+ HTCSS - Trusted to Manage the Workloads of 100s of Academic, Government and Industry Institutions +
+ Map of Pools Utilzing HTCSS (user reported)
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+ Thinking Bigger About Research and Contributions to Science with HTCSS +
++ Sample of institutions using HTCSS to broaden their impact. +
++ Collaborations +
++ Scientific collaborations from across the globe rely upon HTCSS to advance their research. +
++ IceCube +
++ IGWN +
++ South Pole Telescope +
++ Xenon +
++ Future Colliders +
++ KOTO +
++ CLAS12 +
++ GLUEX +
++ EIC +
++ DUNE +
++ EHT +
++ ePIC +
++ CMS +
++ ATLAS +
++ Organizations Running HTCondor Pools +
++ +
++ Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Global Pool +
++ European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) +
++ Brookhaven National Lab +
++ Albert Einstein Institute / Max Planck Institute +
++ Featured HTCSS Users +
+Collaborations Between Two National Laboratories and the OSG Consortium Propel Nuclear and High-Energy Physics Forward
+ Seeking to unlock the secrets of the “glue” binding visible matter in the universe, the ePIC Collaboration stands at the forefront of innovation. Led by a collective of hundreds of scientists and engineers, the Electron-Proton/Ion Collider (ePIC) Collaboration was formed to design, build, and operate the first experiment at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). + +
+NOAA funded marine scientist uses OSPool access to high throughput computing to explode her boundaries of research
+ NOAA funded marine scientist uses OSPool access to high throughput computing to explode her boundaries of research. + +
+Addressing the challenges of transferring large datasets with the OSDF
+ Aashish Tripathee has used multiple file transfer systems and experienced challenges with each before using the Open Science Data Federation (OSDF). With the OSDF, Tripathee has already seen an improvement in data transfers. + +