To work with the cloud you must have kubectl installed. The subfolder parts contains the files to deploy the application to your cloud account in your personal cloud namespace.
Before you can use this you must do the following:
Install your config file into your ~/.kube folder
Replace $GITHUB_ACCOUNT with your github account name and $EMAIL with the prefix of the email that you have used to register in the LeoCloud (only the part before the @).
There is a script that you can use to do this automatically. Let us suppose your github account is john-doe and your email is [email protected] Then you can run:
cd k8s
chmod +x ./
./ john-doe [email protected]
When you add a github Secret EMAIL to your project that contains the e-Mail address that you used to register in the LeoCloud this e-Mail will be used to create your deployment.yaml file in the documentation (github pages) of this project. Otherwise the ingress for john.doe will be used. This yaml file will contain the correct ingress for your service.
This will generate a file deployment.yaml
After that you can run
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
To remove your deployment from the cloud again you execute the following:
kubectl delete -f deployment.yaml