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Java parser library based Consumer application


The application is a simple frame parser that is developed to run with the producer SDK to get some end to end metrics and emit to cloudwatch. The app can be used to run long term canaries and is a demo to introduce parser library based application integration with cloudwatch services.


  1. Maven
  2. OpenJDK (Note: The application is tested with JDK version 13.0.1)
  3. make


To download run the following command:

git clone

Move to the directory containing the pom.xml file:

cd canary/consumer-java

Next, run make. This will take of the build steps and generate the necessary classpath string of dependencies

Running the application

Since this is developed keeping in mind the end to end scenario with producer SDK, the following environment variables need to be exported to generate the same stream name that is generated in the producer SDK. Take a look at this to check out the exports. Additionally, you also need to export the following:


Once this is done, run the following command:

java -classpath target/aws-kinesisvideo-producer-sdk-canary-consumer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:$(cat tmp_jar) -Daws.accessKeyId=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} -Daws.secretKey=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}

This should get the application running.

Metrics being collected currently

When run in an end to end scenario, the following metrics are collected and can be viewed on Cloudwatch:

Metric Frequency Unit Description
FrameDataMatches Every frame receive at consumer None The frame packet received the consumer contains a checksum, which is compared with the checksum calculated at the consumer with the received packet. If equal, 1.0 is pushed as a metric, else 0.0 is pushed
FrameSizeMatch Every frame receive at consumer None The size of the frame received with the packet is compared to the size calculated on the received frame at the consumer. If equal, 1.0 is emitted, else 0.0 is emitted
FrameDropped Every frame receive at consumer None The metric indicates if any frames were dropped. The frame index is compared index of previous frame received and if the index does not indicate lastFrameIndex + 1, this metric is set to 1.0
FrameTimeMatchesProducerTimestamp Every frame receive at consumer None The metric indicates if frameTimestampInsideData matches sum of pts and frame timecode. If true, this metric is set to 1.0, else it is set to 0.0


Every metric is available in two dimensions:

  1. Per stream: This will be available under KinesisVideoSDKCanary->ProducerSDKCanaryStreamName in cloudwatch console
  2. Aggregated over all streams based on canary-type. canary-type is set by running export CANARY_LABEL=value. This will be available under KinesisVideoSDKCanary->ProducerSDKCanaryType in cloudwatch console


  1. To checkout how this is integrated with the producer SDK, look here
  2. Parser library