092122 0.34448819,2.9747091 2.1078531 0.34448819,
+ 2.9740016 2.1064272 0.34448819,2.9734142 2.104937 0.34448819,
+ 2.9729402 2.1033839 0.34448819,2.972572 2.1017713 0.34448819,
+ 2.9723031 2.1001008 0.34448819,2.9720354 2.0965957 0.34448819,
+ 2.9720815 2.0928878 0.34448819,2.9723862 2.0889949 0.34448819,
+ 2.9728941 2.0849362 0.34448819,2.975848 2.0674083 0.34448819,
+ 2.9765402 2.0627957 0.34448819,2.9771031 2.0581276 0.34448819,
+ 2.9774819 2.0534224 0.34448819,2.9776201 2.0486988 0.34448819,
+ 2.9824823 2.0488437 0.34448819,2.9875657 2.0492654 0.34448819,
+ 2.9927969 2.0499453 0.34448819,2.998102 2.0508654 0.34448819,
+ 3.0034067 2.0520071 0.34448819,3.0086382 2.0533516 0.34448819,
+ 3.0137217 2.0548811 0.34448819,3.0185835 2.0565768 0.34448819,
+ 3.0231504 2.0584197 0.34448819,3.0273476 2.0603921 0.34448819,
+ 3.0292846 2.0614213 0.34448819,3.0311016 2.0624756 0.34448819,
+ 3.0327898 2.0635528 0.34448819,3.034339 2.0646512 0.34448819,
+ 3.0357406 2.0657677 0.34448819,3.0369854 2.0669004 0.34448819,
+ 3.0380638 2.0680469 0.34448819,3.0389673 2.0692051 0.34448819,
+ 3.0396858 2.0703724 0.34448819,3.0402102 2.0715469 0.34448819,
+ 3.0405319 2.0727256 0.34448819,3.0406409 2.0739067 0.34448819,
+ 3.1414752 2.2629697 0.34448819,3.4691831 1.9730736 0.34448819,
+ 3.4943909 1.9982815 0.34448819,3.4894461 2.0111339 0.34448819,
+ 3.4840764 2.023702 0.34448819,3.4783004 2.035998 0.34448819,
+ 3.472137 2.0480335 0.34448819,3.4587205 2.0713677 0.34448819,
+ 3.4439748 2.0937972 0.34448819,3.4280472 2.1154142 0.34448819,
+ 3.4110858 2.1363114 0.34448819,3.3932382 2.1565807 0.34448819,
+ 3.374652 2.1763146 0.34448819,3.3554752 2.1956055 0.34448819,
+ 3.3358547 2.2145457 0.34448819,3.295876 2.2517429 0.34448819,
+ 3.2558969 2.2886445 0.34448819,3.2170996 2.3259894 0.34448819,
+ 3.2297039 2.3385937 0.34448819,3.3051323 2.272422 0.34448819,
+ 3.3793787 2.20625 0.34448819,3.4156894 2.1731638 0.34448819,
+ 3.4512618 2.1400776 0.34448819,3.4859476 2.1069917 0.34448819,
+ 3.5195996 2.0739059 0.34448819,3.6456413 1.9352606 0.34448819,
+ 3.6468957 1.9329343 0.34448819,3.6482909 1.9306819 0.34448819,
+ 3.6498197 1.9285031 0.34448819,3.651476 1.926398 0.34448819,
+ 3.6532516 1.9243673 0.34448819,3.6551409 1.9224102 0.34448819,
+ 3.6592303 1.9187173 0.34448819,3.6636894 1.9153201 0.34448819,
+ 3.6684622 1.9122185 0.34448819,3.6734933 1.9094118 0.34448819,
+ 3.6787276 1.9069008 0.34448819,3.6841098 1.9046854 0.34448819,
+ 3.6895843 1.902765 0.34448819,3.6950953 1.9011402 0.34448819,
+ 3.7005882 1.899811 0.34448819,3.7060071 1.8987768 0.34448819,
+ 3.7112969 1.8980386 0.34448819,3.7164016 1.8975953 0.34448819,
+ 3.7212665 1.8974476 0.34448819,3.7214051 1.9023157 0.34448819,
+ 3.7217835 1.9074421 0.34448819,3.723039 1.9183228 0.34448819,
+ 3.7245898 1.9297949 0.34448819,3.7259929 1.9415618 0.34448819,
+ 3.7265008 1.9474642 0.34448819,3.7268051 1.9533291 0.34448819,
+ 3.7268516 1.9591205 0.34448819,3.7265839 1.9648008 0.34448819,
+ 3.7259469 1.9703335 0.34448819,3.724885 1.9756819 0.34448819,
+ 3.724178 1.9782748 0.34448819,3.7233437 1.9808083 0.34448819,
+ 3.7223756 1.9832768 0.34448819,3.7212665 1.9856764 0.34448819,
+ 3.6881807 2.0276492 0.34448819,3.6550949 2.0685882 0.34448819,
+ 3.6220087 2.1086409 0.34448819,3.5889228 2.1479551 0.34448819,
+ 3.5227504 2.2249587 0.34448819,3.4565787 2.3007807 0.34448819,
+ 3.4061622 2.3511972 0.34448819,3.4061622 2.3764051 0.34448819,
+ 3.4132492 2.3741803 0.34448819,3.4203173 2.3721953 0.34448819,
+ 3.4343252 2.3687244 0.34448819,3.448037 2.3655488 0.34448819,
+ 3.4613063 2.3622252 0.34448819,3.4677283 2.3603697 0.34448819,
+ 3.4739843 2.358311 0.34448819,3.4800555 2.3559941 0.34448819,
+ 3.4859236 2.353363 0.34448819,3.4915705 2.350363 0.34448819,
+ 3.4943047 2.3487071 0.34448819,3.4969768 2.3469382 0.34448819,
+ 3.4995846 2.3450492 0.34448819,3.5021252 2.3430331 0.34448819,
+ 3.5045965 2.3408835 0.34448819,3.5069961 2.3385929 0.34448819,
+ 3.5395161 2.3102087 0.34448819,3.571002 2.2816772 0.34448819,
+ 3.6016012 2.25285 0.34448819,3.6314622 2.2235795 0.34448819,
+ 3.6607327 2.1937185 0.34448819,3.6895594 2.1631185 0.34448819,
+ 3.7180913 2.1316327 0.34448819,3.7464752 2.099113 0.34448819,
+ 3.8977248 1.9100512 0.34448819,3.9002327 1.9054689 0.34448819,
+ 3.9030177 1.9011642 0.34448819,3.906061 1.8971173 0.34448819,
+ 3.9093441 1.893311 0.34448819,3.9128492 1.889726 0.34448819,
+ 3.9165571 1.8863441 0.34448819,3.92045 1.8831469 0.34448819,
+ 3.9245087 1.8801157 0.34448819,3.9287154 1.8772323 0.34448819,
+ 3.9330512 1.8744783 0.34448819,3.9374976 1.8718346 0.34448819,
+ 3.9420366 1.8692839 0.34448819,3.9513173 1.8643846 0.34448819,
+ 3.9607457 1.8596335 0.34448819,3.9663622 1.8642874 0.34448819,
+ 3.9714083 1.8688008 0.34448819,3.9759051 1.8731799 0.34448819,
+ 3.9798736 1.8774323 0.34448819,3.9833343 1.8815646 0.34448819,
+ 3.9863079 1.8855839 0.34448819,3.9888154 1.8894969 0.34448819,
+ 3.9908776 1.8933106 0.34448819,3.992515 1.8970323 0.34448819,
+ 3.9937484 1.9006685 0.34448819,3.9945992 1.904226 0.34448819,
+ 3.995087 1.9077122 0.34448819,3.9952339 1.9111335 0.34448819,
+ 3.9950594 1.9144972 0.34448819,3.994585 1.9178102 0.34448819,
+ 3.9938315 1.9210795 0.34448819,3.9928197 1.9243114 0.34448819,
+ 3.9915697 1.9275138 0.34448819,3.9901031 1.9306929 0.34448819,
+ 3.9884402 1.9338559 0.34448819,3.986602 1.9370098 0.34448819,
+ 3.9846091 1.940161 0.34448819,3.9802425 1.9464846 0.34448819,
+ 3.9705681 1.9594091 0.34448819,3.9655925 1.9661205 0.34448819,
+ 3.9607457 1.973072 0.34448819,3.6834543 2.3259886 0.34448819,
+ 3.6869992 2.3282051 0.34448819,3.6905413 2.3301335 0.34448819,
+ 3.6940791 2.3317799 0.34448819,3.6976098 2.333152 0.34448819,
+ 3.7011311 2.3342563 0.34448819,3.7046413 2.3351 0.34448819,
+ 3.7081374 2.3356898 0.34448819,3.7116173 2.3360323 0.34448819,
+ 3.7150787 2.336135 0.34448819,3.7185197 2.3360047 0.34448819,
+ 3.721937 2.335648 0.34448819,3.7253295 2.335072 0.34448819,
+ 3.7286941 2.3342839 0.34448819,3.7320287 2.3332906 0.34448819,
+ 3.7353307 2.3320984 0.34448819,3.7385984 2.330715 0.34448819,
+ 3.7418291 2.3291469 0.34448819,3.7450205 2.3274008 0.34448819,
+ 3.7481705 2.3254839 0.34448819,3.7512764 2.3234035 0.34448819,
+ 3.7543362 2.3211661 0.34448819,3.7573476 2.3187783 0.34448819,
+ 3.7603087 2.3162476 0.34448819,3.7632161 2.3135811 0.34448819,
+ 3.7660681 2.310785 0.34448819,3.7688626 2.3078665 0.34448819,
+ 3.7742693 2.3016906 0.34448819,3.7794173 2.2951087 0.34448819,
+ 3.7842886 2.2881756 0.34448819,3.9481425 2.1243217 0.34448819,
+ 3.951324 2.1335925 0.34448819,3.9538016 2.1425106 0.34448819,
+ 3.9556098 2.1510917 0.34448819,3.9567835 2.159352 0.34448819,
+ 3.9573567 2.1673075 0.34448819,3.957365 2.1749748 0.34448819,
+ 3.9568421 2.1823693 0.34448819,3.9558232 2.1895083 0.34448819,
+ 3.9543429 2.1964067 0.34448819,3.9524354 2.2030815 0.34448819,
+ 3.9501354 2.2095484 0.34448819,3.947478 2.215824 0.34448819,
+ 3.9444972 2.2219244 0.34448819,3.9412283 2.227865 0.34448819,
+ 3.9377051 2.233663 0.34448819,3.933963 2.2393339 0.34448819,
+ 3.9259594 2.2503594 0.34448819,3.9174941 2.2610713 0.34448819,
+ 3.9002862 2.2820701 0.34448819,3.892098 2.2926154 0.34448819,
+ 3.8845559 2.3033642 0.34448819,3.8811138 2.3088551 0.34448819,
+ 3.877937 2.3144453 0.34448819,3.8750602 2.3201508 0.34448819,
+ 3.8725181 2.3259878 0.34448819,3.8851217 2.3385921 0.34448819,
+ 3.8887736 2.3339016 0.34448819,3.8926268 2.3292803 0.34448819,
+ 3.9008524 2.3202272 0.34448819,3.9096315 2.3113957 0.34448819,
+ 3.9187984 2.3027488 0.34448819,3.9560205 2.2692689 0.34448819,
+ 3.9646339 2.2609913 0.34448819,3.9726374 2.2526768 0.34448819,
+ 3.9763591 2.2484941 0.34448819,3.9798657 2.2442886 0.34448819,
+ 3.9831374 2.2400551 0.34448819,3.9861524 2.2357894 0.34448819,
+ 3.9888909 2.2314866 0.34448819,3.9913315 2.2271425 0.34448819,
+ 3.9934535 2.222752 0.34448819,3.9952366 2.2183106 0.34448819,
+ 3.9966594 2.2138142 0.34448819,3.9977012 2.2092575 0.34448819,
+ 3.9983417 2.2046362 0.34448819,3.9985598 2.1999461 0.34448819,
+ 4.0163827 2.1237303 0.34448819,4.0324335 2.0463331 0.34448819,
+ 4.0615803 1.8879933 0.34448819,4.0907276 1.7249268 0.34448819,
+ 4.1067783 1.6416209 0.34448819,4.1246016 1.5571335 0.34448819,
+ 4.0060433 1.5307433 0.34448819,3.8945748 1.5067165 0.34448819,
+ 3.7878335 1.4826902 0.34448819,3.7354965 1.4699386 0.34448819,
+ 3.6834555 1.4563004 0.34448819,3.6741992 1.5222752 0.34448819,
+ 3.6699406 1.5548933 0.34448819,3.6661248 1.5870685 0.34448819,
+ 3.6629 1.6186528 0.34448819,3.6604138 1.6494984 0.34448819,
+ 3.6588138 1.6794579 0.34448819,3.6582476 1.7083831 0.34448819,
+ 3.6581004 1.7164713 0.34448819,3.6576598 1.7241969 0.34448819,
+ 3.6569287 1.7315673 0.34448819,3.6559091 1.738589 0.34448819,
+ 3.6546031 1.7452693 0.34448819,3.6530134 1.7516146 0.34448819,
+ 3.6511421 1.7576327 0.34448819,3.6489913 1.7633295 0.34448819,
+ 3.6465638 1.768713 0.34448819,3.6438618 1.773789 0.34448819,
+ 3.6408874 1.7785654 0.34448819,3.6376425 1.7830484 0.34448819,
+ 3.6341303 1.7872453 0.34448819,3.6303528 1.791163 0.34448819,
+ 3.6263122 1.7948083 0.34448819,3.6220106 1.7981882 0.34448819,
+ 3.6174504 1.8013098 0.34448819,3.6126343 1.8041795 0.34448819,
+ 3.6075642 1.8068051 0.34448819,3.6022425 1.8091925 0.34448819,
+ 3.5966717 1.8113492 0.34448819,3.5908539 1.8132823 0.34448819,
+ 3.5784866 1.8165039 0.34448819,3.5651594 1.8189134 0.34448819,
+ 3.5508906 1.8205657 0.34448819,3.5356984 1.8215169 0.34448819,
+ 3.5196016 1.8218213 0.34448819,-3.526128 1.8218213 0.34448819,
+ -3.5870315 1.8223874 0.34448819,-3.6470488 1.8239878 0.34448819,
+ -3.7064752 1.826474 0.34448819,-3.7656067 1.8296988 0.34448819,
+ -3.8841646 1.8377732 0.34448819,-4.0050866 1.8470291 0.34448819,
+ -4.0203343 1.8478795 0.34448819,-4.0353445 1.8480724 0.34448819,
+ -4.0501008 1.8476142 0.34448819,-4.064587 1.8465122 0.34448819,
+ -4.078787 1.8447732 0.34448819,-4.092685 1.8424039 0.34448819,
+ -4.1062642 1.8394118 0.34448819,-4.1195087 1.8358035 0.34448819,
+ -4.1324024 1.8315858 0.34448819,-4.1449295 1.8267657 0.34448819,
+ -4.1570732 1.8213504 0.34448819,-4.1688173 1.8153465 0.34448819,
+ -4.1801465 1.8087606 0.34448819,-4.1910441 1.8016004 0.34448819,
+ -4.2014937 1.7938724 0.34448819,-4.2114795 1.7855839 0.34448819,
+ -4.220985 1.7767409 0.34448819,-4.2299949 1.7673516 0.34448819,
+ -4.2384921 1.7574217 0.34448819,-4.2464606 1.7469591 0.34448819,
+ -4.2538846 1.7359701 0.34448819,-4.260748 1.7244618 0.34448819,
+ -4.2670343 1.7124409 0.34448819,-4.2727272 1.699915 0.34448819,
+ -4.277811 1.6868902 0.34448819,-4.2822697 1.673374 0.34448819,
+ -4.2860862 1.6593732 0.34448819,-4.2892453 1.6448945 0.34448819,
+ -4.2917307 1.6299453 0.34448819,-4.2935256 1.6145319 0.34448819,
+ -4.2946146 1.5986618 0.34448819,-4.2949811 1.5823413 0.34448819,
+ -4.2823768 0.76307047 0.34448819,-4.2823768 0.2463 0.34448819,
+ -4.2989138 0.24588465 0.34448819,-4.3154134 0.24474921 0.34448819,
+ -4.3318394 0.24305984 0.34448819,-4.3481547 0.24098268 0.34448819,
+ -4.3803051 0.23632992 0.34448819,-4.4115693 0.23212047 0.34448819,
+ -4.4267764 0.23059724 0.34448819,-4.4416516 0.22968346 0.34448819,
+ -4.4561575 0.22954488 0.34448819,-4.4702575 0.23034803 0.34448819,
+ -4.4771433 0.23115472 0.34448819,-4.4839142 0.23225906 0.34448819,
+ -4.4905646 0.2336815 0.34448819,-4.4970906 0.2354437 0.34448819,
+ -4.5034874 0.23756575 0.34448819,-4.5097504 0.2400689 0.34448819,
+ -4.5158748 0.24297323 0.34448819,-4.5218563 0.2463 0.34448819,
+ -4.5338047 0.25618386 0.34448819,-4.5459563 0.26688031 0.34448819,
+ -4.5582189 0.27831496 0.34448819,-4.5705 0.29041457 0.34448819,
+ -4.5827071 0.30310472 0.34448819,-4.5947484 0.3163122 0.34448819,
+ -4.6065311 0.3299626 0.34448819,-4.6179626 0.34398228 0.34448819,
+ -4.6289516 0.35829724 0.34448819,-4.6394047 0.37283386 0.34448819,
+ -4.6492303 0.3875185 0.34448819,-4.6583358 0.40227638 0.34448819,
+ -4.6666291 0.41703465 0.34448819,-4.6740173 0.4317189 0.34448819,
+ -4.6804091 0.44625551 0.34448819,-4.685711 0.46057047 0.34448819,
+ -4.7033185 0.51492913 0.34448819,-4.7184524 0.5693063 0.34448819,
+ -4.7312965 0.62372008 0.34448819,-4.7420358 0.67818976 0.34448819,
+ -4.7508547 0.73273268 0.34448819,-4.7579386 0.78736811 0.34448819,
+ -4.7634713 0.84211457 0.34448819,-4.7676378 0.89699016 0.34448819,
+ -4.7726106 1.0072024 0.34448819,-4.7755736 -1.1787555 0.34448819,
+ -4.7717268 -1.1385799 0.34448819,-4.7613382 -1.0582283 0.34448819,
+ -4.7485866 -0.97787638 0.34448819,-4.7349484 -0.8975248 0.34448819,
+ -4.7219012 -0.81717362 0.34448819,-4.7109217 -0.73682205 0.34448819,
+ -4.7012724 -0.67065039 0.34448819,-4.6960783 -0.63756457 0.34448819,
+ -4.6904409 -0.60447835 0.34448819,-4.684213 -0.57139252 0.34448819,
+ -4.6772461 -0.53830669 0.34448819,-4.6693929 -0.50522087 0.34448819,
+ -4.6605059 -0.47213504 0.34448819,-4.6460063 -0.43385472 0.34448819,
+ -4.6307681 -0.39926732 0.34448819,-4.6146437 -0.36822441 0.34448819,
+ -4.6062031 -0.35398661 0.34448819,-4.5974854 -0.34057913 0.34448819,
+ -4.5884724 -0.32798425 0.34448819,-4.5791457 -0.31618307 0.34448819,
+ -4.5694862 -0.30515787 0.34448819,-4.5594764 -0.29488898 0.34448819,
+ -4.5490969 -0.28535906 0.34448819,-4.5383299 -0.27654921 0.34448819,
+ -4.5271567 -0.26844055 0.34448819,-4.5155587 -0.26101535 0.34448819,
+ -4.5035177 -0.25425472 0.34448819,-4.491015 -0.24814055 0.34448819,
+ -4.4780323 -0.24265394 0.34448819,-4.4645512 -0.23777638 0.34448819,
+ -4.4505531 -0.23348976 0.34448819,-4.4360197 -0.22977559 0.34448819,
+ -4.4052724 -0.22399055 0.34448819,-4.3721618 -0.22027323 0.34448819,
+ -4.3365406 -0.21847598 0.34448819,-4.2982602 -0.21845118 0.34448819,
+ -4.2571736 -0.22005118 0.34448819,-4.2549547 -0.22714449 0.34448819,
+ -4.2530126 -0.23425591 0.34448819,-4.2513291 -0.24140433 0.34448819,
+ -4.2498858 -0.24860787 0.34448819,-4.2486638 -0.25588543 0.34448819,
+ -4.2476453 -0.26325551 0.34448819,-4.246811 -0.27073622 0.34448819,
+ -4.2461433 -0.27834606 0.34448819,-4.2452323 -0.29402717 0.34448819,
+ -4.2447646 -0.31044724 0.34448819,-4.2445673 -0.34609331 0.34448819,
+ -4.2445673 -1.0267185 0.34448819,-4.2456508 -1.0786858 0.34448819,
+ -4.2485063 -1.1305059 0.34448819,-4.2525437 -1.1820303 0.34448819,
+ -4.2571717 -1.2331114 0.34448819,-4.2658374 -1.3333535 0.34448819,
+ -4.2686929 -1.3822193 0.34448819,-4.2697764 -1.4300508 0.34448819,
+ -4.2696303 -1.4371406 0.34448819,-4.2692008 -1.4442276 0.34448819,
+ -4.2675362 -1.4583858 0.34448819,-4.2648744 -1.4725071 0.34448819,
+ -4.2613079 -1.4865728 0.34448819,-4.2569291 -1.5005646 0.34448819,
+ -4.2518303 -1.5144642 0.34448819,-4.2461039 -1.5282531 0.34448819,
+ -4.2398417 -1.5419126 0.34448819,-4.2331366 -1.5554248 0.34448819,
+ -4.2260807 -1.5687705 0.34448819,-4.2112854 -1.5948894 0.34448819,
+ -4.1815476 -1.6443213 0.34448819,-4.1802567 -1.646648 0.34448819,
+ -4.1787535 -1.6489004 0.34448819,-4.1770469 -1.6510791 0.34448819,
+ -4.1751469 -1.6531843 0.34448819,-4.170802 -1.6571724 0.34448819,
+ -4.1657921 -1.660865 0.34448819,-4.1601913 -1.6642622 0.34448819,
+ -4.154074 -1.6673642 0.34448819,-4.1475134 -1.6701705 0.34448819,
+ -4.1405835 -1.6726815 0.34448819,-4.1333583 -1.6748972 0.34448819,
+ -4.1259114 -1.6768173 0.34448819,-4.1183169 -1.6784421 0.34448819,
+ -4.1106488 -1.6797713 0.34448819,-4.1029803 -1.6808051 0.34448819,
+ -4.0953862 -1.6815437 0.34448819,-4.0879394 -1.6819866 0.34448819,
+ -4.0807146 -1.6821346 0.34448819,-3.1858177 -1.6821346 0.34448819,
+ -2.5304 -1.7073421 0.34448819,-2.07665 -1.694739 0.34448819,
+ -1.7615465 -1.7073421 0.34448819,-1.7615465 -1.732552 0.34448819,
+ -1.9127953 -1.9216138 0.34448819,-1.9266921 -1.9381504 0.34448819,
+ -1.9400717 -1.9546504 0.34448819,-1.9655756 -1.9873921 0.34448819,
+ -2.0136291 -2.0508071 0.34448819,-2.0373606 -2.0808894 0.34448819,
+ -2.049411 -2.0953953 0.34448819,-2.0616827 -2.1094949 0.34448819,
+ -2.07425 -2.1231516 0.34448819,-2.0871866 -2.136328 0.34448819,
+ -2.1005665 -2.1489874 0.34448819,-2.1144634 -2.1610929 0.34448819,
+ -2.1242059 -2.1703921 0.34448819,-2.134502 -2.1793591 0.34448819,
+ -2.1453154 -2.1879567 0.34448819,-2.1566087 -2.1961484 0.34448819,
+ -2.1683453 -2.2038965 0.34448819,-2.1804878 -2.211165 0.34448819,
+ -2.1929996 -2.2179165 0.34448819,-2.2058441 -2.2241138 0.34448819,
+ -2.2189835 -2.2297205 0.34448819,-2.2323819 -2.2346996 0.34448819,
+ -2.2460016 -2.2390138 0.34448819,-2.2598059 -2.2426264 0.34448819,
+ -2.2737579 -2.2455004 0.34448819,-2.2878209 -2.2475992 0.34448819,
+ -2.3019575 -2.2488854 0.34448819,-2.3161311 -2.2493224 0.34448819,
+ -3.7151933 -2.2493224 0.34448819,-3.7280819 -2.252574 0.34448819,
+ -3.7407555 -2.2552461 0.34448819,-3.7532213 -2.2573504 0.34448819,
+ -3.7654866 -2.2588984 0.34448819,-3.7775579 -2.259902 0.34448819,
+ -3.7894425 -2.2603724 0.34448819,-3.8011469 -2.2603213 0.34448819,
+ -3.812678 -2.2597602 0.34448819,-3.8240433 -2.2587004 0.34448819,
+ -3.8352492 -2.2571535 0.34448819,-3.8463028 -2.2551315 0.34448819,
+ -3.857211 -2.2526457 0.34448819,-3.8679811 -2.2497075 0.34448819,
+ -3.8786193 -2.246328 0.34448819,-3.8891327 -2.2425197 0.34448819,
+ -3.8995287 -2.2382937 0.34448819,-3.9199953 -2.2286343 0.34448819,
+ -3.940074 -2.2174425 0.34448819,-3.9598205 -2.2048106 0.34448819,
+ -3.9792898 -2.1908311 0.34448819,-3.9985378 -2.1755961 0.34448819,
+ -4.0176193 -2.1591976 0.34448819,-4.0365902 -2.1417283 0.34448819,
+ -4.0555055 -2.1232807 0.34448819,-4.1375067 -2.0387441 0.34448819,
+ -4.2223138 -1.9550933 0.34448819,-4.309189 -1.8720339 0.34448819,
+ -4.3973937 -1.7892697 0.34448819,-4.5748366 -1.6234465 0.34448819,
+ -4.662598 -1.5397961 0.34448819,-4.7487346 -1.4552594 0.34448819,
+ -4.7510248 -1.4528965 0.34448819,-4.753172 -1.4505331 0.34448819,
+ -4.7551807 -1.4481697 0.34448819,-4.7570555 -1.4458063 0.34448819,
+ -4.7588012 -1.4434429 0.34448819,-4.760422 -1.4410795 0.34448819,
+ -4.7633083 -1.4363531 0.34448819,-4.7657516 -1.4316264 0.34448819,
+ -4.767789 -1.4269 0.34448819,-4.7694567 -1.4221732 0.34448819,
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+ -4.7726138 -1.4079933 0.34448819,-4.773174 -1.4032669 0.34448819,
+ -4.7735496 -1.3985406 0.34448819,-4.7737772 -1.3938138 0.34448819,
+ -4.7738941 -1.3890874 0.34448819,-4.7739433 -1.3796343 0.34448819,
+ -4.7776665 -1.3394587 0.34448819,-4.7795063 -1.2992831 0.34448819,
+ -4.779648 -1.2591071 0.34448819,-4.7782752 -1.2189315 0.34448819,
+ 3.1918906 2.1243244 0.34448819,3.1918185 2.1255417 0.34448819,
+ 3.1916075 2.126826 0.34448819,3.1912677 2.1281705 0.34448819,
+ 3.1908075 2.1295677 0.34448819,3.1902366 2.1310114 0.34448819,
+ 3.1895646 2.1324945 0.34448819,3.1887996 2.1340094 0.34448819,
+ 3.187952 2.13555 0.34448819,3.1860441 2.1386795 0.34448819,
+ 3.183915 2.1418276 0.34448819,3.1816378 2.1449386 0.34448819,
+ 3.179287 2.1479575 0.34448819,3.1769358 2.1508283 0.34448819,
+ 3.1746587 2.1534965 0.34448819,3.1706217 2.1580016 0.34448819,
+ 3.1666831 2.1621374 0.34448819,3.1666831 2.1495311 0.34448819,
+ 3.1655016 2.1483862 0.34448819,3.1643228 2.1473126 0.34448819,
+ 3.1631484 2.1463083 0.34448819,3.1619811 2.1453709 0.34448819,
+ 3.1608228 2.144498 0.34448819,3.159676 2.1436874 0.34448819,
+ 3.1585433 2.142937 0.34448819,3.1574268 2.1422441 0.34448819,
+ 3.1563287 2.1416067 0.34448819,3.1552512 2.1410224 0.34448819,
+ 3.1541969 2.140489 0.34448819,3.1531681 2.1400039 0.34448819,
+ 3.1521669 2.139565 0.34448819,3.1511957 2.1391701 0.34448819,
+ 3.1493524 2.1385024 0.34448819,3.1476571 2.1379823 0.34448819,
+ 3.1461276 2.1375913 0.34448819,3.1447831 2.1373114 0.34448819,
+ 3.1436413 2.1371236 0.34448819,3.1427213 2.1370098 0.34448819,
+ 3.1420413 2.1369516 0.34448819,3.1414752 2.1369268 0.34448819,
+ 3.1368933 2.1298339 0.34448819,3.1325882 2.1227224 0.34448819,
+ 3.1285413 2.1155744 0.34448819,3.124735 2.1083709 0.34448819,
+ 3.12115 2.1010933 0.34448819,3.1177681 2.0937232 0.34448819,
+ 3.1145709 2.0862429 0.34448819,3.1115398 2.0786331 0.34448819,
+ 3.1086563 2.0708752 0.34448819,3.1059024 2.0629516 0.34448819,
+ 3.1007079 2.0465315 0.34448819,3.0958091 2.0292252 0.34448819,
+ 3.0910579 2.010885 0.34448819,3.0900209 2.0108126 0.34448819,
+ 3.0892638 2.010602 0.34448819,3.0887693 2.0102618 0.34448819,
+ 3.088522 2.009802 0.34448819,3.0885055 2.0092311 0.34448819,
+ 3.0887035 2.0085587 0.34448819,3.0891 2.0077941 0.34448819,
+ 3.0896791 2.0069465 0.34448819,3.0913193 2.0050386 0.34448819,
+ 3.0934949 2.0029091 0.34448819,3.0960768 2.0006319 0.34448819,
+ 3.0989354 1.9982811 0.34448819,3.1049669 1.9936531 0.34448819,
+ 3.1105551 1.9896157 0.34448819,3.1162665 1.9856772 0.34448819,
+ 3.1918906 2.086511 0.34448819,0.98616024 2.0739067 0.34448819,
+ 0.8727248 2.1747409 0.34448819,0.8727248 2.1621366 0.34448819,
+ 0.86592402 2.1575543 0.34448819,0.85967717 2.1532492 0.34448819,
+ 0.85394764 2.1492024 0.34448819,0.84869764 2.1453961 0.34448819,
+ 0.84389094 2.141811 0.34448819,0.83949055 2.1384291 0.34448819,
+ 0.83545945 2.1352319 0.34448819,0.83176063 2.1322008 0.34448819,
+ 0.82835709 2.1293173 0.34448819,0.8252122 2.1265634 0.34448819,
+ 0.82228898 2.1239201 0.34448819,0.81955 2.1213689 0.34448819,
+ 0.81447874 2.1164701 0.34448819,0.80970315 2.1117189 0.34448819,
+ 0.93574488 2.0360945 0.34448819,0.55761929 2.0865122 0.34448819,
+ 0.4627189 2.1932752 0.34448819,0.39376811 2.1243244 0.34448819,
+ 0.40085748 2.1194594 0.34448819,0.40794685 2.1143543 0.34448819,
+ 0.42212598 2.1036457 0.34448819,0.45048465 2.0817854 0.34448819,
+ 0.45757441 2.0765512 0.34448819,0.46466417 2.0715197 0.34448819,
+ 0.47175394 2.0667469 0.34448819,0.47884409 2.0622882 0.34448819,
+ 0.48593386 2.0581984 0.34448819,0.49302402 2.0545335 0.34448819,
+ 0.50011378 2.0513484 0.34448819,0.50720394 2.0486988 0.34448819,
+ 0.50727677 2.047663 0.34448819,0.50749291 2.0469083 0.34448819,
+ 0.50784764 2.0464213 0.34448819,0.50833622 2.0461882 0.34448819,
+ 0.50895394 2.0461953 0.34448819,0.50969646 2.0464283 0.34448819,
+ 0.51055866 2.046874 0.34448819,0.51153661 2.0475177 0.34448819,
+ 0.51381969 2.0493457 0.34448819,0.51650906 2.0518016 0.34448819,
+ 0.52295906 2.0581528 0.34448819,0.53059016 2.0656858 0.34448819,
+ 0.53475669 2.0696185 0.34448819,0.53910787 2.0735142 0.34448819,
+ 0.5436063 2.0772622 0.34448819,0.54821614 2.080752 0.34448819,
+ 0.55289921 2.083872 0.34448819,0.55525709 2.0852591 0.34448819,
+ 0.46939252 2.1999484 0.34448819,0.45678622 2.1999496 0.34448819,
+ 5.5774268 2.4784224 0.34448819,5.5672874 2.4940114 0.34448819,
+ 5.5567232 2.5094898 0.34448819,5.5346906 2.5402618 0.34448819,
+ 5.4895909 2.6021012 0.34448819,5.4786394 2.6178378 0.34448819,
+ 5.4680016 2.6337594 0.34448819,5.4577697 2.6499024 0.34448819,
+ 5.4480366 2.6663035 0.34448819,5.4578138 2.6742429 0.34448819,
+ 5.4682047 2.6815201 0.34448819,5.4791587 2.6881374 0.34448819,
+ 5.4906252 2.6940965 0.34448819,5.5025531 2.6994004 0.34448819,
+ 5.5148921 2.7040512 0.34448819,5.5275909 2.7080512 0.34448819,
+ 5.5405988 2.7114028 0.34448819,5.5538654 2.7141079 0.34448819,
+ 5.5673398 2.7161693 0.34448819,5.5809709 2.717589 0.34448819,
+ 5.5947083 2.7183693 0.34448819,5.6085012 2.718513 0.34448819,
+ 5.6222984 2.7180217 0.34448819,5.6360496 2.716898 0.34448819,
+ 5.6497039 2.7151445 0.34448819,5.6632102 2.7127634 0.34448819,
+ 5.6765185 2.7097563 0.34448819,5.6895772 2.7061264 0.34448819,
+ 5.7023358 2.7018756 0.34448819,5.7147441 2.6970067 0.34448819,
+ 5.7267504 2.6915209 0.34448819,5.7383043 2.6854217 0.34448819,
+ 5.7493555 2.6787106 0.34448819,5.7598524 2.6713906 0.34448819,
+ 5.7697449 2.6634634 0.34448819,5.7789819 2.6549315 0.34448819,
+ 5.7875126 2.6457972 0.34448819,5.7952862 2.636063 0.34448819,
+ 5.8022524 2.6257307 0.34448819,5.8083594 2.6148031 0.34448819,
+ 5.8135579 2.6032827 0.34448819,5.8318976 2.5460224 0.34448819,
+ 5.8492039 2.487876 0.34448819,5.8656236 2.4291386 0.34448819,
+ 5.8813051 2.3701055 0.34448819,5.9395996 2.1369287 0.34448819,
+ 5.9464031 2.1132961 0.34448819,5.9526713 2.0896634 0.34448819,
+ 5.9638228 2.0423976 0.34448819,5.9734976 1.9951323 0.34448819,
+ 5.9821382 1.9478665 0.34448819,5.9980906 1.8533354 0.34448819,
+ 6.0062878 1.8060697 0.34448819,6.015224 1.7588043 0.34448819,
+ 6.024111 1.7120555 0.34448819,6.0319642 1.6660453 0.34448819,
+ 6.0389311 1.6203307 0.34448819,6.0451591 1.5744681 0.34448819,
+ 6.0507969 1.528015 0.34448819,6.0559909 1.4805276 0.34448819,
+ 6.0656413 1.3806787 0.34448819,6.0530362 1.3932831 0.34448819,
+ 6.0210827 1.407463 0.34448819,5.9911972 1.4216425 0.34448819,
+ 5.9630839 1.4358224 0.34448819,5.936448 1.450002 0.34448819,
+ 5.9109933 1.4641815 0.34448819,5.8864252 1.478361 0.34448819,
+ 5.8387657 1.5067205 0.34448819,5.8296079 1.5138165 0.34448819,
+ 5.8210409 1.5209496 0.34448819,5.813065 1.5281563 0.34448819,
+ 5.8056799 1.5354736 0.34448819,5.7988854 1.542939 0.34448819,
+ 5.7926819 1.550589 0.34448819,5.7870693 1.5584602 0.34448819,
+ 5.7820472 1.5665906 0.34448819,5.7776161 1.5750157 0.34448819,
+ 5.773776 1.5837736 0.34448819,5.7705264 1.5929004 0.34448819,
+ 5.7678677 1.6024339 0.34448819,5.7658 1.6124098 0.34448819,
+ 5.7643228 1.6228661 0.34448819,5.7634366 1.6338394 0.34448819,
+ 5.7631413 1.6453665 0.34448819,5.7625504 1.6948508 0.34448819,
+ 5.7616169 1.7207705 0.34448819,5.760778 1.7440583 0.34448819,
+ 5.757824 1.7930071 0.34448819,5.7536882 1.8417157 0.34448819,
+ 5.7483709 1.8902031 0.34448819,5.7418717 1.938487 0.34448819,
+ 5.7341909 1.9865866 0.34448819,5.7253287 2.0345201 0.34448819,
+ 5.715285 2.0823055 0.34448819,5.7040594 2.1299622 0.34448819,
+ 5.691652 2.1775075 0.34448819,5.6780634 2.224961 0.34448819,
+ 5.6632929 2.2723402 0.34448819,5.6473409 2.3196642 0.34448819,
+ 5.6302071 2.3669516 0.34448819,5.6118917 2.4142201 0.34448819,
+ 5.604374 2.4306213 0.34448819,5.5960622 2.4467642 0.34448819,
+ 5.5870492 2.4626854 0.34448819,5.0320992 2.1621366 0.34448819,
+ 5.032063 2.1633539 0.34448819,5.0319575 2.1646382 0.34448819,
+ 5.0317878 2.1659827 0.34448819,5.0315575 2.1673799 0.34448819,
+ 5.0309358 2.1703063 0.34448819,5.0301299 2.1733622 0.34448819,
+ 5.029176 2.1764913 0.34448819,5.028111 2.1796394 0.34448819,
+ 5.0269724 2.1827504 0.34448819,5.0257969 2.1857693 0.34448819,
+ 5.0234831 2.1913079 0.34448819,5.0214642 2.195813 0.34448819,
+ 5.0194949 2.1999484 0.34448819,5.0147713 2.2024504 0.34448819,
+ 5.0100665 2.2051925 0.34448819,5.0053984 2.2081189 0.34448819,
+ 5.0007858 2.2111748 0.34448819,4.9918004 2.2174524 0.34448819,
+ 4.9832583 2.2235823 0.34448819,4.9753067 2.2291209 0.34448819,
+ 4.9715984 2.2315303 0.34448819,4.9680937 2.233626 0.34448819,
+ 4.9648102 2.2353524 0.34448819,4.9632575 2.2360594 0.34448819,
+ 4.9617669 2.2366539 0.34448819,4.9603409 2.2371283 0.34448819,
+ 4.9589819 2.2374756 0.34448819,4.9576921 2.237689 0.34448819,
+ 4.956474 2.2377618 0.34448819,4.9541472 2.2376528 0.34448819,
+ 4.9518921 2.2373339 0.34448819,4.9497059 2.2368165 0.34448819,
+ 4.947587 2.2361122 0.34448819,4.9455323 2.2352327 0.34448819,
+ 4.9435402 2.234189 0.34448819,4.9416083 2.2329933 0.34448819,
+ 4.9397339 2.2316563 0.34448819,4.937915 2.2301906 0.34448819,
+ 4.9361488 2.2286071 0.34448819,4.9327669 2.2251327 0.34448819,
+ 4.9295697 2.2213264 0.34448819,4.9265386 2.2172795 0.34448819,
+ 4.9236555 2.2130854 0.34448819,4.9209012 2.2088358 0.34448819,
+ 4.9157071 2.2005398 0.34448819,4.9132299 2.196678 0.34448819,
+ 4.9108083 2.1931299 0.34448819,4.9084236 2.1899882 0.34448819,
+ 4.9060575 2.1873453 0.34448819,4.9312661 2.1873441 0.34448819,
+ 4.940522 2.168635 0.34448819,4.9447807 2.1596496 0.34448819,
+ 4.9485965 2.1511071 0.34448819,4.9502917 2.1470484 0.34448819,
+ 4.9518213 2.1431555 0.34448819,4.9531661 2.1394476 0.34448819,
+ 4.9543075 2.1359425 0.34448819,4.9552276 2.1326591 0.34448819,
+ 4.9559079 2.1296157 0.34448819,4.9563291 2.1268311 0.34448819,
+ 4.956474 2.1243232 0.34448819,5.0320992 2.0613024 0.34448819,
+ 4.8581933 2.4000016 0.34448819,4.8579953 2.4020287 0.34448819,
+ 4.8575988 2.4040094 0.34448819,4.8570201 2.4059488 0.34448819,
+ 4.8562748 2.4078516 0.34448819,4.8553799 2.4097217 0.34448819,
+ 4.8543512 2.4115642 0.34448819,4.8532043 2.4133835 0.34448819,
+ 4.8519563 2.4151843 0.34448819,4.8506228 2.4169717 0.34448819,
+ 4.8477638 2.4205224 0.34448819,4.8417327 2.4276618 0.34448819,
+ 4.8388185 2.4313236 0.34448819,4.8374433 2.4331937 0.34448819,
+ 4.8361445 2.4350965 0.34448819,4.8349378 2.4370358 0.34448819,
+ 4.8338398 2.4390165 0.34448819,4.8328661 2.4410437 0.34448819,
+ 4.8320331 2.4431217 0.34448819,4.8313575 2.4452547 0.34448819,
+ 4.8308547 2.447448 0.34448819,4.8305413 2.4497059 0.34448819,
+ 4.8304331 2.4520331 0.34448819,4.8291795 2.4508512 0.34448819,
+ 4.8277898 2.4496697 0.34448819,4.824648 2.4473063 0.34448819,
+ 4.8211004 2.4449429 0.34448819,4.8172386 2.4425795 0.34448819,
+ 4.8004984 2.4331264 0.34448819,4.796452 2.430763 0.34448819,
+ 4.7926457 2.4283996 0.34448819,4.7891713 2.4260362 0.34448819,
+ 4.7861217 2.4236732 0.34448819,4.784785 2.4224913 0.34448819,
+ 4.7835894 2.4213098 0.34448819,4.7825457 2.4201283 0.34448819,
+ 4.7816657 2.4189465 0.34448819,4.7809618 2.417765 0.34448819,
+ 4.7804441 2.4165835 0.34448819,4.7801256 2.4154016 0.34448819,
+ 4.7800165 2.4142201 0.34448819,4.770563 2.3742413 0.34448819,
+ 4.7611098 2.3307173 0.34448819,4.7422035 2.2377618 0.34448819,
+ 4.729598 2.2251583 0.34448819,4.7674114 2.1747409 0.34448819,
+ 4.8178287 2.2251583 0.34448819,4.8224075 2.2346146 0.34448819,
+ 4.8266909 2.244089 0.34448819,4.8306791 2.2536008 0.34448819,
+ 4.8343717 2.2631677 0.34448819,4.8377689 2.2728083 0.34448819,
+ 4.8408709 2.2825413 0.34448819,4.8436772 2.2923854 0.34448819,
+ 4.8461882 2.3023587 0.34448819,4.8484035 2.3124795 0.34448819,
+ 4.8503236 2.3227665 0.34448819,4.8519484 2.3332382 0.34448819,
+ 4.8532776 2.343913 0.34448819,4.8543114 2.3548091 0.34448819,
+ 4.85505 2.3659457 0.34448819,4.8554933 2.3773406 0.34448819,
+ 4.8556409 2.3890122 0.34448819,4.8566776 2.3913394 0.34448819,
+ 4.857435 2.3935972 0.34448819,4.8579295 2.3957906 0.34448819,
+ 4.8581768 2.3979236 0.34448819,-1.6859205 2.5276583 0.34448819,
+ -2.4799823 2.5276583 0.34448819,-2.4762559 2.539037 0.34448819,
+ -2.4721787 2.5495618 0.34448819,-2.4677689 2.5592646 0.34448819,
+ -2.4630453 2.5681783 0.34448819,-2.4580264 2.5763354 0.34448819,
+ -2.4527307 2.5837673 0.34448819,-2.4471764 2.5905071 0.34448819,
+ -2.4413819 2.596587 0.34448819,-2.4353661 2.602039 0.34448819,
+ -2.4291469 2.6068957 0.34448819,-2.4227433 2.611189 0.34448819,
+ -2.4161736 2.6149516 0.34448819,-2.4094559 2.6182157 0.34448819,
+ -2.4026094 2.6210138 0.34448819,-2.395652 2.6233776 0.34448819,
+ -2.388602 2.6253402 0.34448819,-2.3814783 2.6269335 0.34448819,
+ -2.3742992 2.6281898 0.34448819,-2.3598488 2.6298205 0.34448819,
+ -2.3453984 2.6304913 0.34448819,-2.3310957 2.6304606 0.34448819,
+ -2.2783161 2.6284913 0.34448819,-1.7993559 2.6284913 0.34448819,
+ -1.7913039 2.6295256 0.34448819,-1.7836811 2.6302669 0.34448819,
+ -1.7764736 2.6307173 0.34448819,-1.7696677 2.6308795 0.34448819,
+ -1.7632492 2.6307551 0.34448819,-1.7572051 2.6303469 0.34448819,
+ -1.7515209 2.6296575 0.34448819,-1.7461827 2.6286882 0.34448819,
+ -1.7411772 2.6274425 0.34448819,-1.7364898 2.625922 0.34448819,
+ -1.7321071 2.6241291 0.34448819,-1.7280154 2.6220661 0.34448819,
+ -1.7242004 2.6197358 0.34448819,-1.7206488 2.6171398 0.34448819,
+ -1.7173461 2.6142807 0.34448819,-1.7142791 2.6111606 0.34448819,
+ -1.7114335 2.6077823 0.34448819,-1.7087957 2.6041476 0.34448819,
+ -1.7063516 2.6002594 0.34448819,-1.7040878 2.5961193 0.34448819,
+ -1.7019902 2.5917299 0.34448819,-1.7000445 2.5870941 0.34448819,
+ -1.6965551 2.5770902 0.34448819,-1.6935087 2.566126 0.34448819,
+ -1.6907949 2.5542205 0.34448819,-1.6883024 2.5413917 0.34448819,
+ -1.6881063 2.5402618 0.34448819,0.11647402 2.5276583 0.34448819,
+ -0.61456811 2.5276583 0.34448819,-0.61456811 2.5402618 0.34448819,
+ -0.59760669 2.6026673 0.34448819,-0.59011417 2.6279157 0.34448819,
+ -0.58286102 2.6495638 0.34448819,-0.57922677 2.659124 0.34448819,
+ -0.57553465 2.6678882 0.34448819,-0.57174528 2.6758909 0.34448819,
+ -0.56782008 2.6831665 0.34448819,-0.56371929 2.68975 0.34448819,
+ -0.55940394 2.6956752 0.34448819,-0.55483465 2.700978 0.34448819,
+ -0.54997244 2.7056917 0.34448819,-0.54477795 2.7098516 0.34448819,
+ -0.53921142 2.7134921 0.34448819,-0.53323465 2.7166484 0.34448819,
+ -0.52680748 2.7193543 0.34448819,-0.51989094 2.7216449 0.34448819,
+ -0.51244606 2.7235547 0.34448819,-0.50443346 2.7251185 0.34448819,
+ -0.49581378 2.7263705 0.34448819,-0.47659685 2.7280783 0.34448819,
+ -0.45448071 2.7289551 0.34448819,-0.40029764 2.7293244 0.34448819,
+ -0.047380709 2.7419287 0.34448819,-0.036001181 2.7417748 0.34448819,
+ -0.025470866 2.7412886 0.34448819,-0.01575315 2.7404335 0.34448819,
+ -0.011187402 2.7398555 0.34448819,-0.0068106299 2.7391717 0.34448819,
+ -0.0026188976 2.7383768 0.34448819,0.0013929134 2.7374669 0.34448819,
+ 0.0052295276 2.7364366 0.34448819,0.0088952756 2.7352819 0.34448819,
+ 0.012394882 2.733998 0.34448819,0.015732677 2.7325803 0.34448819,
+ 0.01891378 2.731024 0.34448819,0.02194252 2.7293244 0.34448819,
+ 0.024823622 2.7274776 0.34448819,0.027561417 2.725478 0.34448819,
+ 0.030161024 2.7233217 0.34448819,0.032626378 2.7210039 0.34448819,
+ 0.034962992 2.7185197 0.34448819,0.037174803 2.715865 0.34448819,
+ 0.039266535 2.7130346 0.34448819,0.041242913 2.7100244 0.34448819,
+ 0.043108268 2.7068295 0.34448819,0.044867717 2.7034453 0.34448819,
+ 0.046525984 2.6998673 0.34448819,0.048087008 2.6960909 0.34448819,
+ 0.049555512 2.6921114 0.34448819,0.050936614 2.687924 0.34448819,
+ 0.052234646 2.6835244 0.34448819,0.053453937 2.6789079 0.34448819,
+ -4.14905 -0.047727165 0.34448819,-4.1486992 0.079166142 0.34448819,
+ -4.1484591 0.16595276 0.34448819,-4.1455051 0.38199606 0.34448819,
+ -4.1437327 0.59922126 0.34448819,-4.1437327 1.6075547 0.34448819,
+ -4.1434343 1.6189311 0.34448819,-4.1425264 1.6294394 0.34448819,
+ -4.1418382 1.634374 0.34448819,-4.1409909 1.6390988 0.34448819,
+ -4.1399819 1.6436157 0.34448819,-4.1388091 1.6479272 0.34448819,
+ -4.1374701 1.6520358 0.34448819,-4.1359626 1.6559433 0.34448819,
+ -4.1342843 1.6596524 0.34448819,-4.1324331 1.6631654 0.34448819,
+ -4.1304063 1.6664846 0.34448819,-4.128202 1.6696122 0.34448819,
+ -4.1258173 1.6725504 0.34448819,-4.1232508 1.6753016 0.34448819,
+ -4.1204992 1.6778685 0.34448819,-4.117561 1.6802528 0.34448819,
+ -4.1144335 1.6824575 0.34448819,-4.1111142 1.6844839 0.34448819,
+ -4.1076012 1.6863354 0.34448819,-4.1038921 1.6880134 0.34448819,
+ -4.0999846 1.6895209 0.34448819,-4.095876 1.6908598 0.34448819,
+ -4.0915646 1.6920327 0.34448819,-4.0870476 1.6930413 0.34448819,
+ -4.0823232 1.693889 0.34448819,-4.0773886 1.6945772 0.34448819,
+ -4.0668799 1.6954846 0.34448819,-4.0555039 1.6957831 0.34448819,
+ -3.1669102 1.7064177 0.34448819,-2.2783161 1.7052362 0.34448819,
+ -0.50112874 1.6957831 0.34448819,3.4817874 1.6957831 0.34448819,
+ 3.4817902 1.6957843 0.34448819,3.4863752 1.6839709 0.34448819,
+ 3.4907016 1.672176 0.34448819,3.4987268 1.6487154 0.34448819,
+ 3.5133004 1.6028283 0.34448819,3.5204394 1.5806972 0.34448819,
+ 3.527874 1.5593047 0.34448819,3.5317945 1.5489315 0.34448819,
+ 3.5358992 1.5387984 0.34448819,3.540226 1.5289236 0.34448819,
+ 3.544811 1.519326 0.34448819,3.544811 1.4815126 0.34448819,
+ 3.5406508 1.4525874 0.34448819,3.537524 1.422628 0.34448819,
+ 3.5352839 1.3917819 0.34448819,3.5337823 1.3601976 0.34448819,
+ 3.5328713 1.3280224 0.34448819,3.5324035 1.2954039 0.34448819,
+ 3.5323197 1.2672413 0.34448819,3.5322067 1.2294291 0.34448819,
+ 3.5322067 0.90172047 0.34448819,3.5322067 0.14805551 0.34448819,
+ 3.5322067 -0.1947063 0.34448819,3.5322067 -0.20744685 0.34448819,
+ 3.5322067 -1.0897378 0.34448819,3.544811 -1.4552587 0.34448819,
+ 3.544811 -1.5434874 0.34448819,2.2339776 -1.5434874 0.34448819,
+ 2.0260083 -1.5362004 0.34448819,1.8180394 -1.5324587 0.34448819,
+ 1.6100705 -1.5310799 0.34448819,1.4021024 -1.5308831 0.34448819,
+ 0.80970669 -1.5434874 0.34448819,-1.6733161 -1.5434874 0.34448819,
+ -2.2278969 -1.5308831 0.34448819,-2.2490252 -1.5288059 0.34448819,
+ -2.2698953 -1.5272642 0.34448819,-2.3110067 -1.5255657 0.34448819,
+ -2.3515276 -1.5253441 0.34448819,-2.3917528 -1.5261563 0.34448819,
+ -2.472498 -1.5291106 0.34448819,-2.5136094 -1.5303661 0.34448819,
+ -2.5556067 -1.5308831 0.34448819,-2.8455035 -1.5560909 0.34448819,
+ -2.8689917 -1.5581681 0.34448819,-2.8922028 -1.5597098 0.34448819,
+ -2.9378685 -1.5614083 0.34448819,-2.9826476 -1.5616299 0.34448819,
+ -3.0266886 -1.5608173 0.34448819,-3.1131449 -1.5578634 0.34448819,
+ -3.1558563 -1.5566079 0.34448819,-3.1984201 -1.5560909 0.34448819,
+ -4.0555039 -1.5560909 0.34448819,-4.0648031 -1.5559339 0.34448819,
+ -4.0737697 -1.5554264 0.34448819,-4.0823673 -1.5545122 0.34448819,
+ -4.0905587 -1.553137 0.34448819,-4.0944906 -1.5522587 0.34448819,
+ -4.0983071 -1.5512445 0.34448819,-4.1020035 -1.550087 0.34448819,
+ -4.1055752 -1.5487795 0.34448819,-4.1090177 -1.5473154 0.34448819,
+ -4.1123268 -1.545687 0.34448819,-4.1154969 -1.5438882 0.34448819,
+ -4.118524 -1.5419114 0.34448819,-4.1214035 -1.5397504 0.34448819,
+ -4.1241307 -1.5373972 0.34448819,-4.1267008 -1.5348461 0.34448819,
+ -4.1291094 -1.5320894 0.34448819,-4.131352 -1.5291201 0.34448819,
+ -4.133424 -1.5259319 0.34448819,-4.1353201 -1.5225173 0.34448819,
+ -4.1370366 -1.5188697 0.34448819,-4.1385681 -1.5149823 0.34448819,
+ -4.1399106 -1.5108476 0.34448819,-4.1410591 -1.5064591 0.34448819,
+ -4.1420094 -1.5018098 0.34448819,-4.1427563 -1.4968929 0.34448819,
+ -4.1432957 -1.4917012 0.34448819,-4.1436224 -1.4862283 0.34448819,
+ -4.1437327 -1.4804665 0.34448819,-4.1437327 -1.1653622 0.34448819,
+ -4.135978 -1.0519248 0.34448819,-4.1313252 -0.9384874 0.34448819,
+ -4.1293311 -0.82505 0.34448819,-4.1295528 -0.7116126 0.34448819,
+ -4.1315469 -0.5981752 0.34448819,-4.1348701 -0.4847378 0.34448819,
+ -4.1437327 -0.2578626 0.34448819,-4.1472228 -0.15703031 0.34448819,
+ -4.1473516 -0.15331181 0.34448819,-1.6859205 2.804948 0.34448819,
+ -1.6859205 2.7797402 0.34448819,-1.6882839 2.77745 0.34448819,
+ -1.6906472 2.7753028 0.34448819,-1.6930102 2.7732941 0.34448819,
+ -1.6953736 2.7714197 0.34448819,-1.697737 2.769674 0.34448819,
+ -1.7001004 2.7680531 0.34448819,-1.7048272 2.7651669 0.34448819,
+ -1.7095535 2.7627236 0.34448819,-1.7142803 2.7606866 0.34448819,
+ -1.7190067 2.7590189 0.34448819,-1.7237335 2.7576831 0.34448819,
+ -1.7284602 2.7566433 0.34448819,-1.7331866 2.7558614 0.34448819,
+ -1.7379134 2.7553016 0.34448819,-1.7426402 2.754926 0.34448819,
+ -1.7473665 2.7546984 0.34448819,-1.7520933 2.7545815 0.34448819,
+ -1.7615465 2.7545323 0.34448819,-2.3917535 2.7545323 0.34448819,
+ -2.3941173 2.7546055 0.34448819,-2.3964807 2.7548217 0.34448819,
+ -2.3988441 2.7551764 0.34448819,-2.4012075 2.7556646 0.34448819,
+ -2.4035709 2.7562823 0.34448819,-2.4059343 2.7570248 0.34448819,
+ -2.4082976 2.7578874 0.34448819,-2.410661 2.758865 0.34448819,
+ -2.4153878 2.7611484 0.34448819,-2.4201142 2.7638378 0.34448819,
+ -2.4248409 2.7668965 0.34448819,-2.4295673 2.7702878 0.34448819,
+ -2.4342941 2.773974 0.34448819,-2.4390205 2.7779189 0.34448819,
+ -2.4437472 2.7820854 0.34448819,-2.4484736 2.7864366 0.34448819,
+ -2.4579268 2.7955449 0.34448819,-2.4673799 2.8049488 0.34448819,
+ -2.4547756 2.804948 0.34448819,5.1565874 -2.6889138 0.34448819,
+ 5.1569681 -2.6883331 0.34448819,5.1590512 -2.6849051 0.34448819,
+ 5.1610236 -2.6814031 0.34448819,5.1628669 -2.6778646 0.34448819,
+ 5.1645622 -2.6743256 0.34448819,5.1660917 -2.6708236 0.34448819,
+ 5.1674366 -2.6673957 0.34448819,5.168578 -2.6640783 0.34448819,
+ 5.169498 -2.6609087 0.34448819,5.1701783 -2.657924 0.34448819,
+ 5.1706 -2.6551606 0.34448819,5.1707445 -2.6526555 0.34448819,
+ 5.2133142 -2.5884098 0.34448819,5.2513421 -2.523315 0.34448819,
+ 5.285013 -2.4574079 0.34448819,5.314511 -2.3907252 0.34448819,
+ 5.3400209 -2.3233039 0.34448819,5.3617272 -2.2551811 0.34448819,
+ 5.379815 -2.1863937 0.34448819,5.3944685 -2.1169783 0.34448819,
+ 5.4058728 -2.0469724 0.34448819,5.4142118 -1.9764126 0.34448819,
+ 5.4196709 -1.9053354 0.34448819,5.4224343 -1.8337787 0.34448819,
+ 5.4226866 -1.7617787 0.34448819,5.4206126 -1.6893724 0.34448819,
+ 5.4165425 -1.6191126 0.34448819,5.4163965 -1.6165969 0.34448819,
+ 5.4102236 -1.5434894 0.34448819,5.3996138 -1.4436898 0.34448819,
+ 5.3867882 -1.3430039 0.34448819,5.3718945 -1.2417276 0.34448819,
+ 5.3550811 -1.1401555 0.34448819,5.3364949 -1.0385839 0.34448819,
+ 5.3162839 -0.93730709 0.34448819,5.2945957 -0.83662165 0.34448819,
+ 5.2715783 -0.73682205 0.34448819,5.261522 -0.68735 0.34448819,
+ 5.2502102 -0.63822913 0.34448819,5.2375689 -0.58951417 0.34448819,
+ 5.2235248 -0.54126063 0.34448819,5.2080031 -0.49352441 0.34448819,
+ 5.1909311 -0.44636024 0.34448819,5.1722339 -0.39982402 0.34448819,
+ 5.1518382 -0.35397087 0.34448819,5.1296701 -0.3088563 0.34448819,
+ 5.1056559 -0.26453543 0.34448819,5.0797213 -0.22106378 0.34448819,
+ 5.0517925 -0.17849724 0.34448819,5.0217961 -0.13689055 0.34448819,
+ 4.9896579 -0.096299606 0.34448819,4.9553039 -0.056779134 0.34448819,
+ 4.918661 -0.018385433 0.34448819,4.9145008 -0.014175197 0.34448819,
+ 4.9128177 -0.012374803 0.34448819,4.9113744 -0.010703937 0.34448819,
+ 4.9101528 -0.0091066929 0.34448819,4.9091343 -0.0075279528 0.34448819,
+ 4.9083004 -0.0059125984 0.34448819,4.9076327 -0.0042047244 0.34448819,
+ 4.907113 -0.0023492126 0.34448819,4.906722 -0.00029055118 0.34448819,
+ 4.9064421 0.0020267717 0.34448819,4.9062543 0.0046574803 0.34448819,
+ 4.9061406 0.007657874 0.34448819,4.9060819 0.011082677 0.34448819,
+ 4.9060575 0.019427953 0.34448819,4.9107839 0.017209055 0.34448819,
+ 4.9155102 0.015267323 0.34448819,4.920237 0.013584252 0.34448819,
+ 4.9249634 0.012140945 0.34448819,4.9296898 0.010919291 0.34448819,
+ 4.9344165 0.0099007874 0.34448819,4.9391429 0.0090669291 0.34448819,
+ 4.9438697 0.0083992126 0.34448819,4.9485961 0.0078791339 0.34448819,
+ 4.9533228 0.007488189 0.34448819,4.9627756 0.0070204724 0.34448819,
+ 4.9722287 0.0068480315 0.34448819,4.9816819 0.006823622 0.34448819,
+ 4.9865496 0.0044633858 0.34448819,4.9916764 0.0021216535 0.34448819,
+ 5.0025571 -0.0024322835 0.34448819,5.0140291 -0.0066909449 0.34448819,
+ 5.0198941 -0.0086633858 0.34448819,5.0257961 -0.010506693 0.34448819,
+ 5.031698 -0.012202362 0.34448819,5.0375634 -0.013731496 0.34448819,
+ 5.0433547 -0.015076378 0.34448819,5.049035 -0.01621811 0.34448819,
+ 5.0545677 -0.017138189 0.34448819,5.0599157 -0.01781811 0.34448819,
+ 5.0650425 -0.018239764 0.34448819,5.0699106 -0.018384252 0.34448819,
+ 5.0850157 -0.01756811 0.34448819,5.0996177 -0.017466929 0.34448819,
+ 5.1137307 -0.018058661 0.34448819,5.1273681 -0.019319291 0.34448819,
+ 5.1405437 -0.021226378 0.34448819,5.1532717 -0.023756693 0.34448819,
+ 5.1655661 -0.026886614 0.34448819,5.1774402 -0.030594094 0.34448819,
+ 5.1889079 -0.034855118 0.34448819,5.1999835 -0.03964685 0.34448819,
+ 5.2106807 -0.044946457 0.34448819,5.221013 -0.050731102 0.34448819,
+ 5.2309949 -0.056976772 0.34448819,5.2406394 -0.063661417 0.34448819,
+ 5.249961 -0.070761024 0.34448819,5.2589732 -0.07825315 0.34448819,
+ 5.2761256 -0.094322441 0.34448819,5.2922067 -0.11168386 0.34448819,
+ 5.307328 -0.13015315 0.34448819,5.3216 -0.14954567 0.34448819,
+ 5.3351335 -0.16967677 0.34448819,5.3480394 -0.19036181 0.34448819,
+ 5.3724106 -0.23265472 0.34448819,5.4049059 -0.2941248 0.34448819,
+ 5.4362193 -0.35574213 0.34448819,5.4663516 -0.41765512 0.34448819,
+ 5.4953016 -0.48001142 0.34448819,5.5230705 -0.54295827 0.34448819,
+ 5.5496575 -0.6066437 0.34448819,5.5750626 -0.67121535 0.34448819,
+ 5.5992862 -0.73682087 0.34448819,5.6084469 -0.7631063 0.34448819,
+ 5.6170354 -0.78994567 0.34448819,5.6325685 -0.84513819 0.34448819,
+ 5.6460343 -0.90210315 0.34448819,5.6575799 -0.96054488 0.34448819,
+ 5.6673531 -1.0201685 0.34448819,5.6755016 -1.0806783 0.34448819,
+ 5.6821728 -1.1417787 0.34448819,5.687515 -1.2031752 0.34448819,
+ 5.6931433 -1.2739256 0.34448819,5.6959098 -1.3443811 0.34448819,
+ 5.6959067 -1.4145409 0.34448819,5.6932268 -1.4844051 0.34448819,
+ 5.6879614 -1.553974 0.34448819,5.6802039 -1.6232476 0.34448819,
+ 5.6700461 -1.692226 0.34448819,5.6575803 -1.7609087 0.34448819,
+ 5.6428992 -1.8292961 0.34448819,5.6260949 -1.8973882 0.34448819,
+ 5.6072591 -1.9651846 0.34448819,5.586485 -2.0326862 0.34448819,
+ 5.5638646 -2.0998917 0.34448819,5.5394906 -2.1668024 0.34448819,
+ 5.5134543 -2.2334173 0.34448819,5.4858488 -2.2997374 0.34448819,
+ 5.4783283 -2.3186433 0.34448819,5.4699949 -2.3375496 0.34448819,
+ 5.4609232 -2.3564559 0.34448819,5.451187 -2.3753622 0.34448819,
+ 5.4408598 -2.3942681 0.34448819,5.4300157 -2.4131744 0.34448819,
+ 5.407072 -2.450987 0.34448819,5.3093898 -2.6022374 0.34448819,
+ 5.3021555 -2.6112626 0.34448819,5.2946441 -2.6194941 0.34448819,
+ 5.2868744 -2.627024 0.34448819,5.2788646 -2.6339445 0.34448819,
+ 5.2706331 -2.6403484 0.34448819,5.2621984 -2.6463272 0.34448819,
+ 5.2535795 -2.651974 0.34448819,5.2447941 -2.6573807 0.34448819,
+ 5.2083602 -2.6784535 0.34448819,5.1990209 -2.6840449 0.34448819,
+ 5.189626 -2.68995 0.34448819,5.1801945 -2.6962614 0.34448819,
+ 5.1707445 -2.7030713 0.34448819,4.4307079 -2.5266122 0.34448819,
+ 4.4669941 -2.3999205 0.34448819,4.501665 -2.2608654 0.34448819,
+ 4.5312028 -2.1219949 0.34448819,4.5557004 -1.9832539 0.34448819,
+ 4.57525 -1.8445866 0.34448819,4.5899433 -1.7059374 0.34448819,
+ 4.5998736 -1.5672516 0.34448819,4.6051327 -1.4284736 0.34448819,
+ 4.6058039 -1.2912843 0.34448819,4.6058126 -1.2895476 0.34448819,
+ 4.6020059 -1.1504189 0.34448819,4.5938055 -1.0110311 0.34448819,
+ 4.5813028 -0.87132992 0.34448819,4.5645906 -0.73125945 0.34448819,
+ 4.5437606 -0.59076417 0.34448819,4.5189063 -0.44978898 0.34448819,
+ 4.4901189 -0.30827835 0.34448819,4.4924091 -0.30945945 0.34448819,
+ 4.4945563 -0.31063858 0.34448819,4.496565 -0.31181299 0.34448819,
+ 4.4984394 -0.31298031 0.34448819,4.500185 -0.31413858 0.34448819,
+ 4.5018059 -0.31528504 0.34448819,4.5033067 -0.31641772 0.34448819,
+ 4.5046921 -0.31753425 0.34448819,4.5059669 -0.31863268 0.34448819,
+ 4.5071354 -0.31970984 0.34448819,4.5082024 -0.32076417 0.34448819,
+ 4.5091724 -0.32179331 0.34448819,4.5100504 -0.32279449 0.34448819,
+ 4.5108402 -0.32376575 0.34448819,4.5115472 -0.32470433 0.34448819,
+ 4.512176 -0.32560866 0.34448819,4.5127303 -0.32647598 0.34448819,
+ 4.5132157 -0.32730433 0.34448819,4.5136366 -0.32809094 0.34448819,
+ 4.5139976 -0.32883346 0.34448819,4.5143028 -0.32953031 0.34448819,
+ 4.5145575 -0.33017835 0.34448819,4.5149331 -0.33131969 0.34448819,
+ 4.5151606 -0.33223976 0.34448819,4.5152776 -0.33292008 0.34448819,
+ 4.5153268 -0.33348622 0.34448819,4.5206197 -0.33872992 0.34448819,
+ 4.5269465 -0.3447122 0.34448819,4.5304516 -0.34784173 0.34448819,
+ 4.5341594 -0.35098976 0.34448819,4.538052 -0.35410079 0.34448819,
+ 4.542111 -0.35711969 0.34448819,4.5463173 -0.35999055 0.34448819,
+ 4.5506531 -0.36265866 0.34448819,4.5550996 -0.36506811 0.34448819,
+ 4.5596386 -0.36716339 0.34448819,4.5642512 -0.36888976 0.34448819,
+ 4.5665795 -0.36959724 0.34448819,4.5689193 -0.37019134 0.34448819,
+ 4.5712685 -0.37066575 0.34448819,4.5736244 -0.37101299 0.34448819,
+ 4.5759846 -0.37122638 0.34448819,4.5783476 -0.37129921 0.34448819,
+ 4.5808496 -0.36657283 0.34448819,4.5835917 -0.36184606 0.34448819,
+ 4.5865181 -0.35711969 0.34448819,4.589574 -0.35239331 0.34448819,
+ 4.5958516 -0.34294016 0.34448819,4.6019811 -0.33348701 0.34448819,
+ 4.6048524 -0.32876024 0.34448819,4.6075201 -0.32403386 0.34448819,
+ 4.6099295 -0.31930748 0.34448819,4.6120252 -0.31458071 0.34448819,
+ 4.6137512 -0.30985433 0.34448819,4.6144587 -0.30749094 0.34448819,
+ 4.6150531 -0.30512795 0.34448819,4.6155272 -0.30276457 0.34448819,
+ 4.6158744 -0.30040118 0.34448819,4.6160882 -0.29803819 0.34448819,
+ 4.6161606 -0.2956748 0.34448819,4.6160193 -0.28858189 0.34448819,
+ 4.6156193 -0.28147047 0.34448819,4.6149976 -0.27432205 0.34448819,
+ 4.6141913 -0.26711811 0.34448819,4.6121728 -0.25247087 0.34448819,
+ 4.6098591 -0.23738031 0.34448819,4.6075453 -0.22169882 0.34448819,
+ 4.6055268 -0.20527913 0.34448819,4.6047205 -0.19674606 0.34448819,
+ 4.6040988 -0.18797283 0.34448819,4.6036988 -0.17894134 0.34448819,
+ 4.6035575 -0.16963307 0.34448819,4.8304323 -0.16963307 0.34448819,
+ 4.83165 -0.16974173 0.34448819,4.832937 -0.17006063 0.34448819,
+ 4.8342886 -0.17057795 0.34448819,4.8357004 -0.17128228 0.34448819,
+ 4.8371673 -0.1721622 0.34448819,4.8386854 -0.17320551 0.34448819,
+ 4.8418547 -0.17573819 0.34448819,4.845172 -0.1787878 0.34448819,
+ 4.8486 -0.18226181 0.34448819,4.852102 -0.1860685 0.34448819,
+ 4.8556409 -0.19011496 0.34448819,4.8626815 -0.19855866 0.34448819,
+ 4.8694268 -0.20685472 0.34448819,4.8755815 -0.21426457 0.34448819,
+ 4.8783449 -0.2174063 0.34448819,4.8808496 -0.22004961 0.34448819,
+ 4.9081965 -0.25593268 0.34448819,4.9336047 -0.29264646 0.34448819,
+ 4.9572035 -0.33013583 0.34448819,4.9791224 -0.36834528 0.34448819,
+ 4.9994902 -0.40721929 0.34448819,5.0184362 -0.44670276 0.34448819,
+ 5.0360902 -0.48674016 0.34448819,5.0525807 -0.52727598 0.34448819,
+ 5.0680374 -0.56825472 0.34448819,5.0825894 -0.60962126 0.34448819,
+ 5.1094961 -0.69329606 0.34448819,5.134335 -0.77785748 0.34448819,
+ 5.1581402 -0.86286181 0.34448819,5.1959531 -1.0267169 0.34448819,
+ 5.2116008 -1.1001201 0.34448819,5.2254201 -1.1737819 0.34448819,
+ 5.2373567 -1.247665 0.34448819,5.2473543 -1.3217331 0.34448819,
+ 5.2553583 -1.3959488 0.34448819,5.2613126 -1.4702752 0.34448819,
+ 5.2651622 -1.5446756 0.34448819,5.2668516 -1.6191126 0.34448819,
+ 5.2663256 -1.69355 0.34448819,5.2635283 -1.7679504 0.34448819,
+ 5.2584047 -1.8422768 0.34448819,5.2508996 -1.9164925 0.34448819,
+ 5.2409571 -1.9905602 0.34448819,5.2285224 -2.0644437 0.34448819,
+ 5.2135394 -2.1381051 0.34448819,5.1959531 -2.2115087 0.34448819,
+ 5.1933039 -2.223328 0.34448819,5.1901189 -2.2351661 0.34448819,
+ 5.1864543 -2.2470409 0.34448819,5.1823646 -2.2589713 0.34448819,
+ 5.1731331 -2.2830717 0.34448819,5.1628677 -2.3076154 0.34448819,
+ 5.1410075 -2.3586224 0.34448819,5.1302988 -2.3853819 0.34448819,
+ 5.1251937 -2.3991398 0.34448819,5.1203287 -2.4131748 0.34448819,
+ 5.1153035 -2.4289886 0.34448819,5.1096689 -2.4433803 0.34448819,
+ 5.1066177 -2.4500606 0.34448819,5.1034067 -2.4564063 0.34448819,
+ 5.1000346 -2.462424 0.34448819,5.0964984 -2.4681213 0.34448819,
+ 5.0927961 -2.4735043 0.34448819,5.0889252 -2.4785803 0.34448819,
+ 5.0848839 -2.4833567 0.34448819,5.0806693 -2.4878398 0.34448819,
+ 5.0762791 -2.4920366 0.34448819,5.0717114 -2.4959543 0.34448819,
+ 5.0669638 -2.4995996 0.34448819,5.0620335 -2.5029795 0.34448819,
+ 5.0569189 -2.5061008 0.34448819,5.0516173 -2.5089709 0.34448819,
+ 5.0461264 -2.5115961 0.34448819,5.0404441 -2.5139835 0.34448819,
+ 5.0284953 -2.5180728 0.34448819,5.0157528 -2.5212949 0.34448819,
+ 5.0021976 -2.5237043 0.34448819,4.9878118 -2.5253567 0.34448819,
+ 4.9725768 -2.5263075 0.34448819,4.956474 -2.5266122 0.34448819,
+ 4.0237657 -2.5896319 0.34448819,4.0261646 -2.5873051 0.34448819,
+ 4.0286276 -2.5850472 0.34448819,4.033711 -2.5807205 0.34448819,
+ 4.0389425 -2.5766157 0.34448819,4.0442472 -2.5726953 0.34448819,
+ 4.0547839 -2.5652606 0.34448819,4.0598673 -2.5616728 0.34448819,
+ 4.0647291 -2.5581217 0.34448819,4.0692957 -2.5545705 0.34448819,
+ 4.0714453 -2.5527835 0.34448819,4.0734929 -2.5509823 0.34448819,
+ 4.0754303 -2.549163 0.34448819,4.0772472 -2.5473205 0.34448819,
+ 4.078935 -2.5454504 0.34448819,4.0804846 -2.543548 0.34448819,
+ 4.0818862 -2.5416087 0.34448819,4.0831311 -2.5396276 0.34448819,
+ 4.0842094 -2.5376004 0.34448819,4.0851126 -2.5355224 0.34448819,
+ 4.0858311 -2.5333894 0.34448819,4.0863559 -2.5311961 0.34448819,
+ 4.0866776 -2.5289382 0.34448819,4.0867866 -2.526611 0.34448819,
+ 4.162411 -2.3375484 0.34448819,4.1895398 -2.2377 0.34448819,
+ 4.2140094 -2.1366701 0.34448819,4.2355252 -2.0344583 0.34448819,
+ 4.2537913 -1.9310646 0.34448819,4.2685126 -1.8264898 0.34448819,
+ 4.2793937 -1.7207327 0.34448819,4.286139 -1.6137945 0.34448819,
+ 4.2878681 -1.5598819 0.34448819,4.2884528 -1.5056744 0.34448819,
+ 4.2884528 -1.216765 0.34448819,4.2884528 -0.86286181 0.34448819,
+ 4.2877205 -0.82297559 0.34448819,4.285548 -0.78364291 0.34448819,
+ 4.2819724 -0.74482717 0.34448819,4.2770303 -0.70649173 0.34448819,
+ 4.2707591 -0.66859921 0.34448819,4.2631953 -0.63111299 0.34448819,
+ 4.254376 -0.59399567 0.34448819,4.2443382 -0.55721102 0.34448819,
+ 4.2331185 -0.52072165 0.34448819,4.2207543 -0.48449094 0.34448819,
+ 4.2072827 -0.4484815 0.34448819,4.1927398 -0.41265709 0.34448819,
+ 4.177163 -0.37697992 0.34448819,4.160589 -0.34141378 0.34448819,
+ 4.1430551 -0.30592165 0.34448819,4.124598 -0.27046614 0.34448819,
+ 4.1201606 -0.26322874 0.34448819,4.1162776 -0.25569606 0.34448819,
+ 4.112911 -0.24786772 0.34448819,4.1100248 -0.23974409 0.34448819,
+ 4.1075815 -0.2313248 0.34448819,4.1055445 -0.22261024 0.34448819,
+ 4.1038768 -0.21360039 0.34448819,4.1025413 -0.20429488 0.34448819,
+ 4.1015012 -0.19469409 0.34448819,4.1007193 -0.18479764 0.34448819,
+ 4.0997839 -0.1641189 0.34448819,4.0994394 -0.14225866 0.34448819,
+ 4.0993902 -0.11921654 0.34448819,4.1061937 -0.12365394 0.34448819,
+ 4.1124618 -0.1275374 0.34448819,4.1182504 -0.13090394 0.34448819,
+ 4.1236138 -0.13379016 0.34448819,4.1286083 -0.13623346 0.34448819,
+ 4.1332886 -0.13827087 0.34448819,4.1377106 -0.13993858 0.34448819,
+ 4.1419295 -0.14127402 0.34448819,4.1460008 -0.14231417 0.34448819,
+ 4.1499795 -0.14309567 0.34448819,4.1539213 -0.14365591 0.34448819,
+ 4.1578819 -0.1440315 0.34448819,4.1619161 -0.14425906 0.34448819,
+ 4.1660795 -0.14437598 0.34448819,4.1750154 -0.1444252 0.34448819,
+ 4.1887933 -0.14940709 0.34448819,4.201787 -0.1548878 0.34448819,
+ 4.2140232 -0.16084803 0.34448819,4.2255303 -0.16727008 0.34448819,
+ 4.2363358 -0.17413543 0.34448819,4.2464677 -0.1814252 0.34448819,
+ 4.2559531 -0.18912126 0.34448819,4.2648201 -0.19720512 0.34448819,
+ 4.2730961 -0.20565787 0.34448819,4.2808091 -0.21446181 0.34448819,
+ 4.2879866 -0.22359803 0.34448819,4.2946563 -0.23304803 0.34448819,
+ 4.3008461 -0.24279331 0.34448819,4.3065835 -0.25281575 0.34448819,
+ 4.3168118 -0.27361732 0.34448819,4.3255634 -0.29530551 0.34448819,
+ 4.3330594 -0.31773189 0.34448819,4.3395217 -0.34074921 0.34448819,
+ 4.3451713 -0.36420984 0.34448819,4.3549197 -0.41186929 0.34448819,
+ 4.3640772 -0.45952874 0.34448819,4.3987882 -0.64388937 0.34448819,
+ 4.4267047 -0.82839764 0.34448819,4.4378378 -0.92075354 0.34448819,
+ 4.4469406 -1.0132016 0.34448819,4.4539012 -1.1057602 0.34448819,
+ 4.4586091 -1.1984484 0.34448819,4.4609539 -1.2912843 0.34448819,
+ 4.4608248 -1.3842858 0.34448819,4.4581106 -1.4774724 0.34448819,
+ 4.4527012 -1.5708622 0.34448819,4.444485 -1.6644732 0.34448819,
+ 4.4333516 -1.7583244 0.34448819,4.4191902 -1.8524339 0.34448819,
+ 4.4018902 -1.9468205 0.34448819,4.3871449 -2.0229874 0.34448819,
+ 4.371365 -2.1000402 0.34448819,4.3372945 -2.2556232 0.34448819,
+ 4.3008606 -2.4112059 0.34448819,4.272528 -2.5266122 0.34448819,
+ 4.2632449 -2.5644252 0.34448819,4.3010571 -2.5896319 0.34448819,
+ -5.2024843 -2.4761957 0.34448819,-5.6562339 -2.4761957 0.34448819,
+ -5.7010874 -2.3485539 0.34448819,-5.7409185 -2.2207646 0.34448819,
+ -5.7754327 -2.0926795 0.34448819,-5.7906031 -2.0284803 0.34448819,
+ -5.8043339 -1.9641516 0.34448819,-5.816587 -1.8996752 0.34448819,
+ -5.8273268 -1.8350327 0.34448819,-5.8365154 -1.7702055 0.34448819,
+ -5.8441161 -1.7051756 0.34448819,-5.8500921 -1.6399236 0.34448819,
+ -5.8544063 -1.5744319 0.34448819,-5.857022 -1.5086815 0.34448819,
+ -5.857902 -1.4426543 0.34448819,-5.8369213 -1.4428114 0.34448819,
+ -5.8164949 -1.4433189 0.34448819,-5.796585 -1.4442331 0.34448819,
+ -5.7771555 -1.4456083 0.34448819,-5.7581693 -1.4475008 0.34448819,
+ -5.739589 -1.4499657 0.34448819,-5.7213783 -1.4530583 0.34448819,
+ -5.7034996 -1.4568339 0.34448819,-5.6859165 -1.4613484 0.34448819,
+ -5.6685921 -1.4666563 0.34448819,-5.651489 -1.4728138 0.34448819,
+ -5.6345709 -1.479876 0.34448819,-5.6178 -1.487898 0.34448819,
+ -5.6011402 -1.4969354 0.34448819,-5.5845543 -1.5070441 0.34448819,
+ -5.5680055 -1.5182787 0.34448819,-5.4167567 -1.5939039 0.34448819,
+ -5.3985823 -1.6011539 0.34448819,-5.3818484 -1.6087728 0.34448819,
+ -5.3665177 -1.616835 0.34448819,-5.3525531 -1.6254142 0.34448819,
+ -5.3399181 -1.6345843 0.34448819,-5.3340874 -1.6394138 0.34448819,
+ -5.3285752 -1.6444189 0.34448819,-5.3233772 -1.6496083 0.34448819,
+ -5.3184882 -1.6549921 0.34448819,-5.3139039 -1.6605787 0.34448819,
+ -5.3096197 -1.6663776 0.34448819,-5.3056307 -1.672398 0.34448819,
+ -5.3019327 -1.6786492 0.34448819,-5.2985209 -1.6851406 0.34448819,
+ -5.2953906 -1.6918811 0.34448819,-5.292537 -1.6988803 0.34448819,
+ -5.2899559 -1.7061472 0.34448819,-5.2876429 -1.7136909 0.34448819,
+ -5.2855925 -1.7215209 0.34448819,-5.282263 -1.738076 0.34448819,
+ -5.2799303 -1.7558866 0.34448819,-5.2785579 -1.7750268 0.34448819,
+ -5.2781087 -1.7955701 0.34448819,-5.2755362 -1.8207795 0.34448819,
+ -5.2150886 -2.4131748 0.34448819,-5.2150886 -2.4635913 0.34448819,
+ -5.6152748 2.8132689 0.34448819,-5.6625402 2.8195217 0.34448819,
+ -5.7098059 2.824002 0.34448819,-5.7570717 2.8270055 0.34448819,
+ -5.8043374 2.8288272 0.34448819,-5.8516031 2.8297626 0.34448819,
+ -5.9461343 2.8301567 0.34448819,-5.9566949 2.8287555 0.34448819,
+ -5.9671055 2.8269224 0.34448819,-5.9773634 2.8246697 0.34448819,
+ -5.9874673 2.8220083 0.34448819,-5.9974138 2.81895 0.34448819,
+ -6.0072012 2.8155059 0.34448819,-6.0168272 2.8116886 0.34448819,
+ -6.026289 2.8075083 0.34448819,-6.035585 2.8029776 0.34448819,
+ -6.0447122 2.7981075 0.34448819,-6.0624524 2.7873961 0.34448819,
+ -6.0794909 2.7754657 0.34448819,-6.0958094 2.7624091 0.34448819,
+ -6.111389 2.7483189 0.34448819,-6.1262122 2.7332866 0.34448819,
+ -6.1402594 2.7174051 0.34448819,-6.153513 2.7007669 0.34448819,
+ -6.1659539 2.6834638 0.34448819,-6.1775642 2.6655882 0.34448819,
+ -6.1883248 2.6472327 0.34448819,-6.1982177 2.6284898 0.34448819,
+ -6.2121114 2.6045705 0.34448819,-6.2254697 2.5801161 0.34448819,
+ -6.2508016 2.5298224 0.34448819,-6.2746559 2.4780516 0.34448819,
+ -6.297476 2.4252472 0.34448819,-6.341787 2.3183087 0.34448819,
+ -6.3641642 2.265061 0.34448819,-6.3872795 2.212552 0.34448819,
+ -6.3988039 2.1862665 0.34448819,-6.4097559 2.1594276 0.34448819,
+ -6.4201539 2.1320713 0.34448819,-6.4300161 2.104235 0.34448819,
+ -6.4482091 2.0472701 0.34448819,-6.4644811 1.9888283 0.34448819,
+ -6.4789807 1.9292047 0.34448819,-6.4918555 1.8686949 0.34448819,
+ -6.5032535 1.8075941 0.34448819,-6.5133217 1.746198 0.34448819,
+ -6.5195496 1.7038004 0.34448819,-6.5241528 1.6616614 0.34448819,
+ -6.5272791 1.6197441 0.34448819,-6.5278039 1.6075535 0.34448819,
+ -6.529076 1.5780114 0.34448819,-6.5296917 1.536426 0.34448819,
+ -6.5292732 1.494952 0.34448819,-6.5259252 1.4121878 0.34448819,
+ -6.5007169 1.0781768 0.34448819,-6.4951197 1.0100728 0.34448819,
+ -6.4878421 0.94278071 0.34448819,-6.4789768 0.87622756 0.34448819,
+ -6.4686157 0.81033858 0.34448819,-6.4568516 0.74504094 0.34448819,
+ -6.4437768 0.68025984 0.34448819,-6.4140634 0.55195315 0.34448819,
+ -6.3802142 0.42482835 0.34448819,-6.3429681 0.29829449 0.34448819,
+ -6.303063 0.17176063 0.34448819,-6.2612378 0.044635827 0.34448819,
+ -6.2612378 -0.068801575 0.34448819,-6.2897945 -0.29547992 0.34448819,
+ -6.3195327 -0.52097598 0.34448819,-6.3516339 -0.74410906 0.34448819,
+ -6.3689398 -0.85442047 0.34448819,-6.3788181 -0.91327953 0.34448819,
+ -6.3872795 -0.96369764 0.34448819,-6.3920311 -0.97312598 0.34448819,
+ -6.3969299 -0.98240669 0.34448819,-6.3994807 -0.98694567 0.34448819,
+ -6.402124 -0.99139213 0.34448819,-6.4048783 -0.99572795 0.34448819,
+ -6.4077614 -0.99993465 0.34448819,-6.4107925 -1.0039933 0.34448819,
+ -6.4139898 -1.0078858 0.34448819,-6.4173713 -1.0115941 0.34448819,
+ -6.4209563 -1.0150988 0.34448819,-6.4228303 -1.0167697 0.34448819,
+ -6.4247626 -1.0183823 0.34448819,-6.4267543 -1.0199354 0.34448819,
+ -6.4288087 -1.0214256 0.34448819,-6.430928 -1.0228516 0.34448819,
+ -6.4331138 -1.0242106 0.34448819,-6.4353685 -1.0255004 0.34448819,
+ -6.4376953 -1.0267185 0.34448819,-6.463098 -1.0435602 0.34448819,
+ -6.4873004 -1.061011 0.34448819,-6.5102839 -1.0790894 0.34448819,
+ -6.5320307 -1.0978142 0.34448819,-6.552522 -1.1172035 0.34448819,
+ -6.571739 -1.137276 0.34448819,-6.5896638 -1.1580504 0.34448819,
+ -6.6062776 -1.1795445 0.34448819,-6.6215618 -1.2017772 0.34448819,
+ -6.6354984 -1.2247669 0.34448819,-6.6480685 -1.2485319 0.34448819,
+ -6.6592539 -1.2730909 0.34448819,-6.6690362 -1.2984622 0.34448819,
+ -6.6773969 -1.3246646 0.34448819,-6.6843169 -1.3517161 0.34448819,
+ -6.6897787 -1.3796354 0.34448819,-6.6954039 -1.4218728 0.34448819,
+ -6.6981492 -1.4634827 0.34448819,-6.698122 -1.4814957 0.34448819,
+ -6.6980874 -1.5044276 0.34448819,-6.6952937 -1.5446709 0.34448819,
+ -6.6898409 -1.584176 0.34448819,-6.6818031 -1.6229055 0.34448819,
+ -6.6712547 -1.6608228 0.34448819,-6.6582693 -1.6978906 0.34448819,
+ -6.6429201 -1.734072 0.34448819,-6.6252815 -1.7693307 0.34448819,
+ -6.6054276 -1.8036287 0.34448819,-6.5834319 -1.8369303 0.34448819,
+ -6.5593681 -1.8691976 0.34448819,-6.5333106 -1.9003941 0.34448819,
+ -6.5053327 -1.9304827 0.34448819,-6.4755083 -1.9594268 0.34448819,
+ -6.4477894 -1.9878846 0.34448819,-6.434465 -2.002298 0.34448819,
+ -6.4215469 -2.0169335 0.34448819,-6.409072 -2.0318638 0.34448819,
+ -6.3970772 -2.0471634 0.34448819,-6.3855992 -2.0629063 0.34448819,
+ -6.3746752 -2.0791661 0.34448819,-6.3643421 -2.0960169 0.34448819,
+ -6.3546366 -2.1135323 0.34448819,-6.3455961 -2.1317862 0.34448819,
+ -6.3372567 -2.1508524 0.34448819,-6.3296563 -2.1708047 0.34448819,
+ -6.3228311 -2.1917173 0.34448819,-6.3168185 -2.2136638 0.34448819,
+ -6.3116555 -2.2367181 0.34448819,-6.3087224 -2.2556244 0.34448819,
+ -6.304737 -2.2745307 0.34448819,-6.2998287 -2.293437 0.34448819,
+ -6.2941268 -2.3123433 0.34448819,-6.2877598 -2.3312496 0.34448819,
+ -6.2808575 -2.3501559 0.34448819,-6.2659638 -2.3879681 0.34448819,
+ -6.2504795 -2.4257807 0.34448819,-6.2354382 -2.4635929 0.34448819,
+ -6.2284067 -2.4824992 0.34448819,-6.2218736 -2.5014055 0.34448819,
+ -6.2159685 -2.5203118 0.34448819,-6.2108205 -2.5392181 0.34448819,
+ -6.2057894 -2.5603248 0.34448819,-6.2001122 -2.5810433 0.34448819,
+ -6.1937331 -2.6012823 0.34448819,-6.1865972 -2.6209484 0.34448819,
+ -6.1786488 -2.63995 0.34448819,-6.1698327 -2.6581949 0.34448819,
+ -6.1600933 -2.6755902 0.34448819,-6.1548602 -2.6839406 0.34448819,
+ -6.1493752 -2.6920441 0.34448819,-6.1436323 -2.699889 0.34448819,
+ -6.1376236 -2.7074638 0.34448819,-6.1313425 -2.7147571 0.34448819,
+ -6.1247823 -2.7217575 0.34448819,-6.1179358 -2.7284528 0.34448819,
+ -6.1107965 -2.7348323 0.34448819,-6.1033571 -2.7408839 0.34448819,
+ -6.0956106 -2.7465965 0.34448819,-6.0875504 -2.7519579 0.34448819,
+ -6.0791693 -2.7569575 0.34448819,-6.0704602 -2.7615827 0.34448819,
+ -6.0614169 -2.7658228 0.34448819,-6.0520319 -2.7696657 0.34448819,
+ -6.0422984 -2.7731 0.34448819,-6.0322098 -2.7761146 0.34448819,
+ -6.0217587 -2.7786976 0.34448819,-5.9982673 -2.7827102 0.34448819,
+ -5.9750346 -2.7853937 0.34448819,-5.9520232 -2.7868953 0.34448819,
+ -5.9291969 -2.787363 0.34448819,-5.9065177 -2.7869445 0.34448819,
+ -5.8839496 -2.7857878 0.34448819,-5.838998 -2.7818492 0.34448819,
+ -5.7487996 -2.7716083 0.34448819,-5.7029618 -2.7676697 0.34448819,
+ -5.6797291 -2.7665126 0.34448819,-5.6562378 -2.7660941 0.34448819,
+ -5.6550567 -2.7660217 0.34448819,-5.6538776 -2.765811 0.34448819,
+ -5.6527035 -2.7654709 0.34448819,-5.6515362 -2.765011 0.34448819,
+ -5.6503783 -2.7644402 0.34448819,-5.6492315 -2.7637677 0.34448819,
+ -5.6480988 -2.7630028 0.34448819,-5.6469823 -2.7621551 0.34448819,
+ -5.6458843 -2.7612335 0.34448819,-5.6448071 -2.7602472 0.34448819,
+ -5.6437528 -2.7592055 0.34448819,-5.6427236 -2.7581177 0.34448819,
+ -5.6407516 -2.7558406 0.34448819,-5.6389083 -2.7534898 0.34448819,
+ -5.6372126 -2.7511386 0.34448819,-5.6356835 -2.7488614 0.34448819,
+ -5.6343386 -2.7467319 0.34448819,-5.6331972 -2.744824 0.34448819,
+ -5.6315969 -2.7419685 0.34448819,-5.6310307 -2.7408854 0.34448819,
+ -5.627376 -2.734015 0.34448819,-5.6235071 -2.7275736 0.34448819,
+ -5.6194299 -2.7215476 0.34448819,-5.6151524 -2.7159232 0.34448819,
+ -5.6106807 -2.7106866 0.34448819,-5.606022 -2.705824 0.34448819,
+ -5.6011839 -2.7013217 0.34448819,-5.596172 -2.697165 0.34448819,
+ -5.5909945 -2.6933409 0.34448819,-5.5856575 -2.689835 0.34448819,
+ -5.5801681 -2.6866343 0.34448819,-5.5745335 -2.683724 0.34448819,
+ -5.5628555 -2.6787205 0.34448819,-5.5506787 -2.6747142 0.34448819,
+ -5.5380594 -2.6715937 0.34448819,-5.525052 -2.6692488 0.34448819,
+ -5.5117122 -2.6675689 0.34448819,-5.4980957 -2.6664425 0.34448819,
+ -5.4842575 -2.6657594 0.34448819,-5.4702531 -2.6654087 0.34448819,
+ -5.4419673 -2.665261 0.34448819,-5.3411343 -2.665261 0.34448819,
+ -5.3225205 -2.6633469 0.34448819,-5.3044791 -2.6623559 0.34448819,
+ -5.2869917 -2.6623252 0.34448819,-5.2700398 -2.6632917 0.34448819,
+ -5.2536047 -2.6652917 0.34448819,-5.2455752 -2.6666913 0.34448819,
+ -5.2376677 -2.668363 0.34448819,-5.2298807 -2.6703118 0.34448819,
+ -5.222211 -2.6725417 0.34448819,-5.2146571 -2.6750583 0.34448819,
+ -5.2072161 -2.6778657 0.34448819,-5.1998858 -2.6809681 0.34448819,
+ -5.1926638 -2.6843709 0.34448819,-5.185548 -2.688078 0.34448819,
+ -5.1785362 -2.6920945 0.34448819,-5.171626 -2.6964252 0.34448819,
+ -5.164815 -2.701074 0.34448819,-5.1581008 -2.7060461 0.34448819,
+ -5.1514815 -2.7113457 0.34448819,-5.1449543 -2.7169776 0.34448819,
+ -5.1385169 -2.7229469 0.34448819,-5.1321677 -2.7292571 0.34448819,
+ -5.1259035 -2.7359138 0.34448819,-5.1197224 -2.7429217 0.34448819,
+ -5.1136224 -2.7502843 0.34448819,-5.1076004 -2.7580075 0.34448819,
+ -5.1016547 -2.7660949 0.34448819,-5.0964976 -2.7753941 0.34448819,
+ -5.0905276 -2.7843606 0.34448819,-5.0838193 -2.7929583 0.34448819,
+ -5.0764461 -2.8011496 0.34448819,-5.0684823 -2.808898 0.34448819,
+ -5.0600016 -2.8161665 0.34448819,-5.0510776 -2.8229177 0.34448819,
+ -5.0417843 -2.829115 0.34448819,-5.0321957 -2.8347217 0.34448819,
+ -5.0223858 -2.8397008 0.34448819,-5.012428 -2.844015 0.34448819,
+ -5.0023965 -2.8476276 0.34448819,-4.9923646 -2.8505016 0.34448819,
+ -4.9824071 -2.8526004 0.34448819,-4.9725972 -2.8538866 0.34448819,
+ -4.9630087 -2.8543236 0.34448819,-4.9346492 -2.8584839 0.34448819,
+ -4.9062898 -2.8616098 0.34448819,-4.8779303 -2.86385 0.34448819,
+ -4.8495713 -2.8653516 0.34448819,-4.8212122 -2.8662626 0.34448819,
+ -4.7928528 -2.8667303 0.34448819,-4.7361339 -2.8669272 0.34448819,
+ -4.7033587 -2.8708874 0.34448819,-4.6712665 -2.8732043 0.34448819,
+ -4.6399496 -2.8737122 0.34448819,-4.624611 -2.8732354 0.34448819,
+ -4.6095008 -2.8722441 0.34448819,-4.5946307 -2.8707177 0.34448819,
+ -4.5800118 -2.8686346 0.34448819,-4.5656563 -2.8659748 0.34448819,
+ -4.5515756 -2.8627173 0.34448819,-4.5377811 -2.8588409 0.34448819,
+ -4.5242839 -2.8543256 0.34448819,-4.5110961 -2.8491504 0.34448819,
+ -4.4982291 -2.8432941 0.34448819,-4.4856949 -2.8367362 0.34448819,
+ -4.4735039 -2.8294559 0.34448819,-4.4616689 -2.8214327 0.34448819,
+ -4.4502004 -2.8126453 0.34448819,-4.4391106 -2.8030732 0.34448819,
+ -4.428411 -2.7926961 0.34448819,-4.4181126 -2.7814921 0.34448819,
+ -4.4082276 -2.7694417 0.34448819,-4.3987673 -2.7565232 0.34448819,
+ -4.3897429 -2.7427161 0.34448819,-4.3811665 -2.728 0.34448819,
+ -4.3730492 -2.7123539 0.34448819,-4.3654031 -2.6957567 0.34448819,
+ -4.358239 -2.6781878 0.34448819,-4.3515689 -2.6596268 0.34448819,
+ -4.3454043 -2.6400524 0.34448819,-4.3176106 -2.6542319 0.34448819,
+ -4.2908512 -2.6684118 0.34448819,-4.264978 -2.6825913 0.34448819,
+ -4.2398437 -2.6967709 0.34448819,-4.1911992 -2.7251303 0.34448819,
+ -4.1437362 -2.7534898 0.34448819,-4.0391606 -2.8300996 0.34448819,
+ -3.9857654 -2.8675921 0.34448819,-3.9585969 -2.8856827 0.34448819,
+ -3.9310402 -2.9031642 0.34448819,-3.9030409 -2.9199071 0.34448819,
+ -3.8745429 -2.9357823 0.34448819,-3.8454909 -2.9506606 0.34448819,
+ -3.8158299 -2.9644126 0.34448819,-3.7855043 -2.9769091 0.34448819,
+ -3.7544583 -2.9880209 0.34448819,-3.722637 -2.9976185 0.34448819,
+ -3.6899846 -3.0055732 0.34448819,-3.640211 -3.0166575 0.34448819,
+ -3.5901606 -3.0263012 0.34448819,-3.5398516 -3.0345417 0.34448819,
+ -3.4893028 -3.0414165 0.34448819,-3.4385323 -3.0469614 0.34448819,
+ -3.3875587 -3.0512142 0.34448819,-3.3364004 -3.0542114 0.34448819,
+ -3.285076 -3.0559898 0.34448819,-3.2336039 -3.056587 0.34448819,
+ -3.1820024 -3.056039 0.34448819,-3.0784858 -3.0516571 0.34448819,
+ -2.974674 -3.0431394 0.34448819,-2.8707142 -3.0307811 0.34448819,
+ -2.8049823 -3.0197307 0.34448819,-2.7401181 -3.0055972 0.34448819,
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+ -2.550548 -2.9463583 0.34448819,-2.4889705 -2.9215531 0.34448819,
+ -2.4281681 -2.8944957 0.34448819,-2.3681232 -2.8653516 0.34448819,
+ -2.3088165 -2.8342874 0.34448819,-2.2502299 -2.8014689 0.34448819,
+ -2.1923449 -2.767063 0.34448819,-2.1351429 -2.7312354 0.34448819,
+ -2.0786055 -2.694152 0.34448819,-2.0227146 -2.6559795 0.34448819,
+ -1.9127972 -2.5770315 0.34448819,-1.8245685 -2.5266138 0.34448819,
+ -1.8032992 -2.5155209 0.34448819,-1.7820299 -2.5058122 0.34448819,
+ -1.7607606 -2.4973965 0.34448819,-1.7394909 -2.4901803 0.34448819,
+ -1.7182217 -2.4840724 0.34448819,-1.696952 -2.4789795 0.34448819,
+ -1.6756827 -2.4748102 0.34448819,-1.654413 -2.4714713 0.34448819,
+ -1.6331433 -2.4688713 0.34448819,-1.6118736 -2.4669173 0.34448819,
+ -1.5906039 -2.4655173 0.34448819,-1.5693346 -2.4645787 0.34448819,
+ -1.5267953 -2.4637169 0.34448819,-1.4842563 -2.4635941 0.34448819,
+ -1.3897248 -2.4594335 0.34448819,-1.2951937 -2.4563071 0.34448819,
+ -1.1061315 -2.452565 0.34448819,-0.91706969 -2.4511866 0.34448819,
+ -0.72800709 -2.4509894 0.34448819,-0.26165315 -2.4509894 0.34448819,
+ 0.68365945 -2.4761972 0.34448819,0.9558315 -2.4834843 0.34448819,
+ 1.2256402 -2.4872264 0.34448819,1.7676181 -2.4888016 0.34448819,
+ 1.9683012 -2.4960882 0.34448819,2.1725291 -2.4998299 0.34448819,
+ 2.3791193 -2.5012083 0.34448819,2.5868906 -2.5014051 0.34448819,
+ 3.0658488 -2.5014051 0.34448819,3.4817874 -2.4761972 0.34448819,
+ 3.4866555 -2.4763453 0.34448819,3.4917819 -2.4767882 0.34448819,
+ 3.4971299 -2.4775268 0.34448819,3.5026626 -2.4785606 0.34448819,
+ 3.5083433 -2.4798902 0.34448819,3.5141343 -2.481515 0.34448819,
+ 3.5199992 -2.4834354 0.34448819,3.5259016 -2.4856508 0.34448819,
+ 3.5318035 -2.4881622 0.34448819,3.5376685 -2.4909685 0.34448819,
+ 3.5434598 -2.4940705 0.34448819,3.5491402 -2.4974677 0.34448819,
+ 3.5546732 -2.5011602 0.34448819,3.5600213 -2.5051484 0.34448819,
+ 3.565148 -2.5094315 0.34448819,3.5700161 -2.5140106 0.34448819,
+ 3.5981783 -2.5518224 0.34448819,3.6118906 -2.5707287 0.34448819,
+ 3.6251571 -2.5896319 0.34448819,3.6251594 -2.589635 0.34448819,
+ 3.6378374 -2.6085413 0.34448819,3.6497768 -2.6274476 0.34448819,
+ 3.6554232 -2.6369008 0.34448819,3.6608299 -2.6463539 0.34448819,
+ 3.665978 -2.6558071 0.34448819,3.6708492 -2.6652602 0.34448819,
+ 3.678376 -2.6812154 0.34448819,3.686752 -2.6960071 0.34448819,
+ 3.6959406 -2.7096543 0.34448819,3.7059043 -2.7221756 0.34448819,
+ 3.7166071 -2.733589 0.34448819,3.728011 -2.743913 0.34448819,
+ 3.7400799 -2.7531661 0.34448819,3.7527764 -2.7613665 0.34448819,
+ 3.7660638 -2.7685335 0.34448819,3.7799051 -2.774685 0.34448819,
+ 3.7942634 -2.7798394 0.34448819,3.8091016 -2.784015 0.34448819,
+ 3.8243831 -2.7872307 0.34448819,3.8400705 -2.7895047 0.34448819,
+ 3.8561272 -2.7908555 0.34448819,3.8725161 -2.791302 0.34448819,
+ 3.9481409 -2.8005575 0.34448819,3.9859535 -2.8048165 0.34448819,
+ 4.0237657 -2.8086319 0.34448819,4.0615783 -2.8118571 0.34448819,
+ 4.0993909 -2.8143433 0.34448819,4.1372035 -2.8159433 0.34448819,
+ 4.1750161 -2.8165098 0.34448819,4.1843248 -2.8162236 0.34448819,
+ 4.1933563 -2.815402 0.34448819,4.2021295 -2.8141 0.34448819,
+ 4.2106622 -2.812374 0.34448819,4.218974 -2.8102783 0.34448819,
+ 4.2270823 -2.8078689 0.34448819,4.2350059 -2.8052008 0.34448819,
+ 4.2427634 -2.8023299 0.34448819,4.2578539 -2.7962 0.34448819,
+ 4.2725016 -2.7899224 0.34448819,4.2868535 -2.7839402 0.34448819,
+ 4.293965 -2.7811984 0.34448819,4.3010583 -2.7786965 0.34448819,
+ 4.3103697 -2.7736933 0.34448819,4.3194228 -2.7682098 0.34448819,
+ 4.3282543 -2.7623571 0.34448819,4.3369012 -2.7562457 0.34448819,
+ 4.3703807 -2.7314315 0.34448819,4.3786583 -2.7256894 0.34448819,
+ 4.3869728 -2.7203535 0.34448819,4.3953614 -2.7155346 0.34448819,
+ 4.4038602 -2.7113437 0.34448819,4.408163 -2.7095181 0.34448819,
+ 4.4125071 -2.7078909 0.34448819,4.4168976 -2.7064764 0.34448819,
+ 4.4213386 -2.7052878 0.34448819,4.4258354 -2.7043394 0.34448819,
+ 4.4303917 -2.7036445 0.34448819,4.435013 -2.7032177 0.34448819,
+ 4.4397035 -2.703072 0.34448819,4.4608315 -2.7009953 0.34448819,
+ 4.4817008 -2.6994535 0.34448819,4.5228118 -2.6977547 0.34448819,
+ 4.5633323 -2.6975331 0.34448819,4.6035575 -2.6983457 0.34448819,
+ 4.6843028 -2.7012996 0.34448819,4.7254138 -2.7025551 0.34448819,
+ 4.7674114 -2.703072 0.34448819,4.7767169 -2.7033677 0.34448819,
+ 4.7812587 -2.703737 0.34448819,4.7857268 -2.7042539 0.34448819,
+ 4.7901213 -2.7049185 0.34448819,4.7944417 -2.7057307 0.34448819,
+ 4.7986882 -2.7066909 0.34448819,4.802861 -2.7077988 0.34448819,
+ 4.8069598 -2.7090543 0.34448819,4.8109846 -2.7104575 0.34448819,
+ 4.8149358 -2.7120083 0.34448819,4.818813 -2.7137067 0.34448819,
+ 4.8226165 -2.7155531 0.34448819,4.8263461 -2.7175472 0.34448819,
+ 4.830002 -2.719689 0.34448819,4.8335839 -2.7219783 0.34448819,
+ 4.8370917 -2.7244154 0.34448819,4.840526 -2.727 0.34448819,
+ 4.8438862 -2.7297327 0.34448819,4.8471724 -2.732613 0.34448819,
+ 4.850385 -2.7356409 0.34448819,4.853524 -2.7388165 0.34448819,
+ 4.856589 -2.7421398 0.34448819,4.8595799 -2.7456106 0.34448819,
+ 4.8653406 -2.7529961 0.34448819,4.8708055 -2.760972 0.34448819,
+ 4.8759752 -2.769539 0.34448819,4.8808496 -2.7786965 0.34448819,
+ 4.8883732 -2.7900728 0.34448819,4.896728 -2.8005815 0.34448819,
+ 4.9058579 -2.8102409 0.34448819,4.9157079 -2.8190693 0.34448819,
+ 4.9262224 -2.8270854 0.34448819,4.9373465 -2.8343075 0.34448819,
+ 4.9490244 -2.8407539 0.34448819,4.9612008 -2.8464437 0.34448819,
+ 4.9738205 -2.8513949 0.34448819,4.9868276 -2.855626 0.34448819,
+ 5.0001673 -2.8591555 0.34448819,5.0137839 -2.862002 0.34448819,
+ 5.027622 -2.8641835 0.34448819,5.041626 -2.8657189 0.34448819,
+ 5.0557409 -2.8666268 0.34448819,5.0699114 -2.8669252 0.34448819,
+ 5.1092102 -2.8611709 0.34448819,5.1467917 -2.8533858 0.34448819,
+ 5.1649559 -2.8487433 0.34448819,5.1827118 -2.8436067 0.34448819,
+ 5.2000661 -2.8379807 0.34448819,5.2170256 -2.8318701 0.34448819,
+ 5.2335972 -2.8252795 0.34448819,5.2497882 -2.8182138 0.34448819,
+ 5.2656055 -2.8106768 0.34448819,5.2810555 -2.802674 0.34448819,
+ 5.3108827 -2.7852878 0.34448819,5.3393252 -2.7660925 0.34448819,
+ 5.3664386 -2.7451244 0.34448819,5.3922776 -2.7224209 0.34448819,
+ 5.416898 -2.6980189 0.34448819,5.4403555 -2.6719551 0.34448819,
+ 5.4627051 -2.6442665 0.34448819,5.4840024 -2.6149902 0.34448819,
+ 5.5043024 -2.584163 0.34448819,5.523661 -2.5518217 0.34448819,
+ 5.5535067 -2.4970323 0.34448819,5.5816354 -2.4414118 0.34448819,
+ 5.6081024 -2.3850161 0.34448819,5.6329634 -2.3279004 0.34448819,
+ 5.6562728 -2.2701201 0.34448819,5.678087 -2.2117303 0.34448819,
+ 5.6984614 -2.1527866 0.34448819,5.7174508 -2.0933449 0.34448819,
+ 5.7351106 -2.0334594 0.34448819,5.7514969 -1.9731866 0.34448819,
+ 5.7806685 -1.8516992 0.34448819,5.8054094 -1.729326 0.34448819,
+ 5.8261622 -1.6065091 0.34448819,5.8303161 -1.585098 0.34448819,
+ 5.8333996 -1.5634283 0.34448819,5.8355228 -1.541537 0.34448819,
+ 5.8367969 -1.519461 0.34448819,5.8373319 -1.4972378 0.34448819,
+ 5.8372398 -1.4749031 0.34448819,5.835615 -1.43005 0.34448819,
+ 5.8299543 -1.3443811 0.34448819,5.8297071 -1.340639 0.34448819,
+ 5.8271961 -1.2966724 0.34448819,5.8261622 -1.2535917 0.34448819,
+ 5.7883492 -0.63598701 0.34448819,5.7883417 -0.58557402 0.34448819,
+ 5.8072728 -0.58033071 0.34448819,5.8263516 -0.57434843 0.34448819,
+ 5.8457256 -0.56807126 0.34448819,5.8655429 -0.56194134 0.34448819,
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+ 5.9179937 -0.55017126 0.34448819,5.9291299 -0.54886969 0.34448819,
+ 5.9405248 -0.54804803 0.34448819,5.9521965 -0.5477622 0.34448819,
+ 6.0031642 -0.53713031 0.34448819,6.0521193 -0.52415354 0.34448819,
+ 6.0991173 -0.50885079 0.34448819,6.1442138 -0.49123976 0.34448819,
+ 6.1874634 -0.47133976 0.34448819,6.2289224 -0.4491685 0.34448819,
+ 6.2686461 -0.42474488 0.34448819,6.3066894 -0.39808701 0.34448819,
+ 6.3431079 -0.36921378 0.34448819,6.3779571 -0.33814331 0.34448819,
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+ 6.5985331 -0.039388189 0.34448819,6.602887 -0.029414961 0.34448819,
+ 6.6067984 -0.019294094 0.34448819,6.6102476 -0.0090070866 0.34448819,
+ 6.6132173 0.0014649606 0.34448819,6.6156882 0.012139764 0.34448819,
+ 6.6176421 0.02303622 0.34448819,6.6190606 0.034172441 0.34448819,
+ 6.6199256 0.045567323 0.34448819,6.6202177 0.057238976 0.34448819,
+ 6.6276772 0.16533465 0.34448819,6.6278539 0.1701122 0.34448819,
+ 6.6296618 0.21889291 0.34448819,6.6302622 0.27210079 0.34448819,
+ 6.6293114 0.32493898 0.34448819,6.6266433 0.37738976 0.34448819,
+ 6.6220921 0.42943425 0.34448819,6.6154917 0.48105394 0.34448819,
+ 6.6066756 0.53223071 0.34448819,6.595478 0.58294606 0.34448819,
+ 6.5817319 0.6331811 0.34448819,6.565272 0.68291772 0.34448819,
+ 6.5459319 0.7321374 0.34448819,6.5235453 0.78082165 0.34448819,
+ 6.4979461 0.82895197 0.34448819,6.4689681 0.87650984 0.34448819,
+ 6.4574346 0.89333268 0.34448819,6.4464185 0.91065433 0.34448819,
+ 6.4358453 0.92838189 0.34448819,6.4256413 0.94642323 0.34448819,
+ 6.4060457 0.98307874 0.34448819,6.3870406 1.0198819 0.34448819,
+ 6.3680358 1.0560941 0.34448819,6.3583488 1.073748 0.34448819,
+ 6.3484402 1.0909772 0.34448819,6.3382362 1.1076894 0.34448819,
+ 6.327663 1.1237925 0.34448819,6.3166465 1.1391937 0.34448819,
+ 6.3051134 1.1538012 0.34448819,6.2935984 1.167987 0.34448819,
+ 6.2827114 1.1822094 0.34448819,6.272489 1.1965063 0.34448819,
+ 6.2629681 1.2109134 0.34448819,6.2541858 1.2254685 0.34448819,
+ 6.2461791 1.2402083 0.34448819,6.238985 1.2551697 0.34448819,
+ 6.2326398 1.2703894 0.34448819,6.2271811 1.2859043 0.34448819,
+ 6.2226453 1.301752 0.34448819,6.2190697 1.3179689 0.34448819,
+ 6.2164909 1.3345917 0.34448819,6.2149461 1.3516579 0.34448819,
+ 6.214472 1.3692039 0.34448819,6.2148748 1.3806787 0.34448819,
+ 6.2151059 1.3872669 0.34448819,6.2168846 1.4058839 0.34448819,
+ 6.2206051 1.4460594 0.34448819,6.222424 1.4862354 0.34448819,
+ 6.2225071 1.526411 0.34448819,6.2210209 1.566587 0.34448819,
+ 6.2181315 1.6067626 0.34448819,6.2140051 1.6469386 0.34448819,
+ 6.2088079 1.6871142 0.34448819,6.2027059 1.7272902 0.34448819,
+ 6.1884524 1.8076417 0.34448819,6.172574 1.8879933 0.34448819,
+ 6.1564 1.9683449 0.34448819,6.1412602 2.0486965 0.34448819,
+ 6.1138854 2.2186559 0.34448819,6.0993854 2.3032665 0.34448819,
+ 6.0829657 2.3874339 0.34448819,6.0737126 2.4293051 0.34448819,
+ 6.0635917 2.4710102 0.34448819,6.0524736 2.5125307 0.34448819,
+ 6.0402295 2.553848 0.34448819,6.0267299 2.5949441 0.34448819,
+ 6.0118453 2.6357996 0.34448819,5.9954469 2.6763969 0.34448819,
+ 5.9774055 2.7167173 0.34448819,5.9701614 2.7307433 0.34448819,
+ 5.9625854 2.744437 0.34448819,5.9546402 2.7577614 0.34448819,
+ 5.9462886 2.7706795 0.34448819,5.9374937 2.7831547 0.34448819,
+ 5.9282193 2.7951496 0.34448819,5.9184276 2.8066276 0.34448819,
+ 5.9080819 2.8175516 0.34448819,5.8971457 2.827885 0.34448819,
+ 5.8855815 2.8375906 0.34448819,5.8733531 2.8466311 0.34448819,
+ 5.8604228 2.8549705 0.34448819,5.8467539 2.8625709 0.34448819,
+ 5.8323094 2.8693961 0.34448819,5.8170528 2.8754087 0.34448819,
+ 5.8009469 2.8805724 0.34448819,5.7631343 2.8899268 0.34448819,
+ 5.7253217 2.8986906 0.34448819,5.6875094 2.9062724 0.34448819,
+ 5.6686031 2.9094358 0.34448819,5.6496969 2.9120819 0.34448819,
+ 5.6307909 2.9141374 0.34448819,5.6118846 2.9155283 0.34448819,
+ 5.5929783 2.9161807 0.34448819,5.574072 2.9160209 0.34448819,
+ 5.5551657 2.9149744 0.34448819,5.5362594 2.9129681 0.34448819,
+ 5.5173531 2.909928 0.34448819,5.4984469 2.9057799 0.34448819,
+ 5.4914295 2.9043803 0.34448819,5.4845504 2.9025583 0.34448819,
+ 5.4778004 2.9003346 0.34448819,5.4711705 2.8977299 0.34448819,
+ 5.4646516 2.8947657 0.34448819,5.4582343 2.8914618 0.34448819,
+ 5.4519091 2.8878398 0.34448819,5.4456669 2.8839197 0.34448819,
+ 5.4333949 2.8752697 0.34448819,5.4213449 2.865678 0.34448819,
+ 5.4094421 2.855311 0.34448819,5.3976134 2.8443346 0.34448819,
+ 5.3495602 2.7976602 0.34448819,5.3369933 2.7861299 0.34448819,
+ 5.3240567 2.7749874 0.34448819,5.3106772 2.7643988 0.34448819,
+ 5.2967807 2.7545303 0.34448819,5.2919126 2.7498098 0.34448819,
+ 5.2867858 2.7451264 0.34448819,5.2814378 2.7405169 0.34448819,
+ 5.2759051 2.7360181 0.34448819,5.2702244 2.7316669 0.34448819,
+ 5.2644331 2.7275004 0.34448819,5.2585681 2.7235555 0.34448819,
+ 5.2526661 2.7198689 0.34448819,5.2467638 2.716478 0.34448819,
+ 5.2408988 2.7134193 0.34448819,5.2351075 2.7107299 0.34448819,
+ 5.2294272 2.7084465 0.34448819,5.2238941 2.7066063 0.34448819,
+ 5.2185461 2.7052465 0.34448819,5.2134193 2.7044031 0.34448819,
+ 5.2109508 2.704187 0.34448819,5.2085512 2.7041138 0.34448819,
+ 5.0836913 2.7133697 0.34448819,4.9564685 2.7214441 0.34448819,
+ 4.8927091 2.7246689 0.34448819,4.8292453 2.7271555 0.34448819,
+ 4.766372 2.7287555 0.34448819,4.704385 2.7293217 0.34448819,
+ 4.5405299 2.7293217 0.34448819,4.5206146 2.7293709 0.34448819,
+ 4.4993697 2.7297157 0.34448819,4.4885717 2.7300909 0.34448819,
+ 4.4778291 2.7306512 0.34448819,4.4672717 2.7314327 0.34448819,
+ 4.4570276 2.7324728 0.34448819,4.4472268 2.7338083 0.34448819,
+ 4.4379984 2.735476 0.34448819,4.4294713 2.737513 0.34448819,
+ 4.4217756 2.7399563 0.34448819,4.4182795 2.7413417 0.34448819,
+ 4.4150394 2.7428425 0.34448819,4.412072 2.7444634 0.34448819,
+ 4.4093929 2.7462091 0.34448819,4.4070185 2.7480839 0.34448819,
+ 4.404965 2.7500925 0.34448819,4.4032484 2.7522394 0.34448819,
+ 4.4018846 2.7545295 0.34448819,4.3958669 2.7636906 0.34448819,
+ 4.3896346 2.7722787 0.34448819,4.3831945 2.7803134 0.34448819,
+ 4.3765535 2.7878126 0.34448819,4.3697185 2.7947949 0.34448819,
+ 4.3626969 2.8012783 0.34448819,4.3554949 2.8072823 0.34448819,
+ 4.3481201 2.812824 0.34448819,4.3405791 2.8179232 0.34448819,
+ 4.3328787 2.8225972 0.34448819,4.3250264 2.8268654 0.34448819,
+ 4.3170283 2.8307457 0.34448819,4.300624 2.8374173 0.34448819,
+ 4.2837209 2.8427594 0.34448819,4.2663748 2.8469197 0.34448819,
+ 4.2486409 2.8500461 0.34448819,4.2305748 2.8522862 0.34448819,
+ 4.2122319 2.8537882 0.34448819,4.1936673 2.8546988 0.34448819,
+ 4.1749362 2.8551665 0.34448819,4.1371976 2.8553634 0.34448819,
+ 4.0489689 2.8553634 0.34448819,4.0383713 2.8575071 0.34448819,
+ 4.0278472 2.8592193 0.34448819,4.0173969 2.8605114 0.34448819,
+ 4.0070205 2.8613949 0.34448819,3.9967181 2.8618815 0.34448819,
+ 3.9864894 2.8619827 0.34448819,3.9662539 2.8610752 0.34448819,
+ 3.9463134 2.8587642 0.34448819,3.9266689 2.8551421 0.34448819,
+ 3.9073193 2.850302 0.34448819,3.8882654 2.8443354 0.34448819,
+ 3.8695067 2.8373346 0.34448819,3.8510437 2.8293925 0.34448819,
+ 3.832876 2.8206008 0.34448819,3.8150035 2.8110524 0.34448819,
+ 3.7974264 2.8008394 0.34448819,3.7801449 2.7900539 0.34448819,
+ 3.7631587 2.7787882 0.34448819,3.7464681 2.7671346 0.34448819,
+ 3.7303406 2.757128 0.34448819,3.7149331 2.7461606 0.34448819,
+ 3.7000795 2.7344551 0.34448819,3.6856138 2.7222327 0.34448819,
+ 3.6571807 2.6971228 0.34448819,3.6428811 2.6846787 0.34448819,
+ 3.6283043 2.6726039 0.34448819,3.6200642 2.6663035 0.34448819,
+ 3.6132846 2.6611197 0.34448819,3.5976555 2.650448 0.34448819,
+ 3.5895606 2.6454862 0.34448819,3.5812512 2.6408102 0.34448819,
+ 3.5727063 2.6364484 0.34448819,3.5639051 2.632428 0.34448819,
+ 3.5548272 2.6287772 0.34448819,3.5454512 2.6255228 0.34448819,
+ 3.5357571 2.6226933 0.34448819,3.5257232 2.6203165 0.34448819,
+ 3.5153299 2.6184193 0.34448819,3.5045555 2.6170299 0.34448819,
+ 3.4933795 2.616176 0.34448819,3.4817811 2.615885 0.34448819,
+ 3.2170941 2.578072 0.34448819,2.0827197 2.578072 0.34448819,
+ 1.5660138 2.5654697 0.34448819,1.0491783 2.5528642 0.34448819,
+ 0.43157402 2.5528642 0.34448819,0.4289311 2.5530091 0.34448819,
+ 0.42578937 2.5534303 0.34448819,0.42224173 2.5541106 0.34448819,
+ 0.41837992 2.5550307 0.34448819,0.41429646 2.556172 0.34448819,
+ 0.41008386 2.5575169 0.34448819,0.40583425 2.5590461 0.34448819,
+ 0.40164016 2.5607417 0.34448819,0.3975937 2.5625846 0.34448819,
+ 0.3937874 2.5645571 0.34448819,0.39031299 2.5666406 0.34448819,
+ 0.38872953 2.5677177 0.34448819,0.38726339 2.5688161 0.34448819,
+ 0.38592677 2.5699327 0.34448819,0.3847311 2.5710654 0.34448819,
+ 0.3836874 2.5722118 0.34448819,0.38280787 2.5733701 0.34448819,
+ 0.38210354 2.5745374 0.34448819,0.38158622 2.5757118 0.34448819,
+ 0.38126732 2.5768909 0.34448819,0.38115827 2.578072 0.34448819,
+ 0.35260157 2.6347909 0.34448819,0.33795394 2.6631504 0.34448819,
+ 0.32286339 2.6915098 0.34448819,0.30718189 2.7198693 0.34448819,
+ 0.2907622 2.7482287 0.34448819,0.2734563 2.7765878 0.34448819,
+ 0.25511654 2.8049469 0.34448819,0.2453622 2.8213268 0.34448819,
+ 0.23497953 2.8373193 0.34448819,0.22393268 2.8528315 0.34448819,
+ 0.21218386 2.8677713 0.34448819,0.19969685 2.8820465 0.34448819,
+ 0.18643425 2.8955646 0.34448819,0.17235906 2.9082335 0.34448819,
+ 0.15743465 2.9199606 0.34448819,0.14162402 2.9306539 0.34448819,
+ 0.12489016 2.9402209 0.34448819,0.10719606 2.9485693 0.34448819,
+ 0.097977559 2.9522579 0.34448819,0.088505118 2.9556067 0.34448819,
+ 0.078774409 2.9586051 0.34448819,0.068780315 2.9612413 0.34448819,
+ 0.058518504 2.9635031 0.34448819,0.047984646 2.9653799 0.34448819,
+ 0.037173622 2.9668598 0.34448819,0.026081102 2.9679311 0.34448819,
+ 0.014702362 2.9685823 0.34448819,0.0030330709 2.968802 0.34448819,
+ -0.26165512 2.968802 0.34448819,-0.29892559 2.9646413 0.34448819,
+ -0.33531024 2.961515 0.34448819,-0.37110433 2.9592748 0.34448819,
+ -0.40660276 2.9577732 0.34448819,-0.44210118 2.9568622 0.34448819,
+ -0.47789528 2.9563945 0.34448819,-0.55155157 2.9561976 0.34448819,
+ -0.56529409 2.9560406 0.34448819,-0.5781874 2.9555327 0.34448819,
+ -0.5902685 2.9546189 0.34448819,-0.60157402 2.9532437 0.34448819,
+ -0.60694764 2.9523654 0.34448819,-0.61214134 2.9513512 0.34448819,
+ -0.61715945 2.9501937 0.34448819,-0.62200669 2.9488862 0.34448819,
+ -0.6266878 2.947422 0.34448819,-0.63120748 2.9457937 0.34448819,
+ -0.63557008 2.9439949 0.34448819,-0.63978071 2.9420181 0.34448819,
+ -0.64384331 2.9398567 0.34448819,-0.64776299 2.9375039 0.34448819,
+ -0.65154409 2.9349528 0.34448819,-0.65519134 2.9321961 0.34448819,
+ -0.65870906 2.9292268 0.34448819,-0.66210276 2.9260386 0.34448819,
+ -0.66537598 2.922624 0.34448819,-0.66853425 2.9189764 0.34448819,
+ -0.6715811 2.915089 0.34448819,-0.67452244 2.9109543 0.34448819,
+ -0.67736181 2.9065657 0.34448819,-0.68010433 2.9019165 0.34448819,
+ -0.68275472 2.8969996 0.34448819,-0.68531732 2.8918079 0.34448819,
+ -0.68779685 2.8863346 0.34448819,-0.69019764 2.8805732 0.34448819,
+ -0.70930039 2.8240512 0.34448819,-0.71922087 2.7961598 0.34448819,
+ -0.72958465 2.7687114 0.34448819,-0.74053976 2.7418535 0.34448819,
+ -0.75223307 2.7157346 0.34448819,-0.75840276 2.702998 0.34448819,
+ -0.7648126 2.6905016 0.34448819,-0.7714811 2.6782638 0.34448819,
+ -0.77842638 2.6663028 0.34448819,-0.78371929 2.6610587 0.34448819,
+ -0.79004606 2.6550764 0.34448819,-0.79355118 2.6519469 0.34448819,
+ -0.79725906 2.6487988 0.34448819,-0.80115157 2.6456878 0.34448819,
+ -0.80521063 2.6426693 0.34448819,-0.80941693 2.639798 0.34448819,
+ -0.81375276 2.6371303 0.34448819,-0.81819921 2.6347209 0.34448819,
+ -0.8227378 2.6326252 0.34448819,-0.82735039 2.6308988 0.34448819,
+ -0.82967874 2.6301917 0.34448819,-0.8320185 2.6295972 0.34448819,
+ -0.83436732 2.6291232 0.34448819,-0.83672323 2.6287756 0.34448819,
+ -0.83908386 2.6285622 0.34448819,-0.84144646 2.6284898 0.34448819,
+ -1.3708224 2.6284898 0.34448819,-1.3743307 2.6285626 0.34448819,
+ -1.3777677 2.6287787 0.34448819,-1.3811354 2.6291335 0.34448819,
+ -1.3844358 2.629622 0.34448819,-1.387672 2.6302398 0.34448819,
+ -1.3908457 2.6309823 0.34448819,-1.3939594 2.6318445 0.34448819,
+ -1.3970154 2.6328224 0.34448819,-1.4000161 2.633911 0.34448819,
+ -1.4029638 2.6351055 0.34448819,-1.4058602 2.636402 0.34448819,
+ -1.4087087 2.6377953 0.34448819,-1.4142693 2.6408539 0.34448819,
+ -1.4196634 2.6442449 0.34448819,-1.4249098 2.6479315 0.34448819,
+ -1.4300272 2.6518768 0.34448819,-1.4350335 2.6560433 0.34448819,
+ -1.439948 2.6603945 0.34448819,-1.4447882 2.6648933 0.34448819,
+ -1.4495732 2.6695031 0.34448819,-1.4590512 2.6789071 0.34448819,
+ -1.4636327 2.6836335 0.34448819,-1.4679374 2.6883598 0.34448819,
+ -1.4719839 2.6930866 0.34448819,-1.4757902 2.697813 0.34448819,
+ -1.4793748 2.7025394 0.34448819,-1.4827567 2.7072661 0.34448819,
+ -1.4859539 2.7119925 0.34448819,-1.4889846 2.7167193 0.34448819,
+ -1.4918681 2.7214457 0.34448819,-1.494622 2.7261724 0.34448819,
+ -1.4998165 2.7356252 0.34448819,-1.5047154 2.7450783 0.34448819,
+ -1.5094665 2.7545315 0.34448819,-1.5038535 2.7651988 0.34448819,
+ -1.4988287 2.7759146 0.34448819,-1.4972476 2.7797402 0.34448819,
+ -1.4943902 2.7866539 0.34448819,-1.4905354 2.7973906 0.34448819,
+ -1.4872626 2.8080996 0.34448819,-1.4845689 2.8187555 0.34448819,
+ -1.482452 2.8293327 0.34448819,-1.4809098 2.8398063 0.34448819,
+ -1.4799402 2.8501508 0.34448819,-1.4795406 2.8603406 0.34448819,
+ -1.4797087 2.8703504 0.34448819,-1.4804421 2.8801543 0.34448819,
+ -1.4817386 2.889728 0.34448819,-1.4835961 2.8990453 0.34448819,
+ -1.4860122 2.9080811 0.34448819,-1.4889843 2.9168098 0.34448819,
+ -1.4925106 2.9252067 0.34448819,-1.4965882 2.9332453 0.34448819,
+ -1.501215 2.9409008 0.34448819,-1.506389 2.948148 0.34448819,
+ -1.5121075 2.9549614 0.34448819,-1.5183685 2.9613154 0.34448819,
+ -1.5251697 2.9671846 0.34448819,-1.5325083 2.9725441 0.34448819,
+ -1.5403823 2.9773681 0.34448819,-1.5487898 2.9816311 0.34448819,
+ -1.557728 2.9853079 0.34448819,-1.5671945 2.9883732 0.34448819,
+ -1.5771874 2.9908016 0.34448819,-1.5877039 2.9925673 0.34448819,
+ -1.5987421 2.9936457 0.34448819,-1.6102996 2.9940106 0.34448819,
+ -1.6475713 2.9981709 0.34448819,-1.6839563 3.0012976 0.34448819,
+ -1.7197504 3.0035378 0.34448819,-1.7552488 3.0050394 0.34448819,
+ -1.7907472 3.0059504 0.34448819,-1.8265409 3.0064181 0.34448819,
+ -1.9001965 3.006615 0.34448819,-1.9710945 3.0107752 0.34448819,
+ -2.0419929 3.0139012 0.34448819,-2.1837898 3.0176429 0.34448819,
+ -2.325587 3.0190217 0.34448819,-2.4673835 3.0192185 0.34448819,
+ -2.4768327 3.0189992 0.34448819,-2.4862563 3.0183508 0.34448819,
+ -2.4956291 3.0172866 0.34448819,-2.5049256 3.0158213 0.34448819,
+ -2.5141209 3.0139681 0.34448819,-2.523189 3.0117409 0.34448819,
+ -2.5321047 3.0091539 0.34448819,-2.5408429 3.0062205 0.34448819,
+ -2.549378 3.0029547 0.34448819,-2.5576846 2.9993709 0.34448819,
+ -2.5657374 2.9954819 0.34448819,-2.5735106 2.9913024 0.34448819,
+ -2.5809795 2.9868457 0.34448819,-2.5881181 2.9821264 0.34448819,
+ -2.5949016 2.9771575 0.34448819,-2.6013039 2.9719531 0.34448819,
+ -2.6073004 2.9665272 0.34448819,-2.612865 2.9608937 0.34448819,
+ -2.6179728 2.9550661 0.34448819,-2.622598 2.9490591 0.34448819,
+ -2.6267157 2.9428854 0.34448819,-2.6303004 2.9365594 0.34448819,
+ -2.6333264 2.9300949 0.34448819,-2.6357685 2.9235059 0.34448819,
+ -2.6376012 2.9168063 0.34448819,-2.6387992 2.9100094 0.34448819,
+ -2.6393374 2.9031295 0.34448819,-2.6391902 2.8961807 0.34448819,
+ -2.6383319 2.889176 0.34448819,-2.6367374 2.8821299 0.34448819,
+ -2.6343815 2.8750563 0.34448819,-2.6312386 2.8679689 0.34448819,
+ -2.6269547 2.8540783 0.34448819,-2.6235579 2.8407421 0.34448819,
+ -2.6210469 2.8279224 0.34448819,-2.6201236 2.8216949 0.34448819,
+ -2.619422 2.8155831 0.34448819,-2.6189421 2.8095819 0.34448819,
+ -2.618739 2.8049488 0.34448819,-2.6186835 2.8036866 0.34448819,
+ -2.6186469 2.7978929 0.34448819,-2.6188315 2.7921965 0.34448819,
+ -2.6192378 2.7865921 0.34448819,-2.6198654 2.7810752 0.34448819,
+ -2.620715 2.7756417 0.34448819,-2.6217858 2.7702866 0.34448819,
+ -2.6230783 2.7650055 0.34448819,-2.6245921 2.7597933 0.34448819,
+ -2.626328 2.7546461 0.34448819,-2.628285 2.7495587 0.34448819,
+ -2.6304638 2.7445268 0.34448819,-2.6328642 2.7395457 0.34448819,
+ -2.6354858 2.7346102 0.34448819,-2.6383291 2.7297169 0.34448819,
+ -2.6413941 2.7248602 0.34448819,-2.6446803 2.7200362 0.34448819,
+ -2.6519181 2.7104661 0.34448819,-2.6600417 2.7009697 0.34448819,
+ -2.6690516 2.6915106 0.34448819,-2.7320717 2.6032819 0.34448819,
+ -2.7369398 2.5985614 0.34448819,-2.7420661 2.593878 0.34448819,
+ -2.7474146 2.5892681 0.34448819,-2.7529472 2.5847693 0.34448819,
+ -2.758628 2.5804181 0.34448819,-2.7644193 2.5762516 0.34448819,
+ -2.7702843 2.5723067 0.34448819,-2.7761866 2.5686201 0.34448819,
+ -2.7820886 2.5652291 0.34448819,-2.7879535 2.5621705 0.34448819,
+ -2.7937449 2.5594811 0.34448819,-2.7994252 2.557198 0.34448819,
+ -2.8049579 2.5553579 0.34448819,-2.8103059 2.5539976 0.34448819,
+ -2.8154323 2.5531543 0.34448819,-2.8179008 2.5529382 0.34448819,
+ -2.8203 2.5528654 0.34448819,-3.3370709 2.5701953 0.34448819,
+ -3.5966378 2.5759067 0.34448819,-3.8538413 2.5780732 0.34448819,
+ -3.9100189 2.5822331 0.34448819,-3.9653098 2.5853594 0.34448819,
+ -4.0200102 2.5875996 0.34448819,-4.074415 2.5891012 0.34448819,
+ -4.1835201 2.5904795 0.34448819,-4.2949886 2.5906764 0.34448819,
+ -4.297387 2.5907492 0.34448819,-4.2998504 2.5909626 0.34448819,
+ -4.3023689 2.5913102 0.34448819,-4.3049335 2.5917843 0.34448819,
+ -4.3075354 2.5923787 0.34448819,-4.3101646 2.5930862 0.34448819,
+ -4.3128126 2.5938996 0.34448819,-4.3154697 2.5948126 0.34448819,
+ -4.3181268 2.5958177 0.34448819,-4.3207744 2.5969083 0.34448819,
+ -4.3234039 2.5980772 0.34448819,-4.3260059 2.5993177 0.34448819,
+ -4.3310894 2.6019858 0.34448819,-4.3359512 2.6048567 0.34448819,
+ -4.3405177 2.6078756 0.34448819,-4.344715 2.6109866 0.34448819,
+ -4.346652 2.6125594 0.34448819,-4.3484693 2.6141346 0.34448819,
+ -4.3501571 2.6157051 0.34448819,-4.3517063 2.6172642 0.34448819,
+ -4.3531079 2.6188047 0.34448819,-4.3543528 2.6203197 0.34448819,
+ -4.3554315 2.6218028 0.34448819,-4.3563346 2.6232461 0.34448819,
+ -4.3570531 2.6246437 0.34448819,-4.3575776 2.6259878 0.34448819,
+ -4.3578992 2.627272 0.34448819,-4.3580087 2.6284898 0.34448819,
+ -4.3593 2.6355047 0.34448819,-4.3608087 2.6423677 0.34448819,
+ -4.3625299 2.6490736 0.34448819,-4.3644583 2.6556181 0.34448819,
+ -4.3665902 2.6619965 0.34448819,-4.3689205 2.6682039 0.34448819,
+ -4.3714445 2.6742358 0.34448819,-4.3741579 2.6800882 0.34448819,
+ -4.3770559 2.6857555 0.34448819,-4.3801339 2.6912335 0.34448819,
+ -4.383387 2.6965181 0.34448819,-4.3868114 2.7016039 0.34448819,
+ -4.3904016 2.7064866 0.34448819,-4.3941535 2.7111614 0.34448819,
+ -4.3980626 2.715624 0.34448819,-4.4021236 2.7198701 0.34448819,
+ -4.4063323 2.7238941 0.34448819,-4.4106843 2.7276921 0.34448819,
+ -4.4151748 2.7312594 0.34448819,-4.4197988 2.7345913 0.34448819,
+ -4.4245524 2.7376831 0.34448819,-4.4294307 2.7405303 0.34448819,
+ -4.4344287 2.743128 0.34448819,-4.4395421 2.745472 0.34448819,
+ -4.4447665 2.7475579 0.34448819,-4.4500969 2.7493803 0.34448819,
+ -4.4555287 2.750935 0.34448819,-4.4610579 2.7522173 0.34448819,
+ -4.4666791 2.7532228 0.34448819,-4.4723878 2.7539469 0.34448819,
+ -4.4781799 2.7543843 0.34448819,-4.4840504 2.7545315 0.34448819,
+ -4.7865496 2.7545315 0.34448819,-4.8065146 2.7492138 0.34448819,
+ -4.8281043 2.742715 0.34448819,-4.8392776 2.7390224 0.34448819,
+ -4.8505799 2.7350343 0.34448819,-4.8619197 2.7307508 0.34448819,
+ -4.8732035 2.726172 0.34448819,-4.8843398 2.721298 0.34448819,
+ -4.8952362 2.7161283 0.34448819,-4.9058004 2.7106634 0.34448819,
+ -4.9159398 2.7049028 0.34448819,-4.9255622 2.6988469 0.34448819,
+ -4.9345752 2.6924957 0.34448819,-4.9428866 2.6858492 0.34448819,
+ -4.9504043 2.6789071 0.34448819,-4.9694583 2.6586713 0.34448819,
+ -4.9888075 2.6405035 0.34448819,-5.0084524 2.6244035 0.34448819,
+ -5.0283925 2.6103717 0.34448819,-5.0384732 2.6041311 0.34448819,
+ -5.048628 2.5984075 0.34448819,-5.0588567 2.5932008 0.34448819,
+ -5.0691591 2.588511 0.34448819,-5.0795354 2.5843382 0.34448819,
+ -5.0899854 2.5806827 0.34448819,-5.1005094 2.5775441 0.34448819,
+ -5.1111071 2.574922 0.34448819,-5.1217791 2.5728173 0.34448819,
+ -5.1325244 2.5712295 0.34448819,-5.1433437 2.5701587 0.34448819,
+ -5.154237 2.5696047 0.34448819,-5.1652043 2.5695681 0.34448819,
+ -5.1762453 2.570048 0.34448819,-5.1873598 2.5710449 0.34448819,
+ -5.1985488 2.5725591 0.34448819,-5.209811 2.5745902 0.34448819,
+ -5.2211476 2.5771378 0.34448819,-5.2440417 2.5837846 0.34448819,
+ -5.2672315 2.5924992 0.34448819,-5.2907165 2.6032819 0.34448819,
+ -5.3537366 2.6032819 0.34448819,-5.3772713 2.6081563 0.34448819,
+ -5.3888539 2.6108701 0.34448819,-5.400215 2.6139165 0.34448819,
+ -5.4112807 2.6174063 0.34448819,-5.4219768 2.6214496 0.34448819,
+ -5.4271634 2.6237138 0.34448819,-5.4322299 2.6261579 0.34448819,
+ -5.4371673 2.6287957 0.34448819,-5.4419661 2.6316413 0.34448819,
+ -5.4466173 2.6347087 0.34448819,-5.4511118 2.638011 0.34448819,
+ -5.4554398 2.641563 0.34448819,-5.4595925 2.645378 0.34448819,
+ -5.4635602 2.6494697 0.34448819,-5.4673346 2.6538524 0.34448819,
+ -5.4709055 2.6585398 0.34448819,-5.4742642 2.6635457 0.34448819,
+ -5.4774016 2.6688839 0.34448819,-5.4803079 2.6745681 0.34448819,
+ -5.4829744 2.6806126 0.34448819,-5.4853913 2.6870307 0.34448819,
+ -5.48755 2.6938366 0.34448819,-5.4894409 2.7010441 0.34448819,
+ -5.4910551 2.7086669 0.34448819,-5.4923827 2.7167193 0.34448819,
+ -5.4950327 2.7239413 0.34448819,-5.4982177 2.7313665 0.34448819,
+ -5.5018831 2.7389024 0.34448819,-5.5059728 2.7464571 0.34448819,
+ -5.5104319 2.7539374 0.34448819,-5.5152047 2.761252 0.34448819,
+ -5.5202362 2.7683079 0.34448819,-5.5254705 2.775013 0.34448819,
+ -5.5308528 2.7812752 0.34448819,-5.5363272 2.787002 0.34448819,
+ -5.5418382 2.7921008 0.34448819,-5.5445906 2.7943858 0.34448819,
+ -5.5473311 2.7964795 0.34448819,-5.5500531 2.7983701 0.34448819,
+ -5.5527496 2.8000461 0.34448819,-5.5554142 2.8014957 0.34448819,
+ -5.5580394 2.8027079 0.34448819,-5.5606181 2.8036705 0.34448819,
+ -5.5631441 2.8043724 0.34448819,-5.5656102 2.804802 0.34448819,
+ -5.5680091 2.804948 0.34448819,-5.5916417 2.8093854 0.34448819,
+ -5.6184228 2.3764087 0.34448819,-5.6210661 2.3716791 0.34448819,
+ -5.6242079 2.3669307 0.34448819,-5.6277559 2.3621457 0.34448819,
+ -5.6316177 2.3573055 0.34448819,-5.6399138 2.3473846 0.34448819,
+ -5.6483571 2.3370209 0.34448819,-5.6524035 2.3316264 0.34448819,
+ -5.6562098 2.3260661 0.34448819,-5.6596839 2.3203209 0.34448819,
+ -5.6612677 2.3173732 0.34448819,-5.6627335 2.3143728 0.34448819,
+ -5.6640701 2.3113169 0.34448819,-5.6652657 2.3082031 0.34448819,
+ -5.6663094 2.3050295 0.34448819,-5.667189 2.3017933 0.34448819,
+ -5.6678933 2.2984929 0.34448819,-5.6684106 2.2951252 0.34448819,
+ -5.6687295 2.2916882 0.34448819,-5.6688386 2.2881799 0.34448819,
+ -5.6688386 2.1999504 0.34448819,-5.5932142 2.2251591 0.34448819,
+ -5.5886291 2.2276669 0.34448819,-5.5843024 2.2304516 0.34448819,
+ -5.5801972 2.2334949 0.34448819,-5.5762768 2.2367783 0.34448819,
+ -5.5725043 2.2402831 0.34448819,-5.5688425 2.2439909 0.34448819,
+ -5.5652543 2.2478839 0.34448819,-5.5617031 2.2519425 0.34448819,
+ -5.5471295 2.2694705 0.34448819,-5.5432091 2.2740831 0.34448819,
+ -5.5391039 2.2787512 0.34448819,-5.5347772 2.2834563 0.34448819,
+ -5.5301921 2.2881799 0.34448819,-5.5242484 2.2961571 0.34448819,
+ -5.5182374 2.3035504 0.34448819,-5.5121665 2.3103669 0.34448819,
+ -5.5060425 2.316613 0.34448819,-5.4998724 2.3222961 0.34448819,
+ -5.4936634 2.3274232 0.34448819,-5.4874217 2.3320008 0.34448819,
+ -5.4811543 2.3360362 0.34448819,-5.4748689 2.3395362 0.34448819,
+ -5.468572 2.3425075 0.34448819,-5.4622701 2.3449571 0.34448819,
+ -5.4559709 2.3468925 0.34448819,-5.4496807 2.3483197 0.34448819,
+ -5.4434067 2.3492465 0.34448819,-5.4371555 2.3496791 0.34448819,
+ -5.4309346 2.3496248 0.34448819,-5.4247508 2.3490906 0.34448819,
+ -5.4186106 2.3480831 0.34448819,-5.4125213 2.3466098 0.34448819,
+ -5.4064894 2.3446768 0.34448819,-5.4005224 2.3422917 0.34448819,
+ -5.3946268 2.339461 0.34448819,-5.3888098 2.3361917 0.34448819,
+ -5.3830783 2.3324913 0.34448819,-5.377439 2.3283657 0.34448819,
+ -5.3718988 2.3238228 0.34448819,-5.366465 2.3188689 0.34448819,
+ -5.3611441 2.3135114 0.34448819,-5.3559433 2.3077567 0.34448819,
+ -5.3508697 2.3016118 0.34448819,-5.3459295 2.2950839 0.34448819,
+ -5.3411303 2.2881799 0.34448819,-5.3386224 2.2810933 0.34448819,
+ -5.3358378 2.2740248 0.34448819,-5.3327941 2.2669933 0.34448819,
+ -5.329511 2.2600173 0.34448819,-5.3260059 2.253115 0.34448819,
+ -5.3222976 2.2463051 0.34448819,-5.3184051 2.2396059 0.34448819,
+ -5.3143461 2.2330362 0.34448819,-5.3101398 2.2266138 0.34448819,
+ -5.3058039 2.2203579 0.34448819,-5.3013571 2.2142866 0.34448819,
+ -5.2968181 2.2084185 0.34448819,-5.2922055 2.2027717 0.34448819,
+ -5.2875374 2.1973654 0.34448819,-5.2828323 2.1922173 0.34448819,
+ -5.2781087 2.1873461 0.34448819,-5.2768551 2.1850559 0.34448819,
+ -5.2754657 2.1829087 0.34448819,-5.2739516 2.1809004 0.34448819,
+ -5.272324 2.1790256 0.34448819,-5.2705953 2.1772799 0.34448819,
+ -5.2687764 2.1756591 0.34448819,-5.2668787 2.1741583 0.34448819,
+ -5.2649146 2.1727728 0.34448819,-5.2628949 2.171498 0.34448819,
+ -5.2608311 2.1703295 0.34448819,-5.2587354 2.1692626 0.34448819,
+ -5.2566185 2.1682925 0.34448819,-5.2544925 2.1674146 0.34448819,
+ -5.2523689 2.1666248 0.34448819,-5.2481748 2.1652894 0.34448819,
+ -5.2441283 2.1642492 0.34448819,-5.240322 2.1634677 0.34448819,
+ -5.2368476 2.1629075 0.34448819,-5.2337984 2.1625323 0.34448819,
+ -5.2293425 2.1621874 0.34448819,-5.2276929 2.1621382 0.34448819,
+ -5.2253331 2.1647846 0.34448819,-5.2229917 2.1679476 0.34448819,
+ -5.220687 2.1715543 0.34448819,-5.2184378 2.1755299 0.34448819,
+ -5.2162622 2.1798008 0.34448819,-5.2141791 2.1842937 0.34448819,
+ -5.2122067 2.1889343 0.34448819,-5.2103638 2.1936484 0.34448819,
+ -5.2086681 2.1983626 0.34448819,-5.207139 2.2030031 0.34448819,
+ -5.2057941 2.2074957 0.34448819,-5.2046524 2.2117669 0.34448819,
+ -5.2037323 2.2157429 0.34448819,-5.2030524 2.2193492 0.34448819,
+ -5.2026307 2.2225126 0.34448819,-5.2024862 2.2251591 0.34448819,
+ -5.2529016 2.3385965 0.34448819,-5.1016512 2.3385965 0.34448819,
+ -5.1520669 2.1369303 0.34448819,-5.2655043 1.5319291 0.34448819,
+ -5.328526 1.2294291 0.34448819,-5.328526 1.0655752 0.34448819,
+ -5.3272756 1.0403657 0.34448819,-5.323135 0.95688858 0.34448819,
+ -5.3161189 0.84835 0.34448819,-5.3070354 0.74010669 0.34448819,
+ -5.2954406 0.6323063 0.34448819,-5.2808917 0.52509724 0.34448819,
+ -5.2629457 0.41862638 0.34448819,-5.2411591 0.31304173 0.34448819,
+ -5.228687 0.26062835 0.34448819,-5.2150886 0.20849134 0.34448819,
+ -5.2150886 0.17067835 0.34448819,-5.2150906 0.17067913 0.34448819,
+ -5.2718335 0.16541102 0.34448819,-5.3287244 0.15925669 0.34448819,
+ -5.4435402 0.14547047 0.34448819,-5.5607197 0.13168504 0.34448819,
+ -5.6205654 0.12553071 0.34448819,-5.6814445 0.1202626 0.34448819,
+ -5.7087823 0.16810669 0.34448819,-5.7341256 0.21705866 0.34448819,
+ -5.7575492 0.26704449 0.34448819,-5.7791264 0.31799016 0.34448819,
+ -5.7989311 0.36982244 0.34448819,-5.817037 0.42246693 0.34448819,
+ -5.8335185 0.47585 0.34448819,-5.8484488 0.52989764 0.34448819,
+ -5.8619024 0.58453622 0.34448819,-5.8739528 0.63969213 0.34448819,
+ -5.8846736 0.69529055 0.34448819,-5.894139 0.75125866 0.34448819,
+ -5.9095984 0.86400709 0.34448819,-5.920922 0.97734646 0.34448819,
+ -5.9229992 0.99138465 0.34448819,-5.9245413 1.0051642 0.34448819,
+ -5.9256031 1.018722 0.34448819,-5.9262402 1.0320957 0.34448819,
+ -5.9265079 1.0453213 0.34448819,-5.9264618 1.0584362 0.34448819,
+ -5.9256492 1.0844815 0.34448819,-5.9226949 1.1368673 0.34448819,
+ -5.921439 1.1637992 0.34448819,-5.920922 1.1916169 0.34448819,
+ -5.89985 1.4206583 0.34448819,-5.8752327 1.6532445 0.34448819,
+ -5.820089 2.1243252 0.34448819,-5.815076 2.1432346 0.34448819,
+ -5.809528 2.1621626 0.34448819,-5.7970469 2.2001472 0.34448819,
+ -5.783089 2.2384276 0.34448819,-5.7680969 2.2771508 0.34448819,
+ -5.7367835 2.3565177 0.34448819,-5.7213484 2.3974567 0.34448819,
+ -5.7066516 2.4394295 0.34448819,-5.6578106 2.4079189 0.34448819,
+ -5.6525638 2.4043677 0.34448819,-5.6474469 2.4007799 0.34448819,
+ -5.6424402 2.3971181 0.34448819,-5.637526 2.3933453 0.34448819,
+ -5.6326854 2.3894252 0.34448819,-5.6279004 2.3853201 0.34448819,
+ -5.6231524 2.3809937 0.34448819,-5.929228 2.2755984 0.34448819,
+ -5.966022 2.1385035 0.34448819,-5.9978681 1.9901831 0.34448819,
+ -6.0241937 1.8322614 0.34448819,-6.044426 1.6663642 0.34448819,
+ -6.0579933 1.4941154 0.34448819,-6.0643232 1.3171402 0.34448819,
+ -6.0628429 1.137063 0.34448819,-6.0578594 1.0453213 0.34448819,
+ -6.0529807 0.95550906 0.34448819,-6.0341634 0.77410276 0.34448819,
+ -6.0058193 0.5944685 0.34448819,-5.967376 0.41823189 0.34448819,
+ -5.918261 0.24701693 0.34448819,-5.857902 0.082448819 0.34448819,
+ -5.8935476 0.07319252 0.34448819,-5.9099673 0.068933858 0.34448819,
+ -5.9256488 0.06511811 0.34448819,-5.9407394 0.061893307 0.34448819,
+ -5.9481094 0.060548819 0.34448819,-5.955387 0.059407087 0.34448819,
+ -5.9625909 0.058487008 0.34448819,-5.9697394 0.057807087 0.34448819,
+ -5.9768508 0.057385433 0.34448819,-5.9839437 0.057240945 0.34448819,
+ -6.0092106 0.11661535 0.34448819,-6.0330559 0.17656181 0.34448819,
+ -6.0555346 0.2370622 0.34448819,-6.0767028 0.29809843 0.34448819,
+ -6.115328 0.42170276 0.34448819,-6.149374 0.54722756 0.34448819,
+ -6.1792846 0.67452441 0.34448819,-6.2055024 0.80344646 0.34448819,
+ -6.2284701 0.93384567 0.34448819,-6.2486319 1.0655744 0.34448819,
+ -6.2671441 1.1998874 0.34448819,-6.2756614 1.268078 0.34448819,
+ -6.2832929 1.3365642 0.34448819,-6.2897425 1.40505 0.34448819,
+ -6.294715 1.4732406 0.34448819,-6.297915 1.5408402 0.34448819,
+ -6.2990472 1.6075535 0.34448819,-6.2987551 1.6311835 0.34448819,
+ -6.2978906 1.6547949 0.34448819,-6.2964717 1.6783689 0.34448819,
+ -6.2945181 1.7018882 0.34448819,-6.2920469 1.7253331 0.34448819,
+ -6.2890776 1.7486858 0.34448819,-6.2817173 1.7950409 0.34448819,
+ -6.2725843 1.8408047 0.34448819,-6.2618268 1.8858303 0.34448819,
+ -6.2495917 1.9299693 0.34448819,-6.2360272 1.9730748 0.34448819,
+ -6.0343594 2.5150539 0.34448819,-6.0316976 2.5264272 0.34448819,
+ -6.0284264 2.5369142 0.34448819,-6.0265567 2.5418256 0.34448819,
+ -6.024528 2.546515 0.34448819,-6.0223374 2.5509831 0.34448819,
+ -6.0199827 2.5552295 0.34448819,-6.0174622 2.5592547 0.34448819,
+ -6.0147732 2.5630579 0.34448819,-6.0119134 2.5666398 0.34448819,
+ -6.0088803 2.57 0.34448819,-6.005672 2.573139 0.34448819,
+ -6.0022862 2.5760559 0.34448819,-5.9987201 2.5787516 0.34448819,
+ -5.9949717 2.5812256 0.34448819,-5.9910386 2.5834783 0.34448819,
+ -5.9869189 2.5855091 0.34448819,-5.9826094 2.5873185 0.34448819,
+ -5.9781087 2.5889063 0.34448819,-5.9734142 2.5902728 0.34448819,
+ -5.9685232 2.5914173 0.34448819,-5.9634339 2.5923406 0.34448819,
+ -5.9581441 2.5930421 0.34448819,-5.9526508 2.5935224 0.34448819,
+ -5.946952 2.5937807 0.34448819,-5.9349295 2.5936331 0.34448819,
+ -5.9220575 2.5925992 0.34448819,-5.9083177 2.5906791 0.34448819,
+ -5.8074846 2.5906791 0.34448819,-5.7948803 2.6032819 0.34448819,
+ -5.8337976 2.5276583 0.34448819,-5.8430846 2.5096122 0.34448819,
+ -5.8880583 2.3998429 0.34448819,-5.3411303 -0.13182087 0.34448819,
+ -5.3365484 -0.12237087 0.34448819,-5.3322433 -0.11293937 0.34448819,
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+ -5.3243906 -0.094205512 0.34448819,-5.317424 -0.075766929 0.34448819,
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+ -5.2873535 -0.0024448819 0.34448819,-5.2843571 -0.011349213 0.34448819,
+ -5.2817209 -0.019893701 0.34448819,-5.2794398 -0.028082677 0.34448819,
+ -5.2775094 -0.03592126 0.34448819,-5.2759256 -0.043413386 0.34448819,
+ -5.2746831 -0.05056378 0.34448819,-5.2737776 -0.057377559 0.34448819,
+ -5.2732043 -0.063858661 0.34448819,-5.2730071 -0.068800787 0.34448819,
+ -5.2729587 -0.070012205 0.34448819,-5.2730362 -0.075842913 0.34448819,
+ -5.2734327 -0.081354724 0.34448819,-5.2741425 -0.08655315 0.34448819,
+ -5.2751618 -0.091441732 0.34448819,-5.2764858 -0.096025984 0.34448819,
+ -5.2781094 -0.10031024 0.34448819,-5.2800287 -0.10429921 0.34448819,
+ -5.282239 -0.10799724 0.34448819,-5.2847354 -0.11140906 0.34448819,
+ -5.2875134 -0.11453937 0.34448819,-5.2905681 -0.11739252 0.34448819,
+ -5.2938953 -0.11997362 0.34448819,-5.2974902 -0.12228701 0.34448819,
+ -5.3013484 -0.12433701 0.34448819,-5.3054646 -0.12612874 0.34448819,
+ -5.309835 -0.12766654 0.34448819,-5.3144547 -0.12895512 0.34448819,
+ -5.3193193 -0.12999921 0.34448819,-5.3244236 -0.13080315 0.34448819,
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+ -5.4521303 -0.057033858 0.34448819,-5.4508823 -0.055233071 0.34448819,
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+ -5.4294673 -0.020711417 0.34448819,-5.4293591 -0.018384252 0.34448819,
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+ -5.400187 -0.074265748 0.34448819,-5.3977776 -0.080057087 0.34448819,
+ -5.3956819 -0.085737795 0.34448819,-5.3939555 -0.091270472 0.34448819,
+ -5.3926539 -0.096618504 0.34448819,-5.3918323 -0.10174488 0.34448819,
+ -5.3916189 -0.10421378 0.34448819,-5.3915461 -0.10661299 0.34448819,
+ -5.3916185 -0.10779409 0.34448819,-5.3918291 -0.10897323 0.34448819,
+ -5.3921693 -0.11014724 0.34448819,-5.3926291 -0.11131457 0.34448819,
+ -5.3932 -0.11247283 0.34448819,-5.3938724 -0.11361929 0.34448819,
+ -5.394637 -0.11475236 0.34448819,-5.395485 -0.1158689 0.34448819,
+ -5.3964067 -0.11696693 0.34448819,-5.3973929 -0.11804449 0.34448819,
+ -5.3984346 -0.11909882 0.34448819,-5.3995224 -0.12012756 0.34448819,
+ -5.4017996 -0.1221 0.34448819,-5.4041504 -0.12394331 0.34448819,
+ -5.4065016 -0.12563858 0.34448819,-5.4087787 -0.12716811 0.34448819,
+ -5.4109079 -0.12851299 0.34448819,-5.4128161 -0.12965433 0.34448819,
+ -5.4156717 -0.13125472 0.34448819,-5.4167547 -0.13182087 0.34448819,
+ -5.4167547 -0.13182165 0.34448819,-5.4219984 -0.12655354 0.34448819,
+ -5.4279803 -0.12039921 0.34448819,-5.4342575 -0.11365394 0.34448819,
+ -5.4373685 -0.11015197 0.34448819,-5.440387 -0.10661299 0.34448819,
+ -5.4432579 -0.10307441 0.34448819,-5.4459256 -0.099572441 0.34448819,
+ -5.448335 -0.096144488 0.34448819,-5.4504307 -0.092827559 0.34448819,
+ -5.4521567 -0.089657874 0.34448819,-5.4528642 -0.088140157 0.34448819,
+ -5.4534583 -0.086673228 0.34448819,-5.4539327 -0.085261417 0.34448819,
+ -5.4542799 -0.083909843 0.34448819,-5.4544933 -0.082622835 0.34448819,
+ -5.4545661 -0.081405118 0.34448819,-5.4556028 -0.079077953 0.34448819,
+ -5.4563602 -0.076820472 0.34448819,-5.4568547 -0.074627165 0.34448819,
+ -5.4571024 -0.072493701 0.34448819,-5.8736539 -0.13792677 0.34448819,
+ -5.8831071 -0.15702953 0.34448819,-5.9012811 -0.19498976 0.34448819,
+ -5.9180154 -0.23324567 0.34448819,-5.9333461 -0.27179646 0.34448819,
+ -5.9473106 -0.31064291 0.34448819,-5.9599457 -0.34978504 0.34448819,
+ -5.9712882 -0.38922205 0.34448819,-5.9813756 -0.42895472 0.34448819,
+ -5.9902441 -0.46898268 0.34448819,-5.9979311 -0.5093063 0.34448819,
+ -6.0044732 -0.5499252 0.34448819,-6.0099079 -0.59083937 0.34448819,
+ -6.0142713 -0.63204921 0.34448819,-6.0176008 -0.67355433 0.34448819,
+ -6.0199335 -0.71535472 0.34448819,-6.0213059 -0.75745079 0.34448819,
+ -6.0217551 -0.79984213 0.34448819,-6.0220626 -0.81357874 0.34448819,
+ -6.023035 -0.82642913 0.34448819,-6.0247461 -0.83839291 0.34448819,
+ -6.0259016 -0.84404291 0.34448819,-6.0272693 -0.84947087 0.34448819,
+ -6.0275098 -0.85025866 0.34448819,-6.0288587 -0.85467756 0.34448819,
+ -6.0306787 -0.8596626 0.34448819,-6.0327386 -0.86442598 0.34448819,
+ -6.035048 -0.86896811 0.34448819,-6.0376161 -0.87328819 0.34448819,
+ -6.0404516 -0.87738701 0.34448819,-6.0435642 -0.88126457 0.34448819,
+ -6.046963 -0.88492008 0.34448819,-6.0506571 -0.88835433 0.34448819,
+ -6.0546559 -0.89156693 0.34448819,-6.0589685 -0.89455787 0.34448819,
+ -6.0636043 -0.89732717 0.34448819,-6.0685724 -0.8998752 0.34448819,
+ -6.0738819 -0.90220157 0.34448819,-6.0795425 -0.9043063 0.34448819,
+ -6.085563 -0.90618976 0.34448819,-6.0919528 -0.90785118 0.34448819,
+ -6.0987213 -0.90929134 0.34448819,-6.1058772 -0.91050984 0.34448819,
+ -6.1134303 -0.91150709 0.34448819,-6.1213894 -0.91228228 0.34448819,
+ -6.1297642 -0.91283622 0.34448819,-6.1477969 -0.91327953 0.34448819,
+ -6.1603992 -0.91327953 0.34448819,-6.1520291 -0.86185354 0.34448819,
+ -6.1454319 -0.81146181 0.34448819,-6.1400157 -0.76195591 0.34448819,
+ -6.1351909 -0.71318858 0.34448819,-6.1303661 -0.6650122 0.34448819,
+ -6.1249504 -0.61727874 0.34448819,-6.1183531 -0.56984094 0.34448819,
+ -6.1144268 -0.54618661 0.34448819,-6.1099839 -0.52255039 0.34448819,
+ -6.0469618 -0.19484252 0.34448819,-6.0422047 -0.17237913 0.34448819,
+ -6.0372626 -0.15220512 0.34448819,-6.0319512 -0.13424646 0.34448819,
+ -6.0260862 -0.11842992 0.34448819,-6.0228882 -0.11130157 0.34448819,
+ -6.0194823 -0.1046811 0.34448819,-6.0158457 -0.098559055 0.34448819,
+ -6.0119555 -0.092926378 0.34448819,-6.0077882 -0.087773622 0.34448819,
+ -6.0033209 -0.083091339 0.34448819,-5.9985303 -0.07887126 0.34448819,
+ -5.9933937 -0.07510315 0.34448819,-5.9878882 -0.071778346 0.34448819,
+ -5.9819898 -0.068887402 0.34448819,-5.9756764 -0.066420866 0.34448819,
+ -5.968924 -0.064370079 0.34448819,-5.9617106 -0.062725197 0.34448819,
+ -5.9540122 -0.061477559 0.34448819,-5.9458059 -0.060617323 0.34448819,
+ -5.9370693 -0.060135827 0.34448819,-5.9277783 -0.060023228 0.34448819,
+ -5.9179106 -0.06027126 0.34448819,-5.896352 -0.061809449 0.34448819,
+ -5.8722087 -0.064677559 0.34448819,-5.8452957 -0.068800787 0.34448819,
+ -5.8458563 -0.070415748 0.34448819,-5.8500224 -0.082414173 0.34448819,
+ -5.8547488 -0.094993701 0.34448819,-5.8594752 -0.10668701 0.34448819,
+ -5.8642016 -0.11764173 0.34448819,-5.8689276 -0.12800591 0.34448819,
+ -5.1814094 0.68232953 0.34448819,-5.192463 0.75465591 0.34448819,
+ -5.2024827 0.82609606 0.34448819,-5.2047012 0.83805709 0.34448819,
+ -5.2066429 0.85029488 0.34448819,-5.2097693 0.87552756 0.34448819,
+ -5.2120094 0.90164646 0.34448819,-5.2135114 0.92850433 0.34448819,
+ -5.214422 0.95595276 0.34448819,-5.2148898 0.98384409 0.34448819,
+ -5.215087 1.0403657 0.34448819,-5.2148039 1.0520374 0.34448819,
+ -5.2140035 1.0634323 0.34448819,-5.2127606 1.0745685 0.34448819,
+ -5.211148 1.085465 0.34448819,-5.2092402 1.0961398 0.34448819,
+ -5.2071106 1.1066114 0.34448819,-5.2024827 1.1270197 0.34448819,
+ -5.1978543 1.146837 0.34448819,-5.1938169 1.166211 0.34448819,
+ -5.1922047 1.175778 0.34448819,-5.1909614 1.1852898 0.34448819,
+ -5.1901614 1.1947642 0.34448819,-5.189878 1.2042205 0.34448819,
+ -5.1394626 1.4436996 0.34448819,-5.0449315 1.8706657 0.34448819,
+ -4.9504008 2.2881783 0.34448819,-4.9451075 2.3028996 0.34448819,
+ -4.9387803 2.3185075 0.34448819,-4.9315673 2.3347055 0.34448819,
+ -4.9296913 2.3385965 0.34448819,-4.9236157 2.3511996 0.34448819,
+ -4.9150736 2.3676933 0.34448819,-4.9060882 2.3838913 0.34448819,
+ -4.8968075 2.3994988 0.34448819,-4.8873791 2.4142201 0.34448819,
+ -4.8848744 2.4165803 0.34448819,-4.8821114 2.418922 0.34448819,
+ -4.8791268 2.4212268 0.34448819,-4.8759575 2.4234764 0.34448819,
+ -4.8726402 2.4256516 0.34448819,-4.8692122 2.427735 0.34448819,
+ -4.8657106 2.4297075 0.34448819,-4.8621717 2.4315504 0.34448819,
+ -4.8586331 2.4332461 0.34448819,-4.8551311 2.4347752 0.34448819,
+ -4.8517031 2.4361201 0.34448819,-4.8483858 2.4372614 0.34448819,
+ -4.8452165 2.4381815 0.34448819,-4.8422315 2.4388618 0.34448819,
+ -4.8394681 2.4392831 0.34448819,-4.8369634 2.439428 0.34448819,
+ -4.6598134 2.439428 0.34448819,-4.6676413 2.4309614 0.34448819,
+ -4.6794087 2.4173724 0.34448819,-4.6853106 2.410135 0.34448819,
+ -4.6911756 2.402602 0.34448819,-4.6969669 2.3947736 0.34448819,
+ -4.7026472 2.3866496 0.34448819,-4.7081799 2.3782303 0.34448819,
+ -4.713528 2.3695157 0.34448819,-4.7186543 2.3605055 0.34448819,
+ -4.7235224 2.3512 0.34448819,-4.7529311 2.3012787 0.34448819,
+ -4.7797736 2.250785 0.34448819,-4.8041417 2.1997374 0.34448819,
+ -4.8261283 2.1481547 0.34448819,-4.8458252 2.0960547 0.34448819,
+ -4.8633252 2.0434563 0.34448819,-4.8787205 1.990378 0.34448819,
+ -4.8921031 1.9368382 0.34448819,-4.9035654 1.8828551 0.34448819,
+ -4.9132 1.8284472 0.34448819,-4.9210992 1.7736335 0.34448819,
+ -4.9273551 1.7184319 0.34448819,-4.9320602 1.662861 0.34448819,
+ -4.9353063 1.6069394 0.34448819,-4.9371866 1.550685 0.34448819,
+ -4.9377929 1.4941173 0.34448819,-4.9377929 1.1181535 0.34448819,
+ -4.9377929 0.92692913 0.34448819,-4.9373528 0.89162441 0.34448819,
+ -4.9360449 0.85659685 0.34448819,-4.9338878 0.82182756 0.34448819,
+ -4.9308996 0.78729843 0.34448819,-4.9270992 0.75299094 0.34448819,
+ -4.9225051 0.71888622 0.34448819,-4.9171354 0.68496654 0.34448819,
+ -4.9110087 0.6512126 0.34448819,-4.9041433 0.61760669 0.34448819,
+ -4.8965583 0.58412992 0.34448819,-4.8793016 0.51749055 0.34448819,
+ -4.8593858 0.45114606 0.34448819,-4.8369598 0.38494961 0.34448819,
+ -4.8245524 0.35560591 0.34448819,-4.819678 0.34329724 0.34448819,
+ -4.8156898 0.33217008 0.34448819,-4.8125878 0.32192913 0.34448819,
+ -4.8103724 0.31227913 0.34448819,-4.8090429 0.30292441 0.34448819,
+ -4.8086 0.29357008 0.34448819,-4.8090429 0.28392008 0.34448819,
+ -4.8103724 0.27367913 0.34448819,-4.8125878 0.26255197 0.34448819,
+ -4.8156898 0.25024331 0.34448819,-4.819678 0.23645748 0.34448819,
+ -4.8245524 0.22089921 0.34448819,-4.8369598 0.18328346 0.34448819,
+ -5.0260217 0.18328346 0.34448819,-5.0295654 0.18339291 0.34448819,
+ -5.0331024 0.18371457 0.34448819,-5.0366252 0.18423898 0.34448819,
+ -5.0401276 0.18495748 0.34448819,-5.043602 0.18586063 0.34448819,
+ -5.0470421 0.18693937 0.34448819,-5.0504406 0.18818386 0.34448819,
+ -5.0537906 0.18958583 0.34448819,-5.057085 0.19113504 0.34448819,
+ -5.0603173 0.19282283 0.34448819,-5.0634803 0.19463976 0.34448819,
+ -5.0665673 0.19657717 0.34448819,-5.0695709 0.1986248 0.34448819,
+ -5.0724846 0.20077441 0.34448819,-5.0753016 0.20301614 0.34448819,
+ -5.0780146 0.20534094 0.34448819,-5.0806165 0.20773937 0.34448819,
+ -5.0831012 0.21020276 0.34448819,-5.085461 0.21272126 0.34448819,
+ -5.0876894 0.21528622 0.34448819,-5.0897791 0.21788819 0.34448819,
+ -5.0917236 0.22051732 0.34448819,-5.0935157 0.22316535 0.34448819,
+ -5.0951484 0.22582244 0.34448819,-5.0966154 0.22847992 0.34448819,
+ -5.0979087 0.23112756 0.34448819,-5.0990224 0.23375709 0.34448819,
+ -5.0999488 0.23635906 0.34448819,-5.1006819 0.23892362 0.34448819,
+ -5.1012138 0.24144252 0.34448819,-5.1015382 0.24390591 0.34448819,
+ -5.1016476 0.24630433 0.34448819,-5.1298106 0.39007047 0.34448819,
+ -5.1567917 0.5362 0.34448819,-5.1898799 -0.25786339 0.34448819,
+ -5.2655063 -1.0897386 0.34448819,-5.4671717 -1.015689 0.34448819,
+ -5.5168496 -0.99828425 0.34448819,-5.5668232 -0.9816185 0.34448819,
+ -5.6173878 -0.96583858 0.34448819,-5.6688386 -0.95109252 0.34448819,
+ -5.6782917 -0.94859055 0.34448819,-5.6877449 -0.94584882 0.34448819,
+ -5.7066516 -0.93986654 0.34448819,-5.7444642 -0.92745945 0.34448819,
+ -5.7633705 -0.92192008 0.34448819,-5.7728236 -0.91951063 0.34448819,
+ -5.7822768 -0.91741535 0.34448819,-5.7917299 -0.91568898 0.34448819,
+ -5.8011831 -0.91438701 0.34448819,-5.8106358 -0.91356575 0.34448819,
+ -5.820089 -0.91327953 0.34448819,-5.8235602 -0.91320591 0.34448819,
+ -5.8268862 -0.91298701 0.34448819,-5.8300689 -0.9126252 0.34448819,
+ -5.833111 -0.91212244 0.34448819,-5.836015 -0.9114811 0.34448819,
+ -5.8387823 -0.91070394 0.34448819,-5.8414157 -0.90979252 0.34448819,
+ -5.8439181 -0.90875 0.34448819,-5.8462909 -0.90757795 0.34448819,
+ -5.8485366 -0.90627874 0.34448819,-5.8506579 -0.90485512 0.34448819,
+ -5.8526571 -0.90330945 0.34448819,-5.8545358 -0.9016437 0.34448819,
+ -5.8562972 -0.89985984 0.34448819,-5.8579433 -0.89796102 0.34448819,
+ -5.859476 -0.89594882 0.34448819,-5.860898 -0.89382598 0.34448819,
+ -5.8622114 -0.89159449 0.34448819,-5.8634189 -0.88925709 0.34448819,
+ -5.8645224 -0.88681575 0.34448819,-5.8655244 -0.88427283 0.34448819,
+ -5.8664272 -0.88163071 0.34448819,-5.8679445 -0.87605787 0.34448819,
+ -5.8690921 -0.87011575 0.34448819,-5.869889 -0.86382283 0.34448819,
+ -5.8703539 -0.85719764 0.34448819,-5.8705047 -0.85025866 0.34448819,
+ -5.8326913 -0.61550591 0.34448819,-5.7948783 -0.3713 0.34448819,
+ -5.7444626 -0.28307126 0.34448819,-5.7466819 -0.28793937 0.34448819,
+ -5.7486236 -0.29306575 0.34448819,-5.7503071 -0.29841417 0.34448819,
+ -5.7517508 -0.30394685 0.34448819,-5.7529724 -0.30962717 0.34448819,
+ -5.7539913 -0.3154185 0.34448819,-5.7548252 -0.32128346 0.34448819,
+ -5.7554933 -0.32718583 0.34448819,-5.7564043 -0.33895276 0.34448819,
+ -5.756872 -0.3504248 0.34448819,-5.7570445 -0.36130551 0.34448819,
+ -5.7570689 -0.3713 0.34448819,-5.7569961 -0.37255354 0.34448819,
+ -5.7567827 -0.37394331 0.34448819,-5.7564354 -0.37545787 0.34448819,
+ -5.755961 -0.37708543 0.34448819,-5.7546594 -0.38063346 0.34448819,
+ -5.7529331 -0.38449528 0.34448819,-5.7508374 -0.38857874 0.34448819,
+ -5.748428 -0.39279134 0.34448819,-5.7457602 -0.39704134 0.34448819,
+ -5.742889 -0.40123543 0.34448819,-5.7398701 -0.40528189 0.34448819,
+ -5.7367591 -0.40908858 0.34448819,-5.733611 -0.4125626 0.34448819,
+ -5.7320406 -0.41414646 0.34448819,-5.7304815 -0.4156122 0.34448819,
+ -5.7289409 -0.41694882 0.34448819,-5.727426 -0.41814488 0.34448819,
+ -5.7259429 -0.41918858 0.34448819,-5.7244996 -0.42006811 0.34448819,
+ -5.723102 -0.42077244 0.34448819,-5.7217575 -0.42128976 0.34448819,
+ -5.7204732 -0.42160866 0.34448819,-5.7192559 -0.42171732 0.34448819,
+ -5.7166126 -0.42157283 0.34448819,-5.7134705 -0.42115118 0.34448819,
+ -5.7099224 -0.42047126 0.34448819,-5.7060606 -0.41955118 0.34448819,
+ -5.7019772 -0.41840945 0.34448819,-5.6977646 -0.41706457 0.34448819,
+ -5.6935146 -0.41553543 0.34448819,-5.6893205 -0.41383976 0.34448819,
+ -5.685274 -0.41199646 0.34448819,-5.6814673 -0.41002402 0.34448819,
+ -5.6779933 -0.40794055 0.34448819,-5.6764094 -0.40686339 0.34448819,
+ -5.6749437 -0.40576496 0.34448819,-5.6736071 -0.40464843 0.34448819,
+ -5.672411 -0.40351575 0.34448819,-5.6713673 -0.4023689 0.34448819,
+ -5.6704878 -0.40121063 0.34448819,-5.6697835 -0.40004331 0.34448819,
+ -5.6692661 -0.3988689 0.34448819,-5.6689472 -0.39769016 0.34448819,
+ -5.6688386 -0.39650866 0.34448819,-5.6663366 -0.39178228 0.34448819,
+ -5.6635949 -0.38705591 0.34448819,-5.6606685 -0.38232913 0.34448819,
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+ -5.6452063 -0.35869646 0.34448819,-5.6423354 -0.35397008 0.34448819,
+ -5.6396673 -0.34924331 0.34448819,-5.6372583 -0.34451693 0.34448819,
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+ -5.6327291 -0.33270079 0.34448819,-5.632135 -0.3303374 0.34448819,
+ -5.6316606 -0.32797402 0.34448819,-5.6313134 -0.32561102 0.34448819,
+ -5.6311 -0.32324764 0.34448819,-5.6310272 -0.32088425 0.34448819,
+ -5.6285906 -0.31512441 0.34448819,-5.6260114 -0.30966181 0.34448819,
+ -5.6232933 -0.30449961 0.34448819,-5.6204413 -0.29963937 0.34448819,
+ -5.6174602 -0.29508425 0.34448819,-5.6143547 -0.29083583 0.34448819,
+ -5.6111291 -0.28689646 0.34448819,-5.6077878 -0.2832689 0.34448819,
+ -5.6043358 -0.27995512 0.34448819,-5.600778 -0.27695748 0.34448819,
+ -5.5971185 -0.27427835 0.34448819,-5.5933618 -0.27192008 0.34448819,
+ -5.589513 -0.26988504 0.34448819,-5.5855764 -0.2681752 0.34448819,
+ -5.5815571 -0.26679331 0.34448819,-5.5774587 -0.26574134 0.34448819,
+ -5.573287 -0.26502165 0.34448819,-5.5690457 -0.26463661 0.34448819,
+ -5.5647402 -0.26458858 0.34448819,-5.5603744 -0.26487953 0.34448819,
+ -5.5559531 -0.2655122 0.34448819,-5.5514811 -0.26648898 0.34448819,
+ -5.546963 -0.26781181 0.34448819,-5.5424035 -0.26948307 0.34448819,
+ -5.5378071 -0.27150512 0.34448819,-5.533178 -0.27388071 0.34448819,
+ -5.5285217 -0.27661102 0.34448819,-5.5238421 -0.27969961 0.34448819,
+ -5.5191441 -0.28314803 0.34448819,-5.5144323 -0.28695866 0.34448819,
+ -5.509711 -0.29113425 0.34448819,-5.5049854 -0.29567677 0.34448819,
+ -5.4938736 -0.30675433 0.34448819,-5.4840354 -0.31635551 0.34448819,
+ -5.4752685 -0.32447913 0.34448819,-5.4712232 -0.32798701 0.34448819,
+ -5.4673693 -0.33112598 0.34448819,-5.4636815 -0.33389528 0.34448819,
+ -5.4601346 -0.33629567 0.34448819,-5.4567031 -0.33832638 0.34448819,
+ -5.4533618 -0.33998819 0.34448819,-5.4500846 -0.34128071 0.34448819,
+ -5.4468472 -0.34220394 0.34448819,-5.4436232 -0.34275748 0.34448819,
+ -5.4403882 -0.34294213 0.34448819,-5.4371157 -0.34275748 0.34448819,
+ -5.4337811 -0.34220394 0.34448819,-5.4303591 -0.34128071 0.34448819,
+ -5.4268236 -0.33998819 0.34448819,-5.4231496 -0.33832638 0.34448819,
+ -5.4193118 -0.33629567 0.34448819,-5.415285 -0.33389528 0.34448819,
+ -5.4110433 -0.33112598 0.34448819,-5.401815 -0.32447913 0.34448819,
+ -5.3914228 -0.31635551 0.34448819,-5.3663374 -0.29567677 0.34448819,
+ -5.3626835 -0.29227717 0.34448819,-5.3588173 -0.28915906 0.34448819,
+ -5.354748 -0.28630866 0.34448819,-5.3504846 -0.2837122 0.34448819,
+ -5.3460366 -0.28135591 0.34448819,-5.3414134 -0.27922559 0.34448819,
+ -5.3316776 -0.27558858 0.34448819,-5.3213508 -0.27268976 0.34448819,
+ -5.3105067 -0.2704185 0.34448819,-5.2992197 -0.26866457 0.34448819,
+ -5.2875634 -0.26731693 0.34448819,-5.2634382 -0.26539646 0.34448819,
+ -5.2387217 -0.26377165 0.34448819,-5.2140055 -0.2615563 0.34448819,
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+ -1.1816177 -1.7483602 0.34448819,-1.1723004 -1.7420028 0.34448819,
+ -1.1675354 -1.7391587 0.34448819,-1.1626874 -1.7365315 0.34448819,
+ -1.1577469 -1.7341169 0.34448819,-1.1527051 -1.7319098 0.34448819,
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+ -1.131337 -1.7250661 0.34448819,-1.1198039 -1.7227705 0.34448819,
+ -1.1076059 -1.7211768 0.34448819,-1.0946693 -1.7202472 0.34448819,
+ -1.0809201 -1.7199457 0.34448819,0.91053583 -1.7199457 0.34448819,
+ 1.3390787 -1.7026154 0.34448819,1.5521677 -1.6969043 0.34448819,
+ 1.7676197 -1.6947378 0.34448819,3.5069961 -1.6947378 0.34448819,
+ 3.5230929 -1.6942886 0.34448819,3.5382846 -1.6929161 0.34448819,
+ 3.5455358 -1.6918724 0.34448819,3.5525535 -1.6905839 0.34448819,
+ 3.5593362 -1.6890461 0.34448819,3.5658811 -1.6872543 0.34448819,
+ 3.5721858 -1.6852039 0.34448819,3.578248 -1.6828909 0.34448819,
+ 3.5840657 -1.6803098 0.34448819,3.5896366 -1.6774563 0.34448819,
+ 3.5949583 -1.6743264 0.34448819,3.6000283 -1.6709146 0.34448819,
+ 3.6048445 -1.6672165 0.34448819,3.6094043 -1.6632276 0.34448819,
+ 3.6137059 -1.6589433 0.34448819,3.6177469 -1.6543591 0.34448819,
+ 3.6215244 -1.6494701 0.34448819,3.6250366 -1.644272 0.34448819,
+ 3.6282811 -1.6387602 0.34448819,3.6312555 -1.6329295 0.34448819,
+ 3.6339579 -1.626776 0.34448819,3.636385 -1.6202945 0.34448819,
+ 3.6385358 -1.6134807 0.34448819,3.6404071 -1.6063303 0.34448819,
+ 3.6419969 -1.5988382 0.34448819,3.6433028 -1.5909996 0.34448819,
+ 3.6443224 -1.5828102 0.34448819,3.6450535 -1.5742657 0.34448819,
+ 3.6454941 -1.565361 0.34448819,3.6456413 -1.5560917 0.34448819,
+ 3.6460224 -1.5434874 0.34448819,3.662972 -0.98260276 0.34448819,
+ 3.6686831 -0.69467638 0.34448819,3.6708492 -0.40911299 0.34448819,
+ 3.6708492 -0.33331142 0.34448819,3.6949512 -0.33297205 0.34448819,
+ 3.7297354 -0.33171654 0.34448819,3.7953165 -0.3287626 0.34448819,
+ 3.8269992 -0.32795 0.34448819,3.8585343 -0.32817165 0.34448819,
+ 3.874385 -0.32880866 0.34448819,3.890365 -0.32987008 0.34448819,
+ 3.9065291 -0.33141181 0.34448819,3.9229339 -0.33348898 0.34448819,
+ 3.9264783 -0.33363465 0.34448819,3.9300205 -0.33406417 0.34448819,
+ 3.9335583 -0.33476614 0.34448819,3.937089 -0.33572913 0.34448819,
+ 3.9406106 -0.33694094 0.34448819,3.9441205 -0.33839094 0.34448819,
+ 3.9476165 -0.34006654 0.34448819,3.9510965 -0.34195709 0.34448819,
+ 3.9579988 -0.34633622 0.34448819,3.9648087 -0.35143504 0.34448819,
+ 3.9715079 -0.35716142 0.34448819,3.9780776 -0.36342362 0.34448819,
+ 3.9844996 -0.37012874 0.34448819,3.9907559 -0.37718504 0.34448819,
+ 3.9968272 -0.38449961 0.34448819,4.0026953 -0.39198031 0.34448819,
+ 4.0083417 -0.39953465 0.34448819,4.0137484 -0.40707087 0.34448819,
+ 4.0237677 -0.4217185 0.34448819,4.039298 -0.44800354 0.34448819,
+ 4.0528902 -0.47484291 0.34448819,4.0646724 -0.50219882 0.34448819,
+ 4.0747748 -0.53003504 0.34448819,4.0833264 -0.55831457 0.34448819,
+ 4.0904563 -0.587 0.34448819,4.0962937 -0.61605472 0.34448819,
+ 4.1009677 -0.64544173 0.34448819,4.1046079 -0.67512441 0.34448819,
+ 4.1073437 -0.70506535 0.34448819,4.1106177 -0.7655748 0.34448819,
+ 4.111824 -0.82667559 0.34448819,4.1119965 -0.88807165 0.34448819,
+ 4.1159602 -1.052935 0.34448819,4.1177083 -1.216765 0.34448819,
+ 4.1162067 -1.3797083 0.34448819,4.1104217 -1.5419134 0.34448819,
+ 4.0993193 -1.7035272 0.34448819,4.0914508 -1.7841591 0.34448819,
+ 4.0818654 -1.8646984 0.34448819,4.0704335 -1.9451638 0.34448819,
+ 4.057026 -2.0255736 0.34448819,4.0415138 -2.1059469 0.34448819,
+ 4.0237677 -2.1863016 0.34448819,4.0109909 -2.2361764 0.34448819,
+ 4.0052398 -2.2562583 0.34448819,3.9995437 -2.2733488 0.34448819,
+ 3.9966299 -2.2808303 0.34448819,3.9936264 -2.2876331 0.34448819,
+ 3.9904976 -2.2937807 0.34448819,3.9872102 -2.2992957 0.34448819,
+ 3.9837287 -2.3042016 0.34448819,3.9800189 -2.3085209 0.34448819,
+ 3.9760457 -2.3122776 0.34448819,3.9717748 -2.3154941 0.34448819,
+ 3.967172 -2.3181933 0.34448819,3.962202 -2.3203988 0.34448819,
+ 3.9568303 -2.3221339 0.34448819,3.9510224 -2.3234209 0.34448819,
+ 3.9447437 -2.3242831 0.34448819,3.9379598 -2.3247437 0.34448819,
+ 3.9306358 -2.324826 0.34448819,3.922737 -2.3245531 0.34448819,
+ 3.9050772 -2.3230327 0.34448819,3.8847031 -2.3203681 0.34448819,
+ 3.8347051 -2.3123425 0.34448819,3.708663 -2.3123425 0.34448819,
+ 3.7085063 -2.3006831 0.34448819,3.7079984 -2.2893748 0.34448819,
+ 3.7070846 -2.278472 0.34448819,3.7057091 -2.2680315 0.34448819,
+ 3.7048311 -2.2630012 0.34448819,3.7038169 -2.2581075 0.34448819,
+ 3.7026594 -2.2533567 0.34448819,3.701352 -2.2487559 0.34448819,
+ 3.6998878 -2.2443122 0.34448819,3.6982594 -2.2400319 0.34448819,
+ 3.6964606 -2.2359228 0.34448819,3.6944839 -2.2319913 0.34448819,
+ 3.6923224 -2.2282445 0.34448819,3.6899697 -2.224689 0.34448819,
+ 3.6874185 -2.2213323 0.34448819,3.6846614 -2.2181807 0.34448819,
+ 3.6816925 -2.2152417 0.34448819,3.6785043 -2.2125217 0.34448819,
+ 3.6750898 -2.210028 0.34448819,3.6714421 -2.2077673 0.34448819,
+ 3.6675543 -2.2057469 0.34448819,3.6634197 -2.2039732 0.34448819,
+ 3.6590315 -2.2024535 0.34448819,3.6543823 -2.2011945 0.34448819,
+ 3.6494654 -2.2002031 0.34448819,3.6442736 -2.1994866 0.34448819,
+ 3.6388004 -2.1990516 0.34448819,3.633039 -2.1989051 0.34448819,
+ 3.6272409 -2.199015 0.34448819,3.6216626 -2.1993421 0.34448819,
+ 3.6163008 -2.1998815 0.34448819,3.6111539 -2.2006283 0.34448819,
+ 3.6062193 -2.2015783 0.34448819,3.6014945 -2.2027268 0.34448819,
+ 3.5969776 -2.2040693 0.34448819,3.5926661 -2.2056008 0.34448819,
+ 3.5885579 -2.2073173 0.34448819,3.58465 -2.2092134 0.34448819,
+ 3.5809409 -2.2112854 0.34448819,3.577428 -2.213528 0.34448819,
+ 3.5741091 -2.2159362 0.34448819,3.5709815 -2.2185067 0.34448819,
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+ 3.5627248 -2.2271406 0.34448819,3.5603406 -2.2303106 0.34448819,
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+ 3.5510724 -2.2481469 0.34448819,3.5497335 -2.2520787 0.34448819,
+ 3.5485606 -2.2561213 0.34448819,3.547552 -2.2602701 0.34448819,
+ 3.5460165 -2.2688677 0.34448819,3.5451087 -2.2778346 0.34448819,
+ 3.5448102 -2.2871339 0.34448819,2.3222063 -2.2871339 0.34448819,
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+ 2.3048752 -2.2225374 0.34448819,2.3016504 -2.21045 0.34448819,
+ 2.2991638 -2.2002831 0.34448819,2.2982437 -2.1959657 0.34448819,
+ 2.2975638 -2.1921843 0.34448819,2.2971421 -2.1889563 0.34448819,
+ 2.2969976 -2.1863008 0.34448819,2.306589 -2.174626 0.34448819,
+ 2.3164205 -2.1632094 0.34448819,2.3365819 -2.1410043 0.34448819,
+ 2.3773488 -2.0980713 0.34448819,2.3970673 -2.0767524 0.34448819,
+ 2.4065669 -2.0660004 0.34448819,2.4157524 -2.0551378 0.34448819,
+ 2.4245685 -2.0441276 0.34448819,2.4329602 -2.0329327 0.34448819,
+ 2.440872 -2.0215165 0.34448819,2.448248 -2.0098413 0.34448819,
+ 2.4505382 -2.008587 0.34448819,2.452685 -2.007189 0.34448819,
+ 2.4546937 -2.0056528 0.34448819,2.4565681 -2.0039827 0.34448819,
+ 2.4583138 -2.0021835 0.34448819,2.4599346 -2.0002594 0.34448819,
+ 2.4614354 -1.9982154 0.34448819,2.4628209 -1.9960563 0.34448819,
+ 2.4652638 -1.9914098 0.34448819,2.4673008 -1.9863571 0.34448819,
+ 2.4689685 -1.980935 0.34448819,2.4703039 -1.9751807 0.34448819,
+ 2.4713441 -1.9691311 0.34448819,2.4721256 -1.9628228 0.34448819,
+ 2.4726858 -1.9562929 0.34448819,2.473061 -1.9495783 0.34448819,
+ 2.4734055 -1.9357433 0.34448819,2.4734547 -1.9216126 0.34448819,
+ 2.3852264 -1.9468205 0.34448819,2.3734098 -1.9541965 0.34448819,
+ 2.3615937 -1.9621079 0.34448819,2.3497772 -1.9704996 0.34448819,
+ 2.337961 -1.9793154 0.34448819,2.3143283 -1.998 0.34448819,
+ 2.2906953 -2.0177189 0.34448819,2.2434295 -2.0584854 0.34448819,
+ 2.2197969 -2.0786469 0.34448819,2.1961646 -2.0980701 0.34448819,
+ 2.1835602 -2.0854669 0.34448819,2.1848138 -2.0842846 0.34448819,
+ 2.1862035 -2.0831004 0.34448819,2.1893453 -2.0807154 0.34448819,
+ 2.1928933 -2.0782937 0.34448819,2.1967551 -2.0758165 0.34448819,
+ 2.2050516 -2.070622 0.34448819,2.2093012 -2.0678681 0.34448819,
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+ 2.2314484 -2.0459909 0.34448819,2.232328 -2.0439362 0.34448819,
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+ 2.2578551 -1.9791681 0.34448819,2.2584154 -1.9733768 0.34448819,
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+ 2.2591843 -1.9468205 0.34448819,2.1709559 -1.9468205 0.34448819,
+ 2.1079358 -1.9720291 0.34448819,1.9818941 -1.9720291 0.34448819,
+ 1.9818941 -2.0728622 0.34448819,1.9944984 -2.0728622 0.34448819,
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+ 1.979072 -2.0941323 0.34448819,1.9734252 -2.101222 0.34448819,
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+ 2.0323094 -2.1878764 0.34448819,2.0512157 -2.1775122 0.34448819,
+ 2.070122 -2.1675913 0.34448819,2.1079339 -2.1484886 0.34448819,
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+ 2.088437 -2.1855134 0.34448819,2.0831472 -2.1942157 0.34448819,
+ 2.0775807 -2.2025488 0.34448819,2.0716819 -2.2104386 0.34448819,
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+ 2.051437 -2.2307114 0.34448819,2.0476189 -2.233498 0.34448819,
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+ 2.0262071 -2.2443374 0.34448819,2.0214126 -2.245822 0.34448819,
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+ 1.855852 -2.261926 0.34448819,1.6667894 -2.2711823 0.34448819,
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+ 0.17634606 -2.246785 0.34448819,0.14326024 -2.2469665 0.34448819,
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+ -1.4086283 -2.2745295 0.34448819,-1.5346701 -2.2745295 0.34448819,
+ -1.4592421 -2.1610921 0.34448819,-1.3849961 -2.0476547 0.34448819,
+ -3.5765472 -2.4761965 0.34448819,-2.8581094 -2.5014043 0.34448819,
+ -2.8842453 -2.5126717 0.34448819,-2.910628 -2.5228614 0.34448819,
+ -2.9372094 -2.5320035 0.34448819,-2.9639406 -2.5401276 0.34448819,
+ -2.9907732 -2.5472642 0.34448819,-3.0176591 -2.5534425 0.34448819,
+ -3.0713961 -2.5630465 0.34448819,-3.1247638 -2.5691795 0.34448819,
+ -3.1773744 -2.5720811 0.34448819,-3.2288406 -2.5719921 0.34448819,
+ -3.278774 -2.569152 0.34448819,-3.3267874 -2.5638008 0.34448819,
+ -3.3724929 -2.5561783 0.34448819,-3.4155028 -2.5465252 0.34448819,
+ -3.4554291 -2.5350811 0.34448819,-3.4918846 -2.5220862 0.34448819,
+ -3.5244811 -2.5077807 0.34448819,-3.5528315 -2.4924039 0.34448819,
+ -4.9377945 -1.3544256 0.34448819,-4.9377945 -1.341822 0.34448819,
+ -5.1268583 -1.1527602 0.34448819,-5.1268583 -1.1149472 0.34448819,
+ -5.0289043 -0.25786339 0.34448819,-5.0260232 -0.23265591 0.34448819,
+ -5.0245858 -0.22109882 0.34448819,-5.022648 -0.21006614 0.34448819,
+ -5.0202252 -0.19956417 0.34448819,-5.0173339 -0.18959961 0.34448819,
+ -5.0139902 -0.18017992 0.34448819,-5.0102102 -0.17131181 0.34448819,
+ -5.0060106 -0.16300236 0.34448819,-5.0014067 -0.15525827 0.34448819,
+ -4.9964154 -0.14808661 0.34448819,-4.991052 -0.14149409 0.34448819,
+ -4.9853335 -0.1354878 0.34448819,-4.979276 -0.13007441 0.34448819,
+ -4.9728949 -0.12526142 0.34448819,-4.9662071 -0.12105512 0.34448819,
+ -4.9592283 -0.11746299 0.34448819,-4.9519752 -0.11449173 0.34448819,
+ -4.9444634 -0.11214803 0.34448819,-4.9367091 -0.11043898 0.34448819,
+ -4.9287287 -0.10937165 0.34448819,-4.9205386 -0.10895276 0.34448819,
+ -4.9121543 -0.10918937 0.34448819,-4.9035925 -0.11008819 0.34448819,
+ -4.8948689 -0.1116563 0.34448819,-4.886 -0.11390079 0.34448819,
+ -4.877002 -0.11682835 0.34448819,-4.8678906 -0.12044606 0.34448819,
+ -4.8586823 -0.12476063 0.34448819,-4.8493933 -0.12977913 0.34448819,
+ -4.8400398 -0.13550827 0.34448819,-4.8306378 -0.14195551 0.34448819,
+ -4.8212035 -0.14912717 0.34448819,-4.8117528 -0.15703031 0.34448819,
+ -4.8231232 -0.19011614 0.34448819,-4.833589 -0.22320197 0.34448819,
+ -4.8431315 -0.2562878 0.34448819,-4.8517323 -0.28937402 0.34448819,
+ -4.8593728 -0.32245984 0.34448819,-4.8660354 -0.35554567 0.34448819,
+ -4.8717004 -0.3886315 0.34448819,-4.87635 -0.42171772 0.34448819,
+ -4.8799657 -0.45480354 0.34448819,-4.8825291 -0.48788976 0.34448819,
+ -4.8840217 -0.52097559 0.34448819,-4.8844248 -0.55406142 0.34448819,
+ -4.8837201 -0.58714764 0.34448819,-4.881889 -0.62023346 0.34448819,
+ -4.8789134 -0.65331929 0.34448819,-4.8747744 -0.68640551 0.34448819,
+ -4.8747744 -0.81244724 0.34448819,-4.878935 -0.86025433 0.34448819,
+ -4.8820614 -0.90894803 0.34448819,-4.8843016 -0.95823189 0.34448819,
+ -4.8858035 -1.0078118 0.34448819,-4.8871819 -1.1066756 0.34448819,
+ -4.8873791 -1.203176 0.34448819,-4.8966354 -1.2390189 0.34448819,
+ -4.9008941 -1.2559067 0.34448819,-4.9016299 -1.2591071 0.34448819,
+ -4.9047098 -1.2724988 0.34448819,-4.907935 -1.2890909 0.34448819,
+ -4.9092795 -1.2974791 0.34448819,-4.9104213 -1.3059783 0.34448819,
+ -4.9113413 -1.3146252 0.34448819,-4.9120213 -1.3234567 0.34448819,
+ -4.9124429 -1.3325098 0.34448819,-4.9125878 -1.3418213 0.34448819,
+ -4.9137689 -1.3429665 0.34448819,-4.9149476 -1.3440402 0.34448819,
+ -4.9161217 -1.3450445 0.34448819,-4.917289 -1.3459819 0.34448819,
+ -4.9184472 -1.3468543 0.34448819,-4.9195937 -1.347665 0.34448819,
+ -4.9207264 -1.3484154 0.34448819,-4.9218429 -1.3491083 0.34448819,
+ -4.9229409 -1.3497457 0.34448819,-4.9240185 -1.3503299 0.34448819,
+ -4.9250724 -1.3508634 0.34448819,-4.9261016 -1.3513484 0.34448819,
+ -4.9271028 -1.3517874 0.34448819,-4.928074 -1.3521823 0.34448819,
+ -4.9299169 -1.35285 0.34448819,-4.9316126 -1.3533701 0.34448819,
+ -4.9331417 -1.353761 0.34448819,-4.9344866 -1.3540409 0.34448819,
+ -4.9356283 -1.3542287 0.34448819,-4.9365484 -1.3543425 0.34448819,
+ -4.9372283 -1.3544012 0.34448819,5.5575354 -0.09208937 0.34448819,
+ 5.5492429 -0.089965354 0.34448819,5.5410287 -0.087314961 0.34448819,
+ 5.5329181 -0.084161811 0.34448819,5.524937 -0.080528346 0.34448819,
+ 5.5171106 -0.076437795 0.34448819,5.5094642 -0.07191378 0.34448819,
+ 5.5020232 -0.06697874 0.34448819,5.494813 -0.061655906 0.34448819,
+ 5.4878591 -0.055968504 0.34448819,5.4811862 -0.04993937 0.34448819,
+ 5.4748209 -0.043591732 0.34448819,5.4687874 -0.036948819 0.34448819,
+ 5.4631122 -0.030033858 0.34448819,5.4578197 -0.022869291 0.34448819,
+ 5.4529358 -0.01547874 0.34448819,5.4484858 -0.0078850394 0.34448819,
+ 5.4444949 -0.00011102362 0.34448819,5.440989 0.007819685 0.34448819,
+ 5.4379929 0.015884252 0.34448819,5.4355323 0.024059449 0.34448819,
+ 5.4336992 0.032032283 0.34448819,5.4336323 0.032322441 0.34448819,
+ 5.4323189 0.04065 0.34448819,5.4316169 0.049019291 0.34448819,
+ 5.431552 0.057406693 0.34448819,5.4321492 0.065789764 0.34448819,
+ 5.4334343 0.074145276 0.34448819,5.4354323 0.082449606 0.34448819,
+ 5.4354335 0.082448819 0.34448819,5.4401539 0.075506693 0.34448819,
+ 5.4448378 0.068859843 0.34448819,5.4494472 0.062508661 0.34448819,
+ 5.4539465 0.056452756 0.34448819,5.4700957 0.035183071 0.34448819,
+ 5.4734866 0.030604331 0.34448819,5.4765453 0.026320866 0.34448819,
+ 5.479235 0.022332677 0.34448819,5.4815181 0.018640157 0.34448819,
+ 5.4833583 0.015242913 0.34448819,5.4841008 0.013655118 0.34448819,
+ 5.4847185 0.012140945 0.34448819,5.4852067 0.010700787 0.34448819,
+ 5.4855614 0.0093346457 0.34448819,5.4857776 0.008042126 0.34448819,
+ 5.4858508 0.006823622 0.34448819,5.7001213 0.006823622 0.34448819,
+ 5.7071016 0.0057527559 0.34448819,5.7138669 0.0049035433 0.34448819,
+ 5.7204248 0.0042755906 0.34448819,5.7267819 0.003869685 0.34448819,
+ 5.7329449 0.0036850394 0.34448819,5.7389213 0.0037220472 0.34448819,
+ 5.7447173 0.003980315 0.34448819,5.7503406 0.0044606299 0.34448819,
+ 5.7557976 0.0051622047 0.34448819,5.7610953 0.0060854331 0.34448819,
+ 5.7662406 0.0072299213 0.34448819,5.7712406 0.0085964567 0.34448819,
+ 5.7761024 0.010184252 0.34448819,5.7808323 0.011993701 0.34448819,
+ 5.7854374 0.014024409 0.34448819,5.7899252 0.016277165 0.34448819,
+ 5.794302 0.018751181 0.34448819,5.7985752 0.021446457 0.34448819,
+ 5.8027512 0.02436378 0.34448819,5.8068374 0.027502362 0.34448819,
+ 5.8108406 0.030862992 0.34448819,5.8147673 0.034444488 0.34448819,
+ 5.8186252 0.038248031 0.34448819,5.8224205 0.042272835 0.34448819,
+ 5.8261602 0.046519685 0.34448819,5.829852 0.050987402 0.34448819,
+ 5.8371169 0.060588583 0.34448819,5.8442717 0.071075591 0.34448819,
+ 5.8513709 0.082448819 0.34448819,5.884335 0.14562992 0.34448819,
+ 6.0026205 0.37234449 0.34448819,6.0103429 0.3591685 0.34448819,
+ 6.0169878 0.3456622 0.34448819,6.022585 0.33186535 0.34448819,
+ 6.0271642 0.31781693 0.34448819,6.0307555 0.3035563 0.34448819,
+ 6.0333894 0.28912205 0.34448819,6.0350953 0.27455433 0.34448819,
+ 6.0359035 0.25989213 0.34448819,6.0358437 0.24517441 0.34448819,
+ 6.0349465 0.23044055 0.34448819,6.0332413 0.21572953 0.34448819,
+ 6.0307583 0.2010811 0.34448819,6.0275276 0.18653386 0.34448819,
+ 6.0235791 0.17212795 0.34448819,6.0189429 0.15790157 0.34448819,
+ 6.0136492 0.14389449 0.34448819,6.0077276 0.13014606 0.34448819,
+ 6.0012079 0.11669528 0.34448819,5.9941209 0.1035815 0.34448819,
+ 5.9864961 0.090844094 0.34448819,5.9783634 0.078521654 0.34448819,
+ 5.9697528 0.066654331 0.34448819,5.9606949 0.055280315 0.34448819,
+ 5.9512189 0.044439764 0.34448819,5.9413555 0.034171654 0.34448819,
+ 5.9311339 0.024514961 0.34448819,5.920585 0.015509449 0.34448819,
+ 5.9097382 0.0071933071 0.34448819,5.898624 -0.00039291339 0.34448819,
+ 5.8872717 -0.0072110236 0.34448819,5.8757118 -0.01322126 0.34448819,
+ 5.8639744 -0.018384252 0.34448819,5.8308886 -0.031973228 0.34448819,
+ 5.7978028 -0.044380315 0.34448819,5.7647165 -0.055605906 0.34448819,
+ 5.7316307 -0.065649606 0.34448819,5.6985449 -0.074512205 0.34448819,
+ 5.6654591 -0.08219252 0.34448819,5.6323732 -0.088691339 0.34448819,
+ 5.5992874 -0.094008661 0.34448819,5.5909831 -0.094861811 0.34448819,
+ 5.5826303 -0.095073228 0.34448819,5.5742547 -0.094666535 0.34448819,
+ 5.5658811 -0.093664173 0.34448819,4.4060157 1.7256606 0.34448819,
+ 4.4058295 1.7198087 0.34448819,4.4054217 1.7141413 0.34448819,
+ 4.4047835 1.7086634 0.34448819,4.4039047 1.7033791 0.34448819,
+ 4.4027772 1.6982933 0.34448819,4.4013906 1.6934106 0.34448819,
+ 4.3997366 1.6887354 0.34448819,4.3978059 1.6842728 0.34448819,
+ 4.3955886 1.6800272 0.34448819,4.393076 1.6760031 0.34448819,
+ 4.3902591 1.6722051 0.34448819,4.387128 1.6686378 0.34448819,
+ 4.3836736 1.6653059 0.34448819,4.3798874 1.6622142 0.34448819,
+ 4.3757591 1.6593669 0.34448819,4.3712803 1.6567689 0.34448819,
+ 4.3664413 1.6544252 0.34448819,4.3612331 1.6523394 0.34448819,
+ 4.3556465 1.6505169 0.34448819,4.3496724 1.6489622 0.34448819,
+ 4.3433008 1.6476799 0.34448819,4.3365236 1.6466744 0.34448819,
+ 4.3293307 1.6459504 0.34448819,4.321713 1.6455126 0.34448819,
+ 4.3136614 1.6453657 0.34448819,4.3089319 1.6452213 0.34448819,
+ 4.3041839 1.6447996 0.34448819,4.2993992 1.6441197 0.34448819,
+ 4.2945587 1.6431996 0.34448819,4.2896445 1.6420579 0.34448819,
+ 4.2846382 1.640713 0.34448819,4.274274 1.6374882 0.34448819,
+ 4.2254327 1.6201571 0.34448819,4.2254319 1.6201579 0.34448819,
+ 4.2123354 1.6904657 0.34448819,4.2010118 1.7595917 0.34448819,
+ 4.1813181 1.8942984 0.34448819,4.1717665 1.9598795 0.34448819,
+ 4.161624 2.0242787 0.34448819,4.1503 2.0874965 0.34448819,
+ 4.1372031 2.1495331 0.34448819,4.1227772 2.2066457 0.34448819,
+ 4.1151028 2.2352756 0.34448819,4.106874 2.2637583 0.34448819,
+ 4.0979071 2.2919453 0.34448819,4.0880173 2.319689 0.34448819,
+ 4.0770193 2.3468421 0.34448819,4.0647291 2.3732567 0.34448819,
+ 4.0509618 2.398785 0.34448819,4.0434665 2.4111709 0.34448819,
+ 4.0355327 2.4232795 0.34448819,4.0271374 2.4350929 0.34448819,
+ 4.0237898 2.439428 0.34448819,4.0182575 2.4465925 0.34448819,
+ 4.0088697 2.4577594 0.34448819,3.9989512 2.468576 0.34448819,
+ 3.9884787 2.4790228 0.34448819,3.9774291 2.4890823 0.34448819,
+ 3.9657799 2.4987354 0.34448819,3.9535071 2.5079638 0.34448819,
+ 3.9405886 2.5167492 0.34448819,3.9270004 2.5250728 0.34448819,
+ 3.9222933 2.5276583 0.34448819,3.9127201 2.5329165 0.34448819,
+ 3.897724 2.5402618 0.34448819,3.8929913 2.5424835 0.34448819,
+ 3.8882217 2.5444469 0.34448819,3.883378 2.5461886 0.34448819,
+ 3.8784236 2.5477457 0.34448819,3.8733217 2.5491551 0.34448819,
+ 3.868035 2.5504535 0.34448819,3.8567598 2.5528661 0.34448819,
+ 3.8303697 2.5579862 0.34448819,3.8146638 2.561285 0.34448819,
+ 3.7968902 2.5654697 0.34448819,3.8335945 2.5749224 0.34448819,
+ 3.8683791 2.5843756 0.34448819,3.9339602 2.6032823 0.34448819,
+ 3.997178 2.6221886 0.34448819,4.0615772 2.6410949 0.34448819,
+ 4.0628307 2.641022 0.34448819,4.0642205 2.6408087 0.34448819,
+ 4.0657346 2.6404614 0.34448819,4.0673622 2.639987 0.34448819,
+ 4.0709102 2.6386854 0.34448819,4.0747724 2.6369591 0.34448819,
+ 4.0788559 2.6348634 0.34448819,4.0830685 2.6324539 0.34448819,
+ 4.0873181 2.6297858 0.34448819,4.0915126 2.626915 0.34448819,
+ 4.0955591 2.6238961 0.34448819,4.0993654 2.620785 0.34448819,
+ 4.1028398 2.617637 0.34448819,4.1044232 2.6160665 0.34448819,
+ 4.1058894 2.6145075 0.34448819,4.107226 2.6129669 0.34448819,
+ 4.108422 2.611452 0.34448819,4.1094654 2.6099689 0.34448819,
+ 4.1103453 2.6085252 0.34448819,4.1110496 2.607128 0.34448819,
+ 4.1115669 2.6057835 0.34448819,4.1118858 2.6044992 0.34448819,
+ 4.1119945 2.6032819 0.34448819,4.1282421 2.5840831 0.34448819,
+ 4.1438988 2.5643122 0.34448819,4.1589646 2.543987 0.34448819,
+ 4.1734398 2.5231268 0.34448819,4.187324 2.5017496 0.34448819,
+ 4.2006173 2.4798736 0.34448819,4.2133201 2.4575177 0.34448819,
+ 4.2199295 2.4450665 0.34448819,4.2254319 2.4347004 0.34448819,
+ 4.2369528 2.4114402 0.34448819,4.2478831 2.3877547 0.34448819,
+ 4.2582224 2.3636638 0.34448819,4.2679709 2.3391846 0.34448819,
+ 4.2771287 2.3143362 0.34448819,4.2856957 2.2891374 0.34448819,
+ 4.293672 2.2636059 0.34448819,4.3010571 2.2377606 0.34448819,
+ 4.3157291 2.1773988 0.34448819,4.3309921 2.1188091 0.34448819,
+ 4.3609272 2.0045843 0.34448819,4.3744173 1.9477669 0.34448819,
+ 4.3861354 1.8903587 0.34448819,4.3911449 1.8612484 0.34448819,
+ 4.3954898 1.8317689 0.34448819,4.3990965 1.8018465 0.34448819,
+ 4.4018902 1.7714067 0.34448819,4.4039461 1.7575287 0.34448819,
+ 4.405337 1.7442783 0.34448819,4.4059894 1.7316929 0.34448819,
+ 6.4581917 0.1701122 0.34448819,6.4580008 0.13272087 0.34448819,
+ 6.4563701 0.09505315 0.34448819,6.4557886 0.074072835 0.34448819,
+ 6.4540807 0.053646457 0.34448819,6.451302 0.033737008 0.34448819,
+ 6.4475079 0.01430748 0.34448819,6.4427535 -0.0046787402 0.34448819,
+ 6.4370945 -0.023258661 0.34448819,6.4305862 -0.041469685 0.34448819,
+ 6.4232839 -0.059348031 0.34448819,6.4152433 -0.076931102 0.34448819,
+ 6.4065193 -0.094255512 0.34448819,6.3971677 -0.11135866 0.34448819,
+ 6.3872437 -0.12827717 0.34448819,6.3768031 -0.14504764 0.34448819,
+ 6.3659008 -0.16170748 0.34448819,6.3429327 -0.19484252 0.34448819,
+ 6.316635 -0.22468228 0.34448819,6.2897094 -0.25276772 0.34448819,
+ 6.2621193 -0.27911772 0.34448819,6.2338276 -0.30375039 0.34448819,
+ 6.2047972 -0.32668465 0.34448819,6.1749917 -0.34793898 0.34448819,
+ 6.1443736 -0.3675315 0.34448819,6.1129063 -0.38548071 0.34448819,
+ 6.0805528 -0.40180512 0.34448819,6.047276 -0.41652323 0.34448819,
+ 6.013039 -0.42965354 0.34448819,5.9778055 -0.44121457 0.34448819,
+ 5.9415378 -0.4512248 0.34448819,5.9041992 -0.45970236 0.34448819,
+ 5.8657531 -0.46666614 0.34448819,5.8261622 -0.47213386 0.34448819,
+ 5.7802996 -0.47658976 0.34448819,5.7615504 -0.47830945 0.34448819,
+ 5.7452197 -0.47942047 0.34448819,5.7310307 -0.4797189 0.34448819,
+ 5.7246528 -0.4795 0.34448819,5.7187063 -0.47900197 0.34448819,
+ 5.7131571 -0.47819921 0.34448819,5.7079701 -0.47706614 0.34448819,
+ 5.703111 -0.47557795 0.34448819,5.6985445 -0.47370906 0.34448819,
+ 5.694237 -0.47143386 0.34448819,5.6901531 -0.46872717 0.34448819,
+ 5.6862587 -0.46556339 0.34448819,5.6825185 -0.46191732 0.34448819,
+ 5.6788988 -0.45776339 0.34448819,5.6753642 -0.45307638 0.34448819,
+ 5.6718803 -0.4478311 0.34448819,5.668413 -0.44200157 0.34448819,
+ 5.6613878 -0.42848976 0.34448819,5.6540118 -0.4123374 0.34448819,
+ 5.6460079 -0.39334213 0.34448819,5.6370996 -0.3713 0.34448819,
+ 5.6134657 -0.32718583 0.34448819,5.6105949 -0.32128346 0.34448819,
+ 5.6079272 -0.3154185 0.34448819,5.6055177 -0.30962717 0.34448819,
+ 5.603422 -0.30394685 0.34448819,5.6016957 -0.29841417 0.34448819,
+ 5.6003941 -0.29306575 0.34448819,5.5995724 -0.28793937 0.34448819,
+ 5.5993591 -0.28547087 0.34448819,5.5992862 -0.28307126 0.34448819,
+ 5.5614732 -0.27046535 0.34448819,5.6034461 -0.26152913 0.34448819,
+ 5.644385 -0.25333189 0.34448819,5.723752 -0.23737992 0.34448819,
+ 5.7624752 -0.22873937 0.34448819,5.8007555 -0.21906457 0.34448819,
+ 5.8197756 -0.21370118 0.34448819,5.8387406 -0.20791299 0.34448819,
+ 5.8576681 -0.20164449 0.34448819,5.8765776 -0.19484094 0.34448819,
+ 5.9087744 -0.18006417 0.34448819,5.9391799 -0.1640689 0.34448819,
+ 5.9677764 -0.14681811 0.34448819,5.9945449 -0.1282752 0.34448819,
+ 6.0194673 -0.10840276 0.34448819,6.0425244 -0.08716378 0.34448819,
+ 6.0636988 -0.064522047 0.34448819,6.0829713 -0.040439764 0.34448819,
+ 6.1003236 -0.014880709 0.34448819,6.115737 0.012192126 0.34448819,
+ 6.1291937 0.040816142 0.34448819,6.1406748 0.071027953 0.34448819,
+ 6.1501614 0.10286457 0.34448819,6.1576358 0.13636299 0.34448819,
+ 6.1630795 0.17155984 0.34448819,6.1664736 0.20849252 0.34448819,
+ 6.1682583 0.23448858 0.34448819,6.1689201 0.25989213 0.34448819,
+ 6.1689354 0.26048465 0.34448819,6.1685783 0.28648071 0.34448819,
+ 6.1672614 0.31247677 0.34448819,6.1650583 0.33847323 0.34448819,
+ 6.1620425 0.36446929 0.34448819,6.1582886 0.39046535 0.34448819,
+ 6.1538697 0.41646142 0.34448819,6.1433335 0.46845354 0.34448819,
+ 6.1310244 0.52044567 0.34448819,6.126937 0.53619843 0.34448819,
+ 6.1175339 0.5724378 0.34448819,6.1034528 0.62442992 0.34448819,
+ 6.1033803 0.62675669 0.34448819,6.1031697 0.62901181 0.34448819,
+ 6.1028295 0.63119803 0.34448819,6.1023693 0.63331693 0.34448819,
+ 6.1017988 0.63537126 0.34448819,6.1011264 0.63736339 0.34448819,
+ 6.1003618 0.63929567 0.34448819,6.0995138 0.64117008 0.34448819,
+ 6.0985921 0.64298898 0.34448819,6.0976059 0.64475512 0.34448819,
+ 6.0965646 0.64647008 0.34448819,6.0954768 0.64813701 0.34448819,
+ 6.0931996 0.65133425 0.34448819,6.0908488 0.65436535 0.34448819,
+ 6.0862209 0.66000276 0.34448819,6.0840913 0.66264606 0.34448819,
+ 6.0821835 0.66519724 0.34448819,6.0813358 0.6664437 0.34448819,
+ 6.0805713 0.66767441 0.34448819,6.0798988 0.66889094 0.34448819,
+ 6.079328 0.67009606 0.34448819,6.0788677 0.67129213 0.34448819,
+ 6.078528 0.6724811 0.34448819,6.0783169 0.67366535 0.34448819,
+ 6.0782449 0.67484724 0.34448819,6.0024232 0.7691811 0.34448819,
+ 5.9641429 0.81597913 0.34448819,5.9254197 0.86233386 0.34448819,
+ 5.8861055 0.90809764 0.34448819,5.8460528 0.95312323 0.34448819,
+ 5.8422185 0.95725748 0.34448819,5.8051142 0.9972626 0.34448819,
+ 5.7631413 1.0403685 0.34448819,5.7414315 1.0632685 0.34448819,
+ 5.7188539 1.0847287 0.34448819,5.6954272 1.1047858 0.34448819,
+ 5.6711697 1.1234768 0.34448819,5.6461 1.1408382 0.34448819,
+ 5.6202362 1.1569071 0.34448819,5.5935969 1.1717205 0.34448819,
+ 5.5662004 1.1853154 0.34448819,5.5380657 1.1977287 0.34448819,
+ 5.509211 1.2089976 0.34448819,5.4796547 1.2191583 0.34448819,
+ 5.449415 1.2282484 0.34448819,5.418511 1.2363043 0.34448819,
+ 5.3869606 1.2433634 0.34448819,5.3547823 1.2494622 0.34448819,
+ 5.3219949 1.2546378 0.34448819,5.2138256 1.2717472 0.34448819,
+ 5.1065425 1.2851638 0.34448819,4.9998504 1.2947398 0.34448819,
+ 4.8934535 1.300328 0.34448819,4.7870563 1.3017807 0.34448819,
+ 4.6803642 1.2989496 0.34448819,4.5730807 1.2916874 0.34448819,
+ 4.464911 1.2798465 0.34448819,4.3887449 1.2698268 0.34448819,
+ 4.3116921 1.2587736 0.34448819,4.1561091 1.2341559 0.34448819,
+ 4.0005264 1.2071752 0.34448819,3.8473067 1.1790126 0.34448819,
+ 3.633037 1.1159917 0.34448819,3.633037 1.2672413 0.34448819,
+ 3.6356862 1.2721031 0.34448819,3.6388713 1.2771866 0.34448819,
+ 3.6425358 1.2824177 0.34448819,3.6466256 1.2877228 0.34448819,
+ 3.6510843 1.293028 0.34448819,3.6558571 1.2982591 0.34448819,
+ 3.6608882 1.3033429 0.34448819,3.6661224 1.3082047 0.34448819,
+ 3.6715047 1.3127713 0.34448819,3.6769787 1.3169685 0.34448819,
+ 3.6824902 1.3207228 0.34448819,3.6879827 1.3239602 0.34448819,
+ 3.6907051 1.3253618 0.34448819,3.6934016 1.3266067 0.34448819,
+ 3.6960661 1.327685 0.34448819,3.6986913 1.3285882 0.34448819,
+ 3.7012705 1.3293067 0.34448819,3.7037965 1.3298315 0.34448819,
+ 3.7062622 1.3301531 0.34448819,3.7086614 1.3302622 0.34448819,
+ 3.7553854 1.3402075 0.34448819,3.8012232 1.3507437 0.34448819,
+ 3.8464701 1.3612803 0.34448819,3.8914217 1.3712256 0.34448819,
+ 3.9363736 1.3799894 0.34448819,3.9589417 1.3837437 0.34448819,
+ 3.9816205 1.3869811 0.34448819,4.0044469 1.3896276 0.34448819,
+ 4.0274583 1.3916091 0.34448819,4.0506909 1.3928524 0.34448819,
+ 4.0741823 1.3932831 0.34448819,4.0902945 1.3937138 0.34448819,
+ 4.1055941 1.3949571 0.34448819,4.1201555 1.396939 0.34448819,
+ 4.134052 1.3995854 0.34448819,4.1473575 1.4028224 0.34448819,
+ 4.1601465 1.4065768 0.34448819,4.1724921 1.410774 0.34448819,
+ 4.1844685 1.4153406 0.34448819,4.2758484 1.4563039 0.34448819,
+ 4.3042083 1.4651909 0.34448819,4.3325677 1.4730441 0.34448819,
+ 4.3609272 1.480011 0.34448819,4.3892866 1.4862394 0.34448819,
+ 4.4176461 1.4918768 0.34448819,4.4460055 1.4970709 0.34448819,
+ 4.5027244 1.5067205 0.34448819,4.5268988 1.5114224 0.34448819,
+ 4.5519591 1.5159768 0.34448819,4.5776106 1.5202354 0.34448819,
+ 4.6035575 1.5240512 0.34448819,4.6295039 1.527276 0.34448819,
+ 4.6551555 1.5297622 0.34448819,4.6802161 1.5313622 0.34448819,
+ 4.7043906 1.5319283 0.34448819,4.7842004 1.5402488 0.34448819,
+ 4.863124 1.5465016 0.34448819,4.9414571 1.5509819 0.34448819,
+ 5.0194949 1.553985 0.34448819,5.0975327 1.5558071 0.34448819,
+ 5.1758657 1.5567425 0.34448819,5.3335035 1.5571335 0.34448819,
+ 5.3345992 1.5571362 0.34448819,5.3439079 1.5569886 0.34448819,
+ 5.3529394 1.5565453 0.34448819,5.3617122 1.5558067 0.34448819,
+ 5.3702453 1.5547728 0.34448819,5.3785567 1.5534437 0.34448819,
+ 5.386665 1.5518189 0.34448819,5.394589 1.5498988 0.34448819,
+ 5.4023465 1.5476831 0.34448819,5.4099563 1.545172 0.34448819,
+ 5.417437 1.5423657 0.34448819,5.4248067 1.5392638 0.34448819,
+ 5.4320843 1.5358665 0.34448819,5.4392878 1.532174 0.34448819,
+ 5.4464362 1.5281862 0.34448819,5.4535472 1.5239028 0.34448819,
+ 5.4606402 1.519324 0.34448819,5.5307819 1.4808992 0.34448819,
+ 5.5993354 1.4411634 0.34448819,5.6661906 1.3999874 0.34448819,
+ 5.7312362 1.3572421 0.34448819,5.7943618 1.3127984 0.34448819,
+ 5.8554563 1.2665268 0.34448819,5.9144091 1.218298 0.34448819,
+ 5.9711094 1.1679827 0.34448819,6.0254465 1.115452 0.34448819,
+ 6.0773094 1.0605768 0.34448819,6.1265874 1.0032272 0.34448819,
+ 6.1731701 0.94327402 0.34448819,6.2169461 0.88058858 0.34448819,
+ 6.2578051 0.81504134 0.34448819,6.2956362 0.74650315 0.34448819,
+ 6.3303283 0.67484449 0.34448819,6.346422 0.63939252 0.34448819,
+ 6.3615925 0.60392165 0.34448819,6.3758028 0.56841417 0.34448819,
+ 6.3890161 0.53285118 0.34448819,6.4011957 0.49721417 0.34448819,
+ 6.4123043 0.46148504 0.34448819,6.4223051 0.42564528 0.34448819,
+ 6.4311614 0.38967598 0.34448819,6.4388358 0.35355866 0.34448819,
+ 6.4452917 0.31727559 0.34448819,6.4504921 0.28080787 0.34448819,
+ 6.4544004 0.24413701 0.34448819,6.4569791 0.20724449 0.34448819,
+ -4.4966512 -2.5140087 0.34448819,-4.5037319 -2.5212307 0.34448819,
+ -4.5107571 -2.5286555 0.34448819,-4.5176717 -2.5361917 0.34448819,
+ -4.5244201 -2.5437461 0.34448819,-4.5309469 -2.5512268 0.34448819,
+ -4.5371969 -2.5585409 0.34448819,-4.5486441 -2.5723024 0.34448819,
+ -4.5583189 -2.5842909 0.34448819,-4.565778 -2.5937689 0.34448819,
+ -4.5722772 -2.6022374 0.34448819,-4.5769311 -2.6009831 0.34448819,
+ -4.5814441 -2.5995878 0.34448819,-4.5858232 -2.5980587 0.34448819,
+ -4.5900752 -2.5964028 0.34448819,-4.5942075 -2.5946268 0.34448819,
+ -4.5982268 -2.5927378 0.34448819,-4.6021398 -2.5907425 0.34448819,
+ -4.6059535 -2.5886484 0.34448819,-4.613311 -2.5841894 0.34448819,
+ -4.6203547 -2.5794165 0.34448819,-4.6271398 -2.5743854 0.34448819,
+ -4.633722 -2.5691512 0.34448819,-4.6401563 -2.5637689 0.34448819,
+ -4.6464984 -2.5582945 0.34448819,-4.6591272 -2.5472906 0.34448819,
+ -4.6655248 -2.5418717 0.34448819,-4.6720516 -2.5365819 0.34448819,
+ -4.678763 -2.5314772 0.34448819,-4.6857146 -2.5266122 0.34448819,
+ -4.6845693 -2.5254307 0.34448819,-4.6834957 -2.524252 0.34448819,
+ -4.6824913 -2.5230776 0.34448819,-4.6815535 -2.5219102 0.34448819,
+ -4.6806807 -2.5207524 0.34448819,-4.6798701 -2.5196055 0.34448819,
+ -4.6791197 -2.5184728 0.34448819,-4.6784268 -2.5173563 0.34448819,
+ -4.6777894 -2.5162583 0.34448819,-4.6772047 -2.5151807 0.34448819,
+ -4.6766713 -2.5141264 0.34448819,-4.6761862 -2.5130976 0.34448819,
+ -4.6757472 -2.5120965 0.34448819,-4.675352 -2.5111252 0.34448819,
+ -4.6746843 -2.5092819 0.34448819,-4.6741642 -2.5075862 0.34448819,
+ -4.6737732 -2.5060571 0.34448819,-4.6734933 -2.5047122 0.34448819,
+ -4.6733055 -2.5035705 0.34448819,-4.6731917 -2.5026504 0.34448819,
+ -4.6731331 -2.5019705 0.34448819,-4.6731083 -2.5014043 0.34448819,
+ -4.6605059 -2.5014043 0.34448819,-4.6420917 -2.5055646 0.34448819,
+ -4.6242685 -2.5086913 0.34448819,-4.6064457 -2.5109315 0.34448819,
+ -4.5880319 -2.5124331 0.34448819,-4.5684362 -2.5133441 0.34448819,
+ -4.5470681 -2.5138118 0.34448819,-4.7487346 -2.6274453 0.34448819,
+ -4.7682067 -2.6279622 0.34448819,-4.788713 -2.6292177 0.34448819,
+ -4.8322366 -2.6321717 0.34448819,-4.8549587 -2.6329843 0.34448819,
+ -4.8664949 -2.6330303 0.34448819,-4.8781236 -2.6327626 0.34448819,
+ -4.8898264 -2.6321256 0.34448819,-4.9015843 -2.6310642 0.34448819,
+ -4.9133787 -2.6295224 0.34448819,-4.9251921 -2.6274453 0.34448819,
+ -4.9322728 -2.6247925 0.34448819,-4.939298 -2.6215862 0.34448819,
+ -4.9462126 -2.617863 0.34448819,-4.952961 -2.6136594 0.34448819,
+ -4.9594878 -2.609013 0.34448819,-4.9657378 -2.6039602 0.34448819,
+ -4.9716551 -2.5985382 0.34448819,-4.977185 -2.5927843 0.34448819,
+ -4.9822717 -2.5867343 0.34448819,-4.9868598 -2.5804264 0.34448819,
+ -4.9908941 -2.5738965 0.34448819,-4.9926862 -2.5705602 0.34448819,
+ -4.9943189 -2.5671819 0.34448819,-4.9957858 -2.5637673 0.34448819,
+ -4.9970795 -2.5603201 0.34448819,-4.9981929 -2.5568449 0.34448819,
+ -4.9991197 -2.5533469 0.34448819,-4.9994008 -2.5519969 0.34448819,
+ -4.9998524 -2.5498307 0.34448819,-5.0003843 -2.5463004 0.34448819,
+ -5.0007087 -2.5427606 0.34448819,-5.0008181 -2.5392165 0.34448819,
+ -5.0177142 -2.4761957 0.34448819,-5.0237862 -2.4535476 0.34448819,
+ -5.0451295 -2.3666969 0.34448819,-5.0644047 -2.278665 0.34448819,
+ -5.0811693 -2.1894512 0.34448819,-5.0949799 -2.0990555 0.34448819,
+ -5.1053933 -2.0074787 0.34448819,-5.1091874 -1.9612469 0.34448819,
+ -5.1119661 -1.9147201 0.34448819,-5.113674 -1.8678976 0.34448819,
+ -5.1142555 -1.8207795 0.34448819,-5.1142555 -1.820778 0.34448819,
+ -5.0577339 -1.8680437 0.34448819,-5.0298425 -1.8916764 0.34448819,
+ -5.0023937 -1.9153091 0.34448819,-4.9755358 -1.9389421 0.34448819,
+ -4.9494169 -1.9625748 0.34448819,-4.9241839 -1.9862079 0.34448819,
+ -4.899985 -2.0098406 0.34448819,-4.8976949 -2.0110949 0.34448819,
+ -4.8955476 -2.0124902 0.34448819,-4.893539 -2.0140189 0.34448819,
+ -4.8916642 -2.0156752 0.34448819,-4.8899189 -2.0174508 0.34448819,
+ -4.8882976 -2.0193402 0.34448819,-4.8867969 -2.021335 0.34448819,
+ -4.8854114 -2.0234295 0.34448819,-4.8841366 -2.0256165 0.34448819,
+ -4.8829681 -2.0278886 0.34448819,-4.8809307 -2.0326614 0.34448819,
+ -4.879263 -2.0376925 0.34448819,-4.8779276 -2.0429268 0.34448819,
+ -4.8768874 -2.0483091 0.34448819,-4.8761059 -2.0537835 0.34448819,
+ -4.8755457 -2.0592945 0.34448819,-4.8751705 -2.0647874 0.34448819,
+ -4.8748256 -2.0754961 0.34448819,-4.8747764 -2.0854657 0.34448819,
+ -4.8705669 -2.1238197 0.34448819,-4.8670957 -2.1630602 0.34448819,
+ -4.8605965 -2.2430177 0.34448819,-4.8566823 -2.2831441 0.34448819,
+ -4.8517339 -2.3229752 0.34448819,-4.8487339 -2.3426874 0.34448819,
+ -4.8453087 -2.3622154 0.34448819,-4.8414039 -2.3815217 0.34448819,
+ -4.8369634 -2.4005693 0.34448819,-4.7879472 -2.5266122 0.34448819,
+ -5.8647933 -2.3562594 0.34448819,-5.8479299 -2.4036976 0.34448819,
+ -5.8326913 -2.4509878 0.34448819,-5.8303315 -2.4555728 0.34448819,
+ -5.8279902 -2.4598992 0.34448819,-5.8234362 -2.4679244 0.34448819,
+ -5.8191776 -2.4753591 0.34448819,-5.8172051 -2.4789472 0.34448819,
+ -5.8153622 -2.482498 0.34448819,-5.8136665 -2.4860492 0.34448819,
+ -5.8121374 -2.4896374 0.34448819,-5.8107925 -2.4932992 0.34448819,
+ -5.8096508 -2.497072 0.34448819,-5.8087307 -2.5009921 0.34448819,
+ -5.8080508 -2.5050972 0.34448819,-5.8076291 -2.5094236 0.34448819,
+ -5.8074846 -2.5140087 0.34448819,-5.8052783 -2.521237 0.34448819,
+ -5.8034224 -2.5287055 0.34448819,-5.8019732 -2.5363587 0.34448819,
+ -5.8009854 -2.5441409 0.34448819,-5.8005146 -2.5519969 0.34448819,
+ -5.8006161 -2.5598713 0.34448819,-5.8008988 -2.5637984 0.34448819,
+ -5.8013453 -2.5677091 0.34448819,-5.801963 -2.5715969 0.34448819,
+ -5.8027579 -2.5754543 0.34448819,-5.8037378 -2.5792752 0.34448819,
+ -5.8049091 -2.583052 0.34448819,-5.8062787 -2.586778 0.34448819,
+ -5.8078539 -2.5904465 0.34448819,-5.8096413 -2.59405 0.34448819,
+ -5.811648 -2.5975823 0.34448819,-5.8138811 -2.6010362 0.34448819,
+ -5.8163469 -2.6044043 0.34448819,-5.8190531 -2.6076803 0.34448819,
+ -5.8220059 -2.6108571 0.34448819,-5.825213 -2.613928 0.34448819,
+ -5.8286807 -2.6168854 0.34448819,-5.8324157 -2.6197228 0.34448819,
+ -5.836426 -2.6224335 0.34448819,-5.8407177 -2.6250102 0.34448819,
+ -5.8452976 -2.6274461 0.34448819,-5.8512406 -2.6296618 0.34448819,
+ -5.8572433 -2.6315846 0.34448819,-5.8632921 -2.6332169 0.34448819,
+ -5.8693732 -2.6345602 0.34448819,-5.8754728 -2.6356177 0.34448819,
+ -5.8815772 -2.6363913 0.34448819,-5.8876724 -2.6368831 0.34448819,
+ -5.8937445 -2.6370961 0.34448819,-5.8997795 -2.6370315 0.34448819,
+ -5.9057638 -2.6366929 0.34448819,-5.9116835 -2.6360815 0.34448819,
+ -5.9175244 -2.6352004 0.34448819,-5.9232736 -2.6340516 0.34448819,
+ -5.9289161 -2.632637 0.34448819,-5.934439 -2.6309594 0.34448819,
+ -5.939828 -2.6290213 0.34448819,-5.9450689 -2.6268248 0.34448819,
+ -5.9501488 -2.6243717 0.34448819,-5.9550528 -2.621665 0.34448819,
+ -5.9597677 -2.6187067 0.34448819,-5.9642799 -2.6154992 0.34448819,
+ -5.9685748 -2.6120445 0.34448819,-5.972639 -2.6083453 0.34448819,
+ -5.9764583 -2.6044039 0.34448819,-5.9800197 -2.6002224 0.34448819,
+ -5.9833083 -2.5958031 0.34448819,-5.9863106 -2.5911484 0.34448819,
+ -5.9890134 -2.586261 0.34448819,-5.991402 -2.5811425 0.34448819,
+ -5.993463 -2.5757953 0.34448819,-5.9951823 -2.570222 0.34448819,
+ -5.9965465 -2.5644252 0.34448819,-6.0516902 -2.3249457 0.34448819,
+ -6.0643681 -2.2658146 0.34448819,-6.0763075 -2.2063878 0.34448819,
+ -6.0873606 -2.1463705 0.34448819,-6.0973795 -2.0854669 0.34448819,
+ -6.1062665 -2.0376594 0.34448819,-6.1141193 -1.9889661 0.34448819,
+ -6.1210858 -1.9396819 0.34448819,-6.1273142 -1.8901024 0.34448819,
+ -6.1381457 -1.7912386 0.34448819,-6.1477969 -1.6947378 0.34448819,
+ -6.1393516 -1.6795484 0.34448819,-6.1424787 -1.6527894 0.34448819,
+ -6.1447193 -1.6269165 0.34448819,-6.1462209 -1.6017819 0.34448819,
+ -6.1471319 -1.5772382 0.34448819,-6.1476 -1.5531378 0.34448819,
+ -6.1477969 -1.5056752 0.34448819,-6.15 -1.496376 0.34448819,
+ -6.1518343 -1.4874094 0.34448819,-6.1532252 -1.4788118 0.34448819,
+ -6.1537311 -1.474663 0.34448819,-6.1540988 -1.4706205 0.34448819,
+ -6.1543189 -1.4666886 0.34448819,-6.1543823 -1.462872 0.34448819,
+ -6.1542791 -1.4591756 0.34448819,-6.1540004 -1.4556039 0.34448819,
+ -6.1535374 -1.4521614 0.34448819,-6.1528803 -1.4488524 0.34448819,
+ -6.1520205 -1.4456823 0.34448819,-6.150948 -1.4426551 0.34448819,
+ -6.1496539 -1.4397756 0.34448819,-6.1481291 -1.4370484 0.34448819,
+ -6.1463646 -1.434478 0.34448819,-6.1443504 -1.4320693 0.34448819,
+ -6.142078 -1.4298268 0.34448819,-6.1395374 -1.4277551 0.34448819,
+ -6.1367205 -1.4258591 0.34448819,-6.1336169 -1.4241425 0.34448819,
+ -6.1302181 -1.422611 0.34448819,-6.1265146 -1.4212685 0.34448819,
+ -6.1224972 -1.4201197 0.34448819,-6.1181567 -1.4191697 0.34448819,
+ -6.1134843 -1.4184228 0.34448819,-6.1084697 -1.4178835 0.34448819,
+ -6.1031047 -1.4175567 0.34448819,-6.0973795 -1.4174465 0.34448819,
+ -6.0916177 -1.4175205 0.34448819,-6.0861449 -1.4177421 0.34448819,
+ -6.0809531 -1.418111 0.34448819,-6.0760362 -1.418628 0.34448819,
+ -6.071387 -1.4192929 0.34448819,-6.0669988 -1.4201051 0.34448819,
+ -6.0628642 -1.4210654 0.34448819,-6.0589764 -1.4221728 0.34448819,
+ -6.0553287 -1.4234283 0.34448819,-6.0519146 -1.4248315 0.34448819,
+ -6.048726 -1.4263827 0.34448819,-6.0457571 -1.4280811 0.34448819,
+ -6.0430004 -1.4299276 0.34448819,-6.0404488 -1.4319213 0.34448819,
+ -6.0380961 -1.434063 0.34448819,-6.0359346 -1.4363524 0.34448819,
+ -6.0339579 -1.4387898 0.34448819,-6.0321591 -1.4413744 0.34448819,
+ -6.0313965 -1.4426543 0.34448819,-6.0305307 -1.4441071 0.34448819,
+ -6.0290665 -1.446987 0.34448819,-6.0277591 -1.450015 0.34448819,
+ -6.0266016 -1.4531906 0.34448819,-6.0255874 -1.4565142 0.34448819,
+ -6.0247091 -1.459985 0.34448819,-6.0233335 -1.4673705 0.34448819,
+ -6.0224197 -1.4753465 0.34448819,-6.0219118 -1.4839134 0.34448819,
+ -6.0217551 -1.4930709 0.34448819,-6.0119071 -1.6348677 0.34448819,
+ -6.0062449 -1.7057665 0.34448819,-5.9996969 -1.776665 0.34448819,
+ -5.9919669 -1.8475634 0.34448819,-5.9827598 -1.9184618 0.34448819,
+ -5.9717807 -1.9893602 0.34448819,-5.9587331 -2.0602591 0.34448819,
+ -5.9535791 -2.0861102 0.34448819,-5.9476311 -2.1116846 0.34448819,
+ -5.9409815 -2.1370008 0.34448819,-5.9337224 -2.1620768 0.34448819,
+ -5.9177457 -2.2115823 0.34448819,-5.9004398 -2.2603496 0.34448819,
+ -6.1718323 -1.0886307 0.34448819,-6.1361031 -1.0783157 0.34448819,
+ -6.100263 -1.0691827 0.34448819,-6.0642937 -1.0613791 0.34448819,
+ -6.0281768 -1.0550524 0.34448819,-5.9918937 -1.0503504 0.34448819,
+ -5.955426 -1.0474209 0.34448819,-5.9187551 -1.0464114 0.34448819,
+ -5.8818626 -1.0474701 0.34448819,-5.8447303 -1.0507441 0.34448819,
+ -5.8073394 -1.0563815 0.34448819,-5.7696717 -1.0645299 0.34448819,
+ -5.7390933 -1.0719181 0.34448819,-5.7087921 -1.0799157 0.34448819,
+ -5.6787492 -1.0885409 0.34448819,-5.6489469 -1.0978126 0.34448819,
+ -5.6193657 -1.1077488 0.34448819,-5.5994516 -1.1149472 0.34448819,
+ -5.5899878 -1.1183681 0.34448819,-5.5607941 -1.1296894 0.34448819,
+ -5.5317669 -1.1417303 0.34448819,-5.5028878 -1.1545098 0.34448819,
+ -5.4741374 -1.1680465 0.34448819,-5.445498 -1.1823587 0.34448819,
+ -5.4169512 -1.1974646 0.34448819,-5.388478 -1.2133827 0.34448819,
+ -5.3600602 -1.2301319 0.34448819,-5.3316795 -1.2477307 0.34448819,
+ -5.3033173 -1.2661969 0.34448819,-5.2189654 -1.3212846 0.34448819,
+ -5.1360169 -1.3778126 0.34448819,-5.0543976 -1.4357437 0.34448819,
+ -4.9740335 -1.4950409 0.34448819,-4.8948516 -1.5556677 0.34448819,
+ -4.8167772 -1.617587 0.34448819,-4.7397366 -1.6807614 0.34448819,
+ -4.6636559 -1.7451547 0.34448819,-4.5140803 -1.8774492 0.34448819,
+ -4.3674583 -2.0141752 0.34448819,-4.2232 -2.1550366 0.34448819,
+ -4.0807146 -2.2997382 0.34448819,-4.0591555 -2.3204323 0.34448819,
+ -4.0370425 -2.340037 0.34448819,-4.0144126 -2.3586449 0.34448819,
+ -3.9913028 -2.3763476 0.34448819,-3.96775 -2.3932386 0.34448819,
+ -3.9437909 -2.4094091 0.34448819,-3.9194626 -2.424952 0.34448819,
+ -3.894802 -2.4399594 0.34448819,-3.8446315 -2.4687374 0.34448819,
+ -3.8309047 -2.4761965 0.34448819,-3.7935744 -2.4964815 0.34448819,
+ -3.6899827 -2.5518217 0.34448819,-3.6802437 -2.5587665 0.34448819,
+ -3.6699693 -2.5654346 0.34448819,-3.6592146 -2.5718445 0.34448819,
+ -3.6480354 -2.5780142 0.34448819,-3.6364866 -2.5839622 0.34448819,
+ -3.6246244 -2.5897071 0.34448819,-3.6001791 -2.6006622 0.34448819,
+ -3.5751433 -2.611026 0.34448819,-3.5499594 -2.6209469 0.34448819,
+ -3.5009213 -2.6400504 0.34448819,-3.4583823 -2.6554272 0.34448819,
+ -3.4158437 -2.6685327 0.34448819,-3.3733047 -2.6794598 0.34448819,
+ -3.3307661 -2.6883004 0.34448819,-3.2882272 -2.6951472 0.34448819,
+ -3.2456882 -2.7000921 0.34448819,-3.2031492 -2.7032276 0.34448819,
+ -3.1606102 -2.7046465 0.34448819,-3.1180713 -2.7044402 0.34448819,
+ -3.0755319 -2.7027016 0.34448819,-3.0329929 -2.6995228 0.34448819,
+ -2.9904535 -2.6949961 0.34448819,-2.9479146 -2.6892142 0.34448819,
+ -2.9053752 -2.6822689 0.34448819,-2.8628358 -2.6742528 0.34448819,
+ -2.8202965 -2.6652583 0.34448819,-2.6788937 -2.6266575 0.34448819,
+ -2.6089307 -2.6058803 0.34448819,-2.5398539 -2.5833311 0.34448819,
+ -2.5057402 -2.5712067 0.34448819,-2.4719591 -2.5584181 0.34448819,
+ -2.4385469 -2.5448906 0.34448819,-2.4055409 -2.5305512 0.34448819,
+ -2.3729783 -2.5153252 0.34448819,-2.3453854 -2.5014043 0.34448819,
+ -2.3408957 -2.499139 0.34448819,-2.3093299 -2.4819189 0.34448819,
+ -2.2783181 -2.4635913 0.34448819,-2.1377024 -2.3716205 0.34448819,
+ -2.1033795 -2.3485815 0.34448819,-2.0696102 -2.3251181 0.34448819,
+ -2.0365059 -2.3010268 0.34448819,-2.0041768 -2.2761047 0.34448819,
+ -1.9727343 -2.2501484 0.34448819,-1.9422886 -2.2229555 0.34448819,
+ -1.9129508 -2.194322 0.34448819,-1.8848315 -2.1640457 0.34448819,
+ -1.8580413 -2.1319228 0.34448819,-1.8326917 -2.0977508 0.34448819,
+ -1.8205913 -2.0798327 0.34448819,-1.8088925 -2.061326 0.34448819,
+ -1.7976094 -2.0422055 0.34448819,-1.7867555 -2.0224457 0.34448819,
+ -1.7770161 -2.0036843 0.34448819,-1.7667417 -1.9851996 0.34448819,
+ -1.755987 -1.9669736 0.34448819,-1.7448075 -1.9489874 0.34448819,
+ -1.7332587 -1.9312228 0.34448819,-1.7213965 -1.913661 0.34448819,
+ -1.6969512 -1.8790736 0.34448819,-1.5976937 -1.7451543 0.34448819,
+ -1.5976205 -1.7428642 0.34448819,-1.5974043 -1.7407173 0.34448819,
+ -1.5970496 -1.7387087 0.34448819,-1.596561 -1.7368339 0.34448819,
+ -1.5959433 -1.7350886 0.34448819,-1.5952012 -1.7334677 0.34448819,
+ -1.5946748 -1.732552 0.34448819,-1.5943386 -1.7319665 0.34448819,
+ -1.593361 -1.7305811 0.34448819,-1.5922724 -1.7293063 0.34448819,
+ -1.5910776 -1.7281378 0.34448819,-1.5897811 -1.7270709 0.34448819,
+ -1.5883882 -1.7261008 0.34448819,-1.5869028 -1.7252232 0.34448819,
+ -1.5853295 -1.7244331 0.34448819,-1.5836732 -1.723726 0.34448819,
+ -1.5819382 -1.7230976 0.34448819,-1.578252 -1.7220575 0.34448819,
+ -1.5743071 -1.721276 0.34448819,-1.5701406 -1.7207157 0.34448819,
+ -1.5657894 -1.7203406 0.34448819,-1.5612909 -1.720113 0.34448819,
+ -1.5566815 -1.7199961 0.34448819,-1.547278 -1.7199465 0.34448819,
+ -1.4086299 -1.7199465 0.34448819,-1.407485 -1.721128 0.34448819,
+ -1.4064114 -1.7223067 0.34448819,-1.4054071 -1.7234811 0.34448819,
+ -1.4044697 -1.7246484 0.34448819,-1.4035969 -1.7258063 0.34448819,
+ -1.4027862 -1.7269531 0.34448819,-1.4020358 -1.7280858 0.34448819,
+ -1.4013429 -1.7292024 0.34448819,-1.4007055 -1.7303004 0.34448819,
+ -1.4001213 -1.731378 0.34448819,-1.3995878 -1.7324323 0.34448819,
+ -1.3991028 -1.733461 0.34448819,-1.3986638 -1.7344622 0.34448819,
+ -1.3982689 -1.7354335 0.34448819,-1.3976012 -1.7372768 0.34448819,
+ -1.3970811 -1.7389724 0.34448819,-1.3966902 -1.7405016 0.34448819,
+ -1.3964102 -1.7418465 0.34448819,-1.3962224 -1.7429882 0.34448819,
+ -1.3961087 -1.7439083 0.34448819,-1.3960504 -1.7445882 0.34448819,
+ -1.3960256 -1.7451543 0.34448819,-1.3708169 -1.7577598 0.34448819,
+ -1.7399374 -2.2745295 0.34448819,-1.7489406 -2.2871339 0.34448819,
+ -1.7876268 -2.3353071 0.34448819,-1.8280118 -2.3806559 0.34448819,
+ -1.8700217 -2.4233087 0.34448819,-1.9135823 -2.4633953 0.34448819,
+ -1.9586197 -2.5010449 0.34448819,-2.0050606 -2.5363862 0.34448819,
+ -2.0528311 -2.5695492 0.34448819,-2.1018567 -2.6006626 0.34448819,
+ -2.1520642 -2.6298559 0.34448819,-2.2033795 -2.6572583 0.34448819,
+ -2.2557287 -2.6829988 0.34448819,-2.3090378 -2.7072071 0.34448819,
+ -2.3632331 -2.7300122 0.34448819,-2.4182409 -2.7515433 0.34448819,
+ -2.473987 -2.7719299 0.34448819,-2.530398 -2.7913008 0.34448819,
+ -2.7777555 -2.873228 0.34448819,-2.8091461 -2.882361 0.34448819,
+ -2.8407028 -2.8907559 0.34448819,-2.8724441 -2.8982642 0.34448819,
+ -2.9043882 -2.9047386 0.34448819,-2.9365539 -2.9100311 0.34448819,
+ -2.9689598 -2.9139949 0.34448819,-3.001624 -2.9164811 0.34448819,
+ -3.0345654 -2.9173425 0.34448819,-3.1290472 -2.9206661 0.34448819,
+ -3.1761961 -2.9210264 0.34448819,-3.2232339 -2.9202969 0.34448819,
+ -3.2701244 -2.9183122 0.34448819,-3.3168299 -2.9149055 0.34448819,
+ -3.3633138 -2.9099114 0.34448819,-3.4095394 -2.903163 0.34448819,
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+ -3.7939661 -2.7473835 0.34448819,-3.8081457 -2.738398 0.34448819,
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+ -3.8719547 -2.7055799 0.34448819,-3.8790445 -2.703072 0.34448819,
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+ -3.9474504 -2.6721374 0.34448819,-3.9692433 -2.6607303 0.34448819,
+ -3.9905929 -2.6488059 0.34448819,-4.0115362 -2.6363835 0.34448819,
+ -4.0257886 -2.6274453 0.34448819,-4.0321102 -2.6234807 0.34448819,
+ -4.052352 -2.6101165 0.34448819,-4.072298 -2.5963091 0.34448819,
+ -4.0919858 -2.5820772 0.34448819,-4.1114524 -2.567439 0.34448819,
+ -4.1307339 -2.552413 0.34448819,-4.1688909 -2.521272 0.34448819,
+ -4.1773602 -2.5140087 0.34448819,-4.2067528 -2.4888016 0.34448819,
+ -4.3201913 -2.3940736 0.34448819,-4.4336291 -2.2981638 0.34448819,
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+ -4.6605039 -2.0980728 0.34448819,-4.8243591 -1.9216138 0.34448819,
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+ -5.5194315 -1.4035472 0.34448819,-5.5261303 -1.4008791 0.34448819,
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+ -5.5609185 -1.3925248 0.34448819,-5.5680055 -1.3922386 0.34448819,
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+ -6.0027343 -1.2884169 0.34448819,-6.0188654 -1.288189 0.34448819,
+ -6.0352205 -1.2887709 0.34448819,-6.0517508 -1.2901374 0.34448819,
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+ -6.1019094 -1.2986917 0.34448819,-6.1186567 -1.3029433 0.34448819,
+ -6.1353374 -1.3078528 0.34448819,-6.1519024 -1.3133945 0.34448819,
+ -6.1683031 -1.3195429 0.34448819,-6.1844921 -1.3262732 0.34448819,
+ -6.2004201 -1.3335594 0.34448819,-6.216039 -1.3413768 0.34448819,
+ -6.2313 -1.3496996 0.34448819,-6.2461547 -1.358502 0.34448819,
+ -6.2605547 -1.3677594 0.34448819,-6.2744516 -1.3774461 0.34448819,
+ -6.2877972 -1.3875366 0.34448819,-6.3005425 -1.3980055 0.34448819,
+ -6.3126394 -1.4088276 0.34448819,-6.3240394 -1.4199776 0.34448819,
+ -6.3346937 -1.4314295 0.34448819,-6.3445539 -1.4431587 0.34448819,
+ -6.353572 -1.4551394 0.34448819,-6.3587205 -1.462872 0.34448819,
+ -6.3616992 -1.4673461 0.34448819,-6.368887 -1.4797535 0.34448819,
+ -6.3750874 -1.4923366 0.34448819,-6.3802512 -1.5050697 0.34448819,
+ -6.3843303 -1.5179272 0.34448819,-6.387276 -1.5308839 0.34448819,
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+ 8279,5130,5131,-1,8279,5131,8278,-1,5130,8286,8287,-1,5130,8287,8288,-1,5130,8288,8289,-1,5130,8289,8290,-1,5130,8290,8291,-1,5130,8291,8292,-1,
+ 5130,8292,8293,-1,5130,8293,5129,-1,92,93,11,-1,11,93,94,-1,11,94,10,-1,10,94,95,-1,10,95,9,-1,9,95,96,-1,
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+ 29,63,64,-1,29,64,65,-1,29,65,66,-1,30,31,61,-1,30,61,62,-1,30,62,63,-1,32,33,60,-1,32,60,61,-1,
+ 32,61,31,-1,34,35,59,-1,34,59,60,-1,34,60,33,-1,59,35,36,-1,59,36,37,-1,59,37,38,-1,59,38,39,-1,
+ 59,39,58,-1,58,39,40,-1,58,40,41,-1,58,41,42,-1,58,42,57,-1,42,43,57,-1,57,43,44,-1,57,44,56,-1,
+ 56,44,45,-1,56,45,46,-1,46,47,56,-1,56,47,48,-1,56,48,55,-1,55,48,49,-1,55,49,50,-1,54,55,50,-1,
+ 54,50,51,-1,54,51,52,-1,54,52,8730,-1,102,103,104,-1,102,104,8730,-1,138,105,106,-1,138,106,107,-1,138,107,108,-1,
+ 138,108,137,-1,109,110,136,-1,109,136,137,-1,109,137,108,-1,136,110,111,-1,136,111,112,-1,136,112,113,-1,136,113,114,-1,
+ 136,114,115,-1,136,115,116,-1,136,116,117,-1,136,117,121,-1,136,121,122,-1,136,122,123,-1,136,123,124,-1,136,124,125,-1,
+ 136,125,126,-1,136,126,127,-1,136,127,128,-1,136,128,129,-1,136,129,130,-1,136,130,131,-1,136,131,132,-1,136,132,133,-1,
+ 136,133,134,-1,136,134,135,-1,117,118,119,-1,117,119,120,-1,117,120,121,-1,140,141,193,-1,140,193,194,-1,140,194,195,-1,
+ 140,195,196,-1,140,196,8731,-1,189,190,142,-1,142,190,191,-1,142,191,141,-1,141,191,192,-1,141,192,193,-1,188,189,142,-1,
+ 188,142,143,-1,188,143,144,-1,188,144,145,-1,188,145,146,-1,188,146,147,-1,188,147,187,-1,187,147,148,-1,187,148,149,-1,
+ 187,149,150,-1,187,150,151,-1,187,151,152,-1,187,152,153,-1,187,153,186,-1,153,154,186,-1,186,154,155,-1,186,155,185,-1,
+ 185,155,156,-1,185,156,184,-1,184,156,157,-1,184,157,183,-1,183,157,158,-1,183,158,182,-1,182,158,159,-1,182,159,181,-1,
+ 181,159,160,-1,181,160,180,-1,180,160,161,-1,180,161,162,-1,162,163,177,-1,162,177,178,-1,162,178,179,-1,162,179,180,-1,
+ 176,177,163,-1,176,163,164,-1,176,164,165,-1,176,165,175,-1,175,165,166,-1,175,166,167,-1,175,167,168,-1,175,168,174,-1,
+ 171,172,170,-1,170,172,173,-1,170,173,169,-1,169,173,174,-1,169,174,168,-1,266,267,198,-1,198,267,268,-1,198,268,197,-1,
+ 197,268,269,-1,199,200,264,-1,199,264,265,-1,199,265,266,-1,199,266,198,-1,260,261,202,-1,202,261,262,-1,202,262,201,-1,
+ 201,262,263,-1,201,263,200,-1,200,263,264,-1,202,203,260,-1,260,203,204,-1,260,204,259,-1,259,204,205,-1,259,205,206,-1,
+ 259,206,258,-1,258,206,207,-1,258,207,257,-1,257,207,208,-1,257,208,209,-1,256,257,209,-1,256,209,210,-1,256,210,211,-1,
+ 256,211,255,-1,252,253,213,-1,213,253,254,-1,213,254,212,-1,212,254,255,-1,212,255,211,-1,214,215,250,-1,214,250,251,-1,
+ 214,251,252,-1,214,252,213,-1,215,216,248,-1,215,248,249,-1,215,249,250,-1,219,246,218,-1,218,246,247,-1,218,247,217,-1,
+ 217,247,248,-1,217,248,216,-1,220,221,245,-1,220,245,246,-1,220,246,219,-1,222,223,244,-1,222,244,245,-1,222,245,221,-1,
+ 224,225,243,-1,224,243,244,-1,224,244,223,-1,243,225,226,-1,243,226,227,-1,243,227,228,-1,243,228,229,-1,243,229,242,-1,
+ 242,229,230,-1,242,230,231,-1,242,231,232,-1,242,232,233,-1,242,233,234,-1,242,234,235,-1,242,235,236,-1,242,236,241,-1,
+ 236,237,238,-1,236,238,239,-1,236,239,240,-1,236,240,241,-1,308,309,273,-1,308,273,468,-1,308,468,469,-1,308,469,470,-1,
+ 308,470,471,-1,308,471,472,-1,308,472,473,-1,308,473,474,-1,308,474,341,-1,273,309,307,-1,307,309,310,-1,307,310,306,-1,
+ 306,310,311,-1,306,311,7105,-1,7105,311,312,-1,7105,312,313,-1,7273,7274,7249,-1,7273,7249,7250,-1,7273,7250,7251,-1,7273,7251,7252,-1,
+ 7273,7252,7253,-1,7273,7253,7254,-1,7273,7254,7255,-1,7273,7255,7256,-1,7273,7256,7257,-1,7273,7257,7258,-1,7273,7258,7259,-1,7273,7259,7260,-1,
+ 7273,7260,7261,-1,7273,7261,7262,-1,7273,7262,7263,-1,7273,7263,7264,-1,7273,7264,7265,-1,7273,7265,7266,-1,7273,7266,7267,-1,7273,7267,7268,-1,
+ 7273,7268,7269,-1,7273,7269,7270,-1,7273,7270,7271,-1,7273,7271,7272,-1,7248,7249,7274,-1,7248,7274,7275,-1,7248,7275,7276,-1,7248,7276,7277,-1,
+ 7248,7277,7278,-1,7248,7278,7247,-1,7244,7245,7279,-1,7279,7245,7246,-1,7279,7246,7278,-1,7278,7246,7247,-1,7242,7243,7281,-1,7281,7243,7244,-1,
+ 7281,7244,7280,-1,7280,7244,7279,-1,3252,3253,3293,-1,3252,3293,3294,-1,3252,3294,3295,-1,3252,3295,3296,-1,3252,3296,3297,-1,3252,3297,3298,-1,
+ 3252,3298,3299,-1,3252,3299,3300,-1,3252,3300,3251,-1,3253,3254,3287,-1,3253,3287,3288,-1,3253,3288,3289,-1,3253,3289,3290,-1,3253,3290,3291,-1,
+ 3253,3291,3292,-1,3253,3292,3293,-1,3254,3255,3284,-1,3254,3284,3285,-1,3254,3285,3286,-1,3254,3286,3287,-1,3276,3277,3260,-1,3260,3277,3278,-1,
+ 3260,3278,3259,-1,3259,3278,3279,-1,3259,3279,3258,-1,3258,3279,3280,-1,3258,3280,3257,-1,3257,3280,3281,-1,3257,3281,3256,-1,3256,3281,3282,-1,
+ 3256,3282,3255,-1,3255,3282,3283,-1,3255,3283,3284,-1,3262,3273,3261,-1,3261,3273,3274,-1,3261,3274,3260,-1,3260,3274,3275,-1,3260,3275,3276,-1,
+ 3273,3262,3263,-1,3273,3263,3264,-1,3273,3264,3265,-1,3273,3265,3266,-1,3273,3266,3272,-1,3269,3270,3268,-1,3268,3270,3271,-1,3268,3271,3267,-1,
+ 3267,3271,3272,-1,3267,3272,3266,-1,3211,3212,3213,-1,3211,3213,3214,-1,3211,3214,3215,-1,3211,3215,3216,-1,3211,3216,3217,-1,3211,3217,3218,-1,
+ 3211,3218,3219,-1,3211,3219,3220,-1,3211,3220,3221,-1,3211,3221,3222,-1,3211,3222,3223,-1,3211,3223,3224,-1,3211,3224,3225,-1,3211,3225,3226,-1,
+ 3211,3226,3227,-1,3211,3227,3228,-1,3211,3228,3229,-1,3211,3229,3230,-1,3211,3230,3231,-1,3211,3231,3232,-1,3211,3232,3233,-1,3211,3233,3234,-1,
+ 3211,3234,3235,-1,3211,3235,3236,-1,3211,3236,3237,-1,3211,3237,3238,-1,3211,3238,3239,-1,3211,3239,3240,-1,3211,3240,3241,-1,3211,3241,3242,-1,
+ 3211,3242,5796,-1,3211,5796,3210,-1,3173,3174,3176,-1,3173,3176,3177,-1,3173,3177,3178,-1,3173,3178,3179,-1,3173,3179,3180,-1,3173,3180,3181,-1,
+ 3173,3181,3182,-1,3173,3182,3183,-1,3173,3183,3184,-1,3173,3184,3185,-1,3173,3185,3186,-1,3173,3186,3187,-1,3173,3187,3188,-1,3173,3188,3189,-1,
+ 3173,3189,3190,-1,3173,3190,3191,-1,3173,3191,3192,-1,3173,3192,3193,-1,3173,3193,3194,-1,3173,3194,3195,-1,3173,3195,3196,-1,3173,3196,3197,-1,
+ 3173,3197,3198,-1,3173,3198,3199,-1,3173,3199,5796,-1,3173,5796,3172,-1,3071,3072,3115,-1,3071,3115,3150,-1,3071,3150,3151,-1,3071,3151,3152,-1,
+ 3071,3152,3153,-1,3071,3153,3154,-1,3071,3154,3155,-1,3071,3155,3156,-1,3071,3156,3157,-1,3071,3157,5796,-1,3071,5796,3070,-1,3111,3112,3074,-1,
+ 3074,3112,3113,-1,3074,3113,3073,-1,3073,3113,3114,-1,3073,3114,3072,-1,3072,3114,3115,-1,3074,3075,3107,-1,3074,3107,3108,-1,3074,3108,3109,-1,
+ 3074,3109,3110,-1,3074,3110,3111,-1,3075,3076,3101,-1,3075,3101,3102,-1,3075,3102,3103,-1,3075,3103,3104,-1,3075,3104,3105,-1,3075,3105,3106,-1,
+ 3075,3106,3107,-1,3079,3097,3078,-1,3078,3097,3098,-1,3078,3098,3077,-1,3077,3098,3099,-1,3077,3099,3076,-1,3076,3099,3100,-1,3076,3100,3101,-1,
+ 3080,3081,3096,-1,3080,3096,3097,-1,3080,3097,3079,-1,3081,3082,3096,-1,3096,3082,3083,-1,3096,3083,3095,-1,3095,3083,3084,-1,3095,3084,3094,-1,
+ 3094,3084,3085,-1,3094,3085,3086,-1,3089,3090,3088,-1,3088,3090,3091,-1,3088,3091,3087,-1,3087,3091,3092,-1,3087,3092,3086,-1,3086,3092,3093,-1,
+ 3086,3093,3094,-1,524,525,526,-1,524,526,488,-1,524,488,489,-1,524,489,490,-1,524,490,491,-1,524,491,492,-1,524,492,493,-1,
+ 524,493,494,-1,524,494,495,-1,524,495,496,-1,524,496,497,-1,524,497,498,-1,524,498,523,-1,523,498,499,-1,523,499,500,-1,
+ 523,500,501,-1,523,501,502,-1,523,502,503,-1,523,503,504,-1,523,504,505,-1,523,505,522,-1,522,505,506,-1,522,506,507,-1,
+ 522,507,508,-1,522,508,521,-1,508,509,521,-1,521,509,510,-1,521,510,520,-1,520,510,511,-1,520,511,512,-1,517,518,513,-1,
+ 513,518,519,-1,513,519,512,-1,512,519,520,-1,514,515,516,-1,514,516,517,-1,514,517,513,-1,543,544,539,-1,543,539,540,-1,
+ 543,540,541,-1,543,541,542,-1,534,535,546,-1,546,535,536,-1,546,536,545,-1,545,536,537,-1,545,537,544,-1,544,537,538,-1,
+ 544,538,539,-1,547,548,531,-1,547,531,532,-1,547,532,533,-1,547,533,534,-1,547,534,546,-1,531,548,530,-1,530,548,549,-1,
+ 530,549,529,-1,529,549,550,-1,529,550,528,-1,528,550,551,-1,528,551,552,-1,488,526,553,-1,553,526,527,-1,553,527,552,-1,
+ 552,527,528,-1,701,702,700,-1,700,702,703,-1,700,703,699,-1,699,703,704,-1,699,704,698,-1,698,704,554,-1,698,554,555,-1,
+ 705,706,763,-1,705,763,764,-1,8732,766,764,-1,764,766,775,-1,764,775,778,-1,775,766,767,-1,775,767,768,-1,775,768,769,-1,
+ 775,769,772,-1,775,772,773,-1,775,773,774,-1,772,769,770,-1,772,770,771,-1,706,707,760,-1,706,760,761,-1,706,761,762,-1,
+ 706,762,763,-1,707,708,757,-1,707,757,758,-1,707,758,759,-1,707,759,760,-1,757,708,709,-1,757,709,710,-1,757,710,711,-1,
+ 757,711,712,-1,757,712,713,-1,757,713,714,-1,757,714,715,-1,757,715,716,-1,757,716,717,-1,757,717,756,-1,756,717,718,-1,
+ 756,718,719,-1,756,719,720,-1,756,720,755,-1,720,721,755,-1,755,721,722,-1,755,722,754,-1,754,722,723,-1,754,723,753,-1,
+ 753,723,724,-1,753,724,752,-1,752,724,725,-1,752,725,726,-1,727,728,751,-1,727,751,752,-1,727,752,726,-1,751,728,729,-1,
+ 751,729,730,-1,751,730,731,-1,751,731,732,-1,751,732,750,-1,732,733,750,-1,750,733,734,-1,750,734,749,-1,749,734,735,-1,
+ 749,735,736,-1,737,738,748,-1,737,748,749,-1,737,749,736,-1,738,739,748,-1,748,739,740,-1,748,740,747,-1,747,740,741,-1,
+ 747,741,742,-1,747,742,743,-1,747,743,744,-1,747,744,745,-1,747,745,746,-1,685,677,684,-1,684,677,678,-1,684,678,683,-1,
+ 683,678,679,-1,683,679,682,-1,682,679,680,-1,682,680,681,-1,673,674,688,-1,688,674,675,-1,688,675,687,-1,687,675,676,-1,
+ 687,676,686,-1,686,676,677,-1,686,677,685,-1,670,671,689,-1,689,671,672,-1,689,672,688,-1,688,672,673,-1,690,691,667,-1,
+ 690,667,668,-1,690,668,669,-1,690,669,670,-1,690,670,689,-1,664,665,692,-1,692,665,666,-1,692,666,691,-1,691,666,667,-1,
+ 693,694,663,-1,693,663,664,-1,693,664,692,-1,663,694,695,-1,663,695,696,-1,663,696,697,-1,663,697,698,-1,663,698,662,-1,
+ 556,557,662,-1,556,662,698,-1,556,698,555,-1,662,557,558,-1,662,558,559,-1,662,559,560,-1,662,560,561,-1,662,561,562,-1,
+ 662,562,563,-1,662,563,661,-1,563,564,661,-1,661,564,565,-1,661,565,660,-1,660,565,566,-1,660,566,659,-1,659,566,567,-1,
+ 659,567,568,-1,639,641,638,-1,638,641,642,-1,638,642,637,-1,637,642,643,-1,637,643,636,-1,636,643,644,-1,636,644,635,-1,
+ 635,644,645,-1,635,645,634,-1,634,645,646,-1,634,646,633,-1,633,646,647,-1,633,647,632,-1,632,647,648,-1,632,648,631,-1,
+ 631,648,649,-1,631,649,630,-1,630,649,650,-1,630,650,629,-1,629,650,651,-1,629,651,628,-1,628,651,652,-1,628,652,627,-1,
+ 627,652,653,-1,627,653,572,-1,572,653,654,-1,572,654,571,-1,571,654,655,-1,571,655,570,-1,570,655,656,-1,570,656,569,-1,
+ 569,656,657,-1,569,657,568,-1,568,657,658,-1,568,658,659,-1,626,572,573,-1,626,573,574,-1,626,574,575,-1,626,575,576,-1,
+ 626,576,577,-1,626,577,578,-1,626,578,579,-1,626,579,580,-1,626,580,581,-1,626,581,582,-1,626,582,625,-1,582,583,625,-1,
+ 625,583,584,-1,625,584,624,-1,624,584,585,-1,624,585,586,-1,624,586,623,-1,623,586,587,-1,623,587,622,-1,622,587,588,-1,
+ 622,588,621,-1,621,588,589,-1,621,589,620,-1,620,589,590,-1,620,590,591,-1,591,592,620,-1,620,592,593,-1,620,593,619,-1,
+ 619,593,594,-1,619,594,595,-1,619,595,596,-1,619,596,597,-1,619,597,598,-1,619,598,599,-1,619,599,600,-1,619,600,618,-1,
+ 602,615,601,-1,601,615,616,-1,601,616,600,-1,600,616,617,-1,600,617,618,-1,605,613,604,-1,604,613,614,-1,604,614,603,-1,
+ 603,614,615,-1,603,615,602,-1,609,610,608,-1,608,610,611,-1,608,611,607,-1,607,611,612,-1,607,612,606,-1,606,612,613,-1,
+ 606,613,605,-1,790,860,789,-1,789,860,861,-1,789,861,788,-1,788,861,862,-1,788,862,787,-1,787,862,863,-1,787,863,786,-1,
+ 786,863,864,-1,786,864,785,-1,785,864,865,-1,785,865,784,-1,784,865,866,-1,784,866,783,-1,783,866,867,-1,783,867,782,-1,
+ 791,792,858,-1,791,858,859,-1,791,859,860,-1,791,860,790,-1,857,858,792,-1,857,792,793,-1,857,793,794,-1,857,794,856,-1,
+ 856,794,855,-1,855,794,795,-1,855,795,854,-1,854,795,796,-1,854,796,853,-1,853,796,797,-1,853,797,852,-1,852,797,798,-1,
+ 852,798,851,-1,851,798,799,-1,851,799,850,-1,850,799,800,-1,850,800,849,-1,849,800,801,-1,849,801,848,-1,848,801,802,-1,
+ 848,802,847,-1,847,802,803,-1,847,803,846,-1,846,803,804,-1,846,804,845,-1,845,804,805,-1,845,805,806,-1,844,845,806,-1,
+ 844,806,807,-1,844,807,808,-1,844,808,843,-1,809,810,842,-1,809,842,843,-1,809,843,808,-1,813,840,812,-1,812,840,841,-1,
+ 812,841,811,-1,811,841,842,-1,811,842,810,-1,836,837,816,-1,816,837,838,-1,816,838,815,-1,815,838,839,-1,815,839,814,-1,
+ 814,839,840,-1,814,840,813,-1,817,818,835,-1,817,835,836,-1,817,836,816,-1,818,819,835,-1,835,819,820,-1,835,820,834,-1,
+ 834,820,821,-1,834,821,822,-1,822,823,834,-1,834,823,824,-1,834,824,833,-1,833,824,825,-1,833,825,826,-1,830,831,827,-1,
+ 827,831,832,-1,827,832,826,-1,826,832,833,-1,828,829,830,-1,828,830,827,-1,934,935,872,-1,872,935,936,-1,872,936,871,-1,
+ 871,936,937,-1,871,937,870,-1,870,937,938,-1,870,938,869,-1,869,938,939,-1,869,939,868,-1,872,873,934,-1,934,873,874,-1,
+ 934,874,933,-1,933,874,875,-1,933,875,932,-1,932,875,876,-1,932,876,877,-1,932,877,931,-1,931,877,878,-1,931,878,930,-1,
+ 930,878,879,-1,930,879,880,-1,929,930,880,-1,929,880,881,-1,929,881,882,-1,929,882,883,-1,929,883,884,-1,929,884,885,-1,
+ 929,885,886,-1,929,886,928,-1,889,926,888,-1,888,926,927,-1,888,927,887,-1,887,927,928,-1,887,928,886,-1,920,921,894,-1,
+ 894,921,922,-1,894,922,893,-1,893,922,923,-1,893,923,892,-1,892,923,924,-1,892,924,891,-1,891,924,925,-1,891,925,890,-1,
+ 890,925,926,-1,890,926,889,-1,920,894,895,-1,920,895,896,-1,920,896,897,-1,920,897,898,-1,920,898,899,-1,920,899,900,-1,
+ 920,900,901,-1,920,901,902,-1,920,902,903,-1,920,903,919,-1,915,916,907,-1,907,916,917,-1,907,917,906,-1,906,917,918,-1,
+ 906,918,905,-1,905,918,919,-1,905,919,904,-1,904,919,903,-1,912,913,909,-1,909,913,914,-1,909,914,908,-1,908,914,915,-1,
+ 908,915,907,-1,909,910,911,-1,909,911,912,-1,999,1000,964,-1,964,1000,1001,-1,964,1001,963,-1,963,1001,1002,-1,963,1002,962,-1,
+ 962,1002,1003,-1,962,1003,961,-1,961,1003,1004,-1,961,1004,960,-1,960,1004,1005,-1,960,1005,959,-1,959,1005,1006,-1,959,1006,958,-1,
+ 958,1006,1007,-1,958,1007,957,-1,957,1007,1008,-1,957,1008,956,-1,956,1008,1009,-1,956,1009,955,-1,955,1009,1010,-1,955,1010,954,-1,
+ 954,1010,1011,-1,954,1011,953,-1,953,1011,1012,-1,953,1012,952,-1,952,1012,1013,-1,952,1013,951,-1,951,1013,1014,-1,951,1014,950,-1,
+ 950,1014,1015,-1,950,1015,949,-1,949,1015,1016,-1,949,1016,948,-1,948,1016,1017,-1,948,1017,947,-1,947,1017,1018,-1,947,1018,946,-1,
+ 946,1018,1019,-1,946,1019,945,-1,945,1019,1020,-1,945,1020,944,-1,944,1020,1021,-1,944,1021,943,-1,943,1021,1022,-1,943,1022,942,-1,
+ 942,1022,1023,-1,942,1023,941,-1,941,1023,940,-1,992,993,970,-1,970,993,994,-1,970,994,969,-1,969,994,995,-1,969,995,968,-1,
+ 968,995,996,-1,968,996,967,-1,967,996,997,-1,967,997,966,-1,966,997,998,-1,966,998,965,-1,965,998,999,-1,965,999,964,-1,
+ 971,972,990,-1,971,990,991,-1,971,991,992,-1,971,992,970,-1,987,988,973,-1,973,988,989,-1,973,989,972,-1,972,989,990,-1,
+ 987,973,974,-1,987,974,975,-1,987,975,976,-1,987,976,986,-1,977,978,984,-1,977,984,985,-1,977,985,986,-1,977,986,976,-1,
+ 984,978,983,-1,983,978,979,-1,983,979,982,-1,982,979,980,-1,982,980,981,-1,1096,1097,1026,-1,1026,1097,1098,-1,1026,1098,1025,-1,
+ 1027,1028,1094,-1,1027,1094,1095,-1,1027,1095,1096,-1,1027,1096,1026,-1,1029,1030,1093,-1,1029,1093,1094,-1,1029,1094,1028,-1,1030,1031,1093,-1,
+ 1093,1031,1032,-1,1093,1032,1092,-1,1092,1032,1033,-1,1092,1033,1034,-1,1092,1034,1035,-1,1092,1035,1036,-1,1092,1036,1037,-1,1092,1037,1038,-1,
+ 1092,1038,1039,-1,1092,1039,1040,-1,1092,1040,1041,-1,1092,1041,1042,-1,1092,1042,1043,-1,1092,1043,1091,-1,1043,1044,1091,-1,1091,1044,1045,-1,
+ 1091,1045,1090,-1,1090,1045,1046,-1,1090,1046,1047,-1,1087,1088,1048,-1,1048,1088,1089,-1,1048,1089,1047,-1,1047,1089,1090,-1,1049,1050,1084,-1,
+ 1049,1084,1085,-1,1049,1085,1086,-1,1049,1086,1087,-1,1049,1087,1048,-1,1084,1050,1083,-1,1083,1050,1051,-1,1083,1051,1082,-1,1082,1051,1052,-1,
+ 1082,1052,1081,-1,1081,1052,1053,-1,1081,1053,1080,-1,1080,1053,1054,-1,1080,1054,1055,-1,1079,1080,1055,-1,1079,1055,1056,-1,1079,1056,1057,-1,
+ 1079,1057,1078,-1,1058,1059,1077,-1,1058,1077,1078,-1,1058,1078,1057,-1,1060,1061,1074,-1,1060,1074,1075,-1,1060,1075,1076,-1,1060,1076,1077,-1,
+ 1060,1077,1059,-1,1069,1070,1063,-1,1063,1070,1071,-1,1063,1071,1062,-1,1062,1071,1072,-1,1062,1072,1061,-1,1061,1072,1073,-1,1061,1073,1074,-1,
+ 1066,1067,1065,-1,1065,1067,1068,-1,1065,1068,1064,-1,1064,1068,1069,-1,1064,1069,1063,-1,1166,1099,1100,-1,1166,1100,1101,-1,1166,1101,1102,-1,
+ 1166,1102,1165,-1,1103,1104,1164,-1,1103,1164,1165,-1,1103,1165,1102,-1,1105,1106,1162,-1,1105,1162,1163,-1,1105,1163,1164,-1,1105,1164,1104,-1,
+ 1106,1107,1159,-1,1106,1159,1160,-1,1106,1160,1161,-1,1106,1161,1162,-1,1107,1108,1154,-1,1107,1154,1155,-1,1107,1155,1156,-1,1107,1156,1157,-1,
+ 1107,1157,1158,-1,1107,1158,1159,-1,1150,1151,1110,-1,1110,1151,1152,-1,1110,1152,1109,-1,1109,1152,1153,-1,1109,1153,1108,-1,1108,1153,1154,-1,
+ 1111,1112,1148,-1,1111,1148,1149,-1,1111,1149,1150,-1,1111,1150,1110,-1,1145,1146,1113,-1,1113,1146,1147,-1,1113,1147,1112,-1,1112,1147,1148,-1,
+ 1141,1142,1116,-1,1116,1142,1143,-1,1116,1143,1115,-1,1115,1143,1144,-1,1115,1144,1114,-1,1114,1144,1145,-1,1114,1145,1113,-1,1117,1118,1139,-1,
+ 1117,1139,1140,-1,1117,1140,1141,-1,1117,1141,1116,-1,1136,1137,1119,-1,1119,1137,1138,-1,1119,1138,1118,-1,1118,1138,1139,-1,1133,1134,1121,-1,
+ 1121,1134,1135,-1,1121,1135,1120,-1,1120,1135,1136,-1,1120,1136,1119,-1,1122,1123,1132,-1,1122,1132,1133,-1,1122,1133,1121,-1,1127,1129,1126,-1,
+ 1126,1129,1130,-1,1126,1130,1125,-1,1125,1130,1131,-1,1125,1131,1124,-1,1124,1131,1132,-1,1124,1132,1123,-1,1214,1215,1170,-1,1170,1215,1216,-1,
+ 1170,1216,1169,-1,1169,1216,1217,-1,1169,1217,1168,-1,1168,1217,1218,-1,1168,1218,1167,-1,1171,1172,1212,-1,1171,1212,1213,-1,1171,1213,1214,-1,
+ 1171,1214,1170,-1,1172,1173,1208,-1,1172,1208,1209,-1,1172,1209,1210,-1,1172,1210,1211,-1,1172,1211,1212,-1,1173,1174,1205,-1,1173,1205,1206,-1,
+ 1173,1206,1207,-1,1173,1207,1208,-1,1205,1174,1175,-1,1205,1175,1176,-1,1205,1176,1177,-1,1205,1177,1178,-1,1205,1178,1179,-1,1205,1179,1180,-1,
+ 1205,1180,1181,-1,1205,1181,1182,-1,1205,1182,1183,-1,1205,1183,1184,-1,1205,1184,1204,-1,1184,1185,1190,-1,1184,1190,1191,-1,1184,1191,1192,-1,
+ 1184,1192,1193,-1,1184,1193,1194,-1,1184,1194,1195,-1,1184,1195,1196,-1,1184,1196,1197,-1,1184,1197,1198,-1,1184,1198,1199,-1,1184,1199,1200,-1,
+ 1184,1200,1201,-1,1184,1201,1202,-1,1184,1202,1203,-1,1184,1203,1204,-1,1185,1186,1188,-1,1185,1188,1189,-1,1185,1189,1190,-1,1264,1265,1225,-1,
+ 1225,1265,1266,-1,1225,1266,1224,-1,1224,1266,1267,-1,1224,1267,1223,-1,1223,1267,1268,-1,1223,1268,1222,-1,1222,1268,1269,-1,1222,1269,1221,-1,
+ 1221,1269,1270,-1,1221,1270,1220,-1,1220,1270,1219,-1,1260,1261,1228,-1,1228,1261,1262,-1,1228,1262,1227,-1,1227,1262,1263,-1,1227,1263,1226,-1,
+ 1226,1263,1264,-1,1226,1264,1225,-1,1254,1255,1233,-1,1233,1255,1256,-1,1233,1256,1232,-1,1232,1256,1257,-1,1232,1257,1231,-1,1231,1257,1258,-1,
+ 1231,1258,1230,-1,1230,1258,1259,-1,1230,1259,1229,-1,1229,1259,1260,-1,1229,1260,1228,-1,1234,1235,1252,-1,1234,1252,1253,-1,1234,1253,1254,-1,
+ 1234,1254,1233,-1,1252,1235,1251,-1,1251,1235,1236,-1,1251,1236,1250,-1,1250,1236,1237,-1,1250,1237,1249,-1,1249,1237,1238,-1,1249,1238,1239,-1,
+ 1249,1239,1240,-1,1249,1240,1241,-1,1249,1241,1242,-1,1249,1242,1243,-1,1249,1243,1244,-1,1249,1244,1245,-1,1249,1245,1248,-1,1246,1247,1248,-1,
+ 1246,1248,1245,-1,1271,1272,1346,-1,1271,1346,1347,-1,1271,1347,1348,-1,1271,1348,1349,-1,1342,1343,1273,-1,1273,1343,1344,-1,1273,1344,1272,-1,
+ 1272,1344,1345,-1,1272,1345,1346,-1,1340,1341,1275,-1,1275,1341,1342,-1,1275,1342,1274,-1,1274,1342,1273,-1,1276,1277,1338,-1,1276,1338,1339,-1,
+ 1276,1339,1340,-1,1276,1340,1275,-1,1277,1278,1334,-1,1277,1334,1335,-1,1277,1335,1336,-1,1277,1336,1337,-1,1277,1337,1338,-1,1278,1279,1330,-1,
+ 1278,1330,1331,-1,1278,1331,1332,-1,1278,1332,1333,-1,1278,1333,1334,-1,1279,8733,1327,-1,1279,1327,1328,-1,1279,1328,1329,-1,1279,1329,1330,-1,
+ 8733,1281,1324,-1,8733,1324,1325,-1,8733,1325,1326,-1,8733,1326,1327,-1,1320,1321,1282,-1,1282,1321,1322,-1,1282,1322,1281,-1,1281,1322,1323,-1,
+ 1281,1323,1324,-1,1317,1318,1283,-1,1283,1318,1319,-1,1283,1319,1282,-1,1282,1319,1320,-1,1284,1285,1315,-1,1284,1315,1316,-1,1284,1316,1317,-1,
+ 1284,1317,1283,-1,1311,1312,1286,-1,1286,1312,1313,-1,1286,1313,1285,-1,1285,1313,1314,-1,1285,1314,1315,-1,1308,1309,1288,-1,1288,1309,1310,-1,
+ 1288,1310,1287,-1,1287,1310,1311,-1,1287,1311,1286,-1,1289,1290,1306,-1,1289,1306,1307,-1,1289,1307,1308,-1,1289,1308,1288,-1,1302,1303,1291,-1,
+ 1291,1303,1304,-1,1291,1304,1290,-1,1290,1304,1305,-1,1290,1305,1306,-1,1296,1298,1295,-1,1295,1298,1299,-1,1295,1299,1294,-1,1294,1299,1300,-1,
+ 1294,1300,1293,-1,1293,1300,1301,-1,1293,1301,1292,-1,1292,1301,1302,-1,1292,1302,1291,-1,1350,1351,1422,-1,1422,1351,1352,-1,1422,1352,1421,-1,
+ 1421,1352,1353,-1,1421,1353,1420,-1,1420,1353,1354,-1,1420,1354,1355,-1,1419,1420,1355,-1,1419,1355,1356,-1,1419,1356,1357,-1,1419,1357,1358,-1,
+ 1419,1358,1418,-1,1361,1416,1360,-1,1360,1416,1417,-1,1360,1417,1359,-1,1359,1417,1418,-1,1359,1418,1358,-1,1364,1414,1363,-1,1363,1414,1415,-1,
+ 1363,1415,1362,-1,1362,1415,1416,-1,1362,1416,1361,-1,1365,1366,1413,-1,1365,1413,1414,-1,1365,1414,1364,-1,1413,1366,1367,-1,1413,1367,1368,-1,
+ 1413,1368,1369,-1,1413,1369,1370,-1,1413,1370,1412,-1,1412,1370,1371,-1,1412,1371,1372,-1,1412,1372,1373,-1,1412,1373,1374,-1,1412,1374,1375,-1,
+ 1412,1375,1376,-1,1412,1376,1377,-1,1412,1377,1411,-1,1411,1377,1378,-1,1411,1378,1379,-1,1411,1379,1380,-1,1411,1380,1410,-1,1406,1407,1383,-1,
+ 1383,1407,1408,-1,1383,1408,1382,-1,1382,1408,1409,-1,1382,1409,1381,-1,1381,1409,1410,-1,1381,1410,1380,-1,1384,1385,1404,-1,1384,1404,1405,-1,
+ 1384,1405,1406,-1,1384,1406,1383,-1,1404,1385,1403,-1,1403,1385,1386,-1,1403,1386,1402,-1,1402,1386,1387,-1,1402,1387,1401,-1,1401,1387,1388,-1,
+ 1401,1388,1389,-1,1401,1389,1400,-1,1400,1389,1390,-1,1400,1390,1399,-1,1399,1390,1391,-1,1399,1391,1398,-1,1398,1391,1392,-1,1398,1392,1397,-1,
+ 1397,1392,1393,-1,1397,1393,1394,-1,1395,1396,1397,-1,1395,1397,1394,-1,1425,1423,1424,-1,1425,1424,8733,-1,1426,1427,1515,-1,1515,1427,1428,-1,
+ 1515,1428,1514,-1,1514,1428,1429,-1,1514,1429,1430,-1,1513,1514,1430,-1,1513,1430,1431,-1,1513,1431,1432,-1,1513,1432,1512,-1,1432,1433,1512,-1,
+ 1512,1433,1434,-1,1512,1434,1511,-1,1511,1434,1435,-1,1511,1435,1436,-1,1510,1511,1436,-1,1510,1436,1437,-1,1510,1437,1438,-1,1510,1438,1509,-1,
+ 1438,1439,1509,-1,1509,1439,1440,-1,1509,1440,1508,-1,1508,1440,1441,-1,1508,1441,1442,-1,1507,1508,1442,-1,1507,1442,1443,-1,1507,1443,1444,-1,
+ 1507,1444,1506,-1,1488,1489,1462,-1,1462,1489,1490,-1,1462,1490,1461,-1,1461,1490,1491,-1,1461,1491,1460,-1,1460,1491,1492,-1,1460,1492,1459,-1,
+ 1459,1492,1493,-1,1459,1493,1458,-1,1458,1493,1494,-1,1458,1494,1457,-1,1457,1494,1495,-1,1457,1495,1456,-1,1456,1495,1496,-1,1456,1496,1455,-1,
+ 1455,1496,1497,-1,1455,1497,1454,-1,1454,1497,1498,-1,1454,1498,1453,-1,1453,1498,1499,-1,1453,1499,1452,-1,1452,1499,1500,-1,1452,1500,1451,-1,
+ 1451,1500,1501,-1,1451,1501,1450,-1,1450,1501,1502,-1,1450,1502,1449,-1,1449,1502,1503,-1,1449,1503,1448,-1,1448,1503,1504,-1,1448,1504,1447,-1,
+ 1447,1504,1505,-1,1447,1505,1446,-1,1446,1505,1506,-1,1446,1506,1445,-1,1445,1506,1444,-1,1463,1464,1486,-1,1463,1486,1487,-1,1463,1487,1488,-1,
+ 1463,1488,1462,-1,1482,1483,1465,-1,1465,1483,1484,-1,1465,1484,1464,-1,1464,1484,1485,-1,1464,1485,1486,-1,1466,1467,1479,-1,1466,1479,1480,-1,
+ 1466,1480,1481,-1,1466,1481,1482,-1,1466,1482,1465,-1,1474,1475,1469,-1,1469,1475,1476,-1,1469,1476,1468,-1,1468,1476,1477,-1,1468,1477,1467,-1,
+ 1467,1477,1478,-1,1467,1478,1479,-1,1470,1471,1472,-1,1470,1472,1473,-1,1470,1473,1474,-1,1470,1474,1469,-1,1527,1528,1529,-1,1527,1529,1530,-1,
+ 1527,1530,1531,-1,1527,1531,1526,-1,1534,1524,1533,-1,1533,1524,1525,-1,1533,1525,1532,-1,1532,1525,1526,-1,1532,1526,1531,-1,1535,1536,1523,-1,
+ 1535,1523,1524,-1,1535,1524,1534,-1,1537,1538,1522,-1,1537,1522,1523,-1,1537,1523,1536,-1,1519,1520,8734,-1,8734,1520,1521,-1,8734,1521,1539,-1,
+ 1539,1521,1522,-1,1539,1522,1538,-1,8734,1539,1540,-1,8734,1540,1541,-1,8734,1541,1542,-1,8734,1542,1543,-1,8734,1543,1544,-1,8734,1544,1545,-1,
+ 8734,1545,1574,-1,1545,1546,1574,-1,1574,1546,1547,-1,1574,1547,1573,-1,1573,1547,1548,-1,1573,1548,1572,-1,1572,1548,1549,-1,1572,1549,1550,-1,
+ 1572,1550,1551,-1,1572,1551,1552,-1,1572,1552,1553,-1,1572,1553,1554,-1,1572,1554,1571,-1,1571,1554,1555,-1,1571,1555,1556,-1,1571,1556,1557,-1,
+ 1571,1557,1570,-1,1557,1558,1570,-1,1570,1558,1559,-1,1570,1559,1569,-1,1569,1559,1560,-1,1569,1560,1568,-1,1568,1560,1561,-1,1568,1561,1562,-1,
+ 1568,1562,1567,-1,1567,1562,1563,-1,1567,1563,1566,-1,1566,1563,1564,-1,1566,1564,1565,-1,1577,1676,1576,-1,1576,1676,1677,-1,1576,1677,1575,-1,
+ 1575,1677,1679,-1,1575,1679,1682,-1,1682,1679,1680,-1,1682,1680,1681,-1,1582,1672,1581,-1,1581,1672,1673,-1,1581,1673,1580,-1,1580,1673,1674,-1,
+ 1580,1674,1579,-1,1579,1674,1675,-1,1579,1675,1578,-1,1578,1675,1676,-1,1578,1676,1577,-1,1667,1668,1586,-1,1586,1668,1669,-1,1586,1669,1585,-1,
+ 1585,1669,1670,-1,1585,1670,1584,-1,1584,1670,1671,-1,1584,1671,1583,-1,1583,1671,1672,-1,1583,1672,1582,-1,1587,1588,1665,-1,1587,1665,1666,-1,
+ 1587,1666,1667,-1,1587,1667,1586,-1,1660,1661,1590,-1,1590,1661,1662,-1,1590,1662,1589,-1,1589,1662,1663,-1,1589,1663,1588,-1,1588,1663,1664,-1,
+ 1588,1664,1665,-1,1591,1592,1658,-1,1591,1658,1659,-1,1591,1659,1660,-1,1591,1660,1590,-1,1658,1592,1657,-1,1657,1592,1593,-1,1657,1593,1656,-1,
+ 1656,1593,1594,-1,1656,1594,1655,-1,1655,1594,1595,-1,1655,1595,1654,-1,1654,1595,1596,-1,1654,1596,1653,-1,1653,1596,1597,-1,1653,1597,1652,-1,
+ 1652,1597,1598,-1,1652,1598,1651,-1,1651,1598,1599,-1,1651,1599,1650,-1,1650,1599,1600,-1,1650,1600,1649,-1,1649,1600,1601,-1,1649,1601,1648,-1,
+ 1648,1601,1602,-1,1648,1602,1603,-1,1647,1648,1603,-1,1647,1603,1604,-1,1647,1604,1605,-1,1647,1605,1646,-1,1641,1642,1609,-1,1609,1642,1643,-1,
+ 1609,1643,1608,-1,1608,1643,1644,-1,1608,1644,1607,-1,1607,1644,1645,-1,1607,1645,1606,-1,1606,1645,1646,-1,1606,1646,1605,-1,1615,1636,1614,-1,
+ 1614,1636,1637,-1,1614,1637,1613,-1,1613,1637,1638,-1,1613,1638,1612,-1,1612,1638,1639,-1,1612,1639,1611,-1,1611,1639,1640,-1,1611,1640,1610,-1,
+ 1610,1640,1641,-1,1610,1641,1609,-1,1618,1634,1617,-1,1617,1634,1635,-1,1617,1635,1616,-1,1616,1635,1636,-1,1616,1636,1615,-1,1619,1620,1633,-1,
+ 1619,1633,1634,-1,1619,1634,1618,-1,1621,1622,1632,-1,1621,1632,1633,-1,1621,1633,1620,-1,1623,1624,1631,-1,1623,1631,1632,-1,1623,1632,1622,-1,
+ 1627,1629,1626,-1,1626,1629,1630,-1,1626,1630,1625,-1,1625,1630,1631,-1,1625,1631,1624,-1,1684,1685,1747,-1,1684,1747,1748,-1,1684,1748,1749,-1,
+ 1684,1749,1683,-1,1743,1744,1686,-1,1686,1744,1745,-1,1686,1745,1685,-1,1685,1745,1746,-1,1685,1746,1747,-1,1738,1739,1690,-1,1690,1739,1740,-1,
+ 1690,1740,1689,-1,1689,1740,1741,-1,1689,1741,1688,-1,1688,1741,1742,-1,1688,1742,1687,-1,1687,1742,1743,-1,1687,1743,1686,-1,1691,1692,1733,-1,
+ 1691,1733,1734,-1,1691,1734,1735,-1,1691,1735,1736,-1,1691,1736,1737,-1,1691,1737,1738,-1,1691,1738,1690,-1,1729,1730,1693,-1,1693,1730,1731,-1,
+ 1693,1731,1692,-1,1692,1731,1732,-1,1692,1732,1733,-1,1696,1727,1695,-1,1695,1727,1728,-1,1695,1728,1694,-1,1694,1728,1729,-1,1694,1729,1693,-1,
+ 1697,1698,1726,-1,1697,1726,1727,-1,1697,1727,1696,-1,1726,1698,1699,-1,1726,1699,1700,-1,1726,1700,1701,-1,1726,1701,1725,-1,1725,1701,1702,-1,
+ 1725,1702,1703,-1,1725,1703,1704,-1,1725,1704,1724,-1,1724,1704,1705,-1,1724,1705,1706,-1,1724,1706,1707,-1,1724,1707,1723,-1,1707,1708,1723,-1,
+ 1723,1708,1709,-1,1723,1709,1722,-1,1722,1709,1710,-1,1722,1710,1721,-1,1721,1710,1711,-1,1721,1711,1720,-1,1720,1711,1712,-1,1720,1712,1719,-1,
+ 1719,1712,1713,-1,1719,1713,1718,-1,1718,1713,1714,-1,1718,1714,1715,-1,1715,1716,1717,-1,1715,1717,1718,-1,1750,1751,1752,-1,1750,1752,1753,-1,
+ 1750,1753,1754,-1,1750,1754,1851,-1,1754,1755,1851,-1,1851,1755,1756,-1,1851,1756,1850,-1,1850,1756,1757,-1,1850,1757,1758,-1,1849,1850,1758,-1,
+ 1849,1758,1759,-1,1849,1759,1760,-1,1849,1760,1848,-1,1761,1762,1847,-1,1761,1847,1848,-1,1761,1848,1760,-1,1847,1762,1763,-1,1847,1763,1764,-1,
+ 1847,1764,1765,-1,1847,1765,1846,-1,1846,1765,1766,-1,1846,1766,1767,-1,1846,1767,1768,-1,1846,1768,1845,-1,1845,1768,1769,-1,1845,1769,1770,-1,
+ 1845,1770,1771,-1,1845,1771,1772,-1,1845,1772,1844,-1,1772,1773,1844,-1,1844,1773,1774,-1,1844,1774,1843,-1,1843,1774,1775,-1,1843,1775,1776,-1,
+ 1777,1778,1842,-1,1777,1842,1843,-1,1777,1843,1776,-1,1782,1839,1781,-1,1781,1839,1840,-1,1781,1840,1780,-1,1780,1840,1841,-1,1780,1841,1779,-1,
+ 1779,1841,1842,-1,1779,1842,1778,-1,1835,1836,1785,-1,1785,1836,1837,-1,1785,1837,1784,-1,1784,1837,1838,-1,1784,1838,1783,-1,1783,1838,1839,-1,
+ 1783,1839,1782,-1,1832,1833,1786,-1,1786,1833,1834,-1,1786,1834,1785,-1,1785,1834,1835,-1,1828,1829,1788,-1,1788,1829,1830,-1,1788,1830,1787,-1,
+ 1787,1830,1831,-1,1787,1831,1786,-1,1786,1831,1832,-1,1791,1826,1790,-1,1790,1826,1827,-1,1790,1827,1789,-1,1789,1827,1828,-1,1789,1828,1788,-1,
+ 1826,1791,1792,-1,1826,1792,1793,-1,1826,1793,1794,-1,1826,1794,1795,-1,1826,1795,1796,-1,1826,1796,1825,-1,1796,1797,1798,-1,1796,1798,1799,-1,
+ 1796,1799,1800,-1,1796,1800,1801,-1,1796,1801,1802,-1,1796,1802,1803,-1,1796,1803,1804,-1,1796,1804,1805,-1,1796,1805,1806,-1,1796,1806,1807,-1,
+ 1796,1807,1808,-1,1796,1808,1809,-1,1796,1809,1810,-1,1796,1810,1811,-1,1796,1811,1812,-1,1796,1812,1813,-1,1796,1813,1814,-1,1796,1814,1815,-1,
+ 1796,1815,1816,-1,1796,1816,1817,-1,1796,1817,1818,-1,1796,1818,1819,-1,1796,1819,1820,-1,1796,1820,1821,-1,1796,1821,1822,-1,1796,1822,1823,-1,
+ 1796,1823,1824,-1,1796,1824,1825,-1,7920,7921,2003,-1,7920,2003,2004,-1,7920,2004,2005,-1,7920,2005,1923,-1,7920,1923,1874,-1,7920,1874,7919,-1,
+ 7921,7922,1994,-1,7921,1994,1995,-1,7921,1995,1996,-1,7921,1996,1997,-1,7921,1997,1998,-1,7921,1998,1999,-1,7921,1999,2000,-1,7921,2000,2001,-1,
+ 7921,2001,2002,-1,7921,2002,2003,-1,7922,7923,1991,-1,7922,1991,1992,-1,7922,1992,1993,-1,7922,1993,1994,-1,7925,1988,7924,-1,7924,1988,1989,-1,
+ 7924,1989,7923,-1,7923,1989,1990,-1,7923,1990,1991,-1,7926,7927,1987,-1,7926,1987,1988,-1,7926,1988,7925,-1,1983,1984,7930,-1,7930,1984,1985,-1,
+ 7930,1985,7929,-1,7929,1985,1986,-1,7929,1986,7928,-1,7928,1986,1987,-1,7928,1987,7927,-1,7931,7932,1981,-1,7931,1981,1982,-1,7931,1982,1983,-1,
+ 7931,1983,7930,-1,1977,1978,7933,-1,7933,1978,1979,-1,7933,1979,7932,-1,7932,1979,1980,-1,7932,1980,1981,-1,1973,1974,7936,-1,7936,1974,1975,-1,
+ 7936,1975,7935,-1,7935,1975,1976,-1,7935,1976,7934,-1,7934,1976,1977,-1,7934,1977,7933,-1,7936,7937,1953,-1,7936,1953,1954,-1,7936,1954,1955,-1,
+ 7936,1955,1956,-1,7936,1956,1957,-1,7936,1957,1958,-1,7936,1958,1959,-1,7936,1959,1960,-1,7936,1960,1961,-1,7936,1961,1962,-1,7936,1962,1963,-1,
+ 7936,1963,1964,-1,7936,1964,1965,-1,7936,1965,1966,-1,7936,1966,1967,-1,7936,1967,1968,-1,7936,1968,1969,-1,7936,1969,1970,-1,7936,1970,1971,-1,
+ 7936,1971,1972,-1,7936,1972,1973,-1,7937,7938,1936,-1,7937,1936,1937,-1,7937,1937,1938,-1,7937,1938,1939,-1,7937,1939,1940,-1,7937,1940,1941,-1,
+ 7937,1941,1942,-1,7937,1942,1943,-1,7937,1943,1944,-1,7937,1944,1945,-1,7937,1945,1946,-1,7937,1946,1947,-1,7937,1947,1948,-1,7937,1948,1949,-1,
+ 7937,1949,1950,-1,7937,1950,1951,-1,7937,1951,1952,-1,7937,1952,1953,-1,1935,1936,7938,-1,1935,7938,4892,-1,1935,4892,4893,-1,1935,4893,4894,-1,
+ 1935,4894,4895,-1,1935,4895,1889,-1,1935,1889,1934,-1,4890,4891,389,-1,389,4891,4892,-1,389,4892,388,-1,388,4892,7938,-1,388,7938,7939,-1,
+ 7939,7940,385,-1,7939,385,386,-1,7939,386,387,-1,7939,387,388,-1,7940,7941,370,-1,7940,370,371,-1,7940,371,372,-1,7940,372,373,-1,
+ 7940,373,374,-1,7940,374,375,-1,7940,375,376,-1,7940,376,377,-1,7940,377,378,-1,7940,378,379,-1,7940,379,380,-1,7940,380,381,-1,
+ 7940,381,382,-1,7940,382,383,-1,7940,383,384,-1,7940,384,385,-1,366,367,361,-1,366,361,362,-1,366,362,363,-1,366,363,364,-1,
+ 366,364,365,-1,367,368,357,-1,367,357,358,-1,367,358,359,-1,367,359,360,-1,367,360,361,-1,368,369,354,-1,368,354,355,-1,
+ 368,355,356,-1,368,356,357,-1,7941,7942,440,-1,7941,440,441,-1,7941,441,352,-1,7941,352,353,-1,7941,353,354,-1,7941,354,369,-1,
+ 7941,369,370,-1,437,438,7943,-1,7943,438,439,-1,7943,439,7942,-1,7942,439,440,-1,7943,7944,423,-1,7943,423,424,-1,7943,424,425,-1,
+ 7943,425,426,-1,7943,426,427,-1,7943,427,428,-1,7943,428,429,-1,7943,429,430,-1,7943,430,431,-1,7943,431,432,-1,7943,432,433,-1,
+ 7943,433,434,-1,7943,434,435,-1,7943,435,436,-1,7943,436,437,-1,409,410,7944,-1,409,7944,7088,-1,409,7088,7089,-1,409,7089,7090,-1,
+ 409,7090,7091,-1,409,7091,7092,-1,409,7092,7093,-1,409,7093,7094,-1,409,7094,7095,-1,409,7095,7096,-1,409,7096,7097,-1,409,7097,7098,-1,
+ 409,7098,408,-1,7944,410,411,-1,7944,411,412,-1,7944,412,413,-1,7944,413,414,-1,7944,414,415,-1,7944,415,416,-1,7944,416,417,-1,
+ 7944,417,418,-1,7944,418,419,-1,7944,419,420,-1,7944,420,421,-1,7944,421,422,-1,7944,422,423,-1,7087,7088,7944,-1,7087,7944,7945,-1,
+ 7087,7945,3541,-1,7087,3541,7086,-1,7907,7908,7598,-1,7598,7908,7909,-1,7598,7909,1852,-1,1852,7909,7910,-1,1852,7910,1880,-1,1880,7910,1879,-1,
+ 1877,1878,7912,-1,7912,1878,1879,-1,7912,1879,7911,-1,7911,1879,7910,-1,7913,7914,1875,-1,7913,1875,1876,-1,7913,1876,1877,-1,7913,1877,7912,-1,
+ 1874,1875,7914,-1,1874,7914,7915,-1,1874,7915,7916,-1,1874,7916,7917,-1,1874,7917,7918,-1,1874,7918,7919,-1,1874,1923,1924,-1,1874,1924,1925,-1,
+ 1874,1925,1926,-1,1874,1926,1927,-1,1874,1927,1928,-1,1874,1928,1929,-1,1874,1929,1873,-1,1873,1929,1930,-1,1873,1930,1931,-1,1873,1931,1932,-1,
+ 1873,1932,1933,-1,1873,1933,7566,-1,1873,7566,7567,-1,1873,7567,1872,-1,7874,7866,7873,-1,7873,7866,7867,-1,7873,7867,7872,-1,7872,7867,7868,-1,
+ 7872,7868,7871,-1,7871,7868,7869,-1,7871,7869,7870,-1,7879,7862,7878,-1,7878,7862,7863,-1,7878,7863,7877,-1,7877,7863,7864,-1,7877,7864,7876,-1,
+ 7876,7864,7865,-1,7876,7865,7875,-1,7875,7865,7866,-1,7875,7866,7874,-1,7880,7881,7861,-1,7880,7861,7862,-1,7880,7862,7879,-1,7861,7881,7882,-1,
+ 7861,7882,7883,-1,7861,7883,7884,-1,7861,7884,7885,-1,7861,7885,7886,-1,7861,7886,7887,-1,7861,7887,7888,-1,7861,7888,7860,-1,7860,7888,7889,-1,
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+ 7859,7904,7905,-1,7859,7905,7906,-1,7859,7906,7858,-1,7906,7907,7598,-1,7906,7598,7599,-1,7906,7599,7600,-1,7906,7600,7601,-1,7906,7601,7602,-1,
+ 7906,7602,7603,-1,7906,7603,7604,-1,7906,7604,7605,-1,7906,7605,7606,-1,7906,7606,7857,-1,7906,7857,7858,-1,1853,1854,7573,-1,1853,7573,7574,-1,
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+ 1853,7598,1852,-1,1859,7569,1858,-1,1858,7569,7570,-1,1858,7570,1857,-1,1857,7570,7571,-1,1857,7571,1856,-1,1856,7571,7572,-1,1856,7572,1855,-1,
+ 1855,7572,7573,-1,1855,7573,1854,-1,1862,7567,1861,-1,1861,7567,7568,-1,1861,7568,1860,-1,1860,7568,7569,-1,1860,7569,1859,-1,7567,1862,1863,-1,
+ 7567,1863,1864,-1,7567,1864,1865,-1,7567,1865,1866,-1,7567,1866,1867,-1,7567,1867,1868,-1,7567,1868,1869,-1,7567,1869,1870,-1,7567,1870,1871,-1,
+ 7567,1871,1872,-1,1933,1934,7553,-1,1933,7553,7554,-1,1933,7554,7555,-1,1933,7555,7556,-1,1933,7556,7557,-1,1933,7557,7558,-1,1933,7558,7559,-1,
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+ 1934,1890,1891,-1,1934,1891,1892,-1,1934,1892,1893,-1,1934,1893,1894,-1,1934,1894,1895,-1,1934,1895,1896,-1,1934,1896,1897,-1,1934,1897,1898,-1,
+ 1934,1898,1899,-1,1934,1899,1900,-1,1934,1900,1901,-1,1934,1901,1902,-1,1934,1902,1903,-1,1934,1903,1904,-1,1934,1904,1905,-1,1934,1905,1906,-1,
+ 1934,1906,1907,-1,1934,1907,1908,-1,1934,1908,4708,-1,1934,4708,4514,-1,1934,4514,4515,-1,1934,4515,4516,-1,1934,4516,4517,-1,1934,4517,4518,-1,
+ 1934,4518,4519,-1,1934,4519,4520,-1,1934,4520,4521,-1,1934,4521,4522,-1,1934,4522,4523,-1,1934,4523,4524,-1,1934,4524,4525,-1,1934,4525,4526,-1,
+ 1934,4526,4527,-1,1934,4527,4528,-1,1934,4528,4529,-1,1934,4529,4530,-1,1934,4530,4531,-1,1934,4531,4532,-1,1934,4532,4533,-1,1934,4533,4534,-1,
+ 1934,4534,4535,-1,1934,4535,4536,-1,1934,4536,4537,-1,1934,4537,4538,-1,1934,4538,4539,-1,1934,4539,4540,-1,1934,4540,4541,-1,1934,4541,4542,-1,
+ 1934,4542,4543,-1,1934,4543,4544,-1,1934,4544,4545,-1,1934,4545,4546,-1,1934,4546,4547,-1,1934,4547,4548,-1,1934,4548,4549,-1,1934,4549,4550,-1,
+ 1934,4550,4551,-1,1934,4551,4552,-1,1934,4552,4553,-1,1934,4553,4554,-1,1934,4554,4555,-1,1934,4555,4556,-1,1934,4556,4557,-1,1934,4557,4558,-1,
+ 1934,4558,4559,-1,1934,4559,4560,-1,1934,4560,4561,-1,1934,4561,4562,-1,1934,4562,4563,-1,1934,4563,4564,-1,1934,4564,4565,-1,1934,4565,7546,-1,
+ 1934,7546,7547,-1,1934,7547,7548,-1,1934,7548,7549,-1,1934,7550,7551,-1,1934,7551,7552,-1,1934,7552,7553,-1,4514,4708,4709,-1,4514,4709,4710,-1,
+ 4514,4710,4711,-1,4514,4711,4712,-1,4514,4712,4713,-1,4514,4713,4714,-1,4514,4714,4715,-1,4514,4715,4716,-1,4514,4716,4717,-1,4514,4717,4718,-1,
+ 4514,4718,4719,-1,4514,4719,4720,-1,4514,4720,4721,-1,4514,4721,4722,-1,4514,4722,4723,-1,4514,4723,4724,-1,4514,4724,4725,-1,4514,4725,4513,-1,
+ 4708,1908,4666,-1,4708,4666,4667,-1,4708,4667,4668,-1,4708,4668,4669,-1,4708,4669,4670,-1,4708,4670,4671,-1,4708,4671,4672,-1,4708,4672,4673,-1,
+ 4708,4673,4674,-1,4708,4674,4675,-1,4708,4675,4676,-1,4708,4676,4677,-1,4708,4677,4678,-1,4708,4678,4679,-1,4708,4679,4680,-1,4708,4680,4681,-1,
+ 4708,4681,4682,-1,4708,4682,4683,-1,4708,4683,4684,-1,4708,4684,4685,-1,4708,4685,4686,-1,4708,4686,4707,-1,4895,4896,1889,-1,1889,4896,4897,-1,
+ 1889,4897,4620,-1,4620,4897,4898,-1,4620,4898,4899,-1,7857,7606,7607,-1,7857,7607,7608,-1,7857,7608,7609,-1,7857,7609,7610,-1,7857,7610,7611,-1,
+ 7857,7611,7612,-1,7857,7612,7856,-1,7856,7612,7613,-1,7856,7613,7614,-1,7856,7614,7615,-1,7856,7615,7616,-1,7856,7616,7855,-1,7855,7616,7617,-1,
+ 7855,7617,7618,-1,7855,7618,7619,-1,7855,7619,7620,-1,7855,7620,7854,-1,7854,7620,7621,-1,7854,7621,7622,-1,7854,7622,7623,-1,7854,7623,7853,-1,
+ 7853,7623,7624,-1,7853,7624,7625,-1,7853,7625,7626,-1,7853,7626,7852,-1,7626,7627,7852,-1,7852,7627,7628,-1,7852,7628,7851,-1,7851,7628,7629,-1,
+ 7851,7629,7630,-1,7847,7848,7631,-1,7631,7848,7849,-1,7631,7849,7630,-1,7630,7849,7850,-1,7630,7850,7851,-1,7631,7632,7847,-1,7847,7632,7633,-1,
+ 7847,7633,7846,-1,7846,7633,7634,-1,7846,7634,7845,-1,7845,7634,7635,-1,7845,7635,7636,-1,7845,7636,7844,-1,7844,7636,7637,-1,7844,7637,7843,-1,
+ 7843,7637,7638,-1,7843,7638,7639,-1,7843,7639,7640,-1,7843,7640,7641,-1,7843,7641,7642,-1,7843,7642,7842,-1,7842,7642,7521,-1,7842,7521,4570,-1,
+ 7842,4570,4571,-1,7842,4571,7841,-1,4480,4481,4464,-1,4464,4481,4482,-1,4464,4482,4463,-1,4463,4482,4483,-1,4463,4483,4462,-1,4462,4483,4484,-1,
+ 4462,4484,4747,-1,4747,4484,4746,-1,4485,4486,4744,-1,4485,4744,4745,-1,4485,4745,4746,-1,4485,4746,4484,-1,4741,4742,4487,-1,4487,4742,4743,-1,
+ 4487,4743,4486,-1,4486,4743,4744,-1,4490,4739,4489,-1,4489,4739,4740,-1,4489,4740,4488,-1,4488,4740,4741,-1,4488,4741,4487,-1,4733,4734,4495,-1,
+ 4495,4734,4735,-1,4495,4735,4494,-1,4494,4735,4736,-1,4494,4736,4493,-1,4493,4736,4737,-1,4493,4737,4492,-1,4492,4737,4738,-1,4492,4738,4491,-1,
+ 4491,4738,4739,-1,4491,4739,4490,-1,4730,4731,4497,-1,4497,4731,4732,-1,4497,4732,4496,-1,4496,4732,4733,-1,4496,4733,4495,-1,4498,4499,4728,-1,
+ 4498,4728,4729,-1,4498,4729,4730,-1,4498,4730,4497,-1,4727,4728,4499,-1,4727,4499,4500,-1,4727,4500,4501,-1,4727,4501,4502,-1,4727,4502,4503,-1,
+ 4727,4503,4504,-1,4727,4504,4505,-1,4727,4505,4506,-1,4727,4506,4726,-1,4726,4506,4507,-1,4726,4507,4508,-1,4726,4508,4509,-1,4726,4509,4510,-1,
+ 4726,4510,4511,-1,4726,4511,4512,-1,4726,4512,4513,-1,4726,4513,4725,-1,4473,4474,4470,-1,4473,4470,4471,-1,4473,4471,4472,-1,4480,4465,4479,-1,
+ 4479,4465,4466,-1,4479,4466,4478,-1,4478,4466,4467,-1,4478,4467,4477,-1,4477,4467,4468,-1,4477,4468,4476,-1,4476,4468,4469,-1,4476,4469,4475,-1,
+ 4475,4469,4470,-1,4475,4470,4474,-1,4462,4747,4748,-1,4462,4748,4749,-1,4462,4749,4750,-1,4462,4750,4461,-1,4461,4750,4751,-1,4461,4751,4752,-1,
+ 4461,4752,4753,-1,4461,4753,4754,-1,4461,4754,4460,-1,4460,4754,4755,-1,4460,4755,4756,-1,4460,4756,4757,-1,4460,4757,4758,-1,4460,4758,4759,-1,
+ 4460,4759,4760,-1,4460,4760,4459,-1,4760,4761,4452,-1,4760,4452,4453,-1,4760,4453,4454,-1,4760,4454,4455,-1,4760,4455,4456,-1,4760,4456,4457,-1,
+ 4760,4457,4458,-1,4760,4458,4459,-1,4761,4762,5487,-1,4761,5487,4447,-1,4761,4447,4448,-1,4761,4448,4449,-1,4761,4449,4450,-1,4761,4450,4451,-1,
+ 4761,4451,4452,-1,5487,4762,4763,-1,5487,4763,4764,-1,5487,4764,4765,-1,5487,4765,4766,-1,5487,4766,4767,-1,5487,4767,5486,-1,5486,4767,4768,-1,
+ 5486,4768,4769,-1,5486,4769,4770,-1,5486,4770,4771,-1,5486,4771,4772,-1,5486,4772,4773,-1,5486,4773,4774,-1,5486,4774,4775,-1,5486,4775,4776,-1,
+ 5486,4776,4777,-1,5486,4777,5485,-1,5485,4777,4778,-1,5485,4778,4779,-1,5485,4779,4780,-1,5485,4780,5484,-1,4780,4781,5484,-1,5484,4781,4782,-1,
+ 5484,4782,5483,-1,5483,4782,4783,-1,5483,4783,4784,-1,5478,5479,4787,-1,4787,5479,5480,-1,4787,5480,4786,-1,4786,5480,5481,-1,4786,5481,4785,-1,
+ 4785,5481,5482,-1,4785,5482,4784,-1,4784,5482,5483,-1,5475,5476,4789,-1,4789,5476,5477,-1,4789,5477,4788,-1,4788,5477,5478,-1,4788,5478,4787,-1,
+ 4789,4619,5433,-1,4789,5433,5434,-1,4789,5434,5435,-1,4789,5435,5436,-1,4789,5436,5437,-1,4789,5437,5438,-1,4789,5438,5439,-1,4789,5439,5440,-1,
+ 4789,5440,5441,-1,4789,5441,5442,-1,4789,5442,5443,-1,4789,5443,5444,-1,4789,5444,5445,-1,4789,5445,5446,-1,4789,5446,5447,-1,4789,5447,5448,-1,
+ 4789,5448,5449,-1,4789,5449,5450,-1,4789,5450,5451,-1,4789,5451,5452,-1,4789,5452,5453,-1,4789,5453,5454,-1,4789,5454,5455,-1,4789,5455,5456,-1,
+ 4789,5456,5457,-1,4789,5457,5458,-1,4789,5458,5459,-1,4789,5459,5460,-1,4789,5460,5461,-1,4789,5461,5462,-1,4789,5462,5463,-1,4789,5463,5464,-1,
+ 4789,5464,5465,-1,4789,5465,5466,-1,4789,5466,5467,-1,4789,5467,5468,-1,4789,5468,5469,-1,4789,5469,5470,-1,4789,5470,5471,-1,4789,5471,5472,-1,
+ 4789,5472,5473,-1,4789,5473,5474,-1,4789,5474,5475,-1,5428,5429,4903,-1,4903,5429,5430,-1,4903,5430,4902,-1,4902,5430,5431,-1,4902,5431,4619,-1,
+ 4619,5431,5432,-1,4619,5432,5433,-1,2154,2155,2160,-1,2160,2155,2156,-1,2160,2156,2159,-1,2159,2156,2157,-1,2159,2157,2158,-1,2161,2162,2152,-1,
+ 2161,2152,2153,-1,2161,2153,2154,-1,2161,2154,2160,-1,2148,2149,2164,-1,2164,2149,2150,-1,2164,2150,2163,-1,2163,2150,2151,-1,2163,2151,2162,-1,
+ 2162,2151,2152,-1,2165,2166,2145,-1,2165,2145,2146,-1,2165,2146,2147,-1,2165,2147,2148,-1,2165,2148,2164,-1,2166,2167,2141,-1,2166,2141,2142,-1,
+ 2166,2142,2143,-1,2166,2143,2144,-1,2166,2144,2145,-1,2167,2168,5707,-1,2167,5707,5708,-1,2167,5708,2139,-1,2167,2139,2140,-1,2167,2140,2141,-1,
+ 2081,2082,2098,-1,2081,2098,2099,-1,2081,2099,2100,-1,2081,2100,5713,-1,2081,5713,2080,-1,2082,2083,2093,-1,2082,2093,2094,-1,2082,2094,2095,-1,
+ 2082,2095,2096,-1,2082,2096,2097,-1,2082,2097,2098,-1,2093,2083,2084,-1,2093,2084,2085,-1,2093,2085,2086,-1,2093,2086,2087,-1,2093,2087,2088,-1,
+ 2093,2088,2089,-1,2093,2089,2090,-1,2093,2090,2091,-1,2093,2091,2092,-1,4692,4693,4698,-1,4698,4693,4694,-1,4698,4694,4697,-1,4697,4694,4695,-1,
+ 4697,4695,4696,-1,4688,4689,4701,-1,4701,4689,4690,-1,4701,4690,4700,-1,4700,4690,4691,-1,4700,4691,4699,-1,4699,4691,4692,-1,4699,4692,4698,-1,
+ 4701,4702,4688,-1,4688,4702,4703,-1,4688,4703,4687,-1,4687,4703,4704,-1,4687,4704,4686,-1,4686,4704,4705,-1,4686,4705,4706,-1,4665,4666,1908,-1,
+ 4665,1908,1909,-1,4665,1909,1910,-1,4665,1910,1911,-1,4665,1911,1912,-1,4665,1912,4664,-1,4664,1912,1913,-1,4664,1913,1914,-1,4664,1914,1915,-1,
+ 4664,1915,4663,-1,1916,1917,4657,-1,1916,4657,4658,-1,1916,4658,4659,-1,1916,4659,4660,-1,1916,4660,4661,-1,1916,4661,4662,-1,1916,4662,4663,-1,
+ 1916,4663,1915,-1,1917,1918,4650,-1,1917,4650,4651,-1,1917,4651,4652,-1,1917,4652,4653,-1,1917,4653,4654,-1,1917,4654,4655,-1,1917,4655,4656,-1,
+ 1917,4656,4657,-1,1918,1919,4645,-1,1918,4645,4646,-1,1918,4646,4647,-1,1918,4647,4648,-1,1918,4648,4649,-1,1918,4649,4650,-1,1919,1920,4642,-1,
+ 1919,4642,4643,-1,1919,4643,4644,-1,1919,4644,4645,-1,1920,1921,4639,-1,1920,4639,4640,-1,1920,4640,4641,-1,1920,4641,4642,-1,1882,4621,1881,-1,
+ 1881,4621,4636,-1,1881,4636,1922,-1,1922,4636,4637,-1,1922,4637,1921,-1,1921,4637,4638,-1,1921,4638,4639,-1,5716,2311,2006,-1,2006,2311,2312,-1,
+ 4630,4631,4626,-1,4630,4626,4627,-1,4630,4627,4628,-1,4630,4628,4629,-1,4636,4621,4635,-1,4635,4621,4622,-1,4635,4622,4634,-1,4634,4622,4623,-1,
+ 4634,4623,4633,-1,4633,4623,4624,-1,4633,4624,4632,-1,4632,4624,4625,-1,4632,4625,4631,-1,4631,4625,4626,-1,4621,1882,1883,-1,4621,1883,1884,-1,
+ 4621,1884,1885,-1,4621,1885,4620,-1,4620,1885,1886,-1,4620,1886,1887,-1,4620,1887,1888,-1,4620,1888,1889,-1,4620,4899,4900,-1,4620,4900,4901,-1,
+ 4620,4901,4902,-1,4620,4902,4619,-1,5423,5424,4905,-1,4905,5424,5425,-1,4905,5425,4904,-1,4904,5425,5426,-1,4904,5426,4903,-1,4903,5426,5427,-1,
+ 4903,5427,5428,-1,5420,5421,4907,-1,4907,5421,5422,-1,4907,5422,4906,-1,4906,5422,5423,-1,4906,5423,4905,-1,4907,4908,4911,-1,4907,4911,5417,-1,
+ 4907,5417,5418,-1,4907,5418,5419,-1,4907,5419,5420,-1,4909,4910,4911,-1,4909,4911,4908,-1,2527,2528,2555,-1,2527,2555,2556,-1,2527,2556,6119,-1,
+ 2527,6119,6120,-1,2527,6120,6121,-1,2527,6121,6122,-1,2527,6122,6123,-1,2527,6123,6124,-1,2527,6124,6125,-1,2527,6125,6126,-1,2527,6126,6127,-1,
+ 2527,6127,6128,-1,2527,6128,6129,-1,2527,6129,6130,-1,2527,6130,2526,-1,2526,6130,6131,-1,2526,6131,6132,-1,2526,6132,6133,-1,2526,6133,6134,-1,
+ 2526,6134,6135,-1,2526,6135,6136,-1,2526,6136,6137,-1,2526,6137,2525,-1,2519,2520,2498,-1,2498,2520,2521,-1,2498,2521,6759,-1,6759,2521,2522,-1,
+ 6759,2522,6758,-1,6758,2522,2523,-1,6758,2523,6757,-1,6757,2523,2524,-1,6757,2524,6756,-1,6756,2524,2525,-1,6756,2525,6137,-1,6756,6137,6138,-1,
+ 6756,6138,6139,-1,6756,6139,6140,-1,6756,6140,6755,-1,6141,6142,6751,-1,6141,6751,6752,-1,6141,6752,6753,-1,6141,6753,6754,-1,6141,6754,6755,-1,
+ 6141,6755,6140,-1,6142,6143,6748,-1,6142,6748,6749,-1,6142,6749,6750,-1,6142,6750,6751,-1,6143,6144,6744,-1,6143,6744,6745,-1,6143,6745,6746,-1,
+ 6143,6746,6747,-1,6143,6747,6748,-1,6144,6145,6741,-1,6144,6741,6742,-1,6144,6742,6743,-1,6144,6743,6744,-1,6736,6737,6147,-1,6147,6737,6738,-1,
+ 6147,6738,6146,-1,6146,6738,6739,-1,6146,6739,6145,-1,6145,6739,6740,-1,6145,6740,6741,-1,6733,6734,6149,-1,6149,6734,6735,-1,6149,6735,6148,-1,
+ 6148,6735,6736,-1,6148,6736,6147,-1,6730,6731,6151,-1,6151,6731,6732,-1,6151,6732,6150,-1,6150,6732,6733,-1,6150,6733,6149,-1,6730,6151,6152,-1,
+ 6730,6152,6153,-1,6730,6153,6154,-1,6730,6154,6155,-1,6730,6155,6156,-1,6730,6156,6157,-1,6730,6157,6729,-1,6729,6157,6158,-1,6729,6158,6159,-1,
+ 6729,6159,6160,-1,6729,6160,6161,-1,6729,6161,6162,-1,6729,6162,6163,-1,6729,6163,6347,-1,6729,6347,6728,-1,6348,6349,6358,-1,6348,6358,6715,-1,
+ 6348,6715,6716,-1,6348,6716,6717,-1,6348,6717,6718,-1,6348,6718,6719,-1,6348,6719,6720,-1,6348,6720,6721,-1,6348,6721,6722,-1,6348,6722,6723,-1,
+ 6348,6723,6724,-1,6348,6724,6725,-1,6348,6725,6727,-1,6348,6727,6728,-1,6348,6728,6347,-1,6714,6715,6359,-1,6714,6359,6360,-1,6714,6360,6361,-1,
+ 6714,6361,7037,-1,6714,7037,6713,-1,6349,6350,6352,-1,6349,6352,6353,-1,6349,6353,6354,-1,6349,6354,6355,-1,6349,6355,6356,-1,6349,6356,6357,-1,
+ 6349,6357,6358,-1,2355,2315,3596,-1,3596,2315,3675,-1,3596,3675,3595,-1,3595,3675,3676,-1,3595,3676,3594,-1,3594,3676,3587,-1,3594,3587,3588,-1,
+ 2351,2352,3597,-1,3597,2352,2353,-1,3597,2353,3596,-1,3596,2353,2354,-1,3596,2354,2355,-1,2348,2349,3598,-1,3598,2349,2350,-1,3598,2350,3597,-1,
+ 3597,2350,2351,-1,3599,3600,2345,-1,3599,2345,2346,-1,3599,2346,2347,-1,3599,2347,2348,-1,3599,2348,3598,-1,3600,3601,2342,-1,3600,2342,2343,-1,
+ 3600,2343,2344,-1,3600,2344,2345,-1,3594,3588,3589,-1,3594,3589,3590,-1,3594,3590,3591,-1,3594,3591,3592,-1,3594,3592,3593,-1,4399,4400,4401,-1,
+ 4399,4401,4402,-1,4399,4402,4403,-1,4399,4403,4398,-1,4404,4405,4396,-1,4404,4396,4397,-1,4404,4397,4398,-1,4404,4398,4403,-1,6073,6074,2607,-1,
+ 6073,2607,2608,-1,6073,2608,2609,-1,6073,2609,2610,-1,6073,2610,2611,-1,6073,2611,2612,-1,6073,2612,2642,-1,6073,2642,6072,-1,6074,6075,2596,-1,
+ 6074,2596,2597,-1,6074,2597,2598,-1,6074,2598,2599,-1,6074,2599,2600,-1,6074,2600,2601,-1,6074,2601,2602,-1,6074,2602,2603,-1,6074,2603,2604,-1,
+ 6074,2604,2605,-1,6074,2605,2606,-1,6074,2606,2607,-1,6075,6076,2570,-1,6075,2570,2592,-1,6075,2592,2593,-1,6075,2593,2594,-1,6075,2594,2595,-1,
+ 6075,2595,2596,-1,6076,6077,2562,-1,6076,2562,2563,-1,6076,2563,2564,-1,6076,2564,2565,-1,6076,2565,2566,-1,6076,2566,2567,-1,6076,2567,2568,-1,
+ 6076,2568,2569,-1,6076,2569,2570,-1,2561,2562,6077,-1,2561,6077,6078,-1,2561,6078,6079,-1,2561,6079,6080,-1,2561,6080,6081,-1,2561,6081,2560,-1,
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+ 6018,6019,6017,-1,6017,6019,6020,-1,6017,6020,6016,-1,6016,6020,6021,-1,6016,6021,6015,-1,6015,6021,6022,-1,6015,6022,6014,-1,6014,6022,6023,-1,
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+ 2873,6005,2872,-1,2872,6005,6006,-1,2872,6006,2871,-1,2871,6006,6007,-1,2871,6007,6008,-1,2870,2871,6008,-1,2870,6008,6009,-1,2870,6009,2869,-1,
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+ 2498,2518,2519,-1,2498,6759,6760,-1,2498,6760,6761,-1,2498,6761,6762,-1,2498,6762,6763,-1,2498,6763,2497,-1,2497,6763,6764,-1,2497,6764,6765,-1,
+ 2497,6765,6766,-1,2497,6766,2461,-1,2497,2461,2496,-1,2470,2471,2472,-1,2470,2472,2473,-1,2470,2473,2474,-1,2470,2474,2475,-1,2470,2475,2476,-1,
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+ 6766,2457,2458,-1,6766,2458,2459,-1,6766,2459,2460,-1,6766,2460,2461,-1,2414,6767,2413,-1,2413,6767,6768,-1,2413,6768,3812,-1,3812,6768,6769,-1,
+ 3812,6769,3811,-1,3811,6769,6804,-1,3811,6804,6805,-1,2413,3812,3813,-1,2413,3813,2411,-1,2413,2411,2412,-1,4341,4342,7070,-1,4341,7070,4327,-1,
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+ 3422,3417,3421,-1,3409,3410,3429,-1,3429,3410,3411,-1,3429,3411,3428,-1,3428,3411,3412,-1,3428,3412,3427,-1,3427,3412,3413,-1,3427,3413,3426,-1,
+ 3409,3429,3408,-1,3408,3429,3430,-1,3408,3430,3407,-1,3407,3430,3431,-1,3407,3431,3432,-1,3432,3433,3389,-1,3432,3389,3390,-1,3432,3390,3391,-1,
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+ 3388,3389,3433,-1,3388,3433,5777,-1,3388,5777,5778,-1,3388,5778,5779,-1,3388,5779,3387,-1,7072,3551,7071,-1,7071,3551,3552,-1,7071,3552,7070,-1,
+ 7070,3552,4326,-1,7070,4326,4327,-1,4342,4343,7067,-1,4342,7067,7068,-1,4342,7068,7069,-1,4342,7069,7070,-1,7063,7064,4347,-1,4347,7064,7065,-1,
+ 4347,7065,4346,-1,4346,7065,7066,-1,4346,7066,4345,-1,4345,7066,7067,-1,4345,7067,4344,-1,4344,7067,4343,-1,4348,4349,8492,-1,4348,8492,8493,-1,
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+ 8519,7055,7056,-1,8519,7056,7057,-1,8519,7057,7058,-1,8519,7058,7059,-1,8519,7059,8518,-1,8475,8476,4349,-1,4349,8476,8477,-1,4349,8477,8479,-1,
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+ 3359,3340,3341,-1,3359,3341,3342,-1,3359,3342,3343,-1,3359,3343,3344,-1,3359,3344,3345,-1,3359,3345,3358,-1,3360,3361,3331,-1,3360,3331,3332,-1,
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+ 3363,3325,3362,-1,3365,3366,3321,-1,3365,3321,3322,-1,3365,3322,3323,-1,3365,3323,3364,-1,3317,3318,5795,-1,5795,3318,3319,-1,5795,3319,3367,-1,
+ 3367,3319,3320,-1,3367,3320,3366,-1,3366,3320,3321,-1,457,280,7123,-1,457,7123,456,-1,456,7123,7124,-1,456,7124,7125,-1,457,458,279,-1,
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+ 5748,7757,7758,-1,5748,7758,5747,-1,5747,7758,7759,-1,5747,7759,5746,-1,5746,7759,7760,-1,5746,7760,7761,-1,5749,5750,7753,-1,5749,7753,7754,-1,
+ 5749,7754,7755,-1,5749,7755,7756,-1,5749,7756,5748,-1,7749,7750,5752,-1,5752,7750,7751,-1,5752,7751,5751,-1,5751,7751,7752,-1,5751,7752,5750,-1,
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+ 7723,5757,5758,-1,7723,5758,7722,-1,7722,5758,5759,-1,7722,5759,5760,-1,7722,5760,5761,-1,7722,5761,5762,-1,7722,5762,7721,-1,7721,5762,5763,-1,
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+ 3463,3487,3488,-1,3463,3488,3462,-1,3462,3488,7718,-1,3462,7718,5770,-1,5770,7718,7719,-1,5770,7719,5769,-1,5769,7719,5768,-1,5771,5772,3457,-1,
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+ 5796,3300,3317,-1,5796,3317,5795,-1,389,390,4885,-1,389,4885,4886,-1,389,4886,4887,-1,389,4887,4888,-1,389,4888,4889,-1,389,4889,4890,-1,
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+ 400,4860,4861,-1,400,4861,4862,-1,400,4862,4863,-1,400,4863,4864,-1,400,4864,4865,-1,400,4865,4866,-1,400,4866,4867,-1,400,4867,4868,-1,
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+ 5400,7160,7161,-1,5400,7161,5399,-1,3515,3516,7974,-1,3515,7974,7975,-1,3515,7975,7976,-1,3515,7976,7977,-1,3515,7977,7978,-1,3515,7978,7979,-1,
+ 3515,7979,7980,-1,3515,7980,7684,-1,3515,7684,7685,-1,3515,7685,7686,-1,3515,7686,7687,-1,3515,7687,3514,-1,3516,3517,7970,-1,3516,7970,7971,-1,
+ 3516,7971,7972,-1,3516,7972,7973,-1,3516,7973,7974,-1,3517,3518,7967,-1,3517,7967,7968,-1,3517,7968,7969,-1,3517,7969,7970,-1,7964,7965,3519,-1,
+ 3519,7965,7966,-1,3519,7966,3518,-1,3518,7966,7967,-1,3519,3520,7957,-1,3519,7957,7958,-1,3519,7958,7959,-1,3519,7959,7960,-1,3519,7960,7961,-1,
+ 3519,7961,7962,-1,3519,7962,7963,-1,3519,7963,7964,-1,3522,7954,3521,-1,3521,7954,7955,-1,3521,7955,3520,-1,3520,7955,7956,-1,3520,7956,7957,-1,
+ 3525,7952,3524,-1,3524,7952,7953,-1,3524,7953,3523,-1,3523,7953,7954,-1,3523,7954,3522,-1,7952,3525,3526,-1,7952,3526,3527,-1,7952,3527,3528,-1,
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+ 3535,3536,7949,-1,3535,7949,7950,-1,3535,7950,3534,-1,3541,7945,3540,-1,3540,7945,7946,-1,3540,7946,3539,-1,3539,7946,7947,-1,3539,7947,3538,-1,
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+ 3550,7074,7075,-1,3550,7075,7076,-1,3550,7076,3549,-1,4322,4323,3553,-1,3553,4323,4324,-1,3553,4324,3552,-1,3552,4324,4325,-1,3552,4325,4326,-1,
+ 4319,4320,3554,-1,3554,4320,4321,-1,3554,4321,3553,-1,3553,4321,4322,-1,3554,3555,4312,-1,3554,4312,4313,-1,3554,4313,4314,-1,3554,4314,4315,-1,
+ 3554,4316,4317,-1,3554,4317,4318,-1,3554,4318,4319,-1,4312,3555,3556,-1,4312,3556,3557,-1,4312,3557,3558,-1,4312,3558,3559,-1,4312,3559,3560,-1,
+ 4312,3560,3561,-1,4312,3561,3562,-1,4312,3562,3563,-1,4312,3563,3564,-1,4312,3564,4311,-1,3565,3566,4309,-1,3565,4309,4310,-1,3565,4310,4311,-1,
+ 3565,4311,3564,-1,3566,3567,4306,-1,3566,4306,4307,-1,3566,4307,4308,-1,3566,4308,4309,-1,3567,3568,4303,-1,3567,4303,4304,-1,3567,4304,4305,-1,
+ 3567,4305,4306,-1,3568,3569,4299,-1,3568,4299,4300,-1,3568,4300,4301,-1,3568,4301,4302,-1,3568,4302,4303,-1,3569,3570,4294,-1,3569,4294,4295,-1,
+ 3569,4295,4296,-1,3569,4296,4297,-1,3569,4297,4298,-1,3569,4298,4299,-1,3570,3571,4284,-1,3570,4284,4285,-1,3570,4285,4286,-1,3570,4286,4287,-1,
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+ 3572,3716,3571,-1,3573,3574,3710,-1,3573,3710,3711,-1,3573,3711,3712,-1,3573,3712,3713,-1,3573,3713,3714,-1,3574,3575,3708,-1,3574,3708,3709,-1,
+ 3574,3709,3710,-1,3576,3577,3707,-1,3576,3707,3708,-1,3576,3708,3575,-1,3687,3704,3580,-1,3580,3704,3705,-1,3580,3705,3579,-1,3579,3705,3706,-1,
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+ 3675,2318,2319,-1,3675,2319,2320,-1,3675,2320,2321,-1,3675,2321,2322,-1,3675,2322,2323,-1,3675,2323,2324,-1,3675,2324,2325,-1,3675,2325,2326,-1,
+ 3675,2326,3674,-1,3674,2326,2327,-1,3674,2327,2328,-1,3674,2328,2329,-1,3674,2329,2330,-1,3674,2330,2331,-1,3674,2331,2332,-1,3674,2332,2333,-1,
+ 3674,2333,2334,-1,3674,2334,2335,-1,3674,2335,3673,-1,3673,2335,2336,-1,3673,2336,2337,-1,3673,2337,2338,-1,3673,2338,2339,-1,3673,2339,2340,-1,
+ 3673,2340,2341,-1,3673,2341,3672,-1,2341,2342,3672,-1,3672,2342,3602,-1,3672,3602,3671,-1,3671,3602,3603,-1,3671,3603,3670,-1,3670,3603,3604,-1,
+ 3670,3604,3669,-1,3669,3604,3605,-1,3669,3605,3606,-1,3668,3669,3606,-1,3668,3606,3607,-1,3668,3607,3608,-1,3668,3608,3667,-1,3608,3609,3667,-1,
+ 3667,3609,3610,-1,3667,3610,3666,-1,3666,3610,3611,-1,3666,3611,3665,-1,3662,3663,2359,-1,3662,2359,2360,-1,3662,2360,2361,-1,3662,2361,3661,-1,
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+ 3657,2374,3656,-1,3656,2374,2375,-1,3656,2375,2376,-1,3656,2376,2377,-1,3656,2377,2378,-1,3656,2378,3655,-1,3655,2378,2379,-1,3655,2379,2380,-1,
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+ 3653,2394,2395,-1,3653,2395,2396,-1,3653,2396,2397,-1,3653,2397,2398,-1,3653,2398,2399,-1,3653,2399,2400,-1,3653,2400,2401,-1,3653,2401,2402,-1,
+ 3653,2402,2403,-1,3653,2403,2404,-1,3653,2404,2405,-1,3653,2405,2406,-1,3653,2406,2407,-1,3653,2407,2408,-1,3653,2408,2409,-1,3653,2409,2410,-1,
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+ 453,7130,452,-1,7125,7126,455,-1,455,7126,7127,-1,455,7127,454,-1,454,7127,7128,-1,7118,7119,283,-1,283,7119,7120,-1,283,7120,282,-1,
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+ 4830,4820,4829,-1,4834,4817,4833,-1,4833,4817,4818,-1,4833,4818,4832,-1,4832,4818,4819,-1,4832,4819,4831,-1,4835,4836,4816,-1,4835,4816,4817,-1,
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+ 7149,4810,4811,-1,7149,4811,4812,-1,7149,4812,4813,-1,7150,7151,4800,-1,7150,4800,4801,-1,7150,4801,4802,-1,7150,4802,4803,-1,7150,4803,4804,-1,
+ 7150,4804,4805,-1,7150,4805,4806,-1,7151,7152,4797,-1,7151,4797,4798,-1,7151,4798,4799,-1,7151,4799,4800,-1,4793,4794,7153,-1,7153,4794,4795,-1,
+ 7153,4795,7152,-1,7152,4795,4796,-1,7152,4796,4797,-1,7155,4790,7154,-1,7154,4790,4791,-1,7154,4791,7153,-1,7153,4791,4792,-1,7153,4792,4793,-1,
+ 5399,7161,7162,-1,5399,7162,7163,-1,5399,7163,7164,-1,5399,7164,7165,-1,5399,7165,7166,-1,5399,7166,7167,-1,5399,7167,7168,-1,5399,7168,7169,-1,
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+ 7204,7205,5376,-1,7204,5376,5377,-1,7204,5377,7203,-1,7206,7207,5374,-1,7206,5375,5376,-1,7206,5376,7205,-1,7208,7209,5373,-1,7208,5373,5374,-1,
+ 7208,5374,7207,-1,7209,7210,5373,-1,5373,7210,7211,-1,5373,7211,5372,-1,5372,7211,7212,-1,5372,7212,7213,-1,5372,7213,7214,-1,5372,7214,7215,-1,
+ 5372,7215,7216,-1,5372,7216,7217,-1,5372,7217,7218,-1,5372,7218,7219,-1,5372,7219,5371,-1,7219,7220,5371,-1,5371,7220,7221,-1,5371,7221,5370,-1,
+ 5370,7221,7222,-1,5370,7222,7223,-1,5369,5370,7223,-1,5369,7223,7224,-1,5369,7224,7225,-1,5369,7225,5368,-1,5368,7225,7226,-1,5368,7226,7227,-1,
+ 5368,7227,7228,-1,5368,7228,7229,-1,5368,7229,5367,-1,5367,7229,7230,-1,5367,7230,7231,-1,5367,7231,7232,-1,5367,7232,7233,-1,5367,7233,7234,-1,
+ 5367,7234,5366,-1,7234,7235,5352,-1,7234,5352,5353,-1,7234,5353,5354,-1,7234,5354,5355,-1,7234,5355,5356,-1,7234,5356,5357,-1,7234,5357,5358,-1,
+ 7234,5358,5359,-1,7234,5359,5360,-1,7234,5360,5361,-1,7234,5361,5362,-1,7234,5362,5363,-1,7234,5363,5364,-1,7234,5364,5365,-1,7234,5365,5366,-1,
+ 7236,7237,7235,-1,7235,7237,7238,-1,7235,7238,5352,-1,5352,7238,7239,-1,5352,7239,7281,-1,7281,7239,7240,-1,7281,7240,7241,-1,5352,7281,7282,-1,
+ 5352,7282,7283,-1,5352,7283,7284,-1,5352,7284,5351,-1,3475,3463,3474,-1,3474,3463,3464,-1,3474,3464,3473,-1,3473,3464,3465,-1,3473,3465,3472,-1,
+ 3472,3465,3466,-1,3472,3466,3471,-1,3471,3466,3467,-1,3471,3467,3470,-1,3470,3467,3468,-1,3470,3468,3469,-1,3463,3475,3476,-1,3463,3476,3477,-1,
+ 3463,3477,3478,-1,3463,3478,3479,-1,3463,3479,3480,-1,3463,3480,3481,-1,3463,3481,3482,-1,3463,3482,3483,-1,3463,3483,3484,-1,3463,3484,3485,-1,
+ 3463,3485,3486,-1,3488,3489,7713,-1,3488,7713,7714,-1,3488,7714,7715,-1,3488,7715,7716,-1,3488,7716,7717,-1,3488,7717,7718,-1,3302,3303,3304,-1,
+ 3302,3304,3305,-1,3302,3305,3306,-1,3302,3306,3301,-1,3301,3306,3307,-1,3301,3307,3308,-1,3301,3308,3309,-1,3301,3309,3310,-1,3301,3310,3311,-1,
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+ 5796,3200,3201,-1,5796,3201,3202,-1,5796,3202,3203,-1,5796,3203,3204,-1,5796,3204,3205,-1,5796,3205,3206,-1,5796,3206,3207,-1,5796,3207,3208,-1,
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+ 5796,3171,3172,-1,3140,3141,3146,-1,3146,3141,3142,-1,3146,3142,3145,-1,3145,3142,3143,-1,3145,3143,3144,-1,3147,3148,3136,-1,3147,3136,3137,-1,
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+ 3148,3134,3135,-1,3148,3135,3136,-1,3149,3150,3118,-1,3149,3118,3119,-1,3149,3119,3120,-1,3149,3120,3121,-1,3149,3121,3122,-1,3149,3122,3128,-1,
+ 3149,3128,3129,-1,3149,3129,3130,-1,3149,3130,3131,-1,3128,3122,3123,-1,3128,3123,3124,-1,3128,3124,3125,-1,3128,3125,3126,-1,3128,3126,3127,-1,
+ 3150,3115,3116,-1,3150,3116,3117,-1,3150,3117,3118,-1,3059,3060,3061,-1,3059,3061,3062,-1,3059,3062,3063,-1,3059,3063,3064,-1,3059,3064,3065,-1,
+ 3059,3065,3066,-1,3059,3066,3067,-1,3059,3067,3068,-1,3059,3068,3069,-1,3059,3069,3070,-1,3059,3070,5796,-1,3059,5796,3058,-1,5797,5798,2998,-1,
+ 5797,2998,2999,-1,5797,2999,3000,-1,5797,3000,3001,-1,5797,3001,3002,-1,5797,3002,3003,-1,5797,3003,3004,-1,5797,3004,3005,-1,5797,3005,3006,-1,
+ 5797,3006,3007,-1,5797,3007,3008,-1,5797,3008,3009,-1,5797,3009,3010,-1,5797,3010,3011,-1,5797,3011,3012,-1,5797,3012,3013,-1,5797,3013,3014,-1,
+ 5797,3014,3015,-1,5797,3015,3016,-1,5797,3016,3017,-1,5797,3017,3018,-1,5797,3018,3019,-1,5797,3019,3020,-1,5797,3020,3021,-1,5797,3021,3022,-1,
+ 5797,3022,3023,-1,5797,3023,3024,-1,5797,3024,3025,-1,5797,3025,3026,-1,5797,3026,3027,-1,5797,3027,3028,-1,5797,3028,3058,-1,5797,3058,5796,-1,
+ 3882,3814,3815,-1,3882,3815,3816,-1,3882,3816,3817,-1,3882,3817,3818,-1,3882,3818,3819,-1,3882,3819,3820,-1,3882,3820,3821,-1,3882,3821,3822,-1,
+ 3882,3822,3823,-1,3882,3823,3824,-1,3882,3824,3825,-1,3882,3825,3826,-1,3882,3826,3827,-1,3882,3827,3828,-1,3882,3828,3829,-1,3882,3829,3830,-1,
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+ 3865,3875,3876,-1,3865,3876,3877,-1,3865,3877,3864,-1,3870,3872,3869,-1,3869,3872,3873,-1,3869,3873,3868,-1,3868,3873,3874,-1,3868,3874,3867,-1,
+ 3867,3874,3875,-1,3867,3875,3866,-1,7326,7327,7329,-1,7326,7329,7345,-1,7326,7345,7346,-1,7326,7346,7347,-1,7326,7347,7348,-1,7326,7348,7349,-1,
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+ 7405,5335,5336,-1,7405,5336,5337,-1,7405,5337,5338,-1,7405,5338,7404,-1,3040,3041,3039,-1,3039,3041,3042,-1,3039,3042,3038,-1,3038,3042,3043,-1,
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+ 2998,4171,2997,-1,5822,5823,5818,-1,5822,5818,5819,-1,5822,5819,5820,-1,5822,5820,5821,-1,5818,5823,5824,-1,5818,5824,5825,-1,5818,5825,5826,-1,
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+ 4223,5803,5804,-1,4223,5804,5805,-1,4223,5805,5806,-1,4223,5806,5807,-1,4223,5807,5808,-1,4223,5808,5809,-1,4223,5809,5810,-1,4223,5810,5811,-1,
+ 4223,5811,5812,-1,4223,5812,5813,-1,4223,5813,5814,-1,4223,5814,5815,-1,4223,5815,5816,-1,4224,4225,5864,-1,4224,5864,5865,-1,4224,5865,5866,-1,
+ 4224,5866,5867,-1,4224,5867,5868,-1,4224,5868,5869,-1,4224,5869,5870,-1,4224,5870,5871,-1,4224,5871,5872,-1,4224,5872,5873,-1,4224,5873,5874,-1,
+ 4224,5874,5875,-1,4224,5875,5876,-1,4224,5876,5877,-1,4224,5877,5878,-1,4224,5878,5879,-1,4224,5879,5880,-1,4224,5880,5881,-1,4224,5881,5882,-1,
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+ 4224,5898,5899,-1,4224,5899,5900,-1,4224,5900,5901,-1,4224,5901,5902,-1,4224,5902,5903,-1,4224,5903,5904,-1,4224,5904,5905,-1,4224,5905,5906,-1,
+ 4224,5906,5907,-1,4224,5907,5908,-1,4224,5908,5909,-1,4224,5909,5910,-1,4224,5910,5911,-1,4224,5911,5912,-1,4224,5912,5913,-1,4224,5913,5914,-1,
+ 4224,5914,5915,-1,4224,5915,4171,-1,5946,5947,5967,-1,5946,5967,5968,-1,5946,5968,5969,-1,5946,5969,5970,-1,5946,5970,5971,-1,5946,5971,5972,-1,
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+ 4407,5929,5930,-1,4407,5930,5931,-1,4407,5931,5932,-1,4407,5932,5933,-1,4407,5933,5934,-1,4407,5934,5935,-1,4407,5935,5936,-1,4407,5936,5937,-1,
+ 4408,4409,4222,-1,4408,4222,4171,-1,4408,4171,5924,-1,4408,5924,5925,-1,4171,5915,5916,-1,4171,5916,5917,-1,4171,5917,5918,-1,4171,5918,5919,-1,
+ 4171,5919,5920,-1,4171,5920,5921,-1,4171,5921,5922,-1,4171,5922,5923,-1,4171,5923,5924,-1,4171,4172,2938,-1,4171,2938,2939,-1,4171,2939,2992,-1,
+ 4171,2992,2993,-1,4171,2993,2994,-1,4171,2994,2995,-1,4171,2995,2996,-1,4171,2996,2997,-1,2981,2982,2980,-1,2980,2982,2983,-1,2980,2983,2979,-1,
+ 2979,2983,2971,-1,2979,2971,2972,-1,2978,2979,2973,-1,2978,2973,2974,-1,2978,2974,2975,-1,2978,2975,2976,-1,2978,2976,2977,-1,2939,2940,2958,-1,
+ 2939,2958,2959,-1,2939,2959,2960,-1,2939,2960,2961,-1,2939,2961,2962,-1,2939,2962,2963,-1,2939,2963,2964,-1,2939,2964,2965,-1,2939,2965,2966,-1,
+ 2939,2966,2967,-1,2939,2967,2968,-1,2939,2968,2969,-1,2939,2969,2970,-1,2939,2970,2971,-1,2939,2971,2983,-1,2939,2983,2984,-1,2939,2984,2985,-1,
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+ 4172,2935,2936,-1,4172,2936,2938,-1,2938,2936,2937,-1,4172,4173,5992,-1,4172,5992,2928,-1,4172,2928,2929,-1,4172,2929,2930,-1,4172,2930,2931,-1,
+ 4172,2931,2932,-1,4172,2932,2933,-1,4172,2933,2934,-1,3900,3883,3884,-1,3900,3884,3885,-1,3900,3885,3886,-1,3900,3886,3887,-1,3900,3887,3888,-1,
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+ 3900,3896,3897,-1,3900,3897,3898,-1,3900,3898,3899,-1,3927,3928,3922,-1,3927,3922,3923,-1,3927,3923,3924,-1,3927,3924,3925,-1,3927,3925,3926,-1,
+ 3928,3929,3919,-1,3928,3919,3920,-1,3928,3920,3921,-1,3928,3921,3922,-1,3929,3930,3916,-1,3929,3916,3917,-1,3929,3917,3918,-1,3929,3918,3919,-1,
+ 3930,3931,3914,-1,3930,3914,3915,-1,3930,3915,3916,-1,3932,3933,3913,-1,3932,3913,3914,-1,3932,3914,3931,-1,3901,8735,3909,-1,3901,3909,3910,-1,
+ 3901,3910,3911,-1,3901,3911,3912,-1,3901,3912,3913,-1,3901,3913,3933,-1,8735,3903,3904,-1,8735,3904,3905,-1,8735,3905,3906,-1,8735,3906,3907,-1,
+ 8735,3907,3908,-1,8735,3908,3909,-1,2203,2204,2217,-1,2217,2204,2205,-1,2217,2205,2216,-1,2216,2205,2206,-1,2216,2206,2215,-1,2215,2206,2207,-1,
+ 2215,2207,2214,-1,2214,2207,2208,-1,2214,2208,2213,-1,2213,2208,2209,-1,2213,2209,2212,-1,2212,2209,2210,-1,2212,2210,2211,-1,2218,2219,2201,-1,
+ 2218,2201,2202,-1,2218,2202,2203,-1,2218,2203,2217,-1,2201,2219,2200,-1,2200,2219,2220,-1,2200,2220,2199,-1,2199,2220,2221,-1,2199,2221,2198,-1,
+ 2198,2221,5691,-1,2198,5691,5692,-1,2221,2222,5689,-1,2221,5689,5690,-1,2221,5690,5691,-1,5695,2196,5694,-1,5694,2196,2197,-1,5694,2197,5693,-1,
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+ 2196,5701,2195,-1,5701,5702,2195,-1,2195,5702,5703,-1,2195,5703,2194,-1,2194,5703,5704,-1,2194,5704,2193,-1,2193,5704,5705,-1,2193,5705,5706,-1,
+ 2190,2191,5707,-1,5707,2191,2192,-1,5707,2192,5706,-1,5706,2192,2193,-1,5707,2168,2169,-1,5707,2169,2170,-1,5707,2170,2171,-1,5707,2171,2172,-1,
+ 5707,2172,2173,-1,5707,2173,2174,-1,5707,2174,2175,-1,5707,2175,2176,-1,5707,2176,2177,-1,5707,2177,2178,-1,5707,2178,2179,-1,5707,2179,2180,-1,
+ 5707,2180,2181,-1,5707,2181,2182,-1,5707,2182,2183,-1,5707,2183,2184,-1,5707,2184,2185,-1,5707,2185,2186,-1,5707,2186,2187,-1,5707,2187,2188,-1,
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+ 5708,2135,2136,-1,5708,2136,2137,-1,5708,2137,2138,-1,5708,2138,2139,-1,5709,5710,2116,-1,5709,2116,2117,-1,5709,2117,2118,-1,5709,2118,2119,-1,
+ 5709,2119,2120,-1,5709,2120,2121,-1,5709,2121,2122,-1,2113,2114,5713,-1,5713,2114,2115,-1,5713,2115,5712,-1,5712,2115,2116,-1,5712,2116,5711,-1,
+ 5711,2116,5710,-1,5713,2100,2101,-1,5713,2101,2102,-1,5713,2102,2103,-1,5713,2103,2104,-1,5713,2104,2105,-1,5713,2105,2106,-1,5713,2106,2107,-1,
+ 5713,2107,2108,-1,5713,2108,2109,-1,5713,2109,2110,-1,5713,2110,2111,-1,5713,2111,2112,-1,5713,2112,2113,-1,5713,5714,2063,-1,5713,2063,2064,-1,
+ 5713,2064,2065,-1,5713,2065,2066,-1,5713,2066,2067,-1,5713,2067,2068,-1,5713,2068,2069,-1,5713,2069,2070,-1,5713,2070,2071,-1,5713,2071,2072,-1,
+ 5713,2072,2073,-1,5713,2073,2074,-1,5713,2074,2075,-1,5713,2075,2076,-1,5713,2076,2077,-1,5713,2077,2078,-1,5713,2078,2079,-1,5713,2079,2080,-1,
+ 2059,2060,2053,-1,2059,2053,2054,-1,2059,2054,2055,-1,2059,2055,2056,-1,2059,2056,2057,-1,2059,2057,2058,-1,2060,2061,2047,-1,2060,2047,2048,-1,
+ 2060,2048,2049,-1,2060,2049,2050,-1,2060,2050,2051,-1,2060,2051,2052,-1,2060,2052,2053,-1,2061,2062,2032,-1,2061,2032,2033,-1,2061,2033,2034,-1,
+ 2061,2034,2035,-1,2061,2035,2036,-1,2061,2036,2037,-1,2061,2037,2038,-1,2061,2038,2039,-1,2061,2039,2040,-1,2061,2040,2045,-1,2061,2045,2046,-1,
+ 2061,2046,2047,-1,2045,2040,2041,-1,2045,2041,2042,-1,2045,2042,2043,-1,2045,2043,2044,-1,2062,2063,5714,-1,2062,5714,2028,-1,2062,2028,2029,-1,
+ 2062,2029,2030,-1,2062,2030,2031,-1,2062,2031,2032,-1,5714,5715,2018,-1,5714,2018,2019,-1,5714,2019,2020,-1,5714,2020,2021,-1,5714,2021,2022,-1,
+ 5714,2022,2023,-1,5714,2023,2024,-1,5714,2024,2025,-1,5714,2025,2026,-1,5714,2026,2027,-1,5714,2027,2028,-1,5715,5716,2014,-1,5715,2014,2015,-1,
+ 5715,2015,2016,-1,5715,2016,2017,-1,5715,2017,2018,-1,5716,2006,2007,-1,5716,2007,2008,-1,5716,2008,2009,-1,5716,2009,2010,-1,5716,2010,2011,-1,
+ 5716,2011,2012,-1,5716,2012,2013,-1,5716,2013,2014,-1,5716,5717,2304,-1,2301,2302,5718,-1,5718,2302,2303,-1,5718,2303,5717,-1,5717,2303,2304,-1,
+ 5719,5720,2299,-1,5719,2299,2300,-1,5719,2300,2301,-1,5719,2301,5718,-1,5720,5721,2296,-1,5720,2296,2297,-1,5720,2297,2298,-1,5720,2298,2299,-1,
+ 5721,5722,2293,-1,5721,2293,2294,-1,5721,2294,2295,-1,5721,2295,2296,-1,5722,5723,2285,-1,5722,2285,2286,-1,5722,2286,2287,-1,5722,2287,2288,-1,
+ 5722,2288,2289,-1,5722,2289,2290,-1,5722,2290,2291,-1,5722,2291,2292,-1,5722,2292,2293,-1,2285,5723,2284,-1,2284,5723,5724,-1,2284,5724,7991,-1,
+ 7991,5724,5725,-1,7991,5725,7990,-1,7990,5725,5726,-1,7990,5726,5727,-1,4103,4041,4042,-1,4103,4042,4043,-1,4103,4043,4044,-1,4103,4044,4045,-1,
+ 4103,4045,4046,-1,4103,4046,4047,-1,4103,4047,4048,-1,4103,4048,4049,-1,4103,4049,4050,-1,4103,4050,4051,-1,4103,4051,4052,-1,4103,4052,4053,-1,
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+ 4103,4061,4062,-1,4103,4062,4063,-1,4103,4063,4064,-1,4103,4064,4065,-1,4103,4065,4066,-1,4103,4066,4067,-1,4103,4067,4068,-1,4103,4068,4069,-1,
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+ 4001,8031,8032,-1,4001,8032,4000,-1,4003,4004,8030,-1,4003,8030,8031,-1,4003,8031,4002,-1,8030,4004,4005,-1,8030,4005,4006,-1,8030,4006,4007,-1,
+ 8030,4007,4008,-1,8030,4008,4009,-1,8030,4009,8029,-1,8029,4009,4010,-1,8029,4010,4011,-1,8029,4011,4012,-1,8029,4012,4013,-1,8029,4013,4014,-1,
+ 8029,4014,4015,-1,8029,4015,4016,-1,8029,4016,4017,-1,8029,4017,4018,-1,8029,4018,8028,-1,4020,4021,4022,-1,4020,4022,4023,-1,4020,4023,4024,-1,
+ 4020,4024,4019,-1,4019,4024,4025,-1,4019,4025,4026,-1,4019,4026,4027,-1,4019,4027,4028,-1,4019,4028,4018,-1,8028,4018,4028,-1,8028,4028,4029,-1,
+ 8028,4029,4030,-1,8028,4030,4031,-1,8028,4031,4032,-1,8028,4032,4033,-1,8028,4033,8027,-1,8027,4033,4034,-1,8027,4034,4035,-1,8027,4035,4036,-1,
+ 8027,4036,4037,-1,8027,4037,4038,-1,8027,4038,8026,-1,8026,4038,4039,-1,8026,4039,4040,-1,8026,4040,3936,-1,8026,3936,2237,-1,8026,2237,2238,-1,
+ 8026,2238,2239,-1,8026,2239,8025,-1,2240,2241,8023,-1,2240,8023,8024,-1,2240,8024,8025,-1,2240,8025,2239,-1,2241,2242,8016,-1,2241,8016,8017,-1,
+ 2241,8017,8018,-1,2241,8018,8019,-1,2241,8019,8020,-1,2241,8020,8021,-1,2241,8021,8022,-1,2241,8022,8023,-1,2242,2243,8009,-1,2242,8009,8010,-1,
+ 2242,8010,8011,-1,2242,8011,8012,-1,2242,8012,8013,-1,2242,8013,8014,-1,2242,8014,8015,-1,2242,8015,8016,-1,2243,2244,8007,-1,2243,8007,8008,-1,
+ 2243,8008,8009,-1,8000,8001,2251,-1,2251,8001,8002,-1,2251,8002,2250,-1,2250,8002,8003,-1,2250,8003,2249,-1,2249,8003,8004,-1,2249,8004,2248,-1,
+ 2248,8004,8005,-1,2248,8005,2247,-1,2247,8005,8006,-1,2247,8006,2246,-1,2246,8006,8007,-1,2246,8007,2245,-1,2245,8007,2244,-1,8000,2251,7999,-1,
+ 7999,2251,2252,-1,7999,2252,7998,-1,7998,2252,2253,-1,7998,2253,7997,-1,7997,2253,2254,-1,7997,2254,2255,-1,7997,2255,2256,-1,7997,2256,2257,-1,
+ 7997,2257,2258,-1,7997,2258,7996,-1,7996,2258,2259,-1,7996,2259,2260,-1,7996,2260,2261,-1,7996,2261,2262,-1,7996,2262,2263,-1,7996,2263,2264,-1,
+ 7996,2264,2265,-1,7996,2265,2266,-1,7996,2266,2267,-1,7996,2267,2268,-1,7996,2268,2269,-1,7996,2269,2270,-1,7996,2270,2271,-1,7996,2271,7995,-1,
+ 7995,2271,2272,-1,7995,2272,2273,-1,7995,2273,2274,-1,7995,2274,7994,-1,2277,7992,2276,-1,2276,7992,7993,-1,2276,7993,2275,-1,2275,7993,7994,-1,
+ 2275,7994,2274,-1,2278,2279,7991,-1,2278,7991,7992,-1,2278,7992,2277,-1,7991,2279,2280,-1,7991,2280,2281,-1,7991,2281,2282,-1,7991,2282,2283,-1,
+ 7991,2283,2284,-1,7990,5727,5728,-1,7990,5728,5729,-1,7990,5729,7643,-1,7990,7643,7644,-1,7990,7644,7645,-1,7990,7645,7646,-1,7990,7646,7647,-1,
+ 7990,7647,7648,-1,7990,7648,7649,-1,7990,7649,7650,-1,7990,7650,7651,-1,7990,7651,7652,-1,7990,7652,7653,-1,7990,7653,7654,-1,7990,7654,7989,-1,
+ 7989,7654,7655,-1,7989,7655,7656,-1,7989,7656,7657,-1,7989,7657,7658,-1,7989,7658,7659,-1,7989,7659,7660,-1,7989,7660,7661,-1,7989,7661,7988,-1,
+ 7988,7661,7662,-1,7988,7662,7663,-1,7988,7663,7664,-1,7988,7664,7665,-1,7988,7665,7987,-1,7987,7665,7666,-1,7987,7666,7667,-1,7987,7667,7668,-1,
+ 7987,7668,7669,-1,7987,7669,7986,-1,7986,7669,7670,-1,7986,7670,7671,-1,7986,7671,7672,-1,7986,7672,7673,-1,7986,7673,7674,-1,7986,7674,7985,-1,
+ 7985,7674,7675,-1,7985,7675,7676,-1,7985,7677,7984,-1,7984,7677,7678,-1,7984,7678,7679,-1,7984,7679,7680,-1,7984,7680,7983,-1,7680,7681,7983,-1,
+ 7983,7681,7682,-1,7983,7682,7982,-1,7982,7682,7683,-1,7982,7683,7981,-1,7981,7683,7684,-1,7981,7684,7980,-1,7688,7689,3513,-1,7688,3513,3514,-1,
+ 7688,3514,7687,-1,7689,7690,3513,-1,3513,7690,7691,-1,3513,7691,3512,-1,3512,7691,7692,-1,3512,7692,7693,-1,7694,7695,3511,-1,7694,3511,3512,-1,
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+ 7699,3503,3504,-1,7699,3504,3505,-1,7699,3505,3506,-1,7699,3506,3507,-1,7699,3507,3508,-1,7699,3508,3509,-1,7699,3509,3510,-1,7700,7701,3499,-1,
+ 7700,3499,3500,-1,7700,3500,3501,-1,7700,3501,3502,-1,3495,3496,7702,-1,7702,3496,3497,-1,7702,3497,7701,-1,7701,3497,3498,-1,7701,3498,3499,-1,
+ 3495,7702,7703,-1,3495,7703,7704,-1,3495,7704,7705,-1,3495,7705,7706,-1,3495,7706,3494,-1,7707,7708,3492,-1,7707,3492,3493,-1,7707,3493,3494,-1,
+ 7707,3494,7706,-1,7709,7710,3490,-1,7709,3490,3491,-1,7709,3491,3492,-1,7709,3492,7708,-1,3489,3490,7710,-1,3489,7710,7711,-1,3489,7711,7712,-1,
+ 3489,7712,7713,-1,5580,5581,5576,-1,5580,5576,5577,-1,5580,5577,5578,-1,5580,5578,5579,-1,5582,5583,5571,-1,5582,5571,5572,-1,5582,5572,5573,-1,
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+ 5564,5565,5585,-1,5585,5565,5566,-1,5585,5566,5584,-1,5584,5566,5567,-1,5584,5567,5568,-1,5561,5562,5586,-1,5586,5562,5563,-1,5586,5563,5585,-1,
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+ 5541,5542,7806,-1,7806,5542,5543,-1,7806,5543,7805,-1,7805,5543,5544,-1,7805,5544,7804,-1,7804,5544,5545,-1,5537,5538,7807,-1,7807,5538,5539,-1,
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+ 7809,5532,5533,-1,7809,5533,7808,-1,7808,5533,5534,-1,7813,5514,7812,-1,7812,5514,5515,-1,7812,5515,7811,-1,7811,5515,5516,-1,7811,5516,7810,-1,
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+ 8615,8334,8335,-1,8615,8335,8336,-1,8615,8336,8337,-1,8615,8337,8338,-1,8615,8338,8339,-1,8615,8339,8340,-1,8615,8340,8341,-1,8615,8341,8342,-1,
+ 8615,8342,8343,-1,8615,8343,8344,-1,8615,8344,8345,-1,8616,8617,8326,-1,8616,8326,8327,-1,8616,8327,8328,-1,8616,8328,8329,-1,8616,8329,8330,-1,
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+ 8620,8621,8311,-1,8620,8311,8312,-1,8620,8312,8313,-1,8620,8313,8314,-1,8620,8314,8315,-1,8621,8622,8307,-1,8621,8307,8308,-1,8621,8308,8309,-1,
+ 8621,8309,8310,-1,8621,8310,8311,-1,8622,8623,8299,-1,8622,8299,8300,-1,8622,8300,8301,-1,8622,8301,8302,-1,8622,8302,8303,-1,8622,8303,8304,-1,
+ 8622,8304,8305,-1,8622,8305,8306,-1,8622,8306,8307,-1,8623,8624,8293,-1,8623,8293,8294,-1,8623,8294,8295,-1,8623,8295,8296,-1,8623,8296,8297,-1,
+ 8623,8297,8298,-1,8623,8298,8299,-1,5126,5127,8624,-1,8624,5127,5128,-1,8624,5128,8293,-1,8293,5128,5129,-1,8625,8626,5123,-1,8625,5123,5124,-1,
+ 8625,5124,5125,-1,8625,5125,5126,-1,8625,5126,8624,-1,8626,8627,5120,-1,8626,5120,5121,-1,8626,5121,5122,-1,8626,5122,5123,-1,5113,5114,8631,-1,
+ 8631,5114,5115,-1,8631,5115,8630,-1,8630,5115,5116,-1,8630,5116,8629,-1,8629,5116,5117,-1,8629,5117,8628,-1,8628,5117,5118,-1,8628,5118,8627,-1,
+ 8627,5118,5119,-1,8627,5119,5120,-1,8632,8633,5111,-1,8632,5111,5112,-1,8632,5112,5113,-1,8632,5113,8631,-1,8633,8634,5108,-1,8633,5108,5109,-1,
+ 8633,5109,5110,-1,8633,5110,5111,-1,8637,8659,8636,-1,8636,8659,5105,-1,8636,5105,8635,-1,8635,5105,5106,-1,8635,5106,8634,-1,8634,5106,5107,-1,
+ 8634,5107,5108,-1,5104,5105,8659,-1,5104,8659,8660,-1,5104,8660,8661,-1,5104,8661,8662,-1,5104,8662,8663,-1,5104,8663,8664,-1,5104,8664,8665,-1,
+ 5104,8665,5103,-1,5103,8665,8666,-1,5103,8666,8667,-1,5103,8667,8668,-1,5103,8668,8669,-1,5103,8669,8670,-1,5103,8670,5102,-1,5102,8670,8671,-1,
+ 5102,8671,8672,-1,5102,8672,8673,-1,5102,8673,5101,-1,5101,8673,8674,-1,5101,8674,8675,-1,5101,8675,8676,-1,5101,8676,8677,-1,5101,8677,8678,-1,
+ 5101,8678,5100,-1,5095,5096,8682,-1,8682,5096,5097,-1,8682,5097,8681,-1,8681,5097,5098,-1,8681,5098,8680,-1,8680,5098,5099,-1,8680,5099,8679,-1,
+ 8679,5099,5100,-1,8679,5100,8678,-1,8685,5093,8684,-1,8684,5093,5094,-1,8684,5094,8683,-1,8683,5094,5095,-1,8683,5095,8682,-1,8686,8687,5092,-1,
+ 8686,5092,5093,-1,8686,5093,8685,-1,5092,8687,8688,-1,5092,8688,8689,-1,5092,8689,8690,-1,5092,8690,8691,-1,5092,8691,8692,-1,5092,8692,8693,-1,
+ 5092,8693,5091,-1,5091,8693,8694,-1,5091,8694,8695,-1,5091,8695,8696,-1,5091,8696,8697,-1,5091,8697,8698,-1,5091,8698,8699,-1,5091,8699,8701,-1,
+ 5091,8701,8702,-1,5091,8702,5065,-1,5091,5065,5090,-1,5068,5088,5067,-1,5067,5088,5089,-1,5067,5089,5066,-1,5066,5089,5090,-1,5066,5090,5065,-1,
+ 5072,5085,5071,-1,5071,5085,5086,-1,5071,5086,5070,-1,5070,5086,5087,-1,5070,5087,5069,-1,5069,5087,5088,-1,5069,5088,5068,-1,5075,5083,5074,-1,
+ 5074,5083,5084,-1,5074,5084,5073,-1,5073,5084,5085,-1,5073,5085,5072,-1,5076,5077,5081,-1,5076,5081,5082,-1,5076,5082,5083,-1,5076,5083,5075,-1,
+ 5077,5078,5079,-1,5077,5079,5080,-1,5077,5080,5081,-1,6427,6428,6696,-1,6427,6696,6697,-1,6427,6697,6377,-1,6427,6377,6378,-1,6427,6378,6379,-1,
+ 6427,6379,6380,-1,6427,6380,6381,-1,6427,6381,6382,-1,6427,6382,6426,-1,6426,6382,6383,-1,6426,6383,6384,-1,6426,6384,6385,-1,6426,6385,6386,-1,
+ 6426,6386,6387,-1,6426,6387,6388,-1,6426,6388,6414,-1,6426,6414,6425,-1,6414,6388,6413,-1,6413,6388,6389,-1,6413,6389,6498,-1,6498,6389,6390,-1,
+ 6498,6390,6391,-1,6421,6422,6417,-1,6417,6422,6423,-1,6417,6423,6416,-1,6416,6423,6424,-1,6416,6424,6415,-1,6415,6424,6425,-1,6415,6425,6414,-1,
+ 6418,6419,6420,-1,6418,6420,6421,-1,6418,6421,6417,-1,6373,6374,6893,-1,6893,6374,6375,-1,6893,6375,6892,-1,6892,6375,6376,-1,6892,6376,6697,-1,
+ 6697,6376,6377,-1,6692,6693,6430,-1,6430,6693,6694,-1,6430,6694,6429,-1,6429,6694,6695,-1,6429,6695,6428,-1,6428,6695,6696,-1,6684,6685,6437,-1,
+ 6437,6685,6686,-1,6437,6686,6436,-1,6436,6686,6687,-1,6436,6687,6435,-1,6435,6687,6688,-1,6435,6688,6434,-1,6434,6688,6689,-1,6434,6689,6433,-1,
+ 6433,6689,6690,-1,6433,6690,6432,-1,6432,6690,6691,-1,6432,6691,6431,-1,6431,6691,6692,-1,6431,6692,6430,-1,6437,6438,6681,-1,6437,6681,6682,-1,
+ 6437,6682,6683,-1,6437,6683,6684,-1,6438,6439,6675,-1,6438,6675,6676,-1,6438,6676,6677,-1,6438,6677,6678,-1,6438,6678,6679,-1,6438,6679,6680,-1,
+ 6438,6680,6681,-1,6439,6440,6672,-1,6439,6672,6673,-1,6439,6673,6674,-1,6439,6674,6675,-1,6441,6442,6670,-1,6441,6670,6671,-1,6441,6671,6672,-1,
+ 6441,6672,6440,-1,6442,6443,6664,-1,6442,6664,6665,-1,6442,6665,6666,-1,6442,6666,6667,-1,6442,6667,6668,-1,6442,6668,6669,-1,6442,6669,6670,-1,
+ 6443,6444,8358,-1,6443,8358,6662,-1,6443,6662,6663,-1,6443,6663,6664,-1,6445,6446,8728,-1,6445,8728,8358,-1,6445,8358,6444,-1,8728,6446,6447,-1,
+ 8728,6447,5035,-1,8728,5035,5036,-1,8728,5036,8727,-1,5036,5037,8727,-1,8727,5037,5038,-1,8727,5038,8726,-1,8726,5038,5039,-1,8726,5039,8725,-1,
+ 8725,5039,5040,-1,8725,5040,8724,-1,8724,5040,5041,-1,8724,5041,8723,-1,8723,5041,5042,-1,8723,5042,8722,-1,8722,5042,5043,-1,8722,5043,5044,-1,
+ 5045,5046,8721,-1,5045,8721,8722,-1,5045,8722,5044,-1,5046,5047,8721,-1,8721,5047,5048,-1,8721,5048,8720,-1,8720,5048,5049,-1,8720,5049,5050,-1,
+ 5051,5052,8719,-1,5051,8719,8720,-1,5051,8720,5050,-1,8719,5052,5053,-1,8719,5053,5054,-1,8719,5054,5055,-1,8719,5055,8718,-1,8718,5055,5056,-1,
+ 8718,5056,5057,-1,8718,5057,5058,-1,8718,5058,5059,-1,8718,5059,8717,-1,5060,5061,8714,-1,5060,8714,8715,-1,5060,8715,8716,-1,5060,8716,8717,-1,
+ 5060,8717,5059,-1,8711,8712,5062,-1,5062,8712,8713,-1,5062,8713,5061,-1,5061,8713,8714,-1,5063,5064,8708,-1,5063,8708,8709,-1,5063,8709,8710,-1,
+ 5063,8710,8711,-1,5063,8711,5062,-1,5064,5065,8702,-1,5064,8702,8703,-1,5064,8703,8704,-1,5064,8704,8705,-1,5064,8705,8706,-1,5064,8706,8707,-1,
+ 5064,8707,8708,-1,4917,4918,8212,-1,4917,8212,8213,-1,4917,8213,8214,-1,4917,8214,8215,-1,4917,8215,5154,-1,4917,5154,4916,-1,4918,4919,8202,-1,
+ 4918,8202,8203,-1,4918,8203,8204,-1,4918,8204,8205,-1,4918,8205,8206,-1,4918,8206,8207,-1,4918,8207,8208,-1,4918,8208,8209,-1,4918,8209,8210,-1,
+ 4918,8210,8211,-1,4918,8211,8212,-1,4919,4920,8199,-1,4919,8199,8200,-1,4919,8200,8201,-1,4919,8201,8202,-1,4920,4921,8196,-1,4920,8196,8197,-1,
+ 4920,8197,8198,-1,4920,8198,8199,-1,4922,4923,8195,-1,4922,8195,8196,-1,4922,8196,4921,-1,8195,4923,4924,-1,8195,4924,4925,-1,8195,4925,4926,-1,
+ 8195,4926,8194,-1,4970,4971,6405,-1,4970,6405,6406,-1,4970,6406,6407,-1,4970,6407,6408,-1,4970,6408,6409,-1,4970,6409,6410,-1,4970,6410,6411,-1,
+ 4970,6411,6412,-1,4970,6412,6226,-1,4970,6226,6247,-1,4970,6247,6225,-1,6402,6403,4972,-1,4972,6403,6404,-1,4972,6404,4971,-1,4971,6404,6405,-1,
+ 4973,4974,6495,-1,4973,6495,6400,-1,4973,6400,6401,-1,4973,6401,6402,-1,4973,6402,4972,-1,6492,6493,4975,-1,4975,6493,6494,-1,4975,6494,4974,-1,
+ 4974,6494,6495,-1,6489,6490,4976,-1,4976,6490,6491,-1,4976,6491,4975,-1,4975,6491,6492,-1,4977,4978,6487,-1,4977,6487,6488,-1,4977,6488,6489,-1,
+ 4977,6489,4976,-1,6483,6484,4979,-1,4979,6484,6485,-1,4979,6485,4978,-1,4978,6485,6486,-1,4978,6486,6487,-1,6480,6481,4980,-1,4980,6481,6482,-1,
+ 4980,6482,4979,-1,4979,6482,6483,-1,4981,4982,6477,-1,4981,6477,6478,-1,4981,6478,6479,-1,4981,6479,6480,-1,4981,6480,4980,-1,4982,4983,6474,-1,
+ 4982,6474,6475,-1,4982,6475,6476,-1,4982,6476,6477,-1,4983,4984,6470,-1,4983,6470,6471,-1,4983,6471,6472,-1,4983,6472,6473,-1,4983,6473,6474,-1,
+ 4984,4985,6466,-1,4984,6466,6467,-1,4984,6467,6468,-1,4984,6468,6469,-1,4984,6469,6470,-1,6466,4985,4986,-1,6466,4986,4987,-1,6466,4987,4988,-1,
+ 6466,4988,4989,-1,6466,4989,4990,-1,6466,4990,4991,-1,6466,4991,4992,-1,6466,4992,4993,-1,6466,4993,4994,-1,6466,4994,4995,-1,6466,4995,4996,-1,
+ 6466,4996,4997,-1,6466,4997,4998,-1,6466,4998,4999,-1,6466,4999,6465,-1,6462,6463,5000,-1,5000,6463,6464,-1,5000,6464,4999,-1,4999,6464,6465,-1,
+ 5001,5002,6457,-1,5001,6457,6458,-1,5001,6458,6459,-1,5001,6459,6460,-1,5001,6460,6461,-1,5001,6461,6462,-1,5001,6462,5000,-1,5002,5003,5034,-1,
+ 5002,5034,6454,-1,5002,6454,6455,-1,5002,6455,6456,-1,5002,6456,6457,-1,5034,5003,5033,-1,5033,5003,5004,-1,5033,5004,5032,-1,5032,5004,5005,-1,
+ 5032,5005,5006,-1,5007,5008,5031,-1,5007,5031,5032,-1,5007,5032,5006,-1,5027,5028,5011,-1,5011,5028,5029,-1,5011,5029,5010,-1,5010,5029,5030,-1,
+ 5010,5030,5009,-1,5009,5030,5031,-1,5009,5031,5008,-1,5024,5025,5013,-1,5013,5025,5026,-1,5013,5026,5012,-1,5012,5026,5027,-1,5012,5027,5011,-1,
+ 5024,5013,5014,-1,5024,5014,5015,-1,5024,5015,5016,-1,5024,5016,5017,-1,5024,5017,5023,-1,5023,5017,5018,-1,5023,5018,5019,-1,5023,5019,5020,-1,
+ 5023,5020,5022,-1,6364,6365,6503,-1,6364,6503,6504,-1,6364,6504,6505,-1,6364,6505,6506,-1,6364,6506,6507,-1,6364,6507,6508,-1,6364,6508,6509,-1,
+ 6364,6509,6510,-1,6364,6510,6511,-1,6364,6511,6512,-1,6364,6512,6513,-1,6364,6513,6514,-1,6364,6514,6515,-1,6364,6515,6516,-1,6364,6516,6517,-1,
+ 6364,6517,6518,-1,6364,6518,7035,-1,6364,7035,6363,-1,6365,6366,6563,-1,6365,6563,6564,-1,6365,6564,6565,-1,6365,6565,6566,-1,6365,6566,6567,-1,
+ 6365,6567,6568,-1,6365,6568,6569,-1,6365,6569,6570,-1,6365,6570,6571,-1,6365,6571,6572,-1,6365,6572,6573,-1,6365,6573,7022,-1,6365,7022,7023,-1,
+ 6365,7023,7024,-1,6365,7024,7025,-1,6365,7025,7026,-1,6365,7026,7027,-1,6365,7027,6499,-1,6365,6499,6500,-1,6365,6500,6501,-1,6365,6501,6502,-1,
+ 6365,6502,6503,-1,6499,7027,7028,-1,6499,7028,7029,-1,6499,7029,7030,-1,6499,7030,6539,-1,6563,6366,6552,-1,6563,6552,6553,-1,6563,6553,6554,-1,
+ 6563,6554,6555,-1,6563,6555,6556,-1,6563,6556,6557,-1,6563,6557,6558,-1,6563,6558,6559,-1,6563,6559,6560,-1,6563,6560,6561,-1,6563,6561,6562,-1,
+ 6366,6367,6987,-1,6366,6987,6988,-1,6366,6988,6989,-1,6366,6989,6990,-1,6366,6990,6991,-1,6366,6991,6992,-1,6366,6992,6993,-1,6366,6993,6994,-1,
+ 6366,6994,6995,-1,6366,6995,6996,-1,6366,6996,6997,-1,6366,6997,6998,-1,6366,6998,6999,-1,6366,6999,7000,-1,6366,7000,7001,-1,6366,7001,7002,-1,
+ 6366,7002,6540,-1,6366,6540,6541,-1,6366,6541,6542,-1,6366,6542,6543,-1,6366,6543,6544,-1,6366,6544,6545,-1,6366,6545,6546,-1,6366,6546,6547,-1,
+ 6366,6547,6548,-1,6366,6548,6549,-1,6366,6549,6550,-1,6366,6550,6551,-1,6366,6551,6552,-1,6540,7002,7003,-1,6540,7003,7004,-1,6540,7004,7005,-1,
+ 6540,7005,7006,-1,6540,7006,7007,-1,6540,7007,6614,-1,6367,6368,6971,-1,6367,6971,6972,-1,6367,6972,6973,-1,6367,6973,6974,-1,6367,6974,6975,-1,
+ 6367,6975,6976,-1,6367,6976,6977,-1,6367,6977,6978,-1,6367,6978,6979,-1,6367,6979,6980,-1,6367,6980,6981,-1,6367,6981,6982,-1,6367,6982,6983,-1,
+ 6367,6983,6984,-1,6367,6984,6985,-1,6367,6985,6986,-1,6367,6986,6987,-1,6368,6369,6940,-1,6368,6940,6941,-1,6368,6941,6942,-1,6368,6942,6943,-1,
+ 6368,6943,6944,-1,6368,6944,6945,-1,6368,6945,6946,-1,6368,6946,6947,-1,6368,6947,6948,-1,6368,6948,6950,-1,6368,6950,6951,-1,6368,6951,6952,-1,
+ 6368,6952,6953,-1,6368,6953,6954,-1,6368,6954,6955,-1,6368,6955,6956,-1,6368,6956,6957,-1,6368,6957,6958,-1,6368,6958,6959,-1,6368,6959,6960,-1,
+ 6368,6960,6961,-1,6368,6961,6962,-1,6368,6962,6963,-1,6368,6963,6964,-1,6368,6964,6965,-1,6368,6965,6966,-1,6368,6966,6967,-1,6368,6967,6968,-1,
+ 6368,6968,6969,-1,6368,6969,6970,-1,6368,6970,6971,-1,6369,6370,6933,-1,6369,6933,6934,-1,6369,6934,6935,-1,6369,6935,6936,-1,6369,6936,6937,-1,
+ 6369,6937,6938,-1,6369,6938,6939,-1,6369,6939,6940,-1,6370,6371,6919,-1,6370,6919,6920,-1,6370,6920,6921,-1,6370,6921,6922,-1,6370,6922,6923,-1,
+ 6370,6923,6924,-1,6370,6924,6925,-1,6370,6925,6926,-1,6370,6926,6927,-1,6370,6927,6928,-1,6370,6928,6929,-1,6370,6929,6930,-1,6370,6930,6931,-1,
+ 6370,6931,6932,-1,6370,6932,6933,-1,6371,6372,6894,-1,6371,6894,6916,-1,6371,6916,6917,-1,6371,6917,6918,-1,6371,6918,6919,-1,6373,6893,6894,-1,
+ 6373,6894,6372,-1,6892,6697,6698,-1,6892,6698,6699,-1,6892,6699,6700,-1,6892,6700,6701,-1,6892,6701,6702,-1,6892,6702,6703,-1,6892,6703,6891,-1,
+ 6889,6890,8366,-1,8366,6890,6891,-1,8366,6891,6615,-1,6615,6891,6703,-1,6845,6846,8388,-1,8388,6846,6704,-1,8388,6704,6847,-1,6847,6704,6705,-1,
+ 6847,6705,7038,-1,7038,6705,6706,-1,7038,6706,6707,-1,7038,6707,6708,-1,7038,6708,6709,-1,7038,6709,6710,-1,7038,6710,6711,-1,7038,6711,7037,-1,
+ 6712,6713,7037,-1,6712,7037,6711,-1,7035,7036,6363,-1,6363,7036,7037,-1,6362,7037,6361,-1,7035,6518,6519,-1,7035,6519,6520,-1,7035,6520,6521,-1,
+ 7035,6521,6522,-1,7035,6522,6523,-1,7035,6523,6524,-1,7035,6524,6525,-1,7035,6525,6526,-1,7035,6526,6527,-1,7035,6527,6528,-1,7035,6528,7034,-1,
+ 7034,6528,6529,-1,7034,6529,6530,-1,7034,6530,6531,-1,7034,6531,7033,-1,7033,6531,6532,-1,7033,6532,6533,-1,7033,6533,6534,-1,7033,6534,7032,-1,
+ 6534,6535,7032,-1,7032,6535,6536,-1,7032,6536,7031,-1,7031,6536,6537,-1,7031,6537,6538,-1,6538,6539,7030,-1,6538,7030,7031,-1,4912,4913,5188,-1,
+ 4912,5188,5189,-1,4912,5189,5190,-1,4912,5190,5191,-1,4912,5191,5192,-1,4912,5192,5193,-1,4912,5193,5194,-1,4912,5194,5195,-1,4912,5195,5196,-1,
+ 4912,5196,5197,-1,4912,5197,5198,-1,4912,5198,5199,-1,4912,5199,5200,-1,4912,5200,5201,-1,4912,5201,5202,-1,4912,5202,5203,-1,4912,5203,5204,-1,
+ 4912,5204,5205,-1,4912,5205,5206,-1,4912,5206,5207,-1,4912,5207,5208,-1,4912,5208,5209,-1,4912,5209,5210,-1,4912,5210,5211,-1,5173,5174,5178,-1,
+ 5178,5174,5175,-1,5178,5175,5177,-1,5177,5175,5176,-1,5178,5179,5170,-1,5178,5170,5171,-1,5178,5171,5172,-1,5178,5172,5173,-1,5179,5180,5165,-1,
+ 5179,5165,5166,-1,5179,5166,5167,-1,5179,5167,5168,-1,5179,5168,5169,-1,5179,5169,5170,-1,5180,5181,5159,-1,5180,5159,5160,-1,5180,5160,5161,-1,
+ 5180,5161,5162,-1,5180,5162,5163,-1,5180,5163,5164,-1,5180,5164,5165,-1,5156,5157,4913,-1,4913,5157,5158,-1,4913,5158,5181,-1,5181,5158,5159,-1,
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+ 5154,8219,8220,-1,5154,8220,8221,-1,5154,8221,8222,-1,5154,8222,8223,-1,5154,8223,8224,-1,5154,8224,8225,-1,5154,8225,8226,-1,5154,8226,8227,-1,
+ 5154,8227,8228,-1,5154,8228,8229,-1,5154,8229,8230,-1,5154,8230,8231,-1,5154,8231,8232,-1,5154,8232,8233,-1,5154,8233,8234,-1,5154,8234,5153,-1,
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+ 5149,8254,8255,-1,5149,8255,8256,-1,5149,8256,8257,-1,5149,8257,8258,-1,5149,8258,8259,-1,5149,8259,5148,-1,5148,8259,8260,-1,5148,8260,8261,-1,
+ 5148,8261,8262,-1,5148,8262,8263,-1,5148,8263,8264,-1,5148,8264,8265,-1,5148,8265,8266,-1,5148,8266,8267,-1,5148,8267,8268,-1,5148,8268,5147,-1,
+ 8268,8269,5144,-1,8268,5144,5145,-1,8268,5145,5146,-1,8268,5146,5147,-1,5138,5139,8272,-1,8272,5139,5140,-1,8272,5140,8271,-1,8271,5140,5141,-1,
+ 8271,5141,8270,-1,8270,5141,5142,-1,8270,5142,8269,-1,8269,5142,5143,-1,8269,5143,5144,-1,5132,5133,8277,-1,8277,5133,5134,-1,8277,5134,8276,-1,
+ 8276,5134,5135,-1,8276,5135,8275,-1,8275,5135,5136,-1,8275,5136,8274,-1,8274,5136,5137,-1,8274,5137,8273,-1,8273,5137,5138,-1,8273,5138,8272,-1,
+ 8278,5131,5132,-1,8278,5132,8277,-1,6345,6346,6322,-1,6345,6322,6323,-1,6345,6323,6324,-1,6345,6324,6325,-1,6345,6325,6326,-1,6345,6326,6327,-1,
+ 6345,6327,6328,-1,6345,6328,6329,-1,6345,6329,6330,-1,6345,6330,6331,-1,6345,6331,6332,-1,6345,6332,6333,-1,6345,6333,6334,-1,6345,6334,6335,-1,
+ 6345,6335,6336,-1,6345,6336,6337,-1,6345,6337,6338,-1,6345,6338,6339,-1,6345,6339,6340,-1,6345,6340,6341,-1,6345,6341,6342,-1,6345,6342,6343,-1,
+ 6345,6343,6344,-1,6346,6347,6175,-1,6346,6175,6318,-1,6346,6318,6319,-1,6346,6319,6320,-1,6346,6320,6321,-1,6346,6321,6322,-1,7022,6573,6574,-1,
+ 7022,6574,6575,-1,7022,6575,6576,-1,7022,6576,6577,-1,7022,6577,6578,-1,7022,6578,6579,-1,7022,6579,6580,-1,7022,6580,6581,-1,7022,6581,6582,-1,
+ 7022,6582,6583,-1,7022,6583,6584,-1,7022,6584,6585,-1,7022,6585,6586,-1,7022,6586,7021,-1,7021,6586,6587,-1,7021,6587,6588,-1,7021,6588,6589,-1,
+ 7021,6589,6590,-1,7021,6590,7020,-1,6591,6592,7019,-1,6591,7019,7020,-1,6591,7020,6590,-1,7016,7017,6595,-1,6595,7017,7018,-1,6595,7018,6594,-1,
+ 6594,7018,7019,-1,6593,7019,6592,-1,6596,6597,7014,-1,6596,7014,7015,-1,6596,7015,7016,-1,6596,7016,6595,-1,7013,7014,6597,-1,7013,6597,6598,-1,
+ 7013,6598,6599,-1,7013,6599,7012,-1,6603,7009,6602,-1,6602,7009,7010,-1,6602,7010,6601,-1,6601,7010,7011,-1,6601,7011,6600,-1,6600,7011,7012,-1,
+ 6600,7012,6599,-1,6603,6604,7009,-1,7009,6604,6605,-1,7009,6605,7008,-1,7008,6605,6606,-1,7008,6606,6607,-1,7008,6607,6608,-1,7008,6608,6609,-1,
+ 7008,6609,6610,-1,7008,6610,6611,-1,7008,6611,6612,-1,7008,6612,7007,-1,6613,6614,7007,-1,6613,7007,6612,-1,6916,6894,6915,-1,6915,6894,6895,-1,
+ 6915,6895,6914,-1,6914,6895,6896,-1,6914,6896,6897,-1,6914,6897,6913,-1,6913,6897,6898,-1,6913,6898,6912,-1,6912,6898,6899,-1,6912,6899,6900,-1,
+ 6911,6912,6900,-1,6911,6900,6901,-1,6911,6901,6902,-1,6911,6902,6910,-1,6903,6904,6908,-1,6903,6908,6909,-1,6903,6909,6910,-1,6903,6910,6902,-1,
+ 6907,6908,6904,-1,6907,6904,6905,-1,6907,6905,6906,-1,6495,6496,6396,-1,6495,6396,6397,-1,6495,6397,6398,-1,6495,6398,6399,-1,6495,6399,6400,-1,
+ 6393,6394,6498,-1,6498,6394,6395,-1,6498,6395,6497,-1,6497,6395,6396,-1,6497,6396,6496,-1,6393,6498,6391,-1,6393,6391,6392,-1,6347,6163,6164,-1,
+ 6347,6164,6165,-1,6347,6165,6166,-1,6347,6166,6167,-1,6347,6167,6168,-1,6347,6168,6169,-1,6347,6169,6170,-1,6347,6170,6171,-1,6347,6171,6172,-1,
+ 6347,6172,6173,-1,6347,6173,6174,-1,6347,6174,6175,-1,6175,6176,6315,-1,6175,6315,6316,-1,6175,6316,6317,-1,6175,6317,6318,-1,6176,6177,6306,-1,
+ 6176,6306,6307,-1,6176,6307,6308,-1,6176,6308,6309,-1,6176,6309,6310,-1,6176,6310,6311,-1,6176,6311,6312,-1,6176,6312,6313,-1,6176,6313,6314,-1,
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+ 6182,6278,6279,-1,6182,6279,6280,-1,6182,6280,6181,-1,6278,6183,6277,-1,6277,6183,6184,-1,6277,6184,6276,-1,6276,6184,6185,-1,6276,6185,6275,-1,
+ 6275,6185,6186,-1,6275,6186,6187,-1,6275,6187,6274,-1,6274,6187,6188,-1,6274,6188,6273,-1,6273,6188,6189,-1,6273,6189,6190,-1,6273,6190,6272,-1,
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+ 6195,6196,6269,-1,6269,6196,6197,-1,6269,6197,6268,-1,6268,6197,6198,-1,6268,6198,6199,-1,6267,6268,6199,-1,6267,6199,6200,-1,6267,6200,6201,-1,
+ 6267,6201,6202,-1,6267,6202,6203,-1,6267,6203,6266,-1,6203,6204,6266,-1,6266,6204,6205,-1,6266,6205,6265,-1,6265,6205,6206,-1,6265,6206,6207,-1,
+ 6265,6207,6264,-1,6264,6207,6208,-1,6264,6208,6263,-1,6263,6208,6209,-1,6263,6209,6262,-1,6262,6209,6210,-1,6262,6210,6261,-1,6261,6210,6211,-1,
+ 6261,6211,6260,-1,6260,6211,6212,-1,6260,6212,6259,-1,6259,6212,6213,-1,6259,6213,6258,-1,6258,6213,6214,-1,6258,6214,6257,-1,6257,6214,6215,-1,
+ 6257,6215,6256,-1,6256,6215,6216,-1,6256,6216,6217,-1,6256,6217,6218,-1,6256,6218,6219,-1,6256,6219,6220,-1,6256,6220,6221,-1,6256,6221,6255,-1,
+ 6222,6223,6254,-1,6222,6254,6255,-1,6222,6255,6221,-1,6224,6225,6248,-1,6224,6248,6249,-1,6224,6249,6250,-1,6224,6250,6251,-1,6224,6251,6252,-1,
+ 6224,6252,6253,-1,6224,6253,6254,-1,6224,6254,6223,-1,6247,6226,6227,-1,6247,6227,6228,-1,6247,6228,6229,-1,6247,6229,6230,-1,6247,6230,6231,-1,
+ 6247,6231,6232,-1,6247,6232,6233,-1,6247,6233,6234,-1,6247,6234,6235,-1,6247,6235,6236,-1,6247,6236,6237,-1,6247,6237,6238,-1,6247,6238,6239,-1,
+ 6247,6239,6240,-1,6247,6240,6241,-1,6247,6241,6242,-1,6247,6242,6243,-1,6247,6243,6244,-1,6247,6244,6245,-1,6247,6245,6246,-1,6845,8388,7430,-1,
+ 7430,8388,8389,-1,7430,8389,7429,-1,7429,8389,8390,-1,7429,8390,7428,-1,8385,8386,6848,-1,6848,8386,8387,-1,6848,8387,6847,-1,6847,8387,8388,-1,
+ 6848,6849,8381,-1,6848,8381,8382,-1,6848,8382,8383,-1,6848,8383,8384,-1,6848,8384,8385,-1,8377,8378,6850,-1,6850,8378,8379,-1,6850,8379,6849,-1,
+ 6849,8379,8380,-1,6849,8380,8381,-1,6851,6852,8375,-1,6851,8375,8376,-1,6851,8376,8377,-1,6851,8377,6850,-1,6852,6853,8373,-1,6852,8373,8374,-1,
+ 6852,8374,8375,-1,6854,6855,8372,-1,6854,8372,8373,-1,6854,8373,6853,-1,6856,6857,8370,-1,6856,8370,8371,-1,6856,8371,8372,-1,6856,8372,6855,-1,
+ 6858,6859,8369,-1,6858,8369,8370,-1,6858,8370,6857,-1,8369,6859,6860,-1,8369,6860,6861,-1,8369,6861,6862,-1,8369,6862,8368,-1,8368,6862,6863,-1,
+ 8368,6863,6864,-1,8368,6864,6865,-1,8368,6865,6866,-1,8368,6866,6867,-1,8368,6867,6868,-1,8368,6868,6869,-1,8368,6869,6870,-1,8368,6870,6871,-1,
+ 8368,6871,6872,-1,8368,6872,8367,-1,8367,6872,6873,-1,8367,6873,6874,-1,8367,6874,6875,-1,8367,6875,6876,-1,8367,6876,6877,-1,8367,6877,6878,-1,
+ 8367,6878,6879,-1,8367,6879,6880,-1,8367,6880,6881,-1,8367,6881,6882,-1,8367,6882,6883,-1,8367,6883,6884,-1,8367,6884,6885,-1,8367,6885,6886,-1,
+ 8367,6886,6887,-1,8367,6887,6888,-1,8367,6888,8366,-1,8366,6615,6616,-1,8366,6616,6617,-1,8366,6617,6618,-1,8366,6618,8365,-1,6618,6619,8365,-1,
+ 8365,6619,6620,-1,8365,6620,8364,-1,8364,6620,6621,-1,8364,6621,6622,-1,6622,6623,8364,-1,8364,6623,6624,-1,8364,6624,8363,-1,8363,6624,6625,-1,
+ 8363,6625,6626,-1,8363,6626,6627,-1,8363,6627,6628,-1,8363,6628,6629,-1,8363,6629,6630,-1,8363,6630,6631,-1,8363,6631,6632,-1,8363,6632,6633,-1,
+ 8363,6633,6634,-1,8363,6634,6635,-1,8363,6635,6636,-1,8363,6636,6637,-1,8363,6637,6638,-1,8363,6638,8362,-1,8362,6638,6639,-1,8362,6639,6640,-1,
+ 8362,6640,6641,-1,8362,6641,6642,-1,8362,6642,6643,-1,8362,6643,6644,-1,8362,6644,6645,-1,8362,6645,6646,-1,8362,6646,6647,-1,8362,6647,6648,-1,
+ 8362,6648,6649,-1,8362,6649,6650,-1,8362,6650,8361,-1,8361,6650,6651,-1,8361,6651,6652,-1,8361,6652,6653,-1,8361,6653,6654,-1,8361,6654,6655,-1,
+ 8361,6655,6656,-1,8361,6656,8360,-1,8360,6656,6657,-1,8360,6657,6658,-1,8360,6658,6659,-1,8360,6659,6660,-1,8360,6660,8359,-1,8359,6660,6661,-1,
+ 8359,6661,6662,-1,8359,6662,8358,-1,7476,7478,7475,-1,7475,7478,7479,-1,7475,7479,7474,-1,7474,7479,7480,-1,7474,7480,7473,-1,7473,7480,7481,-1,
+ 7473,7481,7472,-1,7465,6806,6807,-1,7465,6807,6808,-1,7465,6808,6809,-1,7465,6809,7464,-1,7461,7462,6811,-1,6811,7462,7463,-1,6811,7463,6810,-1,
+ 6810,7463,7464,-1,6810,7464,6809,-1,6811,6812,7439,-1,6811,7439,7440,-1,6811,7440,7441,-1,6811,7441,7442,-1,6811,7442,7443,-1,6811,7443,7444,-1,
+ 6811,7444,7445,-1,6811,7445,7446,-1,6811,7446,7447,-1,6811,7447,7448,-1,6811,7448,7449,-1,6811,7449,7450,-1,6811,7450,7451,-1,6811,7451,7452,-1,
+ 6811,7452,7453,-1,6811,7453,7454,-1,6811,7454,7455,-1,6811,7455,7456,-1,6811,7456,7457,-1,6811,7457,7458,-1,6811,7458,7459,-1,6811,7459,7460,-1,
+ 6811,7460,7461,-1,6812,6813,7432,-1,6812,7432,7433,-1,6812,7433,7434,-1,6812,7434,7435,-1,6812,7435,7436,-1,6812,7436,7437,-1,6812,7437,7438,-1,
+ 6812,7438,7439,-1,7432,6813,6814,-1,7432,6814,6815,-1,7432,6815,6816,-1,7432,6816,6817,-1,7432,6817,6818,-1,7432,6818,6819,-1,7432,6819,6820,-1,
+ 7432,6820,6821,-1,7432,6821,6822,-1,7432,6822,6823,-1,7432,6823,6824,-1,7432,6824,6825,-1,7432,6825,6826,-1,7432,6826,6827,-1,7432,6827,6828,-1,
+ 7432,6828,6829,-1,7432,6829,6830,-1,7432,6830,6831,-1,7432,6831,6832,-1,7432,6832,6833,-1,7432,6833,6834,-1,7432,6834,6835,-1,7432,6835,6836,-1,
+ 7432,6836,6837,-1,7432,6837,6838,-1,7432,6838,6839,-1,7432,6839,6840,-1,7432,6840,6841,-1,7432,6841,6842,-1,7432,6842,7431,-1,7431,6842,6843,-1,
+ 7431,6843,6844,-1,7431,6844,6845,-1,7431,6845,7430,-1,6769,6770,6798,-1,6769,6798,6799,-1,6769,6799,6800,-1,6769,6800,6801,-1,6769,6801,6802,-1,
+ 6769,6802,6803,-1,6769,6803,6804,-1,6798,6770,6797,-1,6797,6770,6771,-1,6797,6771,6796,-1,6796,6771,6772,-1,6796,6772,6773,-1,6792,6793,6775,-1,
+ 6775,6793,6794,-1,6775,6794,6774,-1,6774,6794,6795,-1,6774,6795,6773,-1,6773,6795,6796,-1,6789,6790,6777,-1,6777,6790,6791,-1,6777,6791,6776,-1,
+ 6776,6791,6792,-1,6776,6792,6775,-1,6782,6785,6781,-1,6781,6785,6786,-1,6781,6786,6780,-1,6780,6786,6787,-1,6780,6787,6779,-1,6779,6787,6788,-1,
+ 6779,6788,6778,-1,6778,6788,6789,-1,6778,6789,6777,-1,6783,6784,6785,-1,6783,6785,6782,-1,2231,2232,3939,-1,3939,2232,2233,-1,3939,2233,3938,-1,
+ 3938,2233,2234,-1,3938,2234,3937,-1,3937,2234,2235,-1,3937,2235,3936,-1,3936,2235,2236,-1,3936,2236,2237,-1,2230,2231,3939,-1,2230,3939,3940,-1,
+ 2230,3940,3941,-1,2230,3941,2229,-1,5680,5681,3944,-1,3944,5681,2228,-1,3944,2228,3943,-1,3943,2228,2229,-1,3943,2229,3942,-1,3942,2229,3941,-1,
+ 5682,5683,2227,-1,5682,2227,2228,-1,5682,2228,5681,-1,5687,2224,5686,-1,5686,2224,2225,-1,5686,2225,5685,-1,5685,2225,2226,-1,5685,2226,5684,-1,
+ 5684,2226,2227,-1,5684,2227,5683,-1,5688,5689,2223,-1,5688,2223,2224,-1,5688,2224,5687,-1,5640,5641,3991,-1,5640,3991,3992,-1,5640,3992,3993,-1,
+ 5640,3993,5639,-1,3987,3988,5642,-1,5642,3988,3989,-1,5642,3989,5641,-1,5641,3989,3990,-1,5641,3990,3991,-1,5646,3984,5645,-1,5645,3984,3985,-1,
+ 5645,3985,5644,-1,5644,3985,3986,-1,5644,3986,5643,-1,5643,3986,3987,-1,5643,3987,5642,-1,5647,5648,3982,-1,5647,3982,3983,-1,5647,3983,3984,-1,
+ 5647,3984,5646,-1,3981,3982,5648,-1,3981,5648,5649,-1,3981,5649,5650,-1,3981,5650,5651,-1,3981,5651,5652,-1,3981,5652,5653,-1,3981,5653,5654,-1,
+ 3981,5654,3980,-1,5657,3978,5656,-1,5656,3978,3979,-1,5656,3979,5655,-1,5655,3979,3980,-1,5655,3980,5654,-1,3975,3976,5659,-1,5659,3976,3977,-1,
+ 5659,3977,5658,-1,5658,3977,3978,-1,5658,3978,5657,-1,3972,3973,5660,-1,5660,3973,3974,-1,5660,3974,5659,-1,5659,3974,3975,-1,3968,3969,5661,-1,
+ 5661,3969,3970,-1,5661,3970,5660,-1,5660,3970,3971,-1,5660,3971,3972,-1,3964,3965,5662,-1,5662,3965,3966,-1,5662,3966,5661,-1,5661,3966,3967,-1,
+ 5661,3967,3968,-1,3960,3961,5664,-1,5664,3961,3962,-1,5664,3962,5663,-1,5663,3962,3963,-1,5663,3963,5662,-1,5662,3963,3964,-1,3956,3957,5667,-1,
+ 5667,3957,3958,-1,5667,3958,5666,-1,5666,3958,3959,-1,5666,3959,5665,-1,5665,3959,3960,-1,5665,3960,5664,-1,3952,3953,5670,-1,5670,3953,3954,-1,
+ 5670,3954,5669,-1,5669,3954,3955,-1,5669,3955,5668,-1,5668,3955,3956,-1,5668,3956,5667,-1,3949,3950,5672,-1,5672,3950,3951,-1,5672,3951,5671,-1,
+ 5671,3951,3952,-1,5671,3952,5670,-1,5672,5673,3949,-1,3949,5673,5674,-1,3949,5674,3948,-1,3948,5674,5675,-1,3948,5675,3947,-1,3947,5675,5676,-1,
+ 3947,5676,5677,-1,3946,3947,5677,-1,3946,5677,5678,-1,3946,5678,5679,-1,3946,5679,3945,-1,5680,3944,3945,-1,5680,3945,5679,-1,5520,5521,5525,-1,
+ 5525,5521,5522,-1,5525,5522,5524,-1,5524,5522,5523,-1,5519,5520,5525,-1,5519,5525,5526,-1,5519,5526,5527,-1,5519,5527,5528,-1,5519,5528,5529,-1,
+ 5519,5529,5518,-1,5531,5516,5530,-1,5530,5516,5517,-1,5530,5517,5529,-1,5529,5517,5518,-1,5512,4584,4585,-1,5512,4585,4586,-1,5512,4586,4587,-1,
+ 5512,4587,5511,-1,4587,4588,5511,-1,5511,4588,4589,-1,5511,4589,5510,-1,5510,4589,4590,-1,5510,4590,5509,-1,5509,4590,4591,-1,5509,4591,5508,-1,
+ 5508,4591,4592,-1,5508,4592,4593,-1,5508,4593,5507,-1,5507,4593,4594,-1,5507,4594,5506,-1,5506,4594,4595,-1,5506,4595,5505,-1,5505,4595,4596,-1,
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+ 5502,4601,4602,-1,5502,4602,5501,-1,5498,5499,4604,-1,4604,5499,5500,-1,4604,5500,4603,-1,4603,5500,5501,-1,4603,5501,4602,-1,4604,4605,5496,-1,
+ 4604,5496,5497,-1,4604,5497,5498,-1,5496,4605,4606,-1,5496,4606,4607,-1,5496,4607,4608,-1,5496,4608,5495,-1,4608,4609,5495,-1,5495,4609,4610,-1,
+ 5495,4610,5494,-1,5494,4610,4611,-1,5494,4611,4612,-1,5491,5492,4613,-1,4613,5492,5493,-1,4613,5493,4612,-1,4612,5493,5494,-1,4614,4615,5490,-1,
+ 4614,5490,5491,-1,4614,5491,4613,-1,4616,4617,5489,-1,4616,5489,5490,-1,4616,5490,4615,-1,4618,4447,5488,-1,4618,5488,5489,-1,4618,5489,4617,-1,
+ 8659,8637,8638,-1,8659,8638,8639,-1,8659,8639,8640,-1,8659,8640,8641,-1,8659,8641,8658,-1,8655,8656,8642,-1,8642,8656,8657,-1,8642,8657,8641,-1,
+ 8641,8657,8658,-1,8654,8655,8642,-1,8654,8642,8643,-1,8654,8643,8644,-1,8654,8644,8653,-1,8645,8646,8651,-1,8645,8651,8652,-1,8645,8652,8653,-1,
+ 8645,8653,8644,-1,8648,8649,8647,-1,8647,8649,8650,-1,8647,8650,8646,-1,8646,8650,8651,-1,5035,6447,6448,-1,5035,6448,6449,-1,5035,6449,6450,-1,
+ 5035,6450,6451,-1,5035,6451,6452,-1,5035,6452,6453,-1,5035,6453,5034,-1,5034,6453,6454,-1,5488,4447,5487,-1,5689,2222,2223,-1,7478,7476,7477,-1,
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+ 0 0 1,0 0 1] }
+] }
+] }
diff --git a/bottles/pipebomb/schematic.pdf b/bottles/pipebomb/schematic.pdf
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index 0000000..d3f7e3f
Binary files /dev/null and b/bottles/pipebomb/schematic.pdf differ
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index 0000000..2ff5173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bottles/pipebomb/svg/bibeobrys.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..b225c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bottles/pipebomb/svg/pibe.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6be8844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bottles/pipebomb/svg/pomb.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bottles/vectors/bepis-obgrys.svg b/bottles/vectors/bepis-obgrys.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 47eab7b..0000000
--- a/bottles/vectors/bepis-obgrys.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index b25a758..0000000
--- a/bottles/vectors/bepis.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 12ccf5f..0000000
--- a/bottles/vectors/milk-obgryz.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/bottles/vectors/mommymilkers.svg b/bottles/vectors/mommymilkers.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index b800aa1..0000000
--- a/bottles/vectors/mommymilkers.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 2463be3..1a06e3f 100644
--- a/neko/pilkbadge.kicad_pcb
+++ b/neko/pilkbadge.kicad_pcb
@@ -1,19742 +1,32720 @@
-(kicad_pcb (version 20221018) (generator pcbnew)
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- (thickness 1.6)
- )
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- (45 "Margin" user)
- (46 "B.CrtYd" user "B.Courtyard")
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- (58 "User.9" user)
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- )
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- )
- )
- (net 0 "")
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- (net 4 "+BATT")
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- )
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- (offset (xyz 1.25 -3 3))
- (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
- (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
- )
- )
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- (at 116.25 52.25 -155)
- (descr "LED SMD 0805 (2012 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BsfQQcO9C6DZCsRaXUlFlo91Tg2WpOkGARC1WS5S8t0/edit?usp=sharing), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
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- (property "ki_description" "Resistor, small symbol")
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- )
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- (offset (xyz 0 0 0))
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- )
- )
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- (offset (xyz 0 0 0.5))
- (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
- (rotate (xyz 180 0 0))
- )
- )
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- (at 129.795661 80.452986 180)
- (descr "Through hole straight pin header, 1x04, 2.54mm pitch, single row")
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- )
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- )
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- )
- )
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- (at 89.5 79.75 180)
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- )
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- )
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- )
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- (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
- (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
- )
- )
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- (at 108.5 85.85 -90)
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- (property "ki_keywords" "battery cell")
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- )
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- (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
- (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
- )
- )
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- (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
- (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
- )
- )
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- )
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- )
- )
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- (xy 127.378535 90.426451)
- (xy 127.286738 90.422097)
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- (xy 101.391249 116.609232)
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- (xy 93.556043 114.142936)
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- (xy 102.7216 100.134505)
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- (xy 102.72694 100.134801)
- (xy 102.732536 100.135656)
- (xy 102.738388 100.137021)
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- (xy 102.757447 100.143687)
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- (xy 102.771377 100.149787)
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- (xy 108.7629 104.505431)
- (xy 108.72958 104.506985)
- (xy 108.696341 104.506242)
- (xy 108.663301 104.503226)
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- (xy 108.598295 104.490467)
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- (xy 108.447592 104.420419)
- (xy 108.420428 104.400056)
- (xy 108.394534 104.37763)
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- (xy 98.65029 102.716622)
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- (xy 108.771795 105.249744)
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- (xy 108.885536 105.261152)
- (xy 108.94013 105.262336)
- (xy 108.991865 105.260297)
- (xy 109.039734 105.254878)
- (xy 109.082729 105.245921)
- (xy 109.102086 105.240066)
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- (xy 110.003999 105.025848)
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- (xy 113.330345 104.435036)
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- (xy 113.330345 104.435036)
- (xy 112.10682 104.435036)
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- (xy 113.989871 103.703463)
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- (xy 108.94929 104.708)
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- (xy 114.21381 99.906552)
- (xy 114.23231 99.921507)
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- (xy 118.270717 103.404072)
- (xy 118.293201 103.418701)
- (xy 118.31501 103.43168)
- (xy 118.33626 103.443013)
- (xy 118.357067 103.452702)
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- (xy 118.417993 103.47193)
- (xy 118.438192 103.47507)
- (xy 118.458529 103.476578)
- (xy 118.479121 103.47646)
- (xy 118.500085 103.474716)
- (xy 118.521536 103.471349)
- (xy 118.543591 103.466363)
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- (xy 118.589979 103.451543)
- (xy 118.614545 103.441715)
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- (xy 118.755737 103.368495)
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- (xy 118.897709 103.281189)
- (xy 114.452707 99.547389)
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- (xy 113.002155 99.77149)
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- (xy 114.204913 99.227846)
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- (xy 114.425504 99.188942)
- (xy 114.449275 99.189528)
- (xy 114.472853 99.19124)
- (xy 114.496226 99.194117)
- (xy 114.519382 99.198198)
- (xy 114.542309 99.203524)
- (xy 114.564995 99.210132)
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- (xy 114.609592 99.227357)
- (xy 114.63148 99.238052)
- (xy 114.653078 99.250187)
- (xy 114.674373 99.263803)
- (xy 114.695353 99.278937)
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- (xy 114.73632 99.313921)
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- (xy 114.775882 99.355455)
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- (xy 114.832377 99.430724)
- (xy 114.836857 99.437221)
- (xy 114.841605 99.443521)
- (xy 114.846608 99.449636)
- (xy 114.851853 99.455575)
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- (xy 114.887633 99.48809)
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- (xy 119.335248 103.203506)
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- (xy 119.37555 103.20916)
- (xy 119.389052 103.209566)
- (xy 119.402537 103.209238)
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- (xy 119.442589 103.20388)
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- (xy 118.430975 101.875474)
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- (xy 108.441262 102.454542)
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- (xy 116.723731 98.366424)
- (xy 116.355908 98.014987)
- (xy 115.984374 97.667522)
- (xy 115.658403 97.371689)
- (xy 115.328592 97.080935)
- (xy 114.662218 96.511362)
- (xy 113.335897 95.39687)
- (xy 112.624465 95.749692)
- (xy 112.286025 95.915685)
- (xy 111.950535 96.074733)
- (xy 109.811842 97.060502)
- (xy 107.670368 98.039787)
- (xy 107.636643 98.057032)
- (xy 107.602369 98.073078)
- (xy 107.567579 98.087914)
- (xy 107.532303 98.101526)
- (xy 107.496576 98.113904)
- (xy 107.460429 98.125035)
- (xy 107.423894 98.134906)
- (xy 107.387005 98.143507)
- (xy 107.375805 98.143042)
- (xy 107.364431 98.141701)
- (xy 107.352884 98.139563)
- (xy 107.341163 98.136706)
- (xy 107.329269 98.133208)
- (xy 107.317201 98.129149)
- (xy 107.30496 98.124606)
- (xy 107.292545 98.11966)
- (xy 107.267195 98.10887)
- (xy 107.24115 98.097407)
- (xy 107.214411 98.085901)
- (xy 107.20078 98.080328)
- (xy 107.186976 98.074982)
- (xy 107.193233 98.054139)
- (xy 107.200178 98.034303)
- (xy 107.207782 98.015435)
- (xy 107.216016 97.997501)
- (xy 107.224853 97.980463)
- (xy 107.234264 97.964286)
- (xy 107.24422 97.948932)
- (xy 107.254693 97.934367)
- (xy 107.265654 97.920553)
- (xy 107.277076 97.907454)
- (xy 107.288928 97.895034)
- (xy 107.301183 97.883256)
- (xy 107.313813 97.872086)
- (xy 107.326789 97.861485)
- (xy 107.340082 97.851418)
- (xy 107.353664 97.841848)
- (xy 107.381581 97.824056)
- (xy 107.410312 97.807819)
- (xy 107.439629 97.792846)
- (xy 107.469304 97.778847)
- (xy 107.587028 97.726787)
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- (xy 111.035606 96.13585)
- (xy 111.296566 96.023123)
- (xy 111.559543 95.91467)
- (xy 112.08921 95.705471)
- (xy 112.619918 95.49801)
- (xy 112.884198 95.391729)
- (xy 113.146979 95.282042)
- (xy 113.186498 95.264634)
- (xy 113.226808 95.250596)
- (xy 113.267718 95.239896)
- (xy 113.309037 95.232499)
- (xy 113.350575 95.228374)
- (xy 113.392142 95.227487)
- (xy 113.433546 95.229805)
- (xy 113.474598 95.235296)
- (xy 113.515105 95.243925)
- (xy 113.554879 95.255661)
- (xy 113.593728 95.270471)
- (xy 113.631461 95.28832)
- (xy 113.667889 95.309177)
- (xy 113.702819 95.333008)
- (xy 113.736063 95.359781)
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- (xy 118.573581 99.758523)
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- (xy 118.641704 99.823809)
- (xy 118.712951 99.890484)
- (xy 118.78767 99.960631)
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- (xy 118.855438 99.92235)
- (xy 118.850437 99.875684)
- (xy 118.845342 99.834952)
- (xy 118.839888 99.79944)
- (xy 118.833813 99.768433)
- (xy 118.826854 99.74122)
- (xy 118.818748 99.717085)
- (xy 118.80923 99.695316)
- (xy 118.798039 99.6752)
- (xy 118.78491 99.656022)
- (xy 118.769581 99.637069)
- (xy 118.751789 99.617627)
- (xy 118.73127 99.596984)
- (xy 118.680999 99.549237)
- (xy 118.516628 99.408072)
- (xy 118.352256 99.263088)
- (xy 118.189273 99.115328)
- (xy 118.02907 98.965832)
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- (xy 114.3888 95.519974)
- (xy 114.079503 95.242682)
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- (xy 113.463686 94.691224)
- (xy 112.741371 95.004458)
- (xy 112.390112 95.155606)
- (xy 112.041285 95.302411)
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- (xy 107.031537 97.389461)
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- (xy 106.93493 97.441875)
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- (xy 106.792792 97.525405)
- (xy 106.746179 97.554542)
- (xy 106.645493 97.509629)
- (xy 106.546153 97.460545)
- (xy 106.448028 97.407636)
- (xy 106.350989 97.351247)
- (xy 106.254905 97.291721)
- (xy 106.159645 97.229404)
- (xy 106.06508 97.164639)
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- (xy 105.223765 96.52849)
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- (xy 104.482237 95.958512)
- (xy 104.114511 95.67526)
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- (xy 103.364098 95.125511)
- (xy 102.983669 94.859535)
- (xy 102.219685 94.331921)
- (xy 102.256726 94.259685)
- (xy 102.310105 94.273535)
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- (xy 102.41585 94.304674)
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- (xy 102.622773 94.380535)
- (xy 102.673444 94.402294)
- (xy 102.81325 94.472606)
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- (xy 103.624666 94.943616)
- (xy 103.755055 95.030148)
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- (xy 106.443938 97.081159)
- (xy 106.503551 97.125322)
- (xy 106.622085 97.211907)
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- (xy 108.342526 96.383333)
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- (xy 110.098215 95.667271)
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- (xy 113.804464 94.535414)
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- (xy 114.602854 95.242661)
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- (xy 118.253026 97.829833)
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- (xy 118.18735 97.750677)
- (xy 118.152158 97.712977)
- (xy 118.115439 97.676598)
- (xy 118.07722 97.641588)
- (xy 116.203837 95.91614)
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- (xy 114.669404 93.972618)
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- (xy 115.882786 93.981728)
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- (xy 115.782639 93.962725)
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- (xy 115.623909 93.998538)
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- (xy 115.057797 94.005959)
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- (xy 114.981284 93.960063)
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- (xy 116.556077 93.953746)
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- (xy 116.531503 93.954399)
- (xy 116.523337 93.955955)
- (xy 114.971355 93.955955)
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- (xy 114.952935 93.949038)
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- (xy 117.117852 93.944842)
- (xy 114.939693 93.944842)
- (xy 114.93846 93.944451)
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- (xy 114.803052 93.93172)
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- (xy 114.77265 93.936062)
- (xy 114.757535 93.939237)
- (xy 114.742506 93.943087)
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- (xy 113.951173 93.972618)
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- (xy 112.284712 93.860929)
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- (xy 112.000498 93.824433)
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- (xy 111.862053 93.84056)
- (xy 111.834657 93.84756)
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- (xy 106.346842 96.059882)
- (xy 106.31893 96.057413)
- (xy 106.291167 96.053299)
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- (xy 102.59011 93.263272)
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- (xy 106.761886 95.487094)
- (xy 106.773435 95.490453)
- (xy 106.78501 95.492898)
- (xy 106.796609 95.494482)
- (xy 106.808231 95.495259)
- (xy 106.819875 95.495282)
- (xy 106.83154 95.494603)
- (xy 106.843223 95.493277)
- (xy 106.854924 95.491356)
- (xy 106.878374 95.485945)
- (xy 106.901877 95.478794)
- (xy 106.925424 95.47033)
- (xy 106.949004 95.460979)
- (xy 106.996216 95.441319)
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- (xy 111.104978 93.85352)
- (xy 111.139328 93.839409)
- (xy 111.173679 93.824819)
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- (xy 111.274995 93.779272)
- (xy 111.339357 93.748511)
- (xy 111.314817 93.748962)
- (xy 111.290498 93.748294)
- (xy 111.242447 93.743994)
- (xy 111.195059 93.736388)
- (xy 111.148186 93.726258)
- (xy 110.96292 93.676048)
- (xy 110.916427 93.664967)
- (xy 110.869571 93.656032)
- (xy 110.822204 93.650022)
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- (xy 110.774181 93.647716)
- (xy 110.749878 93.648194)
- (xy 110.725355 93.649891)
- (xy 110.700595 93.652903)
- (xy 110.675579 93.657327)
- (xy 110.650289 93.663261)
- (xy 110.624707 93.670802)
- (xy 110.598814 93.680047)
- (xy 110.572592 93.691095)
- (xy 110.326525 93.802195)
- (xy 110.078895 93.909671)
- (xy 109.580337 94.117308)
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- (xy 108.579748 94.528236)
- (xy 106.63213 95.366623)
- (xy 106.026218 95.366623)
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- (xy 105.260813 94.765309)
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- (xy 103.393466 93.349053)
- (xy 103.368853 93.33239)
- (xy 103.344154 93.316965)
- (xy 103.319368 93.302745)
- (xy 103.269535 93.277794)
- (xy 103.219355 93.257279)
- (xy 103.168828 93.240941)
- (xy 103.117954 93.228524)
- (xy 103.066732 93.21977)
- (xy 103.015163 93.21442)
- (xy 102.963247 93.212218)
- (xy 102.910984 93.212905)
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- (xy 102.805415 93.221916)
- (xy 102.75211 93.229725)
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- (xy 102.59011 93.263272)
- (xy 101.857814 93.263272)
- (xy 101.850558 93.260202)
- (xy 101.794509 93.241356)
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- (xy 101.621607 93.210939)
- (xy 101.563235 93.209496)
- (xy 101.504917 93.212395)
- (xy 101.446906 93.219633)
- (xy 101.389458 93.231207)
- (xy 101.332827 93.247114)
- (xy 101.277265 93.267351)
- (xy 101.223028 93.291915)
- (xy 101.170368 93.320801)
- (xy 101.119541 93.354008)
- (xy 101.079617 93.378878)
- (xy 101.03907 93.402851)
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- (xy 100.872049 93.491854)
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- (xy 100.445383 93.702203)
- (xy 100.135738 93.867995)
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- (xy 98.960138 94.636085)
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- (xy 99.013559 94.645324)
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- (xy 99.040496 94.64559)
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- (xy 99.106622 94.63374)
- (xy 99.119404 94.629247)
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- (xy 101.344029 93.519563)
- (xy 101.383454 93.503655)
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- (xy 101.556095 93.450412)
- (xy 101.561489 93.450016)
- (xy 101.566955 93.449923)
- (xy 101.572492 93.450115)
- (xy 101.578098 93.450578)
- (xy 101.589513 93.452256)
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- (xy 101.743698 93.507731)
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- (xy 101.554554 93.755214)
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- (xy 98.872535 95.238684)
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- (xy 98.829349 95.353975)
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- (xy 102.022337 93.952325)
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- (xy 102.040259 93.953811)
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- (xy 99.191538 93.45219)
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- (xy 99.976823 93.405887)
- (xy 100.013864 93.496634)
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- (xy 100.400949 93.222523)
- (xy 99.976823 93.405887)
- (xy 99.274512 93.405887)
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- (xy 106.11058 94.644927)
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- (xy 108.802072 93.293828)
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- (xy 108.682615 93.282131)
- (xy 108.652644 93.280868)
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- (xy 108.592651 93.28034)
- (xy 108.562651 93.281074)
- (xy 108.532665 93.282475)
- (xy 108.502702 93.284543)
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- (xy 108.413068 93.294749)
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- (xy 106.886948 93.207709)
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- (xy 106.383519 93.207709)
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- (xy 99.211579 92.242275)
- (xy 99.229266 92.243778)
- (xy 99.247096 92.244621)
- (xy 99.463096 92.265978)
- (xy 99.679095 92.290112)
- (xy 100.111093 92.340465)
- (xy 100.327093 92.363558)
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- (xy 100.759091 92.397764)
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- (xy 103.483969 92.340196)
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- (xy 104.607025 92.26499)
- (xy 105.214306 92.256915)
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- (xy 107.232961 92.273704)
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- (xy 116.145262 93.129956)
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- (xy 116.258738 93.129956)
- (xy 116.315468 93.128835)
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- (xy 116.91482 93.083462)
- (xy 116.984509 93.081762)
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- (xy 118.655092 91.671241)
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- (xy 118.702544 91.283082)
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- (xy 123.47976 83.85099)
- (xy 122.654534 83.85099)
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- (xy 122.83 82.348317)
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- (xy 84.141512 84.421427)
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- (xy 118.6269 54.973044)
- (xy 118.273261 54.788642)
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- (xy 117.938943 54.735642)
- (xy 117.963345 54.861599)
- (xy 117.983757 54.988072)
- (xy 118.000179 55.114969)
- (xy 118.012613 55.242193)
- (xy 118.021059 55.369653)
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- (xy 118.025995 55.6249)
- (xy 118.022486 55.752499)
- (xy 118.014995 55.879958)
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- (xy 117.917835 56.511839)
- (xy 117.886471 56.636475)
- (xy 117.754047 57.136654)
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- (xy 117.61051 57.630581)
- (xy 117.568658 57.751947)
- (xy 117.523289 57.872163)
- (xy 117.47384 57.991076)
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- (xy 117.295368 58.338482)
- (xy 117.223955 58.450667)
- (xy 117.14564 58.56079)
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- (xy 116.523589 59.14781)
- (xy 116.471798 59.176211)
- (xy 116.419696 59.201742)
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- (xy 116.314285 59.24444)
- (xy 116.260841 59.261729)
- (xy 116.206813 59.276394)
- (xy 116.152134 59.288496)
- (xy 116.096734 59.298096)
- (xy 116.040546 59.305256)
- (xy 115.983502 59.310036)
- (xy 115.925534 59.312499)
- (xy 115.866572 59.312706)
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- (xy 115.619438 59.292199)
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- (xy 115.203007 59.19767)
- (xy 115.131685 59.17016)
- (xy 115.06233 59.138743)
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- (xy 114.930094 59.064658)
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- (xy 114.7501 58.927162)
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- (xy 114.644031 58.819283)
- (xy 114.595608 58.760831)
- (xy 114.550453 58.699527)
- (xy 114.50871 58.635488)
- (xy 114.470524 58.56883)
- (xy 114.436039 58.499671)
- (xy 114.380206 58.392038)
- (xy 114.327679 58.282963)
- (xy 114.27848 58.172523)
- (xy 114.232627 58.060794)
- (xy 114.190141 57.947854)
- (xy 114.151043 57.833779)
- (xy 114.115352 57.718648)
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- (xy 114.054273 57.48552)
- (xy 114.028925 57.367678)
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- (xy 113.988714 57.129824)
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- (xy 113.962617 56.889588)
- (xy 113.954912 56.76877)
- (xy 113.950795 56.647587)
- (xy 113.950649 56.590176)
- (xy 114.482342 56.590176)
- (xy 114.484195 56.584614)
- (xy 114.486945 56.690131)
- (xy 114.492836 56.795353)
- (xy 114.501849 56.900213)
- (xy 114.513967 57.004644)
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- (xy 114.547453 57.211945)
- (xy 114.568785 57.314679)
- (xy 114.593154 57.416713)
- (xy 114.620543 57.517978)
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- (xy 114.684308 57.717932)
- (xy 114.720651 57.816485)
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- (xy 114.80217 58.010404)
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- (xy 115.070527 58.44892)
- (xy 115.109974 58.488917)
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- (xy 115.192558 58.559193)
- (xy 115.235515 58.589508)
- (xy 115.279461 58.616631)
- (xy 115.324306 58.64058)
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- (xy 115.416335 58.67903)
- (xy 115.463337 58.693566)
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- (xy 115.558867 58.713352)
- (xy 115.607215 58.718638)
- (xy 115.65583 58.720875)
- (xy 115.704623 58.720083)
- (xy 115.753503 58.716279)
- (xy 115.802381 58.709481)
- (xy 115.851165 58.699708)
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- (xy 115.948095 58.671305)
- (xy 115.99606 58.652711)
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- (xy 116.090538 58.606831)
- (xy 116.13687 58.579579)
- (xy 116.182479 58.549478)
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- (xy 116.271162 58.480797)
- (xy 116.314056 58.442253)
- (xy 116.369222 58.389588)
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- (xy 116.474224 58.279483)
- (xy 116.524 58.222138)
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- (xy 116.61795 58.103092)
- (xy 116.662064 58.041486)
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- (xy 116.74442 57.914336)
- (xy 116.782602 57.848887)
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- (xy 116.852821 57.714471)
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- (xy 117.274649 55.601912)
- (xy 117.264583 55.446475)
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- (xy 117.223526 55.134039)
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- (xy 114.482342 56.590176)
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- (xy 114.378626 53.845384)
- (xy 114.249367 53.84964)
- (xy 114.120215 53.855925)
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- (xy 113.862327 53.874574)
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- (xy 108.821547 55.833825)
- (xy 108.825843 55.825502)
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- (xy 112.214376 53.6381)
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- (xy 110.317285 52.440836)
- (xy 110.24788 52.321348)
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- (xy 108.403211 53.701377)
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- (xy 107.713967 54.172582)
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- (xy 106.878516 56.733145)
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- )
- )
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- )
- )
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- )
- )
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- )
- )
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- )
- )
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- (members
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- )
- )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (layer "B.Mask"
+ (type "Bottom Solder Mask")
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+ )
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+ )
+ (layer "B.SilkS"
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+ (color "Black")
+ )
+ (copper_finish "Immersion tin")
+ (dielectric_constraints no)
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ (hide yes)
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+ )
+ (scale
+ (xyz 1 1 1)
+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ (descr "3.5mm x 3.5mm PLCC4 Addressable RGB LED NeoPixel, https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/product-files/2686/SK6812MINI_REV.01-1-2.pdf")
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+ (justify mirror)
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+ )
+ (scale
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+ (xy 119.682202 48.236581) (xy 119.616182 48.21437) (xy 119.583643 48.202185) (xy 119.551486 48.189121)
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+ (xy 124.645421 53.583312) (xy 124.658222 53.608395) (xy 124.671957 53.633955) (xy 124.679168 53.646738)
+ (xy 124.686604 53.659429) (xy 124.694263 53.671957) (xy 124.702141 53.684251) (xy 124.879257 53.998107)
+ (xy 125.047606 54.31652) (xy 125.207103 54.639307) (xy 125.357668 54.966281) (xy 125.499217 55.297257)
+ (xy 125.631668 55.632051) (xy 125.754939 55.970477) (xy 125.868947 56.31235) (xy 125.99076 56.744315)
+ (xy 126.101921 57.178933) (xy 126.202394 57.616007) (xy 126.292141 58.055339) (xy 126.371123 58.496733)
+ (xy 126.439305 58.939992) (xy 126.496647 59.384917) (xy 126.543112 59.831313) (xy 126.579462 60.128331)
+ (xy 126.619307 60.424937) (xy 126.702622 61.017344) (xy 126.742663 61.313362) (xy 126.779339 61.609403)
+ (xy 126.810936 61.905573) (xy 126.835739 62.201983) (xy 126.859987 62.604365) (xy 126.875531 63.007204)
+ (xy 126.884086 63.410433) (xy 126.887366 63.813989) (xy 126.882041 65.430165) (xy 126.881658 65.467476)
+ (xy 126.880276 65.504928) (xy 126.877549 65.542272) (xy 126.873128 65.579257) (xy 126.866668 65.615635)
+ (xy 126.85782 65.651155) (xy 126.846237 65.685569) (xy 126.839312 65.702282) (xy 126.831573 65.718625)
+ (xy 126.822976 65.734567) (xy 126.813478 65.750076) (xy 126.803037 65.765122) (xy 126.791608 65.779672)
+ (xy 126.779148 65.793695) (xy 126.765613 65.807162) (xy 126.750961 65.820039) (xy 126.735148 65.832297)
+ (xy 126.71813 65.843904) (xy 126.699864 65.854828) (xy 126.680306 65.865039) (xy 126.659414 65.874505)
+ (xy 126.637143 65.883195) (xy 126.613451 65.891078) (xy 126.588294 65.898123) (xy 126.561628 65.904299)
+ (xy 124.955872 64.644879) (xy 124.292826 65.039371) (xy 124.292826 65.359784) (xy 124.295937 65.692376)
+ (xy 124.293854 66.024917) (xy 124.286581 66.357346) (xy 124.27412 66.689603) (xy 124.256473 67.021624)
+ (xy 124.233644 67.35335) (xy 124.205635 67.684717) (xy 124.172449 68.015666) (xy 124.165644 68.138887)
+ (xy 124.16158 68.262183) (xy 124.160253 68.385509) (xy 124.161665 68.508819) (xy 124.165813 68.632067)
+ (xy 124.172697 68.755207) (xy 124.182315 68.878194) (xy 124.194666 69.000981) (xy 124.197872 69.053965)
+ (xy 124.198956 69.105199) (xy 124.197621 69.154584) (xy 124.193567 69.202017) (xy 124.186496 69.2474)
+ (xy 124.176109 69.290631) (xy 124.16958 69.311409) (xy 124.162109 69.331611) (xy 124.153661 69.351225)
+ (xy 124.144197 69.370238) (xy 124.133681 69.388638) (xy 124.122074 69.406413) (xy 124.109341 69.423549)
+ (xy 124.095443 69.440035) (xy 124.080343 69.455857) (xy 124.064003 69.471004) (xy 124.046388 69.485461)
+ (xy 124.027458 69.499218) (xy 124.007178 69.512262) (xy 123.985509 69.524579) (xy 123.962414 69.536158)
+ (xy 123.937856 69.546985) (xy 123.911798 69.557049) (xy 123.884202 69.566336) (xy 123.855032 69.574835)
+ (xy 123.824249 69.582532) (xy 123.776781 69.562322) (xy 123.730824 69.53935) (xy 123.686239 69.513849)
+ (xy 123.64289 69.486053) (xy 123.600636 69.456194) (xy 123.55934 69.424507) (xy 123.518863 69.391225)
+ (xy 123.479067 69.356581) (xy 123.439814 69.320808) (xy 123.400965 69.284139) (xy 123.323926 69.20905)
+ (xy 123.246844 69.13318) (xy 123.16861 69.058395) (xy 122.283317 68.239773) (xy 122.274093 68.232292)
+ (xy 122.265225 68.224449) (xy 122.256722 68.216258) (xy 122.248593 68.207733) (xy 122.240846 68.198887)
+ (xy 122.233489 68.189732) (xy 122.226532 68.180283) (xy 122.219983 68.170553) (xy 122.21385 68.160555)
+ (xy 122.208142 68.150303) (xy 122.202867 68.13981) (xy 122.198035 68.129089) (xy 122.193654 68.118153)
+ (xy 122.189732 68.107017) (xy 122.186278 68.095694) (xy 122.183301 68.084196) (xy 122.181144 68.050404)
+ (xy 122.177157 68.018414) (xy 122.171422 67.988131) (xy 122.164017 67.95946) (xy 122.155024 67.932304)
+ (xy 122.144523 67.906567) (xy 122.132594 67.882153) (xy 122.119318 67.858967) (xy 122.104775 67.836912)
+ (xy 122.089045 67.815892) (xy 122.072209 67.795812) (xy 122.054347 67.776575) (xy 122.03554 67.758085)
+ (xy 122.015867 67.740247) (xy 121.974248 67.706142) (xy 121.930134 67.67349) (xy 121.884166 67.641525)
+ (xy 121.789243 67.576583) (xy 121.741574 67.54207) (xy 121.694625 67.505173) (xy 121.67162 67.48559)
+ (xy 121.649036 67.465123) (xy 121.626954 67.443676) (xy 121.605453 67.421153) (xy 121.190585 68.39674)
+ (xy 120.989749 68.863522) (xy 120.786828 69.319538) (xy 120.736931 69.433138) (xy 120.689687 69.54813)
+ (xy 120.601098 69.781778) (xy 120.433079 70.260166) (xy 120.345402 70.502864) (xy 120.249782 70.746539)
+ (xy 120.197704 70.868424) (xy 120.142094 70.990171) (xy 120.082436 71.111651) (xy 120.018215 71.232738)
+ (xy 119.909635 71.119016) (xy 119.80443 71.003775) (xy 119.602192 70.769949) (xy 119.407593 70.533692)
+ (xy 119.216727 70.297435) (xy 119.025687 70.063609) (xy 118.830566 69.834644) (xy 118.730255 69.722745)
+ (xy 118.627458 69.612973) (xy 118.521688 69.505631) (xy 118.412456 69.401025) (xy 118.300254 69.511865)
+ (xy 118.196255 69.628546) (xy 118.099332 69.750268) (xy 118.008356 69.87623) (xy 117.922198 70.005632)
+ (xy 117.83973 70.137674) (xy 117.681348 70.406476) (xy 117.524181 70.676233) (xy 117.443232 70.809469)
+ (xy 117.3592 70.940542) (xy 117.270959 71.068653) (xy 117.177378 71.193) (xy 117.077329 71.312784)
+ (xy 116.969684 71.427205) (xy 116.852065 71.334558) (xy 116.742546 71.237399) (xy 116.640454 71.136035)
+ (xy 116.545121 71.030773) (xy 116.455876 70.921918) (xy 116.372049 70.809778) (xy 116.292969 70.694659)
+ (xy 116.217968 70.576868) (xy 116.146374 70.456711) (xy 116.077517 70.334495) (xy 115.945336 70.085111)
+ (xy 115.684338 69.575122) (xy 115.573441 69.716113) (xy 115.527284 69.77593) (xy 115.486162 69.830712)
+ (xy 114.911323 70.70443) (xy 114.623294 71.14077) (xy 114.332312 71.575376) (xy 114.294169 71.631052)
+ (xy 114.258539 71.680114) (xy 114.224851 71.722718) (xy 114.208558 71.741648) (xy 114.192537 71.759023)
+ (xy 114.176716 71.774862) (xy 114.161025 71.789185) (xy 114.145392 71.802012) (xy 114.129746 71.813362)
+ (xy 114.114017 71.823256) (xy 114.098131 71.831712) (xy 114.08202 71.838751) (xy 114.06561 71.844392)
+ (xy 114.048832 71.848655) (xy 114.031614 71.851559) (xy 114.013884 71.853124) (xy 113.995571 71.85337)
+ (xy 113.976605 71.852316) (xy 113.956913 71.849983) (xy 113.936426 71.846389) (xy 113.91507 71.841555)
+ (xy 113.892776 71.8355) (xy 113.869472 71.828244) (xy 113.845087 71.819807) (xy 113.81955 71.810207)
+ (xy 113.764733 71.787602) (xy 113.704453 71.760585) (xy 113.580895 71.702403) (xy 113.462264 71.644481)
+ (xy 113.235181 71.529073) (xy 112.789524 71.297562) (xy 112.450595 71.125321) (xy 112.220939 71.756881)
+ (xy 112.231497 71.769152) (xy 112.241681 71.781603) (xy 112.261164 71.806715) (xy 112.279865 71.831566)
+ (xy 112.298263 71.855506) (xy 112.307497 71.86693) (xy 112.316834 71.877883) (xy 112.326334 71.888281)
+ (xy 112.336057 71.898045) (xy 112.346062 71.907093) (xy 112.356408 71.915342) (xy 112.367157 71.922713)
+ (xy 112.378366 71.929123) (xy 112.483402 71.988274) (xy 112.584287 72.052721) (xy 112.681602 72.121726)
+ (xy 112.775927 72.194551) (xy 112.867843 72.270457) (xy 112.957931 72.348708) (xy 113.134943 72.50929)
+ (xy 113.311607 72.670392) (xy 113.401261 72.749294) (xy 113.492569 72.826111) (xy 113.586114 72.900108)
+ (xy 113.682474 72.970545) (xy 113.782231 73.036684) (xy 113.885965 73.097788) (xy 115.573211 74.047908)
+ (xy 115.698855 74.11594) (xy 115.825498 74.181693) (xy 116.080217 74.309747) (xy 116.334241 74.438843)
+ (xy 116.460017 74.505898) (xy 116.584446 74.575752) (xy 116.619371 74.59539) (xy 116.653853 74.615734)
+ (xy 116.687884 74.636776) (xy 116.721452 74.658509) (xy 116.754547 74.680925) (xy 116.78716 74.704015)
+ (xy 116.81928 74.727772) (xy 116.850897 74.752186) (xy 116.882001 74.777252) (xy 116.912582 74.802959)
+ (xy 116.94263 74.829301) (xy 116.972133 74.85627) (xy 117.001084 74.883857) (xy 117.02947 74.912054)
+ (xy 117.057283 74.940853) (xy 117.084511 74.970247) (xy 118.638872 76.792927) (xy 119.407196 77.710953)
+ (xy 119.786866 78.173536) (xy 120.162673 78.639223) (xy 120.227886 78.716293) (xy 120.294402 78.786623)
+ (xy 120.362306 78.850594) (xy 120.431687 78.908586) (xy 120.50263 78.960978) (xy 120.575223 79.00815)
+ (xy 120.649553 79.050482) (xy 120.725705 79.088354) (xy 120.803767 79.122145) (xy 120.883827 79.152236)
+ (xy 120.965969 79.179006) (xy 121.050282 79.202836) (xy 121.136852 79.224104) (xy 121.225766 79.243191)
+ (xy 121.317111 79.260476) (xy 121.410973 79.27634) (xy 121.523936 79.290954) (xy 121.637069 79.303138)
+ (xy 121.863664 79.321948) (xy 122.316875 79.349498) (xy 122.542753 79.365183) (xy 122.767655 79.386772)
+ (xy 122.879625 79.400865) (xy 122.991212 79.417736) (xy 123.102371 79.437819) (xy 123.213055 79.461549)
+ (xy 123.300587 79.496144) (xy 123.386972 79.53335) (xy 123.472151 79.573137) (xy 123.556066 79.615476)
+ (xy 123.638662 79.660335) (xy 123.719879 79.707686) (xy 123.799662 79.757498) (xy 123.877951 79.809741)
+ (xy 123.936722 79.740306) (xy 123.994398 79.66998) (xy 124.050969 79.598776) (xy 124.106424 79.526707)
+ (xy 124.160755 79.453785) (xy 124.213949 79.380024) (xy 124.265999 79.305437) (xy 124.316893 79.230038)
+ (xy 124.411703 79.080123) (xy 124.512622 78.938556) (xy 124.619423 78.805046) (xy 124.731877 78.679304)
+ (xy 124.849757 78.561038) (xy 124.972836 78.44996) (xy 125.100885 78.345777) (xy 125.233675 78.248201)
+ (xy 125.370981 78.156941) (xy 125.512573 78.071707) (xy 125.658223 77.992207) (xy 125.807704 77.918153)
+ (xy 125.960788 77.849254) (xy 126.117248 77.785219) (xy 126.276854 77.725758) (xy 126.43938 77.670581)
+ (xy 126.686685 77.598858) (xy 126.929961 77.545281) (xy 127.16926 77.509507) (xy 127.404634 77.491191)
+ (xy 127.636133 77.489989) (xy 127.86381 77.505556) (xy 128.087715 77.537547) (xy 128.307901 77.585619)
+ (xy 128.524419 77.649425) (xy 128.737321 77.728623) (xy 128.946658 77.822867) (xy 129.152481 77.931813)
+ (xy 129.354842 78.055115) (xy 129.553793 78.192431) (xy 129.749386 78.343415) (xy 129.941671 78.507722)
+ (xy 130.016931 78.622382) (xy 130.094569 78.735252) (xy 130.255714 78.956619) (xy 130.42259 79.17382)
+ (xy 130.592678 79.38885) (xy 130.76346 79.603706) (xy 130.932419 79.820386) (xy 131.097037 80.040885)
+ (xy 131.176931 80.153192) (xy 131.254796 80.267201) (xy 131.347674 80.41544) (xy 131.430312 80.565585)
+ (xy 131.503535 80.717505) (xy 131.568172 80.871067) (xy 131.62505 81.026137) (xy 131.674996 81.182582)
+ (xy 131.718838 81.34027) (xy 131.757403 81.499068) (xy 131.791519 81.658843) (xy 131.822014 81.819461)
+ (xy 131.875447 82.142697) (xy 131.975261 82.793444) (xy 132.023142 83.135814) (xy 132.06265 83.479096)
+ (xy 132.093778 83.823136) (xy 132.116518 84.167781) (xy 132.13086 84.512877) (xy 132.136797 84.858271)
+ (xy 132.134321 85.203809) (xy 132.123424 85.549338) (xy 132.11886 85.694754) (xy 132.109959 85.839738)
+ (xy 132.096747 85.984198) (xy 132.079247 86.12804) (xy 132.057485 86.271171) (xy 132.031484 86.413496)
+ (xy 132.001269 86.554921) (xy 131.966864 86.695355) (xy 131.928294 86.834701) (xy 131.885583 86.972868)
+ (xy 131.838756 87.109761) (xy 131.787836 87.245286) (xy 131.732849 87.379351) (xy 131.673819 87.51186)
+ (xy 131.61077 87.642721) (xy 131.543726 87.771841) (xy 131.410777 88.002701) (xy 131.270662 88.229045)
+ (xy 131.123499 88.450711) (xy 130.969407 88.667535) (xy 130.808507 88.879356) (xy 130.640918 89.08601)
+ (xy 130.466758 89.287336) (xy 130.286149 89.483169) (xy 130.249033 89.523628) (xy 130.210628 89.562703)
+ (xy 130.170972 89.600369) (xy 130.130107 89.636599) (xy 130.088072 89.671367) (xy 130.04491 89.704648)
+ (xy 130.000659 89.736414) (xy 129.955361 89.766641) (xy 129.909057 89.795302) (xy 129.861785 89.822371)
+ (xy 129.813588 89.847822) (xy 129.764506 89.871628) (xy 129.714579 89.893765) (xy 129.663848 89.914205)
+ (xy 129.612353 89.932923) (xy 129.560135 89.949893) (xy 129.176637 90.058124) (xy 128.792446 90.164272)
+ (xy 128.406866 90.265557) (xy 128.213337 90.313507) (xy 128.0192 90.3592) (xy 127.928579 90.379324)
+ (xy 127.837492 90.395932) (xy 127.746037 90.409029) (xy 127.654314 90.418623) (xy 127.562423 90.42472)
+ (xy 127.470464 90.427328) (xy 127.378535 90.426451) (xy 127.286738 90.422097) (xy 127.195171 90.414274)
+ (xy 127.103933 90.402986) (xy 127.013126 90.388241) (xy 126.922848 90.370046) (xy 126.833199 90.348407)
+ (xy 126.744278 90.323331) (xy 126.656186 90.294824) (xy 126.569022 90.262894) (xy 126.422625 90.197675)
+ (xy 126.277138 90.130499) (xy 126.132581 90.061376) (xy 125.988974 89.990316) (xy 125.846337 89.917328)
+ (xy 125.704689 89.842422) (xy 125.56405 89.765608) (xy 125.42444 89.686896) (xy 125.298991 89.620826)
+ (xy 125.175149 89.552043) (xy 125.052957 89.480578) (xy 124.932456 89.406463) (xy 124.813687 89.329729)
+ (xy 124.696693 89.250409) (xy 124.581514 89.168534) (xy 124.468193 89.084136) (xy 124.35677 88.997246)
+ (xy 124.247288 88.907896) (xy 124.139789 88.816118) (xy 124.034312 88.721943) (xy 123.930901 88.625404)
+ (xy 123.829597 88.526532) (xy 123.730441 88.425358) (xy 123.633476 88.321915) (xy 123.498266 89.031261)
+ (xy 123.333 89.073766) (xy 123.166991 89.112666) (xy 123.000299 89.147955) (xy 122.832983 89.179629)
+ (xy 122.665101 89.207681) (xy 122.496712 89.232107) (xy 122.327876 89.252902) (xy 122.15865 89.270058)
+ (xy 121.989095 89.283573) (xy 121.81927 89.293439) (xy 121.649232 89.299653) (xy 121.479041 89.302208)
+ (xy 121.308757 89.301099) (xy 121.138437 89.296321) (xy 120.968142 89.287868) (xy 120.797929 89.275736)
+ (xy 120.733826 89.274711) (xy 120.669937 89.271449) (xy 120.606318 89.265965) (xy 120.543024 89.258276)
+ (xy 120.480113 89.248397) (xy 120.417639 89.236345) (xy 120.355659 89.222135) (xy 120.294228 89.205783)
+ (xy 120.233403 89.187306) (xy 120.17324 89.166718) (xy 120.113794 89.144037) (xy 120.055122 89.119277)
+ (xy 119.99728 89.092456) (xy 119.940323 89.063588) (xy 119.884308 89.03269) (xy 119.82929 88.999778)
+ (xy 119.062063 88.477952) (xy 118.292061 87.95891) (xy 118.269521 87.943995) (xy 118.246135 87.929535)
+ (xy 118.221576 87.915119) (xy 118.19552 87.900334) (xy 118.137614 87.868008) (xy 118.105112 87.849642)
+ (xy 118.06981 87.829257) (xy 118.075382 87.870824) (xy 118.081935 87.912205) (xy 118.089462 87.953384)
+ (xy 118.097958 87.994344) (xy 118.107418 88.035068) (xy 118.117836 88.07554) (xy 118.129207 88.115743)
+ (xy 118.141526 88.155659) (xy 118.154787 88.195272) (xy 118.168985 88.234566) (xy 118.184114 88.273523)
+ (xy 118.200169 88.312127) (xy 118.217145 88.35036) (xy 118.235035 88.388206) (xy 118.253835 88.425649)
+ (xy 118.27354 88.462671) (xy 118.301344 88.512314) (xy 118.328138 88.562464) (xy 118.353917 88.613106)
+ (xy 118.378674 88.664224) (xy 118.402405 88.715803) (xy 118.425102 88.767826) (xy 118.446761 88.820279)
+ (xy 118.467374 88.873145) (xy 118.486937 88.926409) (xy 118.505442 88.980054) (xy 118.522885 89.034067)
+ (xy 118.53926 89.08843) (xy 118.55456 89.143128) (xy 118.568779 89.198146) (xy 118.581912 89.253468)
+ (xy 118.593953 89.309077) (xy 118.614504 89.400461) (xy 118.639166 89.489291) (xy 118.667664 89.57575)
+ (xy 118.699724 89.66002) (xy 118.735072 89.742282) (xy 118.773435 89.822717) (xy 118.814537 89.901509)
+ (xy 118.858106 89.978838) (xy 118.903866 90.054887) (xy 118.951545 90.129837) (xy 119.05156 90.277168)
+ (xy 119.15596 90.422286) (xy 119.26255 90.566644) (xy 119.352348 90.689286) (xy 119.440583 90.81297)
+ (xy 119.483843 90.875312) (xy 119.526386 90.938044) (xy 119.568105 91.001211) (xy 119.608889 91.064856)
+ (xy 119.62158 91.082701) (xy 119.633372 91.100945) (xy 119.64427 91.119558) (xy 119.654273 91.13851)
+ (xy 119.663383 91.157772) (xy 119.671602 91.177315) (xy 119.678932 91.197108) (xy 119.685373 91.217123)
+ (xy 119.695598 91.257699) (xy 119.702288 91.298806) (xy 119.705454 91.340208) (xy 119.70511 91.381669)
+ (xy 119.701267 91.422953) (xy 119.693938 91.463824) (xy 119.683133 91.504045) (xy 119.668865 91.543382)
+ (xy 119.660436 91.562644) (xy 119.651146 91.581596) (xy 119.640996 91.600209) (xy 119.629987 91.618453)
+ (xy 119.618122 91.636299) (xy 119.605402 91.653717) (xy 119.591828 91.670677) (xy 119.577401 91.68715)
+ (xy 119.516926 91.769157) (xy 119.454822 91.849842) (xy 119.391114 91.929183) (xy 119.325824 92.007158)
+ (xy 119.258974 92.083744) (xy 119.190589 92.158919) (xy 119.12069 92.232659) (xy 119.0493 92.304942)
+ (xy 118.976443 92.375745) (xy 118.902141 92.445046) (xy 118.826417 92.512822) (xy 118.749294 92.579051)
+ (xy 118.670794 92.643709) (xy 118.590941 92.706775) (xy 118.509757 92.768225) (xy 118.427266 92.828036)
+ (xy 118.40444 92.843601) (xy 118.382505 92.860032) (xy 118.361472 92.877293) (xy 118.341352 92.895348)
+ (xy 118.322157 92.914163) (xy 118.303896 92.9337) (xy 118.286582 92.953924) (xy 118.270226 92.9748)
+ (xy 118.254838 92.996291) (xy 118.240431 93.018362) (xy 118.227014 93.040977) (xy 118.214599 93.064101)
+ (xy 118.203198 93.087696) (xy 118.192821 93.111728) (xy 118.18348 93.13616) (xy 118.175185 93.160958)
+ (xy 118.167948 93.186084) (xy 118.16178 93.211504) (xy 118.156692 93.237182) (xy 118.152695 93.263081)
+ (xy 118.149801 93.289165) (xy 118.14802 93.3154) (xy 118.147363 93.34175) (xy 118.147843 93.368177)
+ (xy 118.149469 93.394647) (xy 118.152253 93.421125) (xy 118.156207 93.447573) (xy 118.161341 93.473956)
+ (xy 118.167666 93.500239) (xy 118.175194 93.526385) (xy 118.183935 93.552359) (xy 118.193901 93.578126)
+ (xy 118.295251 93.937217) (xy 118.391415 94.297672) (xy 118.482382 94.659435) (xy 118.568137 95.022448)
+ (xy 118.648669 95.386656) (xy 118.723964 95.752001) (xy 118.794009 96.118427) (xy 118.858792 96.485877)
+ (xy 118.94966 96.939453) (xy 119.047474 97.391877) (xy 119.256991 98.294224) (xy 119.473454 99.194831)
+ (xy 119.682971 100.09561) (xy 119.847662 100.852185) (xy 120.007317 101.61015) (xy 120.321945 103.127466)
+ (xy 120.324433 103.155895) (xy 120.32621 103.184364) (xy 120.327277 103.21286) (xy 120.327632 103.241369)
+ (xy 120.327277 103.269879) (xy 120.32621 103.298375) (xy 120.324433 103.326844) (xy 120.321945 103.355273)
+ (xy 120.320715 103.422273) (xy 120.31688 103.484534) (xy 120.310224 103.542307) (xy 120.30053 103.595845)
+ (xy 120.294475 103.621104) (xy 120.28758 103.645399) (xy 120.279816 103.668762) (xy 120.271157 103.691224)
+ (xy 120.261575 103.712816) (xy 120.251044 103.73357) (xy 120.239537 103.753518) (xy 120.227025 103.772691)
+ (xy 120.213483 103.79112) (xy 120.198882 103.808838) (xy 120.183196 103.825875) (xy 120.166398 103.842264)
+ (xy 120.14846 103.858035) (xy 120.129356 103.873221) (xy 120.109058 103.887852) (xy 120.087539 103.901961)
+ (xy 120.04073 103.928738) (xy 119.988712 103.953803) (xy 119.931267 103.977408) (xy 119.86818 103.999806)
+ (xy 119.538766 104.117138) (xy 119.206813 104.22662) (xy 118.872464 104.328214) (xy 118.535858 104.421883)
+ (xy 118.197137 104.50759) (xy 117.856441 104.585296) (xy 117.513913 104.654965) (xy 117.169694 104.716559)
+ (xy 117.138192 104.725211) (xy 117.106931 104.734642) (xy 117.075925 104.744848) (xy 117.045188 104.755823)
+ (xy 117.014734 104.767562) (xy 116.984578 104.780059) (xy 116.954735 104.793309) (xy 116.925218 104.807307)
+ (xy 117.206733 106.131545) (xy 117.83459 109.296755) (xy 117.927022 109.732025) (xy 118.023967 110.166079)
+ (xy 118.121607 110.599785) (xy 118.216121 111.034012) (xy 118.224295 111.07566) (xy 118.235279 111.116265)
+ (xy 118.248973 111.155714) (xy 118.26528 111.193895) (xy 118.284102 111.230693) (xy 118.305342 111.265995)
+ (xy 118.3289 111.299688) (xy 118.35468 111.331659) (xy 118.382584 111.361795) (xy 118.412513 111.389982)
+ (xy 118.444369 111.416108) (xy 118.478056 111.440057) (xy 118.513474 111.461719) (xy 118.550527 111.480978)
+ (xy 118.589115 111.497723) (xy 118.629142 111.511839) (xy 119.40438 111.823631) (xy 120.177711 112.140629)
+ (xy 121.722118 112.780525) (xy 121.880096 112.847546) (xy 122.037204 112.916652) (xy 122.19327 112.985758)
+ (xy 122.348122 113.052782) (xy 122.395687 113.079054) (xy 122.441656 113.107195) (xy 122.485999 113.137136)
+ (xy 122.528689 113.168809) (xy 122.569697 113.202145) (xy 122.608994 113.237074) (xy 122.646552 113.273528)
+ (xy 122.682343 113.311438) (xy 122.716338 113.350736) (xy 122.748508 113.391351) (xy 122.778825 113.433215)
+ (xy 122.807262 113.47626) (xy 122.833788 113.520416) (xy 122.858376 113.565615) (xy 122.880997 113.611787)
+ (xy 122.901624 113.658864) (xy 122.920226 113.706776) (xy 122.936777 113.755455) (xy 122.951247 113.804832)
+ (xy 122.963608 113.854838) (xy 122.973832 113.905405) (xy 122.98189 113.956462) (xy 122.987753 114.007941)
+ (xy 122.991394 114.059774) (xy 122.992783 114.111892) (xy 122.991893 114.164224) (xy 122.988694 114.216704)
+ (xy 122.983159 114.269261) (xy 122.975259 114.321826) (xy 122.964965 114.374332) (xy 122.952249 114.426708)
+ (xy 122.937083 114.478887) (xy 122.921533 114.52734) (xy 122.904443 114.574459) (xy 122.885883 114.620301)
+ (xy 122.865919 114.66492) (xy 122.844619 114.708373) (xy 122.82205 114.750715) (xy 122.773377 114.832288)
+ (xy 122.720438 114.910084) (xy 122.663775 114.984549) (xy 122.603926 115.056128) (xy 122.541433 115.125264)
+ (xy 122.476834 115.192404) (xy 122.410669 115.257992) (xy 122.275804 115.386292) (xy 122.141156 115.513725)
+ (xy 122.075262 115.578228) (xy 122.011043 115.643848) (xy 121.89526 115.749371) (xy 121.777211 115.852266)
+ (xy 121.656943 115.952497) (xy 121.534499 116.05003) (xy 121.409927 116.144828) (xy 121.283271 116.236857)
+ (xy 121.154578 116.326081) (xy 121.023891 116.412464) (xy 120.986512 116.437645) (xy 120.948255 116.461224)
+ (xy 120.909173 116.483185) (xy 120.869317 116.503513) (xy 120.828741 116.522191) (xy 120.787496 116.539205)
+ (xy 120.745635 116.554538) (xy 120.703209 116.568175) (xy 120.660271 116.580101) (xy 120.616872 116.590299)
+ (xy 120.573065 116.598754) (xy 120.528902 116.60545) (xy 120.484436 116.610372) (xy 120.439718 116.613505)
+ (xy 120.3948 116.614832) (xy 120.349734 116.614338) (xy 114.684219 116.599523) (xy 114.605098 116.598814)
+ (xy 114.534645 116.596369) (xy 114.472152 116.59171) (xy 114.416911 116.584359) (xy 114.391789 116.579525)
+ (xy 114.368214 116.57384) (xy 114.346098 116.567243) (xy 114.325352 116.559674) (xy 114.305889 116.551075)
+ (xy 114.287618 116.541385) (xy 114.270453 116.530545) (xy 114.254304 116.518494) (xy 114.239083 116.505174)
+ (xy 114.224701 116.490525) (xy 114.21107 116.474487) (xy 114.198102 116.457) (xy 114.185707 116.438004)
+ (xy 114.173797 116.41744) (xy 114.162284 116.395249) (xy 114.15108 116.37137) (xy 114.129242 116.31831)
+ (xy 114.107575 116.257785) (xy 114.085371 116.189316) (xy 114.061921 116.112425) (xy 113.82433 115.285875)
+ (xy 113.603733 114.455506) (xy 113.396636 113.622011) (xy 113.199545 112.786085) (xy 112.441348 109.431962)
+ (xy 111.669028 106.06302) (xy 111.66084 106.036629) (xy 111.652276 106.010361) (xy 111.643338 105.984222)
+ (xy 111.634028 105.958214) (xy 111.624346 105.932343) (xy 111.614294 105.906612) (xy 111.603873 105.881025)
+ (xy 111.593085 105.855587) (xy 111.184705 105.895406) (xy 110.980514 105.916532) (xy 110.776322 105.940785)
+ (xy 110.034678 106.036165) (xy 109.663682 106.080513) (xy 109.292339 106.119045) (xy 108.920475 106.149069)
+ (xy 108.547917 106.167894) (xy 108.174491 106.172828) (xy 107.987398 106.169245) (xy 107.800024 106.16118)
+ (xy 107.674046 106.143708) (xy 107.548569 106.123266) (xy 107.423645 106.099868) (xy 107.299327 106.073524)
+ (xy 107.175667 106.044246) (xy 107.052718 106.012047) (xy 106.93053 105.976938) (xy 106.809157 105.938932)
+ (xy 106.253358 105.797594) (xy 105.696517 105.652784) (xy 104.575544 105.361082) (xy 104.553836 105.355772)
+ (xy 104.531759 105.350895) (xy 104.509292 105.346366) (xy 104.486412 105.342097) (xy 104.439329 105.333994)
+ (xy 104.390336 105.325893) (xy 104.185216 106.221834) (xy 104.085088 106.663557) (xy 103.988433 107.103893)
+ (xy 103.444152 109.655367) (xy 102.906817 112.208234) (xy 102.773352 112.808422) (xy 102.636413 113.407917)
+ (xy 102.570332 113.708273) (xy 102.507809 114.009497) (xy 102.450322 114.311938) (xy 102.399346 114.615942)
+ (xy 102.377373 114.740687) (xy 102.350573 114.862938) (xy 102.319286 114.982894) (xy 102.283851 115.100753)
+ (xy 102.244607 115.216713) (xy 102.201893 115.330973) (xy 102.156048 115.443729) (xy 102.107411 115.55518)
+ (xy 102.00312 115.77496) (xy 101.89173 115.991897) (xy 101.658512 116.423578) (xy 101.652651 116.435198)
+ (xy 101.646377 116.446511) (xy 101.639703 116.457508) (xy 101.632642 116.468184) (xy 101.625205 116.478531)
+ (xy 101.617404 116.488542) (xy 101.609253 116.498212) (xy 101.600762 116.507532) (xy 101.591945 116.516496)
+ (xy 101.582813 116.525098) (xy 101.573379 116.53333) (xy 101.563654 116.541186) (xy 101.553652 116.548659)
+ (xy 101.543383 116.555742) (xy 101.532861 116.562427) (xy 101.522098 116.56871) (xy 101.511105 116.574582)
+ (xy 101.499895 116.580037) (xy 101.48848 116.585068) (xy 101.476873 116.589668) (xy 101.465085 116.59383)
+ (xy 101.453128 116.597548) (xy 101.441016 116.600815) (xy 101.42876 116.603623) (xy 101.416371 116.605967)
+ (xy 101.403864 116.607839) (xy 101.391249 116.609232) (xy 101.378539 116.610141) (xy 101.365746 116.610557)
+ (xy 101.352882 116.610474) (xy 101.339959 116.609885) (xy 101.32699 116.608784) (xy 100.984991 116.610607)
+ (xy 100.642646 116.615035) (xy 99.958301 116.625452) (xy 96.38378 116.669901) (xy 96.283938 116.66731)
+ (xy 96.18427 116.662468) (xy 96.084813 116.655383) (xy 95.985605 116.646061) (xy 95.886681 116.634511)
+ (xy 95.78808 116.620738) (xy 95.68984 116.604752) (xy 95.591997 116.586559) (xy 95.494588 116.566166)
+ (xy 95.397651 116.543581) (xy 95.301224 116.518812) (xy 95.205344 116.491865) (xy 95.110047 116.462748)
+ (xy 95.015372 116.431468) (xy 94.921355 116.398033) (xy 94.828034 116.36245) (xy 94.794643 116.349056)
+ (xy 94.762034 116.334186) (xy 94.730249 116.317877) (xy 94.699331 116.300166) (xy 94.669321 116.281092)
+ (xy 94.640262 116.260691) (xy 94.612197 116.239002) (xy 94.585168 116.216062) (xy 94.559217 116.191909)
+ (xy 94.534387 116.166581) (xy 94.51072 116.140115) (xy 94.488258 116.112549) (xy 94.467044 116.08392)
+ (xy 94.447121 116.054267) (xy 94.428529 116.023627) (xy 94.411313 115.992038) (xy 94.341096 115.869204)
+ (xy 94.269426 115.746609) (xy 94.122156 115.502394) (xy 93.970372 115.259915) (xy 93.814941 115.019695)
+ (xy 93.752292 114.924178) (xy 93.721908 114.876451) (xy 93.692617 114.828553) (xy 93.664769 114.780341)
+ (xy 93.638715 114.731669) (xy 93.614804 114.682396) (xy 93.593386 114.632377) (xy 93.574811 114.581467)
+ (xy 93.55943 114.529524) (xy 93.547592 114.476404) (xy 93.54311 114.449357) (xy 93.539646 114.421963)
+ (xy 93.537243 114.394201) (xy 93.535945 114.366056) (xy 93.535794 114.337508) (xy 93.536836 114.308541)
+ (xy 93.539113 114.279135) (xy 93.54267 114.249273) (xy 93.54755 114.218937) (xy 93.553797 114.188109)
+ (xy 93.555141 114.180773) (xy 93.556065 114.173355) (xy 93.556593 114.165858) (xy 93.556749 114.158286)
+ (xy 93.556043 114.142936) (xy 93.554144 114.127336) (xy 93.551247 114.111519) (xy 93.547546 114.095518)
+ (xy 93.543238 114.079364) (xy 93.538517 114.063092) (xy 93.52862 114.030319) (xy 93.523835 114.013883)
+ (xy 93.519418 113.997459) (xy 93.515565 113.981078) (xy 93.512472 113.964772) (xy 93.510334 113.948575)
+ (xy 93.509346 113.932519) (xy 93.508079 113.916681) (xy 93.507347 113.900841) (xy 93.507146 113.885012)
+ (xy 93.507476 113.869207) (xy 93.508333 113.853439) (xy 93.509716 113.837722) (xy 93.511622 113.822067)
+ (xy 93.514048 113.80649) (xy 93.516994 113.791002) (xy 93.520455 113.775616) (xy 93.524431 113.760347)
+ (xy 93.528918 113.745206) (xy 93.533915 113.730208) (xy 93.53942 113.715365) (xy 93.545429 113.70069)
+ (xy 93.551941 113.686196) (xy 93.618795 113.585691) (xy 93.689991 113.488792) (xy 93.765374 113.395612)
+ (xy 93.844789 113.306268) (xy 93.928081 113.220873) (xy 94.015095 113.139542) (xy 94.105676 113.062389)
+ (xy 94.199668 112.989529) (xy 94.296918 112.921077) (xy 94.397269 112.857147) (xy 94.500567 112.797853)
+ (xy 94.606657 112.743311) (xy 94.715383 112.693634) (xy 94.826592 112.648938) (xy 94.940127 112.609337)
+ (xy 95.055834 112.574945) (xy 95.161407 112.539756) (xy 97.887674 111.613716) (xy 97.924715 111.602602)
+ (xy 98.032331 111.564786) (xy 98.126617 111.530393) (xy 98.208527 111.498203) (xy 98.279013 111.466996)
+ (xy 98.310269 111.451379) (xy 98.339026 111.435549) (xy 98.365403 111.419355) (xy 98.389519 111.402643)
+ (xy 98.411493 111.385261) (xy 98.431445 111.367056) (xy 98.449492 111.347876) (xy 98.465755 111.327569)
+ (xy 98.480351 111.30598) (xy 98.493401 111.282959) (xy 98.505024 111.258351) (xy 98.515337 111.232006)
+ (xy 98.524461 111.203769) (xy 98.532515 111.173489) (xy 98.539616 111.141012) (xy 98.545886 111.106187)
+ (xy 98.556402 111.02888) (xy 98.565017 110.940347) (xy 98.580351 110.724718) (xy 98.592147 110.563749)
+ (xy 98.606309 110.403062) (xy 98.639386 110.082276) (xy 98.674894 109.761837) (xy 98.708145 109.441223)
+ (xy 98.720502 109.302173) (xy 98.730602 109.162254) (xy 98.748891 108.87634) (xy 98.810473 108.066983)
+ (xy 98.869276 107.257622) (xy 98.88418 106.992339) (xy 98.895436 106.72723) (xy 98.90704 106.46247)
+ (xy 98.91422 106.330275) (xy 98.922985 106.198233) (xy 98.957016 105.774569) (xy 98.993826 105.350905)
+ (xy 99.067447 104.503577) (xy 99.070638 104.452738) (xy 99.072135 104.401421) (xy 99.07233 104.349324)
+ (xy 99.071614 104.296142) (xy 99.06901 104.185308) (xy 99.067903 104.127049) (xy 99.067447 104.066489)
+ (xy 98.252276 103.777547) (xy 102.458613 103.777547) (xy 103.297607 104.042392) (xy 103.334648 103.97572)
+ (xy 102.740128 103.527512) (xy 102.458613 103.777547) (xy 98.252276 103.777547) (xy 97.985831 103.683105)
+ (xy 97.486 103.500676) (xy 97.423935 103.477508) (xy 101.688147 103.477508) (xy 101.699084 103.490142)
+ (xy 101.710604 103.502136) (xy 101.722678 103.513476) (xy 101.735279 103.524147) (xy 101.748376 103.534134)
+ (xy 101.76194 103.543422) (xy 101.775943 103.551996) (xy 101.790356 103.559841) (xy 101.805149 103.566943)
+ (xy 101.820293 103.573287) (xy 101.83576 103.578857) (xy 101.851521 103.583639) (xy 101.867546 103.587619)
+ (xy 101.883807 103.59078) (xy 101.900274 103.593109) (xy 101.916919 103.59459) (xy 101.933618 103.595208)
+ (xy 101.950247 103.594964) (xy 101.966776 103.593867) (xy 101.983173 103.59193) (xy 101.999409 103.589163)
+ (xy 102.015453 103.585578) (xy 102.031274 103.581185) (xy 102.046841 103.575996) (xy 102.062124 103.570021)
+ (xy 102.077092 103.563272) (xy 102.091715 103.55576) (xy 102.105962 103.547496) (xy 102.119802 103.53849)
+ (xy 102.133204 103.528755) (xy 102.146138 103.5183) (xy 102.158574 103.507138) (xy 102.199635 103.474942)
+ (xy 102.241587 103.443972) (xy 102.284404 103.414245) (xy 102.328057 103.38578) (xy 102.372518 103.358594)
+ (xy 102.417759 103.332705) (xy 102.463752 103.308131) (xy 102.510469 103.28489) (xy 102.524892 103.278232)
+ (xy 102.539565 103.27233) (xy 102.554458 103.267186) (xy 102.569543 103.262801) (xy 102.58479 103.259178)
+ (xy 102.600171 103.256319) (xy 102.615656 103.254224) (xy 102.631217 103.252895) (xy 102.646825 103.252335)
+ (xy 102.66245 103.252545) (xy 102.678063 103.253527) (xy 102.693637 103.255282) (xy 102.70914 103.257813)
+ (xy 102.724546 103.261121) (xy 102.739824 103.265208) (xy 102.754946 103.270075) (xy 102.930646 103.359248)
+ (xy 103.102777 103.454718) (xy 103.271175 103.556374) (xy 103.435675 103.664103) (xy 103.596112 103.777794)
+ (xy 103.752323 103.897334) (xy 103.904143 104.022611) (xy 104.051407 104.153513) (xy 104.068799 104.169102)
+ (xy 104.086455 104.18437) (xy 104.104371 104.199315) (xy 104.122543 104.213934) (xy 104.140965 104.228224)
+ (xy 104.159633 104.242182) (xy 104.178543 104.255805) (xy 104.19769 104.269089) (xy 104.217069 104.282031)
+ (xy 104.236676 104.294629) (xy 104.256507 104.30688) (xy 104.276556 104.318779) (xy 104.29682 104.330325)
+ (xy 104.317293 104.341515) (xy 104.337971 104.352344) (xy 104.35885 104.36281) (xy 104.360703 104.329469)
+ (xy 104.414414 104.251678) (xy 102.727165 102.838541) (xy 101.688147 103.477508) (xy 97.423935 103.477508)
+ (xy 97.236518 103.40755) (xy 96.987559 103.312688) (xy 96.976808 103.306758) (xy 96.965921 103.301116)
+ (xy 96.954902 103.295763) (xy 96.943757 103.290703) (xy 96.932492 103.285936) (xy 96.921114 103.281465)
+ (xy 96.909627 103.27729) (xy 96.898038 103.273416) (xy 96.886353 103.269842) (xy 96.874577 103.266571)
+ (xy 96.862717 103.263606) (xy 96.850777 103.260947) (xy 96.838765 103.258597) (xy 96.826686 103.256557)
+ (xy 96.814546 103.25483) (xy 96.80235 103.253418) (xy 96.773074 103.255749) (xy 96.744963 103.256855)
+ (xy 96.717999 103.256757) (xy 96.692166 103.255477) (xy 96.667444 103.253037) (xy 96.643818 103.249459)
+ (xy 96.621268 103.244766) (xy 96.599778 103.238979) (xy 96.57933 103.23212) (xy 96.559906 103.224212)
+ (xy 96.541488 103.215276) (xy 96.52406 103.205334) (xy 96.507602 103.194409) (xy 96.502421 103.190436)
+ (xy 100.469481 103.190436) (xy 100.706663 103.278934) (xy 100.763191 103.298765) (xy 100.819003 103.316432)
+ (xy 100.874294 103.331309) (xy 100.92926 103.342773) (xy 100.984096 103.3502) (xy 101.011526 103.352205)
+ (xy 101.038996 103.352966) (xy 101.066532 103.352407) (xy 101.094157 103.350448) (xy 101.121896 103.347011)
+ (xy 101.149774 103.34202) (xy 101.177814 103.335395) (xy 101.206042 103.327059) (xy 101.234481 103.316934)
+ (xy 101.263156 103.304941) (xy 101.292092 103.291004) (xy 101.321313 103.275043) (xy 101.350842 103.256981)
+ (xy 101.380706 103.236739) (xy 101.467059 103.178748) (xy 101.555385 103.124004) (xy 101.645589 103.072553)
+ (xy 101.737578 103.024442) (xy 101.831261 102.979717) (xy 101.926544 102.938424) (xy 102.023334 102.90061)
+ (xy 102.121539 102.866322) (xy 102.272936 102.814376) (xy 102.399442 102.767984) (xy 102.591071 102.69428)
+ (xy 102.662841 102.668179) (xy 102.723014 102.650051) (xy 102.749789 102.644166) (xy 102.774911 102.640502)
+ (xy 102.798796 102.639133) (xy 102.821858 102.640136) (xy 102.844513 102.643586) (xy 102.867177 102.649559)
+ (xy 102.890264 102.65813) (xy 102.914191 102.669375) (xy 102.966224 102.70019) (xy 103.0266 102.742609)
+ (xy 103.417997 103.04042) (xy 105.208962 104.381326) (xy 105.283635 104.434892) (xy 105.35993 104.485786)
+ (xy 105.437774 104.533977) (xy 105.517093 104.579439) (xy 105.597813 104.622143) (xy 105.679863 104.662061)
+ (xy 105.763167 104.699164) (xy 105.847653 104.733424) (xy 105.933247 104.764812) (xy 106.019876 104.793301)
+ (xy 106.107466 104.818863) (xy 106.195945 104.841468) (xy 106.285238 104.861088) (xy 106.375273 104.877696)
+ (xy 106.465977 104.891263) (xy 106.557274 104.90176) (xy 106.562834 104.896206) (xy 106.31576 104.719829)
+ (xy 106.072104 104.538617) (xy 105.592574 104.165618) (xy 104.647317 103.404817) (xy 104.171693 103.032728)
+ (xy 103.930967 102.8522) (xy 103.687474 102.676658) (xy 103.440596 102.507084) (xy 103.189713 102.344461)
+ (xy 102.934207 102.189771) (xy 102.673459 102.043996) (xy 100.469481 103.190436) (xy 96.502421 103.190436)
+ (xy 96.492098 103.182523) (xy 96.477531 103.169697) (xy 96.463881 103.155954) (xy 96.451132 103.141315)
+ (xy 96.439267 103.125803) (xy 96.428267 103.10944) (xy 96.418114 103.092248) (xy 96.408792 103.074249)
+ (xy 96.400282 103.055465) (xy 96.392568 103.035917) (xy 96.38563 103.015629) (xy 96.379452 102.994621)
+ (xy 96.374017 102.972917) (xy 96.365301 102.927506) (xy 96.359341 102.879572) (xy 96.357967 102.858915)
+ (xy 99.454538 102.858915) (xy 99.474785 102.875974) (xy 99.49558 102.892059) (xy 99.516891 102.907168)
+ (xy 99.538687 102.921298) (xy 99.560934 102.934447) (xy 99.583602 102.946614) (xy 99.63007 102.967989)
+ (xy 99.677836 102.985406) (xy 99.726644 102.998848) (xy 99.776237 103.008296) (xy 99.82636 103.013735)
+ (xy 99.876758 103.015145) (xy 99.927174 103.012511) (xy 99.977354 103.005814) (xy 100.02704 102.995036)
+ (xy 100.075978 102.980161) (xy 100.100086 102.971182) (xy 100.123912 102.961171) (xy 100.147422 102.950128)
+ (xy 100.170585 102.938049) (xy 100.19337 102.924933) (xy 100.215743 102.910777) (xy 100.464063 102.782178)
+ (xy 100.714272 102.657096) (xy 101.218878 102.414877) (xy 102.234513 101.943983) (xy 102.293331 101.915777)
+ (xy 102.35341 101.891711) (xy 102.414544 101.871777) (xy 102.47653 101.855965) (xy 102.539163 101.844268)
+ (xy 102.602239 101.836678) (xy 102.665554 101.833184) (xy 102.728903 101.83378) (xy 102.792082 101.838456)
+ (xy 102.854887 101.847204) (xy 102.917113 101.860016) (xy 102.978556 101.876882) (xy 103.039012 101.897795)
+ (xy 103.098276 101.922746) (xy 103.156145 101.951726) (xy 103.212413 101.984727) (xy 103.301761 102.038993)
+ (xy 103.391717 102.092411) (xy 103.571717 102.198878) (xy 103.660892 102.253012) (xy 103.748938 102.30847)
+ (xy 103.835422 102.365794) (xy 103.91991 102.425527) (xy 104.399166 102.782806) (xy 104.875817 103.144598)
+ (xy 105.354203 103.504308) (xy 105.595405 103.68132) (xy 105.838668 103.855338) (xy 106.082177 104.024956)
+ (xy 106.324059 104.189929) (xy 106.804761 104.509587) (xy 107.766685 105.133274) (xy 107.811314 105.155389)
+ (xy 107.856465 105.176361) (xy 107.902117 105.196183) (xy 107.948247 105.214845) (xy 107.994832 105.23234)
+ (xy 108.041852 105.248658) (xy 108.089282 105.263791) (xy 108.137102 105.277731) (xy 108.16859 105.209206)
+ (xy 107.462678 104.724529) (xy 106.768009 104.224507) (xy 105.39139 103.210116) (xy 104.698936 102.711591)
+ (xy 103.996714 102.229409) (xy 103.640299 101.996922) (xy 103.279473 101.771493) (xy 102.913578 101.55411)
+ (xy 102.54196 101.345764) (xy 99.454538 102.858915) (xy 96.357967 102.858915) (xy 96.355997 102.829291)
+ (xy 96.350319 102.750265) (xy 96.346994 102.671158) (xy 96.346021 102.592022) (xy 96.347397 102.512908)
+ (xy 96.351122 102.433871) (xy 96.357193 102.354961) (xy 96.365608 102.276232) (xy 96.369515 102.247729)
+ (xy 97.135725 102.247729) (xy 97.167208 102.344041) (xy 97.206243 102.348083) (xy 97.245356 102.350971)
+ (xy 97.284519 102.352703) (xy 97.323709 102.353281) (xy 97.362898 102.352703) (xy 97.402062 102.350971)
+ (xy 97.441175 102.348083) (xy 97.480211 102.344041) (xy 97.534879 102.328121) (xy 97.589177 102.311048)
+ (xy 97.643087 102.292828) (xy 97.696591 102.273468) (xy 97.749672 102.252975) (xy 97.80231 102.231355)
+ (xy 97.854489 102.208616) (xy 97.90619 102.184763) (xy 102.112269 100.332683) (xy 102.187034 100.303767)
+ (xy 102.262227 100.276026) (xy 102.337835 100.249465) (xy 102.413842 100.224087) (xy 102.490237 100.199898)
+ (xy 102.567004 100.176902) (xy 102.64413 100.155103) (xy 102.7216 100.134505) (xy 102.724238 100.13458)
+ (xy 102.72694 100.134801) (xy 102.732536 100.135656) (xy 102.738388 100.137021) (xy 102.744492 100.138847)
+ (xy 102.750846 100.141085) (xy 102.757447 100.143687) (xy 102.764291 100.146604) (xy 102.771377 100.149787)
+ (xy 102.802082 100.164198) (xy 102.818812 100.171729) (xy 102.827512 100.175404) (xy 102.836432 100.178955)
+ (xy 102.81791 100.34564) (xy 103.064359 100.474071) (xy 103.3112 100.598335) (xy 103.801366 100.843389)
+ (xy 104.042346 100.968695) (xy 104.27903 101.098862) (xy 104.510245 101.236148) (xy 104.623434 101.308167)
+ (xy 104.734817 101.382812) (xy 105.738184 102.086573) (xy 106.731827 102.804052) (xy 108.70939 104.251684)
+ (xy 108.735103 104.277491) (xy 108.760108 104.303958) (xy 108.784393 104.331069) (xy 108.807947 104.358811)
+ (xy 108.830756 104.387168) (xy 108.852809 104.416124) (xy 108.874094 104.445667) (xy 108.894599 104.47578)
+ (xy 108.862149 104.486754) (xy 108.829303 104.495339) (xy 108.79618 104.501556) (xy 108.7629 104.505431)
+ (xy 108.72958 104.506985) (xy 108.696341 104.506242) (xy 108.663301 104.503226) (xy 108.630579 104.49796)
+ (xy 108.598295 104.490467) (xy 108.566566 104.480771) (xy 108.535512 104.468894) (xy 108.505253 104.454861)
+ (xy 108.475906 104.438695) (xy 108.447592 104.420419) (xy 108.420428 104.400056) (xy 108.394534 104.37763)
+ (xy 107.70579 103.936598) (xy 107.535069 103.824116) (xy 107.366019 103.709572) (xy 107.199183 103.59238)
+ (xy 107.035104 103.471954) (xy 106.500049 103.070145) (xy 105.9582 102.677797) (xy 105.409683 102.294995)
+ (xy 104.854629 101.921824) (xy 104.293165 101.558368) (xy 103.725419 101.204713) (xy 103.151519 100.860944)
+ (xy 102.571594 100.527145) (xy 97.991389 102.594065) (xy 98.128205 102.633161) (xy 98.261505 102.667917)
+ (xy 98.327148 102.682744) (xy 98.392286 102.69538) (xy 98.457045 102.705455) (xy 98.521549 102.712599)
+ (xy 98.585922 102.716445) (xy 98.65029 102.716622) (xy 98.714778 102.712763) (xy 98.779509 102.704498)
+ (xy 98.84461 102.691458) (xy 98.910204 102.673274) (xy 98.976416 102.649577) (xy 99.043372 102.619999)
+ (xy 99.876809 102.224579) (xy 100.710247 101.836106) (xy 102.377121 101.066099) (xy 102.42694 101.043958)
+ (xy 102.478061 101.02301) (xy 102.530918 101.002712) (xy 102.585945 100.982523) (xy 102.704246 100.940301)
+ (xy 102.768388 100.917182) (xy 102.836437 100.892002) (xy 102.795692 101.210562) (xy 103.1176 101.373346)
+ (xy 103.435318 101.543829) (xy 103.748709 101.721928) (xy 104.057638 101.907559) (xy 104.361967 102.100638)
+ (xy 104.661562 102.30108) (xy 104.956286 102.508801) (xy 105.246003 102.723718) (xy 106.840644 103.923867)
+ (xy 108.431584 105.131426) (xy 108.466621 105.154536) (xy 108.507856 105.175839) (xy 108.554285 105.195177)
+ (xy 108.6049 105.212395) (xy 108.658694 105.227333) (xy 108.714661 105.239836) (xy 108.771795 105.249744)
+ (xy 108.829089 105.256902) (xy 108.885536 105.261152) (xy 108.94013 105.262336) (xy 108.991865 105.260297)
+ (xy 109.039734 105.254878) (xy 109.082729 105.245921) (xy 109.102086 105.240066) (xy 109.119846 105.233269)
+ (xy 109.135885 105.225508) (xy 109.150077 105.216764) (xy 109.162296 105.207018) (xy 109.172416 105.19625)
+ (xy 109.195764 105.163999) (xy 109.219945 105.133188) (xy 109.244925 105.10376) (xy 109.270667 105.075658)
+ (xy 109.297139 105.048824) (xy 109.321498 105.025848) (xy 110.003999 105.025848) (xy 110.028077 105.103639)
+ (xy 110.170668 105.094367) (xy 110.312566 105.0792) (xy 110.453592 105.058178) (xy 110.593565 105.031338)
+ (xy 110.732306 104.998719) (xy 110.869633 104.960359) (xy 111.005367 104.916297) (xy 111.139328 104.866571)
+ (xy 111.58837 104.661136) (xy 112.040517 104.462868) (xy 112.10682 104.435036) (xy 113.330345 104.435036)
+ (xy 113.347013 104.516528) (xy 115.047226 104.146116) (xy 114.749043 103.818296) (xy 113.330345 104.435036)
+ (xy 112.10682 104.435036) (xy 112.495685 104.271802) (xy 112.953787 104.08797) (xy 113.414739 103.911406)
+ (xy 113.878456 103.742144) (xy 113.989871 103.703463) (xy 114.96203 103.703463) (xy 114.99042 103.71327)
+ (xy 115.017992 103.724206) (xy 115.044817 103.736152) (xy 115.070967 103.748991) (xy 115.121527 103.776868)
+ (xy 115.170245 103.806889) (xy 115.264445 103.869563) (xy 115.311071 103.900317) (xy 115.358145 103.929416)
+ (xy 115.406239 103.95591) (xy 115.430848 103.967884) (xy 115.455926 103.978851) (xy 115.481545 103.988692)
+ (xy 115.507778 103.997288) (xy 115.534694 104.004521) (xy 115.562367 104.010272) (xy 115.590866 104.014422)
+ (xy 115.620265 104.016853) (xy 115.650635 104.017446) (xy 115.682046 104.016083) (xy 115.714572 104.012644)
+ (xy 115.748282 104.00701) (xy 115.783249 103.999064) (xy 115.819545 103.988687) (xy 115.256512 103.518257)
+ (xy 114.96203 103.703463) (xy 113.989871 103.703463) (xy 114.344853 103.580219) (xy 114.813845 103.425662)
+ (xy 114.840648 103.413623) (xy 114.867156 103.400979) (xy 114.893358 103.387733) (xy 114.919244 103.373892)
+ (xy 114.944806 103.35946) (xy 114.970032 103.344444) (xy 114.994913 103.328848) (xy 115.019439 103.312677)
+ (xy 114.674955 103.040414) (xy 110.003999 105.025848) (xy 109.321498 105.025848) (xy 109.324304 105.023201)
+ (xy 109.380574 104.97536) (xy 109.439199 104.931674) (xy 109.4999 104.891686) (xy 109.562396 104.854937)
+ (xy 109.626409 104.82097) (xy 109.691659 104.789324) (xy 109.757867 104.759543) (xy 109.892037 104.703737)
+ (xy 110.026686 104.649885) (xy 110.159576 104.594319) (xy 110.8502 104.299319) (xy 111.545166 104.012304)
+ (xy 112.937701 103.449732) (xy 113.306727 103.305184) (xy 113.677143 103.165671) (xy 114.048254 103.026505)
+ (xy 114.419366 102.882995) (xy 114.40906 102.863758) (xy 114.398626 102.845623) (xy 114.388052 102.828577)
+ (xy 114.377329 102.812605) (xy 114.366447 102.797692) (xy 114.355397 102.783825) (xy 114.344168 102.770987)
+ (xy 114.332752 102.759166) (xy 114.321137 102.748345) (xy 114.309314 102.738511) (xy 114.297274 102.729649)
+ (xy 114.285006 102.721744) (xy 114.2725 102.714783) (xy 114.259748 102.708749) (xy 114.246738 102.703629)
+ (xy 114.233462 102.699408) (xy 114.219908 102.696071) (xy 114.206069 102.693605) (xy 114.191932 102.691993)
+ (xy 114.17749 102.691222) (xy 114.162731 102.691278) (xy 114.147647 102.692145) (xy 114.132227 102.693808)
+ (xy 114.116461 102.696255) (xy 114.10034 102.699469) (xy 114.083854 102.703436) (xy 114.066992 102.708142)
+ (xy 114.049746 102.713571) (xy 114.032105 102.719711) (xy 114.01406 102.726545) (xy 113.976715 102.742239)
+ (xy 109.531716 104.694337) (xy 109.479341 104.716271) (xy 109.42647 104.736915) (xy 109.373129 104.75626)
+ (xy 109.31934 104.774299) (xy 109.265127 104.791024) (xy 109.210515 104.806428) (xy 109.155528 104.820503)
+ (xy 109.10019 104.83324) (xy 109.088964 104.832927) (xy 109.077864 104.831902) (xy 109.066919 104.83018)
+ (xy 109.056159 104.827779) (xy 109.045612 104.824713) (xy 109.035308 104.820999) (xy 109.025276 104.816654)
+ (xy 109.015545 104.811692) (xy 109.006143 104.806131) (xy 108.997101 104.799986) (xy 108.988446 104.793272)
+ (xy 108.98021 104.786007) (xy 108.972419 104.778206) (xy 108.965104 104.769886) (xy 108.958294 104.761061)
+ (xy 108.952018 104.751749) (xy 108.950352 104.740799) (xy 108.949347 104.729839) (xy 108.948996 104.718897)
+ (xy 108.94929 104.708) (xy 108.95022 104.697175) (xy 108.95178 104.686448) (xy 108.953961 104.675848)
+ (xy 108.956754 104.665401) (xy 108.960151 104.655136) (xy 108.964145 104.645077) (xy 108.968727 104.635255)
+ (xy 108.973889 104.625694) (xy 108.979623 104.616423) (xy 108.985921 104.607468) (xy 108.992774 104.598857)
+ (xy 109.000174 104.590618) (xy 109.026955 104.571187) (xy 109.054332 104.552651) (xy 109.082282 104.535024)
+ (xy 109.110782 104.518318) (xy 109.139811 104.502547) (xy 109.169344 104.487723) (xy 109.199358 104.47386)
+ (xy 109.229832 104.46097) (xy 109.825471 104.176441) (xy 110.424573 103.899458) (xy 111.027065 103.630051)
+ (xy 111.632875 103.368251) (xy 112.241929 103.114089) (xy 112.854154 102.867597) (xy 113.469477 102.628806)
+ (xy 114.087826 102.397745) (xy 114.135285 102.381225) (xy 114.182699 102.366289) (xy 114.229331 102.352786)
+ (xy 114.274442 102.340564) (xy 114.357152 102.319353) (xy 114.424928 102.301439) (xy 114.487226 102.365799)
+ (xy 114.545486 102.427034) (xy 114.653195 102.540821) (xy 114.704294 102.593721) (xy 114.754654 102.644189)
+ (xy 114.805101 102.6924) (xy 114.85646 102.738527) (xy 115.148974 102.981615) (xy 115.443572 103.221924)
+ (xy 115.73678 103.463622) (xy 115.881777 103.586294) (xy 116.025125 103.710876) (xy 116.051009 103.733065)
+ (xy 116.076923 103.753807) (xy 116.102876 103.773116) (xy 116.128877 103.791011) (xy 116.154936 103.807507)
+ (xy 116.18106 103.82262) (xy 116.207259 103.836369) (xy 116.233542 103.848769) (xy 116.259916 103.859836)
+ (xy 116.286392 103.869589) (xy 116.312978 103.878042) (xy 116.339682 103.885213) (xy 116.366514 103.891119)
+ (xy 116.393482 103.895775) (xy 116.420596 103.899199) (xy 116.447863 103.901407) (xy 116.475293 103.902416)
+ (xy 116.502895 103.902243) (xy 116.530677 103.900904) (xy 116.558648 103.898415) (xy 116.615194 103.890056)
+ (xy 116.672603 103.8773) (xy 116.730945 103.860278) (xy 116.79029 103.839125) (xy 116.85071 103.813973)
+ (xy 116.912275 103.784955) (xy 116.85214 103.731272) (xy 116.797909 103.683322) (xy 116.772247 103.661115)
+ (xy 116.74715 103.639886) (xy 116.722313 103.619481) (xy 116.697432 103.599749) (xy 116.319145 103.282344)
+ (xy 116.129132 103.123903) (xy 115.938077 102.96633) (xy 115.749395 102.812462) (xy 115.564881 102.663284)
+ (xy 115.381756 102.516537) (xy 115.197243 102.369964) (xy 115.103644 102.28944) (xy 115.00877 102.210462)
+ (xy 114.912638 102.133045) (xy 114.81527 102.057204) (xy 114.716684 101.982952) (xy 114.616899 101.910306)
+ (xy 114.515934 101.839279) (xy 114.413809 101.769886) (xy 114.362339 101.736994) (xy 114.313284 101.701739)
+ (xy 114.266322 101.664449) (xy 114.221135 101.625453) (xy 114.177403 101.585078) (xy 114.134804 101.543654)
+ (xy 114.051728 101.458968) (xy 113.969346 101.374022) (xy 113.927615 101.332272) (xy 113.885098 101.291442)
+ (xy 113.841473 101.25186) (xy 113.796422 101.213854) (xy 113.749623 101.177753) (xy 113.700757 101.143885)
+ (xy 113.694353 101.140221) (xy 113.687852 101.13674) (xy 113.681258 101.133445) (xy 113.674576 101.130336)
+ (xy 113.66781 101.127416) (xy 113.660963 101.124687) (xy 113.65404 101.122149) (xy 113.647044 101.119804)
+ (xy 113.063176 101.415212) (xy 112.773498 101.558403) (xy 112.62816 101.62735) (xy 112.482083 101.693954)
+ (xy 110.984905 102.347043) (xy 109.48356 102.99041) (xy 109.317597 103.060501) (xy 109.150417 103.128854)
+ (xy 108.982196 103.195125) (xy 108.813107 103.258967) (xy 108.786873 103.268304) (xy 108.760984 103.276022)
+ (xy 108.73548 103.28189) (xy 108.710402 103.285677) (xy 108.698035 103.286718) (xy 108.68579 103.287153)
+ (xy 108.673672 103.286952) (xy 108.661686 103.286086) (xy 108.649837 103.284528) (xy 108.638131 103.282247)
+ (xy 108.626571 103.279215) (xy 108.615164 103.275404) (xy 108.603914 103.270785) (xy 108.592826 103.265328)
+ (xy 108.581906 103.259005) (xy 108.571158 103.251787) (xy 108.560589 103.243645) (xy 108.550202 103.23455)
+ (xy 108.540003 103.224474) (xy 108.529997 103.213388) (xy 108.520189 103.201263) (xy 108.510584 103.18807)
+ (xy 108.501187 103.17378) (xy 108.492004 103.158364) (xy 108.483039 103.141794) (xy 108.474297 103.124041)
+ (xy 108.465784 103.105075) (xy 108.457505 103.084869) (xy 109.706185 102.537115) (xy 110.952955 102.003252)
+ (xy 112.199378 101.480501) (xy 113.447015 100.966086) (xy 113.454265 100.907033) (xy 113.462292 100.854817)
+ (xy 113.471356 100.809329) (xy 113.476357 100.789074) (xy 113.481714 100.77046) (xy 113.487459 100.753474)
+ (xy 113.493624 100.738103) (xy 113.500241 100.724332) (xy 113.507343 100.712148) (xy 113.514962 100.701538)
+ (xy 113.52313 100.692488) (xy 113.531878 100.684984) (xy 113.541241 100.679013) (xy 113.551249 100.674561)
+ (xy 113.561935 100.671615) (xy 113.573331 100.670162) (xy 113.58547 100.670186) (xy 113.598383 100.671676)
+ (xy 113.612103 100.674617) (xy 113.626662 100.678997) (xy 113.642092 100.6848) (xy 113.658426 100.692014)
+ (xy 113.675695 100.700626) (xy 113.71317 100.721986) (xy 113.754774 100.748772) (xy 113.800765 100.780875)
+ (xy 113.828375 100.799801) (xy 113.855661 100.819074) (xy 113.882643 100.838695) (xy 113.909343 100.858663)
+ (xy 113.935782 100.878978) (xy 113.961983 100.899641) (xy 113.987966 100.92065) (xy 114.013755 100.942006)
+ (xy 115.556078 102.208831) (xy 116.323939 102.846409) (xy 117.084506 103.492323) (xy 117.106348 103.514938)
+ (xy 117.129001 103.536358) (xy 117.152422 103.55658) (xy 117.176568 103.575598) (xy 117.201393 103.593407)
+ (xy 117.226854 103.610001) (xy 117.252907 103.625375) (xy 117.279508 103.639524) (xy 117.306612 103.652442)
+ (xy 117.334177 103.664125) (xy 117.362158 103.674567) (xy 117.390511 103.683763) (xy 117.419192 103.691708)
+ (xy 117.448156 103.698396) (xy 117.477361 103.703822) (xy 117.506762 103.70798) (xy 117.536315 103.710867)
+ (xy 117.565976 103.712475) (xy 117.595701 103.712801) (xy 117.625446 103.711838) (xy 117.655168 103.709582)
+ (xy 117.684821 103.706028) (xy 117.714363 103.701169) (xy 117.743748 103.695001) (xy 117.772934 103.687519)
+ (xy 117.801877 103.678717) (xy 117.830531 103.66859) (xy 117.858854 103.657132) (xy 117.886801 103.64434)
+ (xy 117.914328 103.630206) (xy 117.941391 103.614727) (xy 117.967947 103.597896) (xy 113.622971 99.945593)
+ (xy 110.646674 101.221681) (xy 110.3585 101.344034) (xy 110.069286 101.464301) (xy 109.489123 101.701366)
+ (xy 109.460061 101.716046) (xy 109.430386 101.728986) (xy 109.400173 101.740182) (xy 109.369499 101.749632)
+ (xy 109.338437 101.757331) (xy 109.307064 101.763276) (xy 109.275454 101.767463) (xy 109.243684 101.769889)
+ (xy 109.211828 101.77055) (xy 109.179962 101.769442) (xy 109.14816 101.766562) (xy 109.116499 101.761905)
+ (xy 109.085054 101.755469) (xy 109.053899 101.74725) (xy 109.023111 101.737244) (xy 108.992764 101.725447)
+ (xy 109.019044 101.694673) (xy 109.046262 101.664829) (xy 109.074393 101.635933) (xy 109.103412 101.608005)
+ (xy 109.133291 101.581061) (xy 109.164005 101.555121) (xy 109.195528 101.530204) (xy 109.227833 101.506328)
+ (xy 109.260896 101.483512) (xy 109.29469 101.461774) (xy 109.329188 101.441133) (xy 109.364366 101.421607)
+ (xy 109.400196 101.403216) (xy 109.436653 101.385976) (xy 109.473712 101.369908) (xy 109.511345 101.35503)
+ (xy 110.799238 100.797553) (xy 111.443097 100.515342) (xy 112.08574 100.228964) (xy 112.658033 99.934485)
+ (xy 113.002155 99.77149) (xy 114.017466 99.77149) (xy 114.056628 99.7986) (xy 114.091145 99.822018)
+ (xy 114.148502 99.86039) (xy 114.172471 99.876645) (xy 114.194052 99.891816) (xy 114.21381 99.906552)
+ (xy 114.23231 99.921507) (xy 118.084641 103.255255) (xy 118.144091 103.30609) (xy 118.198048 103.350261)
+ (xy 118.247441 103.387791) (xy 118.270717 103.404072) (xy 118.293201 103.418701) (xy 118.31501 103.43168)
+ (xy 118.33626 103.443013) (xy 118.357067 103.452702) (xy 118.377547 103.460749) (xy 118.397817 103.467158)
+ (xy 118.417993 103.47193) (xy 118.438192 103.47507) (xy 118.458529 103.476578) (xy 118.479121 103.47646)
+ (xy 118.500085 103.474716) (xy 118.521536 103.471349) (xy 118.543591 103.466363) (xy 118.566367 103.459761)
+ (xy 118.589979 103.451543) (xy 118.614545 103.441715) (xy 118.640179 103.430278) (xy 118.666999 103.417234)
+ (xy 118.695122 103.402587) (xy 118.755737 103.368495) (xy 118.822956 103.328021) (xy 118.897709 103.281189)
+ (xy 114.452707 99.547389) (xy 114.017466 99.77149) (xy 113.002155 99.77149) (xy 113.378493 99.593237)
+ (xy 113.74046 99.426608) (xy 114.10451 99.265887) (xy 114.154804 99.245559) (xy 114.204913 99.227846)
+ (xy 114.254741 99.213063) (xy 114.304188 99.201525) (xy 114.353158 99.193547) (xy 114.401553 99.189443)
+ (xy 114.425504 99.188942) (xy 114.449275 99.189528) (xy 114.472853 99.19124) (xy 114.496226 99.194117)
+ (xy 114.519382 99.198198) (xy 114.542309 99.203524) (xy 114.564995 99.210132) (xy 114.587426 99.218064)
+ (xy 114.609592 99.227357) (xy 114.63148 99.238052) (xy 114.653078 99.250187) (xy 114.674373 99.263803)
+ (xy 114.695353 99.278937) (xy 114.716006 99.29563) (xy 114.73632 99.313921) (xy 114.756283 99.33385)
+ (xy 114.775882 99.355455) (xy 114.795106 99.378776) (xy 114.813942 99.403853) (xy 114.832377 99.430724)
+ (xy 114.836857 99.437221) (xy 114.841605 99.443521) (xy 114.846608 99.449636) (xy 114.851853 99.455575)
+ (xy 114.863013 99.466967) (xy 114.874976 99.477778) (xy 114.887633 99.48809) (xy 114.900876 99.497984)
+ (xy 114.914597 99.507542) (xy 114.928687 99.516845) (xy 114.986565 99.553134) (xy 115.000871 99.562383)
+ (xy 115.014896 99.571865) (xy 115.028529 99.581662) (xy 115.041663 99.591855) (xy 115.701004 100.106965)
+ (xy 116.028245 100.367212) (xy 116.189738 100.499754) (xy 116.349234 100.634576) (xy 117.040148 101.231901)
+ (xy 117.726026 101.833567) (xy 119.095871 103.042283) (xy 119.107486 103.054059) (xy 119.119349 103.065562)
+ (xy 119.131458 103.076789) (xy 119.143806 103.087736) (xy 119.156388 103.098401) (xy 119.1692 103.108778)
+ (xy 119.182237 103.118866) (xy 119.195493 103.12866) (xy 119.208964 103.138157) (xy 119.222644 103.147352)
+ (xy 119.23653 103.156243) (xy 119.250615 103.164826) (xy 119.264895 103.173098) (xy 119.279364 103.181054)
+ (xy 119.294019 103.188692) (xy 119.308853 103.196007) (xy 119.321983 103.200132) (xy 119.335248 103.203506)
+ (xy 119.348618 103.206134) (xy 119.362062 103.208017) (xy 119.37555 103.20916) (xy 119.389052 103.209566)
+ (xy 119.402537 103.209238) (xy 119.415976 103.208178) (xy 119.429336 103.206392) (xy 119.442589 103.20388)
+ (xy 119.455704 103.200647) (xy 119.468651 103.196697) (xy 119.481399 103.192031) (xy 119.493917 103.186655)
+ (xy 119.506176 103.180569) (xy 119.518145 103.173779) (xy 119.526862 103.163332) (xy 119.534859 103.152439)
+ (xy 119.542127 103.141139) (xy 119.548659 103.129467) (xy 119.554443 103.11746) (xy 119.559473 103.105154)
+ (xy 119.563739 103.092587) (xy 119.567232 103.079796) (xy 119.569944 103.066816) (xy 119.571865 103.053684)
+ (xy 119.572987 103.040438) (xy 119.573301 103.027113) (xy 119.572798 103.013746) (xy 119.57147 103.000375)
+ (xy 119.569307 102.987035) (xy 119.566301 102.973764) (xy 119.556889 102.952687) (xy 119.546958 102.931878)
+ (xy 119.536515 102.911346) (xy 119.525566 102.8911) (xy 119.514118 102.871148) (xy 119.502176 102.851501)
+ (xy 119.489748 102.832167) (xy 119.476838 102.813154) (xy 119.463455 102.794472) (xy 119.449603 102.776131)
+ (xy 119.435289 102.758138) (xy 119.42052 102.740504) (xy 119.405302 102.723236) (xy 119.389641 102.706344)
+ (xy 119.373543 102.689838) (xy 119.357015 102.673725) (xy 119.243919 102.572273) (xy 119.129759 102.471905)
+ (xy 118.898856 102.273212) (xy 118.430975 101.875474) (xy 114.123036 98.093508) (xy 114.111059 98.084467)
+ (xy 114.098853 98.075752) (xy 114.086424 98.067368) (xy 114.073779 98.059317) (xy 114.060925 98.051605)
+ (xy 114.047869 98.044234) (xy 114.034617 98.037211) (xy 114.021176 98.030537) (xy 112.2867 98.761876)
+ (xy 110.568888 99.480717) (xy 109.997059 99.714051) (xy 109.423839 99.943043) (xy 108.276008 100.395643)
+ (xy 108.246064 100.413207) (xy 108.215226 100.428429) (xy 108.183621 100.441309) (xy 108.151377 100.451847)
+ (xy 108.118622 100.460043) (xy 108.085483 100.465898) (xy 108.052089 100.46941) (xy 108.018567 100.470581)
+ (xy 107.985046 100.46941) (xy 107.951652 100.465898) (xy 107.918514 100.460043) (xy 107.885759 100.451847)
+ (xy 107.853516 100.441309) (xy 107.821911 100.428429) (xy 107.791074 100.413207) (xy 107.761131 100.395643)
+ (xy 107.769 100.380977) (xy 107.777144 100.366474) (xy 107.78556 100.352137) (xy 107.794247 100.337972)
+ (xy 107.803201 100.323981) (xy 107.81242 100.310168) (xy 107.8219 100.296537) (xy 107.83164 100.283091)
+ (xy 107.841635 100.269835) (xy 107.851885 100.256772) (xy 107.862385 100.243906) (xy 107.873133 100.23124)
+ (xy 107.884127 100.218779) (xy 107.895363 100.206525) (xy 107.906839 100.194483) (xy 107.918553 100.182656)
+ (xy 107.955199 100.160526) (xy 107.992474 100.139534) (xy 108.030353 100.119693) (xy 108.068808 100.101016)
+ (xy 108.107812 100.083515) (xy 108.147339 100.067202) (xy 108.187361 100.052091) (xy 108.227852 100.038193)
+ (xy 113.454434 97.969414) (xy 113.531293 97.938219) (xy 113.612322 97.904592) (xy 113.806327 97.823099)
+ (xy 113.297004 97.339707) (xy 112.006104 97.862226) (xy 110.737423 98.38058) (xy 108.179696 99.451082)
+ (xy 108.045998 99.510291) (xy 108.011624 99.5247) (xy 107.976675 99.538007) (xy 107.941053 99.549741)
+ (xy 107.90466 99.559429) (xy 107.886145 99.563358) (xy 107.8674 99.566599) (xy 107.848413 99.569092)
+ (xy 107.829173 99.570779) (xy 107.809667 99.571601) (xy 107.789883 99.571498) (xy 107.769808 99.570412)
+ (xy 107.749431 99.568283) (xy 107.72874 99.565052) (xy 107.707721 99.560661) (xy 107.686364 99.555051)
+ (xy 107.664655 99.548162) (xy 107.642582 99.539935) (xy 107.620134 99.530312) (xy 107.597298 99.519234)
+ (xy 107.574061 99.50664) (xy 107.600393 99.478542) (xy 107.627505 99.45123) (xy 107.655381 99.424721)
+ (xy 107.684001 99.39903) (xy 107.713348 99.374173) (xy 107.743405 99.350165) (xy 107.774152 99.327023)
+ (xy 107.805573 99.304761) (xy 108.051324 99.180674) (xy 108.297768 99.057975) (xy 108.421684 98.998231)
+ (xy 108.546294 98.940136) (xy 108.671773 98.884124) (xy 108.798292 98.83063) (xy 112.987705 97.132268)
+ (xy 113.153003 97.062036) (xy 113.1943 97.045121) (xy 113.235782 97.0291) (xy 113.277546 97.014288)
+ (xy 113.319689 97.001003) (xy 113.362311 96.989563) (xy 113.405507 96.980286) (xy 113.449377 96.973488)
+ (xy 113.494017 96.969487) (xy 113.539525 96.968601) (xy 113.562635 96.969426) (xy 113.585999 96.971147)
+ (xy 113.609629 96.973807) (xy 113.633537 96.977443) (xy 113.657735 96.982096) (xy 113.682236 96.987806)
+ (xy 113.67389 97.008892) (xy 113.667214 97.02911) (xy 113.662138 97.048496) (xy 113.658597 97.067081)
+ (xy 113.656522 97.084899) (xy 113.655845 97.101985) (xy 113.6565 97.118372) (xy 113.65842 97.134092)
+ (xy 113.661535 97.149181) (xy 113.66578 97.163671) (xy 113.671085 97.177596) (xy 113.677385 97.19099)
+ (xy 113.684612 97.203886) (xy 113.692697 97.216317) (xy 113.701574 97.228318) (xy 113.711175 97.239922)
+ (xy 113.721433 97.251162) (xy 113.732279 97.262072) (xy 113.75547 97.283037) (xy 113.780206 97.303085)
+ (xy 113.80595 97.322484) (xy 113.858296 97.360413) (xy 113.88382 97.379479) (xy 113.90819 97.398971)
+ (xy 115.026413 98.328775) (xy 115.58089 98.798951) (xy 116.130919 99.274206) (xy 116.675478 99.755712)
+ (xy 117.213548 100.24464) (xy 117.744109 100.742163) (xy 118.26614 101.249452) (xy 118.361091 101.34272)
+ (xy 118.456933 101.435097) (xy 118.650678 101.617789) (xy 119.042164 101.979172) (xy 119.075871 102.010048)
+ (xy 119.110402 102.040381) (xy 119.145888 102.070496) (xy 119.182459 102.100719) (xy 119.3422 102.229207)
+ (xy 119.333924 102.04894) (xy 119.329113 101.974431) (xy 119.323217 101.908738) (xy 119.315758 101.850664)
+ (xy 119.306259 101.799009) (xy 119.294242 101.752574) (xy 119.27923 101.71016) (xy 119.260746 101.670567)
+ (xy 119.238311 101.632596) (xy 119.211448 101.595049) (xy 119.17968 101.556726) (xy 119.14253 101.516428)
+ (xy 119.099519 101.472956) (xy 118.994008 101.371692) (xy 117.272267 99.73329) (xy 116.410092 98.916437)
+ (xy 115.543576 98.104622) (xy 115.292105 97.87353) (xy 115.038247 97.645303) (xy 114.52632 97.195709)
+ (xy 113.506285 96.311806) (xy 113.069656 96.521553) (xy 112.867664 96.617052) (xy 112.768318 96.662457)
+ (xy 112.669145 96.706299) (xy 112.407074 96.81806) (xy 112.143615 96.926697) (xy 111.61531 97.14154)
+ (xy 111.087698 97.35777) (xy 110.824326 97.46658) (xy 110.561473 97.576781) (xy 109.548384 98.008315)
+ (xy 109.290047 98.113968) (xy 109.024939 98.220145) (xy 108.891853 98.274894) (xy 108.759484 98.331531)
+ (xy 108.628633 98.390642) (xy 108.500104 98.452811) (xy 108.436108 98.483033) (xy 108.371347 98.51019)
+ (xy 108.306011 98.534861) (xy 108.24029 98.557628) (xy 107.977352 98.641262) (xy 107.912553 98.663214)
+ (xy 107.848509 98.686746) (xy 107.785409 98.712438) (xy 107.723443 98.740869) (xy 107.6628 98.772621)
+ (xy 107.603672 98.808274) (xy 107.546247 98.848409) (xy 107.490716 98.893606) (xy 107.48742 98.896256)
+ (xy 107.483794 98.898653) (xy 107.479854 98.900806) (xy 107.475618 98.902723) (xy 107.471102 98.904411)
+ (xy 107.466324 98.90588) (xy 107.456048 98.908192) (xy 107.444926 98.909722) (xy 107.433093 98.910536)
+ (xy 107.420684 98.910698) (xy 107.407836 98.910275) (xy 107.394684 98.909331) (xy 107.381364 98.907931)
+ (xy 107.368012 98.90614) (xy 107.354762 98.904024) (xy 107.341751 98.901647) (xy 107.329115 98.899075)
+ (xy 107.305508 98.893606) (xy 107.251749 98.875487) (xy 107.19854 98.855903) (xy 107.145912 98.834869)
+ (xy 107.093892 98.812397) (xy 107.042511 98.788501) (xy 106.991797 98.763194) (xy 106.941781 98.73649)
+ (xy 106.892492 98.708401) (xy 106.591299 98.509419) (xy 106.291495 98.308352) (xy 105.994468 98.103116)
+ (xy 105.84743 97.998284) (xy 105.701607 97.891629) (xy 104.029177 96.640546) (xy 102.367858 95.380207)
+ (xy 102.326367 95.342972) (xy 102.285659 95.304907) (xy 102.245748 95.266024) (xy 102.206645 95.226336)
+ (xy 102.168363 95.185856) (xy 102.130913 95.144597) (xy 102.094309 95.10257) (xy 102.058647 95.059889)
+ (xy 100.456976 95.921705) (xy 99.652592 96.349508) (xy 98.843346 96.767416) (xy 98.804926 96.787762)
+ (xy 98.768457 96.808854) (xy 98.733883 96.830681) (xy 98.701148 96.85323) (xy 98.670195 96.876488)
+ (xy 98.640969 96.900444) (xy 98.613412 96.925084) (xy 98.587469 96.950395) (xy 98.563083 96.976366)
+ (xy 98.540198 97.002983) (xy 98.518758 97.030235) (xy 98.498707 97.058109) (xy 98.479987 97.086591)
+ (xy 98.462543 97.11567) (xy 98.446319 97.145333) (xy 98.431257 97.175567) (xy 98.417303 97.20636)
+ (xy 98.4044 97.2377) (xy 98.381519 97.301968) (xy 98.362165 97.368271) (xy 98.345888 97.436508) (xy 98.332237 97.506579)
+ (xy 98.320762 97.578383) (xy 98.311013 97.651821) (xy 98.302538 97.726792) (xy 98.312824 97.724954)
+ (xy 98.322839 97.723551) (xy 98.332571 97.722494) (xy 98.342011 97.721698) (xy 98.376621 97.719383)
+ (xy 98.384433 97.718588) (xy 98.391886 97.717531) (xy 98.39897 97.716128) (xy 98.405675 97.714291)
+ (xy 98.411989 97.711932) (xy 98.417901 97.708966) (xy 98.420704 97.707228) (xy 98.423401 97.705305)
+ (xy 98.425993 97.703188) (xy 98.428478 97.700864) (xy 98.603697 97.572978) (xy 98.781919 97.45019)
+ (xy 98.962892 97.332085) (xy 99.146363 97.218248) (xy 99.519793 97.001717) (xy 99.90019 96.797275)
+ (xy 100.285536 96.601602) (xy 100.673812 96.411376) (xy 101.45108 96.033984) (xy 101.466801 96.02865)
+ (xy 101.482381 96.022963) (xy 101.497815 96.016926) (xy 101.513098 96.010543) (xy 101.528223 96.003817)
+ (xy 101.543185 95.99675) (xy 101.557979 95.989346) (xy 101.572598 95.981609) (xy 101.587037 95.97354)
+ (xy 101.60129 95.965143) (xy 101.615352 95.956421) (xy 101.629216 95.947378) (xy 101.642878 95.938015)
+ (xy 101.656332 95.928338) (xy 101.669571 95.918348) (xy 101.68259 95.908048) (xy 101.694594 95.89521)
+ (xy 101.707031 95.882962) (xy 101.719882 95.871309) (xy 101.733126 95.860253) (xy 101.746742 95.8498)
+ (xy 101.760711 95.839953) (xy 101.775012 95.830717) (xy 101.789624 95.822095) (xy 101.804528 95.814091)
+ (xy 101.819702 95.806709) (xy 101.835127 95.799954) (xy 101.850782 95.793829) (xy 101.866646 95.788338)
+ (xy 101.8827 95.783486) (xy 101.898922 95.779276) (xy 101.915294 95.775713) (xy 101.931793 95.7728)
+ (xy 101.9484 95.770541) (xy 101.965094 95.768941) (xy 101.981856 95.768003) (xy 101.998664 95.767732)
+ (xy 102.015498 95.768131) (xy 102.032338 95.769205) (xy 102.049164 95.770957) (xy 102.065955 95.773392)
+ (xy 102.08269 95.776513) (xy 102.09935 95.780325) (xy 102.115914 95.784832) (xy 102.132362 95.790036)
+ (xy 102.148672 95.795944) (xy 102.164826 95.802558) (xy 102.180802 95.809883) (xy 102.197797 95.836132)
+ (xy 102.21532 95.862003) (xy 102.233364 95.887488) (xy 102.251923 95.912581) (xy 102.27099 95.937272)
+ (xy 102.290558 95.961556) (xy 102.31062 95.985423) (xy 102.33117 96.008868) (xy 102.352201 96.031882)
+ (xy 102.373706 96.054459) (xy 102.395679 96.076589) (xy 102.418113 96.098267) (xy 102.441001 96.119485)
+ (xy 102.464337 96.140234) (xy 102.488113 96.160509) (xy 102.512323 96.1803) (xy 107.103637 99.497385)
+ (xy 107.142964 99.526576) (xy 107.181861 99.556506) (xy 107.258892 99.618578) (xy 107.335793 99.683603)
+ (xy 107.413628 99.751581) (xy 107.576351 99.896391) (xy 107.663367 99.973224) (xy 107.755569 100.053008)
+ (xy 107.712525 100.055726) (xy 107.669597 100.05625) (xy 107.626862 100.054607) (xy 107.584397 100.050821)
+ (xy 107.542278 100.044918) (xy 107.500585 100.036923) (xy 107.459393 100.02686) (xy 107.418781 100.014756)
+ (xy 107.378825 100.000634) (xy 107.339603 99.984521) (xy 107.301192 99.966442) (xy 107.263669 99.946421)
+ (xy 107.227112 99.924484) (xy 107.191598 99.900656) (xy 107.157205 99.874963) (xy 107.124008 99.847428)
+ (xy 105.461302 98.672747) (xy 103.806927 97.493436) (xy 101.904837 96.135861) (xy 100.600739 96.835021)
+ (xy 99.949645 97.187032) (xy 99.300808 97.545292) (xy 99.162318 97.62448) (xy 99.024588 97.706164)
+ (xy 98.887508 97.789888) (xy 98.750972 97.875196) (xy 98.208081 98.223156) (xy 98.198268 98.229543)
+ (xy 98.188748 98.236302) (xy 98.179532 98.243423) (xy 98.170628 98.250894) (xy 98.162045 98.258704)
+ (xy 98.153792 98.266843) (xy 98.145878 98.2753) (xy 98.138312 98.284064) (xy 98.131103 98.293124)
+ (xy 98.12426 98.302469) (xy 98.117793 98.312088) (xy 98.11171 98.32197) (xy 98.106019 98.332105)
+ (xy 98.100731 98.342482) (xy 98.095855 98.35309) (xy 98.091398 98.363917) (xy 98.069083 98.43724)
+ (xy 98.047614 98.511909) (xy 98.005045 98.668583) (xy 97.95935 98.840537) (xy 97.90619 99.034368)
+ (xy 98.164786 98.910278) (xy 98.26587 98.860909) (xy 98.358099 98.813973) (xy 98.991279 98.466702)
+ (xy 99.308477 98.295153) (xy 99.468064 98.211723) (xy 99.628628 98.13055) (xy 100.184253 97.857108)
+ (xy 100.739878 97.590438) (xy 101.851128 97.065602) (xy 101.882464 97.044635) (xy 101.914947 97.026251)
+ (xy 101.948427 97.010456) (xy 101.982755 96.997255) (xy 102.017784 96.986654) (xy 102.053363 96.97866)
+ (xy 102.089346 96.973278) (xy 102.125581 96.970515) (xy 102.161922 96.970376) (xy 102.198219 96.972867)
+ (xy 102.234324 96.977994) (xy 102.270087 96.985763) (xy 102.30536 96.996181) (xy 102.339995 97.009252)
+ (xy 102.373842 97.024983) (xy 102.406752 97.04338) (xy 102.340092 97.086169) (xy 102.27838 97.126984)
+ (xy 102.165982 97.202426) (xy 102.113386 97.236924) (xy 102.061918 97.269187) (xy 102.010624 97.299149)
+ (xy 101.984744 97.313247) (xy 101.95855 97.326745) (xy 100.804006 97.905987) (xy 99.650852 98.488)
+ (xy 99.46148 98.587238) (xy 99.273518 98.689472) (xy 98.899137 98.896847) (xy 98.711371 98.99895)
+ (xy 98.522325 99.097972) (xy 98.331326 99.192392) (xy 98.1377 99.280691) (xy 98.106763 99.294601)
+ (xy 98.077143 99.308909) (xy 98.04882 99.323631) (xy 98.021778 99.338786) (xy 97.995997 99.354392)
+ (xy 97.97146 99.370465) (xy 97.948147 99.387024) (xy 97.926041 99.404087) (xy 97.905124 99.42167)
+ (xy 97.885376 99.439792) (xy 97.86678 99.45847) (xy 97.849317 99.477721) (xy 97.83297 99.497565)
+ (xy 97.817719 99.518017) (xy 97.803546 99.539096) (xy 97.790434 99.560819) (xy 97.778363 99.583205)
+ (xy 97.767316 99.60627) (xy 97.757275 99.630032) (xy 97.74822 99.654509) (xy 97.740133 99.679719)
+ (xy 97.732997 99.705679) (xy 97.726793 99.732406) (xy 97.721502 99.759919) (xy 97.717107 99.788236)
+ (xy 97.713588 99.817372) (xy 97.710928 99.847348) (xy 97.709109 99.878179) (xy 97.707918 99.94248)
+ (xy 97.709869 100.010417) (xy 98.049263 99.834003) (xy 98.210452 99.749965) (xy 98.369211 99.665929)
+ (xy 98.477869 99.607369) (xy 98.585963 99.547485) (xy 98.801672 99.426782) (xy 98.909896 99.367482)
+ (xy 99.01877 99.309898) (xy 99.1286 99.254787) (xy 99.239689 99.202911) (xy 99.839359 98.938988)
+ (xy 100.440765 98.679234) (xy 101.647397 98.163891) (xy 102.371563 97.850891) (xy 102.400596 97.837557)
+ (xy 102.430254 97.826727) (xy 102.460394 97.818376) (xy 102.490872 97.812482) (xy 102.521545 97.809021)
+ (xy 102.552271 97.807971) (xy 102.582905 97.809309) (xy 102.613304 97.81301) (xy 102.643326 97.819053)
+ (xy 102.672828 97.827414) (xy 102.701665 97.83807) (xy 102.729695 97.850998) (xy 102.756774 97.866174)
+ (xy 102.78276 97.883576) (xy 102.807509 97.903181) (xy 102.830878 97.924965) (xy 102.436384 98.110181)
+ (xy 103.063314 98.465548) (xy 103.34379 98.62665) (xy 103.612458 98.786191) (xy 103.88156 98.951807)
+ (xy 104.15535 99.124889) (xy 104.429487 99.303181) (xy 104.69963 99.484424) (xy 104.961439 99.666159)
+ (xy 105.216129 99.847894) (xy 105.720127 100.214144) (xy 106.731366 100.954978) (xy 107.252032 101.328637)
+ (xy 107.517141 101.519112) (xy 107.779647 101.710627) (xy 107.909455 101.803498) (xy 108.038157 101.892418)
+ (xy 108.164298 101.980385) (xy 108.225953 102.024946) (xy 108.286423 102.070391) (xy 108.345526 102.117096)
+ (xy 108.40308 102.165434) (xy 108.458902 102.215779) (xy 108.512812 102.268507) (xy 108.564628 102.323991)
+ (xy 108.614167 102.382606) (xy 108.661248 102.444726) (xy 108.705689 102.510725) (xy 108.675609 102.507773)
+ (xy 108.645665 102.503986) (xy 108.615873 102.49937) (xy 108.586251 102.493928) (xy 108.556814 102.487668)
+ (xy 108.52758 102.480594) (xy 108.498566 102.472711) (xy 108.469787 102.464025) (xy 108.441262 102.454542)
+ (xy 108.413006 102.444266) (xy 108.385037 102.433203) (xy 108.357371 102.421358) (xy 108.330024 102.408737)
+ (xy 108.303014 102.395344) (xy 108.276358 102.381186) (xy 108.250071 102.366268) (xy 107.872247 102.127521)
+ (xy 107.495813 101.887038) (xy 107.12285 101.641694) (xy 106.938323 101.516223) (xy 106.755444 101.388366)
+ (xy 105.687139 100.628635) (xy 104.612584 99.87776) (xy 104.07014 99.509713) (xy 103.522748 99.148762)
+ (xy 102.969279 98.796537) (xy 102.408604 98.454664) (xy 102.384776 98.435545) (xy 102.359866 98.41836)
+ (xy 102.333987 98.403124) (xy 102.30725 98.389853) (xy 102.279769 98.378565) (xy 102.251656 98.369275)
+ (xy 102.223021 98.361999) (xy 102.193979 98.356754) (xy 102.16464 98.353556) (xy 102.135118 98.352421)
+ (xy 102.105523 98.353366) (xy 102.075969 98.356406) (xy 102.046568 98.361558) (xy 102.017432 98.368837)
+ (xy 101.988673 98.378261) (xy 101.960403 98.389846) (xy 101.277214 98.698679) (xy 100.591248 99.001956)
+ (xy 99.905977 99.306623) (xy 99.224873 99.619626) (xy 99.024595 99.716907) (xy 98.82627 99.817944)
+ (xy 98.629421 99.921976) (xy 98.43357 100.028243) (xy 97.650602 100.460473) (xy 97.629541 100.472403)
+ (xy 97.610167 100.484637) (xy 97.601138 100.490895) (xy 97.592562 100.497262) (xy 97.584448 100.503748)
+ (xy 97.576808 100.510364) (xy 97.56965 100.517121) (xy 97.562985 100.524031) (xy 97.556823 100.531103)
+ (xy 97.551175 100.538349) (xy 97.54605 100.545779) (xy 97.54146 100.553404) (xy 97.537413 100.561236)
+ (xy 97.53392 100.569285) (xy 97.530992 100.577562) (xy 97.528638 100.586077) (xy 97.526869 100.594842)
+ (xy 97.525695 100.603868) (xy 97.525125 100.613164) (xy 97.525171 100.622743) (xy 97.525842 100.632615)
+ (xy 97.527149 100.642791) (xy 97.529102 100.653281) (xy 97.53171 100.664097) (xy 97.534984 100.675249)
+ (xy 97.538935 100.686749) (xy 97.543572 100.698606) (xy 97.548905 100.710833) (xy 97.554946 100.723439)
+ (xy 97.561703 100.736436) (xy 97.972344 100.529233) (xy 98.374304 100.323419) (xy 98.772791 100.121773)
+ (xy 98.97236 100.023381) (xy 99.173015 99.927072) (xy 99.573556 99.740506) (xy 99.971494 99.561056)
+ (xy 100.369779 99.388205) (xy 100.771364 99.221432) (xy 100.972506 99.136146) (xy 101.172716 99.04615)
+ (xy 101.576324 98.863749) (xy 101.782719 98.777203) (xy 101.88772 98.736376) (xy 101.994171 98.697668)
+ (xy 102.102262 98.661444) (xy 102.212178 98.628072) (xy 102.324108 98.597917) (xy 102.438237 98.571345)
+ (xy 102.436772 98.601204) (xy 102.432966 98.630505) (xy 102.426901 98.659138) (xy 102.418656 98.686997)
+ (xy 102.408312 98.713972) (xy 102.395949 98.739955) (xy 102.381648 98.764838) (xy 102.365488 98.788513)
+ (xy 102.347551 98.81087) (xy 102.327916 98.831802) (xy 102.306663 98.851201) (xy 102.283873 98.868957)
+ (xy 102.259626 98.884963) (xy 102.234003 98.89911) (xy 102.207083 98.911289) (xy 102.178947 98.921393)
+ (xy 102.090492 98.967357) (xy 102.001581 99.012321) (xy 101.822652 99.100121) (xy 101.462192 99.273289)
+ (xy 99.550379 100.204192) (xy 97.635787 101.125374) (xy 97.598887 101.144062) (xy 97.563965 101.163407)
+ (xy 97.531132 101.183544) (xy 97.500498 101.204608) (xy 97.472177 101.226736) (xy 97.458918 101.238241)
+ (xy 97.446278 101.250063) (xy 97.434272 101.262219) (xy 97.422913 101.274725) (xy 97.412216 101.287599)
+ (xy 97.402193 101.300858) (xy 97.39286 101.314518) (xy 97.38423 101.328596) (xy 97.376317 101.343111)
+ (xy 97.369134 101.358077) (xy 97.362696 101.373513) (xy 97.357017 101.389435) (xy 97.352111 101.405861)
+ (xy 97.34799 101.422806) (xy 97.344671 101.440289) (xy 97.342165 101.458326) (xy 97.340487 101.476935)
+ (xy 97.339652 101.496131) (xy 97.339673 101.515932) (xy 97.340563 101.536356) (xy 97.342337 101.557418)
+ (xy 97.345009 101.579137) (xy 97.34989 101.579322) (xy 97.354797 101.579838) (xy 97.359716 101.580626)
+ (xy 97.364629 101.581625) (xy 97.374374 101.584019) (xy 97.383902 101.586544) (xy 97.388544 101.587706)
+ (xy 97.393083 101.588721) (xy 97.397502 101.58953) (xy 97.401786 101.590073) (xy 97.405918 101.59029)
+ (xy 97.409882 101.590122) (xy 97.411796 101.589875) (xy 97.413661 101.589509) (xy 97.415477 101.589017)
+ (xy 97.41724 101.588392) (xy 98.423152 101.139031) (xy 98.92498 100.912525) (xy 99.424898 100.682721)
+ (xy 102.203023 99.365895) (xy 102.252631 99.346313) (xy 102.302499 99.327426) (xy 102.352621 99.309237)
+ (xy 102.402989 99.291748) (xy 102.453595 99.274961) (xy 102.504432 99.258879) (xy 102.555493 99.243505)
+ (xy 102.60677 99.22884) (xy 102.606192 99.256629) (xy 102.604487 99.283072) (xy 102.6017 99.308214)
+ (xy 102.597877 99.332098) (xy 102.593062 99.354768) (xy 102.5873 99.376268) (xy 102.580637 99.396641)
+ (xy 102.573117 99.415931) (xy 102.564786 99.434182) (xy 102.55569 99.451437) (xy 102.545872 99.467741)
+ (xy 102.535378 99.483137) (xy 102.524254 99.497669) (xy 102.512543 99.511381) (xy 102.500293 99.524316)
+ (xy 102.487546 99.536518) (xy 102.47435 99.548031) (xy 102.460748 99.558899) (xy 102.432509 99.578873)
+ (xy 102.403189 99.596791) (xy 102.373152 99.613002) (xy 102.342755 99.627857) (xy 102.312362 99.641705)
+ (xy 102.253026 99.667782) (xy 98.506264 101.519867) (xy 97.439464 102.016225) (xy 97.399049 102.041826)
+ (xy 97.359298 102.068406) (xy 97.32023 102.095952) (xy 97.28186 102.124453) (xy 97.244207 102.153894)
+ (xy 97.207289 102.184262) (xy 97.171122 102.215545) (xy 97.135725 102.247729) (xy 96.369515 102.247729)
+ (xy 96.376367 102.197735) (xy 96.74424 100.36463) (xy 96.933993 99.448948) (xy 97.130169 98.534308)
+ (xy 97.173578 98.350899) (xy 97.222195 98.168552) (xy 97.274459 97.986943) (xy 97.328806 97.805746)
+ (xy 97.4375 97.443288) (xy 97.488721 97.261376) (xy 97.535775 97.078574) (xy 97.646409 96.609508)
+ (xy 97.733343 96.219492) (xy 98.676479 96.219492) (xy 98.67673 96.237314) (xy 98.677687 96.255977)
+ (xy 98.679327 96.27553) (xy 98.68163 96.296021) (xy 98.688134 96.340015) (xy 98.697025 96.38835)
+ (xy 98.708131 96.441417) (xy 98.845648 96.364557) (xy 98.974831 96.293253) (xy 100.478259 95.520702)
+ (xy 101.984466 94.752321) (xy 102.098225 94.692648) (xy 102.127268 94.678258) (xy 102.156656 94.664743)
+ (xy 102.18644 94.652432) (xy 102.216672 94.641657) (xy 102.247402 94.632748) (xy 102.262971 94.629097)
+ (xy 102.278684 94.626037) (xy 102.294547 94.623609) (xy 102.310567 94.621854) (xy 102.326751 94.620815)
+ (xy 102.343105 94.620531) (xy 102.359635 94.621045) (xy 102.376347 94.622399) (xy 102.393249 94.624632)
+ (xy 102.410347 94.627788) (xy 102.427647 94.631906) (xy 102.445155 94.637029) (xy 102.462878 94.643198)
+ (xy 102.480823 94.650455) (xy 102.431394 94.719933) (xy 102.410355 94.748806) (xy 102.390949 94.774563)
+ (xy 102.372562 94.797802) (xy 102.354583 94.81912) (xy 102.336397 94.839114) (xy 102.317391 94.858379)
+ (xy 102.296953 94.877514) (xy 102.274469 94.897116) (xy 102.249326 94.91778) (xy 102.220911 94.940104)
+ (xy 102.18861 94.964686) (xy 102.151812 94.992121) (xy 102.062268 95.057941) (xy 102.058767 95.059824)
+ (xy 102.133863 95.073046) (xy 102.208607 95.088551) (xy 102.282746 95.106283) (xy 102.356234 95.126222)
+ (xy 102.429023 95.148347) (xy 102.501063 95.172638) (xy 102.572308 95.199075) (xy 102.642709 95.227637)
+ (xy 102.712219 95.258305) (xy 102.78079 95.291058) (xy 102.848374 95.325876) (xy 102.914923 95.362739)
+ (xy 102.980388 95.401625) (xy 103.044723 95.442516) (xy 103.10788 95.485391) (xy 103.16981 95.530229)
+ (xy 103.283214 95.608148) (xy 103.395706 95.687566) (xy 103.507418 95.768244) (xy 103.618478 95.849941)
+ (xy 103.839165 96.015443) (xy 104.058811 96.182159) (xy 107.022145 98.439844) (xy 107.067058 98.471387)
+ (xy 107.112381 98.502325) (xy 107.158107 98.532656) (xy 107.20423 98.562375) (xy 107.250743 98.591478)
+ (xy 107.297641 98.619963) (xy 107.344915 98.647824) (xy 107.392562 98.675059) (xy 107.46435 98.627129)
+ (xy 107.536889 98.580373) (xy 107.610165 98.534802) (xy 107.684162 98.490424) (xy 107.758867 98.447248)
+ (xy 107.834265 98.405281) (xy 107.910341 98.364532) (xy 107.98708 98.325011) (xy 113.039567 96.23401)
+ (xy 113.067174 96.22188) (xy 113.094434 96.209208) (xy 113.121347 96.196145) (xy 113.147914 96.182843)
+ (xy 113.250707 96.130291) (xy 113.245755 96.115443) (xy 113.239987 96.101083) (xy 113.233483 96.087164)
+ (xy 113.226329 96.073643) (xy 113.218606 96.060475) (xy 113.210397 96.047615) (xy 113.192857 96.022639)
+ (xy 113.155609 95.974413) (xy 113.137231 95.950446) (xy 113.119902 95.9261) (xy 113.111839 95.913672)
+ (xy 113.104288 95.901016) (xy 113.097332 95.888085) (xy 113.091054 95.874835) (xy 113.085537 95.861222)
+ (xy 113.080864 95.847201) (xy 113.077118 95.832726) (xy 113.074382 95.817754) (xy 113.07274 95.802239)
+ (xy 113.072274 95.786136) (xy 113.073068 95.769402) (xy 113.075204 95.751991) (xy 113.078766 95.733858)
+ (xy 113.083836 95.714958) (xy 113.090499 95.695248) (xy 113.098837 95.674681) (xy 113.302563 95.801781)
+ (xy 113.350673 95.832092) (xy 113.397829 95.862467) (xy 113.444117 95.893233) (xy 113.489623 95.924716)
+ (xy 113.826416 96.172575) (xy 114.158431 96.42662) (xy 114.485585 96.686781) (xy 114.807793 96.952987)
+ (xy 115.124972 97.225166) (xy 115.437037 97.503247) (xy 115.743904 97.787161) (xy 116.045489 98.076835)
+ (xy 117.423444 99.414965) (xy 118.805098 100.747539) (xy 119.099577 101.012389) (xy 119.105528 100.976139)
+ (xy 119.108756 100.939909) (xy 119.109315 100.903831) (xy 119.107258 100.868036) (xy 119.102636 100.832657)
+ (xy 119.095503 100.797825) (xy 119.085913 100.763672) (xy 119.073917 100.73033) (xy 119.059568 100.697931)
+ (xy 119.04292 100.666607) (xy 119.024025 100.636489) (xy 119.002936 100.60771) (xy 118.979705 100.5804)
+ (xy 118.954387 100.554693) (xy 118.927033 100.53072) (xy 118.897696 100.508613) (xy 117.451454 99.077653)
+ (xy 116.723731 98.366424) (xy 116.355908 98.014987) (xy 115.984374 97.667522) (xy 115.658403 97.371689)
+ (xy 115.328592 97.080935) (xy 114.662218 96.511362) (xy 113.335897 95.39687) (xy 112.624465 95.749692)
+ (xy 112.286025 95.915685) (xy 111.950535 96.074733) (xy 109.811842 97.060502) (xy 107.670368 98.039787)
+ (xy 107.636643 98.057032) (xy 107.602369 98.073078) (xy 107.567579 98.087914) (xy 107.532303 98.101526)
+ (xy 107.496576 98.113904) (xy 107.460429 98.125035) (xy 107.423894 98.134906) (xy 107.387005 98.143507)
+ (xy 107.375805 98.143042) (xy 107.364431 98.141701) (xy 107.352884 98.139563) (xy 107.341163 98.136706)
+ (xy 107.329269 98.133208) (xy 107.317201 98.129149) (xy 107.30496 98.124606) (xy 107.292545 98.11966)
+ (xy 107.267195 98.10887) (xy 107.24115 98.097407) (xy 107.214411 98.085901) (xy 107.20078 98.080328)
+ (xy 107.186976 98.074982) (xy 107.193233 98.054139) (xy 107.200178 98.034303) (xy 107.207782 98.015435)
+ (xy 107.216016 97.997501) (xy 107.224853 97.980463) (xy 107.234264 97.964286) (xy 107.24422 97.948932)
+ (xy 107.254693 97.934367) (xy 107.265654 97.920553) (xy 107.277076 97.907454) (xy 107.288928 97.895034)
+ (xy 107.301183 97.883256) (xy 107.313813 97.872086) (xy 107.326789 97.861485) (xy 107.340082 97.851418)
+ (xy 107.353664 97.841848) (xy 107.381581 97.824056) (xy 107.410312 97.807819) (xy 107.439629 97.792846)
+ (xy 107.469304 97.778847) (xy 107.587028 97.726787) (xy 109.307151 96.922981) (xy 110.169642 96.525595)
+ (xy 111.035606 96.13585) (xy 111.296566 96.023123) (xy 111.559543 95.91467) (xy 112.08921 95.705471)
+ (xy 112.619918 95.49801) (xy 112.884198 95.391729) (xy 113.146979 95.282042) (xy 113.186498 95.264634)
+ (xy 113.226808 95.250596) (xy 113.267718 95.239896) (xy 113.309037 95.232499) (xy 113.350575 95.228374)
+ (xy 113.392142 95.227487) (xy 113.433546 95.229805) (xy 113.474598 95.235296) (xy 113.515105 95.243925)
+ (xy 113.554879 95.255661) (xy 113.593728 95.270471) (xy 113.631461 95.28832) (xy 113.667889 95.309177)
+ (xy 113.702819 95.333008) (xy 113.736063 95.359781) (xy 113.767429 95.389462) (xy 115.010409 96.416903)
+ (xy 115.62886 96.936007) (xy 115.934971 97.200399) (xy 116.238107 97.469349) (xy 116.537411 97.744254)
+ (xy 116.833003 98.024976) (xy 117.125686 98.310212) (xy 117.416265 98.59866) (xy 118.573581 99.758523)
+ (xy 118.607274 99.791122) (xy 118.641704 99.823809) (xy 118.712951 99.890484) (xy 118.78767 99.960631)
+ (xy 118.82644 99.997659) (xy 118.866208 100.036335) (xy 118.855438 99.92235) (xy 118.850437 99.875684)
+ (xy 118.845342 99.834952) (xy 118.839888 99.79944) (xy 118.833813 99.768433) (xy 118.826854 99.74122)
+ (xy 118.818748 99.717085) (xy 118.80923 99.695316) (xy 118.798039 99.6752) (xy 118.78491 99.656022)
+ (xy 118.769581 99.637069) (xy 118.751789 99.617627) (xy 118.73127 99.596984) (xy 118.680999 99.549237)
+ (xy 118.516628 99.408072) (xy 118.352256 99.263088) (xy 118.189273 99.115328) (xy 118.02907 98.965832)
+ (xy 114.695319 95.802476) (xy 114.54258 95.660378) (xy 114.3888 95.519974) (xy 114.079503 95.242682)
+ (xy 113.770205 94.967474) (xy 113.463686 94.691224) (xy 112.741371 95.004458) (xy 112.390112 95.155606)
+ (xy 112.041285 95.302411) (xy 107.12956 97.339702) (xy 107.080375 97.364248) (xy 107.031537 97.389461)
+ (xy 106.983054 97.415338) (xy 106.93493 97.441875) (xy 106.887174 97.469068) (xy 106.839792 97.496912)
+ (xy 106.792792 97.525405) (xy 106.746179 97.554542) (xy 106.645493 97.509629) (xy 106.546153 97.460545)
+ (xy 106.448028 97.407636) (xy 106.350989 97.351247) (xy 106.254905 97.291721) (xy 106.159645 97.229404)
+ (xy 106.06508 97.164639) (xy 105.97108 97.097772) (xy 105.784251 96.959109) (xy 105.598116 96.81617)
+ (xy 105.223765 96.52849) (xy 104.850309 96.243848) (xy 104.482237 95.958512) (xy 104.114511 95.67526)
+ (xy 103.929205 95.535283) (xy 103.742098 95.39687) (xy 103.364098 95.125511) (xy 102.983669 94.859535)
+ (xy 102.219685 94.331921) (xy 102.256726 94.259685) (xy 102.310105 94.273535) (xy 102.363152 94.288533)
+ (xy 102.41585 94.304674) (xy 102.468179 94.321951) (xy 102.520121 94.340358) (xy 102.571659 94.359888)
+ (xy 102.622773 94.380535) (xy 102.673444 94.402294) (xy 102.81325 94.472606) (xy 102.9518 94.545286)
+ (xy 103.089064 94.620318) (xy 103.225012 94.697684) (xy 103.359615 94.777367) (xy 103.492843 94.85935)
+ (xy 103.624666 94.943616) (xy 103.755055 95.030148) (xy 104.417062 95.525093) (xy 105.074206 96.026806)
+ (xy 106.385019 97.035956) (xy 106.414348 97.058709) (xy 106.443938 97.081159) (xy 106.503551 97.125322)
+ (xy 106.622085 97.211907) (xy 107.047552 96.991253) (xy 107.476369 96.78017) (xy 108.342526 96.383333)
+ (xy 109.217494 96.014624) (xy 110.098215 95.667271) (xy 113.617407 94.355991) (xy 113.717533 94.451693)
+ (xy 113.804464 94.535414) (xy 113.883062 94.610452) (xy 113.920755 94.645746) (xy 113.958189 94.680105)
+ (xy 114.215599 94.905801) (xy 114.474225 95.129933) (xy 114.602854 95.242661) (xy 114.730419 95.356496)
+ (xy 114.856465 95.471937) (xy 114.980535 95.589483) (xy 115.846877 96.427146) (xy 116.710613 97.270712)
+ (xy 118.436524 98.960273) (xy 118.448794 98.971962) (xy 118.461324 98.983467) (xy 118.48734 99.006228)
+ (xy 118.514919 99.029163) (xy 118.544407 99.052878) (xy 118.610502 99.105084) (xy 118.647804 99.134789)
+ (xy 118.688404 99.167706) (xy 118.585381 98.729227) (xy 118.492084 98.337973) (xy 118.479494 98.287695)
+ (xy 118.464985 98.238083) (xy 118.448588 98.189187) (xy 118.430332 98.141058) (xy 118.410248 98.093745)
+ (xy 118.388366 98.047299) (xy 118.364715 98.00177) (xy 118.339325 97.957208) (xy 118.312227 97.913665)
+ (xy 118.283451 97.87119) (xy 118.253026 97.829833) (xy 118.220982 97.789645) (xy 118.18735 97.750677)
+ (xy 118.152158 97.712977) (xy 118.115439 97.676598) (xy 118.07722 97.641588) (xy 116.203837 95.91614)
+ (xy 114.336008 94.183747) (xy 114.269927 94.133477) (xy 114.201165 94.088176) (xy 114.129993 94.047885)
+ (xy 114.056678 94.012644) (xy 113.981492 93.982496) (xy 113.951173 93.972618) (xy 114.669404 93.972618)
+ (xy 118.197621 97.274878) (xy 118.197453 97.22064) (xy 118.19404 97.166863) (xy 118.187444 97.113675)
+ (xy 118.177728 97.061202) (xy 118.164952 97.009575) (xy 118.149178 96.95892) (xy 118.130468 96.909365)
+ (xy 118.108885 96.86104) (xy 118.084489 96.814071) (xy 118.057343 96.768588) (xy 118.027509 96.724717)
+ (xy 117.995048 96.682588) (xy 117.960021 96.642328) (xy 117.922492 96.604065) (xy 117.882521 96.567928)
+ (xy 117.840171 96.534044) (xy 117.358138 96.106705) (xy 116.880097 95.673984) (xy 115.926971 94.804199)
+ (xy 115.115756 94.063365) (xy 115.10546 94.051078) (xy 115.094715 94.039356) (xy 115.08354 94.028206)
+ (xy 115.071958 94.01763) (xy 115.059991 94.007633) (xy 115.057797 94.005959) (xy 115.610267 94.005959)
+ (xy 117.984633 96.241423) (xy 118.071679 96.161784) (xy 118.04231 96.11602) (xy 118.012121 96.070808)
+ (xy 117.981122 96.026159) (xy 117.949319 95.982085) (xy 117.916721 95.938594) (xy 117.883336 95.8957)
+ (xy 117.849172 95.853412) (xy 117.814237 95.811741) (xy 117.593464 95.588594) (xy 117.370433 95.368398)
+ (xy 117.145666 95.149938) (xy 116.919685 94.931999) (xy 116.69596 94.718141) (xy 116.47588 94.510187)
+ (xy 116.036242 94.096706) (xy 116.026809 94.084369) (xy 116.016896 94.072596) (xy 116.006528 94.061392)
+ (xy 115.995726 94.050763) (xy 115.984514 94.040712) (xy 115.972914 94.031244) (xy 115.960949 94.022366)
+ (xy 115.948643 94.014081) (xy 115.936018 94.006394) (xy 115.923096 93.99931) (xy 115.909902 93.992835)
+ (xy 115.896458 93.986973) (xy 115.882786 93.981728) (xy 115.868909 93.977106) (xy 115.854851 93.973112)
+ (xy 115.840635 93.96975) (xy 115.826282 93.967026) (xy 115.811817 93.964944) (xy 115.797262 93.963508)
+ (xy 115.782639 93.962725) (xy 115.767973 93.962599) (xy 115.753285 93.963135) (xy 115.738598 93.964337)
+ (xy 115.723936 93.966211) (xy 115.709322 93.968761) (xy 115.694777 93.971992) (xy 115.680326 93.97591)
+ (xy 115.66599 93.980518) (xy 115.651794 93.985822) (xy 115.637759 93.991827) (xy 115.623909 93.998538)
+ (xy 115.610267 94.005959) (xy 115.057797 94.005959) (xy 115.047659 93.998221) (xy 115.034984 93.989396)
+ (xy 115.021988 93.981163) (xy 115.008691 93.973527) (xy 114.995116 93.966492) (xy 114.981284 93.960063)
+ (xy 114.971355 93.955955) (xy 116.523337 93.955955) (xy 117.814237 95.332051) (xy 117.811626 95.250529)
+ (xy 117.810012 95.169181) (xy 117.80859 95.128898) (xy 117.806229 95.089049) (xy 117.802532 95.049765)
+ (xy 117.797105 95.011175) (xy 117.789551 94.97341) (xy 117.779474 94.9366) (xy 117.766477 94.900875)
+ (xy 117.758761 94.883461) (xy 117.750166 94.866366) (xy 117.740643 94.849608) (xy 117.730142 94.833202)
+ (xy 117.718615 94.817166) (xy 117.706012 94.801514) (xy 117.692282 94.786265) (xy 117.677377 94.771433)
+ (xy 117.661247 94.757035) (xy 117.643843 94.743087) (xy 117.220644 94.424068) (xy 116.795591 94.107825)
+ (xy 116.777619 94.094298) (xy 116.759813 94.080258) (xy 116.724663 94.05154) (xy 116.690078 94.023474)
+ (xy 116.672976 94.010248) (xy 116.655991 93.99786) (xy 116.639115 93.986536) (xy 116.622339 93.9765)
+ (xy 116.605656 93.967978) (xy 116.597346 93.964355) (xy 116.589056 93.961195) (xy 116.580785 93.958526)
+ (xy 116.572533 93.956376) (xy 116.564297 93.954773) (xy 116.556077 93.953746) (xy 116.547872 93.953323)
+ (xy 116.539681 93.953531) (xy 116.531503 93.954399) (xy 116.523337 93.955955) (xy 114.971355 93.955955)
+ (xy 114.967217 93.954243) (xy 114.952935 93.949038) (xy 114.939693 93.944842) (xy 117.117852 93.944842)
+ (xy 117.580872 94.378229) (xy 117.640142 94.344893) (xy 117.510494 93.830014) (xy 117.117852 93.944842)
+ (xy 114.939693 93.944842) (xy 114.93846 93.944451) (xy 114.923814 93.940487) (xy 114.909018 93.93715)
+ (xy 114.894094 93.934444) (xy 114.879063 93.932375) (xy 114.863946 93.930946) (xy 114.848765 93.930162)
+ (xy 114.833541 93.930026) (xy 114.818297 93.930544) (xy 114.803052 93.93172) (xy 114.78783 93.933557)
+ (xy 114.77265 93.936062) (xy 114.757535 93.939237) (xy 114.742506 93.943087) (xy 114.727585 93.947617)
+ (xy 114.712793 93.95283) (xy 114.698151 93.958732) (xy 114.683681 93.965327) (xy 114.669404 93.972618)
+ (xy 113.951173 93.972618) (xy 113.904704 93.957479) (xy 113.826584 93.937635) (xy 113.747402 93.923005)
+ (xy 113.667427 93.913629) (xy 113.58693 93.909548) (xy 113.50618 93.910803) (xy 113.425446 93.917434)
+ (xy 113.344999 93.929482) (xy 113.265108 93.946988) (xy 113.186044 93.969992) (xy 113.108076 93.998536)
+ (xy 112.735085 94.163285) (xy 112.36053 94.326123) (xy 111.984239 94.485836) (xy 111.606039 94.64121)
+ (xy 109.224956 95.590869) (xy 108.634079 95.838375) (xy 108.047522 96.096082) (xy 107.466564 96.367071)
+ (xy 106.892486 96.654426) (xy 106.854228 96.673533) (xy 106.815478 96.691564) (xy 106.776259 96.708511)
+ (xy 106.736595 96.724363) (xy 106.696506 96.739113) (xy 106.656018 96.752752) (xy 106.615152 96.765271)
+ (xy 106.573932 96.776661) (xy 106.550651 96.77817) (xy 106.527356 96.778781) (xy 106.504072 96.778496)
+ (xy 106.480825 96.777317) (xy 106.457641 96.775245) (xy 106.434545 96.772283) (xy 106.411563 96.768432)
+ (xy 106.38872 96.763694) (xy 106.403284 96.737928) (xy 106.418711 96.712744) (xy 106.434982 96.688163)
+ (xy 106.452078 96.664202) (xy 106.46998 96.640883) (xy 106.488669 96.618224) (xy 106.508127 96.596244)
+ (xy 106.528334 96.574963) (xy 106.549271 96.554399) (xy 106.57092 96.534573) (xy 106.593261 96.515503)
+ (xy 106.616275 96.497209) (xy 106.639943 96.47971) (xy 106.664247 96.463026) (xy 106.689168 96.447175)
+ (xy 106.714685 96.432178) (xy 106.887321 96.331663) (xy 107.061211 96.233386) (xy 107.236332 96.137358)
+ (xy 107.412664 96.043591) (xy 107.590185 95.952095) (xy 107.768873 95.862882) (xy 107.948707 95.775963)
+ (xy 108.129665 95.691349) (xy 109.13191 95.280761) (xy 110.137103 94.879204) (xy 112.1487 94.083734)
+ (xy 112.195003 94.064576) (xy 112.240957 94.044723) (xy 112.332519 94.003629) (xy 112.424775 93.961841)
+ (xy 112.471598 93.941119) (xy 112.519114 93.920745) (xy 112.401132 93.889827) (xy 112.284712 93.860929)
+ (xy 112.227087 93.848518) (xy 112.169854 93.838151) (xy 112.113011 93.830339) (xy 112.056559 93.825595)
+ (xy 112.000498 93.824433) (xy 111.944827 93.827365) (xy 111.889547 93.834903) (xy 111.862053 93.84056)
+ (xy 111.834657 93.84756) (xy 111.807359 93.855969) (xy 111.780158 93.86585) (xy 111.753055 93.877268)
+ (xy 111.72605 93.890285) (xy 111.699142 93.904967) (xy 111.672333 93.921378) (xy 111.64562 93.939581)
+ (xy 111.619006 93.95964) (xy 111.578697 93.984624) (xy 111.537593 94.008192) (xy 111.49573 94.030328)
+ (xy 111.453148 94.051015) (xy 111.409884 94.070235) (xy 111.365975 94.08797) (xy 111.321459 94.104203)
+ (xy 111.276376 94.118918) (xy 106.592447 96.008045) (xy 106.566551 96.020387) (xy 106.540133 96.031084)
+ (xy 106.513267 96.040134) (xy 106.486027 96.04754) (xy 106.458488 96.053299) (xy 106.430726 96.057413)
+ (xy 106.402814 96.059882) (xy 106.374828 96.060704) (xy 106.346842 96.059882) (xy 106.31893 96.057413)
+ (xy 106.291167 96.053299) (xy 106.263629 96.04754) (xy 106.236389 96.040134) (xy 106.209522 96.031084)
+ (xy 106.183103 96.020387) (xy 106.157206 96.008045) (xy 106.059506 95.959206) (xy 105.960047 95.91321)
+ (xy 105.759241 95.824455) (xy 105.659587 95.779048) (xy 105.561561 95.731187) (xy 105.513423 95.705924)
+ (xy 105.466009 95.679551) (xy 105.419425 95.651902) (xy 105.373777 95.622813) (xy 104.847525 95.266577)
+ (xy 104.325266 94.903741) (xy 103.804049 94.538822) (xy 103.280922 94.176334) (xy 102.966503 93.962245)
+ (xy 102.65052 93.751282) (xy 102.332106 93.544486) (xy 102.171716 93.442976) (xy 102.010393 93.3429)
+ (xy 101.958754 93.31097) (xy 101.905391 93.283405) (xy 101.857814 93.263272) (xy 102.59011 93.263272)
+ (xy 106.22575 95.82285) (xy 106.431333 95.691349) (xy 106.026218 95.366623) (xy 106.63213 95.366623)
+ (xy 106.636936 95.3746) (xy 106.648112 95.391526) (xy 106.659328 95.406953) (xy 106.670584 95.420933)
+ (xy 106.681878 95.43352) (xy 106.693209 95.444767) (xy 106.704575 95.454728) (xy 106.715974 95.463455)
+ (xy 106.727407 95.471002) (xy 106.738871 95.477422) (xy 106.750364 95.482768) (xy 106.761886 95.487094)
+ (xy 106.773435 95.490453) (xy 106.78501 95.492898) (xy 106.796609 95.494482) (xy 106.808231 95.495259)
+ (xy 106.819875 95.495282) (xy 106.83154 95.494603) (xy 106.843223 95.493277) (xy 106.854924 95.491356)
+ (xy 106.878374 95.485945) (xy 106.901877 95.478794) (xy 106.925424 95.47033) (xy 106.949004 95.460979)
+ (xy 106.996216 95.441319) (xy 111.070801 93.867045) (xy 111.104978 93.85352) (xy 111.139328 93.839409)
+ (xy 111.173679 93.824819) (xy 111.207856 93.809861) (xy 111.274995 93.779272) (xy 111.339357 93.748511)
+ (xy 111.314817 93.748962) (xy 111.290498 93.748294) (xy 111.242447 93.743994) (xy 111.195059 93.736388)
+ (xy 111.148186 93.726258) (xy 110.96292 93.676048) (xy 110.916427 93.664967) (xy 110.869571 93.656032)
+ (xy 110.822204 93.650022) (xy 110.798284 93.648357) (xy 110.774181 93.647716) (xy 110.749878 93.648194)
+ (xy 110.725355 93.649891) (xy 110.700595 93.652903) (xy 110.675579 93.657327) (xy 110.650289 93.663261)
+ (xy 110.624707 93.670802) (xy 110.598814 93.680047) (xy 110.572592 93.691095) (xy 110.326525 93.802195)
+ (xy 110.078895 93.909671) (xy 109.580337 94.117308) (xy 109.079694 94.321123) (xy 108.579748 94.528236)
+ (xy 106.63213 95.366623) (xy 106.026218 95.366623) (xy 105.839824 95.217216) (xy 105.550232 94.988136)
+ (xy 105.260813 94.765309) (xy 103.417992 93.366986) (xy 103.393466 93.349053) (xy 103.368853 93.33239)
+ (xy 103.344154 93.316965) (xy 103.319368 93.302745) (xy 103.269535 93.277794) (xy 103.219355 93.257279)
+ (xy 103.168828 93.240941) (xy 103.117954 93.228524) (xy 103.066732 93.21977) (xy 103.015163 93.21442)
+ (xy 102.963247 93.212218) (xy 102.910984 93.212905) (xy 102.858373 93.216224) (xy 102.805415 93.221916)
+ (xy 102.75211 93.229725) (xy 102.698457 93.239392) (xy 102.644457 93.250661) (xy 102.59011 93.263272)
+ (xy 101.857814 93.263272) (xy 101.850558 93.260202) (xy 101.794509 93.241356) (xy 101.737498 93.226866)
+ (xy 101.67978 93.216728) (xy 101.621607 93.210939) (xy 101.563235 93.209496) (xy 101.504917 93.212395)
+ (xy 101.446906 93.219633) (xy 101.389458 93.231207) (xy 101.332827 93.247114) (xy 101.277265 93.267351)
+ (xy 101.223028 93.291915) (xy 101.170368 93.320801) (xy 101.119541 93.354008) (xy 101.079617 93.378878)
+ (xy 101.03907 93.402851) (xy 100.956384 93.448525) (xy 100.872049 93.491854) (xy 100.786629 93.533663)
+ (xy 100.61479 93.616023) (xy 100.529501 93.658223) (xy 100.445383 93.702203) (xy 100.135738 93.867995)
+ (xy 99.826787 94.035348) (xy 99.519226 94.205131) (xy 99.213748 94.378213) (xy 99.177174 94.406372)
+ (xy 99.14148 94.435589) (xy 99.106688 94.465844) (xy 99.072821 94.497116) (xy 99.039901 94.529383)
+ (xy 99.007951 94.562624) (xy 98.976993 94.596819) (xy 98.947048 94.631944) (xy 98.960138 94.636085)
+ (xy 98.973363 94.63949) (xy 98.986694 94.642163) (xy 99.000102 94.644107) (xy 99.013559 94.645324)
+ (xy 99.027033 94.645818) (xy 99.040496 94.64559) (xy 99.053919 94.644645) (xy 99.067273 94.642984)
+ (xy 99.080527 94.640611) (xy 99.093654 94.637529) (xy 99.106622 94.63374) (xy 99.119404 94.629247)
+ (xy 99.13197 94.624054) (xy 99.14429 94.618162) (xy 99.156335 94.611575) (xy 101.228816 93.574409)
+ (xy 101.266683 93.55495) (xy 101.305096 93.536665) (xy 101.344029 93.519563) (xy 101.383454 93.503655)
+ (xy 101.423344 93.488951) (xy 101.463671 93.475462) (xy 101.504407 93.463197) (xy 101.545527 93.452168)
+ (xy 101.550773 93.451124) (xy 101.556095 93.450412) (xy 101.561489 93.450016) (xy 101.566955 93.449923)
+ (xy 101.572492 93.450115) (xy 101.578098 93.450578) (xy 101.589513 93.452256) (xy 101.601187 93.454835)
+ (xy 101.613112 93.458192) (xy 101.625275 93.462206) (xy 101.637666 93.466754) (xy 101.663089 93.476965)
+ (xy 101.689293 93.48785) (xy 101.716192 93.498431) (xy 101.729874 93.503302) (xy 101.743698 93.507731)
+ (xy 101.735411 93.529121) (xy 101.72654 93.549558) (xy 101.71711 93.569078) (xy 101.707145 93.587714)
+ (xy 101.696668 93.605503) (xy 101.685703 93.622479) (xy 101.674276 93.638677) (xy 101.662409 93.654132)
+ (xy 101.650127 93.668879) (xy 101.637454 93.682952) (xy 101.624414 93.696388) (xy 101.611032 93.70922)
+ (xy 101.583334 93.733214) (xy 101.554554 93.755214) (xy 101.524884 93.775499) (xy 101.494517 93.794349)
+ (xy 101.463645 93.812044) (xy 101.432461 93.828863) (xy 101.308457 93.892963) (xy 100.239574 94.472201)
+ (xy 99.1693 95.048659) (xy 99.135939 95.066858) (xy 99.102901 95.085622) (xy 99.070194 95.104944)
+ (xy 99.037824 95.124822) (xy 99.005799 95.14525) (xy 98.974126 95.166223) (xy 98.942811 95.187738)
+ (xy 98.911862 95.209789) (xy 98.90747 95.212124) (xy 98.903175 95.214591) (xy 98.898978 95.217186)
+ (xy 98.894882 95.219906) (xy 98.890889 95.222748) (xy 98.887 95.22571) (xy 98.879545 95.231978) (xy 98.872535 95.238684)
+ (xy 98.865984 95.245803) (xy 98.859911 95.253311) (xy 98.854332 95.261182) (xy 98.849264 95.269391)
+ (xy 98.844722 95.277913) (xy 98.840724 95.286723) (xy 98.837287 95.295795) (xy 98.834427 95.305105)
+ (xy 98.833218 95.309841) (xy 98.83216 95.314627) (xy 98.831254 95.31946) (xy 98.830503 95.324337)
+ (xy 98.829909 95.329254) (xy 98.829474 95.334209) (xy 98.829089 95.344127) (xy 98.829349 95.353975)
+ (xy 98.830239 95.363724) (xy 98.831747 95.373346) (xy 98.83386 95.382816) (xy 98.836565 95.392105)
+ (xy 98.839849 95.401187) (xy 98.8437 95.410033) (xy 98.848104 95.418618) (xy 98.853048 95.426913)
+ (xy 98.85852 95.434891) (xy 98.864507 95.442526) (xy 98.870996 95.449789) (xy 98.877973 95.456654)
+ (xy 98.885426 95.463093) (xy 98.893342 95.469079) (xy 98.937154 95.449894) (xy 98.979925 95.430881)
+ (xy 99.022001 95.41152) (xy 99.042887 95.401546) (xy 99.06373 95.391289) (xy 101.575155 94.130021)
+ (xy 101.626058 94.104446) (xy 101.677467 94.079947) (xy 101.729364 94.056529) (xy 101.781733 94.0342)
+ (xy 101.834556 94.012968) (xy 101.887816 93.99284) (xy 101.941496 93.973822) (xy 101.995578 93.955923)
+ (xy 102.00067 93.954538) (xy 102.00588 93.953498) (xy 102.011221 93.95279) (xy 102.016703 93.952404)
+ (xy 102.022337 93.952325) (xy 102.028134 93.952542) (xy 102.040259 93.953811) (xy 102.053166 93.956112)
+ (xy 102.066941 93.959343) (xy 102.08167 93.963404) (xy 102.097442 93.968195) (xy 102.172684 93.99265)
+ (xy 102.194967 93.999584) (xy 102.218813 94.006647) (xy 102.244309 94.013736) (xy 102.271541 94.020753)
+ (xy 102.223321 94.062492) (xy 102.174438 94.103433) (xy 102.124904 94.14357) (xy 102.074727 94.182893)
+ (xy 102.023917 94.221396) (xy 101.972485 94.25907) (xy 101.920439 94.295907) (xy 101.867791 94.3319)
+ (xy 101.461228 94.558145) (xy 101.053103 94.781958) (xy 100.234248 95.226452) (xy 99.898674 95.405351)
+ (xy 99.562405 95.582514) (xy 99.22683 95.760371) (xy 98.893339 95.941352) (xy 98.853006 95.964467)
+ (xy 98.817317 95.986844) (xy 98.801161 95.997878) (xy 98.7861 96.008874) (xy 98.772113 96.01988)
+ (xy 98.759179 96.030947) (xy 98.747276 96.042122) (xy 98.736383 96.053454) (xy 98.726477 96.064993)
+ (xy 98.717536 96.076786) (xy 98.70954 96.088884) (xy 98.702466 96.101334) (xy 98.696293 96.114186)
+ (xy 98.690999 96.127488) (xy 98.686562 96.141289) (xy 98.682961 96.155638) (xy 98.680174 96.170584)
+ (xy 98.678179 96.186176) (xy 98.676955 96.202462) (xy 98.676479 96.219492) (xy 97.733343 96.219492)
+ (xy 97.751312 96.138877) (xy 97.8517 95.667203) (xy 97.94879 95.195006) (xy 98.287672 93.45219) (xy 99.191538 93.45219)
+ (xy 99.274512 93.405887) (xy 99.976823 93.405887) (xy 100.013864 93.496634) (xy 100.439845 93.311428)
+ (xy 100.400949 93.222523) (xy 99.976823 93.405887) (xy 99.274512 93.405887) (xy 99.606406 93.220675)
+ (xy 99.596976 93.161406) (xy 103.692102 93.161406) (xy 106.407258 95.237587) (xy 106.583203 94.991263)
+ (xy 106.11058 94.644927) (xy 106.644323 94.644927) (xy 106.721178 94.72605) (xy 106.753134 94.758508)
+ (xy 106.781667 94.78586) (xy 106.794858 94.797691) (xy 106.807444 94.808329) (xy 106.819507 94.817801)
+ (xy 106.831131 94.826136) (xy 106.8424 94.833361) (xy 106.853397 94.839505) (xy 106.864205 94.844595)
+ (xy 106.874908 94.848658) (xy 106.88559 94.851723) (xy 106.896333 94.853817) (xy 106.907221 94.854969)
+ (xy 106.918338 94.855206) (xy 106.929767 94.854555) (xy 106.941591 94.853046) (xy 106.953894 94.850704)
+ (xy 106.96676 94.847559) (xy 106.980271 94.843638) (xy 106.994511 94.838969) (xy 107.025513 94.827498)
+ (xy 107.060432 94.813368) (xy 107.099936 94.796802) (xy 107.655561 94.556496) (xy 107.933373 94.438426)
+ (xy 108.211184 94.324525) (xy 110.12624 93.594794) (xy 110.129946 93.570713) (xy 110.059261 93.543331)
+ (xy 109.994726 93.519476) (xy 109.93572 93.499072) (xy 109.881622 93.482043) (xy 109.83181 93.468314)
+ (xy 109.785664 93.457807) (xy 109.742562 93.450447) (xy 109.701882 93.446159) (xy 109.663004 93.444865)
+ (xy 109.625306 93.446491) (xy 109.588167 93.45096) (xy 109.550966 93.458197) (xy 109.513081 93.468125)
+ (xy 109.473892 93.480668) (xy 109.432776 93.49575) (xy 109.389112 93.513296) (xy 108.634851 93.823056)
+ (xy 107.879665 94.130037) (xy 106.644323 94.644927) (xy 106.11058 94.644927) (xy 105.409215 94.130969)
+ (xy 104.826995 93.702037) (xy 104.247726 93.270674) (xy 104.218644 93.24643) (xy 104.18824 93.224397)
+ (xy 104.156635 93.204597) (xy 104.123952 93.187055) (xy 104.090313 93.171794) (xy 104.055839 93.15884)
+ (xy 104.020654 93.148215) (xy 103.984879 93.139945) (xy 103.948637 93.134052) (xy 103.939323 93.133163)
+ (xy 104.608702 93.133163) (xy 106.431333 94.48009) (xy 106.636913 94.254136) (xy 105.964838 93.7462)
+ (xy 105.633402 93.494143) (xy 105.305264 93.241044) (xy 105.26539 93.212752) (xy 105.224066 93.187337)
+ (xy 105.181444 93.164818) (xy 105.137673 93.145217) (xy 105.092903 93.128552) (xy 105.047285 93.114844)
+ (xy 105.024433 93.109549) (xy 105.699762 93.109549) (xy 106.996222 94.117081) (xy 108.890903 93.385502)
+ (xy 108.890903 93.309569) (xy 108.861387 93.303659) (xy 108.831773 93.298412) (xy 108.802072 93.293828)
+ (xy 108.772294 93.289908) (xy 108.742451 93.286651) (xy 108.712554 93.284059) (xy 108.682615 93.282131)
+ (xy 108.652644 93.280868) (xy 108.622652 93.280271) (xy 108.592651 93.28034) (xy 108.562651 93.281074)
+ (xy 108.532665 93.282475) (xy 108.502702 93.284543) (xy 108.472774 93.287277) (xy 108.442893 93.290679)
+ (xy 108.413068 93.294749) (xy 108.267762 93.348768) (xy 108.122956 93.406368) (xy 107.977758 93.467137)
+ (xy 107.831281 93.530663) (xy 107.214769 93.804075) (xy 107.121469 93.748977) (xy 107.090385 93.729994)
+ (xy 107.057717 93.709274) (xy 107.024224 93.686991) (xy 107.007405 93.675317) (xy 106.990665 93.663319)
+ (xy 106.83014 93.54461) (xy 106.670485 93.424861) (xy 106.383519 93.207709) (xy 106.886948 93.207709)
+ (xy 107.199949 93.485525) (xy 107.609258 93.281793) (xy 107.587259 93.266605) (xy 107.565355 93.252617)
+ (xy 107.543534 93.239792) (xy 107.521781 93.228094) (xy 107.500083 93.217485) (xy 107.478428 93.207928)
+ (xy 107.456802 93.199386) (xy 107.435192 93.191823) (xy 107.391967 93.179484) (xy 107.348647 93.170615)
+ (xy 107.305127 93.164919) (xy 107.261299 93.162103) (xy 107.217059 93.161869) (xy 107.172301 93.163922)
+ (xy 107.12692 93.167966) (xy 107.080808 93.173707) (xy 107.033861 93.180846) (xy 106.985972 93.189091)
+ (xy 106.886948 93.207709) (xy 106.383519 93.207709) (xy 106.351697 93.183628) (xy 106.316494 93.156602)
+ (xy 106.279762 93.132473) (xy 106.241672 93.111259) (xy 106.202391 93.09298) (xy 106.16209 93.077655)
+ (xy 106.120937 93.065303) (xy 106.079101 93.055944) (xy 106.036751 93.049597) (xy 105.994058 93.04628)
+ (xy 105.951188 93.046014) (xy 105.908313 93.048818) (xy 105.8656 93.05471) (xy 105.82322 93.063709)
+ (xy 105.781341 93.075836) (xy 105.740132 93.09111) (xy 105.699762 93.109549) (xy 105.024433 93.109549)
+ (xy 105.000967 93.104112) (xy 104.9541 93.096376) (xy 104.906834 93.091656) (xy 104.859319 93.089972)
+ (xy 104.811706 93.091343) (xy 104.764142 93.095791) (xy 104.71678 93.103333) (xy 104.669768 93.113991)
+ (xy 104.623258 93.127784) (xy 104.608702 93.133163) (xy 103.939323 93.133163) (xy 103.912049 93.130561)
+ (xy 103.875237 93.129497) (xy 103.838324 93.130882) (xy 103.801432 93.134742) (xy 103.764683 93.1411)
+ (xy 103.728199 93.14998) (xy 103.692102 93.161406) (xy 99.596976 93.161406) (xy 99.593441 93.139184)
+ (xy 99.26377 93.09844) (xy 99.191538 93.45219) (xy 98.287672 93.45219) (xy 98.389587 92.928055) (xy 98.402157 92.876883)
+ (xy 98.411432 92.825389) (xy 98.417443 92.773719) (xy 98.420224 92.722017) (xy 98.419808 92.670429)
+ (xy 98.416228 92.6191) (xy 98.409516 92.568176) (xy 98.399706 92.517801) (xy 98.38683 92.468121)
+ (xy 98.370922 92.419282) (xy 98.352015 92.371429) (xy 98.33014 92.324706) (xy 98.305332 92.27926)
+ (xy 98.277624 92.235235) (xy 98.247047 92.192777) (xy 98.213636 92.152032) (xy 97.961378 91.856452)
+ (xy 97.711029 91.558441) (xy 97.463806 91.25765) (xy 97.220923 90.953734) (xy 97.17452 90.892757)
+ (xy 97.134545 90.836442) (xy 97.100868 90.784073) (xy 97.086353 90.759142) (xy 97.073364 90.734929)
+ (xy 97.061887 90.711341) (xy 97.051905 90.688291) (xy 97.043402 90.665688) (xy 97.036362 90.643442)
+ (xy 97.03077 90.621463) (xy 97.026609 90.599661) (xy 97.023864 90.577947) (xy 97.022519 90.55623)
+ (xy 97.022557 90.534421) (xy 97.023962 90.51243) (xy 97.02672 90.490167) (xy 97.030813 90.467542)
+ (xy 97.036226 90.444466) (xy 97.042943 90.420848) (xy 97.050948 90.396598) (xy 97.060226 90.371628)
+ (xy 97.082532 90.319162) (xy 97.109736 90.262734) (xy 97.14171 90.201622) (xy 97.178325 90.13511)
+ (xy 97.388855 89.753264) (xy 97.595739 89.369507) (xy 97.799497 88.984707) (xy 98.000651 88.599731)
+ (xy 98.143956 88.318216) (xy 98.221773 88.161136) (xy 98.308098 87.981138) (xy 97.615417 88.351555)
+ (xy 97.513066 88.420344) (xy 97.40962 88.487429) (xy 97.305102 88.552799) (xy 97.199532 88.616439)
+ (xy 97.092932 88.678339) (xy 96.985322 88.738484) (xy 96.876726 88.796863) (xy 96.767162 88.853462)
+ (xy 96.576029 88.933505) (xy 96.383514 89.010027) (xy 96.189665 89.083011) (xy 95.994533 89.152442)
+ (xy 95.798167 89.2183) (xy 95.600616 89.28057) (xy 95.401929 89.339234) (xy 95.202156 89.394275)
+ (xy 95.154797 89.402117) (xy 95.107323 89.407476) (xy 95.059824 89.410371) (xy 95.012394 89.410823)
+ (xy 94.965121 89.408853) (xy 94.918099 89.404482) (xy 94.871418 89.397728) (xy 94.825169 89.388614)
+ (xy 94.779443 89.377159) (xy 94.734333 89.363383) (xy 94.689928 89.347308) (xy 94.646321 89.328953)
+ (xy 94.603602 89.308339) (xy 94.561863 89.285486) (xy 94.521195 89.260414) (xy 94.48169 89.233145)
+ (xy 94.185359 89.028957) (xy 94.036845 88.92634) (xy 93.889026 88.821985) (xy 93.777871 88.746088)
+ (xy 93.664099 88.676329) (xy 93.548049 88.612071) (xy 93.430057 88.552681) (xy 93.310458 88.497523)
+ (xy 93.18959 88.445962) (xy 92.94539 88.351093) (xy 92.456556 88.176592) (xy 92.217304 88.086801)
+ (xy 92.100148 88.039049) (xy 91.985085 87.988545) (xy 91.88235 88.093593) (xy 91.782119 88.200027)
+ (xy 91.586858 88.41496) (xy 91.39468 88.629155) (xy 91.20096 88.838422) (xy 91.102077 88.9399) (xy 91.001076 89.038575)
+ (xy 90.897378 89.133923) (xy 90.790405 89.225422) (xy 90.67958 89.312548) (xy 90.564324 89.394777)
+ (xy 90.44406 89.471585) (xy 90.31821 89.54245) (xy 90.231739 89.580801) (xy 90.144505 89.617167)
+ (xy 90.056543 89.651538) (xy 89.967886 89.683906) (xy 89.878571 89.714262) (xy 89.788631 89.742597)
+ (xy 89.6981 89.768902) (xy 89.607014 89.793169) (xy 89.515408 89.815389) (xy 89.423314 89.835553)
+ (xy 89.330769 89.853652) (xy 89.237807 89.869677) (xy 89.144462 89.88362) (xy 89.050768 89.895472)
+ (xy 88.956761 89.905224) (xy 88.862475 89.912867) (xy 88.612921 89.942203) (xy 88.362684 89.960887)
+ (xy 88.112105 89.96893) (xy 87.861521 89.966343) (xy 87.611273 89.953135) (xy 87.361699 89.929318)
+ (xy 87.113137 89.894901) (xy 86.865927 89.849896) (xy 86.72418 89.816504) (xy 86.583164 89.780325)
+ (xy 86.442917 89.74137) (xy 86.303483 89.699652) (xy 86.164901 89.655184) (xy 86.027213 89.607979)
+ (xy 85.890459 89.558049) (xy 85.75468 89.505408) (xy 85.701599 89.484086) (xy 85.649516 89.460794)
+ (xy 85.598481 89.435573) (xy 85.548543 89.408461) (xy 85.49975 89.379497) (xy 85.452153 89.348719)
+ (xy 85.405801 89.316167) (xy 85.360741 89.28188) (xy 85.317025 89.245896) (xy 85.2747 89.208255)
+ (xy 85.233817 89.168996) (xy 85.194424 89.128157) (xy 85.15657 89.085777) (xy 85.120306 89.041896)
+ (xy 85.085679 88.996552) (xy 85.052739 88.949785) (xy 84.961138 88.823703) (xy 84.867697 88.699011)
+ (xy 84.772432 88.575728) (xy 84.67536 88.453875) (xy 84.576495 88.33347) (xy 84.475855 88.214535)
+ (xy 84.373454 88.097087) (xy 84.269309 87.981148) (xy 84.242007 87.945358) (xy 84.21592 87.908775)
+ (xy 84.191061 87.87143) (xy 84.167443 87.833355) (xy 84.145082 87.794581) (xy 84.12399 87.755142)
+ (xy 84.104181 87.715067) (xy 84.08567 87.67439) (xy 84.06847 87.633141) (xy 84.052594 87.591352)
+ (xy 84.038058 87.549055) (xy 84.024873 87.506282) (xy 84.013056 87.463065) (xy 84.002618 87.419434)
+ (xy 83.993574 87.375423) (xy 83.985939 87.331061) (xy 83.902016 86.97138) (xy 83.813232 86.612221)
+ (xy 83.718197 86.254103) (xy 83.667901 86.075598) (xy 83.615522 85.897549) (xy 83.599627 85.84561)
+ (xy 83.584989 85.79336) (xy 83.571613 85.74082) (xy 83.559499 85.688014) (xy 83.548651 85.634964)
+ (xy 83.539072 85.581694) (xy 83.530764 85.528226) (xy 83.523731 85.474583) (xy 83.517974 85.420788)
+ (xy 83.513497 85.366864) (xy 83.510302 85.312834) (xy 83.508392 85.25872) (xy 83.50777 85.204546)
+ (xy 83.508439 85.150334) (xy 83.510401 85.096107) (xy 83.513658 85.041888) (xy 83.525407 84.872874)
+ (xy 83.531252 84.703448) (xy 83.532728 84.554183) (xy 84.136156 84.554183) (xy 84.137214 84.696387)
+ (xy 84.144328 84.846291) (xy 84.157138 85.002144) (xy 84.175289 85.162197) (xy 84.19842 85.3247)
+ (xy 84.226174 85.487903) (xy 84.258193 85.650055) (xy 84.294118 85.809408) (xy 84.333593 85.964211)
+ (xy 84.376258 86.112714) (xy 84.421755 86.253168) (xy 84.469726 86.383822) (xy 84.519814 86.502927)
+ (xy 84.57166 86.608733) (xy 84.624906 86.69949) (xy 84.773416 86.923903) (xy 84.925377 87.146015)
+ (xy 85.080073 87.366303) (xy 85.236788 87.585246) (xy 85.869506 88.457111) (xy 85.876081 88.463855)
+ (xy 85.882796 88.47045) (xy 85.889646 88.476894) (xy 85.89663 88.483185) (xy 85.903745 88.48932)
+ (xy 85.910988 88.495299) (xy 85.918357 88.501118) (xy 85.925849 88.506777) (xy 85.933461 88.512272)
+ (xy 85.94119 88.517603) (xy 85.949035 88.522767) (xy 85.956992 88.527762) (xy 85.965058 88.532586)
+ (xy 85.973232 88.537238) (xy 85.98151 88.541715) (xy 85.98989 88.546016) (xy 86.101997 88.617789)
+ (xy 86.216467 88.685058) (xy 86.333162 88.747781) (xy 86.451944 88.805919) (xy 86.572677 88.859431)
+ (xy 86.695222 88.908278) (xy 86.819443 88.952418) (xy 86.945202 88.991812) (xy 87.072361 89.02642)
+ (xy 87.200783 89.056201) (xy 87.330331 89.081115) (xy 87.460867 89.101122) (xy 87.592254 89.116182)
+ (xy 87.724354 89.126254) (xy 87.857029 89.131298) (xy 87.990143 89.131273) (xy 88.112826 89.132174)
+ (xy 88.235434 89.129962) (xy 88.357907 89.124645) (xy 88.480187 89.116226) (xy 88.602215 89.10471)
+ (xy 88.723931 89.090103) (xy 88.845276 89.07241) (xy 88.966192 89.051635) (xy 89.038933 89.039731)
+ (xy 89.111346 89.02629) (xy 89.183407 89.011321) (xy 89.255094 88.994831) (xy 89.326381 88.976828)
+ (xy 89.397246 88.957321) (xy 89.467665 88.936316) (xy 89.537613 88.913823) (xy 89.607068 88.889848)
+ (xy 89.676006 88.8644) (xy 89.744402 88.837487) (xy 89.812234 88.809116) (xy 89.879477 88.779296)
+ (xy 89.946108 88.748034) (xy 90.012104 88.715339) (xy 90.077439 88.681218) (xy 90.187502 88.608898)
+ (xy 90.29401 88.53217) (xy 90.396852 88.451175) (xy 90.495918 88.366053) (xy 90.591096 88.276944)
+ (xy 90.682277 88.183988) (xy 90.769348 88.087324) (xy 90.852201 87.987092) (xy 90.930722 87.883434)
+ (xy 91.004803 87.776488) (xy 91.074332 87.666394) (xy 91.139198 87.553293) (xy 91.199291 87.437325)
+ (xy 91.254499 87.318628) (xy 91.304712 87.197345) (xy 91.34982 87.073614) (xy 91.437931 86.81669)
+ (xy 91.47319 86.705201) (xy 92.345082 86.705201) (xy 92.345239 86.735382) (xy 92.34703 86.765448)
+ (xy 92.350442 86.795331) (xy 92.35546 86.824965) (xy 92.362073 86.854285) (xy 92.370267 86.883224)
+ (xy 92.380029 86.911716) (xy 92.391346 86.939695) (xy 92.404205 86.967094) (xy 92.418593 86.993848)
+ (xy 92.434497 87.01989) (xy 92.451904 87.045154) (xy 92.470677 87.06942) (xy 92.490648 87.092491)
+ (xy 92.511758 87.114334) (xy 92.533949 87.134917) (xy 92.55716 87.154208) (xy 92.581334 87.172173)
+ (xy 92.60641 87.18878) (xy 92.63233 87.203997) (xy 92.659034 87.217791) (xy 92.686464 87.230129)
+ (xy 92.71456 87.240979) (xy 92.743263 87.250308) (xy 92.772514 87.258084) (xy 92.802254 87.264273)
+ (xy 92.832424 87.268845) (xy 92.862965 87.271765) (xy 92.91062 87.272512) (xy 92.958083 87.275102)
+ (xy 93.005304 87.279517) (xy 93.052233 87.285743) (xy 93.098819 87.293764) (xy 93.145011 87.303562)
+ (xy 93.190759 87.315124) (xy 93.236012 87.328432) (xy 93.280719 87.34347) (xy 93.324831 87.360224)
+ (xy 93.368297 87.378676) (xy 93.411066 87.398811) (xy 93.453087 87.420613) (xy 93.494311 87.444066)
+ (xy 93.534686 87.469154) (xy 93.574161 87.495861) (xy 93.665364 87.55888) (xy 93.758314 87.615583)
+ (xy 93.852892 87.666426) (xy 93.948978 87.711864) (xy 94.046453 87.752354) (xy 94.145197 87.788351)
+ (xy 94.245092 87.82031) (xy 94.346018 87.848689) (xy 94.447855 87.873942) (xy 94.550485 87.896525)
+ (xy 94.757643 87.935506) (xy 95.176213 88.001485) (xy 95.194592 88.003584) (xy 95.2129 88.006107)
+ (xy 95.23113 88.009052) (xy 95.249274 88.012418) (xy 95.267325 88.016202) (xy 95.285277 88.020402)
+ (xy 95.303122 88.025016) (xy 95.320852 88.030042) (xy 95.338461 88.035478) (xy 95.355942 88.041322)
+ (xy 95.373287 88.047571) (xy 95.390489 88.054224) (xy 95.407541 88.061279) (xy 95.424436 88.068732)
+ (xy 95.441167 88.076584) (xy 95.457727 88.08483) (xy 95.49738 88.107387) (xy 95.538107 88.12716)
+ (xy 95.579766 88.144145) (xy 95.62222 88.158335) (xy 95.66533 88.169726) (xy 95.708955 88.178314)
+ (xy 95.752958 88.184093) (xy 95.797198 88.187059) (xy 95.841538 88.187206) (xy 95.885837 88.18453)
+ (xy 95.929957 88.179026) (xy 95.973759 88.170689) (xy 96.017104 88.159514) (xy 96.059852 88.145496)
+ (xy 96.101865 88.12863) (xy 96.143003 88.108911) (xy 96.411901 87.98945) (xy 96.681494 87.871842)
+ (xy 96.951782 87.756088) (xy 97.222766 87.642187) (xy 97.537503 87.512135) (xy 97.852936 87.383821)
+ (xy 98.167674 87.254117) (xy 98.480328 87.119895) (xy 98.514093 87.107183) (xy 98.546949 87.09274)
+ (xy 98.578841 87.076618) (xy 98.609712 87.05887) (xy 98.639508 87.039549) (xy 98.668172 87.018708)
+ (xy 98.69565 86.996401) (xy 98.721885 86.972679) (xy 98.746823 86.947597) (xy 98.770407 86.921207)
+ (xy 98.792582 86.893562) (xy 98.813293 86.864715) (xy 98.832483 86.83472) (xy 98.850098 86.803628)
+ (xy 98.866082 86.771494) (xy 98.880379 86.73837) (xy 99.043594 86.273961) (xy 99.208198 85.812324)
+ (xy 99.211766 85.793676) (xy 99.215767 85.775134) (xy 99.220197 85.756706) (xy 99.225054 85.7384)
+ (xy 99.230335 85.720221) (xy 99.236038 85.702179) (xy 99.242158 85.684279) (xy 99.248695 85.66653)
+ (xy 99.255645 85.648938) (xy 99.263004 85.631511) (xy 99.270772 85.614256) (xy 99.278944 85.597181)
+ (xy 99.287517 85.580292) (xy 99.29649 85.563597) (xy 99.30586 85.547103) (xy 99.315623 85.530817)
+ (xy 99.341481 85.501852) (xy 99.365634 85.472278) (xy 99.388168 85.442125) (xy 99.409169 85.411425)
+ (xy 99.446915 85.348504) (xy 99.479558 85.283763) (xy 99.507784 85.217449) (xy 99.53228 85.149808)
+ (xy 99.553732 85.081087) (xy 99.572827 85.011533) (xy 99.639357 84.729929) (xy 99.65696 84.659915)
+ (xy 99.676323 84.59055) (xy 99.698134 84.52208) (xy 99.723078 84.454753) (xy 99.743138 84.402022)
+ (xy 99.761758 84.348745) (xy 99.779103 84.294986) (xy 99.795338 84.240807) (xy 99.825142 84.131436)
+ (xy 99.852492 84.021132) (xy 99.905132 83.799722) (xy 99.933069 83.689614) (xy 99.963848 83.58057)
+ (xy 100.04522 83.343901) (xy 100.122358 83.105879) (xy 100.195246 82.866562) (xy 100.26387 82.626007)
+ (xy 100.328212 82.384271) (xy 100.388257 82.141412) (xy 100.44399 81.897488) (xy 100.495393 81.652555)
+ (xy 100.53843 81.396828) (xy 100.587565 81.142013) (xy 100.641605 80.887806) (xy 100.699356 80.633904)
+ (xy 100.9436 79.615259) (xy 101.046477 79.196369) (xy 101.152653 78.774181) (xy 101.258482 78.350257)
+ (xy 101.360318 77.92616) (xy 101.65179 76.636182) (xy 101.936317 75.346208) (xy 101.943034 75.320574)
+ (xy 101.950807 75.295916) (xy 101.959823 75.272473) (xy 101.964855 75.261283) (xy 101.970268 75.250485)
+ (xy 101.976085 75.240111) (xy 101.982329 75.23019) (xy 101.989025 75.220751) (xy 101.996195 75.211825)
+ (xy 102.003863 75.203442) (xy 102.012052 75.195632) (xy 102.020786 75.188423) (xy 102.030087 75.181847)
+ (xy 102.03998 75.175932) (xy 102.050488 75.17071) (xy 102.061635 75.166209) (xy 102.073442 75.162459)
+ (xy 102.085935 75.159491) (xy 102.099136 75.157334) (xy 102.113069 75.156018) (xy 102.127757 75.155573)
+ (xy 102.143224 75.156028) (xy 102.159493 75.157414) (xy 102.176587 75.159761) (xy 102.194531 75.163098)
+ (xy 102.213346 75.167454) (xy 102.233057 75.172861) (xy 102.253687 75.179348) (xy 102.275257 75.186943)
+ (xy 102.2776 75.420157) (xy 102.281507 75.648339) (xy 102.282581 75.760921) (xy 102.282288 75.8727)
+ (xy 102.280042 75.983828) (xy 102.275256 76.094457) (xy 102.264521 76.192764) (xy 102.252216 76.290868)
+ (xy 102.238345 76.388751) (xy 102.222912 76.486394) (xy 102.205918 76.583778) (xy 102.187368 76.680884)
+ (xy 102.167265 76.777692) (xy 102.145611 76.874184) (xy 101.909471 78.001639) (xy 101.667774 79.128171)
+ (xy 101.001022 82.115583) (xy 100.883415 82.649215) (xy 100.826521 82.916463) (xy 100.771364 83.184232)
+ (xy 100.606296 84.035728) (xy 100.521592 84.460954) (xy 100.476494 84.672981) (xy 100.428727 84.884442)
+ (xy 100.398072 85.009131) (xy 100.36398 85.132556) (xy 100.326789 85.254842) (xy 100.28684 85.376112)
+ (xy 100.20002 85.616109) (xy 100.106233 85.853544) (xy 99.908609 86.324726) (xy 99.810199 86.560469)
+ (xy 99.715673 86.797645) (xy 99.556683 87.193712) (xy 99.390983 87.586919) (xy 99.218611 87.977181)
+ (xy 99.03961 88.364413) (xy 98.854017 88.74853) (xy 98.661875 89.129447) (xy 98.463222 89.507079)
+ (xy 98.258099 89.881341) (xy 98.2461 89.904148) (xy 98.234905 89.9273) (xy 98.224521 89.950779) (xy 98.21495 89.974561)
+ (xy 98.2062 89.998625) (xy 98.198274 90.022951) (xy 98.191178 90.047516) (xy 98.184917 90.0723) (xy 98.179496 90.09728)
+ (xy 98.174919 90.122436) (xy 98.171192 90.147746) (xy 98.16832 90.173188) (xy 98.166308 90.198742)
+ (xy 98.16516 90.224385) (xy 98.164883 90.250097) (xy 98.16548 90.275855) (xy 98.166689 90.357024)
+ (xy 98.171113 90.437854) (xy 98.178724 90.518255) (xy 98.189492 90.598138) (xy 98.203389 90.67741)
+ (xy 98.220384 90.755984) (xy 98.24045 90.833768) (xy 98.263558 90.910671) (xy 98.289677 90.986605)
+ (xy 98.31878 91.061479) (xy 98.350836 91.135202) (xy 98.385818 91.207685) (xy 98.423696 91.278837)
+ (xy 98.464441 91.348568) (xy 98.508024 91.416789) (xy 98.554416 91.483407) (xy 98.593949 91.536659)
+ (xy 98.631699 91.591125) (xy 98.667639 91.64676) (xy 98.701742 91.703518) (xy 98.733983 91.761354)
+ (xy 98.764335 91.820223) (xy 98.792771 91.880078) (xy 98.819265 91.940876) (xy 98.82594 91.957431)
+ (xy 98.833191 91.973632) (xy 98.841004 91.98947) (xy 98.849364 92.004935) (xy 98.858257 92.020015)
+ (xy 98.867668 92.034701) (xy 98.877583 92.048982) (xy 98.887987 92.062849) (xy 98.898867 92.076291)
+ (xy 98.910208 92.089297) (xy 98.921994 92.101859) (xy 98.934213 92.113964) (xy 98.946849 92.125604)
+ (xy 98.959889 92.136767) (xy 98.973317 92.147444) (xy 98.987119 92.157625) (xy 99.001281 92.167298)
+ (xy 99.015789 92.176455) (xy 99.030627 92.185084) (xy 99.045783 92.193175) (xy 99.06124 92.200719)
+ (xy 99.076985 92.207705) (xy 99.093004 92.214123) (xy 99.109282 92.219962) (xy 99.125804 92.225212)
+ (xy 99.142556 92.229864) (xy 99.159524 92.233906) (xy 99.176694 92.237329) (xy 99.19405 92.240122)
+ (xy 99.211579 92.242275) (xy 99.229266 92.243778) (xy 99.247096 92.244621) (xy 99.463096 92.265978)
+ (xy 99.679095 92.290112) (xy 100.111093 92.340465) (xy 100.327093 92.363558) (xy 100.543092 92.383179)
+ (xy 100.759091 92.397764) (xy 100.975091 92.405752) (xy 101.268342 92.408753) (xy 101.561854 92.407198)
+ (xy 102.149312 92.393712) (xy 103.323533 92.348335) (xy 103.483969 92.340196) (xy 103.644406 92.329062)
+ (xy 103.965279 92.302495) (xy 104.286152 92.278012) (xy 104.446589 92.269482) (xy 104.607025 92.26499)
+ (xy 105.214306 92.256915) (xy 105.82176 92.253182) (xy 106.428867 92.255353) (xy 107.035106 92.26499)
+ (xy 107.232961 92.273704) (xy 107.430642 92.286781) (xy 107.628149 92.303373) (xy 107.825483 92.322636)
+ (xy 108.613084 92.409453) (xy 109.006477 92.452714) (xy 109.400219 92.498581) (xy 110.187355 92.594658)
+ (xy 110.914731 92.700722) (xy 111.641934 92.811125) (xy 112.37018 92.914233) (xy 112.735074 92.959415)
+ (xy 113.100684 92.998411) (xy 113.397578 93.022652) (xy 113.695057 93.039535) (xy 113.993014 93.05073)
+ (xy 114.29134 93.057911) (xy 114.888666 93.06691) (xy 115.486168 93.079903) (xy 115.516727 93.080301)
+ (xy 115.547287 93.081434) (xy 115.608405 93.085547) (xy 115.669524 93.091527) (xy 115.730644 93.098657)
+ (xy 115.852882 93.113503) (xy 115.914002 93.119786) (xy 115.975121 93.124353) (xy 116.031816 93.126967)
+ (xy 116.088532 93.128835) (xy 116.145262 93.129956) (xy 116.202 93.130329) (xy 116.258738 93.129956)
+ (xy 116.315468 93.128835) (xy 116.372184 93.126967) (xy 116.428878 93.124353) (xy 116.498015 93.115412)
+ (xy 116.567265 93.107502) (xy 116.636618 93.100625) (xy 116.706062 93.094782) (xy 116.775584 93.089973)
+ (xy 116.845174 93.0862) (xy 116.91482 93.083462) (xy 116.984509 93.081762) (xy 117.025074 93.082964)
+ (xy 117.06527 93.081355) (xy 117.104974 93.077) (xy 117.144061 93.069965) (xy 117.182407 93.060314)
+ (xy 117.219888 93.048114) (xy 117.256379 93.033429) (xy 117.291756 93.016324) (xy 117.325895 92.996866)
+ (xy 117.358671 92.97512) (xy 117.389961 92.95115) (xy 117.41964 92.925022) (xy 117.447584 92.896802)
+ (xy 117.473669 92.866554) (xy 117.49777 92.834345) (xy 117.519763 92.800239) (xy 117.584811 92.720811)
+ (xy 117.651146 92.642482) (xy 117.718754 92.565268) (xy 117.78762 92.489185) (xy 117.857731 92.414247)
+ (xy 117.929072 92.34047) (xy 118.001629 92.267869) (xy 118.075388 92.19646) (xy 118.09758 92.175591)
+ (xy 118.120356 92.155306) (xy 118.143646 92.135536) (xy 118.167385 92.116213) (xy 118.215933 92.078639)
+ (xy 118.265458 92.042041) (xy 118.365268 91.969606) (xy 118.414468 91.932683) (xy 118.462473 91.894568)
+ (xy 118.49031 91.870965) (xy 118.516524 91.847044) (xy 118.541122 91.822811) (xy 118.56411 91.798273)
+ (xy 118.585493 91.773436) (xy 118.605276 91.748308) (xy 118.623467 91.722895) (xy 118.64007 91.697204)
+ (xy 118.655092 91.671241) (xy 118.668537 91.645015) (xy 118.680412 91.61853) (xy 118.690723 91.591795)
+ (xy 118.699476 91.564815) (xy 118.706675 91.537598) (xy 118.712328 91.51015) (xy 118.716439 91.482479)
+ (xy 118.719014 91.45459) (xy 118.72006 91.426492) (xy 118.719582 91.39819) (xy 118.717585 91.369691)
+ (xy 118.714076 91.341002) (xy 118.70906 91.31213) (xy 118.702544 91.283082) (xy 118.694532 91.253864)
+ (xy 118.68503 91.224483) (xy 118.674045 91.194947) (xy 118.661582 91.165261) (xy 118.647647 91.135433)
+ (xy 118.632246 91.105469) (xy 118.615384 91.075376) (xy 118.597067 91.045161) (xy 118.577301 91.014831)
+ (xy 118.52184 90.932969) (xy 118.468551 90.849736) (xy 118.417458 90.765176) (xy 118.368585 90.679334)
+ (xy 118.321956 90.592251) (xy 118.277594 90.503974) (xy 118.235526 90.414544) (xy 118.195773 90.324006)
+ (xy 118.005673 89.832071) (xy 117.820956 89.337534) (xy 117.640753 88.841262) (xy 117.464197 88.344121)
+ (xy 117.293313 87.841134) (xy 117.126423 87.330336) (xy 116.957102 86.817107) (xy 116.869521 86.561263)
+ (xy 116.778924 86.30683) (xy 116.71778 86.134199) (xy 116.660223 85.960294) (xy 116.552679 85.609808)
+ (xy 116.345535 84.90619) (xy 116.233174 84.557659) (xy 116.172004 84.385219) (xy 116.106444 84.21438)
+ (xy 116.035697 84.045429) (xy 115.958965 83.878655) (xy 115.875451 83.714343) (xy 115.784356 83.552783)
+ (xy 115.781052 83.543836) (xy 115.778092 83.534779) (xy 115.775479 83.525623) (xy 115.773214 83.516378)
+ (xy 115.771301 83.507054) (xy 115.76974 83.497661) (xy 115.768535 83.488208) (xy 115.767688 83.478706)
+ (xy 115.703589 83.198132) (xy 115.636537 82.918362) (xy 115.571049 82.638462) (xy 115.511638 82.357498)
+ (xy 115.485622 82.216325) (xy 115.462818 82.074537) (xy 115.443791 81.932016) (xy 115.429104 81.788646)
+ (xy 115.419323 81.644311) (xy 115.415011 81.498892) (xy 115.416733 81.352275) (xy 115.425053 81.204342)
+ (xy 115.427428 81.134142) (xy 115.426991 81.063989) (xy 115.423749 80.993964) (xy 115.417711 80.924153)
+ (xy 115.408887 80.854639) (xy 115.397285 80.785506) (xy 115.382914 80.716838) (xy 115.365783 80.648719)
+ (xy 115.224417 80.093093) (xy 115.078015 79.537468) (xy 114.926405 78.981843) (xy 114.769412 78.426219)
+ (xy 114.704745 78.208392) (xy 114.637539 77.991064) (xy 114.497852 77.557821) (xy 114.213789 76.696372)
+ (xy 114.205548 76.674768) (xy 114.195785 76.653066) (xy 114.17394 76.609672) (xy 114.162981 76.588133)
+ (xy 114.152746 76.566799) (xy 114.143798 76.545748) (xy 114.136696 76.525055) (xy 114.134014 76.514866)
+ (xy 114.132004 76.504796) (xy 114.130737 76.494853) (xy 114.130283 76.485047) (xy 114.130711 76.475387)
+ (xy 114.132093 76.465884) (xy 114.134499 76.456546) (xy 114.137998 76.447382) (xy 114.142661 76.438404)
+ (xy 114.148559 76.429619) (xy 114.15576 76.421038) (xy 114.164336 76.412669) (xy 114.174357 76.404524)
+ (xy 114.185892 76.39661) (xy 114.199013 76.388937) (xy 114.213789 76.381516) (xy 114.229056 76.374925)
+ (xy 114.243621 76.369702) (xy 114.257507 76.365794) (xy 114.27074 76.363147) (xy 114.283343 76.361707)
+ (xy 114.295341 76.36142) (xy 114.306759 76.362234) (xy 114.31762 76.364094) (xy 114.32795 76.366948)
+ (xy 114.337772 76.37074) (xy 114.347112 76.375419) (xy 114.355993 76.38093) (xy 114.36444 76.387219)
+ (xy 114.372477 76.394233) (xy 114.38013 76.401919) (xy 114.387421 76.410223) (xy 114.394376 76.419091)
+ (xy 114.401019 76.42847) (xy 114.407374 76.438306) (xy 114.413466 76.448545) (xy 114.424959 76.470021)
+ (xy 114.435691 76.492467) (xy 114.474932 76.583392) (xy 114.480654 76.596506) (xy 114.48668 76.609467)
+ (xy 114.492967 76.622298) (xy 114.499471 76.63502) (xy 114.506148 76.647655) (xy 114.512956 76.660225)
+ (xy 114.526789 76.685256) (xy 114.895123 77.366127) (xy 115.267623 78.048387) (xy 115.27447 78.060619)
+ (xy 115.280985 78.073011) (xy 115.287166 78.085557) (xy 115.293012 78.09825) (xy 115.298519 78.111082)
+ (xy 115.303687 78.124049) (xy 115.308511 78.137141) (xy 115.312991 78.150353) (xy 115.317124 78.163678)
+ (xy 115.320908 78.177108) (xy 115.32434 78.190637) (xy 115.327418 78.204258) (xy 115.330141 78.217965)
+ (xy 115.332505 78.23175) (xy 115.334509 78.245606) (xy 115.336151 78.259527) (xy 115.341765 78.327928)
+ (xy 115.348913 78.396123) (xy 115.357591 78.464089) (xy 115.36779 78.531799) (xy 115.379505 78.599229)
+ (xy 115.392729 78.666352) (xy 115.407456 78.733145) (xy 115.423679 78.799581) (xy 115.441392 78.865636)
+ (xy 115.460588 78.931284) (xy 115.481261 78.9965) (xy 115.503404 79.061259) (xy 115.527011 79.125535)
+ (xy 115.552076 79.189304) (xy 115.578592 79.252539) (xy 115.606552 79.315217) (xy 115.637339 79.39461)
+ (xy 115.66597 79.474757) (xy 115.692431 79.555613) (xy 115.71671 79.637136) (xy 115.738796 79.71928)
+ (xy 115.758674 79.802001) (xy 115.776333 79.885256) (xy 115.791761 79.969) (xy 115.826784 80.158995)
+ (xy 115.859072 80.349576) (xy 115.92048 80.731366) (xy 115.952117 80.922011) (xy 115.986056 81.112113)
+ (xy 116.023554 81.301391) (xy 116.065871 81.489561) (xy 116.229144 82.138223) (xy 116.401099 82.785323)
+ (xy 116.57583 83.432771) (xy 116.747436 84.082477) (xy 117.022702 85.162008) (xy 117.155561 85.703249)
+ (xy 117.282692 86.245707) (xy 117.291919 86.285771) (xy 117.303946 86.324665) (xy 117.318663 86.362275)
+ (xy 117.335962 86.398489) (xy 117.355732 86.433193) (xy 117.377864 86.466272) (xy 117.402249 86.497615)
+ (xy 117.428775 86.527106) (xy 117.457335 86.554634) (xy 117.487819 86.580084) (xy 117.520116 86.603342)
+ (xy 117.554117 86.624296) (xy 117.589713 86.642832) (xy 117.626793 86.658836) (xy 117.66525 86.672195)
+ (xy 117.704971 86.682796) (xy 117.732249 86.690177) (xy 117.759115 86.698655) (xy 117.785542 86.708211)
+ (xy 117.811498 86.718825) (xy 117.836955 86.730479) (xy 117.861881 86.743152) (xy 117.886247 86.756825)
+ (xy 117.910022 86.77148) (xy 117.933178 86.787096) (xy 117.955683 86.803654) (xy 117.977508 86.821136)
+ (xy 117.998623 86.839521) (xy 118.018998 86.858791) (xy 118.038603 86.878925) (xy 118.057408 86.899905)
+ (xy 118.075383 86.921712) (xy 118.088573 86.93533) (xy 118.102136 86.948537) (xy 118.116059 86.961326)
+ (xy 118.130335 86.973691) (xy 118.144952 86.985624) (xy 118.159901 86.99712) (xy 118.175171 87.008172)
+ (xy 118.190753 87.018773) (xy 118.206636 87.028916) (xy 118.222811 87.038595) (xy 118.239268 87.047803)
+ (xy 118.255996 87.056534) (xy 118.272985 87.064782) (xy 118.290225 87.072538) (xy 118.307708 87.079798)
+ (xy 118.325421 87.086554) (xy 118.630219 87.227484) (xy 118.931988 87.374552) (xy 119.230636 87.527707)
+ (xy 119.526071 87.686898) (xy 119.818202 87.852075) (xy 120.106937 88.023187) (xy 120.392185 88.200185)
+ (xy 120.673854 88.383016) (xy 120.714599 88.406919) (xy 120.756332 88.428562) (xy 120.79896 88.447931)
+ (xy 120.84239 88.465013) (xy 120.88653 88.479794) (xy 120.931288 88.492262) (xy 120.976571 88.502402)
+ (xy 121.022286 88.510201) (xy 121.06834 88.515647) (xy 121.114642 88.518725) (xy 121.161099 88.519422)
+ (xy 121.207618 88.517725) (xy 121.254106 88.513621) (xy 121.300471 88.507096) (xy 121.346621 88.498137)
+ (xy 121.392463 88.48673) (xy 121.47988 88.467208) (xy 121.56764 88.449419) (xy 121.655719 88.433367)
+ (xy 121.744088 88.419057) (xy 121.832723 88.406492) (xy 121.921598 88.395677) (xy 122.010686 88.386614)
+ (xy 122.099961 88.37931) (xy 122.353396 88.368896) (xy 122.452474 88.363826) (xy 122.535923 88.357115)
+ (xy 122.60584 88.347463) (xy 122.636379 88.341128) (xy 122.664321 88.33357) (xy 122.689928 88.324628)
+ (xy 122.713464 88.314138) (xy 122.735189 88.301938) (xy 122.755366 88.287866) (xy 122.774257 88.271759)
+ (xy 122.792124 88.253455) (xy 122.809229 88.232791) (xy 122.825835 88.209605) (xy 122.858597 88.155018)
+ (xy 122.892506 88.088392) (xy 123.081562 87.675523) (xy 123.093626 87.642608) (xy 123.104082 87.609293)
+ (xy 123.11293 87.575634) (xy 123.120169 87.541689) (xy 123.125799 87.507516) (xy 123.12982 87.47317)
+ (xy 123.132233 87.43871) (xy 123.133038 87.404193) (xy 123.132233 87.369675) (xy 123.12982 87.335215)
+ (xy 123.125799 87.30087) (xy 123.120169 87.266696) (xy 123.11293 87.232751) (xy 123.104082 87.199092)
+ (xy 123.093626 87.165777) (xy 123.081562 87.132862) (xy 123.016094 86.962109) (xy 122.958211 86.790224)
+ (xy 122.907339 86.617292) (xy 122.862902 86.443397) (xy 122.824325 86.268622) (xy 122.791032 86.093053)
+ (xy 122.76245 85.916773) (xy 122.738002 85.739866) (xy 122.69921 85.384509) (xy 122.670054 85.027653)
+ (xy 122.622246 84.312138) (xy 122.621611 84.302653) (xy 122.621158 84.29316) (xy 122.620886 84.283664)
+ (xy 122.620796 84.274165) (xy 122.620886 84.264666) (xy 122.621158 84.25517) (xy 122.621611 84.24568)
+ (xy 122.622246 84.236198) (xy 122.652107 83.878749) (xy 122.654534 83.85099) (xy 123.47976 83.85099)
+ (xy 123.582319 85.041878) (xy 123.610292 85.339274) (xy 123.64202 85.636106) (xy 123.678913 85.932156)
+ (xy 123.722383 86.227207) (xy 123.734157 86.307053) (xy 123.748142 86.386429) (xy 123.764321 86.465292)
+ (xy 123.782678 86.543595) (xy 123.803196 86.621297) (xy 123.82586 86.698352) (xy 123.850652 86.774717)
+ (xy 123.877557 86.850347) (xy 123.906557 86.925198) (xy 123.937638 86.999227) (xy 123.970781 87.072388)
+ (xy 124.005972 87.144639) (xy 124.043193 87.215935) (xy 124.082428 87.286232) (xy 124.123662 87.355485)
+ (xy 124.166876 87.423651) (xy 124.271347 87.564151) (xy 124.380338 87.700414) (xy 124.493506 87.832759)
+ (xy 124.610511 87.961507) (xy 124.73101 88.086978) (xy 124.854661 88.209492) (xy 124.981123 88.329368)
+ (xy 125.110054 88.446928) (xy 125.373954 88.676377) (xy 125.643628 88.9004) (xy 126.189358 89.342408)
+ (xy 126.206468 89.355042) (xy 126.22387 89.367231) (xy 126.241554 89.37897) (xy 126.259512 89.390256)
+ (xy 126.277735 89.401084) (xy 126.296214 89.411449) (xy 126.314939 89.421347) (xy 126.333903 89.430774)
+ (xy 126.353095 89.439726) (xy 126.372507 89.448199) (xy 126.392131 89.456188) (xy 126.411957 89.463688)
+ (xy 126.431976 89.470696) (xy 126.452179 89.477208) (xy 126.472558 89.483218) (xy 126.493103 89.488724)
+ (xy 126.63976 89.526533) (xy 126.786843 89.557422) (xy 126.934137 89.581556) (xy 127.081429 89.599103)
+ (xy 127.375146 89.615099) (xy 127.666282 89.606736) (xy 127.95312 89.575346) (xy 128.233946 89.522257)
+ (xy 128.507045 89.448799) (xy 128.770703 89.356301) (xy 129.023205 89.246093) (xy 129.262836 89.119503)
+ (xy 129.487882 88.977862) (xy 129.696629 88.822498) (xy 129.88736 88.654741) (xy 130.058362 88.475921)
+ (xy 130.207921 88.287366) (xy 130.334321 88.090406) (xy 130.413673 87.956642) (xy 130.490242 87.821321)
+ (xy 130.564004 87.684486) (xy 130.634938 87.546182) (xy 130.703021 87.406453) (xy 130.768232 87.265342)
+ (xy 130.830549 87.122895) (xy 130.889949 86.979155) (xy 130.984811 86.715957) (xy 131.076547 86.451543)
+ (xy 131.25203 85.919762) (xy 131.419179 85.385204) (xy 131.580774 84.849258) (xy 131.599342 84.782647)
+ (xy 131.61594 84.715625) (xy 131.630565 84.648233) (xy 131.643213 84.580517) (xy 131.653884 84.51252)
+ (xy 131.662574 84.444284) (xy 131.669282 84.375853) (xy 131.674005 84.307271) (xy 131.67674 84.238581)
+ (xy 131.677485 84.169827) (xy 131.676239 84.101052) (xy 131.672998 84.032299) (xy 131.66776 83.963612)
+ (xy 131.660524 83.895034) (xy 131.651285 83.826608) (xy 131.640043 83.758379) (xy 131.59738 83.520429)
+ (xy 131.549532 83.283556) (xy 131.496521 83.047842) (xy 131.438371 82.813374) (xy 131.375101 82.580234)
+ (xy 131.306735 82.348508) (xy 131.233293 82.11828) (xy 131.154799 81.889634) (xy 131.078171 81.682919)
+ (xy 130.99739 81.479565) (xy 130.912121 81.279679) (xy 130.822031 81.083366) (xy 130.726787 80.890732)
+ (xy 130.626055 80.701883) (xy 130.5195 80.516925) (xy 130.406789 80.335962) (xy 130.287589 80.159102)
+ (xy 130.161566 79.98645) (xy 130.028386 79.818112) (xy 129.887715 79.654193) (xy 129.739219 79.4948)
+ (xy 129.582566 79.340037) (xy 129.41742 79.190012) (xy 129.243449 79.044829) (xy 129.178069 78.994507)
+ (xy 129.112165 78.947627) (xy 128.978862 78.863636) (xy 128.843692 78.791746) (xy 128.706808 78.730844)
+ (xy 128.568361 78.679816) (xy 128.428503 78.637552) (xy 128.287386 78.602938) (xy 128.145163 78.574863)
+ (xy 128.001984 78.552213) (xy 127.858003 78.533878) (xy 127.568238 78.505698) (xy 127.277085 78.481425)
+ (xy 126.985758 78.452161) (xy 126.742443 78.523304) (xy 126.501234 78.599721) (xy 126.381968 78.640795)
+ (xy 126.263889 78.684255) (xy 126.147214 78.730455) (xy 126.032165 78.77975) (xy 125.91896 78.832496)
+ (xy 125.80782 78.889049) (xy 125.698965 78.949763) (xy 125.592613 79.014994) (xy 125.488986 79.085098)
+ (xy 125.388302 79.160431) (xy 125.290781 79.241346) (xy 125.196644 79.3282) (xy 125.097511 79.420988)
+ (xy 125.001522 79.516689) (xy 124.908733 79.615219) (xy 124.819198 79.716494) (xy 124.732974 79.82043)
+ (xy 124.650114 79.926944) (xy 124.570674 80.035953) (xy 124.494709 80.147371) (xy 124.422275 80.261117)
+ (xy 124.353427 80.377106) (xy 124.288219 80.495254) (xy 124.226707 80.615478) (xy 124.168947 80.737694)
+ (xy 124.114992 80.861818) (xy 124.0649 80.987768) (xy 124.018723 81.115459) (xy 123.804689 81.778302)
+ (xy 123.707482 82.112426) (xy 123.663914 82.28059) (xy 123.624687 82.449653) (xy 123.590539 82.619736)
+ (xy 123.562207 82.790961) (xy 123.540431 82.96345) (xy 123.525946 83.137325) (xy 123.519493 83.31271)
+ (xy 123.521808 83.489724) (xy 123.533629 83.668492) (xy 123.555695 83.849134) (xy 123.557549 83.85099)
+ (xy 123.47976 83.85099) (xy 122.654534 83.85099) (xy 122.68336 83.5213) (xy 122.721097 83.135838)
+ (xy 122.762999 82.732313) (xy 122.768244 82.690131) (xy 122.774748 82.64767) (xy 122.790318 82.562182)
+ (xy 122.807276 82.476389) (xy 122.823192 82.390835) (xy 122.83 82.348317) (xy 122.835635 82.306062)
+ (xy 122.839795 82.264138) (xy 122.842176 82.222613) (xy 122.842472 82.181555) (xy 122.840382 82.141032)
+ (xy 122.8356 82.10111) (xy 122.827823 82.061859) (xy 122.813122 81.990519) (xy 122.803544 81.920874)
+ (xy 122.798783 81.852797) (xy 122.798538 81.78616) (xy 122.802502 81.720837) (xy 122.810374 81.656699)
+ (xy 122.821848 81.593619) (xy 122.836621 81.53147) (xy 122.85439 81.470123) (xy 122.874849 81.409453)
+ (xy 122.897697 81.34933) (xy 122.922627 81.289627) (xy 122.949338 81.230218) (xy 122.977524 81.170974)
+ (xy 123.037109 81.052472) (xy 123.085032 80.961256) (xy 123.134344 80.870041) (xy 123.237133 80.682055)
+ (xy 123.186539 80.625851) (xy 123.135375 80.571272) (xy 123.083507 80.518511) (xy 123.030797 80.467761)
+ (xy 122.977111 80.419214) (xy 122.922313 80.373062) (xy 122.866267 80.329498) (xy 122.808837 80.288716)
+ (xy 122.749888 80.250907) (xy 122.689284 80.216264) (xy 122.62689 80.18498) (xy 122.562569 80.157248)
+ (xy 122.496187 80.133259) (xy 122.46218 80.122729) (xy 122.427607 80.113207) (xy 122.39245 80.104717)
+ (xy 122.356693 80.097284) (xy 122.320319 80.090931) (xy 122.283311 80.085683) (xy 121.443623 79.97664)
+ (xy 120.599767 79.86343) (xy 120.590336 79.862679) (xy 120.580963 79.861579) (xy 120.571657 79.860136)
+ (xy 120.562426 79.858351) (xy 120.55328 79.856229) (xy 120.544228 79.853772) (xy 120.535279 79.850985)
+ (xy 120.526442 79.84787) (xy 120.517725 79.844431) (xy 120.509139 79.840671) (xy 120.500692 79.836594)
+ (xy 120.492393 79.832203) (xy 120.484252 79.827501) (xy 120.476276 79.822493) (xy 120.468476 79.81718)
+ (xy 120.460861 79.811568) (xy 120.397542 79.751568) (xy 120.332137 79.694194) (xy 120.26499 79.63899)
+ (xy 120.196446 79.585501) (xy 120.056545 79.481844) (xy 119.915189 79.379575) (xy 119.775136 79.275049)
+ (xy 119.706459 79.2208) (xy 119.639142 79.16462) (xy 119.573528 79.106051) (xy 119.509963 79.04464)
+ (xy 119.448791 78.979929) (xy 119.390356 78.911464) (xy 118.842545 78.242079) (xy 118.286052 77.57912)
+ (xy 117.167856 76.259278) (xy 117.142393 76.231374) (xy 117.116241 76.204141) (xy 117.089414 76.177593)
+ (xy 117.061924 76.151741) (xy 117.033785 76.126598) (xy 117.00501 76.102175) (xy 116.975612 76.078486)
+ (xy 116.945606 76.055543) (xy 116.721128 75.881363) (xy 116.495781 75.70805) (xy 116.27078 75.534389)
+ (xy 116.047342 75.359164) (xy 115.986325 75.309734) (xy 115.926089 75.258898) (xy 115.807267 75.154335)
+ (xy 115.571357 74.942907) (xy 115.511729 74.891502) (xy 115.451492 74.841339) (xy 115.390475 74.79275)
+ (xy 115.328502 74.746065) (xy 115.265401 74.701617) (xy 115.200997 74.659734) (xy 115.135118 74.62075)
+ (xy 115.067589 74.584994) (xy 114.868744 74.47504) (xy 114.67198 74.361516) (xy 114.477345 74.244452)
+ (xy 114.284886 74.123879) (xy 114.094652 73.999826) (xy 113.90669 73.872324) (xy 113.721048 73.741404)
+ (xy 113.537773 73.607094) (xy 113.26761 73.423076) (xy 112.994734 73.242725) (xy 112.449438 72.881308)
+ (xy 112.181316 72.694382) (xy 111.919076 72.499403) (xy 111.790834 72.397979) (xy 111.664867 72.293442)
+ (xy 111.541446 72.185428) (xy 111.420838 72.073569) (xy 111.377697 72.031218) (xy 111.338587 71.990085)
+ (xy 111.303547 71.949869) (xy 111.272614 71.910269) (xy 111.2587 71.890605) (xy 111.245827 71.870983)
+ (xy 111.234 71.851364) (xy 111.223223 71.831711) (xy 111.213502 71.811985) (xy 111.204841 71.792151)
+ (xy 111.197244 71.772169) (xy 111.190717 71.752002) (xy 111.185265 71.731613) (xy 111.180892 71.710963)
+ (xy 111.177602 71.690016) (xy 111.175401 71.668734) (xy 111.174294 71.647078) (xy 111.174285 71.625012)
+ (xy 111.175378 71.602497) (xy 111.177579 71.579497) (xy 111.180892 71.555973) (xy 111.185323 71.531887)
+ (xy 111.190875 71.507203) (xy 111.197554 71.481882) (xy 111.205364 71.455887) (xy 111.21431 71.429181)
+ (xy 111.23563 71.373481) (xy 111.272141 71.296501) (xy 111.309741 71.22006) (xy 111.348425 71.144172)
+ (xy 111.388187 71.068846) (xy 111.429019 70.994096) (xy 111.470917 70.919933) (xy 111.513874 70.846369)
+ (xy 111.557883 70.773414) (xy 111.589146 70.726209) (xy 111.619754 70.678587) (xy 111.649702 70.630555)
+ (xy 111.678985 70.582119) (xy 111.707601 70.533286) (xy 111.735545 70.484062) (xy 111.762812 70.434455)
+ (xy 111.789399 70.384471) (xy 111.801018 70.355663) (xy 111.811223 70.327249) (xy 111.820022 70.299255)
+ (xy 111.827424 70.271706) (xy 111.833438 70.244629) (xy 111.83807 70.218047) (xy 111.84133 70.191987)
+ (xy 111.843224 70.166474) (xy 111.843763 70.141533) (xy 111.842953 70.11719) (xy 111.840803 70.093471)
+ (xy 111.837321 70.0704) (xy 111.832515 70.048004) (xy 111.826393 70.026307) (xy 111.818963 70.005335)
+ (xy 111.810234 69.985114) (xy 111.800214 69.965668) (xy 111.78891 69.947024) (xy 111.776331 69.929207)
+ (xy 111.762485 69.912242) (xy 111.747381 69.896154) (xy 111.731025 69.88097) (xy 111.713427 69.866714)
+ (xy 111.694595 69.853412) (xy 111.674536 69.841089) (xy 111.65326 69.829772) (xy 111.630773 69.819484)
+ (xy 111.607084 69.810252) (xy 111.582202 69.802101) (xy 111.556134 69.795057) (xy 111.528889 69.789145)
+ (xy 111.500474 69.78439) (xy 111.247744 69.752684) (xy 110.994797 69.717571) (xy 110.741069 69.683629)
+ (xy 110.485995 69.65544) (xy 110.357778 69.644933) (xy 110.229012 69.637581) (xy 110.099628 69.633957)
+ (xy 109.969555 69.634633) (xy 109.838722 69.640182) (xy 109.707059 69.651175) (xy 109.574496 69.668186)
+ (xy 109.440961 69.691787) (xy 109.316868 70.062204) (xy 109.428076 70.099947) (xy 109.540047 70.129219)
+ (xy 109.652631 70.151188) (xy 109.765679 70.167021) (xy 109.879042 70.177883) (xy 109.99257 70.184941)
+ (xy 110.219526 70.192314) (xy 110.445353 70.198471) (xy 110.557471 70.20401) (xy 110.668858 70.212746)
+ (xy 110.779367 70.225843) (xy 110.888847 70.244471) (xy 110.99715 70.269793) (xy 111.104126 70.302979)
+ (xy 111.0941 70.352608) (xy 111.082779 70.40045) (xy 111.070171 70.446522) (xy 111.056283 70.490838)
+ (xy 111.041122 70.533414) (xy 111.024697 70.574265) (xy 111.007014 70.613405) (xy 110.988081 70.650851)
+ (xy 110.967906 70.686618) (xy 110.946496 70.720721) (xy 110.923857 70.753175) (xy 110.899999 70.783995)
+ (xy 110.874928 70.813197) (xy 110.848652 70.840796) (xy 110.821178 70.866807) (xy 110.792513 70.891246)
+ (xy 110.762666 70.914128) (xy 110.731644 70.935467) (xy 110.699453 70.95528) (xy 110.666102 70.973581)
+ (xy 110.631598 70.990386) (xy 110.595948 71.00571) (xy 110.55916 71.019568) (xy 110.521242 71.031976)
+ (xy 110.4822 71.042949) (xy 110.442043 71.052502) (xy 110.400777 71.06065) (xy 110.358411 71.067409)
+ (xy 110.270405 71.076819) (xy 110.178086 71.080855) (xy 110.130916 71.081) (xy 110.107439 71.081343)
+ (xy 110.084093 71.082012) (xy 110.06092 71.083115) (xy 110.037965 71.084761) (xy 110.015269 71.087057)
+ (xy 109.992878 71.090113) (xy 109.83633 71.093292) (xy 109.679913 71.099407) (xy 109.523665 71.108453)
+ (xy 109.367629 71.120427) (xy 109.211846 71.135326) (xy 109.056355 71.153145) (xy 108.901198 71.173881)
+ (xy 108.746417 71.197531) (xy 108.632137 71.22107) (xy 108.517466 71.24208) (xy 108.402445 71.26056)
+ (xy 108.287116 71.276507) (xy 108.17152 71.289921) (xy 108.055699 71.300799) (xy 107.939696 71.30914)
+ (xy 107.823551 71.314942) (xy 107.707308 71.318203) (xy 107.591007 71.318923) (xy 107.47469 71.317099)
+ (xy 107.3584 71.312729) (xy 107.242178 71.305813) (xy 107.126066 71.296348) (xy 107.010106 71.284332)
+ (xy 106.894339 71.269765) (xy 106.143783 71.177393) (xy 105.767637 71.135635) (xy 105.579194 71.117914)
+ (xy 105.390448 71.10308) (xy 105.334124 71.098446) (xy 105.278618 71.090288) (xy 105.224072 71.078694)
+ (xy 105.170625 71.06375) (xy 105.118419 71.045544) (xy 105.067595 71.024163) (xy 105.018293 70.999694)
+ (xy 104.970653 70.972224) (xy 104.924817 70.94184) (xy 104.880925 70.908629) (xy 104.839118 70.872678)
+ (xy 104.799537 70.834075) (xy 104.762322 70.792906) (xy 104.727614 70.749259) (xy 104.695554 70.70322)
+ (xy 104.666282 70.654877) (xy 104.760891 70.597725) (xy 104.857111 70.54675) (xy 104.954819 70.501402)
+ (xy 105.053888 70.46113) (xy 105.154194 70.425383) (xy 105.255613 70.393611) (xy 105.358019 70.365263)
+ (xy 105.461288 70.339788) (xy 105.669915 70.295255) (xy 105.880496 70.255605) (xy 106.092031 70.216432)
+ (xy 106.303522 70.173331) (xy 106.196102 69.702904) (xy 105.903704 69.687393) (xy 105.769747 69.679203)
+ (xy 105.704689 69.674012) (xy 105.640478 69.667715) (xy 105.557113 69.661266) (xy 105.475013 69.66032)
+ (xy 105.394052 69.664344) (xy 105.314106 69.672807) (xy 105.235049 69.685176) (xy 105.156758 69.700921)
+ (xy 105.079107 69.719509) (xy 105.001972 69.740408) (xy 104.848748 69.787015) (xy 104.696089 69.836486)
+ (xy 104.542996 69.884567) (xy 104.465974 69.906757) (xy 104.38847 69.927005) (xy 104.349706 69.935467)
+ (xy 104.312032 69.946632) (xy 104.275558 69.960396) (xy 104.240394 69.976657) (xy 104.20665 69.995311)
+ (xy 104.174437 70.016254) (xy 104.143863 70.039385) (xy 104.115039 70.064598) (xy 104.088075 70.091791)
+ (xy 104.063081 70.120861) (xy 104.040167 70.151704) (xy 104.019442 70.184217) (xy 104.001017 70.218297)
+ (xy 103.985002 70.25384) (xy 103.971506 70.290744) (xy 103.960639 70.328905) (xy 103.952774 70.35153)
+ (xy 103.946163 70.373581) (xy 103.940755 70.395083) (xy 103.936504 70.416058) (xy 103.93336 70.436529)
+ (xy 103.931273 70.456521) (xy 103.930196 70.476057) (xy 103.930079 70.495159) (xy 103.930874 70.513852)
+ (xy 103.932532 70.532158) (xy 103.935004 70.550102) (xy 103.93824 70.567706) (xy 103.946813 70.601989)
+ (xy 103.957861 70.635196) (xy 103.970992 70.667512) (xy 103.985816 70.699126) (xy 104.001942 70.730224)
+ (xy 104.01898 70.760994) (xy 104.054227 70.822298) (xy 104.088433 70.884535) (xy 104.142801 70.98368)
+ (xy 104.199731 71.081435) (xy 104.317628 71.274861) (xy 104.376772 71.371575) (xy 104.434831 71.468983)
+ (xy 104.490893 71.567607) (xy 104.544047 71.667969) (xy 104.560464 71.701088) (xy 104.574658 71.734934)
+ (xy 104.586629 71.7694) (xy 104.59638 71.804381) (xy 104.603909 71.83977) (xy 104.609218 71.875462)
+ (xy 104.612307 71.911351) (xy 104.613177 71.947331) (xy 104.61183 71.983296) (xy 104.608264 72.019141)
+ (xy 104.602482 72.054759) (xy 104.594484 72.090046) (xy 104.584271 72.124894) (xy 104.571842 72.159198)
+ (xy 104.5572 72.192853) (xy 104.540344 72.225752) (xy 104.531127 72.241817) (xy 104.521444 72.257521)
+ (xy 104.511307 72.272856) (xy 104.500727 72.287817) (xy 104.478283 72.316583) (xy 104.4542 72.343764)
+ (xy 104.428568 72.369301) (xy 104.401476 72.393138) (xy 104.373014 72.415218) (xy 104.343271 72.435484)
+ (xy 104.312336 72.453879) (xy 104.280298 72.470347) (xy 104.247247 72.484829) (xy 104.213271 72.497271)
+ (xy 104.178461 72.507614) (xy 104.142905 72.515802) (xy 104.124876 72.519069) (xy 104.106693 72.521777)
+ (xy 104.088369 72.523918) (xy 104.069914 72.525484) (xy 104.051396 72.528362) (xy 104.032977 72.531705)
+ (xy 104.014666 72.535508) (xy 103.996471 72.539769) (xy 103.978401 72.544484) (xy 103.960463 72.549651)
+ (xy 103.942667 72.555266) (xy 103.925021 72.561327) (xy 103.907533 72.567831) (xy 103.890212 72.574773)
+ (xy 103.873066 72.582153) (xy 103.856103 72.589966) (xy 103.839332 72.598209) (xy 103.822761 72.60688)
+ (xy 103.806399 72.615975) (xy 103.790254 72.625491) (xy 103.051964 73.089677) (xy 102.685686 73.325325)
+ (xy 102.503947 73.445026) (xy 102.323402 73.566354) (xy 102.090198 73.729095) (xy 101.859338 73.895244)
+ (xy 101.400137 74.230558) (xy 101.169539 74.396121) (xy 100.93677 74.557885) (xy 100.700702 74.714049)
+ (xy 100.460206 74.862811) (xy 100.349172 74.934812) (xy 100.240277 75.009705) (xy 100.133573 75.087441)
+ (xy 100.029111 75.167966) (xy 99.926942 75.251232) (xy 99.827119 75.337186) (xy 99.729693 75.425777)
+ (xy 99.634717 75.516955) (xy 99.542241 75.610668) (xy 99.452318 75.706866) (xy 99.364999 75.805497)
+ (xy 99.280336 75.90651) (xy 99.19838 76.009854) (xy 99.119185 76.115479) (xy 99.0428 76.223333) (xy 98.969278 76.333365)
+ (xy 98.833896 76.521482) (xy 98.69326 76.706213) (xy 98.405782 77.071421) (xy 98.263715 77.25485)
+ (xy 98.125944 77.440797) (xy 98.059417 77.535175) (xy 97.994859 77.630736) (xy 97.932569 77.727664)
+ (xy 97.872846 77.826144) (xy 97.797354 77.944711) (xy 97.718147 78.060503) (xy 97.635308 78.173443)
+ (xy 97.548918 78.283452) (xy 97.45906 78.390454) (xy 97.365816 78.494369) (xy 97.269268 78.595121)
+ (xy 97.169498 78.692632) (xy 97.06659 78.786824) (xy 96.960624 78.877619) (xy 96.851683 78.96494)
+ (xy 96.73985 79.048708) (xy 96.625206 79.128846) (xy 96.507834 79.205277) (xy 96.387817 79.277921)
+ (xy 96.265235 79.346702) (xy 96.121931 79.429989) (xy 96.047891 79.470482) (xy 96.01054 79.48951)
+ (xy 95.97307 79.507372) (xy 95.935557 79.523801) (xy 95.898075 79.538532) (xy 95.860703 79.551298)
+ (xy 95.823514 79.561835) (xy 95.786587 79.569875) (xy 95.749995 79.575153) (xy 95.713816 79.577404)
+ (xy 95.695905 79.577311) (xy 95.678125 79.576361) (xy 95.609068 79.577839) (xy 95.540203 79.582029)
+ (xy 95.471609 79.588918) (xy 95.403365 79.598493) (xy 95.335549 79.610742) (xy 95.268242 79.625652)
+ (xy 95.201521 79.64321) (xy 95.135467 79.663404) (xy 95.057163 79.682636) (xy 94.978487 79.700154)
+ (xy 94.899468 79.715951) (xy 94.820132 79.730024) (xy 94.74051 79.742368) (xy 94.660629 79.752979)
+ (xy 94.580517 79.761851) (xy 94.500203 79.768979) (xy 94.345207 79.773765) (xy 94.189864 79.776011)
+ (xy 93.877441 79.77523) (xy 93.240786 79.768979) (xy 92.735168 80.880228) (xy 92.717649 80.91942)
+ (xy 92.701884 80.959198) (xy 92.687877 80.999505) (xy 92.675635 81.040281) (xy 92.665163 81.08147)
+ (xy 92.656467 81.123012) (xy 92.649554 81.164851) (xy 92.644429 81.206927) (xy 92.641097 81.249183)
+ (xy 92.639565 81.291561) (xy 92.639839 81.334002) (xy 92.641923 81.376449) (xy 92.645825 81.418844)
+ (xy 92.65155 81.461128) (xy 92.659103 81.503243) (xy 92.66849 81.545132) (xy 92.730926 81.888986)
+ (xy 92.779591 82.234641) (xy 92.81447 82.581682) (xy 92.835544 82.929698) (xy 92.842798 83.278276)
+ (xy 92.836214 83.627004) (xy 92.815776 83.975468) (xy 92.781468 84.323257) (xy 92.746159 84.6076)
+ (xy 92.702495 84.891206) (xy 92.652189 85.174204) (xy 92.596955 85.456726) (xy 92.361047 86.584641)
+ (xy 92.35454 86.614624) (xy 92.349719 86.644756) (xy 92.346571 86.67497) (xy 92.345082 86.705201)
+ (xy 91.47319 86.705201) (xy 91.519748 86.557983) (xy 91.595251 86.297609) (xy 91.664424 86.035684)
+ (xy 91.72725 85.772324) (xy 91.783709 85.507644) (xy 91.833786 85.241761) (xy 91.877462 84.974791)
+ (xy 91.91472 84.70685) (xy 91.945542 84.438054) (xy 91.969911 84.168519) (xy 91.987809 83.898361)
+ (xy 91.999219 83.627696) (xy 92.004123 83.356641) (xy 92.002504 83.08531) (xy 91.994344 82.813821)
+ (xy 91.971237 82.488414) (xy 91.935121 82.16459) (xy 91.886077 81.842735) (xy 91.824188 81.523233)
+ (xy 91.749536 81.20647) (xy 91.662205 80.892831) (xy 91.562276 80.582701) (xy 91.449833 80.276465)
+ (xy 91.428797 80.218132) (xy 91.405973 80.160592) (xy 91.381386 80.103883) (xy 91.35506 80.048043)
+ (xy 91.327022 79.993112) (xy 91.297295 79.939126) (xy 91.265906 79.886123) (xy 91.23288 79.834144)
+ (xy 91.198241 79.783224) (xy 91.162014 79.733403) (xy 91.124225 79.684719) (xy 91.0849 79.637211)
+ (xy 91.044062 79.590915) (xy 91.001737 79.545871) (xy 90.957951 79.502117) (xy 90.912727 79.45969)
+ (xy 90.740293 79.319779) (xy 90.565325 79.189981) (xy 90.387719 79.070776) (xy 90.207374 78.962639)
+ (xy 90.024185 78.866049) (xy 89.838049 78.781483) (xy 89.648865 78.709418) (xy 89.456527 78.650333)
+ (xy 89.260935 78.604704) (xy 89.061983 78.573009) (xy 88.859569 78.555726) (xy 88.653591 78.553331)
+ (xy 88.443944 78.566304) (xy 88.230527 78.59512) (xy 88.013235 78.640257) (xy 87.791966 78.702194)
+ (xy 87.652416 78.747093) (xy 87.513478 78.793795) (xy 87.375168 78.842294) (xy 87.237506 78.892582)
+ (xy 87.100508 78.944654) (xy 86.964192 78.998502) (xy 86.828577 79.054121) (xy 86.693679 79.111503)
+ (xy 86.585963 79.156878) (xy 86.480343 79.206224) (xy 86.376917 79.259462) (xy 86.275784 79.31651)
+ (xy 86.177042 79.377288) (xy 86.080789 79.441716) (xy 85.987125 79.509713) (xy 85.896146 79.581199)
+ (xy 85.807953 79.656095) (xy 85.722643 79.734318) (xy 85.640314 79.815789) (xy 85.561066 79.900428)
+ (xy 85.484996 79.988154) (xy 85.412202 80.078886) (xy 85.342784 80.172545) (xy 85.27684 80.269049)
+ (xy 85.129433 80.511588) (xy 84.990056 80.757772) (xy 84.924044 80.882502) (xy 84.860837 81.00847)
+ (xy 84.800701 81.135783) (xy 84.743903 81.26455) (xy 84.690707 81.39488) (xy 84.64138 81.526881)
+ (xy 84.596187 81.660662) (xy 84.555395 81.79633) (xy 84.51927 81.933996) (xy 84.488076 82.073767)
+ (xy 84.462081 82.215751) (xy 84.44155 82.360058) (xy 84.139659 84.421427) (xy 84.141512 84.421427)
+ (xy 84.136156 84.554183) (xy 83.532728 84.554183) (xy 83.532931 84.533718) (xy 83.532178 84.363793)
+ (xy 83.530326 84.023792) (xy 83.532699 83.853933) (xy 83.539586 83.684313) (xy 83.546448 83.544835)
+ (xy 83.555589 83.404359) (xy 83.578711 83.12128) (xy 83.630338 82.552693) (xy 83.649057 82.380365)
+ (xy 83.675044 82.210571) (xy 83.707842 82.043197) (xy 83.74699 81.878129) (xy 83.792031 81.715253)
+ (xy 83.842506 81.554455) (xy 83.897957 81.395622) (xy 83.957925 81.238639) (xy 84.021952 81.083392)
+ (xy 84.089578 80.929768) (xy 84.233799 80.626931) (xy 84.386918 80.329216) (xy 84.545267 80.035712)
+ (xy 84.638645 79.876635) (xy 84.738289 79.722087) (xy 84.844022 79.572225) (xy 84.955666 79.427209)
+ (xy 85.073044 79.287196) (xy 85.195978 79.152344) (xy 85.32429 79.022812) (xy 85.457803 78.898757)
+ (xy 85.59634 78.780339) (xy 85.739722 78.667715) (xy 85.887772 78.561044) (xy 86.040313 78.460484)
+ (xy 86.197167 78.366192) (xy 86.358156 78.278328) (xy 86.523104 78.197049) (xy 86.691831 78.122514)
+ (xy 86.859036 78.05862) (xy 87.02714 77.99722) (xy 87.196117 77.938324) (xy 87.365938 77.881941)
+ (xy 87.536576 77.828079) (xy 87.708003 77.776749) (xy 87.88019 77.727958) (xy 88.053111 77.681716)
+ (xy 88.075752 77.675708) (xy 88.098505 77.670234) (xy 88.121362 77.665296) (xy 88.144311 77.660894)
+ (xy 88.167344 77.65703) (xy 88.190452 77.653704) (xy 88.213624 77.650917) (xy 88.236851 77.64867)
+ (xy 88.260125 77.646964) (xy 88.283435 77.645799) (xy 88.306772 77.645176) (xy 88.330126 77.645096)
+ (xy 88.353489 77.64556) (xy 88.37685 77.646569) (xy 88.4002 77.648123) (xy 88.42353 77.650223) (xy 88.911843 77.696181)
+ (xy 89.155847 77.721199) (xy 89.399114 77.751166) (xy 89.641166 77.788772) (xy 89.761587 77.811281)
+ (xy 89.881525 77.836709) (xy 90.00092 77.865393) (xy 90.119713 77.897669) (xy 90.237844 77.933873)
+ (xy 90.355254 77.974343) (xy 90.417454 78.001288) (xy 90.47888 78.029773) (xy 90.539504 78.059779)
+ (xy 90.599299 78.091289) (xy 90.658239 78.124284) (xy 90.716295 78.158745) (xy 90.773443 78.194654)
+ (xy 90.829654 78.231993) (xy 90.884901 78.270744) (xy 90.939158 78.310887) (xy 90.992398 78.352404)
+ (xy 91.044594 78.395278) (xy 91.095719 78.439489) (xy 91.145746 78.48502) (xy 91.194648 78.531852)
+ (xy 91.242398 78.579967) (xy 91.327713 78.661866) (xy 91.408359 78.746898) (xy 91.484963 78.834725)
+ (xy 91.558151 78.925007) (xy 91.62855 79.017406) (xy 91.696786 79.111581) (xy 91.829279 79.303905)
+ (xy 91.960644 79.499268) (xy 92.095893 79.694955) (xy 92.166541 79.792073) (xy 92.240041 79.888254)
+ (xy 92.317019 79.983161) (xy 92.398102 80.076452) (xy 92.501732 79.905135) (xy 92.604841 79.736595)
+ (xy 92.655169 79.652498) (xy 92.70413 79.568054) (xy 92.75131 79.482916) (xy 92.796299 79.396736)
+ (xy 92.818806 79.354249) (xy 92.842662 79.313732) (xy 92.867999 79.275375) (xy 92.89495 79.239367)
+ (xy 92.923649 79.205899) (xy 92.938695 79.190176) (xy 92.954227 79.175159) (xy 92.970263 79.160872)
+ (xy 92.986819 79.147339) (xy 93.003912 79.134583) (xy 93.021557 79.122628) (xy 93.039772 79.111498)
+ (xy 93.058574 79.101216) (xy 93.077979 79.091806) (xy 93.098003 79.083292) (xy 93.118663 79.075698)
+ (xy 93.139976 79.069048) (xy 93.161959 79.063365) (xy 93.184628 79.058672) (xy 93.207999 79.054994)
+ (xy 93.23209 79.052355) (xy 93.256917 79.050778) (xy 93.282496 79.050286) (xy 93.308844 79.050905)
+ (xy 93.335978 79.052656) (xy 93.363915 79.055565) (xy 93.39267 79.059654) (xy 93.544671 79.078822)
+ (xy 93.694498 79.087548) (xy 93.842323 79.086631) (xy 93.988317 79.076873) (xy 94.132651 79.059074)
+ (xy 94.275495 79.034033) (xy 94.417021 79.002552) (xy 94.557399 78.96543) (xy 94.6968 78.923468)
+ (xy 94.835395 78.877467) (xy 95.110853 78.776547) (xy 95.65962 78.561445) (xy 95.784956 78.509345)
+ (xy 95.907974 78.452771) (xy 96.028568 78.39181) (xy 96.146629 78.326547) (xy 96.26205 78.257068)
+ (xy 96.374721 78.183459) (xy 96.484536 78.105805) (xy 96.591386 78.024192) (xy 96.695163 77.938706)
+ (xy 96.79576 77.849433) (xy 96.893068 77.756458) (xy 96.986979 77.659867) (xy 97.077385 77.559745)
+ (xy 97.164179 77.456179) (xy 97.247251 77.349253) (xy 97.326496 77.239055) (xy 98.162943 76.09053)
+ (xy 98.58681 75.519308) (xy 99.017449 74.951731) (xy 99.044047 74.921482) (xy 99.071196 74.89176)
+ (xy 99.098888 74.862574) (xy 99.127115 74.833929) (xy 99.155868 74.805833) (xy 99.185139 74.778293)
+ (xy 99.21492 74.751316) (xy 99.245203 74.724908) (xy 99.275979 74.699078) (xy 99.307241 74.673832)
+ (xy 99.33898 74.649177) (xy 99.371189 74.625119) (xy 99.403857 74.601667) (xy 99.436979 74.578827)
+ (xy 99.470545 74.556606) (xy 99.504547 74.535012) (xy 100.619038 73.75436) (xy 101.182361 73.368722)
+ (xy 101.466605 73.178442) (xy 101.752976 72.990375) (xy 101.987355 72.838494) (xy 102.223666 72.689325)
+ (xy 102.701474 72.396088) (xy 103.673585 71.808746) (xy 103.668871 71.739921) (xy 103.66044 71.672263)
+ (xy 103.648525 71.605636) (xy 103.63336 71.539904) (xy 103.615178 71.474932) (xy 103.594213 71.410583)
+ (xy 103.570697 71.346723) (xy 103.544865 71.283216) (xy 103.516949 71.219926) (xy 103.487183 71.156717)
+ (xy 103.423033 71.030001) (xy 103.282796 70.771577) (xy 101.717786 71.882828) (xy 101.340425 71.544591)
+ (xy 101.246844 71.458893) (xy 101.154696 71.372087) (xy 101.064544 71.28385) (xy 100.976953 71.193854)
+ (xy 100.960165 71.176259) (xy 100.942825 71.159402) (xy 100.906585 71.127928) (xy 100.868419 71.099475)
+ (xy 100.828515 71.07409) (xy 100.787061 71.051818) (xy 100.744245 71.032704) (xy 100.700254 71.016795)
+ (xy 100.655275 71.004135) (xy 100.609497 70.994771) (xy 100.563107 70.988747) (xy 100.516293 70.98611)
+ (xy 100.469242 70.986905) (xy 100.422141 70.991177) (xy 100.37518 70.998972) (xy 100.328544 71.010335)
+ (xy 100.305407 71.01737) (xy 100.282422 71.025313) (xy 97.841377 71.743922) (xy 97.772512 71.758988)
+ (xy 97.70346 71.773126) (xy 97.634231 71.786335) (xy 97.564834 71.798612) (xy 97.495278 71.809957)
+ (xy 97.425573 71.820368) (xy 97.355728 71.829842) (xy 97.285752 71.838378) (xy 96.859462 68.98987)
+ (xy 106.509124 68.98987) (xy 106.894358 70.471535) (xy 106.897856 70.484214) (xy 106.901746 70.496221)
+ (xy 106.906016 70.507579) (xy 106.910658 70.518311) (xy 106.91566 70.528439) (xy 106.921013 70.537986)
+ (xy 106.926707 70.546975) (xy 106.932731 70.555428) (xy 106.939075 70.563369) (xy 106.945729 70.57082)
+ (xy 106.952683 70.577803) (xy 106.959926 70.584342) (xy 106.967449 70.590459) (xy 106.975241 70.596176)
+ (xy 106.983292 70.601518) (xy 106.991592 70.606505) (xy 107.000131 70.611162) (xy 107.008899 70.61551)
+ (xy 107.017885 70.619573) (xy 107.027079 70.623373) (xy 107.046051 70.630275) (xy 107.065734 70.636399)
+ (xy 107.086047 70.641926) (xy 107.106907 70.647038) (xy 107.149947 70.656744) (xy 107.237682 70.66866)
+ (xy 107.325196 70.676809) (xy 107.412532 70.681457) (xy 107.499729 70.682875) (xy 107.586829 70.68133)
+ (xy 107.673872 70.67709) (xy 107.760899 70.670426) (xy 107.84795 70.661604) (xy 108.022289 70.638565)
+ (xy 108.197214 70.610122) (xy 108.550126 70.545617) (xy 108.881651 68.908375) (xy 106.509124 68.98987)
+ (xy 96.859462 68.98987) (xy 96.807908 68.645384) (xy 96.735095 68.669692) (xy 96.662607 68.692958)
+ (xy 96.519215 68.73845) (xy 96.448615 68.761716) (xy 96.378948 68.786025) (xy 96.310367 68.811896)
+ (xy 96.243022 68.83985) (xy 95.324622 69.250782) (xy 94.867591 69.461024) (xy 94.413164 69.676997)
+ (xy 94.211826 69.783757) (xy 94.007199 69.883635) (xy 93.799461 69.976561) (xy 93.588792 70.062465)
+ (xy 93.375368 70.141278) (xy 93.159369 70.212932) (xy 92.940973 70.277356) (xy 92.720357 70.334483)
+ (xy 92.696903 70.339123) (xy 92.673709 70.344524) (xy 92.627755 70.356475) (xy 92.604821 70.362462)
+ (xy 92.581801 70.36808) (xy 92.558606 70.373048) (xy 92.546917 70.375199) (xy 92.535152 70.377082)
+ (xy 92.484285 70.383132) (xy 92.437809 70.386588) (xy 92.39551 70.387288) (xy 92.375861 70.386553)
+ (xy 92.357178 70.385068) (xy 92.339433 70.382813) (xy 92.3226 70.379767) (xy 92.306654 70.37591)
+ (xy 92.291566 70.371221) (xy 92.277312 70.36568) (xy 92.263864 70.359268) (xy 92.251196 70.351962)
+ (xy 92.239281 70.343744) (xy 92.228094 70.334592) (xy 92.217607 70.324487) (xy 92.207794 70.313408)
+ (xy 92.198629 70.301334) (xy 92.190086 70.288246) (xy 92.182137 70.274123) (xy 92.174756 70.258945)
+ (xy 92.167918 70.242691) (xy 92.161595 70.22534) (xy 92.155761 70.206874) (xy 92.145454 70.16651)
+ (xy 92.136786 70.121437) (xy 92.129545 70.071491) (xy 91.981841 68.903287) (xy 91.903996 68.319707)
+ (xy 91.861188 68.028504) (xy 91.814691 67.737865) (xy 91.785781 67.564791) (xy 91.753572 67.39161)
+ (xy 91.718585 67.218559) (xy 91.681341 67.045877) (xy 91.602165 66.702577) (xy 91.520211 66.363615)
+ (xy 91.499619 66.290272) (xy 91.488682 66.256644) (xy 91.47728 66.225017) (xy 91.465384 66.195373)
+ (xy 91.452965 66.16769) (xy 91.439996 66.141948) (xy 91.426448 66.118129) (xy 91.412292 66.096211)
+ (xy 91.3975 66.076176) (xy 91.382043 66.058002) (xy 91.365894 66.04167) (xy 91.349022 66.027159)
+ (xy 91.3314 66.01445) (xy 91.313 66.003524) (xy 91.293792 65.994358) (xy 91.273749 65.986935) (xy 91.252842 65.981233)
+ (xy 91.231042 65.977233) (xy 91.208322 65.974915) (xy 91.184651 65.974259) (xy 91.160003 65.975244)
+ (xy 91.134348 65.977851) (xy 91.107658 65.98206) (xy 91.079905 65.98785) (xy 91.051059 65.995202)
+ (xy 91.021093 66.004096) (xy 90.989978 66.014511) (xy 90.957686 66.026428) (xy 90.924188 66.039826)
+ (xy 90.85346 66.070989) (xy 90.788619 66.100343) (xy 90.723322 66.128721) (xy 90.657635 66.156187)
+ (xy 90.591622 66.182807) (xy 90.525348 66.208646) (xy 90.458879 66.233768) (xy 90.325614 66.282123)
+ (xy 89.590337 66.533545) (xy 89.222351 66.659256) (xy 88.85506 66.787745) (xy 88.801084 66.806614)
+ (xy 88.752722 66.822109) (xy 88.709465 66.834022) (xy 88.689593 66.838572) (xy 88.670807 66.842148)
+ (xy 88.653044 66.844727) (xy 88.63624 66.846281) (xy 88.620332 66.846785) (xy 88.605257 66.846214)
+ (xy 88.590951 66.844541) (xy 88.577351 66.841741) (xy 88.564393 66.837788) (xy 88.552013 66.832656)
+ (xy 88.54015 66.826319) (xy 88.528738 66.818752) (xy 88.517715 66.809929) (xy 88.507017 66.799825)
+ (xy 88.496581 66.788412) (xy 88.486344 66.775667) (xy 88.476241 66.761561) (xy 88.46621 66.746071)
+ (xy 88.446109 66.710834) (xy 88.425533 66.669747) (xy 88.403975 66.622604) (xy 88.380927 66.5692)
+ (xy 88.349559 66.484085) (xy 88.32132 66.398096) (xy 88.296217 66.31132) (xy 88.274259 66.223842)
+ (xy 88.255453 66.135747) (xy 88.239805 66.047122) (xy 88.227324 65.958051) (xy 88.218016 65.868621)
+ (xy 88.21189 65.778916) (xy 88.208952 65.689023) (xy 88.209209 65.599028) (xy 88.210758 65.558737)
+ (xy 88.68813 65.558737) (xy 88.689887 65.602372) (xy 88.694544 65.647022) (xy 88.702467 65.692779)
+ (xy 88.707768 65.716101) (xy 88.714023 65.739735) (xy 88.721278 65.763691) (xy 88.729578 65.787982)
+ (xy 88.73897 65.812619) (xy 88.749498 65.837614) (xy 88.812173 65.785878) (xy 88.873762 65.735922)
+ (xy 88.99351 65.639439) (xy 89.051583 65.591957) (xy 89.108397 65.544346) (xy 89.163909 65.496126)
+ (xy 89.218075 65.446822) (xy 89.497277 65.16137) (xy 89.568054 65.090604) (xy 89.639482 65.021509)
+ (xy 89.711691 64.954801) (xy 89.74813 64.922566) (xy 89.784812 64.891197) (xy 89.924402 64.77725)
+ (xy 90.064969 64.665474) (xy 90.346688 64.445308) (xy 90.486668 64.335356) (xy 90.625281 64.224448)
+ (xy 90.761941 64.111804) (xy 90.896062 63.996642) (xy 91.061082 63.855877) (xy 91.224431 63.711942)
+ (xy 91.547764 63.417866) (xy 91.869361 63.121012) (xy 92.030539 62.973605) (xy 92.19252 62.827977)
+ (xy 92.245682 62.780863) (xy 92.30028 62.735506) (xy 92.35627 62.691938) (xy 92.413607 62.650189)
+ (xy 92.472247 62.61029) (xy 92.532146 62.572274) (xy 92.593259 62.536171) (xy 92.655542 62.502012)
+ (xy 92.676239 62.492243) (xy 92.69665 62.483759) (xy 92.716758 62.476545) (xy 92.736548 62.470584)
+ (xy 92.756005 62.465861) (xy 92.775112 62.462358) (xy 92.793854 62.460061) (xy 92.812216 62.458951)
+ (xy 92.830181 62.459013) (xy 92.847735 62.460231) (xy 92.864862 62.462589) (xy 92.881546 62.46607)
+ (xy 92.897771 62.470658) (xy 92.913522 62.476336) (xy 92.928784 62.483089) (xy 92.94354 62.490899)
+ (xy 92.957775 62.499752) (xy 92.971474 62.50963) (xy 92.984621 62.520518) (xy 92.9972 62.532398)
+ (xy 93.009195 62.545255) (xy 93.020592 62.559072) (xy 93.031374 62.573834) (xy 93.041527 62.589523)
+ (xy 93.051033 62.606124) (xy 93.059878 62.623621) (xy 93.068047 62.641996) (xy 93.075523 62.661234)
+ (xy 93.08229 62.681319) (xy 93.088335 62.702233) (xy 93.093639 62.723962) (xy 93.098189 62.746488)
+ (xy 93.100945 62.76954) (xy 93.10331 62.79263) (xy 93.105285 62.815753) (xy 93.10687 62.838905) (xy 93.108065 62.86208)
+ (xy 93.108868 62.885274) (xy 93.10928 62.908481) (xy 93.109301 62.931697) (xy 93.13824 63.689198)
+ (xy 93.154359 64.067777) (xy 93.174125 64.446703) (xy 93.17817 64.495488) (xy 93.183583 64.544072)
+ (xy 93.190355 64.592426) (xy 93.198477 64.640524) (xy 93.207941 64.688336) (xy 93.218739 64.735836)
+ (xy 93.230863 64.782995) (xy 93.244303 64.829786) (xy 93.259052 64.876182) (xy 93.275101 64.922154)
+ (xy 93.292442 64.967675) (xy 93.311066 65.012716) (xy 93.330965 65.057251) (xy 93.352131 65.101251)
+ (xy 93.374555 65.144689) (xy 93.398228 65.187537) (xy 93.601338 64.94629) (xy 93.798137 64.700312)
+ (xy 93.988553 64.44973) (xy 94.172515 64.194672) (xy 94.349951 63.935267) (xy 94.520787 63.671641)
+ (xy 94.684953 63.403924) (xy 94.842377 63.132243) (xy 94.992986 62.856725) (xy 95.136708 62.577499)
+ (xy 95.273471 62.294693) (xy 95.403204 62.008435) (xy 95.525834 61.718852) (xy 95.641289 61.426072)
+ (xy 95.749497 61.130224) (xy 95.755725 61.11178) (xy 96.339234 61.11178) (xy 96.34011 61.299313)
+ (xy 96.347188 61.484913) (xy 96.360139 61.668702) (xy 96.378636 61.850797) (xy 96.40235 62.031319)
+ (xy 96.430953 62.210387) (xy 96.464116 62.38812) (xy 96.501512 62.564638) (xy 96.542811 62.740059)
+ (xy 96.63581 63.088091) (xy 96.740485 63.433172) (xy 96.854211 63.776255) (xy 96.891136 63.881587)
+ (xy 96.931257 63.985538) (xy 96.974533 64.08804) (xy 97.020919 64.189026) (xy 97.070371 64.288428)
+ (xy 97.122847 64.386179) (xy 97.178303 64.482209) (xy 97.236695 64.576453) (xy 97.29798 64.668841)
+ (xy 97.362115 64.759307) (xy 97.429056 64.847781) (xy 97.49876 64.934198) (xy 97.571182 65.018488)
+ (xy 97.646281 65.100584) (xy 97.724011 65.180418) (xy 97.80433 65.257923) (xy 97.899702 65.349692)
+ (xy 97.993272 65.44374) (xy 98.17822 65.634592) (xy 98.271204 65.729355) (xy 98.365599 65.822317)
+ (xy 98.413576 65.867803) (xy 98.462207 65.912457) (xy 98.511593 65.95615) (xy 98.561832 65.998755)
+ (xy 98.840136 66.226156) (xy 98.980211 66.337405) (xy 99.121392 66.44696) (xy 99.26405 66.554779)
+ (xy 99.408552 66.660818) (xy 99.555268 66.765034) (xy 99.704567 66.867383) (xy 99.780603 66.911357)
+ (xy 99.857543 66.953565) (xy 99.935357 66.993997) (xy 100.014012 67.03264) (xy 100.093477 67.069483)
+ (xy 100.173722 67.104515) (xy 100.254714 67.137723) (xy 100.336423 67.169096) (xy 100.418818 67.198623)
+ (xy 100.501866 67.226291) (xy 100.585537 67.252089) (xy 100.669799 67.276007) (xy 100.754622 67.298031)
+ (xy 100.839973 67.31815) (xy 100.925822 67.336353) (xy 101.012137 67.352628) (xy 104.058814 68.158286)
+ (xy 104.274984 68.212192) (xy 104.492285 68.260914) (xy 104.710623 68.304435) (xy 104.929903 68.342741)
+ (xy 105.150034 68.375816) (xy 105.37092 68.403646) (xy 105.592468 68.426215) (xy 105.814584 68.443508)
+ (xy 106.170693 68.466079) (xy 106.527078 68.477881) (xy 106.883495 68.478924) (xy 107.239701 68.469219)
+ (xy 107.595451 68.448776) (xy 107.950504 68.417605) (xy 108.304614 68.375718) (xy 108.657539 68.323123)
+ (xy 109.577909 68.134558) (xy 110.496195 67.934185) (xy 111.411007 67.719923) (xy 112.320958 67.489686)
+ (xy 112.659553 67.395436) (xy 112.996871 67.296868) (xy 113.33287 67.193994) (xy 113.66751 67.086827)
+ (xy 114.00075 66.975382) (xy 114.332548 66.85967) (xy 114.662863 66.739706) (xy 114.991654 66.615503)
+ (xy 115.170781 66.540926) (xy 115.347789 66.4617) (xy 115.522589 66.377871) (xy 115.695092 66.289486)
+ (xy 115.865209 66.196593) (xy 116.032852 66.099239) (xy 116.19793 65.997471) (xy 116.360356 65.891337)
+ (xy 116.465881 65.819094) (xy 116.569159 65.743982) (xy 116.670136 65.666059) (xy 116.76876 65.585379)
+ (xy 116.864978 65.502) (xy 116.958737 65.415976) (xy 117.049983 65.327364) (xy 117.138665 65.23622)
+ (xy 117.224728 65.1426) (xy 117.308121 65.04656) (xy 117.388789 64.948156) (xy 117.46668 64.847444)
+ (xy 117.541742 64.74448) (xy 117.613921 64.63932) (xy 117.683164 64.53202) (xy 117.749418 64.422636)
+ (xy 117.826892 64.310408) (xy 117.902115 64.196707) (xy 117.975066 64.081567) (xy 118.045726 63.965022)
+ (xy 118.114074 63.847106) (xy 118.18009 63.727854) (xy 118.243753 63.6073) (xy 118.305044 63.48548)
+ (xy 118.387914 63.275565) (xy 118.466204 63.062916) (xy 118.540718 62.848096) (xy 118.612258 62.631671)
+ (xy 118.884747 61.761192) (xy 118.911165 61.671742) (xy 118.935303 61.581077) (xy 118.957835 61.489023)
+ (xy 118.979435 61.395406) (xy 119.022525 61.202789) (xy 119.045361 61.103441) (xy 119.069956 61.001837)
+ (xy 119.037925 61.001878) (xy 119.005905 61.002437) (xy 118.973901 61.003514) (xy 118.941922 61.005109)
+ (xy 118.909972 61.007221) (xy 118.878059 61.009849) (xy 118.846188 61.012995) (xy 118.814367 61.016657)
+ (xy 118.621182 61.05245) (xy 118.427799 61.080495) (xy 118.234237 61.101594) (xy 118.040515 61.116552)
+ (xy 117.846651 61.12617) (xy 117.652666 61.131252) (xy 117.264404 61.13102) (xy 116.487252 61.111458)
+ (xy 116.098665 61.104975) (xy 115.710274 61.109258) (xy 115.696174 61.11045) (xy 115.682055 61.111301)
+ (xy 115.667923 61.111812) (xy 115.653786 61.111982) (xy 115.639649 61.111812) (xy 115.625518 61.111301)
+ (xy 115.611399 61.11045) (xy 115.5973 61.109258) (xy 114.551797 60.943497) (xy 114.030436 60.85558)
+ (xy 113.77071 60.807476) (xy 113.511853 60.755509) (xy 113.320125 60.71817) (xy 113.130127 60.674529)
+ (xy 112.942006 60.624654) (xy 112.755907 60.568615) (xy 112.571978 60.506481) (xy 112.390363 60.438321)
+ (xy 112.211211 60.364205) (xy 112.034666 60.284201) (xy 111.860875 60.198379) (xy 111.689984 60.106808)
+ (xy 111.522139 60.009557) (xy 111.357487 59.906696) (xy 111.196173 59.798293) (xy 111.038345 59.684419)
+ (xy 110.884148 59.565141) (xy 110.733728 59.44053) (xy 110.701428 59.412556) (xy 110.668757 59.385026)
+ (xy 110.635718 59.357945) (xy 110.602316 59.331316) (xy 110.568556 59.305143) (xy 110.534442 59.279428)
+ (xy 110.49998 59.254177) (xy 110.465174 59.229392) (xy 110.358644 59.149244) (xy 110.254256 59.06656)
+ (xy 110.152051 58.981384) (xy 110.05207 58.893763) (xy 109.954356 58.803741) (xy 109.858949 58.711365)
+ (xy 109.765891 58.616679) (xy 109.675224 58.51973) (xy 109.586988 58.420562) (xy 109.501226 58.319221)
+ (xy 109.417979 58.215752) (xy 109.337289 58.110202) (xy 109.259196 58.002614) (xy 109.183743 57.893036)
+ (xy 109.11097 57.781512) (xy 109.04092 57.668087) (xy 109.012099 57.621688) (xy 108.984528 57.574611)
+ (xy 108.958218 57.526881) (xy 108.933179 57.478524) (xy 108.909419 57.429566) (xy 108.886949 57.380032)
+ (xy 108.865779 57.329949) (xy 108.845917 57.279342) (xy 108.827375 57.228238) (xy 108.810161 57.176661)
+ (xy 108.794285 57.124637) (xy 108.779758 57.072193) (xy 108.766588 57.019355) (xy 108.754785 56.966147)
+ (xy 108.74436 56.912596) (xy 108.735322 56.858727) (xy 108.73192 56.740164) (xy 108.731681 56.621615)
+ (xy 108.733584 56.544391) (xy 109.592395 56.544391) (xy 109.596083 56.62953) (xy 109.604416 56.714191)
+ (xy 109.616998 56.798337) (xy 109.633433 56.881929) (xy 109.653324 56.96493) (xy 109.676275 57.047302)
+ (xy 109.70189 57.129006) (xy 109.729774 57.210005) (xy 109.759529 57.29026) (xy 109.819239 57.435907)
+ (xy 109.886295 57.575723) (xy 109.960318 57.709913) (xy 110.040929 57.838679) (xy 110.127747 57.962226)
+ (xy 110.220393 58.080756) (xy 110.318487 58.194473) (xy 110.421648 58.303581) (xy 110.529498 58.408283)
+ (xy 110.641655 58.508783) (xy 110.757742 58.605283) (xy 110.877376 58.697988) (xy 111.00018 58.787101)
+ (xy 111.125772 58.872825) (xy 111.253774 58.955365) (xy 111.383804 59.034922) (xy 111.587418 59.148577)
+ (xy 111.793525 59.257125) (xy 112.002027 59.360534) (xy 112.212826 59.45877) (xy 112.425826 59.551801)
+ (xy 112.640928 59.639593) (xy 112.858034 59.722114) (xy 113.077048 59.799329) (xy 113.297871 59.871207)
+ (xy 113.520406 59.937713) (xy 113.744555 59.998816) (xy 113.970221 60.054481) (xy 114.197305 60.104675)
+ (xy 114.425711 60.149366) (xy 114.65534 60.188521) (xy 114.886095 60.222106) (xy 114.960818 60.234238)
+ (xy 115.035643 60.248145) (xy 115.185495 60.279696) (xy 115.485242 60.346661) (xy 115.634704 60.375738)
+ (xy 115.709237 60.387788) (xy 115.783602 60.397651) (xy 115.857772 60.404932) (xy 115.931719 60.409234)
+ (xy 116.005417 60.410161) (xy 116.078838 60.407317) (xy 116.19891 60.400717) (xy 116.318841 60.39784)
+ (xy 116.558411 60.400603) (xy 117.03729 60.42167) (xy 117.277121 60.429382) (xy 117.397248 60.430216)
+ (xy 117.517559 60.428152) (xy 117.638088 60.422529) (xy 117.758866 60.412685) (xy 117.879926 60.397957)
+ (xy 118.001301 60.377684) (xy 118.168269 60.350347) (xy 118.334102 60.317515) (xy 118.498666 60.279226)
+ (xy 118.661827 60.235518) (xy 118.823451 60.18643) (xy 118.983404 60.132) (xy 119.141551 60.072266)
+ (xy 119.297758 60.007266) (xy 119.430997 59.942447) (xy 119.560656 59.871872) (xy 119.686576 59.795705)
+ (xy 119.808598 59.714106) (xy 119.926564 59.627237) (xy 120.040313 59.535259) (xy 120.149687 59.438335)
+ (xy 120.254527 59.336624) (xy 120.354673 59.230289) (xy 120.449967 59.119491) (xy 120.54025 59.004392)
+ (xy 120.625362 58.885153) (xy 120.705144 58.761936) (xy 120.779438 58.634901) (xy 120.848083 58.504211)
+ (xy 120.910922 58.370026) (xy 120.931568 58.321914) (xy 120.950185 58.273146) (xy 120.966769 58.223784)
+ (xy 120.981311 58.173892) (xy 120.993806 58.123534) (xy 121.004248 58.072773) (xy 121.012628 58.021673)
+ (xy 121.018942 57.970296) (xy 121.023183 57.918707) (xy 121.025344 57.866969) (xy 121.025418 57.815146)
+ (xy 121.0234 57.7633) (xy 121.019282 57.711495) (xy 121.013058 57.659795) (xy 121.004722 57.608264)
+ (xy 120.994267 57.556963) (xy 120.978478 57.477407) (xy 120.960304 57.398497) (xy 120.939768 57.320285)
+ (xy 120.916892 57.242821) (xy 120.8917 57.166156) (xy 120.864215 57.090342) (xy 120.834459 57.015428)
+ (xy 120.802456 56.941466) (xy 120.768229 56.868507) (xy 120.731799 56.796602) (xy 120.693192 56.725801)
+ (xy 120.652428 56.656156) (xy 120.609532 56.587717) (xy 120.564526 56.520535) (xy 120.517433 56.454662)
+ (xy 120.468276 56.390148) (xy 120.337977 56.241949) (xy 120.2028 56.10059) (xy 120.062945 55.965661)
+ (xy 119.918614 55.836751) (xy 119.770006 55.713453) (xy 119.617324 55.595355) (xy 119.460768 55.482048)
+ (xy 119.300538 55.373123) (xy 119.136836 55.268169) (xy 118.969861 55.166778) (xy 118.799816 55.068539)
+ (xy 118.6269 54.973044) (xy 118.273261 54.788642) (xy 117.910549 54.610296) (xy 117.938943 54.735642)
+ (xy 117.963345 54.861599) (xy 117.983757 54.988072) (xy 118.000179 55.114969) (xy 118.012613 55.242193)
+ (xy 118.021059 55.369653) (xy 118.025519 55.497253) (xy 118.025995 55.6249) (xy 118.022486 55.752499)
+ (xy 118.014995 55.879958) (xy 118.003522 56.00718) (xy 117.988068 56.134074) (xy 117.968635 56.260544)
+ (xy 117.945224 56.386497) (xy 117.917835 56.511839) (xy 117.886471 56.636475) (xy 117.754047 57.136654)
+ (xy 117.685925 57.385007) (xy 117.61051 57.630581) (xy 117.568658 57.751947) (xy 117.523289 57.872163)
+ (xy 117.47384 57.991076) (xy 117.419746 58.108535) (xy 117.360444 58.224387) (xy 117.295368 58.338482)
+ (xy 117.223955 58.450667) (xy 117.14564 58.56079) (xy 117.039394 58.692442) (xy 116.934904 58.809913)
+ (xy 116.883146 58.863484) (xy 116.831623 58.913694) (xy 116.780267 58.960605) (xy 116.729008 59.004277)
+ (xy 116.677779 59.044772) (xy 116.626511 59.082152) (xy 116.575138 59.116477) (xy 116.523589 59.14781)
+ (xy 116.471798 59.176211) (xy 116.419696 59.201742) (xy 116.367214 59.224464) (xy 116.314285 59.24444)
+ (xy 116.260841 59.261729) (xy 116.206813 59.276394) (xy 116.152134 59.288496) (xy 116.096734 59.298096)
+ (xy 116.040546 59.305256) (xy 115.983502 59.310036) (xy 115.925534 59.312499) (xy 115.866572 59.312706)
+ (xy 115.745399 59.306597) (xy 115.619438 59.292199) (xy 115.488143 59.270005) (xy 115.350968 59.240504)
+ (xy 115.276149 59.221157) (xy 115.203007 59.19767) (xy 115.131685 59.17016) (xy 115.06233 59.138743)
+ (xy 114.995084 59.103537) (xy 114.930094 59.064658) (xy 114.867503 59.022225) (xy 114.807457 58.976354)
+ (xy 114.7501 58.927162) (xy 114.695576 58.874766) (xy 114.644031 58.819283) (xy 114.595608 58.760831)
+ (xy 114.550453 58.699527) (xy 114.50871 58.635488) (xy 114.470524 58.56883) (xy 114.436039 58.499671)
+ (xy 114.380206 58.392038) (xy 114.327679 58.282963) (xy 114.27848 58.172523) (xy 114.232627 58.060794)
+ (xy 114.190141 57.947854) (xy 114.151043 57.833779) (xy 114.115352 57.718648) (xy 114.083088 57.602536)
+ (xy 114.054273 57.48552) (xy 114.028925 57.367678) (xy 114.007066 57.249087) (xy 113.988714 57.129824)
+ (xy 113.973892 57.009965) (xy 113.962617 56.889588) (xy 113.954912 56.76877) (xy 113.950795 56.647587)
+ (xy 113.950649 56.590176) (xy 114.482342 56.590176) (xy 114.484195 56.584614) (xy 114.486945 56.690131)
+ (xy 114.492836 56.795353) (xy 114.501849 56.900213) (xy 114.513967 57.004644) (xy 114.529175 57.108577)
+ (xy 114.547453 57.211945) (xy 114.568785 57.314679) (xy 114.593154 57.416713) (xy 114.620543 57.517978)
+ (xy 114.650933 57.618407) (xy 114.684308 57.717932) (xy 114.720651 57.816485) (xy 114.759944 57.913998)
+ (xy 114.80217 58.010404) (xy 114.847312 58.105635) (xy 114.895353 58.199623) (xy 114.927146 58.256117)
+ (xy 114.96065 58.309276) (xy 114.995775 58.359117) (xy 115.032431 58.405659) (xy 115.070527 58.44892)
+ (xy 115.109974 58.488917) (xy 115.150681 58.525669) (xy 115.192558 58.559193) (xy 115.235515 58.589508)
+ (xy 115.279461 58.616631) (xy 115.324306 58.64058) (xy 115.369961 58.661374) (xy 115.416335 58.67903)
+ (xy 115.463337 58.693566) (xy 115.510878 58.705001) (xy 115.558867 58.713352) (xy 115.607215 58.718638)
+ (xy 115.65583 58.720875) (xy 115.704623 58.720083) (xy 115.753503 58.716279) (xy 115.802381 58.709481)
+ (xy 115.851165 58.699708) (xy 115.899767 58.686976) (xy 115.948095 58.671305) (xy 115.99606 58.652711)
+ (xy 116.043571 58.631214) (xy 116.090538 58.606831) (xy 116.13687 58.579579) (xy 116.182479 58.549478)
+ (xy 116.227273 58.516544) (xy 116.271162 58.480797) (xy 116.314056 58.442253) (xy 116.369222 58.389588)
+ (xy 116.422621 58.335315) (xy 116.474224 58.279483) (xy 116.524 58.222138) (xy 116.571919 58.163325)
+ (xy 116.61795 58.103092) (xy 116.662064 58.041486) (xy 116.704231 57.978551) (xy 116.74442 57.914336)
+ (xy 116.782602 57.848887) (xy 116.818745 57.78225) (xy 116.852821 57.714471) (xy 116.884799 57.645597)
+ (xy 116.914648 57.575675) (xy 116.942339 57.504752) (xy 116.967841 57.432872) (xy 117.016994 57.282351)
+ (xy 117.062854 57.13151) (xy 117.105121 56.980332) (xy 117.143499 56.828802) (xy 117.177687 56.676903)
+ (xy 117.207388 56.524618) (xy 117.232304 56.371933) (xy 117.252135 56.218829) (xy 117.266584 56.065292)
+ (xy 117.275351 55.911304) (xy 117.278139 55.756849) (xy 117.274649 55.601912) (xy 117.264583 55.446475)
+ (xy 117.247641 55.290523) (xy 117.223526 55.134039) (xy 117.19194 54.977007) (xy 117.178334 54.919803)
+ (xy 117.163052 54.862989) (xy 117.145849 54.806869) (xy 117.126481 54.751748) (xy 117.104704 54.69793)
+ (xy 117.080273 54.645717) (xy 117.052945 54.595414) (xy 117.022475 54.547325) (xy 116.98862 54.501753)
+ (xy 116.951134 54.459003) (xy 116.930953 54.438781) (xy 116.909774 54.419379) (xy 116.887565 54.400833)
+ (xy 116.864296 54.383183) (xy 116.839936 54.366466) (xy 116.814455 54.350721) (xy 116.787823 54.335985)
+ (xy 116.760008 54.322295) (xy 116.73098 54.309692) (xy 116.70071 54.298211) (xy 116.669165 54.287891)
+ (xy 116.636317 54.278771) (xy 116.539624 54.25524) (xy 116.442715 54.232902) (xy 116.248767 54.189639)
+ (xy 116.055513 54.14464) (xy 115.959472 54.120133) (xy 115.863995 54.093564) (xy 115.826843 54.080965)
+ (xy 115.789253 54.071623) (xy 115.751408 54.065485) (xy 115.71349 54.062497) (xy 115.675683 54.062605)
+ (xy 115.638171 54.065756) (xy 115.601135 54.071897) (xy 115.564759 54.080973) (xy 115.529226 54.092931)
+ (xy 115.49472 54.107718) (xy 115.461422 54.12528) (xy 115.429517 54.145564) (xy 115.399187 54.168515)
+ (xy 115.370616 54.194081) (xy 115.343986 54.222208) (xy 115.31948 54.252842) (xy 115.228796 54.367752)
+ (xy 115.142129 54.485564) (xy 115.059543 54.606172) (xy 114.981104 54.72947) (xy 114.90688 54.855349)
+ (xy 114.836935 54.983703) (xy 114.771337 55.114425) (xy 114.71015 55.247407) (xy 114.682026 55.328416)
+ (xy 114.65573 55.409959) (xy 114.631265 55.492004) (xy 114.608638 55.57452) (xy 114.587854 55.657476)
+ (xy 114.568917 55.740842) (xy 114.551834 55.824585) (xy 114.536609 55.908676) (xy 114.523248 55.993083)
+ (xy 114.511756 56.077775) (xy 114.502138 56.162721) (xy 114.494399 56.24789) (xy 114.488545 56.333251)
+ (xy 114.48458 56.418773) (xy 114.482511 56.504425) (xy 114.482342 56.590176) (xy 113.950649 56.590176)
+ (xy 113.949637 56.191281) (xy 113.946889 55.963388) (xy 113.941537 55.736362) (xy 113.939702 55.64361)
+ (xy 113.940459 55.550969) (xy 113.943797 55.458494) (xy 113.949707 55.366238) (xy 113.958177 55.274252)
+ (xy 113.969199 55.182591) (xy 113.982761 55.091306) (xy 113.998855 55.000452) (xy 114.017468 54.91008)
+ (xy 114.038593 54.820244) (xy 114.062218 54.730997) (xy 114.088333 54.642391) (xy 114.116929 54.554479)
+ (xy 114.147994 54.467315) (xy 114.18152 54.380951) (xy 114.217495 54.29544) (xy 114.23475 54.250441)
+ (xy 114.252048 54.203879) (xy 114.288336 54.103288) (xy 114.329487 53.988112) (xy 114.378626 53.852795)
+ (xy 114.378626 53.845384) (xy 114.249367 53.84964) (xy 114.120215 53.855925) (xy 113.991194 53.864237)
+ (xy 113.862327 53.874574) (xy 113.733638 53.886935) (xy 113.605152 53.901317) (xy 113.476891 53.917718)
+ (xy 113.34888 53.936136) (xy 112.302442 54.265808) (xy 112.180812 54.298287) (xy 112.06022 54.333899)
+ (xy 111.940725 54.372616) (xy 111.822384 54.414409) (xy 111.705255 54.45925) (xy 111.589395 54.507111)
+ (xy 111.474863 54.557962) (xy 111.361716 54.611777) (xy 111.250012 54.668526) (xy 111.139808 54.728181)
+ (xy 111.031163 54.790714) (xy 110.924134 54.856096) (xy 110.818779 54.924298) (xy 110.715156 54.995293)
+ (xy 110.613322 55.069053) (xy 110.513336 55.145548) (xy 110.453409 55.183008) (xy 110.394778 55.222249)
+ (xy 110.337478 55.263232) (xy 110.281544 55.305924) (xy 110.227012 55.350286) (xy 110.173918 55.396283)
+ (xy 110.122297 55.44388) (xy 110.072185 55.493039) (xy 110.023618 55.543725) (xy 109.976632 55.595901)
+ (xy 109.931261 55.649532) (xy 109.887543 55.704582) (xy 109.845512 55.761013) (xy 109.805205 55.81879)
+ (xy 109.766656 55.877878) (xy 109.729902 55.938239) (xy 109.689986 56.025657) (xy 109.657488 56.112863)
+ (xy 109.632011 56.19982) (xy 109.613159 56.286489) (xy 109.600537 56.372833) (xy 109.593747 56.458813)
+ (xy 109.592395 56.544391) (xy 108.733584 56.544391) (xy 108.734601 56.503143) (xy 108.740676 56.384813)
+ (xy 108.749903 56.266686) (xy 108.762277 56.148826) (xy 108.777794 56.031297) (xy 108.79645 55.914161)
+ (xy 108.79799 55.904845) (xy 108.799851 55.895609) (xy 108.802028 55.88646) (xy 108.804519 55.877405)
+ (xy 108.807319 55.868454) (xy 108.810426 55.859612) (xy 108.813835 55.850888) (xy 108.817543 55.84229)
+ (xy 108.821547 55.833825) (xy 108.825843 55.825502) (xy 108.830428 55.817328) (xy 108.835297 55.80931)
+ (xy 108.840448 55.801457) (xy 108.845877 55.793777) (xy 108.85158 55.786276) (xy 108.857554 55.778963)
+ (xy 109.011821 55.592109) (xy 109.168996 55.408228) (xy 109.249312 55.318169) (xy 109.33112 55.229773)
+ (xy 109.414675 55.143347) (xy 109.500232 55.059197) (xy 109.588046 54.97763) (xy 109.678372 54.898952)
+ (xy 109.771466 54.823471) (xy 109.867582 54.751491) (xy 109.966975 54.683321) (xy 110.0699 54.619266)
+ (xy 110.176613 54.559633) (xy 110.287368 54.504729) (xy 110.745817 54.295501) (xy 111.214338 54.08662)
+ (xy 112.157974 53.665735) (xy 112.172154 53.659314) (xy 112.186251 53.652558) (xy 112.214376 53.6381)
+ (xy 112.242718 53.622469) (xy 112.271646 53.605775) (xy 112.332736 53.56963) (xy 112.365635 53.550396)
+ (xy 112.400596 53.530533) (xy 111.978322 52.476698) (xy 111.935943 52.508911) (xy 111.895202 52.542298)
+ (xy 111.818197 52.612298) (xy 111.746434 52.686108) (xy 111.679038 52.763135) (xy 111.615137 52.842788)
+ (xy 111.553857 52.924476) (xy 111.435663 53.09159) (xy 111.31747 53.259746) (xy 111.256189 53.342736)
+ (xy 111.192288 53.424212) (xy 111.124892 53.503583) (xy 111.053128 53.580257) (xy 110.976123 53.653643)
+ (xy 110.935382 53.688918) (xy 110.893002 53.723149) (xy 110.786801 53.455401) (xy 110.678885 53.192817)
+ (xy 110.566498 52.935877) (xy 110.446883 52.685058) (xy 110.383504 52.562092) (xy 110.317285 52.440836)
+ (xy 110.24788 52.321348) (xy 110.174946 52.203689) (xy 110.098137 52.087919) (xy 110.01711 51.974096)
+ (xy 109.931519 51.862281) (xy 109.841021 51.752533) (xy 109.772708 51.845094) (xy 109.706369 51.936699)
+ (xy 109.577795 52.117393) (xy 109.451651 52.295309) (xy 109.324288 52.471142) (xy 108.77885 53.242535)
+ (xy 108.635002 53.430608) (xy 108.560195 53.522615) (xy 108.483038 53.612951) (xy 108.403211 53.701377)
+ (xy 108.320395 53.787655) (xy 108.234268 53.871545) (xy 108.144512 53.952809) (xy 108.078783 54.009577)
+ (xy 108.019945 54.058906) (xy 107.967162 54.100606) (xy 107.942781 54.118536) (xy 107.9196 54.134487)
+ (xy 107.897515 54.148436) (xy 107.876421 54.160359) (xy 107.856215 54.170233) (xy 107.836791 54.178033)
+ (xy 107.818046 54.183735) (xy 107.799874 54.187317) (xy 107.782172 54.188755) (xy 107.764834 54.188023)
+ (xy 107.747757 54.1851) (xy 107.730836 54.179961) (xy 107.713967 54.172582) (xy 107.697045 54.16294)
+ (xy 107.679965 54.151011) (xy 107.662624 54.136771) (xy 107.644916 54.120197) (xy 107.626737 54.101264)
+ (xy 107.607984 54.079949) (xy 107.58855 54.056229) (xy 107.547227 54.001475) (xy 107.501932 53.936814)
+ (xy 107.451829 53.862055) (xy 107.44118 53.846237) (xy 107.430184 53.830657) (xy 107.407845 53.799779)
+ (xy 107.396848 53.784265) (xy 107.386199 53.768555) (xy 107.381059 53.760592) (xy 107.37607 53.752541)
+ (xy 107.371256 53.744386) (xy 107.366636 53.736115) (xy 106.905003 52.929765) (xy 106.673839 52.52685)
+ (xy 106.440593 52.124803) (xy 106.286755 51.865773) (xy 106.128054 51.605526) (xy 105.796069 51.065412)
+ (xy 105.302719 51.482593) (xy 105.062383 51.683718) (xy 104.821874 51.880327) (xy 104.325285 52.279219)
+ (xy 104.197827 52.379431) (xy 104.069436 52.478579) (xy 103.940307 52.576035) (xy 103.810635 52.671168)
+ (xy 103.681592 52.762358) (xy 103.553744 52.849229) (xy 103.426373 52.933018) (xy 103.298764 53.014962)
+ (xy 102.771616 53.34903) (xy 103.978942 53.69699) (xy 104.271279 53.788918) (xy 104.559599 53.88842)
+ (xy 104.843796 53.998297) (xy 104.984314 54.058002) (xy 105.123761 54.121349) (xy 105.203798 54.161707)
+ (xy 105.282894 54.203728) (xy 105.361023 54.247393) (xy 105.438163 54.292686) (xy 105.514286 54.339588)
+ (xy 105.589371 54.388082) (xy 105.66339 54.438149) (xy 105.736321 54.489773) (xy 105.808138 54.542935)
+ (xy 105.878817 54.597617) (xy 105.948333 54.653801) (xy 106.016662 54.711471) (xy 106.083779 54.770608)
+ (xy 106.14966 54.831193) (xy 106.214279 54.89321) (xy 106.277612 54.956641) (xy 106.316533 54.99572)
+ (xy 106.353468 55.035503) (xy 106.42164 55.117084) (xy 106.482649 55.201193) (xy 106.537018 55.287641)
+ (xy 106.585266 55.376238) (xy 106.627914 55.466793) (xy 106.665484 55.559118) (xy 106.698496 55.653021)
+ (xy 106.72747 55.748314) (xy 106.752929 55.844806) (xy 106.775393 55.942307) (xy 106.795382 56.040627)
+ (xy 106.830022 56.238966) (xy 106.861014 56.438304) (xy 106.869906 56.511977) (xy 106.875776 56.585734)
+ (xy 106.878641 56.659487) (xy 106.878516 56.733145) (xy 106.875419 56.806621) (xy 106.869365 56.879825)
+ (xy 106.860372 56.952668) (xy 106.848456 57.025061) (xy 106.833633 57.096915) (xy 106.815921 57.168142)
+ (xy 106.795334 57.238652) (xy 106.771891 57.308356) (xy 106.745607 57.377165) (xy 106.716499 57.44499)
+ (xy 106.684584 57.511743) (xy 106.649877 57.577334) (xy 106.581625 57.707772) (xy 106.515369 57.839143)
+ (xy 106.386417 58.103557) (xy 106.25816 58.368318) (xy 106.192773 58.500124) (xy 106.125737 58.63117)
+ (xy 106.10157 58.68055) (xy 106.07575 58.728953) (xy 106.048311 58.776343) (xy 106.019285 58.82268)
+ (xy 105.988704 58.867929) (xy 105.956601 58.912051) (xy 105.923009 58.955009) (xy 105.887959 58.996766)
+ (xy 105.851485 59.037285) (xy 105.813618 59.076528) (xy 105.774391 59.114458) (xy 105.733838 59.151037)
+ (xy 105.691989 59.186229) (xy 105.648878 59.219995) (xy 105.604537 59.252298) (xy 105.558999 59.283102)
+ (xy 105.301878 59.442846) (xy 105.045278 59.603977) (xy 104.91625 59.68311) (xy 104.786246 59.760247)
+ (xy 104.654896 59.834605) (xy 104.521831 59.905404) (xy 104.292582 60.017542) (xy 104.060576 60.119001)
+ (xy 103.826009 60.21052) (xy 103.589076 60.292836) (xy 103.349973 60.366688) (xy 103.108894 60.432813)
+ (xy 102.866036 60.49195) (xy 102.621594 60.544835) (xy 102.128737 60.634806) (xy 101.631887 60.708629)
+ (xy 100.632456 60.831446) (xy 100.331153 60.861119) (xy 100.028851 60.883044) (xy 99.725768 60.898675)
+ (xy 99.422121 60.909465) (xy 98.206226 60.93331) (xy 96.344888 60.922197) (xy 96.339234 61.11178)
+ (xy 95.755725 61.11178) (xy 95.850387 60.831435) (xy 95.831823 60.817851) (xy 95.81292 60.804763)
+ (xy 95.793688 60.792177) (xy 95.774139 60.780098) (xy 95.754281 60.768532) (xy 95.734125 60.757487)
+ (xy 95.713681 60.746967) (xy 95.692959 60.736979) (xy 95.574661 60.696733) (xy 95.462027 60.649852)
+ (xy 95.354863 60.596687) (xy 95.252973 60.537591) (xy 95.156162 60.472917) (xy 95.064234 60.403019)
+ (xy 94.976994 60.328247) (xy 94.894248 60.248956) (xy 94.815798 60.165497) (xy 94.741451 60.078224)
+ (xy 94.67101 59.987489) (xy 94.604281 59.893645) (xy 94.541068 59.797044) (xy 94.481176 59.69804)
+ (xy 94.424409 59.596984) (xy 94.370572 59.494231) (xy 94.305945 59.36115) (xy 94.244113 59.226868)
+ (xy 94.185091 59.09143) (xy 94.128893 58.95488) (xy 94.075532 58.817263) (xy 94.025022 58.678623)
+ (xy 93.977377 58.539006) (xy 93.93261 58.398455) (xy 93.890735 58.257015) (xy 93.851765 58.114732)
+ (xy 93.815716 57.971649) (xy 93.782599 57.827812) (xy 93.75243 57.683265) (xy 93.725221 57.538052)
+ (xy 93.718671 57.498639) (xy 94.56249 57.498639) (xy 94.562945 57.597678) (xy 94.565895 57.696611)
+ (xy 94.571332 57.795393) (xy 94.579253 57.893975) (xy 94.589651 57.992312) (xy 94.602521 58.090355)
+ (xy 94.617857 58.188059) (xy 94.635653 58.285376) (xy 94.655905 58.38226) (xy 94.678607 58.478663)
+ (xy 94.703752 58.574538) (xy 94.731336 58.66984) (xy 94.761353 58.76452) (xy 94.783209 58.830553)
+ (xy 94.80782 58.895363) (xy 94.83513 58.958873) (xy 94.86508 59.021006) (xy 94.897614 59.081685)
+ (xy 94.932673 59.140835) (xy 94.970202 59.198377) (xy 95.010141 59.254236) (xy 95.052435 59.308335)
+ (xy 95.097025 59.360596) (xy 95.143854 59.410944) (xy 95.192865 59.459301) (xy 95.244001 59.505591)
+ (xy 95.297203 59.549738) (xy 95.352415 59.591663) (xy 95.40958 59.631291) (xy 95.539326 59.711238)
+ (xy 95.671528 59.786377) (xy 95.80605 59.856668) (xy 95.942756 59.92207) (xy 96.08151 59.982544)
+ (xy 96.222179 60.03805) (xy 96.364625 60.088547) (xy 96.508715 60.133995) (xy 96.654311 60.174354)
+ (xy 96.80128 60.209584) (xy 96.949484 60.239645) (xy 97.09879 60.264497) (xy 97.249062 60.284099)
+ (xy 97.400164 60.298411) (xy 97.55196 60.307394) (xy 97.704316 60.311008) (xy 97.982538 60.313023)
+ (xy 98.261475 60.309069) (xy 98.820891 60.289941) (xy 99.381349 60.266992) (xy 99.661589 60.258264)
+ (xy 99.941633 60.253594) (xy 100.426174 60.230256) (xy 100.908778 60.187366) (xy 101.388861 60.125036)
+ (xy 101.865837 60.04338) (xy 102.339123 59.942508) (xy 102.808133 59.822534) (xy 103.272283 59.683569)
+ (xy 103.730988 59.525727) (xy 103.785426 59.50848) (xy 103.839207 59.489575) (xy 103.892295 59.469033)
+ (xy 103.944655 59.446876) (xy 103.996252 59.423125) (xy 104.047049 59.397801) (xy 104.097013 59.370925)
+ (xy 104.146107 59.342518) (xy 104.194297 59.312602) (xy 104.241545 59.281198) (xy 104.287819 59.248326)
+ (xy 104.333081 59.214009) (xy 104.377296 59.178268) (xy 104.42043 59.141123) (xy 104.462446 59.102596)
+ (xy 104.50331 59.062708) (xy 104.831941 58.706933) (xy 105.157098 58.348728) (xy 105.799771 57.629192)
+ (xy 105.807499 57.620171) (xy 105.814996 57.610972) (xy 105.82226 57.601602) (xy 105.829288 57.592064)
+ (xy 105.836076 57.582363) (xy 105.842623 57.572504) (xy 105.848926 57.562491) (xy 105.854982 57.552328)
+ (xy 105.860789 57.542022) (xy 105.866343 57.531575) (xy 105.871643 57.520992) (xy 105.876685 57.510279)
+ (xy 105.881467 57.499439) (xy 105.885986 57.488478) (xy 105.89024 57.477399) (xy 105.894226 57.466208)
+ (xy 105.937953 57.335051) (xy 105.978384 57.204113) (xy 106.014826 57.073398) (xy 106.046589 56.942908)
+ (xy 106.07298 56.812646) (xy 106.093307 56.682614) (xy 106.106879 56.552816) (xy 106.113004 56.423254)
+ (xy 106.110989 56.29393) (xy 106.100144 56.164848) (xy 106.079776 56.03601) (xy 106.049193 55.907419)
+ (xy 106.007705 55.779078) (xy 105.982654 55.715001) (xy 105.954618 55.650988) (xy 105.923509 55.587039)
+ (xy 105.889241 55.523154) (xy 105.851727 55.459333) (xy 105.810882 55.395578) (xy 105.785599 55.352598)
+ (xy 105.758725 55.310756) (xy 105.730301 55.27009) (xy 105.700368 55.230638) (xy 105.668967 55.192438)
+ (xy 105.636142 55.155529) (xy 105.601931 55.11995) (xy 105.566379 55.085738) (xy 105.529524 55.052932)
+ (xy 105.49141 55.021571) (xy 105.452078 54.991692) (xy 105.411568 54.963334) (xy 105.369923 54.936536)
+ (xy 105.327184 54.911336) (xy 105.283393 54.887771) (xy 105.23859 54.865882) (xy 105.141652 54.827939)
+ (xy 105.044063 54.791538) (xy 104.8478 54.721188) (xy 104.651537 54.65049) (xy 104.553948 54.613654)
+ (xy 104.45701 54.575103) (xy 104.333979 54.527881) (xy 104.210097 54.486594) (xy 104.085422 54.450755)
+ (xy 103.960015 54.419876) (xy 103.833935 54.393467) (xy 103.707242 54.371041) (xy 103.579995 54.35211)
+ (xy 103.452255 54.336185) (xy 103.195532 54.311398) (xy 102.937549 54.292776) (xy 102.419719 54.258395)
+ (xy 102.489404 54.788786) (xy 102.521555 55.042609) (xy 102.549364 55.295563) (xy 102.579826 55.637558)
+ (xy 102.599284 55.97849) (xy 102.603726 56.148441) (xy 102.604026 56.317989) (xy 102.599719 56.487086)
+ (xy 102.590341 56.655687) (xy 102.575429 56.823745) (xy 102.554519 56.991215) (xy 102.527145 57.158049)
+ (xy 102.492846 57.324203) (xy 102.451157 57.489629) (xy 102.401613 57.654282) (xy 102.343751 57.818116)
+ (xy 102.277107 57.981084) (xy 102.236289 58.080329) (xy 102.191806 58.177678) (xy 102.14373 58.27304)
+ (xy 102.092135 58.366325) (xy 102.037093 58.457441) (xy 101.978679 58.546297) (xy 101.916964 58.632802)
+ (xy 101.852024 58.716864) (xy 101.783929 58.798393) (xy 101.712755 58.877298) (xy 101.638574 58.953487)
+ (xy 101.561459 59.026869) (xy 101.481483 59.097353) (xy 101.398721 59.164849) (xy 101.313244 59.229264)
+ (xy 101.225126 59.290508) (xy 101.172587 59.31998) (xy 101.118798 59.346373) (xy 101.063891 59.369674)
+ (xy 101.007997 59.389868) (xy 100.951249 59.406942) (xy 100.893779 59.420883) (xy 100.835717 59.431677)
+ (xy 100.777197 59.439311) (xy 100.71835 59.44377) (xy 100.659308 59.445042) (xy 100.600202 59.443112)
+ (xy 100.541166 59.437967) (xy 100.482329 59.429594) (xy 100.423825 59.417978) (xy 100.365786 59.403107)
+ (xy 100.308342 59.384966) (xy 100.225552 59.361426) (xy 100.14454 59.333657) (xy 100.065447 59.301769)
+ (xy 99.98841 59.265872) (xy 99.913568 59.226078) (xy 99.84106 59.182496) (xy 99.771026 59.135236)
+ (xy 99.703602 59.08441) (xy 99.638929 59.030127) (xy 99.577146 58.972498) (xy 99.518389 58.911633)
+ (xy 99.4628 58.847643) (xy 99.410516 58.780638) (xy 99.361676 58.710729) (xy 99.316418 58.638025)
+ (xy 99.274882 58.562638) (xy 99.251684 58.526865) (xy 99.227962 58.491445) (xy 99.20372 58.456385)
+ (xy 99.178962 58.42169) (xy 99.153693 58.387367) (xy 99.127916 58.353419) (xy 99.101636 58.319854)
+ (xy 99.074857 58.286677) (xy 99.027648 58.21531) (xy 98.982527 58.142746) (xy 98.939511 58.06903)
+ (xy 98.898621 57.99421) (xy 98.859873 57.918332) (xy 98.823287 57.841443) (xy 98.78888 57.76359)
+ (xy 98.756672 57.68482) (xy 98.72668 57.60518) (xy 98.698924 57.524717) (xy 98.673421 57.443476)
+ (xy 98.650189 57.361506) (xy 98.629248 57.278853) (xy 98.610615 57.195563) (xy 98.594309 57.111684)
+ (xy 98.580348 57.027262) (xy 98.56795 56.882655) (xy 98.560382 56.737997) (xy 98.557624 56.593407)
+ (xy 98.559658 56.449002) (xy 98.566464 56.304899) (xy 98.578023 56.161215) (xy 98.589278 56.062323)
+ (xy 99.32119 56.062323) (xy 99.32244 56.160758) (xy 99.326187 56.259078) (xy 99.332427 56.357236)
+ (xy 99.341153 56.455185) (xy 99.352363 56.552879) (xy 99.36605 56.65027) (xy 99.382211 56.747313)
+ (xy 99.40084 56.843959) (xy 99.424274 56.984421) (xy 99.453355 57.123648) (xy 99.488032 57.261472)
+ (xy 99.528249 57.397725) (xy 99.573954 57.532239) (xy 99.625094 57.664847) (xy 99.681615 57.795379)
+ (xy 99.743464 57.92367) (xy 99.804706 58.043093) (xy 99.870159 58.164036) (xy 99.90502 58.223869)
+ (xy 99.941602 58.282634) (xy 99.980126 58.339847) (xy 100.020815 58.395025) (xy 100.063891 58.447686)
+ (xy 100.109577 58.497345) (xy 100.158096 58.543522) (xy 100.20967 58.585732) (xy 100.236672 58.605198)
+ (xy 100.264521 58.623492) (xy 100.293245 58.640553) (xy 100.322872 58.656321) (xy 100.353429 58.670734)
+ (xy 100.384945 58.683734) (xy 100.417446 58.695259) (xy 100.450962 58.705249) (xy 100.489163 58.717085)
+ (xy 100.527519 58.726965) (xy 100.565973 58.734915) (xy 100.604468 58.740961) (xy 100.642945 58.745129)
+ (xy 100.681347 58.747446) (xy 100.719616 58.747939) (xy 100.757694 58.746632) (xy 100.795523 58.743553)
+ (xy 100.833046 58.738728) (xy 100.870205 58.732184) (xy 100.906942 58.723946) (xy 100.943198 58.714041)
+ (xy 100.978918 58.702495) (xy 101.014041 58.689334) (xy 101.048512 58.674586) (xy 101.082272 58.658275)
+ (xy 101.115263 58.640429) (xy 101.147427 58.621074) (xy 101.178707 58.600236) (xy 101.209045 58.577941)
+ (xy 101.238383 58.554216) (xy 101.266663 58.529086) (xy 101.293827 58.502579) (xy 101.319819 58.474721)
+ (xy 101.344579 58.445537) (xy 101.36805 58.415055) (xy 101.390175 58.3833) (xy 101.410895 58.350299)
+ (xy 101.430153 58.316078) (xy 101.447891 58.280664) (xy 101.464051 58.244082) (xy 101.579639 58.009199)
+ (xy 101.681718 57.77405) (xy 101.769978 57.53863) (xy 101.844105 57.302933) (xy 101.903788 57.066954)
+ (xy 101.948715 56.830688) (xy 101.978574 56.594128) (xy 101.993053 56.35727) (xy 101.99184 56.120108)
+ (xy 101.974622 55.882637) (xy 101.941089 55.644852) (xy 101.890928 55.406746) (xy 101.823826 55.168315)
+ (xy 101.739472 54.929553) (xy 101.637555 54.690454) (xy 101.517761 54.451014) (xy 101.511052 54.435544)
+ (xy 101.503728 54.420503) (xy 101.495808 54.4059) (xy 101.487312 54.391747) (xy 101.478259 54.378053)
+ (xy 101.46867 54.364831) (xy 101.458564 54.35209) (xy 101.447961 54.339841) (xy 101.43688 54.328095)
+ (xy 101.425341 54.316862) (xy 101.413364 54.306154) (xy 101.400969 54.295981) (xy 101.388174 54.286353)
+ (xy 101.375001 54.277282) (xy 101.361468 54.268778) (xy 101.347595 54.260852) (xy 101.333402 54.253515)
+ (xy 101.318909 54.246776) (xy 101.304135 54.240648) (xy 101.2891 54.23514) (xy 101.273824 54.230264)
+ (xy 101.258326 54.22603) (xy 101.242626 54.222448) (xy 101.226743 54.21953) (xy 101.210698 54.217287)
+ (xy 101.194511 54.215728) (xy 101.1782 54.214864) (xy 101.161785 54.214707) (xy 101.145287 54.215268)
+ (xy 101.128724 54.216555) (xy 101.112118 54.218582) (xy 101.095486 54.221357) (xy 100.881481 54.242483)
+ (xy 100.666957 54.259789) (xy 100.217595 54.289886) (xy 100.223153 54.284328) (xy 100.194799 54.287067)
+ (xy 100.166894 54.291605) (xy 100.139511 54.297894) (xy 100.112722 54.305888) (xy 100.086599 54.315539)
+ (xy 100.061214 54.326801) (xy 100.03664 54.339626) (xy 100.012948 54.353969) (xy 99.990211 54.369781)
+ (xy 99.968501 54.387017) (xy 99.94789 54.405629) (xy 99.928451 54.42557) (xy 99.910254 54.446794)
+ (xy 99.893374 54.469254) (xy 99.877881 54.492902) (xy 99.863849 54.517692) (xy 99.814835 54.608149)
+ (xy 99.767046 54.699244) (xy 99.720489 54.790966) (xy 99.67517 54.883302) (xy 99.631095 54.976238)
+ (xy 99.588271 55.069762) (xy 99.546704 55.16386) (xy 99.506399 55.25852) (xy 99.469895 55.355513)
+ (xy 99.437155 55.453721) (xy 99.408205 55.553034) (xy 99.38307 55.653342) (xy 99.361776 55.754535)
+ (xy 99.344347 55.856503) (xy 99.33081 55.959136) (xy 99.32119 56.062323) (xy 98.589278 56.062323)
+ (xy 98.594315 56.018069) (xy 98.615321 55.875577) (xy 98.641022 55.733856) (xy 98.671399 55.593024)
+ (xy 98.706432 55.453199) (xy 98.746102 55.314498) (xy 98.79039 55.177037) (xy 98.839276 55.040935)
+ (xy 98.892742 54.906308) (xy 98.950768 54.773275) (xy 98.961503 54.751694) (xy 98.971539 54.729977)
+ (xy 98.980956 54.708075) (xy 98.989836 54.68594) (xy 99.00631 54.640774) (xy 99.021611 54.594089)
+ (xy 99.084118 54.384342) (xy 99.050611 54.381234) (xy 99.017051 54.379014) (xy 98.983455 54.377681)
+ (xy 98.949842 54.377237) (xy 98.916229 54.377681) (xy 98.882634 54.379014) (xy 98.849073 54.381234)
+ (xy 98.815566 54.384342) (xy 98.155299 54.553576) (xy 97.9911 54.598326) (xy 97.827942 54.646093)
+ (xy 97.666174 54.697897) (xy 97.506142 54.754758) (xy 97.191277 54.875295) (xy 96.879819 55.002648)
+ (xy 96.57344 55.139637) (xy 96.422678 55.212627) (xy 96.273812 55.289084) (xy 96.127051 55.369361)
+ (xy 95.982604 55.453811) (xy 95.84068 55.542786) (xy 95.701489 55.63664) (xy 95.565238 55.735723)
+ (xy 95.432137 55.84039) (xy 95.302395 55.950993) (xy 95.176221 56.067885) (xy 95.11383 56.122686)
+ (xy 95.054442 56.180223) (xy 94.998123 56.240368) (xy 94.944942 56.302993) (xy 94.894966 56.36797)
+ (xy 94.848263 56.43517) (xy 94.8049 56.504467) (xy 94.764946 56.575733) (xy 94.728469 56.648838)
+ (xy 94.695535 56.723656) (xy 94.666212 56.800058) (xy 94.640569 56.877917) (xy 94.618673 56.957104)
+ (xy 94.600592 57.037492) (xy 94.586393 57.118953) (xy 94.576145 57.201358) (xy 94.569085 57.300432)
+ (xy 94.564535 57.399541) (xy 94.56249 57.498639) (xy 93.718671 57.498639) (xy 93.700986 57.392219)
+ (xy 93.67974 57.245809) (xy 93.677292 57.227176) (xy 93.675505 57.208508) (xy 93.674377 57.189824)
+ (xy 93.673906 57.17114) (xy 93.674089 57.152474) (xy 93.674924 57.133842) (xy 93.676408 57.115262)
+ (xy 93.67854 57.096751) (xy 93.681318 57.078325) (xy 93.684738 57.060002) (xy 93.688799 57.041799)
+ (xy 93.693499 57.023733) (xy 93.698834 57.005821) (xy 93.704804 56.988081) (xy 93.711405 56.970528)
+ (xy 93.718635 56.953181) (xy 93.905001 56.56841) (xy 94.094145 56.185028) (xy 94.190844 55.99451)
+ (xy 94.28954 55.80512) (xy 94.390667 55.617119) (xy 94.494659 55.430768) (xy 94.516127 55.397015)
+ (xy 94.538575 55.363984) (xy 94.561982 55.331694) (xy 94.58633 55.300165) (xy 94.611598 55.269415)
+ (xy 94.637767 55.239463) (xy 94.664818 55.21033) (xy 94.692731 55.182034) (xy 94.721486 55.154595)
+ (xy 94.751063 55.128031) (xy 94.781445 55.102362) (xy 94.812609 55.077608) (xy 94.844538 55.053787)
+ (xy 94.877211 55.030918) (xy 94.91061 55.009022) (xy 94.944714 54.988117) (xy 95.119099 54.882336)
+ (xy 95.294873 54.778747) (xy 95.471863 54.677111) (xy 95.649894 54.577189) (xy 96.008388 54.381533)
+ (xy 96.368966 54.189872) (xy 96.452441 54.144911) (xy 96.537108 54.102366) (xy 96.622915 54.062261)
+ (xy 96.70981 54.024617) (xy 96.797739 53.989456) (xy 96.88665 53.9568) (xy 96.976489 53.926672) (xy 97.067203 53.899093)
+ (xy 97.630995 53.768164) (xy 98.197747 53.652204) (xy 98.767162 53.551255) (xy 99.338939 53.465357)
+ (xy 99.91278 53.394551) (xy 100.488388 53.338878) (xy 101.065462 53.298378) (xy 101.643704 53.273092)
+ (xy 101.669535 53.271239) (xy 101.695274 53.268688) (xy 101.720905 53.265444) (xy 101.746417 53.261512)
+ (xy 101.771794 53.256894) (xy 101.797023 53.251594) (xy 101.822092 53.245617) (xy 101.846985 53.238967)
+ (xy 101.871689 53.231646) (xy 101.896192 53.223659) (xy 101.920478 53.21501) (xy 101.944535 53.205702)
+ (xy 101.968348 53.195741) (xy 101.991905 53.185128) (xy 102.015191 53.173868) (xy 102.038192 53.161966)
+ (xy 102.33008 53.002325) (xy 102.61856 52.837388) (xy 102.902135 52.665159) (xy 103.041615 52.575685)
+ (xy 103.179308 52.48364) (xy 103.315025 52.388773) (xy 103.448579 52.290835) (xy 103.579785 52.189577)
+ (xy 103.708453 52.084747) (xy 103.834398 51.976098) (xy 103.957432 51.86338) (xy 104.077367 51.746342)
+ (xy 104.194017 51.624735) (xy 104.201687 51.615553) (xy 104.209535 51.606533) (xy 104.217558 51.59768)
+ (xy 104.225755 51.588995) (xy 104.234123 51.580481) (xy 104.242658 51.57214) (xy 104.251358 51.563975)
+ (xy 104.26022 51.555988) (xy 104.269242 51.548182) (xy 104.278421 51.540558) (xy 104.287753 51.53312)
+ (xy 104.297237 51.52587) (xy 104.306869 51.51881) (xy 104.316647 51.511942) (xy 104.326568 51.50527)
+ (xy 104.336629 51.498795) (xy 104.394599 51.461559) (xy 104.451502 51.42286) (xy 104.507313 51.382723)
+ (xy 104.562007 51.341174) (xy 104.615558 51.298235) (xy 104.66794 51.253933) (xy 104.719129 51.208292)
+ (xy 104.769099 51.161335) (xy 104.817824 51.113089) (xy 104.865279 51.063576) (xy 104.911438 51.012822)
+ (xy 104.956276 50.960852) (xy 104.999768 50.907689) (xy 105.041888 50.853359) (xy 105.082611 50.797886)
+ (xy 105.12191 50.741294) (xy 106.036843 49.578186) (xy 106.222312 49.943568) (xy 106.402398 50.292628)
+ (xy 106.488523 50.46375) (xy 106.571024 50.634047) (xy 106.649141 50.804606) (xy 106.722114 50.97651)
+ (xy 106.83377 51.255867) (xy 106.941672 51.537893) (xy 107.150639 52.107438) (xy 107.35787 52.680108)
+ (xy 107.463601 52.966041) (xy 107.572219 53.250867) (xy 107.584411 53.281987) (xy 107.597352 53.312908)
+ (xy 107.62535 53.37458) (xy 107.655953 53.43673) (xy 107.688899 53.500203) (xy 107.760783 53.634509)
+ (xy 107.7992 53.707034) (xy 107.838919 53.784268) (xy 108.155395 53.285827) (xy 108.442701 52.830447)
+ (xy 108.998326 51.924778) (xy 109.137638 51.699404) (xy 109.27938 51.474723) (xy 109.351923 51.363294)
+ (xy 109.425985 51.252819) (xy 109.50187 51.14356) (xy 109.579883 51.035777) (xy 109.617425 50.981301)
+ (xy 109.651366 50.92501) (xy 109.682448 50.867173) (xy 109.71141 50.808058) (xy 109.820885 50.56419)
+ (xy 109.850363 50.502715) (xy 109.882166 50.441573) (xy 109.917035 50.381034) (xy 109.95571 50.321365)
+ (xy 109.998932 50.262836) (xy 110.02248 50.234082) (xy 110.047442 50.205714) (xy 110.073911 50.177766)
+ (xy 110.10198 50.15027) (xy 110.131741 50.12326) (xy 110.163287 50.09677) (xy 110.243021 50.444144)
+ (xy 110.3294 50.789826) (xy 110.422395 51.13372) (xy 110.521977 51.475731) (xy 110.628119 51.815764)
+ (xy 110.740791 52.153722) (xy 110.859966 52.489512) (xy 110.985613 52.823037) (xy 111.03041 52.783617)
+ (xy 111.074404 52.74333) (xy 111.117584 52.702189) (xy 111.159937 52.660206) (xy 111.201452 52.617394)
+ (xy 111.242116 52.573765) (xy 111.281916 52.529331) (xy 111.320841 52.484105) (xy 111.393484 52.378663)
+ (xy 111.464435 52.272245) (xy 111.602819 52.057432) (xy 111.739121 51.841577) (xy 111.876464 51.62659)
+ (xy 111.892399 51.601201) (xy 111.907747 51.57463) (xy 111.937815 51.519632) (xy 111.953098 51.492051)
+ (xy 111.968924 51.464981) (xy 111.985574 51.438844) (xy 112.003332 51.414063) (xy 112.022479 51.391063)
+ (xy 112.032661 51.380362) (xy 112.043296 51.370265) (xy 112.05442 51.360825) (xy 112.066068 51.352094)
+ (xy 112.078274 51.344125) (xy 112.091075 51.336971) (xy 112.104505 51.330686) (xy 112.1186 51.325322)
+ (xy 112.133394 51.320932) (xy 112.148924 51.317568) (xy 112.165225 51.315285) (xy 112.182331 51.314134)
+ (xy 112.200278 51.314168) (xy 112.219102 51.315441) (xy 112.237968 51.317834) (xy 112.256035 51.321168)
+ (xy 112.273331 51.325409) (xy 112.289883 51.330522) (xy 112.305717 51.336472) (xy 112.320861 51.343224)
+ (xy 112.33534 51.350743) (xy 112.349182 51.358994) (xy 112.362414 51.367943) (xy 112.375062 51.377553)
+ (xy 112.387153 51.387791) (xy 112.398714 51.398622) (xy 112.409772 51.41001) (xy 112.420354 51.421921)
+ (xy 112.430485 51.434319) (xy 112.440194 51.44717) (xy 112.45845 51.474091) (xy 112.475336 51.502404)
+ (xy 112.491066 51.531829) (xy 112.505855 51.562086) (xy 112.519917 51.592898) (xy 112.533467 51.623983)
+ (xy 112.559884 51.685858) (xy 112.561558 51.690393) (xy 112.563121 51.694963) (xy 112.56599 51.704177)
+ (xy 112.571228 51.722669) (xy 112.573902 51.731817) (xy 112.576815 51.740813) (xy 112.578408 51.745234)
+ (xy 112.580117 51.749592) (xy 112.581963 51.753879) (xy 112.583962 51.758088) (xy 112.674123 51.956259)
+ (xy 112.770936 52.151053) (xy 112.874302 52.342307) (xy 112.98412 52.529857) (xy 113.100291 52.71354)
+ (xy 113.222716 52.893192) (xy 113.351294 53.06865) (xy 113.485927 53.23975) (xy 113.870002 53.153633)
+ (xy 114.05657 53.111094) (xy 114.241573 53.067513) (xy 114.362043 53.039458) (xy 114.483143 53.015461)
+ (xy 114.60477 52.99552) (xy 114.726825 52.979634) (xy 114.849207 52.967801) (xy 114.971814 52.960018)
+ (xy 115.094546 52.956284) (xy 115.217302 52.956597) (xy 115.339982 52.960955) (xy 115.462483 52.969355)
+ (xy 115.584706 52.981797) (xy 115.706549 52.998278) (xy 115.827912 53.018796) (xy 115.948693 53.04335)
+ (xy 116.068793 53.071936) (xy 116.188109 53.104554) (xy 116.532927 53.207899) (xy 116.874207 53.321596)
+ (xy 117.21172 53.44555) (xy 117.545235 53.579665) (xy 117.874525 53.723844) (xy 118.199359 53.87799)
+ (xy 118.519508 54.042008) (xy 118.834744 54.215801) (xy 118.987909 54.301794) (xy 119.142594 54.385616)
+ (xy 119.452875 54.551957) (xy 119.606649 54.637081) (xy 119.758296 54.725243) (xy 119.906905 54.817745)
+ (xy 119.979785 54.866031) (xy 120.051564 54.915891) (xy 120.162268 54.989517) (xy 120.270536 55.066316)
+ (xy 120.376308 55.146221) (xy 120.479521 55.22917) (xy 120.580114 55.315096) (xy 120.678027 55.403935)
+ (xy 120.773197 55.495622) (xy 120.865563 55.590093) (xy 120.955064 55.687283) (xy 121.041638 55.787127)
+ (xy 121.125225 55.88956) (xy 121.205761 55.994518) (xy 121.283187 56.101936) (xy 121.357441 56.21175)
+ (xy 121.42846 56.323894) (xy 121.496185 56.438304) (xy 121.54604 56.530096) (xy 121.59194 56.623581)
+ (xy 121.633861 56.718631) (xy 121.671778 56.815116) (xy 121.705666 56.912911) (xy 121.735501 57.011887)
+ (xy 121.761258 57.111916) (xy 121.782913 57.212871) (xy 121.800439 57.314624) (xy 121.813814 57.417047)
+ (xy 121.823011 57.520012) (xy 121.828008 57.623392) (xy 121.828777 57.727058) (xy 121.825296 57.830884)
+ (xy 121.817539 57.93474) (xy 121.805482 58.0385) (xy 121.790576 58.140379) (xy 121.77209 58.241435)
+ (xy 121.750064 58.341579) (xy 121.724535 58.440723) (xy 121.695543 58.538778) (xy 121.663127 58.635656)
+ (xy 121.627324 58.731267) (xy 121.588173 58.825524) (xy 121.545715 58.918338) (xy 121.499986 59.009619)
+ (xy 121.451026 59.09928) (xy 121.398873 59.187231) (xy 121.343567 59.273384) (xy 121.285145 59.357651)
+ (xy 121.223648 59.439942) (xy 121.159112 59.52017) (xy 121.144149 59.536381) (xy 121.130014 59.553099)
+ (xy 121.11671 59.570294) (xy 121.104239 59.587939) (xy 121.092603 59.606005) (xy 121.081806 59.624462)
+ (xy 121.071849 59.643283) (xy 121.062735 59.662439) (xy 121.054467 59.6819) (xy 121.047047 59.701639)
+ (xy 121.040478 59.721626) (xy 121.034762 59.741834) (xy 121.029902 59.762232) (xy 121.025901 59.782793)
+ (xy 121.02276 59.803489) (xy 121.020483 59.824289) (xy 121.019072 59.845166) (xy 121.01853 59.866091)
+ (xy 121.018858 59.887036) (xy 121.02006 59.907971) (xy 121.022139 59.928868) (xy 121.025096 59.949698)
+ (xy 121.028934 59.970433) (xy 121.033656 59.991044) (xy 121.039264 60.011502) (xy 121.045761 60.031779)
+ (xy 121.05315 60.051846) (xy 121.061432 60.071674) (xy 121.070611 60.091235) (xy 121.080689 60.1105)
+ (xy 121.091668 60.12944) (xy 121.103551 60.148027) (xy 122.01107 61.766749) (xy 122.118086 61.962461)
+ (xy 122.224061 62.161474) (xy 122.442605 62.574257) (xy 122.476444 62.539096) (xy 122.508583 62.503111)
+ (xy 122.568213 62.428923) (xy 122.622395 62.352212) (xy 122.67203 62.273496) (xy 122.718019 62.193293)
+ (xy 122.761262 62.112122) (xy 122.843115 61.948947) (xy 122.924795 61.788116) (xy 122.967821 61.709874)
+ (xy 123.013506 61.633774) (xy 123.062751 61.560332) (xy 123.116456 61.490067) (xy 123.175522 61.423498)
+ (xy 123.207347 61.39176) (xy 123.24085 61.361141) (xy 123.346997 61.482518) (xy 123.45245 61.600118)
+ (xy 123.658495 61.82833) (xy 123.757697 61.941112) (xy 123.853426 62.054458) (xy 123.899772 62.111682)
+ (xy 123.944988 62.169453) (xy 123.988989 62.227909) (xy 124.031688 62.287184) (xy 124.141072 62.433668)
+ (xy 124.253204 62.577907) (xy 124.368048 62.719864) (xy 124.485567 62.859503) (xy 124.605724 62.996787)
+ (xy 124.728484 63.13168) (xy 124.85381 63.264147) (xy 124.981665 63.39415) (xy 125.112013 63.521654)
+ (xy 125.244818 63.646621) (xy 125.380043 63.769017) (xy 125.517651 63.888803) (xy 125.657607 64.005945)
+ (xy 125.799873 64.120406) (xy 125.944414 64.232149) (xy 126.091193 64.341139) (xy 126.117398 64.355195)
+ (xy 126.144034 64.368362) (xy 126.171077 64.38063) (xy 126.198503 64.391992) (xy 126.226291 64.402437)
+ (xy 126.254418 64.411958) (xy 126.28286 64.420544) (xy 126.311596 64.428187) (xy 126.337937 64.284712)
+ (xy 126.356943 64.142468) (xy 126.36922 64.001385) (xy 126.375377 63.861393) (xy 126.37602 63.722421)
+ (xy 126.371759 63.584398) (xy 126.363201 63.447254) (xy 126.350952 63.310919) (xy 126.317817 63.040392)
+ (xy 126.277216 62.772253) (xy 126.193062 62.240878) (xy 126.138312 61.880832) (xy 126.078723 61.521546)
+ (xy 125.94789 60.804819) (xy 125.806293 60.089828) (xy 125.659661 59.375706) (xy 125.311466 57.583815)
+ (xy 125.213566 57.138664) (xy 125.103338 56.697246) (xy 124.976789 56.260863) (xy 124.906146 56.044967)
+ (xy 124.829925 55.830818) (xy 124.730278 55.569815) (xy 124.626225 55.310354) (xy 124.518396 55.052238)
+ (xy 124.407419 54.795272) (xy 124.178541 54.28401) (xy 123.944628 53.775005) (xy 123.933415 53.754741)
+ (xy 123.923193 53.734164) (xy 123.913957 53.713307) (xy 123.905701 53.692199) (xy 123.898422 53.670872)
+ (xy 123.892112 53.649356) (xy 123.882386 53.605883) (xy 123.87648 53.562026) (xy 123.874355 53.518032)
+ (xy 123.875969 53.474149) (xy 123.881282 53.430623) (xy 123.890253 53.387702) (xy 123.902842 53.345632)
+ (xy 123.919006 53.30466) (xy 123.938706 53.265034) (xy 123.961901 53.227001) (xy 123.974797 53.208658)
+ (xy 123.98855 53.190807) (xy 124.003157 53.173477) (xy 124.018612 53.156699) (xy 124.03491 53.140505)
+ (xy 124.052046 53.124925) (xy 124.104847 53.07024) (xy 124.156864 53.014824) (xy 124.208091 52.958686)
+ (xy 124.258519 52.901834) (xy 124.308141 52.844278) (xy 124.356949 52.786025) (xy 124.404935 52.727083)
+ (xy 124.452092 52.667463) (xy 125.039211 51.852544) (xy 124.840575 51.804622) (xy 124.800248 51.7953)
+ (xy 124.762092 51.787172) (xy 124.725324 51.780303) (xy 124.689163 51.774758) (xy 124.639995 51.76461)
+ (xy 124.591785 51.751715) (xy 124.544631 51.736143) (xy 124.498633 51.717966) (xy 124.453887 51.697257)
+ (xy 124.410492 51.674086) (xy 124.368546 51.648527) (xy 124.328148 51.620651) (xy 124.289394 51.590529)
+ (xy 124.252384 51.558234) (xy 124.217215 51.523838) (xy 124.183985 51.487412) (xy 124.152793 51.449028)
+ (xy 124.123737 51.408758) (xy 124.096914 51.366674) (xy 124.072423 51.322849) (xy 124.063716 51.311462)
+ (xy 124.055613 51.299789) (xy 124.048113 51.287849) (xy 124.041216 51.275664) (xy 124.034919 51.263254)
+ (xy 124.029224 51.25064) (xy 124.024127 51.237843) (xy 124.01963 51.224883) (xy 124.01573 51.211782)
+ (xy 124.012428 51.198559) (xy 124.009721 51.185237) (xy 124.00761 51.171835) (xy 124.006093 51.158375)
+ (xy 124.00517 51.144876) (xy 124.00484 51.131361) (xy 124.005102 51.117849) (xy 124.005954 51.104361)
+ (xy 124.007397 51.090919) (xy 124.009429 51.077542) (xy 124.01205 51.064253) (xy 124.015258 51.051071)
+ (xy 124.019053 51.038016) (xy 124.023434 51.025111) (xy 124.0284 51.012376) (xy 124.03395 50.999831)
+ (xy 124.040083 50.987498) (xy 124.046799 50.975396) (xy 124.054097 50.963547) (xy 124.061975 50.951972)
+ (xy 124.070433 50.940691) (xy 124.07947 50.929725) (xy 124.089086 50.919095) (xy 124.173995 50.799832)
+ (xy 124.256454 50.678915) (xy 124.336438 50.556382) (xy 124.413924 50.432272) (xy 124.488888 50.306623)
+ (xy 124.561308 50.179474) (xy 124.63116 50.050862) (xy 124.698421 49.920825) (xy 124.730559 49.855568)
+ (xy 124.757401 49.798128) (xy 124.778774 49.747638) (xy 124.787354 49.724729) (xy 124.794503 49.703233)
+ (xy 124.800197 49.683042) (xy 124.804415 49.664048) (xy 124.807135 49.646143) (xy 124.808337 49.629218)
+ (xy 124.807997 49.613165) (xy 124.806095 49.597877) (xy 124.802608 49.583244) (xy 124.797515 49.569159)
+ (xy 124.790794 49.555513) (xy 124.782423 49.542199) (xy 124.772382 49.529108) (xy 124.760647 49.516132)
+ (xy 124.747198 49.503162) (xy 124.732013 49.490092) (xy 124.715069 49.476811) (xy 124.696346 49.463213)
+ (xy 124.653473 49.434631) (xy 124.603221 49.40348) (xy 124.479885 49.330007) (xy 124.472453 49.323745)
+ (xy 124.46514 49.317352) (xy 124.457948 49.310831) (xy 124.450879 49.304183) (xy 124.443933 49.29741)
+ (xy 124.437113 49.290515) (xy 124.430419 49.283498) (xy 124.423855 49.276361) (xy 124.417421 49.269107)
+ (xy 124.411119 49.261737) (xy 124.40495 49.254252) (xy 124.398917 49.246655) (xy 124.39302 49.238948)
+ (xy 124.387262 49.231132) (xy 124.381644 49.223208) (xy 124.376168 49.21518) (xy 124.445361 49.023327)
+ (xy 124.509435 48.8305) (xy 124.568783 48.636767) (xy 124.623797 48.442196) (xy 124.722403 48.050809)
+ (xy 124.808398 47.656884) (xy 124.88493 47.260961) (xy 124.955147 46.863584) (xy 125.089221 46.066638)
+ (xy 125.111693 45.955845) (xy 125.135689 45.845389) (xy 125.161207 45.735285) (xy 125.188241 45.62555)
+ (xy 125.216788 45.516199) (xy 125.246844 45.407247) (xy 125.278404 45.298711) (xy 125.311466 45.190605)
+ (xy 125.363232 45.043072) (xy 125.412921 44.89485) (xy 125.460527 44.745963) (xy 125.506043 44.596432)
+ (xy 125.549462 44.446279) (xy 125.590778 44.295527) (xy 125.629985 44.144196) (xy 125.667076 43.992309)
+ (xy 125.701558 43.786403) (xy 125.74004 43.581268) (xy 125.782509 43.376962) (xy 125.82895 43.173543)
+ (xy 125.879349 42.971068) (xy 125.933694 42.769595) (xy 125.991969 42.569182) (xy 126.054161 42.369887)
+ (xy 126.105325 42.212385) (xy 126.153711 42.053754) (xy 126.244926 41.732763) (xy 126.424576 41.07342)
+ (xy 126.390127 41.070712) (xy 126.355639 41.068778) (xy 126.321125 41.067617) (xy 126.286597 41.06723)
+ (xy 126.25207 41.067617) (xy 126.217555 41.068778) (xy 126.183067 41.070712) (xy 126.148617 41.07342)
+ (xy 125.105665 41.275066) (xy 124.585144 41.381011) (xy 124.325653 41.437619) (xy 124.066879 41.497548)
+ (xy 121.891144 42.02817) (xy 119.718184 42.57546) (xy 119.632374 42.601338) (xy 119.547584 42.63014)
+ (xy 119.463889 42.661833) (xy 119.381362 42.696384) (xy 119.300076 42.733762) (xy 119.220105 42.773935)
+ (xy 119.141522 42.816869) (xy 119.064399 42.862533) (xy 118.85227 42.988812) (xy 118.641835 43.117108)
+ (xy 118.223091 43.376718) (xy 117.802263 43.635286) (xy 117.589223 43.762281) (xy 117.373447 43.886735)
+ (xy 117.269923 43.938098) (xy 117.165719 43.988028) (xy 117.06085 44.036518) (xy 116.95533 44.083562)
+ (xy 116.849175 44.129154) (xy 116.742399 44.173288) (xy 116.635016 44.215956) (xy 116.527043 44.257152)
+ (xy 116.493707 44.197885) (xy 116.738183 43.827469) (xy 116.695584 43.766349) (xy 116.375657 43.941863)
+ (xy 116.053083 44.111299) (xy 115.406067 44.447915) (xy 115.084665 44.623082) (xy 114.766693 44.808145)
+ (xy 114.609468 44.905636) (xy 114.45367 45.0071) (xy 114.299488 45.113034) (xy 114.147114 45.223938)
+ (xy 114.145261 45.225785) (xy 112.180204 44.529401) (xy 111.898649 44.428644) (xy 111.613747 44.338876)
+ (xy 111.325821 44.260167) (xy 111.035193 44.192585) (xy 110.742188 44.136198) (xy 110.447127 44.091075)
+ (xy 110.150335 44.057285) (xy 109.852135 44.034897) (xy 109.482857 44.016748) (xy 109.113818 43.993543)
+ (xy 108.375327 43.944375) (xy 108.005312 43.924621) (xy 107.634406 43.912224) (xy 107.262329 43.910288)
+ (xy 106.888799 43.921918) (xy 106.719174 43.929655) (xy 106.549289 43.935548) (xy 106.209085 43.946226)
+ (xy 106.03894 43.953226) (xy 105.868881 43.962808) (xy 105.698996 43.97608) (xy 105.529371 43.994149)
+ (xy 105.435031 44.005146) (xy 105.341385 44.015449) (xy 105.249128 44.024362) (xy 105.203737 44.02808)
+ (xy 105.158954 44.031191) (xy 104.884225 44.051152) (xy 104.611414 44.07941) (xy 104.340399 44.115405)
+ (xy 104.071057 44.158579) (xy 103.803268 44.208373) (xy 103.536908 44.264227) (xy 103.00799 44.391883)
+ (xy 102.483326 44.537077) (xy 101.96194 44.695336) (xy 100.925092 45.033167) (xy 100.890879 45.047566)
+ (xy 100.856042 45.059247) (xy 100.820725 45.06823) (xy 100.785075 45.074539) (xy 100.749237 45.078197)
+ (xy 100.713357 45.079225) (xy 100.677581 45.077646) (xy 100.642053 45.073482) (xy 100.606921 45.066756)
+ (xy 100.572329 45.057491) (xy 100.538423 45.045708) (xy 100.505349 45.031431) (xy 100.473252 45.014681)
+ (xy 100.442279 44.995482) (xy 100.412574 44.973855) (xy 100.384284 44.949823) (xy 100.115588 44.740249)
+ (xy 99.844634 44.534494) (xy 99.707822 44.433375) (xy 99.56986 44.333601) (xy 99.430552 44.235303)
+ (xy 99.289702 44.138612) (xy 99.157739 44.053872) (xy 99.024683 43.9709) (xy 98.890552 43.889706)
+ (xy 98.755364 43.8103) (xy 98.619136 43.732691) (xy 98.481885 43.656891) (xy 98.343628 43.582908)
+ (xy 98.204384 43.510753) (xy 98.092229 43.451358) (xy 97.978981 43.394154) (xy 97.864672 43.339155)
+ (xy 97.749334 43.286375) (xy 97.632999 43.235829) (xy 97.515701 43.187532) (xy 97.397471 43.141497)
+ (xy 97.278342 43.09774) (xy 91.183133 41.073413) (xy 91.09526 41.042905) (xy 91.007648 41.009922)
+ (xy 90.919688 40.974768) (xy 90.830774 40.937748) (xy 90.453412 40.77708) (xy 90.45768 40.8035) (xy 90.462318 40.829854)
+ (xy 90.467325 40.856137) (xy 90.4727 40.882346) (xy 90.478442 40.908477) (xy 90.484551 40.934526)
+ (xy 90.491026 40.96049) (xy 90.497865 40.986364) (xy 90.997924 42.419877) (xy 91.016758 42.468439)
+ (xy 91.034521 42.517383) (xy 91.051208 42.566691) (xy 91.066813 42.616346) (xy 91.081331 42.666329)
+ (xy 91.094757 42.716624) (xy 91.107085 42.767211) (xy 91.118309 42.818074) (xy 91.121066 42.837482)
+ (xy 91.123088 42.856116) (xy 91.124381 42.873971) (xy 91.124946 42.891044) (xy 91.124789 42.907329)
+ (xy 91.123912 42.922824) (xy 91.12232 42.937524) (xy 91.120015 42.951425) (xy 91.117003 42.964522)
+ (xy 91.113287 42.976813) (xy 91.108869 42.988293) (xy 91.103755 42.998957) (xy 91.097948 43.008802)
+ (xy 91.091451 43.017823) (xy 91.084269 43.026017) (xy 91.076404 43.03338) (xy 91.067862 43.039907)
+ (xy 91.058645 43.045594) (xy 91.048757 43.050437) (xy 91.038202 43.054433) (xy 91.026984 43.057577)
+ (xy 91.015106 43.059864) (xy 91.002572 43.061292) (xy 90.989386 43.061856) (xy 90.975552 43.061551)
+ (xy 90.961073 43.060374) (xy 90.945953 43.058321) (xy 90.930196 43.055388) (xy 90.913805 43.05157)
+ (xy 90.896785 43.046863) (xy 90.879138 43.041265) (xy 90.86087 43.034769) (xy 90.786722 43.005841)
+ (xy 90.712877 42.974894) (xy 90.639293 42.942342) (xy 90.565926 42.908595) (xy 90.273759 42.769921)
+ (xy 89.814443 42.553227) (xy 89.732951 42.619902) (xy 89.771716 42.866319) (xy 89.818126 43.110498)
+ (xy 89.871535 43.352631) (xy 89.931298 43.592911) (xy 89.99677 43.831531) (xy 90.067303 44.068683)
+ (xy 90.220976 44.539355) (xy 90.38715 45.006467) (xy 90.56066 45.47156) (xy 90.909026 46.401856)
+ (xy 90.996551 46.633917) (xy 91.089459 46.863463) (xy 91.187446 47.090626) (xy 91.290208 47.315541)
+ (xy 91.50884 47.759155) (xy 91.742926 48.195367) (xy 91.990035 48.625243) (xy 92.247735 49.049844)
+ (xy 92.513596 49.470234) (xy 92.785187 49.887478) (xy 92.676574 49.954138) (xy 92.565494 50.011763)
+ (xy 92.452174 50.061433) (xy 92.336838 50.104229) (xy 92.219711 50.14123) (xy 92.101019 50.173516)
+ (xy 91.980987 50.202166) (xy 91.859839 50.228261) (xy 91.368603 50.328678) (xy 91.245258 50.358192)
+ (xy 91.122149 50.391628) (xy 90.999502 50.430067) (xy 90.87754 50.474588) (xy 91.021095 50.602155)
+ (xy 91.165799 50.725665) (xy 91.311937 50.844927) (xy 91.459789 50.959747) (xy 91.609637 51.069934)
+ (xy 91.761765 51.175294) (xy 91.916454 51.275636) (xy 92.073986 51.370765) (xy 92.234643 51.46049)
+ (xy 92.398708 51.544619) (xy 92.566463 51.622957) (xy 92.738189 51.695314) (xy 92.91417 51.761495)
+ (xy 93.094687 51.821309) (xy 93.280021 51.874563) (xy 93.470457 51.921064) (xy 93.273442 52.167623)
+ (xy 93.229777 52.221395) (xy 93.186828 52.272931) (xy 93.143836 52.322688) (xy 93.10004 52.37112)
+ (xy 92.916568 52.575254) (xy 92.731013 52.777652) (xy 92.544763 52.98005) (xy 92.359207 53.184184)
+ (xy 92.340765 53.205677) (xy 92.322882 53.227729) (xy 92.305465 53.250248) (xy 92.288423 53.273142)
+ (xy 92.255093 53.319682) (xy 92.222154 53.366614) (xy 92.188867 53.413198) (xy 92.171863 53.436129)
+ (xy 92.154495 53.458697) (xy 92.136671 53.480809) (xy 92.1183 53.502373) (xy 92.099288 53.523297)
+ (xy 92.079543 53.543488) (xy 92.01438 53.612575) (xy 91.950653 53.682898) (xy 91.888378 53.754437)
+ (xy 91.827572 53.827166) (xy 91.768251 53.901064) (xy 91.710431 53.976106) (xy 91.654128 54.05227)
+ (xy 91.599358 54.129532) (xy 91.546138 54.20787) (xy 91.494483 54.287259) (xy 91.444409 54.367677)
+ (xy 91.395933 54.449101) (xy 91.34907 54.531507) (xy 91.303837 54.614872) (xy 91.260251 54.699173)
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+ )
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+ (xy 130.411242 90.558045) (xy 130.266508 90.650492) (xy 130.263747 90.652205) (xy 130.103648 90.748602)
+ (xy 130.099452 90.751018) (xy 129.936868 90.840455) (xy 129.932591 90.842701) (xy 129.766979 90.925571)
+ (xy 129.762626 90.927644) (xy 129.746939 90.934745) (xy 129.603043 90.999882) (xy 129.59429 91.003844)
+ (xy 129.589866 91.005744) (xy 129.41892 91.075262) (xy 129.414434 91.076986) (xy 129.241114 91.139759)
+ (xy 129.236567 91.141307) (xy 129.061064 91.197282) (xy 129.056465 91.198651) (xy 128.879005 91.247773)
+ (xy 128.874357 91.248963) (xy 128.695138 91.291181) (xy 128.690446 91.292191) (xy 128.509652 91.327457)
+ (xy 128.504922 91.328285) (xy 128.32277 91.356544) (xy 128.318006 91.357189) (xy 128.134685 91.378391)
+ (xy 128.129894 91.378851) (xy 127.945623 91.392943) (xy 127.940809 91.393217) (xy 127.755794 91.400146)
+ (xy 127.750963 91.400233) (xy 127.56538 91.399948) (xy 127.560539 91.399846) (xy 127.376116 91.392357)
+ (xy 127.36829 91.391791) (xy 127.17916 91.372074) (xy 127.174144 91.371447) (xy 126.9852 91.343926)
+ (xy 126.980227 91.343098) (xy 126.793002 91.308003) (xy 126.788077 91.306976) (xy 126.602816 91.264404)
+ (xy 126.597946 91.263181) (xy 126.414818 91.213214) (xy 126.410009 91.211796) (xy 126.229326 91.154553)
+ (xy 126.224583 91.152945) (xy 126.046441 91.088483) (xy 126.04177 91.086685) (xy 126.01801 91.076986)
+ (xy 125.866482 91.01513) (xy 125.861888 91.013146) (xy 125.689607 90.934567) (xy 125.685097 90.932399)
+ (xy 125.516059 90.846898) (xy 125.511636 90.844547) (xy 125.346078 90.752227) (xy 125.341749 90.749697)
+ (xy 125.18242 90.652205) (xy 125.179848 90.650631) (xy 125.175625 90.647928) (xy 125.017606 90.542213)
+ (xy 125.013515 90.539355) (xy 124.85961 90.427095) (xy 124.855599 90.424043) (xy 124.706019 90.30533)
+ (xy 124.702125 90.302108) (xy 124.555317 90.175509) (xy 124.550304 90.171214) (xy 124.541237 90.163444)
+ (xy 124.526911 90.152061) (xy 124.512204 90.141237) (xy 124.507766 90.138217) (xy 124.497131 90.130979)
+ (xy 124.481716 90.1213) (xy 124.465964 90.1122) (xy 124.449908 90.103697) (xy 124.433535 90.095781)
+ (xy 124.416903 90.088482) (xy 124.400009 90.081796) (xy 124.382851 90.075726) (xy 124.365489 90.070295)
+ (xy 124.347891 90.065491) (xy 124.33011 90.061338) (xy 124.312164 90.05784) (xy 124.302131 90.056267)
+ (xy 124.294028 90.054998) (xy 124.294027 90.054998) (xy 121.156605 90.236497) (xy 121.156584 90.236498)
+ (xy 120.871649 90.252931) (xy 120.8637 90.253134) (xy 120.854269 90.253072) (xy 120.84082 90.253327)
+ (xy 120.831264 90.253751) (xy 120.827438 90.253921) (xy 120.818992 90.25451) (xy 120.814088 90.254853)
+ (xy 120.814081 90.254853) (xy 120.814076 90.254854) (xy 120.80075 90.256125) (xy 120.800735 90.256126)
+ (xy 120.800733 90.256127) (xy 120.787462 90.257733) (xy 120.774247 90.259673) (xy 120.761038 90.261957)
+ (xy 120.747968 90.264557) (xy 120.734851 90.267515) (xy 120.721938 90.270773) (xy 120.709025 90.27438)
+ (xy 120.696206 90.278316) (xy 120.683528 90.282562) (xy 120.683509 90.282569) (xy 120.670898 90.287153)
+ (xy 120.658393 90.292061) (xy 120.658391 90.292061) (xy 120.658391 90.292062) (xy 120.642745 90.300177)
+ (xy 120.628448 90.308865) (xy 120.615437 90.318105) (xy 120.603671 90.327871) (xy 120.603652 90.327888)
+ (xy 120.593103 90.338136) (xy 120.583699 90.348865) (xy 120.583698 90.348867) (xy 120.575412 90.36003)
+ (xy 120.568191 90.371613) (xy 120.56201 90.38356) (xy 120.561992 90.383597) (xy 120.556804 90.395872)
+ (xy 120.556797 90.39589) (xy 120.552534 90.408534) (xy 120.549165 90.421481) (xy 120.546653 90.434691)
+ (xy 120.544951 90.448125) (xy 120.544013 90.461792) (xy 120.543797 90.475647) (xy 120.544259 90.489669)
+ (xy 120.545354 90.503777) (xy 120.545355 90.50379) (xy 120.545356 90.503792) (xy 120.549277 90.532341)
+ (xy 120.555212 90.56107) (xy 120.56281 90.589752) (xy 120.565665 90.598854) (xy 120.571722 90.618168)
+ (xy 120.581592 90.646072) (xy 120.583352 90.650635) (xy 120.592082 90.673273) (xy 120.602832 90.69952)
+ (xy 120.616827 90.733021) (xy 120.656211 90.827299) (xy 120.65649 90.827974) (xy 120.682456 90.891176)
+ (xy 120.68312 90.892825) (xy 120.707655 90.955068) (xy 120.709082 90.958868) (xy 120.725986 91.006244)
+ (xy 120.727949 91.011743) (xy 120.730415 91.019439) (xy 120.74512 91.071052) (xy 120.747071 91.078852)
+ (xy 120.758326 91.130965) (xy 120.759762 91.138831) (xy 120.767598 91.191314) (xy 120.76852 91.199223)
+ (xy 120.772954 91.251892) (xy 120.773366 91.259807) (xy 120.774423 91.312499) (xy 120.77433 91.320401)
+ (xy 120.772032 91.372975) (xy 120.771437 91.380841) (xy 120.765806 91.433114) (xy 120.764713 91.44092)
+ (xy 120.755772 91.49273) (xy 120.754184 91.500456) (xy 120.741959 91.551628) (xy 120.739878 91.559253)
+ (xy 120.724385 91.609648) (xy 120.721816 91.617145) (xy 120.703093 91.66656) (xy 120.700035 91.67391)
+ (xy 120.678092 91.722215) (xy 120.67455 91.729388) (xy 120.649406 91.776424) (xy 120.64539 91.783383)
+ (xy 120.61708 91.82897) (xy 120.612593 91.835696) (xy 120.58002 91.881232) (xy 120.577426 91.884727)
+ (xy 119.569362 93.194278) (xy 119.53779 93.236657) (xy 119.537785 93.236664) (xy 119.508753 93.280484)
+ (xy 119.482273 93.325653) (xy 119.482272 93.325655) (xy 119.458404 93.372009) (xy 119.437161 93.419454)
+ (xy 119.418556 93.467907) (xy 119.418549 93.467927) (xy 119.402635 93.517208) (xy 119.402625 93.517244)
+ (xy 119.38941 93.56729) (xy 119.38941 93.567292) (xy 119.378922 93.617982) (xy 119.378922 93.617983)
+ (xy 119.371183 93.66925) (xy 119.366234 93.720875) (xy 119.364091 93.772851) (xy 119.364091 93.772876)
+ (xy 119.364786 93.82499) (xy 119.368343 93.877194) (xy 119.374793 93.929384) (xy 119.384156 93.981396)
+ (xy 120.209921 97.816688) (xy 120.210009 97.817101) (xy 120.616155 99.735149) (xy 120.616509 99.73688)
+ (xy 120.789038 100.613102) (xy 120.790432 100.621805) (xy 120.807506 100.759557) (xy 120.855145 101.055563)
+ (xy 121.009141 101.943131) (xy 121.33233 103.736972) (xy 121.33275 103.739445) (xy 121.337047 103.766418)
+ (xy 121.337773 103.771705) (xy 121.340725 103.797326) (xy 121.341223 103.80266) (xy 121.34306 103.828308)
+ (xy 121.343327 103.833634) (xy 121.344058 103.85928) (xy 121.344095 103.864615) (xy 121.343723 103.890207)
+ (xy 121.343532 103.895519) (xy 121.342064 103.921064) (xy 121.341645 103.926365) (xy 121.339087 103.951786)
+ (xy 121.338442 103.957058) (xy 121.334802 103.982317) (xy 121.333933 103.987552) (xy 121.329207 104.012677)
+ (xy 121.328114 104.017871) (xy 121.322328 104.042724) (xy 121.321011 104.047878) (xy 121.314143 104.072537)
+ (xy 121.312607 104.077629) (xy 121.30469 104.101964) (xy 121.302934 104.10699) (xy 121.293952 104.131037)
+ (xy 121.291971 104.13601) (xy 121.281954 104.15966) (xy 121.279765 104.164534) (xy 121.268688 104.187837)
+ (xy 121.266276 104.19264) (xy 121.253573 104.216624) (xy 121.252249 104.219059) (xy 121.103636 104.485097)
+ (xy 121.102079 104.487802) (xy 121.072009 104.538586) (xy 121.068547 104.544099) (xy 121.036929 104.591618)
+ (xy 121.033195 104.596923) (xy 120.999278 104.642531) (xy 120.995285 104.647617) (xy 120.959168 104.691236)
+ (xy 120.954932 104.69609) (xy 120.916681 104.737685) (xy 120.912207 104.742303) (xy 120.871946 104.781766)
+ (xy 120.867252 104.786135) (xy 120.825052 104.823422) (xy 120.820142 104.82754) (xy 120.776089 104.862584)
+ (xy 120.770974 104.866441) (xy 120.725168 104.899164) (xy 120.719857 104.902755) (xy 120.672396 104.933083)
+ (xy 120.666906 104.936394) (xy 120.61789 104.964257) (xy 120.61222 104.967289) (xy 120.56171 104.992632)
+ (xy 120.555875 104.995372) (xy 120.504011 105.018102) (xy 120.498025 105.020541) (xy 120.444857 105.040609)
+ (xy 120.438732 105.04274) (xy 120.384374 105.060069) (xy 120.378117 105.061884) (xy 120.320961 105.076848)
+ (xy 120.317922 105.077603) (xy 118.498839 105.505081) (xy 118.478637 105.510301) (xy 118.478621 105.510305)
+ (xy 118.458863 105.516465) (xy 118.439605 105.523527) (xy 118.439593 105.523532) (xy 118.420898 105.531449)
+ (xy 118.40268 105.540236) (xy 118.385057 105.549821) (xy 118.385054 105.549823) (xy 118.367992 105.5602)
+ (xy 118.367982 105.560206) (xy 118.351523 105.571338) (xy 118.335681 105.583195) (xy 118.335673 105.583201)
+ (xy 118.320475 105.595749) (xy 118.320441 105.595779) (xy 118.305897 105.608991) (xy 118.305894 105.608994)
+ (xy 118.292017 105.622851) (xy 118.292003 105.622866) (xy 118.27881 105.63734) (xy 118.26632 105.652403)
+ (xy 118.266297 105.652432) (xy 118.25455 105.668027) (xy 118.254537 105.668045) (xy 118.243532 105.684169)
+ (xy 118.243519 105.684189) (xy 118.233286 105.700796) (xy 118.233275 105.700816) (xy 118.223804 105.717926)
+ (xy 118.219265 105.727112) (xy 118.215137 105.73547) (xy 118.207288 105.75343) (xy 118.207286 105.753436)
+ (xy 118.200278 105.771773) (xy 118.194132 105.790454) (xy 118.194127 105.79047) (xy 118.188867 105.809445)
+ (xy 118.188858 105.809478) (xy 118.184488 105.828763) (xy 118.184479 105.828808) (xy 118.181028 105.848325)
+ (xy 118.178501 105.868144) (xy 118.176927 105.888167) (xy 118.176926 105.888172) (xy 118.176325 105.908359)
+ (xy 118.176714 105.928699) (xy 118.178111 105.949169) (xy 118.180532 105.96968) (xy 118.180538 105.96972)
+ (xy 118.18401 105.990333) (xy 119.045219 110.474195) (xy 119.056307 110.523544) (xy 119.070326 110.571687)
+ (xy 119.087228 110.618663) (xy 119.106878 110.664233) (xy 119.106902 110.664283) (xy 119.117246 110.684718)
+ (xy 119.129241 110.708415) (xy 119.154187 110.751008) (xy 119.176898 110.784863) (xy 119.181639 110.79193)
+ (xy 119.211516 110.831082) (xy 119.243694 110.868309) (xy 119.278143 110.903572) (xy 119.314706 110.936689)
+ (xy 119.314712 110.936694) (xy 119.31472 110.936701) (xy 119.353364 110.967618) (xy 119.39398 110.996204)
+ (xy 119.436477 111.022351) (xy 119.436487 111.022356) (xy 119.436496 111.022362) (xy 119.480751 111.045939)
+ (xy 119.480776 111.045952) (xy 119.518186 111.062982) (xy 119.526762 111.066886) (xy 121.804621 112.024321)
+ (xy 121.805085 112.024518) (xy 122.629806 112.378465) (xy 123.123943 112.590535) (xy 123.12678 112.591795)
+ (xy 123.1434 112.599426) (xy 123.149323 112.602339) (xy 123.1566 112.606161) (xy 123.163891 112.609992)
+ (xy 123.169598 112.613185) (xy 123.1837 112.621576) (xy 123.189215 112.625059) (xy 123.202807 112.634153)
+ (xy 123.208108 112.637906) (xy 123.221167 112.647677) (xy 123.226238 112.651682) (xy 123.238756 112.662118)
+ (xy 123.243627 112.666401) (xy 123.255527 112.67743) (xy 123.260171 112.681966) (xy 123.271469 112.693594)
+ (xy 123.275856 112.698351) (xy 123.28655 112.710579) (xy 123.29068 112.715558) (xy 123.300723 112.728333)
+ (xy 123.304611 112.733556) (xy 123.313953 112.746817) (xy 123.317563 112.752238) (xy 123.326219 112.766008)
+ (xy 123.32955 112.771631) (xy 123.337493 112.785882) (xy 123.340532 112.791689) (xy 123.347738 112.806395)
+ (xy 123.350479 112.812387) (xy 123.356917 112.82751) (xy 123.359338 112.833645) (xy 123.365546 112.85069)
+ (xy 123.36667 112.853913) (xy 123.759969 114.033808) (xy 123.761227 114.037808) (xy 123.779116 114.098211)
+ (xy 123.781064 114.105621) (xy 123.794702 114.1649) (xy 123.796183 114.172383) (xy 123.806094 114.232048)
+ (xy 123.807108 114.239567) (xy 123.813324 114.299465) (xy 123.813874 114.307002) (xy 123.81642 114.36693)
+ (xy 123.816511 114.374462) (xy 123.815416 114.434291) (xy 123.815052 114.441789) (xy 123.810345 114.501362)
+ (xy 123.809529 114.508815) (xy 123.801236 114.567955) (xy 123.799971 114.57534) (xy 123.78813 114.633828)
+ (xy 123.786422 114.641126) (xy 123.771043 114.698888) (xy 123.768892 114.706083) (xy 123.750028 114.762858)
+ (xy 123.747438 114.769929) (xy 123.725094 114.825626) (xy 123.722068 114.832548) (xy 123.696292 114.886953)
+ (xy 123.692834 114.893711) (xy 123.663645 114.946677) (xy 123.65976 114.953239) (xy 123.627176 115.004617)
+ (xy 123.622875 115.010958) (xy 123.586065 115.061764) (xy 123.583223 115.065533) (xy 122.813268 116.047322)
+ (xy 122.807515 116.054138) (xy 122.727632 116.142152) (xy 122.726184 116.14372) (xy 122.642492 116.232801)
+ (xy 122.641017 116.234344) (xy 122.555847 116.321927) (xy 122.554346 116.323444) (xy 122.467629 116.4096)
+ (xy 122.466102 116.411092) (xy 122.377945 116.495713) (xy 122.376392 116.497178) (xy 122.286784 116.580275)
+ (xy 122.285206 116.581713) (xy 122.194179 116.663257) (xy 122.192574 116.66467) (xy 122.099318 116.745355)
+ (xy 121.764744 117.047023) (xy 121.755678 117.054451) (xy 121.710369 117.088127) (xy 121.706176 117.091111)
+ (xy 121.656929 117.124634) (xy 121.652637 117.127426) (xy 121.642615 117.133659) (xy 121.6022 117.158787)
+ (xy 121.597797 117.1614) (xy 121.546194 117.190602) (xy 121.541694 117.193028) (xy 121.489026 117.22003)
+ (xy 121.484438 117.222264) (xy 121.430775 117.247043) (xy 121.426106 117.249084) (xy 121.371512 117.27162)
+ (xy 121.366762 117.273467) (xy 121.311309 117.293733) (xy 121.306492 117.295382) (xy 121.250249 117.313356)
+ (xy 121.245368 117.314806) (xy 121.188426 117.330458) (xy 121.183482 117.331708) (xy 121.1259 117.345016)
+ (xy 121.120904 117.346063) (xy 121.062731 117.357007) (xy 121.057693 117.357848) (xy 120.999036 117.366399)
+ (xy 120.993952 117.367033) (xy 120.934856 117.373168) (xy 120.929742 117.373592) (xy 120.87032 117.377284)
+ (xy 120.86518 117.377497) (xy 120.80701 117.378693) (xy 120.804119 117.378753) (xy 120.801572 117.378779)
+ (xy 114.340351 117.378779) (xy 114.337786 117.378752) (xy 114.334842 117.378691) (xy 114.299876 117.377966)
+ (xy 114.294607 117.377745) (xy 114.258381 117.37545) (xy 114.253136 117.375006) (xy 114.217289 117.371202)
+ (xy 114.212086 117.370538) (xy 114.176683 117.365259) (xy 114.171537 117.364381) (xy 114.155402 117.361275)
+ (xy 114.136548 117.357646) (xy 114.131478 117.35656) (xy 114.09697 117.348402) (xy 114.091956 117.347105)
+ (xy 114.057967 117.337555) (xy 114.053026 117.336055) (xy 114.020827 117.325543) (xy 114.013588 117.322929)
+ (xy 113.947284 117.296628) (xy 113.937958 117.292476) (xy 113.875463 117.261514) (xy 113.866562 117.256641)
+ (xy 113.813257 117.224554) (xy 113.806968 117.220768) (xy 113.798533 117.21521) (xy 113.742119 117.174643)
+ (xy 113.734172 117.168423) (xy 113.725916 117.1614) (xy 113.695618 117.135625) (xy 113.681251 117.123403)
+ (xy 113.673824 117.116543) (xy 113.624687 117.067302) (xy 113.617818 117.059831) (xy 113.572763 117.006607)
+ (xy 113.566494 116.998551) (xy 113.525046 116.940509) (xy 113.520776 116.93412) (xy 113.502825 116.905361)
+ (xy 113.50019 116.900936) (xy 113.482755 116.870232) (xy 113.480287 116.865666) (xy 113.464096 116.83415)
+ (xy 113.461818 116.829478) (xy 113.446885 116.797144) (xy 113.444794 116.792353) (xy 113.431157 116.759224)
+ (xy 113.429263 116.754332) (xy 113.428028 116.75093) (xy 113.416969 116.720462) (xy 113.415285 116.715494)
+ (xy 113.404361 116.680885) (xy 113.40288 116.675821) (xy 113.402664 116.675019) (xy 113.392991 116.639118)
+ (xy 113.392372 116.636724) (xy 113.378553 116.580993) (xy 111.036824 107.136761) (xy 111.031482 107.11835)
+ (xy 111.025333 107.100378) (xy 111.018401 107.082861) (xy 111.010711 107.065814) (xy 111.002286 107.049254)
+ (xy 110.993152 107.033196) (xy 110.983333 107.017656) (xy 110.983315 107.01763) (xy 110.972866 107.002668)
+ (xy 110.97286 107.00266) (xy 110.961745 106.988205) (xy 110.961737 106.988195) (xy 110.950009 106.974306)
+ (xy 110.937695 106.960998) (xy 110.924817 106.948289) (xy 110.924805 106.948278) (xy 110.924789 106.948263)
+ (xy 110.91141 106.9362) (xy 110.897493 106.924743) (xy 110.897486 106.924738) (xy 110.897472 106.924726)
+ (xy 110.883053 106.913905) (xy 110.883034 106.913892) (xy 110.868176 106.90375) (xy 110.868169 106.903746)
+ (xy 110.85285 106.894266) (xy 110.852839 106.89426) (xy 110.837114 106.88548) (xy 110.820949 106.877383)
+ (xy 110.804477 106.870041) (xy 110.804448 106.870029) (xy 110.787666 106.863439) (xy 110.787603 106.863416)
+ (xy 110.770498 106.857578) (xy 110.770491 106.857575) (xy 110.770474 106.85757) (xy 110.758838 106.85418)
+ (xy 110.753025 106.852487) (xy 110.753005 106.852482) (xy 110.735311 106.848194) (xy 110.735312 106.848194)
+ (xy 110.735299 106.848191) (xy 110.717332 106.8447) (xy 110.717329 106.844699) (xy 110.717316 106.844697)
+ (xy 110.717305 106.844695) (xy 110.699175 106.842033) (xy 110.699126 106.842027) (xy 110.680799 106.840199)
+ (xy 110.680782 106.840197) (xy 110.679213 106.840114) (xy 110.662208 106.839214) (xy 110.660917 106.839206)
+ (xy 110.643505 106.8391) (xy 110.624673 106.839872) (xy 110.605768 106.841542) (xy 110.605767 106.841542)
+ (xy 110.586663 106.844144) (xy 108.059696 107.19403) (xy 108.057675 107.194293) (xy 108.053719 107.194774)
+ (xy 108.039046 107.196558) (xy 108.035616 107.196926) (xy 108.017612 107.198608) (xy 108.014174 107.198881)
+ (xy 107.996262 107.200053) (xy 107.992815 107.200231) (xy 107.974799 107.200907) (xy 107.971371 107.200988)
+ (xy 107.9534 107.201165) (xy 107.94995 107.201151) (xy 107.931984 107.200828) (xy 107.928561 107.200719)
+ (xy 107.91061 107.1999) (xy 107.907173 107.199695) (xy 107.903463 107.199422) (xy 107.889262 107.198378)
+ (xy 107.885851 107.198079) (xy 107.868 107.196269) (xy 107.864584 107.195875) (xy 107.846715 107.193561)
+ (xy 107.843317 107.193073) (xy 107.825619 107.190281) (xy 107.822232 107.189699) (xy 107.804524 107.1864)
+ (xy 107.801152 107.185723) (xy 107.783574 107.181941) (xy 107.780211 107.181168) (xy 107.762719 107.176892)
+ (xy 107.759393 107.17603) (xy 107.741982 107.171259) (xy 107.738657 107.170298) (xy 107.720338 107.164724)
+ (xy 107.719024 107.164316) (xy 105.636163 106.505211) (xy 105.629307 106.503265) (xy 105.620772 106.500843)
+ (xy 105.620768 106.500842) (xy 105.605283 106.497297) (xy 105.605251 106.49729) (xy 105.589673 106.494557)
+ (xy 105.589656 106.494555) (xy 105.573987 106.492625) (xy 105.558295 106.491502) (xy 105.558285 106.491501)
+ (xy 105.544304 106.491213) (xy 105.542558 106.491177) (xy 105.542557 106.491177) (xy 105.542524 106.491177)
+ (xy 105.526895 106.49165) (xy 105.526844 106.491653) (xy 105.511227 106.492919) (xy 105.49565 106.494983)
+ (xy 105.480203 106.497834) (xy 105.480184 106.497838) (xy 105.464944 106.50146) (xy 105.464935 106.501462)
+ (xy 105.464918 106.501467) (xy 105.449798 106.505883) (xy 105.449787 106.505886) (xy 105.449786 106.505887)
+ (xy 105.434903 106.511072) (xy 105.434868 106.511085) (xy 105.420227 106.517043) (xy 105.420201 106.517054)
+ (xy 105.405798 106.523795) (xy 105.391712 106.531297) (xy 105.391698 106.531305) (xy 105.378005 106.539529)
+ (xy 105.377988 106.53954) (xy 105.364798 106.548417) (xy 105.35213 106.557923) (xy 105.340021 106.568016)
+ (xy 105.328429 106.578729) (xy 105.317454 106.589956) (xy 105.307039 106.601756) (xy 105.297286 106.614009)
+ (xy 105.297272 106.614027) (xy 105.288136 106.62678) (xy 105.288129 106.626789) (xy 105.279654 106.639988)
+ (xy 105.271823 106.653662) (xy 105.264727 106.66766) (xy 105.264709 106.667699) (xy 105.258306 106.682106)
+ (xy 105.252608 106.696929) (xy 105.247682 106.712013) (xy 105.247676 106.712033) (xy 105.2435 106.727475)
+ (xy 104.560192 109.719955) (xy 104.560051 109.720569) (xy 104.025756 112.006835) (xy 103.932267 112.413508)
+ (xy 103.850593 112.768784) (xy 103.762588 113.151598) (xy 103.513945 114.297456) (xy 103.513346 114.300079)
+ (xy 103.438058 114.614013) (xy 103.437148 114.617574) (xy 103.352766 114.928481) (xy 103.351751 114.932013)
+ (xy 103.258239 115.240132) (xy 103.25712 115.243631) (xy 103.154545 115.548778) (xy 103.153323 115.552242)
+ (xy 103.041753 115.854221) (xy 103.040429 115.857647) (xy 102.919947 116.156233) (xy 102.918522 116.15962)
+ (xy 102.789174 116.454665) (xy 102.787648 116.45801) (xy 102.651725 116.74463) (xy 102.645066 116.75685)
+ (xy 102.62663 116.786578) (xy 102.623189 116.791825) (xy 102.600953 116.823932) (xy 102.597383 116.828827)
+ (xy 102.573381 116.860102) (xy 102.569729 116.864636) (xy 102.543976 116.895116) (xy 102.540276 116.899301)
+ (xy 102.512827 116.928968) (xy 102.5091 116.932825) (xy 102.480036 116.961632) (xy 102.476311 116.965173)
+ (xy 102.445679 116.993115) (xy 102.441976 116.996362) (xy 102.409859 117.023402) (xy 102.406193 117.02637)
+ (xy 102.372647 117.052499) (xy 102.369026 117.055215) (xy 102.334978 117.07979) (xy 102.329674 117.083414)
+ (xy 102.255216 117.131483) (xy 102.248334 117.135615) (xy 102.170432 117.179025) (xy 102.163784 117.18247)
+ (xy 102.082172 117.221681) (xy 102.075728 117.224554) (xy 101.991125 117.259428) (xy 101.984861 117.261814)
+ (xy 101.897978 117.292247) (xy 101.891831 117.294222) (xy 101.803439 117.320104) (xy 101.797353 117.32172)
+ (xy 101.708152 117.342988) (xy 101.702056 117.34428) (xy 101.612869 117.36086) (xy 101.606681 117.36185)
+ (xy 101.518184 117.373713) (xy 101.511818 117.374399) (xy 101.424884 117.38151) (xy 101.418238 117.381875)
+ (xy 101.331774 117.384291) (xy 101.328311 117.384339) (xy 95.192634 117.384339) (xy 95.188173 117.384259)
+ (xy 95.181787 117.384029) (xy 95.068966 117.379967) (xy 95.059669 117.379281) (xy 94.944825 117.366459)
+ (xy 94.93566 117.365088) (xy 94.934522 117.364874) (xy 94.89613 117.357652) (xy 94.823029 117.343901)
+ (xy 94.814052 117.341864) (xy 94.704049 117.312578) (xy 94.695305 117.309901) (xy 94.588282 117.272769)
+ (xy 94.579814 117.269479) (xy 94.476145 117.224748) (xy 94.467974 117.220862) (xy 94.3681 117.168815)
+ (xy 94.360247 117.164352) (xy 94.264523 117.105232) (xy 94.257023 117.100214) (xy 94.165853 117.03429)
+ (xy 94.158731 117.028734) (xy 94.072514 116.956275) (xy 94.065798 116.950198) (xy 93.984912 116.871455)
+ (xy 93.978631 116.864875) (xy 93.90347 116.780115) (xy 93.897658 116.773053) (xy 93.828611 116.682541)
+ (xy 93.823303 116.675019) (xy 93.81564 116.663257) (xy 93.762517 116.581713) (xy 93.760755 116.579009)
+ (xy 93.755991 116.571063) (xy 93.700307 116.46978) (xy 93.696125 116.461445) (xy 93.646677 116.352899)
+ (xy 93.644906 116.348818) (xy 92.698259 114.056152) (xy 92.696801 114.052455) (xy 92.689792 114.033808)
+ (xy 92.68381 114.01789) (xy 92.681241 114.01032) (xy 92.671195 113.97725) (xy 92.669136 113.969602)
+ (xy 92.661263 113.936082) (xy 92.659714 113.928388) (xy 92.65403 113.894623) (xy 92.652974 113.88684)
+ (xy 92.649464 113.852935) (xy 92.648907 113.845149) (xy 92.647554 113.811163) (xy 92.647491 113.803374)
+ (xy 92.648284 113.769439) (xy 92.648711 113.761674) (xy 92.651639 113.727887) (xy 92.652557 113.720146)
+ (xy 92.653083 113.716649) (xy 92.657604 113.686622) (xy 92.659002 113.678981) (xy 92.666171 113.645753)
+ (xy 92.668046 113.638227) (xy 92.677304 113.605498) (xy 92.679672 113.59804) (xy 92.691008 113.565895)
+ (xy 92.693853 113.558576) (xy 92.707259 113.527102) (xy 92.710592 113.519925) (xy 92.726042 113.48925)
+ (xy 92.72985 113.482258) (xy 92.747358 113.452431) (xy 92.751632 113.44566) (xy 92.772313 113.415129)
+ (xy 92.774588 113.411883) (xy 93.271131 112.727057) (xy 93.272168 112.725652) (xy 93.307228 112.678932)
+ (xy 93.309968 112.675418) (xy 93.345764 112.63121) (xy 93.348687 112.627734) (xy 93.385969 112.585004)
+ (xy 93.388979 112.581679) (xy 93.427798 112.540353) (xy 93.430896 112.537174) (xy 93.471129 112.497373)
+ (xy 93.474378 112.494274) (xy 93.515994 112.456016) (xy 93.51935 112.453043) (xy 93.562294 112.41637)
+ (xy 93.565758 112.41352) (xy 93.610013 112.378441) (xy 93.613568 112.375728) (xy 93.659056 112.342307)
+ (xy 93.662724 112.339712) (xy 93.709475 112.307926) (xy 93.713191 112.305499) (xy 93.761082 112.275439)
+ (xy 93.764868 112.273158) (xy 93.813939 112.244807) (xy 93.8178 112.242671) (xy 93.867884 112.216135)
+ (xy 93.871875 112.214113) (xy 93.92298 112.189395) (xy 93.927099 112.187497) (xy 93.935129 112.183971)
+ (xy 93.979128 112.164653) (xy 93.983295 112.162914) (xy 94.037449 112.141482) (xy 94.039376 112.14074)
+ (xy 97.39623 110.881691) (xy 97.419973 110.872137) (xy 97.443264 110.86182) (xy 97.488441 110.838969)
+ (xy 97.531655 110.813272) (xy 97.5728 110.784864) (xy 97.61177 110.753879) (xy 97.64846 110.720454)
+ (xy 97.682763 110.684722) (xy 97.714575 110.646819) (xy 97.743788 110.606879) (xy 97.770298 110.565038)
+ (xy 97.793999 110.521431) (xy 97.814785 110.476192) (xy 97.83255 110.429456) (xy 97.83255 110.429453)
+ (xy 97.832554 110.429445) (xy 97.847187 110.381361) (xy 97.847191 110.381346) (xy 97.858586 110.332066)
+ (xy 97.858588 110.332053) (xy 97.858593 110.332034) (xy 97.863051 110.306954) (xy 97.86666 110.281618)
+ (xy 97.946762 109.569256) (xy 98.022233 108.856434) (xy 98.093074 108.143151) (xy 98.159287 107.429403)
+ (xy 98.221795 106.71589) (xy 98.279671 106.001456) (xy 98.308379 105.631033) (xy 98.310937 105.595758)
+ (xy 98.33513 105.26205) (xy 98.335365 105.25925) (xy 98.338232 105.229314) (xy 98.338606 105.225911)
+ (xy 98.342591 105.193759) (xy 98.342837 105.191889) (xy 98.353061 105.118846) (xy 98.362712 105.041676)
+ (xy 98.366164 105.002745) (xy 98.368109 104.964051) (xy 98.368099 104.925942) (xy 98.365692 104.88877)
+ (xy 98.360441 104.852884) (xy 98.35661 104.835533) (xy 98.351902 104.818634) (xy 98.34626 104.802232)
+ (xy 98.33963 104.78637) (xy 98.331955 104.771092) (xy 98.331953 104.77109) (xy 98.331949 104.771081)
+ (xy 98.323188 104.756455) (xy 98.323186 104.756453) (xy 98.32318 104.756442) (xy 98.313249 104.742464)
+ (xy 98.302107 104.7292) (xy 98.302098 104.72919) (xy 98.289701 104.716698) (xy 98.289693 104.716692)
+ (xy 98.275961 104.70499) (xy 98.262709 104.69609) (xy 98.25878 104.693451) (xy 98.258769 104.693444)
+ (xy 98.25876 104.693438) (xy 98.241315 104.682415) (xy 98.223562 104.671879) (xy 98.223554 104.671874)
+ (xy 98.223543 104.671868) (xy 98.205515 104.661837) (xy 98.187229 104.652319) (xy 98.168696 104.643319)
+ (xy 98.149927 104.63484) (xy 98.149925 104.634839) (xy 98.149918 104.634836) (xy 98.130926 104.626884)
+ (xy 98.111743 104.619472) (xy 98.092324 104.612584) (xy 98.092316 104.612581) (xy 98.083155 104.609615)
+ (xy 98.0727 104.60623) (xy 98.052936 104.600435) (xy 98.03299 104.595184) (xy 98.01286 104.59048)
+ (xy 97.99768 104.587377) (xy 97.992616 104.586342) (xy 97.985556 104.585103) (xy 97.977037 104.583608)
+ (xy 97.967492 104.581542) (xy 97.841611 104.549059) (xy 97.839518 104.548499) (xy 97.710656 104.512834)
+ (xy 97.708574 104.512238) (xy 97.580277 104.474305) (xy 97.578206 104.473673) (xy 97.450664 104.433528)
+ (xy 97.448604 104.43286) (xy 97.321777 104.390492) (xy 97.319728 104.389788) (xy 97.193637 104.345203)
+ (xy 97.191602 104.344463) (xy 97.066292 104.297676) (xy 97.064268 104.2969) (xy 96.938771 104.247526)
+ (xy 96.889743 104.228922) (xy 96.839967 104.211798) (xy 96.738824 104.180852) (xy 96.535206 104.124279)
+ (xy 96.532549 104.123509) (xy 96.434159 104.093792) (xy 96.430327 104.092566) (xy 96.383912 104.076887)
+ (xy 96.380419 104.075649) (xy 96.334798 104.058703) (xy 96.330639 104.057072) (xy 96.28646 104.038818)
+ (xy 96.281667 104.036718) (xy 96.239051 104.016953) (xy 96.233661 104.014293) (xy 96.192655 103.992798)
+ (xy 96.186768 103.989504) (xy 96.146799 103.965696) (xy 96.14169 103.962482) (xy 96.121622 103.949164)
+ (xy 96.117494 103.946303) (xy 96.097777 103.932035) (xy 96.093848 103.929071) (xy 96.074816 103.914113)
+ (xy 96.071099 103.911074) (xy 96.052716 103.895438) (xy 96.049229 103.892357) (xy 96.031477 103.876071)
+ (xy 96.028233 103.872985) (xy 96.011745 103.856724) (xy 96.00733 103.852141) (xy 95.973718 103.815404)
+ (xy 95.968621 103.809467) (xy 95.937658 103.771012) (xy 95.933435 103.765454) (xy 95.904144 103.724563)
+ (xy 95.900704 103.719501) (xy 95.872904 103.676341) (xy 95.870158 103.671873) (xy 95.843667 103.626653)
+ (xy 95.841512 103.62282) (xy 95.816153 103.575784) (xy 95.814544 103.572696) (xy 95.790264 103.524396)
+ (xy 95.78867 103.5211) (xy 95.741196 103.419145) (xy 95.7404 103.417401) (xy 95.647859 103.210355)
+ (xy 95.626136 103.163469) (xy 95.623989 103.158559) (xy 95.605384 103.113381) (xy 95.603465 103.10842)
+ (xy 95.586871 103.062612) (xy 95.585169 103.057574) (xy 95.570598 103.011215) (xy 95.569111 103.006105)
+ (xy 95.556565 102.959247) (xy 95.555302 102.954089) (xy 95.544784 102.906783) (xy 95.543758 102.901658)
+ (xy 95.535265 102.853902) (xy 95.534459 102.848722) (xy 95.528032 102.800767) (xy 95.52744 102.795503)
+ (xy 95.523067 102.747314) (xy 95.522701 102.742026) (xy 95.520389 102.693628) (xy 95.520251 102.688395)
+ (xy 95.520012 102.639938) (xy 95.520099 102.63464) (xy 95.521938 102.586124) (xy 95.522252 102.580854)
+ (xy 95.526175 102.532408) (xy 95.526719 102.527102) (xy 95.532733 102.478777) (xy 95.533507 102.473493)
+ (xy 95.536002 102.458676) (xy 95.541623 102.425313) (xy 95.542615 102.420112) (xy 95.553183 102.37056)
+ (xy 95.553664 102.368412) (xy 95.698744 101.747844) (xy 96.6035 101.747844) (xy 96.609901 101.807372)
+ (xy 96.609903 101.807379) (xy 96.660145 101.942086) (xy 96.660149 101.942093) (xy 96.746309 102.057187)
+ (xy 96.746312 102.05719) (xy 96.861406 102.14335) (xy 96.861413 102.143354) (xy 96.99612 102.193596)
+ (xy 96.996127 102.193598) (xy 97.055655 102.199999) (xy 97.055672 102.2) (xy 97.6535 102.2) (xy 98.1535 102.2)
+ (xy 98.751328 102.2) (xy 98.751344 102.199999) (xy 98.810872 102.193598) (xy 98.810879 102.193596)
+ (xy 98.945586 102.143354) (xy 98.945593 102.14335) (xy 99.060687 102.05719) (xy 99.06069 102.057187)
+ (xy 99.14685 101.942093) (xy 99.146854 101.942086) (xy 99.197096 101.807379) (xy 99.197098 101.807372)
+ (xy 99.203499 101.747844) (xy 99.2035 101.747827) (xy 99.2035 100.95) (xy 98.1535 100.95) (xy 98.1535 102.2)
+ (xy 97.6535 102.2) (xy 97.6535 100.95) (xy 96.6035 100.95) (xy 96.6035 101.747844) (xy 95.698744 101.747844)
+ (xy 95.84048 101.14158) (xy 96.189132 99.652155) (xy 96.6035 99.652155) (xy 96.6035 100.45) (xy 97.6535 100.45)
+ (xy 98.1535 100.45) (xy 99.2035 100.45) (xy 99.2035 99.652172) (xy 99.203499 99.652155) (xy 99.19812 99.602135)
+ (xy 113.4995 99.602135) (xy 113.4995 101.69787) (xy 113.499501 101.697876) (xy 113.505908 101.757483)
+ (xy 113.556202 101.892328) (xy 113.556206 101.892335) (xy 113.642452 102.007544) (xy 113.642455 102.007547)
+ (xy 113.757664 102.093793) (xy 113.757671 102.093797) (xy 113.892517 102.144091) (xy 113.892516 102.144091)
+ (xy 113.899444 102.144835) (xy 113.952127 102.1505) (xy 115.647872 102.150499) (xy 115.707483 102.144091)
+ (xy 115.756665 102.125746) (xy 115.826355 102.120761) (xy 115.843333 102.125747) (xy 115.892508 102.144088)
+ (xy 115.892511 102.144088) (xy 115.892517 102.144091) (xy 115.952127 102.1505) (xy 117.647872 102.150499)
+ (xy 117.707483 102.144091) (xy 117.757382 102.125479) (xy 117.827069 102.120494) (xy 117.844048 102.125479)
+ (xy 117.892628 102.143598) (xy 117.892627 102.143598) (xy 117.952155 102.149999) (xy 117.952172 102.15)
+ (xy 118.55 102.15) (xy 119.05 102.15) (xy 119.647828 102.15) (xy 119.647844 102.149999) (xy 119.707372 102.143598)
+ (xy 119.707379 102.143596) (xy 119.842086 102.093354) (xy 119.842093 102.09335) (xy 119.957187 102.00719)
+ (xy 119.95719 102.007187) (xy 120.04335 101.892093) (xy 120.043354 101.892086) (xy 120.093596 101.757379)
+ (xy 120.093598 101.757372) (xy 120.099999 101.697844) (xy 120.1 101.697827) (xy 120.1 100.9) (xy 119.05 100.9)
+ (xy 119.05 102.15) (xy 118.55 102.15) (xy 118.55 100.4) (xy 119.05 100.4) (xy 120.1 100.4) (xy 120.1 99.602172)
+ (xy 120.099999 99.602155) (xy 120.093598 99.542627) (xy 120.093596 99.54262) (xy 120.043354 99.407913)
+ (xy 120.04335 99.407906) (xy 119.95719 99.292812) (xy 119.957187 99.292809) (xy 119.842093 99.206649)
+ (xy 119.842086 99.206645) (xy 119.707379 99.156403) (xy 119.707372 99.156401) (xy 119.647844 99.15)
+ (xy 119.05 99.15) (xy 119.05 100.4) (xy 118.55 100.4) (xy 118.55 99.15) (xy 117.952155 99.15) (xy 117.892627 99.156401)
+ (xy 117.892623 99.156402) (xy 117.844046 99.17452) (xy 117.774354 99.179503) (xy 117.757382 99.174519)
+ (xy 117.707485 99.155909) (xy 117.707483 99.155908) (xy 117.647883 99.149501) (xy 117.647881 99.1495)
+ (xy 117.647873 99.1495) (xy 117.647864 99.1495) (xy 115.952129 99.1495) (xy 115.952123 99.149501)
+ (xy 115.892516 99.155908) (xy 115.843332 99.174253) (xy 115.77364 99.179237) (xy 115.756667 99.174253)
+ (xy 115.707482 99.155908) (xy 115.707483 99.155908) (xy 115.647883 99.149501) (xy 115.647881 99.1495)
+ (xy 115.647873 99.1495) (xy 115.647864 99.1495) (xy 113.952129 99.1495) (xy 113.952123 99.149501)
+ (xy 113.892516 99.155908) (xy 113.757671 99.206202) (xy 113.757664 99.206206) (xy 113.642455 99.292452)
+ (xy 113.642452 99.292455) (xy 113.556206 99.407664) (xy 113.556202 99.407671) (xy 113.505908 99.542517)
+ (xy 113.499501 99.602116) (xy 113.4995 99.602135) (xy 99.19812 99.602135) (xy 99.197098 99.592627)
+ (xy 99.197096 99.59262) (xy 99.146854 99.457913) (xy 99.14685 99.457906) (xy 99.06069 99.342812)
+ (xy 99.060687 99.342809) (xy 98.945593 99.256649) (xy 98.945586 99.256645) (xy 98.810879 99.206403)
+ (xy 98.810872 99.206401) (xy 98.751344 99.2) (xy 98.1535 99.2) (xy 98.1535 100.45) (xy 97.6535 100.45)
+ (xy 97.6535 99.2) (xy 97.055655 99.2) (xy 96.996127 99.206401) (xy 96.99612 99.206403) (xy 96.861413 99.256645)
+ (xy 96.861406 99.256649) (xy 96.746312 99.342809) (xy 96.746309 99.342812) (xy 96.660149 99.457906)
+ (xy 96.660145 99.457913) (xy 96.609903 99.59262) (xy 96.609901 99.592627) (xy 96.6035 99.652155)
+ (xy 96.189132 99.652155) (xy 96.725777 97.359629) (xy 97.559214 93.794368) (xy 97.816654 92.696083)
+ (xy 96.103476 90.768061) (xy 96.103474 90.76806) (xy 96.103473 90.768059) (xy 92.140018 88.947468)
+ (xy 91.919432 89.209018) (xy 91.918651 89.209935) (xy 91.417326 89.792773) (xy 91.416187 89.794078)
+ (xy 91.136227 90.110506) (xy 91.134727 90.112171) (xy 90.875251 90.394978) (xy 90.873206 90.397154)
+ (xy 90.761774 90.512884) (xy 90.759301 90.51538) (xy 90.665479 90.607451) (xy 90.660739 90.611866)
+ (xy 90.5896 90.674731) (xy 90.581884 90.681016) (xy 90.561422 90.696361) (xy 90.550017 90.703967)
+ (xy 90.53771 90.711225) (xy 90.526823 90.716938) (xy 90.380748 90.784578) (xy 90.373768 90.787554)
+ (xy 90.226341 90.845151) (xy 90.219142 90.847711) (xy 90.072006 90.894976) (xy 90.064761 90.897063)
+ (xy 89.917193 90.934745) (xy 89.910089 90.936338) (xy 89.761484 90.965116) (xy 89.754692 90.966237)
+ (xy 89.604356 90.986773) (xy 89.598028 90.987472) (xy 89.445408 91.000386) (xy 89.439662 91.000739)
+ (xy 89.284085 91.006651) (xy 89.278995 91.006739) (xy 89.120049 91.00625) (xy 89.115656 91.006159)
+ (xy 88.952723 90.999882) (xy 88.94904 90.999685) (xy 88.781744 90.988249) (xy 88.778754 90.988008)
+ (xy 88.606941 90.972079) (xy 88.603755 90.971743) (xy 88.242202 90.928776) (xy 88.23995 90.928487)
+ (xy 87.854503 90.875509) (xy 87.85442 90.875472) (xy 87.854299 90.875481) (xy 87.357704 90.806378)
+ (xy 87.355637 90.806072) (xy 86.888471 90.733021) (xy 86.884379 90.732311) (xy 86.443785 90.648212)
+ (xy 86.439329 90.647276) (xy 86.229966 90.599285) (xy 86.226253 90.598374) (xy 86.193261 90.589733)
+ (xy 86.022397 90.544981) (xy 86.018134 90.543782) (xy 85.820305 90.484342) (xy 85.815522 90.482799)
+ (xy 85.654168 90.427096) (xy 85.623337 90.416452) (xy 85.618101 90.414512) (xy 85.603017 90.408531)
+ (xy 85.465941 90.354177) (xy 85.431295 90.340439) (xy 85.425676 90.338049) (xy 85.243929 90.255408)
+ (xy 85.238043 90.252541) (xy 85.060996 90.160467) (xy 85.05497 90.157118) (xy 84.882236 90.054706)
+ (xy 84.876227 90.050906) (xy 84.834851 90.023042) (xy 84.707441 89.937239) (xy 84.701573 89.933033)
+ (xy 84.58771 89.846278) (xy 84.536025 89.806897) (xy 84.531101 89.802943) (xy 84.415083 89.70482)
+ (xy 84.411026 89.701234) (xy 84.394374 89.685854) (xy 84.300958 89.599575) (xy 84.297082 89.595835)
+ (xy 84.223202 89.521347) (xy 84.193094 89.490991) (xy 84.189368 89.487066) (xy 84.091222 89.37907)
+ (xy 84.087713 89.375038) (xy 83.995148 89.263884) (xy 83.991911 89.259825) (xy 83.90468 89.145512)
+ (xy 83.901682 89.141409) (xy 83.819626 89.024043) (xy 83.816845 89.019887) (xy 83.768287 88.944068)
+ (xy 83.73972 88.899464) (xy 83.737211 88.895372) (xy 83.664782 88.771875) (xy 83.6625 88.767809)
+ (xy 83.653241 88.750564) (xy 83.595112 88.642293) (xy 83.592146 88.636398) (xy 83.468516 88.373434)
+ (xy 83.465335 88.366054) (xy 83.357796 88.092496) (xy 83.355399 88.085845) (xy 83.261861 87.800943)
+ (xy 83.260087 87.79505) (xy 83.215196 87.631313) (xy 83.17898 87.499218) (xy 83.177724 87.494224)
+ (xy 83.10747 87.187938) (xy 83.106599 87.183813) (xy 83.045582 86.867491) (xy 83.044983 86.864131)
+ (xy 82.991688 86.538921) (xy 82.991147 86.535278) (xy 82.990908 86.533485) (xy 82.900568 85.856827)
+ (xy 82.900275 85.854451) (xy 82.820337 85.145139) (xy 82.753025 84.518236) (xy 82.752753 84.515373)
+ (xy 82.699589 83.876813) (xy 82.699332 83.873008) (xy 82.682762 83.551147) (xy 82.682634 83.547731)
+ (xy 82.675117 83.223282) (xy 82.675092 83.219215) (xy 82.67848 82.893008) (xy 82.678619 82.888305)
+ (xy 82.694725 82.560472) (xy 82.695109 82.555079) (xy 82.700187 82.5005) (xy 82.725739 82.225876)
+ (xy 82.726435 82.219957) (xy 82.773396 81.889526) (xy 82.774475 81.883139) (xy 82.839592 81.551565)
+ (xy 82.84113 81.544761) (xy 82.926206 81.212284) (xy 82.928247 81.205197) (xy 83.035139 80.871863)
+ (xy 83.037711 80.864624) (xy 83.168285 80.530535) (xy 83.171381 80.523302) (xy 83.327538 80.188549)
+ (xy 83.331155 80.181409) (xy 83.398388 80.058661) (xy 83.515312 79.845192) (xy 83.518256 79.84011)
+ (xy 83.628798 79.659427) (xy 83.631055 79.655877) (xy 83.747996 79.478816) (xy 83.750408 79.4753)
+ (xy 83.814661 79.384966) (xy 83.87317 79.302707) (xy 83.875628 79.299375) (xy 84.004139 79.131298)
+ (xy 84.006716 79.128045) (xy 84.14077 78.964711) (xy 84.143469 78.961536) (xy 84.282938 78.803059)
+ (xy 84.285749 78.799974) (xy 84.430494 78.64649) (xy 84.433394 78.643518) (xy 84.583294 78.495138)
+ (xy 84.586332 78.492233) (xy 84.741206 78.349129) (xy 84.744319 78.34635) (xy 84.904122 78.208572)
+ (xy 84.907325 78.205905) (xy 85.071828 78.07366) (xy 85.075133 78.071095) (xy 85.244262 77.944465)
+ (xy 85.247667 77.942005) (xy 85.421264 77.821139) (xy 85.424723 77.818818) (xy 85.602651 77.703845)
+ (xy 85.606225 77.701622) (xy 85.788352 77.592669) (xy 85.791955 77.590598) (xy 85.853036 77.556874)
+ (xy 85.921236 77.541704) (xy 85.986814 77.565815) (xy 86.003834 77.581052) (xy 87.234302 78.906171)
+ (xy 87.265495 78.968692) (xy 87.257934 79.038151) (xy 87.214021 79.092496) (xy 87.147698 79.114474)
+ (xy 87.080022 79.097105) (xy 87.072313 79.092122) (xy 86.977834 79.025967) (xy 86.97783 79.025965)
+ (xy 86.942701 79.009584) (xy 86.763663 78.926097) (xy 86.763659 78.926096) (xy 86.763655 78.926094)
+ (xy 86.535413 78.864938) (xy 86.535403 78.864936) (xy 86.300001 78.844341) (xy 86.299999 78.844341)
+ (xy 86.064596 78.864936) (xy 86.064586 78.864938) (xy 85.836344 78.926094) (xy 85.836335 78.926098)
+ (xy 85.622171 79.025964) (xy 85.622169 79.025965) (xy 85.428597 79.161505) (xy 85.261505 79.328597)
+ (xy 85.125965 79.522169) (xy 85.125964 79.522171) (xy 85.026098 79.736335) (xy 85.026094 79.736344)
+ (xy 84.964938 79.964586) (xy 84.964936 79.964596) (xy 84.944341 80.199999) (xy 84.944341 80.2) (xy 84.964936 80.435403)
+ (xy 84.964938 80.435413) (xy 85.026094 80.663655) (xy 85.026096 80.663659) (xy 85.026097 80.663663)
+ (xy 85.109913 80.843407) (xy 85.125965 80.87783) (xy 85.125967 80.877834) (xy 85.261501 81.071395)
+ (xy 85.261506 81.071402) (xy 85.415605 81.225501) (xy 85.44909 81.286824) (xy 85.444106 81.356516)
+ (xy 85.402234 81.412449) (xy 85.360017 81.432957) (xy 85.236344 81.466094) (xy 85.236335 81.466098)
+ (xy 85.022171 81.565964) (xy 85.022169 81.565965) (xy 84.828597 81.701505) (xy 84.661505 81.868597)
+ (xy 84.525965 82.062169) (xy 84.525964 82.062171) (xy 84.426098 82.276335) (xy 84.426094 82.276344)
+ (xy 84.364938 82.504586) (xy 84.364936 82.504596) (xy 84.344341 82.739999) (xy 84.344341 82.74)
+ (xy 84.364936 82.975403) (xy 84.364938 82.975413) (xy 84.426094 83.203655) (xy 84.426096 83.203659)
+ (xy 84.426097 83.203663) (xy 84.435246 83.223282) (xy 84.525965 83.41783) (xy 84.525967 83.417834)
+ (xy 84.616923 83.547731) (xy 84.656893 83.604815) (xy 84.661501 83.611395) (xy 84.661506 83.611402)
+ (xy 84.828597 83.778493) (xy 84.828603 83.778498) (xy 85.014158 83.908425) (xy 85.057783 83.963002)
+ (xy 85.064977 84.0325) (xy 85.033454 84.094855) (xy 85.014158 84.111575) (xy 84.828597 84.241505)
+ (xy 84.661505 84.408597) (xy 84.525965 84.602169) (xy 84.525964 84.602171) (xy 84.426098 84.816335)
+ (xy 84.426094 84.816344) (xy 84.364938 85.044586) (xy 84.364936 85.044596) (xy 84.344341 85.279999)
+ (xy 84.344341 85.28) (xy 84.364936 85.515403) (xy 84.364938 85.515413) (xy 84.426094 85.743655)
+ (xy 84.426096 85.743659) (xy 84.426097 85.743663) (xy 84.496753 85.895185) (xy 84.525965 85.95783)
+ (xy 84.525967 85.957834) (xy 84.624026 86.097876) (xy 84.661505 86.151401) (xy 84.828599 86.318495)
+ (xy 84.866134 86.344777) (xy 85.022165 86.454032) (xy 85.022167 86.454033) (xy 85.02217 86.454035)
+ (xy 85.236337 86.553903) (xy 85.236343 86.553904) (xy 85.236344 86.553905) (xy 85.360575 86.587192)
+ (xy 85.420235 86.623557) (xy 85.450765 86.686403) (xy 85.442471 86.755779) (xy 85.416164 86.794648)
+ (xy 85.261886 86.948926) (xy 85.1264 87.14242) (xy 85.126399 87.142422) (xy 85.02657 87.356507)
+ (xy 85.026567 87.356513) (xy 84.969364 87.569999) (xy 84.969364 87.57) (xy 85.866988 87.57) (xy 85.834075 87.627007)
+ (xy 85.8 87.754174) (xy 85.8 87.885826) (xy 85.834075 88.012993) (xy 85.866988 88.07) (xy 84.969364 88.07)
+ (xy 85.026567 88.283486) (xy 85.02657 88.283492) (xy 85.126399 88.497578) (xy 85.261894 88.691082)
+ (xy 85.428917 88.858105) (xy 85.622421 88.9936) (xy 85.836507 89.093429) (xy 85.836516 89.093433)
+ (xy 86.05 89.150634) (xy 86.05 88.253012) (xy 86.107007 88.285925) (xy 86.234174 88.32) (xy 86.365826 88.32)
+ (xy 86.492993 88.285925) (xy 86.55 88.253012) (xy 86.55 89.150633) (xy 86.763483 89.093433) (xy 86.763492 89.093429)
+ (xy 86.977578 88.9936) (xy 87.171082 88.858105) (xy 87.338105 88.691082) (xy 87.4736 88.497578)
+ (xy 87.573429 88.283492) (xy 87.573432 88.283486) (xy 87.630636 88.07) (xy 86.733012 88.07) (xy 86.765925 88.012993)
+ (xy 86.8 87.885826) (xy 86.8 87.754174) (xy 86.765925 87.627007) (xy 86.733012 87.57) (xy 87.630636 87.57)
+ (xy 87.630635 87.569999) (xy 87.573432 87.356513) (xy 87.573429 87.356507) (xy 87.4736 87.142422)
+ (xy 87.473599 87.14242) (xy 87.338113 86.948926) (xy 87.338108 86.94892) (xy 87.171082 86.781894)
+ (xy 86.977578 86.646399) (xy 86.763492 86.54657) (xy 86.763486 86.546567) (xy 86.639573 86.513365)
+ (xy 86.579913 86.477) (xy 86.549384 86.414153) (xy 86.557679 86.344777) (xy 86.583981 86.305914)
+ (xy 86.738495 86.151401) (xy 86.874035 85.95783) (xy 86.973903 85.743663) (xy 87.035063 85.515408)
+ (xy 87.055659 85.28) (xy 87.035063 85.044592) (xy 87.03158 85.031592) (xy 87.033243 84.961743) (xy 87.072406 84.90388)
+ (xy 87.136635 84.876377) (xy 87.151355 84.8755) (xy 93.102048 84.8755) (xy 93.169087 84.895185)
+ (xy 93.189729 84.911819) (xy 97.963762 89.685854) (xy 97.963765 89.685857) (xy 98.01499 89.720084)
+ (xy 98.066214 89.754311) (xy 98.180048 89.801463) (xy 98.300888 89.825499) (xy 98.300892 89.8255)
+ (xy 98.300893 89.8255) (xy 113.261607 89.8255) (xy 113.322029 89.813481) (xy 113.382452 89.801463)
+ (xy 113.382455 89.801461) (xy 113.382458 89.801461) (xy 113.415787 89.787654) (xy 113.415786 89.787654)
+ (xy 113.415792 89.787652) (xy 113.496286 89.754312) (xy 113.547509 89.720084) (xy 113.598733 89.685858)
+ (xy 113.685858 89.598733) (xy 113.685858 89.598731) (xy 113.696066 89.588524) (xy 113.696067 89.588521)
+ (xy 117.372772 85.911819) (xy 117.434095 85.878334) (xy 117.460453 85.8755) (xy 118.525501 85.8755)
+ (xy 118.59254 85.895185) (xy 118.638295 85.947989) (xy 118.649501 85.9995) (xy 118.649501 86.097876)
+ (xy 118.655908 86.157483) (xy 118.706202 86.292328) (xy 118.706206 86.292335) (xy 118.792452 86.407544)
+ (xy 118.792455 86.407547) (xy 118.907664 86.493793) (xy 118.907671 86.493797) (xy 119.042517 86.544091)
+ (xy 119.042516 86.544091) (xy 119.049444 86.544835) (xy 119.102127 86.5505) (xy 121.197872 86.550499)
+ (xy 121.257483 86.544091) (xy 121.392331 86.493796) (xy 121.392335 86.493792) (xy 121.400118 86.489544)
+ (xy 121.401193 86.491514) (xy 121.455059 86.471415) (xy 121.476519 86.471739) (xy 121.513323 86.4755)
+ (xy 122.111676 86.475499) (xy 122.111684 86.475498) (xy 122.111687 86.475498) (xy 122.196639 86.46682)
+ (xy 122.212753 86.465174) (xy 122.376516 86.410908) (xy 122.52335 86.32034) (xy 122.637319 86.206371)
+ (xy 122.698642 86.172886) (xy 122.768334 86.17787) (xy 122.812681 86.206371) (xy 122.92665 86.32034)
+ (xy 123.073484 86.410908) (xy 123.237247 86.465174) (xy 123.338323 86.4755) (xy 123.936676 86.475499)
+ (xy 123.936684 86.475498) (xy 123.936687 86.475498) (xy 124.021639 86.46682) (xy 124.037753 86.465174)
+ (xy 124.201516 86.410908) (xy 124.34835 86.32034) (xy 124.47034 86.19835) (xy 124.560908 86.051516)
+ (xy 124.615174 85.887753) (xy 124.615174 85.887749) (xy 124.616068 85.885053) (xy 124.655841 85.827608)
+ (xy 124.720356 85.800785) (xy 124.789132 85.8131) (xy 124.821455 85.836376) (xy 125.155846 86.170767)
+ (xy 125.155847 86.170768) (xy 125.277407 86.292328) (xy 125.295205 86.310126) (xy 125.347064 86.344777)
+ (xy 125.459072 86.419618) (xy 125.542163 86.454035) (xy 125.64115 86.495037) (xy 125.83444 86.533485)
+ (xy 125.834443 86.533486) (xy 125.834445 86.533486) (xy 129.083279 86.533486) (xy 129.150318 86.553171)
+ (xy 129.196073 86.605975) (xy 129.206017 86.675133) (xy 129.176992 86.738689) (xy 129.118214 86.776463)
+ (xy 129.115372 86.777261) (xy 129.032177 86.799552) (xy 129.032168 86.799556) (xy 128.818083 86.899385)
+ (xy 128.818081 86.899386) (xy 128.624587 87.034872) (xy 128.624581 87.034877) (xy 128.457552 87.201906)
+ (xy 128.457547 87.201912) (xy 128.322061 87.395406) (xy 128.32206 87.395408) (xy 128.222231 87.609493)
+ (xy 128.222228 87.609499) (xy 128.165025 87.822985) (xy 128.165025 87.822986) (xy 129.062649 87.822986)
+ (xy 129.029736 87.879993) (xy 128.995661 88.00716) (xy 128.995661 88.138812) (xy 129.029736 88.265979)
+ (xy 129.062649 88.322986) (xy 128.165025 88.322986) (xy 128.222228 88.536472) (xy 128.222231 88.536478)
+ (xy 128.32206 88.750564) (xy 128.457555 88.944068) (xy 128.624578 89.111091) (xy 128.818082 89.246586)
+ (xy 129.032168 89.346415) (xy 129.032177 89.346419) (xy 129.245661 89.40362) (xy 129.245661 88.505998)
+ (xy 129.302668 88.538911) (xy 129.429835 88.572986) (xy 129.561487 88.572986) (xy 129.688654 88.538911)
+ (xy 129.745661 88.505998) (xy 129.745661 89.403619) (xy 129.959144 89.346419) (xy 129.959153 89.346415)
+ (xy 130.173239 89.246586) (xy 130.366743 89.111091) (xy 130.533766 88.944068) (xy 130.669261 88.750564)
+ (xy 130.76909 88.536478) (xy 130.769093 88.536472) (xy 130.826297 88.322986) (xy 129.928673 88.322986)
+ (xy 129.961586 88.265979) (xy 129.995661 88.138812) (xy 129.995661 88.00716) (xy 129.961586 87.879993)
+ (xy 129.928673 87.822986) (xy 130.826297 87.822986) (xy 130.826296 87.822985) (xy 130.769093 87.609499)
+ (xy 130.76909 87.609493) (xy 130.669261 87.395408) (xy 130.66926 87.395406) (xy 130.533774 87.201912)
+ (xy 130.533769 87.201906) (xy 130.379497 87.047634) (xy 130.346012 86.986311) (xy 130.350996 86.916619)
+ (xy 130.392868 86.860686) (xy 130.435083 86.840178) (xy 130.559324 86.806889) (xy 130.773491 86.707021)
+ (xy 130.967062 86.571481) (xy 131.134156 86.404387) (xy 131.269696 86.210816) (xy 131.369564 85.996649)
+ (xy 131.430724 85.768394) (xy 131.441704 85.642886) (xy 131.467156 85.577819) (xy 131.477543 85.566022)
+ (xy 132.283439 84.760127) (xy 132.283443 84.760125) (xy 132.4228 84.620768) (xy 132.532293 84.4569)
+ (xy 132.607712 84.274821) (xy 132.631052 84.157483) (xy 132.646161 84.081529) (xy 132.646161 82.252412)
+ (xy 132.64616 82.252411) (xy 132.639782 82.220343) (xy 132.607713 82.059119) (xy 132.532293 81.87704)
+ (xy 132.532292 81.877039) (xy 132.532289 81.877033) (xy 132.422801 81.713173) (xy 132.422798 81.713169)
+ (xy 131.578916 80.869289) (xy 131.578913 80.869285) (xy 131.578913 80.869286) (xy 131.571846 80.862219)
+ (xy 131.571846 80.862218) (xy 131.432489 80.722861) (xy 131.432488 80.72286) (xy 131.432487 80.722859)
+ (xy 131.268627 80.613371) (xy 131.268618 80.613366) (xy 131.18539 80.578892) (xy 131.139872 80.560038)
+ (xy 131.113207 80.548993) (xy 131.086544 80.537949) (xy 131.086541 80.537948) (xy 130.945947 80.509982)
+ (xy 130.884037 80.477597) (xy 130.849462 80.416881) (xy 130.846612 80.399182) (xy 130.830724 80.217578)
+ (xy 130.769564 79.989323) (xy 130.669696 79.775157) (xy 130.659835 79.761073) (xy 130.534155 79.581583)
+ (xy 130.367063 79.414492) (xy 130.367056 79.414487) (xy 130.173495 79.278953) (xy 130.173491 79.278951)
+ (xy 130.118815 79.253455) (xy 129.959324 79.179083) (xy 129.95932 79.179082) (xy 129.959316 79.17908)
+ (xy 129.731074 79.117924) (xy 129.731064 79.117922) (xy 129.495662 79.097327) (xy 129.49566 79.097327)
+ (xy 129.260257 79.117922) (xy 129.260247 79.117924) (xy 129.159787 79.144842) (xy 129.089937 79.143179)
+ (xy 129.040013 79.112748) (xy 128.107873 78.180608) (xy 128.107853 78.180586) (xy 128.016411 78.089144)
+ (xy 128.016407 78.089141) (xy 127.963752 78.053958) (xy 127.963749 78.053954) (xy 127.913967 78.020692)
+ (xy 127.913966 78.020691) (xy 127.913961 78.020688) (xy 127.913958 78.020686) (xy 127.913955 78.020685)
+ (xy 127.82242 77.982771) (xy 127.800128 77.973537) (xy 127.790102 77.971543) (xy 127.739704 77.961518)
+ (xy 127.679285 77.9495) (xy 127.679282 77.9495) (xy 127.679281 77.9495) (xy 126.074906 77.9495)
+ (xy 125.951692 77.9495) (xy 125.951688 77.9495) (xy 125.89127 77.961518) (xy 125.830847 77.973537)
+ (xy 125.830845 77.973537) (xy 125.830844 77.973538) (xy 125.82502 77.975305) (xy 125.824814 77.974629)
+ (xy 125.783892 77.98277) (xy 124.666193 77.98277) (xy 124.599154 77.963085) (xy 124.553399 77.910281)
+ (xy 124.543455 77.841123) (xy 124.57248 77.777567) (xy 124.573845 77.776018) (xy 124.621728 77.72263)
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+ (xy 126.450121 76.619625) (xy 126.646579 76.587738) (xy 126.652524 76.586921) (xy 126.85255 76.564418)
+ (xy 126.858187 76.563914) (xy 127.060709 76.550469) (xy 127.066037 76.550231) (xy 127.270147 76.545487)
+ (xy 127.275143 76.545474)
+ )
+ )
+ (filled_polygon
+ (layer "B.Cu")
+ (pts
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+ (xy 100.643969 42.879787) (xy 100.643981 42.879788) (xy 100.643982 42.879789) (xy 100.66229 42.882529)
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+ (xy 116.732516 42.020469) (xy 116.734793 42.019469) (xy 116.822079 41.982254) (xy 116.82445 41.981271)
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+ (xy 127.832044 40.058239) (xy 127.855525 40.081981) (xy 127.857168 40.083675) (xy 127.880175 40.107855)
+ (xy 127.881803 40.109599) (xy 127.904303 40.134176) (xy 127.905896 40.13595) (xy 127.927954 40.161)
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+ (xy 128.156744 40.880933) (xy 128.150101 40.915378) (xy 128.150073 40.915524) (xy 127.626539 43.612712)
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+ (xy 126.534125 53.107969) (xy 126.497331 53.153555) (xy 126.45745 53.206019) (xy 126.419135 53.259589)
+ (xy 126.382383 53.314267) (xy 126.34725 53.369969) (xy 126.313736 53.426694) (xy 126.281871 53.484399)
+ (xy 126.251688 53.543025) (xy 126.245924 53.578092) (xy 126.241955 53.613206) (xy 126.241953 53.613222)
+ (xy 126.239757 53.648375) (xy 126.239323 53.683504) (xy 126.240636 53.718517) (xy 126.240637 53.718536)
+ (xy 126.243683 53.753347) (xy 126.243684 53.753361) (xy 126.24845 53.787952) (xy 126.248456 53.787987)
+ (xy 126.254923 53.82226) (xy 126.263099 53.856237) (xy 126.272944 53.889749) (xy 126.272949 53.889763)
+ (xy 126.284446 53.922744) (xy 126.284455 53.922768) (xy 126.297619 53.955239) (xy 126.302368 53.965458)
+ (xy 126.31242 53.987089) (xy 126.328843 54.01825) (xy 126.328854 54.018269) (xy 126.346877 54.048666)
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+ (xy 126.816836 55.038374) (xy 126.818056 55.041514) (xy 126.891149 55.23749) (xy 126.892262 55.240601)
+ (xy 126.960052 55.438627) (xy 126.961099 55.441829) (xy 127.022531 55.638578) (xy 127.025093 55.648095)
+ (xy 127.044467 55.733472) (xy 127.045181 55.736835) (xy 127.063081 55.827265) (xy 127.063547 55.829752)
+ (xy 127.079885 55.922148) (xy 127.080163 55.923788) (xy 127.095487 56.017787) (xy 127.095617 56.018599)
+ (xy 127.125304 56.208643) (xy 127.140765 56.303427) (xy 127.157353 56.397089) (xy 127.502123 58.258854)
+ (xy 127.527768 58.397339) (xy 127.583969 58.703628) (xy 127.749911 59.608004) (xy 127.75012 59.609173)
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+ (xy 127.803354 60.027053) (xy 127.803492 60.028919) (xy 127.807392 60.087597) (xy 127.807477 60.088998)
+ (xy 127.935565 62.413589) (xy 127.935677 62.416061) (xy 127.967486 63.322254) (xy 127.967559 63.325713)
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+ (xy 127.891639 65.44873) (xy 127.890736 65.456236) (xy 127.797083 66.074901) (xy 127.795811 66.081929)
+ (xy 127.661912 66.71685) (xy 127.660098 66.724302) (xy 127.654211 66.745597) (xy 127.65178 66.753383)
+ (xy 127.644654 66.77382) (xy 127.641728 66.781403) (xy 127.633334 66.801198) (xy 127.629942 66.808524)
+ (xy 127.620336 66.827615) (xy 127.616491 66.834677) (xy 127.605694 66.853061) (xy 127.601418 66.859832)
+ (xy 127.589506 66.877408) (xy 127.584817 66.883868) (xy 127.571806 66.900632) (xy 127.566726 66.906761)
+ (xy 127.55268 66.92264) (xy 127.547217 66.92843) (xy 127.532181 66.943375) (xy 127.52635 66.948809)
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+ (xy 127.463126 66.99723) (xy 127.456298 67.00148) (xy 127.437773 67.012192) (xy 127.430654 67.016004)
+ (xy 127.411399 67.025523) (xy 127.403998 67.028885) (xy 127.384002 67.037188) (xy 127.376365 67.040068)
+ (xy 127.353026 67.048003) (xy 127.35063 67.04879) (xy 127.32125 67.058108) (xy 127.277719 67.071913)
+ (xy 127.274062 67.073011) (xy 127.233922 67.084393) (xy 127.227877 67.085944) (xy 127.188615 67.09497)
+ (xy 127.182521 67.096211) (xy 127.142992 67.103233) (xy 127.136859 67.104164) (xy 127.097182 67.109181)
+ (xy 127.091035 67.109804) (xy 127.051202 67.112835) (xy 127.045042 67.113149) (xy 127.005236 67.114192)
+ (xy 126.999077 67.1142) (xy 126.992926 67.114056) (xy 126.959266 67.113266) (xy 126.953122 67.112969)
+ (xy 126.913449 67.110064) (xy 126.90733 67.109463) (xy 126.867841 67.104594) (xy 126.861763 67.103691)
+ (xy 126.822521 67.096863) (xy 126.816528 67.095666) (xy 126.790244 67.089734) (xy 126.777647 67.086892)
+ (xy 126.771671 67.085386) (xy 126.733201 67.07467) (xy 126.727287 67.072863) (xy 126.689317 67.060215)
+ (xy 126.683484 67.058108) (xy 126.646103 67.043542) (xy 126.640364 67.041138) (xy 126.6036 67.024643)
+ (xy 126.597973 67.021947) (xy 126.560333 67.002729) (xy 126.557918 67.001462) (xy 125.815826 66.601751)
+ (xy 125.720135 66.550209) (xy 125.71538 66.547886) (xy 125.711212 66.54585) (xy 125.711199 66.545845)
+ (xy 125.702116 66.542079) (xy 125.702089 66.542068) (xy 125.692828 66.538877) (xy 125.683483 66.53628)
+ (xy 125.683415 66.536261) (xy 125.683413 66.53626) (xy 125.683411 66.53626) (xy 125.683408 66.536259)
+ (xy 125.673902 66.534227) (xy 125.664302 66.532774) (xy 125.664279 66.532772) (xy 125.654664 66.531904)
+ (xy 125.64981 66.531759) (xy 125.644971 66.531615) (xy 125.644963 66.531615) (xy 125.644956 66.531615)
+ (xy 125.644951 66.531615) (xy 125.635295 66.531906) (xy 125.625639 66.532781) (xy 125.616048 66.534234)
+ (xy 125.606526 66.536272) (xy 125.606495 66.53628) (xy 125.597129 66.538885) (xy 125.597114 66.53889)
+ (xy 125.587852 66.542085) (xy 125.578738 66.545866) (xy 125.569812 66.550229) (xy 125.569803 66.550234)
+ (xy 125.561167 66.555135) (xy 125.552911 66.560515) (xy 125.546827 66.565033) (xy 125.545032 66.566366)
+ (xy 125.545022 66.566374) (xy 125.545015 66.56638) (xy 125.537572 66.572642) (xy 125.537552 66.57266)
+ (xy 125.530499 66.579364) (xy 125.523886 66.586457) (xy 125.517721 66.593924) (xy 125.517713 66.593935)
+ (xy 125.512016 66.601747) (xy 125.512012 66.601751) (xy 125.506783 66.609909) (xy 125.506778 66.609917)
+ (xy 125.502047 66.618379) (xy 125.497834 66.627107) (xy 125.494142 66.636102) (xy 125.49414 66.636108)
+ (xy 125.494139 66.636112) (xy 125.490986 66.645355) (xy 125.488388 66.654815) (xy 125.487429 66.659381)
+ (xy 125.486357 66.664491) (xy 125.484926 66.674273) (xy 125.484924 66.674286) (xy 125.484923 66.674297)
+ (xy 125.37607 67.668702) (xy 125.129508 69.921126) (xy 125.129074 69.924624) (xy 125.122818 69.96985)
+ (xy 125.121737 69.976378) (xy 125.113406 70.019504) (xy 125.111983 70.025947) (xy 125.101418 70.068375)
+ (xy 125.099661 70.074708) (xy 125.086914 70.11635) (xy 125.084833 70.122558) (xy 125.069937 70.163384)
+ (xy 125.067537 70.16946) (xy 125.050548 70.209359) (xy 125.047838 70.215286) (xy 125.028789 70.254211)
+ (xy 125.025773 70.259984) (xy 125.004742 70.297791) (xy 125.001428 70.303398) (xy 124.978425 70.340074)
+ (xy 124.974825 70.345493) (xy 124.949913 70.380936) (xy 124.946024 70.38617) (xy 124.91925 70.420297)
+ (xy 124.915084 70.425328) (xy 124.886506 70.458048) (xy 124.882067 70.462868) (xy 124.851717 70.494119)
+ (xy 124.847017 70.498708) (xy 124.814942 70.528412) (xy 124.809986 70.532763) (xy 124.776228 70.560844)
+ (xy 124.77103 70.564939) (xy 124.734122 70.592446) (xy 124.731799 70.594135) (xy 124.435106 70.804746)
+ (xy 124.430708 70.807729) (xy 124.407526 70.822734) (xy 124.398857 70.827858) (xy 124.376983 70.839616)
+ (xy 124.368 70.843987) (xy 124.345486 70.853843) (xy 124.336241 70.857457) (xy 124.313186 70.86542)
+ (xy 124.303757 70.868263) (xy 124.280264 70.87434) (xy 124.270702 70.876414) (xy 124.246898 70.880603)
+ (xy 124.237257 70.881912) (xy 124.213227 70.884219) (xy 124.203538 70.884768) (xy 124.179437 70.885188)
+ (xy 124.169759 70.884979) (xy 124.145677 70.883514) (xy 124.136036 70.882548) (xy 124.112125 70.879202)
+ (xy 124.102557 70.877478) (xy 124.07894 70.872259) (xy 124.069495 70.869777) (xy 124.046279 70.862686)
+ (xy 124.036991 70.859441) (xy 124.014289 70.850482) (xy 124.005229 70.84648) (xy 123.983157 70.835657)
+ (xy 123.974363 70.830896) (xy 123.953012 70.818197) (xy 123.944582 70.812709) (xy 123.921927 70.796613)
+ (xy 123.917937 70.793655) (xy 123.915584 70.791836) (xy 122.003003 69.313514) (xy 121.998325 69.310114)
+ (xy 121.99492 69.307639) (xy 121.994906 69.30763) (xy 121.986551 69.302313) (xy 121.986535 69.302303)
+ (xy 121.977896 69.297526) (xy 121.977389 69.297285) (xy 121.969022 69.293305) (xy 121.967098 69.292529)
+ (xy 121.95995 69.289648) (xy 121.950655 69.286544) (xy 121.941262 69.284027) (xy 121.934838 69.282717)
+ (xy 121.931706 69.282078) (xy 121.927846 69.28153) (xy 121.922061 69.28071) (xy 121.92204 69.280708)
+ (xy 121.912355 69.279926) (xy 121.91233 69.279925) (xy 121.902582 69.279733) (xy 121.902578 69.279733)
+ (xy 121.902571 69.279733) (xy 121.895395 69.280026) (xy 121.892782 69.280133) (xy 121.892771 69.280134)
+ (xy 121.883004 69.281133) (xy 121.882998 69.281134) (xy 121.873292 69.28273) (xy 121.873287 69.282731)
+ (xy 121.86358 69.284948) (xy 121.863568 69.284952) (xy 121.858165 69.286544) (xy 121.853996 69.287772)
+ (xy 121.844598 69.291185) (xy 121.844585 69.29119) (xy 121.844573 69.291195) (xy 121.835501 69.295139)
+ (xy 121.835481 69.295148) (xy 121.826692 69.299631) (xy 121.818231 69.304621) (xy 121.810108 69.310105)
+ (xy 121.810095 69.310114) (xy 121.802361 69.316049) (xy 121.795011 69.322432) (xy 121.794987 69.322454)
+ (xy 121.788039 69.329267) (xy 121.781516 69.336486) (xy 121.781476 69.336533) (xy 121.77542 69.344109)
+ (xy 121.769795 69.352093) (xy 121.769785 69.352107) (xy 121.764645 69.360435) (xy 121.759998 69.369102)
+ (xy 121.755881 69.378062) (xy 121.755873 69.378082) (xy 121.752297 69.387318) (xy 121.752291 69.387335)
+ (xy 121.749261 69.396875) (xy 121.086673 71.691881) (xy 121.085739 71.694966) (xy 121.077409 71.721236)
+ (xy 121.075349 71.727201) (xy 121.066296 71.751402) (xy 121.063945 71.757233) (xy 121.0537 71.780891)
+ (xy 121.051067 71.786573) (xy 121.039686 71.809592) (xy 121.036774 71.815125) (xy 121.024275 71.837491)
+ (xy 121.021101 71.842851) (xy 121.007526 71.864511) (xy 121.004088 71.869701) (xy 120.989453 71.890638)
+ (xy 120.985768 71.895639) (xy 120.970102 71.915818) (xy 120.966175 71.920623) (xy 120.949526 71.939982)
+ (xy 120.945372 71.944575) (xy 120.927751 71.9631) (xy 120.92335 71.9675) (xy 120.904814 71.985125)
+ (xy 120.900195 71.989301) (xy 120.880779 72.005989) (xy 120.875936 72.009943) (xy 120.855642 72.025679)
+ (xy 120.850599 72.02939) (xy 120.829457 72.044137) (xy 120.824208 72.047604) (xy 120.802276 72.061302)
+ (xy 120.796851 72.064502) (xy 120.772779 72.077886) (xy 120.769973 72.0794) (xy 120.244795 72.353965)
+ (xy 120.242219 72.355273) (xy 120.220646 72.365919) (xy 120.215639 72.368253) (xy 120.194994 72.377321)
+ (xy 120.189912 72.37942) (xy 120.177106 72.38438) (xy 120.169084 72.387486) (xy 120.163939 72.389349)
+ (xy 120.154256 72.392615) (xy 120.142901 72.396444) (xy 120.137685 72.398076) (xy 120.11649 72.404197)
+ (xy 120.111234 72.40559) (xy 120.09123 72.410428) (xy 120.083302 72.412073) (xy 120.039006 72.419761)
+ (xy 120.028365 72.421136) (xy 119.985227 72.42482) (xy 119.974581 72.42527) (xy 119.931458 72.425237)
+ (xy 119.920883 72.424777) (xy 119.878033 72.421076) (xy 119.867579 72.419723) (xy 119.825244 72.412404)
+ (xy 119.814962 72.410173) (xy 119.773375 72.399282) (xy 119.763326 72.396188) (xy 119.722788 72.381794)
+ (xy 119.712972 72.377829) (xy 119.67372 72.359988) (xy 119.66422 72.355167) (xy 119.62648 72.33393)
+ (xy 119.617356 72.328262) (xy 119.580252 72.302921) (xy 119.573715 72.298135) (xy 119.56034 72.287656)
+ (xy 119.557507 72.285436) (xy 119.553322 72.282007) (xy 119.536514 72.267603) (xy 119.532487 72.263994)
+ (xy 119.516289 72.248824) (xy 119.512371 72.244989) (xy 119.496755 72.229011) (xy 119.492993 72.224987)
+ (xy 119.477975 72.208189) (xy 119.47439 72.203995) (xy 119.459024 72.185187) (xy 119.457435 72.1832)
+ (xy 118.587761 71.072985) (xy 118.58156 71.065643) (xy 118.581557 71.06564) (xy 118.581553 71.065635)
+ (xy 118.574954 71.058753) (xy 118.573792 71.057684) (xy 118.567975 71.052333) (xy 118.560642 71.046386)
+ (xy 118.560631 71.046377) (xy 118.552999 71.040939) (xy 118.552989 71.040933) (xy 118.552981 71.040927)
+ (xy 118.545019 71.035964) (xy 118.536781 71.03151) (xy 118.528291 71.027576) (xy 118.528287 71.027574)
+ (xy 118.528271 71.027567) (xy 118.519612 71.024184) (xy 118.519582 71.024173) (xy 118.519575 71.024171)
+ (xy 118.51538 71.022823) (xy 118.510659 71.021306) (xy 118.510649 71.021303) (xy 118.501587 71.018998)
+ (xy 118.50154 71.018987) (xy 118.492328 71.017242) (xy 118.482978 71.016066) (xy 118.482968 71.016065)
+ (xy 118.482957 71.016064) (xy 118.482955 71.016064) (xy 118.473487 71.01547) (xy 118.473475 71.01547)
+ (xy 118.463929 71.01547) (xy 118.454348 71.016076) (xy 118.454346 71.016076) (xy 118.444829 71.017283)
+ (xy 118.4448 71.017288) (xy 118.435466 71.019074) (xy 118.435444 71.019079) (xy 118.426262 71.021441)
+ (xy 118.426246 71.021446) (xy 118.417301 71.024354) (xy 118.417254 71.024371) (xy 118.408545 71.027813)
+ (xy 118.408532 71.027818) (xy 118.400029 71.031804) (xy 118.400022 71.031808) (xy 118.391811 71.036295)
+ (xy 118.383884 71.041283) (xy 118.376322 71.046718) (xy 118.376285 71.046746) (xy 118.369043 71.052659)
+ (xy 118.362148 71.059039) (xy 118.355659 71.065834) (xy 118.349576 71.073051) (xy 118.343921 71.080681)
+ (xy 118.338731 71.088688) (xy 118.334024 71.097063) (xy 117.723645 72.284539) (xy 117.721986 72.287656)
+ (xy 117.714107 72.301967) (xy 117.711009 72.307279) (xy 117.70321 72.319918) (xy 117.699856 72.325064)
+ (xy 117.691555 72.337135) (xy 117.687965 72.342088) (xy 117.679165 72.353622) (xy 117.675355 72.358369)
+ (xy 117.666069 72.369375) (xy 117.662047 72.373913) (xy 117.652301 72.38438) (xy 117.648091 72.388687)
+ (xy 117.637902 72.398616) (xy 117.633505 72.402698) (xy 117.622898 72.412078) (xy 117.618338 72.415919)
+ (xy 117.607344 72.424737) (xy 117.602633 72.428334) (xy 117.591217 72.436626) (xy 117.586363 72.439978)
+ (xy 117.574646 72.447665) (xy 117.569657 72.450772) (xy 117.557562 72.457911) (xy 117.552454 72.460765)
+ (xy 117.540065 72.46731) (xy 117.534842 72.469914) (xy 117.522167 72.475865) (xy 117.516843 72.478214)
+ (xy 117.503907 72.483562) (xy 117.498488 72.485655) (xy 117.485308 72.490394) (xy 117.479807 72.492228)
+ (xy 117.466448 72.496337) (xy 117.460844 72.497918) (xy 117.447285 72.501401) (xy 117.441621 72.502715)
+ (xy 117.427892 72.505563) (xy 117.422141 72.506615) (xy 117.40831 72.50881) (xy 117.402526 72.509589)
+ (xy 117.388569 72.511135) (xy 117.382717 72.511643) (xy 117.368708 72.512526) (xy 117.362831 72.512756)
+ (xy 117.348718 72.512972) (xy 117.342821 72.512922) (xy 117.328682 72.512462) (xy 117.322755 72.512126)
+ (xy 117.316774 72.511643) (xy 117.308645 72.510986) (xy 117.302689 72.51036) (xy 117.28856 72.508528)
+ (xy 117.282607 72.507608) (xy 117.268528 72.505081) (xy 117.262603 72.503868) (xy 117.248559 72.500632)
+ (xy 117.242657 72.499118) (xy 117.228711 72.495174) (xy 117.222873 72.493367) (xy 117.20897 72.488684)
+ (xy 117.203199 72.486579) (xy 117.189384 72.48115) (xy 117.183723 72.478762) (xy 117.169502 72.472343)
+ (xy 117.164986 72.470194) (xy 116.083767 71.928662) (xy 116.07301 71.923513) (xy 116.07298 71.9235)
+ (xy 116.062055 71.919106) (xy 116.06203 71.919097) (xy 116.050902 71.915426) (xy 116.050889 71.915422)
+ (xy 116.039603 71.912476) (xy 116.039597 71.912474) (xy 116.039587 71.912472) (xy 116.039576 71.91247)
+ (xy 116.039568 71.912468) (xy 116.034587 71.911498) (xy 116.028157 71.910247) (xy 116.028152 71.910246)
+ (xy 116.028151 71.910246) (xy 116.022892 71.909561) (xy 116.016642 71.908748) (xy 116.013337 71.908527)
+ (xy 116.005081 71.907975) (xy 116.004766 71.907973) (xy 115.998959 71.907948) (xy 115.932007 71.887973)
+ (xy 115.886483 71.83497) (xy 115.8755 71.78395) (xy 115.8755 68.060452) (xy 115.895185 67.993413)
+ (xy 115.911819 67.972771) (xy 117.311931 66.57266) (xy 118.735858 65.148733) (xy 118.804312 65.046285)
+ (xy 118.834289 64.973914) (xy 118.851463 64.932452) (xy 118.855988 64.909697) (xy 118.860577 64.886633)
+ (xy 118.860577 64.886631) (xy 118.875501 64.811606) (xy 118.875501 64.688393) (xy 118.875501 64.683283)
+ (xy 118.8755 64.683257) (xy 118.8755 57.688393) (xy 118.875499 57.688389) (xy 118.851464 57.567555)
+ (xy 118.851463 57.567548) (xy 118.804311 57.453714) (xy 118.80431 57.453713) (xy 118.804307 57.453707)
+ (xy 118.735858 57.351267) (xy 118.735855 57.351263) (xy 118.648736 57.264144) (xy 118.648732 57.264141)
+ (xy 118.546292 57.195692) (xy 118.546282 57.195687) (xy 118.452046 57.156653) (xy 118.397643 57.112812)
+ (xy 118.375578 57.046518) (xy 118.375499 57.042092) (xy 118.375499 56.627129) (xy 118.375498 56.627123)
+ (xy 118.374911 56.621666) (xy 118.369091 56.567517) (xy 118.365506 56.557906) (xy 118.318797 56.432671)
+ (xy 118.318793 56.432664) (xy 118.232547 56.317455) (xy 118.227773 56.312681) (xy 118.194288 56.251358)
+ (xy 118.199272 56.181666) (xy 118.227773 56.137319) (xy 118.232542 56.132548) (xy 118.232546 56.132546)
+ (xy 118.318796 56.017331) (xy 118.369091 55.882483) (xy 118.3755 55.822873) (xy 118.375499 54.877128)
+ (xy 118.369091 54.817517) (xy 118.362856 54.800801) (xy 118.318797 54.682671) (xy 118.318793 54.682664)
+ (xy 118.232547 54.567455) (xy 118.232544 54.567452) (xy 118.117334 54.481205) (xy 118.117332 54.481204)
+ (xy 118.107554 54.477557) (xy 118.051622 54.435684) (xy 118.027208 54.370218) (xy 118.026892 54.361377)
+ (xy 118.026892 53.977285) (xy 118.026891 53.977281) (xy 118.013689 53.910908) (xy 118.002855 53.85644)
+ (xy 117.987902 53.82034) (xy 117.955704 53.742606) (xy 117.921476 53.691382) (xy 117.88725 53.640159)
+ (xy 117.887248 53.640156) (xy 117.797029 53.549937) (xy 117.796998 53.549908) (xy 117.436818 53.189728)
+ (xy 117.403333 53.128405) (xy 117.400499 53.102047) (xy 117.400499 52.71333) (xy 117.400498 52.713313)
+ (xy 117.390174 52.612247) (xy 117.382653 52.589551) (xy 117.335908 52.448484) (xy 117.24534 52.30165)
+ (xy 117.12335 52.17966) (xy 117.032129 52.123395) (xy 116.976518 52.089093) (xy 116.976513 52.089091)
+ (xy 116.975069 52.088612) (xy 116.812753 52.034826) (xy 116.812751 52.034825) (xy 116.711678 52.0245)
+ (xy 116.01333 52.0245) (xy 116.013312 52.024501) (xy 115.912247 52.034825) (xy 115.748484 52.089092)
+ (xy 115.748481 52.089093) (xy 115.601648 52.179661) (xy 115.587325 52.193984) (xy 115.526001 52.227468)
+ (xy 115.456309 52.222482) (xy 115.411965 52.193982) (xy 115.398038 52.180055) (xy 115.398034 52.180052)
+ (xy 115.251311 52.089551) (xy 115.2513 52.089546) (xy 115.087652 52.035319) (xy 114.986654 52.025)
+ (xy 114.8875 52.025) (xy 114.8875 53.974999) (xy 114.98664 53.974999) (xy 114.986654 53.974998)
+ (xy 115.087652 53.96468) (xy 115.2513 53.910453) (xy 115.251311 53.910448) (xy 115.398035 53.819947)
+ (xy 115.41196 53.806021) (xy 115.473282 53.772533) (xy 115.542973 53.777514) (xy 115.587327 53.806017)
+ (xy 115.60165 53.82034) (xy 115.646125 53.847772) (xy 115.692849 53.89972) (xy 115.704072 53.968683)
+ (xy 115.676228 54.032765) (xy 115.618159 54.071621) (xy 115.611049 54.073622) (xy 115.587091 54.0796)
+ (xy 115.587085 54.079601) (xy 115.587081 54.079603) (xy 115.568588 54.085826) (xy 115.551548 54.091561)
+ (xy 115.517039 54.106349) (xy 115.483742 54.123911) (xy 115.483728 54.12392) (xy 115.45185 54.144187)
+ (xy 115.451834 54.144197) (xy 115.421517 54.16714) (xy 115.421509 54.167146) (xy 115.392939 54.192711)
+ (xy 115.366319 54.220828) (xy 115.366306 54.220842) (xy 115.34184 54.251427) (xy 115.251121 54.366378)
+ (xy 115.164434 54.484212) (xy 115.081861 54.604801) (xy 115.030188 54.686025) (xy 114.977595 54.732022)
+ (xy 114.908483 54.742284) (xy 114.844795 54.713551) (xy 114.825002 54.689102) (xy 114.824112 54.689769)
+ (xy 114.732547 54.567455) (xy 114.732544 54.567452) (xy 114.617335 54.481206) (xy 114.617328 54.481202)
+ (xy 114.482482 54.430908) (xy 114.482483 54.430908) (xy 114.422883 54.424501) (xy 114.422881 54.4245)
+ (xy 114.422873 54.4245) (xy 114.422864 54.4245) (xy 112.727129 54.4245) (xy 112.727123 54.424501)
+ (xy 112.667516 54.430908) (xy 112.532671 54.481202) (xy 112.532664 54.481206) (xy 112.417456 54.567452)
+ (xy 112.417455 54.567453) (xy 112.417454 54.567454) (xy 112.337087 54.674811) (xy 112.281153 54.716682)
+ (xy 112.23782 54.7245) (xy 108.338393 54.7245) (xy 108.319057 54.728346) (xy 108.319056 54.728345)
+ (xy 108.217554 54.748535) (xy 108.217543 54.748538) (xy 108.203858 54.754207) (xy 108.202945 54.754586)
+ (xy 108.148672 54.777065) (xy 108.103713 54.795688) (xy 108.096066 54.800799) (xy 108.096063 54.800801)
+ (xy 108.001268 54.86414) (xy 107.957705 54.907703) (xy 107.914142 54.951267) (xy 107.914139 54.95127)
+ (xy 106.277229 56.588181) (xy 106.215906 56.621666) (xy 106.189548 56.6245) (xy 106.174506 56.6245)
+ (xy 106.150315 56.622117) (xy 106.097029 56.611518) (xy 106.03661 56.5995) (xy 106.036607 56.5995)
+ (xy 106.036606 56.5995) (xy 103.76218 56.5995) (xy 103.695141 56.579815) (xy 103.662913 56.549811)
+ (xy 103.582546 56.442454) (xy 103.582544 56.442452) (xy 103.582543 56.442451) (xy 103.577773 56.437681)
+ (xy 103.544288 56.376358) (xy 103.549272 56.306666) (xy 103.577773 56.262319) (xy 103.582542 56.257548)
+ (xy 103.582546 56.257546) (xy 103.668796 56.142331) (xy 103.719091 56.007483) (xy 103.7255 55.947873)
+ (xy 103.725499 55.002128) (xy 103.719091 54.942517) (xy 103.689858 54.86414) (xy 103.668797 54.807671)
+ (xy 103.668793 54.807664) (xy 103.582547 54.692455) (xy 103.582544 54.692452) (xy 103.467335 54.606206)
+ (xy 103.467328 54.606202) (xy 103.332482 54.555908) (xy 103.332483 54.555908) (xy 103.272883 54.549501)
+ (xy 103.272881 54.5495) (xy 103.272873 54.5495) (xy 103.272865 54.5495) (xy 103.1745 54.5495) (xy 103.107461 54.529815)
+ (xy 103.061706 54.477011) (xy 103.0505 54.4255) (xy 103.0505 54.000893) (xy 103.050499 54.000889)
+ (xy 103.044093 53.968683) (xy 103.026463 53.880048) (xy 103.013094 53.847772) (xy 103.001732 53.820341)
+ (xy 102.979313 53.766216) (xy 102.979312 53.766214) (xy 102.945084 53.71499) (xy 102.933757 53.698038)
+ (xy 102.921396 53.679537) (xy 102.900519 53.612859) (xy 102.900499 53.610648) (xy 102.900499 53.286654)
+ (xy 113.600001 53.286654) (xy 113.610319 53.387652) (xy 113.664546 53.5513) (xy 113.664551 53.551311)
+ (xy 113.755052 53.698034) (xy 113.755055 53.698038) (xy 113.876961 53.819944) (xy 113.876965 53.819947)
+ (xy 114.023688 53.910448) (xy 114.023699 53.910453) (xy 114.187347 53.96468) (xy 114.288351 53.974999)
+ (xy 114.3875 53.974998) (xy 114.3875 53.25) (xy 113.600001 53.25) (xy 113.600001 53.286654) (xy 102.900499 53.286654)
+ (xy 102.900499 53.21333) (xy 102.900498 53.213313) (xy 102.890174 53.112247) (xy 102.884784 53.095981)
+ (xy 102.835908 52.948484) (xy 102.74534 52.80165) (xy 102.657035 52.713345) (xy 113.6 52.713345)
+ (xy 113.6 52.75) (xy 114.3875 52.75) (xy 114.3875 52.024999) (xy 114.28836 52.025) (xy 114.288344 52.025001)
+ (xy 114.187347 52.035319) (xy 114.023699 52.089546) (xy 114.023688 52.089551) (xy 113.876965 52.180052)
+ (xy 113.876961 52.180055) (xy 113.755055 52.301961) (xy 113.755052 52.301965) (xy 113.664551 52.448688)
+ (xy 113.664546 52.448699) (xy 113.610319 52.612347) (xy 113.6 52.713345) (xy 102.657035 52.713345)
+ (xy 102.62335 52.67966) (xy 102.489888 52.59734) (xy 102.476518 52.589093) (xy 102.476513 52.589091)
+ (xy 102.405664 52.565614) (xy 102.312753 52.534826) (xy 102.312751 52.534825) (xy 102.211678 52.5245)
+ (xy 101.51333 52.5245) (xy 101.513312 52.524501) (xy 101.412247 52.534825) (xy 101.248484 52.589092)
+ (xy 101.248481 52.589093) (xy 101.101648 52.679661) (xy 101.087325 52.693984) (xy 101.026001 52.727468)
+ (xy 100.956309 52.722482) (xy 100.911965 52.693982) (xy 100.898038 52.680055) (xy 100.898034 52.680052)
+ (xy 100.751311 52.589551) (xy 100.7513 52.589546) (xy 100.587652 52.535319) (xy 100.486654 52.525)
+ (xy 100.3875 52.525) (xy 100.3875 53.626) (xy 100.367815 53.693039) (xy 100.315011 53.738794) (xy 100.2635 53.75)
+ (xy 99.100001 53.75) (xy 99.100001 53.786654) (xy 99.110319 53.887652) (xy 99.164546 54.0513) (xy 99.164551 54.051311)
+ (xy 99.255052 54.198034) (xy 99.255055 54.198038) (xy 99.37696 54.319943) (xy 99.376987 54.31996)
+ (xy 99.377001 54.319976) (xy 99.382629 54.324426) (xy 99.381868 54.325387) (xy 99.423712 54.371907)
+ (xy 99.434936 54.44087) (xy 99.407094 54.504952) (xy 99.349026 54.543809) (xy 99.311892 54.5495)
+ (xy 98.077129 54.5495) (xy 98.077123 54.549501) (xy 98.017516 54.555908) (xy 97.882671 54.606202)
+ (xy 97.882664 54.606206) (xy 97.767455 54.692452) (xy 97.767452 54.692455) (xy 97.681206 54.807664)
+ (xy 97.681202 54.807671) (xy 97.630908 54.942517) (xy 97.624501 55.002116) (xy 97.624501 55.002123)
+ (xy 97.6245 55.002135) (xy 97.6245 55.94787) (xy 97.624501 55.947876) (xy 97.630908 56.007483) (xy 97.681202 56.142328)
+ (xy 97.681206 56.142335) (xy 97.767452 56.257544) (xy 97.772584 56.262676) (xy 97.806069 56.323999)
+ (xy 97.801085 56.393691) (xy 97.772584 56.438038) (xy 97.767809 56.442812) (xy 97.681649 56.557906)
+ (xy 97.681645 56.557913) (xy 97.631403 56.69262) (xy 97.631401 56.692627) (xy 97.625 56.752155)
+ (xy 97.625 56.975) (xy 99.051 56.975) (xy 99.118039 56.994685) (xy 99.163794 57.047489) (xy 99.175 57.099)
+ (xy 99.175 58.15) (xy 99.772828 58.15) (xy 99.772831 58.149999) (xy 99.791582 58.147983) (xy 99.860342 58.160385)
+ (xy 99.911482 58.207993) (xy 99.911986 58.208851) (xy 99.919937 58.222499) (xy 99.956521 58.281266)
+ (xy 99.995039 58.33847) (xy 100.035723 58.393642) (xy 100.035737 58.39366) (xy 100.078807 58.446312)
+ (xy 100.116747 58.487553) (xy 100.124494 58.495973) (xy 100.173013 58.542149) (xy 100.224587 58.584359)
+ (xy 100.251589 58.603826) (xy 100.279438 58.62212) (xy 100.279443 58.622123) (xy 100.279446 58.622125)
+ (xy 100.302276 58.635685) (xy 100.308162 58.639181) (xy 100.32136 58.646205) (xy 100.337799 58.654954)
+ (xy 100.350722 58.661049) (xy 100.368335 58.669357) (xy 100.368337 58.669358) (xy 100.368341 58.669359)
+ (xy 100.368346 58.669362) (xy 100.399861 58.682361) (xy 100.432363 58.693886) (xy 100.453498 58.700185)
+ (xy 100.46517 58.703665) (xy 100.466628 58.70411) (xy 100.504134 58.715816) (xy 100.542547 58.725791)
+ (xy 100.581063 58.733828) (xy 100.58109 58.733832) (xy 100.581094 58.733833) (xy 100.582517 58.734059)
+ (xy 100.619622 58.739954) (xy 100.658166 58.744195) (xy 100.658193 58.744196) (xy 100.658197 58.744197)
+ (xy 100.67335 58.745135) (xy 100.696637 58.746577) (xy 100.696636 58.746577) (xy 100.697351 58.746587)
+ (xy 100.734976 58.747128) (xy 100.773127 58.745872) (xy 100.773136 58.745871) (xy 100.773144 58.745871)
+ (xy 100.811008 58.742839) (xy 100.811018 58.742837) (xy 100.81103 58.742837) (xy 100.81104 58.742835)
+ (xy 100.811047 58.742835) (xy 100.833669 58.739954) (xy 100.848628 58.738049) (xy 100.885862 58.731535)
+ (xy 100.922675 58.723321) (xy 100.959007 58.713433) (xy 100.994802 58.701898) (xy 101.03 58.688742)
+ (xy 101.064544 58.673992) (xy 101.098375 58.657674) (xy 101.131436 58.639814) (xy 101.163668 58.620439)
+ (xy 101.195014 58.599575) (xy 101.225414 58.577249) (xy 101.225416 58.577247) (xy 101.225435 58.577233)
+ (xy 101.254795 58.5535) (xy 101.254813 58.553485) (xy 101.26087 58.548105) (xy 101.283147 58.528316)
+ (xy 101.310363 58.501762) (xy 101.336402 58.47385) (xy 101.361206 58.444609) (xy 101.384715 58.414064)
+ (xy 101.406872 58.382242) (xy 101.42762 58.349168) (xy 101.446899 58.31487) (xy 101.464652 58.279374)
+ (xy 101.47978 58.245064) (xy 101.481943 58.240423) (xy 101.492119 58.219744) (xy 101.539378 58.16829)
+ (xy 101.603371 58.150499) (xy 103.272872 58.150499) (xy 103.332483 58.144091) (xy 103.467331 58.093796)
+ (xy 103.582546 58.007546) (xy 103.662914 57.900188) (xy 103.718847 57.858318) (xy 103.76218 57.8505)
+ (xy 105.800496 57.8505) (xy 105.824687 57.852883) (xy 105.877918 57.863471) (xy 105.877938 57.863474)
+ (xy 105.877971 57.863481) (xy 105.938393 57.8755) (xy 106.561607 57.8755) (xy 106.622029 57.863481)
+ (xy 106.682452 57.851463) (xy 106.682455 57.851461) (xy 106.682458 57.851461) (xy 106.715787 57.837654)
+ (xy 106.715786 57.837654) (xy 106.715792 57.837652) (xy 106.796286 57.804312) (xy 106.86156 57.760696)
+ (xy 106.898733 57.735858) (xy 106.985858 57.648733) (xy 106.985859 57.648731) (xy 106.992925 57.641665)
+ (xy 106.992927 57.641661) (xy 107.061744 57.572844) (xy 112.275 57.572844) (xy 112.281401 57.632372)
+ (xy 112.281403 57.632379) (xy 112.331645 57.767086) (xy 112.331649 57.767093) (xy 112.417809 57.882187)
+ (xy 112.417812 57.88219) (xy 112.532906 57.96835) (xy 112.532913 57.968354) (xy 112.66762 58.018596)
+ (xy 112.667627 58.018598) (xy 112.727155 58.024999) (xy 112.727172 58.025) (xy 113.325 58.025) (xy 113.325 57.35)
+ (xy 112.275 57.35) (xy 112.275 57.572844) (xy 107.061744 57.572844) (xy 108.622771 56.011819) (xy 108.684094 55.978334)
+ (xy 108.710452 55.9755) (xy 112.23782 55.9755) (xy 112.304859 55.995185) (xy 112.337085 56.025187)
+ (xy 112.417454 56.132546) (xy 112.417455 56.132546) (xy 112.417456 56.132548) (xy 112.422584 56.137676)
+ (xy 112.456069 56.198999) (xy 112.451085 56.268691) (xy 112.422584 56.313038) (xy 112.417809 56.317812)
+ (xy 112.331649 56.432906) (xy 112.331645 56.432913) (xy 112.281403 56.56762) (xy 112.281401 56.567627)
+ (xy 112.275 56.627155) (xy 112.275 56.85) (xy 113.701 56.85) (xy 113.768039 56.869685) (xy 113.813794 56.922489)
+ (xy 113.825 56.974) (xy 113.825 58.025) (xy 114.422828 58.025) (xy 114.422844 58.024999) (xy 114.482372 58.018598)
+ (xy 114.482379 58.018596) (xy 114.617086 57.968354) (xy 114.61709 57.968352) (xy 114.6347 57.955169)
+ (xy 114.700163 57.93075) (xy 114.768437 57.9456) (xy 114.817844 57.995004) (xy 114.822592 58.004677)
+ (xy 114.82449 58.009011) (xy 114.869643 58.104264) (xy 114.89302 58.15) (xy 114.917682 58.19825)
+ (xy 114.949474 58.254744) (xy 114.9642 58.278109) (xy 114.982981 58.307909) (xy 114.982983 58.307911)
+ (xy 115.018106 58.357751) (xy 115.054757 58.404288) (xy 115.092831 58.447524) (xy 115.092858 58.447553)
+ (xy 115.132292 58.487536) (xy 115.13231 58.487553) (xy 115.172993 58.524285) (xy 115.173 58.524291)
+ (xy 115.173006 58.524296) (xy 115.214883 58.55782) (xy 115.214887 58.557823) (xy 115.214896 58.55783)
+ (xy 115.257825 58.588126) (xy 115.257826 58.588127) (xy 115.257839 58.588135) (xy 115.301785 58.615258)
+ (xy 115.34663 58.639207) (xy 115.370261 58.64997) (xy 115.392268 58.659994) (xy 115.392278 58.659998)
+ (xy 115.392285 58.660001) (xy 115.428562 58.673813) (xy 115.436052 58.676665) (xy 115.438658 58.677657)
+ (xy 115.48566 58.692193) (xy 115.516081 58.69951) (xy 115.533179 58.703623) (xy 115.533186 58.703624)
+ (xy 115.533201 58.703628) (xy 115.58119 58.711979) (xy 115.629537 58.717265) (xy 115.678152 58.719502)
+ (xy 115.726945 58.71871) (xy 115.775825 58.714906) (xy 115.824703 58.708108) (xy 115.873488 58.698335)
+ (xy 115.890479 58.693884) (xy 115.922075 58.685607) (xy 115.92208 58.685605) (xy 115.922089 58.685603)
+ (xy 115.970417 58.669932) (xy 116.018382 58.651338) (xy 116.065893 58.629841) (xy 116.11286 58.605458)
+ (xy 116.159193 58.578206) (xy 116.204801 58.548105) (xy 116.238684 58.523194) (xy 116.249597 58.515171)
+ (xy 116.274575 58.494825) (xy 116.293484 58.479424) (xy 116.336378 58.440881) (xy 116.391543 58.388214)
+ (xy 116.444942 58.333942) (xy 116.496544 58.278109) (xy 116.546319 58.220763) (xy 116.594237 58.16195)
+ (xy 116.640268 58.101717) (xy 116.657747 58.077307) (xy 116.712782 58.034261) (xy 116.758562 58.025499)
+ (xy 117.156732 58.025499) (xy 117.223771 58.045184) (xy 117.244413 58.061818) (xy 117.418449 58.235855)
+ (xy 117.418453 58.235858) (xy 117.520901 58.304312) (xy 117.537874 58.311342) (xy 117.547952 58.315517)
+ (xy 117.602356 58.359358) (xy 117.624421 58.425652) (xy 117.6245 58.430078) (xy 117.6245 64.439547)
+ (xy 117.604815 64.506586) (xy 117.588181 64.527228) (xy 114.764144 67.351264) (xy 114.764138 67.351272)
+ (xy 114.695692 67.453705) (xy 114.695684 67.453719) (xy 114.663417 67.531624) (xy 114.662347 67.534207)
+ (xy 114.659897 67.540123) (xy 114.648537 67.567545) (xy 114.648535 67.567553) (xy 114.6245 67.688389)
+ (xy 114.6245 75.008111) (xy 114.648535 75.128944) (xy 114.64854 75.128961) (xy 114.695685 75.24278)
+ (xy 114.69569 75.242789) (xy 114.729914 75.294007) (xy 114.729915 75.294009) (xy 114.764141 75.345233)
+ (xy 114.855586 75.436678) (xy 114.855608 75.436698) (xy 115.256729 75.837819) (xy 115.290214 75.899142)
+ (xy 115.28523 75.968834) (xy 115.243358 76.024767) (xy 115.177894 76.049184) (xy 115.169048 76.0495)
+ (xy 114.555629 76.0495) (xy 114.555623 76.049501) (xy 114.496016 76.055908) (xy 114.361171 76.106202)
+ (xy 114.361164 76.106206) (xy 114.245955 76.192452) (xy 114.245952 76.192455) (xy 114.159706 76.307664)
+ (xy 114.159702 76.307671) (xy 114.109408 76.442517) (xy 114.103001 76.502116) (xy 114.103001 76.502123)
+ (xy 114.103 76.502135) (xy 114.103 78.59787) (xy 114.103001 78.597876) (xy 114.109408 78.657483)
+ (xy 114.159702 78.792328) (xy 114.159706 78.792335) (xy 114.245952 78.907544) (xy 114.245955 78.907547)
+ (xy 114.361164 78.993793) (xy 114.361171 78.993797) (xy 114.496017 79.044091) (xy 114.496016 79.044091)
+ (xy 114.502944 79.044835) (xy 114.555627 79.0505) (xy 116.251372 79.050499) (xy 116.310983 79.044091)
+ (xy 116.360165 79.025746) (xy 116.429855 79.020761) (xy 116.446833 79.025747) (xy 116.496008 79.044088)
+ (xy 116.496011 79.044088) (xy 116.496017 79.044091) (xy 116.555627 79.0505) (xy 118.251372 79.050499)
+ (xy 118.310983 79.044091) (xy 118.445831 78.993796) (xy 118.451185 78.989787) (xy 118.516647 78.965367)
+ (xy 118.584921 78.980216) (xy 118.634329 79.029618) (xy 118.6495 79.089051) (xy 118.6495 80.09787)
+ (xy 118.649501 80.097876) (xy 118.655908 80.157482) (xy 118.674253 80.206666) (xy 118.679237 80.276358)
+ (xy 118.674253 80.293331) (xy 118.655909 80.342514) (xy 118.655908 80.342516) (xy 118.649501 80.402116)
+ (xy 118.6495 80.402135) (xy 118.6495 82.09787) (xy 118.649501 82.097876) (xy 118.655908 82.157482)
+ (xy 118.674253 82.206666) (xy 118.679237 82.276358) (xy 118.674253 82.293331) (xy 118.655909 82.342514)
+ (xy 118.655908 82.342516) (xy 118.649501 82.402116) (xy 118.6495 82.402135) (xy 118.6495 82.5005)
+ (xy 118.629815 82.567539) (xy 118.577011 82.613294) (xy 118.5255 82.6245) (xy 117.688389 82.6245)
+ (xy 117.627971 82.636518) (xy 117.584743 82.645116) (xy 117.567546 82.648537) (xy 117.453716 82.695687)
+ (xy 117.453707 82.695692) (xy 117.351268 82.76414) (xy 117.307705 82.807703) (xy 117.264142 82.851267)
+ (xy 117.264139 82.85127) (xy 112.277229 87.838181) (xy 112.215906 87.871666) (xy 112.189548 87.8745)
+ (xy 99.310453 87.8745) (xy 99.243414 87.854815) (xy 99.222772 87.838181) (xy 97.171268 85.786677)
+ (xy 95.09627 83.71168) (xy 95.062786 83.650358) (xy 95.06777 83.580666) (xy 95.109642 83.524733)
+ (xy 95.175106 83.500316) (xy 95.183952 83.5) (xy 100.25 83.5) (xy 103 72.5) (xy 100.69076 72.5)
+ (xy 100.623721 72.480315) (xy 100.577966 72.427511) (xy 100.572353 72.41282) (xy 100.56607 72.392615)
+ (xy 100.544893 72.333134) (xy 100.544891 72.33313) (xy 100.544885 72.333112) (xy 100.521293 72.274487)
+ (xy 100.495319 72.21682) (xy 100.468723 72.16365) (xy 100.465468 72.156597) (xy 100.461632 72.147551)
+ (xy 100.461624 72.147534) (xy 100.455743 72.135294) (xy 100.455742 72.135293) (xy 100.449337 72.12342)
+ (xy 100.442437 72.111941) (xy 100.440032 72.108332) (xy 100.435076 72.100891) (xy 100.435035 72.100833)
+ (xy 100.427239 72.090225) (xy 100.427216 72.090195) (xy 100.418959 72.079981) (xy 100.41894 72.079959)
+ (xy 100.417798 72.078672) (xy 100.410241 72.070151) (xy 100.402536 72.062223) (xy 100.401138 72.060784)
+ (xy 100.401126 72.060773) (xy 100.398734 72.058525) (xy 100.391645 72.051861) (xy 100.39164 72.051857)
+ (xy 100.391634 72.051851) (xy 100.391615 72.051834) (xy 100.381795 72.043407) (xy 100.381789 72.043402)
+ (xy 100.381787 72.0434) (xy 100.376473 72.039238) (xy 100.371592 72.035415) (xy 100.37158 72.035406)
+ (xy 100.361037 72.027884) (xy 100.350196 72.02086) (xy 100.34802 72.019584) (xy 100.33905 72.014323)
+ (xy 100.327632 72.008293) (xy 100.315956 72.002776) (xy 100.315952 72.002774) (xy 100.315945 72.002771)
+ (xy 100.304045 71.997784) (xy 100.301008 71.996667) (xy 100.291908 71.993321) (xy 100.291899 71.993318)
+ (xy 100.279583 71.989404) (xy 100.278654 71.989154) (xy 100.267053 71.986032) (xy 100.267031 71.986027)
+ (xy 100.267022 71.986025) (xy 100.254401 71.983229) (xy 100.254348 71.983218) (xy 100.241538 71.980981)
+ (xy 100.241539 71.980981) (xy 100.228588 71.979321) (xy 100.228584 71.97932) (xy 100.228579 71.97932)
+ (xy 100.222197 71.978795) (xy 100.215489 71.978243) (xy 100.202366 71.977767) (xy 100.202343 71.977766)
+ (xy 100.190115 71.977885) (xy 100.189118 71.977895) (xy 100.189113 71.977895) (xy 100.189075 71.977896)
+ (xy 100.175842 71.978637) (xy 100.175834 71.978637) (xy 100.17583 71.978638) (xy 100.162506 71.980005)
+ (xy 100.162498 71.980006) (xy 100.162487 71.980007) (xy 100.149166 71.982004) (xy 100.135812 71.98465)
+ (xy 100.122492 71.987945) (xy 98.824728 72.337135) (xy 98.235267 72.495741) (xy 98.20305 72.5) (xy 96.787068 72.5)
+ (xy 96.720029 72.480315) (xy 96.674274 72.427511) (xy 96.664829 72.396826) (xy 96.663556 72.389353)
+ (xy 96.270161 70.080279) (xy 96.267398 70.068527) (xy 96.263985 70.057021) (xy 96.259939 70.045785)
+ (xy 96.259931 70.045766) (xy 96.259926 70.045753) (xy 96.255283 70.034852) (xy 96.255278 70.03484)
+ (xy 96.25002 70.024211) (xy 96.244181 70.01392) (xy 96.237781 70.003989) (xy 96.230836 69.994442)
+ (xy 96.223364 69.985302) (xy 96.215382 69.976591) (xy 96.206909 69.968333) (xy 96.197962 69.960549)
+ (xy 96.188559 69.953264) (xy 96.178717 69.9465) (xy 96.178713 69.946498) (xy 96.17871 69.946495)
+ (xy 96.168446 69.940274) (xy 96.157799 69.93463) (xy 96.157796 69.934629) (xy 96.157792 69.934627)
+ (xy 96.157788 69.934625) (xy 96.146814 69.929595) (xy 96.146801 69.929589) (xy 96.135643 69.925232)
+ (xy 96.135641 69.925231) (xy 96.135635 69.925229) (xy 96.128334 69.922849) (xy 96.124273 69.921525)
+ (xy 96.112783 69.918494) (xy 96.112782 69.918493) (xy 96.112779 69.918493) (xy 96.10116 69.916122)
+ (xy 96.097972 69.915657) (xy 96.089475 69.914419) (xy 96.089458 69.914417) (xy 96.089451 69.914416)
+ (xy 96.077683 69.913376) (xy 96.077682 69.913375) (xy 96.07766 69.913374) (xy 96.065892 69.913)
+ (xy 96.054086 69.913291) (xy 96.042297 69.914248) (xy 96.030594 69.915868) (xy 96.018952 69.918156)
+ (xy 96.018946 69.918157) (xy 96.007421 69.921111) (xy 95.996068 69.924723) (xy 95.996052 69.924728)
+ (xy 95.996045 69.924731) (xy 95.993703 69.925626) (xy 95.984828 69.929018) (xy 95.973801 69.933979)
+ (xy 92.808086 71.452037) (xy 92.80548 71.45325) (xy 92.77678 71.466203) (xy 92.770243 71.468932)
+ (xy 92.743021 71.479391) (xy 92.73636 71.481734) (xy 92.708732 71.49058) (xy 92.70198 71.492533)
+ (xy 92.674009 71.49977) (xy 92.667198 71.501328) (xy 92.638925 71.506962) (xy 92.632046 71.508132)
+ (xy 92.603579 71.512153) (xy 92.596661 71.512933) (xy 92.568049 71.515347) (xy 92.5611 71.515737)
+ (xy 92.532428 71.516541) (xy 92.525476 71.516541) (xy 92.496803 71.515737) (xy 92.489857 71.515347)
+ (xy 92.461249 71.512934) (xy 92.454335 71.512155) (xy 92.440086 71.510142) (xy 92.42585 71.508131)
+ (xy 92.418969 71.50696) (xy 92.404999 71.504176) (xy 92.390714 71.50133) (xy 92.383895 71.49977)
+ (xy 92.355924 71.492533) (xy 92.349172 71.49058) (xy 92.321532 71.48173) (xy 92.314872 71.479387)
+ (xy 92.287665 71.468934) (xy 92.281128 71.466205) (xy 92.253334 71.453661) (xy 92.248987 71.451597)
+ (xy 91.417662 71.036857) (xy 91.414075 71.034994) (xy 91.387323 71.02054) (xy 91.380553 71.016601)
+ (xy 91.356596 71.00163) (xy 91.350121 70.997294) (xy 91.32729 70.980944) (xy 91.321131 70.976235)
+ (xy 91.299464 70.958567) (xy 91.293629 70.953498) (xy 91.273179 70.934583) (xy 91.267694 70.929185)
+ (xy 91.248514 70.909098) (xy 91.243395 70.903394) (xy 91.225507 70.882171) (xy 91.220757 70.876169)
+ (xy 91.219399 70.87434) (xy 91.204238 70.853916) (xy 91.199869 70.847633) (xy 91.184754 70.824401)
+ (xy 91.180776 70.817852) (xy 91.167112 70.793708) (xy 91.163551 70.786937) (xy 91.15138 70.761939)
+ (xy 91.148232 70.754927) (xy 91.137617 70.729174) (xy 91.134898 70.721947) (xy 91.125871 70.695479)
+ (xy 91.123612 70.688109) (xy 91.116214 70.660961) (xy 91.114408 70.653402) (xy 91.108707 70.625723)
+ (xy 91.10737 70.618001) (xy 91.103158 70.588094) (xy 91.102621 70.58372) (xy 90.810441 67.784594)
+ (xy 90.767622 67.374386) (xy 90.76451 67.357719) (xy 90.764502 67.357682) (xy 90.762935 67.351272)
+ (xy 90.760493 67.341278) (xy 90.75561 67.325183) (xy 90.749877 67.309437) (xy 90.743313 67.294069)
+ (xy 90.735941 67.279112) (xy 90.72778 67.264597) (xy 90.718852 67.250554) (xy 90.709178 67.237014)
+ (xy 90.698778 67.224008) (xy 90.687674 67.211568) (xy 90.675886 67.199724) (xy 90.663436 67.188507)
+ (xy 90.650343 67.177949) (xy 90.650334 67.177942) (xy 90.645345 67.174352) (xy 90.63663 67.168081)
+ (xy 90.635821 67.167564) (xy 90.622311 67.158928) (xy 90.607523 67.150589) (xy 90.607518 67.150587)
+ (xy 90.592396 67.143123) (xy 90.592383 67.143117) (xy 90.592372 67.143112) (xy 90.576905 67.136508)
+ (xy 90.576891 67.136502) (xy 90.563867 67.131765) (xy 90.561157 67.130779) (xy 90.545166 67.12593)
+ (xy 90.545161 67.125928) (xy 90.545152 67.125926) (xy 90.52898 67.121967) (xy 90.528972 67.121965)
+ (xy 90.52897 67.121965) (xy 90.512605 67.118887) (xy 90.496108 67.1167) (xy 90.496103 67.116699)
+ (xy 90.496091 67.116698) (xy 90.479538 67.11541) (xy 90.47952 67.115409) (xy 90.479517 67.115409)
+ (xy 90.46287 67.115017) (xy 90.462869 67.115017) (xy 90.462868 67.115017) (xy 90.446184 67.115528)
+ (xy 90.429569 67.116944) (xy 90.429561 67.116945) (xy 90.429555 67.116945) (xy 90.429553 67.116946)
+ (xy 90.42343 67.117805) (xy 90.412928 67.119279) (xy 90.412925 67.11928) (xy 90.396484 67.122511)
+ (xy 90.396443 67.12252) (xy 90.380085 67.126678) (xy 90.363872 67.131765) (xy 88.843985 67.761059)
+ (xy 88.823548 67.767516) (xy 88.791457 67.774675) (xy 88.781262 67.776506) (xy 88.743735 67.781639)
+ (xy 88.733502 67.782609) (xy 88.696098 67.784594) (xy 88.685893 67.784715) (xy 88.648751 67.783626)
+ (xy 88.638657 67.782917) (xy 88.601924 67.778825) (xy 88.591986 67.777307) (xy 88.555859 67.770282)
+ (xy 88.54613 67.76798) (xy 88.510761 67.758088) (xy 88.501287 67.755023) (xy 88.466859 67.742337)
+ (xy 88.457677 67.738529) (xy 88.424365 67.723118) (xy 88.415516 67.718583) (xy 88.38352 67.700532)
+ (xy 88.375014 67.69527) (xy 88.344521 67.674661) (xy 88.33643 67.668702) (xy 88.307589 67.645598)
+ (xy 88.299952 67.63895) (xy 88.272945 67.613431) (xy 88.265825 67.606126) (xy 88.240802 67.578245)
+ (xy 88.234267 67.570327) (xy 88.211378 67.540123) (xy 88.20548 67.531624) (xy 88.183425 67.496829)
+ (xy 88.180894 67.492657) (xy 87.538287 66.384724) (xy 87.536907 66.382281) (xy 87.504511 66.323395)
+ (xy 87.502159 66.318905) (xy 87.472775 66.259905) (xy 87.470622 66.255353) (xy 87.443721 66.195318)
+ (xy 87.441775 66.190727) (xy 87.417391 66.12977) (xy 87.415627 66.125085) (xy 87.393792 66.06334)
+ (xy 87.39222 66.058593) (xy 87.372912 65.996025) (xy 87.371562 65.991314) (xy 87.354802 65.928009)
+ (xy 87.353629 65.923181) (xy 87.339477 65.859385) (xy 87.338489 65.854461) (xy 87.326937 65.790171)
+ (xy 87.326149 65.785214) (xy 87.317196 65.720416) (xy 87.316621 65.715522) (xy 87.31029 65.65031)
+ (xy 87.309913 65.645383) (xy 87.306232 65.579929) (xy 87.306054 65.574982) (xy 87.305033 65.509332)
+ (xy 87.305057 65.504302) (xy 87.305153 65.5005) (xy 87.306712 65.438546) (xy 87.30694 65.433554)
+ (xy 87.311287 65.367759) (xy 87.311716 65.362797) (xy 87.318855 65.296248) (xy 87.31929 65.292693)
+ (xy 87.339 65.148736) (xy 87.347865 65.083982) (xy 87.348131 65.082148) (xy 87.381075 64.867284)
+ (xy 87.381299 64.865891) (xy 87.454941 64.426096) (xy 87.52045 64.041839) (xy 87.529747 63.987306)
+ (xy 87.538742 63.931416) (xy 87.564233 63.773053) (xy 87.594943 63.56507) (xy 87.595065 63.564269)
+ (xy 87.684502 62.996124) (xy 87.685206 62.992094) (xy 87.793369 62.429416) (xy 87.794228 62.42533)
+ (xy 87.856525 62.151456) (xy 102.2495 62.151456) (xy 102.2495 63.348544) (xy 102.274438 63.473915)
+ (xy 102.287946 63.541828) (xy 102.287949 63.541837) (xy 102.363364 63.723907) (xy 102.363371 63.72392)
+ (xy 102.47286 63.887781) (xy 102.472863 63.887785) (xy 102.616537 64.031459) (xy 102.616559 64.031479)
+ (xy 103.219735 64.634655) (xy 103.219764 64.634686) (xy 103.362217 64.777139) (xy 103.526077 64.886626)
+ (xy 103.526086 64.886632) (xy 103.636704 64.932451) (xy 103.708164 64.962051) (xy 103.804812 64.981275)
+ (xy 103.853135 64.990887) (xy 103.901458 65.0005) (xy 103.901459 65.0005) (xy 107.098542 65.0005)
+ (xy 107.11787 64.996655) (xy 107.195188 64.981275) (xy 107.291836 64.962051) (xy 107.363296 64.932451)
+ (xy 107.473914 64.886632) (xy 107.637782 64.777139) (xy 107.777139 64.637782) (xy 107.777139 64.63778)
+ (xy 107.787347 64.627573) (xy 107.787349 64.62757) (xy 107.91232 64.502598) (xy 107.973641 64.469115)
+ (xy 108.043333 64.474099) (xy 108.087678 64.502598) (xy 108.212647 64.627567) (xy 108.270181 64.685101)
+ (xy 108.303666 64.746424) (xy 108.3065 64.772782) (xy 108.3065 69.8755) (xy 108.286815 69.942539)
+ (xy 108.234011 69.988294) (xy 108.1825 69.9995) (xy 105.964609 69.9995) (xy 105.89757 69.979815)
+ (xy 105.89064 69.974771) (xy 105.72392 69.863372) (xy 105.72391 69.863367) (xy 105.541836 69.787949)
+ (xy 105.541828 69.787947) (xy 105.348543 69.7495) (xy 105.34854 69.7495) (xy 105.15146 69.7495)
+ (xy 105.151457 69.7495) (xy 104.958171 69.787947) (xy 104.958163 69.787949) (xy 104.776089 69.863367)
+ (xy 104.776079 69.863372) (xy 104.612219 69.97286) (xy 104.612215 69.972863) (xy 104.472863 70.112215)
+ (xy 104.47286 70.112219) (xy 104.363372 70.276079) (xy 104.363367 70.276089) (xy 104.287949 70.458163)
+ (xy 104.287947 70.458171) (xy 104.2495 70.651455) (xy 104.2495 70.848544) (xy 104.287947 71.041828)
+ (xy 104.287949 71.041836) (xy 104.363367 71.22391) (xy 104.363372 71.22392) (xy 104.47286 71.38778)
+ (xy 104.472863 71.387784) (xy 104.71579 71.63071) (xy 104.715793 71.630714) (xy 104.715794 71.630714)
+ (xy 104.72286 71.63778) (xy 104.722861 71.637782) (xy 104.862218 71.777139) (xy 105.026086 71.886632)
+ (xy 105.132745 71.930811) (xy 105.208164 71.962051) (xy 105.387805 71.997784) (xy 105.401454 72.000499)
+ (xy 105.401457 72.0005) (xy 105.401459 72.0005) (xy 105.59854 72.0005) (xy 106.901459 72.0005) (xy 108.401459 72.0005)
+ (xy 108.529 72.0005) (xy 108.596039 72.020185) (xy 108.641794 72.072989) (xy 108.653 72.1245) (xy 108.653 76.012819)
+ (xy 108.633315 76.079858) (xy 108.603312 76.112085) (xy 108.495952 76.192455) (xy 108.491181 76.197227)
+ (xy 108.429858 76.230712) (xy 108.360166 76.225728) (xy 108.315819 76.197227) (xy 108.311044 76.192452)
+ (xy 108.195835 76.106206) (xy 108.195828 76.106202) (xy 108.060982 76.055908) (xy 108.060983 76.055908)
+ (xy 108.001383 76.049501) (xy 108.001381 76.0495) (xy 108.001373 76.0495) (xy 108.001364 76.0495)
+ (xy 106.305629 76.0495) (xy 106.305623 76.049501) (xy 106.246016 76.055908) (xy 106.111171 76.106202)
+ (xy 106.111164 76.106206) (xy 105.995955 76.192452) (xy 105.991181 76.197227) (xy 105.929858 76.230712)
+ (xy 105.860166 76.225728) (xy 105.815819 76.197227) (xy 105.811044 76.192452) (xy 105.695835 76.106206)
+ (xy 105.695828 76.106202) (xy 105.560982 76.055908) (xy 105.560983 76.055908) (xy 105.501383 76.049501)
+ (xy 105.501381 76.0495) (xy 105.501373 76.0495) (xy 105.501364 76.0495) (xy 103.805629 76.0495)
+ (xy 103.805623 76.049501) (xy 103.746016 76.055908) (xy 103.611171 76.106202) (xy 103.611164 76.106206)
+ (xy 103.495955 76.192452) (xy 103.495952 76.192455) (xy 103.409706 76.307664) (xy 103.409702 76.307671)
+ (xy 103.359408 76.442517) (xy 103.353001 76.502116) (xy 103.353001 76.502123) (xy 103.353 76.502135)
+ (xy 103.353 78.59787) (xy 103.353001 78.597876) (xy 103.359408 78.657483) (xy 103.409702 78.792328)
+ (xy 103.409706 78.792335) (xy 103.495952 78.907544) (xy 103.495955 78.907547) (xy 103.611164 78.993793)
+ (xy 103.611171 78.993797) (xy 103.746017 79.044091) (xy 103.746016 79.044091) (xy 103.752944 79.044835)
+ (xy 103.805627 79.0505) (xy 105.501372 79.050499) (xy 105.560983 79.044091) (xy 105.695831 78.993796)
+ (xy 105.811046 78.907546) (xy 105.811048 78.907542) (xy 105.815819 78.902773) (xy 105.877142 78.869288)
+ (xy 105.946834 78.874272) (xy 105.991181 78.902773) (xy 105.995955 78.907547) (xy 106.111164 78.993793)
+ (xy 106.111171 78.993797) (xy 106.246017 79.044091) (xy 106.246016 79.044091) (xy 106.252944 79.044835)
+ (xy 106.305627 79.0505) (xy 108.001372 79.050499) (xy 108.060983 79.044091) (xy 108.195831 78.993796)
+ (xy 108.311046 78.907546) (xy 108.311048 78.907542) (xy 108.315819 78.902773) (xy 108.377142 78.869288)
+ (xy 108.446834 78.874272) (xy 108.491181 78.902773) (xy 108.495955 78.907547) (xy 108.611164 78.993793)
+ (xy 108.611171 78.993797) (xy 108.653499 79.009584) (xy 108.746017 79.044091) (xy 108.805627 79.0505)
+ (xy 109.544956 79.050499) (xy 109.54497 79.0505) (xy 109.554959 79.0505) (xy 109.766475 79.0505)
+ (xy 109.766483 79.050499) (xy 110.501371 79.050499) (xy 110.501372 79.050499) (xy 110.560983 79.044091)
+ (xy 110.695831 78.993796) (xy 110.811046 78.907546) (xy 110.811048 78.907542) (xy 110.816176 78.902416)
+ (xy 110.877499 78.868931) (xy 110.947191 78.873915) (xy 110.991538 78.902416) (xy 110.996312 78.90719)
+ (xy 111.111406 78.99335) (xy 111.111413 78.993354) (xy 111.24612 79.043596) (xy 111.246127 79.043598)
+ (xy 111.305655 79.049999) (xy 111.305672 79.05) (xy 111.9035 79.05) (xy 112.4035 79.05) (xy 113.001328 79.05)
+ (xy 113.001344 79.049999) (xy 113.060872 79.043598) (xy 113.060879 79.043596) (xy 113.195586 78.993354)
+ (xy 113.195593 78.99335) (xy 113.310687 78.90719) (xy 113.31069 78.907187) (xy 113.39685 78.792093)
+ (xy 113.396854 78.792086) (xy 113.447096 78.657379) (xy 113.447098 78.657372) (xy 113.453499 78.597844)
+ (xy 113.4535 78.597827) (xy 113.4535 77.8) (xy 112.4035 77.8) (xy 112.4035 79.05) (xy 111.9035 79.05)
+ (xy 111.9035 77.3) (xy 112.4035 77.3) (xy 113.4535 77.3) (xy 113.4535 76.502172) (xy 113.453499 76.502155)
+ (xy 113.447098 76.442627) (xy 113.447096 76.44262) (xy 113.396854 76.307913) (xy 113.39685 76.307906)
+ (xy 113.31069 76.192812) (xy 113.310687 76.192809) (xy 113.195593 76.106649) (xy 113.195586 76.106645)
+ (xy 113.060879 76.056403) (xy 113.060872 76.056401) (xy 113.001344 76.05) (xy 112.4035 76.05) (xy 112.4035 77.3)
+ (xy 111.9035 77.3) (xy 111.9035 76.05) (xy 111.305655 76.05) (xy 111.246127 76.056401) (xy 111.24612 76.056403)
+ (xy 111.111413 76.106645) (xy 111.111406 76.106649) (xy 110.996312 76.192809) (xy 110.991538 76.197584)
+ (xy 110.930215 76.231069) (xy 110.860523 76.226085) (xy 110.816176 76.197584) (xy 110.811047 76.192455)
+ (xy 110.703688 76.112085) (xy 110.661818 76.056151) (xy 110.654 76.012819) (xy 110.654 71.812282)
+ (xy 110.673685 71.745243) (xy 110.690319 71.724601) (xy 111.277136 71.137784) (xy 111.277139 71.137781)
+ (xy 111.386631 70.973914) (xy 111.462051 70.791836) (xy 111.5005 70.59854) (xy 111.5005 70.40146)
+ (xy 111.5005 70.401457) (xy 111.500499 70.401455) (xy 111.497459 70.38617) (xy 111.462051 70.208164)
+ (xy 111.386631 70.026086) (xy 111.386629 70.026083) (xy 111.386627 70.026079) (xy 111.277139 69.862219)
+ (xy 111.277136 69.862215) (xy 111.137784 69.722863) (xy 111.13778 69.72286) (xy 110.97392 69.613372)
+ (xy 110.97391 69.613367) (xy 110.791836 69.537949) (xy 110.791828 69.537947) (xy 110.598543 69.4995)
+ (xy 110.59854 69.4995) (xy 110.4315 69.4995) (xy 110.364461 69.479815) (xy 110.318706 69.427011)
+ (xy 110.3075 69.3755) (xy 110.3075 65.6245) (xy 110.327185 65.557461) (xy 110.379989 65.511706)
+ (xy 110.4315 65.5005) (xy 111.848542 65.5005) (xy 111.86787 65.496655) (xy 111.945188 65.481275)
+ (xy 112.041836 65.462051) (xy 112.095165 65.439961) (xy 112.223914 65.386632) (xy 112.387782 65.277139)
+ (xy 112.527139 65.137782) (xy 112.52714 65.137779) (xy 112.534206 65.130714) (xy 112.534209 65.13071)
+ (xy 113.137778 64.527141) (xy 113.137782 64.527139) (xy 113.277139 64.387782) (xy 113.386632 64.223914)
+ (xy 113.462051 64.041835) (xy 113.492694 63.887785) (xy 113.5005 63.848543) (xy 113.5005 61.901456)
+ (xy 113.462052 61.70817) (xy 113.462051 61.708169) (xy 113.462051 61.708165) (xy 113.422309 61.612218)
+ (xy 113.386635 61.526092) (xy 113.386628 61.526079) (xy 113.277139 61.362218) (xy 113.277136 61.362214)
+ (xy 113.137785 61.222863) (xy 113.137781 61.22286) (xy 112.97392 61.113371) (xy 112.973907 61.113364)
+ (xy 112.791839 61.03795) (xy 112.791829 61.037947) (xy 112.598543 60.9995) (xy 112.598541 60.9995)
+ (xy 112.401459 60.9995) (xy 112.401457 60.9995) (xy 112.20817 61.037947) (xy 112.20816 61.03795)
+ (xy 112.026092 61.113364) (xy 112.026079 61.113371) (xy 111.862218 61.22286) (xy 111.862214 61.222863)
+ (xy 111.722863 61.362214) (xy 111.72286 61.362218) (xy 111.613371 61.526079) (xy 111.613364 61.526092)
+ (xy 111.53795 61.70816) (xy 111.537947 61.70817) (xy 111.4995 61.901456) (xy 111.4995 63.284218)
+ (xy 111.479815 63.351257) (xy 111.463181 63.371899) (xy 111.371899 63.463181) (xy 111.310576 63.496666)
+ (xy 111.284218 63.4995) (xy 109.965783 63.4995) (xy 109.898744 63.479815) (xy 109.878102 63.463181)
+ (xy 108.782527 62.367607) (xy 108.782505 62.367582) (xy 108.637785 62.222862) (xy 108.637781 62.222859)
+ (xy 108.473921 62.113371) (xy 108.473912 62.113366) (xy 108.291836 62.037948) (xy 108.291828 62.037946)
+ (xy 108.098544 61.999499) (xy 108.098541 61.999499) (xy 107.90146 61.999499) (xy 107.901457 61.999499)
+ (xy 107.708172 62.037946) (xy 107.708164 62.037948) (xy 107.526088 62.113366) (xy 107.526079 62.113371)
+ (xy 107.362219 62.222859) (xy 107.362215 62.222862) (xy 106.621899 62.963181) (xy 106.560576 62.996666)
+ (xy 106.534218 62.9995) (xy 104.465782 62.9995) (xy 104.398743 62.979815) (xy 104.378101 62.963181)
+ (xy 104.286819 62.871899) (xy 104.253334 62.810576) (xy 104.2505 62.784218) (xy 104.2505 62.715782)
+ (xy 104.270185 62.648743) (xy 104.286819 62.628101) (xy 104.527136 62.387784) (xy 104.527139 62.387781)
+ (xy 104.636631 62.223914) (xy 104.712051 62.041836) (xy 104.7505 61.84854) (xy 104.7505 61.65146)
+ (xy 104.7505 61.651457) (xy 104.750499 61.651455) (xy 104.742694 61.612218) (xy 104.712051 61.458164)
+ (xy 104.636631 61.276086) (xy 104.636629 61.276083) (xy 104.636627 61.276079) (xy 104.527139 61.112219)
+ (xy 104.527136 61.112215) (xy 104.387784 60.972863) (xy 104.38778 60.97286) (xy 104.22392 60.863372)
+ (xy 104.22391 60.863367) (xy 104.041836 60.787949) (xy 104.041828 60.787947) (xy 103.848543 60.7495)
+ (xy 103.84854 60.7495) (xy 103.65146 60.7495) (xy 103.651457 60.7495) (xy 103.458171 60.787947)
+ (xy 103.458163 60.787949) (xy 103.276089 60.863367) (xy 103.276079 60.863372) (xy 103.112219 60.97286)
+ (xy 103.112215 60.972863) (xy 102.862216 61.222863) (xy 102.612221 61.472858) (xy 102.612218 61.472861)
+ (xy 102.559 61.526079) (xy 102.472859 61.612219) (xy 102.363371 61.776079) (xy 102.363364 61.776092)
+ (xy 102.28795 61.95816) (xy 102.287947 61.95817) (xy 102.2495 62.151456) (xy 87.856525 62.151456)
+ (xy 87.921221 61.867035) (xy 87.922202 61.863036) (xy 88.067939 61.309403) (xy 88.069055 61.30544)
+ (xy 88.233369 60.757071) (xy 88.234619 60.753141) (xy 88.417391 60.210467) (xy 88.418764 60.206605)
+ (xy 88.619875 59.670056) (xy 88.621376 59.666248) (xy 88.841454 59.134468) (xy 88.849288 59.114872)
+ (xy 88.855896 59.094971) (xy 88.861281 59.07482) (xy 88.865446 59.054472) (xy 88.868395 59.033982)
+ (xy 88.87013 59.013404) (xy 88.870656 58.992793) (xy 88.869976 58.972202) (xy 88.868092 58.951687)
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+ (xy 88.840751 58.852136) (xy 88.831722 58.833211) (xy 88.821513 58.814742) (xy 88.810218 58.796916)
+ (xy 88.797958 58.779906) (xy 88.797947 58.779892) (xy 88.797944 58.779887) (xy 88.784794 58.76376)
+ (xy 88.784784 58.763749) (xy 88.784777 58.76374) (xy 88.782936 58.761736) (xy 88.770734 58.748459)
+ (xy 88.770723 58.748448) (xy 88.755842 58.734059) (xy 88.755573 58.733828) (xy 88.740184 58.720605)
+ (xy 88.738735 58.719501) (xy 88.72378 58.708104) (xy 88.706691 58.696597) (xy 88.706685 58.696593)
+ (xy 88.70668 58.69659) (xy 88.688957 58.686108) (xy 88.670637 58.676672) (xy 88.670622 58.676665)
+ (xy 88.651761 58.668311) (xy 88.651748 58.668306) (xy 88.632362 58.661049) (xy 88.632356 58.661047)
+ (xy 88.632353 58.661046) (xy 88.61252 58.654929) (xy 88.61251 58.654926) (xy 88.592255 58.64997)
+ (xy 88.571637 58.646206) (xy 88.571602 58.646201) (xy 88.55068 58.643663) (xy 88.550653 58.64366)
+ (xy 88.525354 58.640585) (xy 88.518436 58.639545) (xy 88.496918 58.635684) (xy 88.490088 58.634259)
+ (xy 88.468922 58.629217) (xy 88.462211 58.627418) (xy 88.441438 58.621218) (xy 88.434892 58.619064)
+ (xy 88.414564 58.611738) (xy 88.408131 58.609215) (xy 88.388279 58.600783) (xy 88.382033 58.597922)
+ (xy 88.362687 58.588402) (xy 88.356622 58.585205) (xy 88.355114 58.584356) (xy 88.344193 58.578206)
+ (xy 88.33788 58.574651) (xy 88.331982 58.571111) (xy 88.322912 58.565319) (xy 88.313832 58.559519)
+ (xy 88.308165 58.555674) (xy 88.290674 58.543083) (xy 88.285216 58.538919) (xy 88.26844 58.525366)
+ (xy 88.263184 58.520872) (xy 88.24716 58.506378) (xy 88.242164 58.501599) (xy 88.226917 58.486173)
+ (xy 88.2222 58.481125) (xy 88.2078 58.464821) (xy 88.203331 58.459465) (xy 88.199747 58.454915)
+ (xy 88.189788 58.44227) (xy 88.185631 58.436673) (xy 88.172998 58.418618) (xy 88.169163 58.412794)
+ (xy 88.157574 58.394053) (xy 88.154068 58.388008) (xy 88.143642 58.3688) (xy 88.140484 58.362569)
+ (xy 88.131201 58.342899) (xy 88.128419 58.33655) (xy 88.120269 58.316427) (xy 88.11787 58.309993)
+ (xy 88.110873 58.289491) (xy 88.108842 58.282946) (xy 88.103015 58.262151) (xy 88.101353 58.255511)
+ (xy 88.096699 58.234457) (xy 88.095403 58.227708) (xy 88.094552 58.222499) (xy 88.091933 58.206477)
+ (xy 88.091013 58.199665) (xy 88.090862 58.19825) (xy 88.088725 58.17825) (xy 88.088186 58.171405)
+ (xy 88.088027 58.16829) (xy 88.087092 58.149926) (xy 88.086932 58.143043) (xy 88.087033 58.121435)
+ (xy 88.087256 58.114584) (xy 88.088563 58.09299) (xy 88.089168 58.086156) (xy 88.091694 58.064547)
+ (xy 88.092689 58.057717) (xy 88.096424 58.036275) (xy 88.097803 58.029492) (xy 88.102778 58.008132)
+ (xy 88.104543 58.001423) (xy 88.111248 57.978571) (xy 88.112283 57.975228) (xy 88.202631 57.697844)
+ (xy 97.625 57.697844) (xy 97.631401 57.757372) (xy 97.631403 57.757379) (xy 97.681645 57.892086)
+ (xy 97.681649 57.892093) (xy 97.767809 58.007187) (xy 97.767812 58.00719) (xy 97.882906 58.09335)
+ (xy 97.882913 58.093354) (xy 98.01762 58.143596) (xy 98.017627 58.143598) (xy 98.077155 58.149999)
+ (xy 98.077172 58.15) (xy 98.675 58.15) (xy 98.675 57.475) (xy 97.625 57.475) (xy 97.625 57.697844)
+ (xy 88.202631 57.697844) (xy 88.533922 56.680722) (xy 88.5341 56.680182) (xy 88.539345 56.664501)
+ (xy 88.540527 56.661131) (xy 88.545697 56.647047) (xy 88.546969 56.643729) (xy 88.552576 56.629731)
+ (xy 88.553915 56.626523) (xy 88.559928 56.612689) (xy 88.561373 56.609491) (xy 88.567782 56.595846)
+ (xy 88.569323 56.592686) (xy 88.576131 56.579225) (xy 88.577769 56.576102) (xy 88.582373 56.56762)
+ (xy 88.584923 56.562919) (xy 88.586663 56.559821) (xy 88.594621 56.546123) (xy 88.595684 56.544332)
+ (xy 88.650386 56.453812) (xy 90.608632 53.213345) (xy 99.1 53.213345) (xy 99.1 53.25) (xy 99.8875 53.25)
+ (xy 99.8875 52.524999) (xy 99.78836 52.525) (xy 99.788344 52.525001) (xy 99.687347 52.535319) (xy 99.523699 52.589546)
+ (xy 99.523688 52.589551) (xy 99.376965 52.680052) (xy 99.376961 52.680055) (xy 99.255055 52.801961)
+ (xy 99.255052 52.801965) (xy 99.164551 52.948688) (xy 99.164546 52.948699) (xy 99.110319 53.112347)
+ (xy 99.1 53.213345) (xy 90.608632 53.213345) (xy 90.880599 52.763299) (xy 90.885102 52.755555) (xy 90.889232 52.747684)
+ (xy 90.89299 52.739696) (xy 90.896379 52.731603) (xy 90.902052 52.71515) (xy 90.902507 52.713345)
+ (xy 90.903082 52.711055) (xy 90.906265 52.698417) (xy 90.909028 52.681497) (xy 90.910354 52.664483)
+ (xy 90.910255 52.647468) (xy 90.908744 52.630544) (xy 90.905832 52.613803) (xy 90.901532 52.59734)
+ (xy 90.895856 52.581246) (xy 90.895854 52.581242) (xy 90.895852 52.581236) (xy 90.892336 52.57343)
+ (xy 90.888817 52.565614) (xy 90.880425 52.550537) (xy 90.875466 52.543184) (xy 90.870703 52.536119)
+ (xy 90.870701 52.536117) (xy 90.870695 52.536108) (xy 90.865331 52.529166) (xy 90.859637 52.52242)
+ (xy 90.853614 52.515882) (xy 90.847263 52.509564) (xy 89.514049 51.244164) (xy 89.027822 50.782669)
+ (xy 89.025508 50.780414) (xy 89.011403 50.76631) (xy 89.007354 50.762065) (xy 88.99487 50.748341)
+ (xy 88.99103 50.743915) (xy 88.979231 50.729644) (xy 88.975637 50.725083) (xy 88.964536 50.71029)
+ (xy 88.961177 50.705588) (xy 88.95082 50.690345) (xy 88.947677 50.685478) (xy 88.938065 50.669801)
+ (xy 88.935147 50.664782) (xy 88.926293 50.648697) (xy 88.923619 50.643557) (xy 88.915524 50.627072)
+ (xy 88.913092 50.621814) (xy 88.905777 50.604971) (xy 88.903603 50.599624) (xy 88.897076 50.582438)
+ (xy 88.895158 50.577011) (xy 88.889419 50.559471) (xy 88.887757 50.553952) (xy 88.882861 50.536218)
+ (xy 88.881444 50.530573) (xy 88.877371 50.512564) (xy 88.876222 50.506866) (xy 88.872988 50.488611)
+ (xy 88.872112 50.482881) (xy 88.869733 50.464419) (xy 88.869125 50.458618) (xy 88.867493 50.438452)
+ (xy 88.867302 50.435681) (xy 88.841584 49.985556) (xy 88.84141 49.981092) (xy 88.840976 49.960352)
+ (xy 88.841176 49.95028) (xy 88.842244 49.932696) (xy 88.843257 49.922716) (xy 88.845716 49.905481)
+ (xy 88.847518 49.895686) (xy 88.851317 49.87886) (xy 88.853877 49.869309) (xy 88.858991 49.852886)
+ (xy 88.862272 49.843656) (xy 88.868647 49.82775) (xy 88.872636 49.818831) (xy 88.880229 49.803505)
+ (xy 88.884886 49.794968) (xy 88.893652 49.7803) (xy 88.898966 49.772153) (xy 88.908848 49.758227)
+ (xy 88.914791 49.750513) (xy 88.925755 49.737383) (xy 88.93229 49.730156) (xy 88.944292 49.717894)
+ (xy 88.951419 49.711167) (xy 88.964372 49.699878) (xy 88.972074 49.693687) (xy 88.985964 49.683409)
+ (xy 88.994197 49.677815) (xy 89.00897 49.668622) (xy 89.01769 49.663674) (xy 89.03335 49.655608)
+ (xy 89.042496 49.65136) (xy 89.061321 49.643532) (xy 89.066158 49.641641) (xy 89.774161 49.381959)
+ (xy 90.134195 49.249906) (xy 90.13421 49.2499) (xy 90.149238 49.243718) (xy 90.163783 49.236861)
+ (xy 90.177836 49.229356) (xy 90.191383 49.221227) (xy 90.204415 49.212499) (xy 90.216919 49.203198)
+ (xy 90.228884 49.193349) (xy 90.240298 49.182976) (xy 90.251151 49.172106) (xy 90.26143 49.160763)
+ (xy 90.271125 49.148972) (xy 90.280223 49.136758) (xy 90.288714 49.124147) (xy 90.296586 49.111163)
+ (xy 90.303828 49.097833) (xy 90.310428 49.08418) (xy 90.316375 49.07023) (xy 90.321656 49.056009)
+ (xy 90.326262 49.041541) (xy 90.330181 49.026851) (xy 90.3334 49.011965) (xy 90.335909 48.996908)
+ (xy 90.337697 48.981704) (xy 90.338751 48.96638) (xy 90.33906 48.95096) (xy 90.338614 48.935469)
+ (xy 90.3374 48.919932) (xy 90.335407 48.904375) (xy 90.332624 48.888823) (xy 90.329039 48.8733)
+ (xy 90.324641 48.857832) (xy 90.319418 48.842445) (xy 88.634228 44.28132) (xy 88.633842 44.28026)
+ (xy 88.628577 44.265531) (xy 88.627548 44.262525) (xy 88.623036 44.248774) (xy 88.622065 44.245677)
+ (xy 88.617912 44.231797) (xy 88.617035 44.228724) (xy 88.613224 44.214652) (xy 88.612462 44.211683)
+ (xy 88.609005 44.197445) (xy 88.608313 44.194422) (xy 88.605247 44.180171) (xy 88.604615 44.17703)
+ (xy 88.601936 44.162767) (xy 88.601396 44.159666) (xy 88.598954 44.144476) (xy 88.598715 44.142914)
+ (xy 88.150923 41.06387) (xy 88.150402 41.059818) (xy 88.148863 41.046069) (xy 88.148234 41.038191)
+ (xy 88.147672 41.026356) (xy 88.147549 41.018545) (xy 88.147737 41.006791) (xy 88.148108 40.999002)
+ (xy 88.149035 40.987323) (xy 88.149895 40.979598) (xy 88.151542 40.968094) (xy 88.152883 40.960442)
+ (xy 88.155244 40.949081) (xy 88.157053 40.941566) (xy 88.160115 40.930389) (xy 88.162383 40.923016)
+ (xy 88.166139 40.912046) (xy 88.168848 40.904867) (xy 88.173286 40.894134) (xy 88.176452 40.887106)
+ (xy 88.181551 40.876674) (xy 88.185149 40.869859) (xy 88.190893 40.859757) (xy 88.194929 40.853149)
+ (xy 88.201316 40.843396) (xy 88.205756 40.837059) (xy 88.212784 40.827671) (xy 88.217648 40.821587)
+ (xy 88.225273 40.812642) (xy 88.230545 40.806842) (xy 88.232464 40.80486) (xy 88.282444 40.773461)
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+ (xy 88.781284 40.603858) (xy 88.792018 40.598114) (xy 88.80249 40.591995) (xy 88.812694 40.585512)
+ (xy 88.822621 40.578675) (xy 88.832264 40.571493) (xy 88.841615 40.563977) (xy 88.850667 40.556136)
+ (xy 88.859412 40.54798) (xy 88.867842 40.539519) (xy 88.87595 40.530763) (xy 88.883729 40.521721)
+ (xy 88.89117 40.512405) (xy 88.898266 40.502823) (xy 88.905009 40.492986) (xy 88.911392 40.482903)
+ (xy 88.917407 40.472584) (xy 88.923047 40.46204) (xy 88.928304 40.451279) (xy 88.93317 40.440313)
+ (xy 88.937638 40.42915) (xy 88.9417 40.417801) (xy 88.945349 40.406276) (xy 88.948577 40.394584)
+ (xy 88.951376 40.382735) (xy 88.953739 40.37074) (xy 88.955658 40.358608) (xy 88.957125 40.346349)
+ (xy 88.958133 40.333973) (xy 89.024718 39.314895) (xy 89.024934 39.312088) (xy 89.025142 39.309727)
+ (xy 89.02547 39.306018) (xy 89.026073 39.300579) (xy 89.026693 39.295931) (xy 89.027534 39.29054)
+ (xy 89.02835 39.285973) (xy 89.02942 39.280668) (xy 89.030424 39.2762) (xy 89.031726 39.270945)
+ (xy 89.032922 39.266539) (xy 89.034448 39.26137) (xy 89.035814 39.257087) (xy 89.037561 39.251993)
+ (xy 89.039115 39.247765) (xy 89.041056 39.242819) (xy 89.0428 39.238643) (xy 89.044946 39.233805)
+ (xy 89.04684 39.229769) (xy 89.049184 39.225038) (xy 89.051296 39.221001) (xy 89.053803 39.216448)
+ (xy 89.056067 39.212537) (xy 89.058788 39.208061) (xy 89.058859 39.207949) (xy 89.061187 39.204296)
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+ (xy 89.07571 39.184426) (xy 89.078577 39.180988) (xy 89.081965 39.177093) (xy 89.08501 39.173739)
+ (xy 89.088544 39.170008) (xy 89.091737 39.166778) (xy 89.095439 39.163187) (xy 89.098742 39.160117)
+ (xy 89.102617 39.156665) (xy 89.106032 39.153751) (xy 89.110062 39.150457) (xy 89.113577 39.147706)
+ (xy 89.117785 39.144555) (xy 89.121406 39.141962) (xy 89.12573 39.139002) (xy 89.129521 39.136525)
+ (xy 89.133962 39.133758) (xy 89.137824 39.131464) (xy 89.14242 39.128867) (xy 89.146375 39.126742)
+ (xy 89.151075 39.124347) (xy 89.155162 39.122374) (xy 89.15998 39.120176) (xy 89.164173 39.118372)
+ (xy 89.169097 39.11638) (xy 89.173357 39.114763) (xy 89.178382 39.112979) (xy 89.182747 39.111538)
+ (xy 89.187906 39.109959) (xy 89.192329 39.10871) (xy 89.197582 39.107353) (xy 89.202099 39.106291)
+ (xy 89.20738 39.105171) (xy 89.212055 39.104288) (xy 89.217388 39.103403) (xy 89.223596 39.102514)
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+ (xy 90.63921 38.931174) (xy 90.65762 38.929785) (xy 90.65909 38.929675) (xy 90.662788 38.929451)
+ (xy 90.682655 38.928552) (xy 90.686313 38.928441) (xy 90.706179 38.928137) (xy 90.709777 38.928136)
+ )
+ )
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+ "0c44b587-e8ee-4c99-8655-beaeb03578c3" "0d2e6a8a-ce4c-4c40-8726-6aea71b49d39"
+ "0d575a9e-f02d-40e2-ae15-40ec8cac0400" "0e12b58f-40ca-49fd-a1b2-e00672c944df"
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+ "12b427a1-eecd-434a-8444-5dc2cb940d75" "13c96788-542a-4a5f-9fe9-b02d1a74c3aa"
+ "13caabf2-d1df-42f8-af10-95b5009403ce" "1457b6fe-bc4d-43d0-8ad7-ba20b0012b87"
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+ "16c0006f-e34d-4b33-9994-8554b8aebb1b" "18094c47-4782-43de-9502-6a0dc89ca58d"
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+ "2f418641-1e9c-4c64-9249-b7fd75f4186b" "2fd74598-4064-4a90-898f-35dcce9306db"
+ "32e1f1b5-26c0-4775-954e-afe85d539a85" "3317b940-5bd3-4be0-bb64-78713f8cd6a0"
+ "33f6b1f8-44aa-436c-ac9d-d72c0c577124" "345faf97-3489-4882-9af0-c70dbd855063"
+ "34b65338-1ccd-4c67-8b5b-5df3c98310d5" "350a8f6b-0a58-4e9d-8e0d-0e7a8be3dfb3"
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+ "3b4b82f1-afe3-41f1-8dd2-c269b4e5c406" "3c421b9a-bbe9-46b6-85ae-dfa426a152b6"
+ "3dfb681d-2d1c-4b00-8aa3-c5ba4d761f09" "3e712927-08a0-4953-96b7-ccce5c18c242"
+ "3fce56f2-6c9c-4448-97af-ca187770d48a" "40b42b65-4cda-4631-8dd0-dd8633cb3083"
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+ "4cc7761d-09d8-49fe-829f-6a67920ee98c" "4d468041-b25b-4c6a-bdac-d14e0f32b236"
+ "4e8ca498-c8c3-4b84-b896-e22d2a9bba3e" "4f40502a-c703-4d61-a90a-b0d678fdb797"
+ "4f9f391b-9314-4026-a0c3-6af04e9592b0" "51504a30-2fd5-494d-a02d-d6e5c48558e8"
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+ "52c3e97e-69e7-4d87-9b45-c67e241ba435" "52d8b031-436a-401e-923a-5e2cbdbc87b7"
+ "5307ab31-f8fd-4837-b9fe-6a440f6125a7" "53746d46-1afa-450b-83c0-ab606bdcc3c7"
+ "554b0730-5a33-4559-bed6-46a8995dcf3a" "55a6292d-e9aa-4e55-9b17-8863afb535e6"
+ "564ab439-0d39-45ec-a47f-1df428c9159c" "56e5413c-9211-4223-a8e7-5eadf431c645"
+ "580ff79b-0ac2-435d-ac5f-5cff650d4a27" "5816b275-ebf8-4593-bc39-45824ed91764"
+ "58df1428-1c41-450e-8214-3d649e42a264" "5aab12da-78ea-4aa7-8736-2810e480a1e1"
+ "5b4b6568-ba31-4d2f-8b5b-657629295f8f" "5b4c418f-bd33-4efe-848d-35b075db4465"
+ "5ba656a3-a17e-433e-8aad-873e02d479fb" "5e132b6a-e856-4373-9bde-eade08475edd"
+ "5f27d08e-732b-4a71-9866-f070a0f3dff4" "5f9e8ddd-df4f-4edc-bd20-22df8bfe373c"
+ "5fad6c73-2f13-46a0-865a-989db0aadba8" "60ecb19a-db47-4012-a0e0-e0a5f960d5d7"
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+ "634f8a0b-40ed-4a4c-a5c4-717b59b10819" "63a3464c-388a-48b9-84d7-52d3dec23a8e"
+ "66112b76-d4c2-4096-82f4-3fbb409477a2" "66846fc0-f883-43cc-ab29-087d3e72cee8"
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+ "689e131a-5a5d-4fdb-91c3-0b0694abb2ec" "68de5a52-86c6-493d-ac17-484047fedd00"
+ "6cfb0b1c-bbde-437a-9d18-d73d41bc3bcd" "6d7ae7bd-8916-4a10-bdb0-4670e4c998aa"
+ "6d8363dc-3b52-4017-8f19-0b7224311026" "6e383d8f-7b06-46a6-8989-6af0e00ee7f6"
+ "6fe485be-3a4a-46e6-9627-e034bb2569e9" "710fff94-c86b-4247-88c4-c3fae3d85a38"
+ "711e5c1f-43b9-4337-8809-8c5f877f0829" "712dde45-5396-4d25-9d5a-cd22b427066d"
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+ "75f82a6a-c9c4-43e5-92b5-4eb0b8d0361e" "770f09f8-0c8a-4903-807a-43f5fc0b01e2"
+ "78cbbef7-ab44-45a7-bb21-f6533bd233c1" "7ae39056-99a2-49cf-a583-9eea83329504"
+ "7b897a25-0536-4b97-a70b-68e7eee1f4da" "7df5c9d5-c4d8-4b1c-8759-bc731b182378"
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+ "98be2c02-8827-478f-bfd1-34df4b70322b" "9ad40092-c4e6-446c-8c50-83bd9d492deb"
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+ "d3d872c0-5970-487a-84f8-aab663d9014f" "d73b10d0-7219-406d-a584-e20437632e7c"
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+ "d92774ff-5fbe-497e-adf8-c362eab2d671" "d96ffa92-969f-429b-9e53-5d798e33a090"
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+ "e28e68f7-59b0-457e-8746-42cf6e087123" "e367062a-4889-43e8-957a-165bb0533340"
+ "e443c7a3-86bb-4a0e-a789-0d41646ca455" "e532e90e-9b2b-416f-bcdd-9f36f79c313f"
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+ "e6e87f65-05e6-4e83-8955-e9ba55242e2c" "e713eab1-23f1-49e5-b6b0-d70d497fa9c8"
+ "e8c2d23a-5a0a-4cca-ae6f-13da5627c7d7" "e8c538b0-e293-4f08-9547-1c820bd68fbd"
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+ "ef5c5e35-cb98-4849-b9dc-a7569b11b1bf" "efc82894-616d-475e-aa4e-a7f906fd9ef0"
+ "efe55e89-04b1-4c36-8267-bd8352965b00" "f01f60ab-97aa-4050-9b0a-f0513495e999"
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+ "ff732058-be08-42d4-822e-0c71f42f8ec4"
+ )
+ )
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+ "00304faa-5923-493e-809c-f73619a23155" "003ead63-c65b-4c2d-8996-228fc69e91c4"
+ "0056a148-aa4d-4be1-b223-cbd1cc13a119" "00949a50-7a3a-4ee6-ace9-439b256cb43e"
+ "00c2e8af-710a-4c89-b163-52f0b2df58ce" "00ce2d54-1910-41ca-a2d2-4fd04e5b27a8"
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+ "00e5ffe7-0ee2-4e53-82d4-60d25edbbd7b" "010f8284-0865-46c5-9594-3149562abddc"
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+ "015458b2-2cc1-4f0d-8ad3-dcf9b6f5bb0e" "016cbfe3-df17-48df-b71b-9ee6e413ec5f"
+ "017c5168-0cae-4e49-98d5-194c1b3a6e4a" "01b50a18-e778-43d3-bf04-9087a548a268"
+ "01b5944a-d58a-46d0-840e-2d3d0ee8480a" "01c83bc2-4875-46de-adf0-b959d0fe4ffc"
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+ "04c0856a-0b64-4f7a-bf4d-30deb80d1d7b" "04dbb79d-22fe-42ce-90e4-1c9d07b3116a"
+ "04f32ef4-9369-416e-b3a8-8f0a4b9da4dc" "04f7eeca-e181-49e1-9668-039ff6574f70"
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+ "08e71baf-2cd5-41db-91a8-d91398f1d8a7" "08ff3642-54f7-43a3-a80b-b45e91f8f21b"
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+ "09bef78c-a552-4f4e-a1b0-71d965d71bc3" "09f60584-7aad-42e4-81b4-7c4efb8c8365"
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+ "0d1b91e2-6bc6-412b-9e97-5f7fe37e9bcb" "0d22bdb5-e39d-44a6-9da0-062f8f1b932b"
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+ "102fae48-a217-4a7e-87c6-c7e108f3712a" "104e58cd-d861-404f-9141-5f31ad9c4eae"
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+ "108a464c-6c94-4cdb-9d01-7477a3e82557" "10d476f1-66d2-419c-978f-69c35e739201"
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+ "13b4a4e4-68ea-4726-8ce5-85073aa0f951" "13c259fc-c082-4423-b7a1-73933a6a6396"
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+ "155c46e5-842b-4885-9d77-d101f05ed980" "157997f5-c6ae-4839-97db-a26d5b1dae9a"
+ "1597f227-6efa-4360-93df-696cd9d8d697" "15ca7c41-143b-4dd9-b78d-f4da3f7d0afe"
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+ "172a0c4a-4b62-4047-8ec7-5bf8e26aacb8" "1747cc9e-919e-4f6e-a842-d0fd5cc4b1c4"
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+ "18321465-c69d-4c7b-96e9-afe181efef3f" "1851bef7-4908-4d07-a0b7-edd6861041ab"
+ "18a2f730-1758-4cd4-84d2-58c9ba2ece1d" "18e97e63-60b6-4958-83c3-1cd59c215693"
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+ "1bf2dec7-84cc-4c58-8cdd-f3ecd6babb3e" "1c01067f-ec47-45cb-bd36-b592d337ba6b"
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+ "1d2a4a87-eb70-4408-b46d-5a8b241d9d84" "1d51f21b-c997-464f-a707-1c8b0f73d18b"
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+ "1e891a57-07a6-4e7b-af04-1bb598aa81b1" "1e8b0dba-8666-4cfd-bd6f-69a74867dac0"
+ "1e9dced8-c111-4a62-b266-5cbf734a3fcf" "1eadec10-8649-4379-9a62-ff3fda691cfc"
+ "1f089cbe-5b52-4e73-8133-ac66b18d740e" "1f22c806-45d5-4238-a668-1864d88506bb"
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+ "20eb0a02-4876-48b0-a885-a72b10483c9d" "2119a3c6-36b9-4b05-ac82-f41859dcfa5c"
+ "211ead22-7c40-4870-9406-983ba98817a9" "2135fae2-573f-47da-9f3d-09a09961b2f5"
+ "215bfd98-8389-4e2d-93e9-664f4c950195" "215ec53b-c4c1-4303-85ae-3645ef7f17b4"
+ "21a6b251-62d5-40cc-911a-e9ae7fd340bc" "21ef92f7-a7a2-49f8-891a-352542c5a841"
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+ "223f1606-ccf1-472e-93b9-764afe9462bc" "22a1a530-1311-4dd9-833e-3f648f5a1a00"
+ "22cc3694-32ef-4d61-bf90-18335d095f02" "2310cd92-ec00-49a0-bca7-c7ba7d6f4231"
+ "23336a28-520e-4813-954f-4c270f42c7a4" "2346d3a6-4c51-4d7c-b010-49aa034dffe8"
+ "235214c2-96b3-4f7b-8883-da49c5ea8444" "2353801b-2d60-4530-8830-99d862690442"
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+ "23a339e0-3bfc-4a7f-8d33-30061210951c" "23c246be-3614-413b-a615-b58929f05db1"
+ "23dc1097-f480-4d7f-bdb2-81abe33aca03" "240ffa76-0dd7-49fa-9ff2-f898ff9aed6a"
+ "24bea3b8-07b8-4cf0-adc6-24bd145fdc7f" "25770e1b-f103-4319-a94a-304967552920"
+ "257f3de2-7629-4cfa-847d-fead4eb21655" "25825d88-4284-4528-9bbf-5a503e242a2c"
+ "2585158c-5223-49c4-a711-e242b8064866" "25b99a94-2172-4c10-8702-6603392d3b55"
+ "25ef65c5-1a98-43a3-bc96-b63aa18ddac1" "25f164be-afe2-4acf-b88b-74a37bb1c8c8"
+ "25f8f7ee-217d-4c35-a127-a177596469a0" "25ff029e-b072-462c-b7b4-f1fefd696e7e"
+ "25ffb179-ec3e-48b6-aafc-8411793fc28d" "2667603c-bb2b-4c22-af29-722af3d4b5b8"
+ "26680d56-aa62-4eee-9b1e-191874f1c921" "269fc9da-b1a5-4229-a18a-835864565b9c"
+ "26a8b2e6-134d-4878-ac82-c4041f2b1ef9" "26c60f10-17c9-4845-9e6d-d1a114028cc8"
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+ "273b6e50-06ae-42f0-9cb5-5f6c13ca2ef9" "274b2fb4-688c-4972-91bf-4a32e0809d22"
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+ "278a333d-1996-48fd-9a5e-3a74f56c68cd" "27ad97d9-f43d-4f7d-a2c5-4880e65625d7"
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+ "2874c7a6-99e6-4c26-aa3c-41c26f73d2c4" "28a949a4-b01a-4384-8f58-e629cf07f1ab"
+ "28bd0b2b-9f0d-4d49-87da-a3e85f8698f5" "28c7e82d-9397-463c-957d-478210bb0c24"
+ "28e72480-cf75-4c88-b0fe-869fcfa46f67" "28f91524-e2bc-471f-9b9b-52a58598fdc5"
+ "291a3230-fa69-4804-82e3-4987158f6806" "2940d882-2527-43a1-8c05-509598b0f3c7"
+ "29465d93-c9ce-4745-8b79-98e758101c53" "294df723-62f4-495d-90b2-889a84d26495"
+ "29706a62-126a-4ca2-8ae7-ec8608fb941d" "29714f70-2254-4e8c-9c05-1275510bb00a"
+ "297fc333-62d5-44ad-b449-1f278642c2d1" "2a093a78-d99d-4fc6-808b-b03c2cfd32e8"
+ "2a16de87-3d98-42ff-8d2c-fcdb4e789e51" "2a243570-f246-4d71-9963-0296ea480469"
+ "2a321bad-f378-4014-ba2f-e0b8f196929a" "2a48fc48-c48d-4b0d-b3b7-af16f1d450a5"
+ "2a701054-27a0-4a5b-9a0a-369df1f303a7" "2a75e01c-b75f-4a67-bce0-2827e94546e4"
+ "2a874f7c-8e72-4eb0-9648-fd350c8b04c3" "2a9f89b2-07e7-4b3b-b5f8-1693c206c795"
+ "2ab6c82d-7649-4fce-9acd-6aafbe9d9123" "2ac119ba-39ff-4784-9106-83c25b0dc7de"
+ "2ac512b9-c3c3-4e7f-8b8c-d446a698c336" "2af92ba3-e2ae-4edb-bb86-324490687bfc"
+ "2b1df823-6840-4367-90e1-25601b86052f" "2b249869-2b63-4508-bf34-6b8cee5b184b"
+ "2b2c965d-7aa7-4286-9c6d-612b5a079d74" "2b43898f-1cba-40b2-b7b4-4b917146fabe"
+ "2b6f7167-493a-41a8-b25e-769fe0a9eb6d" "2b7ad8c0-fd83-4564-8929-ca84a0dc8a88"
+ "2b7d68c9-7169-4384-8161-3174a31a2010" "2b85c7a5-4be9-4b09-a68b-bc5657978a3b"
+ "2ba879ba-ac4b-4daa-9e3d-9bfd73faae6e" "2bb6ed7d-5348-4e55-a0a6-439e9aaedbab"
+ "2bc5aa6a-3e55-4b2f-98d7-1acf911a3721" "2bdfbd7f-dcf1-439c-a4ae-1969ddffb776"
+ "2bef6cd2-764b-4351-a1a5-f1789c0b6a0e" "2c108bbf-244b-4787-a7c0-8ed211f32550"
+ "2c20529a-a554-42ae-825b-ed414559a005" "2c2c64a4-11c0-4f9c-9682-e1dc2028c239"
+ "2c5fbb70-437a-4a4c-a11e-bfb9b96ab2b1" "2c61783d-58b8-448b-be34-c6484802612e"
+ "2ca5e5f6-2304-404f-a6c2-4a199630e3c8" "2cddbadc-f0dc-4f3b-a401-bc4cfcdbedf3"
+ "2cddf40a-8394-4446-92f3-3a0639d9442a" "2cfcf0e5-68ba-45ef-9759-1f2b1242c07a"
+ "2d528b38-4a25-476f-8287-1c61f9973830" "2d8e8f3a-cb34-41ae-a4f5-fcebba26d5be"
+ "2d9a1a1c-d48f-447d-8d86-559d95ca4d98" "2da0f13d-41cf-42eb-98e8-769d279d8976"
+ "2da23d23-028c-4454-bf18-1eefcf44f3db" "2da5ac8f-d711-4a7c-a9eb-1c10b43f5039"
+ "2de09160-2e64-4640-b113-8ad3c2bb2ff9" "2e090503-70ab-4b13-9faf-06145d1696f5"
+ "2e20f303-13d7-46bb-9d82-309b6a729351" "2e28ed4f-9e62-4454-869c-8f51bbcd040e"
+ "2e3124b9-9082-4f51-9c12-a369171a4872" "2e413d36-9d89-46ed-8074-5688524c9c73"
+ "2e6bb198-a73c-4843-80a9-0da647c2d74b" "2e6e4501-568e-459f-9c39-ba005488fda4"
+ "2e74753d-c87b-478c-8d80-c492b89afbf2" "2e8064fe-1a85-45fd-9ac0-6bd4cff3169e"
+ "2e8f76fb-e4da-4853-a784-9ccb537dc443" "2eb46faa-9255-4129-b7ff-09e110ec67bc"
+ "2eeba54f-da03-4b1b-9d8e-33cdba8dd142" "2f1afd14-3f91-4e97-89dc-0de3669ff912"
+ "2f1f9122-b8fc-4a22-bba0-f25788d2c2dc" "2f525204-c49b-4111-9035-a857b739da9b"
+ "2f5556a7-d368-4d8e-b1c1-0bdd13b76a2b" "2f57a71f-3a42-46f4-80e3-74c70ef8af93"
+ "2f801a5e-d99a-40b5-85f7-8b2bc80c5dcb" "2f884c7f-634a-4776-a110-634acb76e87f"
+ "2f94c310-963c-498b-860c-67585aff6a16" "2fb2627b-b0b8-4c53-b3c1-35e7b1da0f93"
+ "2fb8be25-c6c8-4e75-a806-f7058469b021" "2fd7f672-6ffc-4b49-b42f-7e23d41e8147"
+ "2fdf55cd-7f5e-4df8-9c83-fff51e3f77d2" "3027cf18-fb69-44b9-9c91-8bd3e025708f"
+ "302c56d4-d92f-40e7-beab-ed32e35c4a42" "30453fec-0013-4c5d-90a2-89318167477d"
+ "3066bad4-bebb-4bb0-872e-4f4e1e91acba" "309d742d-d3f8-4fda-af90-49ef6d6ae919"
+ "30fd3227-1f7a-4ff1-8fce-4cda882f8bbc" "3139c77c-9319-4b81-bdad-0c17f0103e41"
+ "3144f309-e2c2-420c-8119-fdfa01e9f5ba" "314c84ab-d11b-4b72-bd32-96270fb0b8db"
+ "314d81b8-b073-4a7d-8d69-e11e95a221ac" "315e2f91-96da-4779-86d6-21f743b9fb1d"
+ "317772cb-5dbc-42dc-886a-e3d932e0d021" "31965269-00d0-4420-87fc-fde3d36db771"
+ "31b29938-ca38-40bc-8458-df1a82b4b09f" "31dac8a9-9749-4dd9-b9f6-685af370287b"
+ "32212cf1-d492-4876-bb5c-e37ef63d83f1" "322c396e-9327-4e85-830c-4042a4eb435a"
+ "32654061-628b-41b1-9159-d387fbd1ee4c" "326e992e-0791-4bdd-b07b-260cbe8813f5"
+ "32c235e9-d627-4296-8ab1-3b3d77087810" "32c7b31e-48d3-418b-9383-8bc840166f82"
+ "32e1a134-329f-425e-b9f9-3ba611dcd3f3" "3322d295-7b71-4d22-bc66-064b18196c82"
+ "332e759c-c79d-46da-b202-a5326d0490bf" "33453ca1-e7d6-4e85-9d77-a1203689d45a"
+ "3368c427-83bd-487a-a85f-dbc37836cf49" "33804644-00b2-4dd6-bd0c-a1e5c670e9fa"
+ "3389539a-db2f-4d41-b4a8-9ed9215d1c46" "338d259f-7c38-4683-89aa-6ac2a4311c36"
+ "33920927-03ec-4898-9d41-e142f6aa69c7" "339d840a-14fd-41db-8605-4398497bd14a"
+ "339ee761-c038-4bb7-beb3-29ce30fe0804" "33a4126a-1af2-412e-a7d6-3a66e952617a"
+ "33af1d68-705b-4ed8-86a7-fe89f7804352" "33b2c20e-6dc1-4b36-ab3c-e8cccb4dfdd4"
+ "33ed1a4f-543d-4672-a3d3-4bf8596bc848" "34315266-fca9-48b5-a8b5-a65eadaca875"
+ "3431fe50-c98a-467a-b351-6bf0214a48a7" "34411974-a8c2-43ba-beb6-3e3c1587a32a"
+ "3486e5fe-68e5-4a59-918b-a6496e8facef" "34a04cfc-85b1-415c-8ca2-a0adf6e7472c"
+ "34a15d71-693b-4a43-8b54-7127f9372d23" "34a24cbe-4b33-4bf2-88e6-40ab50cadab6"
+ "34b0f64a-95a4-423d-b782-084daf048635" "34b18d6c-17c0-4c77-ae30-99179742de61"
+ "34b263dd-2d70-44b7-8959-6d5337ef7851" "34c52ac4-e0d5-4315-af04-27a0a9f88136"
+ "34d9cbca-1ad4-4354-b153-ed04032bcc13" "34ee8756-7f6a-4243-96f7-c82dd6469564"
+ "351c1aec-072c-4974-bfe4-d512ec3e239f" "355eaaa8-8c1f-4dc3-8532-612306c88333"
+ "35999cf7-984d-419f-914b-2bf3aeab73a8" "359b3aeb-0147-4614-85d4-bcb47522b5d7"
+ "359fd49b-e937-41a7-9e17-aa8ed9d47b57" "35a5e842-5250-4f4e-951f-f7e849369a13"
+ "35b6a0f3-633a-4618-be11-e65c1d89bf2c" "35f0cffe-6fab-4e7e-b854-0fc80b0dc3f7"
+ "360bca93-33a4-468e-a6e5-b5a8d684af44" "363edb10-1e78-4036-8fce-a34f05f2922c"
+ "364326aa-12ab-42a3-b990-b0bd11ce4948" "367bdbe0-f8cb-4ad8-a895-ba682836330f"
+ "36adc9f7-2b31-4eab-9568-63957077d334" "36f2ef18-8b68-46a3-a249-9783a31bc195"
+ "3729dbb4-fe9a-49e3-949b-47fd90e48241" "373ce039-2d8e-4da5-a35f-a897981cfd78"
+ "37fcce6b-73d3-4ce2-a2d1-2a2bc6a341d5" "3861fcee-e306-480b-9359-1184fa673ee1"
+ "387bd6e5-3da2-438e-be7b-ce06b37f13a7" "38af4a92-5be3-47d7-bc64-153a871420df"
+ "38c4b27a-604c-45bf-88be-85cec307f13c" "38d31e58-51e1-4f33-b0b1-b55f1845c0e3"
+ "38ef9b27-4642-4792-afab-afb454e73b36" "3907292b-2c67-4424-9130-55fd04e62b80"
+ "390e86cb-01f1-4beb-b3d9-c7e0c70faf0f" "3917cefc-7736-4267-9b61-8db5cb5aa50a"
+ "396c6c60-409b-41b9-83c2-2aaa2ada5220" "397a45f9-e0a6-4159-84a9-63d43130bb42"
+ "3995824f-fdce-4e8e-8ac0-84b58bf790be" "399b0ae1-375c-468a-be65-3cd0dbbc1b9b"
+ "39a605e1-fa1f-409e-aa1c-960bbe653326" "39d7e854-0936-4ae3-97c0-45308f15ead0"
+ "39fdf8a1-e6e4-4c79-a4e2-64902719c2ec" "3a0e9214-4144-4a80-b891-6c7ebf76d162"
+ "3a4d388a-4b43-4d02-921e-e2067d715f69" "3a5cec71-cd38-42e7-9937-ed9c807801c1"
+ "3a61613d-ad28-4e11-a7bd-e13f7a0cc7cb" "3a629e81-67b4-48f0-83d2-73ded3e6be57"
+ "3a6a58ef-1123-47ff-b0ec-99e56c5c0813" "3a6ae941-5447-438c-9bbc-7f36d4244d93"
+ "3a8b1252-6b26-42ab-9b4b-389314c81fcb" "3a91162b-21f4-466e-9cdd-d510499b9152"
+ "3a9ab3dc-3760-4da6-8364-7e24732ce8d9" "3a9d1e15-8199-4825-8bdd-d9a57ff7d878"
+ "3aa4dc98-2113-4817-91cf-0b26562e2c05" "3aa6615c-65fd-4be2-96d6-3bf77c76854b"
+ "3abffeb6-7257-4aee-8c6e-71e14dcff0e8" "3ae05a8c-f590-4ff2-9d76-3a08d7d0a22f"
+ "3b712a82-084a-4e66-b1db-66b6e3269c02" "3bb1435a-52db-49af-96e9-ce7401e1b5c8"
+ "3bf0999f-14c4-4236-a04d-d2d135d3a80c" "3bf64ebb-ca40-484f-be10-0c551cdaacb0"
+ "3c18f4c1-5d1c-4884-bd70-bdcbf3e9cba0" "3c547f7b-fc9f-4b1b-93fa-8d1f1ae38d52"
+ "3c90e7dc-4ced-4126-8aa9-6330b45f9edb" "3cbd8c47-1620-4a6b-87ca-853bb2c69e09"
+ "3ce932dc-3c15-4cbc-ae54-fb2357b6fb6d" "3d075859-202c-4fbd-9a2c-89138f2858ec"
+ "3d3f4246-937f-4424-b1e3-68e70d5b6fb4" "3d7ad8a5-2ed9-4c4f-ba9f-28c744829c70"
+ "3d92ec5d-7d77-49e2-b008-a6f9663d17ca" "3dc09c66-3300-4c5e-880c-88e5228943c7"
+ "3ddb5a8c-fcbb-44a8-9fb3-c65d9da1016d" "3dfe00f6-4c34-48be-b39d-6eb51fd98f68"
+ "3e1bc685-b17e-4efc-9827-4e7a06772ffb" "3e4ad199-7ef5-44a8-bcff-b0775a61f514"
+ "3e5ad751-1f79-41b5-afe1-0468b97c4f28" "3e7ae1fb-fcf1-461c-9cfa-3171c5a621ef"
+ "3e80f542-6e44-4b68-9a12-8ca1b788bf0f" "3ec4586b-f305-4c70-b6c2-803412002bd9"
+ "3ec9fdb1-845f-4bbe-8afa-26b884a168fd" "3eccca0c-0f10-4dda-abfb-66dae518651b"
+ "3eccd890-32f7-47b4-9eaa-635ec5fa259b" "3ed62792-f912-4080-867c-0fe0d58f4a5f"
+ "3edbe84b-0636-493a-b3a4-9fe0b226e2ec" "3ee09a0f-55b3-44fe-95ac-56964ec78d8b"
+ "3eecb241-c29f-4166-96c5-284960cb5860" "3f197864-7dbb-4fb2-8404-e71290557f87"
+ "3f43f3df-9397-4e63-9262-d9e2cacde402" "3f77359e-8d92-498a-835a-61a64c414c35"
+ "3fc8ece3-e132-4ef3-92c3-e1bbe7f9e8d3" "40308888-02ea-415a-a0d0-13db71ac17a6"
+ "404596d4-4b5e-4ee4-9813-4a390774f314" "404f618f-fea0-44a8-914e-331876152bf8"
+ "405a2d0d-78e1-440b-a3bb-52234bfc9ccf" "4078b9fb-bf46-4d5f-b56b-640f51def07d"
+ "408dc4b9-486b-4831-9a64-88fc238cb453" "4147af51-6ddb-4cb1-8013-c6546067e7f2"
+ "41743b0c-1f96-4b62-8461-585aa7eb03a1" "41855d7e-5e5d-477a-a71a-383ae7c2e6f2"
+ "418c7b11-211f-403c-87be-4d33b66f9d44" "41a2d04f-706e-44c3-9a9c-771b6cd9abe1"
+ "41cfc0b8-93c4-41b4-9b76-5bffda77de16" "41e8b02f-b31c-45a5-83c0-790fc4c4eb94"
+ "425ae725-b94e-4d5d-8da8-efcab661aaa0" "429d3d08-bafa-416b-bb50-d1ed1dcceb14"
+ "429eea03-69dd-4037-b9fd-7fdfc5dfe1d5" "42b35f9b-804a-4497-b11e-a6d88313399d"
+ "42bc0da3-09a2-4ffe-839e-be77f60b37e5" "42c26928-6fcb-4eec-b35d-2abbfebc15c1"
+ "42c7a8ce-7eb0-4933-b3b0-eba0b0a8bb65" "42ddf95b-50cd-4fca-8b51-c37b9d4b9bfe"
+ "42e2fc8b-0d0c-4802-934e-ad2bba8286bf" "43426279-20f5-4a7b-90b2-f9b70e55b6d0"
+ "4349bf6a-997d-4e16-b0d6-77facf418577" "4356326d-79cc-4b45-8362-eb01d4f2ac97"
+ "43662a76-743b-4d24-aef3-46b4f2a59a59" "439280fe-d4e8-47e9-bfc6-a7086f50a91a"
+ "4408d264-01b4-40f9-888e-1f774b8ff763" "440eb0ee-e9d6-47cc-bd47-6e55b25307f3"
+ "4476e638-5122-47b5-849b-5d7c4189ea7f" "447d360b-f650-4299-be3d-162d2407fa17"
+ "448d02ea-027f-4313-9c1b-474ba15548ad" "44901bd9-a299-4212-899e-5dc31b198eed"
+ "44e5816d-3fcd-4efb-99f9-b9876aeda6c7" "4529505f-8888-462b-adc4-b8a59c816aa8"
+ "4533aebb-616b-439d-9e5d-23ba1a10876a" "45346e82-152a-449b-80a8-d7eb7bf75800"
+ "4538214d-9f58-48ea-aebc-bea69bc27ceb" "4594b05e-da8b-476f-949c-eb2be2e741b7"
+ "460c8519-602f-4d1c-847e-8e0d607e2238" "461ced20-85a5-4df4-9c34-1439a9b6e804"
+ "462a5de5-7864-4a16-9497-0ccc7e77f214" "464c1ae1-ce5e-4f57-bca5-8c1199292549"
+ "467239c4-1491-4a6f-a887-109bf046031d" "46869e2e-c713-4d05-9bfa-061d25666bf5"
+ "4697bc82-31c4-450d-b57f-17b352853353" "46b03779-103f-40a4-85e5-e9e886c2a5dc"
+ "46b6532f-6eb6-4692-a51a-d9155596ee48" "46e7f6e5-8cec-4a86-8661-3a837b417538"
+ "471216be-afb0-493e-bf47-96940fe0bc47" "475bfcc8-d8ab-4d66-acc0-22e48d7248e8"
+ "477959d8-d6ae-4116-9186-da386083efca" "47b2db42-2f10-4d88-860d-f06d71b16c67"
+ "47c3b524-14c2-4055-9237-8ab614f4c009" "47e15a92-a024-47db-b8be-654af7641188"
+ "48076d92-8b88-45e6-bfff-c3e8cf0204b6" "481e51a9-a662-4f56-a427-ab42e8f8af51"
+ "4835b4ae-4f26-4a28-8d90-c4ec249c4571" "4839aa55-3885-4c40-a4f1-fc63eaa99765"
+ "4842b979-dd5d-4918-bf5c-a763aa1c71ea" "48508582-aef6-4ed5-b142-c551056f5c32"
+ "488ce20f-f0fd-42d2-8b1d-c4e688f76ca1" "48b083b6-7951-4a64-a1b9-ad8dc677fba3"
+ "48e82f07-74c6-43a5-b039-dd07616c2299" "491146d2-6ba5-427a-b39f-848751e88e88"
+ "492f7fe9-73a9-4e9f-a0b1-59bfeb2895e1" "49609b6b-75d5-4302-a470-ca02a663e0b2"
+ "496264c7-b999-4d83-859c-20e9e564e243" "4962b525-93ef-43a0-818b-69973b067441"
+ "496864c1-73f2-4e40-9c1e-8f8a9ac8195e" "49839f1f-cc7a-47d9-bde7-2adfe1f6e953"
+ "49949ad9-36cf-4715-ab7a-13962a9eb202" "499604a5-8e8e-4bf8-98a4-0aa7a2643639"
+ "49c5e78f-ae5b-4cbf-8329-0437c498f475" "4a2263eb-8a58-4a57-ae80-dbfe3d7a8fdd"
+ "4a24c4fe-1203-42e0-8fad-b89384c179f4" "4a2b2939-a011-4e35-ac76-13ab0916c1b9"
+ "4a2be8ca-5f67-4452-b274-976dd94ebf50" "4a307420-83d2-4597-ad51-7a98157b80e8"
+ "4a75c3fe-127a-4e39-b042-8d1df858f245" "4afc8740-f063-4dae-b879-82e9853fcbd9"
+ "4b495f84-15c9-45f2-a14f-363f8002a9ee" "4b5e8f5d-0199-4d57-87aa-daf2643a0ba4"
+ "4b6837ca-539a-4cef-bf57-247b971b34ac" "4b8f7881-9605-48bc-b86c-25b714ee4600"
+ "4b9a286a-626f-4b0a-b5b1-027bf4c5d235" "4bc63761-583a-4207-af1a-fea6e12c8b6d"
+ "4bec08a9-c927-4cce-b46f-0d8cf0d3ddb9" "4c979277-9470-4db8-948c-dd334279f653"
+ "4cb0600d-c52f-4045-a27a-c0c6852c4c87" "4cc6cfe1-5c05-4473-bbc5-248054fe74b0"
+ "4ce0721d-f5a9-4632-acfb-35e4df392ce0" "4cff6f21-4289-4114-8f3f-c42e734bc80c"
+ "4d00b765-695a-4ac6-affb-b83d70459b76" "4d22999f-f7e5-4656-b400-7571e9e5d6f1"
+ "4d3d90db-a945-4393-afd1-cc9604c8e914" "4d505fc6-0386-4d54-9f30-a22e55d24bef"
+ "4d6b1a89-2ed7-46b2-a597-24a631271539" "4d7ed8f7-769e-430b-8242-42657a3711a9"
+ "4d903d6b-99f0-4fda-9b0b-ed077b951a48" "4d9f21ce-ed2b-43ec-8af6-34b8cf3c9a8d"
+ "4da919c5-7ea0-4912-a00d-a35aa0a87247" "4dd1dd37-cab1-4d45-9e22-429aa724e0e1"
+ "4de89e70-aa42-42a4-8081-72132eb31e15" "4dfaf37f-385e-430b-b1a5-998b806af325"
+ "4e052aa3-408d-48e9-8096-b099f14aa8fb" "4e068210-e160-4c5b-8ee1-1dcf4e0d601b"
+ "4e0ddab0-81b2-42dd-9cd2-0183d2376acc" "4e181700-0a80-472d-a9ad-19d3b81af8f8"
+ "4e27cffe-e81e-46d3-98ac-259d4460c406" "4e2dc4bf-6c82-4e89-8c1c-c244f0728a1a"
+ "4e3d6bca-e212-4e6e-8152-ef1b6b267989" "4e66fefd-e681-4442-bb41-a56ff1e916af"
+ "4e9ea7cf-1a42-4934-9762-bfb45b1c5381" "4ea27357-671c-4136-86ef-542f424195c6"
+ "4eaad504-7b5d-4c90-9e38-1d3c4c759753" "4eb2c6c8-68f5-4b08-b320-620d9526ce20"
+ "4edc4793-2614-4ffe-8d10-6b64a8f2285a" "4f0c919e-6ca1-40db-92f5-cd6eacb4d192"
+ "4f8e9490-c259-40f4-8b44-131edf45f05b" "4fb5d5dc-b048-483d-a3e0-030f75de68bb"
+ "4fc2740c-da73-43ba-8ad2-d22900fc8bcd" "50456241-8cab-4794-ad4b-de593dfd182e"
+ "504b6133-0b9c-4a05-96f1-97ef8d958583" "50a890fc-4f9b-4df0-bb40-11226a171d05"
+ "50a8dd06-7cfc-4740-96bd-5a860f0fd92a" "50c4d0a9-8297-4a4f-a736-b04d6495e71e"
+ "5125e13c-bbd5-464f-a6e6-08f594d47133" "512af1fc-0ceb-47da-a1b0-282748643dc6"
+ "515f6efc-cc09-462a-b714-c82f745a35c4" "516334dd-13f4-4551-8820-41fb513e3eae"
+ "51667725-f222-4866-a188-a34c4e804dea" "5184bfc4-22ae-4faf-b4ec-c1adf067375c"
+ "51b32e77-b512-456c-8615-dff301c8c82c" "51bad7ef-20a7-4b69-95ae-6b741d8309e8"
+ "51cd4f78-fedc-4171-9e2e-11ace242a56a" "51ce7ded-7a3e-45bb-a725-ef91e452295e"
+ "51d3ac2d-0864-4214-923c-44047a080e0e" "51eee14a-fa91-451d-99c6-74d4f0ea7513"
+ "52042092-2ceb-4c27-85ab-f7978695f9ba" "520ada67-3ab0-43e4-b807-08f9049faa2f"
+ "52331501-8d6f-4726-9c59-4e603cd68a9f" "523b3125-352e-43ee-aa11-85133538e90d"
+ "5240585f-c232-409e-bcaf-6c9ce317c92a" "5241eee1-47c0-48fd-a4b1-aeaffe80c5d7"
+ "5254ec85-b735-44db-aa90-4ffa70d373c3" "528abaa1-57c6-4a85-9ca5-ce6dad934556"
+ "529b03c2-e6e5-42a2-84f5-12798db0f042" "52b76eeb-3f58-4fed-b6b3-0fd3423b796a"
+ "52dde89a-623a-4d55-86ee-755c66dc9644" "52e1204a-15b6-4d13-8fb8-8de142279b95"
+ "52fe1720-9963-4ba1-86cd-cbdd1b3bb95c" "530ff971-f06a-46c8-bed6-2025d0c9dbb4"
+ "532d6e50-0e45-4a95-a57c-321d30fe866b" "53428f2a-2900-445e-8052-cb71b36895b0"
+ "53957008-880b-45a7-8928-2027147253c7" "53a40eb4-dd5e-45d6-a040-3e70bcd4082a"
+ "53a81515-e5f8-459c-878e-d2f7cfb1c3b2" "53a8e76f-664a-469e-a28c-99799c36b6a5"
+ "53b367dc-87e3-49ef-a6e7-70bb6817ce41" "53bb355c-3b6e-4595-aeab-27cf20c28c78"
+ "53da3b75-eac8-4f68-81f8-17ef31b216d6" "53f4a95b-b0f8-4d76-bccd-7c7f66107aa1"
+ "542fad7d-aea1-4fc6-852e-e248d682994e" "543b18dc-008c-418d-b3f3-c256910ba2ae"
+ "545058f1-c91b-4e76-892b-c708e9fe652f" "54527932-7d1b-477b-b6c5-bf333031d26f"
+ "54658591-376e-4994-9762-40721c7333bd" "5470ee82-df05-40b3-bfeb-7877aba60c28"
+ "54b3c6c4-c9a2-48dd-8c76-7f9c1fb8eeb9" "54c9e03e-b1ad-4fa6-aec2-c83ac7fa474b"
+ "54d92c3e-0866-4b9c-ae15-f08e1f2360ba" "54f5cbf8-a8b8-4f9b-9c6f-e9b841ee15e6"
+ "54f7f84b-c7d2-4cf2-a83f-0b8a0459d7d2" "5501d99e-17bc-426b-9d45-dba95a5b5529"
+ "550adf20-9cc1-417e-bcb0-98168d857dc5" "553b97e7-aa5c-4f28-9f83-32ae9e4c716f"
+ "555c47c4-8a70-435f-b4da-b699af77a89c" "5590621d-f5d7-4081-b131-35be07dd5af4"
+ "5590f6eb-a5ae-459e-b69b-79f184fa93fb" "55a429b9-c926-4e16-8bfa-4fef2f51a4c9"
+ "55cf55c3-6995-4fa1-ae7e-2d75edc01a85" "55e12295-fd3e-4983-8a35-70b45b8769e9"
+ "55fea5c8-ac92-4c19-8ac4-fe79352bdf19" "5601ef5d-4f39-4266-a426-b58e5f8fa6c1"
+ "560b5f61-1670-423c-95b4-14565a493b94" "560c491c-7833-411a-8cf7-2dcd68a5f1a6"
+ "5663d1b2-9c39-49d2-8a47-37affb1e1a05" "56678785-c324-413d-82ab-eedc8c383691"
+ "56858e43-2b4d-4f32-81e8-978d0ed67639" "56ad86b5-9739-499a-a84e-ebd28f36d0f8"
+ "56b4519f-248f-4c78-bb15-a915e667cfa8" "56e41962-3207-4de9-b0b4-2eeb996de8b2"
+ "570f6e8b-6d20-46c2-88d9-15fd0c78b9ea" "57c562d6-103e-4fb2-9932-7eb085f6cdb5"
+ "57c69c9e-290a-462a-984c-454608687cc8" "57f63f87-82ba-4e9c-b77a-d3f913d56372"
+ "58244947-c90e-4ad5-a491-52a14705a46c" "5868b1ed-3bb7-4009-8f03-15062b23dad2"
+ "58a3906a-6ab1-447f-ac06-1c7102cba560" "58ab221f-aecd-45c3-891f-cb69eaf8fcc3"
+ "58c51ce2-483f-4273-8426-e8aa5d44d64a" "5906cd1f-ea66-453e-aad1-e2490f31a58b"
+ "59112f66-7072-4a83-bb6f-aba5e56407a8" "5938b823-033f-4266-945e-e80127c91314"
+ "596cbab7-359e-4a8d-8711-ea91e8c0bf59" "599f0d94-d188-4683-a0ea-831240db4172"
+ "59bed87c-676f-49aa-8739-6e07dba29aa7" "59c159ba-b6de-49f3-b915-296eb5aaaf26"
+ "5a00a9ad-affa-4f3e-af0b-155f35dd147c" "5a11a429-e5f4-4c4d-af65-c5b2677410fc"
+ "5a24d40d-657d-4489-affa-8f00827e9a9c" "5a56e693-8a9b-4bf4-b04c-26b44a7f886f"
+ "5a720c58-319f-4a5d-a3a0-05784ec0910a" "5a92bd90-bb04-4391-aeea-2fceb9aad0f8"
+ "5ab304f4-9572-4a95-a126-9cbb650745d5" "5ac1ada5-601a-4200-81a7-d51554c34a6a"
+ "5ad33aba-ee55-45b0-a9fc-9e968dd1b91a" "5adaa38c-3e56-44b8-9aa0-70be7f9679b9"
+ "5b09dde7-ba15-4460-906a-c8a0a962e693" "5b943284-3729-4ac2-819e-013761d1824c"
+ "5bc74795-c140-496f-a5cb-b5770cd02576" "5bc9a9e0-5853-4dec-8239-1dd1a1cbebc8"
+ "5bf83ce8-cc41-4bd7-9ab1-4cec52bdb81a" "5c11ccdb-d9ef-4403-aebb-10621f97e747"
+ "5c1cdcf4-cf72-4170-a3ca-69114a2c408b" "5c489b81-01a0-4318-b325-3a709cefbe79"
+ "5c5cb7fe-5009-439a-8733-a874611cba94" "5c60c150-365e-41b1-84f1-525b92049dfd"
+ "5c931c97-e5dd-480e-b92d-69c48777cc8b" "5ceb935f-ebb1-40ce-a9cc-b55abf0f4bf8"
+ "5d09a2c3-d932-4698-a018-0e87523b02d7" "5d22526d-101c-4721-8067-c07ef46745a3"
+ "5d423ebc-a470-42fd-a82f-0c50eb13e0e9" "5d459a67-65a6-4c7a-82b0-19e1b09c1822"
+ "5d50685f-a8c9-4db2-adc7-989c67d6738f" "5d6efe25-4677-47c7-a4e0-ea7116083abb"
+ "5d9e0630-e82d-458f-8ec8-d41367f6d8d8" "5da9fa3c-fc53-4ab4-bb89-d813d4b45316"
+ "5daaaaa2-4f7d-41d7-96a4-d3f2725f2488" "5dc2b47b-80fa-4696-beb9-9fe9ba8c9e29"
+ "5e17afb0-07da-4941-b73b-bd8b52e7db43" "5e1f8772-9e1d-4601-84af-4101fef2805e"
+ "5e3929e9-d7d1-44fd-bfea-a518f82f157b" "5e6068df-7a1e-4a17-b5e5-4a007a4a842e"
+ "5e6bcfd1-ee5e-437d-926a-c08c6082156a" "5f0a7fcb-871a-449a-bbd9-08e66e39d0db"
+ "5f143676-3ea9-4286-a978-4c2c0c9eabd9" "5f489c07-2ffa-495b-a2a1-554a36824e3b"
+ "5f76a16b-ffa8-456e-bceb-ee456b1e4ecf" "5f828bca-e572-45d3-b73d-4ca9e368974f"
+ "602deb5f-8da7-4f80-867b-ced0f9e12def" "603f8ba9-dc03-4861-9d28-8f9ed167bd8c"
+ "60704310-a70f-4caf-8dc6-a5b96263d08d" "60a0efd9-3b99-4362-ba89-2dbac72eeaa5"
+ "60ac6926-d14b-451e-a56b-5b54da031c34" "60b11d45-c26e-4c6e-aa0c-a0ad8d7ba36f"
+ "60ca5d60-7a1f-4459-a634-88ae383be2e7" "6142e7c6-5554-42b5-b30a-68bc18d5df1e"
+ "6194a828-25da-445a-be82-85ec3fdc28b3" "61f8443e-fb80-4be7-a637-bc2c3b8a8513"
+ "62025928-f1a3-47c9-b281-e8568579ee09" "6234844e-a43a-44be-95d7-e693d844ab0b"
+ "63443523-ad5d-488f-81ae-ee4f8f641813" "6387c117-3c7b-4bc2-b43c-d1e5738b64fb"
+ "63b0ac44-fad2-419d-9265-12589040802e" "63b1b6f5-eb5b-46ba-974c-931f23557b38"
+ "63b8a39e-9408-4cfc-98bc-e3e754446b9c" "63dd6d59-ee61-43a3-94f0-9bbc5bd53c64"
+ "63e60555-5e57-4eb3-9052-fb9d77b3841b" "63ef46d0-85a5-4272-a54d-9b48caca53d0"
+ "64039a31-77ec-4359-9644-f707b122d9c1" "640c7b20-7775-48a7-a7c2-e3e342a8d8ae"
+ "64164a35-0b01-4c6c-a389-8e37802c6916" "643b9ce1-d034-49d2-bfc6-856797a5cdab"
+ "64b7e9fc-6eb2-40de-9d87-82e0d07ff6a3" "64d82343-f1c3-44d1-9643-b752f817a2d0"
+ "64ea059c-db9e-4563-94a6-616cd5701d40" "65020819-00f2-431e-9ca0-2ac676e54ba8"
+ "650a325f-e924-4a98-947e-b5507a11b5f7" "6513f954-1efe-41b0-87bc-17840d410927"
+ "65171fa3-3b7f-4768-9a27-476dcbb077cb" "65209ff9-9fbd-438d-bab4-ee063a852cd1"
+ "653ee6bb-7572-4bd2-b93e-ef2f96061b2f" "658de3da-f8f8-4195-bfad-d263ae537637"
+ "6598389d-3c1f-4d8c-98bc-3371638a5c0f" "65b1aace-5bf3-45fc-8764-eed559e69fc2"
+ "663d1b6a-b4ee-4706-af6a-0f58ad69515a" "66c063d4-6122-4045-82be-d933e3c579ad"
+ "66cafeee-b39c-4db0-8e06-fdd1433217bf" "66d4c93f-5e8a-4fba-97c0-f87b177250b7"
+ "66f91a66-3d26-4517-989d-4774bb509a42" "671e67d5-b50a-4ed6-ae01-cbc882910f7f"
+ "6742ad9c-d54d-4440-b944-e4a2d11ee51f" "677e1467-f580-4c54-8808-f922dec030a2"
+ "6783085f-0fb1-4692-bf1e-d4e959a5a0f4" "678aa0f9-7bca-41d0-90ef-10ed9234b1de"
+ "67c17b10-b236-4b67-87a5-0257e7d71757" "6845cb23-2b95-4069-869f-b3486bcba02d"
+ "684c4c55-9db6-4854-9d79-16169d3e80c8" "684ecbc2-4dc3-4930-bf86-bc3c7dd3b191"
+ "68514173-fc58-4382-9809-53bbbccd027d" "685ac74c-4c6f-4fbd-9109-f5b242b5e0f8"
+ "68b0ec6f-a96b-4c41-be88-321d8c44f04e" "68b9bb23-f588-4a25-bd69-cf3c5dfe4b48"
+ "68f7ac54-a764-42f3-95de-c1557248b6ee" "68ff2876-6275-4b0b-80fc-c9ade5676a6f"
+ "69156416-329f-4f42-8b7c-a5cbcbc105e2" "694079b0-5406-48f4-87f3-6d5e58d4accb"
+ "6947b3af-a5ba-4b1c-939c-2e0462e9cdb6" "694ed2c8-ee84-4232-8719-6f0b36275c71"
+ "69666a8c-4c87-4bfe-ae4f-7e7de8baa635" "69e11d66-d8e2-42a4-95c0-74a767332d2a"
+ "69e4bf72-6a59-4e34-835f-36b7745bebc5" "6a4594be-8cf4-489b-8bb9-e15715e83500"
+ "6a45e9f7-3db6-454c-891c-121d1f5c786f" "6a631d31-5d46-45be-9e98-850677c1ef3a"
+ "6a69150d-ae5a-4878-8131-e0fa49b136a0" "6a9be8c2-2efe-43d3-b77b-7cf3871a8a98"
+ "6a9e1cd1-d0e0-4f13-a162-27774cc44154" "6ab46544-3df0-4da4-a8fb-277ba00be8f9"
+ "6b034f54-6fc6-4eb2-be37-d145f601c456" "6b1ef6d3-0be3-4c8d-b273-2bd6e3f44251"
+ "6b62b1ff-bb08-443d-ade9-9347298dc5e8" "6b67595d-3356-4229-a41d-de848806c47e"
+ "6b855a89-26b1-4a5d-91ed-97a27d34ee57" "6beb5990-9297-4457-acae-ed45ff0f23f6"
+ "6bfca6ac-4af3-4ce6-ba70-79d530ab3296" "6c4b9a36-0973-44a9-ab5e-4d62d446c981"
+ "6c908da2-25b3-4a8b-84dd-1d10e3bdd38f" "6c9370b8-5d81-42bf-8fee-1a7d9d2fc1b3"
+ "6caeab0f-506f-4fc8-b40f-b486b579823a" "6cd164d4-75c2-4ed0-bd1f-1cd4b1548af9"
+ "6cdc4b9e-94b4-449f-92d3-47d269545d7b" "6ce4a855-8b49-4e22-a06c-f90d85399733"
+ "6cf98ae0-4cef-4510-b0a2-9a34297f9c31" "6d1c6d71-d697-42dc-9ec4-a1dbeec197d4"
+ "6d7f3cc8-6806-4553-80e2-be61691d4564" "6d87172b-f839-4556-a08d-d71dd2bb5c75"
+ "6d928e9d-1a0a-48ef-90dc-2b6fbd078908" "6d93eed5-4fd0-417f-a575-b028447d5458"
+ "6db40ef3-f019-4190-ba1d-67e0fdb52773" "6db986ee-5179-496f-9c02-2d9ea099cb22"
+ "6e379b44-22c6-4e84-8ac2-18c577b3a5d3" "6e4e796f-9b6c-4d67-98d5-17216a5fb99e"
+ "6e5b3b85-ab3b-4cc3-9c43-f4fdaf99417b" "6e9c922c-d8a1-4eaf-a173-311ca0cbebf0"
+ "6ea3247f-09aa-42b7-b606-d11f90c0bd86" "6eac0ff2-3a34-4f6c-8866-e10b5d3be58b"
+ "6ef0be47-1952-4bde-ac92-f4fad609c873" "6f298c4c-40de-41b1-b1f3-03ca76e5c2c1"
+ "6f44ee3a-ff85-4e46-978d-0e359eca8478" "6f5e94ae-c061-4da3-ba00-4ac213b7709e"
+ "6f797252-9c53-4215-a041-b998e9cb89be" "6f9c1eba-f9b9-4b09-9f6d-9fd08fe625a8"
+ "6fc85742-3b7e-4f5f-bdd6-676f9d88ea9c" "6fd97d8b-3aad-4e3e-913e-0d36e0c072ee"
+ "701b5eb3-e79c-4ce0-8cef-8cf6ef3848ff" "70975561-93ae-42c7-8861-0b3a0f3bc0a0"
+ "70cbdf88-b7cc-4dd0-a892-817be53bee1f" "70e02bb0-1f18-4afb-ad07-dbd049ca43c1"
+ "70e5e0e3-b4aa-4112-8cc5-6bd3c9597233" "714fc1cb-71c4-42a1-ba12-df6c13c96017"
+ "7184a80b-6e4a-4558-8d5c-a5486206a1db" "718585e2-0077-4fc8-a1af-37f4e37f9d8c"
+ "71b8a0f7-2329-4bc8-abc3-75b54dc42d4c" "71d6f275-4f33-4e85-b495-e18546cfb483"
+ "7242cdfa-b720-4837-828f-f6c539b2df73" "725bccf3-bf38-49de-a505-f4276b7bc64a"
+ "727ff22e-04d8-4d9c-8d21-6949eb0e142c" "72bbb6b4-2895-4521-8a1d-487f83b8267a"
+ "72cb7184-7347-41a3-96f3-590d9123cb1b" "72eeaebe-bb38-4a3b-ad6b-12a8c7583547"
+ "7346361c-2e00-4174-abad-c2b2b8ead1ae" "734f6cb9-dde5-423f-b287-337a8153659f"
+ "735c717e-8142-4dcd-9320-df42af45fd36" "7382a39f-731f-45c9-9cec-72444cf494e8"
+ "73897e7a-d6b0-4647-9ea6-0345b5f940a1" "73a2b6fa-0b2a-4e9f-8a2f-8a5dfb788018"
+ "73b8b75c-529c-4f64-83a1-1633325abcd9" "73bcf0c2-c275-46b0-9608-0e8a29853557"
+ "73fbff33-0f32-4c4a-b173-d857eefe29c6" "743dd8cb-992b-4c4f-933f-06d503590479"
+ "74af8892-0df9-4727-924c-a5bdc62ef11d" "74b57fdb-ea3e-46f9-9097-97a98f332130"
+ "74c4ffb6-9fba-427d-acd0-9c17aeff1200" "74f2e418-9162-42e2-981f-c52ecf59be9e"
+ "74fc9771-80e8-423a-a773-81670dcfa4e8" "752aad71-77ba-4d6c-8761-4e6a4e015336"
+ "75343cf6-e4d8-4ec1-bf2d-2ed72934699e" "75832179-9098-4180-a80a-7b4d7656d972"
+ "7598c6af-9739-4a37-ae04-7c6c961e6daa" "75a443fe-49e6-4b12-be10-a654f9f659fe"
+ "75cb8be4-ce82-49ad-a416-77985bddd78f" "75cfe90e-a427-450c-8cdf-e87bf1e9b7b6"
+ "75f2316e-a6c0-4cbf-b3ad-e116e59140f4" "761c9599-a30d-4e86-b605-04a5e08a8bf2"
+ "764c3320-a620-4dc3-8cec-6416fbd3ecf7" "764dc252-5053-464a-aae3-70d0aabf6e0a"
+ "7659187d-5043-48e5-af90-956ee2dde83c" "766d952f-566c-4180-86b7-2111d7ea180a"
+ "7671966c-a988-444f-8c6b-ee2698e08e1b" "769c30c9-ab94-4535-9d0d-312c4b7a6afc"
+ "76a1eb50-d8f4-4b99-a59d-4d49a564bade" "76dd9d30-b012-44b5-a818-2c1b7afc68c3"
+ "774bf9cd-57c5-43cd-b406-6677e482f5ca" "7757a6d5-2c1f-44d3-98f8-ad7d1c8fc4b1"
+ "775a43c9-0f8e-4029-94b8-5b80f685b1f6" "776bb645-c318-416e-9a5b-89fa525306d6"
+ "77a1280d-7486-4a31-88e8-6dd7335294cd" "77ad3e3a-e04a-4637-98fb-5d12078cdde4"
+ "77c4f348-8a47-4512-affe-e411dd199da4" "77c66d44-cb48-4309-b5ab-42e01f299c19"
+ "78082552-16f6-439b-8a4d-75fef68d2077" "7810e5fb-aca4-4c13-bb89-b3220f3a8346"
+ "783c0a65-979b-4695-b953-c21c72ed481f" "7855278b-48ad-4f83-b5ac-a618146ca947"
+ "785d0b25-fbcc-4afe-ad69-fbe20d8c663e" "785e82f4-39a6-4d4f-abd7-ce0acb4443ae"
+ "78600f53-b86b-49ab-a59b-9cbf98e77ead" "786f3977-e030-4017-b99b-7fd87e06753c"
+ "787d5da6-8dd0-4215-8748-7c7144eb9d53" "78a328e9-6dfd-4aee-8d3a-7076509dd093"
+ "78b01b2b-efbd-4760-a7bb-e673901f8550" "78fc1e8e-63f4-4ccb-bebf-aa4807e84f0b"
+ "792099ff-dfda-4cfa-b88c-6b65f25a13db" "795e8887-f000-4ce6-beef-b8b73aad958f"
+ "796b7280-fd8d-4406-acd4-c78b5289d6e2" "796ea82a-15ba-41b5-a060-423a38e5aad5"
+ "79aa2b6f-f20c-4935-9726-d50bd8d60ec6" "79be2736-d20d-4e50-9cad-135284e00440"
+ "79d49a7e-a47c-4b76-9bce-3248bcb103b8" "79d648bc-cccf-4a15-b3d6-82ff1b567c2d"
+ "79ebad51-6f35-4b9b-bc0e-f82348b54784" "7a145383-dbbf-452c-93bf-27baa97472de"
+ "7a1ace6b-85b9-4feb-8abb-954e081726f6" "7a3c5c26-f151-41bc-b171-34f19b5543ff"
+ "7a4a902f-546b-4545-a2b5-7160dc11b625" "7a68306c-e276-4f2d-a928-983a666b482c"
+ "7a6d4376-f41b-48bf-9b51-b6a80435b5cd" "7a75b0e8-b8ca-4dae-9a12-ddf0178fa276"
+ "7a799ca7-ef08-4f53-98a6-c9b50f079075" "7a88b746-05b7-4005-82d9-b302a398336f"
+ "7aa2d0e3-90fc-4a7d-bb13-42c86085a549" "7aafca52-9191-4ee6-9f7d-00e68c86fcda"
+ "7ac58d88-2807-4c45-80e4-2c9508474fec" "7b069cf9-3ee5-40d9-8c61-62d6478c791b"
+ "7b19dfdf-b077-41e0-9c7f-a17a318e1da4" "7b2e1b6f-8e57-4a2a-8176-3c048aa08a50"
+ "7b8ff6a9-b14a-4838-bb93-f28a1a348c3a" "7baa3e8b-38b8-42c7-9104-01a3ef7be8fa"
+ "7bb4d48e-ce7e-4c0f-aa48-33533db15d88" "7bb6c0af-cb12-4632-a815-80af9a0a867d"
+ "7c5fc30c-3ebe-4931-b3a1-db7abe81091a" "7c79a336-0205-49c1-83e3-0645cd1caba5"
+ "7c7fd254-3fe5-4069-ab4e-70d20ff9c322" "7c81f726-e39b-4412-9ac7-183bba156165"
+ "7c8241a4-d09c-4c57-9836-4acf18af5a25" "7c8d4c49-ae84-40fe-9416-c14cf8967345"
+ "7ceec25f-3271-419f-bd87-496d83c4d4d1" "7cf5d2c3-6167-4676-bcc7-5f1b3db3a655"
+ "7d2ebc82-34cc-4f1f-b848-481b7b8e3844" "7d2ed185-9fb4-413f-beb8-37238e245a97"
+ "7d342b46-bd94-43de-acf3-6c1bb07ca33a" "7d348961-f4d3-4312-8097-57ee4410f80c"
+ "7d860920-4482-465e-a6da-333dc8618a82" "7d9889ea-2411-46ce-8d4a-0fa99c6ce4a9"
+ "7daa9dd2-4202-4fac-b357-67fd404383c7" "7db65767-50fa-4a9a-956a-8c03b104e0d5"
+ "7dd8ef18-5598-4667-8c48-e4926e938847" "7deeb1bf-7211-46ee-830d-2d3496d96665"
+ "7e16a17c-e655-47f1-a14d-c41dc5cf7067" "7e2a153b-4d6b-4f3d-bbc0-4e0db6828436"
+ "7e474cc2-a935-45a0-a291-a057d9f64da7" "7e4e82be-778e-4896-86af-9fb7a9ebb911"
+ "7e54bdf5-3c2f-45a2-bc30-bf94e35333b3" "7e8a66fc-28d7-4129-acf3-28a2771d731f"
+ "7e95b8b4-2674-4808-9417-229a09b4f37a" "7eb029de-fd45-4d94-b274-95b43eff5ed3"
+ "7ec1af15-b446-4907-84c3-4f7149334b8a" "7ec38cf1-9e37-46a0-ad2a-5111eb37e788"
+ "7f34c1d2-7742-4695-9b38-07f90b9624dd" "7f38e09f-40de-4905-a589-d128e6aad9b0"
+ "7f3ba666-6357-4498-a3ef-35220ba7c87b" "7f50a689-7ed3-47e2-bc3d-1efc36c4fdc7"
+ "7f5841a7-71a1-4c04-b884-c64769efd86e" "7f7963b6-a59f-46c9-8c45-52304f68f49d"
+ "7f855a92-9a99-4a59-9a8e-1d5030ad1d4b" "7f8bab74-ea98-42b8-b9ad-93cb9f037ddf"
+ "7fac0952-cf14-4838-a2dc-56f49b057760" "7fb69e0c-0b4c-4c1a-aaa7-716ce601d615"
+ "7fc168c2-562e-40d5-bd1d-24aecea30536" "7fc7db2a-af35-41a5-af25-fef38f7253ed"
+ "7ffa6b2d-4578-4d51-9290-b5660667c1e0" "800976bd-4147-4923-a51c-d6a48e8b25e6"
+ "80267038-a53d-4324-ae94-08012f192cbc" "80275c60-c9c1-4f88-a4cc-32c369e8932d"
+ "803cf432-a5fd-4c2f-b3cc-37864058cd6c" "80476850-d4ba-4619-8d36-30580d8d8f36"
+ "80a81cc5-f760-48b2-bec7-c6c7d82e8d3c" "80d46bd0-5934-4838-8467-b8e982bc3485"
+ "81042952-b838-4482-bb7b-30b4d75cc5b3" "812a0273-2701-49a2-ae98-e6045ffe421f"
+ "812a1d22-1eb4-41d4-bd70-4a73c6e59f03" "812f21c3-559a-40c7-9bd2-7755b585933a"
+ "815eec89-0a61-4261-b1f4-856f0e15bf8c" "8168c193-c55f-40ac-b75e-9feab445493a"
+ "816f0a08-98a6-4fcc-a4da-9efa92b85dce" "81b8057b-1485-407d-b833-ab230c73ee5e"
+ "81ed53ce-2dd5-48e9-b46d-519848134be8" "82124a69-3e94-4769-a407-b5e02123646f"
+ "822ed6ce-fb90-4366-b67a-6d6b0fb7b1ab" "826e7aa2-f612-4ca5-af51-76edf35705bd"
+ "827cb153-0a00-479c-85d7-6fe856dd42da" "82856e25-8c83-4888-8a9d-ae50f2d76e67"
+ "828f4439-0aeb-4883-abfb-1d872835cd26" "82a40246-b50c-479d-b719-8ed9f55f167f"
+ "82a42970-98b3-4712-828d-a3f69af65894" "82f624ae-4a3c-4551-9654-a95db4e76527"
+ "83185b84-167f-430d-bcfb-28ba44c5f57c" "831bb484-d907-4965-8d55-e3068fa5c602"
+ "83439e74-9f20-4831-80eb-1b5533eb414f" "834b83c3-2542-46f2-96a4-12ffa6e0fdef"
+ "83746d05-e5e1-4f4a-b6bd-d0ecc6ec8f4d" "8378e107-97e2-45b8-8fcf-a5cce5af27a0"
+ "837d59c1-a743-47f1-8e7f-e9a188a4ed47" "8388f76e-cece-42f4-9f14-c2212b2391d5"
+ "83a7a4fd-8cc6-4a81-aeb1-230c60a026bb" "84165e92-98d0-4082-8e19-f4afe5f2e3d1"
+ "842d97f2-bef0-4478-be0c-0bbee31f251d" "845037b6-5549-42ed-a144-e5c93cd2acf5"
+ "8483dcb5-adea-42df-bd06-595b933203ce" "84974e8c-598e-472e-a400-55e02d4a5789"
+ "84ee769e-9e17-4783-99eb-1f0710f5513a" "8513623d-e7b3-489b-996a-bb6bc2291027"
+ "853d14a3-ab7c-4b44-bd5e-94d705f27a5b" "853e27cb-da9b-42e2-9db3-3d609ad1512c"
+ "85802b97-7b72-4005-942c-05bf525ee6d8" "8601f681-6b7c-4d4a-8aec-4eb1b0b8f94e"
+ "861eb752-8071-441a-ab27-054ad3bef931" "862d008c-ee5e-4696-86e3-83ef95c3fbc2"
+ "86651a78-1342-4ac0-920c-57ac3124459d" "8675a3c7-6d7f-4b70-a40f-f415152b8396"
+ "86a9b07d-6ba0-4499-a65d-b518da16e29c" "86f22dd5-1dd2-4612-ae76-c80819fab188"
+ "86fa33b9-89de-4771-b2f9-b60f5db22308" "871a39e3-0d5b-4816-a2a7-1cdf437c6cd0"
+ "874645be-1199-4718-8f2d-c0393256655e" "87549be6-2a4c-4a44-baaf-95d7b3b98ccd"
+ "876203c9-91f1-42ca-9d40-a369477cda34" "879ae83f-fc0d-4fa4-a7c9-8ed87db33397"
+ "87ae734c-6da4-4ec7-bea6-5992bbce4359" "87c5101d-eea2-486e-9eba-59221a6233dc"
+ "87e539b7-51d8-422e-8718-0b1cd790f1c0" "87e7f58e-efb9-48a3-a819-18cf5a80fa01"
+ "87ee039b-a936-4f1e-aa39-384898e965ae" "88079871-12df-40aa-825f-d1f6f4b5b301"
+ "88231fbe-b7f5-48ed-a837-79fe716fbf35" "884c8404-3732-4be4-9ba0-03a68fc14e7c"
+ "886a5d19-503e-405f-bcc7-4ca1d96e3339" "886dee7f-662c-4db8-86e1-1fd8e3104fe3"
+ "8890dd9a-cbb8-422a-8f7e-c204330b44f5" "88c9d237-e71a-4dd4-bb1e-5d2fb891848b"
+ "88cbca5f-a1a2-40f0-adc8-ffde3984362f" "891117d9-e591-4fde-9269-1cbfbc774cc7"
+ "89161041-4b45-4dfe-8a03-d782f5159517" "8920431c-34e6-415f-9d60-b9fdea1295b9"
+ "89507779-361d-4cfe-b4cb-83939cc8cdb8" "89513dd6-02f1-472a-ac8e-b7f35eb2b0a8"
+ "89584f9e-42cc-44f6-a86f-447b15bf1832" "89673bb7-1c6a-4abe-b989-55ff2eefb8de"
+ "897e0256-47ba-403e-9e25-0b0957fa6eae" "8992f4aa-6758-4dfe-acd6-aa15a9302c03"
+ "89c8d54f-4b04-409a-b5b7-f24b039e19da" "89ceb7a0-1bf7-4e8b-bb82-d6965868c6a4"
+ "89e96d47-34a3-4fd3-b3fe-d5d925f28623" "89e9912d-8266-4dcb-9dd9-88206c30e55e"
+ "8a0c26e8-fd33-4d20-9633-b3013fd6c1ff" "8a27716d-d58c-48e6-ae9d-b24afacd5889"
+ "8a43316b-2916-426a-a34a-3780865ce0d1" "8a61eaaa-98db-4397-80ee-8f243dd6b656"
+ "8aacf54d-2918-453a-9554-e47e0ebab5f5" "8ac53931-4432-416e-ae82-9163589b1245"
+ "8ace2d9d-d97e-4eed-8db3-b60e66b68c83" "8ad3f700-b75b-4928-9498-0e3e9e0bdd4b"
+ "8ad9acea-31be-435c-acab-d01d3833bedc" "8adb436f-8245-4776-9ed2-4a8ce1af69ff"
+ "8af7bc46-cc71-4724-b66a-be4b343c02f4" "8b06ae2d-d859-42e8-837f-9cf396e16806"
+ "8b1f9dcc-0233-41bc-8209-566bd5906cef" "8b219a8d-d179-4d76-9a87-24a00f702c04"
+ "8b39c668-590f-4c45-b28c-0804db80191c" "8b52a31b-5a9e-447e-a560-80dc560695b3"
+ "8b6a30ad-a05f-48f4-8714-ef5f5a20ca2b" "8bb7f84b-0901-486f-b484-198a2e8aa826"
+ "8bc107e2-fac1-4b32-9d58-2c4e6efa060d" "8be040c5-df37-49c4-be79-8bef0ec105cc"
+ "8be27cbd-253c-408f-a9f2-834cad7ef60c" "8be9499b-ccee-4a08-9693-c6e2ff77497d"
+ "8c0b716d-ed5d-465c-a662-1e47c04e721b" "8c0f2699-5098-4c6f-af37-45bd96b9edf7"
+ "8c1c521b-52c6-4895-903c-d0223cda2353" "8c20024d-dfce-447c-922b-a3e415e14572"
+ "8c3a817c-5f00-45ec-8dfe-de47f7bbbdc8" "8c547bc3-e44d-4a0b-99e2-040328f48085"
+ "8c5dd86e-5d23-413c-8473-d5d2350a3120" "8c921203-4444-4b3c-8993-cf271581b183"
+ "8c9fd2b3-3aa2-4774-8171-41caa86d2a82" "8cbd1a4f-5afd-4131-b9f2-eab15afc3af7"
+ "8cd0276e-fc14-4b38-b83b-a9afe08831f2" "8cef0a9f-9148-4846-85a3-aa30b20514c7"
+ "8d09150d-43e2-4af5-8358-09fd940bcb2d" "8d1f2934-791c-4167-b996-0257df3c28d6"
+ "8d24cfa2-ba10-45aa-82cf-b7650bd2debf" "8d949d72-f3b7-4e32-a71c-6bf6be0ad107"
+ "8da62f9d-8cb5-45ae-a314-a0896e949849" "8dbc46fe-3ed0-4eb4-b643-44ee361d7fd4"
+ "8dcfd8dd-96b9-4448-93b7-f9bbb9abdb3d" "8dff46dd-2c62-41b5-af95-24d5986e6644"
+ "8e2aa47e-a9c2-4323-997e-9251c50cd307" "8e38a755-9305-4358-addf-983449ce9045"
+ "8e3c04b9-aac3-43fb-8582-412add5e08b9" "8e4c1c54-dab4-4ed7-929a-20d51bf01d86"
+ "8e68b10a-6c15-4d3a-b9dd-1e9b4f56f3d0" "8ea4d68b-1154-471c-b51a-b5a0f73f2d43"
+ "8eb7662b-9bf7-4b9d-a185-b3b8606ec6a4" "8eed1270-d366-429d-86ec-cde2cf999042"
+ "8f34c317-50cd-4fa7-a368-33546d022089" "8f378c41-448c-4fda-93fa-e44ea19b1110"
+ "8f55f4c1-b3d0-4b0b-875c-5a85eb28cd5c" "8f5aa052-f29e-481b-bbfa-9ac5f8c2427d"
+ "8f5db66a-8d93-4c15-8046-08cd94abfeb1" "8fd17199-3e94-419f-a187-b483fdacf963"
+ "900a402e-388e-4e2e-9db1-9002b83d9eba" "90104988-05e2-491d-9621-190499b791fa"
+ "9019d6f5-955c-458a-8911-49025eb19b1f" "90489eca-992a-42ac-a784-6f6442a54f5f"
+ "90900996-dc73-4f66-bf4a-c31fe4a06917" "909c95f8-c705-435f-bcb7-edabfb448e18"
+ "90a469be-a88a-4083-b3f7-84555187608f" "90b642d9-ee6c-4004-9bc1-d5d1c94415af"
+ "912c34b9-c432-44bf-9974-6f6bb8688760" "91377f92-0574-4ff0-abb2-2979db9fa0fb"
+ "914b532f-9f38-4c49-b396-a18a185acb79" "91642724-020f-4d2c-83fd-d975659b570e"
+ "91b8f4ae-6d60-41b1-8cfb-92e391742df8" "91da8741-8744-4198-85c4-8efe615c4356"
+ "92075480-5f17-467c-bf41-9c1cd7e07309" "9242c4a0-8467-4251-8644-263562b98431"
+ "924c832e-ede9-4e2a-af7d-4fc4175807a9" "92548f34-4431-4b8f-996b-810f66ab7782"
+ "92966198-5a66-47ae-8b6c-66e641375f41" "92a3b81e-fb03-420a-bbc7-059cbe41363b"
+ "92df8c07-1903-40de-a0d6-7dc243df4353" "92edae3e-6183-445a-a839-206d0c722964"
+ "9300dc74-9cc0-4193-848d-3b923fcf9dea" "93170279-ac04-49ce-adfd-24211048223c"
+ "9325a567-e31d-4390-b857-74a88f4abd4d" "93a533c1-99c0-493d-b102-854fbf1b3490"
+ "93f32244-ec66-4481-9d42-d8ceadb74e77" "93fcde79-3878-40b5-943f-1f9a50e0acc9"
+ "943021d6-5264-482e-87e5-729df0dbee86" "943e6c32-37f3-4a47-bd56-6247397f816a"
+ "943f248f-c337-4609-955a-338a02b1dadd" "9499a3ee-77db-41c5-b43d-68b6a2f9ecc5"
+ "94ca6163-ae32-4cc5-a2ff-61e25e5b3f6f" "950653b2-efe5-4ce8-aa42-b7017f33e2dd"
+ "951e67f3-ccb4-4133-a7c3-021ed691bd1d" "952dafa1-241a-465e-9180-93dc1db35e78"
+ "955efc85-107c-492e-bab5-5b6fbcf5a7a7" "95b60181-1556-4921-87c8-60d7a873cbe1"
+ "95f4572d-686e-4601-ba00-d044cae76849" "961591f7-209e-4a8a-b61b-e9cc1f18db82"
+ "9623b311-5542-4377-b406-13311f587c04" "962faf44-52cc-4c58-b0c0-579a2d2cbbc3"
+ "9634a3fb-6b59-42d7-acf6-8167f28fe2ab" "96664d3c-f4f7-4141-9d31-e4582c77fdc1"
+ "968bce04-6144-4155-bdcc-edf40d27c33f" "96a58c5d-8542-491f-b7c4-990cd78a0027"
+ "96cfe78d-0774-4d0c-9908-2d76c0c19ee5" "972be59b-01c2-454b-8dc1-12753bd907f5"
+ "972f1b47-dfdf-4593-be27-ff375a33fabf" "9741f2fd-20ee-4bf5-a620-5cc7fb015acc"
+ "974bbfd7-abbd-4646-9988-d75dfe9e6425" "974e3039-ebba-49ba-8fb6-0c93ee4cad1f"
+ "974f3dcf-c239-48a9-9c9a-807b8c7db7bd" "9752398b-4c10-4b2c-9be3-e57485dfbed9"
+ "9761565d-1fcc-4ce9-82e6-7d6155b4e2e7" "98071718-f2b7-404c-803d-2160a2a59b21"
+ "982e2bd8-c6ca-4087-9204-a92cc6248921" "983d1fff-35cb-4779-a3d2-47846f51eae2"
+ "984349e6-b016-4e50-92c1-63a857694aad" "9851929c-53f6-4a2d-b41b-2e3890c56a95"
+ "9866ae79-c939-42d9-af5b-01d2ea4bc997" "9873effc-b6ce-4fb5-9baf-a911bc1d40e2"
+ "98a0de32-6143-48a6-a8d1-ad2d41a44c20" "98dc7a76-0c84-4d59-9150-c655ea6fe66f"
+ "98e52b26-c148-45ff-ae8e-d5f6dee66674" "9907af6e-5e1d-495a-9540-d426504aa4d0"
+ "9929897b-6ff4-4ee0-a720-769633759e58" "993f0e7b-0b75-4826-96f2-2e0d99a9e82d"
+ "994b49be-3154-4083-bded-1c1041639951" "995fb979-2278-4819-a471-419fa6ee4014"
+ "99a1a642-fb77-40e2-bf8f-9cd77f8d6f1c" "99add599-5dd1-45c2-b4da-1fb06e404076"
+ "99b917cf-ede6-497b-b38c-2d51f1763640" "99c7760d-7fa6-42da-af38-62e31a1eab85"
+ "99f929eb-d5f4-41c1-88a7-7437fc8a95f7" "9a0382cf-044f-4a26-9dbd-769273f0e366"
+ "9a422279-5ce6-465a-9416-55d5810129f2" "9aa65513-c86e-4790-99e9-c5c206da6642"
+ "9aad06ae-e8cf-44ac-b863-306541c7fd52" "9aae5abd-37bf-4b7b-8ffa-fb67916ddb74"
+ "9ab36a28-a00c-4ae9-b59c-7251398b3aff" "9ab91de7-7b39-4244-a245-a52e452b3934"
+ "9ac557e3-678d-4b44-8558-9034bda18b1d" "9ad1e6f2-508d-4cf4-a743-8e4562771e7e"
+ "9b217c2e-904b-4bd8-b040-919f75459daf" "9b522d46-b3db-4418-ad3b-dfcd3c33501b"
+ "9b8e6ff9-eff8-466b-aa6d-5bb9a397d7a0" "9bbf06f8-b839-4b0d-903d-218d7018c724"
+ "9bcee090-74b6-4192-ad21-346037fde2c9" "9bd0542b-fc8f-4f08-94d4-5382aa3b8b7e"
+ "9c0c7085-efdc-4383-9397-968b95597e72" "9c4730c0-96a0-4caf-a958-c0a5c47807fe"
+ "9c7a4449-5004-409c-8446-edc590489909" "9c7c1aeb-9945-45b9-88ef-9333cce0644c"
+ "9c9a717a-3c01-4d38-89f0-cfbdb327ac91" "9cabac85-8ed1-4ae8-9e25-898e02ed0fbb"
+ "9ccb5357-a8d6-4da3-805f-b85db01bcb23" "9ceb2841-b901-48c1-ab50-c243bce4dbea"
+ "9cec011a-1d71-4f98-8bf8-ddaa591d2fca" "9d622974-5b38-4097-aa1c-d2f189601d69"
+ "9d909f5d-f344-461b-8370-182f422175ac" "9da9acf0-c3f7-4d4b-9610-5dcf69de16ee"
+ "9dc2508a-d5bd-4b12-ae89-454a84e2c053" "9e14c1f7-e44a-49d9-8ebe-2884e561d8d1"
+ "9e3e847d-72dd-49c8-85f0-6115241bc377" "9e44a548-616b-43ec-beb7-3a45d98e5be9"
+ "9e4dee77-dc40-475f-b416-247ae4e6c803" "9eaca0ce-d1fc-46b9-8a5b-745fd123b63d"
+ "9ec945eb-c255-437d-9861-b3ceb6c75136" "9ed677e3-c330-4a5f-82d4-09128d493e49"
+ "9f0a5eb1-8512-48bf-97e1-d22aba55b203" "9f27c838-bebc-4900-81ed-5843c902148f"
+ "9f52f548-fc0a-4cf9-b122-c28eabf23048" "9f811a1f-a7c4-4db8-bd7f-9bff6458c2b8"
+ "9f8f6523-3d04-401b-a22c-75746b105164" "9fab879d-4e2e-4ab8-bf63-8ab431f116a0"
+ "9faee722-3a50-48d2-9977-4b422c82b3b7" "9fc54216-3afd-4ca6-a7ea-bc8ab45f0d7d"
+ "9fcf7011-af1e-4564-b2aa-08f4ee28d4f4" "9fdac265-6c99-4dd5-bb8a-3839fa03861b"
+ "9fdbd2cb-24df-4b47-a8f1-8bc067eade07" "9fdc87a7-f13b-407c-aea2-809d7f9c2795"
+ "a00975d9-2807-4e78-954e-26d906fe3dc4" "a049d9c7-f568-4a22-a6be-ec721e91aefb"
+ "a04d1a00-d54e-4861-8830-686a2b5abb7e" "a04e526e-7a1a-467d-9315-6783ec47ff9e"
+ "a0554d2b-4d92-4ec0-b51c-8318a6dde1ca" "a0607389-e0a0-459c-a727-5278f8654bb6"
+ "a08c3436-1928-4b9f-8eb3-a254075e5497" "a0a65fbf-6c79-44ff-939e-cf3af183a45c"
+ "a0aeed10-bd68-459c-bfae-2021a28a609c" "a0ffa621-21f5-4dc5-9538-65b8a4dc820d"
+ "a121e807-2e07-43e8-8b24-340f384d44df" "a1457047-1fec-42ac-9a9d-36545f2008ee"
+ "a153dfcf-3c95-4bc4-b0bf-70429ed59721" "a1bc017d-96c2-4bcc-9ed5-96e581c9b85e"
+ "a1be3d8c-ae9d-47e9-8a9e-45ef45bef064" "a1d67304-034f-42bd-b04f-9d57da6631c6"
+ "a1ed1f2f-9e60-49b7-b08e-8b6618ec2887" "a1fcda79-9ac4-4d3c-9949-1e8524b7121f"
+ "a227e328-a99d-4aa3-a61c-4b5195941950" "a273e8db-afe6-45e7-8fa2-831edd28ed28"
+ "a28b14c3-e6fa-4806-9b77-4979eb1da772" "a2bf5d14-5977-47f6-9de3-d07cfd8c4069"
+ "a2d38125-4dc6-4c6c-8abe-cc07171b14de" "a2d648aa-7d6c-42c6-9191-adf60a3743fc"
+ "a2d88027-c4bd-4976-998c-2033ec4161b4" "a2def961-920c-4aef-9355-27f7c4f79492"
+ "a2e049c0-7db4-44ad-ab64-117e70042742" "a30274ce-8450-4388-8b72-26d8b03b5b6d"
+ "a316fe0b-5118-4466-b971-005a42c05dba" "a337c4ca-719e-4ad7-9c68-01459552ba49"
+ "a35c8b77-4212-45b6-9c97-230c98fc5953" "a35e43fd-f05f-4086-a48a-d27e089d95de"
+ "a3c3913a-2367-4d6e-93ed-3a6b092a28b0" "a3d79c16-b12e-46f5-a8ae-75dd3d583a27"
+ "a41eb7be-3e39-4ed4-a9f1-6a6d44a1a858" "a468d721-790d-414b-85ca-5491b3ffb78b"
+ "a4c5997d-739b-408b-a792-93bdbb53d49c" "a4d0b016-c257-46fe-b667-d2a9d4509f56"
+ "a4e61d17-74af-4001-b4dd-f2e5d714e6d6" "a4efa465-c06a-4ff4-a958-e1e758cb6f65"
+ "a4f3a441-b204-4733-946b-d7f0e2fc73dd" "a526674f-9b2c-4378-b263-55cf45e5db45"
+ "a5af6d38-8f62-490a-adac-894fa891dd19" "a5bb7521-66b5-4088-80df-ceaa6c4ee7c1"
+ "a5df09ad-5ba4-47c9-bd6d-5555108ca32b" "a60a1a33-d646-4906-ab90-006f2dd3680b"
+ "a61e14f5-9ee4-469e-bc28-afd46cdf6387" "a63a82c1-bc3c-4641-82e0-6397b1823cff"
+ "a63a9228-38c1-43e2-ad95-1b6e79d8caf8" "a664605a-23cd-42ca-8367-9bce9fb94990"
+ "a68014c5-5820-47ff-b361-06d72a823d64" "a688d55a-8e7c-4f45-8dea-c3e233040fc4"
+ "a6addc93-8b44-4572-bfd1-a6916a284884" "a6d7b3d4-1975-483d-8ecf-63f613bd5550"
+ "a709ef89-c32c-437f-844c-01a8bcc8e96e" "a71c4bf1-8a35-46de-a660-7dae87f7629f"
+ "a7426966-a321-4707-9473-a063805b436d" "a76f5300-75dd-4e88-aae1-20d3eb3dbf12"
+ "a775264d-c515-4d8c-8516-536df0b88ca2" "a7a07303-6a25-484a-8c3a-206a5718bbb2"
+ "a7a07f48-18dc-4386-978b-f811f3c99088" "a7c3885e-efe5-4ba5-8ccf-8f1b8b4abfa6"
+ "a7e60b90-1286-4211-95a4-449cbb7ae45a" "a8205a1a-b0e2-4a7e-86a1-7d3659daf4f6"
+ "a82a1f61-a1e8-4e65-b370-c4bb24d02f64" "a8363e89-f90e-4084-b3fc-42b6c2132295"
+ "a8649093-54ab-42d7-be50-9bf649bee919" "a872b0dd-d633-48c4-96c6-2fd741539629"
+ "a8a227a8-4f2e-4e3b-890c-56453e001374" "a8bf2d03-40d4-42d3-9d80-586228ed884b"
+ "a8de31ae-7282-425b-98e7-1c2fce2c2d13" "a9051498-ee53-450a-8ddb-861eee2864c8"
+ "a9282442-57df-4463-a5c5-5d6868206bbe" "a963a633-5773-40ca-aa9b-615813082025"
+ "a9cef814-daf7-4536-93d2-c87c62960a63" "aa1ed8f8-2d23-4ccd-8975-6798fd5b61a0"
+ "aa4fb89c-8ea9-4d49-bd56-6132230b289c" "aaa31a7a-c690-4303-b178-137d498e70c6"
+ "aae9e697-63c3-4cec-b3b0-dd2d685665f9" "ab042387-39ed-4aed-86ad-ff4a5a7ac3e0"
+ "ab159d67-f908-40fc-a3fe-5979f5127616" "ab221f52-951c-4a8f-9f75-3bbf9cf6fbcf"
+ "ab6262c6-8eb9-42ef-b7e6-8b16feb7e15b" "ab6a1154-f340-4309-b3fb-9c23f30f029f"
+ "ab83a032-2de0-49bc-98c6-c36a99ef3850" "abbe477e-2002-4e33-a25b-e4bb0bc5ce31"
+ "abed9b76-88a2-4a4c-99bc-2c3a7cabdc34" "ac142992-915c-455b-9a22-b3a07a27a6fd"
+ "ac71097f-3272-4dc2-a237-e63ba25696d5" "aca561f7-bce0-4d46-bea4-245979142238"
+ "acff96d6-3257-4137-95d6-dff3a230a701" "ad550240-b76c-4e69-af62-595d291de83f"
+ "ad5d74d4-598c-4d5b-b816-4e4ca82ec142" "ad7f507b-dbff-4856-8f62-095e2a8440ce"
+ "ad8408ef-3a7e-4e28-b31f-2420db0421f7" "ad903112-f76d-433b-9139-aab57b6d4f13"
+ "adc18b88-0dbc-414c-b85c-a21be0e26243" "adc2ec12-bf4a-4c75-a17c-18d16c78ec5f"
+ "adcca033-5dfe-4358-94f1-be1f87d8eccf" "add35f78-d474-4097-b0d8-fca73556f1bf"
+ "add768b1-4423-4a8d-84c5-0d5e0e1413b4" "adef4257-b507-4458-9c0b-52814c93bfab"
+ "ae17a057-fd95-4c43-b607-f1cc67a949c5" "ae214f5a-4e1a-42d2-a30f-d2c2ccd1ca98"
+ "ae26bb06-d875-45ad-a293-080b55b937ec" "aeafba0e-d675-4851-83b4-79963a376c5b"
+ "aeedb850-8f2a-4850-afb5-0d2a683584dc" "aeede048-b910-4ded-9817-af533107c373"
+ "af2219d2-12fe-4652-b501-d6b6bbee98d7" "af4b7529-4c5c-4e6e-9e64-767aaadca322"
+ "af5baa66-697b-44e7-a8c5-216663e0c014" "af769927-0c1b-4113-838e-386679357808"
+ "afb4d35a-facd-4a38-9cdc-617303f70a86" "afb901fb-2efc-4087-832c-63b0eeb0fcd2"
+ "afd206bf-dcb5-48cd-821b-9d9274f766a9" "afee3a7d-e7d5-41a3-b7a4-6052ca846aea"
+ "b006746a-8f83-4ca5-9814-8227aa7fccb1" "b00b515e-ef0f-4729-ab23-847c3379bf38"
+ "b0854b1c-f75b-42fd-8c9c-9a064f99e502" "b0d62393-afcf-4cf3-af42-d9d8d69dc488"
+ "b0e861e9-de2a-415e-87cb-6fef1e93c1e1" "b152fbda-1755-4d27-a019-da142333a282"
+ "b16895eb-5c88-4fe1-8d26-f4c810ddd4b8" "b18f8688-230c-44d7-aa26-e9a6ac821030"
+ "b194ff90-7c8d-433d-a53d-cbf5653c7195" "b1cbc469-1b2a-4ed5-932b-77ebd6fa1ed5"
+ "b2183cf5-8dca-4ec0-95d4-47dbe6ca81f8" "b251fb8b-e34f-4dd7-8695-41987d10eddb"
+ "b26221e8-4973-421b-9737-525f2fbe1f34" "b270d5b4-e151-4ee4-9be0-9d492d929547"
+ "b28aaeab-9227-4ee6-bd1c-a4fbcd4759b9" "b2c753fb-3f2c-4f24-9bb8-917980494e9f"
+ "b2de8936-beaf-4bb8-8051-bbef42608c9d" "b34bc61e-18c0-407d-9d3d-9d2597ad6b52"
+ "b3bb22f5-4e8a-46b4-abe6-0526c61a570d" "b3df88a2-f4a7-4c01-8661-61be224a8c94"
+ "b4050d8f-4513-47d1-a245-ba530b3996cc" "b40eb7ba-0148-47f1-817a-97c7dfae4669"
+ "b41826df-52fd-47a9-87d9-a263ecc8fc16" "b425839a-5d01-4b52-84f1-b281afbff3c9"
+ "b42c1c1c-40b9-4a03-9091-c57fd68910dd" "b48dba31-8bfd-4d1a-afb8-45ee52194476"
+ "b4902e57-46f0-4d7b-aa3f-6f7dbbb453e7" "b49ad223-5911-4732-acb0-03f140a77955"
+ "b49d7ea4-6acc-4f7a-8f8e-d3627fe9890d" "b4e8d645-1b06-4ebc-a30d-39e0c1517e90"
+ "b4eb389f-8d3e-4bc0-87f8-5658799345d8" "b505f480-52a2-4e6e-8964-5900a73e42c5"
+ "b51be333-728e-42cd-b47a-16f42928915b" "b5937530-8af3-4a9e-bdae-5cdc522d89f2"
+ "b6134974-5ded-4f59-9d77-837e5351f18e" "b65904fe-b7a7-4528-b433-3d4f750a8feb"
+ "b663cc94-1f6a-4b16-9d73-0417d05adf7a" "b69f85f9-2886-45bd-935a-7b1d6b433717"
+ "b6c2aff2-bf6d-4753-a26d-dd49155187af" "b6c43532-c792-4e54-b413-e31f5ddabebc"
+ "b6cbf46d-740a-456c-bcbe-9b7b0fd06045" "b6ecbd53-93ee-484f-a9af-1dfc98379708"
+ "b721deee-068f-48c2-891d-901e8c1b612f" "b724fbac-4e56-4a69-9c92-b271862410a4"
+ "b7375b46-de08-411d-9827-b5d822fe77a1" "b740d76b-f7c4-4940-a416-e93233ac3ca6"
+ "b7a99917-3d72-4c01-bc6b-1066f19201da" "b7c7d60f-8696-4068-84cc-09988a0738b7"
+ "b7e25bd4-2313-4875-80a2-79c01e4431b1" "b8066839-717e-4545-9f8c-8696b50dbc99"
+ "b8458135-3ef2-452f-baae-c112b68a3941" "b8a13976-884a-4f0a-93a1-26ce1cd8d83a"
+ "b8b96c05-9a04-4aaa-986d-9a0fba1723ee" "b8cc862d-6683-47d3-aa55-8f3ddb3f5939"
+ "b905e28c-7fc7-401d-a3a9-b1fb192c6ee6" "b91fdda5-e746-4444-8320-2dcc271efa74"
+ "b95c6131-2176-4ce7-8ee4-7784c4ba263c" "b9641ea3-c196-41ad-8bb2-42cfabc5c363"
+ "b9778898-65e0-4878-acf2-12531efa6c9c" "b99ae977-25b1-4736-a089-c7220b77efce"
+ "b9e108f0-19f1-46c4-906b-7f9276ac7cdb" "ba2769c2-e2dc-487b-8909-708b35d139ec"
+ "ba319dad-909c-4063-8ec4-b26837d66f46" "ba8a394b-988d-4c8b-9a2c-cdc869da1db5"
+ "bac826a2-1448-40b9-9c6c-150f02041bbd" "bad7908d-7c57-461b-948c-23a2ed6c8e8f"
+ "bb1b9272-f2e5-4a48-932f-09d439d44e94" "bb778ba3-e5fc-4217-8e9e-82ef1515d6ad"
+ "bb940d46-11f1-47fd-a41f-40a96d411573" "bbca0764-6b30-4397-a110-c804b8f1c878"
+ "bbee2481-d267-44ba-83b1-4af6d9d58948" "bc0f68d1-0ede-421f-aa6d-abe41e835d67"
+ "bc11638b-c0f4-4a96-8b8a-f0dc19311153" "bc205775-9b65-4a8b-b4d5-0a93df3b9706"
+ "bc3444e5-efcf-45e8-ba16-2d11c994d4e2" "bc4b47e9-e8f7-45ba-abb6-89023cfd9c70"
+ "bcae6d95-76df-4948-839c-a53c6a416e5a" "bcff5bbb-2585-4786-836a-b74cdce21a9a"
+ "bd2dc21e-b926-4c8c-91d5-4d489f71d5df" "bd3ca90e-70ec-4c58-92e5-3402d74cd66f"
+ "bd49977d-394c-40c4-83a4-397c75fa2812" "bd8d6134-e0cc-4c75-a0c8-009910691fe1"
+ "bdcbb3f1-4977-4c54-80b4-257bd9b34bdb" "bde740be-250e-4731-9f7c-a8fdfa1390fe"
+ "be0902db-a63c-4a75-982d-39926a487ee8" "be0fa9c7-563d-4b16-a4f9-334049222abb"
+ "be17ec78-fcd4-4fa1-a5d0-bb59fe608fda" "be52a32d-4717-4c4b-8f9e-b75d8d66cf24"
+ "be5e3038-d0c1-4faf-93c4-77d4a40fc266" "be5f1ab0-249c-4878-8a24-ebee1f98afc1"
+ "bea1c03a-f95c-4fa0-b0c0-f575aa5aa60e" "beb7b833-9d85-4590-9955-b3693fc3359d"
+ "bec66f55-e4e0-40d8-bcd7-a1a2e16d3660" "bef2574c-01f9-42ef-bc93-c27347b9cc0b"
+ "bf18e8f7-7f63-4748-a68d-c967801d6dbc" "bf3f7cfe-00b4-41bd-be63-e85d3093cc84"
+ "bf48a118-e970-477d-ad3c-ca4ea8a92263" "bf61c62b-cdf1-4f45-891b-e0274df8f567"
+ "bf7dc3eb-2c01-4ee0-8cf1-471328afbcbf" "bf87d8fe-7cce-4f27-bb08-d7dcba839f86"
+ "bff79cf8-83c0-4b5b-b881-783203bae017" "bffd7008-51d5-47fa-9a53-1918cffb02e1"
+ "c011a072-f98d-439c-8309-ce0e149b0a32" "c015111c-c90d-4062-abfa-649ce3dd2ebd"
+ "c045a482-206f-4368-890e-f7c0ece5904a" "c067bb16-e5fb-4495-a7c9-2520ee50cab6"
+ "c07786b4-1bb4-40f3-8651-271356a690df" "c0afb52f-48f8-4896-8243-de96a2430d15"
+ "c0baa9ae-bf1d-4b4d-bc7b-a105eccbdb43" "c0e557ad-5644-43f7-9020-10529ec609fd"
+ "c0fad4ea-d6d3-415e-b9e9-3a096be3ed3f" "c128d0d3-2723-49d8-8b92-5c0f02442c1f"
+ "c1476022-bc8d-43d6-a0ae-b48534c2135b" "c14aaf59-66d7-4d6b-8436-1aa0f973dc3b"
+ "c14c4a54-d2d1-4176-8d28-094c6d2ba2d2" "c15111d6-1272-47b8-abe3-ee16b23f89d2"
+ "c16f538e-c8fc-4279-8902-2bd62fd54326" "c1b1b660-103e-4193-b441-17ae807a1e65"
+ "c1b32d1b-743a-4bbd-b7ae-019173a6cf54" "c1fa9f33-6630-4463-bc68-fe4fd52e9c3b"
+ "c1fd0fa5-c036-462f-872b-08754134b3b2" "c1feb2f9-0e09-43b2-b6b7-f3e6079d3070"
+ "c26e119b-ef47-452a-88f7-6ef83f9a3d9a" "c27c6d61-872a-489b-ae56-dda3d5c1a82b"
+ "c28039af-f8c4-4a48-9f24-6ec1b63fa0c8" "c283078b-2dd9-4aa9-862a-0b2125f55254"
+ "c29aee4f-4c64-4590-bcb2-c05be7f71ae4" "c2a87406-7aa4-41cd-bb35-4b693b9f8508"
+ "c2b76419-f788-465f-9a12-9de5ed3a227d" "c2c73932-0079-46ba-b6d4-069846cc9a66"
+ "c2e79140-252c-4a32-ba6d-b1a666225b30" "c2e89654-9e86-4bfb-90c3-0f7c7b751372"
+ "c2e8a8d5-31ae-41bd-95b8-5b19e2795dea" "c2ff9ac0-e92b-4a76-ac54-d18762ccbbd2"
+ "c3024ded-eacd-42d1-a9de-a08b7eebe35b" "c3175be8-2856-46ca-b5b6-7f828173a6dc"
+ "c319bed6-d890-40be-892e-64f1f439a152" "c330cfbb-be64-4136-abef-ea94e3923944"
+ "c344370c-219a-49e6-ae29-ef287b78aa25" "c353b32c-9632-4c61-95a2-3ef8e43ccad5"
+ "c363c3c0-cfe5-43d3-a507-b86df52483ab" "c392a5c9-b736-4ac9-af90-bf848f4552da"
+ "c3b3c05f-cecd-445f-b2b7-86aabc957982" "c3d709d5-1708-4953-9c95-c992923a1bed"
+ "c3ee1c12-13dc-4418-bd4c-6e49e98229e5" "c4023c2d-518d-4afc-be44-b32ecb4d75bb"
+ "c403682d-6088-4436-b110-c988cd3162e0" "c4207b2f-66cc-4cea-9f0d-8cf87670d5ef"
+ "c42e7610-49f9-49f7-980d-725be1620b59" "c4623fbd-3a7d-4fb9-b9ee-9e905573b24b"
+ "c47185ca-2ba6-4d5f-a3ab-6ee072ddec8a" "c48b79e4-9eaf-49c8-b2c6-e7095bba797f"
+ "c4a80c5b-8811-4d33-be8c-338f548f6e5a" "c4dad1f3-fb05-42ac-ac64-3eaaf6742c02"
+ "c517e990-3380-4faf-b1cb-0d00684f29e1" "c51cb238-cf19-494c-ae75-441165f6dc17"
+ "c54caaf7-fe70-444a-93c5-751213f0c848" "c55246aa-8f40-495b-91ca-5f7f741e42dc"
+ "c576e021-4e94-4ebd-9ce9-a7ce51517fb9" "c57c155b-c0fc-4baa-9abf-87cb2f001b58"
+ "c591925d-d883-49bc-b3de-9e0f130e67f9" "c5969731-5021-4695-8f9a-253235a0ece2"
+ "c5b0ddde-b8f7-4dd0-9356-f74209439967" "c5c8f102-38ba-461c-8b76-92a27b93113e"
+ "c5f8fb6a-4c53-4600-a6b6-30cda580250a" "c633cefb-4e8f-48e2-971a-74de72d58278"
+ "c6524035-f1fa-473e-956d-a84a54880c97" "c669438d-bc85-4647-8f80-034f20597e91"
+ "c67c0d35-00cf-46bc-a98b-c5f01713115d" "c67e80e8-94e3-41f2-b081-177fe679e9e2"
+ "c69b7918-310f-4938-9c45-2cbc57678ef4" "c6c216fb-872d-42a4-971d-7a069bd5e1ba"
+ "c6e26f97-7816-484a-b49b-8d71255e8ffc" "c70dbce6-5d0a-4cde-b9bb-49baeb683c8a"
+ "c710586a-b731-4a37-9423-20b174a8ba81" "c71f723b-cd36-45fa-be21-fe127a6fa8cc"
+ "c7295a43-d8f0-4da8-bf5d-7c6d7efaf637" "c74ff88a-7ebc-4fd4-9b75-2a1504624b7b"
+ "c75c27df-5b38-490c-a1a0-818ab4781881" "c777b55e-fa1f-49f4-b375-9dfb846fbd4d"
+ "c7dd7b30-2895-47eb-aab7-7b4a0f6d368d" "c80906e9-e565-4d18-8efa-a9cf3741a6a7"
+ "c843b8b3-94c9-4881-8590-d8db974bc718" "c866a93c-1004-4401-85bd-689181b7fec9"
+ "c888da99-a71c-47d1-9167-b35a56304ef3" "c88bdd7b-ab78-497f-bc3d-257e5fc83320"
+ "c89df330-9725-458f-b467-1dece95ca3c8" "c8d4d9a8-62d1-439c-a817-ee745a1fe5f4"
+ "c8fa494a-906a-4057-a602-43bbafd228f4" "c9025228-4cd1-44f5-8105-b523da0595a0"
+ "c91faf47-1507-4c89-a6b5-db2dd129346d" "c93772a1-58f5-4410-9d7f-abcf49fdfce1"
+ "c939ee36-70ce-4d3e-baf2-ab2e41afabc4" "c93b5f51-87ab-4484-8953-dbc9d416825a"
+ "c948bf0d-209c-4fdc-b18c-31d1c17109c1" "c94c5b9c-6e5f-497e-a74e-1423ba74b4fc"
+ "c9637cdf-8bd9-4b18-9a1e-35e825c2118a" "c967093d-effb-45a2-bf16-8db338df0816"
+ "c98b85db-5225-430d-b9aa-2c1965acbd96" "c9964bb3-e36d-4aa3-b208-901ea977eba4"
+ "c9995857-35b5-4957-9e1f-4868b475e68b" "c99b47d7-43b2-4b5c-923b-ae90d2c7ec2c"
+ "ca1f5229-ec95-435c-8d04-006f9955b010" "ca4b35bc-42c2-4b4b-97be-44c22ab7d501"
+ "ca59c1d3-0221-40cb-a3d2-0bd9652c679b" "ca721728-f255-4d6c-a584-df972a6db8cb"
+ "cabec48f-7317-464c-8ee0-5a2a8ebd82fc" "cb43285c-bb19-47e2-8dd4-835c62aa641d"
+ "cb4c3303-be6e-42a8-9a85-30daab49898e" "cb9d9194-d945-409a-a34b-1328442e7147"
+ "cb9e75e7-b9e6-4fe3-9310-0682af5b5b52" "cbff7e89-48a6-4b11-ac57-b92120e0469f"
+ "cc024388-7c9d-4a71-aef2-97c95846cfcb" "cc0da3d7-d27e-422d-88d2-8547a1c30377"
+ "cc622864-5f39-4120-bb97-680dc14d43b8" "cca52fe1-0983-41fa-8735-8d7fffd4f1b0"
+ "cceaa744-10c9-4a4e-b7e0-624e9ef16251" "ccfd2e7d-705b-4dfe-b30f-ebb49a75af94"
+ "cd12374b-36ad-4b8e-a31d-e66d540880a2" "cd125bcd-238a-4a59-a0cb-9a3e1869c0a6"
+ "cd21a946-7d40-4cb2-95a0-547e74a3254b" "cd29c478-002a-44f4-b9a7-ed1a4fa2e2c3"
+ "cd2f738c-7f26-46c3-9709-f7a919f4eec3" "cd30e83f-3ce4-4baf-8e69-53f59e3e1cc2"
+ "cd3a144c-abc5-47b8-bf47-ecbbfd57503d" "cd781c09-8bcf-41a6-981b-2fd68730e21b"
+ "cd8065e8-0a0c-4d47-b088-864f8bd6865b" "cd8ba4af-b0d2-4dbe-a22e-ccd73b1b2ba1"
+ "cda293c8-5715-4951-8c54-a87c86c81a3c" "cdd04747-c665-41d7-8e18-398fa62a115e"
+ "ce011b9a-aeac-4267-a66d-aef185566a9e" "ce0143f5-9a3b-443f-bf9d-cdf313fdac16"
+ "ce1008ca-1670-4221-914e-5fc480b7f9e7" "ce516d77-c80a-4e9a-9f96-110daf4587b2"
+ "ce59fbec-f978-4bb6-a61b-039ea99359bc" "ce8de69b-60e8-4ffa-920d-5d05c70ab8f1"
+ "ceb8eb9b-0859-4929-8886-b59b88d0fb6f" "cee1b59b-f555-43f3-9025-fc3d09275fcf"
+ "cef08d57-2ae8-403e-937f-a485975cdb86" "cefdd8e2-a9ce-46bf-b098-08e40f2cceec"
+ "cf0d3c1b-427e-4685-bc77-58e5fc52703d" "cf26a857-890f-4aba-a68d-af16af6dcffd"
+ "cf30f23f-f4f2-4939-a0de-f806929473ed" "cf326a16-ae37-440c-bf39-c0683237ee6a"
+ "cf55cc5c-f5de-4a2a-a830-464184e6867d" "cf6bb158-5e6f-4316-8eab-b384ee91390a"
+ "cf868c1b-621b-4a1f-9a25-fd2e79d83ad1" "cf8f399d-a607-42b6-90b8-4895797f6175"
+ "cfa4e0ad-5028-44f1-ae62-fcc46f953246" "cfb53a2f-4c84-430e-b766-95f371413fa0"
+ "cfcb4ed0-1924-4f0e-817a-9051477f5ca3" "d0078b4e-33e1-420b-afbe-2eab648ec8be"
+ "d066e1db-56ee-4c85-a831-6612d2733b2f" "d0723cef-f044-4605-a8ec-f073349c3044"
+ "d08e0bd6-b207-4a27-a112-c42879cf6dbc" "d09dd1be-ec48-4ea8-bf5a-71a254188247"
+ "d14709af-6e68-48e2-a70b-2950260e77e7" "d1a1007a-b594-440e-9db8-1f8f66739253"
+ "d1d56f49-da72-4b99-9b14-c5ed0b200595" "d2402a5a-e61d-4b7a-aa5d-bb9048f6f192"
+ "d243c49d-55aa-4e42-98b7-1a2906183b45" "d266fcf1-610a-4f1b-a3a8-427389b5cf05"
+ "d26e0275-14a6-4cc6-a7f1-229a7b8d499c" "d26e5f03-d20a-4174-89cb-7d9fc55173a3"
+ "d27203df-1372-4621-bd38-8e20e4a7c72c" "d278f9d1-5125-43db-81a0-12f5591c047c"
+ "d27a9759-f27a-4b5c-ab85-d249e80a8119" "d2901d92-2090-46a2-9d57-243cdbd29b23"
+ "d2e0cc72-5290-438f-b775-5013f7c53628" "d2fe0457-3023-4092-b80c-789ea0a843e8"
+ "d2ffcf99-8f05-4b15-bddc-fdf110aa8333" "d33f5b31-f29e-408b-b06f-724c2cd07637"
+ "d3697881-11db-40d8-99d0-1d9dbb6a7bac" "d38566dd-8301-40cb-bcbe-6da6266b95ff"
+ "d3f4b459-e23c-44b3-87e0-e6a4c0667c25" "d403ac22-551a-4aa1-9249-65762b7fd7ae"
+ "d40dc215-91c7-451e-9a7f-70bb508016c0" "d422917e-1b08-4aa1-91e6-c4ec911767bf"
+ "d4428041-43ab-4005-8cfe-e089265153c0" "d4504288-d2c7-4e84-95a7-1d89b8e5dff8"
+ "d4685f67-f314-4fc0-8b27-fc3da3acc4d9" "d469d9e0-8939-41e6-aaf6-e86800ab48f9"
+ "d48b5dce-7471-49e3-88bb-8ce30e95abe0" "d4f61044-b7df-45f6-bf4d-41ad870dba58"
+ "d4fd8a56-5340-4c19-9c1a-df1bcd663c72" "d51f9a57-1ba1-4cd9-b4ad-f0bd6ee2d188"
+ "d522d550-851e-45bb-bb35-6e1b02b387b2" "d55241e1-466e-4e25-8611-8c1c7c1b6782"
+ "d55cf336-b364-40a5-9553-12a3487479f4" "d56089c2-2ef1-41b0-b5ea-02e6fc8bec8a"
+ "d5944636-6881-4365-bed6-c5c9e93479e3" "d5b7a3bf-d748-4795-ad10-ab3775dbd6c4"
+ "d5e2451e-792c-4ec2-94d2-1d7ea016040b" "d5f24765-f014-4d82-a1fd-deef9ac35a7e"
+ "d6054e76-89a6-4109-8dd6-2de9f64f5cab" "d647d35f-fcf5-43fa-b016-587d2b56ebfd"
+ "d669f3f5-3e18-4fbb-99f0-1167f43e8d89" "d678f62a-1063-4d57-9b47-14f0015455f8"
+ "d699c311-a9d4-41aa-be45-7e2a864754d8" "d69ba687-7ca9-4e41-b8d9-4d3939a0367c"
+ "d6ad51ef-b5e0-4862-9492-4a853fd6df3e" "d6ea5735-53e9-46b3-9b50-03a38da46718"
+ "d78ea872-180b-4dc0-ac84-f44603ef5311" "d79f838e-9b4d-4bef-a65d-3702628cf2aa"
+ "d7bd2ccc-cd1d-46a7-af3f-fa3a45fab7bf" "d7d11727-76e1-40f9-a7d7-3de98795bcf7"
+ "d7db3e59-e6f7-4467-b4e3-67e1ad20ddf0" "d80f2153-c23f-4257-81bb-04cad6e42a7c"
+ "d846e385-24c5-4e82-af62-868f5085c3f3" "d861bf8f-bee5-4ea9-b810-647b3f1b7167"
+ "d8769a12-d74a-466a-8dfe-d5923f234da0" "d8b6a48d-7870-4fa8-b636-e2aa143ee6b8"
+ "d8b95974-b822-4dba-a215-92f2e423b174" "d8fca434-ffd6-456b-8fbe-97dc8e0e76f4"
+ "d92bddb6-9da1-46d9-b533-84dfbff278ad" "d94ef39a-2907-4c92-afcf-3879ed0ad278"
+ "d96120ec-6a93-48b5-879d-2077b86deb65" "d96f6732-094f-47ca-bc2b-fca22d82d715"
+ "d971764f-a13f-408b-9e7e-67c84e779ca6" "d97425d6-4b97-449e-ad08-aca6ca718abd"
+ "d9762147-e569-4983-92ab-8c73a4100c00" "d9786e1f-a851-40a2-b491-2c008bf6dad9"
+ "d987c2a9-0ff2-4831-a00b-42bf7da5e08c" "d9b85e97-8074-47d2-8cbc-384c1d7236d5"
+ "d9c18e22-399b-42cf-b8e9-c6432e63c38d" "d9ce3b95-d6be-4d40-8cae-c37935acc254"
+ "da794bf5-e76e-4656-b0bc-7e5b23eeb11f" "daa577af-19fa-4295-868d-39f0deb0e929"
+ "daab1ccf-8ec8-4c25-9134-f64ba017a5a0" "dabd30a5-8b06-4802-b70a-65676cb24ee6"
+ "dac7d2b1-74fa-4e93-9d56-1261ddc149ca" "dae098b2-0e7b-4581-a942-b1fba48fa4b2"
+ "db00205d-98a1-42d7-b2a9-6af3c2d9efd3" "db0e9d27-fefa-4d9f-ae80-ccac19171501"
+ "db1432de-45e3-42a4-ae68-4ae3794e7e85" "db1fa917-30d5-44a0-815e-84634bb89130"
+ "db342904-9d1f-4aaa-a452-f6ffd7dd3498" "db37c380-fcf3-4820-b7a2-b51248de2aaf"
+ "db433ded-ab8e-4b16-a97f-156949dcf2f9" "db4d316e-fb67-4df0-81ca-237af1cd65c1"
+ "db6bdbae-0b54-4af4-b124-fc27978019dc" "db792b3e-dbe6-41cd-8c15-af5024991859"
+ "dbbd4da0-309a-4f60-9c81-0dd1db6b7f4f" "dbe758ca-47bc-4334-ba8e-b88557466dd0"
+ "dc3df6f5-0e5b-4a06-a7f1-53fc5e864df4" "dc48ffb1-2e40-4201-9e74-73d734098396"
+ "dc505a74-5c87-4a01-8be0-4d5612cd1737" "dc513dd7-1ffd-4b82-9a04-2c09eaca030b"
+ "dc51878a-3e4b-4635-ab6a-e4045e8006f8" "dc594c21-e428-44cd-84b3-3abbf6f4a9e8"
+ "dc6aeaca-84a8-495d-ad81-34c1686e0b4a" "dc7cde78-839c-4caf-91fe-8dba79daedd4"
+ "dce31f54-5dde-4823-bded-bf2ce57adcd9" "dcf32a1d-0eab-467a-944b-5b6e79532ba5"
+ "dcf63abe-0adc-41e7-951c-d650daa0283b" "dd02b134-a95d-490f-baef-8ede7a71566b"
+ "dd119915-19d1-4a96-b0f1-b5c66f909bd7" "dd14ee62-ed5b-4876-9174-d066b99b92ef"
+ "dd1798fb-46e6-461f-a896-7df60e885fb1" "dd3e4850-c188-44a4-81f1-711459f75f3d"
+ "dd512ff8-efdf-4b87-896d-a4bfcffc211b" "dd60d76d-ca4a-44b6-b5b6-d38d2c6f79fe"
+ "dd63d9a2-f149-4272-bdcd-dac6d3dfbea1" "dd75ec66-ac4a-4135-8c16-e8da5985edaf"
+ "dd799004-d7ad-427e-97b2-bdc03c1d5217" "dd975a3b-fde2-4bdc-a032-1e88d1c5b0d6"
+ "de0abc37-50d7-435c-8d97-a3d5dce76c14" "de11ba7c-979e-4392-86a4-aeead6e348b3"
+ "de2fdf66-e7fb-41fd-b2b4-c0a91ae06b29" "de35025d-3559-4f18-84c5-9baac376ef4b"
+ "de38fab4-6aa3-4b19-8abe-882b56ee75c8" "de3b7548-4279-46b3-aee2-ead99e3fbc65"
+ "de3cec4c-a258-42da-8b9b-75a5c79894ed" "de59ba78-dc30-463e-aebe-f6e01a423141"
+ "de6cec8b-ee46-40e3-9f81-049b1905f763" "de80d7d2-2875-43cf-8dde-fcbc3a430356"
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+ "ded5117c-754c-4f98-8a2e-2e65ae56da98" "dee4e3a7-0fd9-406b-85de-4def84088150"
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+ "ebca3937-5e53-4993-bb52-0a1321b165cb" "ebdf7130-d9ec-469f-81b0-c104d768caa5"
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+ "ed78f9cb-c7a8-4ae8-a607-20acf5edd4d2" "ed98a17c-f6bc-4d19-9871-984062a7f8d8"
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+ "f30b0355-402d-4b32-8ccb-ff79017ae7cd" "f3191f3a-dcfe-4241-b29b-4f4672d9a764"
+ "f31f144a-cc4a-46f5-bc83-647beac05818" "f33086d3-82fa-4364-a93c-918e22b54c79"
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+ "f4ebd895-f83d-487c-9c49-302aec16b444" "f4f25b74-699e-4d2d-ae10-331887ca4ebb"
+ "f4fdf9a5-df0b-4038-9b3b-3fdffaa970ea" "f527177a-9845-47eb-b27c-67a4ace07310"
+ "f56f264d-f092-4e56-a77a-acbd35b8a476" "f59188e5-2678-47a3-9058-026024c6c052"
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+ "f6179b49-cd5f-4ab1-9b11-0c8a1b587f33" "f62ca451-dcfe-455e-93a6-b53f875341af"
+ "f631f7ce-0b97-427f-8e32-46d5d0abe5d4" "f66029df-aa8e-4926-8f05-e5ffcd34c848"
+ "f6946f77-2129-452c-8bc7-0059b0b0f2e0" "f696467a-338a-4241-bafc-d95985d74ca0"
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+ "f82c59dc-d0be-49b4-b5b1-b7ffd5ee9da0" "f83cd45c-acf8-4303-9386-301fc80b691b"
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+ "f8de1261-a3ed-46e3-8b00-979ec45b2308" "f8ea1d06-4481-4657-a1ec-1ca28948531e"
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+ "fc6d0a7e-dd2b-4176-a6ad-4905446db189" "fc9ee4dc-be26-4152-9c27-abc47ce5e037"
+ "fcbbc3db-d5b6-4944-9da7-a3ae0a2cf617" "fcc488c1-366c-4a50-b1d3-40cd3dc27dad"
+ "fcd3c2d3-e118-4db0-95ee-83dddc4047c9" "fd1323ea-488d-4bf3-9f3f-5a3014acf633"
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+ "fd3be018-69d1-4bfe-9614-0b7e31875225" "fd432ec9-0b67-4252-9bcd-7f9c5620d618"
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+ "ffcee79e-547a-47fb-b017-c3ffa680c61b" "ffef33f1-867b-4274-acf0-f9b9319f2643"
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"footprint_type_mismatch": "ignore",
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+ "holes_co_located": "warning",
"invalid_outline": "error",
"isolated_copper": "warning",
"item_on_disabled_layer": "error",
@@ -128,15 +123,15 @@
"min_copper_edge_clearance": 0.0,
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@@ -145,9 +140,6 @@
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"td_onpadsmd": true,
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@@ -156,29 +148,35 @@
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"td_curve_segcount": 0,
"td_height_ratio": 1.0,
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"td_maxheight": 2.0,
"td_maxlen": 1.0,
+ "td_on_pad_in_zone": false,
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+ "td_allow_use_two_tracks": true,
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"td_maxheight": 2.0,
"td_maxlen": 1.0,
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"td_width_to_size_filter_ratio": 0.9
+ "td_allow_use_two_tracks": true,
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"td_length_ratio": 0.5,
"td_maxheight": 2.0,
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"td_target_name": "td_track_end",
"td_width_to_size_filter_ratio": 0.9
@@ -187,6 +185,32 @@
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+ "min_amplitude": 0.2,
+ "single_sided": false,
+ "spacing": 1.0
+ },
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+ "max_amplitude": 1.0,
+ "min_amplitude": 0.2,
+ "single_sided": false,
+ "spacing": 0.6
+ },
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+ "corner_radius_percentage": 80,
+ "corner_style": 1,
+ "max_amplitude": 1.0,
+ "min_amplitude": 0.2,
+ "single_sided": false,
+ "spacing": 0.6
+ }
+ },
"via_dimensions": [
"diameter": 0.0,
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+ "ipc2581": {
+ "dist": "",
+ "distpn": "",
+ "internal_id": "",
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+ },
"layer_presets": [],
"viewports": []
@@ -453,14 +484,76 @@
"gencad": "",
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+ "show": true
+ },
+ {
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+ "show": true
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+ "name": "${DNP}",
+ "show": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "filter_string": "",
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+ "name": "Grouped By Value",
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+ "sort_field": "Reference"
+ },
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"dashed_lines_gap_length_ratio": 3.0,
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"spice_save_all_voltages": false,
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diff --git a/neko/pilkbadge.kicad_sch b/neko/pilkbadge.kicad_sch
index aae5e3d..849b4ff 100644
--- a/neko/pilkbadge.kicad_sch
+++ b/neko/pilkbadge.kicad_sch
@@ -1,826 +1,4235 @@
-(kicad_sch (version 20230121) (generator eeschema)
- (uuid ea66adee-6cc4-479f-a91e-f3b33b843b8d)
- (paper "A5")
- (lib_symbols
- (symbol "Connector_Generic:Conn_01x01" (pin_names (offset 1.016) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
- (property "Reference" "J" (at 0 2.54 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
- )
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- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
- )
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- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_keywords" "connector" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
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- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_fp_filters" "Connector*:*_1x??_*" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
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- (rectangle (start -1.27 0.127) (end 0 -0.127)
- (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (rectangle (start -1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 -1.27)
- (stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
- (fill (type background))
- )
- (pin passive line (at -5.08 0 0) (length 3.81)
- (name "Pin_1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- )
- )
- )
- (symbol "Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04" (pin_names (offset 1.016) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
- (property "Reference" "J" (at 0 5.08 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
- )
- (property "Value" "Conn_01x04" (at 0 -7.62 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
- )
- (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_keywords" "connector" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_description" "Generic connector, single row, 01x04, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_fp_filters" "Connector*:*_1x??_*" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
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- (rectangle (start -1.27 -4.953) (end 0 -5.207)
- (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (rectangle (start -1.27 -2.413) (end 0 -2.667)
- (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (rectangle (start -1.27 0.127) (end 0 -0.127)
- (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (rectangle (start -1.27 2.667) (end 0 2.413)
- (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (rectangle (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 -6.35)
- (stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
- (fill (type background))
- )
- (pin passive line (at -5.08 2.54 0) (length 3.81)
- (name "Pin_1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- )
- (pin passive line (at -5.08 0 0) (length 3.81)
- (name "Pin_2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- )
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- (name "Pin_3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- )
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- (name "Pin_4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- (number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- )
- )
- )
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- (property "Reference" "BT" (at 2.54 2.54 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
- )
- (property "Value" "Battery_Cell" (at 2.54 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
- )
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- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 1.524 90)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_keywords" "battery cell" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
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- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
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- (rectangle (start -2.286 1.778) (end 2.286 1.524)
- (stroke (width 0) (type default))
- (fill (type outline))
- )
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- (stroke (width 0) (type default))
- (fill (type outline))
- )
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy 0 0.762)
- (xy 0 0)
- )
- (stroke (width 0) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy 0 1.778)
- (xy 0 2.54)
- )
- (stroke (width 0) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy 0.762 3.048)
- (xy 1.778 3.048)
- )
- (stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy 1.27 3.556)
- (xy 1.27 2.54)
- )
- (stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- )
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- (pin passive line (at 0 5.08 270) (length 2.54)
- (name "+" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- )
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- (name "-" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- )
- )
- )
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- (property "Reference" "D" (at 0 2.54 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
- )
- (property "Value" "LED" (at 0 -2.54 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
- )
- (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_keywords" "LED diode" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_description" "Light emitting diode" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_fp_filters" "LED* LED_SMD:* LED_THT:*" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (symbol "LED_0_1"
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy -1.27 -1.27)
- (xy -1.27 1.27)
- )
- (stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy -1.27 0)
- (xy 1.27 0)
- )
- (stroke (width 0) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy 1.27 -1.27)
- (xy 1.27 1.27)
- (xy -1.27 0)
- (xy 1.27 -1.27)
- )
- (stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy -3.048 -0.762)
- (xy -4.572 -2.286)
- (xy -3.81 -2.286)
- (xy -4.572 -2.286)
- (xy -4.572 -1.524)
- )
- (stroke (width 0) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy -1.778 -0.762)
- (xy -3.302 -2.286)
- (xy -2.54 -2.286)
- (xy -3.302 -2.286)
- (xy -3.302 -1.524)
- )
- (stroke (width 0) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- )
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- (pin passive line (at -3.81 0 0) (length 2.54)
- (name "K" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- )
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- (name "A" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- )
- )
- )
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- (property "Reference" "R" (at 0.762 0.508 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
- )
- (property "Value" "R_Small" (at 0.762 -1.016 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
- )
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- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_keywords" "R resistor" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_description" "Resistor, small symbol" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_fp_filters" "R_*" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (symbol "R_Small_0_1"
- (rectangle (start -0.762 1.778) (end 0.762 -1.778)
- (stroke (width 0.2032) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- )
- (symbol "R_Small_1_1"
- (pin passive line (at 0 2.54 270) (length 0.762)
- (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- )
- (pin passive line (at 0 -2.54 90) (length 0.762)
- (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- )
- )
- )
- (symbol "power:+BATT" (power) (pin_names (offset 0)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
- (property "Reference" "#PWR" (at 0 -3.81 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "Value" "+BATT" (at 0 3.556 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
- )
- (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_keywords" "global power battery" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"+BATT\"" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (symbol "+BATT_0_1"
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy -0.762 1.27)
- (xy 0 2.54)
- )
- (stroke (width 0) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy 0 0)
- (xy 0 2.54)
- )
- (stroke (width 0) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy 0 2.54)
- (xy 0.762 1.27)
- )
- (stroke (width 0) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- )
- (symbol "+BATT_1_1"
- (pin power_in line (at 0 0 90) (length 0) hide
- (name "+BATT" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
- )
- )
- )
- (symbol "power:-BATT" (power) (pin_names (offset 0)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
- (property "Reference" "#PWR" (at 0 -3.81 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "Value" "-BATT" (at 0 3.556 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
- )
- (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_keywords" "global power battery" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (property "ki_description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"-BATT\"" (at 0 0 0)
- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
- )
- (symbol "-BATT_0_1"
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy 0 0)
- (xy 0 2.54)
- )
- (stroke (width 0) (type default))
- (fill (type none))
- )
- (polyline
- (pts
- (xy 0.762 1.27)
- (xy -0.762 1.27)
- (xy 0 2.54)
- (xy 0.762 1.27)
- )
- (stroke (width 0) (type default))
- (fill (type outline))
- )
- )
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- )
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- (reference "J4") (unit 1)
- )
- )
- )
- )
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- )
- )
- )
- )
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- )
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- (reference "R1") (unit 1)
- )
- )
- )
- )
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- )
- )
- )
- )
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- (reference "J2") (unit 1)
- )
- )
- )
- )
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- )
- )
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- )
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- )
- )
- )
- )
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- )
- )
- )
- )
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- )
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- (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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- )
- )
- )
- )
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- )
- )
- )
- )
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- )
- )
- )
- )
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- )
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- )
- )
- )
- )
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+ (at 0 2.54 0)
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+ (at 0 -2.54 0)
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+ (at 0 0 0)
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+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
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+ (hide yes)
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+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ (end 0 -0.127)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.1524)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
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+ (end 1.27 -1.27)
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+ (width 0.254)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type background)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -5.08 0 0)
+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04"
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 1.016) hide)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "J"
+ (at 0 5.08 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "Conn_01x04"
+ (at 0 -7.62 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Generic connector, single row, 01x04, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "connector"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_fp_filters" "Connector*:*_1x??_*"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Conn_01x04_1_1"
+ (rectangle
+ (start -1.27 -4.953)
+ (end 0 -5.207)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.1524)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (rectangle
+ (start -1.27 -2.413)
+ (end 0 -2.667)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.1524)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (rectangle
+ (start -1.27 0.127)
+ (end 0 -0.127)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.1524)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (rectangle
+ (start -1.27 2.667)
+ (end 0 2.413)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.1524)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (rectangle
+ (start -1.27 3.81)
+ (end 1.27 -6.35)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.254)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type background)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -5.08 2.54 0)
+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -5.08 0 0)
+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -5.08 -2.54 0)
+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_3"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "3"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at -5.08 -5.08 0)
+ (length 3.81)
+ (name "Pin_4"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "4"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Critbit_lib:pilkbrain2"
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "U"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "Critbit_lib:pilkbrain2"
+ (at 4.064 -47.752 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "pilkbrain2_0_1"
+ (rectangle
+ (start -12.7 25.4)
+ (end 12.7 -25.4)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "pilkbrain2_1_1"
+ (pin bidirectional line
+ (at 15.24 -2.54 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin bidirectional line
+ (at 15.24 -5.08 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin bidirectional line
+ (at 15.24 -10.16 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "3"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "3"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin power_out line
+ (at 15.24 17.78 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "3V3_OUT"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "3V3"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin bidirectional line
+ (at 15.24 -12.7 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "4"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "4"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin power_out line
+ (at 15.24 5.08 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "LIPO_OUT"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "4V"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin bidirectional line
+ (at 15.24 -15.24 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "5"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "5"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin power_in line
+ (at -15.24 22.86 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "5V_IN"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "5V"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin bidirectional line
+ (at 15.24 -17.78 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "6"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "6"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin bidirectional line
+ (at 15.24 -20.32 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "7"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "7"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin bidirectional line
+ (at 15.24 -22.86 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "8"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "8"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin power_out line
+ (at 15.24 7.62 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "WS2812_DAT"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "D"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin bidirectional line
+ (at -15.24 20.32 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "USB_DM"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "DM"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin bidirectional line
+ (at -15.24 17.78 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "USB_DP"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "DP"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin power_in line
+ (at -15.24 2.54 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "GND"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "G"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin power_in line
+ (at -15.24 15.24 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "GND"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "G"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin power_in line
+ (at 15.24 2.54 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "GND"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "G"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin power_in line
+ (at 15.24 15.24 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "GND"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "G"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin power_in line
+ (at -15.24 7.62 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "LIPO_IN"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "LP"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin bidirectional line
+ (at -15.24 -20.32 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "SPK_P"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "S1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin bidirectional line
+ (at -15.24 -22.86 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "SPK_N"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "S2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin open_collector line
+ (at 15.24 20.32 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "SCL"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "SCL"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin open_collector line
+ (at 15.24 22.86 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "SDA"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "SDA"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin input line
+ (at -15.24 5.08 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "LIPO_TS"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "TS"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Device:C_Small"
+ (pin_numbers hide)
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 0.254) hide)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "C"
+ (at 0.254 1.778 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "C_Small"
+ (at 0.254 -2.032 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "capacitor cap"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_fp_filters" "C_*"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "C_Small_0_1"
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy -1.524 -0.508) (xy 1.524 -0.508)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.3302)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy -1.524 0.508) (xy 1.524 0.508)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.3048)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "C_Small_1_1"
+ (pin passive line
+ (at 0 2.54 270)
+ (length 2.032)
+ (name "~"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at 0 -2.54 90)
+ (length 2.032)
+ (name "~"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "Device:R_Small"
+ (pin_numbers hide)
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 0.254) hide)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "R"
+ (at 0.762 0.508 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "R_Small"
+ (at 0.762 -1.016 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Resistor, small symbol"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "R resistor"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_fp_filters" "R_*"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "R_Small_0_1"
+ (rectangle
+ (start -0.762 1.778)
+ (end 0.762 -1.778)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.2032)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "R_Small_1_1"
+ (pin passive line
+ (at 0 2.54 270)
+ (length 0.762)
+ (name "~"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin passive line
+ (at 0 -2.54 90)
+ (length 0.762)
+ (name "~"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "LED:SK6812MINI"
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 0.254)
+ )
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "D"
+ (at 5.08 5.715 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify right bottom)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "SK6812MINI"
+ (at 1.27 -5.715 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left top)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_SK6812MINI_PLCC4_3.5x3.5mm_P1.75mm"
+ (at 1.27 -7.62 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left top)
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/product-files/2686/SK6812MINI_REV.01-1-2.pdf"
+ (at 2.54 -9.525 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left top)
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "RGB LED with integrated controller"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "RGB LED NeoPixel Mini addressable"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_fp_filters" "LED*SK6812MINI*PLCC*3.5x3.5mm*P1.75mm*"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "SK6812MINI_0_0"
+ (text "RGB"
+ (at 2.286 -4.191 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 0.762 0.762)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "SK6812MINI_0_1"
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 1.27 -3.556) (xy 1.778 -3.556)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 1.27 -2.54) (xy 1.778 -2.54)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 4.699 -3.556) (xy 2.667 -3.556)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 2.286 -2.54) (xy 1.27 -3.556) (xy 1.27 -3.048)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 2.286 -1.524) (xy 1.27 -2.54) (xy 1.27 -2.032)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 3.683 -1.016) (xy 3.683 -3.556) (xy 3.683 -4.064)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 4.699 -1.524) (xy 2.667 -1.524) (xy 3.683 -3.556) (xy 4.699 -1.524)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (rectangle
+ (start 5.08 5.08)
+ (end -5.08 -5.08)
+ (stroke
+ (width 0.254)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type background)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "SK6812MINI_1_1"
+ (pin output line
+ (at 7.62 0 180)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "DOUT"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin power_in line
+ (at 0 -7.62 90)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "VSS"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "2"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin input line
+ (at -7.62 0 0)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "DIN"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "3"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (pin power_in line
+ (at 0 7.62 270)
+ (length 2.54)
+ (name "VDD"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "4"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "power:+3.3V"
+ (power)
+ (pin_numbers hide)
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 0) hide)
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "#PWR"
+ (at 0 -3.81 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "+3.3V"
+ (at 0 3.556 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"+3.3V\""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "global power"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "+3.3V_0_1"
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy -0.762 1.27) (xy 0 2.54)
+ )
+ (stroke
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+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 0 0) (xy 0 2.54)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 0 2.54) (xy 0.762 1.27)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "+3.3V_1_1"
+ (pin power_in line
+ (at 0 0 90)
+ (length 0)
+ (name "~"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (number "1"
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "power:GND"
+ (power)
+ (pin_names
+ (offset 0)
+ )
+ (exclude_from_sim no)
+ (in_bom yes)
+ (on_board yes)
+ (property "Reference" "#PWR"
+ (at 0 -6.35 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Value" "GND"
+ (at 0 -3.81 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"GND\" , ground"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "ki_keywords" "power-flag"
+ (at 0 0 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "GND_0_1"
+ (polyline
+ (pts
+ (xy 0 0) (xy 0 -1.27) (xy 1.27 -1.27) (xy 0 -2.54) (xy -1.27 -1.27) (xy 0 -1.27)
+ )
+ (stroke
+ (width 0)
+ (type default)
+ )
+ (fill
+ (type none)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (symbol "GND_1_1"
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+ (at 0 0 270)
+ (length 0) hide
+ (name "GND"
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 207.01 123.19)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "0e42219d-6ba1-4958-b3f8-0a192c104ee1")
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+ (junction
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+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "50ac0f15-8ec2-444a-ac0d-cfff9f368422")
+ )
+ (junction
+ (at 229.87 55.88)
+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
+ (uuid "5a658bd3-6a47-4bee-91b3-bc37148325f8")
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+ (junction
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+ (diameter 0)
+ (color 0 0 0 0)
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+ (junction
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+ (junction
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+ )
+ (no_connect
+ (at 217.17 132.08)
+ (uuid "bee9aa59-e2d1-4aa4-a5ec-c070dec219e8")
+ )
+ (no_connect
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+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
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+ )
+ (uuid "02eb30d8-0c5b-424c-ab67-90204886915d")
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (uuid "04706c80-5378-4126-8329-7715cc235f2e")
+ )
+ (wire
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+ )
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+ (effects
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+ )
+ (justify right bottom)
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (uuid "f856ac48-cc3e-4d70-8066-5c25982f0679")
+ )
+ (symbol
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ (reference "#PWR014")
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
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+ (at 226.06 59.69 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" ""
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+ (effects
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ (effects
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left top)
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+ )
+ )
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+ (at 232.41 80.645 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (justify left top)
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+ )
+ )
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+ (effects
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"+3.3V\""
+ (at 209.55 99.06 0)
+ (effects
+ (font
+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ (lib_id "LED:SK6812MINI")
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+ )
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (justify left top)
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/product-files/2686/SK6812MINI_REV.01-1-2.pdf"
+ (at 250.19 80.645 0)
+ (effects
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+ )
+ (justify left top)
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Description" "RGB LED with integrated controller"
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+ (size 1.27 1.27)
+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (pin "2"
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ (lib_id "power:GND")
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" ""
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (justify left)
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Datasheet" "~"
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ (hide yes)
+ )
+ )
+ (property "Footprint" ""
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
+ (hide yes)
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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+ )
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/neko/vectors/charger-outline.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index dad8746..0000000
--- a/neko/vectors/neko_obgryz.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 944d648..0000000
--- a/neko/vectors/newneko.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6549a61..0000000
--- a/neko/vectors/oczusie.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index f9b9164..facf50b 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -27,5 +27,17 @@ On 1st revision board, there's also an option for using a LiPo charger PCB inste
## Credits
-* Random person from CCC, whose name I will never know, but they noticed an error in previos readme. They also liked being called random person, I think. You can always open an issue, random person, to become a non-random one. Thanks!
+* Random person from CCC, whose name I will never know, but they noticed an error in previous readme. They also liked being called random person, I think. You can always open an issue, random person, to become a non-random one. Thanks!
* Another random person who suggested that Neko Arc could also hold other items than pilk ingridients - we might add this feature in future revisions.
+* Non-random @andigandi for design tips and motivating us to deal with licensing the project.
+## Licensing Information
+The hardware design files, including schematics and PCB layout (excluding silkscreen artwork and outline design), are licensed under the CERN Open Hardware Licence v2 [CERN-OHL-W](https://ohwr.org/project/cernohl/-/wikis/uploads/f773df342791cc55b35ac4f907c78602/cern_ohl_w_v2.pdf).
+Artwork and outline design © 2023 by [Ewa Kielska](https://www.behance.net/dziaberlia55f5) are licensed under [CC BY-NC-ND 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
+All documentation is released under [CC BY-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)
+In summary, you are free to use schematic and general concept of this project according to `CERN-OHL-W` license. If you want to include the artwork, you must adhere to `CC BY-NC-ND 4.0` too.
+We are open to either adjust these licensing terms, or providing the design files with alternative licensing terms in special cases. Feel free to open issue then.
\ No newline at end of file